#at least i know what bus to take to get to moms house
paddooo · 2 months
Absolutely paralyzed with fear
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starlightomatic · 3 months
hi, i just want to remind folks that a lot of people on here have personal connections to people who died or were kidnapped on october 7th. please keep this in mind when you want to understand why we react so much when people denying, minimize, or celebrate it.
a couple of months ago i met vivian silver's best friend. vivian silver was a long-time peace activist who was burned to a crisp so badly on october 7th that it took weeks to identify her body. my ex-boyfriend's family was friends with her as well, and they spent those weeks believing she was a hostage and hoping for her return, only to discover that she had been dead the whole time.
a couple weeks ago i met the sister of a nova festival survivor. she said that the hours when her brother was out of contact and they didn't know if he was alive or dead were both the shortest and longest hours of her life. another friend of mine lost five friends that day. yet another friend lost two friends who were on a biking trip in southern israel.
a couple who i know because they attended my childhood synagogue while in the US for two years lived in kibbutz nahal oz. they always told us how beautiful it was, and how they wanted us to visit it. now we can't; it's destroyed, with several of its residents killed. they and their two young girls miraculously survived after hiding in their safe room for ten hours before being rescued. a good friend of mine's boyfriend is from one of the kibbutzim that was destroyed, but he was not there at the time and so survived.
once, many years ago when the ex-boyfriend who i mentioned above (the one who knew vivian) were on a gap year in israel, i visited him on the kibbutz he was living on on a thursday night, and his friend gave us a ride to a bus station the next day to help us get to our shabbat destinations. the friend was headed on to visit friends at kibbutz be'eri, now destroyed, with over 10% of residents killed. i don't know if that man's friends survived.
another friend of mine, who was my coworker for several months when she was in the US last year, lived in metula in northern israel, on the border with lebanon. because of the war, she and many others are internally displaced within israel, because her home is not safe from rockets. recently, a mutual friend told me her house has been destroyed.
another friend of mine attended virtual synagogue with chaim katzman, a young man who spent time in the west bank protecting palestinian shepherds. when hamas fighters opened the closet he was hiding in to capture hostages, they shot him immediately, before taking hostage the women and children hiding in the closet with him.
in total, i have at least eight friends-of-friends who were killed on october 7th. the actual number is probably far higher, since i have a lot of friends in israel and many israelis lost people; but the eight is confirmed.
all of this to say: please understand when you're interacting with me and other jumblr bloggers that this is not theoretical to us. maybe to some of you, it's an academic excercise in seeing fanon's works in practice. maybe it's about decolonial theory and you might think "ah, well, decolonization is violent, what a shame but it was necessary." please remember it's easier to think that when you're not the one sitting at a shabbat lunch table with your mom's old friend who had to learn within the past few months that a woman she'd built movements with and was best friends with had been burned so badly she couldn't be identified for weeks.
i already know that people will believe the purpose of this post is to "generate consent for genocide" no matter what i say, but i'm going to say it anyway: nothing justifies genocide. nothing justifies the brutality that israel visits on the palestinian people. the people of gaza have gone through an order of magnitude more horror than what israelis have. the entire gaza strip is destroyed; people's homes, schools, mosques, orange orchards, everything. entire families have been killed with not a single surviving member. people have starved to death. people lack sanitation, menstrual products, and safe places to give birth. children are operated on without anesthesia. this is one of the greatest humanitarian crises of this century and it is israel's fault.
we need a ceasefire now; we needed a ceasefire yesterday; we needed a ceasefire months ago; we needed this never to begin. blowing up a child in gaza does not bring back vivian, it does not bring back chaim, it does not bring back my friend's cycling friends. it doesn't untraumatize the girl who waited hours to know if her brother was okay or the young family trapped for ten hours in their safe room. and i know for a fact that vivian and chaim would never have wanted this. not in their names, or at all.
so i am not posting this in an attempt to deny, minimize, excuse, or justify the genocide of the people of gaza, or to deny or excuse the nakba, the israeli raids in the west bank, settler violence, land theft both past and present, burning of olive trees, checkpoints and the restrictions on palestinian movement, the denial of right of return, and the fact that most palestinians do not have voting rights in the country that controls their lives.
i also understand that there are folks on here who have just as many personal connections to gaza -- or more -- than i do to israel. that it's deeply personal to them too, and they have watched as loved ones die, places they love and remember are bombed to dust, and people continue to minimize it, excuse it, or fight over semantics. i understand that this post will not land well for many of those folks, and that it will have activated people to hear me speak of nahal oz as a beautiful place i wanted to visit, because that land likely once belonged palestinian families, and was seized after its residents were herded into gaza during the nakba.
people are human. humans deserve to live in safety. friends of humans who are harmed will feel pain, even if those friends lived on colonized land. i also live on colonized land, i am a settler. i live on the lands of indigenous peoples. when i looked up the nation whose land i live on, i can find information about their history but no information on where they went or whether they still exist. i don't know if they experienced a genocide and were all killed, or if they joined another people. i know i have never met any of them, and i live on their land.
and i'm not the only one. millions of people on this site are also colonizers of indigenous land. if you are not indigenous or Black, and you live in the US or Canada, you are every bit as complicit as my friends' dead friends in israel. your beautiful town is not morally better than nahal oz. you recognize yourself and your friends as people; you see their humanity.
i am beyond begging you to see the humanity of israelis, i think many of you can't. instead, this is my request:
remember, as you're doing your callouts, as you're describing me as evil and a person who needs to be blocked for the safety of your followers to i don't infect you or them with my evil:
i say and feel the things i do in large part from a traumatic event that occurred less than a year ago that i am personally connected to. please use what you know of trauma to understand that.
and then, if you can do that, maybe we can start to understand how trauma plays into why israel is the way it is; why trauma is actually the biggest player. so many of you have asked "how could a people who've been brutalized and oppressed brutalize and oppress another people?" my question: why would you expect that not to happen? trauma responses include fear, anger, aggression, compassion fatigue. when a population of descendants of refugees and genocide survivors, in a world that they believe to be out to get them, either supports or turns a blind eye to their government's atrocities, i am not surprised. saddened, but not surprised.
we then have to start asking: who enacted those traumas? when will we start to see the pain of both palestinians and israelis in light of the violence inflictated by far more powerful entities? by germany in the holocaust; russia and poland in the pogroms; swana arab countries in the persecution of jews post-WW2? who's at the top here? many of you are happy to believe it's jews pulling all the strings, but who set this in motion?
who denied jews safe haven before the holocaust, thus enabling this trauma to be inflicted in the first place? the US, and nearly all countries around the world. who restricted jewish immigration even post-holocaust, thus funneling huge numbers of jewish refugees into palestine, overwhelming the population even if israel had not been a colonial project? again, the US, and many other countries. who made double-promises and drew arbitrary lines in the region leading to decades of conflict? the UK.
who's funding this war? the US. Russia. Iran. don't be fooled that any of them care about israelis or palestinians. they have their own interests.
israelis and palestinians are the collateral damage in a horrible chess game that world powers have been playing for centuries. but they are not collateral damage, they are human beings, and their lives have value. collective liberation demands we look at the levels above the oppressor to see who is holding the strings, who put the puzzle pieces in place, who set off the levers and strings in a noxious rube goldberg machine that left nahal oz and be'eri in ruins and gaza destroyed almost beyond recognition.
my friends' little girls cowering in a safe room were never the enemy. chaim katzman hiding in a closet hoping the fighters would overlook it and leave him alive, or at very least capture him instead of kill him, was never the enemy. and they can't be; not if our goal is freedom and safety for everyone in israel/palestine. choosing who will dominate and who will be the oppressed minority in whatever comes next will not be the answer we need, and will not be liberation. just as zionism was not liberation. what can we build together, when this is all over?
what do we need to dismantle and destroy?
let's start with what we don't: homes. villages. cities. kibbutzim. orange trees. olive trees.
and who do we need to fight?
let's start with who we don't: the children.
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astrophileblogs07 · 3 months
Astro Observations pt.21
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Back with some very random Astro observations 😁
⚫ Saturn aspecting the 7th house actually can dislike 9 to 5 jobs or corporate office jobs. They are better with freelancing. Its coz they can't take orders. Sorry not sorry. 💀(Ig that's a Saturn 7H thing 😆)
⚫ An interesting thing I observed: Among two siblings, the elder one has Leo rising which means Scorpio 4H and the younger one has Scorpio moon. And their Mom is a Scorpio moon too. She's a nice lady though but is such a control freak. (I know I am one too, but like when I met her the second time that "controlling" vibe just hit me like a big yellow school bus 🚌😭😭). That was so funny lol😂. -All the more her birthdate is a single digit 1.(these people are the alpha type, always lead and never follow and hence are dominating, one to have the last say) which is cherry on top. -She is fiercely protective of her kids. Can't emphasize enough on "fierce" part. Very strict. Rules are to be followed very religiously. {She can't stand any one of them doing anything without her knowledge. She even monitors whom they interact with what they do on their mobiles etc.(from what I suspect)} (obv Scorpio moon mom traits) (sometimes Leo moon moms too){nothing unhealthy here, just Mom's way of showing they care 😂}
⚫Saturn and Workout: -Workout 🏋️‍♀️requires CONSISTENCY. Saturn LOVES consistency. -In fact the best remedy for Saturn is sweating. JUST SWEAT by hard work. No matter what it maybe: workout, walking, jobs, cardio, sports etc. 🤸‍♀️🚴‍♀️🏋️‍♀️
⚫ Whilst on the topic of Saturn, people who follow a time table for literally everything the planet doesn't harm them much during its Dasha (even if its your worst one). I mean obviously you played by the rules 🤷‍♀️
⚫ Magha is the only nakshatra for which you don't need in depth compatibility match. They get along with everyone.
⚫Scorpio Venuses/8H Venuses are paranoid. They notice and suspect everything (sometimes things which are not there/imaginary). (For eg, me, who thinks that someone is peeping thru my curtains even when nobody is there and all my curtains cover my windows properly. 🤣).
⚫Also as a basic Scorpio Venus behavior: while writing chats/texting, I always think- "what if someone else reads it?"..so I just don't give much details in texts. (Gosh, sometimes I think somethings wrong with me 😭😭)
⚫The proven way to hurt a Leo moon: compare them with any other person and tell them that the person is wayy better in a certain thing esp if it's a triat that the Leo is proud of. 🤣 (P.S don't do that, its mean and the Leo will hunt you, which you don't want 😀.)
⚫Why do Aries moon men have a bunch of good friends for life and Aries moon women struggle with having at least one good genuine female friend for life? (I'm jealous)
⚫ Maybe its becoz they get along more with guys than gals so the girls are jealous of them...so hence no good female friends. 😢🤡 Aries moons are the best-est people for friendships you'll ever get.
⚫ People born on a Saturday look melancholic.
⚫ You can NEVER mislead a Leo rising. They study litreally everything: what you say what you do, and why you do so. Similar to Scorpios
⚫If you see a person having graceful and "royal" way of walking or behaving, they're are sure shot to have a Magha Ascendant.
⚫Connecting the dots here: as I said in one of my previous posts that Maghas get framed even when they have done nothing, what I interpreted is that Maghas are actually the definition of royalty. They literally have that ✨grace✨, that kinda magnanimous personality and similar struggles to a monarch. Totally King/Queen typa energy here. So with that, the usual consequences in a Kingdom is conspiracy against the king, which the Maghas face. (Enough with Maghas ig, started observing them recently so..✌🏻💀)
That's it for today, until next time! (like,comment and reblog loveliesss❤❤😘)
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As We Go Along (Part 1)
You were offered up as a payment to a mob boss by your father and step-mother. He agreed. Now you're the fiance of the most feared man in New York.
I do not own these characters!
Warnings: Abuse not openly mentioned but is talked about.
This first part is more of a background and getting to know each other chapter. More to come!
You were a burden. At least that’s the way they made you feel. You were from your father’s first marriage. Your mother had died when you were young and your step-mother never had anything for you. She never loved you, but she loved your sister. The daughter she had with your father. You knew this but you never thought she would talk your father into doing this to you. Marrying you off to some mob boss so he could get himself out of debt that he got himself in. She came up with it and he took it to the boss’ right hand man. Two days letter you’re engaged. You didn’t care either way. You hadn’t met the man yet, but you had heard rumors. He  was cold-hearted and cruel. Nothing you weren’t used to. 
Your father told you that you were to meet him tomorrow at his home. 
“You will meet him tomorrow at noon. Here is the address. It should be easy enough to find.” 
“Yes, sir.” Your father nodded without another word. That let you know that you were on your own now. Not that you haven’t been since your mom died. You packed up what little you had. Everything you owned fit into one duffle bag. As you laid in your bed for the last time you looked back on your time here with your family. You decided nowhere could be worse than here. With that thought in mind you slipped into a dreamless sleep.
You stood outside your childhood home giving it one last glance. It was bittersweet leaving this place. This is where you had all the memories of your mother, but this place had also been your living hell. You turned away with all the good memories of your mother in the forefront of your mind. A small part of you felt she was leaving with you as well. 
You made your way to the bus stop. You looked at the address and read the bus schedule so you knew which bus you would need to take. It was hard, you had been getting around like this for years. You found when the bus you needed would be here you had hoped you left early enough just in case of any delays the buses may have. 
You timed it just right. You made it to the address with ten minutes to spare. Although, all you saw was a giant gate but no house. A loud beep caught made you jump. That’s when you saw the intercom.
“State your business.”
“I’m Alexander Pierce’s daughter. I’m supposed to meet Mr. Barnes.” You heard the gate buzz open. A tall, blonde man in a black suit appeared before you in a black SUV. He stepped out to greet you.
“Ms. Pierce, Mr. Barnes has been expecting you. My name is Steve. I can help you with your bags.” He looked around you confused. You felt your face go bright red.
“This is all I have.” You grabbed your duffle bag by the handle. You saw something flash in his eyes but you weren’t sure what. He nodded and held the front door open for you. 
“Here, I’ll put it in the back for you.” Steve took your duffle and sat it in the back seat. 
“Thank you.” He gave you his hand to help you as you climbed into the front seat. This was new for you. You had never been treated this well. Maybe they were expecting someone else. You couldn’t help as these thoughts ran through your mind. Steve could tell you didn’t want to talk so he left the two of you in a comfortable silence. 
It was a short drive to the house you were going to. It was more of a mansion. You felt your mouth drop at the sight. You heard Steve chuckle a bit. Your face went red again.
“It’s a lot to take in, I know. You’ll be fine. He’s not so bad once you get to know him.”
“You know him pretty well then?”
“I do. Been friends since we were kids. I know him better than he knows himself most of the time.” You nodded as you took in this information. That gave you a little bit of hope, not that you really ever clinged to it. Steve stopped the vehicle as you reached the front door. He got out, grabbed your bag, and proceeded to help you down onto the ground. “Take a deep breath and follow me. You’ll be fine.”
You nodded as you followed Steve up the stairs. The front door itself was huge. You don’t think you’ve ever seen a place this big. Not that someone lived in any way. As you stepped inside you tried to take it all in. It was beautiful. Everything seemed to be decorated in light gray, white, and gold accents. While it was beautiful it didn’t have that homey feel that most homes do. Given what he does, that's not too surprising. There were tall windows everywhere. It made everything look even bigger. It was very modern. You were still reeling as you followed Steve further into the house. As you reached your destination you heard yelling that made you jump. Steve steadied you with a hand to your shoulder. 
“It’s okay. Give me a minute while I go talk to him.” You just nodded. Steve sat your bag down beside you and knocked three times on the door.
“Come in!” Steve cracked the door and stuck his head in,
“Buck, it’s Pierce’s daughter.”
“Send her in.” Steve stepped back out to usher you inside the room. Once you entered your eyes went straight to the man behind the desk. He was handsome. Dark hair and bright blue eyes. He was almost as tall as Steve and just as built as he was. He was in a dark gray three piece suit.
“Ms. Pierce, I’ve been expecting you. How did your driver find the place?” You felt yourself deflate. So he had been expecting your sister. You wanted to ask but couldn’t bring yourself to, afraid of the answer. 
“Uh, I didn’t - I mean, I brought myself. I don’t have a driver.” Bucky stopped what he was doing. You were looking down at the floor. He said your name just loud enough. Surprised you glanced up at him.
“You mean to tell me, your father sent you here alone?”
“Yes, sir. He did.” Bucky felt his skin crawl. At first glance he thought you were beautiful. Nothing would change that. As he looked closer though he could tell you weren’t taken care of. He could tell you had been given the bare minimum to survive. That was something that would not bode well with him.
“Why would he send you here alone?” You knew the true answer, but you were sure Bucky didn’t want to hear that.
“He had other business to attend to and I was capable of making it here myself.” Bucky didn’t like that answer.
“That’s not an acceptable reason.” That surprised you. “And doll, you can call me Bucky, everyone else does. ‘Sir’ is what everyone called my father.” His nickname for you caught you by surprise. You weren’t sure how to feel about it, but you didn’t hate it
“Of course, sir- I mean, Bucky.” Bucky straightened his tie and made his way to you.
“I have a meeting in a couple of minutes, I don’t have time to show you around or I would. Steve can show you around. I just have two rules.” You nodded to show you were listening. “Never go anywhere alone and never knock on or open this door if it’s closed. The only exception is if it is an emergency. Okay?”
“Steve, if you’ll show her around. I’ll meet you for dinner around seven, doll. I’ll take you out and we’ll get to know each other.” Before you could answer his phone rang. You followed Steve back out of the office and watched him pull the door closed. Steve must have sensed your hesitation.
“Just put on the best clothes you have, sweetheart.” You just nodded. You really didn’t have anything to go out in. You would see what you had though. You followed Steve around as he showed you where everything was. What you couldn’t wait to use was the kitchen. You loved to cook and bake. You didn’t get the chance to do it much at home, but maybe you could here. Finally, Steve showed you to your room. It was three times bigger than your old room was. You had what seemed to be a king sized bed, a little balcony that overlooked the backyard, an en suite bathroom and a closet that you could fit your entire old room in.
“Bucky thought you would want some space. He knows this wasn’t up to you.”
“I’ll have to tell him thank you.” Steve sat your duffle bag beside the bed. 
“I’ll leave you to it. I’ll be just down the hall if you need me.”
“Thank you, Steve.” He closed your door as he left. You looked around and laid down on the bed. It was so soft and cozy! You couldn’t believe it. You pinched yourself to make sure you weren’t dreaming. Maybe, just maybe, this would be okay. 
Steve listened for you but you seemed to be unpacking. He could hear you moving around. Once he was sure you were okay, he went to talk to Bucky. Steve saw the door cracked and eased his way inside. Bucky was on the phone but he wasn’t as heated as earlier. He saw Steve made his way to him and ended the call. Steve made his way over to a seat in front of Bucky’s desk.
“So, anything?”
“She’s not anything like her father. She seems to be the exact opposite. She’s quiet, reserved. She doesn’t own a lot, Buck. She came here with one duffle bag. One.” That made Bucky’s skin prickle. He knew Pierce was a harsh man but didn’t think he would be harsh with his daughter.
“So you don’t think this is a set up?”
“If it is, she doesn’t know about it. From what I can tell she wouldn’t do something like that. She’s too soft spoken to do or go along with something like that.”
“I picked up on that, too. I don’t think she was treated well there.” Steve shook his head. 
“I don’t think she was either. She seems to be genuine. Which is a surprise considering who her father is.” Bucky nodded. This was unusual, even for him. He normally wouldn’t agree to something like this, but he was looking to settle down as well. The last few women he dated only wanted him for money. He was hoping this might change that.
“Where did you plan on taking her tonight?”
“I’m not sure yet. Why?”
“I don’t think she has anything to wear to a nice restaurant. She seemed a bit panicked when you brought it up.”
“We’ll eat in tonight then. Would you care to go get it?”
“Not at all. You could go talk to her if you want. She’s good, Buck. You could use some good.” Bucky nodded. That was true he could. Steve got up to go get dinner while Bucky debated on going to find you.
You decided to go look around yourself taking your time. You couldn’t find Steve so you decided to go downstairs and see if you could find him there. You looked down the small hallway to see Bucky’s office door was cracked. You thought about going to ask him if you could look around yourself, but your thoughts were distracted by the kitchen. It was state-of-the-art. The mixers, the pans, the refrigerator. Everything was something out of one of your dreams. Your thoughts were interrupted by someone clearing their throat. You jumped, turning around to see Bucky standing behind you.
“There you are. I thought you would still be unpacking.”
“No, it didn’t take me long. Sorry, I was just curious to see what you had in here. It’s amazing.” You looked around, still blown away by his kitchen. 
“No need to apologize. Make yourself at home.” You gave him a small smile. You weren’t sure you knew how to do that. Bucky made his way over to one of the bar stools. He sat down while he eyed you from across the counter. He studied you as you studied him. He seemed to be a little more relaxed. His jacket was off and the sleeves of his white shirt were rolled up to his elbows. Bucky noticed you changed into an oversized sweatshirt, some leggings and fuzzy socks. You seemed so cozy. “So, tell me about yourself, doll. What do you like to do?”
“There isn’t much to tell really. I help my family out when I can and bake if I get the chance.” Bucky nodded his head.
“What’s your favorite thing to bake?”
“Chocolate chip cookies, any kind of cookie really but definitely chocolate chip.”
“Would you wanna make some?” You felt your eyes get big. “No one uses the kitchen much. I usually either go out or order in and no one ever bakes.” You felt yourself getting excited.
“Yeah, I’d love to.” You gave Bucky a genuine smile. Those were very rare for you. Bucky gave you one back, his were probably as rare as yours were, maybe even moreso.
Many cookies later, you and Bucky asked small questions at first. You found out he loved sweets and would love to have a dog but is afraid he wouldn’t have the time for one. He found out you loved dogs, even more than you loved baking, and you had never left the state of New York.
“We’ll change that, doll. Don’t you worry.” You giggled at that.
“You know, you’re nothing like everyone makes you out to be.”
“I’m sure my reputation proceeds me. Let me guess, a cold hearted killer and womanizer? That’s what they say in the tabloids I see every now and then.”
“Pretty much, but I will say you are much kinder to me than what I’m used to.” You gave him a small smile. You saw something flash in his eyes that you couldn’t place. With that he decided to bring up the elephant in the room.
“There is something I do want to talk to you about, doll.” You took a pan of cookies out of the oven and sat the next pan in while the others cooled.
“Okay, what’s that?”
“The reason I agreed to your father’s proposal.” You turned around to face him. You had been curious about it but didn’t want to ask out right.
“Did you want to ask me anything?”
“I did wonder why you agreed to it. I mean, I’m nothing special. Men usually come to my father about proposals for my sister, not me. Although I know this was his idea. I’m just surprised you agreed to it.” You had never been this open and honest with someone you just met. There was just something about Bucky. “I’m sorry, that was overstepping. I shouldn’t have said that.”
“Not overstepping, doll. I surprised myself when I agreed to it. The thing is, I am ready to settle down, but not give up my title just yet. I am tired of women just wanting money or just wanting to say they were with me. Granted, I could have gone about it differently than this, but it’s hard to find someone who doesn’t want something.”
“My father was the one who wanted something though.”
“Yes, but not you. I’m just curious as to why you just went along with it.” You took a deep breath.
“You want an honest answer?”
“Of course, doll.” 
“I didn’t have a choice. My family also sees me as in the way. So, it got me out of their way.” Bucky’s heart broke for you. You could see it in his eyes. You felt your face turn bright red. You were going to be honest. Your family never hid their disdain for you around anyone, so you didn’t see the point in trying to hide it yourself. 
“That’s terrible, doll. I can assure you, you won’t be in the way here. If you ever feel like that you come to me, understand?”
“I understand.” The timer went off for the last batch of cookies just as Steve walked in the door with take out. Your stomach immediately rumbled at the smell of Chinese food. Steve walked in, sitting the food on the counter. 
“It smells like a bakery. Did you do all this?” Steve looked around at all the cookies you had baked. You felt your face turn red again. 
“She did, we’re gonna try them after we eat.”
“They smell amazing. I’ll see you all tomorrow.” 
“Wait, Steve! Here, take some with you. I made way too many as it is.” You hurriedly put a couple of batches in some containers you had found earlier. Steve looked to Bucky as you were packing up the cookies. Steve gave Bucky a small smile and a slight nod you didn’t pick up on. You handed Steve the bag before Bucky could silently reply to Steve. Steve gave you a big smile.
“Thanks, sweetheart. I can’t wait to try them.”
“Let me know what you think. I haven’t got my recipe just right yet.” 
“I’ll let you know. I’ll see you all tomorrow.” Steve left you all to your dinner. Bucky started getting the containers out. You decided to go ahead and put the cookies that were already cooled in a container. Bucky was still getting food out when you were finished. You hadn’t seen this much food in front of you in a long time. Not that you didn’t eat, you just didn’t eat much. Bucky watched your eyes get wide. 
“You okay, doll?”
“Yeah, that’s just a lot of food.” 
“Maybe, but then we can have leftovers tomorrow.” He said it so easily. You were a little taken back. “Doll, would you care to get these last few containers out so I can go change. Then we’ll eat.” You just nodded. You didn’t have it in you to reply. Bucky walked up the stairs to his room as you got the last few containers out. You were still in shock at all the food. And the fact that he got some for you too caught you off guard. You didn’t realize it but you felt tears in your eyes. Usually when your family ordered out you got what was left and if you were still hungry you made yourself something in the kitchen. You didn’t hear Bucky come up behind you.
“Everything okay, doll?” He noticed the tears in your eyes. You quickly wiped them away. You noticed he had changed into a white t-shirt and some gray sweatpants. You thought he looked even better like this than in his suit.
“Yeah, everything is fine. I was just getting the rest out.” You put the paper bag in the trash can you found earlier. Bucky sat down on the same bar stool from earlier. He started opening the containers. 
“Get whatever you like, doll. I got some of everything. I didn’t know what you would like.” You didn’t know what you would like either. You hadn’t had Chinese takeout before. Your family would get it sometimes but there was never any left for you. “What’s going on in your head?”
“Um, it’s just, uh-”
“Doll, you can talk to me. The side of me you see right now, no one else sees. This is for you and you alone. I want you to be able to talk to me. I know this isn’t conventional but I would like to be able to be open and honest with one another.” You wanted that too, but you weren’t sure how to do it. You never had anyone to confide in. Ever. This was all so new to you, so you decided to be open and honest about everything.
“I’m not used to this, Bucky. I’m not used to being doted on. I never get take-out. I don’t get luxurious bedrooms. I get told what to do and when to do it. I don’t know how to confide in someone. I don’t know how to make myself at home because I’ve never had that luxury. I always get the bare minimum. I’m the burden of my family and they let everyone know.” You hadn’t realized tears started to spill over by the end of what was always on your heart. You had never told anyone this. Bucky reached for your hand nearest him. When you didn’t pull away he clasped it in both of his. You could see Bucky’s eyes dim and then watch something light in them you had never seen before.
“You will never be in the way here. You are going to be my wife and with that is going to come a lot of things you’re not used to. I can see that now. If you are ever overwhelmed please do not hesitate to tell me. I want you to be able to tell me what you’re feeling. This is new to me, too. I want to be honest with you. Granted there are some things that I do that I would rather keep you away from and I will try my best to. Doll, here you will be taken care of and doted on. You won’t even remember what it was like at that house you lived in. We’ll learn as we go along.” You didn’t realize you needed to hear that. You squeezed Bucky’s hand as well as you could as he had started holding your more firmly than before. 
“We’ll learn as we go along.” He squeezed your hand back releasing it. 
“Great, now that we’ve talked about that. What do you want to try first?” You smiled as you pointed to some chicken that looked good. Bucky handed it to you and waited until you tried it before he grabbed something as well. 
And that’s how your first night went with your fiance. Trying Chinese take-out you had never had and learning how to make yourself at home. Maybe you could get used to this.
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beatrixstonehill2 · 4 months
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"Hey, Daddy, just a heads up, but mom wanted to know if you were interested in joining our little bet...." Amanda said.
"Oh, what's that, darling?"
"Welllll.... my friends convinced my to take Femruptarin, as you guys can probably tell...."
"Of course, sweetie, you just gave birth a few months ago."
"So, I told mom that my friends are placing bets on when I'll pop! Mom thought the idea was super cute so she asked to join. The winner gets all my savings from my OnlyFans, just as long as you promise if anyone films me popping that you upload it to my OF! You can keep the money it makes, naturally." Amanda giggled.
"Of course! That money could help me with building a new deck, and then some, I'd imagine."
"Ohhh yeah. You bet, Daddy! I make a whole lot flaunting this pregnant body of mine, these huge breasts I've developed from constantly being pregnant since forever ago! And playing with myself all day long......"
"The house will feel quiet without all the little chimes from your stream donations and you moaning like a proper porn star as you masturbate four hours on end for all those fans of yours. It will be kind of nice not needing to clean off all those tarps you line your floor with to catch your orgasms. Never seen a girl squirt so much in my life, over and over, you absolutely drench your room, and yourself...."
Amanda giggled. "What can I say? I'm a very talented girl, Daddy... So! Any estimation how long I'll last?"
"That womb of yours is like Fort Knox, you carried octuplets to ten months a couple years ago. I say you'll make it to nine months!"
"Daddy, are you crazy? I've got like thirty kids in my womb, I'm only two and a half months or so along....."
"I meant what I said. Your belly'll have no trouble getting twice the size of a yoga ball before you finally burst! I have faith in you, darling. If you're good at one thing.... other than coming like a geyser a dozen times in a row, it's carrying a school bus of kids in that womb of yours."
"OK, I'll mark you down for nine months on the dot! Mom only guessed seven and a half..... My oh-so-supportive brother only guessed six."
"He's out of his mind as usual! I know you're gonna last at least to eight months, you'll see. Mark my words!"
"I hope you're right." Amanda rubbed her belly. "I wouldn't want to disappoint Erica...."
"That sister of yours is already obsessed with pushing out as many kids as she can. She really looks up to you, you know?"
"And she looks amazing carrying quints! Can't believe she's already nineteen.... Time flies...."
"But you're twenty-five so you might as well blow up like a big balloon?"
"Exactly! I think this is the perfect send off for me, I love breeding and pumping out dozens of kids, but I just love putting on a show, knowing as many people as possible are getting their rocks off to me."
"That's my girl. And wow, think this is the longest I've seen you go without making that pussy cum like a fire hydrant in years. I better not keep you much longer, wouldn't want you to have an accident--I see you rubbing those chubby thighs together, baby!"
"Is it that obvious? Mmmm, well how about you join me? My fans love it when you guys join in, especially you, daddy. Who doesn't love seeing a hugely pregnant girl with giant udders like these getting fucked by her daddy? Plus, all those donations we make together might just go to you anyway...."
"You know, you've got a point, darling."
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shitswiftiessay · 7 months
so taylor has put out another hit piece against joe (who’s surprised)
after buying winning the TIME person of the year award 2023, and having a gushing puff piece that’s supposed to paint her as this trailblazer for women and feminist icon…
she made sure to dedicate a significant portion of it to talking about her boyfriends. 🙄
so here are the cringeworthy excerpts where she’s talking about her latest victim boyfriend.
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“Football is awesome, it turns out. I’ve been missing out my whole life.”
I love how she single handedly debunked the claim that swifties have been making, that taylor ALWAYS loved football and was a huge eagle fan (just bc she had an eagles shirt). now it’s basically confirmed that this football shit is just taylor’s newest PERSONALITY that she’s gonna wear for a few months, until she gets bored of it, and then she’ll throw travis under the bus and she’ll start siccing her fans against him.
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“This all started when Travis very adorably put me on blast on his podcast, which I thought was metal as hell.”
god, someone bring me a BARF BUCKET please. 🪣 🤮 and since when is it “adorable” for a guy to PUT YOU ON BLAST because you wouldn’t go out with him or take his number?? that’s… very weird. i’m sure she wouldn’t find it “adorable” if she wasn’t interested in the guy. but anyway, i’m pretty sure she just saw an opportunity here and she took it. she can’t handle being single for more than a month, she needed a new man to make people forget about her matty healy era. and she’s LOVING the good press she’s getting for being “America’s royal couple” as her fans are calling them. but does she actually LOVE HIM? that, I remain yet to be convinced about.
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and I love this part. “We would never be psychotic enough to hard-launch a first date.”
yeah, taylor’s not CRAZY you guys, it’s not like she said “I love you” to matty healy on stage back in may before breaking up with him 2 weeks later. nah. it’s not like she immediately bought a house next to her teenage boyfriend connor kennedy who was STILL IN HIGH SCHOOL when she started dating him. nah. that would be CRAZY. PSYCHOTIC even!!
and here comes the part where she starts passive aggressively smearing joe and we all know she’s on a smear campaign against joe now but it’s kind of pathetic that even while winning PERSON OF THE YEAR she has to make it about that.
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so taylor obviously has a lot to say about her new relationship, and how proud they are of each other. but you know what I DON’T hear her saying? “I’m in love” or “I’m happy with him.”
and personally, i think that speaks volumes. if she was truly HAPPY with her new man she wouldn’t be doing all this shit. if you were around when taylor broke up with calvin and then immediately started hard-launching hiddleswift, taking pap photo after pap photo and being extremely “happy” she was and meeting his mom and all that shit…. and if you don’t see the parallels between what she’s doing NOW with travis, you’re either a blind fan or just flat out stupid.
because at least when she started dating joe she actually left her exes alone (at least for a little while), she was like “I forget their names now.” and you can tell she was happy without having to make a big show of it- “nobody’s heard from me for months, I’m doing better than I ever was.”
but now she’s acting like it’s the worst thing ever that she was “locking herself in her house for a lot of years,” and she KNOWS that her fans are going to take that and blame joe for it.
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JUST LOOK at the quotes and replies of this tweet and this tweet to see how those insane fucking swifties are acting over this. EVERYTHING she does now is an incitement against joe and she knows it, it’s deliberate, it’s calculated.
and i guess she’s gotta bury him while she continues hanging out with a sexual abuse apologist so she can look like she has some kind of moral high ground.
also, the way she’s trying to erase the fact that 11 of the 15 songs on reputation were LOVE SONGS about joe, not “a goth-punk moment of female rage at being gaslit by an entire social structure.”
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this woman is just narcissistic and straight up DELUSIONAL at this point. she’s so far up her own ass it’s nauseating. but i really hope that she keeps on talking. because the more she talks, the more people realise what a narcissistic clown she is. 🤡
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starsomens · 11 months
Omg hi!!! I saw your requests are open and I got excited, do think you think you could do headcanons on what would noah be like as a boyfriend?? Have a lovely day/night💕
Disclaimer❗️: THIS IS A WORK OF FICTION!!! Please do NOT take this literally or spread false information, this is a work of what my thoughts on this topic is!!
Note: hello (: hope you enjoy
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For me I see him as someone very dominant, but also soft about it!
It’ll be like, say someone who was clearly into you sits next to you a hit too close he’d probably tell/ask you to switch seats because he knows it’s for the better good in the situation
A hoodie boyfriend for sure!
Will complain about you taking them but loves seeing you wear them
Will either game with you or have some kinda of physical touch on you on you while he games. So you feet in his lap or sitting in his lap. Once he sees you’re asleep he’ll quiet down or just get off game completely and just get you to bed
He has a habit when he’s writing songs. Hell do it around you and look to you for visual inspiration. Describing physical appearances that being in lyrics to him
“What are you smiling about?” You would ask
“Oh nothing” he’d always response and just finish a lyric . And if it’s not included in music he’ll just keep them in a notebook (:
Will definitely have some kind of gesture he does while on stage when he knows your watching. Might a hand gesture, or a word, something that is significant to you that he’ll do on stage. A way of tributing his work to you 
Big on forehead kisses!
Despite what google says I KNOW this man is a good 6-6’3. I’m 4’12 and I can tell a 6 footer a mile away. Hence, with that height he loves to kiss the mom first contact of skin your forehead or even the top of your head
Either just some pecks on your head or he’ll tilt your head up more towards him so he can plant a good on with lots of emotion and love
If he’s out in another state or even country touring and feels lonely, will email you a plane ticket for you to get there
“Noah why do I have a flight booked for tomorrow at 6 am?”
“….I won’t have my morning wake up WIRH you”
Honestly would hate the start of a tour because it meant saying goodbye to you (sometimes!) the last one to get in the flight/tour bus because he’s saying goodbye to you
I can picture him to be someone who’s like clingy with you, but more when he knows he won’t see you for a while.
Afterwards he’s just all smiles
Would definitely let you do make up on him and criticize it afterwards 💀
“The eyeliner isn’t even”
“What?? Yes it is you’re looking at it wrong”
“NUH UH-“ I’m sorry
Will wear matching animal ear headbands to do skincare with you .
100000% you’re the FIRST person outside of the band to hear a song when it’s complete. And takes your comments to better his music
Pet names: babe, baby, princess, sweet
For some reason he says stink for cringy/joke
Let’s your paint his nails (:
Will tease you to no end! He knows how much of an effect he has on you and will use it to his advantage. If he’s in his tank top around the house he’ll do the doorframe lean and just stare at you with a smirk and he LOVES seeing you get flustered
I think he also LOVES when you do his hair. So buns, just brushing it, braiding it, just anything from you to his hair
Will secretly try and match your closet so you can be a cute matching couple. But won’t say it as if he planned it
“Oh look we’re matching! Cool!” And just keep on with his day
Jolly is defiantly one to tease him about how much he loves you. And he’ll do it at least twice a day if he sees you
“He always wants to be the cool, and tough guy, but we all know he’s head over heels for you”
Or he’ll tell you how he smiled at his phone today cuz you were calling him
I think he may be the type to have a symbolic tattoo on him for you if it was a very solid and long term relationship
Over all a 1000/10 boyfriend :)
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「✨taglist✨」 -
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Reader being Pedro’s co-star (maybe along Bella in TLOU or if not in another show/film) and him basically taking her in after finding out she’s not being well taken care of in her home, so he becomes her surrogate dad
It's Gonna Be Okay (Pedro Pascal x Teen!Reader)
Pedro Pascal Masterlist
Word Count: 5,091
A/N: I may have took this request and ran with it.... but uhhhh I hope this is somewhat what you least expected... enjoy!
Warnings: mentions of neglect and abuse.
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If it were up to you, you wouldn’t have taken up acting when you were younger. You were forced into it at a young age, it was so you could help pay bills because your father was on disability and your mother didn’t want to give up her position as a housewife. You eventually fell in love with acting, being able to just escape your life and family and just be someone completely different. 
You’d had been getting bigger roles now that you were older. At only age fourteen, you had gotten many roles in shows and movies. You were proud of yourself. Someone had to be. You were currently working on another film after just finished working on the Prospect, which starred Pedro Pascal as Ezra. You played Cee, a girl who is traveling planets with her father. This film you were starring in now was a small indie film, which had been something different than what you usually worked on. That didn’t mean that you didn’t like it, you liked the challenge. 
You walked into your trailer after shooting a couple of scenes. Your mom was on the phone with god only knows who. For the longest, you wished your relationship with your parents was better. You wished they could be proud of you and that maybe they did this because they wanted a better life for you. But that wasn’t the case, they were only thinking for themselves. 
Your mom hung up the phone, “your father and I were thinking about buying a new house.” 
“We just bought a house,” you stated as you began to undress from your wardrobe for your character and into some regular clothes. 
“Well, I think we could use something new. Plus with the money you made from your previous role, we can afford it?” 
You let out a deep sigh, “but that’s my money, shouldn’t I have a say?” 
“Your money? Sweetie, it’s our money.” 
“I was the one who did all the work, my name is on the checks!” 
“Don’t raise your voice at me, you know the money goes to an account that has me and your father as the trustees.” You couldn’t take it anymore. You’ve taken it for years and years, them using you to get money and you knew eventually you would be left with nothing. 
“It’s my money, that money is supposed to be left untouched.” 
Your mom let out a deep breath, “Well, it’s the least you could do for all we do for you.” 
“All you do for me? What? Sit around and not do anything!?”
She began to rub her temples, “sometimes I wish I never had you,” she spat. 
“If you hate me so much then why did you ever have me?” You asked, tears beginning to well up in your eyes.
“We had you because we thought you could fix us!” 
“So what I’m just some kid you have when your marriage is falling apart? So if that doesn’t work you can blame the kid? You were better off getting a dog!” 
“Maybe we were better getting a dog! At least the dog would listen and be more appreciative! And you know what? You shouldn’t even be talking to me like that, I am your mother!” 
“Barely! I only see you when it’s convenient! All I am to you is an ATM!” 
“You are so ungrateful, you have no idea what we do so you could be some superstar!” 
“You didn’t do shit! I did this! I walked myself to auditions! I took the bus to film locations! I did it!” You yelled, allowing yourself to finally yell out everything you had been holding back. 
“Fuck this,” she said as she walked away to grab her bag. 
“I’m not going home,” you said. 
“Ni te quiero ahi de todos modos,” (I don’t want you there anyway) she hissed as she walked out of the trailer. You didn’t know where you could go if you couldn’t go home. If you could even call that place home. 
You felt the warm tears make their way down your cheeks, and you were quick to wipe them away, “I don’t need them,” you said to yourself. You grabbed your backpack of essentials, you usually carried it around because it was stuff you needed for before and after shoots and now it was convenient because you couldn’t go home. 
When you walked out of your trailer, almost everyone had gone home for the night. Most of the shooting took place in Los Angeles which was where more than half the cast and crew lived. The others rented places to live in until the end of the shoot. 
You didn’t know where to go, but your feet seemed to lead you the way to the bus stop. It was almost like you were on autopilot to the only place you knew you’d welcomed. 
Once you had gotten on the bus, you noticed dark clouds beginning to cover the sunset sky. Usually, you would be happy to see that it was about to rain, but since you were stuck in a bus and would eventually have to walk the rest of the way to your destination, you were feeling the opposite to see the clouds. 
You had ridden the bus for a good twenty minutes, this was one of the routes you got to know over the past couple of months since filming. You’d ride the bus for twenty minutes and then walk the rest of the way, which was another twenty minutes. 
It only sprinkled during the walk to your destination. But it didn’t bother you as much as you thought it would. The whole walk to the neighborhood, you couldn’t help but wonder what life could have been if maybe your parents actually cared. What will life become if this continued? You couldn’t handle the way they treated you as if you were just an employee, you yearned for that feeling of being loved by your parents. 
You couldn’t quite remember when exactly it started, you thought it could’ve been when your dad got injured at work, but even then you felt it was before that. You admit, that the words your mother said hurt. You were only created to fix their marriage and even that couldn’t fix it because it was obvious to everyone that it was falling apart day by day. 
Once you had gotten to the neighborhood, you were glad that they didn’t live in a gated community or else this walk would’ve been for nothing. You ran the rest of the way to the house, running up the steps, and knocking on the door. 
You stood in silence for a few seconds until the door opened, “Y/N? What are you doing here?” Pedro asked in shock, “Mija, you’re all soaked, get in.” Pedro pulled you into the house, before running off to grab you a towel. 
“I’m sorry, I should’ve called,” you began to say. 
He chuckled, “Yeah, I could’ve gotten you a ride.” 
That was true, but part of you just wanted to be left alone. “Sorry,” you said again. 
Pedro wrapped the towel around you, “Take your shoes off, make yourself at home.” You never understood that phrase, maybe because you never knew what a home should feel like. You cleared your throat as you took your shoes off, placing them by the door. You followed Pedro into the living room, “You came just in time, I was gonna start a movie marathon…” Pedro looked over at you standing by the couch. “Pues, mija sit down.” 
“I don’t want to ruin the couch,” you gestured to your wet clothes. Pedro could care less if you got his couch a little wet, but he probably thought you felt uncomfortable in wet clothes. 
“Hold on,” he said as he ran up to one of the rooms. He came down a few minutes later, “I remembered one of my little cousins left some of their clothes here the last time they came to visit. These pajama pants should fit and I have one of my old Fleetwood mac tees here.” He handed you the clothes, giving you a grin. 
“Thanks,” you said with a smile. 
“You know where the bathroom is,” he gestured towards the hallway. This wasn’t your first time in Pedro’s house, in fact, you came over to his house pretty often. Since being in the Prospect together, you have developed a strong bond with Pedro. You still hung out with him whenever he was in town and you even went to visit him in New York a few times. This house has become like a home to you, a true home. One in which you could actually be yourself, when you came here you never wanted to go to the one where your parents were. Maybe that’s why he wasn’t as surprised to see you, just more surprised you didn’t call him. You quickly changed in the bathroom, and when you walked back out to the living room, Pedro had microwaved some popcorn. He pats the spot next to him for you to sit down. 
You rolled your eyes and sat down beside him, “What are we watching?” 
“I’ll tell you if you tell me what’s going on,” he asked in a serious tone. 
You sighed, “don’t want to talk about it.” 
“Do your parents know you're here?” 
“All they know is that I’m not home and they’re happy with that,” you picked up some popcorn and began eating. 
“Now why would you say that?” At this point he turned the T.V. off, giving you his full attention. 
“My mom and I got into this big argument,” you said, hoping he would drop it and you could just go back to ignoring the situation. 
“About?” But part of you knew he wasn’t going to just drop it. Pedro was a good listener and for some reason, he had done more for you in the little time he has known you, than your parents ever have. 
“Money,” you began, not even trying to hold it in anymore, maybe he could help you do something about it. “They’ve been spending everything I’ve earned like it’s no tomorrow and now I’m scared that that’s all they care about.” 
“What?” Pedro sat up, “They can’t do that, it’s your money,” he couldn’t believe what he was hearing, he knew he had to be somewhat illegal. 
“I know,” You sighed, “but they're my parents” 
“Mija, they signed a contract. Only a certain percentage of that money goes to an account that they could spend for you, the rest has to go to a savings account for you.” 
“It’s all in one account,” you responded. “I don’t know what to do, I’m too young to get emancipated, and even then… I have no other family I can stay with.” 
Pedro got up, he knew he had to talk to someone about this, maybe one of the directors or even your manager. He just knew this wasn’t right. He grabbed his phone from the counter, Pedro hesitated for a second, what was he doing? The choices he made right now could change your life either for the better or for the worse. 
He went into his contacts, tapping on his phone a few times before pressing it to his ear, “Pedro?” You called out, walking in the direction he went. “What are you doing?” You asked as soon as you saw him. 
Before he could respond to you, someone had picked up, “Hello?” 
“Chris,” he began, your eyes widen, you couldn’t believe he had called your manager, you had forgotten that they had been good friends. “It’s Pedro.” 
“Pedro, what are you doing?” 
Pedro didn’t respond to you again, “Pedro, what’s up?” 
“Any chance you can come by my place? Y/N is here and we have something to talk to you about.” 
“Um, yeah, I can be there in like thirty minutes, sound good?” 
“Yeah, see you then,” Pedro hung up the phone, looking over at you, “It’s  gonna be okay.” 
“How do you know that?” 
He sighed, “because I’ll be there to help you, okay? You’re not alone, Y/N. Do you trust me?” You didn’t trust a lot of people, but Pedro was one of the few you did trust. He had shown you that you could trust him time and time again. You gave him a small nod. He smiled softly at you, “you hungry?” 
“I don’t think I can eat at a time like this,” you said nervously. Pedro understood he didn’t think he could eat either, but he knew it was rude to not offer. 
When Chris arrived, Pedro did most of the talking. You sat on the couch, nodding every once in a while or talking when things needed more clarity. But for the most part, Pedro was your advocate and you were content that you didn’t have to deal with it. Chris was overwhelmed with the information he was given, but he knew what to do in these kinds of situations. 
“I can get you a lawyer,” he began, “but I’m letting you know now, it’s gonna get messy. We’ll have to find a family for you to stay with-” 
“I have no other family,” you confessed. 
“Well, they might have you-” 
“She can stay with me,” Pedro blurted out. “If she’s able to.” 
“It’s possible. We’d just have to provide evidence that temporary guardianship is needed in this case,” Chris stated. 
“I have evidence,” you began, “just do whatever is needed and I can provide the evidence.” 
Chris sighed, “alright. I’ll keep in touch and It’s probably best if Y/N goes home tonight.” 
“My mom told me not to come home.” 
Chris glanced at Pedro before looking at you, he didn’t know what to say, “then I guess you’ll stay with Pedro for the night.” He didn’t say anything else before leaving. 
“You think it’ll work?” you asked Pedro, he had sat down next to you once Chris had left. 
“I like to think it will,” he gave you a reassuring smile before pulling you to his side. 
“Did you really mean it?” you asked, receiving a confused look from Pedro. “When you said I could stay with you.” 
“Of course I meant it,” he said. “You’re like a daughter I’ve never had, in just a few months we’ve known each other you have brought me so much joy and I have to admit, seeing you shoot your scenes, makes me feel so proud.” 
You felt tears begin to well up in your eyes. Someone who didn’t even know you for your whole life was proud of you, more than your parents ever could be. “What’s wrong?” Pedro asked as he wiped away a tear off your cheek that had managed to escape. You shook your head, “Something has to be bothering you, muñeca, what is it?” 
You let out a shaky breath, “it’s just… I wish my parents could say that they’re proud of me. I wish they could at least act like they loved me.” 
“Oh, mija,” he cooed. 
“You know what my mom said to me today?” you sniffled, “she said that they only had me because they thought I would help make their marriage work. What kind of person says that to their own kid?” You let out a soft sob, “Do I even matter to them? To anyone?” 
Pedro held you tight, “you matter to me.” He placed a small kiss on your temple, “they may say all these awful things but you are here for a reason.” 
You couldn’t help but roll your eyes, “Sure.” 
“I’m serious, Y/N. You’re like a daughter to me and I believe you were brought onto this earth to shine some joy into my life,” he gave you a reassuring smile. “Okay?” You gave him a nod, “Now let’s watch our movie marathon, we’ll worry about everything else tomorrow.” 
You laid your head on Pedro’s lap, watching as the opening credits began to play on the screen, but you couldn’t help but wonder if everything was going to be okay. When you woke up that morning you didn’t imagine this was how you were going to end your day, but then again, no one ever really imagines how they would really end their day. 
You wondered if you’d need to move out and if so, how would everyone take it? Did that really matter? No, it didn’t. You know Pedro said he’d take you in, but would he be true to his word? You couldn’t help but think about all these intrusive thoughts, all you wanted to do was watch the damn movie, but your mind was so loud. 
The next day came and no word from Chris. You went back onto the set, your mother was there too. You played your best role yet, the obedient daughter. You sat and listened to your mother as she lectured you for not coming home last night, even though she had told you not to. 
Days went by and only one call from Chris, he was working on it. That’s all he said. You visited Pedro a few times before he went back to New York. 
Then weeks went by and eventually you finished filming. You hated when you weren’t filming, it meant you had to go home and spend most of your time there. 
It wasn’t until a month after the whole talk with Chris was when your parents received the knock at the door. You were at the kitchen table when your mother answered the door, you could hear the shock in her voice when the gentleman said the four magical words, “You have been served.” 
Your head the door shut, and the smile on your face only lasted a few seconds before it was met with anxiety. You heard the sounds of the envelope being torn apart and then complete silence. You were beginning to regret everything that had just happened, maybe it was just all a big mistake. Suing your parents was a big deal, accusing them of stealing was another big deal. 
You heard footsteps inching closer to where you sat. Then silence. You looked up at your mother standing at the doorway, It was at that moment you knew that it was probably best that she was served the papers when you weren’t there. Because up until that moment, you had thought that all your mother would do was mentally and verbally abuse you, or steal from you. 
“You bitch,” she spat as she threw the papers onto the table, “after everything we did for you!” She smacked her hand across your face, your hand instantly touching the spot she had slapped. “This is how you repay us!?” 
You felt tears well up in your eyes, you got up from your seat to leave but your mother quickly blocked your way, “move.” 
“This is how you repay us?” She asked again. You remained silent, not daring to look at her. It was all quick, her hand on your throat pushing you against the wall, “I’m asking you a question!” Her grip was strong, you scratched at her hand, hoping that it would pain her enough to let go. 
It felt like you were against the wall for minutes. Her phone began to ring, allowing you to break free. You fell to your knees as you attempted to catch your breath. “Leave,” she began. “No te quiero ver en esta casa nunca mas, no me importa donde vas.” ( I don’t want to see you in this house anymore, I don’t care where you go) You remained silent as you got up from the floor, “Me oiste?” You didn’t say anything again as you grabbed your phone from the kitchen table. “I asked you a question!” 
“Yes! I fucking heard you!” You yelled. 
Your reflexes weren’t quick, maybe it was because you were still trying to recover from being choked, or maybe it was because your nerves were everywhere. You weren’t quick enough to dodge your mother's fist, and you stumbled back. Quickly covering your eye, you groaned as you felt it throbbing. 
Your mother shook her hand, “Leave before I do something I’ll regret.” 
“You’re fourteen years too late for that,” you muttered. 
“Eres una disgracia, no eres mi hija. Quiero que todos que sepan que no tengo hija.�� (You’re a disgace, not a daughter. I want everyone to know I don’t have a daughter) she muttered as you walked out of the room. You walked into your bedroom, and quickly looked at the damage to your eye, it didn’t look too bad but you knew it would bruise, not to mention the red marks on your neck. You couldn’t worry about it right now, you had to pack what was important and the essentials. As looked around your room, you couldn’t think of anything you wanted to take, just things you needed. 
As you began to pack things, you decided to call Pedro, it had only rang a few times before he answered, “Hey, Y/N! I was just about to call you,” He began to say. “I was gonna surprise you, but I might as well just tell you, I’m in LA! I have an interview tonight an-” he had rambled on, but you had to interrupt, or else he wouldn’t have stopped. 
“I need you to pick me up,” you cut him off. 
Pedro went silent for a moment, “Everything okay?” 
“My mom just got served, Pedro.” 
“Shit,” he mumbled, “I was hoping they’d tell me before they did anything, that way…” Pedro hesitated, he didn’t want to think about what could have happened. “are you okay?” he asks instead. 
“Can you please pick me up?” You asked shakingly. 
“Of course, Mija, I’ll be there right away, okay?” He said. 
“Don’t hang up,” you pleaded. 
Pedro’s heart sank, he could hear how torn you were, “okay, I won’t hang up.” You could hear car keys jingling on the other side of the phone, “I’m gonna connect the Bluetooth to my car, okay?” 
“Okay,” you had zipped up the last of your stuff into one of your suitcases. 
Pedro stayed silent for a few seconds, “are you still there?” 
“I’m here,” you said. You began to make your way out of your room, and you spotted your mother still in the kitchen, phone pressed against her ear. You walked out of the house, without saying another word to her. You didn’t know how your father would react and you didn’t want to know. “I’m outside,” you said into the phone. 
“I’m only a few minutes away.” 
It felt more than a few minutes, it felt like hours. You stood at the driveway, anxious that you wouldn’t leave in time, you wanted to make sure you weren’t home when your father got there. 
“I’m down the street,” Pedro announced. 
You quickly spotted his car and you ended the call once he was close enough. Pedro parked at the curb, quickly getting out to help you put your stuff in the car. Before you could get in, he grabbed your arm, placing a hand on your face, “Mija,” he began as he noticed the marking on your neck and the swelling of your eye. “Did they do this to you?” 
“Let’s go,” you pleaded. He sighed, he knew you were anxious to get out of there. He glanced over at the house you had come out of as you got in the car, he closed the door for you before getting in the car. 
The car ride was silent, which was different. Usually, the car rides with Pedro were filled with music and laughter, but this time there was no music and no laughter. You stared out of the window for most of the ride. Once you got to the house, Pedro took your bags and you followed him inside. 
“I need to make a phone call,” He informed you as he walked into his office. 
You walked over to the window, looking out at the scenic view. Were you making a big mistake? Was he beginning to realize it? 
You did the right thing, right? 
You took charge of your life and you did the right thing, right? Even if it feels completely wrong and you feel so much guilt. Is it wrong to feel a little relief? Usually, relief meant a good thing, so did this mean it was a good thing?
You felt something on your shoulder, you jolted a bit at the sudden touch. 
“Sorry,” Pedro apologized. You calmed down when you realized it was him, “I was on the phone with Chris and the lawyer.” 
“What they say?” 
“Well, I told them what happened and the lawyer is attempting to get an emergency temporary custody agreement from the judge so you could stay with me. He said he’ll be coming over to take pictures for evidence, but for now…” He sighed, “are you okay?” you shook your head. You didn’t need to say anymore, Pedro pulled you in for an embrace and you allowed yourself to feel everything. 
For once you felt like you were able to feel everything without feeling guilty for doing so or even wrong to think such horrible things. But now that the truth has come to light, you were able to feel. 
In most cases, this process would have taken days, but somehow the lawyers your manager hired made the process go by fast. Within a couple of hours, Pedro received the call that he was able to get temporary custody, but that’s all it was. Temporary. Eventually, you would have to go to court and maybe end up in foster care, but you didn’t want to think about that now. 
“Let me see,” Pedro said softly as he joined you on the couch once again, he had been making some phone calls for the past twenty minutes. “Fuck,” he said softly, “They really hit you pretty well.” 
“It hurts,” you groaned. 
“I know,” he had a frozen pack of peas in his other hand, along with a small towel. He wrapped the bag of peas in the towel before gently placing it on your eye, “leave this on for twenty minutes, then rest it.” You gave him a nod as you took a hold of the bag of peas. “You want to talk about it?” 
You shook your head, “not really.” 
“That’s fine,” he said, trying not to push you into talking. 
But that’s the thing, you wanted to talk about it. You wanted to cry it out, you just didn’t want to feel like a burden, especially not to him. Not after all he has done for you so far. 
Tears began to well up in your eyes, Pedro quickly took notice, pulling you back into an embrace. “I thought that I would be happier,” you cried. “They’ve always treated me so terribly and now that they’re no longer a part of my life… I don’t get it.” Pedro rubbed your back, “Why does it hurt so much? Why does it feel like-” 
“Like you’ve lost your parents?” you nodded. 
“Even if they never acted like parents.” 
“I don’t know, grief is funny like that,” he said softly. “Some people don’t deserve to be parents, Y/N.” 
You took in a deep breath, “you know what she said when I left?” he hummed in response, “Quiero que todos se sepan que no tengo una hija.” Every girl needs a mother, you needed a mother, and you had one. You just didn’t have the one that was portrayed in movies or the ones that your friends had. And you were always envious of that. You wished you had a mother that truly loved you and took pride in being your mother. Maybe you didn’t understand, what it was like to be a mother, but you think you could. 
Because if you ever had a daughter, you knew you would love that person unconditionally without hesitation. So, why couldn’t she? 
Pedro couldn’t understand it because like you if he had a daughter or even a son. He would love them unconditionally, just like he had tried to do with you. Like he was doing with you. Right now there was a hurting child in his arms and all he could think to do was comfort them even if he was fighting everything inside him to go punch your parents. He knew what he had to do at that moment, he had to comfort you because you needed him. 
He kissed your temple, “She doesn’t deserve such a beautiful, intelligent, talented daughter like you and it hurts that she can’t see what I see.” He leaned back from the embrace, holding your head in his hands. “Just because someone shares your DNA doesn’t mean that they are family. If there is anything you have shown me in the time I’ve known you, it’s how to be a father to someone who isn’t even my own kid.” 
You gave him a small smile as he wiped away a tear from your cheek with his thumb, “from here on out, we’re in this together, mija, okay?” you nodded.
Yeah, you really couldn’t understand it, but you didn’t have to because DNA didn’t mean they were truly your family. If there was anyone who actually knew you like the back of your hand, it was the man that was sitting beside you. The man who took time to be there for you when they couldn’t. 
The man who knew what to say on your bad days and what not to say, who knew your favorite foods and knew your pet peeves, just like a father would. He knew what time you should go to bed for you to be not grumpy in the morning and he knew what subjects in school you needed help in the most. 
And he mostly knew all of this in a short period of time. He spent time with you and not because he needed to, but because he wanted to. It didn’t take him long to create a bond with you and it didn’t take you long to consider him like a father. 
“Okay,” you said softly. The pain would only be temporary, you knew that and you allowed yourself to feel it. You were still nervous about the outcome of the future, but you knew you had a small support system and that was all you needed.
Pedro Pascal Taglist: @Sophieelizabeth01  @tracysnook  @cilliansangel  @change-the-world-someday  @graciegoeskrazy @oggystine93 @t-stark35 @twkobii @picklehat3r
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jungle-angel · 10 months
Send Off (Bob Floyd x Reader)
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Summary: You, Bob and the rest of the squad get ready to send your kids off to school and let the shenanigans ensue
"Okay Daddy I'm ready now!" Auggie chirped as he stepped out of the bathroom.
Bob sighed and pinched the bridge of his nose. Auggie, though he had tried, couldn't quite match his own clothes yet. "C'mere bud," Bob told him.
He went into Auggie's room and dug around in the dresser for a hot minute, pulling out a little white t-shirt and a blue checked flannel to go with Auggie's jeans. "Put this on," Bob told his little mini-me.
"But we're gonna miss the bus!" Auggie chirped again.
"Buddy we've still got plenty of time," Bob assured him.
"What's he buggin about missing the bus?" you asked, poking your head in the door.
"Just a little," Bob answered. "And might I ask why you're up Mrs. Floyd?"
"Bob, I've been taking it easy for three weeks now," you told him, the dishtowel in your hand coming to rest on your ever growing bump. "The only thing that your sister's allowing me to do is eat, sleep, read, watch t.v or use the can."
"Hey, Reagan's been doing this for the last nine years," Bob reminded you with a grin. "Trust me, you don't wanna brush off her advice."
You laughed a little, neither of you having noticed that Auggie had disappeared and come back a minute later. "Daddy I can't brush my teeth."
"Why not buddy?"
"Patrick's parked on the shitter!"
You and Bob both burst out laughing at Auggie's response, but at least three-year-old Patrick had finally gotten the hang of using the bathroom on his own.
You got Auggie's toothbrush and the charcoal and mint toothpaste out of the bathroom and had him scrub his teeth in the kitchen sink before Patrick was done, having just washed his hands. As soon as Auggie's backpack had been packed up, he followed Bob out of the house to wait for the bus.
It wasn't long before the rest of the squad had begun making their way down. Maverick was the first to drop by with Danny and Thomas while Rooster was close behind him with Nicky and Pete.
"You guys get outta the house ok?" Bob asked.
"Never better," Maverick yawned. "These two little demons though, woke Penny and I up at six-thirty while Amelia was doing her makeup in the bathroom."
Bob snickered a little, more so when he noticed Rooster in his black basketball shorts and a mismatched shirt. "You didn't sleep did you?" Bob chuckled.
"I couldn't even a coffee before we left," Rooster groaned. "These two are like bottomless pits......they just wolfed down their cornflakes and called it a day."
Coyote came striding up just a minute later with Paloma and Carla giggling like crazy but the exasperated look on his face saying it all.
"Hair......" he interjected before anyone could say anything. "That's all you've gotta know."
Bob looked over at his giggling nieces whose thick hair had been put into tight cornrows with white and turquoise beads at the end. "How'd you do it?" Bob asked him.
"I don't have a clue," Coyote said, throwing his hands up. "Those two cannot sit for two seconds to save their lives and my mom and my wife are the only ones who can do their hair. But somehow, Daddy did it!!!"
Payback crossed the street with Geneva and Neveah some time later while Mickey trailed along with Isabella in her new dress with a bright sunflower pattern. Hangman came around the back of his house with the twins while Phoenix was the last to arrive with Gabe in tow.
"Holy shit," Hangman groaned, rubbing his hands over his face. "Is it the first day of school already?"
"Unfortunately," Rooster answered.
"God help us all," Natasha said, pinching the bridge of her nose.
"Couldn't get the coffee in on time?" Jake asked her.
"This little knucklehead woke up and tried to bring the dog to school with him," Natasha answered. "First time I ever saw Cole jump outta bed in his shorts."
Everyone had a good laugh on the morning shenanigans while everyone had begun taking pictures of the older kids all lined up with their backpacks as they waited for the bus. It felt like forever but finally, the little yellow bus that had the name of their school stenciled on the side, pulled up and let the kids on. All of them waved goodbye to their parents, ready for the first day of school as the bus pulled away down the street.
"Are you crying?" Bob asked Jake.
"No," Jake insisted. "I've got allergies, that's all."
Bob rolled his eyes as everyone dispersed and went back to the house. His father's truck pulled into the driveway to bring Patrick down to the nursery school, where Auggie had gone, leaving you and Bob with the whole day ahead to get the nursery decorated for your daughter.
"What?" you asked when you heard Bob chuckle a little.
"Hangman was crying at the bus stop when Missy and Molly got on the bus," he answered.
"Did he really?"
"Oh yeah," Bob laughed. "Tole me it was allergies."
You both had a good laugh on the matter as you began putting the nursery together and attempting to paint it the way Patrick's nursery school had done. You looked over at your phone, noting the time, but hoping all the same that Auggie and your nieces and nephews were having the time of their lives on their first day of kindergarten.
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erikahenningsen · 4 months
rejanis #62 if you feel like it :)
62. “Do you have a ride home?”
Janis checks the weather forecast every day when she wakes up. And this morning, nowhere did it say anything about rain. But, well... the forecast was wrong.
Because it's pouring. An absolute deluge, its tap-tap-tap against the window like an ASMR get-ready-with-me video.
And Janis doesn't have an umbrella.
Not for the first time, Janis curses her parents for buying a house too close to the school for a school bus stop but far enough that she knows she's going to be dripping-wet-squishy-shoes soaked long before she gets home.
She's just crossed through the parking lot and is turning onto the sidewalk along the street when a Jeep rolls to a stop in front of her. Janis wipes back the hair plastered to her forehead with rainwater and squints as the window rolls down.
It's Regina.
"Do you have a ride home?" Regina asks.
"No, but I was due for a shower anyway, so..." Janis says.
Regina rolls her eyes and hits the unlock button on her door. "Get in the car."
"If you're kidnapping me you could at least say please," Janis says, because she has never outgrown the part of her that derives pleasure from goading Regina.
Regina stares at her for a moment before starting to roll the window back up.
"Wait, no," Janis caves, jumping forward and opening the car door before Regina can lock it again.
Regina's smirk turns to mild horror as she takes in just how drenched Janis is—and how much water is now seeping into the car seat and carpet.
"It's raining," Janis says unnecessarily.
"Thank you for the update." Regina puts the car into drive and pulls away from the curb.
Janis tries to remember the last time she was in Regina's car. Well—in a car with Regina, considering it was probably in middle school. She pulls down the sun visor to survey the damage to her makeup in the mirror.
"You look like a raccoon," Regina tells her, and... she's kind of right. "Here."
Janis accepts the napkin Regina pulls from the cup holder in the car door and wipes away the mascara and eyeliner as best she can.
They're stopped at a red light when Janis notices Regina looking at her.
"What?" Janis asks.
Regina quickly returns her eyes to the road. "Nothing."
Janis feels a little prickle of self-consciousness, something she seemingly never outgrew—craving Regina's approval, unsure if the lingering stares meant that Regina was silently assessing her or admiring her.
The car stops and it takes Janis a moment to realize they're in her driveway.
"You remember where I live?" Janis asks. She's not sure why that surprises her. She could get to Regina's house from her own with her eyes closed.
Regina doesn't answer, actually looking a little embarrassed. Maybe that's what prompts Janis to ask her next question.
"Do you want to come in?"
"Oh, uh..." Regina says, eyes wide. "Well..."
"You don't have to," Janis adds quickly when Regina can't seem to produce an answer. She feels kind of stupid for asking.
"I just... don't think your parents would be too thrilled to see me," Regina says quietly, and Janis knows she's right. "But maybe you could come over to my house sometime?"
Janis remembers Regina's cavernous house, feeling more like a staged showroom than a home, how lonely inside it Regina sometimes seemed, even with her mom constantly barging into the room. She wonders if anyone has come over to hang out with Regina since the bus.
"Sure," Janis says, and she means it. "When I don't look like you just pulled me out of a pond."
Regina snorts. "That would probably be best."
For the first time in years, they exchange smiles.
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junekissed · 2 years
mistletoe inn
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member — inn owner!seungcheol x reader genre — fluff word count — 1.2k warnings — none! notes — requested by anon — for my winter wonderland event: seuncheol + "mistletoe inn"
read part 2 here - minors dni
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"last stop, the mistletoe inn!"
you step off the bus with your luggage and sigh, pulling out your phone to check your messages.
as a surprise, you’d decided to spend your winter vacation with your parents– the only problem was, they’d decided to spend their winter vacation in hawaii, leaving you alone in their quiet mountain town with no place to stay and no way to get back until your flight home next weekend.
it’s been years since you’ve been home for the holidays, so you’d planned on staying with them and having a nice, quiet week at your parent’s house. but with them out of the state and you with no way to get in, you’re forced to find a hotel to stay at for the next week.
but in a town as small and rural as theirs, there are no major hotels; just small, family-owned bed and breakfasts, squished between cafes and family restaurants.
after calling your mom for recommendations, you finally settle on mistletoe inn, a cute little place at the edge of town that’s been in the choi family for generations.
stepping inside, you smile at how well the inn lives up to its name. a sprig of mistletoe hangs from the doorway, and the front desk is decorated in floral green and red.
“be right with you!” a voice calls from the other room, and you peer across the hallway to see a man in a brown cardigan putting a stack of books on a shelf. the room is a small library, complete with floor to ceiling bookshelves and tall stained glass windows that cast colorful patterns across the area rug on the floor.
you stand in the entryway, shifting back and forth on your feet as you wait for him to finish.
“i’m seungcheol,” the man says with a smile, finally coming into the room and walking behind the desk. “what can i do for you?”
“do you have any rooms? for the next week?”
he grins. “sure do! you prefer upstairs or downstairs?” he says, flipping open a large, leather bound book.
“um, downstairs is fine,” you reply.
he asks a few more questions about your stay, and you answer them politely, trying to avoid staring at him as much as you can. he’s unfairly attractive, to say the very least; fluffy brown hair hangs around his eyes, and crinkle lines appear when he smiles.
he moves back around to the other side of the counter to grab your bags and take them to your room for you. you follow him down the hall, taking in the decorations and paintings hanging on the walls. you pause in front of what looks like a family photo, looking at a dozen tiny smiling faces, no older than teenagers.
"is this your family?" you ask, pointing.
seungcheol laughs. "kind of. they’re just my buddies, but they're like family to me."
"who owns the inn, then?"
he pauses to think. "well, technically i do. it's really my grandma’s, though; it was her dream to own a bed and breakfast. my mom took it over, and when she moved it got passed down to me.”
you nod and continue following him down the hall until he stops in front of a door. “this is you,” he says, twisting the doorknob to reveal a gorgeous, cozy-looking room. “breakfast is at 8. let me know if you have any questions.”
you watch him enter the room, hoisting your bags onto the chair with ease, muscles clearly bulging through his thin cardigan that you pretend not to notice.
screw it, you’re only here for a week. maybe now is finally your chance to have a holiday romance.
he’s just about to leave when you call out his name. “hey, seungcheol? i, um… i actually do have a question.”
he turns back and looks at you, shoving his hands in his pockets as he waits for your question.
you shuffle your feet awkwardly, mentally building up the courage to ask him. “do you know any good cafes around here?”
he smiles. “yeah! there’s a little one down on fourth street that has a really great breakfast menu. and they have good coffee, too.”
“would you wanna go with me, maybe, like, tomorrow?” you ask. “if you’re not busy.”
he grins. maybe you’re imagining it, but you almost see his cheeks turn a little pinker. “tomorrow’s great!” he says.
he starts to walk away again, but at the last second he pauses and turns around. “i’m upstairs in room 13,” he adds. “if you… y’know, happen to find yourself in need of company.”
you feel your face heat, and you pray you aren’t misreading his intentions. “i’ll do that,” you answer with a smile.
he grins and shuts the door, leaving you alone to squeal in your room. maybe this disaster of a trip won’t be such a bad thing after all.
when you wake up, you’re surprised to see it’s still snowing- heavily. you call your parents to say good morning, then begin getting ready for the day.
a little while later you hear a knock on your door, and you get up to see who it is. opening the door reveals seungcheol, standing outside, scratching the back of his neck.
“hey, good morning!” you greet him, grinning.
“hey,” he says. “sorry it’s so early, but i needed to tell you something.”
“don’t worry, i was already up,” you giggle. “did something happen?” you ask, wondering why he’d be at your door barely past 8 in the morning.
he looks at his feet. “um, yeah,” he says. “the snow was really bad last night, and the whole town is snowed in. so we won’t be able to leave the inn today.”
“we’re… snowed in?”
“yeah,” he says apologetically. “i’m sorry if you had plans that got ruined.”
it’s disappointing, sure, but coming from the weather you’re used to at home, where it hasn’t snowed in decades, the thought of being snowed in is kind of exciting.
you smile. “actually, i don’t have any plans at all while i’m here, besides getting breakfast with you. but i’m fine if you wanna do something else today instead. if-if you’re not busy, that is.”
his face brightens. “i’m not working today, so… we could, cook something, if you want? i could show you some of my grandma’s christmas recipes.”
“we could have a picnic in my room, maybe?” you suggest.
“yeah, that would be nice,” he says, grinning. “sorry for bugging you so early on your first day, by the way. i swear we’re really nice to our guests here.”
you laugh. “i believe you. and it’s fine. i… like talking to you,” you admit shyly. even though you’ve known him for less than twenty four hours, you already get the feeling that he’s fun to talk to, and the more time you spend talking to him, the more you find yourself wanting to spend your entire trip with him.
your plans may have changed because of the weather, but you don’t doubt your trip will still be one of your best memories yet.
taglist | @foxdaisy @tinkerbell460 @dokyeomblr @just-here-to-read-01 @ny0sang @noraehey @squiishymeow @pearlygraysky @baekhyunstruly @tenn87 @raevyng @enha-choo @matilde111
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dollya-robinprotector · 2 months
Giggling because I love making post with multiple character tags and then wait for the wrong face to be featured on all the tags ksksksks
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This sydney looks soooo sillyyyy
Anw I just thought about my past so story time under the cut.
When I was in secondary school, I once knew a friend who was bullied.
For the context, it was a decent school, with 4 grades, each had 4 classes: A for lower-perform and naughty students, B for normal, C for better than average, and D for the Elites who will most definitely have bright future ahead. We are Asian children, study means EVERYTHING for us. Our worth are defined by how well we perform in school, how many awards we have and how good our grades are.
That friend was in class C. I was in class B. Normally we don't make friends outside of the class, but I once saw him being poured water on in the hallway, defended him and we became friends. Or something like that. Let's call him Z because I forgor his name now.
My parents didn't do well with the fact that I failed my entrance test and was stuck in normal class. They didn't have money to upgrade me to class C either, so they made me study extra hard. Back since I started going to school, I was being teased and harassed a lot too cuz I love to draw (what's the problem of kids being mean to artistic kids btw???). But since I was one of the best performers in study, I soon gained some respect and the soft bully subside. (I was terrible in math, but everything else were straight A okay??)
Z wasn't so lucky. I learned that his grades were terrible eventhough he was in class C. He stuttered a lot, always looks down when talking to people, never dare to engage in any conversation, etc... His appearance did not help, and he had some funny smell when I stood close to him. One thing though, he loved drawing too (urgh artistic kids again) and really admired my skill. The only times he would smile are when we talked about our fav anime. Looking back, I think maybe he had something to do with autism? I can't be sure though, but I know his parents spent a LOT to keep him in that better-than-average-class.
The bully was not too terrible, at least from what I saw and heard. He often got splashed by water, threw dirty rag or left-over food at, made fun of, laughed at, his belongings often went missing and be found somewhere dirty, etc... I used to went through all that too, so I helped him to somehow deal with them. Those sort of soft-physical bully were nothing scary once you got used to them. Just a little annoying. He got used to it too, I think, and we didn't mention those when we talk. I admit I might had some savior complex, and that friendship is not entirely friendly. It was more like I thought he would be helpless without me so I can't leave him alone.
And then one day when I was going home from school, Z approached me and asked if I want to go to his house. He said he has a very big greenhouse, and there were some pretty blooming flowers he wanted to show me. I never saw a greenhouse before and I love flowers, of course I said yes!
We rode our bicycles to his house. I've never been to his house before nor meet his parents. I didn't even ask my mom for permission to go but well, I was excited.
We went for a long time, and I started to realize he was leading me into the forest. I still went with him for maybe half an hour more, before I said I was tired and you didn't tell me your house would be this far. Then I look around and truly there was nothing bu trees surrounded the two of us. He looked back at me, clearly exhausted too, and said nothing. I started to realize the situation I was in: a 12 years old, in a forest, with no directions and a strange friend who I didn't really know. Yeh atm I was pretty scared.
I asked Z again where exactly is his house. He stuttered and said I don't need to worry, we would get there very soon. He said if I was too tired I can hop on his bike and he would get me there. Then he attempted to take my hand but that creeped me out so I stepped away from him. I turned my bike, ignored his calls, and just went as fast as I can toward the direction I thought would lead me out of the woods. He called out to me and began to chase after me too, but gave up after some times.
I then just rode my bike with full speed, somehow got out of the woods into a strange road I didn't know, asked around for direction and got home safe. My mom scolded me for being so damn late and I apologized. I never tell anybody, and never talk to Z ever again. He didn't bother me either. And that's the end of the story.
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shelbystales · 11 months
Best Aid - Part Four
Modern Tommy Shelby x Reader - Masterlist
Previous parts: 1 - 2 - 3
Summary: you are a young doctor in Birmingham. After a crazy incident, Thomas Shelby shows up at your hospital. You don’t know much about the man everyone seems to fear, but you definitely will.
Warning: swearing, cardiac arrest
A/N: I got carried away with medical stuff... sorry. Hope you guys like it? I am not a doctor, but i am a vet, so... i sort of know a few things but i don't know how accurate they are when we take it to human medicine. Comment and interact, tell me what you think! it means a looot thank you very much. Tell me if you ant me to tone down the medical stuff.
English is my second language so I apologize in advance for the grammar mistakes.
The next night you were ready to start your shift again. You spent your entire day on a call with your insurance, trying to get some support. After a few frustrating hours all they said was “we are working on it”. 
Working on it my ass. Theses people never want to be helpful.  
You threw your bag on your locker and sat down on the long bench in the locker room. 
“you ok?” Jeremy asked suspiciously
“yeah, just had a frustrating morning. spent almost four hours of my free time talking to my insurance, to get no fucking where” you answered taking your clothes off and putting your navy blue scrubs. 
“At least you got a fuck last night?” he asked animated while he did the same, but his scrubs were light gray, as all the other nurses. 
“i wish” you sighed
“what? what happened, i thought i did a pretty good job as a cupid” he smirked checking himself on the mirror 
“yea… don’t fucking throw me under the bus again. We are supposed to be a team” you scolded him
“we are. you needed a little push! What did you do to scare the man off?” 
“Nothing! Mom needed me” you answered and he nodded “we did share a kiss though…”
he dropped his mouth and made a squeaky noise you didn't know humans were capable of. 
“What! Why didn't you lead with that?!” he said excitedly, “tell me everything. Now.”
You were early. your shift was suppose to start in 30 minutes, so you had time to tell him what happened last night. he seemed more excited than you about it. 
“Was the kiss good?” he asked 
“so fucking god” you daydreamed
“Did you text him after you kicked him off your house?” 
“I didn't kick him off. I had to be with my mom!” you answered annoyed
“Potato, potato. Did you?”
“yes, told him i was home”
“Did he text you back?” he asked excited, waiting like a dog would for a bone
“no… Dead silence from him” you said and the glow on his eyes slowly faded away. 
“If he ghosts you I swear to god…” he stopped talking as he was thinking “i would do nothing. Sorry girl, I Wouldn’t cross him” 
“thanks. nice to know i have your support” you mocked standing up
“Oh, my support you have. always… but not a bodyguard though…” he followed you 
To be honest, you felt a little anxious about it all. A little paranoid even. After what he told you last night… was someone out to get you? And to be honest why wouldn’t he just text you back? That's not a nice thing to do. Has he never heard of emotional responsibility? maybe he is busy… too busy to text “good stay safe” ? bullshit that takes five seconds
You focused on your shift, but it was all slow for now. The hospital was still a bit hectic. after the bomb the hospital gas line was damaged and a wing had to be interdicted. Due to that, the ambulences were taking pacients to other hospitals.
Currently there are three patients in the emergency room. One broke his pulse after skating, the other two had stomach bugs. Mostly tonight is being based on small emergencies, people are coming in, getting fixed and going home. After doing your rounds and checking on everyone, you told Jeremy and Lauren you would go to the break room and study a bit. 
Walking inside you got distracted by your phone and decided to text your brother to see how your mom was doing. 
“hey, big bro. How is mom?” 
not a few minutes later he texted back
“She is ok. keeps forgetting why her hand has a curative”
“good. i have the weekend off, i can be with her” 
“I think she would like that” 
“I will see if the insurance gets me a car or money to get a new one. If things work out I will pick her up. If they don't, can you drop her off?” 
“sure sis. Are they going to cover anything?”
“I am not sure. i feel like they’re stalling” 
“Shit. they are sharks, they don’t care. Want any help?” you smiled, he always wants to take care of you. 
“No, thanks. i can sort it out”
“okay. see you saturday”
“see ya”
After the last text, you opened your instagram to kill time. Avoiding the book in front of you. The urge to look for Tommy was strong, and you got frustrated when you saw his account was private.
“Shit” you whispered.
Turning off your phone, you opened the book on medical trauma you had just bought. The thing they don’t tell you in med school is that after you graduate and you go through residency, you think the study is past behind… but you’re wrong. We constantly have to keep studying. To keep learning the best ways to save a life. 
Midway through the first chapter you heard commotion outside and a few seconds later you heard the feared code.
 “CODE BLUE” a nurse yelled over and over
You threw everything that was on your hand on the table, including your phone and ran. 
As you arrived, you saw an elder man laying on one of the beds in the emergency room. 
“His name is Patrick, he just came in after feeling a burning sensation on his chest. Arrived conscious but collapsed right after” Jeremy announced as soon as you arrived. Lauren, the older nurse, was assisting the resident on duty to intubate the man.  
Looking around you saw all the hands available and smiled. A good thing about calm shifts is that you have a lot of people ready to assist. There was a resident wearing the light blue scrubs of the residents, but you couldn't remember her name. Besides her, there were five other nurses, you didn’t remember most of their names either… but again, you were new and the people on shifts usually changed a lot. The only ones who were always with you were Jeremy and Lauren. You looked quickly on their scrubs, trying to read the names embroidered on their shirts as you spoke to them.
“Ok guys, let's start the first round of reanimation. Let’s hope we can bring Patrick back as fast as possible” you said calmly, partially climbing on the bed and starting chest massage. In stressing moments like this, it’s important to maintain yourself calm. You’re the doctor, the one that everyone will listen to, freak out and everyone does as well.
“All good Lauren?” you asked and she nodded confirming that the intubation was done and she was in charge of venting “good job, Rebecca” you praised the resident, learning her name five seconds ago. She gave you a confident smile. Residents are usually crushed everyday all day, a gentle word goes a long way some times.
“What is his weight?” You asked
“96 quilos” Jeremy said 
“push 9.6 ml of adrenaline” you said “keep three syringes ready. Time it”. Jeremy nodded as he administered the drug. The resuscitation dose was slightly higher than the normal dose. The good thing about always having the same team is that you usually know how each one worked and the synchrony was natural.
Usually we do reanimation rounds that last 3 minutes each. Assessing the response of the patient after every administration. 
“Adrenaline in. Timer starting” Jeremy informed
“Where's the defibrillation cart?!!” you yelled annoyed because no one had got it yet. A nurse ran to get it as you continued the chest compressions.  
You stopped with the compressions to quickly look at the monitor. He still had no rhythm, but his saturation was good, meaning he was getting enough oxygen. You saw a little atrial rhythm on the monitor, which meant he probably could get shocked, and that made you excited. But you could be wrong, you’re not a cardiologist.
“Who 's next?” you asked, feeling your arm cramping. The resident quickly walked to your side and took over the chest massage when you stopped.
You stretched your arms a little while you looked at Jeremy's phone. 2 minutes and 17 seconds had passed. Usually it takes a few minutes, but it could take hours . 
The nurse came back with the reanimation cart and you told the resident to stop while you put the defibrillation pads on the patient chest. The defibrillation machine at the hospital was one of the best on the market and it checked the rhythm by itself and informed if the patient could be shocked.
The machine soon started to talk with its robotic voice “assessing heart rythym” as we wait, no compressions can be done, so the machine has to work quickly. Unfortunately a few seconds later it said “non shockable rhythm. Proceed with chest compression”
People are misled by all those hospital tv shows and think you only have to get the defibrillator and yell ‘clear’ and done, the patient is saved... but that's usually not true. Sometimes it's not possible to use it, and it’s frustrating. The defibrillator is not magical, but it usually works well. To be able to use it you need a certain vibration from the heart, either a ventricular fibrillation or ventricular tachycardia. Basically the machine stops the heart from beating, as a sort of “rebooting” system, hoping to get the heart beating properly again, that's why you need to be certain about the vibration so that it can be successfully rebooted.
“Okay, it’s not shockable. Let's continue compressions and hope that changes. We continue with protocol, we finish five rounds and we try the machine again. Let’s start a new round” you ordered around and Jeremy nodded pushing adrenaline again. 
Next round you were up on compressions again. Checking the monitor before starting you saw a few signs that you could probably use other drugs to help.
“Lets also add a dose of atropine Jeremy”, atropine is great, but if used in cases that are asystolic rhythm it could kill.
After two more rounds you tried the defibrillation machine again and this time it said “shockable rhythm. Charging”. You continued the chest massage while it charged, feeling a bit more hopeful. “charging complete. step aside. shock in five seconds” and it began the countdown. 
We watched the shock and the response on the monitor. 
“No pulse” Rebecca said
You sighed “starting new round” and another nurse took over the chest massage
No one tells you how exhausting it is to go through all these procedures. Emotionally and physically. But you tried everything to bring this man back. They tell you not to, but you always imagine who’s is waiting for them at home, who would miss him if he’s gone.
You looked around and saw through the glass door that separated the ER from the front desk an elder woman crying as she hugged a man in a suit, both looking your way. Looking closer you realized it was Tommy. you frowned and gave your attention back to the man whose life you were trying to save.
You don't know who thought it would be a good idea to have a glass door there.
“Someone take the family outside, we don't need to take care of another heart attack” you said and a nurse ran outside. 
You looked over his file, trying to get some extra information that could be helpful. You found nothing.
You took the reanimation paper from Lauren, since she was on vent duty, she was also responsible for writing what was done on every round. 
5 rounds done, one shock and now more 4 rounds. “Next dose of epinephrine we substitute with vasopressin” You told Jeremy and he nodded. Sometimes we do that to improve de arterial pressure because that medicine causes de vases to compress and by consequence, the arterial pressure goes up.
After doing two more rounds you put the machine to work and readjusted the shock to a higher dose. The machine started counting down again and after the shock we finally had a pulse. Rebecca and the nurses cheered and you sighed relieved. 
“Let’s start post resuscitation care” you said and everyone started walking around and doing their part.
“Good job” Jeremy whispered on your shoulder.
Once his heartbeat was stable you walked outside and looked for the woman you saw earlier. She was sitting on a bench outside with the nurse that left earlier. She was giving her water and calming the lady down. Tommy was next to them, he was having a smoke.
when she saw you, you could see the desperation on her eyes 
“Oh please tell me my patrick is ok” she cried
You smiled “what’s your name?” 
“Catherine” she answered holding the tears
“Okay, Catherine, your husband is recovering. We were able to bring him back” you smiled as she soundly breathed in and out, clearly relieved
“Thank god!” She said relieved, hand on top of her chest
“We will keep him overnight to take proper care of him, ok?” you said after you crunched in front of her feeling your legs hurt as you did. You just needed to put them up and get a long nap. She nodded and you continued “we will do some tests, to check his heart, to try and understand why this happened. ok?” she nodded again. you were talking slowly and calmly, trying your best to give her comfort and not scare her more “tomorrow a cardiologist will talk to him and he will get the best care. Now he is still asleep, and he can take some time to recover. I know it’s hard but could you tell me what happened right before he felt ill?” she nodded and started talking, like every good grandma she told you every detail. What you hoped to be a 5 minutes story became a 20 minutes one. Nothing very useful came from it, all you learned was that it probably was due to a random heart attack, not stress related and not labored related.
After she was done you took her to her husband and surprisingly, he was awake but still a little confused. A normal state after resuscitation. You told her it would take him some time to be properly conscious and she nodded
“Thank you so much, dear” she hugged you “thank you for saving my Patrick’s life”
“You are very welcome. Would you want us to call anyone?” You asked, worried for her
“Already did, sweetie. My children will be here shortly” she informed you, then she sat on the chair next to him and took a crochet project from her bag and started to crochet. 
Walking outside, you decided to face the man who’s face you wanted to kiss and slap at the same time.
 “What are you doing here?” You asked Tommy going back outside
“Came to see you” he said with half a smile
“Oh really?” you raised your eyebrow “just like that? out of the blue”
“Want me to leave?” he asked frowning as he threw the cigarette he was smoking on the floor and stepped on it. 
“Do you really want to know the answer?” 
“Are you mad at me?” he asked, frowning harder
“I don't know, am I?” you asked
“Clearly. What did I do wrong?” he asked 
You breathed deeply and looked up at the starly sky.
“Nothing. It 's stupid. I am just tired… i’m sorry” you said breathing deeply
“eh, I saw you in there. You were impressive. Sexy…” he said, his hand reaching your forearm and his thumb lightly caressing it. 
“What are you doing here, Thomas ?” you asked again, this time allowing your voice tone to show your tiredness. 
“You’re not enough reason?” he asked one of his brows slightly raised and you denied 
“I don’t believe it” you admitted
“Alright. Since you’re my doctor, I think I should be honest. I had a lightly vertigo today. And, I also wanted to see you. So, I am getting two things done at the same time” he said with pride and you frowned
“What were you doing? I told you to rest” you asked
“Yeah, and I told you. I’ll rest when I'm dead…” he said, picking at the bridge of his nose as he broke contact with your skin. 
“If you keep up, it will be faster than you expect” you said
“Optimistic, good” he mocked
“Since it’s an easy night, why don’t you come in and let me take a look at what is going on inside that head of yours” you said and he smiled
“You wouldn’t like to know” he said and came a step closer to you and whispered in your ear “unless you're ok with public sex” 
You slapped his chest lightly pushing him and his smug smile away from you.
“You’re clearly deranged” you said and walked inside the hospital
“I am, please fix me doc” he said ironically, making you roll your eyes and chuckle
Before taking him to CT, to have a headscan you checked his reflexes and stitches, everything looked ok.
“What is he doing here?” Jeremy asked when you went to the computer in the small reception inside the trauma center to apply Tommy to the CT scan. 
“He had vertigo today” you answered
“Vertigo? You told him that he could have some dizziness, right? Signs of light concussion?” he asked
“Yes, i did” you answered
“Oh, I see. he came for you” Jeremy said surprised “but why are you going with it? Just send him home, you’ll find nothing on CT… unless… you want him here” he smiled mischievously.
“Fuck off, i’m not in a good mood” you said and he raised his arms as if he had a gun pointed at him
“You know what's a good thing to improve a bad mood?” he asked with a smile and you looked at him “sex” he mouthed it dramatically
“That’s it, you’re fired” you said and he laughed. 
“You wish” he smiled and walked away.
You walked back to Tommy and told him he was next and led him to the room where the machine was. 
“Lay down” you said as he sat on the bed that rolled into the big donut “you will hear a loud noise and -”
“I know the drill, i remember” he interrupted you 
“Ok, then lay down, please” 
“Are there any cameras here?” he asked and you frowned
“I don’t know and stop it. I am not having sex with you” you said
“Why not? I’ll take good care of you” he reached for you but you stepped back
“Is that all you want? Am I risking my fucking life by staying close to you just because you want to fuck me?” You asked bluntly
“No, your life is at risk because you saved mine. Sex won’t change anything” he said naturally, as if the words that left his lips were normal to him.
“Why didn’t you text me?” you blurted out
“Oh, so that's what this is all about?” he chuckled 
“Yeah, it’s stupid. I know, but at the same time it isn't! And can you blame me? You ask if I am up in the middle of the night. You come to my place, tell me my car was bombed on purpose and that people around you are dying, then i let my gard down because I am fucking terrified! We fucking kiss and god knows what we would have done if my brother hadn’t called me when he did. All i expected was a short message, something to show the you didn’t just want to fuck me. Would you have texted me if we did? Would you be here if we did? Will i fucking die?!” you let it all out 
As you talked you could see his expression change, from “we are just having fun” to “this is serious talk”.
he clicked his tongue and left his mouth half open as if he was thinking
“I will you do my best so that doesn’t happen” he said after swallowing harshly
“Will that be enough?” you asked and he shrugged
“How can I know? I hope so” he said 
“Great. Thanks… You seem like a very hopeful guy” you said mockingly
“Y/n, I didn’t think I needed to text anything” he admitted
Of course he didn’t. He’s a player and he doesn’t care. And that’s fine, you hardly know him but it’s a sign, he’s not showing interest. He could’ve asked how your mom was doing. How you were doing. But no. Not even a thumbs up emoji after you told him you were home.
You turned off the machine. “There's no need for this exam. You’re fine. Free to go. And do me a favor, Thomas… Stay away. I don’t need this crap”
He stayed motionless as you walked outside.
what a fucking great day, you thought
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endlesspaint · 1 month
In Beyond Reach AU
Did Spruce, Clay and Floyd found out what happened to their brothers, thinking they died?
I’m kind of new to this AU-
I know it was interested by For this you were born AU but yeah
OMG! I'm so glad people are starting to take notice of my au! I actually have an whole doc about this that I'm planning to share once I smoothen it all out. But for now I'll give you guys some crumbs, like for instance, the whole post-movie 1 timeline!
I couldn't find the words to properly explain what happened the Bruce, Clay, and Floyd without it being confusing. So I decided to just copy paste the whole timeline and let that answer the question LMAO. (Fair warning though, I might slightly change a few scenarios here in the main future but for now this is the rough timeline)
Post-Movie 1
(Rough timeline on what happened before the 10 year time skip)
The au starts with the brothers. Their father just died last year. Brozone didn't happened (cause it never got a chance *foreshadowing*)
Mom(38) begged/forced JD(18) into sacrificing himself, but failed to notice Branch(4) was with him. The sacrifice was made because their family was too big. Father volunteered himself when Floyd was born (at least that was what Mom told JD during his final moments) and when Branch got born, Mom decided that JD's next. Forcing him into following her to the kitchen where Chef allows Trolls to volunteer themselves to be sold/eaten in exchange of their families being left alone for Trollstrice.
John was ready to accept his fate until he realized Branch was with him. He had a bit of a melt down but was calmed down by the Trolls with him. They all decided they need to help JD escape, one troll in particular was very determined to help him. Liam has personal reasons why he decided to help JD, those reasons? nobody knows for sure.
Bruce(15) started taking care of Clay(12) and Floyd (9), while Mom started mourning
Mom got figured out by Grandma Rosiepuff (70), and they fought. Clay happened to overhear the argument and told Bruce what happened.
Bruce and bros left the troll tree and decided to go to the Neverglade where JD used to tell them stories about.
Grandma Rosiepuff stayed behind yearning for her little boys to come back. Mom disappeared.
JD is still alive with Branch, Liam pushed him off the cliff last minute. Sacrificing himself in the process.
He and Branch almost got killed. Only JD manages to get extreme injuries. Branch has a few scars.
Branch stayed with him, crying while JD was delirious and on the verge of passing out. Enter Rhonda, an Armadillo Bus who just recently lost her pups. When she saw Branch and JD her maternal instincts kicked in and she decided to care for them both
JD got better and Rhonda started accompanying them to their journey back to the troll tree.
The great escape happened, in which Grandma Rosiepuff is alive. Mom's whereabouts are still unknown.
Bruce, Floyd and Clay got separated after they fell down a cliff and into a big river (to them). Bruce and Floyd ended up in Vacay Island and Clay was found by Viva(12) and the others.
Floyd was seriously injured, forcing Bruce to stay with him. Bruce met Brandy(16) and her Dad who decided to help them.
Clay woke up scared and panicked, when Viva informed him that Bergens were trying to find them, he had no choice but to follow or else risk being spotted by a Bergen.
Clay and Viva found the abandoned putt putt course.
Chef got banished.
The other trolls have now relocated and are now rebuilding their village.
A year has passed, JD(19) and Branch(5) finally arrive at the Troll tree only to discover that it was abandoned, their house destroyed and nothing salvageable. JD assumed everyone died and turned gray, Branch seeing his brother so sad also turned a bit Gray.
They left and JD decided to venture out to the Neverglade where he used to imagine bringing his brothers there.
Bruce (16) and Brandi (17) became good friends, Floyd(10) got better. They both assumed Clay died making them Gray for a while, but Brandi and her family helped them through the difficult time, making them regain their colors.
Clay(13) and Viva(13) have now made the abandoned putt putt course into a functional and livable haven for the other trolls. Clay became co- leader. He wanted to search for his brothers but was conflicted to leave Viva and the course. So he stayed and hoped that they're alive and somewhere safe. He went Gray for a bit until Viva managed to help him.
JD and Branch build a bunker in the Neverglade, they don't live there but they do use it to store supplies. They're still gray. They decided to explore around the world.
King peppy has now managed to rebuild a new village and is now focusing on his youngest, Poppy (2). He built a memorial to all the lost trolls, Viva's being the biggest.
Grandma Rosiepuff (71)) visits the memorial everyday. During the great escape she brought any memorabilia of her grandsons and son
10 years passed
(⁠ ⁠ꈍ⁠ᴗ⁠ꈍ⁠)✌️
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tothosewholisten · 27 days
Forever Healed | TUA insert
Chapter: 00
On the 12th hour of the first day of October 1989. 43 women around the world gave birth. This was unusual in the fact that none of these women had been pregnant when the day first began.
Sir Reginald Hargeeves, eccentric billionaire and adventurer, resolved to locate and adopt as many of the children as possible.
He got seven of them, yes seven.
MARCH 21, 2019
I have to be at least somewhat proud of myself for lasting this long. I thought as I sat on the bus, not everyday you are born with magical powers and are destined to save the world from evil. Yes, hearing myself think that sounds crazy. But that's normal in my life.
I had reached my stop after a half an hour of sitting with my earbuds in, listening to nothing at all. I just wanted to seem unapproachable on the sketchy city bus.
My destination was a terribly designed office building, the space was so crammed and ugly it made me want to turn right back around and get on that bus again. But I didn't because I was trying to convince myself that this would be good for me, but I didn't believe my words.
I was about to have a therapy session with some middle-aged white lady who has glasses and tell her all of my life issues, starting every week at 5pm..
It's not like I had anything else going on, I haven't had work for days now. So I thought I'd give it a shot.
The waiting process made me anxious as hell, I finally got the courage to walk up to the front desk and gave the man who sat there my name. And now I have to wait for this lady to get done with some other patient.
I sat on a chair and frowned, like she is really going to be focused on "my" problems and not the 30 other people she sees today.
I swear it was only a second into me zoning out when I heard my name yelled. "Y/n L/n? It's so nice to meet you!" A woman said, when i looked up at her i saw the exact lady i was describing earlier to the closest details.
I let her lead me to a smaller room that looked way better than the lobby. It had two chairs, a water machine, some fidget items and a large window view of the city. Gloria, I learn to be the name of my therapist, asks me to sit with her.
She clears her throat, "I know this is our first session so you may not be the most comfortable sharing details. But I'd like to know a little bit about you if you're okay sharing."
“Well, I’m 29 years old and a home care nurse.” I say slowly. Hearing the words leave my mouth I knew I haven’t amounted to a lot in my years.
"Oh wow, 29? I would've never guessed that Y/n, you don't look a day over 21" Gloria complimented me i give her a tiny smile in return.
I'm not sure why that is, I get that a lot in my working field. Older women saying that they wished they looked as young as me.
"That's a great start for today's session." She smiles, "A little bit me is, you know my name already but I'm 56 years old since Monday. I have 3 children and a cat named Mr. Furball."
I regret what i said earlier because I think I already like Gloria and not just because of Mr. Furball. But the fact that she has a calming sense about her. I find myself listening to what she's saying, and I rarely do that with people nowadays.
"But I would like to hear more about your upbringing, how’d you become the fine young lady you are today?" She says.
Oh, she wants to hear about my childhood. I mean I knew she would ask but so soon, I'm worried about saying anything. So I told her that.
"I'm worried about opening up to someone about my past cause well I've never done it before." I said.
She hands me a cup of water. "That's okay Y/n, we can take it at your pace."
“I grew up in a small house with my mom and dad until I was twelve. When I was scouted by Reginald Hargreeves because of my unique abilities. And I've been there ever since I was 18 when I moved out to live on my own.” I waited for the burst of confusion I was about to get from Gloria. Not everyday one of the Umbrella Academy walks into your office.
“Oh wow…” she says, eyes wide. “You're one of those superheroes? That’s amazing wow.” She nervously chuckles “I’m sorry I’m normally not this shocked about things, and I hear a lot on the daily.”
“It’s okay” I say, staring at my hands.
She clears her throat. “I'm sure being apart of the Umbrella Academy was big but could you tell me about your life before that?”
I closed my eyes for a couple of seconds, pictured my childhood in my brain and opened my mouth.
"Well, I'm sure to this day my father still thinks that my mother cheated on him, due to his "daughter's" virgin Mary-like creation since they were just newlyweds. He held it against my mother all of her life." I took a sip of water and continued.
"I'm not sure why he turned to alcohol. But that turned out as you could expect. He turned on everyone around him and acted like a beast. He regularly attacked my mom for anything she did wrong. But what made him more angry was that his freak of a daughter could heal her mother, after every beating."
"My mom told me before I left I had made her so much happier and in her words. She didn't even question these strange occurrences; she knew her baby was special." I smiled a bit.
I could tell that Gloria was painting a picture in her head of what I was describing too.
"And by the age of 8, I was standing up to my father, even if it didn't end so well. I'd get the beating instead but by the next day, my bloody body would be as good as new. On the surface at least, I had lots of internal issues from that time. But none of that stopped my father from trying to get equal with me.." I stopped talking after that.
My eyes could only focus on my right hand as it was picking at my left hand's skin. It was a habit I picked up as soon as I started to use my powers because I knew my skin would be right back to normal in the next few minutes.
"That's awful y/n I'm so sorry." She frowned. "Would you be okay with continuing?"
I blink up at her. “Yes, that would be okay,” I said. “Then there was this one day..”
“In five, four, three, two. This is Jim Hellerman, reporting live for channel 2 News outside of the Capital West Bank at Main and Sixth. A group of heavily armed men stormed the bank not three hours ago and took an unknown number of hostages.”
That was the big news update of September 2002, I remember. Well I don’t really have to think about it much because I was there with my mom at the bank. She planned on making some deposit when we were screamed at, not to leave by a man who had his gun pointed at us along with so many other civilians. He taped us up and told us to stand in a corner.
That was the first and only time I feared for my life. Police didn’t want them to start shooting, so they didn’t come into the building. Meaning that we were on our own and could die at anytime
One of the armed men walks into the scene unfolding. Sirens blaring, people getting shoved around and threats being made to the innocent.
“Now you’ve put me in a position where I gotta do something I don't want to do. Hmm?” He said talking to another person on his walkie talkie.
My mom brought me closer to her trying to use her body as a shield if things went south. And to us we thought they were about to be.
But strangely, a girl walked up to the man. She’d looked to be around my age in a school uniform and cartoon mask. Her loose curls bounced in the wind as she skipped up to him.
“Shit!” He screams putting his device down. Not noticing the girl until a few seconds after his outburst. “Hey, get back with the others.” He told her, trying to sound intimidating but she didn’t seem to fear him at all.
“I heard a rumor.” She spoke out.
He bent a little to reach her height and get in her face. “What? What did you say?”
She leaned in and cupped her hand to mimic whispering in his ear but loud enough for all of us to hear. “I heard a rumor that you shot your friend in the foot.”
Without any hesitation he did what she commanded and shot the nearest armed man who happened to be trying to rough up my mom. We screamed as he kept shooting.
“We just heard shots from inside the bank. It’s uncertain if any hostages have been harmed in that.”
“There’s some movement on the roof. Possibly law enforcement.”
A loud crash and a boy landed down from the roof. It was crazy he wasn’t harmed at all from that high distance. He was also wearing the same mask and uniform as the girl but he had blond hair. From where he landed he jumped on one of the robbers and started beating him to a pulp, and then throwing him out a glass window.
“Looks like one of the armed robbers had been thrown from the bank.”
Another boy with brown hair runs in from the opposite doors as the girl and yells. “Guns are for sissies. Real men throw knives.” He then threw one of his knives and it curved in the air hitting a robber no where close to where the knife had originally been heading. It was incredible.
“I've been in many hostage situations like this, and it can escalate very quickly.”
The original man hops on a table pointing his gun out at the two of the before seen children plus another one. “Get back you freaks” he says walking back and forth in fear.
“Hey, be careful up there, buddy.” The knife boy calls out.
“Get back now!” The man screams.
“Yeah, I wouldn't want you to get hurt.” The girls mocking voice says.
Right before my eyes another boy teleports behind the man, sitting criss-cross on the table. “Or what?” He said calmly.
The man turns around and shoots at him but before the bullets could hit he teleports again. This time standing up with his arms crossed, clearly not impressed. But the man tries to shoot again.
“Ooh! That’s one badass stapler!” The boy laughs. The man no longer had a gun anymore but a stapler placed in his hand by the kid instead. The boy shoves the stapler into his face and the big man falls back, head hitting the floor before his body does.
“Although there’s been no activity for a few minutes, we’re gonna stay live on location to make sure we don’t miss a thing. In this hostage situation at the Capital West bank.”
The five already counted for children make way for the last and shortest one to make his move. “Do we really need to do this?” He talks quietly.
The blonde one replies to him. “Come on, Ben. There’s more guys in the vault.” So his name was Ben huh?
Ben sighs, “I didn't sign up for this.” Before walking into the room with more people. Large black tendrils illuminated the room as men screaming could be heard behind the door. And a beast roars but then the sound stops and Ben walks out again, this time covered in blood and guts.
He breathes heavily. “Can we go home now?” I felt bad for him.
The kids untied our hands and told us to run. And once it was clear to go my mom started to run out of the doors thinking I was right behind her.
“Now we see the hostages. They— They’re free. They’re scared clearly but they do seem to be unharmed.”
But I was behind her trying to help this older woman who’d slipped on the floor. As I was helping her, the kids walked out too.
“People are coming out now. It’s not the armed robbers. These are schoolchildren in uniforms with masks on. Jim Hellerman, Channel 2 News.”
But there was one not accounted for robber, the one from earlier who had been shot in the foot. I started to run out and call out to my mom who was outside. When the man got up from the floor, cocked his gun and shot at the kids.
Fortunately, he missed them but the bullet hit me.
Questions being asked to the children stopped when they saw my body flail onto the floor outside of the bank doors. I was shot right in the chest. There was blood everywhere and it started to leak over to where the kids were standing. They turned around to see where it was coming from..
Everyone looked horrified and there was a bunch of screaming. Mainly from my mother who was wailing as she ran over to hold me to her chest screaming for me to wake up. And that will be engraved in my memory forever after this day, I never wanted to hear her like this ever again.
Police started to rush over but in a matter of minutes, a miracle seemed to happen. At least to the city that is. There was a yellowish glow around my chest and the blood seemed to have reversed back into my body. Even the stains on my blue dress were gone. The bullet even spit out of my chest; it was truly witchcraft.
My eyes then shot open as I started to breathe in and out.
I don't exactly remember what I felt during those moments but I'm sure I left those people around me stunned. After all this was their first look at powers.
I couldn't care what the paramedics were talking about above my body. I was focused on the 6 children looking at me bewildered as well as the old-looking man with them and whatever my mom was saying at the time.
I was put on a stretcher and rushed to a hospital for evaluations after the pandemics came but they never found anything. It was like everything was perfectly reattached.
But as I was leaving I could see the news reporters zeroing in on the kids trying to get the details on how these children saved the bank from thievery.
“Our world is changing.” The man spoke to the crowd. “Has changed. There are some among us gifted with abilities far beyond the ordinary.” He said looking back at the children. But they weren’t paying attention, some were staring at my ambulance and some eyes were on the ground.
“I have adopted seven such children. I give you the inaugural class of the Umbrella Academy.”
I now realize thinking back, the seventh person he was talking about was me..
My mouth felt like it was moving faster than my brain so I took a pause and chugged the rest of my water cup.
Once again Glorias eyes were wide open. As she took some notes down in a notebook I never noticed beyond this point.
"Uh once I got home I remember the house phone noise filled my house with its nonstop ring, the other person on the phone would change my life forever when he came in.”
“And who was that person?" Gloria asked.
"Reginald Hargeeves, eccentric billionaire and caring father from what the public knew.." I rolled my eyes.
"So I'm guessing it wasn't really like that" she asked carefully.
"He was never a father really, more like a hard state-national basketball coach." She wrote that down.
"I guess it was a hard decision for my parents to make well, my mother. My father was ready to give me up as soon as Reginald stepped foot in my small house."
"And I'm sure they thought there was nothing bad about the offer they were given, he promised I'd be raised in a steady environment with the best schooling and my powers would be used for the greater good. And in exchange, my parents would get a large sum of money for my absence."
"What were you doing during this?" Gloria worried.
"I think I was just sitting right there next to my mom actually. I definitely didn't understand at that point what was happening to me. Still thinking about the events of that day.”
"And then I was being taken out of my only home in the blink of an eye. I resisted the people taking me, starting with screaming and then kicking and then running. Back to my mom's arms, Reginald himself had to pull me away from her. The deal had already been struck and there was no taking me back."
Now looking back at my hands I could only see small teardrops on my palms. Gloria reached for a tissue from the other side of the room. "Thank you," I said as I wiped my eyes.
"I like to think that my mom was upset that day but the memory has already started to fade as I reached adulthood.
You know after that day I was no longer 'Y/n L/n' no, I was known by my new name.. Zero Hargeeves."
I decided that was the end of my story, at least for now because I couldn't place the pieces together anymore. I was full-on sobbing at that point.
Gloria decided to bring up something more light to talk about next but I don't remember what it was because I'd zoned out and thought about the cat she'd told me about earlier.
The two hours seemed to fly by because the last thing I heard her say was if I didn't have anything else to talk about then that would be the end of the session. My legs seemed to move on their own as I walked out of that building. I would come back at the same time next week and honestly, I think therapy was for the best. I forgot about how I felt about all these things for the longest time.
I started the journey back to the bus stop, stopping to look in the windows of shops.
Shops like bakeries and bookstores and other things like that. Until I came to a stop in front of a store with a TV sticking out in the window.
My eyes scanned the screen and they went wide. The lady on the news had a somber expression as someone died. I was feeling sad for the person's family, but then I read the red-blaring headline.
The person who died was Reginald Hargeeves...
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moonlightsweatheart · 2 years
You can stay | Scaramouche x Gn!Reader
Kunikuzushi and you never had a good relationship. First of all, you were academic rivals, second, you were always fighting about litteraly anything. You never thought one day you could actually get along well with him. He hated you. At least, that's what you thought until the night he appeared in front of your door.
Tw : Cursing, family issues, crying, mental health issues.
Taglist : @orionicchaos
Main Masterlist
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"What are you doing here ?"
It's 3 AM. You were sleeping peacefully when you heard someone rang the doorbell.
At first, you didn't get out of the bed. After all, this person could always come back in the morning. Nothing was important enough for you to wake up in the middle of the night.
Except the person insisted, again and again, until you finally decided to open the door.
In the street was standing Kunikuzushi Raiden, a guy from your class. You two were classmates for almost 10 years, knowing that you were almost finished highschool. You knew eachother for so long, but you couldn't stand to talk without fighting for more than two minutes.
Maybe because you were both building tight walls around you, not wanting the other to find your weaknesses.
Yet, he was there, shaking and almost crying, eyes suppling for you to let him enters.
He didn't answer your question. The air was cold and you didn't exactly know why, but seeing him like this made your heart ache just a little.
"Come in."
You move on your right to let him enters the house and he came in without hesitation.
You notices some bruises on his arms and face, and the fact that he was in his pyjamas tells you that he came here impulsively.
"What happened ?"
Again, he doesn't answer and just sits down on your cough instead.
You sigh.
"Kunikuzushi, we wont go anywhere if you don't explain to me why you are here. What happened ? Why come to me ?"
"I didn't know where else to go."
His voice is weak, shaking. He's about to cry for real this time, you can feel it.
Quickly, you sit down next to him and take a tissue to dry the first tears falling.
"You can let it out. I promise i won't tell anyone."
"We're supposed to hate eachother..."
"And you're the one saying this ?"
He doesn't answer and start to cry, probably realising that you made a point.
You embraced him slowly, rubbing his back and drying his tears, trying to comfort him.
He was right. You were supposed to hate eachother. But right now, as you felt him sob and shake in your arms, you couldn't bring yourself to actually despise him.
And when you think about it, you never actually despise him. You just can't stand the fact that he's as smart and arrogant than you.
He finally stopped crying after awhile, but you stayed in the same position for some more minutes.
"Are you going to talk now..?" you ask again, with a softer voice.
"I...can try."
You get up and take his hand before taking him to your bathroom.
"First of all, we're going to clean up your wounds. Tell me, how did you do that ?"
He had some cuts on his arms and cheeks, and a bruise on the chin.
"I had a row with my mother, again."
Your smile fell immediatly.
"She did this to you !?"
"What ? No ! No, she would never physically hurt me..."
You felt relieved for an instant. Honestly, you wouldnt know how to look at him in the eyes anymore if he was abused by his mother. All the time you fought with him would have made you feel guilty, no matter if you weren't responsible of his mom's attitude.
"No, i always fight with her but it never went that far."
"So...What were you fighting about ?"
"Honestly, i don't even know. I ruined her life when i was born, she never wanted a son in the first place. She still had another child after me thought, and she loves her very much."
"Are you talking about Baal ? Your little sister who just started highschool ?"
"Yeah. Yae and my mom love Baal. Makoto love Baal. But me...i think i could suddently die, hit by a bus and they wouldnt care."
He stifles a cry and shrugs.
"Maybe Makoto would care."
"Who's Makoto ?" you ask gently.
You talk to him with a soft voice, cleaning his wounds with delicatess.
"My aunt. My mom's twin sister."
"I'm sure she cares a lot about you. And i'm sure your mom love you too, you know ? Maybe she doesn't know how to show it ?"
"I doubt that."
"Remember when we were kids ? I invited you to my birthday party and you feel and broke your ankles."
He raises an eyebrow.
"Yeah ?"
"Well, when my dad called her to explain what happened, he said that she hung up really fast and she arrived to our house not even ten minutes later. That means she was really worried."
Again, he shrugs and looks away.
"I don't even remember that time. We were still friends so it has been a long time ago."
"Well, we were friends for only some months before we started fighting everyday."
You both stay silent, a little embarassed of the way you were talking with open hearts as if you didn't fought everyday of your lifes for the past ten years.
"Thinking of that...You said that you didn't know where else to go, but you couldve gone to Ajax's or Rosalyn's house. Im sure they would have take care of you."
He lowers his head to avoid eye contact.
"I thought of you first."
Your heart skips a bit. Yeah, you definitely didn't hated him as much as you made everyone thought.
"You can stay. For the night, i mean. I'll give you another pyjamas, one of my father's, and you can sleep in the cough."
"But...Am i not bothering your parents ?"
"Oh, my parents aren't home. My mom is at my aunt's house and my dad is at a party in another city. They wont come back until tomorrow afternoon. I said you can stay."
He nods. You leave and come back with a new pyjama.
"You can change here. Do you prefer to sleep in my room or in the cough ? I can take my parent's room if you want."
"Didn't you say i was going to sleep on the cough ?"
"I changed my mind, you can choose. I don't mind."
He takes a deep breathe.
"Why are you so kind to me ? I was so mean to you for no reason for the past ten years...It's not something that you're suppose to forgive so easily."
"I was as mean as you, to be honest. And seeing you cry made me realise that i don't really hate you. Actually, i think i could learn to appreciate you again. Just like when we were kids."
He stays silent for some minutes and you starts to think that you said something wrong.
"So...Could we..."
You don't hear the end of his sentence.
"Can you repeat ? Louder, please."
"Could we sleep in the same room ?"
"What ?"
"I don't want to sleep alone. I'm scared to have a nightmare again..."
You could say no. You could tell him to sleep on the cough and leave you alone. You could even get him out of the house and tell him ro go to Ajax's.
But you don't.
"Yes, we can sleep in the same room."
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