#at least she's safe and happy and has her free will and memories?
mioakem · 4 months
Sometimes I remember that nico lost his mother and then was put in a hotel for seventy years and finally get let out and then found out that his dad was a Greek god and he was so excited but then his sister decided to join the hunters of Artemis and he’s happy for her but also scared once he finds out that she’s going on a quest so he makes the cute guy who saved him earlier promise to keep her safe only for him to return after the quest and tell him that his sister had died and then everyone hated him because of who his father was and he realized he was in love with the guy who he blames for his sisters death and hates himself for it and then he goes on a side quest with Percy and brings him to his fathers palace under the impression that hades just wanted to talk with Percy because he said that it he brought Percy to him then he would tell him more about his family but then hades tricks the both of them and imprisons Percy and Nico goes to save him but Percy doesn’t trust him anymore and then he single handedly brought three gods to help with the battle of manhattan only to still not feel welcomed and then he learned that there might be a way to bring back his dead sister only to find out that she had chosen rebirth and then found his other sister and brought her back from the fields of asphodel and then found another camp and started to actually heal and then Percy shows up with no memory and he lies to him and promptly dips and ends up completely alone in Tartarus only to get kidnapped by two giants and get stuffed in a jar with only a limited supply of pomegranates and then when the seven finally come to save him he finds out that most of them didn’t even want to save him and thought it would just be better to leave him in the jar to die and then he had to watch the guy who he’s not rlly in love with anymore fall into Tartarus but not before making him promise to lead a group of people that hate him to the house of hades and he agrees to it and then everyone except for his sister stay away from him because they think he’s creepy and weird until he has to go on a side quest with Jason to retrieve something from Cupid and he is forced to admit that he was gay and in love with Percy to a guy he barely knows let alone trusts and then realizes that no one would hate him because of that and he makes his first actual friend and then he volunteers himself to go on a deadly quest to take a ginormous statue back to camp via shadow travel and he nearly dies from it but he also developed a strong friendship with Reyna along the way and after the war he finally allows himself to be loved by his friends and tells Percy how he used to feel about him and meets Will and is finally happy for the first time in a while and then his boyfriends dad shows up as a mortal but he doesn’t think much of it until one day he feels the same feeling he felt when Bianca died and realized that Jason had died and goes into a deep depression and then Reyna also joined the hunters and everything just sucks again but at least he has Will and people at camp don’t really hate him anymore but then he starts getting plagued with nightmares and it gets so bad to the point where he finally gives in and goes down into Tartarus again but with Will this time and is forced to face his demons but ends up embracing them and freeing his friend and everything is now kind of okay again and he starts kinda developing a friendship with Piper and he’s actually happy but who knows how long that’s gonna last cause he’s been happy before and look where that got him
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hey-kae · 2 years
In love with all you fics! Ugh I’ve read them multiple times bcs I can’t get enough of them. I was wondering if you could do one where Max is with Kelly (or just a random OC with a kid) but has a baby girl with the reader. The readers daughter is doubting Max’s love for her since she sees how much time he spends with his girlfriend child. And the reader and Max don’t exactly have the best relationship since it was only supposed to be a one night stand but they are now bonded for life. Can the reader be very shy, understanding of Max’s situation and caring but when it comes to her baby she takes out her claws. Idk I just love me some f1!Dad lol The reader can either end up with Max or another driver I just want some good angst with a fluff ending 🥲
Seamless Transition
Pairing: dad!max verstappen x female reader
Warnings: Language, mentions and implication of sex, mention of pregnancy.
a/n: in a hypothetical, unrealistic world where i have a child with Max, my only request would be for jos to stay tf away from my kid💀 i switched kelly with an oc cause i don’t feel comfortable writing about irl partners in situations like these. anyway, i hope you enjoy this! Feedback is appreciated… (i’m happy u enjoy my writing, anon!!💕)
“Pa” is dutch for “dad” apparently…
All throughout your life, there's always been one sentence that felt provocative and almost stupid, one that was widely known, widely repeated and reused, ringing in your ear as it rolled off different tongues, with different tones and accents but the same challenging certainty crippling behind its words.
"Your whole life can change in a day." People would insist and you would absolutely refuse to believe in such saying, until you found yourself staring at a positive pregnancy test that was definitely supposed to come out negative; at least you were hoping and praying that it would.
Instead, the plus sign felt like a mocking nemesis, pointing a ridiculing finger at you and laughing its heart out as the memories from over a week ago played, replayed, and rewinded in your mind like a broken record you couldn't stop the spin of. The only thing left for you to see was the hazy, blurry image of Max on top of you as the two of you engaged in a drunken mistake that left its permanent mark on your lives in the form of a child.
Was it exactly the right time for a baby to show up in your life? No, far from it, but that mistake ended up giving you the most precious gift of your lifetime, a baby girl that quickly became the one person in this wicked world that you'd be more than ready to defend with your blood and life.
Fast forward four years, it was safe to say that little Lilly Verstappen was the center of your world and the most important person in your life by a long shot. She was a ball of sunshine that lit up your days with the smallest of smiles and a tiny glimpse of her sparkling blue eyes.
Her features were a mix of you and Max. It was like she chose the best out of each of her parents and adopted it as her own.
At the time, telling Max that you were pregnant was the most nerve wracking thing you'd ever done, rightfully so since the two of you were merely friends that hooked up, acquaintances that didn't exactly get along smoothly but shared a night together as more of an accurate description. There is no denying that the both of you freaked out about the outcome but Max was supportive nonetheless. Sure, everything between you and him was tense but he was still just as understanding as you were. Eventually, you had come to the conclusion that parenting a child together wouldn't be the worst thing. You'd be able to manage it.
He gets to see her on his free days where he's home and you get to keep her when he's away, bar a few weekends where he invited you to watch the grand prix so his daughter could watch him race, as per her own request a few months after after she started talking.
However, it should've been obvious that things were too smooth sailing for the peace to last. You, Max and Lilly often dined together from time to time to give her the best out of a not so ideal situation, a taste of having both her parents by her side at the same time. Many afternoons were spent with you over at Max's apartment or his at yours with toys spread out on the floor and the three of you entertaining Lilly as best as you could, sometimes even putting her to sleep together only to fall into a tense and awkward silence that threatened to explode within seconds when her eyes would fall shut. Despite everything, things had went as far as taking road-trips together and enjoying your daughter's sweet moments and giggles on the way to whatever destination Max planned to surprise her with.
To put it briefly, besides the bond Max shared with his daughter, you were now somewhat used to his presence. To a certain degree, the lines of just co-parenting that you agreed on had blurred.
All was perfectly well until Max sat you down and told you he was dating someone and that she had a kid as well, both of you questioning how his time with Lilly would be affected by the presence of another woman, Valerie and another child around. He told you that maybe they can be friends, the other kid also being a girl, Ella and just a few months older than Lilly.
That conversation happened around a year ago and while there never was any bad blood between you and Max's girlfriend, it seemed like things weren't as smooth sailing on Lilly's side.
One day, as Max dropped off Lilly at your place, you noticed a frown on your daughter's face, her hand up to her mouth as she bit her nails with her head slightly bowed. It was an unmistakable expression.
"Is everything okay?" You asked Max as you picked Lilly up, her arms wrapping around your neck immediately.
"She seems a little upset but she wouldn't tell me why." He explained, reaching over and fluffing Lilly's hair.
"You don't wanna say goodbye to pa, angel?" He asked her softly.
She twisted in your arms and wrapped him in a hug, giving him a kiss on the cheek while he smiled and rubbed her back.
"Bye-bye, pa." Her small voice spoke.
"I will see you in a week, princess. Okay?"
With that and a small nod from Lilly, Max left, closing the door behind him as you carried your daughter inside, into the living room where she got preoccupied with a coloring book and some pencils while you eyed her attentively as she began scribbling onto the already messy pages.
"Hey, Lilly." You called to catch her attention, "How was your time with pa, sweetie?"
Moving to sit by her side, you pulled her onto your lap, brushing her soft blonde hair behind her ears. She carried the coloring book over and kept coloring as you kissed her head.
"It was okay." She replied with a small shrug.
"What did you do? Did you have fun with him?"
She smiled and nodded, "He got us ice-cream and i helped him to train then we we played with Poot and small cars." She gushed, tossing one coloring pencil on the floor and hopping off to grab her purple teddy bear at the mention of his name.
"That's good, princess." You watched her dig through her bag for the bear, in your mind a million different thoughts because she still wasn't acting normally.
Usually, she'd be gushing about her time with Max when he dropped her off, talking, telling and retelling you every detail until she fell asleep but it seemed like you had to pull the information out of her this time, and coupled with the upset face she had on earlier, it left you suspicious.
Figuring you'd have to find out about what went wrong in a different way, you decided to change the subject.
"What do you want for dinner?"
Following that and her answer to the question, the two of you headed for the kitchen where she sat by the table in the corner, drawing on loose papers while you cooked for the two of you, then you told Lilly to put away her pens and papers in her room and you set the table to eat when she came back.
The night went smoothly after dinner. You got Lilly to shower then dried her hair before putting her to bed early for school tomorrow then left her room to retrieve the laundry from the dryer, folding each item neatly and separating the clothes into two stacks, yours and Lilly's.
On your way to your room, you stopped by your daughter's room to drop off her clothes.
Not wanting to disturb her slumber, you placed the stack on her desk and figured you'd just put them away tomorrow morning. However, as you picked the laundry basket back up, you noticed some interesting drawings on some of the papers on the desk.
With a deep set frown twisting your expression, you picked up the papers, tossed them in the basket and rushed to your room.
Laundry was long forgotten as you launched yourself onto your bed with Lilly's drawings in your hand.
Paper after paper, you scanned her various drawings of stick figures. Each one was drawn in a different color and you knew your daughter enough to know who each color symbolized.
A purple stick figure with blonde, or rather yellow hair was always drawn at a distance from everyone else, often times at the bottom corner of the page, with a sad expression drawn onto its face.
Your heart shattered because purple was her favorite color. Purple was her.
The other people portrayed were often holding hands, two tall figures on the sides with a smaller one in the middle.
The only other time someone was drawn alongside the purple stick figure on the bottom was in one drawing and the person symbolized was taller than the one in purple and was scribbled in dark green, a color you often chose to buy your things in.
You were bewildered as you stared at the papers, dropped them on the mattress then picking them up again to stare some more.
Was Lilly feeling neglected when she spent time with Max?
Every additional detail you noticed in the drawings angered you more, especially her attempt the draw a tongue poking out of the smaller stick figure between the two tall ones, Ella presumably.
While the little girl always seemed polite and harmless, it wasn't a secret how mean children could be.
You'd have to talk to Max about this.
Within seconds, your phone was in your clutch, ready to call Lilly's father but something stopped you. You needed to ask Lilly about her drawings first, about how things were between her and Max and how things were between her and Ella.
The plush mattress welcomed you with open arms as you fell back onto it, sighing heavily as the thought of your daughter feeling left out. Needless to say, it was a sleepless night for you. You sat in bed, pondering the possible situations and conversations you'd have to have in the morning.
You just hoped it would all work out at the end, that everything you were assuming would be just that, assumptions, because you might be completely understanding of Max's relationship and job, but nothing would be stopping you from defending your daughter and making sure she's getting the treatment and care she deserves.
Max was so insistent that he wanted to be in her life, wanted to be her dad, so he better be acting like it.
At sunrise, you were up and so was Lilly, tired eyes watching you as she ate her breakfast at the kitchen table and you prepared her school lunchbox. Despite complaints and grumblings, she had gotten dressed and sat in front of you for you to do her hair.
However, as you rushed through the different morning chores and rituals, only one thing was on your mind. How the hell we you supposed to bring up last night's subject to Lilly in a way that wouldn't cause her to repress whatever was happening?
Max usually called before school to chat with her a bit and say good morning. After the phone call would be a perfect opportunity.
A few minutes later, you grabbed your car keys and your daughter bag and just like always, as you headed for the front door, your phone rang and Max's name flashed on the screen.
You handed Lilly the phone and she immediately answered, pressing the device to her ear while the two of you walked to the car, your hand holding onto her free one.
In the silence of the vehicle, you listened in on the conversationsr as you started driving.
"Choco corn flakes and milk." Lilly's small voice replied to Max who was probably asking her about her breakfast.
"No, pa. I didn't have homework. I was with you yesterday, silly." A small giggle echoed in the car.
The conversation went on for a few minutes, leaving you about 10 other to interrogate Lilly.
"Daddy says hi to you." She smiled at you and handed you the phone when she hung up.
"Oh. Daddy is the best, isn't he?" You tested with a false grin.
"Yeah." Lilly hummed half heartedly and you gripped onto that loose thread as you took a left turn.
"You have fun with him and Ella when you're at his place?"
"Yes, mommy. But pa and Ella have more fun together." She shrugged her shoulders, "They laugh so much, sometimes i don't know why. Maybe he loves her more, because he wants to marry her mommy."
Your heart broke at the way her voice shifted from cheery to dull and tinged with disappointment. From what you saw, Max was a good father, but obviously you couldn't be there for all the time he spends with Lilly so you clearly can't be sure of how well he's fulfilling the role of a dad.
You slowed the car down a little. Some delay from school wouldn't be much of a deal, especially in this case.
"You don't like being at pa's place? Does he not play with you?" You asked cautiously, not wanting to feed into the idea that Max doesn't love her as much as he loves Ella, because despite that statement being the main thought claiming your mind, you wouldn't want to lead Lilly to believe in that further.
"I just get bored sometimes, when pa is with Ella or Valerie. But it's okay. I'm a big girl and big girls sit alone like grown ups sometimes."
You hummed to show her you were listening and miraculously, she carried on talking, "I know pa loves Valerie but she's a meanie. She shouts all the time."
Your heart was beating increasingly fast, "She does, baby? Has she ever shouted at you?"
"No." She replied too fast.
"Lilly, don't lie to mommy. No one is allowed to scream at you, princess so if anyone does, you need to tell me." You said with a gentle voice.
"Sometimes she shouts at me... but it's okay, because she shouts at Ella too."
Just as she spit that out, you pulled up in front of her school, your heart heavy with Lilly's thoughts now and your mind turbulent with worry over your daughter's feelings. You were already planning Max's murder... and maybe Valerie's.
You dropped her off and drove back home like a mad woman. Before even making your way up to your apartment, your phone was against your ear, ringing as you waited for Max to pick up.
"What's up?" His chill voice asked.
"We need to talk. Come over." You hung up and stormed upstairs.
The half hour it took Max to arrive and knock at you door seemed to last forever and ever but when the doorbell finally rang and echoed through the apartment, you swung it open harshly and was met with confused blue eyes and furrowed brows.
"What's happening? Is Lilly okay?"
"Get in, Max." You gestured inside and moved out of the way.
Max was clueless and confused as he walked inside the familiar, calm apartment and sat down on the couch centering the living room, looking behind him to watch as you walked over and sat in a loveseat on his side, a troubled, unsettling look on your face.
"Look, i don't wanna come off as rude but you out of all people know that i will always go out of my way and try my hardest to protect Lilly and make sure she's happy." You started lightly, making Max slightly nervous. He leaned forward so his arms were resting on his knees, his expression showing hints of worry now as he gaped at you.
"What? Protect her from what exactly? I don't understand." He asked.
"Are Lilly and Ella on good terms?" A blunt question left your mouth.
Max's eyes widened for a mere second as he absorbed the shock of such interrogation. In his head, he searched through all the memories he had of the two young girls together, no red flags making themselves known. He was wondering where all of this was coming from too.
"I don't think i've seen them disagree or fight. Why?" He answered but you didn't acknowledge his question.
"What exactly do you guys do when Lilly's staying at your place? How do you pass time?" You felt like a detective and you hated it but you needed to know everything, needed Max to know how his daughter felt and see his reaction to it, see if he was taking his role as her dad seriously.
"Like normally, really. Breakfast, playing, training, lunch, a drive around or a walk, maybe going to a park, then dinner and just some sitting around before going to bed. You need to tell me if something is wrong." He explained then returned back to wondering why did it seem so urgent that he comes over if this is what you wanted to talk about.
"Max, do you pay attention to Lilly's mood when she's with you?" Desperation and frustration were starting to lace your voice and slip out between words as you watched Max frown.
"Why do i feel like you're hiding something and throwing accusations? I'm Lilly's dad. I need to know if something is going on." He started getting angry.
"Are you acting like it? You practically begged to be in her life. You repeated it a thousand fucking times that you can be the dad she deserves. Are you actually doing that?" You got up and found yourself pacing behind the couch where Max was sat.
"What the hell? What the fuck makes you think i'm not properly taking care of her? Fucking tell me." He turned in his seat to look at your constantly moving figure, his eyebrows raised and his mouth agape in a mix of anger and confusion.
"She did, Max! She made me think that." You shouted, "She was saying things like how it's okay that she sits alone and gets bored and, fuck- just feeling left out."
"What?" He was shocked, the words you said making him stand to his feet, properly turning around to look at you.
"Look, i've always been understanding of your job, of your relationship, of the presence of another child in your life but never, never will i ever tolerate knowing my daughter is feeling left out and alone when she's with you. I grew up feeling that way, lonely and i sure as fuck won't allow that to happen to Lilly." You were furious with how calm he was about this while your blood was a mere celsius away from boiling. Not once in your life were you ever this angry but when Lilly was on the line, you were a different person.
"I promise you, i never leave her alone." He defended.
"Then why did she say you love Ella more than her? Tell me why?" You shouted, "You want to be her dad, act like it!" You were teetering close on the edge of loosing all composure and control.
"I'm trying!" He shouted back, "You gotta keep it in mind that this is new to me. This is my first time having a kid of my own! Just because you so naturally adjusted to it, it doesn't mean that it's gonna come so effortlessly for me too. I'm trying to make the best out an unconventional and weird situation, I'm really trying to be a good dad for Lilly."
You fell silent and leaned against the back of the couch, rubbing at your forehead out of stress, the wrinkles of a frown creasing your skin as your thoughts raced.
Out of the corner of your eye, you could see a fidgety Max.
He cared. You didn't know him that much but you definitely knew him enough to realize and see that. He was clearly trying but was also failing at some part of the whole parenting role without even realizing.
Like he said, having a child was something that both of you were continuously getting used to so, to some degree, you couldn't blame him.
"We should stop screaming at each other. It wouldn't be good to go back to fighting." He referred to the earlier days before the hookup and the pregnancy, where you and Max in the same room inevitably meant an incoming explosion.
"Yeah." You muttered, "Yeah, you're right."
You eyed him cautiously, not knowing where to go from here.
Luckily, he gave you a small smile and patted the space beside him on the couch, "Come here. We need to figure out a solution. I really want the best for Lilly."
You sighed and allowed your shoulders to drop, ignoring the little tingling in your heart at the way Max was smiling at you. You just took a seat at a comfortable distance from him, slacking against the back cushions of the sofa and pulling a pillow into your lap for comfort, all while Max watched your moves attentively.
"Tell me what she said first. We need to figure out where things went to shit first, right?"
"Yeah, that's a good call." You confirmed as you picked at the skin by your nails, "She said that you and Ella have more fun together, that you laugh more and she doesn't know why..."
"That you love Ella more because you're in love with her mother. I think that's the thing that i hated hearing, because i understand not being able to give her your undivided attention all the time but i just don't want her to feel like her dad is favoring someone else over her, you know?" You teared up at the thought of Lilly not having the assurance that both her parents love her.
Taking notice of your glistening eyes, Max patted your shoulder, taking you by surprise. It had you thinking how weird it, two people who have literally seen and touched almost all of each other's bodies at some point, being so awkward about a touch to the shoulder that lasted maybe a total of 3 seconds.
"We'll figure it out. Lilly will always be my priority. I will make up for everything, i promise." He reassured, breaking you out of your thoughts, "One more question, because i need to know this to figure out a plan."
You sighed, "Okay... Shoot."
"Is she fighting with Ella? Like... Do they get along okay? Did she mention anything about their relationship?"
You cringed at that. You were gonna have to tell him about the way Valerie plays into this.
"What?" He questioned once he noticed your expression, "What is it? They don't get along, do they?" He asked and watched you struggle to put words together.
"She didn't mention Ella much." You started.
"Okay..." He frowned, "I've never heard or seen them fight so i kind of knew that."
"Yeah..." You hesitated, "Max, do you remember how we agreed to never shout at Lilly? And to never let anyone shout at her either?"
He nodded.
"Valerie kinda... screamed at her, but she thinks it's okay because Ella gets screamed at too." You said with a low voice.
"What?" Max was surprised, "I talked to her many times about our rules that we follow with Lilly and she told me she respects that."
You sat in silence for a while, not knowing what to say while Max's head raced with how much he hadn't been noticing about the time his daughter spent at his place.
He wanted his house to feel comfortable for Lilly, for her to feel just as at home as she did in your apartment, so he couldn't really help thinking that he failed at that, failed at reserving enough attention to his daughter.
"Do you think i'm a bad father?" He asked.
"I never said that, Max." You felt a hint of guilt at the thought of making him feel that way.
"No, be honest, because i feel like i shouldn't take care of Lilly alone anymore if i don't notice all this shit." He blurted with his eyebrows raised then he pursed him lips.
"Please, don't say that. It's not what i meant. I don't expect you to be perfect." You sighed, "I'm not a perfect mother either but that's because we're humans, because we're still figuring out this whole parenting thing, and honestly, i feel like figuring it out isn't something that ever ends."
Subconsciously, your hand landed comfortingly on his shoulder, "You try your hardest to be a good presence in your daughter's life, i can see that, it's just that she's growing up. She can understand and speculate about everything around her now, so we just need to be better at regarding her feelings and making sure not to give her wrong impressions."
He rubbed at his eyes with frustration seizing his muscles and finally allowed his back to meet the cushions behind him as he nodded.
"I'm gonna need your help for a while, though. Just to understand what to change." Max mumbled.
You smiled, "Don't worry, I'm always happy to help."
"Thank you."
A quiet few minutes of silence followed then Max got up to leave.
"I need to talk to Val." He groaned as he grabbed his phone and keys.
"I hope everything goes well." You wished.
"Yeah." He replied nonchalantly, "How about i pick you up later and we go get her from school together? We can go eat somewhere, just the three of us."
Smiling, you nodded and walked with him to the door.
"See you later, then." He said just as he starting walking down the stairs.
You shut the door while trying to figure out the feeling in you chest and why something was telling you today would be the start of major changes in your life and Lilly's.
Following that day, everything seemed to work itself out.
Max picked you up as planned and everything went really well. On the way to get Lilly from school, he told you he talked extensively with Valerie and that lead to a fight, and a breakup.
Worried that he would be thinking that was what you wanted, you were quick to show support.
"Is everything okay?" You asked and he quickly nodded, giving you a quick glance and smile as he drove.
"I really didn't mean for the two of you to break up. I know you love her and Ella and want-" You couldn't help rushing.
"Hey, hey," he interrupted, "i told you. Everything's okay. It was a long time coming kinda thing. Don't blame yourself, please."
As days went on, Max made it a point to come up with plans for the three of you and the first time he had Lilly staying with him afterwards, he got her to invite you for dinner, something that became a repeated pattern and for some reason, your heart was starting to beat faster at every invite and every smile Max would give you.
It wasn't much later when you realized you were catching feelings for the father of your child and you weren't quite sure what to do about that.
A month later, on an afternoon when you were meant to pick up Lilly from Max's place, he opened the door for you and instead of letting you in, he stepped out and closed the front door behind him.
"Can we talk?" He asked with his hands stuffed in his jeans' pockets.
"But... Lilly..." you pointed to the door.
"Mom is there with her." Max reassured that your daughter wasn't on her own and proceeded to guide you away.
With your eyes narrowed in suspicion, you followed him, your nerves getting worse by the second.
"So, car ride or a walk?" He asked once you were out of the building.
Frowning, you tilted your head to the side and responded, "Walking's fine."
Max nodded and so the two of you began taking small steps along the sidewalk.
Silence reigned for a while. You couldn't really figure out anything to say and it was rather obvious that Max was planning the approach to whatever he wanted to talk about in his head.
By the time he spoke up, the two of you were a few buildings away.
"I've been really enjoying our time with Lilly." He awkwardly said and if anything, that confused you more.
"Yeah, it's been good." You agreed with a nod.
"I like it when it's just the three of us." Max continued.
"I like it too. I want Lilly to have as many normal experiences as possible."
For some reason, the silence returned after that. Meanwhile, your heart had begun racing out of control as you laid out the various paths that this conversation would take, the one outcome you wished you'd end up with being repressed and avoided. Instead, you found yourself considering other options.
What is something happened with Lilly?
Are they not getting along?
Does he want to change anything about their relationship? Or about the way the two of you parent her?
What if he was dating someone new?
Sure, it has barely been a month since his breakup but according to the pieces of information you'd pick during your time with him, and Lilly of course, you'd concluded that he wasn't actually in love with Valerie.
Interrupting your thoughts, Max sighed heavily by your side.
"You know, I'm trying hard to be smooth with this but-" he chuckled, "I'm clearly shit at that."
"How about you tell me what this is about as a head-start..." you suggested.
Max nodded and seemed to calculate his words for a mere second, "The nature of our... relationship?" He hesitated.
"Oh..." You let your confusion show, "What about it?"
He fiddled with his hands for a while before finally speaking, "I wanna try- No. I wanna ask you if you would agree to trying something new."
The determination in his voice confused you even further.
"New... Like, how?"
"Would you be open to the idea of a date? No Lilly, just me and you going somewhere nice together."
You stopped dead in your tracks and stared at Max like you were speculating if he was serious, all while your heart was dancing to an unknown tune that had slowly been becoming its favorite.
"I know this can be potentially risky, because what if we actually date and - i don't want it to seem like I'm getting ahead of myself - get in a relationship? It could complicate things with Lilly and shit but we've been co-parenting for four years now even though we hated each other's guts so, really, we're capable of working through anything." He took a breath, "I just want something more with you. I really like you, so much more than as just Lilly's mom. Just consider it 'cause i just think we would have something good, that we'd be worth a shot, you know? I've been thinki-"
"Max!" You interrupted his rant with a chuckle of his name and a wide smile, "Breathe, please."
"So?" He seemed nervous as he asked and you found it adorable.
"I'll go on a date with you." You nodded with a big smile, making Max grin so wide.
From that point on, everything is just history.
The first date went so amazingly well that the second followed so soon after it, then a third, and on the fourth, Max asked you to be his girlfriend and you instantly agreed.
The transition was practically seamless.
Lilly was over the moon once she noticed the nature of your interactions with Max shift. The first night she got to spend the night with both her mom and dad under the same roof as her, she was absolutely beaming.
Things between you and Max were going so well, it almost seemed surreal, but both of you, and Lilly of course, couldn't be happier that it was in fact your reality.
A few months into the relationship, you and Lilly fully moved in with him and the first free weekend morning spent there, you woke up to them making breakfast together.
It was a moment you truly cherished, when you walked into the kitchen to find Max holding his daughter on his shoulders so she'd be able to grab plates from the high cupboards, both of them displaying big and genuine smiles.
"I feel left out, I'm not gonna lie." You walked in joking, effectively grabbing both their attentions.
The three of you had a delicious and peaceful breakfast together and when Lilly finished eating and ran off to her room, Max moved you off your chair and onto his lap, his eyes locking with yours. Your legs were dangling off of one side, your arms hooking behind his neck as you kissed his lips lightly.
He smiled at you and pulled you back in, keeping the curve of his lips throughout the short peck.
When he pulled away, his grin grew and he brushed his hand through the front strands of your hair, securing it behind your ear.
"I love you." He spoke softly and, like always, it made your heart pound.
"I love you too, Max."
Just like that, the two people from five years ago who couldn’t be in the same room for over three minutes without fighting were long gone.
And just like that, everything worked out in a way that no one expected it to but in the idealist of ways possible.
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strawberryspence · 1 year
happy valentines day, to my lovely people. i’m not going to tag each person, but you know who you are. no, you will literally know because i am going to send it on discord. you guys are my favorite tiny lil humans in my phone. i hope this makes sunsets/sunrises a little better. (im also hoping that it heals some of the pain the original sunset fic caused) ♥️
Steve Harrington has always loved the sky.
To Steve, there was something so captivating about it, something so bewitching. There’s no start, nor end to it. He has always been fascinated at how vast, and free it is. More than anything, Steve loves the way it changes colors with the season and weather. Sunsets and sunrises, and the things they signify. Some people hate the way it makes them feel smaller, like they could get lost underneath it, but Steve loves it. As long as he’s underneath the bright blue sky, he is safe.
At the early age of five, Steve’s first memory is of his mother, sitting beside him in the garden. If other kids learned their colors through flashcards and crayons, Steve learned his first colors through the skies. A sunset is where he learns his first hue of orange, and yellow, and blue. She was the one who taught him colors and it’s one of Steve’s favorite childhood memories.
At thirteen, the sky becomes Steve’s only friend. His parents started leaving more often now, saying something about how he’s old enough for it. Steve loves it some days, hates it some days. Today, he loves it as he floats aimlessly around the pool. No one’s going to scold him that his skin has started to wrinkle, or that he’s wasting his time watching the clouds change into different shapes. Being under the big sky is a reassurance— that he may be alone in this big, dark house, but he’s at least not alone in this world.
At seventeen, Steve finds comfort in the night sky. He finds it as the moon watches over him and as the stars sparkle and dance against the dark. It’s the first time he’s ever loved someone and the first time he has gotten his heart broken. He doesn’t cry, because “Harrington’s don’t cry.” He’s never alone though. It’s always going to be him and the big vast sky. There’s more horror in the world, like 12 year olds that get experimented in labs, a girl getting pulled in his pool and to her death and monsters living under the ground he is laying on. But the big dark sky stares from above him and Steve feels a little better in the uncertainty. He’s being wrapped within its darkness, almost like a comforting hug from an old friend who understands.
At eighteen, Steve meets his soulmate. Not the sky, but Robin Buckley. The half of his soul, a friendship forged from scooping ice creams and drugs injected into their veins. Robin— Robin is the rain after a long drought, giving him another reason to live and fight. The mall burns down and there’s— there’s so much death and he wishes he could’ve done something more. Two nights after the fire, unable to sleep, Steve asks if Robin would lay beside him on the ground. They lay in silence as the stars wave their goodbye, and as the sun greets him hello, signifying a new day, a new beginning. Underneath that new brand new day, Steve and Robin finally fall asleep, secure under the sun and clouds and safe in each other's arms.
At nineteen, Steve meets Eddie Munson. Really meets him, while the world is ending. It’s the night after they come back from the upside down, Steve's sides are aching and they’ll probably go back to the upside down tomorrow. Nancy has a plan, because she always does and he wants to take a nap, or eat something, but he can’t. He’s paralyzed in the uncertainty and danger around them. He sits at the back of the trailer, away from people that could see him, and that's where Eddie finds him.
“I can’t believe you guys have been doing this for years.” Eddie says, disbelief apparent in his voice.
Steve shrugs, “I don’t either. They’re—“ He pauses, thinks about El who’s only 15 and has the weight of the world on her shoulders, thinks of Will who’s been through hell and death, thinks of Max who’s still grieving her dead brother only for it to be used to lure her into death.
He thinks of the kids, the kids who're all barely 15 fighting this entity, “They’re all too young for this.” He finishes.
Eddie stares at him and Steve doesn't like it at all. It feels like he’s being studied, feels naked under Eddie’s eyes. Like Eddie can see through him, see the broken pieces Steve has glued together for all of them.
“You’re young too.” Eddie answers back, gently kindly, “You, Robin, Nancy, even me.”
Steve shrugs, even though he knows it's true, “I guess. I just want this to end already.”
Eddie looks away, staring at the skies as it finally starts changing its hues, “Maybe after this we can all go on a trip.”
Steve hums, “Definitely. Maybe a beach. El’s never been to one.”
Eddie chuckles, a smile on his lips as he looks forward. They watch the sky change its hues, a new day rising right in front of them.
“I don't really like sunsets.” Steve turns to him, offended and ready to defend his oldest companion.
But Eddie continues, “I’ve always liked the sunrises more, you know? Sunsets are— endings and though they are beautiful endings, nothing beats a new beginning, a new slate.”
Steve stares at him, watching silently as Eddie smokes. Steve knows the sun is rising, and he’s never been one to miss it when it’s right in front of him. But there’s something about the way the sunlight is hitting Eddie’s face, the colors dancing on his skin and the colors illuminating his brown eyes, making it brighter.
It's lighting him up in ways Steve has never seen before and something awakens in him, his heart beating against his ribs like it wants to break free. It’s breathtaking, Eddie’s breathtaking and it makes him feel things he’s never felt before.
When the silence grows heavy, Eddie breaks it, “Plus I really like it when the darkness turns brighter.”
It’s the first time Steve has ever ignored the sky and with Eddie here, he knows it won’t be the last.
At nineteen, Steve learns that the sky could also be red. He doesn’t remember much, just Dustin crying over Eddie’s body as the red sky above him thunders on, menacing and cackling at their demise. They killed Vecna and the victory is so close— so close.
It’s hard to look up at the sky then, when they finally emerge from hell while he cradles Eddie’s body. Steve thinks that no clear blue sky, or no dark starry night, can ever give him comfort again, not until he finally knows that Eddie’s safe.
At twenty, three months after defeating Vecna. Steve is on some beach with his friends— his family and they’ve survived. There’s no more danger impending to happen, all gates burned and closed forever.
Steve has just turned twenty, and he has real friends. He sits there, sand against his toes, as he watches the kids play around the water under the golden glint of the sun. They finally have their chance to enjoy being a kid.
“Is this what you wanted?” Steve looks up. Eddie’s hovering above him, with a can of Pepsi in his hand.
He hands Steve a can and plops down beside him on the beach towel. Eddie’s shirtless and yes, Steve’s ogling him but there’s also a clench in his heart as he tracks the taut skin, and pink scars surrounding his whole body.
It’s okay.
It’s okay.
Because they’re all alive, and safe, and the scars are there to be reminders of what they’ve survived. Whatever the horizon offers them, it’ll be okay.
Steve smiles at him, opening the soda in his hand with a hiss.
He stares at Eddie, holding out his can to clink it against his can, “It’s exactly what I wanted.”
At twenty-two, Steve moves to Boston with Eddie, Robin and Nancy. It’s a weird group. It’s his soulmate and her girlfriend, who was also his ex-girlfriend. On top of that, there’s Eddie. Eddie’s his best friend, but also the same man he’s been pining over for three years.
But they’re Steve’s family (aside from the kids) and he’d go anywhere if Robin asks. It’s the happiest Steve’s been in years, and he wouldn’t do anything like confessing to ruin the dynamic they’ve created.
Steve spends most of his days with Eddie, laid on their backs as they watch the clouds. Eddie makes him coffee in the early mornings, Steve never really understood why he’s awake to watch the sunset with him, but he’s there even if he hates waking up early. At night, Eddie watches as Steve outlines the stars for him with his finger, not knowing that Steve would climb the damn moon and take it in his back pocket for him.
It’s a conversation they’ve always avoided, whatever this thing Eddie and Steve had, the endless dance they do around each other.
Eddie’s almost death has always been hard for the three of them. There’s this overwhelming thought that— somewhere out there, somewhere far away— is a universe where Steve was too late, that Eddie died, that all he has is the tint of orange in the sky. A universe where Steve didn’t know that Eddie likes his coffee sweet, but doesn’t like ordering it because it doesn’t fit his image, where Steve didn’t know that Eddie snorts in his sleep and likes to wear socks under the sheets. A universe where the only thing Steve knows is the what ifs, the what could’ve beens.
It all comes out one day. The anniversaries have always been harder, not only were they far away from the kids, but the Vecna spring anniversary always hits them the hardest. It’s also Eddie and Max’s almost death anniversary, to make it worse. Robin plans it all out for them, they all call in sick that day, skip classes, just stay inside all day. Just watch movies, eat snacks, and stay wrapped in comfortable blankets. The four of them fall asleep in the middle of their fourth movie of the day, all tangled together and it’s days like this that makes it harder to ignore the fact that the four of them— are four halves from the same whole.
When Steve wakes up, Eddie’s not beside him anymore, Nancy and Robin still sleeping peacefully on the other side of the couch. The digital clock— they all can’t stand the silent tick tocking of a clock, reminds them too much of a grandfather clock, no matter how big or small— blinks at him, it’s almost 5:21 in the afternoon.
Steve knows it’s almost time for the sun to set, he charts it every weekend so he can take a few minutes to watch the sun wave her goodbyes. Steve swings the blanket on his shoulders and heads out to the balcony.
It’s not a surprise to see Eddie already there, watching the sky start to change colors, the sun impending to set in a few more minutes.
“Hey.” Steve slumps beside him, extending the blanket over to Eddie’s shoulder.
Eddie snuggles closer to him, “Thank you.”
“You doing good?” Steve asks, not able to take his eyes off Eddie.
“Yeah. Just—“ Eddie sighs, “Today is hard. I talked to Wayne.”
“What did he say?”
Eddie shrugs, “All the sappy stuff. He was thankful that I am alive and here. That he loves me.” There’s a hitch in his voice when he says it, that makes Steve’s eyebrows furrow.
“Wayne’s right. You do know that, right?”
Eddie turns to him, his legs hugged closer to his chest and head leaning against his knees, “Is he though?”
Steve opens his mouth to say something when the words spring out of Eddie, “It’s been three years since I let Chrissy die and ran away from her dead body like a coward. She could be the one who’s living this life, alive and happy. I could’ve tried.”
Eddie lets his eyes flutter shut, and for a second he looks so fucking peaceful, “Sometimes when I remember her dying in front of me, I try to think of something else. Anything else. My mind brings me to different places. Chrissy where she gets to graduate. She wears this pink dress, with her blue eyeshadow. She’s happy.
Chrissy where she gets to go to Paris. She looks like the kind of girl that would want to visit Europe. She’s wearing a beret, with the brightest smile on her face. Chrissy where we get to be friends. She’s always been kind, maybe she could’ve lived with us, maybe she could’ve been my own platonic with a capital P.”
Eddie opens his eyes, brown eyes shining with tears, “And then I open my eyes. And I remember that she’s gone. And I am here. Why do I get to live and not her? She deserves it more than I would ever.”
“Eddie.” Steve hisses, “Don’t ever say that.”
Eddie blinks at him, tears rolling down his face. Steve swipes it off his face, in the gentlest matter, “You’re here because you are here. Chrissy deserved better, yes, but she’s gone. We couldn't have done anything about it. The life you have right now? You deserve it, Eddie. It’s always been meant to be yours. There’s nothing you could’ve done to help her.”
Steve cups his jaw, thumb softly drawing circles on his cheek, “If you really think she could’ve been your platonic soulmate, then she would want you to live your life. She would hate you for saying all this.”
Eddie chokes up even more, his voice shaky when he finally speaks, “Thank you for saving me that day, Stevie.”
He smiles, a lump burning against his throat, “Best decision I’ve ever made.”
Eddie stares at him for a few seconds, brown eyes staring intently at him. There’s a spark in his eyes that could rival the brightest stars, “I am in love with you, Steve Harrington.”
And right there, as Steve watches Eddie, the colors dance behind the love of his life, Steve says it back.
“I am also, insanely, in love with you, Eddie Munson.”
Eddie beams at him, moving closer to capture his lips into his. And if Steve had to describe the kiss, he would say that it’s exactly how he feels when the sun rises in the morning. It’s the feeling when the first hue of orange paints the sky. The feeling when the sun greets him once again. It’s a promise of new beginnings, captured with so much tenderness and adoration.
It’s comfort and skies and softness. It’s Eddie Munson.
When they pull away, Eddie moves closer, resting his head on Steve’s shoulder as they turn to the sky, waiting for it to change. Steve has watched maybe hundreds, maybe thousands of sunsets in his life. Together they watch as the day of the anniversary ends, with what Steve could only call the most beautiful sunset he’s ever seen in his life. Just before the darkness, it breaks into the most beautiful hue of pink.
Eddie starts shaking against him, a hand flying to block a gasp that comes out of him. Steve fights the smile forming on his face, his own eyes filled with tears.
“Hi, Chrissy.” Eddie whispers. Steve kisses the top of Eddie’s head to comfort him.
It’s a beautiful ending.
At twenty-six, Steve graduates with a Bachelor of Science, majoring in Atmospheric Science.
Steve never avoids the sky. He studies it now, and writes the weather news for a big Boston channel. He stops to point out random objects in the sky, and has a telescope set up for constellations. He drinks a hot cup of coffee every morning, watching as the sun rises.
Eddie is always with him in every endeavor. He works as a music teacher in the middle school near their home. On the weekends, Eddie plays in a bar, singing his own songs and playing his Sweetheart. He makes Steve a cup of coffee every morning, watching as the sun rises.
Steve lays in the grass with Dustin and Suzie’s son and teaches him how to cloud watch. Eddie will then pester them, and try to teach the kid D&D. Steve takes time to send reminders to Max and Lucas to wear a raincoat if he sees that it’s going to rain in California. Eddie will slip an umbrella on his satchel when Steve forgets, because he could only think of Max and Lucas and the other kids.
Steve talks to Will and Mike for hours, just trying to describe to them a weather phenomenon so Will could draw it and Mike could write it for their latest best-selling comics. Eddie teases Mike for it. It annoys Mike so bad that he slams the phone. They laugh so hard, their ribs ache. Steve knits El a gorgeous sky blue scarf, because he knows how cold it gets in New York. Eddie gets her a matching hat for it.
Wayne calls them, every other day, to ask how the weather is in Boston and Steve asks how the weather is in Indiana. Eddie will talk his ear off. They have Thanksgivings together, year after year, thankful for the life they were given.
Steve and Eddie spend a few summers in the guest room of the farm house Joyce and Hop bought in 1986. Steve stays and writes about the stars and the planets because the skies are so much clearer in rural places. Eddie stays and writes tunes and rhymes, sings and records it in the empty barn on the back.
They still live with Robin and Nancy, but they’ve moved to a bigger house now. Steve has his own equipment for sky watching in the backyard and Eddie surprised him with a sunroof in his office. They have a dog named Hetfield and a cat named Sabbath.
And more than anything, Steve loves sunrises. He wakes up early for it everyday. He’ll set the alarm early, wake up, tell Eddie that he doesn’t need to wake up with him. The next morning, Steve will always find the kettle hot, and a hot coffee waiting for him as his husband wraps an arm around his waist, face smushed on his neck.
They wait for the sky to turn from darkness and brightness and smile when the sun waves at them with hues of colors— different everyday.
It’s a hello, a how are you, a comfortable hug.
It’s a reminder of new chances and new opportunities.
And as long as Steve Harrington is in Eddie Munson’s arms, everyday is a new beginning.
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→ the original angstier sunset fic and it’s siblings <3
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thedeviltohisangel · 16 days
Angry Confession #8 for John and Cas
8. “Tell me how I’m supposed to un-love you, then. Tell me. Spare me.”
a little tease of the wisconsin fight i have been screaming in DMs with @gloryofroses19 about...
also. this might get it's own multi-page interlude and read slightly different. cass might get on that forced march and it won't read exactly like the blurbs. my muses have a mind of their own and i don't try to reel them in. if you ever have a question or wonder how i might see something differently with hindsight, please always reach out!
AND. writing this broke me.
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The silence was deafening as Cass felt his words snap across her face. She almost wishes the pain was physical instead of the emotional torment that he was inflicting upon her. At least then she would know how to heal. She would know how to proceed. At least then she could find the courage to fight back and gain control of whatever storm was brewing between them.
"All I know, Cass, is that I want you to be happy. I want you to be free and safe and experience everything life has to offer. I'm not the right person to ensure that for you anymore. I'm not the right person to live life with you anymore. I'm not the right person to," he paused and choked on the words that were tumbling out, "bring home to South Carolina and...you deserve a better man to have children with."
"Don't you dare," she practically spat as she pushed off the wall and took an angry step towards him. "Don't you dare fucking say any of that, John." The letter that caused all of this was still clutched in his hands. She wanted to burn it. She wanted to go back in time and never write it.
"Tell me I'm wrong. Tell me that you haven't noticed how fucked in the head I am. That you haven't stopped sleeping because you're afraid of what I've become at night." His eyes were looking at her wrist. Imagining the way his hands had wrapped around her delicate skin with malice as his nightmares had blurred his capacity to distinguish the past from the present.
"I love you. I love you so much it hurts me and that is the only thing I have been certain of for a very long time." Her fingers wrapped around the footboard of the bed in his childhood room. There was so much of him ingrained in these walls that it was dizzying. She had been giddy upon their arrival to Wisconsin, anxious to see him reunite with his mother and sisters. Anxious to get him back to his roots in the hopes it would heal the uncertainty that had settled over him since the morning after Gale's wedding. "You are exactly the man I want to bring home to South Carolina. Exactly the father I want to give my children. Exactly the person I want to experience everything in life with. All the pain and all the happiness. None of it means anything without you." She took another step but he stood and she paused.
"I'm setting you free. Free from me and this marriage and all the memories of what happened over there that I keep drudging up for you."
"I don't want that," she cried. "I am not asking for any of that!"
"Someone is going to make you so happy one day." His hands were shaking and he knew he needed to leave this house before he could let the tears in his eyes fall. "Someone who doesn't have demons in their head. Someone who doesn't have blood on their hands and doesn't have to worry about staining you when he holds you."
“Tell me how I’m supposed to un-love you, then. Tell me. Spare me," she yelled as she found the courage to hit him in the chest. "Tell me how you expect me to move on from our nights in the flower field and how I am supposed to pretend that London meant nothing to me and tuck away everything that happened in Germany into a box. No one else will ever understand me, John. No one is ever going to make me feel a pin prick of what you do." She beat her palms against his chest until all the anger left her chest and she collapsed as it was replaced by despair. He let a tear drop onto the carpet next to her.
"I love you, Sp-" He stopped as the term of endearment tried to slip out. She couldn't bring herself to look at him. John stepped past her and stood in the doorway, not flinching when he saw his sisters scurry into their rooms. "One day, when you hold your precious child and don't see any of me inside of them, you'll know we are doing the right thing. And I just know you are going to be the best fucking mother in the entire world." Oh how he had dreamed of watching her become a mother. Watching her with their baby. Their baby that looked like a perfect combination of the two of them and was a physical embodiment of the love they had for each other. How he had spent the sleepless nights in Germany thinking of their names and how they would feel on his tongue. Cass was, is, a deity. She would be raising angels in her image and he couldn't not taint them with the horrors that lived inside of him. Couldn't risk any of it seeping into them.
"It won't be worth it without you," she mumbled as she stared where he had been in shock. "Life without you won't be worth living." If he stayed any longer, he'd never be able to leave.
So, without a glance back, he stepped out of the room. And down the stairs.
And into the night.
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nogenderbee · 1 year
Can you write the Genshin archons + Ganyu and Xiao with a teen reader who they basically watched grow up? Like they first met when reader was 6 and basically just went up to them with “idk who you are but we are now friends.”
you can remove Nahida if you’d like
also platonic obvs-
Yes, of course! I really hope I got that right and so I hope you'll enjoy <3
Venti, Zhongli, Raiden, Nahida, Ganyu, Xiao watching teen!reader grow
TW: small mention of drinking in Venti's part
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⊱ Venti remembers that day you approached him like it was yesterday
⊱ he still recalls how you said you'll stick with him forever to enjoy his music, of course he thought get that you're joking because you were a kid back then but actually kept your promise
⊱ watching you grow up was so moving to him, especially if you also learned to play on instrument because of him
⊱ what am I saying... of course you learned how to play at least on his lyre!
⊱ he definitely cut on drinking since he didn't wanted to give child a bad example
⊱ you might haven't even noticed it but he did write a song about you and sang it publicly for people on Mondstadt
⊱ he definitely likes to go back to good old times and remember pleasent memories for both of you
"I remember how one day you borrowed my lure and gave a real performance in Tavern! And in exchange for good job, Diluc even gave you free juice!"
⊱ despite those happy memories, he can't help but be scared that he'll loose you some day like he did his dear friend
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⊱ Zhongli has amazing memory so no wonder he remembers how you approached him with every little detail
⊱ he told it you and many others about how your relationship started from you asking him to tell you a story, then another one, and another one, and another one, and... yea you get the point
⊱ he literally remembers every single one of your memories and now he has even more stories to tell
⊱ he'll go back to your old memories all the time and tell you how you used to be when you were younger and how you slowly matured
⊱ you definitely become a smart teen thanks to spending time around him
"I'm very glad that you're satisfied with how we used to spend time together. And you really matured since back then."
⊱ but spending time around him didn't meant you have only historical experience, you also went on many trips around Liyue so you know your ways around this region
⊱ of course, the older you got, on more dangerous trips you two went but still not too dangerous
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⊱ okey but if you walked up to Ei like she's not terrorizing Inazuma, she genuinely becomes interested in you but you'll have to come to her on your own couple of times
⊱ but once she takes real like of you, she slows down in on terrorizing Inazuma or just slows down with it around you
⊱ you probably were spending time with Miko as well, so you know both of them very well
⊱ but when she watches you grow, she can't help but feel like mother to you
⊱ don't expect her to cook you anything, if you'll want some food then you'd have to go get something in the city
⊱ she literally fed you with sweets at first all the time so it wouldn't be a surprise if it turned out that you have problems with teeth
⊱ she doesn't go back and tell you all the memories you had together if you won't ask her and if you, she still tells you the minimum, she simply doesn't see reason for it
"What you were like when you were a child? You were a normal child. Just like every other mortal."
⊱ but now in all honesty, she definitely keeps you in her "infinity space" was it how it's called? in order to make your time together last a little longer especially after remembering how fast mortals grow up
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⊱ Nahida was extremely happy when you approached her and immediately proceed to take care and play with you
⊱ she remembers every little memory and also have album full of photos keeping those memories safe
⊱ so if you want her to remind you any memories from your childhood, you only have to tell her that and she'll take out the album full of photos
"In this photo, we were walking around Sumeru City streets and you a car seemed to take a like of you! In this one tho you..."
⊱ she definitely gets nostalgic often but she's also very proud of how mature you are now
⊱ she definitely was super soft and gentle towards you when you were a child and she still is when you're a teen
⊱ although you probably couldn't spend that much time with her, so she really appreciated every single second together with you
⊱ she knows very well how short mortals live so she wants you to have fun and appreciate your time together as much as she does
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⊱ if you randomly walked up to Ganyu and just went like "we're friends now", she definitely was a little shocked at first but it changes as you spend more time together
⊱ she's actually so gentle with you as if you're made of porcelain that can break any second
⊱ it's not a secret that she's busy so you two probably didn't had that much time together
⊱ but sometimes even when she had work, she took you to her work place if you wanted and make sure you have something to play with
⊱ although she's not a big fan of bringing child to her work since you always managed to distract her to she usually spent time with you after she's done with her work
⊱ she remembers all memories very well, even the ones she doesn't want to remember...
"Did someone ever mistaken me for your mother?! W-Why don't we focus on other kind of memories?"
⊱ she definitely gets a little sad sometimes while thinking about how much time you have left but of course she never shows or mentions it in front of you
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⊱ Xiao is always busy and avoids public eye so you must be really lucky to even catch him once
⊱ but since he watch you grow up, then you probably were really lucky and met him more then once
⊱ he knows mortal life isn't long but he only truly realizes it as he watches you grow up
⊱ he either watched you from afar or you were the reason he showed up more in public
⊱ he probably left you with Zhongli many times, especially at night since he usually has demons to defeat
⊱ but when you two spent some times together, he always was soft to you, although in public he probably was a little more harsh
"I was never soft for anyone. Including you! I just wasn't that rough towards you since you were a child."
⊱ of course he remembers every memory with you but won't tell you much unless you ask him to do so and even if, he still can't see why you want to know it so much
⊱ the truth is, he kind of doesn't want to remember the memories since that reminds him of how short mortal life is and that you won't be forever by his side
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sixosix · 1 month
(so… that ask about the potion made me think… and when you brought up plastic flowers, it kinda clicked and i kinda had brain rot in between my final exam and IRL stuff- figured i’d at least try! Look at me mashing things together like play-dough and pretending it makes sense, so please pardon any writing or spelling/grammer mistakes! I like to write but i’m not really a fanfic writer, and not confident on my grasp of any characters! Plus i threw this together in like a few days - deadman aether anon)
You look happier.
No… that isn’t exactly it.
You may be more open with your emotions now, but that doesn’t necessarily mean happiness. The few glances Lyney gets of you during his street performances show you as focused, stressed in some way if not tired. Running around the streets of Fontaine for whatever task your job seemed to require of you at that time. He hasn’t seen you laughing in joy or with a wide cheek-to-cheek grin on your face.
But you seem more relaxed. You don’t have a constant guard up anymore. There may still be tension and stress in your posture, but it's not the kind a soldier has. Just the constantly present worries of making ends meet.
You look lighter. 
Like you no longer carry the weight of your past sins on your back. 
Which makes sense.
After all, how can one carry that weight if they have no memory of it?
He knows something happened between you and Father; even if she refused to tell him exactly what happened the one time he dared to ask, brushing it off for a later time. Any attempts to try to get answers out of the flower shop owner; mother, you called her your mother; also failed, only resulting in a bittersweet look in the woman’s eyes. 
All he knows is by the time he managed to find out their location, he found you standing in front of the Knave and the tied up woman. Downing something like it was hard liquor, before handing back the little bottle to Arlecchino with a grim but resolute look on your face. 
Nothing odd seemed to happen after you drank it. No longer the star of the show, but apart of the audience, he could only watch in anxious bewilderment as you walked past the harbinger without even receiving a second glance in return. Able to free Rosalie without even the Fauti guards nearby saying a word. As the two of you had started to leave, Lyney had tried approach you again. To discover what happened or to beg for you to trust him, to trust in his genuine feelings for you… he doesn’t know. 
But you only walked past him with the same resolve you had with Father. Even Rosalie only glanced at him, opening her mouth to say something only to shut it and continue walking with you. Lyney had barely managed to reassure himself with the fact that you were unharmed, that he could try to approach you at a different time despite Arlecchino’s orders to stop contact.
Gods, he’ll always regret arriving too late, till the end of his days he’ll never forgive himself.
When Father informed him and his siblings of the fact you no longer had any memories of the Fauti, his heart broke. 
No… no, you won’t have, right? You won’t have chosen to forget everything. Not Cecilia, not Freminet, or Lynette or even the rest of the family. Not- not him.
Lyney always has to bite back the thought that they hadn’t been your family for years at that point. 
But with how you acted when Rosalie was kidnapped…
He can’t even blame you like he had when you first left. If it was the only way, he would gave up his memories in a heart beat if it meant his family would be safe. 
Gods, if only Lyney could hate you for this. But the only thing he hasn’t been able to successfully trick as been his heart.
Originally, after the confrontation he stumbled on, he had wanted to come up with a plan. Some sort of way to work around Arlecchino’s orders and make contact. Sure, he would have to start from the beginning again, but he was willing. For you, he’d do it. He’d do anything for you.
But this, this was hitting rock bottom and grabbing a shovel to dig deeper.
When he first saw you after everything, the words had died in his throat as he watched an unburdened you hurrying through the crowds with a goal in mind. It felt just like it had when you had gotten drunk at the party, and just like before, he couldn’t bring himself to call out to you. To press you for details and answers, to figure out what little memories you had left, to try and woo you, to try to put a blush on your cheeks. 
So, Lyney settled.
He settled with passing glances, watching you in the distance. Settled for not being a major role in the opera of your life but a member of the audience. Even at the knowing looks he gained from Lynette and Freminet when he changed the location of his street performances, he couldn’t help himself. He futilely tried to convince his heart that this was fine. As long as he could still see you, as long as you were ok, that he could settle with crumbs instead of a full meal.
Only for all his efforts to come undone the moment Lyney saw you standing in the crowd.
Like a starved, feral animal, all his feelings came bubbling forth when he realized you joined the tail end of the performance. He would swear to anyone who asked that the only reason he didn’t come undone like at the Opera House is because of the continued exposure he got, as little as it was. 
Seeing you, looking up at him, starstruck despite the fact he isn’t doing a single trick at that moment, just advertising his and Lynette’s next show…
His resolve crumbles into dust, and the spare flower he keeps on hand to charm the citizens of Fontaine feels heavy in its hiding spot. 
In the end, he never really could stop himself when it came to you, could he?
The noises of the remaining crowd members just turn into an incomprehensible buzz at that point, he doesn’t even hear the apology he gives out with a theatrical bow as he sees you getting farther and farther away. The moment the necessities of politeness are done,  he darts off after your distant figure, everything unrelated fading to the background. 
“Wait, wait!”
Unlike the past three times he has called out to you like this, you stop.  Lyney hears his heart pounding in his ears, joy rising as he watches you turn around. He barely notices you looking around in a panic, wondering why someone like him is calling out to you because all he can think about in that moment is that you stayed.
You, in all your glory, stayed. 
“Hello…” you murmur reluctantly as he comes to a stop. Despite that, he can’t help the smile that comes to his face.
Well, third times the charm, isn’t it?
- you only put this together after a few days?? 😭😭 youre incredible (cut below is me losing my mind line after line thank you very much)
- ‘lighter. you look lighter.’ IM GPING TO SOBB 😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭 LYNEYYY 😭😭😭😭
- “Gods, he’ll always regret arriving too late, till the end of his days he’ll never forgive himself.” NOOOOOO MY POOR BOY 😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭 he did nothing wrong my heart aches for him AAUGHH IM SAD FOR HIM U WROTE HIM SO WELL
- “Lyney always has to bite back the thought that they hadn’t been your family for years at that point. “ im srsly going crazy. MY DOOMED FAMILY my babies 😭
- “Gods, if only Lyney could hate you for this. But the only thing he hasn’t been able to successfully trick as been his heart.” I have been shot.
- “Settled for not being a major role in the opera of your life but a member of the audience.” OKAY OKAY I GET IT ILL JUMP OFF
- “In the end, he never really could stop himself when it came to you, could he?” i have fainted on the floor
- THE WAY IT SO SMOOTHLY CHANGES TO THE BEGINNING OF PLASTIC FLOWERS WOOOWWW I HAD TO PAUSE AND CLAP. I HAD TO TAKE A BREATH……… that was so seamless i didnt even realize it until i thought the “wait wait” and the “hello…” was familiar
- YOU ARE SUCH AN INCREDIBLE WRITER WOW. im stunned. you have such a way with words ☹️🙏 the way u wrote lyneys train of thought and feelings I CANT BELIEVE THERES FANFIC OF THAWED and i cant believe the first fanfic of it is this it is SO GOOD i ate this up this was literally my breakfast i have been fed well by your immense skill
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yourlocalghoulette · 4 months
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Part One ~ Grand Opening
Series masterlist~ Main masterlist~ Meet the horsies~
w/c- 3k
warnings- eventual smut so MDNI, this chapter is pretty much fluff, language, reader has riding trauma but not explained in detail (yet), Joel is a softie for horses and Sarah, he's so sweet he'll make your teeth ache!
lmk if you want to be on the taglist!
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horses used to be a favorite past time.
a place in your life where you could feel alive, feel comforted, feel free. an escape from reality. home.
happiness doesn't last forever, and you found that out quick. being the best in your hunter/jumper team didn't mean you had it good. hell, it made it worse. more stress, more demanding work, more pressure from trainers to hold up the team and win the gold medals. but one thing led to another, and after a few mentally and physically abusive trainers and a bad fall, you decided to quit.
quit the one thing that made you happy.
sometimes you wish you could go back in time, to when you were five and sat on a pony for the first time at the fair. your mom always smiled at the memory, saying she wished she could see that light in your eyes once more.
living in Austin, Texas, the land of cowboys, wasn't exactly helpful. horses were everywhere, from hunter barns to trail riding stables. although horses are practically shoved in your face in Texas, you've done pretty well with staying away from them. they bring back too many unpleasant memories.
little did you know that a tiny new stable across town would change your life forever.
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Joel Miller adores horses. his life, heart, and soul, or at least some of it.
his daughter Sarah takes up most of his everything. she's his sun, moon, stars, and his rock ever since he woke up in an empty bed eleven years ago. well, the horses too. sometimes the only time he would feel grounded was when he was mounted up in the saddle. it's a strange comfort, knowing that you can trust the 1,000 pound animal with your life. most of the time, of course. he's had his fair share of accidents, as would anyone that's associated with horses.
after years of working double shifts for a contracting company with his brother Tommy, he finally saved enough money up to build his own riding barn.
he doesn't want to be like the showy, expensive barns that are found all over Austin, Texas. he wanted his barn to be a safe house, an escape from reality for whoever walked into his barn. he had grown up in the dressage barn his parents owned, and the toxicity among the members was palpable. everything was a competition.
Joel didn't like that at all. he thinks horses should be a man's best friend, not a ticket to a gold medal. which is why he is opening the new stable. he knows it won't compete with the larger barns around it but at least it will be a home to the few people that come to find it.
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your mission to stay away from horses is hijacked when you get a call from your best friend, Sōl, while you're driving home from the coffee shop you work at.
"hey, girlie pop!" you answer the phone, jumping as her voice comes through the car speakers loudly.
"hey, babes!" you hear her cheery voice on the other side of the phone.
"Jesus, Sōl. you're connected to AirPlay and about made me cause an accident," you laugh, turning the car volume down. "what's up?"
"ok, you're not gonna like this," she starts out slowly.
"girl, just tell me," you sigh knowingly, hearing her attempted compelling tone of voice.
"I know you don't really want to be around horses anymore butttt there's a new barn opening in Leander and the grand opening sounds super fun. horse rides, food, and games. you wanna come with me?" she questions slyly, using her sweetest voice to convince you.
you let out a long sigh, running a hand over your face as you stop at a red light. "I don't know, babe. i...I haven't been around horses since...since like high school. I don't know if I'm ready for it."
"come on girl, it's gonna be a good time! and it's not like the other barns you rode at, or like Cedar Ridge." Sōl rides for Cedar Ridge, a large jumper barn outside of Austin, and is one of the best on the team. "listen. I'll send you the website and you can look at it, then decide. okay?" you can hear Sōl's grin through the speakers.
"fine. but it's only a maybe, okay, babe?" you let out an exasperated breath.
once you're back home and settled on the couch in your apartment with a bag of cheddar popcorn, you open the link Sōl texted you and scroll the website. the description catches your eye and you click on the read more button.
Sarah's Stables is a small, family-owned barn located just outside of Austin. our goal is to make people comfortable around horses and to bond with these amazing creatures. we aren't about competitions and gold metals at Sarah's Stables. we believe horses should be a second home, a place to rest your head. we also believe that the privilege of being around horses should be available to everyone, so we have affordable prices and volunteer-to-ride programs as well. come to our grand opening on July 26th!
below the paragraph is a picture of the owner, Joel with his daughter Sarah. you look closer to see that he is undeniably handsome. his dark brown eyes crinkled at the corners as he smiles widely in the photo. brown curls frame his forehead, streaked with a few silver hairs. his jawline is specked with salt-and-pepper scruff. his daughter is beautiful as well, with light brown skin and tight curly hair. you can see the resemblance in their eyes.
you sigh deeply. it doesn't look like the barns you're used to. it looks more relaxed, more fun. and it was only a small plus that the owner is easy on the eyes.
you give in and call Sōl. "i read the website. I'm in," you grin.
who knows, maybe it'll be good for you to see horses again.
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July 26th dawns bright and early for Joel. he wakes up with a start to the sound of Sarah knocking on his door.
"Alarm!" she calls into his room.
"shit," he mutters, hitting the top of the beeping alarm with his palm. when he remembers what day it is, his hands turn clammy with nervousness. he glances at the alarm clock. 5:40; he has twenty minutes before he has to go to the barn to feed the horses. he rolls out of bed with a grunt, stretching his limbs. he throws on a worn t-shirt and a pair of jeans and walks downstairs.
he finds Sarah in the kitchen, scrambling eggs over the stove. "mornin', kiddo," he grunts, ruffling her hair as a small smile plays on his lips. "how'd you sleep?"
"i didn't," Sarah grins. "i was too excited and scared. scare-cited... scexcited...?"
"scare-cited sounds right to me," he chuckles, pouring coffee into a red mug.
"i was gonna make pancakes for the big day but you forgot to pick up mix. you're gonna have to settle for scrambled eggs," Sarah hands him a plate, grinning knowingly.
"Was I....I was. sorry, kiddo. I'll pick some up later. I've been a bit stressed lately, obviously." Joel sits down at the table and starts quickly eating the eggs. he picks something out of the eggs and holds it up to Sarah. "shell," he says gruffly.
Sarah grins widely with a mouthful of eggs. "calcium."
"lovely," Joel rolls his eyes. "well, i best be off to feed the horses. Uncle Tommy will be by in a few hours to pick you up. love you, kiddo." he plants a soft kiss on the top of her head before discarding his plate into the sink. he grabs his wallet and phone before sliding on his black Ariat boots.
"love you too, dad. good luck," Sarah sticks her tongue out as he slings his backpack over his shoulder.
the short drive to the barn is quiet, with Long, Long, Time by Linda Ronstadt crackling through the old truck radio. Joel pulls into the barn driveway just as the Texas sunshine starts peeking through the darkness, a sight he'll never get tired of. he can already hear the six horses banging against their stall doors from outside, impatient for their morning grain.
he fishes the door key out of his back pocket and opens the door. he's met with a chorus of snorts and nickers as the hungry horses wait impatiently for their grain.
"mornin', ya little glue sticks. you gonna behave well today?" he grins playfully, stopping at Whiskey's stall, the one-eyed, cinnamon-colored Tennessee Walker gelding. he pets the front of Whiskey's face gently, tracing the long white blaze that splits down his face. "guess what, little man? you get to give pony rides," Joel smiles, his eyes soft and full of admiration for this horse. he know Whiskey loves the kids. he's the sweetest horse, always giving you kisses and loving nudges. though he is missing one eye, his other is very expressive.
Joel parts with his favorite horse to go make feeds, scooping a variety of different grains and supplements into the six color-coded buckets.
once the feed is distributed and the horses are happily munching on their food, Joel gets to work. he sweeps the stall aisles clean of hay and manure, then shovels it into a wheelbarrow. while he's dumping it outside, he sees his younger brother Tommy's truck pulling into the driveway. When Tommy and Sarah come inside, Tommy grins, giving his brother a firm hug.
"Ain't this a sight for sore eyes," he whistles lowly. "it's okay big bro. we'll help you get ready."
Joel rolls his eyes. "fuck you."
"da-ad," Sarah grins. "that's a quarter in the swear jar!"
"you're right, kiddo, sorry," Joel mutters, shaking his head.
"alright, big bro, we gotta get to work," Tommy nudges Joel in the shoulder.
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back at your apartment, you're awoken by the sun peeking through your floral-patterned curtains. you groan, shielding the light from your eyes with the back of your hand. you pick up your phone, glancing at the time. 10:23. shit. 40 minutes to get ready. a text notification pops up on your phone from Sōl 😜.
Sōl😜~ morning bb! u ready for today?? im picking you up at 11!
morning girlie! just woke up lol. I'll b ready for u! ~you
you turn on your morning playlist and climb out of bed and into the bathroom, where you dance to Take On Me by A-ha while brushing your teeth. you get dressed into faded blue bell bottoms and a yellow tank top with white flowers. you even pull out your blue cowboy boots that you'd stored away in your closet for so many years. you leave your hair down, knowing you'll probably have to wear a riding helmet later.
it's 11:05 when Sōl knocks on your door, and you answer it quickly. She squeals excitedly, pulling you in for a hug.
"babes, you look so goddamn cute! maybe there'll be some hot cowboy at this here grand opening," she smirks.
"as do you, babe! I know one's gonna be there for sure," you grin as you walk out with Sōl and into her car. "did you see the picture of the owner? whoo-ee."
Sōl nudges your shoulder across the center console. "told ya. this was meant to be."
the car ride is full of laughter, Disney songs, and off-key singing, and you finally pull up to the stables along with a few other cars. the barn is a quaint, white wooden structure with periwinkle blue trim around the open barn door and windows. yellow and white flowers hang from around the overhang over the entrance, where a big banner is posted that reads Sarah's Stables in curly cursive handwriting.
"this place is so cute! this Joel guy sure knows how to decorate," Sōl says approvingly, admiring the small concrete horse figurines standing guard outside the door.
you walk into the clean, homey barn to see Joel Miller in the flesh. God, he's even more handsome than he was in the picture.
"welcome in, darlin'!" Joel smiles warmly, shaking your hand. "the name's Joel. so glad to meet you."
you smile widely as you tell him his name. "I'm excited to be here. this place is gorgeous."
"why, thank you, darlin'," Joel grins proudly. he tries to push the thought of how pretty he thinks you are away. "do you ride?"
you bite your lip for a second before nodding. "used to. haven't really been around horses since high school."
"how come?" his dark brown eyes soften, studying your face. Sōl has ran off to see the horses at this point.
"I rode at a few hunter jumper barns on a high level," you explain. "you....probably know how those trainers can be. I didn't exactly want to go back after how they treated me."
Joel nods understandingly. "I know exactly how it is. my parents owned a dressage barn for my whole childhood. everyone's always after everyone's ass and trying to be better than the other and such. it wasn't a healthy environment for me as a kid." "dressage, huh? you seem more like a cowboy to me, Joel," you smile infectiously. "it's the accent, believe me. don't let it fool ya." he chuckles. "oh, there's some new guests. I gotta go introduce myself. there's pony rides, games and drinks outside through that door."
"thanks," you stare after him as he walks away, admiring the way his broad shoulders fill out the sleeves of his navy blue t-shirt. you walk out the door Joel had directed you to, immediately spotting Sōl who is already talking up a storm with a tall, younger blonde man wearing a cowboy hat. you grab a sparkling raspberry lemonade can from the cooler and walk over to them.
"hey, girlie! bout time you made it out here," Sōl grins. "this is Chase. He rides at Cedar Ridge on my team."
he tips his hat to you as you politely tell him your name. you gently nudge Sōl's shoulder. "wanna go look around?"
"sure. see you later, cowboy," Sōl flashes a wink towards Chase, who blushes slightly.
you and Sōl walk the barn aisles, admiring the cleanliness of it. you inhale the mixture of horse, hay, and manure, an odd smell you always found oddly comforting. you take in your surroundings, admiring how beautiful the simplistic decorations are. you peek in the tack room, which is unsurprisingly clean and organized. each intricately stitched saddle sits on its own stand, polished to perfection.
"this place feels...different," you say thoughtfully, peeking into a stall and smiling at the sight of a little chestnut shetland pony.
"different how? awww, look at this cutie." she scrunches her nose up at the shetland, giving his muzzle a little boop.
"I don't know. it feels comforting....like home." you stroll down to the next stall to find a tall black percheron. the small handwritten sign on his stall reads that he's an 18 year old gelding named Amadeus, and he was rescued along with the Shetland from an animal hoarder.
"I see what you mean. feels a lot less fancy and...sterilized than the other barns we've ridden at."
"and the trainer is nicer," you say quietly, tracing the white star on Amadeus's forehead. Sōl raises a knowing eyebrow.
"is someone developing a crush?"
you shoot her a pointed look. "no....no. it's just... refreshing for it to feel like the owner actually cares."
"someone's developing a crush?"
your eyes widen as you hear Joel's voice behind you and you spin around to face him, a flustered expression on your face. "no one," you grin. "just Sōl being a bit of a menace." you try to laugh it off.
Joel smirks and looks over at Sōl who just shrugs innocently. "anyways, I wanted to talk to you before more people come. I'm in dire need of some extra help, having the barn just startin' up and such. you seem to know your stuff, and-" he gestures to Amadeus's calm expression as you pet him. "the horses seem to be relaxed around you."
you purse your lips, taking a deep breath. are you really ready for this? after so long not being around horses....no. you push that thought out of your mind. this place feels good. feels natural.
"of course. i...this opportunity will be good for me. I need to gain confidence around horses again." Joel's eyes crinkle as he smiles, obviously relieved.
"thank you so much, darlin'. you're truly a blessin'. I'll pay you of course. looking forward to see you around."
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riddle-me-ri · 11 months
A/N: shhh no I don't have a problem, I dunno what you're talking about..this isn't my third Miguel fic in a row hnng…but also thanks so much love on the first two! Seriously, I'm blown away! Anywho, if there's anything I'm a sucker for writing about its…like character deep dives. I like to get in their heads and kinda make my own interpretations or take to the best of my ability while staying true to what we know of the character. And while it's kind of a "x reader" it's not until the very very end. Also if you guys have any requests or ideas feel free to send them my way! It may take time but I'd love to hear any ideas! Here's a link for my request info!
Trigger Warning: none, some depressive/angsty thoughts cause it's Miguel and his backstory so...rip and also unsure if I used resentment right or not I like one word titles rip
Word Count: 1k
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Miguel O'Hara x Reader - A Long Way To Happy
Miguel's eyes strained at the screen once more. 
It probably wasn't healthy watching back these tapes from a universe that once was. Over and over, and over again. 
He sees himself. A big proud grin on his face. A darling little girl propped on his shoulders, smiling, laughing, living…
Miguel doesn't even recognize that man anymore.
It is him, sure. 
Exactly where he shouldn't have been. Filling in the shoes of an alternate him that was supposed to not be there. 
Miguel O'Hara wasn't supposed to be there for his daughter's games and practices. He wasn't supposed to wake her up and cook breakfast or tuck her into bed and wish her sweet dreams. 
But he was…and now Gabriella and that entire universe was destroyed. 
All because he was careless, selfish, foolish. He let his own desires get in the way of protecting and maintaining the multiverse. 
Not again. He knows the risks now, the sacrifices that are endured whenever someone tries to go against the silk of a predetermined web. 
Miguel won't let himself get distracted, get pulled away. He doesn't care what the others think, he doesn't care if he's not as warm and bubbly as the other Spiders…he was never entirely like them anyway. 
Maybe before, but that man was long gone, only to be seen on film. 
He won't slip up again. Now that there's holes and anomalies popping to and from universes…there's no time for indulgences or distractions. 
After he swallowed the growing lump in his throat on seeing a beaming Gabriella hugging him. He turned off the video and began a routine scan for anomalies. 
Then he felt a sudden weight along his back along with some soft coos. 
When he turned his neck he was greeted by a sweet baby face with a mop full of red curly hair. The baby smiled widely at him before continuing her trail. 
Miguel sighed. 
This…this was not helping…
It just…it didn't feel fair. It wasn't fair. 
Miguel shook his head. 
It's not Peter's fault he didn't have Gabriella and Peter could be a dad to Mayday. 
Then he thought of Jessica with her mystery baby on the way…
Miguel wasn't sure how he'd feel if she had a girl. 
This has to be his punishment. 
He obliterated an alternate universe by filling in for that universe's Miguel O'Hara because he wanted a family…because he wanted what that Miguel had. 
He deserves this. To be surrounded by happy families and precious babies. 
At least the multiverse was stable and safe enough to where they felt comfortable starting families.  
Miguel doesn't want to feel this resentment. He knows it's childish, so he buries it deep along with his traumatic memories of his daughter glitching out of existence. 
He distracts himself by staying focused. Pushing, pulling, and commanding the Spider Society. Maintain order in the multiverse, that's what he should have been doing to begin with. 
Perhaps then he can be redeemed…for his own sake. 
Until then, he had no reason to be playful and carefree like the others. He had no reason to pursue his wants, not after what happened the last time he did so. 
Then there was you. 
Bright-eyed and bushy tailed as all the other Spiders (well most of them). You were personable, kind, and sweet. Peter said you also had a sense of humor, leaving Miguel to still be the only Spider without one. 
Miguel didn't think much of you at first. Just another part timer perhaps. May catch a glimpse of you every once in a while. 
That is until you almost went out of your way to see him or do things for him. You always checked on him once if not twice a week. (He almost wishes you'd visit more so than Peter B.) And every now and then he'd notice a tray of food for him.  
He did take notice of your prowess on missions. He always appreciated a competent agent. This led him to have you on his backup team with Jessica. 
Needless to say, he did feel…content with you. Which was something he hadn't felt in a long time.
"Oh, geez, there you are, Mayday! Your daddy's looking everywhere for you." Your voice echoed throughout Miguel's headquarters as you swung up on your silk to retrieve the baby. 
"God, sorry Miguel, I turned my back for a minute and she's gone. Should've figured she wanted to see her favorite uncle." You chuckled as you pried the baby off Miguel's shoulders. 
"I doubt that." He sighed. 
You nodded. 
You noticed a familiar tab open on the hologram beside the tab he had open with a map of the multiverse. You recognized the name and date. 
You sighed as you began turning around ready to hand Mayday back to her dad who was sparring in the training room. 
Until you looked over your shoulder at Miguel slumped over his desk. His eyes heavy with exhaustion and his lips down in a depressed frown. 
"You know, you don't have to take this burden on your own. You have us…and the whole society…and everyone's happy…content for the most part. Outside of canon stuff anyway but…" You took a deep breath, trying to control your rambling to a minimum. 
"Look, I just…want you to know…you deserve happiness too." You concluded. 
As if to agree, Mayday squealed and kicked her feet in your arms.
Miguel didn't respond. He straightened his posture so he wasn't leaning and he glanced at you over his shoulder. He solemnly nodded and nothing else. 
Finally deciding there was nothing more to say, you began shooting your webs and swinging out of his headquarters. The quiet room is filled with echoes of Mayday's laughs and chortles. 
When Mayday's noises faded. Miguel brought the video back up. 
He paused when the video reached the end. 
A close-up of him. A ghost of him.
Was it possible? Could he be happy again? Should he be? Did he really deserve to be?
Where resentment slightly gnawed in his gut. The idea of becoming content made it fade away. Actually, indulging in other relationships while also protecting the multiverse. Not trying to control something that even he and Lyla have minimal understanding of and controlling a plethora of other individuals. 
Miguel can't change what's happened, that is for certain. He can control what he does today and the next though. 
It's going to be a long way to happiness. Yet, he couldn't help but think with someone like you around…it may make the journey a little easier.
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draconicocelot · 11 months
Phantom Pain
Summary: Ballister has a bad episode of phantom limb pain, luckily his trusty sidekick is there to help him through it. just some good ol' fashioned found family fluff 💗
Ballister never considered himself skilled enough in the field of medicine to pursue a career in it, but he was quite knowledgeable in the areas of science and engineering. He was able to craft his own prosthetic arm and an implantable socket that acts as a metallic ball-and-socket joint attached to his right shoulder region. Its integrated biomechanical design protects his residual limb, keeps his arm securely attached, and allows for a full range of motion. He couldn’t believe how quickly he had to adapt to such a significant change. It was only one swing of a sword, one swing of Ambrosius’ sword, that left him without his right arm.  At the time of impact, Ballister was so horror-struck by the laser firing from the hilt of his sword that he barely noticed Ambrosius swinging his blade upwards. It wasn’t until it was dug halfway into the deep muscle of his arm that the pain brought him back to the moment, crying out and clutching the gorey mess that remained. He looked back at Ambrosius, the one he once saw himself spending the rest of his life with, as his sword fell to his feet, a look of great regret painting his features. 
He wasn’t sure if his relationship with Ambrosius would ever recover. His best friend, who he had grown up with since he was allowed to join the other knights in training as a child, had just attacked him. No, disarmed him. He was simply doing his job… right? Regardless, after discovering the corruption seeping through the cracks of the institution with the Director behind the reins, Ambrosius too found out the truth. Now with the Director no longer controlling the knights of the realm, they were free to operate as they saw fit. Ambrosius was deemed the knight commander, with Ballister right by his side. However, while Ballister never blamed Ambrosius for the loss of his arm, the damage had been done, and he now had to deal with the aftermath. Most of all: the pain.
The episodes seemed to grow worse with each passing day after the death of the queen. Though once several weeks went by, it wasn’t as frequent, at least, the severe pain wasn’t. The loss itself was agonizingly painful, leaving him to hobble to the ruins of his future home, the only place he found that was safe to hide in. Remnants of medical supplies were enough to stop the bleeding, at least until he could construct a more permanent solution. While the pain slowly decreased with his new prosthetic in place, it would never be the same as what he was used to for so many years. He hadn’t felt irritation and discomfort so severe since the days following the loss of his arm, but every once and a while the sensation would rear its ugly head.
He was just sitting on the couch when it hit, their green blanket draped over his legs as he watched television. At least it was something he wasn’t upset about missing, just a mindless show about building houses and different architectural styles. Nimona was never a fan of that type of entertainment, always claiming it was too boring, which is why he usually only had it turned on when she was busy in her room. The tower had gone through many renovations after she returned, turning an evil lair into an evil home, at least, as Nimona would claim.
He kept her neon-colored lights, the used couch and coffee table, and her drawings that remained on the wall. Even many of the weapons they possessed were hung up in a more secure yet visible space, just to keep her desired level of chaos with more rounded edges. The once-titled “murder wall”, now referred to as the “family wall”, was decorated with memories of the times they spent together. 
They even included Ambrosius, his face appearing in many photos of the three of them with a few professional looking photographs taken during a photo shoot of the happy couple. Well, with a few in-between shots involving a naughty pink snake wrapping around Ballister’s shoulders. Or those that showed a little pink bird landing in Ambrosius’ long golden hair, building herself a nest as Ballister threw his head back with laughter. These were the moments he tried to remind himself of when the discomfort became too intense to ignore.
It began with a slight itch, a prickling feeling starting in his residual limb. His prosthetic arm was resting on his work bench on the other side of the room, so once the feeling started he assumed it was because he was used to wearing it unless he was asleep. Before he could swing his legs off of the couch, the once harmless annoyance shot through his phantom limb like a bolt of lightning, bringing him back down to the couch with a pained yelp. 
“Boss? You good down there?” Nimona called from the upper levels of the tower. Ballister attempted to respond, but the sting pulsed through him so deeply that he felt it on his entire right side. The only noise he could muster was a whimper. “What happened? Did you cut your other arm off?” The voice grew louder as she came downstairs, approaching the couch with her usual teasing behavior. 
“It’s… It’s nothing…” Ballister hissed through his teeth, his face wrinkled with distress. He brought his left hand up to massage his other shoulder, attempting to dispel the pain. Nimona’s expression softened, leaning on the arm of the couch. 
“It doesn’t look like nothing, do you want me to get Ambrosius?” Ballister shook his head in response. 
“No! No… he’ll just take it too seriously.”
“I don’t think you’re taking it seriously enough, boss,” Nimona stated, her draconic tail extending and swishing. Ballister shifted himself so that he was lying directly on his back, rotating his right shoulder as much as he could to keep it moving.
“It’s just a temporary bout, it’ll pass,” he muttered in a strained voice, closing his eyes and pulling the blanket up further. He tried to zone out, to listen to the faint sound coming from the television or the quiet hum of the air conditioning unit. While the initial shock faded away, he still felt a twinge in his arm, creeping down his forearm and burning down to his fingertips. What a cruel joke, to feel such realistic pain in an arm he no longer had. 
This dark mental spiral he was taking himself down was interrupted by the introduction of a new feeling. It was something more pleasant than what he was otherwise dealing with. An addition of weight against his stump. Something soft and warm had landed against his upper right side, and it brought an immediate sense of comfort. As he glanced down, he saw a furry pink cat curled up on his chest, her bottom half on the couch with her upper body draped over him like a weighted blanket. 
“I know that look better than anyone. That’s the look of someone who says they want to be alone, but in reality it’s really a time when they shouldn’t be alone,” she explained, “besides, they say a cat's purr helps promote faster healing or some shit like that.” Ballister chuckled at the comment, more relieved than he admitted aloud to have her company. 
What he hadn’t mentioned to Nimona at the time was that the last few times he dealt with this situation, he was alone. He was lying on the cold hard ground, staring up at the ceiling with tears streaming down his face. The burning sensation was nothing compared to his boundless grief of losing the queen, it was almost too much for him to bear. He truly loved the queen, she was the closest figure he had in his life to a mother, the one who encouraged him to be the best person he could be. Now, she was gone, killed by his sabotaged sword, witnessing her expression of anguish from a front row seat. He was used to not only the torment he experienced, but the feeling that he deserved it. He didn’t kill the queen, he knew that, he wasn’t a murderer… but the queen was killed because of her kindness in accepting him, and the Director’s malicious and horrid views of the way the Institute should have been run. 
As Nimona began to purr, the gentle vibration soothed Ballsiter’s muscles, the damaged nerves calming their attack. He still felt a festering burn and the occasional twitch every few seconds, but her presence brought him an overwhelming feeling of tranquility. Gently stroking her back, he took a deep breath in and slowly let it go.
“You were never a monster, Nimona,” Ballister mumbled softly, moving his hand higher to scratch the top of her head, running his fingers over the soft fur between her ears. 
“Glad someone believes that,” Nimona replied, one eye open as she looked over at him. Ballister huffed in response, a gentle smile across his lips. 
“You’re a miracle.” She stopped purring for a moment, the words he just spoke hitting her harder than she expected them to. Both eyes now slowly opened, meeting his as he sat up, his back against the arm rest. 
“…You really think that?” she asked, shifting back into her human form, the one she was in when she first met Ballister. He nodded in response, moving his hand back to where it was when she was still a cat, stroking the top of her head. 
“Course I do, I wouldn’t have said it if I didn’t mean it.” Nimona couldn’t stand to look into his eyes any longer, full of such genuine appreciation that she had to look at something else before she felt too soft. Glancing over at the television, she saw the boring show from before was still playing and smirked a bit. 
“Alright fine… I’ll let you keep this garbage home improvement show on,” she groaned, situating herself so that she was still laying against his right side, using him as a pillow. Ballister leaned down and pulled the blanket up over her, rolling his eyes before turning the volume back up.
“Maybe if you actually watched it you would find that it’s not so garbage after all,” Ballister hummed. 
“Mmm, I doubt that old man.”
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morgana-ren · 6 months
Been playing with an idea and I'm curious about your thoughts: Tav stays with Ascended Astarion because she knows he will hunt her down anyway, and that the hunt will wear away what remains of the gentle love she misses. Not even in a "I can rein his worst impulses in" way, but in a "I can't bear to destroy this illusion of kind love because it's the only thing I have left of him" way. idk just musing
Speaking from experience, sometimes we cling to scraps. Somewhere deep and desperate, we know the truth, but facing it would take what little is left of our dwindling sanity-- especially when you are literally trapped in the situation.
When you're staring down the barrel of the gun, sometimes it's better to live with the constant threat than it is to pull the trigger and shatter the illusion.
The die has been cast, the choices long made, and all that is left are consequences.
Being in love can be a wonderful thing. It really can, I hear. It can also be a fucking prison, and worse, it's one of your own making. You can't rationalize with your brain. Our lives would be exponentially easier if we could. Sure, you can know the truth, but there's always some little part of you that fights and wails against that truth. Anything to keep itself stable.
It's a game of giving yourself a reasonable doubt. It's presenting yourself with a logical conclusion, and that nasty little part going "You can't possibly know that!"
Chances are, you didn't fall in love with the monster. You fell in love with the man that came before him-- or at least had that illusion of existing. And Astarion was very much a man before he became... this. There was a time of tender love and genuine affection.
There was a time when he would do anything to protect her-- and he did. He turned to this ritual because he was afraid-- both for himself and for her-- and he did what he felt he needed to do to keep them both safe. To allow them to live long enough for that love to be able to breathe.
There was a time, seemingly not so long ago, when it was a kind love. And yet, these happy memories turned haunting and cold. Something that dances ever on the edge of Tav's brain, just out of reach. Ever grasping, ever longing, ever taunting.
To run would be to accept this truth. It would be to fully reject the lie that has kept her sane. It would be to take away the one raft she has in this maelstrom and leave herself to drown. It would be to accept the truth that this isn't love; it never could be.
Love is vulnerability and selflessness, and by nature, he cannot be. His love is a cage. It is something strangling and cruel that would sooner see her suffocate than free. That is his nature now.
He is capable of saying the right words and making the right motions-- just enough to keep the lie beautiful and believable-- but to acknowledge their emptiness would be to accept that they are nothing but a death rattle. The last note in the swan song that is his dying humanity. It is a ghost of something that once existed, and has chosen to haunt and possess rather than go in peace.
If she runs, he will catch her, and there will be no pretense to his grip. That illusion is gone. She will have played her hand, laid the cards on the table, her intentions bare. And it's a game that not only does he not play by the rules of, he is simply not playing. What she has is the illusion of choice, and sometimes, it's easier to work at building that facade than it is to accept it.
When you look at him, it's those same eyes that once held adoration. The hand that chokes you is the same one that loved you once. You like to think it's still in there, somewhere, deep deep down. If you could only reach--
And what hurts more? To stay and keep trying, keep choking, keep suffering? Or to simply let it end?
Well, when there is no end even if you try, the answer seems obvious. Keep it dressed up in your mind, keep disguising it, keep trying, keep reaching for it. Something tells you that you haven't seen the worst part of him yet, and that monster will come knocking once it isn't placated.
His love for her became something very twisted and wretched. In his mind, he likely does still love her. He is showing it the only way he knows how; the only way he is capable of showing it. If she were to leave, he would feel rejected-- abandoned. Except she no longer has a choice, does she? She runs, he will find her, and he will make her love him, or she will suffer until she does.
It seems a mix of self preservation and mental preservation brewing in a caustic mix with the the dying gasp of what was true love for him. It's dancing on the edge of a razor forever, and in this case, it's quite literally forever.
Maybe she thinks she can remind him somehow. That maybe, one day, she can find a-- a cure or or something to bring him home to her. He's in there somewhere, right? Surely, he must be. This is still the same man she once loved. He's there, he has to be.
It's either keep holding out hope for this, or acknowledge the reality of the situation. It's not as easy of a choice as one might think.
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z0-ne · 6 months
Christmas time (Fish eyes! Uncle illumi x child reader! platonic)
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Dead dove: do not eat - Mentions of emotional abuse, physical, scars, suicidal thoughts kidnapping and isolation. Read with caution!
It's a Holiday. A Holiday I should celebrate, or at least I should be celebrating. I should be happy I've finally found my way out of that wretched room.
My nails are bent and some hanging onto the skin by a thread, but I am free of that cold dark room.
My feet may be bare, the snow stings at my toes, freezing my nerves and causing me to shiver, but I don't have to worry about the cruel gaze of those empty black eyes. The ones that stare at me, unblinking, unfeeling as I am whipped for failing to win his sick games or the games of his accomplice.
I'm alone, but I am alive. I am older than I was when I was brought here. I am no longer that small child, sobbing their days away with a grumbling stomach. A ten year old child stands in their place.
I have learned my way around that house, but it was easier in the summer to track a way out. With the snow piling, nearly reaching up to my knees with every step, the wind harsh and unforgiving as more snow covers my line of sight.
Winter is cold and merciless.
I keep going. I'm not sure what I am really looking for at this point, I want a way out. But I cant tell if I'm closer or further from my goal. What will I do once I think I'm safe?
Will I run? Will I simply hide away? If I hide where would I hide? As far as Im concerned there isnt another sign of life for miles, and the winter is much to harsh for me to make it to town just to get others killed like....
Like I did all that time ago. The memories of her dead corpse, her lifeless body hiting the ground, how she painted the grass red with her blood. It haunts me to this day, and I know it should.
He's told me, so many times. Nothing would've happened had I simply stayed where I was told to be. Had I not let my curiosity- no, my stupidity get to me, I wouldn't have led her to her death.
At first, I was in denial, I tried to push away my thoughts of accountability, burying them under false thoughts that I was simply a child.
Excuses. Thats what it was, and I am much to old for those now. So where can I go? What can I do? I can not go to another, for the fear of killing someone else for my own selfish needs is far too much for me to bare.
The snow grows taller, and my body grows colder. However I keep walking, for some reason I don't stop. Its like my body won't let me.
The body that should be dead, but stays alive only by taking from others. I should've died that day. Not her, not my Nanny, such a kind selfless soul, even in her last moments she did nothing but give while all I did was stand by and take.
I took her chance of life away once I ran, I took it away once I stayed still instead of running back to her and pleading to go home.
'Home.'. I think to myself, my breath hitches as my heart stops for just a moment. What is that at this point? Is it the place where I am beaten for allowing my steps to be heard in the halls?? Where I am told I should feel guilty for being alive when if given the chance I'd gladly fix my mistake?
Is it the place where I thought I'd be happier, surrounded with my siblings, my parents, in a warm area with a fire infront of me to keep me warm. Food on the stove, the smell of it enough to make my mouth water and my stomach grumble.
A place where my birth was a blessing instead of a curse. Where my life is celebrated and I am not punished for every breath I take.
Do I...even deserve such a place? I've taken from them, a life. Its no wonder they haven't come for me yet. It has been four years, and not even a single sign. New scars, deeper and more painful are placed upon me everyday, and they're likely joined together by the fire enjoying its gentle warmth.
While I am suffering in the rough hands of the cold. The snow at my knees, my eyes squinted, I can hardly feel my face now. If I were to cry, my tears would likely freeze.
As I continue to drag my feet through the snow, I see something in the distance- no not something. Someone, it is...my fathers shadow? All the way out here?
I hear his distant call, his voice so familiar it has to be him. 'No, I shouldn't waste his time...my uncle...says I'm a nuisance to them.' I think, attempting to remind myself that I no long have a place there.
However, I hear his voice call out to me once more, and my body reacts despite my mind screaming for it to give up. My legs picking themselves up as they force themselves through the snow.
A loud crunch as I stomp through it, only to trip over my leg, I fall forward but that doesn't matter, my body keeps moving, my arms flailing around aimlessly to keep moving despite knowing I shouldn't bother.
He's there, he's so close and I see it. I imagine the warmth of his hug, how it felt to be engulfed in his arms and swung around as if it was a miracle to see me and i longed for that love again.
So I kept going. I got closer, and closer, squinting my eyes as the wind grew more harsh. Once close enough, I reached out yelling at his back, hoping to grab onto the fabric and catch his attention. So he'd lift me into his arms and hold me once more.
"Dad!" I call out but I an disappointed, my eyes opened wide, my vision clears as the wind stops-- no time itself seemed to stop. It wasn't the back of my father, nor the shadow of Gon or my mother
No, it was but a lonely tree. No lights. No ornaments. Nothing. Its trunk was buried into the snow, and only the green is visible.
In an instance, I feel my heart shatter, and I fall to my knees as the wind blows once more, gently moving the leafs of the tree, swaying back and forth.
Another case of denial. Why would they come for me? Why would they ever even for a moment consider bringing me back when I've only caused problems in their lives?
Even when I know I don't deserve a home, even when I know I don't deserve their love, or their warmth. I still have those selfish thoughts, those pointless wishes.
I look down, my hands numb and covered in snow. I'm so cold...but I deserve it. I don't deserve the warmth. I look at my arms and wrist, covered in welts and bruises from my punishments, atoning for my actions.
A little pain in comparison to my Nanny loosing her life... I have been far too lucky.
My eyelids are growing heavy, and so is the rest of my body. I shiver as I loose feeling in my trembling bones. 'I should've...died that day....I should die now...' I think to myself as I lay in the snow, underneath that lonely tree.
While my vision has gone black, I can hear footsteps approaching in the distance. As I wish for death, I know a fate much worse awaits me once he arrives.
The winter may be cruel and merciless, but it can also be beautiful and kind unlike my Uncle.
Illumi, more cruel than winter, and anything I've ever known, and as my mind fades. I can only hope to be selfish one more time and not wake up the next day.
(BONUS! [Just in case you want a kinda happy ending])
Honestly, I've only dealt with two children as... stupid as this one.
What child, would run off in the middle of a blizzard and in the dead of night none the less?
I have been walking for hours, questioning why I am doing this for some child who isn't really my responsibility. I never said we should kidnap them. I was done with raising children after their mother.
Alas, their potential did catch my attention, not to mention the odd sense of dejavu I get when I look at them.
I have a coat, and clothes to cover up, but I didn't think I'd be hunting down a preteen so late at night, by myself nonetheless.
'Being left to babysit and I've lost it in the middle of a blizzard. How lovely-' I think to myself, before I pause. I see them, just as they fall face first into the snow.
I sigh, shaking my head as I walk through the snow, it crunches beneath my feet as i get closer to them. Once close enough, there they are. Curled up in the snow,, trembling.
Again, I get a sense of dejavu. Its the worse times when they look most like their mother to me. They're just as troublesome as she was, I grunt as I bend down, picking them up by the scuffle of their shirt and hoist them over my shoulder.
"You should be lucky that Illumi didn't find you." I say with a chuckle, the child is unconscious, although if illumi had found them instead of me a punishment would await them once they wake.
"Take this act of mercy as your "present" from me."
However, judging by their frozen skin, and trembling body I'm sure the winter was punishment enough.
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vickyvicarious · 8 months
Very shortly after she opened her eyes in all their softness, and putting out her poor, pale, thin hand, took Van Helsing's great brown one; drawing it to her, she kissed it. "My true friend," she said, in a faint voice, but with untellable pathos, "My true friend, and his! Oh, guard him, and give me peace!" "I swear it!" he said solemnly, kneeling beside her and holding up his hand, as one who registers an oath.
"Dr. Van Helsing, I have not forgotten your mercy in poor Lucy's case to him who loved"—she stopped with a flying blush, and changed her phrase—"to him who had best right to give her peace. If that time shall come again, I look to you to make it a happy memory of my husband's life that it was his loving hand which set me free from the awful thrall upon me." "Again I swear!" came the Professor's resonant voice.
Lucy's final request of van Helsing before her death, and Mina's before her burial service.
Both ask him to take care of their loved one, and also to end their existence as a vampire and give them a peaceful rest. Lucy specifically asks van Helsing to keep Arthur safe from her, after her vampiric self tried to draw him in for a dangerous kiss. She sees he is vulnerable to her and fears she would physically harm him/put the same 'poison in his blood' as is already in hers. It is only after seeing how much better Jonathan feels upon having all doubt and uncertainty removed about the reality of vampires that van Helsing decides to tell Arthur the truth and ask him to stake Lucy. In doing so he tries to protect Arthur mentally/emotionally as well as just physically/spiritually.
Mina builds off that, asking van Helsing to ensure Jonathan does the same. She knows that the difficulty isn't as much coming from her should she turn (she already has several promises to stop her, and everyone knows what they are dealing with now) but from Jonathan himself. She wants van Helsing to try and get Jonathan to cooperate by killing her, believing that doing so will give both her husband and herself peace if only he can be persuaded to look at it the right way. She's more concerned about his mental state than physical safety from her vampiric self (at least, if he succumbs she knows it would be by premeditated choice so it still comes back to his mentality rather than her exercising an evil influence).
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paluimbel · 8 months
The Structure Fell About Our Feet (And We Were Free to Go)
Chapter 1: Try One, and Try Two
Some time after the Rapture, Gem used a spell she found in some far-flung ancient library to let an Eldritch Entity™ share her body in exchange for power and protection. There's just one problem; when it comes time to introduce those she's close to to her new headmate, fWhip isn't exactly happy about her decision.
Notes: This was partly inspired by Prompt #1,051 by @pluralprompts, except we sorta accidentally stopped reading halfway through because we got Ideas after just reading the first bit. Oops?
Read on ao3 here.
“You’re not Gem.” fWhip said, fixing her with a glare that made her feel the need to turn her practice sword on him in self-defense.
Gem wouldn’t like that, though, so she refrained, letting it swing idly by her side. (Oh, to have hands with which to hold a sword, and arms with which to swing it!) This was earlier than they’d planned to tell him, but, well, now was as good a time as any.
“Not… exactly?” she replied, face contorting into an awkward expression she was starting to become very familiar with.
fWhip’s red-orange magical aura, smelling of ozone and fire and a strange sort of crisp decay she couldn’t quite place (Autumn, Gem informed her kindly, it makes sense that you wouldn’t recognize it, since the End has no seasons, but you’ll experience it for yourself soon enough), exploded outward in an angry wave.
(Hang on, she thought, I was under the impression you were both human.
Mostly, Gem replied, by which I mean about three eighths, I think. We’re changelings.
That explains a lot, she thought back.
Thanks. Gem’s grin was inseparable from the feeling of the word.)
“What do you mean, ‘not exactly’?” Sausage broke in.
“I go by Gem, now that I’m here,” she gestured at the meat suit Gem had been so kind as to share with her, “but I’m not the Gem you know.”
She was shaking. Why was she shaking? It felt like the rush of adrenaline that came with battle, but without any of the focus, without any outlet. (We’re nervous, Gem informed her, not exactly calm, but warm and safe, take a deep breath.) She did, and was surprised to find how much it helped.
“Oh,” Sausage replied, clearly not understanding, “then if you aren’t Gem, how are you in Gem’s body?”
“She let me in. We have an agreement,” she stated.
“My sister would never let someone take over her body,” fWhip accused, shooting daggers at her with his eyes.
(Stay calm, Gem told her, if you…
I know, I know, she replied, You’ve sent me practically every memory you have of him in preparation for this, remember?
Right, Gem answered, just worried, is all.)
“I didn’t take over,” she replied to Gem’s brother, “your Gem has just as much control as I do. We take turns. I’m mostly in control right now, because I wanted to spar with Sausage, but she’s here too.”
“And we’re just supposed to take your word for it?” fWhip asked incredulously. “How long have you been in there with her without telling us? Without telling me?”
She could feel the fire that was her headmate pulse hotter for just a moment. Remembering what Gem had told her, she took a deep breath, and the inferno quickly returned to its customary warm glow.
“Maybe we should trust Gem, fWhip,” Sausage spoke up before she had the chance, “you know how cautious she is, she wouldn’t do anything like this unless she knew it was completely, 100% safe.”
“Maybe she didn’t have a choice, Sausage,” fWhip replied, “also, you let yourself get possessed by a demon, so forgive me for not totally trusting your judgement in this matter.”
“Will you at least give me a chance to explain?” she interrupted.
Sausage and fWhip turned back towards her. fWhip didn’t look happy about it.
“Gem was the one who suggested this… arrangement. She wanted power and protection, and I wanted to experience the world,” she began, an uncomfortable, restless churning sensation filling her abdominal cavity, “I’m not sure all the details of how she bound us together, some spell book she found in a dusty basement or something, but it was completely her choice. You can ask her about the terms of our arrangement later. She’ll corroborate what I’m saying.”
fWhip fixed her with a skeptical glare, “I want to speak to my sister. Now, not later. Prove she’s really here and you’re not just controlling her.”
She paused, closing her eyes. Gem’s wordless and slightly playful outrage drifted towards her.
“Gem says to tell you that it’s rude to demand she come out when I’m already here,” she interpreted.
“Then ask her what the heck she was thinking, inviting a strange demon-spirit-entity-thing she knows nothing about into her body!” fWhip demanded, having apparently judged the message she’d passed on as something his twin would say.
The sting of betrayal welled up in her chest, alongside a strange sort of exhausted exasperation, and tears pricked at her eyes. The feelings weren’t hers, but she felt them, and Gem carefully shoving them down, all the same.
“Just because Gem’s your sister doesn’t mean you know what’s best for her, you know,” she spit out, “We both know you mean well, but she’s an adult; she can make her own decisions.”
(Reva… Gem scolded, somewhere between dryly amused and anxious.)
“Besides, I’m not a stranger; I’d already been working with Gem for years before she bound us together,” she added.
fWhip opened his mouth as if to respond, then closed it again, storming off.
She and Sausage stared after him for a minute.
(That could’ve gone worse, Gem thought, tone as cheerful as she could muster.
Yeah, no, that went great, she replied. Are you okay?
Gem’s lack of a response spoke volumes.)
“So… do you wanna continue sparring, or…?” Sausage asked.
“I think we need to go home and rest after all that,” she replied, “sorry.”
“No problem!” he said, “It was nice meeting you, uhh… Other Gem? Can I call you Other Gem?”
“Other Gem works,” she shrugged. “See you around?”
She flew off.
Additional notes: This is sorta a prequel to some planned Gem-centric works in our plural!hermits series, but since we haven't actually written them yet this is more like a sneak peak/fun preview.
Other Gem's name before Gem bound them together was Revañae, a word from a conlang we made for the inhabitants of the end in a different mcyt series. It literally translates to something along the lines of "void dragon" and is really more of a title than a name, so Other Gem decided to start going by Gem once she and Gem were bound together and she started creating a proper identity for herself. Gem still calls her Reva in the headspace sometimes though.
Also! Other Gem will eventually become hermit!Gem. Hence why this is relevant to the plural!hermits series. That's still a long way off at the time this takes place though.
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Two blooming roses
M and Snow stories start to truly intertwine with each other. Snow’s kindness touch M’s heart. Snow starts to wonder who M really was. Why doesn’t he want her to know? And unfortunately the Queen wants her slave and position back. And she won’t be afraid to spill some blood for it..
Hey, guys. I decided to cut down all my ideas into one chapter. Feels better in my opinion. If this feels rushed at times, my bad, writer’s block has been kicking my head. It’s not my actual writing style but it fits the story I need to tell. Nothing too harsh but a description of grief towards the end.
M found Snow in a state he’s never seen her in before. She was in the forest, crying. She found how her step mom hated her and wanted her dead, spared only by her own beauty. She was on the run. But at least she wasn’t alone.
M wasn’t in the mirror dimension anymore. They were together. Snow was thankful for that. “Things are better when you got a friend.” She would say. And it was true. M made sure they had shelter. A house over the hills.
Snow insisted on cleaning the house in order to make sure the residents would accept them. M knew it would help, especially the meals she made. The way to seven men's hearts is their stomach after all.
The dwarfs weren’t sure if they should stay. They would be prime targets for the queen. Plus M creeped them out. They weren’t even sure if he was human. But Snow insisted he was good. He helped her.
Grumpy was the most skeptical. A girl can only mean trouble. And M always rubbed him the way. The way he knew everything felt so smug to Grumpy. But the rest of the dwarfs accepted them rather quickly. It was free food after all.
To her surprise, the dwarfs heard the story Snow always knew. Of the bright young girl and the wish crushing king. It was a legend around here. A cautionary tale about making sure your dreams don't fall into unsavory hands.
Some dwarfs exaggerated the story. Saying that the king ate the wishes instead of crushing them. That the star was in a human shape instead of a more simplistic form. That the queen was just as evil as the king.
M made sure to correct that last one, insisting the queen was pure and good hearted. He made sure they knew that. But for the king, he let them talk about how horrible he was. He knew they were wrong, but he didn’t care. Snow didn’t know why.
Snow started to question M. She knew M could only tell the truth. But every time she asked something about the story, his answers would be vague. Snow was confused. Why would M hide information from her?
What was he hiding?
The next few weeks were quiet. Snow and the dwarfs become friends, having fun together. Even M started to have fun. Snow would notice a slight twinkle in his eye or an upward crease in his mouth. Snow was glad. She wanted him to be happy.
But Snow and M made sure they would help out the house. Snow would cook. She make soup, apple dumplings and gooseberry pie. M would clean the rooms. He had green magic but he didn’t use it often. M would say it brings back bad memories.
Snow may have been happy but M knew they weren’t entirely safe. The queen learned of their escape from the huntsmen and the maid. She was furious, executing them on the spot. The queen started to plan. If she wanted something done right, she needed to do it herself.
The queen started to search every corner of the kingdom for them. Making sure her slave would be in her possession and her step daughter buried 6 feet underground. Thankfully without M, she was lost. They had time.
Snow would often wonder what it was like in the mirror. She would claim that he was innocent. M would say deserved what happened to him. That it was karma for what he did. But he would never say for what. He would always dodge the subject whenever it came up.
Snow would get upset at this. Even though she was 14, she didn’t think of herself as a child. She could handle whatever he did. Why couldn’t he understand? Still Snow didn’t want to push M. If he didn’t want to talk about it, she would let him be.
There were different obstacles, surprisingly. A couple living deep in the woods had heard about the bounty on their heads and wanted to turn them in. But they didn’t care about the money. They had bigger plans in mind.
They wanted to use M’s power to take over the kingdom and overthrow the queen. As for Snow, she was useless to them. Best to kill her, can’t take any risks. The couple, Hilda and Grim, found where M and Snow had resided.
However, instead of turning them to the queen, the glooms decided to trick them into going with them by their own choice. It was ridiculous in hindsight. They attempted to use disguises to trick the group. The problem is that M knew everything and that included them.
They would often be turned away at the door by M or the dwarfs. Sometimes Snow would gladly let them inside, not knowing who they are. But the others would realize and kick them out. The others would scold Snow, saying she needs to wise up before she gets hurt.
Eventually the glooms started to get frustrated. They wanted to gain power but they couldn’t do that if M and the dwarfs were protecting Snow. But they had a secret weapon up their sleeves. A crystal ball that could give them answers.
The crystal ball had no soul inside so it wasn’t as powerful. But it still showed them a secret from the past. How M was a cruel and vicious king who hoarded wishes like a dragon. And that he hid this information from Snow. The glooms were ecstatic. They finally had a chance.
The glooms once again tried to trick Snow with disguises. The dwarfs had taken M with them to work, leaving Snow alone for the first time. This time, the glooms were historians, wanting to see how authentic the cottage she lived in was.
Snow, being naive, accepted it very quickly. They took a long time with their new con. Giving details that were completely unnecessary. Snow was curious about what they knew about M. He was 2,000 years old, after all. Surely they knew something.
This was their chance. They told her the truth about M. All of it. Snow didn’t want to believe it, her friend couldn’t be so cruel, could he? But it all made sense. Why he didn’t want to explain the king of the story or what he did to deserve being trapped in a mirror. It honestly hurt.
Her heart was broken.
About this time, M had arrived back. He had known the glooms and wanted to save her. He kicked the glooms out, sending them away. And he knew that Snow knew about him. His worst fear come to life.
Snow was upset with him. But not for what he thought she would be. She was upset because he lied to her. She trusted him and he didn’t believe she could handle it. Snow would have forgiven him. She knew he had done something bad but accepted he changed. Why couldn’t he?
M and Snow started to be more distant. M would often go with the dwarfs to the mine. Snow would talk to him less and less. It was everything M feared. She hated him. But Snow didn’t truly hate him. She wanted to like him again. She just wasn’t sure if she could trust him again.
After their plan succeeded, the glooms relished in their suffering. They could have easily used a spell they found and gotten rid of Snow. But they wanted to break her before they did. They were cruel like that. Now they wanted to kill Snow with poison. Disguised as a sweet apple.
When Snow was making gooseberry pie, a hag came up to her. She claimed that it was a wishing apple that could give her anything she wanted. Snow was unsure, she had been lied to before. Many times in fact. By the queen, by M and now possibly by this stranger.
Snow denies the apple, saying she already had what she wanted. The hag seemed content enough, willing to leave her alone. Little did Snow know, the hag had a small trick up her sleeve. By the time M and the dwarfs arrived, Snow was unconscious on the ground.
M knew that the hag was actually Hildy, who killed the evil queen and wanted to get rid of the competition. She and Grim were coming for him next. But the dwarfs were ready for them. They chased the couple away until they reached a cliff.
The group was furious at them. Hildy and Grim clutched each other. They never thought this would be their last moments together. They had one final kiss before they fell off. The group was very happy, avenging Snow’s death.
M knew a spell to preserve her body. Leaving her the same young and innocent girl they knew her as. They couldn’t let themselves bury her so they put her in a glass coffin. For a whole year, they mourned Snow, sitting around the coffin.
M’s magic could bring Snow back but it wouldn’t be her. She wouldn’t have her soul. So there she laid, not quite dead but not quite alive. News spread about her situation. About the girl stuck in the limbo for life and death.
One day, a young woman arrived to see the girl. She was clocked in a purple robe, tied up with a pink bow. She claimed she could bring Snow back to life. Everyone was desperate and agreed to let her try.
She pulled out a wand out of thin air. It was white with golden swirls around it. She closed her eyes and pointed her wand at Snow. She muttered some words no one could understand. A bright yellow light glowed at the top of the wand.
Yellow dust started to flow and seep into Snow. Snow’s wound started to genuinely heal and she woke up. The dwarfs were overjoyed. M and Snow thanked the young woman. The woman didn’t think much of it, claiming it’s what she does.
Snow lived a long and healthy life after that. She ruled the kingdom in strive with M as her adviser. Snow married a lovely prince and had a wonderful daughter. They named her Ivy. M loved her and would babysit her when he could.
When Snow passed for real, everyone was there, crying for her. But at least she went out with a smile. Ivy was queen next, living in her memory. And she was a fair rule like her mother and father before her. M stood by her side as well.
M hadn’t changed at all, still the same as he was years ago. Ivy had a son who became king as well. The cycle continued for a while. More kingdoms popped up, aligning with each other. But they weren’t immortal. They fell and others rose in their place.
Technology advanced quickly, and M saw it all. Stone castles were replaced with concrete homes. Carriages were replaced with loud cars. Something called a phone was invented. It was like a magic mirror in your hands.
M would have very different friends over the years but none were as special as Snow. She was his very first friend he ever had. The first to show him kindness when he needed it. Snow would always hold a special place in his heart.
And Snow would always appreciate him as well.
                            THE END
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ryctone · 2 months
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Happy (late) birthday to Meringue Cookie who belongs to @minecraftninjerkid! The OC ever /pos. Didn't really know what to do so I drew her with her interdimensional half-brother (My beloved child Liege Waffle Cookie who I also put thru the horrors /j). I did the math and I realized that Liege Waffle would be older than Meri, that'd make for an interesting dynamic...
I also thought of a silly little alternate universe were they exist together, feel free to ignore tho 🥺.
So, if my memory serves right; Meri was born back when the old Vanilla Kingdom was already a thing, and since Liege Waffle was born around the time Pure Vanilla obtained his Soul Jam—meaning WAY before he was even a king yet—that'd make Liege Waffle at LEAST an older teen/young adult when White Lily reunites with the other Ancient heroes and announces she had Meri. Liege Waffle's mom (Apricot Cookie) had already passed away years ago and while PV loved her dearly, has unearthed the feelings he once had for WL, so he accepts the child and WL into his family.
Now, since Liege Waffle already had a lot of self-esteem issues by this point, with his father busy running the kingdom to make time for him and Liege not really connecting with the other heirs of the Ancients (Dark Choco and Royalberry)... Now, he has to deal with his apparent 'half-sister' that appeared quite literally out of nowhere, he view Meri as his 'replacement' and absolutely hated her guts for just existing in his home— he felt more alone than ever.
He didn't attend the weeding.
Liege Waffle spends the next few years at the Wafflebot Hangar and/or his personal laboratory tending to his inventions like he had always done, refusing to acknowledge WL as his 'mom' or even Meri as his 'sister' for that matter; PV tried to tell him he was acting unreasonable rude and that all of them were family now, but Liege Waffle continued to disregard them, and continued inventing more Wafflebots.
One day, little Meri managed to sneak into Liege Waffle's personal laboratory and breaks a prototype he was creating by accident. That made Liege finally snap at her and basically yelled "We may have the same father, but you aren't my sister and never was!". Meri runs in tears and next thing he knew he was being scolded like a child by PV and WL.
Around this time he also takes in Strawberry Crepe as his apprentice and just so happens that Meri stopped trying to get close to the Wafflebot Hangar to actually meet them... Mmh...
Then, the first Sugar Flare happened.
For the first time in forever, Liege Waffle feels another emotion towards Meri that isn't hate or spitefulness... But pity.
He sees how everyone starts to hate her—or rather, FEAR her, because of something even she doesn't understand. Almost like... Him. Everyone only sees him as a Wafflebot creating machine rather than a prince, only a tool that creates weapons to defend their home.
She was like him.
However, he realizes that a bit too late, because the Dark Flour War took everything away.
He has the fight™ with PV and gets send away with some other Vanillians to be put '''safely''' in a cryogenic pot and Meri gets put in the Moonstone that sealed Dark Enchantress.
While Meri would later get freed by Gingerbrave and co. and then her adventures as Emissary of Earthbread would unfold, Liege Waffle would remain in his frozen state inside the cryogenic chamber for much longer.
By the time he got found by Black Raisin, Espresso and Strawberry Crepe (between the end of Cookie Odyssey and the beginning of Dragon Quest) Meri would be fully grown and no longer the child he despised so much.
Probably many other things happen, probably his grudge against her would grow because of how important she had become while he got buried into obscurity. But, in the end... I think they could reconcile.
They'll be fine.
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myalchod · 11 months
Silrah + AU in which Farah's not killed but sent to Earth forgetting everything about the Otherworld
Another one that didn't come out the way I intended to, but I've been staring at it for long enough that I'm just gonna go with what I have at this point ...
1. It’s Sky who finds her, chasing a rumour that he hopes might be Bloom into the First World. He watches only long enough to be sure that she doesn’t know him — their eyes meeting across the expanse of parkland, the complete lack of recognition in hers — before returning to the Otherworld. “It’s her,” he tells them, sitting around the table that evening, and sees hope flare in the eyes of the man who raised him. “I know it’s her. But …” and that light fades as he continues.
2. Of course Saul goes. For her, he would always go; even if the rumour proves false, he would risk far more for the possibility that it’s his fairy out there. The bond between them has been dead since the day he’d been dragged to the Solarian prison over a year ago, leaving him certain that Rosalind had killed her, but as he watches the woman who could be her ghost, he feels, or imagines he does, something stir in his chest.
3. He doesn’t approach. At first it’s fear, because there’s a possibility that he’s wrong and this isn’t Farah, but when Musa accompanies him on his next scouting run, she confirms what he’s known in his gut from the moment he first set eyes on her. There’s such sympathy in her gaze that he has to look away, focussing instead on the clouds overhead, wondering if this is the same sky as they see in the Otherworld. The thought is less comforting than it should be.
4. They had talked, in the years after Aster Dell, about what it might be like to forget that day — if walking away from the past might let them find some measure of happiness once freed of its weight. Remembering those conversations, he tries to tell himself that he should stay away; she’s achieved that, and he has no right to wake the demons of the past for his own selfishness. And yet he comes back, again and again, because the pull remains too strong, and because his own nightmares persist and he needs to know she’s safe, she’s well, that at least one of them has broken free.
5. He thinks he’s been discreet, and so he’s entirely unprepared for the day she sits down on the bench beside him. “I don’t bite, you know,” she says without preamble, and as she smiles he’s struck yet again by the lightness of this woman, and the unfairness of bringing the weight of memory to crash down on her again. (And yet.)
6. If this was a First World fairy tale, that first brush of her lips against his would right everything once more. But he knows, better than most, that those tales hold little of reality, and so it is nothing more than a kiss.
[ ask me another ] [ all answers ]
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