#at least thats the AU
strange-ghoul · 2 years
Copia Gains A New Toy (Copiiia)
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(Gif unrelated I just love Copia and his trike)
Copia has retrieved some books from the Vatican, and Terzo can't help but laugh at him. Copia is at his last wits about him, and when Terzo comes to torment him one night, he snaps. His klutzy and awkward atmosphere about him vanishes, replaced by an energy the former Papa was not expecting.
Copia can't help but show him his place.
Word count: 7,297 Rating: Explicit || Smut
Posted on AO3
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Copia stumbled into mass, giving a lopsided grin before trudging to the front. Nobody was in the pews; the former Papa’s and Papa Nihil sent him a glare and watched as he stumbled with the box in front of him. He walked the steps onto the stage that overviewed the pews and placed it down in front of Nihil.
“I apologize for my lateness, Papa,” He said, nervously laughing. He rubbed his hand at the back of his neck before looking up expectedly at Papa. Nihil only raised an eyebrow, unimpressed. Sister Imperator, seated next to Nihil, let out a breath and looked away. The three brothers sat to the left of Nihil, turning and whispering to each other. Terzo pointed at Copia and did a small laugh, which sent Copia into a deep seated rage. He didn’t know why, but that simple small action was going to make the Cardinal tear off Papa III’s head and show him what gore really meant.
He kept his facade though, his face blushing slightly as he opened the box up. He fumbled with the object a bit before lifting it up. On top was a rat, scurrying up his arm and onto his shoulder. Copia hushed the rat as it chirped and walked to Nihil. , offering the book to him.
“I called you all here to report back what I had taken from the Vatican on my week-long trip. I got many ancient texts, seemingly lost to the world but not to the Church. I took them all at the dead of night, some hold ancient rituals, others hold demon calling spells,” The Cardinal explained, his mind going into a focused setting, “It wasn’t hard breaking in, but I took all that I could because I am certain things will be more difficult the next time I go.”
Sister Imperator nodded approvingly, “This is…  sufficient, Cardinal. Did you learn anything more?” Papa Nihil took the book from Copia, allowing him to back up to his place on the stage behind the box. A few more rats seem to pop their heads out of the box, before quickly hiding back in at the sight of the former Papa’s.
“No, unfortunately my time was preoccupied with talking to many of the church's Cardinals to get access to these books. However with these out of their hands, they cannot cause any more pain or destruction towards us or humanity.” He heard Terzo snicker and glared in his direction, “What?”
“Only books, eh Cardinal? You know as well as I that… well… this is not very useful. Like the Vatican would ever summon a demon. We needed insider knowledge, not more areas for dust to gather in the Abbey library.” For a brief moment, Copia forgets himself. A whole week of nonstop work and little sleep, sleezing with every official he could find, just to have some royal prince sit on his ass in his makeup tell him he didn’t do a good enough job?
He took a step towards him, growling out in warning, “Why don’t you try it next time, eh? Maybe then you’ll learn-” He stopped himself short, feeling his own demonic energy flair. He stepped back, going down one knee.
“Forgive me, Prince, I forgot myself,” He sneered. Terzo leaned back, letting out a laugh. The rat on Copia’s shoulder let out a panicked squeak before dropping off his shoulder and going back into the box.
Father Nihil grunted and Sister Imperator let out a sigh.
“You’re dismissed, Cardinal. Thank you very much dear for all this, we will let you know when it becomes available to read in the library,” The Sister said gently. Cardinal nodded and got up, bowed awkwardly, and walked away. He tripped down the stairs, but ultimately left the room unharmed. His rats followed him closely back to his room.
Once he got there whatever awkward presence he had vanished. He grabbed the closest vase to him and slammed it on the wall, letting out a shout of rage.
Constantly being walked on, forgotten, used, abused, and more by those brats that the Papa called sons. Having to act dumb, clumsy, and less than he actually was to not be perceived as a threat to Terzo. He should’ve been Papa for all that he’s done for the ministry. His vast knowledge made him the right hand man but he was nothing more. He wanted to scream.
He threw himself at the bed, feeling like an emotional angsty teen as he wrapped himself in blankets. His pet rats, which seemed to always mark his presence, gathered near him and snuggled into the blankets. He let out a breath, finding some peace within them. He wondered how the little creatures did it. Many called them stupid and pretended they were heartless plague machines, but they were so much smarter and sociallable than anyone he’s ever met.
There was a knock. Copia brought his lips to a line, he didn’t call for anyone and he wasn’t expecting any visitors. He undid the blankets around him, pushing the rats around him gently before making his way to the door. He hesitantly opened it, only for it to be shoved open by Terzo so he could invade his space.
“Hello, Cardinale, how are you?” He asked as he strutted in, taking a look around the place. He quietly noted the broken vase and looked up at Copia.
Copia wasn’t sure if he could handle the former Papa without breaking all his years of work to seem like the gentle, loving, klutzy man.
“This is… Not a good time, Terzo.” He muttered, never meeting his eye. He wandered to the corner of his room and grabbed a dust pan as he cleaned the remnants of his vase.
“It’s never a good time with you, is it Cardinal?” Copia kept silent, “Come on, I saw how you flared. Anyone could feel that energy within you, where is it now? Or are you too much of a bitch to do anything, eh?” Copia glared and got the last bit of the vase.
“What, did the rats get too rough with your stuff?” Terzo teased. The Papa watched with interest as Copia tensed his body and his movements became calculated.
“What, did dada not give you enough love so you resort to bullying?” Copia snapped as he dusted the remnants of the vase into the bin near his bathroom door, “You should really invest in a “Roasting Book: For Dummies 101:”, it might actually help you, yes? It might even say nicer things than Papa Nihil has ever told you.”
Terzo stood in a stunned silence before letting out a laugh, “Cazzo Copia! Second time today you’ve said something out of line, and the first you haven’t immediately apologized. Bravo!”
The Cardinal grinded his teeth, glaring at Terzo. Copia marched off to his door. His hands balled at his sides.
“Awwh, you’re gonna run away to tell Papa what a bad boy I’ve been?” He jeered. Copia hesitated at the knob before finally deciding on something.
He locked the door.
“No. No, I’m not.” The cardinal's voice was in a low growl and he swiveled around, stalking towards Terzo. Terzo took a few involuntary steps back, now filled with uncertainty.
“Hey.. Hey Copia, it’s all a joke, eh? Just some light fun teasing, it is what I do!” He laughed uneasily, the back of his knees hitting the bed.
“You stonza. You think this is all a game? Do you think I’m in the mood for games?” His voice was laced with pure malice. Terzo’s breath hitched as he landed his ass on the bed and tried backing up even more on the king size.
“C-Cardi, look, caro, I did not mean to anger you-”
“Anger me?” He sneered, “For years, Terzo, I have served dutifully under every single one of you brats, and all I have to show for it is my collection of rats I’ve gathered from the years I’ve been here!” He shouted. Copia got to the end of the bed, glaring down at Terzo as he stuttered.
“I am sorry! Cazzo, Cardinal If I had known how much it bothered you I’d have stopped-” His breath caught in his throat as the Cardinal grabbed at his knee, “Please don’t kill me.” He was much quieter, and now the only sounds heard was the labored breathing from both.
“Kill you?” Copia chuckled darkly, leaning over Terzo and next to his ear, “No, I would never kill you caro, just make you know who the real deity is.” This went straight to Terzo’s dick. He gasped, pulling himself back and trying his best to hide whatever the hell was happening to him with his legs.
Copia climbed on top of him and grabbed his wrists, pushing them above his head and staying on them. The cardinal watched every little move Terzo made with cold calculating eyes. Terzo looked away, trying to find something to help him get out of his situation. A rat made a squeak, watching the two of them.
“Leave, tonight is not the night Ratto.” The rat seemed to understand, as he and some of his brethren disappeared into boxes or holes in the wall built for them. Copia turned his attention back to Terzo, with an unrelenting hunger in his eyes.
“What has gotten into you, Copia?” Terzo asked quietly, uncertain. This was not the anxious, sweating, mess of a man he was used to seeing on the daily. Copia let out a cold laugh, letting go of one of Terzo’s wrist to trail his body with it. His other hand grabbed at the other wrist, still keeping him firmly in place.
Terzo never fought back.
“What happened to me? Topolino, this is how I’ve always been. You’ve just never bothered to notice.” The Cardinal’s hand rested on Terzo’s lower stomach, making him squirm just a bit. He let out a breathy noise that could be mistaken for anything.
“What is it, Terzo?” He asked, suddenly feigning innocence. Terzo thanked the make up on him, because he was completely red. He was flustered but tried his best to continue on.
“I’m.. I’m just thinking about how dead you’re gonna be if you don’t get off me,” He muttered half heartedly. Copia gave a bright smile before pulling off him. Terzo sat up, his breathing heavy and labored.
Copia watched him. He looked up from his shoes to the growing bulge in his pants. Copia’s grin widened and his eyes darkened. He made eye contact with the younger man, making it evident that he did know and he did see what he was trying to hide. 
“Is that what you really want?” Copia asked, cocking his head. Terzo groaned, bringing a hand through his hair. His body shook a little.
Terzo was confused about his own emotions and wants. After all, this was a man that half an hour before, he would’ve said was a complete and utter virgin that wouldn’t hurt a fly. This was not the man he thought he knew. And maybe that was the point.
“Better make a decision, or else I’ll make it for you.” Copia approached him again, grabbing a fistful of hair and lightly dragging him to sit up on his legs. Terzo complied without hesitancy.
Once he was sitting up on the bed, adjusting to sitting on his knees, Copia leaned in and licked his neck possessively. Terzo shuddered and let out a quiet groan. Copia snagged his hair and kissed him lightly before pulling back. Terzo reached to Copia’s hands to make him touch more but he was batted off. The cardinal glared at him.
“You want me to touch you, yes? Then beg,” He sneered. Terzo shivered at the demand. He brought his hands shakily together, his head bowed down and into a prayer like position. Copia watched curiously and confused.
“Please, your unholiness, touch me and let me touch you. Please, please your unholiness. Un-do me,” Terzo begged. Copia’s eyes widened at this, his erection tenting his cassock.
“Get on the floor, kneeling,” He whispered huskily into Terzo’s ear. Copia took a step back as he scrambled to the floor, doing as he said. He put a hand under the other's chin, lifting it.
“Good boy,” He purred. Terzo let out a moan, before his eyes widened and he looked away embarrassed. Copia chuckled darkly, “Praise? That is good to know. Don’t worry, little dove, I’ll know everything that makes you tick soon enough.” Copia made his way to sit at the edge of  the bed and Terzo shifted himself so he was facing Copia. 
“Who’s your god?” Copia asked, a cruel smile forming. Terzo looked away, abashed. Copia grabbed a fistful of his hair and pulled his head to look at him.
“Topolino, the time for shame is long past. Who is your god?” He snapped. He pulled on the hair, leading Terzo to gasp out. He brought his arms up to Copia’s waist line, resting them on his thighs and feeling the heat of his erection right below his arm.
“You are, Copia,” He said, his voice breathy and shaky.
“Say it fully, Terzo, let your deity hear your words.” He cooed.
“You’re my God! You’re my unholiness!” Copia let out a groan, letting his hair go.
“That’s right, good boy. Do you want my forgiveness?”
“Yes!” There was no hesitancy, only need.
“Oh Satan,” Copia hissed, his head flying up as Terzo moved his hand to his crotch. He rubbed the clothed erection, causing a quiet groan.
“You’re my God, your body is a temple to worship,” Terzo reached out with one of his hands and grabbed the grucifix that lay around Copia’s neck while the other continued the movements. Copia took Tervo’s hand into his own, gently closing it.
“Get against me, or let me rearrange you better,” He ordered. Terzo nodded and moved himself against Copia’s leg, his legs spread out and his chest and crotch leaning fully on one of Copia’s legs, “Just like that.” He petted Terzo’s hair slightly and moved his leg slowly against Terzo’s erection. This made the former papa stop anything he was doing and let in a gust of air.
“Cazzo,” He hissed. The cardinal brought Terzo’s face up with his index and middle finger. He kept a horribly slow pace with his leg, never faltering.
“I can do things that no one else will ever give you,” Copia whispered, “Or blue ball you until you can’t feel your dick. It’s really your choice here tonight, Terzo.”
“NOT that,” Terzo snapped his head up. 
Copia smiled pleasantly and hummed, “Of course not, but I can and will leave you like this if you don’t obey me, sì?” Terzo nodded eagerly, “If I had known you were this much of a troia, I would’ve done this so much earlier. Would’ve saved us pain, eh?” Terzo groaned, his head falling onto the man's knee as he continued the movements against his erection.
“Your sounds are so beautiful. I wish to hear more,” He muttered, rubbing his hair
Copia pulled his leg back and patted his thighs.
“Come, sit.” Terzo pulled back and hesitantly made his way onto Copia’s lap.
“Do you think you deserve to be punished?” He asked Terzo suddenly. Terzo winced, not used to being at the receiving end of this.
“No?” His voice was uncertain.
“No? So why do you stay here? If you have done nothing to deserve this treatment from your unholy god, why do you take it?” Copia asked, stroking his hair delicately. Terzo opened his mouth to answer, but shut it after rethinking. 
Copia grabbed Terzo’s body harshly, making Terzo straddle him and forcing him to look up at him.
“Come on, let me hear that delicious voice of yours.” He rolled his hips into him, making him moan out.
“Fuck, Copia, when did any of this happen?” He hissed.
“When did what happen, caro?”
“This dominance, where has it been?” Terzo began grinding against Copia. His breathing became stuttery, forgetting how and when to breathe.
“It’s always been there. You know how often I’ve acted dumb for your sake?” He grabbed one of Terzo’s wrists and locked it behind him, forcing his back to arch, “If I were honest, you’d be terrified of me. I’ve wanted to take you since I got my hands on you, I’ve wanted nothing more than to shove that god complex down your throat, I’ve wanted you to be taken off that high pedestal since you became Papa. Now look at you, beneath me, hypersensitive to every movement. If I didn’t know any better, I’d think I wasn’t the only one fantasizing.” Copia pushed him more into his chest, making him let out a yelp from the sharp pain that brought to his wrist.
“Cazzo, Cardinale, you’re hurting me.” 
Copia leaned close to his exposed neck, a devious grin on his face, “Isn’t that the point?” He kissed from the jaw down his neck.
“This is your punishment for your behavior, and right now? I am not your cardinal. That is not my title, understand?” Terzo nodded, moaning out again as the friction was becoming enough to release on.
“What is my title?” Copia asked, bending the wrist just a bit but causing his entire body to jerk back.
“You’re.. ah.. you’re my deity. Unholy sin,” He moaned out. Copia grabbed Terzo’s hips, stopping him from rubbing against his erection.
“Sí, and you are my beautiful worshiper, no? My body is your temple and altar. You cannot cum yet, The fun has only gotten started.” He pushed Terzo off and down into the bed as he trapped his wrists above him. Copia got neatly between his legs and brought one of his hands down to Terzo’s pants. Copia leaned down and kissed Terzo lightly on the lips. It was barely there, a chaste kiss; however it had Terzo pushing against Copia’s hold and trying to get more. 
He tutted, “Now now, do not rush. Get used to my touch, or this will be a much more painful process for you.” Terzo let out a confused sound, looking at him in alarm. “This is not my first rodeo, Terzo. I find my… partners respond so much better when I use what we were gifted by Satanas, yes?” His eye glimmered, “Just a little leak of energy seems to heighten one's bodily response. What, you don’t use it?”
Terzo shook his head, “Sister Imperator told me it was dangerous.” 
Copia laughed, “Maybe for you. You are young with no aspect of being able to contain yourself.” His hand trailed Terzo’s erection with a slow and light touch. He took in a shuddering breath, trying to contain himself.
“I’m not that young,” He grumbled, trying to keep himself stable.
“Immortal youth is a blessing, mio caro. And compared to me? You’re young.”
“That’s not fair, you’re a demon, aren't you? You’re probably older than Nihil!” Terzo protested. Copia laughed loudly, pulling away from him and sitting back. The papa let out a whine but otherwise stayed in position. He had a beautiful laugh, Terzo thought.
“A demon? Where did you hear that one?”
“Sister let it slip!”
“My, and here I thought you Emeritus’s were all stuck in your head.” He shook his head and watched Terzo with a gleam of amusement and lust, “She is right, in one way. I am not mortal in the way most know the definition, but neither are you. We are equal when it comes to our souls, but we are not equal in wisdom.”
“We absolutely are, you’re just egot-” He was cut off by Copia slamming back onto him, kissing him full force. He let out a shout into his mouth and the cardinal took advantage, shoving his tongue down into his mouth. Terzo squirmed and tried to get him off, but he only pressed harder. The electricity in his touch was painful; it felt like his body was being stabbed. The cardinal groped him roughly, pulling back just to bite down on his lip. Terzo let out a yelp and blood came out of the bite area. Terzo clawed at him, his body jerking subconsciously. Copia’s hand rested on his clothed erection, his dick becoming unbearably hard under the pants.
 When he finally pulled back fully, Terzo was gasping for air and trying his best not to cry out. Copia put a hand around his neck threatenly.
“Do you want to continue to take this slowly, or do you want it all at once still?” Copia sneered, pushing against his throat.
“Slowly!” He gasped out.
“Are you sure?” His other hand grabbed his pants and yanked them down, leaving the other in just his boxers. He lifted one of Terzo’s legs over his shoulders, positioning his body even closer to him, “I could easily make this a quick- yet painful- experience.”
“No! Please, please go slowly,” He begged, gasping. The energy from his body radiating near him. He could feel the sharp pains of electricity and intense pleasure going in him at waves. His eyes screwed shut.
Copia snickered, “Having the former Papa below me, begging. What a lovely view.” Terzo felt as the electric waves slowed down, becoming less painful and more manageable. Copia backed off him slightly, going back to the delicate touches he was originally doing.
“This is much more favorable, yes?” 
“Yes, Papa,” He muttered, not thinking much of it. Copia’s body tensed up and slowly Terzo opened his eyes. The cardinal was looking at him with a look he couldn’t exactly pinpoint. A portion of it was definitely a dark lust, but the rest? He felt like his soul was being looked straight through. Copia brought a hand to his cheek, caressing it.
“What did you call me?”
“Just- ah- you know, I think you heard me.” He watched as Copia shifted his weight, putting more on him as he leaned down. His breathing was shallow.
“No, say it again.” His voice was neutral but that gaze was not.
“... Papa.”
“Louder.” He leaned closer to his face.
“Papa!” Terzo dug his nails into his back.
Copia groaned and grabbed Terzo’s shirt, bringing him into a rough kiss. This time, the energy was a constant dull presence. Copia’s hands went everywhere and his body responded kindly. Terzo’s body was sensitive to him, aching for his touch. Copia eventually got off his him and sat beside him instead of on top of him. Terzo laid there, feeling just a little ridiculous as he observed his body.
“You are beautiful,” Copia muttered when he noticed his smudged make-up. He played with the hems of Terzo’s shirt, before going to his top button and slowly unbuttoning it. Once he laid with his shirt slightly open, Copia brought his gloves to Terzo’s mouth.
“Take them off,” He demanded softly. Terzo nodded, gently taking the glove between his teeth and taking it off. He did the same for the other. Copia’s warm hand then laid against the middle of Terzo’s cold chest. Instead of the sharp pains he’s been feeling, there was just a consistent wave of energy and pleasure from his touch. His hand lingered there, before going up and down his bare chest. His hand trailed around the other's nipple, making him shudder.
“Look at you, mio caro, so open. So vulnerable. All for me.” He brought his index and middle finger to his mouth, then put it in his mouth and licked it, maintaining eye contact. Terzo's breath got caught in his throat as he watched the little show Copia was putting on for him. When he thought his hand was sufficiently wet, he took it out and brought it down to his face. He placed the fingers over his lips and under his chin.
“You’re going to smell like me for days after this,” Copia said, with a bit of pride in his voice. When he went over his lips again, Terzo opened his mouth and took them in, sucking on them needily.
Copia smirked, “Practicing for something?” Terzo rolled his eyes and went to sit up. He stopped him though, placing a hand on his chest and then pushing him back down. He tutted, wagging his finger. He then pulled his finger back and moved to his belt tied securely to his cassock. He undid it as Terzo watched on, hungrily.
“Get against the backboard,” He ordered as he kept his eyes on the belt. Terzo nodded before getting up and moving himself more onto the bed and sitting in the middle. Copia got his belt and looked up.
“Place a pillow between the board and the wall- unless you want the whole clergy to hear you get pounded.” Copia smiled devilishly to himself and watched in amusement as Terzo moved quickly to find a way to mute the sounds of the bed. “Got a reputation to uphold, eh?”
Terzo sent him a glare before sitting against the backboard again. 
The backboard was elegant, with roses covered in thorns and skulls between them. There were plenty of spaces to tie his hands up.
Copia crawled his way over to him on the king sized bed. He helped take off the button up Terzo was wearing all the way before looking him sincerely in the eyes. 
“Lay down and hands up, please.” Terzo watched on, confused as he did what he was told. Then, he went red under his make-up.
“Oh?” Copia kept eye contact as he tied his sash around the hands and backboard, “Is something wrong?” Terzo shook his head, gasping out a little when he tightened it.
“Never been tied up,” He muttered, inspecting what was keeping him on there.
“Ahh, always been the tie-er?” He hummed, “Well this won’t hold against your full strength, think of it as a mental barrier, yes?”
“My full strength? Why would I ever use that?” He lightly joked. He regretted it almost instantly though, seeing the look in Copia’s eyes darken and scan him.
“Well I have to leave room for imagination, don’t I? Plus, I don’t think you’d like to spoil the fun.” Copia kissed him before pulling off him and walking to a drawer across the room. Terzo took a deep breath in and then out, trying to control himself over that promise which was a thinly veiled threat. He tried to get himself under the covers due to the cool air, but it was no luck.
“What do you enjoy, Terzo?” He asked, rummaging through the drawers.
“You mean like sexually?” Copia nodded yes. “Well, I’m not… exactly sure. Well I know what I like but I’m never in this position, yeah? I don’t ever have to tell a partner, I just do, so I don’t really have it memorized…” He rambled on. Copia hummed, shutting a drawer and placing some things that Terzo couldn’t see on top of it. He shrugged off his cassock, neatly folding it and placing it on the drawer near the undisclosed items. He now wore his black long sleeved button up, along with some tight black jeans very clearly showing his erection.
“What do you have?” Terzo asked, straining himself to look.
“Just a few toys,” Copia said nonchalantly, turning to face him as if he was thinking. “Are you leading midnight mass?”
Terzo nodded, “It won’t kill if I’m a no show for… reasons. Won’t be the first time, my brothers usually take the wheel in that case.” Copia nodded.
“How much stuff do you even have? How many partners do you have?” Terzo asked.
“Don’t worry about the items, and not many partners in a very long time.” He grabbed something that was most likely lube and made his way slowly to Terzo, as if stalking his prey, “Ever since you became Papa, actually, I haven’t had a partner. I’ve wanted to fuck nobody else but you. You were something to subdue, even if I thought it was nigh-impossible. Such a young and dominant thing. I’ll enjoy seeing you break.” He stopped for a second, as if thinking of a word, “Over these years you’ve become… the epicenter of my attention.”
“I don’t think that is a good thing,” He laughed nervously. His erection became painful and he tried to ignore what this all meant for him. 
“It got us to this point, so I beg to differ.”
“Then beg,” Terzo said, as if it was second nature. He was used to saying it to his Ghouls as a joke, so he didn’t think twice when that was his natural response. However the other did not take kindly to this. Copia crossed the room in a blink, glowering at him. He raised his hand and slapped the other’s cheek instinctively. Terzo hissed in pain and glared. Copia flicked the bit of paint on his hand.
“Speak out again like that and it won’t be as nice.” He looked him up and down, his eyes lingering on his boxers before looking to Terzo again, “You’ve been with a man, sì?” He asked, mood changing to concern. 
Terzo groaned and nodded impatiently, “Satan, you sound like a worried dad."
Copia smirked, “A worried Daddy, maybe. And if you were inexperienced, I would be careful. I don’t want to mortally damage your body. All you did was let me know you’ve been used so I can abuse.” Terzo looked away, his face turning bright pink.
“Don’t get shy now, topolino,” He hummed, bringing a hand under his chin and moving his head delicately to face him, “I do enjoy the bits of red I can see through all that smudged make-up.” Terzo gave a look of abject horror, shifting uncomfortably in his spot. He usually hid behind the paint like a shield. Nobody could see how easily he was flustered and it allowed him to come up with a quick quip.
Copia got onto the bed, straddling him. He tossed the bottle of lube to one of the sides of the bed and focused fully on him. He rocked his hips, making Terzo hiss at the rough texture and friction, before leaning and kissing him on the lips. Terzo tried to move his hands to his hair, but quite obviously couldn’t.
“Enjoy this while you can, topolino,” Copia muttered through kisses. He glided his hands over Terzo’s chest and then onto his own shirt, where he unbuttoned it and tossed it to the side. He put his bare chest onto his, feeling the heat and rapid heart beat of the other. He groaned at the skin contact. He dragged himself down, kissing and biting at spots on his neck down to his chest. He bit harder, drawing blood on certain soft areas on his chest and neck. Terzo gasped out and moaned in pleasure. He tried to grind his hips against Copia, lusting after any friction.
The cardinal's kisses went down his chest to his abdomen. He kissed right above the boxer lining, causing Terzo to shudder in response. He fought against his bindings.
“Cazzo, Copia, please. I need something, anything, please,” He pleaded, bucking his hips slightly towards the older man. Copia gave him an innocent look before licking his erection through his boxers.
“What do you mean, amore? I can get you water, since you did say anything-“
“No! Fuck please, I need to feel your mouth around my dick Papa, please.” He looked up to the cardinal, his eyes wide and his breathing labored from the teasing. His hands balled up into a fist and then released multiple times, trying to relieve the tension.
Copia snapped, he brought back the boxers and took his dick into his mouth. Terzo let out a loud moan, his fingers curling around the binding.
He licked the head and then did a long stripe from the base back to the top. Terzo felt goosebumps rise in his body as he lightly shook. Copia took his head in all the way first, then slowly went down more and more as his head bobbed up and down. Terzo’s sounds seemed to get more shrill as he was hitting his edge, he tried to move all he could but never got far. He began to buck his hips and bend his legs around Copia in an effort to be able to cum. This caused the cardinal to pull all the way off though with a self satisfied grin. 
“Cardinale!” Terzo cried out, hating the lack of warmth around his cock.
“I thought I said that wasn’t my title?” Copia pushed his legs off him and slid off the bed. 
Terzo whimpered, “Cazzo! Cosa stai facendo?”
“What am I doing? Getting rope. I can’t have my little worshiper touching my body in any way, sí?” He sounded a little too chipper as he grabbed some rope from the top of the drawers.
Right as he began to make his way back to the bed, there was a knock at the door. Terzo groaned loudly, his head falling back onto the pillow behind him. 
“Un minuto!” Copia called out, then he turned to him and whispered “This is your reputation in the line, not mine. So behave as you want to be seen.” He turned to the dresser and lightly wrapped the cassock around him. He looked into a mirror on top of the dresser, readjusting his little hat before turning to the door and opening it. 
“Ah! Sister, to what do I owe the pleasure?” Sister Imperator stood at the door, looking impatient and tired.
“Have you seen Terzo? He’s supposed to be at mass, leading the sermon. I'm afraid he’s hiding from his duties again,” she said. Her voice was slow, as if she was trying to put together something. The cardinal’s lips became a line, thinking of something good.
“Ah, well Sister I… ahem, have not yet seen him. When I do see him, I shall let him know though! But uh… no promises he’ll show,” Cardinal settled on the best response he could muster; Watching her face to see if she bought it. She definitely did not. It also did not help that Terzo took that second to let out a quiet whine which they both heard. Copia winced, blushing. 
She rolled her eyes and she brought her hand to Copia’s face before smudging white makeup off it, “Yeah well, when you see him, tell him getting his makeup everywhere is getting old. Along with missing mass because he’s screwing the clergymen.” She made a show of presenting the white makeup on her fingers, then turning and walking away. Copia let out a sigh and shut the door. 
He didn’t turn around as he dropped the cassock and hat to the floor now. He grabbed the rope which had laid forgotten on the dresser again before swiveling around. His expression was dark.
“Can’t help but call attention to yourself, you slut,” he sneered, crawling into the bed. Terzo squeaked as he roughly grabbed his legs and separated them. Copia wrapped the smooth rope around his ankles and went to the post, tying it. He did the same to the other leg, leaving Terzo naked and fully exposed. He tested these new bonds, finding that they are much tighter than what was around his wrists.
“How does that feel, eh?” Copia asked. He watched with delight as Terzo tried to undo them. 
“It feels unfair,” He muttered. Copia crawled up his body with a blasphemous look. He leaned in close to his ear, a hand resting gently on his dick. His leg went in between his.
“What else do you feel?” He murmured, his lips grazing against his ear lobe. Terzo shuddered beneath him, pulling slightly against his bonds. He moved his hand from caressing his dick to caressing his body and watched him twitch when he was touching sensitive areas.
“Like you’re a big tease,” he groaned against his shoulder. He could feel the precum leaking from his dick, and he wanted nothing more than for that build up to release.
“I could be much, much worse, topolino.” He nipped at his ear lobe, moving his hand all over his chest and arms. He lowered to his neck and bit at it. Terzo let out a moan.
“I’m going to fuck you, you understand?” Copia growled.
“With your pants and boxers on?” Terzo breathily joked, getting a low chuckle out of him. Copia pushed his clothed erection against his. Terzo groaned from the heat he could feel.
“I don’t wear underwear, Terzo.” Copia pulled back and his eyes glazed over his body, “You’re absolutely sexy. Every curve, every muscle, everything. You’re so unbelievably sexy.” Copia pulled his hand away from Terzo and tore his own pants off. His dick was painfully hard, leaking.
“Satanas,” Terzo muttered, “Lucifer, I wish you had told me sooner Copia.”
“Believe me, Terzo, you would have ran,” He hissed the last word. He took his hand and clawed at his side and waist, “I am not a gentle lover. Though I’m sure you know all about that, I like to leave my lovers in pain. Bruises, scratches,” he dug his nails into his waist for more pronunciation, “I’ve learnt self control, but you’re pushing every button I own.” Copia pulled a bit away from Terzo, licking his fingers before dragging them down his chest to his ass. He put a finger right outside his hole, leaving Terzo tense with anticipation.
“Are you sure you want to continue?” The cardinal whispered, “You’ll be begging for Satan if you do.”
“You’re my God,” Terzo gasped out.
Copia looked smug, “Of course I am. Do you want a safe word, or take the risk?” 
“Oh my Satan, just fuck me!” He snapped, giving him a wild expression. Copia put a finger into him and he let out a hiss. He went slow, feeling how tight he was around his single finger. He noted how he jerked against his bonds like it was something new. He added another finger, and Terzo let out a groan. He moved slowly, easing the tension.
“I thought you gave it rough,” Terzo grunted.
“The injuries I inflict are not to be permanent. Don’t want to break a new toy, sí?” He responded lightly, “Plus, I do not believe you were totally honest with me amore.”
“What do you mean?” Copia pulled out his fingers and grabbed the bottle of lube beside him. He poured it onto himself and smeared some onto his hole. He readied himself at his entrance, before entering him slowly. Terzo took in a breath, wincing at the pain.
“I don’t think you’ve ever actually been with a man,” He pushed himself more in. Copia leaned next to his ear, “Will you relax for me, caro?” Terzo slowly nodded, trying to calm his muscles.
“I have been with men, just not the receiving end,” He muttered. 
“You give too much then.” He pushed himself until he was half way, which made Terzo groan out and tense up. Tears pricked at the side of his eyes. Copia brought a hand to his face, caressing it gently.
“Virginal as Mother Mary,” He mumbled.
“I am not a virgin Co-” Copia pushed himself in all the way, bottoming out. Terzo let out a scream and pulled at all his bonds. The ones on his hand loosened.
“I thought I told you, Terzo, I wouldn’t be nice,” He sneered, bringing a hand to his hair and pushing his head back, exposing his neck. He kissed and bit down hard, leaving marks all over his neck.
He took his hand out of his hair and brought it to the side of the bed. He snagged one of his forgotten gloves and brought it to his face.
“Open your mouth, naughty boy.” Terzo gave him an incredulous look before hesitantly following his word. Copia shoved the leather glove into his mouth.
“If you take this out, it’ll be much worse for you, do you understand?”  Terzo nodded, and Copia slowly pulled out of him before pumping back into him. Terzo shouted out, the pain becoming more pleasure and less pain. Copia’s hand drifted to his dick as he went, agonizingly starting from the bottom and dragging his hand up. Terzo cried out, bucking his hips against other man's hands to get friction. He complied and jacked him off. It started slow, just like his movements into him, but as his thrusting sped up, so did him jacking it off. Terzo’s back arched, he felt himself getting close. Copia grabbed the gloves from his mouth after feeling Terzo’s walls tense up.
“Fuck, Copia-” he moaned. He pulled on his arm binds and they released him unexpectedly. Copia pulled back, and the two shared a look. Terzo grabbed his hair and pulled him in for a deep, messy kiss. Copia returned the kiss, his actions becoming sloppy. Copia became desperate and pushed more and more into him.
“I’m going to cum- Copia!” He cried out, pulling on his hair.
“Then do so, mios amore. Be a good boy and cum for your God.” This pushed him over the edge, cumming all over Copia’s hand and his own stomach. This was followed by Copia, finishing inside him.
Terzo laid back, panting heavily. His face make-up all over Copia’s face and smudged. 
“You did such a good job. You’re a beautiful mess,” Copia purred, pulling out of him. Terzo whined at the cold but focused more on his breathing.
“Compared to you, I am but a rat,” Terzo muttered half heartedly.
Copia laughed, “You know how much I love rats, Terzo.”
The two stayed like this for a while, catching their breaths and taking the other in. Copia petted his hair, mumbling praises. Eventually Copia pulled the ropes from Terzo’s ankles and checked at the red markings.
“As long as you don’t show your ankles, you should be fine caro. And if you wear a scarf, people might not know,” The cardinal informed. He rolled off the bed and took the rope back into the drawers. Terzo sat up and rubbed at his wrists.
“If we are fast, we might make it to black mass on time,” Terzo said as he started to shuffle on his shirt. Copia nodded, following suit with his pants and shirt which lay beside the bed. Terzo got his clothes on and ran to the bathroom.
“I can still feel your cum leaking out of me,” He grimaced, going through drawers to find makeup and fix his smudging.
“And you’re not gonna clean yourself, eh?” Copia asked while he got his cassock on.
“Now why would I want my God’s blessings to be cleaned?” Terzo joked, looking over to the cardinal. The cardinal blushed and grabbed his hat.
“Since you put it like that…” He grabbed his gloves and smirked at the soggy one.
“You had a fun time biting this. I might even have to get new ones!” He chuckled as he put them on. Terzo came strolling out with a makeup wipe and began to fix Copia’s face. He got onto his tippy toes.
Somehow this moment was more intimate than their entire night, Copia thought with a smirk.
“Thank you. Are you sore, topolino?”
“I’m walking on adrenaline right now. If I sit or relax, I won’t be getting up.” Copia laughed and kissed his cheek.
“Then let's get this over with. Don’t want our Sister waiting any more than she has to. You can come back to my room after, I’ll take care of you.” Terzo turned away, his ears turning red and led the duo out of the room.
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hyolks · 4 months
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some wastelands au :')
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blackkatdraws2 · 3 months
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Whenever Stanley closes his eyes, he can feel the older man's aura surrounding him. [Blank Scripts AU]
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nofacednerd · 1 year
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More mawsm doodles from that bfu au thingy I came up with lol
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froopa-coopa · 6 months
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happy holidays 🤍
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verflares · 1 month
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some doodles for a skyward sword zelink modern au concept ^_^ the details of which are only known to me and 4 other people probably 👍
credit to @linkvcr for their uns + their fits and for going crazy with me over them always hehe
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dailyloopdeloop · 2 months
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DAY 44: smal (ageswap AU by @pixxyofice, @the-bitter-ocean, @tealgoat, @startagainaprologue, @basilpaste)
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maudiemoods · 3 months
How many personas do you all have im wanna know
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I have more than enough
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sualne · 3 months
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small oneshot turning into something longer than planned
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some Lights Out au scribbles. thinking about Sally... thinking about her A Lot... shhhh she's sleeping<3
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ryssbelle · 3 months
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Poppy for N2 au, it took me so long to make her design cuz I didn't really know what I wanted to do only because I feel like her design is pretty perfect.
But then I just thought about fun outfits to give her or outfits that I would find comfortable if I was wearing them and it all came together.
Poppy here is pretty much the same as here movie counterpart, as nothing really changes on her end of things other than having more insight on Branch through his brothers, and through Lief. Shes also a bit more understanding a bit earlier on because of it but it doesnt do much to change her own character arc I would say.
Part of Poppys design was based off a design I had made for previous rulers of Troll Village/Tree
Namely Queen Protea who I designed as Poppys grandmother
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Named after the Protea flower which part of her design is based off :D
In the context of this Au Protea was the one who conceptualized the tunnels while her son, King Peppy, was the one to follow through after her death
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lemm-moxx · 4 months
1:30 AM doodle #13 (mAN these arent even doodles anymore HAHAHAHAH HAAHAHAHAHAHAHAhahHAhaHA)
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(Horror belongs to sourapplestudios)
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emry-stars-art · 11 months
Ok ok but royal au Andrew def does the Darcy hand flex™️ after any hand interaction with Abram
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t4t4tclethian · 4 months
hitman joel x businessman (? not sure about this one but its what ive got) xb where joel was originally hired to kill xb but then xb kept wiggling his way out of every single attempt. and then joel's contract expires but he still keeps trying to kill xb because he wants to finish the job and he has a reputation to uphold here! who's going to hire a hitman who comically fails in every attempt to kill this one guy? and then he tries to befriend xb in disguise to figure out this guy's weaknesses. (xb knows the whole time but is extremely paranoid anyways and kinda wants to see where joel's going with this).
(featuring grian and the rest of the magic mountain gang as joel's hitman friends who bully him mercilessly, keralis as. well i feel like you can't write xb without a keralis. and hypno as xb's necromancer friend who raises him from the dead the few times joel actually Does manage to poison him or whatever)
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starry-bi-sky · 6 months
idle clone^2 food for thought (cw gun tw murder) and. thinking about how danny in canon is very protective of his people. and as a collective fanon we like to make him go Batshit when his people are severely injured.
and im just mmmmm,,,,, danny would kill if damian (or anyone in his family) got extremely hurt. but only under very specific circumstances. like they've been backed up into a corner and can't get out and it's either kill or be killed. like his go-to is non-lethal force but then someone takes out his little brother, whose breathing but not getting up and hurt badly, and there's nowhere for them to escape and these guys are gonna do much worse soon.
but there's a gun nearby and within danny's reach, and the guys who have them trapped are gloating and only half-paying attention because what are they going to do now? they have him trapped.
and they hurt his little brother.
and danny doesn't see red. everything just goes into cold, static focus instead. and he puts a bullet through the stomach of the first guy he sees.
And i'm just picturing Danny with this stone cold fury on his face, his hands shaking, as he looks the main guy (who know he's a clone) in the eye and says "your first mistake was thinking i'm batman"
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