#at least not as of the time i'm posting this. ahsoka leaving the order will probably be mentioned in her show
stairset · 1 year
In hindsight it is kinda funny in an ironic sense that Rebels, the show where Bo-Katan is literally only featured in one two-part episode with both parts being 22 minutes long each, still made time to mention her sister multiple times, and then a few years later The Mandalorian Show That's All About Mandalorians Featuring Bo-Katan As The Co-Protagonist apparently can't find time to mention her once in an entire eight episode season where every episode is between 30 to 60 minutes long. Like it's still stupid and frustrating but in a cosmic sort of way it is somewhat amusing.
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maulfucker · 11 months
Ok some thoughts about senator Maul AU because I keep thinking about it
Palpatine never finds an apprentice in this AU, so he ends up not being such a huge threat
The events of Phantom Menace only kinda happened - Naboo was attacked by the Trade Federation, but there was no Sith to pursue them and kill Qui-Gon, so things got resolved much more easily
Qui-Gon lives, so he gets to train Anakin, and Dooku doesn't get tempted by the dark side
I think Dooku still quits the Jedi Order, but this time it's because he feels like he could do more good as a politician than as a jedi. He keeps a good relationship with the Jedi Order and the Republic and doesn't become a separatist
Every time he's in Coruscant he visits Qui-Gon and Anakin (and Obi-Wan) and chats with them over a nice lunch, which is good because it gives Anakin a politician role model that isn't Palpatine, and a better perspective of his options - he can leave the Order if he finds a new purpose, it's not a betrayal or a failure
Maul was raised in Dathomir so he's not a sith murder machine, but since he's such a powerful Force-senstitive he was raised closer to his mother and the Nightsisters than to his brothers and the Nightbrothers
(Savage and Feral are alive and happy btw. They visit Maul in Coruscant sometimes. I think he might also have one or two sisters because why not)
He still doesn't like Jedi but it's like. He doesn't want to kill them, he just thinks they're way too limiting and self-righteous. Like how Obi-Wan doesn't like politicians
He rarely makes speeches on the senate, so hearing him speak is a rare treat
Picture holonet social media hornyposting under every clip of him speaking because he has a very sexy voice
His outfits are also pretty daring (read: sexy) compared to most (male) senators. The entire Dathomir delegation dresses pretty similarly, but he gets the most attention
Maul vs Padmé who wore it better type posts
He and Padmé have this weird kinda-rivalry because they're very opposite in a lot of ways, but they still vote on the same side in a lot of topics since they both have a very "I am doing this for my people" mentality
He also absolutely hates Palpatine because he gets extremely rotten vibes from him (he's more attuned to the dark side than the Jedi so he probably Feels Palpatine's dark side vibes better than the Jedi. He Feels Palpatine is Bad)
When/if the Jedi Order ever finds out Palpatine is a sith he will be very unsurprised
Ventress is a representative and Maul's "apprentice", learning the Senate life from him
I'm making her younger than her "canon" age here (by about 10ish years) because it makes more sense to me and because giving Maul a government-assigned baby sister is funny
From what we see in the movies each world seems to only have one senator but I want the Dathomir delegation to have at least two because I think it's more fitting (and realistic, every world needs more than one senator what the fuck)
I think it would be funny if Maul swears he's gonna quit soon and Ventress will take his place in the senate but then the other senator retires first and makes Ventress her successor so Maul has to stay a senator for longer. He just wants to get out of this fucking planet
On the Jedi side of this AU I think Anakin grows into a much more disciplined jedi because Qui-Gon the rules bender would definitely stay in contact with Shmi so Anakin's anxieties regarding his mom will be more controlled, and they would be contacted immediately when she gets kidnapped by the tuskens so they save her faster and she doesn't die and neither do the tuskens and everything is fine
Plus Anakin gets to know his new family better and have a brother and add a new dad to his collection <3
Maybe Obi-Wan gets Ahsoka as a padawan this time, so she can have a master who actually wants to teach, and also be kinda-siblings with Anakin and cause chaos with him while Qui-Gon and Obi-Wan aren't looking
The Separatists never really take off, so the clone wars never happen, but I think the attacks on senators that were happening at the start of AotC still happen because I think it's fun to have drama and have Jedi escorts assigned to senators (read: good excuse to set up an obimaul and allow the anidala plot to happen)
I want Maul to be miserable wet cats with Obi-Wan on Kamino so I am allowing the clones to exist. Purely for comedic plot opportunity. And because I love clones so I want them to exist
But I think this time they only made a single batch of like 10-100 clones and were waiting for the Jedi to get back to them with approval to make more
Maul sees this and goes "Absolutely the fuck NOT" so no more clones are made after those. Sad!
With Maul there to help the Jango fight is much more successful (and 50% less humiliating on Obi-Wan's side) so they capture him and no one has to die
Sidious had to hire Jango this time since I am not letting him have an apprentice, so Jango is like "I was hired by some old weirdo in a cloak who called himself Darth Sidious who sounded and looked a lot like the chancellor from Naboo" and Maul feels so fucking vindicated that YES the bad vibes he gets from Palpatine were correct can we PLEASE kill him now
Jango gets arrested and maybe he makes a deal to work under the Jedi instead of staying in jail so he can take care of Boba instead of leaving him to his own luck
Boba being raised with Jedi younglings while Jango is busy offworld....
The clones also become part of the Jedi Order so they can help Jedi with peacekeeping and defense and stuff
Palpatine gets found out and arrested and/or killed by the Jedi and everyone else gets to live happily ever after. Eventually.
... this is. Way longer than planned. I'm having fun
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lesbiankiliel · 6 months
ask game:
Jedi Lando?👀
ohohoho my favorite wip that will take forever to finish as it would detail lando's entire life as a jedi from the gathering to the events of rotj
I even wrote a separate post about it way back when that details the entire thing that I'm gonna copy-paste here:
okay so, lando is a part of the youngling group we see with ahsoka on ilum, and I had this cute idea that he asks ahsoka if he could be her padawan when she becomes a master because I stan them both so much and it’s cute
order 66 hits and the youngling group makes a miracle escape with grogito and guess who picks them up and hides them?
hondo. hondo’s grown fond of these kids and he looks after them for a couple of years, keeps them safe. some of them (katooni at least) stay with him while others leave to figure out their own way. lando learns some tricks of the trade and becomes a good pilot and gambler, even though he has to suppress his connection to the force. that one encounter with inquisitors cut way too close
lando travels with l3, meets han and chewie, loses the falcon (which is an eternal sore subject), and then makes his way to lothal and runs into the ghost crew. shit hits the fan as it does but when they part ways, both lando and kanan at their respective ends are like “huh, if I didn’t know better I’d say that guy is a jedi”
(kanan totally lives and the next time they see each other lando has reconnected with the force and it’s the spiderman meme)
so then lando wins cloud city and has a good time until vader shows up and it’s the biggest whiplash to order 66 lando has had so far. it’s ptsd city and he is barely able to keep his composure (vader doesn’t pick up anything, he’s way too preoccupied)
and then…. luke falls into his arms, and it’s familiar but totally new at the same time. luke’s a jedi, no doubt about it, but he’s unlike any other jedi lando has ever known. and luke recognizes lando’s force signature as well (spiderman meme again)
and that’s when lando goes to a super secret compartment in the falcon that not even han and chewie had any idea existed and retrieves his lightsaber for the first time since probably the time he acquired the falcon
it’s jedi time. lando ignites his lightsaber and feels free. he’s kept all of this hidden so deep within himself for so long and now he has to both teach luke and learn what he never had the chance to learn
and then we have skyrissian endgame. they have some blatant sexual tension while sparring. you know, the good stuff^^ but also a true connection. a force bond, if you will 😉
after getting influences from different star wars medias I’ve also thought about lando being friends with kelleran beq (because I love master kelleran) and maybe kelleran saves the whole lot of them? but I’d also like to bring master huyang on board
I also put together my own timeline for this because the force knows timelines in star wars are wibbly wobbly timey wimey at best of times and I need something cohesive
also lando’s lightsaber is indigo^^
ask me about my wips
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ttlurking · 2 years
I've been brainrotting over this for weeks because Overwatch and Star Wars are two of my fave content to consume and I've been in both these fandoms for so long so-
Overwatch Star Wars au, where Overwatch were the Jedi Order, Blackwatch were Jedi shadows/sentinels.
Reyes as a Jedi Shadow and his little unconventional padawan Cole Cassidy, former teen criminal with enormous potential in the force that Reyes decided to pick up and train despite his age and past.
Ana and Jack are Jedi Masters and part of the council.
The fall of Overwatch would happen very similarly to Order 66, where most of the members get killed and hunted down.
Gabriel Reyes "dies" similarly to Anakin Skywalker and in his place emerges Sith Lord Reaper. As does Talon, similarly to the birth of the empire. Not all Talon members would be Sith ofc. I imagine Doomfist at the very least would be. While Widowmaker is the wife of Senator Lacroix, similarly to in game lore she gets kidnapped and brainwashed. Sombra is probably a mercenary working for Talon. Moira is an inquisitor, former Jedi sentinel, she enjoys capturing former jedi and torturing/experimenting on them, she's responsible for the fall of many former jedi turned inquisitors.
For our Overwatch people, they're also not all going to be Jedi. Ana and Jack, obv. With their respective padawans Fareeha and Lena. Winston as well, plus Angela as a Jedi Healer. Reinhardt and his padawan Brigitte.
Genji would've been part of the Shimada clan, a group of force users that kept themselves separated from Jedi or Sith. Same as in Canon he'd be cut apart by Hanzo and saved by Angela, after which he joins the Jedi. He leaves a few years before the fall to find himself and goes to the monks in the temple of Jedha, where he meets Zenyatta, a force user who is neither jedi nor Sith, not good nor evil, he's in the balance and so he decides to study under him. Hanzo on the other hand completely abandons his lightsabers, same as he stops using his sword in game after "killing Genji".
Post Recall members:
Baptiste as a former Talon Inquisitor, joins the reformed Overwatch and learns how to heal instead of killing.
Cassidy takes on Hana as a padawan and with her he rejoins Overwatch (who he had ditched a little before the fall after having grown disillusioned with them and seeing the corruption that was brewing inside). He does however spend a long time as a merc before taking back his lightsaber and accepting himself as a jedi.
For now this is all my little peabrain could come up with. Mind that the story revolves mainly around Jack, Gabriel and Cassidy. As they kind of replace Obi-wan, Anakin and Ahsoka. (No Jack was not Gabriel's master but they had a strong brotherly bond like Obi-wan and Anakin so I think they fit the roles pretty well).
I do however have some more details on the characters I managed to fit in.
Ana and Fareeha are not mother and daughter but they're from the same clan and they're both Mirialan, they do have a mother and daughter relationship tho. They both have blue lightsabers.
Jack also has a blue lightsaber and he's the order's grandmaster.
Gabriel wields two lightsabers, one purple and one blue, they both turn red after his fall.
(I'm considering making Jack and Gabriel the children of the prophecy. Which they both fail by fighting eachother instead of being in balance. Jack as the light side of the force and Gabriel as the dark side. Kinda like on mortis we have the son and the daughter and the balance gets upset by the son killing the daughter- So yeah Gabriel has completely fallen to the dark side and intent on destroying the light side while Jack is grey-ish and obsessed with revenge and justice, they're terrible at their jobs.)
Cole wields one lightsaber, green. His skills in the force far outclass his lightsaber skills, especially since he greatly favours wielding a blaster in his other hand. He was actually discovered as force sensitive because of his pin point accurate shots. Which he later discovers to be guided by the force and that for years he's unknowingly used the force to guide his aim as well as even maneuvering the blaster fire (basically giving him the equivalent of deadeye in this universe).
Hana has a blue lightsaber, though with her being a pilot and being trained by Cole she's also an accelent shot and doesn't rely too heavily on her lightsaber.
Winston is a lasat, he wields a green bladed saberstaff, though he's more of a scholar than a fighter. (Like Plo Koon he can use the jedi technique of electric judgment)
Moira never made her crystals bleed and she wields a purple and a yellow lightsaber. While she is an inquisitor she's not Sith. She doesn't use the dark side to fuel her, preferring science and force techniques from either side of the force, knowledge is knowledge and she wants it all.
Lena has a blue lightsaber and a blue shoto. She's also an accomplished pilot and it's usually her or Hana that are flying the crew around. Though Hana specialises in combat flying much more compared to Lena.
Baptiste has a white lightsaber, after having healed his own crystal.
Angela has a green shoto, she really only uses it in self defence since she heavily dislikes having to result to violence and her abilities are much more focused on force healing. She's strong enough to be able to bring someone back from the brink of death (which is what she did with Genji).
Genji has a green lightsaber and a green shoto, tho he also uses various tools at his disposal, like traps or smoke bombs.
Hanzo used to have two blue lightsabers, but he's since put them to rest and now favours an energy bow. Similarly to Cassidy he uses the force to guide his aim, making him a formidable sniper.
Doomfist has a red Saberstaff and he's a kiffar! (He's always wearing gloves or gauntlets of some kind since he has psychometry)
I think this is all for now? Let me know what you think and if someone wants to talk about this AU with me!
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sithskywalkerr · 1 year
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Summary: Anakin's condition continues to worsen, and he becomes increasingly concerned about the safety of his family. Padmé reassures him and tries to understand what triggers his episodes, but they must evacuate when the Empire locates Anakin. The Skywalkers and Obi-Wan have to evacuate to Tatooine, staying with Owen and Beru until it’s safe to return to Naboo. AKA: "GET YOUR FUCKING DOG BITCH!!!!" "It don't bite." "YES IT DO!!!!!!!" Series: The Flowers Never Bloom Characters: Anakin Skywalker, Padmé Amidala, Obi-Wan Kenobi, Ahsoka Tano, Beru Whitesun, Owen Lars, Wilhuff Tarkin, Luke Skywalker, Leia Organa Warnings: graphic depictions of violence, minor character death, blood, gore, cannibalism if u think about it fr... but zomboi is hunger Ships: Anidala Word Count: 6.3k words A/N: I asked a friend (@thegreatdaisydactyl) what she wanted to read for zomboi, and she said him suffering through feeding so whoopsies… slight plot spoilers for later on? A bit? Anyways, more crumbs of Zomboi. When I'm not posting actual chapters, I'm usually writing something still. Hope you enjoy! Read here on ao3
Years had passed since he was left behind - since the virus took him, and since Anakin died with Vader rising in his place. The gnarled body of Vader had twisted into a foul symbol of the Empire, his visage across holos as propaganda as his gaze bore into those who looked. His face was always half-hidden, a mask hiding the tear in his cheek and helping his weakened lungs during long battles. It also hid his identity from the public as they refused to look at the fiery eyes of the Sith. 
Until Padmé had found him. 
Then everything had changed.
His return was an uneasy acceptance of the remaining Jedi, seeing the now twisted body of the Hero with No Fear. How far he had fallen within ten years made their hearts ache, but they still were wary of him. If paths crossed, they kept their distance from the former knight. Even now, they struggled to accept his return.
Things were fine.
He seemed docile, even if Anakin still struggled to peek through the mask of Vader. 
Things... were fine.
Until Obi-Wan had tried to speak with him about Geonosis.
"Anakin, I want to know what happened to you." Obi-Wan softly pleaded as he moved closer to his former padawan within the palace’s library.
Golden eyes lifted immediately as he squared his broad shoulders beneath black robes. "There is nothing to speak about. I was changed on Geonosis. I do not remember what happened before."
"Then how are you able to remember that Padmé is your wife? How else would you remember the Temple and Order? You must remember your legion on the obsidian plains of Sullust before our Geonosis mission." 
Flashes of heat and sand resurfaced in his memory as he remembered leading the 501st through the lava rivers that threatened them as they tried to push the Diseased back. However, after that, he still could not resurface more memories. Even his memories with Palpatine were murky, but he at least recognized him enough as a trusted friend to stay with him.
Then Palpatine informed him that the Jedi had abandoned him, and not long after, he was told that Padmé had died. If she had died, the baby died, and he had nothing to hold onto, not after Mustafar. Then, the details of the last ten years became murky.  Obscured. His eyes returned to his former Master, boring into him over the half mask that steadied his breath while he hid his features. 
"I do not remember. Cease your probing," Anakin ordered as Obi-Wan watched him leave the library. 
He did not hesitate this time to follow," Anakin, wait. I want to know why you fell to the Dark Side." 
The fire returned to his chest as he turned abruptly to face Obi-Wan, seeming to bristle. "I wanted to save Padmé."
"Save her from what, Anakin?" 
"I could not lose her." He didn’t answer him, mind starting to remember the night’s events. He had made a deal with the Devil to protect his wife, but the price was his humanity. However, the confession only made Obi-Wan’s eyes soften, even if he still didn’t fully understand the lack of detail. Still, he loved him through it all. "You should have told me what was happening. I could have helped, Anakin."
As the Jedi spoke, the fire within his chest burned brighter, and he curled his lip back to bare his teeth. "Liar," he hissed out, eyes burning as bright as the lava that scarred him.
The Force around him bristled in his anger, but even regions away, Sidious’s head turned out of curiosity. There you are, my young apprentice. 
Obi-Wan took a step back as he watched Anakin closely, wary of his anger as he studied him. "Anakin, release your anger. It blinds you." 
A whisper through the Force came, murmuring on the edge of the former Jedi’s mind. 
Execute Order 66.
His pupils contracted then as an inhuman growl erupted from his chest. Obi-Wan’s heart sank as he slowly began to back away from his former padawan as his hand moved to detach the mask. 
No. This wasn’t supposed to happen. Obi-Wan jumped out of the way when he was lunged at, eyes widening as he nearly lost his balance. "Anakin, stop!" 
The mask clattered to the ground as teeth barely missed his arm. The Jedi ignited his saber as he looked at Anakin and watched as yellow eyes with black sclera lifted to him.  What the blazes had been done to the little boy he had raised?  What cruel trick had twisted him into this undead killing machine? No doubt it was Palpatine, but Obi-Wan had more dire problems as he moved back when he was swiped at by Anakin. He didn’t want to cage his former padawan, but options were severely limited due to the intense alterations to his genetic code.
Moving back from another attempt from Vader, he lured him away from the library. Trying to get him out of the palace, Obi-Wan’s heart sank when he saw guards immediately making their way over. “No, do not come—” Vader’s attention went from Obi-Wan to the guards before he suddenly jumped onto one with an inhuman snarl as he tore the helmet off of one while the other started to try to help. Snapping the neck of the first guard, he dragged the other one down with fangs sinking into their throat when the helmet was torn off. A scream erupted but cut off from her as he tore her throat open, eyes brightening at the familiar taste of flesh.
Obi-Wan watched in horror as he was preoccupied with the need to feed, returning to call Padmé to let her know what was happening. 
Worry blossomed within her chest at hearing Obi-Wan reporting to her, brows furrowing. He was doing so well; why the sudden change? Dismissing herself from the meeting, she alerted everyone to evacuate the palace, heels sharp on the granite flooring as she moved to find Obi-Wan. 
Hands tore apart the sternum to expose the organs of a guard as he started to devour what he could, trying to satiate the hunger deep within his belly. Even in the haze, the little glimmer of his consciousness screamed at himself to stop, but the hunger kept him feeding even when he heard his wife shout his name. 
Obi-Wan moved to pull her back, voice quiet," Are you this foolish, Padmé?" 
"Feeding or not, he is still my husband. I made a vow to him that I intend to keep," she pulled from him to look back at Anakin only to see his eyes focused on the both of them. His gaze focused on the hand near Padmé as Obi-Wan stilled when he looked at Anakin again. 
Padmé’s voice became quieter to Obi-Wan, taking another step away from the Jedi Master. "… That caught his interest." 
“Indeed it did, but I fear I might be next on the meal plan.” 
"No … Just … Stay here." She stepped closer to him as he watched, blood dripping from his lips as low chitters escaped his throat. Recognizing the curiosity in the sounds, she moved closer, voice soft," Ani, what’s going on? What happened?" Ignoring the carnage that dyed her heels red, she stood beside her husband as soon as her heart hammered against her ribcage. Her hand trembled as she softly brushed her soft fingertips against his shoulder," do you understand me?" Her voice was a soft plead, hoping that somehow the Force kept him in there even if he was feeling starved or threatened. She refused to accept the possibility that one day he could lose consciousness to the virus.  
The shift was tangible in the Force as the tension and anger around him seemed to dissipate, softening back to his love for her as his eyes moved to watch her hand. Staying still, his gaze shifted back to her as she smiled weakly. Maker, her eyes reflected the heartbreak she felt at seeing how much the virus impacted his demeanor. Could he genuinely become violent and feral without warning? As she was pulled from her worry, she realized he was moving to stand up as he registered sensing her stress and panic. Her hand moved back to let him straighten up, his head tilting to the side curiously when she looked surprised at his sudden gentility despite the blood still coating his lips.
The little claws of Anakin moved through the haze of hunger, a bloodied hand moving up to gently hold her cheek as he looked her over. She realized he was looking for injuries, voice soft," I’m safe, Ani. I’m okay." The hunger still gnawed in his belly, and guards slowly blocked off the hallway to contain him to the area as he stepped back from her. His eyes moved to the guards, low growls erupting from him as Padmé reached to touch his arm to keep him back with her.
"Eyes on me, Ani. Look at me."
Breaking his gaze from the guards, his body was tensed again, ready to attack. He looked down at her curiously as she softly smiled at her husband. "Are you still hungry?"
He gave a slow nod, and she motioned to the guards to stop while looking to Panaka as she kept her voice even," Can you move the bodies to the lower level?" Sending her husband into the cells of the palace had been the last thing on her mind, but she couldn’t have him attacking others while keeping their children safe and away from the gore. 
Panaka nodded as he motioned for her to get Anakin away from the bodies, and Padmé moved back as she gently moved Anakin to follow. He was aware some plan was happening, glancing around as he moved to her side before a low growl erupted as a corpse was wrapped in a bag for transport. Panaka hesitated then, eyes moving up to Anakin before Padmé moved to softly touch his uninjured cheek, voice sweet. "Ani, we’re moving them so the twins don’t see. Look at me." 
He took a moment to slowly look at her, the yellow boring into her softened brown eyes as she let her thumb brush against his cheek. "No one is taking your meal away. Just relocating."
Melting into her touch, he leaned down more with low purrs as she slowly started to lead him through a more hidden path through the palace to the cells. Moving with her, more sounds of curiosity clicked and chirped from him as his eyes looked around the secret tunnels that were cool from the heat of the summer.
"Keep following me. I know you haven’t eaten properly since you came back," Padmé glanced back to him, the torches lit through the lower level, softly lighting his features as his eyes stayed on her. She got him to the hidden cells, one holding the bodies already open and ready. She motioned him in, voice soft," I promise when you can, you’ll come out. Tarkin has volunteered to stay with you."
That got his attention, but she quickly nudged him inside before getting the barrier up. He made a low sound, fingers tentatively touching the field as it hummed before looking back to the guards. "Eat, Ani. I’ll make sure the twins are safe." 
Low sounds erupted from his throat at the field, making it shudder with another experimental poke before looking at her quietly. She could reassure him as much as she wanted, but the anger began to bubble up again. His eyes moved between the barrier and her, giving a low growl at being caged. The hunger still triumphed, aching deeply in his belly as he moved further in the dimly lit cell. Padmé’s eyes watched as he crouched; his fingers quickly broke bones and sinew to devour what he could. 
She stood frozen. Her eyes watched as the horror set in of what had become of her husband, but a gentle hand on her shoulder made her look away. Tarkin gave her a grim smile, trying to reassure her as his gaze went to the former General he had served with in the Clone Wars.
Maker, what had been done to him?
His voice was steady as he looked back at her, nodding. "When he seems more stabilized, I will call you back, Senator." 
"Thank you, Tarkin. If the worst happens, we will have a guard further down with a crystal blaster." She was still weary from his sudden abandonment of the Empire, but he had yet to prove his loyalty to the Rebels was part of something more sinister. Still, she preferred to keep him at arm’s length. However, she  had  to make sure the twins were okay. 
Watching her duck back out to get to the main level, Tarkin’s blue-gray eyes returned to the field that separated him from the former right-hand man of the Emperor. His gaze soon met that of the former Jedi, and while he was used to the burning anger of Sith eyes, the sclera also being pitch black was what finally made the former Grand Moff feel dread creep up his spine. Seeing them with the blood smeared around his jaw and splattered across his face made it harder to tear his gaze from him. At one point in his life, this was General Skywalker. Hero of the Grand Republic, he often had to remind himself when faced with the familiar brutality of Vader.
The poster boy was now the face that haunted those under the Empire’s reign, striking anxiety into the public when his presence was announced through local channels. However, the reveal of Lord Vader was slow to the Empire’s ranks, and his face was mostly concealed by a mask he wore that showed his scarred scalp and burning eyes. The familiar shape of his eyes made Tarkin suspect early that the lack of information about the General’s disappearance was more than a mysterious death. It seemed unlikely that Skywalker would have just vanished when he learned he was the twins’ father.
Vader’s gaze never wavered from the former Grand Moff at seeing him comfort his wife, eating paused while he watched their interactions. Tarkin’s usually cold eyes seemed to soften, momentarily glancing at the bodies inside as he gestured to them. "Do not let my presence hinder your meal, Lord Vader." 
His gaze lingered only a moment before hunger overtook his brain like a fever, extended canines easily breaking apart organs and flesh.  
Tarkin warily watched, arms behind tucked himself as the cells held a steady hum from the mechanics of the lower levels of the palace. His eyes couldn’t break away as he watched the robotic fingers easily tear into the flesh; blood and flesh sunk into the floors beneath Vader. Tarkin couldn’t help but silently thank the construction of the field, holding back the smell, but his body momentarily stiffened as he realized the bodies were cleaned and he was being watched. 
Fear started to crawl up his spine, stabbing its cold nails into him as his chest tightened, and Vader began to go for the mechanics near the door. Metal screamed and curled as he tore it back, growling as the hunger burned, but within a blink, it went away. 
Pausing, his eyes looked over the wall he had started to destroy, pulling back before looking around the room as the sclera became white again. 
A slow exhale came as he let his eyes move to Tarkin, as the realization came that it happened. Once again, couldn’t remember what he had done, just that his belly was full. Growling lowly at himself, he slammed the side of his fist into the wall, causing it to crumple beneath his strength.
"Is my family alright?"
The fear slowly dissipated as Tarkin watched the stark contrast happen before him, and he certainly did not know what to make of it either. How would someone explain what they had just witnessed? 
"Yes, my Lord. They are safe. The twins were not close when it happened."
"And my wife?" His eyes looked over his bloody hands before slowly moving along the floor to the familiar carnage.
"She is also safe. You did not harm her when she was beside you." There was no need to mention he was like a giant Loth cat wanting her affection. "She has had to return to her meeting, but I have no doubt she will return to see you."
A slow inhale made his chest expand as he wiped the blood onto his clothes, briefly pinching at the bridge of his nose. "Request a cell cleaning."
"After she agrees to release you, my Lord," Tarkin said simply as he kept his distance from the door, and a low growl escaped Vader, knowing he was right.
Padmé's meeting had long since ended after her departure. Luckily, the parties agreed to meet at a later time to continue. After ensuring the twins were with Rabé and Sabé, she got to the gardens to sit while watching a fountain. Reflecting through the past week, he hadn't noticed that Obi-Wan had found her, making his way over to sit beside her.
"Is he okay?"
"… As best as he can be right now. He’s contained and with food last I know."
Food. Something strange to her as she thought about it: while humans had livestock or hunted for animals for her husband, it was so different. Humans were his livestock, yet he was tame most of the time. She moved her eyes to the former Jedi, voice soft," I wish I could make it easier for him. There must be an alternative to eating people so he doesn’t have this guilt… He might have started to eat less." Her eyes fell again, her brows furrowed, and her throat tightened at the idea. "I do not want him to think he has to starve himself to be here. We need him. The kids… they love him so much, and I can't lose him like that, Obi-Wan."
His eyes softened as he gently rested a hand over hers, voice soft," he will be okay. I could have been the cause this time. I pressed him too much."
Her eyes briefly moved to their hands while he spoke, thinking a moment,” You were there when it started?" 
"I was asking him about what had happened to him. He still did not tell me a lot of details, but he was scared about something to do with you. He never fully explained when I asked what he was scared of." His eyes had moved to the fountain before them, watching the water ripple as it flowed smoothly. 
"I was pregnant, and he was having nightmares that I would die. You saw their birth was not easy, so I don't hold his fear against him."
"Even then, I wanted to help him, Padmé. He never told me what was happening, but I did have suspicions. The two of you are terrible at hiding it," he teased as Padmé laughed softly, nodding.  
"It was easier to be in our bubble than to remember the reality of what was happening outside the apartment… we still had our own issues, though." She softly sighed, shoulders relaxing as she thought back. "Anakin said that he had found a way to save me, but something was off about him ...  very wrong."
"How long after that had he disappeared?"
"Hours … then I see him ten years later. He's infected and a Sith Lord. He's been through too much in his life, Obi-Wan. I was hoping being here would help him have peace."
Taking a deep breath, Obi-Wan leaned back as he thought back to before the shift," right before the… change. I told him that I would have helped had I known. I could feel that darkness again from him through the Force. He was like a feral animal. I still cannot understand how fast the change was."
Her lips pursed as she softly sighed," I want him to be happy and safe, Obi-Wan. I had to cage him." A pause came while her holo pinged with an incoming message from Tarkin as he stood near the door so Anakin was visible behind him in the holo-door. "He’s stable once again, my Lady. Is visitation safe, or shall I let him out?"
"Go ahead and let him out, Tarkin. Thank you."
"Of course, Senator,” he nodded,” we also need a mechanic to repair the damage done to the door."
"I can repair it," Anakin said simply as the door vanished. "I will stay down here." He reached to end the communication before Padmé or Obi-Wan could react, making his way through the corridors to get a toolkit. 
Tarkin watched, lingering back with pursed lips before his eyes moved to the com. Tucking it away, he had no doubt that Padmé would be on her way back.
She was with Obi-Wan in tow, brows furrowed," he began to damage the door, then stopped before he could escape. What is happening, Obi-Wan?"
"I wish I could answer you, Padmé, but I'm as lost as you." He followed her with his hand near his saber, still wary of the situation. "It’s not good that he tried to escape either. He could have caused more damage if he had." 
"Can we focus on the actions he does?" She frowned," spending too much time on what could have happened won’t make him feel better and certainly won’t help me feel better about any of this."
His eyes softened as he followed," he did stop, and that is good… but you know just as well as I do that we need to keep his actions in mind for the safety of others. We've already lost a few guards."
"I know, and their families will be given full assistance if applicable… but my family needs help too. I want to know why he stopped," she stepped into the cell unit, going over to the door to peek inside as Tarkin looked over the damage himself.
"He returned to his senses," he said simply, blue-gray eyes briefly looking at her. "His episodes seem irregular with little pattern to them." 
"How did he act, Tarkin? Did he try to harm you?"
"I believe the intent was there. Shortly after Lord--," He paused, pursing his lips. "Pardon ... After General Skywalker fed, he began to try to damage the circuits, and then his eyes whitened again. He became more aware, then asked of you and the children immediately after."
"Because they are all I have left of this forsaken life," Anakin growled as he returned, moving past everyone to get back into the cell with the bag and a replacement panel. It was good that he convinced her to hoard parts that had been replaced for his mechanic adventures. More often than either of them wanted to admit, they had to use the parts. Padmé’s eyes watched him as he placed a work light, looking over the damage with a scowl. "I should not be here."
"Where would you go?" Obi-Wan asked then, eyes soft to him as his former padawan seemed to scoff a little.
"I don’t know where I could go. I don’t belong with the Diseased, and don’t belong with humans."
"You belong here with us," Obi-Wan murmured softly as he moved towards the open door more. He knew he needed to see this differently, but seeing the damage done to the wall concerned him. "Do you remember, Anakin?"
"No. I just remember being hungry… and Padmé. I don’t know what was said or done, but I remember her there."
"Good, that's a good start,” he softly encouraged, making Anakin pause, removing the old panel.
Giving a glance to his former Master, his eyes were unreadable. "Is it?"
"I believe it is, my Lord," Tarkin said simply before Obi-Wan could speak," you seemed more responsive to her than others. That is something worth noting. You even seemed like a pleased, purring kitten in her touch."
Padmé softly smiled then," You were. You’re responsive to me. The simpler I say, the better you seem to understand … maybe these episodes are just regression into the virus's needs." 
"No, not like this," he said while shaking his head, glancing between them. “Even the Diseased stop feeding when full and become lazy and uninterested in others. Reports from Imperial archives say I'm insatiable, unstable, and fight like a wild animal."
"Yes, you seem to be in a frenzy of destruction and chaos." Tarkin nodded, straightening as he recalled a few reports he had looked into. "It’s unpredictable. It’s very destructive, and there is little hope for anyone in your path — rebel or imperial."
Worry only buried more in Padmé’s chest, eyes widening as she listened, watching as Anakin only started to silently begin his work on the panel again. "Regardless, I should not be near anyone." It only seemed to further prove his point. Tarkin’s lips pursed before looking to the Senator. 
"That won’t fix anything, Ani," Padmé said, moving closer to softly put a hand on his arm to make him look at her. "You belong with people who love you, even though there’s a risk. We know there is, but we still choose to be with you."
"I could not forgive myself should I bring harm to you or anyone else of importance," he looked down at her, frowning deeply as he paused his work. With the gash on his cheek, it seemed awkward for him to emote, and the expression faded to something more deadpan once again. Looking back to the panel, he grabbed her arm to move her into the cell more before glancing to see where Obi-Wan stood. He hit a few buttons as Tarkin and Obi-Wan watched curiously before tapping his fingers along a few buttons on the pane. "If I begin to harm our family, our friends, then I should be killed."
Before Tarkin or Obi-Wan could speak or move, the door of the cell appeared again, the red field holding a buzz as he looked it over with a slight hum. Padmé glanced at the door but moved closer to him. "I refuse to kill you. You clearly can stop yourself when needed and are more conscious than other infected people."
"And if I lose that?" His head tilted while his eyes moved back to her, shoulders squaring as she seemed unfazed. She knew better, even when he tried to intimidate her with body language. Her brows furrowed," why do you want to think about that?"
"Answer me," he demanded, lifting his chin up more to look down at her as his brow muscles raised slightly. "If I reach that point, will you kill me?"
"I can’t kill my husband." She said with a frown, brows scrunching softly as she shook her head, causing her dark curls to bounce. "I can't do that… but now, answer me. Why do you worry about this? You’ve shown you recognize people even when you’re not fully aware. You’re always pushing us away, even when you are conscious."
"We’re not talking about this in a cell."
He moved to open the door before she grabbed his wrist," Oh, yes, we are. You can't deflect this, Anakin. Why are you so frightened?"
"I believe that it's normal to worry about devouring my family," a frown ghosted on his lips as she grabbed him, glancing at her hand before returning to her. "You seem to be the only one that doesn’t want to worry about that possibility that I could turn at any moment as I did earlier or that you - or our children cou—""Because you’ve shown us that you see us. It makes you stop whatever is happening," she interrupted him, head tilting as her eyes got that spark of determination he fell for decades ago. 
He knew she could be as stubborn as an Eopie, but that wouldn’t deter him. "That is too much of a risk, Padmé. You know it." He glanced at Tarkin and Obi-Wan, who curiously watched them through the door, looking back at her. "Can we talk about this without them watching?"
Keeping her hold on his arm, she only turned to motion for them to leave, and Obi-Wan didn’t waste any time as he moved past the former Grand Moff to head to the communications room for updates. Tarkin immediately moved after him, glancing back before he vanished into the hall.
"There. Now we're alone." Looking back up to him, she finally let go of his wrist, letting her hands softly cup his face instead. "I do not deny the possibility of it, Anakin. However, your previous behaviors and the constant change when you see me or the twins are enough evidence to tell me otherwise. You can’t deny that, but I want to understand what triggers this change."
Her softness relaxed his shoulders, and he leaned into her touch as he closed his eyes. "I wish I could make sense of it."
Watching him, she smiled at him, melting in her touch, leaning up to softly give a kiss to him. A soft noise of surprise escaped with the kiss, but it only made him pull her close while he deepened it. Breaking it shortly after, he leaned his uninjured cheek against her head as her arms wrapped around his broad frame. The smile lingered on her lips as she rested her head against his chest, voice soft,” We will figure it out… we were able to update our medical equipment, so perhaps a new scan can produce better results this time."
"We will think of that later." He reached over to get the doorway opened, gently pushing her through after giving a squeeze to her hip. "Out." She only laughed softly as she watched him duck through to look down at her, pausing as Tarkin returned to them.
"The Empire has located us. A fleet is on the way." His eyes bounce between them as dread fills Anakin’s chest as Padmé purses her lips 
"We’ll have to go to Tatooine, my love. He wouldn't expect you to return there."
"Then we return to Tatooine." Moving past her, his shoulders straightened again as he headed to find the twins. His voice held little emotion, but she was right. Why would he want to return to Tatooine of all cursed places on this forsaken planet? Hadn’t he had enough grief? Sometimes, it felt like he was filled with enough for seven lifetimes. "Seems like those scans will have to wait until we can return."
"We can transport them when possible," she simply said as she followed him, grabbing his hand to guide him to their children. "I know you don’t enjoy them, but we need to understand how different you are compared to the others and see any biological condition causing the change. I find it hard to believe that behavior is solely from the virus."
"We can worry about that after evacuation. The Imperial fleet will not take long to make their way through … I expect more Diseased as well. Unfortunately, I will have to refrain from heroics for now." 
Obi-Wan guided the twins, catching their parents in the hallway," You will not be fighting anyone today, Anakin. We need the Empire to at least be uncertain of your whereabouts."
"The Empire might be oblivious, but the Emperor is likely already aware and bidding time," he said simply as he glanced at the Jedi, hand lifting to softly grab Leia's hand when she held onto his. "Either way, we need to leave within ten minutes." He gave a soft, reassuring squeeze to her hand, glancing down at her before looking at Luke," Can the both of you follow Obi-Wan to your room to pack things you'd like to bring?"
They both nodded as Luke tilted his head to the side, and he arched a brow quizzically," Where are we going?"
“To be with my family."
"Family?" He echoed, eyes widening as he started to bounce on the balls of his feet," Who are we going to meet? What are they like?"
"My stepbrother and his wife — your aunt and uncle. They have a farm in the desert. We'll be safe there for now." He softened with Luke’s excitement, and Leia only grinned at him," Do they have kids?"
"No, as far as I am aware, they don’t. However, it has been a long time since I have seen them."
"Aw, okay… hopefully there’s someone we can play with."
"We’ll have to be careful about it, but I hope you can have that too, Leia." He gave another squeeze to her hand as Padmé only softened with his gentleness to them before he motioned to Obi-Wan. "Go pack. Bring what you wish to keep yourselves entertained." 
They nodded before starting to trail after Obi-Wan as he smiled softly at them, but Luke looked up at him," Have you met our uncle?"
"No, haven’t yet, but I am eager to see him." He trailed down the hall with them as Padmé and Anakin watched a moment before he began to make his way to their room to get what was necessary.
Padmé followed, voice soft," It's been a while since we've seen them."
"I know. Beru and Owen might not let us stay there. Not with the state of everything." 
Lips pursed a moment, voice soft," At least 3PO and R2 can aid in the farm operations if we can't."
"Ani, one step at a time instead of five. First, we'll get to Tatooine."
He glanced at her from the corner of his eyes, sighing lowly. "I know." It felt like it was constantly just one step at a time, yet nothing still changed. Even when things had shifted and moved in the Force, within the systems. Returning to Tatooine wasn’t something he wanted to do, but he knew it was necessary. Getting to their room, he moved to stuff clothes into a bag and back to her while she paused to watch him for a moment.
Moving closer, she wrapped her arms around his waist, hands flatly laying against his torso as he paused to look back at her. She rested her cheek softly against his back, eyes soft as she let her fingers briefly press into his muscle beneath the robes more. "Everything will be okay."
Pausing, he turned to look at her with a slight tilt," I know it will be. Just a matter of leaving safely first." 
"I know, but I also know going to Tatooine is not what you want to do," she murmured softly, pulling back to work on getting her already pre-made bag that Sabé had crafted.
"No, but it is what needs to happen to keep the kids safe."
Glancing back at him, she nodded," I know. We will be safe, and it will be okay. We’ll be able to do a better scan for you and see as much as we need to about your body now … hopefully, we can update your cybernetics."
"That would be good," he said, glancing down at the hidden metal as he zipped up the bag.
"It will be. Even if it’s just one day at a time." She reassured, getting her bag on her shoulder.
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The heat of Tatooine was still unforgiving as it burned into his shoulders and back as soon as he had exited the speeder. To avoid shocking Owen and Beru as much as possible, he opted to wear his half mask, bright blue eyes scanning around the farm before Beru popped out at hearing them arrive.
"There you are! Come on, it's too hot to stay on the surface." She warmly smiled as Owen came out after, motions pausing as he saw the state of his stepbrother. Maker, what had happened to him in the twelve years since he had seen him?
Nodding, Anakin told the twins to grab their bags as Obi-Wan slid out, making a face of disgust at the familiar heat. It was too risky to stay in the palace, even if Anakin was sure he could defend it and his family. 
Moving Padmé’s side, Anakin helped her out of the speeder, snatching the bag from her. "Inside out of this heat."
A soft smile graced her lips as she grinned at Beru and Owen. "It’s good to see you two again; I wish it was under better circumstances."
"Yeah," Owen began, taking in the sight of the twins and his stepbrother," we were worried about the urgent call … assumed it’s the Empire once again threatening Naboo."
"Unfortunately, it is. As well as the virus. We’ve done as much as possible to contain it, but it’s reached a point of evacuation."
"Come inside. We have some food ready," Owen nodded, motioning them in as he moved to follow Beru.
Anakin came at the end, following down into the cooler house with a low sigh. "I’m afraid I won’t be able to eat." 
Owen looked back at him, brow arching up. "No?" 
Luke took the opportunity to nod and interrupt," Yeah, he can only eat people." Oh, Maker. Anakin released a heavy sigh through the respiratory mask, eyes seeming blank as Owen tensed when he pulled the hood back. 
“You’re infected."
"Yes, but it’s different than what we see with the common strain. Padmé has been able to get a more advanced scanner, so when possible, we will see how different I am compared to others."
Owen was still uneasy, looking over him slowly," How do you plan on eating while here?"
"I try things when they eat. So far, I can have caff … I will worry about my food; do not worry about me."
Beru’s heart softened up with the news, knowing it just seemed like one thing after another with him. "I’ll always have something for you to try then, Anakin. It’s no problem."
"Thank you. Where can we put our things?" 
"The twins must share with Obi-Wan, but you and Padmé can get your own room." She motioned for them to follow, and the twins seemed more excited than anything as they bounced after her.
Padmé followed with a grin," Thank you, Beru. I’m sure they’ll behave with Obi-Wan."
"No promises," Leia quipped, glancing back at her with a grin.
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@cortosis-ct, commented under this post
First off, thank you for giving my random, unorganised thoughts ur time of day, I really appreciate that!
Secondly, what do u mean his first death??? is echo dying again?? because if he does imma need Filonis personal address for.... reasons.
And finally, the reason why we're here. Echos supposed "death" at the Citadel actually leads me to think of Anakin, first and foremost. The following things also apply to Ahsoka and Obi-Wan (in order of who it applies most to), but primarily, yeah Anakin.
Because we all know that Anakin basically shts on the Jedi Orders "No attachments" part of the Code. He is very attached, to a lot of things. Here's a list:
His mother (even after her death)
the Chancellor (but for spooky, dark-side-of-the-force-magic reasons) is the Chancellor technically Anakins dad? we will never know (except we do, and the answer is yes and also ew.)
and, supposedly, his troops, in particular, Rex.
It's well established that Anakin cares about Rex. They're friends, they trust each other and even though Anakin is privvy to mistreating Rex (he was a pretty mistreated as a kid, so I blame his trauma for that. not saying its okay, but you can't expect someone to do it right if they only learned how to do it wrong, yanno?) we know Anakin cares about his wellbeing.
As such, it is natural for Anakin to care about the people Rex cares about. Rex's friends, his vode, become Anakins. So Torrents inner circle should also somehow be Anakins inner circle. We see this in the Umbara Arc actually. They compare Krell to Anakin and although they recognise their Jedi as his own flavour of batsht crazy, they still respect him and wish for him to return.
So when Echo, somebody who Rex and Fives and I am willing to bet, Anakin too, care about, dies? I fully expected Anakin to at least pull him to safety and check for a pulse. I also expected Ahsoka, who we know loves the clones just as much as her master, to argue and try and get to Echo, if only because of her youth. But they didn't do anything and I hate it, because that's what shows us very clearly that even with Anakins unhealthy attachment style, he still doesn't care about Echo enough to fight for him. Murder and kill for the Chancellor, give up his life to safe his wife, over and over again, but risk taking a hit for a clone, who has lived, fought, bled and now seemingly died for you? Nah, let's not.
Seriously, what the sht Anakin? Again, I also think we can pin similar principles on Ahsoka and Obi-Wan, but it's different for them, because they are still less "attachment prone" than Anakin. They have different personalities, giving them better (for lack of better word) excuses to leave Echo behind. They aren't attached to him, they thought he was already dead, they were trying to safe the other men, whatever. But Anakin? Anakin would feel Rex's and Five's pain and he would be hurting himself and he would want to at least allow his brothers to be sure that he had passed and given them a moment to grief, if he viewed them as his equals. But here, it is revealed that he doesn't, and that's what bugs me. Because he used to be a slave who's life didn't matter and now he's treating his own men the same way, without even realising it.
He doesn't acknowledge Rex's and Fives' feelings at all either. No I'm sorry for your loss, no pat on the back, not even a pitying look.
And that breaks my heart. Because I know Rex and Fives would support their general if he had lost someone dear to him. (Remember when Ahsoka was taken by the Trandoshians? Anakin order sweep after sweep of the area, even tho the clones had searched it a few times before and she was no where to be found. Rex didn't argue once, because he knew his general was hurting.)
Anyway, thanks for this train of thought, I hurt my own feelings :'). Have a lovely day/night/whatever, friend!
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nimata-beroya · 1 year
I come with this review super late, oops! I was going to post it on the weekend, but rl got in the way. Anyhow, I love this episode so freaking much!! It might've jumped to one of my faves this season. It continued giving me more of Mandalorian culture, the dynamic within the cover, Mandalorian kicking asses like the badasses they are, and of course, ZEB!!! Woohoo!! \o/
To be honest, this episode was the only thing that has kept me since last Wednesday from spiraling to a bottomless pit and drown in my own tears because of TBB season finale. This episode was the exactly what I needed to lift my spirits.
Let's dive in…
Ok! Nevarro, pirates; this is the one where Mandos come to Nevarro to kick some asses. Good!
Damn! Pity that the pirates are destroying the city now that it was all so nice and at peace.
Where is this? A Republic pilot bar, ok, but where?
Wait! is that Dave and Deborah and Rick? Mandatory cameo per season!
Oh! Captain Teva! Greef Karga sent the message to him, I thought he'd sent it to Din, but ok. This works too, I guess.
(Note from now that I've calmed down and watched the episode like 15 times already: I never imagine that they'd introduce live-action Zeb in the Mandalorian, and I cannot believe how GREAT he looks!! Oh my gosh! I always thought that he might be the character that wasn't going to look too well in live action, and I'm over the moon that I was so wrong! I love all the details, his new uniform, all his facial expression!! Not only that, but I'm ecstatic about his cameo. The scene didn't last long, but it was enough to cut off some of my funk because of TBB season finale. This cameo definitely pushed my hype for the Ahsoka show to the sky.
But also, it left very important questions unanswered: WHERE THE HELL IS KALLUS? and why he wasn't there next to his husband?)
Coruscant, hmm! I need to say that I'm not surprised by the lack of interest of the new republic for things happening in the outer rim. But I'm glad that Teva is picked up the bad vibes from that imp chick. At least we can count on him to be more aware than most.
Isn't that the planet where the covert is?
It is!! How Teva found them? And I don't think Mandos will be happy about that! See, I told you!
Wait, what? who? Oh!! 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣 R5D4! Of course, I forgot!
Actually Teva, it IS his fight, it's just he doesn't know it yet.
Ooh! Mando council! Nice! (See, this is the kind of things I wanna see. I know there's plenty of people criticizing this and that about the season, but so far It has been giving me the look into Mandalorian culture I wanted to see, especially from the covert. I know they're setting things up for what's left of this season and next one, too.)
It's funny that they use the armorer's hammer as a talking stick, but I guess it makes sense. I mean, Mandos are prone to pick up fight for the littlest things so it seems a good way to put order to this council meetings, and not having everyone screaming at each other.
OOOOH! To me, Din hasn't looked more as the Mand'alor than right here, giving his speech. A leader that doesn't think in battles but about the future of his people, a future when they don't need to hide. (it's subtle things like this that show me, even if sometimes it goes over other people's head, Din's character growth this season. It might not be in your face as it was in seasons past, but it's there, and it's beautiful to witness)
Oh Paz! Don't fuck this up for Din, baby. You're better than that.
YES!!! This is the way!!! Good job, Paz! Let's kick some pirate asses!!
There he is! But why he brought Grogu with him (i mean I know why) but seems stupid bringing your kid to a battle when you could leave him perfectly safe back home. Altho, this might be the best, considering that foundlings and midagers are the ones left behind in the covert and I doubt any of them could control Grogu. Din said, nope, I'm taking my kid with me where I can keep an eye on him. Otherwise, we might find chaos when we return)
Mando dropping off the gauntlet! Nice! Watching Mandos being badasses is so freaking cool!! Oh! The armorer kicking ass too! YESSSSSS!!!! Omg! She threw her hammer!
This whole sequence was amazing!! I want more!!!! When can I get more?
Nice speech, Karga.
(And I can't wait to see Mandalorians walking around the city next episode during daylight. It's something that's been changing over the seasons. In season one, everything was in the shadows and pretty dark (both literally and figuratively), with a few exceptions. Season 2 started about the same, but I feel Din spent just a bit more time in less dark places. Season 3 has been pretty much in light most of the time. With the exceptions of the mines of Mandalore and the council meeting in this episode (and Coruscant) has been under the sun. The shift of Mandalorians coming out of hiding has also been represented visually with light.)
Oooh! The Armorer want to talk to Bo? Why?
Wait, What?!! remove her helmet?!! What is this?
OH! The armorer is realizing good things. That there are different ways to be mandalorians and that they need to band together despite the differences because in the end all ARE mandalorians. Nice!
Hmm, so she's sending Bo to fetch more Mandalorians. I think I understand why she's sending Bo and not Din, since he also walked both worlds, as she put it, but it makes sense tome that it's Bo instead.
LOL! All mandos are like wait what?! watching Bo walking by. And Bo is not exactly comfortable about it. Not that I blame her. And Paz is the one who likes it least!
I know it seems that everyone is joking that the moment the Armorer says that Bo will reunite Mandalorians and bring them, Din is like "I'm a joke to you?!" But i think he's not! He's more like "Thank the Manda! If she's the one bringing all tribes together, then she can take the laser sword from me and I'm free of the responsibility!" That's what he's thinking, and that's why he nods to Paz so Paz is ok with Bo taking her helmet off. Joke is on him because I don't think she will challenge him for the darksaber. I think the show is heading toward like both being leaders,, each representing different aspects of what's to be a mandalorian. A joined tenure in being Mand'alors.. Mand'alore
Besides, there's an aspect of the lore about the Darksaber that hasn't been mentioned in season 3 yet, but the Armorer DID mention it in TBoBF, which is the bit of "One warrior will defeat 20 and the multitude will fall before it", which is unclear if it is 20 challenges for the darksaber, if winning a fight with 20-to-1 odds against, or if it's the total of defeats they've had in since claiming the darksaber or whatever. What's worse, it could be applied to both Din and Bo, but it could be the thing that push the scale to either side to decide who will be Mand'alor if they go with just one leader at the head of all Mandalorians.
I knew I knew it I knew it!! I knew since that reformed imp mentioned it in Chapter 19 that the rumor of Moff Gideon escaping was true (and it crosses one of my Mando season 3 bingo's square). The question now is who broke him out and why? Because there are several possibilities here.
One, that it was Gideon's people, using Death troopers. Which could explained the Beskar alloy embedded in the wall. I have the impression that the armor of those troopers could be of a low quality beskar (hence beskar alloy) that was forged without the living waters and that's why it's not impervious to lightsaber (as we saw in the season 2 finale when Luke cut through them like butter with a hot knife) but it's much better than any armor of other metal alloy.
Two, that it was actually a group of Mandalorians, not Din's covert tho, perhaps Koska Reeves and company, or another group. But this isn't likely because, they'd have killed him on sight. Taking him prisoner makes no much sense if it's just about revenge. But I won't rule it out yet.
I heard comments about people thinking that could've been Ahsoka and Sabine, and that can't be right because they wouldn't have killed new republic officers. So, no, it wasn't them.
It could've been Imperial supercomandos, under whose orders? Gideon's or Thrawn's? I don't know but this makes sense. It's very possible that it was under Thrawn's orders, especially since I heard a rumor (I think it was the very Giancarlo Esposito who said it, but take it with a grain of salt) that Gideon and Thrawn are obviously the antagonists to Din and co., but that they're not on the exact same page, that there's some friction between them. So I'm thinking Thrawn extracted him, either to remove a hindrance to his plans or so GIdeon didn't talk about the plans. Thrawn might want him on a short leash at the moment.
And there's also the possibility that the piece of beskar has the only objective to incriminate the Mandalorians and who extracted Gideon is everything but Mandalorian.
I'm curious to see where this is going. Thankfully, Wednesday is around the corner!
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gffa · 2 years
Hello! I love all of your posts about the Jedi, about their code and their way of life. I don't personally ship obikin, but I have occasionally enjoyed some of your posts about it and am usually neutral on it. I do, however, occasionally ship other Jedi, sometimes with each other and sometimes with civilians and on rare occasions with clone officers. But I often run into a problem with that.
I understand and fully support the Jedi position on attachment, and I can understand why romantic relationships would be discouraged (it's difficult to not put your partner above others), marriage wouldn't be viable (making a commitment to another individual over your commitment to the Order), and having children would be almost unthinkable, as parents --especially birthing parents-- often don't really have a choice about what matters most to them once their child is born.
Which brings me to my question: what is your ideal obikin happy ending? Do they leave the order together because they can't fully commit to it? Do you fudge the rules for the purpose of a happy ending even though you don't think they need to be different in canon? If Palps is out of the picture, Anakin doesn't turn, and he and Obi-Wan are in love...what do you want for them?
Hi! This is such a nice ask, thank you for all the kind words and the interesting question! Though, it's a tough one for me because I'm legitimately torn between two paths and I'm not sure which one I would say is the ideal for me on a personal level, because one feels like I have only seen it explored a handful of times, so I'm hungrier for it, and that may affect my desire. If you pressed me, right this moment, I would say that my ideal ending for Obikin is for them to leave the Jedi Order because they understand and care about the reasons for those rules enough to honor them, that if they can't live by them, then they need to walk another path. It's something I crave more of in fandom, to explore Obi-Wan and Anakin deciding to leave the Jedi Order for each other, not because "Jedi can't get married so Jedi bad" but because they understand that the Jedi cannot prioritize someone above an entire planet's worth of people, if that choice comes to it they would have to say, "That's a smart and compassionate way of doing things, unfortunately, this idiot makes my brain crazy and I know I would fail those people if I was put in that position, so I should not be put in that position." That doesn't mean they probably wouldn't still help out or do Jedi things--we see the Jedi are perfectly willing to work with former Jedi, they speak highly of Dooku, they accepted Ahsoka going after Maul--I would love to see the Jedi calling Obi-Wan and Anakin to go on an undercover recon mission where they pose as a married couple or call them up and say, "Hey, we know you're near Florrum and we need to talk to Hondo but it'll take us a day to get there, can you distract him until we do?" or if they're chasing Cad Bane down and could use an extra hand, they call them up and go, "You've dealt with this asshole before, right? Help plz." It doesn't mean that Obi-Wan at the very least wouldn't still live his life by the Jedi's teachings, that the Force still works the same way it does as when he was a Jedi, but that he understands himself well enough to know that he can't be put in the position of saving other people over Anakin, because it would tear him apart to do so. And that he misses being a Jedi, he misses living in the Temple, but it's not like they can't visit. It's not like they couldn't go back if they changed their minds/found that it was the right path for them. But I also do enjoy the idea that they just don't really need to do anything about it, that they continue on as Jedi as they were before, that Obi-Wan is actually happy with a relationship where he understands that he would save others above Anakin's own life or that he has faith in Anakin that they would find a way or that, if the worst happens, he would find a way to make peace with it That they don't need to stop being Jedi because understand that they can't hold onto that person, they can't cling to them, and they find satisfaction in the lives they live as Jedi, helping others and giving to others. I especially really like this path for Anakin, because sometimes I really would like to believe that, had things gone differently in ROTS, that Palpatine's grooming and poison he dripped into Anakin's ear could finally be cleared out of him, that Anakin could finally start to really face the ugly parts of himself and let go of his need to cling to people, and instead find his way to a relationship that was willing to let go when it was time, to find the inner peace enough to not put his own fears and greed above what was best for the other person. I think there's a lot you could do with an Obikin relationship clashing against the Jedi ideas, especially with Anakin's struggle, and maybe they overcome that struggle, maybe they don't, both paths have value, but also I think you could just happily write them in a relationship and it's not a problem re: the Jedi Code, so long as they're not willing to let an entire planet die to save the other. (Or at least write that Anakin says he understands that, even if he doesn't. XD)
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echos-newlegs · 3 years
Hi there, I love your writing!! Number 6 from the angst sentence starters. Could you please write a Kix x Jedi!reader fic where it's order 66 and he tries to kill her, but the reader remove his chip and they run away together, to get away from everything to hide? Thank you 😊
Please, Forgive Me Now
Oh owie, yeah I can. I love this man and he deserves the world ✌😔
Kix x Reader: 6. “I have an order, and that’s to kill you.”
Warnings: angst, mentions of children because idk. Clones want families imo. No deaths or anything. Tjough I do mention Fives and Jesse and since this is Post O66 🤡 sorry, not sorry.
Word count: 2.4k
Tag List:
@murdertoothpick @andiebell2023 @kaitou2417 @tacticalsparkles @baroclinicinstability @captain-rexs-girlfriend @kirinpl
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Kix held the gun up towards you. Tears falling from his eyes. He knew he didn't want to do this, but he couldn't stop himself. He couldn't even close his eyes and wish it all away. 
When your eyes met his, the look of shock on your face to see him holding two blasters up to your head. Your heart shattered. His did as well. More tears falling onto his cheeks as his hands began to shake. 
"Kix, What're you doing?" You asked, backing up with a gulp. Eyebrows slightly furrowing. 
"I have an- an order." He stammered. He barely even had control over what he was saying. He felt so controlled. So used. "And that's to kill you." He finished, and something in his seemed to snap. The once sad look in his eyes fading into a look of disbelief and anger. 
He raised the blasters again. Eyes narrowing on you once you ignited your lightsaber. Backing up with fear he'd actually shoot. 
"Kix, this isn't you," you told him. Jumping out of the way when he shot. But his aim was slightly off. Which you assumed wasn't an accident. 
"Get out of here, cyare!" He screamed. His eyebrows furrowed. Face scrunched up. Almost as if he was fighting a demon within him. A demon that demanded you died. 
"I'm not leaving you!" You shouted back. Dodging more bullets. Then you landed behind him. Grabbing a blaster from the ground that you set to stun. "Please, Kix, you need to fight that, I know you don't want to fight me!" You exclaimed, and he shook his head. Turning to face you with a glare. 
"Good soldiers.." he raised the guns at you again. This wasn't Kix, this time. This was a brainwashed man. "Follow orders." 
The sound of the blaster being fired echoed the walls. Your eyes widening as you watched a blue static encase the man you once loved. 
You caught him before he hit the ground, a small sob escaping your lips. You needed help, fast. Before he woke up and tried to kill you again. 
You tore your comlink off your arm. Tossing it on the ground and leaving it where you previously fought Kix. One less thing for people to track you by. You mustered all your strength to carry the man you grew to care for in your arms. Holding him bridal style as you took him to the one person you knew would help, Ahsoka Tano. She was the last voice you heard on the Comm, and the code she sent out only the Jedi would know her coordinates. Jedi that she was close with and knew wouldn't rat out her location. 
It took nearly an hour to get just to the ship to get to the planet Ahsoka was on, you had to use most your strength on Kix. Between carrying his heavy body, and using the force to keep him at rest. Worried he might start strangling you if you didn’t. 
You came to an abandoned ship that was still accessible. One that you knew no one could track you in. So after restraining Kix and checking over the ship, and being sure he would sleep for at least half of the trip you went to the cockpit. Readying the engines with a few presses and flicks of some buttons. Then off you went. 
The engines were loud. Some beeping here and there along with flashing lights as you watched the stars and planets in front of you take place. You prayed and hoped that Ahsoka was alright, and that she knew how to help Kix right away. Last thing you wanted was to have to put him in stasis to figure out the cause of his sudden urge to kill you. Then again you didn't know if it was just him either. The phrase about 'good soldiers following orders.' Did happen to concern you quite a bit. Wondering if all the clones got some sort of message that no one else knew about. It would make sense for ARC Trooper Fives outburst before his death. Something about a chip, Anakin and Rex had brought up. 
You shook your head when you heard movement towards the back. A groan leaving Kixs mouth as he stirred awake. "Y/n," he cried out. His voice sounded like he was in pain, and you had to stop yourself from running back there to hold him. "Please come here, I'm sorry." He cried out. You had to remind yourself he wasn't all there, either. 
"Makers sake, I said I was sorry!" He snapped this time. Kicking something open with his boot. 
"I know you're there, too, I know you're trying to save me, but let's face it. You couldn’t even save yourself if you tried. I'm shocked you weren't the one The Emperor tried to go after. All that rage inside you." He egged on, a chuckle leaving his lips. "You'd make a perfect little sith lord, then maybe we could have stayed together. Rule the galaxy as sith and trooper." He cooed. You wouldn’t have done it though, your allegiance was to the republic. Not this. 
He continued crying out for you and talking most of the flight. You didn't say a word. Barely even moved as you stared blankly out the window. Hoping your restraints would keep him there. Which they did, lucky for you. 
You readied for the atmosphere on the small moon. Seeing a wreckage and.. Helmets. 
Your stomach knotted up at the sight as you landed the ship. Shutting off the engines and other things. Then racing outside. Giving Kix a light tap as he made eyes contact. Watching his hazy eyes fall shut as he slumped forward. 
Then you ran. You ran down the slope of the landing dock. Making your way for Ahsoka who was watching your ship with great interest. You were nearly there, and then you saw Rex's head pop out from behind their ship. Your breath catching in your throat. 
"Is he- Is he trying to-" you stammered. Holding your lightsaber out with an untrusting look, and Ahsoka shook her head. Running over to you to place her hand on your shoulders. "No no, he's normal. Y/N, you might want to have a seat." You nodded at those words. 
You didn't sit, but you paced as you listened to her words as she filled you in. Chips, empire, Palpatine, Jedi, death. It was all so much. "What about Anakin, or- or Obi-Wan?" She frowned. "We lost word from Anakin, Obi-Wan is alright, but he vanished. Haven't heard word from anyone else, either." She informed you. You felt weak at the knees. Rex caught you before you could drop. 
"So you can get the chips removed?" You asked, staring you Ahsoka with hopeful eyes. Rex looked at you with the same hope. Hoping you had one of his brothers on board. Even if he could save one of them he would be thrilled. 
"Yes, but we did it on Kamino and I can only assume it's overrun by clones now," ahsoka spoke. "And from what we know, all the clones are trying to kill the Jedi." You nodded. Wetting your lips. 
"Why?" Rex finally spoke up, and your eyes went back to the ship. 
"I have Kix on there. He tried to kill me, but I just.. I couldn't hurt him, nor could I just leave him. So I.." you trailed off, looking down. "I stuneed him and I misused the force to keep him at rest." You nodded with a sigh. 
The two friends looked at the ship, then back to you. Rex pulling you in for a hug. He wasn't really even sure if he was hugging you because you needed it, or he did. He was just- excited almost. He was also one of the only ones, besides Jesse. Who was now gone. That knew about your guys' relationship. 
Rex didn't mind, though. It was something that he thought was nice. It really did keep Kix a lot less stressed than he normally was. 
"So you can't help him then, can you?" 
Ahsoka looked back to you after a long gaze at the ship entrance. A mischievous smile playing at her lips. "Y/n, I was the padawan of Anakin 'we can do anything we want,' Skywalker. I think we can save your trooper." She winked. Your face felt hot at her words as you glanced down. Though you couldn't help the smile on your lips as you hugged Rex back. 
It took half of your guys' day to find help for Kix. Rex spent most of the time watching over and listening to his brothers complaining. Making sure he didn't get free and attempt to hurt you two or run. 
"Ah, if it isn't Ahsoka Tano," Kix awed as she walked in with a bag of supplies and a medic that used to work for the GAR. Explaining the situation and he agreed to help. 
"What's this?" He looked to the medic. A glint of Jealousy in his eyes as he looked to you who was whispering something in his ear. "Found someone new? Didn't realize you had a type, dolly." He snarled. Rolling his eyes and throwing his head back. 
"Kix, stop it," Rex snapped, and his brother shook his head with a chuckle. 
"Not even my captain anymore, and you're still trying to boss me about, hm? Traitor." Kix snapped. Glaring up at Rex. Trying to pull at the restraints on his wrist once more, but it was no use. No matter how hard he pulled and tugged. 
You, Ahsoka, and Rex all had to hold down Kix as the guy you retrieved did his best to replicate the machine on Kamino without hurting Kix. Trying to deactivate the chip, but it still seemed to cause a great deal of pain to the trooper. His back arching, eyes and jaw clenching shut. Hand squeezing around yours, and then he was out. He blacked out from the pain, and you felt your eyes begin to water. Rex's too. 
You were blaming yourself for not paying attention. For not trying harder, and he was blaming himself for not just listening to Fives. When Fives knew what he was talking about. 
Now you all just had to wait. Which took quite a bit for him to wake up from his slumber. You knew he needed it. Even before the chip activated he rarely slept. Always trying to help everyone except for himself. 
When he shifted nearly 40 minutes after, you hand squeezed onto his. Hoping he was back. That it worked, and you wouldn't have to put him in some sort of stasis. 
He jolted up eyes darting about as he threw himself back against the wall. "Get away from me!" He cried out. Eyes wide with fear as he tried to back away. Curling into himself, and you felt your heart pinch in your chest. Brows creasing. 
"Kix, it's me.." you murmured, reaching out for him, but he only flinched away. 
"I know who you are, but I can't risk hurting you again, mesh'la." He spoke through a broken sob. Rex watching from behind. Kixs eyes looking up to meet his. 
"Trooper, we deactivated your chip, and removed it. You aren’t hurting her anytime soon." Rex informed Kix. "You aren't even a trooper anymore, you're as free as I am." 
Kixs eyes widened slightly more. Then his hand traveled up to reach for the bandages on the side of his head. A small exasperated noise leaving his lips. "I'm free?" His voice was full of disbelief and wonder. Before looking back to you with a small grin. Giving you a happy, and apologetic look. 
"I'm so sorry," he spoke, and then leant forward. You met him half way for a hug. Fingers running through his hair. His hands gripping at your robes. "Kix it wasn't you, I know it wasn't." You told him. Kix leaving a kiss on your cheek while you kissed his jaw. Small sobs and incredulous laughter leaving your lips. 
Rex smiled down at the two of you. Kix looking up to his Vod with a teary eyed look. Smiling and mouthing the words, "thank-you." To which Rex nodded. Then wandered off of the ship with Ahsoka. Going back to stocking and making sure everything was in place so the two of them could leave. 
Kix after a while was the one to pull back. Cupping your face with his hands as he wiped some tears away with his thumbs. 
"We're free from the war?" He added. Still unable to believe this was real, and you nodded. You nodded so quickly, smiled big and wide as you leaned in to connect your lips with his. Letting out a small titter as he kissed you back. Though your smiles were so wide it was difficult to just press your lips with one another. 
"We can finally start that life you've wanted." You told him. Fingers running through his hair as he leant into your touch. 
"Could we maybe even start a family?" He eyes. Hopeful eyes, and you nodded. Pulling him in for another kiss. "Of course, now that we're free, we can do anything." 
After your guys' moment ended. The two of you ventured out hand in hand. An action that you two never got to do in front of people, but now you could. 
"Thank you, Rex, so much." Kix told him. Reaching out to pull his brother in for a hug. You doing the same with Ahsoka. 
"Of course, Kix." Rex smiled. Patting his brothers back. Then looking over to you and Ahsoka with a smile. 
"You two keep in touch," Rex added, and Kix nodded. Pulling you back to his side when you stepped over to him again. 
"We will," "especially if you become and uncle." You told Rex with a toothy grin, and the former commander only smiled. Ahsoka as well. 
"And you, too, our baby can't go without an aunt." She chuckled at Kixs words. Appreciating how you practically adopted her into your small family. "Of course, Auntie Soka would never not see the baby." She spoke and you chuckled. Giving her a nod. 
It was silent for a moment, but nothing awkward. The four of you standing there in a comfortable silence. Letting a small sigh escape your lips. The four of you were already like a happy family. All three of you considered Ahsoka like the sister you all always wanted, and she considered you all like brothers and sister. It was the life you all dreamt of, but never knew you'd receive. 
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phoenixyfriend · 3 years
Re; Ahsoka and Quinlan being the same age, now I'm picturing Ahsoka, Quinlan, and Rex eventually ending up in a weird sorta thruple where Quinlan comes in and out of the relationship but the door is kinda always open for him? And Rex spends a lot of mornings eyeing the tangle of orange and brown skin on the other side of the bed like he has no idea how he ended up here but he's (mostly) okay with that tbh
Context: Commander Buir in chronological order
YES okay so this is wild to me that people are invested in this but like half the time-travel fics with Ahsoka in the same age-group as Quinlan have me wondering if I should ship them. Let me just. Ho shit.
So, okay, I've explored a lot of possible dynamics but there's something really engaging about how Quinlan, trained as a Shadow before the Sith came back, could react to a War Padawan. Ahsoka isn't really infiltration material yet, she's very much a frontline fighter, but she's got a lot more experience with a kind of consistent dark atmosphere that most Jedi don't. They get exposed to plenty of dark stuff, sure, but not the kind of all-encompassing "this is my life for the last two years" thing that is usually reserved for the long-term field agents like Shadows and Watchmen.
The War Padawans, for all that they were supposed to be just normal Jedi Padawans, were living in the kind of consistently negative environment that's normally experienced by those Knighted Sentinels.
So Ahsoka, while still generally pretty young in these AUs, is a very odd kind of person to be around, because she's spunky and vivacious and snippy and affectionate and snarky and knows how to break every bone in your body from harrowing experience as the only thing standing between death and thousands of brothers.
And Quinlan, I imagine, really likes that about her. She gets it, and she's still an energetic and loving and trying to do her best to be a good person despite everything. He gravitates towards her and she... well, she's not blind. She can tell he's interested. And she's not upset about that.
So, Rex is... technically twelve. He hasn't exactly got a whole lot of experience with romance. He is also, up until the point of time-travel, legal property of the Senate and the Jedi Order, which means that Ahsoka, or at least her community, owns him. He was indoctrinated to serve her and that community. She also outranks him, for all that she usually lets him take the lead in the field due to experience. He's older than her physically and maturity-wise, but she's also had a grow-up-faster-than-you-should adolescence, and she has superpowers.
What I'm saying is, the power dynamic is fucked up.
(Unironically I spent hours last night realizing that it balances out a lot more than C*dywan does, which I'm censoring because by god do I not want discourse on this post. I like both ships, and don't want to argue about what's the most problematic. It's Star Wars. The only unproblematic ships are Bail/Breha and Owen/Beru.)
Here's the thing, though, because the main thing people seem to argue here is the age/maturity difference as a problem area:
The age difference in actual time is four years, which is smaller than the two main ships of the franchise (Han/Leia and Padme/Anakin, to be clear). The age difference in maturity is ??? We'll say that the clones started aging normally after they hit twenty, so the age difference in maturity is six years... which is still normal for SW ships.
(This is why I don't have any issues with the ship in a post-O66 context, once they've had a few years to move past the traumas and whatnot. The age stuff all evens out with time, they're a good team, and neither was grooming the other. It's not objectively any more problematic than most SW ships at that point, and I'm okay with that. They deserve to be happy if they want.)
But they get yanked away from all that structure of who owns what, who reports where, who has which rank, who's legally a person in the eyes of the Republic when they end up on Dagobah. Once they've registered when they are, the only remaining complications are:
He grew up in a cultlike environment and was indoctrinated to serve her (but has been replacing that indoctrination with genuine respect and affection for her as a person because they've worked together for two years).
She has superpowers (contextually not a big problem: we see several Force-Sensitive/Non-Sensitive ships that don't consider those powers a complicating element)
He's several years younger than her (canonically less of an issue than it could be: Cut got married and has kids) and has next to no experience with what a normal romance looks like except for hanging out on the edges of whatever the fuck his General has going on with the Senator
She's several years less mature than he is (...something of an issue)
So a lot of this is mostly okay. She feels weird about the fact that she's got more knowledge of romance and all that it entails. He feels weird about the fact that, despite her being older, he looks at her and sees someone that's still a little young, not quite a shiny. Except she is older than him, and he's seen her behead four people in a single move, and they've saved each other's lives more times than either of them can count anymore. He respects her, and the fact that she's babyfaced doesn't change the fact that, in terms of who they are as people and warriors, they're on a level playing field.
She still looks at him and mourns his lost childhood, and he still looks at her and takes a moment to see past the too-big eyes and adolescent proportions.
But they really, really care about each other, and maybe part of them is starting to recognize that there's a bit of a crush before they time-travel, but neither one wants to make a move. There's a lot of baggage on both sides, a lot of "but they're a child" and "but they're (literally vs functionally) below me in the chain of command, I can't take advantage of that" and all that fun stuff. It's the kind of situation where two people circle each other for ages without making a move, because actually making that move is terrifying on account of not knowing whether the other party knows they can say no, on top of the usual "what if it ruins our friendship?" thing.
What happens on Dagobah, though... is very tropey. They're sort of stranded until Ahsoka can fix the ship, and that takes time. The area is also very heavy with the Force, dense and heady with the energy it carries, and it's... actually really not great for Ahsoka. She keeps feeling like she's back on Mortis, and has nightmares from the trigger there, but also keeps hallucinating because she wasn't ready for the thickness of the energy (like Yoda) or still new enough to the Force that she couldn't feel how dense it all was (like Luke). She can't work on the engines as constantly as she'd like to get them out of there, and while Rex is a competent mechanic, he's not as skilled with it as the girl who jumped headfirst into lessons with Anakin.
Rex spends a lot of time holding Ahsoka and wiping her brow with a wet cloth while she's feverish and out of it. Yes we're going full Florence Nightingale romance here, let me have my fun.
They get the communications relay working earlier than the engine, find out the year is wrong, panic a bit. All is well. (It's not, but they're holding it together for now.)
Ahsoka keeps working on the engine when she's lucid. Rex keeps hunting up game and edible plants for them while she does. They cuddle at night, because it's not cold but it is empty of the people they care about, and they kind of want that reassurance of someone they trust and love at their back.
(Morai visits.)
(Daughter shows up in the nightmares, tells Ahsoka that age will not come for her beloved until the time is natural for it. The phrasing is dumb but she does manage to convey that the accelerated aging is no longer an issue, if it even was after they hit adulthood. Ahsoka is relieved.)
And, you know, emotions happen. She takes his hand while they're leaning up against each other. He kisses her forehead while she's having a bad spell. They cook together and tell jokes to keep sane and spar. They hug each other through nightmares and panic attacks. There is much blushing. There is much cuddling.
Once, they kiss.
They break apart, flushing and stammering and being very awkward about the whole thing, and make excuses to leave and panic about the fact that they!! Kissed!!!!!
A couple hours later they find each other again, and have a long and complicated discussion about why they like each other (war makes bedfellows, there's trust and affection and all that fun stuff) and why they're hesitant (age stuff, maturity stuff, prior indoctrination), and make the decision to take it slow. They cuddle, and kiss, and blush a lot because both of them are basically just dumb teens having their first real relationship.
They eventually leave the planet, make it to Coruscant, etc. It takes a bit for anyone except Obi-Wan to realize that something's changed between them. Most people didn't know them before, and Anakin's observation skills are currently at a very low ebb. But they sit together and hold hands, and flirt when they spar, and once or twice people find them kissing (both standard and Keldabe) in a corner while holding hands and then just smiling at each other like loons.
They end up rooming together because nobody has the heart to separate them after hearing about all the war stuff. Like yes attachment's bad, but these two do seem to understand loss of loved ones and recognize that they could lose each other at any time and death is natural and they won't lose their entire shit about it, and if even General Kenobi is anxious as hell about being separated from the people he fought side-by-side with for two years, then maybe it's just... really normal for those two to want each other's company, and everyone can just turn a blind eye to the romance happening.
They share a bed, but they only ever sleep in it. Like, there's some goodnight kisses and cuddles, but everything is very G-rated until they've had time to settle into being true equals instead of just the "well, I guess the power dynamics balance out? Maybe?" of before.
And just... yeah. Rex does not believe that he's in this good of a position whenever he has the time to think about it. He's got a girlfriend! A really pretty, smart, strong, skilled one! Who thinks he's a cool dude! How the fuck did a clone like him manage that? He wasn't even legally a person a year ago, how did he end up in bed with one of the most amazing people he's ever met? He spends multiple nights just staring at her while he tries to fall asleep, asking himself how he got here and just like... marveling at her. She's worth marveling at. He's in love and she's amazing and he has no idea how to handle it at all.
...yeah no I have a lot of feelings now.
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maulusque · 4 years
Hey d'you know the origins of Quinlan Vos/Fox ship? I keep finding it and I'm curious if it's one of those Fan Things that took off or if they went on an adventure together at some point.
To my knowledge, they have literally never met or even been in close proximity in canon. I remember last, like, April or something @forestgreengirl went full Galaxy Brain and decided that Vox would be a thing and single-handedly paddled that canoe into fandom’s collective consciousness. 
As for why they work so well together, I think it’s partially a matter of feasibility (Fox never leaves Coruscant, the only Jedi who seem to never leave Coruscant are like, really really old, but Quinlan could feasibly spend a lot of time there because he’s a Jedi Superspy and he doesn’t have his own battalion of clones (at least, not in current canon)). Quinlan shows up for his one (1) clone wars arc and seems imminently shippable, but the only clone he interacts with is Cody, and fandom has decided that Obi-Wan has near-exclusive Cody dibs (the other obvious choice is Fandom Bicycle Obi-Wan Kenobi, and there are a fair number of quinlan/obi fics). Most other clones tend to get paired off with their Jedi, but Fox doesn’t have one of those, so he’s single and ready to mingle, so to speak. So it’s partially a case of Pair the Spares.
Also it has to do with personality. Quinlan is, in disney canon, a relaxed, easy-going, hypercompetent, humorous guy who’s also kind of an asshole. Fox has absolutely no canon personality, BUT he certainly has a fandom-assigned personality. Fox’s fandom-personality has changed over time, which was kind of interesting to watch. A while back, Fox was characterized as proud, brash, in-your-face, kind of a slut, cocky, etc. Now, he’s uptight, repressed, extremely stressed and sleep-deprived, cares deeply for literally everyone even though he hides it, slow to trust, doesn’t open up easily, kind of acts like a dick, is really abrasive, and really, really needs a hug.
 I think the change was due to some Fox Discourse that went down where some people reacted to people basically hating on Fox for arresting Ahsoka and wanting his men to shoot to kill when they hunted her down, killing Fives, and serving Darth Vader. There was kind of a tidal wave of posts defending Fox, and at first it was like “Fox was following orders, it wasn’t his fault, and of course he would have his troopers shoot to kill Ahsoka, he thought she was a murderer and he knew she was armed and dangerous, and he killed Fives because he was doing his job and he saw Fives reaching for a gun, that’s not unreasonable even though it is tragic” and then it quickly progressed to “Fox was probably mind-controlled by Palpatine when he killed Fives” and “Fox flinched when Anakin yelled at him to he’s probably used to people hurting him” and all of that resulted in the New Fox Personality, as well as several things that we have zero evidence for in canon but Fandom accepts as Fact:
-all the other clones hate/strongly dislike the Coruscant Guard
-Fox constantly has to forge the chancellor’s signature
-Fox is terrified of Palpatine, and he Knows that he’s Evil
-Palpatine is mind-controlling Fox and Fox has memory gaps where Palpatine takes over
-Fox is ridiculously stressed and sleep-deprived and constantly on the verge of a breakdown
-Fox is constantly abused/yelled at my senators and he hates every single one of them
-Fox tries to keep secret exactly how stressed and fucked up he is
-Fox has between 0 and 1 (one) friends
don’t get me wrong I FUCKING LOVE these Fox tropes it’s just kinda funny how we’ve built this whole narrative framework by wholesale pulling it out of our collective asses (fun fact: Old Fandom Fox had a lip ring, New Fandom Fox has graying hair).
anyway, laid-back, relaxed, funny guy and upright asshole who secretly needs a hug is like, one of the top three ship dynamics in existence so when people saw Quinlan Vos paired with New Personality Fox, they were like “oh that is some GOOD SHIT” and anyway that’s my thoughts on how Vox became a thing thank you for coming to my ted talk
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the-last-kenobi · 3 years
Hellooooo! "Dragging themselves along the ground" with anyone you want? I hope I'm doing this right oop
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Always happy to have you Screamakin! And yes, absolutely.
The battle is a normal one — normal for them, at least.
Yoda’s lineage through Count Dooku have always had a flair for causing and attracting trouble.
Place Dooku on one side of the war, position his Grandpadawan as one of the highest ranking Jedi Generals on the other side, and his own Padawan and Grandpadawan below him running the fastest-moving legion in the Republic, well.
The most dramatic battles go to the most dramatic lineage.
Anakin is carving his way up the narrow canyon, refusing to allow his troops to be boxed in and slaughtered. His face is covered in soot and dust that only makes his scowl more pronounced.
Rex had chucked his helmet aside hours ago after it cracked in an explosion; now he fights bareheaded and with one fractured wrist, his jaw set.
Ahsoka darts all over the line like a spark from a fire. Her twin sabers dance and carve their way through droids almost constantly.
The time for joking and tallying up kills passed sometime early in the morning when the first landslide, triggered by a bomb, had buried dozens of droids and men alike. When strategy had begun to fail them.
When Obi-Wan had been forced to leave them, springing up to the rim of the canyon to face Dooku alone, while Anakin and Ahsoka advanced on Ventress.
Anakin glances up for the hundredth time, catching another fleeting glimpse of his friend dueling the Sith, blue on red, beige on black.
They engage and disengage, run and return, and on the ground the Seps and the Clones battle for ground while Ventress and Anakin and Ahsoka lead the way, clashing from time to time.
It’s only a matter of time before—
And then somewhere high above there’s a deafening crack. Part of the cliff wall begins to give way right beneath Tyrranus and Kenobi.
The Sith leaps clear.
The Jedi does not, struggling with all his might to hold the earth together while the combatants below flee, trying to avoid impending death.
“Master Obi-Wan!” Ahsoka cries out, pausing briefly to look up at him in shock.
Rex tackles her as Ventress descends on the Padawan like a vulture. Before Rex can move to defend them, Anakin attacks Ventress, his face bloodless with fear. “Don’t—you—touch—them,” Anakin snarls at her, their sabers spitting sparks as they collide inches between their faces.
She laughs at him. “Foolish little Jedi. You and your Master. One of you is about to watch the other fall, mark my words!”
Anakin bellows in denial and flings her backward so hard there’s an audible crunch when she hits the ground.
Ahsoka is up again, still taking down droids but distracted by the scene above.
Dooku is watching calmly, red saber held loosely in one hand, as he watches his Padawan’s Padawan fight for his life and the lives of those below him.
Obi-Wan is weakening.
Everyone can see it.
Anakin can feel it.
“Master!” he screams up at them, not even knowing if he can be heard. “Hold on! I’m coming!”
Obi-Wan has his arms spread wide, his legs braced as he trembles with the effort of holding the cliffside together — long enough, just long enough — his lightsaber is still alight, held out parallel to the ground. There is no room in his mind to worry about defending himself.
“Obi-Wan!” Anakin slices another droid in half and leaps over its crumbling body to stand on top of a fallen tank. He’s a visible target up here but that doesn’t matter. It doesn’t matter.
He reaches upwards and into the Force, feels his power combine with his Master’s.
There are still men fleeing.
They have to hold the canyon wall. Have to.
Anakin feels sweat rolling down his face, sees the distant silhouette of Obi-Wan still struggling on the cliff’s edge, balanced on earth that wants very much to fall.
But they’re nearly there. Rex and Cody are directing the battle, hurling a desperate attack to the enemy, driving them back, giving the Clones room to move.
Soon they will be safely out of the way.
Just as Anakin thinks this, Rex screams, “CLEAR!”
Anakin looks up at Obi-Wan and sees his shoulders slump in exhaustion and relief. The older Jedi begins carefully to maneuver himself along the ground, moving himself out of the way, now that the others are safe and there’s time to concentrate on himself.
And then with a lazy flick of the hand, Dooku uses the Force to send Obi-Wan flying over the edge and into thin air.
Anakin screams.
Obi-Wan is falling, falling.
He’s trying to slow himself down but he’s drained from holding the cliff together, and the cliff is crumbling now without the Jedi holding it up— Anakin throws himself frantically into the Force again, shoving his arms into the air, but it’s not enough.
Obi-Wan is swallowed by the roaring tide of soil and stone, and with a thunderous crash the wall collapses, sending dust flying into the air in a thick cloud.
And burying a Jedi beneath its weight.
“No!” Anakin doesn’t hesitate.
There’s still hope.
There has to be hope.
Obi-Wan cannot die like this—
Ahsoka is by his side. They leave the battle to the capable hands of their men and abandon their posts entirely, running into the debris and desperately reaching out for Obi-Wan.
Their connection with him is so thin.
Anakin quails at it.
How dare it be so fragile? Obi-Wan is too important to die like this!
There’s only dust and blindness and mountains of freshly fallen earth though.
There’s nothing—
Ahsoka suddenly veers right, her lightsabers raised aggressively. “Get off him!” she screams.
Anakin looks, and feels his heart stop once again as he sees Obi-Wan, covered in dust, bleeding, half of his face obscured by blood, crawling across the earth.
And standing over him with an amused expression was the Count, one hand extended, holding an invisible tether around Obi-Wan with the Force, keeping him from moving.
Obi-Wan coughs, his breath rasping, and spits out blood.
He’s hurt, he’s so so hurt—
The bloodied palms scrape the earth helplessly.
“Obi-Wan!” Anakin cries, and he gives Dooku a look full of rage and pure loathing. “Let. Him. Go!”
Dooku only smiles.
Obi-Wan lifts his head. His red hair is barely visible through all the dirt, but his blue eyes open cautiously, blinking against grit, and settle on Anakin.
A look of foggy relief enters those eyes.
He sees Anakin.
He knows he’s safe.
Anakin doesn’t. Anakin doesn’t know; his heart is pounding so hard it feels like it’s trying to escape his chest with brute force, and all he can think is Obi-Wan Obi-Wan Obi-Wan—
His best friend struggles to move closer to them, and his injured face creases with confusion as he discovers that he can’t get any closer.
“An...” he coughs, looking up again, his forehead wrinkled with bewilderment. “Anak...Anakin?”
“I’m here Master,” answers Anakin, his eyes darting between Dooku and Obi-Wan, the cat playing with his all-too-helpless prey.
“Let go of him!” he orders.
Obi-Wan wheezes for breath and hangs his head, still trying to move, dragging his fingers through the earth.
His hands leave bloody furrows in the ground.
“I swear, if you don’t release Master Obi-Wan,” Ahsoka threatens, but doesn’t finish.
Obi-Wan looks around at her.
“‘Soka?” he whispers.
He looks so very tired now.
But he doesn’t stop trying to get to them.
“I’m here, Master,” she calls back. “You’re going to be okay.”
“Put him down and fight me!” Anakin roars at Tyrranus, brandishing his lightsaber.
“Oh, Skywalker,” drawls the Count. “Didn’t this one ever manage to teach you to choose your words more carefully?”
And without hesitation, without even the flicker of an eye, the Sith closes the fist that was holding his hostage still, and with a dreadful crack, Obi-Wan’s neck snaps.
He falls dead.
Sprawled in the dust, one hand still outstretched, trying to reach Anakin.
It’s over before anything can be done.
“Down like a dog,” Dooku says with satisfaction.
Anakin and Ahsoka stand paralyzed, staring at Obi-Wan’s corpse with horrified eyes. Unable to move, to think, to understand.
Dooku raises his red saber in a mock salute. “I believe you wanted to fight, next?”
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ipreferfiction · 2 years
Interview with a Fic Writer
i was tagged by Lee My Beloved (@revanchxst), this looks like a ton of fun!
1) how many works do you have on AO3?
19 total
2) what's your total AO3 word count?
277,051. It's not a ton, esp not compared to others, but it'll increase a lot over my next couple of series.
3) what are your top 5 fics by kudos?
in order: The Bond Between, oneshot, tcw, gen (ahsoka & obi-wan)
we'll hold each other soon (in the darkest of rooms), oneshot, kotor, cassus fett/mandalore the ultimate. important caveat - this fic got hit with that kudos bot right after it was posted, so though it's listed as my second highest fic, i have no way to gauge its real kudos count
Dragon's Rise, wip, asoiaf, jon snow/daenerys targaryen
Wasteland, oneshot, tcw/ot, gen (obi-wan & anakin)
How Far We've Come, oneshot, lockwood & co, gen - focused on quill kipps
4) do you respond to comments? why or why not?
i try to, yes! i've fallen a little behind for general chaotic life reasons, but assuming the comment isn't an outright hate comment, i will try to respond as much as possible.
5) what's the fic you've written with the angstiest ending?
i never actually got around to writing it, and i unpublished it a couple months ago because i knew i'd never finish it, but it was a lockwood & co. backstory fic for kipps. and it essentially ended with all of his friends and the girl he loved dying in various ways to ghosts; the final scene was him standing over the girl's grave.
6) what's the fic you've written with the happiest ending?
uhhhhh i don't actually tend to write fics with happy endings? at least the traditional flavor of them. ultimately, it'll end up being start a war, but that is still in its very early stages, and to get a happy ending, it's got a lot of trauma for everyone to get through first.
7) do you write crossovers?
i... used to, with my own ocs, and sometimes i still write them in my head because it's fun to make my horrible ocs from different works meet each other. but in terms of actual writing i'd post, no, though i do love fusions; my biggest project to date is a swtor/kotor/hp fusion, and i have a swtor/mass effect fusion floating around with @revanchxst
8) have you ever received hate on a fic?
yes. usually i laugh because it never manages to be coherently thought-out, but occasionally it's just... someone being rude. then i just tend to move on.
9) do you write smut? if so, what kind?
oh god. fuck. yes, and it is almost universally intensely Loyalty Kink. there is always a Dynamic there, and for a weird amount of them there's an incredibly strong dom/sub dynamic, for others it's a loyalty kink. in one case it is. weird loyalty, an intense amount of dissociation, horrible decisions, blood magic, a mental bond, ill-advised ritual knives, and more dissociation. also internalized homophobia and weird amounts of dysphoria, for a cis character. and active withdrawal from what is essentially a magic addiction. i don't know how it fits in one doc either.
10) have you ever had a fic stolen?
11) have you ever had a fic translated?
not that i know of, no
12) have you ever co-written a fic before?
yes! several, actually, with @revanchxst, and we've got several in the works too.
13) what's your all time favorite ship?
oh god i can't pick one. frankly Scourge/Jedi Knight ends up being one of my absolute favorites for the angst potential, the loyalty, all of it. Exar Kun/Ulic Qel-Droma has given me terminal brainrot and they're never going to leave. Revalek is an old classic, they're so awful and i adore them. i am also immensely, immensely fond of Theon/Robb from asoiaf for incredibly horribly crunchy loyalty reasons. also the i should have been with him. where was i? i should have died with him kills me Every God Damned Time.
14) what's a WIP that you want to finish, but don't think you ever will?
anything from a fandom i'm no longer really part of tbh, which includes my lockwood & co stuff.
15) what are your writing strengths?
i like to think i'm good at putting a lot of emotion into darker stuff, and frankly i'm very fond of how i write Force/magic/whatever visions and powers. it's always been a favorite of mine.
16) what are your writing weaknesses?
dialogue. i hate dialogue so much. if it's not a big dramatic speech, it's awful. i hate having to write characters' reactions and movements in, and the whole thing always feels stiff and awful.
17) what are your thoughts on writing dialogue in other languages in a fic?
it depends! i think that if you're doing more than a phrase or something that's very significant for some. idk, ritual or ceremony or something then it's better to simply indicate via italics or something else that the dialogue isn't in english (or whatever language the fic is in, but i write in english). but i love seeing bits of other languages thrown in there, be they real or conlangs, and i think a lot of readers also like little things like that, as long as they have an easy way to translate it!
18) what was the first fandom you wrote for?
uhhhh honestly i think it was Sherlock? that was certainly the first real fic i posted that i remember. naturally, it was about my oc, Sherlock's secret younger sister. i was like... 12
19) what's a fandom/ship you haven't written for yet, but want to?
frankly, if i have any ideas, they get at least partially written immediately. so in my docs i basically have all the stuff i currently want to write for. however, i want to write more cassus/mandalore the ultimate and exar/ulic.
20) what's your favorite fic you've written?
start a war, without hesitation. i am in love with this fic and the characters, and the entire series is going to be incredibly fun to write. the hp au is a very, very close second, especially any parts with my favorite horrible rat bastard (not that many, but i love him).
and i will tag. hm. @sith-shenanigans when you have brain, @comradevo, @tarrevizsla, and anyone else who wants to do this
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I just hit 1,000 notes, and this will be my 100th post. So I think it's only appropriate we meet Jedi knight Lyra Shelteba. Enjoy!
Lyra walks in, gently bowing and taking her seat. She crosses her ankles and tucks them underneath her seat.
Name ➔ She smiles sweetly "Jedi knight Lyra Shelteba, it's a pleasure." Are you single ➔ "N- Yes! Yes I am....." Her face flushes a crimson shade, "Jedi are forbidden from that kind of attachment.." Are you happy ➔ "I would think so, yes. The war is finally calming down and could be over soon. I think that is something to be very happy about." Are you angry ➔ "No. I don't have anything to be angry about." She looks straight at the interviewer, "Anger leads to hate. Hate leaves to suffering."
Are your parents still married ➔ "I don't know, I never even got to meet them. My master found me. She was drawn to me and found me orphaned. Just left somewhere in the least decent part of my homeworld." NINE FACTS Birthplace ➔ "I was born on Corusant. So it was an easy find for the Jedi and my master." Hair colour ➔ "I would be considered a strawberry blonde I suppose, but I still say I'm more of a ginger blonde." Eye colour ➔  "Green." Mood ➔ "I'm usually very happy and tranquil, Master Kenobi very much disagrees with tranquil though." She chuckles a little and smiles big, as if recalling a fond memory between the two. Gender ➔ "I'm female," Summer or winter ➔ "Winter, I enjoy the cold more than warm." Morning or afternoon ➔  "Morning, I love to meditate in the mornings. I live for the feeling of the dew on the grass." EIGHT THINGS ABOUT YOUR LOVE LIFE Are you in love ➔ She sighs and looks away, contemplating her answer. She finally looks back and mumbles "Yes. Very much so.." Do you believe in love at first sight ➔ "Yes, I do. It's one of the most romantic things I could ever imagine." Who ended your last relationship ➔ "I did. I couldn't stand the secrets and having to hide, so I told him it was over." Have you ever broken someone’s heart ➔ "I have broken many people's hearts." She looks away again, solemnly. Are you afraid of commitments ➔ "Not one bit. I've committed myself to so much, including the order." Have you hugged someone within the last week? ➔ "Yes I have. Ahsoka just came running at me and what else could I do but hug that sweet girl?" Have you ever had a secret admirer ➔ "Yes, and matter of fact, I know who it is!" She smiles, "No I will not tell who it is either." Have you ever broken your own heart? ➔ "Yes...many times." SIX CHOICES Love or lust ➔ "Love." Lemonade or iced tea ➔ "Lemonade, but if caf was an option I'd prefer that." Cats or dogs ➔ "Neither, droids." She smiles and looks over at the small ID10 seeker droid rolling about on the ground. A few best friends or many regular friends ➔ Lyra stops and thinks for a moment, before answering. "A few best friends. Especially if they're like my friends I have now." Wild night out or romantic night in ➔ "Romantic night in, you don't know how many of those nights I've shared with Obi-" She catches herself and looks down knowing she's said too much. "Please keep this secret....Obi-Wan and I cannot be shunned..." Day or night ➔ "Night." She says still embarrassed from her oversharing. FIVE HAVE YOU EVERS Been caught sneaking out ➔ "Yes. Anakin and I were caught once." Fallen down/up the stairs ➔ "Who hasn't?" She says with a chuckle. Her smile is slightly returning now.
Wanted something/someone so badly it hurt? ➔ "Everyday of my life." She nods a little. Solomness can be seen in her face again. Wanted to disappear ➔ "Yes. Just run away and never look back. Be free from all the rules." FOUR PREFERENCES Smile or eyes ➔ "Eyes. They're right when they say they're the windows to the soul. They truly are." Shorter or taller ➔ "Either, when you're a taller woman you really just get what you get." Intelligence or attraction ➔ "A smart man. A smart man is very attractive." Hook-up or relationship ➔ "I'd prefer a relationship, but again those attachments are forbidden." FAMILY Do you and your family get along ➔ "If we're discussing my adoptive family, yes we do. A little too well if you ask me," she laughs and let's her smile return little more. Would you say you have a “messed up life” ➔ "The Jedi order isn't all sunshine and rainbows. Some of the things I saw were very tramatic.." Her smile is disappearing now. Have you ever ran away from home ➔ "I tried. When Kenobi and I were padawans. I didn't make it far, Obi came looking for me and brought me back to the temple. I received a lecture from Master Hailmake and Master Jinn, both on how I shouldn't leave." She sighs, "They said the order would keep ms safe, so I listened and here we are." Have you ever gotten kicked out ➔ "No. And I intend not to be kicked out. As long as we can keep our secret." FRIENDS Do you secretly hate one of your friends ➔ "No, hate leads to suffering. A Jedi doesn't hate, usually." Do you consider all of your friends good friends ➔ "Yes, I do. My friends are very near and dear to my heart." She says placing a hand to her heart then starting to fidget with her necklace. Who is your best friend ➔ "Obi-Wan. Then my lieutenant commander, Rookie. He sees and helps me with everything. They both care so much."
Who knows everything about you ➔ "Obi-Wan. He knows more about me than I ever even thought of anyone knowing."
Lyra stands and mumbles out "It was a pleasure getting to speak with you..now if you'll excuse me I have some duties I need to take care of." She sighs and swiftly walks out of the room.
(THIS WAS SO FUN OMG. Might post another soon, idk. Hope you enjoyed.)
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passable-talent · 4 years
reader exclusively refers to Anakin as Skywalker and teasing nicknames and never Anakin because they have that totally rivals who Do Not get along/would die for each other/kinda "I'm down if you're down but I'll never admit it and neither will you" dynamic. Reader *only* calls him Anakin in emotionally heated moments, e.g. he just got hurt REAL bad and reader is panicked. rivals/reluctant partners to lovers, maybe friends in between. this is hella specific so feel free to take some liberty w/ it
cute. very cute. that kinda dynamic is what I feel like everyone has with anakin
yall came THRU with the anakin requests and im HERE for it 
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So, uh... stealth missions with Anakin Skywalker tend not to stay that way. 
He’s impulsive, he’s quick to decisions, he’s unpredictable. It’s irritating. 
“Was there not a plan?” You shouted at him over the firing of droids. You stood side by side with him, deflecting them, allowing Ahsoka and your combined droid units to get to the side. “Or did I hallucinate the entire mission briefing?” 
 “You actually listen to those?” He shot back, then tearing down the hallway after his clones. You followed, saber held behind you while you ran, frustration ringing in your ears. 
“Maybe if you did, you wouldn’t have so much head trauma!” 
“I don’t have any head trauma!” You snorted incredulously, dodging another group of fire by shoving him further from a hallway’s corner so you could slide in beside him, the red bursts of energy ringing past your ear. 
“You think so, Quick Fire? Memory loss- that’s the head trauma.” He rolled his eyes briefly, but his attention was taken from your banter by Rex, giving yet another update as to where you were supposed to be heading.
Unlike the Jedi Knight beside you, the one you loathed to be on a mission with, you knew the point of this mission, and you knew the plan that had now evidently been thrown out the window. You were meant to infiltrate a separatist listening post, and dispose of the droids running it, all without drawing the attention of Grevious. 
“Now that they’ve sent up the alarm, we’ll need to destroy the base, to make sure they can’t use it again,” Skywalker said, his saber sheathed and at his hip while he gave his piece. 
“We can set up detonators and explode them remotely,” Ahsoka offered, and Captain Rex quickly pulled something up. 
“If we place them around the heating system core, it should amplify the explosion,” he said, and Skywalker nodded, igniting his lightsaber again. 
“Then into the basement we go,” he said, rounding the corner to droids who had gotten much closer, and quickly tore through most of them. You followed, side by side with Ahsoka, clearing the way for the clones. It didn’t take long until the path was clear, even though alarms still rang through the halls. 
The base was small, which served your purpose well. It didn’t take long to descend into the heating system, but it took long enough that more droids had amassed. Why so many damned tin cans were needed for one listening post, you didn’t know, but still you stood between them and Anakin, drawing their fire to allow him to concentrate. 
“There’s one more,” he shouted, coming to your side, saber in hand. “It’s all the way at the bottom. Lead the clones out while I distract them, and once you’re out, I’ll place it. Then we’ll blow the place.” You grit your teeth as you deflected another blast. 
“I’m not leaving you here alone,” you said, and you meant it. 
“It’ll be easier for one to escape than twenty. Go!” Destroying the last droid in front of you, you turned to him, eyes narrowed. You could hear another wave approaching. 
“Am I sensing nobility in you, Skywalker?”
“Am I sensing hesitance in you?” Humor was a distraction, especially with more droids coming closer, and you needed to use this break in waves to escape. 
“You better make it out,” you told him, “you’re not dying on my watch by anything other than my hand.” 
“Oh, I’m not dying, either way.” You shook your head, turning to the rest of the men. 
“Clones, with me!” Skywalker ordered Ahsoka to follow you as well, and you ran up the stairs, blasting your way from the post and into the snowy landscape of the asteroid it was positioned on, your escape giving Skywalker the distraction he needed to place that detonator. 
Hidden under a rock ledge, you and Ahsoka gathered around Rex’s communicator, keeping you aware of Skywalker’s movements. 
“It’s placed, and the droids are almost here,” he said, running up the stairs you had traversed not long ago. “Get ready to blow it, Rex. On my word.” 
“He should be here, by now,” Ahsoka said, and your gaze shifted to her. You hadn’t realized it, but she was right- if Rex was going to blow the base, Skywalker needed to be at least as clear as this embankment, or he’d get caught in the blast. 
“Rex, now!” Skywalker shouted, and you yelled ‘wait!’ but Rex had already followed orders. You shot to your feet and launched to the top of the cliff which had meant to serve as your protection from the blast, just to see Skywalker open a door, fifty feet back from the outer wall of the base. Your gaze connected to his, and you saw panic in his eyes, not for himself, but for you. 
“Get down!” He shouted, and such an order needed to be followed. You stepped back and off of the cliff, holding yourself from a fall by your fingertips, and you felt the blast of heat on your knuckles when it blew. When the rumbling of the stone beneath you faded in time with the light and sound above you, you waited just a moment to hear him reach you- but he didn’t. 
You pulled your torso up, trying to find purchase for your toes, but the view you found nearly shocked you enough to send you plunging downward. 
He was pinned to the snow by a piece of scrap metal double his size. And he wasn’t moving. 
“Anakin!” you shouted, the name leaving your lips without a second thought as you pulled yourself the rest of the way up, so you could run to his side. A combination of your desperation and your Force powers lifted the metal from him, and it revealed where it’s upper half had impacted his head and its lower half had impacted his lower back. Both had drawn blood, but his back was much worse. It had torn through his robes, and you couldn’t tell how deep the cut was. 
“Ahsoka, get up here,” you ordered through your wrist comm, and in the time it took for her to reach you, you’d piled snow onto the wound on his back to slow the bleeding. You had nothing else at your disposal. 
“We’ve got to get him back to the ship,” you said, though you hated to move him, after a head injury. You didn’t know if a neck injury was involved too, and that would be so much worse. 
“I’ll call it as close as I can,” Rex said, and the clones set to work while you and Ahsoka worried over him. Really, there was nothing you could yet do but keep pressure on the wound, and keep from moving his neck. It looked bad- you hoped that it was just melted snow making it look like there was so much blood. 
“General! It’s as close as we can get it!” You threw a look over your shoulder at Rex, and the ship they’d landed a hundred yards away, where the debris was fewer and further between. You snarled, wishing anything could be done other than what you were about to do. 
You lifted him from facedown in the snow by his arms, and threw him onto your back, dragging his toes through the snow as you ran. 
“Let’s move!” You shouted, and Ahsoka put herself in front of you so that as soon as you boarded, the ship’s door could close and they could lift off. Yularen’s cruiser wasn’t so far, where he could get better care, but until then he certainly needed to be monitored. Luckily, there was a small medi-droid on board. It wasn’t even a surgical 2-1B, just a tiny J6-P that warned you in the most irritating droid-basic you’d ever heard:
“ᴳᵉⁿᵉʳᵃˡ ˢᵏʸʷᵃˡᵏᵉʳ ʰᵃˢ ʳᵉᶜᵉᶦᵛᵉᵈ ᵐᵘˡᵗᶦᵖˡᵉ ˡᵃᶜᵉʳᵃᵗᶦᵒⁿˢ ᵒⁿ ʰᶦˢ ˡᵒʷᵉʳ ᵇᵃᶜᵏ.“
“We knew that!” You roared, kneeling beside where you’d laid him lengthwise across little seats meant only to carry clones into battle. “Give me something useful!” 
“ᵀʰᵒᵘᵍʰ ʰᵉ ʰᵃˢ ˢᵘᶠᶠᵉʳᵉᵈ ᵃ ʰᵉᵃᵈ ᶦⁿʲᵘʳʸ, ʰᶦˢ ⁿᵉᶜᵏ ᵃⁿᵈ ˢᵖᶦⁿᵃˡ ᶜᵒʳᵈ ᵃʳᵉ ᵘⁿᵗᵒᵘᶜʰᵉᵈ.”
“Good,” you said, looking aside to Ahsoka. “Find me some fabric, and water, if you can.” 
Once you’d docked into Admiral Yularen’s cruiser, Anakin was rushed to a med unit and placed into the medical wing. A wound like this wasn’t uncommon for a Jedi, especially one as reckless as Quick Fire, but still you worried for him. You sat beside Ahsoka on the two extra chairs given to the room, staring out the small window at the endless space and stars beyond it. 
When you looked at her again, she was fast asleep. 
“Ahsoka,” you said softly, nudging her awake. “Go to your chambers, get some sleep. I promise I’ll call you when he wakes up.” She stifled a yawn and shook her head. 
“You need the rest, too, master.” 
“You more than I. Go, love.” She gave you a grateful, tired smile, and retreated from the room. Once she was gone, you rolled her chair over to the window, tossing your feet up and onto it. You rested your head on the wall, and closed your eyes. Meditation came easily in moments like this, almost between sleep and wake, and so you could reach out to the Force, and feel it. Skywalker channeled the Force like a magnet, and so like always when you were around him, it felt like pushing into a magnetic field. His presence was as strong as ever. 
He was an idiot for ordering Rex to detonate before he was clear. He wasn’t far off- if he’d waited thirty seconds, he wouldn’t have had to go through this. Not that it was such an ordeal, he was already healed by the med unit and now just sleeping off the exhaustion, but still. Quick Fire didn’t need any more head trauma. 
A small groan came from the unit and you opened your eyes, waking yourself from what was almost sleep to find him awake. 
“Anakin-” you said, throwing your feet to the floor to stand at the foot of the bed. 
“Did it work? Is everyone alright?” He made to sit up, and you rounded the bed to shove his torso back down. 
“Everything’s fine. We’re on the Admiral’s cruiser, I just sent Ahsoka to bed. We made it out.” He nodded, his breathing falling to level, satisfied. 
“You’re still an idiot,” you said, after a moment. “You’re lucky I was there to carry your, once again, head-trauma’d ass off of that asteroid.”
“Maybe I’d stop taking risks if you’d stop covering for me.” You shook your head and pulled a chair over so that you could sit at his bedside. 
“No, you wouldn’t,” you said, almost fondly. He smiled. You like when he does that. 
“You’re right.” Abandoning your better judgement, you reached out and brushed back some of his hair- it’s curl was quite pronounced, with all the sweat and smoke it had absorbed. His gaze stayed on your face, even as you watched his hair move through your fingers. 
“I told you you couldn’t die by anything other than my hand,” you reminded him.
“And I told you I wouldn’t die.” You closed your eyes, not having quite the energy to roll them. 
“I hate when you pull things like this, Anakin,” you said softly, and you didn’t turn your eyes to his face as a smile grew on it. So rare a treat it was that he got to hear his name from your mouth, and he appreciated it every time to its fullest. 
“But I love waking up to you.” You fixed him with a disapproving but lighthearted look, leaning your elbows onto the bed beside him. 
“There are easier ways to do that.” 
-🦌 Roe
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renegadeontherunn · 3 years
Me again. I'd actually really like to hear your thoughts about fine on the outside by Priscilla Ahn besides the obvious bc well this song is just very fitting— did you have any specific thoughts? And cassiopeia by anju? Mostly coz I didn't know that song before :')
!!!! of course!!!! I would love to, thank you so much for the ask!!!!! :'))))
okay, so fine on the outside first!
I mostly put this song on there bc of this section:
so I just sit in my room after hours with the moon / and think of who knows my name / would you cry if I died / would you remember my face?
just because like. after ahsoka left the order I can just imagine how sad and heartbroken and just homesick she felt and it's so sad!!! and we don't really get to see that in the show, and I feel like this line is specific to obi-wan and ahsoka because I think it's obvious that she knows that anakin still supports her and loves her and he stood by her the whole time. but with obi-wan, at least to her, it doesn't seem like that so much. and having to leave everything behind with seemingly no word or support from obi-wan, who was very much a partial master to her too??? idk I just feel like ahsoka would be questioning everything after she leaves and especially obi-wan's part in it.
but as for the rest of the song, I like to think that while, yes, anakin and ahsoka are extremely similar, she's also similar to obi-wan in some aspects and I feel like this song represents some of those similarities pretty well, specifically in their similarities growing up! like they both had challenging times as initiates and their starts to being a padawan, and idk I just like to think that their childhoods were similar. I'm not super familiar with obi-wan's history in canon, but I feel like both he and ahsoka were fiery little upstarts that maybe didn't have "that many friends growing up" and I definitely feel like they both had to learn to mask their inner turmoil, especially in regards to anakin. and also bc they've been through a lot!!! and they both had to just be "fine on the outside" bc they had jobs to do and they wanted to support anakin, especially towards the end and after where he fell apart, but they had to continue on and be "fine on the outside." I also think it's super interesting to think about them talking to vader in the section I mentioned above (so I just sit in my room . . .) and to think about how much of anakin is still in there--think of who knows my name (vader in rebels with the "Ahsoka." YIKES) / would you cry if I died / would you remember my face? so yeah! that's that for this one :')
and now for cassiopeia by anju!
this one, like fine on the outside, is sort of about the vibes of the song that make me think of obi and soka, but there are some specific lines.
i'm just a little confused / what to think of us
this is so ahsoka post wrong jedi. just like confused and betrayed and angry, but still sad to leave and missing him and just! especially coupled with the lines before that saying "for once in my life i don't know how to feel" as in, for once she doesn't know how to feel about them bc she never imagined that this would happen, it's always "we'll be fine as long as we stay together" and "our padawan" so it's just really startling & confusing to suddenly have this happen and not know what to think.
am I dreaming / is it even you / cassiopeia?
so for this, I'm thinking their reunion again. the disbelief and surprise and slight doubt of is that really you, are you really alive, am I dreaming? would 100% be them if they saw each other again
constellate our fears with cinnamon sticks / let's connect the stars / help me hold the heavy parts of a heart / feel me from afar
I also just really like all the space & star references in this song, which gives me very much obi and soka vibes and also bc star wars lol but anyway! with this line, I feel like it shows how obi-wan sort of helped ahsoka as a padawan in a war, and anakin did too obviously, just the "help me hold the heavy parts of a heart" really speaks to obi and soka I think :')
many moons of waiting on a steady sun / now I freeze in fear / merge out fingernail horizons / swear you'll catch my tears / maybe sometime you can teach me / how to hold on to your hand / maybe next time when I'm bleeding / I can call across the sand
this!!!!! this part gets me again with reunion thoughts!!!!! obi-wan waiting, even knowing that it'll never happen, just the slightest bit of hope that he'll see her again, the "now I freeze in fear" I can literally see it in my head that's THEM REUNITING AHHHHHHH. and just like! the softness of this bit and like relieved, incredulous crying and just!!! this is them reuniting!!!! and I feel like the second part they could both be saying to each other, "maybe sometime you can teach me . . ." and "maybe next time when I'm bleeding . . ." maybe they don't have to be alone anymore!!!! and! "call across the sand" ajklsdkljas I know that's extremely literal but still!!!! they found each other again!!!!
and yeah just like, I feel like this is a nice obi and soka line throughout their entire relationship, including a reunion (if they had one):
am I dreaming / is it even true / cassiopeia / show me what I'm meant to do
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