#God weeps
"The younger generation is morally better than us. They are kinder and more empathetic. They do work hard. But they far more clearly see where their work is worthwhile vs where it isn't and they don't waste their efforts on busy work or helping the rich get richer."
i sure asf am experiencing this empathy when i try to debate feminism on this site. feminists who prioritize their own sex def. don't get piled on by a bunch of jerks who cannot tolerate people with different priorities. the rape and death threats women get on here scream moral.
What you have experienced on Tumblr is horrific and evil. It is some of our worst parts of our culture that are wrapped up in our toxic male culture of misogyny and patriarchy combined with a bunch of might makes right and alpha male/sigma male bullshit.
I'm sorry for how you have been treated. It is wrong and every guy who has been part of that should have to read their texts aloud to their mother while Mom has her chancla. And then they should have to pay you a millions of dollars in damages in court for the damage to your quality of life and the terrorism that they inflicted upon you.
Partly it is because Tumblr is run by the same set of Aristocrats, techbros, and Muskrat fanbois as Twitter, Facebook, Reddit, and health insurance companies. I'm sure Tumblr's board of directors go skinny dipping with the Sacklers on Epstein Island. They all hate women and minorities and any kind of real diversity.
So they allow all the bullying and give terrorists freedom to keep you quieter or at least keep you angry, hurt, scared, anxious, and distracted to keep you from burning shit down.
All of that #MeToo stuff was just a peek behind our own curtain of boys-will-be-boys, bro culture that protects really bad guys and teaches all the rest of us to be more misogynistic and downright mean. And a huge portion of men (and their right-wing female allies) rejected the very idea and lampooned it to death.
And I know so many female scientists and professors who should be protected by their position in society, their well-connected colleagues, and universities/labs. They are harassed online mercilessly in the most ugly ways. And then they get it from some students and colleagues too. And their institutions sweep it under the rug or fire the woman because they are all run by Aristocrats and conservatives and Capitalists.
It is horrible and evil.
When ya'll get to burning shit down, I'll help.
But sadly, today is the best time in history to be a woman in our culture.
And for the vast majority of other cultures on Earth.
I've only been around for 45ish years. Up until 3 years before I was born, my mother could not get a bank account in her name. Not without either her father or husband as primary account holders on it. Timeline of some of the financial things here
Sexual harassment was a way of life for a huge contingent of guys when I was in my teens and early 20's. Most of the other guys just thought it was funny. It was only just beginning to get better in the 90s. By "better" I mean it became less socially acceptable to do in public and more guys would speak up in defense. But there were no real consequences and harassment in private never stopped.
Because kind of like racism and "diversity" and such, the people in charge of shit and a large contingent of the population refuse to change their hearts. They just want to stay out of trouble without ever changing themselves or allowing the culture to really change.
So, yes, this is the kindest generation we have ever had in America. Even if we aren't very kind compared to almost anyone else. We are generous, helpful, pleasant, friendly, and hopeful people, but we are not kind.
We are so far behind all the Brown nations in kindness and love, but look at our history. We started way behind thanks to the Aristocrats and their colonizing bullshit we got into bed with them on. But it really is kinder today.
That is sad, but perfection is a human invention. It is always about direction of growth or decline that any judgement of a people ought be made. That and how do they treat women. And how do they treat the poor, oppressed, and sick.
What direction are we moving and how do we treat the people who don't have the power to stop us or really just need some food and a place to live in safety?
That is what defines a good culture and a good people in my book.
So what does that say about us, that people like Anonymous are treated so horrendously on a regular basis and they are just a drop in the ocean? What does that say about us when we are the best people we've ever been in America (or Europe) and we are still this terrible?
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ben-shapiros-handjob · 7 months
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this is what happens when when i have access to 3d modeling software
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swordsmans · 1 year
me, absolutely not an artist, desperately trying to articulate how much i adore people's fanart: ouughgh the colors. there are so MANY of them!!!! and the lines,,,,,,,,,, they are made of lines.. impeccable
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likelylarks · 12 days
fabian getting a baby sibling is a genuinely funny bit and there’s some self-admitted character bleed from lou, but also… hallariel has become a better and more “present” parent so the idea of fabian having to watch his mother be a better and more attentive parent to this new baby than she ever was to him? truly fucking devastating 
fabian has struggled his whole life with expectation and wanting his parents to see him and love him for who he is, not just the legend he could be, and now there’s gonna be some baby that gets everything fabian ever wanted from his mother? if it was me, that baby would be my fucking nemesis, too 
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modmad · 6 months
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LADS IM FREAKING OUT my dear friend @cartoon-kitsune sent me a present and I was literally wearing this outfit when BAM. POPPY.
WE MATCH??? THE HAIR AS WELL this was not planned I can't. I can't believe how gorgeous she is or how funny it is that I'm literally the same colours rn THANK YOU SO MUCH KIT ;A;
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filmnoirsbian · 2 years
Too many people talking abt Will Sad Gayboy Byers being heartbroken by his unrequited crush on his best friend and not enough of you talking abt how his big brother clocked it immediately and then gave him an impassioned speech abt how he loves him unconditionally and nothing will ever (meaningful eyecontact) ever change that and Will smiling and softly weeping as they hug bc he knows that no matter what he'll always have his brother.
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cupcakeslushie · 10 months
Is the big smile Donnie always wears when he is uncomfortable or around his siblings, is it a genuine smile or is it kind of like a mask hiding his true feelings?
Just curious because he has such a big smile and it’s cute but it seems like he smiles a lot for someone with lots of trama and it always happens around his siblings.
It’s kinda both I suppose. Sometimes he can’t really believe that he’s with his family and that they actually like him. So it’s easy to smile cause he’s so happy.
Other times it’s his go to coping mechanism. There wasn’t much he could do in the face of an angry Draxum, and crying always seemed to upset his father even more, so he’d try to grin and bear his punishments. Any time he’s upset, he thinks smiling is his best defense at hiding how he really feels.
It probably all started innocently enough and just became second nature.
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ghost-bxrd · 6 months
Jason learns how to dream walk and terrorizes his family before they become aware of his resurrection.
(it backfires)
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intotheelliwoods · 11 months
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them. Take them. The sillies
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beannary · 6 months
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heres some silly little ew donnie doodles! i just think he looks so comfy cozy in his hoodies and good god does this boy deserve to be comfy cozy
empyrean weeping is made by @cupcakeslushie !
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savviathan · 1 year
Okay. I need everyone to know right now that from Skizz’s POV, when etho killed him for the final time and it looked like skizz didn’t get to say anything back, skizz actually said “I do too.” Those were his last words.
“I just wished you played this game better.” “I do too.” I’m gonna combust.
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hazel-callahan · 8 months
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do you hear that? no nightingales. (x)
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recents · 9 months
so we all know astarion was named after the minotaur of greek myth, who, despite widely known as the minotaur (“bull of minos”), was named astarion/asterion (“starry one”) by his mother at birth. asterion the minotaur was trapped in a labyrinth and cursed to devour virginal men and women thrown in there as sacrifices.
”The House of Asterion” is a 1947 short story by Argentine writer Jorge Luis Borges that retells the story of the minotaur from the minotaur’s point of view. it’s one of his best early short stories and it’s very short, only 3 pages long. you can read it here.
borges is in my top 3 favorite writers of all time, and “The House of Asterion” obviously deserves to be considered on its own merits, so i feel slightly irreverent connecting this text to a recent video game. but i reread this short story today and there was much to think about, there were many more seeds planted in my mind in terms of interpretations of the minotaur myth and how asterion the minotaur relates to the story of astarion the vampire. i think it will for you, too.
anyway. if you don’t click through and read it, please at least read how it ends, remembering, of course, that the speaker is asterion the minotaur:
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stpansy · 1 day
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x oh this is so
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chinelacanta · 2 months
i love putting dragon in Situations <3
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BIG FAN of the ‘dragon is xebec’s son’ but i can’t decide if i like it in a funny way or a sad way 😭. do you think dragon thought he’d loose his father’s love if he knew he was taken in by a marine. do you think he mourned garp’s favor when he also failed to be a ‘good man’ and turned to revolution, that he wasted garp’s life efforts in saving a child from evil and a life lead to a death sentence. do you think dragon grieves that he managed to disappoint both his fathers. do you think that when he held luffy for the first time he realized he was no different then xebec, that he’d condemned his child to the stake for the crime of existence, a life of loneliness if he lived, a forced marine career and shackled dreams from his only ‘relative’. hey man what if i cried real hard abt it
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aceofwhump · 20 days
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SFX make up done by Lucy Rowley for the @NetflixUK series @CursedNetflix last year on Daniel Sharman. Designed by Erika Okvist (source)
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