#at least twitter isn't as bad as reddit
flower-boi16 · 5 months
Do you think this fandom can still improve despite everything? Is it Viv and Spindlehorse's fault that this fandom is problematic or there is deeper root cause? Despite the amount of negativity both hh and hb recieved, is it still possible to listen to fans who give constructive criticism and improve both shows? Many fans often say something like"The Spindlehorse's crew don't want to listen to critics because there are too many bad faith criticism and hate" or "Those critics don't have the vision of the creators so their advices are invalid." I think both sides of this fandom are overly aggressive to whatever happened. It must have something behind it.
I think the reason why the fandom reacts so poorly to criticism is a mix of several factors:
These shows are fairly popular, the more popular something is the bigger the fanbase will be. And, likewise, some fans would be very defensive when it comes to criticism.
The batshit insane twitter users and fake outrage being confused with the actual critiques people have of the shows. I'll admit, early critical videos were...not great to say the least (cough cough Pkrussel cough cough), and many of Viv's past controversies are admittedly dumb. However, there are real issues people have with these shows and Vivziepop, however, because of all the past controversies with Viv being over-blown, fans lump these real and valid critiques in with the fake Twitter outrage, causing this confusing mess.
Vivziepop's reaction to critiscm. She directly dismisses critiques people have of her shows and pretty clearly spends a bit too much time on online discourse about her shows. Viv IS aware of the critiques people have of her shows but she has this very immature response to criticism just looking at her twitter, and, this does translate to the fandom as well.
Drama channels such as AyyLmao and Iox constantly defending Viv and her shows. AyyLmao is a fairly big channel and a lot of his videos are about controversies surrounding Viv. Pretty much all of these tend to be heavily biased as AyyLmao instantly takes Viv's side, as in several of his videos he deliberately chooses to lump in the actual critiques of the shows with the deranged Twitter users online, which contributes to the second problem I mentioned above. This can be seen with his hatedom video where he says that most of the criticism at least on Twitter isn't "real criticism" and "just hate disguised on such". Notice how he says that at least on Twitter the criticism is just hate. He's deliberately making it look like the critical community is just a bunch of deranged Twitter users who just hate Viv cuz they are jealous or something, when looking at sites such as Reddit, Youtube, Tumblr, etc you'll see people with ACTUAL PROBLEMS with the shows, by AyyLmao's ignoring that in order paint the critical community as a toxic hell-hole. He pretends to be neutral in the video but he clearly is biased with how he paints the critics here, as he only focuses on this one site just to make it look like the critical community is just an annoying vocal minority on Twitter. and because of that, the fandom views the critical community as just that; just an annoying vocal minority of Twitter users who shouldn't be taken seriously.
The fandom just refusing to engage with people's critiques because they can't handle criticism of their favorite shows. That's pretty obvious.
I don't think the fandom will get better any time soon given these factors I just mentioned. Until Viv learns to accept criticism, until Viv drama channels stop defending her bullshit, and until the fandom actually engages with people's critiques rather than sending death threats...ya no this fandom is still going to be awful.
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devastatinglygreen · 4 months
If im being completely honest there’s a big part of me that is afraid that the fallout from LW reveal will damage them to a place I won’t find myself rooting for them anymore. I mean what if he goes back to fake take Colin and there’s a whole Friends-esque ‘we were on a break!’ situation of him being with someone else? What if they call off the engagement entirely and all we end up with at the end of episode 8 is reunited Polin but nothing more? No wedding or babies or anything? I know it’ll be real bad and hurt and I know it needs to happen, I’m concerned about the journey they’ll take from the reveal to reconciliation. How bad do you see it getting? Broken engagement? Estranged until the last bit of episode 8 as other seasons have done? Would love to hear your thoughts!
i spent a while trying to figure out how to answer this without a bunch of spoilers and truthfully, the only thing i have is do you trust the story you're watching? what about the first part of season 3 made you think that's going to happen?
or did a bunch of the sky is falling blogs/twitter users/reddit threads give you anxiety?
and i mean that sincerely. even if they do something you don't particularly like, is your idea of the story stronger than the story itself and it hinders your overall enjoyment? those people are the ones who seem to be the most unhappy with season 3 so far.
also, i am pretty sure i know where the original freak out of the ross and rachel thing came about but luke newton said this:
Tumblr media
i don't think he was talking about being on a break.
also they're following the book pretty well, or at least adding a good amount of it in there, and there's a whole plot/character growth for them happens after the wedding. a pretty important one at that.
i meant what i said in that i think the LW fight is going to be painful but i actually don't think the conflict will last all that long, tbh. not to bring up the book like it's gospel but seriously, colin is very aware of how society treats her and it colors the way he thinks of society because of it. he knows he's privileged and well liked and life is easier for him because of it.
eloise is still convinced that her every thought is the right one and overlooks penelope in a lot of ways which gives her sense of betrayal almost a prideful feel to it. colin is both in love with penelope and aware of her in a way that eloise isn't. i'm sure their fight will hurt and be angsty but love isn't a black and white proposition, it's got a lot more layers than that and colin's understanding and love of penelope would play into that i assume.
i suppose i'm just not worried about it. i don't have to like every part of a story to love the end result. i also don't think, after seeing how badly people reacted to every overblown spoiler/rumor, that people should take someone online on their word over the show itself and the people who worked on it.
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bludermaus · 10 months
Some Emperor haters are crazy
First of all, I'm not saying The Emperor is a good guy, he definitely did some shit. I'm just saying that he isn't as bad as people say he is and there's people in-game that do way worse things
But yeah like, people go on Reddit/Twitter/Tumblr/etc to say bad things about him or tell "facts" that are just false memories of events in the game, and when you start replying with actual facts and video evidence they just... block you
Like, I am a fan of using the block button if someone is a piece of shit, but blocking somebody just so they can't keep on showing everyone you're wrong is just disingenuous =/
And for the record: The Emperor is more honest than a lot of people give him credit for. Besides the Dream Guardian disguise, he does not lie to you at all. He OMITS things, but that's not the same thing as LYING. He never ever hides information from you that would be useful or gives you wrongful information. Hell, a lot of people say that he lies to you about protecting you with Orpheus' power and that it was stolen... and that's just a fat fucking lie! Here's why:
He IS the one protecting us for 90% of the game, Orpheus ain't doing shit to us voluntarily, he even graciously and honorably lifts our protection if we kill The Emperor at the end of Act 2, causing our instant transformation and enthralling. It's not until the very end of the game when he realizes the size of the threat and that he can't do this on his own that he maintains the protection that was before siphoned towards us by The Emperor.
He does actually tell us the power is stolen - without any pressure from the player, by the way - as you can see in this video!
I'm done with my little rant. I don't mind discussing things with people, but please at least fact-check things before spewing them online as if they were the truth, because then it just gets repeated ad verbatim again and again and then people start believing the myths YOU spread around
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crystal-mouse · 6 months
Hey guys- this isn't aimed at most people or any of my mutuals but as a general note as this has happened again:
please don't upload/repost my posts (on tumblr and other social media) or at least ask me before reposting!
I'm happy for people to use my edits/posts with credit for personal account stuff like profile pics/banners and things like transformative meme edits (again please credit/tag me)
but please do not repost my edits/artwork separately and on other sites (especially instagram/pinterest/twitter/facebook/reddit etc) unless with permission, and in those cases please credit/tag and link to the original post.
If you'd like to use my edits for your project, I'd be more than happy to collaborate, but again please ask me first and credit/tag me!! I enjoy collaborating with people but it feels kinda bad if you take my work without asking especially if you know what its like to put effort into creating work for fun/fandom??
Although it may not always look like it, I put time and effort into making edits for fun and I'd prefer to be able to know where my work is and have it not taken out of context/used for monetary gain.
If I wanted to post my work on other social media I would post it myself ^^;;
Thank you to everyone who is respectful of this and interacts with my posts- this is not aimed at you, so please don't worry! For the most part everyone is lovely- I really enjoy making edits and taking part in fandom spaces :)
To anyone who does repost- please respect this boundary ^^;;
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nakanotamu · 8 months
Rossy got fired from stardom??????????
LMAOOOO I was just about to post "lmao Rossy got fired" and then I saw this yeah apparently he got fired after the show last night. I never got around to writing that post about the management issues so I guess I'l try and summarize some relevant points before people panic
Okay so Rossy was off of booking since some time last year. We don't know for sure but my guess is that All Star Grand Queendom was his last show as booker, based on the belt going to Tam apparently being his decision and the timing of when stuff started to fall apart very shortly after that.
He was highly critical of the last president (who had been booking) once that guy got fired - and the issues with him were more than just booking. This was the stuff Giulia talked about. Like the schedule he booked was way too grueling on the wrestlers with non-stop big matches & shows back to back to back, and he would book matches just out of the blue without paying any attention to the stories the wrestlers were trying to tell, where Rossy's style was to just let the wrestlers throw out story threads themselves and then book what he thought would sell out of what they wanted to do. He also just was an idiot and didn't seem to think particularly highly of wrestling in the first place, pushing tons and tons of product tie-ins and advertising shit and the fucking NFT shit and. Yeah he sucked
However despite being highly critical of the last guy once he was gone, Rossy also said he didn't comment on the decisions he was making. He also may have been the one who decided who won or lost in the period before the new president came in, but from what's been made public at least, as soon as he came in he took over, so Stardom since whenever that was like the start of December has been the new president in charge.
So what I'm trying to say is, at least creatively, this probably isn't actually a huge change for Stardom compared to the past roughly a year of the product. People freaking out that the booker is just suddenly gone, he apparently hasn't been the booker for a while already now anyway. If you didn't notice a change in booking twice last year you probably won't notice this either.
So, yeah, Rossy did get fired. Bye bitch, it would be nice if this meant Sonny is on the way out too. Rossy is absolutely fucking not the guy who saved joshi wrestling or whatever the fuck narrative he & a lot of western wrestling media have been trying to present him as for years now. This probably isn't going to lead to a massive shift in Stardom's booking compared to what it's already been for months, and just as a fan we have no way of knowing what else this is going to impact, because it's hard to tell how much influence he even had for the past year, which was admittedly bad but more recently imo showing signs of turning around.
I think it's worth pointing out that one of the things that drove me off of both Reddit and Twitter wrestling fandom is that whenever shit like this happens everybody's gotta be a fucking insider or whatever and we don't. Know. Anything. But further than that it's not our fucking problem. We don't work for Bushiroad and we don't know anybody involved. We don't NEED to worry about what this means for The Business or whatever the fuck because that doesn't matter to us. I care about the roster being treated well and the product being one I am enjoying, and Rossy already couldn't prevent both of those things from not happening last year, so obviously he's not gonna be the difference maker.
My concern if I have one though is mostly the roster. If people are loyal enough to him to start jumping ship that would really suck. If the rumours that are already going around that he was poaching people for a potential NXT Japan pan out in any way that would REALLY suck. Even if the entire roster went I'm not going to watch a WWE product or even a show that isn't women in every match. So I guess as ever all we can do is wait and see.
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accessible-art · 7 months
I am sorry if this is a bad question but what should I do when I am describing an image and it contains text written with alphabet I don't know and I can't find which one it is or it's very difficult and it would take a long time to find the symbols and I know I should probably just suck it up and try harder to find it but that would take me hours or even days and I just feel like there must be an easier way
There is an easier way! You can ask for help! The People's Accessibility discord server is an excellent resource filled with people who can help. I find that when I don't know something, chances are that someone else will, or will at least know enough to be able to give you somewhere to start.
Link to join the People's Accessibility discord server can be found [Here].
If discord isn't an option, maybe reach out elsewhere. For example, if the artist is online you could try asking them directly. Otherwise, you could try asking reddit, twitter, or someone you know directly that you think may have some idea. None of these are guaranteed to help you, but you never know until you try. Just remember, you don't have to do it alone!
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magmythedevil · 1 year
Do you have worries about either Envy or Nuzi being rushed and forced in the end to the audience to please certain fans? Would you be saddened if N and Uzi didn't get together in the end, despite all the development and growth the two have gotten over the season so far, especially with their friendship? I've honestly noticed lately that some Envy fans have said Nuzi is being shoved in our faces, but the same could be said for EP 5 "Envy" when they showed the past versions of N and V, and even EP 2 as well..it seems like kinda hypocritical, to me. Heck someone even went out and made an Nuzi hate account over on Twitter and it's laughable and dumb. But anyways, I wanted to ask are you worried about either ship being rushed and not given the amount of development?? I honestly feel bad that I can't like Envy as other fans do..I honestly DO wanna like it and I do kinda ship it, but I only ship and like their past versions, but it's just hard for me to really like N and V as a couple (especially present) In general when the show hasn't really given it the amount of development it deserves and the show also hasn't given me a reason to really root and make them seem believable, at least to me..maybe I'm missing something, idk. 🤷‍♀️🤔 It's sometimes scary and hard to be a Nuzi fan at times though when Envy fans and especially other fans in this fandom (at least when it comes to Tik Tok and Twitter, and even Reddit and Amino too) keep on calling Nuzi problematic and uncomfortable because of so much misinformation being spread and people thinking it's p*oship, EVEN THOUGH IT'S NOT!! PLEASE STOP SAYING THIS, BTW!
But some fans are theorizing and assuming that maybe Liam is just playing around with the audience and saying that N and V might end up being the endgame couple which I cannot say, none of us knows until Liam confirms and says anything! I honestly do think there needs to be proper closure with N and V no matter if they get together or not, especially with V's treatment of N. I honestly think that V's sacrifice will affect the characters, especially N..since he and V were close and had a bond with one another!
And one more thing I wanna add real quick is this, now I don't know if this is 100% true or not and I'm just going by from what I've heard, but apparently I've heard that during a live event screening that happened back for EP 2 of the show, Liam Vickers was talking and discussing about how much he loved and enjoyed N and Uzi's dynamic (they are also his favorite characters) and he doesn't like one over the other and was also apparently asked on what his favorite ship was which he didn't say and said we'd eventually find out...I wouldn't be surprised if he's referring to both N and Uzi, since not only do they have the most developed and strongest bond and friendship out of any of the other characters, but the show has hinted at them being a item so many times, it seems sooo obvious. (I know this trope is cliche of main characters being a thing and I'm not the biggest fan of this myself at times, but N and Uzi are an exception for me! ^-^) now I MIGHT be wrong and things may change and go differently we'll just have to wait and see afterall, but even if N and Uzi don't get together..I'll still ship them because they just have more chemistry to me. 💛💜✨ But in the end, shipping isn't everything to me and I'm just here for the story, world-building + angst and the characters as well, but I'm curious to see what Liam ends up doing with the relationships and dynamics, especially since with this show..since anything can happen, especially with how crazy and insane it can be, especially with all it's twists and turns, haha!
Yep, nuzi may be semi-canon right now but everything is possible. We cant be sure what will happen to them exactly. But if nuzi really ins't end-game i hope liam gives a satisfied conclusion to them and their relantioship at least, no matter If Its happy, Sad or bitter-sweet.
Now about envy, i agre with you, i cant really ship their present selfs because of their development and their fans (they are so weird about nuzi and uzi herself ughhh) .
And if envy is going to be the end game in the full series Liam has to like- FOCUS a lot on them since they have a some things to pack up before coming back to each other. But, he has to put Uzi a litte aside for that....and i think thats something quite controversial to do since shes such a beloved protagonist and her relantioship with N is extremely special for the show (and fans)
But now that V has got some development and doesn't really hate uzi that much, envy may still have a chance of end-game.
But If they arent going to be end-game, Liam surely will give a nice conclusion for their relantioship, most probally a bitter-sweet one. (I also still have some Hope for vizzy-)
Also V's death is OBVIOUSLY going to be a part of N's breakdown Togheter with Uzi Almost losing her control and having to save the whole universe thing, Thats the entire point. No matter If he has focused on Uzi more, and getting feelings for her. V still was someone special for him (even If she treated him poorly) not even in a romantic way, if a friend of my died i would go crazy too.
And i agree with you with the whole rest 👍 lets see what will happen
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mii-cherry · 9 months
K so Twitter and Tumblr are going crazy about the new ror chapter and since I have nothing else better to do and the reactions are pretty crazy ngl
Yes, I'm talking about the green gremlin okay
Listen I like Loki, but I also cannot condone. . . Whatever the hell the brun doll is about but I honestly don't think it's super surprising. To me at least , I mean c'mon he's always had a rather unhinged demeanor behavior wise, there was always gonna be something out of pocket with him, It's just the doll was not something anyone expected.
You can still like him or hate him that's your opinion, just don't justify his bad behavior that's all, and listen you're not a bad person for liking Loki guys, people have always liked bad or evil characters just pls for the love of everything don't try and find ways to make his behavior acceptable! (Looking at Twitter mostly but ya get it)
And since I'm already here,I might as well talk about if Buddha has romantic feelings for hilde since that sm else everyone is talkn' about, I don't think he does he really does not show it and for what we see from Buddha he really isn't an romantic person, Him and Hilde seem to have a co-worker type relationship idk that seems the most accurate 7-7 with how they talk and Buddha's teasing.
And no, I will not talk about what reddit is talking about, I avoid that thing more than an ancient plague when talking about ror in general.(believe me I don't need to look to know it's some incel shit)
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dhaaruni · 9 months
hey, dhaaruni 💜 i'm sorry if this is going to be super lame but you're the one confident, experienced, feminist, smart older (than me) woman i could think of! i haven't had sex yet bc i'm really insecure about my body - i have stretch marks and surgery scars, i'm not happy with my thighs and upper arms, my belly gets bloated easily etc.
i try to be positive about it and keep in mind that most men (i'm straight) aren't that picky and harsh as we girls are about our bodies, and then i go on reddit (yuck, i know!) and see how men talk about our bodies when women aren't around and it's just 🥲 the skinny girls are too flat, the curvy girls are too fat, it's just 🥲 and so many seem to have specific types and fetishes, they'll be reminiscing about their ex's red hair or something while in a happy relationship with a new girl???
i know that this sounds so stupid but i honestly don't know how to talk with people about this. i'm afraid of not being perfect! and ofc everybody says that if a guy is grossed out by scars or asymmetrical breasts or something else that most women have, he isn't the one, and i agree, but i just keep imagining getting rejected for not being skinny/fit/curvy/muscular/whatever enough and it makes me nauseous 🥲
is it really that bad in the heterosexual world? am i too irrational and self-conscious? am i going to die alone if my stomach isn't perfectly flat? are my stretch marks gross? what do i do?
Omg you're so sweet but I'm definitely still a work in progress like everybody else.
So, you seem very smart and clearly have your head on straight. It's very normal to get super anxious given the world we live in, especially when online but my biggest piece of advice to you is to get off r/relationships and similar forums because they are NOT representative of average people, and in fact, attract total maladjusted freaks!
I'm not immune to this either like I once saw an unhinged Reddit post by a guy who was mad that his wife didn't have her body back 2 weeks postpartum even though she'd already lost most of the baby weight and I of course immediately asked my boyfriend if he's going to abandon me if I get pregnant and am not thin anymore and he's like "I love you so no? You obviously will gain weight if you have a child but you're healthy and active so it'll even out in a few months."
And it's true, women are more nitpicky about flaws than most normal men like obviously, men police women's bodies on the holistic level but I guarantee you that most normal men (who aren't lunatics obviously) aren't going to notice if you gain 5 pounds or don't shave your legs lol. I gained a few pounds this summer and my boyfriend didn't even notice even though my parents did and I definitely did, and I lost it but the point stands.
But yeah, I hope that reassured you at least a bit, just try to keep things in perspective and remember the people who are posting about their relationships on Reddit or Twitter are absolutely not normal and the Internet thrives on extreme negativity and not my brand of "when my boyfriend and I disagree, we do so respectfully and negotiate our differences without insulting each other's bodies."
Let me know if you have any other questions!!
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normalbrothers · 2 months
12 and/or 18 for the ask game?
12. the unpopular that you actually like and why more people should like them
my forever answer is linda. though, nowadays i've noticed maybe a little shift where people aren't that overly negative about her anymore (at least on here; god knows what's going on over at reddit or twitter or whatever), but even then i think there's still a bit of a hesitation to actually dig into her and arthur's relationship, because. well. it's not saying a lot of flattering things about *him*, but that's just an aside. i like that she's a little dour and judgy, but i'd say that oftentimes her ~piousness~ is misunderstood as her playing it completely straight or that she isn't aware of her own hypocrisies - yet i think she is, and there's the odd moment where she's pretty facetious about it all, too (like the scene in s4 where she's at the shop with both polly and lizzie). she's very aware that she's in an unfortunate situation at the time of s4 and tries to navigate it the best she can while being someone who doesn't want to have others look into her cards. given some of the allusions about her and her mother, it's easy to see that she's Like That because of a pretty bad childhood (you know, like the rest of them has) kate phillips is also such a scene stealer to me, she's tremendously entertaining to watch - her scenes with tommy are fun, they are pretty much a match, and it's obvious that they don't really like each other, but there's a kind of begrudging respect there that i find juicy. i hope she gets a million minutes of screen time in the film x)
18. it's absolutely criminal that the fandom has been sleeping on ...
the incestuous vibes ... that's all i can say about it. most grievous oversight in this fandom
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spikeinthepunch · 1 year
i made a post a bit ago before the reddit black out even happened, talking about how many AI written articles i find when searching for answers on stuff- usually things a little more specific (questions for video games, tech, everyday things but more specific to you, etc. not just "what city is this state in"). its bad- i basically get that or i get reddit threads when i google. and before the reddit black out, i hadnt thought too much about how those AI threads would be.... the only thing left behind if i didnt have reddit. still i watched the reddit black out live, i watched /r/funny go private at midnight. and yet it didnt really hit the importance of reddit until i went on the next day looking for help on a mac laptop i was restoring and realized all the reddits i checked were private. needing mod help for my server, all private. searching reddit for a game i couldnt remember, private.
theres a lot on the internet that needs to be preserved, kept alive, kept relevant. over and over i see people reminisce on old forums and how theyre gone and be brought back- and i think no ones follows through with the format because places like reddit at least fulfill that to some extent. staying with the mainstream is easier and its understandable, bc its relevant and trying to start up your little forum and advertise it isnt easy. Reddit being mainstream becomes the useful google option for a niche forum subject without being a lone forum you probably wont find in typical google search.
and now Reddit isn't available. the most mainstream iteration of those lovely little forums of discussion and support is not available. does it hit now? does it sink in now how bad this is? the past year- maybe even less than a year- has been so so chaotic and bad for the internet. instagram starting turning into tiktok a while back with its changes to feed and format. youtube has slowly followed suit with forcing short's as more relevant for creators than normal videos. twitter did... well, all of That, a lot of Things. Reddit goes along to make their API paid for. Discord turning to the methods on social media, with username changes and more. tumblr is also shifting so much of their entire deal, i think you should all be prepared for tumblr to become unrecognizable too because theres many hints of it happening- some already here.
when i made my personal website over a year ago, it was partially fun but it was a statement for myself too. it was recognition that social media had become unhealthy for me, and i didnt like how it was The thing that existed now, and that bigs corps suddenly taking more and more control of the web was bad and not something i wanted to be stuck with. but suddenly its not just a gentle step to the side i have taken, still knowing i can be on social media to see my friends and build an audience. but now it feels more like all the walls are crumbling around me, and soon i will have no choice but to jump ship entirely. i went from one, to the other, to tumblr where i had always been- the one site that stuck out from the others at least. had an 'old' format. in many ways you need social media.... because its how you made your friends, its how you stay in touch, its how communities get built these days!!
we can try to move back to the independent, the personal sites, the forums, but we all know its not easy. thats truth. its not going to spread as far as we'd hope, many will not follow suit or not know they can. i can only imagine all the old, tech unaware people who will continue to use the internet, never realizing why they struggle to get info or unknowingly follow nonsense AI articles, and have no idea that anything exists outside of the bubble theyre forced into. Not even the old people, but the young generations that will grow into that too and not get out of it.
im just waiting for the mainstream internet to just become entirely unusable from our perspective and its dreadful to me. trying not to be a doomer but i dont think its something you cant ignore when something as simple as googling slightly more specific questions brings nothing but AI nonsense articles or reddit posts and when one of those massive and only relevant sources is down, there is suddenly nothing.
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"The younger generation is morally better than us. They are kinder and more empathetic. They do work hard. But they far more clearly see where their work is worthwhile vs where it isn't and they don't waste their efforts on busy work or helping the rich get richer."
i sure asf am experiencing this empathy when i try to debate feminism on this site. feminists who prioritize their own sex def. don't get piled on by a bunch of jerks who cannot tolerate people with different priorities. the rape and death threats women get on here scream moral.
What you have experienced on Tumblr is horrific and evil. It is some of our worst parts of our culture that are wrapped up in our toxic male culture of misogyny and patriarchy combined with a bunch of might makes right and alpha male/sigma male bullshit.
I'm sorry for how you have been treated. It is wrong and every guy who has been part of that should have to read their texts aloud to their mother while Mom has her chancla. And then they should have to pay you a millions of dollars in damages in court for the damage to your quality of life and the terrorism that they inflicted upon you.
Partly it is because Tumblr is run by the same set of Aristocrats, techbros, and Muskrat fanbois as Twitter, Facebook, Reddit, and health insurance companies. I'm sure Tumblr's board of directors go skinny dipping with the Sacklers on Epstein Island. They all hate women and minorities and any kind of real diversity.
So they allow all the bullying and give terrorists freedom to keep you quieter or at least keep you angry, hurt, scared, anxious, and distracted to keep you from burning shit down.
All of that #MeToo stuff was just a peek behind our own curtain of boys-will-be-boys, bro culture that protects really bad guys and teaches all the rest of us to be more misogynistic and downright mean. And a huge portion of men (and their right-wing female allies) rejected the very idea and lampooned it to death.
And I know so many female scientists and professors who should be protected by their position in society, their well-connected colleagues, and universities/labs. They are harassed online mercilessly in the most ugly ways. And then they get it from some students and colleagues too. And their institutions sweep it under the rug or fire the woman because they are all run by Aristocrats and conservatives and Capitalists.
It is horrible and evil.
When ya'll get to burning shit down, I'll help.
But sadly, today is the best time in history to be a woman in our culture.
And for the vast majority of other cultures on Earth.
I've only been around for 45ish years. Up until 3 years before I was born, my mother could not get a bank account in her name. Not without either her father or husband as primary account holders on it. Timeline of some of the financial things here
Sexual harassment was a way of life for a huge contingent of guys when I was in my teens and early 20's. Most of the other guys just thought it was funny. It was only just beginning to get better in the 90s. By "better" I mean it became less socially acceptable to do in public and more guys would speak up in defense. But there were no real consequences and harassment in private never stopped.
Because kind of like racism and "diversity" and such, the people in charge of shit and a large contingent of the population refuse to change their hearts. They just want to stay out of trouble without ever changing themselves or allowing the culture to really change.
So, yes, this is the kindest generation we have ever had in America. Even if we aren't very kind compared to almost anyone else. We are generous, helpful, pleasant, friendly, and hopeful people, but we are not kind.
We are so far behind all the Brown nations in kindness and love, but look at our history. We started way behind thanks to the Aristocrats and their colonizing bullshit we got into bed with them on. But it really is kinder today.
That is sad, but perfection is a human invention. It is always about direction of growth or decline that any judgement of a people ought be made. That and how do they treat women. And how do they treat the poor, oppressed, and sick.
What direction are we moving and how do we treat the people who don't have the power to stop us or really just need some food and a place to live in safety?
That is what defines a good culture and a good people in my book.
So what does that say about us, that people like Anonymous are treated so horrendously on a regular basis and they are just a drop in the ocean? What does that say about us when we are the best people we've ever been in America (or Europe) and we are still this terrible?
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marshmallowprotection · 5 months
Hi! How are you doing? I wanted to ask since you've been in the fandom for a long time, what are you what are some of your favorite sites to interact with other mystic messenger fans? Do you have any advice on how to deal with fans who are a little too extreme or a bully? I have played MM since it came out but only this year have I interacted with the fandom and I've had so much whiplash compared to other fandom spaces.
So far I think Tumblr is the best. I find the people here are a lot calmer and nice. I like to tweet but I don't have many mutuals there who share my interest and reddit is just... Toxic. Its odd because most of the subs I'm on are very mellow and even if there is a disagreement I don't get downvoted to oblivion but the MM sub can be high tension. There have been times where I say something like "Ray is cute" or I could be saying similar things as others who have upvotes and be in the negatives. I can at least understand more controversial opinions like "I want a Rika route" or something but it feels like once you get a "bad" opinion You're just gonna get downvoted forever even on other threads. It's a shame because I think the format of reddit makes it easier to talk to people but I feel very discouraged. I wanted to give the Amino a shot but I've heard very bad things about it so I've been avoiding it.
In that sense I appreciate your blog. Even if there's a character or a route you don't like youre very nice and understanding and you're very inclusive in your writing. It really makes my day to see your character analysis and head canons. I wish there were more forum sites without a like or upvote/downvote system. I don't want my opinions to be ranked, I just want to blab about my silly little favs. Any advice or words of encouragement would be appreciated. Thanks for your time 🙂 🩷
I interact with people on Tumblr and Discord! Discord can be tough to navigate since you can't check out a community before you join it, however, I can vouch for SapphireIceCream's server if you ever want to join a Discord community. But, outside of that, I'm comfortable in this cozy space on Tumblr! It's quiet, but that's not a bad thing. That isn't a sign of there being nobody in the fandom here, we're just here in our space, relaxing and enjoying the game without worrying about this or that.
I have a Twitter, but I mainly use it retweet other artists. I don't talk on there even though there's an active fan base over there. Sometimes I see debate, but given who I follow, it tends to be warranted analysis and/or criticism as opposed to old themes the fandom already dealt with over the years.
I haven't gone onto Reddit for the game before and I don't intend to, because I don't want to see the same arguments play out fifty times that we've already had here on Tumblr years ago and have settled in a comfortable place of peace and quiet knowing where we all stand in those conversations. I'm not sure about TikTok or who's active there, though I don't post there outside of a cosplay or two, so I can't speak to what goes on there.
I would never suggest Amino. I've heard a lot of horror stories about that place and never tried it myself because of that, not just for this fandom but for many others.
If you want my advice about avoiding conflict in a fandom, start blocking people. I think people feel like blocking is only served for extreme purposes, but that's not the case, block people who annoy you. You don't have to have an explanation as to why you blocked somebody.
They don't even have to be a bad person, maybe you don't like their opinions or what have you, and that's okay. To cultivate a space in a fandom for yourself, you have to make it enjoyable for yourself, and that means using a feature that is there for you to do whatever you want with it. 
Or, if you feel as though it's too extreme to block somebody, just scroll past them. Don't engage with something that makes you upset because it's just going to sully your experience. I can give you a good example, if I see anybody write content where Saeran and Saeyoung are consuming alcohol, I either A) block them or B) scroll past the post because I simply can’t handle seeing someone disrespect the boundaries those boys have with alcohol. It feels like a slap in to the face, especially for someone with similar trauma as them.
Because, unfortunately, when I see it written, it's not somebody doing a character introspective where one of them wants to try a sip of alcohol because they want to better understand why their mother would do everything she did just for a drink that tastes like piss. It's a piece where the characters are at a damn bar and they are happily consuming alcohol with no regard to their trauma as if it was never something to begin with. For my comfort, I block or move past those people.
It's not going to do me any good emotionally to comment or reblog a post like that to start a conflict. So, I either ignore that or block the person who wrote it. After all, I can't tell anybody that they're not allowed to write something, people can create whatever the hell they want to create, but I don't have to consume or see it. That's a part of cultivating a healthy experience in fandom. The old motto: Don't like, don't read. That’s something great about Ao3. I can plug in “Exclude: this, this, this”, and I never have to worry about reading a story where something happens that gives me the ick.
People are going to have opinions, and we're not always going to agree about each other's opinions, but you have to make sure that you are in a place where you can engage with other people without feeling like you're going to get an egg thrown at your head. Like, I get people who get very angry at me for trying to understand who Rika Kim is as a person a lot. I get it, she's a controversial character, and you either love her or hate her, there aren't a lot of people who are in-between.
I want to know why she has done what she's done because I think she's interesting as an antagonist, but that doesn’t equate to me condoning or supporting her crimes. Just because you like a specific character who isn’t a good person doesn’t mean you support their wrongdoings.
There seem to be brewing problems with people’s media literacy in that regard as of late. The world isn’t black and white, it's shades of grey. It’s complicated, messy, and difficult in every sense of the word. There is good and evil in this world, and there are times when there is a sense of right and wrong with no middle ground between it—because what was done was either unforgivable and wrong or the right thing to do. But, to apply black and white thinking to every situation you've come across is a detriment to your health and world view.
I think it’s important to say you can hate and judge Rika for committing countless crimes, but it’s okay if you empathize or even sympathize with the trauma she suffered as a child, too. When I think about her as a character, I want her to face as much jail time as she deserves for everything she's done, but I also want her to be able to find a therapist who can help her find peace from what she suffered as a child. I can want her to face justice but also hope that she finds peace someday.
The nuance of Saeran's After Ending can be a minefield when it comes to online discussions and I've seen everything you could possibly think of.
People get angry with him because he decided that he wanted to forgive everyone who hurt him. But, that's another long conversation to be had about what we’re taught about forgiveness. It's also not a case of extreme thinking where you either forgive someone and let them back in or hold onto the anger forever and scorn them. Those are just part of the story of forgiveness and judgment.
Those examples are a part of what people can choose to find peace, but they’re not the only path. Saeran decided to be someone who forgives. He doesn't forgive because he wants to let those people back into his life, he wants to forgive them so that he can learn how to forgive himself, because every ugly, bitter thought and action he committed was an echo of what they had done to him, and if he could find it in himself to forgive them, he could forgive himself for what he did to the player. 
He wants nothing to do with his Saejoong, V, or Rika. He just needed closure by forgiving them and finding peace his own way.
I understand why people feel upset with him because they've been taught that forgiveness is something where the only option is to forgive and forget. He chose to forgive, but he will never forget. He chose to forgive, but he will never allow them the opportunity to hurt him ever again. If you're not the kind of person who would choose to forgive somebody, he would respect you and your decision.
That's the great thing about his after ending compared to what happened to Jihyun, who got the short end of the stick. It makes it abundantly clear that no matter what you decide to do, it is your decision to make as a victim and nobody will ever take away that decision from you or make you feel like you have to choose one thing or another. 
But, you can see how these conversations are filled with a lot of nuance, and it takes a little bit of time and self-reflection to understand why we feel a visceral reaction to these kinds of stories as people. It's easy for a conversation to get carried away when we're talking about something heavy, and it's even easier for us to get angry at other people as we're having these discussions.
I'm sorry you haven't been able to have a lot of fun discussing the game and everything in it, but, if you start posting around here, I'm sure you'll find a sense of comfort and community from those of us who are here. 
Fandom can be hard to get into when you're trying to learn the nuances of how to interact with other people, but make sure that you're making an experience that's created for yourself first and foremost. Don't hesitate to use that block button. 
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skyburger · 6 months
lately ive been going through my google history when im bored (which is so incredibly entertaining btw. highly recommend) and apparently, after double-checking my camera roll that date & finding proof to support this theory, i did indeed first watch hlvrai on november 4th of 2020. absolutely insane. i thought i hadnt seen it until mid-2021 at LEAST.
shoutsout to my friends who i watched it with at the time half of which i dont talk to anymore... i owe u for getting me into funny half-life series. thank you oomf
WARNING !!! below the read more is a long fucking list of funny* things i found in my camera roll from the week i first watched hlvrai. like not the images themselves just me talking about them. i dont know why i thought that was a good idea but alas i already spent 90+ minutes writing that all out and tbf i did have a good laugh looking at that shit. anyway the warning is because its long as fuck and i'm willing to bet not at all interesting to anyone who isn't me. i think if i talk any more i will ramble for fucking ever so ill shut up. WARNING OVER !!! miami make some fucking NOISE. dj tsumugi.
*please note these were funny to both me in late 2020 (age 15) and me now (older but not at all wiser). what im trying to say is read at your own risk because 90% of this is unfunny as fuck but it could be worse. it could be shit from when i was 12. That would be really bad i think
anyway here are some highlights from my camera roll from like the day before, the day of & the day after "the incident" (me watching hlvrai):
a ridiculous amount of terezi pyrope pictures. i had not (and still have not) ever read homestuck
at least 30 pictures of hugh o'conner. probably more if im being honest with myself
the same few pictures of kokichi ouma? for some reason?
like a lot of pictures of nagito komaeda. there is at least one screenshot where my discord pfp is nagito. Something Happened
vriska and nepeta also make an appearance. the former more so but not nearly as much as terezi for some reason
a lot of screenshots of discord convos involving various hughdebeste aus. some favorites are the homestuck au, the peabody & sherman au(???), the meet the robinsons au(??????), splatoon au
blu and red scout tf2 they have taco bell and kfc shirts respectively?
professor sycamore from pokemon and professor sycamore from layton. there are multiple images of each and theyre right next to each other
screenshots of the homestuck wiki. Concerning
a screenshot of an email i got from nintendo about the special edition fortnite switch releasing
like a lot of screenshots of alfendi layton from when i was playing lbmr. not surprising but theres kind of a ridiculous amount
a picture of alvin (the chipmunk) that just says "WE DID IT"
screenshots of me talking in ridiculous 13375P34K on twitter and being accused of kinning from homestuck. quite frankly? i deserved that
hatsune miku makes a few appearances
many tumblr post screenshots. However i did not take these myself i just saved them from reddit. really ashamed to admit i did this for literal years even when i used tumblr at the same time
picture of professor layton standing in that one pose in that one picture i dont know how to describe it. the "you know i had to do it to em" one
that one bugs bunny suit meme and it says "i wish all boobed men a very pleasant evening". this was apparently important enough for me to save twice like an hour and a half apart
many screenshots of me on discord AND twitter posting quotes from hlvrai as i watched it. this includes on my masked disciple roleplay account
a picture of my danganronpa trilogy for ps4 copy. but its one of those live pictures so when i click on it i get attacked (i had the flash on because i took this picture in the dark)
that one really terrible picture of tommy coolatta thats like the first non-fanart picture of him on google images. thrilled to announce i think thats been the only image on his wiki page for years now
picture of hime & mikoto meika's mmd models. i think they had recently released or been announced at this point
catboy apollo justice & wolf boy klavier gavin gacha life gifs. i think my friend made this (if it was in fact my friend and not someone random this was the same friend who streamed hlvrai and thus changed my life forever btw)
that old meme about not passing [xyz] the aux because theyll play [abc]. it says "Do NOT pass the kinnie the aux / They'll just playin 'Alvvays - Archie, Marry Me (Official Video)'"
screenshots of calendar events i set up celebrating the anniversary of two dgs characters' deaths (genklimt fans rise up!)
screenshot of my real kinlist on my real carrd from 2020. i can tell it was just edited because this screenshot has scribbles on it (i circled the latest addition to my kinlist which is in fact "dr. coomer")
screenshots of me and my oomfs on this one specific anime rp roblox game that i WISH i could remember the name of. it let you import pngs of any character you wanted so we had pictures of ace attorney guys hanging out with madoka girls at some point. this specific instance includes klavier gavin, baby trucy wright, rosie from animal crossing & a blue orb thing(??). we are all incredibly small for some reason
john cena suit gangnam style depression. this is saved multiple times. does anyone else remember this post i used to be obsessed with it for some reason
picture of a historical moment in my life (the day i changed my ps4 username to "TheKokichiOuma" which i have regretted for years now. in my defense it did actually use to be worse than that im so serious. 2018 was a dark time why did i pick the name "DabWeebPolics". Horrific!
screenshot of a string of tweets between me and a friend at the time. the tweets arent actually important except for the first one which reads "these gummy bears taste british i cant explain it". this is only important because i remember these fucking gummy bears and they DID taste british in like the same way heathrow airport feels british you know
this one picture of my chemical romance in a forest(?) but bob looks like my fucking dad at a quick glance and it scares me every time i see it. i saved this multiple times over the course of that day
various pictures my friend made of jove justice being set on fire
the really short businessman with the fuckass bob from the lorax but my oomf edited him to look like kazuma asougi
picture of byakuya togami which is only funny because it has text on top of him that says "I. DO. NOT. GEC!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"
a single screenshot of a tumblr post about the events of That Day (destiel putin election day.) the only other thing referencing this in my gallery is a screenshot of the trending tab on twitter (the trends are, in order. 1. #TrumpMeltdown 2. destiel 3. #ElectionResults2020)
two paper mario character pngs followed by that one misha collins picture. you know the one
various screenshots of a mishapocalypse happening on twitter
more super paper mario pngs
im going through pictures slightly further out from nov 4th now (i think after i look at nov 2nd & nov 6th ill call it quits). first image i see is that "gay people i respect vs. gay people i dont respect" image and i dont know why i saved that nevermind i scrolled and immediately found i made a dgs meme out of that
phoenix wright BASED ON GAY MANGA?
went through the ace attorney mamboleo person's deviantart that day i think so i have various funny works of theirs saved. i think the average person actually would know them as the stamp on the ground animation person so. Thats them too. on a side note watching that video after you got into metal gear is fucking insane
that mom against cat boys tshirt
a lot of unnoteworthy professor layton & ace attorney & dgs images
ben shapiro on the ace attorney witness stand?
oh im finding out i got really fucking mad at william petenshy that day. iirc i got so fucking annoyed at this case i didnt even finish it i just. skipped it. i wasnt even playing it i was just watching it???
one of those "tag yourself / which mutual am i" posts but all the options are characters from my kinlist. one of the titles is a jfk clone high reference
screenshots of dms to klimt van zieks begging him to drop a kinlist
a screenshot of a friends reply to my tweet (hi doop) which did just remind me of my "damon gant is apollo justice's grandpa" theory. this tweet manages to tie yanni yogi into the family tree
screenshot of a discord music bot playing a youtube video (remember when they could do that?). the video is titled "henry ledore does his taxes for 10 minutes asmr"
apparently i looked at characters i share a mbti with that day. highlights include souseki (the dgs guy. no idea about the real one), ron delite, flora reinhold, pyro tf2, agent 8 (splatoon), n harmonia & my goat DERPY HOOVES
screenshot of part of twitter's trending page. it says that trending in the united kingdom, with at least 3,610 tweets, is "Homosexuals"
screenshots of multiple tweets in a row from me. they all involve me frantically talking about how i really want to kin nagito komaeda even though i know fuck-all about him
various pictures of markiplier (both in real life & in fma)
real screenshot of me unironically saying "mental illness innit" in reference to myself. this was in my twitter dms with my friends klimt van zieks roleplay account which is even worse
original gina lestrade & egg benedict image made by me. if you know the apollo gant image its basically that
okay i lied i went back to nov 1st and i think i'll check nov 7th afterwards. one full week of nonsense. this proved to be a good idea because i immediately found a screenshot of a text to my mom asking her if she kinned gnomeo from gnomeo and juliet. she said yes
possible origin of why i own a boss baby poster: oomf kin-assigned me the boss baby
possibly my favorite example of the twitter feature where it shows you the original tweet and then the last two replies on a long thread of replies to that post. the original tweet is me saying in all caps "i care him so much he is so small" about luke triton (what a 2020 sentence!). the last two replies are from me and then my oomf but i think only the first of the two needs recounting. it says "do you really want to explain vore to your teachers". i know i say i want context a lot but i genuinely do really want context for this what the fuck happened here
oh good! boss baby update: theres a screenshot of my ebay purchase of "BOSS BABY Poster A5"
im on pictures from november 7th now. i think i went through a figures bot that day because i have a frankly ridiculous amount of figures (mostly nendoroids. mostly miku nendoroids.) there's also the default hime & mikoto png in the middle of these
twitter notification screenshot. apparently kristoph gavin ace attorney followed me that day
i think i went and looked through a christian memes subreddit or twitter account or SOMETHING i dont know where else these all came from. this is followed by a staggering amount of facebook minion memes
side note: does anyone else remember the aatwt (ace attorney twitter) & puyo puyo twitter crossover event in the michael's customer service chat incident? that feels like a different universe
this one is really nothing compared to any of this other stuff but i do have proof of me saying "pog" unironically
grand finale to this saga is actually from a couple days after (nov 9th 2020) but after seeing the staggering amount of death the kid images i had saved over like two days (i had watched a couple episodes of soul eater with my pals) i felt compelled to dig up my "death the kid get wifi anywhere you go" fancam. i might post it later cause its a classic (only to me)
thank you all so much for watching remember to like and subscribe and whatever. thank you for reading this if you read it for some fucking reason. i spent just over an hour and a half looking through this shit & typing this but it was a nice walk thru memory lane tbh! im gonna shut up now before i start rambling. feel free 2 ask for the images or context to any of these i literally love rambling. peace and love on planet earth. LOVE YOU ALL!!! GOODNIGHT NEW YORK CITY
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golbrocklovely · 7 months
From what I'm seeing of the fandom today, it's the twitter fans who are in the outlier on this one. Everywhere seems to disagree with them on this issue or at least don't seem to think it is an issue worthy of anger yet. Reddit, multiple discords, instagram, FB, here on tumblr etcetc. In fact all these locations just seem frustrated and annoyed by the twitter stans if I'm honest, none of them are being particularly nice about them. (I think the big issue people seem to have with them is they always seem to be stirring up drama alongside the tiktokers and the Twitter stans have claimed to speak for the whole fandom which seems to have riled a lot of people up)
i don't want to have to repeat myself but i will, just bc i don't want ppl to misconstrued what i think lol
again, i don't want snc collabing with joe rogan either, bc that seems to be where a lot of ppl's contention are with them. understandable. i feel the same. joe rogan can suck my nonexistent left nut. that being said, we can't control snc. they obviously went on his show over a year ago at this point bc it was a business decision. a business transaction so that they can reach a wider audience. and then on top of that, his daughter was a fan, and of course they weren't gonna shoot down a chance to meet a fan just bc her dad's an asshole.
i personally don't believe that snc agree with everything joe has said over the course of his career just bc they went on his show. miley cyrus went on his show once, and she's left leaning, so i highly doubt she agrees with any of his takes. i think some ppl are able to compartmentalize who he is vs what his job is. some just see him as an interviewer, which is most likely how snc see him. i'm not saying it makes it right. i'm just stating the obvious.
and i think that is also where the issue lies: a lot of fans want snc to do the right thing at all times, with no nuance. you're either doing the right thing or you're a bad person. and a lot of ppl, myself included in some regard, don't see their decisions as that. it isn't black and white, but some beg to differ. and that's where problems arise.
but again, in a perfect world, snc wouldn't collab with anyone problematic. i would love for that to be reality. but it isn't.
on top of that, the twitter fandom has an issue of constantly calling snc out, or making a mountain out of a molehill, over things that aren't important. they are the boy that cried wolf for a lot of fans outside of that space. and as someone that is online and follows and pay attention to a lot of ppl that do have the loudest voices, it's hard to take their opinions seriously when every other week they find something else to complain about.
most of which, as of recently, has been about k and m and how they're annoying. or snc are annoying for not "telling us" or confirming they're dating the girls. and it's just like… who cares.
and i know, pot meet kettle. i know i'm one to talk. but i at least do it on a site where snc aren't at. and i know it's not meant to be taken seriously. and on top of that, i know i don't know the whole picture, and i'm not owed it either. but some of these fans, loud voice or not, take it too far. and it ruins the vibes. and that's why a lot of ppl are sick of it.
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solo-rpg-rambling · 8 months
Solo + LLM, some ideas
Throwing together some thoughts on playing solo TTRPGs with help from LLMs (Large Language Models, "AI", GPT, etc.). I'll throw up a cut so people who hate the idea can click and move on. Mostly I've been using LLMs as a way to expand or contextualize oracles, tables of words or phrases that are used to inspire what comes next.
Lesson 0: If the Answer is Obvious, Don't Use an Oracle (or Mechanic)
I'm sure many people have done this at least once, tried something impossible in a game hoping for an "automatic success" (natural 20 in D&D terms). At the other end of the spectrum, there are playstyles where you roll (or ask to roll) for trivial tasks and observations.
Oracles are useful for those moments when you don't know what happens next. Your characters (and you) are bored with travel scenes, so you need something to spice things up. But your brain is just churning on a lot of nothing.
Lesson 1: The LLM is a Bad GM
LLMs (at least as of 2024) are bad at synthesis, facts, math, and long-form storytelling. They are ok at making surface-level connections, suggestions, and "what happens next" (within the limits of what something trained on wikipedia, twitter, and reddit can do.)
Lesson 2: Provide Context
GPT is a "conversational" LLM. It can (within limits) remember earlier parts of the conversation. Give it one paragraph of the story so far. Describe genre and setting.
Lesson 3: Brainstorm
"Give me five ideas for..." Asking for one answer will likely get you something that doesn't quite work. Instead, ask for five suggestions and pick the one you like best.
Lesson 4: Critique, Argue, Rewrite
IMNSHO the real challenge of writing or GMing isn't ideas it's development. Treat LLM suggestions as thumbnail sketches or scribbling on a whiteboard. Take the most interesting idea, and argue with it. Keep what works, critique or rewrite what doesn't. Arguing with a bad idea helps clarify what you want from the scene.
Unleash your internal editor on those ideas.
Lesson 5: If it's not Fun, Do Something Else
I enjoy bouncing ideas off of a group or LLM. Other people use notebooks or rubber ducks. If it's not fun, and not moving your game forward, try something else.
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