#at it sometimes and for corporations who don't value humans
venacoeurva · 9 months
What is with those random accounts like [insert a few random words here]-blog just popping up flooded with machine fabricated images. Are they the new spam bots, because if so they've finally found a spam bot more annoying than the p[]rn ones: silicon valley type machine learning bros...
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socoolinmypajamas · 24 days
Rayashki and Zeno: How a harsh environment shapes actions.
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Sometimes, a perception is taken as a principle. A "cruel reality" can be described as a negative perception of the material world, used to assert a situation. "Reality is cruel", however consists in using the previously descrived perception as a fundamental truth or a proposition in which to base the foundations of a system of belief, of behaviour or of a chain of reason. Both are heavily present in Farewell Rayashki, a story all about the strenght of the colective, the indomitable human spirit in the face of adversity and what shapes the actions of those who persue a goal. With that in mind, I wanted to write... Not an analysis per se, but rather to build some sort of structure or perspective (whatever you want to call it) through which the story can be analyzed.
Now, imagine a matrix diagram where the X-axis goes from "Gemeinschaft" (Community) to "Gesellschaft" (Society), two terms taken from german sociologist, Ferdinand Tönnies, and the Y-axis goes from "Deontic" to "Epistemic" in a mix between a Gretchen McCulloch's linguistic sense and a Józef Maria Bocheński's philosophical sense. If everything I just said made no sense, don't worry. Here's a (very) rough explanation of what I'll mean with these two dichotomies through this post: X-axis: A classification of societal ties. "Gemeinschaft" refers to personal, direct interactions with emotional relationships (such as families or small towns like Rayashki) formed by people who strive to archive the goals of a collective. "Gesellschaft", on the other hand, is about indirect and formal interactions, with more rational relationships (like a company or an institution like Zeno) in which everyone band together to persue personal goals in common. Y-axis: A classification of actions as both modality (McCulloh) and authority (Bochenski). Roughly: "actions based on interpretations and beliefs done by someone with an authority based on their ammount of knowledge and experience" (Epistemic)" vs "actions based on rules and/or desires done by someone with a role or position that gives them the power to enforce them" (Deontic).
Upper-left: Gemeinschaft/Epistemic
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Windsong's quest, mostly percieved as a fool's errand, is a classic underdog story. The lone reasercher who, disheartened by the lack of support from all the important academic institutions and societies, finds in the small town of Rayashki a more hospitable enviroment to persue her goals. She creats emotional conections with the community and soon finds more self-fulfilment in helping the townfolk than in other things like taking Zeno's offer or abandoning her studies, which are presented as more beneficial options from a rational point of view.
She confronts the notion of "cruel reality" and rejects "Reality is Cruel" as a principle. This action comes from what she knows (her study of ley lines) and beliefs (the people of Rayashki, the usefullness of her field of research).
Bottom-Left: Gesellschaft/Epistemic
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You'll think he should be at the opposite side of Windsong BUT Bertolt, as the classical evil guy in your everyday underdog story, actually rejects the notion of "cruel reality", and accepts "Reality is Cruel" as a principle. His emotional detachment from the people of Rayashki, their values, and even their very same idea of community, comes from his role as a member of Zeno, an institution that exemplfies the impersonal and formal relationships of the Gesellschaft. He doesn't see himself as the evil corporate guy who's there to destroy their dream for a greedy goal, but as the savior who comes to provide the light of rationality to this uncultured rural people who are willing to risk their lives for the sake of primitive traditions and values. He defines himself as a "simple representative of Zeno, bound by their rules and orders, working tirelessly to help people in a world wreaked by The Storm", a description that allows him to minimize his negative perception of the reality of others while justifying operating under the principle of Reality is Cruel.
Bottom-Right: Gesellschaft/Deontic
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Evgeni is shown through the story as a leader of Rayashki who deeply cares about his community BUT is willing to destroy it for the sake of a rational goal: protecting the lives of the townfolk.
He embraces the notion of "cruel reality", and accepts "Reality is Cruel" as a principle.
But how is HE in the opposite side of Windsong, instead of Bertolt? In Tönnies dichotomy of Gesellschaft and Gemeinschaft, the relationships that are meant to keep people in communities and societies can also push them out: is all about wether the social ties become too tight or too lose to help us find self-fulfilment in them. Windsong found in a community what she couldn't find in society (validation and encouragment for her study of ley lines), while Evgeni thought he found in a society what he couldn't find in his community (a positive prospective for the people of Rayashki).
Upper-Right: Gemeinschaft/Deontic
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While Bertolt is a man of the world, trying to expand the benefits of globalization by placing the needs of bigger groups above those of the little ones, what Vila is persuing isn't just a goal to archive, but a dream to share. She didn't became a part of Rayashki only to build an utopia: everyone living there were already doing that and Vila found meaning in developing strong emotional ties with everyone as they strive together to work hard for Rayashki.
However, unlike Windsong, she accepts the notion of "cruel reality", even if she doesn't agree with "Reality is Cruel" as a principle. This one si a bit tricky to explain.
It all comes down to their experiences while chasing their dreams and how that shaped their understanding of what a dream is.
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For Vila, is something that kept her going. A cherished wish that inspired her to leave the rusalki and search for a new home. A goal she could share with the people of Rayashki. A hope to cling unto while she nourishes the sprouts of Rayashki while they are passengers of the ship called "St Pavlov's Foundation" while adrift in the vast sea of the outside world, so they can carry on the spirit of Rayashki. She accepts the "cruel reality" as something that could hinder her dreams, force her to adapt them, but never crush them.
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For Windsong, the dream was but a promise turned into a burden. It was not something that comforted her if held tight, but rather something it pained her to let go. Accepting the "cruel reality" meant letting something die, and for someone who was struggling in all fronts, it meant taking a toll way to big for her to handle.
As the last ley line hunter, the dream is but a gamble turned into an investment. The chance of failure is there no matter what. Only thing she can do, is to work hard to reduce it as much as possible. To her, a "cruel reality" is something that crushes dreams. Is not enough to reject the use of this perception as a principle: her own experiences taught her that the perception itself can be a cancer. She might have a tendency to put herself down, to have doubts on what she does and to even be "realistic" in any situation she encounters. But there's ALWAYS a part of her fighting her perception of reality from turning into a negative one even if she lacks the proper arguments or mental state to do it effectively. Vila noticed that from day one, and began to slowly share with her the tools Windsong lacked, helping her become a more confident and capable person, while inadvertibly gaining a trusty partner to rely on.
Their experiences shaped them into people who complement each other incredibly well. Leaning into each other, they'll plant their seeds of hope into a new generation. For the study of ley lines; for Rayashki; for those who live in a world affected by The Storm; for those who'll survive it. *** To anyone who'll read this... whatever the hell it was till the end, thank you for time! Feel free ask me anything, correct me, chew this to bits with your bare teeth, whatever you like. I just haphazardly wrote it because I love this game so much.
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rouf-4 · 2 years
Placements that are later bloomers in relationships
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Uranus in the 5th house: As much as a lot of astrologers like to talk about Uranus unpredictability to find multiple partners, I honestly think it is more a hard to pin placement, Uranus unpredictability can be a great factor in a native life to stay single or avoiding having a normal process with potential fliers, this native tend to feel lonely and take this as something to be proud for, so even when they can get a great deal of attention, they end up putting themselves aside because they fear rejection.
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Saturn aspecting 7th house ruler: Especially tense aspects can make a native being dominated by the saturnian structures and walls, this can be in detriment of the native's love/social life, their intense almost obsessive necessity of reassurance in relationships is overwhelming to most suiters, being courted by such an impenetrable force of human is like being examined exhaustly. Later in life they learn to be more comprehensive of others and most important of themselves. Saturn fearful side make rules this natives love life until later in life.
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Leo Sun: I've seen this specially in women, I've personally noticed that the loyalty of this sign to their personal boundaries and their ego is really in detriment of their relationships, because of such a hard standard to reach this natives tend to entertain multiple options to validate their ego, but problems arise when they try to form a really deep bound, cause they don't know what they want neither what they need, these natives (specially women) tend to look for a really specific kind of relationship and they go for it, but when the relationship is set up, they are already tired of the long chasing and doesn't feel value enough in this type of bound, later in life these people tend to learn to wait and let others do the chase and finally get someone who is able to make any effort to be with them and treat them.
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Uranus/ Saturn aspecting Mars: This is kinda obvious, with any aspect to Saturn there's certain amount of effort you have to put in; and with Uranus you could have difficulties delimitating your wants and needs in relationships, that's why you'll find yourself struggling to adapt yourself to socially acceptable relationships, most of the time this is a lot of trial and error until you find your own concept of love, where you can truly experience your freedom (not avoiding). Mars is our assertion, we feel restriction (Saturn) everytime we desire someone, these self structures and fears make the native deny themselves the opportunity to go for someone they really like, we don't trust ourselves or our capacities to act and get what we want. With Uranus we do act, but somehow we can't figure out how we can follow normal structures or start something without feeling aliened by the rest of people, we start acting just to got others shock like a vendetta, or we just stop doing whatever makes us feel weird.
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Uranus/ Saturn aspecting Venus: The passive Venusian influence is folded by the saturnian and uranian energy, the pleasure is held back and the native can have a hard time connecting with their own value, such a difficult relationship with pleasure and self-worth can make these people deeply insecure and can create an obsession with beauty standards (generally saturnian are beautiful people, but they lack confidence to acknowledge this), later in life they learn to cultivate an internal self-worth and to let others appreciate them for this. Uranian energy can create a discomfort fitting what pleasure and beauty means to society, also some of them could feel attraction to rare or taboo stuff that can be really disruptive in a traditional setting, some uranian don't feel exited with the idea of corporal side of Venusian energy (Taurus), so they try to create a perfect and idealistic (sometimes a unrealistic) perception of what a relationship should be, sadly their lack of a good foundation makes their relationships fragile and ephemeral.
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Neptunians: I know we shouldn't generalize, but, nothing more real than Neptunians tendencies to idealize and put such an impossible standards to almost anything in their lives, unfortunately for most of them their fabulous visions stay as fantasy most of the time, because, as much as they neglect reality and themselves to build this visions, they are incapable of ground their visions to real world (unless there's an strong Saturn in their chart). Honestly the worst part of not being able to fullfil their fantasies is they rather live delusional than accept situations just as they are, so most of the time we see neptunians giving themselves to others, helping kids, animal, plants or just recurring to victimizing behavior, and neglecting their own dreams because they can't adjust to reality; if they choose to face what it's in front of them, it may not be as magical or fantastic but rather real and warm. Some neptunians should try to understand that we live in this reality to learn from all kind of experience, the best and the worst. Also all this magical feeling they bring to every connection turn sour when confusion and lies arise, neptunians rather die that let anyone (even partner and family) destroy their fantasies.
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mariacallous · 6 months
You actually need to be informed. 1982, Biden stood out as the only senator defending the Lebanese War: “The senator — Biden — said he would go even further than Israel, adding that he’d forcefully fend off anyone who sought to invade his country, even if that meant killing women or children,” writes the Times of Israel.
Israeli PM Begin reportedly said he “disassociated” himself from Biden’s comments.
“I said to him: No, sir; attention must be paid. According to our values, it is forbidden to hurt women and children, even in war. … Sometimes there are casualties among the civilian population as well. But it is forbidden to aspire to this. This is a yardstick of human civilization, not to hurt civilians,”
Biden has been more genocidal Zionist than anyone else, for longer than anyone else. More than anyone in the US govt. More than many in the Israeli govt!
This is BIDEN'S GENOCIDE. Genocide Joe will not be known for anything else.
He is breaking multiple US laws to further this genocide. Many presidents before him have held Israel back from this kind of destruction. He absolutely had every ability to stop it, and still easily does.
He will lose this election dramatically for the one and only reason that he thought doing genocide was more important than "protecting America from trump"
Democrats and Republicans do whatever the corporations need to take your freedoms away. Biden said he'd sign the fucking tiktok ban!! But even if democrats were marginally better on a couple issues and it wasn't just aesthetics. You still couldn't get me to vote for someone who is singlehandledly able to stop a genocide and won't.
And frankly, if you are willing to vote for someone who is currently *giving the weapons being used to commit genocide* then you have no fucking moral standards. And for that very reason, *guilting people into voting for someone committing genocide will not work.* sorry that is just not how guilt works lmao. You have to have some moral standards in order to feel it.
If you gave a shit about humanity, instead of pressuring voters into voting biden again, you would be using the massive political momentum behind #FreePalestine to fucking pressure biden into being a less-genocidal candidate, if hes so reasonable. Or pressure the DNC to pick someone else! They could so easily do that! Why didn't they do that?!?
The Democrats obviously do not care that much about winning. If they don't think protecting your rights are important enough to stop giving weapons to do a genocide, do you really think they give a shit about them at all?
The Democrats could have made Roe v Wade a law. Why didn't they? Why did they just wait? Oh, I know! It's so they can say "vote for me or you'll lose your abortions!!" Its fucking blackmail. "Trump" is just the democrats saying "we will do nothing for you. We will commit genocide. Vote for us anyway, cucks." Trump is their blank fucking check. And you are content to hand over that cash in perpetuity.
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swimming-karyss · 1 year
Ace and Sabo in the sci-fi au!
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I tried to keep Ace's description simple otherwise it'll be a wall of text. And Sabo is meant to be mysterious (I didn't really think things through with the composition...). Also Sabo's picture was finished like a month ago and meant to go with the Romance Dawn Trio, so it's just flat colors.... While with Ace I was testing a new way of coloring (and he was born after 9 moths normally so he's older!)
A close-up of the pretty pretty boy
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More about Ace, Sabo, Whitebeards and RA under cut!
Ace was born in other star system and was brought on Earth by Garp, for the sake of safety. He spent his childhood mostly in the Wind turbines area/district, but as time went on he sometimes spent time at Makino's place (it's in the other part of the city. I'll talk about the Goa kingdom in the next sci-fi au post bc I want to draw a simple map for illustration purposes). He set out at 17, and after some time he joined the Whitebeards!
Also his arms were personally made for him, and have a rather unique feature. These dark bars on their sides are heat meters! So not only his punches hurt more because of the metal, they can also leave burns! And his hands are warm all the time, he gives great hugs :> the temperature is controlled consciously by Ace. I've been thinking that it'll be rather dangerous if he could accidentally activate it in his sleep, and considering his narcolepsy....
also a bit of, idk, worldbuilding?
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I've been thinking about cybernetic modification, bc they are removable (Sabo has three, one human-looking, one to tinker with and one to do the tinkering. Why does Sabo suddenly have engineering skills? bc I think it suits him + backstory reasons (it's his parents and I'll tell about it later) + Dragon left him with Ivankov and Lindbergh for a year(there is no way Sabo would've had his cheerful and unbearable attitude if Dragon was the only one raising him) while he deals with some stuff) and if the ports are the same(realistic? no. but who cares) so prostheses are interchangeable, then what about their length? I think that simple models with no additional functions let you just adjust the length. And more complex variants are obviously made specifically for one person with their proportions in mind.
So about the Whitebeards... I didn't really know how to call them, like 'group'? 'Company' doesn't really sit with me... Let's go with 'organization' for now. Whatever, the point is the Whitebeards provide various services like protection (bodyguards and convoying merchant ships), delivering goods, technical maintenance, etc. They have so mush influence, to the point that some parts of habitable galaxy are considered their territory. (a bit like The Interastral Peace Corporation from hsr, but not so big and the WBs usually take more mediatory/intermediary role) It's no secret that the Whitebeards don't mind dealing with the criminal sphere or breaking some laws. They may very well be considered a criminal organisation, but the World Government can't do anything because WB is just that powerful. (plus they do have their rules and a certain code of honor, so they have a lot of respect from civilians and businesses alike) It's also the reason why some revolutionaries often turn to them when it comes to transportation (while some avoid it like fire because big organization=lots of attention)
I've mentioned that the WBs have their own values and code of honor, and I think one of the services they might provide is like mercenaries/headhunters in a sense they will either assist finding ppl who has wronged their business partners(and like if someone is willing to pay additionally for hunting specific criminals maybe?) or just doing it themselves. And Ace is a part of this division(so he's the one chasing Blackbeard), and he holds a rather high position? ( he would enjoy field work way more than paperwork)
In this au the Revolutionary army is much more decentralized, because the space is big, duh. The founder trio(duo now unfortunately) as well as the four commanders each is responsible for their sector of inhabited galaxy, but they still give the general reports to Dragon like monthly(and some teams are empowered to make their own decisions and come to the best conclusion without necessarily getting "approval" from up top). Sabo is mostly in charge of communication and distribution of information between the sectors, plus sometimes he deals with problems that are important enough to get them to higher-ups but not that important to go to Dragon with them. He's got quite a lot of work to do, but he still really really wants to go to field missions, so he does sometimes, I mean who would stop him? Above him only Dragon and God. And both have enough problems to deal with already.
So, as I mentioned, the RA is decentralized and doesn't have physical headquarters or a base (they have private protected servers tho and Dragon's cool spaceship lol but now that I think, the Wind Grandma is their base... it mostly moves around the galaxy away from most common travel routes. it's very protected and is difficult to detect) so the revs are scattered all around the world, in small groups that sometimes come together for missions but mostly work by themselves. And one of such groups is Sabo, Koala and Hack, although after Sabo's promotion it's mostly Koala&Hack with Sabo accompanying (hanging out with) them, for the sake of the legend they're keeping. He has to be online most of the time and doesn't really have time to go on missions :( And their legend ties to my hc of Sabo being keen on photography, so they pose as bounty hunters who also lead a travel blog for alibi. They either lay low actually traveling and camping or speedrun the designated area in a couple of hours taking photos, editing them slightly (there is when the acquaintance with Strawhats comes in handy, and they can commission Usopp to edit the sky, lightning, etc. and everyone is happy: Usopp gets pocket money, Nami gets additional income, Koala, Hack and Sabo get more time to prepare for the missions) and putting them on queue.
Their group is small and mostly relies on Koala's hacking skills, swift strikes on WG bases and ships and infiltrating official events and facilities.
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solarpunkani · 1 year
Sonic the Hedgehog and Solarpunk Ideals
Alright, it's June 23rd which means not only is it Solarpunk Aesthetic Week, but it's also Sonic the Hedgehog's 32nd birthday. Let's all say Happy Birthday Sonic the Hedgehog.
Overall, that means it's time for me to do something I usually don't do on this blog--talk about Sonic the Hedgehog, one of my favorite series of all times. Specifically, how I feel it embodies Solarpunk at least a little bit. Hopefully you'll see where I'm coming from by the end of this.
Real quick though, special shout out to @modern-solarpunk for being my beta reader 100/10 owe you my life.
Alright let’s make one thing clear. I’m a Sonic nerd. I’ve been a Sonic nerd since at least the 5th grade. Sonic the hedgehog is one of My Things. IDK if I’d call it a hyperfixation, but it’s definitely one of My Things, and it’s been one of My Things longer than gardening or even Solarpunking and all the other stuff y’all know me for has been. I am about to talk y’alls ears off. Buckle up.
With that in mind, I’m not going to pretend that the Sonic franchise is a perfect franchise made by perfect people working under a perfect corporation. Even ignoring the timeline disasters, retconning, and rushed projects (*cough cough Sonic 06 and Sonic Boom cough cough*), Sonic the Hedgehog is made by a corporation in a capitalistic world who has done some… iffy things in the past, present, and likely the future. We are, here, today, strictly talking about two things--the creation of Sonic and the creation of Dr. Eggman. There will be a super special third topic I bring up later, but that's gonna be its own post. I’ll bring up a handful of things from the shows, comics, movies, etc. If I finish writing and editing and posting this whole lengthy diatribe and someone ignores this paragraph and brings up some inane unrelated shit that the Big Corporation Guys did That One Time Months/Years Ago I might snap. Yes, corporations are bad. Yes, I like Sonic. Let’s establish that.
Ok let’s actually get started.
Sonic the Hedgehog the Dude, Tiny Rebellions, and Freedom
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Alright, so Sonic the Hedgehog is a series of games, movies, comic books, TV shows--it's a whole thing, it's an entire franchise. The basics of what you need to know here is that a little 3’3” superpowered anthropomorphic blue hedgehog dude and his array of equally-animalian and equally-colorful friends are ruining the robotics-based evil world takeover plans of a 6’1” egg-shaped human dude on the regular. Occasionally, there are other villains, and other storylines, and sometimes the motivations change, but that sentence boils down the Sonic the Hedgehog storyline to its base essentials. 
The Sonic franchise was dreamed up in 1990 when SEGA needed a new mascot to compete with Nintendo’s iconic Mario. Personality-wise, he’s said to have been inspired by “a modern sensibility of wanting to get things done right away, righting wrongs as they presented themselves instead of letting them linger.” As we currently know him, with Sonic “What you see is what you get--just a guy who loves adventure.” He’s a free-spirited drifter who goes with the flow, valuing freedom above all else and wanting nothing more than to live by his own rules and whims rather than bowing to the expectations of others. He loves interacting with the many cultures on his planet (which we mostly see in Sonic Unleashed, but still), trying local dishes with friends frequently. Overall, Sonic is driven by a strong sense of justice and fairness, fighting for the ideal of freedom rather than the name of the law--and he always fights for the underdog. He likes to handle things on his own, but he isn’t above looking to his friends for help when needed--and acknowledges their role in his life and achievements regularly (if he can be a bit smug at times). He appreciates scenic views and nature, with a special fondness for places filled with plants--we see him do this lots in the series--and he hates when people destroy it for their own gain. He doesn’t hate cities, though, and finds they have their own beauty.
So what’s Solarpunk about this? In my eyes, a good bit. If you don’t know what Solarpunk is, it’s described on Wikipedia as ‘a literary and artistic movement that envisions and works towards actualizing a sustainable future interconnected with nature and community.” Aesthetically, I like to describe it as a mix between sci-fi and cottagecore, with a particular leaning towards some steampunk and some cyberpunk elements, but in a brighter, cleaner, more hopeful way. It's important to note, however, that Solarpunk is also a practical and political action mindset--as much as Solarpunks dream of a hopeful future and work to visualize it, we also work to learn the concepts and take the actions needed to make it a reality. I’m not going to sit here and pretend that Sonic is super politically revolutionary, I’m here to talk about how Sonic fits into the aesthetics of Solarpunk.
As such, lets get into the point--I feel like Sonic is pretty Solarpunk, personality-wise. He just fits a lot of the core tenants--wants to right wrongs ASAP, whether they’re his wrongs or wrongs of the past. He values freedom, traveling, and beautiful natural places--a big chunk of Solarpunk is learning to appreciate and protect the natural species around you, and plenty of people have dreamed up nomadic Solarpunk societies. Even Sonic living by his own rules instead of bowing to expectations fits in Solarpunk--A Solarpunk Manifesto states that “the ‘punk’ in Solarpunk is about rebellion, counterculture… and enthusiasm. it is about going in a different direction than the mainstream…” People in the Solarpunk movement care deeply about freedom, justice, fairness, and fixing the broken systems we deal with today--and often start the legwork by forming or taking part in community-based movements and initiatives. We lean onto those around us for strength and courage, to work as a group to think of solutions to problems, whether that be something small like trading DIY patch instructions to bigger things like planning and creating community gardens to even sharing news about unionizing and more. There’s acts a Solarpunk can do alone--like guerrilla gardening, or moss graffiti, or drawing and writing concepts of a brighter future--but we all know we’re at our strongest when we’re not just one, but many. 
But one of my biggest arguments to Sonic being Solarpunk actually centers around his nemesis--Doctor Eggman.
Doctor Eggman as the Antithesis of Solarpunk
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After all, it’s pretty hard to talk about how a hero of a series is Solarpunk without discussing the people and forces he fights against, and most of the time that’s Doctor Ivo Robotnik--better known to most as Dr. Eggman. He was developed more or less directly alongside Sonic the hedgehog, and as such the notes about his creation not only influence his character, but the character and vibe of most of the franchise so far. So who is Doctor Eggman?
Doctor Eggman is often described as the World’s Vilest Person--he’s evil, mean, cruel-spirited, and a self-proclaimed genius scientist who only really thinks about what he wants and what he needs to do to get it--getting pleasure in crushing anything that gets in his way. His main goal is to establish his Eggman Empire across the entire planet and build his own version of a utopia, Eggmanland--usually taking the form of a polluted, smog-filled city or a robotic theme park. His plans have varied from excavating natural spaces and turning woodland creatures into robotic slaves (Sonic 1, 2, 3), using doomsday devices to threaten nations and blow up the moon (Sonic Adventure 2), tie down planets for his own purposes (Sonic CD, Sonic Colors), or even using cosmic forces beyond his comprehension to flood metropolises or literally rip the planet apart (Sonic Adventure, Sonic Unleashed). In the comics and some shows, he even takes it a step further--a common theme with him is Roboticization, wherein people are forcibly turned from organic beings into robot slaves. Sometimes its a machine fulfilling this sometimes-irreversible process (Archie Comics, Sonic the Hedgehog Cartoon, Sonic Underground), while other times its an all-consuming virus that grows out of his control and turns almost the entire planet into raving robotic zombies (IDW Sonic Comics issues #12-29). He’s fueled by delusions of grandeur, believing that all of the world’s problems would be solved if he specifically were in charge of everyone all the time and had things his way, and makes robotic inventions and weapons to obtain power. He’s overflowing with self-confidence and pride, highlighting his ‘scientific genius’ whenever he can. He’ll leave temporary allies to rot if it gives him a chance to take all the credit and power for  himself, he looks down on everyone else and sees them as insignificant, only interested in what benefits him. Fairness and community? With Doctor Eggman? Forget it, he’ll steal candy from a baby and then turn it into a robot if given the chance. And even with robotic helpers he makes himself, he quickly gets sick of them--Eggman doesn’t do friends. 
I’d compare him to Elon Musk, but at least Dr. Eggman is actually a genius.
A Solarpunk Manifesto was published in 2019, describing Solarpunk as “A movement in speculative fiction, art, fashion, and activism that seeks to answer and embody the question ‘what does a sustainable civilization look like, and how can we get there?’”. Eggmanland is not how we get there--Doctor Eggman is an embodiment of everything the Solarpunk ideology stands against, and not entirely by accident. Here’s a quote from Yuji Naka, one of the creators of Sonic the Hedgehog.
“Robotnik was created to be the opposite of Sonic, and to be the bad guy. At that time, there was opposition between "developers" and "environmentalists", and Robotnik was created to represent machinery and development.”
He represents it pretty well--his common motifs are imperialism and pollution, and his version of a utopia is often reminiscent of pre-EPA photos of US cities. Sometimes its done to a cartoonish level--but the point still stands. Whenever we catch glimpses of Eggman’s ‘Home Bases,’ whether its Scrap Brain Zone in Sonic 1, Chemical Plant in Sonic 2, Metallic Madness in Sonic CD, or elsewhere, we’re always seeing tons of mechanization, smog, pollution, and death robots.
Solarpunks aren’t opposed to technology--not in the slightest. But I feel its safe to say that any Solarpunk would be opposed to the over-industrialized, hyper-mechanized, pollution-riddled empire hellscape that Eggman would call heaven. (And you know damn well he'd be all over those Boston Dynamic robot dogs if he were real). To me, Eggman represents the grim-dark futures that apocalyptic stories tell us we’re barreling towards--the darker, less sunny side of the already dystopian cyberpunk genre. Solarpunk is the sun that burns away at smoggy futures, the light that reveals what we can have instead, the ideas that lead to actions to secure it. Its hope in a bottle--hope that we can enjoy and add to, a dream that we can help make into a reality. The ideals are chock full of resisting the real-life Eggmans who want to send humanity into a nose-dive of mechanization and energy-burning self-destruction for the sake of short-lived profits and smug ego-trips. 
Is Sonic a strictly Solarpunk series? I wouldn’t necessarily say so. But I think if the themes and terms had existed in 1990, it certainly would have been cited as a bit of an inspiration. Whether the Solarpunk community would have been chill with a corporation citing the term as inspiration is a whole other deal.
Stay tuned for this posts' sequel, where I talk about how I feel my favorite game in the series--Sonic Colors--is Solarpunk.
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lumine-no-hikari · 9 months
Dear Sephiroth: (a letter to a fictional character, because why not) #2
I saw some disheartening news today:
I was truly hoping that no one would have to be taken from us this time. Of course, I understand that sometimes our hopes don't pan out, and that, ultimately, that sort of thing has to be okay; we can't get our way all the time - it's not how living works. Still… I'm sure you're aware that Cloud and his friends are a very good group of people who, like you, are caught up in the machinations between an evil corporation and a cosmic horror. It's terrible when innocents get caught up in the crossfire between things that have nothing to do with them. Sadly, our worlds aren't all that different in that regard: these sorts of things happen all the time, anywhere you go....
I don't imagine, though, that it's going to be Aerith who gets sacrificed this time. I'm terrified to think that somehow, some way, instead, it will be you. I feel somewhat sick to my stomach at the thought of how terribly possible this feels, and I'm not really sure what to do with all this anxiety that's welling up in the pit of my stomach.
You saved my life. Your existence offered me someone whose circumstances looked similar to mine when I was growing up. My world is filled with a lot of people who are very much like you - people who grew up in abusive environments, groomed as tools to be used instead of treated like people to be loved, cared for, and understood. People who are valued not for who they are, but for what they look like or what they can do. People who, tired of how much pressure they're under, tired of how few seem to care, and tired of being exploited, lash out, only to be called "monsters" and "bad people" for it.
Stories like yours influence what society thinks is the appropriate way to treat people like us. As it is now, all too often, people like us get pushed out towards the margins of society as unwelcomed things to be excluded or even eliminated. People look at the bad things that others do as evidence that their blood should be spilled, rather than looking at and correcting all the factors that caused them to get to the point of doing bad things in the first place, and this is very sad.
I was very sad that at the end of the original storyline, instead of trying to help you to return to the light, they decided to beat you, bleed you, and break you. And people called that "justice". They didn't try to do anything about the suffering that drove your choices. They didn't offer you even a shred of empathy or concern. And this sort of "justice" happens to all kinds of people in my world, all the time, especially to those of us who are, for whatever reason, considered "non-standard".
I am very frightened of this terrible version of "justice" that most people, both in your world and in mine, seem to subscribe to. There is no mercy to it. It does not heal. All it does is call for those who fall down to suffer. I'm terrified that this version of "justice" is imminently about to happen to you, and it breaks my heart to think of all the people who will be cheering as it happens.
I just wish that nobody had to get hurt.
At the same time, though, I'm very aware that you've survived things worse than death. You were raised by the staff at Shinra, after all. Tortured as a boy by Hojo. Groomed into the role of child soldier, told that you had to function at maximum capacity all the time, at all costs, and deprived of the basic human comforts that should come with everyday living. Even after being thrown into the reactor core at Nibelheim, and even after Cloud and his wonderful friends stopped you at the Northern Crater, you still tenaciously kept your head held high and bravely moved forward, towards a world in which no one else should have to be made to suffer in the same ways that you, Angeal, and Genesis were forced to endure. I know you'll get through this somehow, but I wish you didn't have to try to. I'll leave you with this nice picture that a person named Kate made:
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I don't know what else to put, and I think I'm running out of space, anyway. So I'll just say this: I love you. I'm scared for you. I wish wholesome things would happen to you. Please stay safe… Your friend, Lumine
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This the cover of the first part of my slave-trilogy, a historic fantasy, transmitting the past to the present. You can get it for your e-reader on Amazon for just $7,99. The preface, containing my ideas about the apparent attractiveness of old style slavery in film and fiction, and about the conception of my novel, you can read there for free. From now on, I will regularly publish the next few paragraphs from the text of that preface here each time. If you don't want to wait for that, you can go to Amazon for the rest of it straight away, as for the book itself.
It is one of the great taboos in (at least western) present society: slavery, the dreaming of slavery.
Although slavery, human bondage, the fact that some people are the propriety of others, since ancient times for centuries had been inherent to nearly all cultures, and especially the higher developed ones, it nowadays is regarded as the absolute opposite of the fundamental values of modernity, based on the 18th-century Enlightenment: that all men are created free and equal.
To nearly nothing therefore the rest of the world during the last years has reacted with so much abhorrence than when the IS-Caliphate in the Middle-East reintroduced slavery officially, as being in accordance with the Koran. Well, indeed, it will be difficult to find arguments that the Koran is explicitly against slavery, as it is the product of a 7th-century society of which it was an obvious part. As is the same with the Bible or all other holy scriptures of the distant past.
They might have criticized its excrescences sometimes, but neither Judaism, nor Christianity or Islam has opposed slavery from the beginning in a strict, principal, uncompromising way. On the contrary, in the past religious authorities several times have legitimized it for incorrigible heretics and nonbelievers. Hence since the later Middle-Ages Christian captives ended up on Ottoman galleys, unless they converted, and Islamic captives ended up on Spanish galleys, unless they did the same.
In the France of Louis XIV the galleys were partly filled up with condemned protestants, who therefore even by a legal process were turned into slaves for the rest of their lives. Later on, especially in the Americas racial arguments were used to legitimate human bondage and make it hereditary, and those racial arguments partially referred to certain passages in the Old Testament, like those about the progeny of one of the three sons of Noah, the doomed Cham.
Anyhow: while most western people now are looking back with shame to this aspect of the world of their ancestors, for ages slavery has been worldwide a completely normal and accepted part of life. And not all slaves in that case were in the lucky position of being a house-teacher of some rich patrician, as several enslaved Greeks were during the Roman Empire, to put it mildly.
Ten thousands of slaves worked the latifundia of the old Romans as they later worked the plantations of the Antebellum South in the United States. They rowed the galleys - although seldom already those of the Romans, contrary to what the famous film and novel Ben Hur tries to tell us - as they toiled day after day in the copper-mines and stone-quarries of quite a lot of great Empires of the past.
Most people at the time didn't know better than that this just was, as things were. As normal as were, for example, public executions or corporal punishments, which nowadays are regarded as detestable practices of a barbarian past too. Although they not only were revived temporarily by IS, but are also still practiced without interruption in countries like Iran and Saudi Arabia.
To be continued......
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lizlives · 1 year
I once glanced at a YouTube short from a creator I occasionally watched, and they mention casually, as if everyone thinks this, that the main problem with the James Cameron Avatar franchise is that the conflict isn't morally grey enough. And like obviously those movies are far from perfect, but the militaristic and corporate colonizer villains being complete douchebags with basically no redeeming qualities is actually a relatively rare point in the movies' favor.
Not every real conflict is truly that multifaceted, sometimes one side is just greedy and opportunistic and doesn't have much skin in the game. If there's one thing I've learned, treating every side in all conflicts at all times as if they all have potentially equal merit and value is actually what partially put us in the kinds of situations we're in today. It is actually perfectly realistic sometimes for people to just be so detached from the world and the people around them that they feel no qualms about doing wrong to some, and it wasn't even because they were victims of anything, it's just how they were raised or how they grew up.
Don't believe me? There are people out there who genuinely identify with the evil humans from Avatar and post pseudo-philosophical manifest destiny bullshit about how actually the humans deserved to conquer Pandora, despite how obviously, almost cartoonishly evil they are. At that point you start to realize that this kind of person unfortunately has to represent some kind of emotional truth to someone.
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burningchandelier · 1 year
A few things to remember:
Don't put all your eggs in one basket. Even if the things that bring you joy are incredibly limited (understandable) be sure that you have some diversity in how you enjoy them. If your only happiness comes from one source, that source can be controlled or cut off.
Sometimes you are wrong. First impressions are not always correct. Information can be misleading. You might not know what you are getting yourself into until you are deep in it. That's okay. Give yourself some space to reevaluate your surroundings and forgive yourself for mistakes. Learn and move on.
When people decide that you suck, sometimes that's because they suck. See here's the thing: People in positions of power do not like to be threatened. Sometimes, your existence will be threatening because you are competent, kind, insightful, funny, or anything else that happens to be valued in a given group. When that happens, (and it probably will at some point, unless you are an exceptionally compliant follower) people will say bad things about you behind your back. Those things are not about you. Pack up your shit and find people who say nice things about you behind your back instead.
Don't ever buy into the sunken cost fallacy. You can always always always say no. You can always bail. Other people's feelings are not as important as your safety.
No one can read your mind. Good news: There are no thought police. You can think and believe whatever you want! Get in there. Get critical about your thoughts, consider why you believe what you believe. Think about thinking. Bad news: Nobody can possibly know what you want unless you speak up and say what you mean.
In order to be a fully developed human, you have to leave your comfort zone. Sorry, them's the breaks. You have to get further than 2.5 miles away from your house sometimes. You have to read books and news articles that make you viscerally recoil in disgust and horror. You have to listen to music that you genuinely dislike. You have to eat food from different cultures. You have to engage in the full range of human emotion, like it or not.
Depression doesn't like any of these things. Mean friends don't like it when you do these things. Shitty parents don't like it when you do these things. Cruel and abusive partners do not like it when you do these things. Cult leaders don't like it when you do these things. Bosses don't like it when you do these things. The government doesn't like it when you do these things. Corporations don't like it when you do these things. Do them anyway, because they are good for you.
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magickfromscratch · 2 years
I had two separate thoughts about good and evil while suffering from insomnia last night, and an additional one this morning. CW: Passing mention of the Catholic Church's problem with abusing children.
(1) It has been said that evil is easily defined as a lack of empathy. I'd amend this: it is a lack of compassion. Empathy is visceral. Acting with compassion is a choice. People who call themselves "empaths" are so frequently unable to de-center themselves that they wind up strengthening whatever systems of oppression they have access to participation in. Self-described empaths are so overwhelmed by feeling that they sometimes fail to listen, learn, and improve their treatment of the marginalized. Compassionate people help. Compassionate people do. It is in the doing and the helping --or at least in the refraining from being cruel or supporting cruelty-- where the ethical value lies. Compassion is a choice. Empathy is not. Fear of discomfort is the enemy of compassion.
(2) There was a scientist who said -- and I really need to track down the article -- that the problem of climate change is not really a scientific one. It is a spiritual problem. We already know what we need to do --what corporations need to do-- in order to solve the problem. But there is a cancer in our social discourse. We believe there is a line, demarcated by power (influence, money, whatever), above which we cannot punch. There is a line, and if people who exist above that line want to destroy the world, we have to let them. The attitude seems to be that if Jesus Christ wants to destroy the world, it's a part of his divine plan we can't question. As if we should not fight God Himself to protect the human species.
The problem is, once there's a line, it just keeps getting lower. What about a priest? It's ok, little child, I work for God, now pull down your pants.
What about a God-King? What about Trump? What about people who shit on golden toilets and have their own private armies? What about a parent of a gay or trans kid who's just doing what the Bible said? Having that line, at all, above which evil can be good, or good can be evil, is a corrosive influence to the moral fabric of humanity.
Good is when you help. Bad is when you allow fear to overrule compassion. And it's pretty straightforward that if there's a person, no matter how powerful, who hurts large numbers of people for their own pleasure, or to extend their own power, it is a moral responsibility for humans of conscience to band together to take them out. If God tells you to kill a member of an oppressed minority, or a helpless person, or a person you have a responsibility to nurture and protect? Turn the sword on God.
(3) Evil people thrive on moral ambiguity. If you're not certain that they're evil, you will remain passive and do nothing to stop them. You see them. You see people who are enthusiastically cruel. You see people who are responsible for what is tantamount to chattel slavery, or genocide. But because. Maybe. Possibly. I don't know. There might be. I'm not sure, but maybe I think. Nuances. And. Maybe good and evil don't exist. A large number of people who could act simply do not. Because they think they'll be "just as bad" for killing a single person as that person is for enslaving or murdering thousands.
And watch out for anyone who viciously argues that morality can't be as simple as working for a kinder world, and defeating people, institutions, corporations, politicians, divinities, who want the world to be crueler, harsher, and more oppressive. Those people LIKE THE LINE, because they dream of one day being above it.
You should be afraid of the reasons why.
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closetedskeletons · 11 months
the fact that roller coaster operator and fast food cook are seen as jobs for teenagers who are underpaid and truly do not see themselves as people who have control of others' safety really shows how capitalism views human life huh. Like I dont want to be mean in a world where corporations valued anything other then profit my coworker in fast food who gave people the wrong items on purpose when we were out because "they don't know rhe difference" and the six flags operators who have been to lazy to check the restraints on rides I have been on would either be better paid and better trained so they're intimately familiar with the idea that those actions puts people in tangible and sometimes mortal danger, or would not be able to stay at these establishments after doing something like that. and someone will take this as me bashing low wage workers. but like take it from someone who A. truly believes that teenagers deserve to be paid more and treated better by their management and that these issues can be somewhat remedied by treating workers as human beings and B. worked in a shitty fast food restaurant where cross contamination happened on a daily basis and I was the only person who wasn't actively and purposefully participating in it. And like yes some of my coworkers were just shitty and probably would have lied to customers and compromised their health anyway but they wouldn't have had to if we weren't understaffed and getting backed up every time we had more then 2 customers. Like I don't even believe it's just laziness. either way I'm tired of my safety being toyed with when I'm paying money to consume a product
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softersinned-arc · 2 years
A reminder that Connor Roy was interested in politics at a very young age!
"That's the one who announced his campaign by inviting the government to arrest him, right?" (They melt into each other the way they always do, Astoria's hands on Baldwin's shoulders sliding down to rest against his chest while she leans forward to read over his shoulder.)
"His own family is endorsing an actual fascist over him." (Diana. New to the table. Here for the holiday. Trying not to talk about the elopement while Matthew drinks her coffee.) "I mean, that's got to say something about him."
"Besides that he's—" (Matthew is trying to be delicate, in a way he rarely is, no doubt for his new bride's benefit.) "—odd?"
"I believe the word you're looking for is insane." (Stasia, from across the dining room, peering out the window at a neighbor walking a new dog.)
"Family should support family even if they're insane." (Philippe, disapproving, in a way only Philippe can be.)
"Would you endorse me if I ran for president?" (Freyja, sitting on the table rather than at the table.)
(Verin, shoving her sister's leg with enough force to nearly send her toppling over:) "Fuck, no."
"Bitch." (Said without heat.)
"Fuckwit." (Said without malice.)
"Should we be getting involved at all? Making a donation?" (Matthew pretends he cares about the business, sometimes.)
"Why would our endorsement matter?" (Verin, scathing.) "We're not American."
"And we're forgetting the part where he's insane." (Stasia, given up on trying to get a better glimpse of the dog.)
"Given how Americans handle their own elections, perhaps they could use a better influence." (Ysabeau, dry, sipping her espresso.)
(Baldwin presses a kiss to his wife's wrist before allowing her to release him. Once she's sitting he's tugging her chair closer.) "I think that was the justification for inviting Russian—"
"—intervention?" (Philippe, amused, in a way only Philippe can be.)
"—sabotage?" (Diana, friendly neighborhood American.)
(Astoria leans into her husband again.) "We should look into making some discreet donations to whoever the Democratic nominee is."
"The liberals in that country are as bad as the conservatives." (Ysabeau's distinctly French disdain grows ever stronger. This may be aimed at the friendly neighborhood American, who is certainly too clever to rise to the bait.)
"Sure." (Scathing, dripping with venom: the friendly neighborhood American is neither too clever or all that friendly. Freyja suddenly looks interested in her new sister-in-law for the first time since being introduced.) "One party is actively trying to destroy any hint of human rights while the other is spineless and ineffective, but they're the same."
"Liberals care about the corporate bottom line as much as conservatives." (Verin sneaks a glance at Baldwin, forever prepared for their competitions, determined to win an endorsement of her own.) "Astoria might have a point."
"Practically speaking, our options are to hope for the best and then make a public statement on valuing freedom of the press in our American chapters when we've done nothing to protect it, or to get involved quietly enough that it doesn't draw too much attention, but loudly enough that we can prove it." (Astoria offers Verin a rare smile. She does have a point, thank you very much.)
"Can we go one meal without talking about the business?" (Is Matthew just sore that nobody's paying much attention to him?)
"Any blow to the Roys is worth pursuing." (Baldwin does what must be done: ignores his brother.)
"I don't see how you expect Mum or Verin or Astoria to girlboss under those conditions." (Freyja, bored again.) "And during Women's History Month, too. I thought you were a feminist, Matt."
"Text Alain. Have him look into our options. Find a liberal candidate who's friendly to businesses." (Philippe makes a valiant effort to put an end to it.)
"Has Connor Roy actually come out with a platform?" (Diana makes a valiant effort to get something useful out of the conversation.)
"Not being a fascist simply isn't enough?" (Ysabeau, still disdainful.)
"Mum, I don't see how you expect Diana to girlboss under these conditions." (Freyja, grinning.)
(Astoria catches Baldwin's hand in her own, raises a coffee cup with her other hand, inclines her head towards Diana.) "Welcome to the family."
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globalphotoeditt · 4 months
Know All About Product Photo Retouching Service 
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A part of the eCommerce photo editing process called "Product Photo Retouching" entails refining or enhancing existing images by adding additional information or finishing touches. 
Its goal is to increase the photo's attention-grabbing factor so that customers are more inclined to purchase the product out of the blue. 
Color, form, and texture are all significant factors that product retouchers in India examine when striving for excellence. The end consequence of their work is enticing product images. By searching headshot photo retouching company near me, you can contact companies like Global Photo Edit. 
Global Photo Edit has valued and reliable clients who come from a variety of professions, including corporate businesses, publishing houses, photographers, and international picture studios. They have a team of dedicated and highly skilled photo retouchers that make sure to create exceptional picture quality within the allotted period.
How Does the Photo Get Better with Product Retouching?
Large-scale picture editing may be a demanding task. It takes competence to combine creativity and efficiency while maintaining clear communication. When the workload fluctuates, you sometimes wish you could double your crew. 
Priorities are changed in accordance with expectations, and everyone relies on an inventive mind to reach the deadline. By delegating all of your picture editing work to online fashion apparel photo retouching services, you may improve quality, speed up turnaround, and cut post-production expenses.
Big volume or small project, the company can work on all your requirements. Their one-price-fits-all methods make things simple. You just need to send a quotation that is tailored to your requirements. 
Fill out the contact form to reach out to companies like Global Photo Edit. 
Product Photo Editing Services: An Improved Display for Your Listings
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There are several ways to make a product listing engaging, accessible to the public, and interactive. Your online store might gain numerous advantages from professional product image editing.
Customers can clearly see what your goods look like.
Simple product use examples are displayed in numerous, multi-angle images.
An excellent product image suggests that the actual product is equally excellent.
Users are more persuaded by visuals than by text alone.
Mobile viewers can access images with ease.
The confidence of your eStore's customers is increased by high-quality photographs.
Working with a seasoned headshot photo retouching company near me like Global Photo Edit you can get all those benefits.
Different Services Offered by Product Image Retouching Company 
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Photo retouching companies understand how to showcase your product photo to its full potential. Their  eCommerce image management and editing services include the following:
Product Photo Editing
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The concentration on polishing even the tiniest details is a key component of product photo retouching. All the elements will be enhanced by our product image editing team so that potential buyers can quickly identify each special detail. 
For instance, if the artistic aspects of your shoe are not clearly visible in the photo, we can bring the shoe to life by increasing the artistic portion.
Invisible Mannequin
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Mannequins could be obtrusive, and model photography can be pricey. This problem can be resolved by the product image team thanks to their artistic proficiency in mannequin photo editing, cut out, and manipulation.
Retouching companies eliminate the mannequin from the final photograph and create a faultless (human) look for your merchandise. This can ensure that your products are the only thing people are thinking about.
Image Masking Service
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Make adjustments to your product images to control what shoppers see and don't see. You can remove undesirable elements from an image and highlight appealing areas by using image masking services. 
With the use of cutting-edge masking techniques like translucency/transparency masking layer masking or alpha channel masking, eCommerce image editing specialists may change your photographs so that your customers can experience the look and feel of the product on its own.
Color Correction Service
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Would you like to add precise colors to your product image? Set them down with a retouching company. You get the greatest color correction that matches the original product thanks to years of experience and a professional team of staff. 
Furthermore, they can assist you if you wish to display variety. They produce realistic color changes with photo color correction so you may receive a wide range of product photographs from a single image.
Owners of online stores, designers of product catalogs, product photographers, editors of periodicals, and other organizations can require the service. They will require it in order to show their items to customers in a way that maximizes their aesthetic attractiveness.
You can search “headshot photo retouching company near me” to contact such companies. Their best product photo retouching team creates a good photograph without sacrificing its inherent beauty. With the creation of an appealing picture, they help you represent the benefits and characteristics of your product in an appealing way.
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prabhatjairam · 8 months
Business opportunities in rural areas
There is no doubt that India is home to thousands of villages and impoverished regions. A sizable portion of the population still lives in rural India and works in small-scale industries in the local villages. This portion is a sizable contributor to India's GDP and is sometimes referred to as the country's economic engine. So, using a variety of small business concepts for rural areas can help more than 70% of Indians who live there.
If you want to open a business in a rural location, there is no need to move to a big metropolis because starting a small business in a village can give you an equal opportunity to make money and get a good return on your investment. We will discuss some of the top business concepts with rapid growth rates in this blog post.
Fertilizer business
Starting a fertilizer and pesticide business makes excellent economic sense because agriculture accounts for a big portion of the rural Indian economy. In addition to giving plants nourishment, fertilizers increase the yield of many crops, including maize, wheat, and rice. You must apply for and receive the necessary licenses and permits from the local government to launch this firm. To help your business expand, you can also sell seeds in addition to fertilizer and pesticides.
Poultry farm business
The poultry farm industry is the most profitable small business with the potential for small communities that require little capital, land, and labor. Culturing poultry and cattle is indeed the best business to start in a rural region where you can grow it gradually.
Numerous lenders are assisting people in establishing livestock and poultry farming enterprises by providing small business loans. However, opportunities are endless on the demand side, in both urban and rural locations, which will increase your profits in your business.
Diagnostic Center
Another fantastic option for rural people is to establish a diagnostic center in their communities so that people do not have to rush here and there. With the help of health care centers, people can regularly conduct health examinations, which can aid them in maintaining a nice and healthy lifestyle. Moreover, opening a diagnostic center can be a manageable financial commitment. The initial investment covers the rent for the facility, the cost of the medications, the staff's salaries, and a current certification.
Flour mill business
A flour mill business is also a suitable choice as flour is consumed by each individual. If you start this business, then rural residents don't need to purchase pricey packaged flour from large corporations. Nonetheless, India's flour mill sector is highly profitable and has tremendous growth potential. According to estimates, the Indian flour mill market is valued at Rs. 15,000 crores and expanding at a CAGR of 5%. It is undeniably a basic human need that aids in their development. A single flour mill can also sell the finished goods to other villages to increase its earnings.
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Dairy business
All of us know that milk is a basic necessity that households require daily. In our nation's villages and rural areas, milk is widely available. It is one of the most profitable business ventures you may launch. You can start a dairy business by buying milk from villagers and selling it to businesses in cities. A lender can offer cheaper lending rates and customizable repayment terms on loans for the initial money needed. This village-based small business has the potential to be very successful in the long run.
Electronics store
Because rural people are a part of this digital era, they are aware of the most recent scientific discoveries, technological advancements, and innovations. Many rural communities use modern devices on par with city dwellers. Since mobile phones have become a basic requirement in this modern era, opening an electronics store in a small town is a great idea. However, the vast majority of people in India are village dwellers, and practically all of them desire to speak with their families. The Mobile Shop enterprise is thus among the top small business concepts to launch in rural locations.
To get educational help from the top online educational portal, kindly connect with  "study24hr.com." It is a remarkable platform where learners and teachers can connect and interact in an effective learning environment. The primary goal of the website is to improve students' academic performance and understanding 
In light of this, "study24hr.com" provides its learners with access to various study materials such as mock test papers, daily boosters, academic notes, tutorial videos, and many more. Furthermore, teachers and educational institutes are permitted to post their course structures on their websites to solicit feedback from prospective students.
Chemist store
Opening a medical supply store is another business opportunity for people living in rural areas. Typically, individuals travel great distances to adjacent cities to purchase the precise medications that their doctors have advised. So, it will be advantageous for you and the residents if you open a pharmacy in the village itself. You can make a nice living by providing all available medications for blood pressure, diabetes, insulin, and other conditions. Also, you can order drugs from your supplier on a just-in-time (JIT) basis if there isn't a high enough demand for them.
These were a few creative small company concepts for Indian small towns. We hope you learned something about each of them. If starting your own business has always been your ambition, now is the time to make it a reality. Remember, if the circumstances are favorable, starting a small business in an Indian hamlet or rural area can be lucrative.
Make sure you put a lot of effort into accomplishing your objectives, whether you create a mobile shop or a medical store. Set your mind to it and strive to achieve it. It doesn't matter if you don't get it right away because nobody succeeds on their first try. Always keep in mind that failing isn't about giving up; it's about losing your position. So, never give up on your dreams because only you can make them come true. Hence, start your journey today!
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vellichordragon · 1 year
People like to say motivational or encouraging things to people who are overwhelmed and yes, sometimes people do need just a little inspiration and then everything's okay for them. But I don't love the way this motivation and hustle energy is immediately prescribed to already-overwhelmed people without any consideration for diminishing returns, or even basic humanity. After a certain point, pushing through agony and stress and being told to "keep going" is detrimental. Sometimes you need a break. Sometimes you need to do something else entirely. And sometimes you need to call a dead end a dead end.
Pushing people to functionally destroy themselves for a goal is not the blanket solution that millionaire motivational speakers and corporate chuds would have you believe, and I wish society as a whole would start to see the value in rest. We shouldn't be pushing overworked people to work harder. We should be making a world where unreasonable effort at the expense of your health and sanity is not expected of you so you can access barely more than the absolute minimum in life.
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