#at mother's dwelling
Carrie doesn’t feel good
"She is sick? My poor baby, I will help!"
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I think to make sense of how Marika feels about her Omen twins, you need to follow a string of:
1/ how bad is Marika’s PTSD?
2/ how bad are people in the Lands Between in general feel about the Hornsent? The Hornsent is very much leading a whole empire that is hunting down anyone they deem inferior, even their own brethren. the fanbase tend to forget that people of Land of Shadow and Lands Between have every reason to already feel grievance towards the Hornsent royalty, even without Marika’s influence.
They were the Golden Order before Golder Order was even a thing (and they want that, btw, the Greatsword of Damnation skill description very much pointed out that the Hornsent royalty wanted to build their own Golden Order under the banner of the Spiraltree, they are just pissed as hell Marika wrenched that divinity from them and made it under the Erdtree instead).
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And Marika, even as a God, was still just one person, with an ailing son at the beginning. If she wanted to consolidate power, she had to unite other people under a common cause. And I do think she promised them a world abundance of healing blessing and no death, and no one will suffer under the Hornsent anymore (sounds awfully familiar, isn't it. except that Marika was always gunning for revenge as well). Omens being shunned that badly can’t be just because of Golden Order propaganda, it’s also because people in fact did suffer under the Hornsent and still remember it too.
3/ Messmer, who is fanatical to the point of even though he admits the Tarnished has Marika’s sanction, he will still hunt them down because he considers them lightless / unworthy, who was very much around when the Omen twins were born, why did he do nothing about it?
I’m pretty sure he has no qualm about killing babies, he doesn’t gaf about his siblings chasing something doomed to fail, he very much goes extra miles to torture any Hornsent on his way. So who protected the twins from him? Who hid them from him?
1 + 2 + 3 = you have a Marika who still very much suffered PTSD from what her people went through, she thought she had escaped, she thought she had managed to build a world where everyone was free from Hornsent’s cruelty and always bathed in gentle ray of healing - something the minor erdtree in her village could never do, because there was no one there to heal. But now she gave birth to … Omens?
It’s a sign that whatever the Hornsent once did to her, it’s left a taint forever inside her (yes i very much believed she was under the Hornsent capture before she managed to run away, either via the Mimic Veil or other means). That she never really escaped that cold dark gaol. And for all of his belief in her sanctity, I think Messmer knew that too, that it’s a wound he could never heal, and now all he could do was to make sure she wouldn’t be tainted further.
And after distress, came fear. Fear for the Omen twins, even though she should hate them, she still loved them, she couldn’t help it. She carried them for months and had loved them all that time. That wouldn’t stop even when they triggered all of her trauma at once.
I think it should be noted that in the DLC there is an item that is the same as Omen Bairn item in the base game, which points out that Omen (or in their case, Hornsent) babies with overgrown horns meet a frightfully early demise. Morgott and Mogh both have overgrown horns. But they are alive! They are ! Very much alive! And grow into adulthood!
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Who healed them? Who kept them alive? Who else but the woman who used to make several blessing flasks for her cursed firstborn, whose innate power is healing, right?
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Before the Omen twins, Omen babies had their horns excised, causing them to perish, but once there are ones born into royal linage, exile is on the table? and again, they have overgrown horns, and still live to adulthood. if they were left to rot in prison, they would have already died.
Marika built a world with a promise that the cruel shadow the Hornsent cast would never befall there, but now… she gave birth for two of them. Her position as a God Queen was of no use if her people clamored for the twins’ death, her duty to them will always outweigh her personal feelings. But she sure as hell would not let her sons die, either.
They weren't exiled to faraway land, they were kept under the capital, presumably so Marika could visit and heal them if their horns caused them pain, the shackles were made so they wouldn't wander up above and ran into civilians that pretty much would call on the Omenkillers to go after them. it was a cruel existence, yes, but it's all she could do for them. she tried her best out of love.
That is why Godfrey never held it against her, even when it's apparent he loves Morgott (as he cradles his son's body gently in the boss cutscene). Godfrey knew she had done everything she could.
All of that above answers this 4th question: why Morgott was accepted as Lord of Leyndell, even went so far as having command over a whole army of the Night's Cavalry?
In the time of unrest, Omens were welcomed in the army, but they were distrusted, even their weapons have an enchantment on it so it could be taken back if they tried something funny.
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But Morgott was trusted to command a whole army and held the walls of Leyndell for that long?
The only way I could rationalize that is after she was forced to separate from Messmer, Marika brought both Morgott and Mohg back to live with other demigods. A big part of the Erdtree's power force was in Messmer's hand, now that he was not there anymore, I imagine people would become more accepting of letting Omens join their rank. And because Messmer was not there, the twins would actually not have to deal with him. In a twisted way, when Marika lost her beloved firstborn, she gained the other two back.
Even though they weren't officially recognized as her child, but more as warriors serving in Leyndell army, Morgott proved himself with his tactical mind and combat prowess (while Mogh used the resources brought by his new position to secretly started funding his blood cult, and this is how I think he met Miquella and all the stuffs in that part of the lore happened. Like you can't convince me he built that whole palace and had all that fancy clothes without money or resources taken from somewhere else).
Then Godwyn died, and Morgott witnessed everything thereafter. and the rest of the story, we knew how it played out.
So yeah, that's my take on the timeline and story of the Omen twins. I know it doesn't have a strong official description backup as my theory on Messmer, but I feel like this makes sense with all of my other interpretation, and if you agree with those, they are what actually back up this one.
If I draw Morgott in the future, it'll also be based on this premise.
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daeva-agas · 1 year
Casually lurking in Sailor Moon fandom and when I see posts mentioning the Shitennou's knightly titles, I think the translation are off. I don't know if those are just fansubs being wonky, or if even the official ones are not entirely correct...
I've also seen some posts say that "I don't understand what these means". The knightly titles are based on the image and properties associated with each gemstone in Japanese (so, if it has different meanings internationally, it's quite beside the point).
Jadeite: Knight of Resilience 忍耐 and Harmony 調和
忍耐 is often translated as "Patience" in fanworks. 忍耐 is better translated as "resilience", "perseverance", or "endurance". Even when colloquially used to say "be patient", the connotation of it is more along the lines of "endure this". The Harmony one is correct.
"Resilience" is because jadeite jade is the harder jade. "Harmony" because of its traditional usage in spiritual matters, so jade in general has the image of "peacefulness".
Nephrite: Knight of Wisdom 知恵 and Peace 安らぎ
This one makes me kind of laugh because of what Nephrite is like as a character/person. I almost always see 知恵 translated as "Intelligence". It's not wrong per se, but this term here refers to something deeper than just brain smarts, thus "wisdom". Things like wisdom that come from age, or innate perceptiveness, and so on.
安らぎ is peace, as in "inner peace". Basically, "serenity", though it's probably not a good idea to use this word in Sailor Moon for obvious reasons.
Nephrite being the native jade of China, it has been given very sagely meaning to it that persist even in Japanese symbolism. That's why it's like this, for somewhat similar reasons to jadeite's "harmony".
Kunzite: Knight of Virtue 純潔 and Benevolence 慈愛
純潔 can also mean Purity or Chastity. 慈愛 is sometimes translated as Affection, which is also not entirely wrong. It's just that the standard meaning is benevolence or mercy. "Affection" tends to be used in the context of parents and children. In this context probably not the best meaning to use.
This gemstone is associated with the Holy Mother Mary, of all things, that's why it's got very saintly imagery associated with it.
Zoisite: Knight of Purification 浄化 and Healing 癒し
The most straightforward one so I've never seen any wonky translation with this one. Those who are into healing crystals might already know this, but this title is based on the healing and purification qualities that a blue zoisite/tanzanite supposedly have.
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adhd-merlin · 1 year
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Christian iconography? in my Merlin??
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brynnmclean · 20 hours
Thinking about a conversation I had with family last night, but it SUCKS to recommend something you love to someone and have them be like, "you're very intense about this though" like, enthusiasm instantly deflated, candle flame of my heart smothered-- "I know you're going to talk the entire time though" I won't, actually, in fact, I do know how to be quiet and polite, but actually maybe I'll never recommend anything to you ever again!!!!!! Literally all I have very carefully said to you twice over several weeks is that I like this show and think it is good! But cool that you already think I'm annoying about it!!!!!!
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lanesrequiem · 4 months
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now Hear me Out on this one.
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luvrxbunny · 4 months
i feel like such a loser sometimes
my sister has been sick for two days. all she has is a sore throat so we’re not actually sure she’s sick, it could be that she’s not drinking enough water. but my mom has told her to eat something before school, take some advil and drink some tea.
my mom even made it a point to tell me to make sure she drinks tea later because “your sis isn’t feeling well”..
i have been fully sick for a week. coughing, sneezing, blowing my nose w blood in the tissue and my voice is literally disappearing.. yet my mom hasn’t said any of this to me
so here i am.. jealous of the attention my little sister is getting. which is so fucking pathetic
and i have no one to talk to because my bsf doesn’t usually care abt anything i have to say and the guy im talking to is too self absorbed to even ask me anything about myself..
i’m losing my little community do to lack of motivation as well so it’s a matter of time before i’m completely alone again 🤩
i just love life sm
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thebirdandhersong · 9 months
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fullsaw · 1 year
Jurgen Leitner: [Getting beaten to death with a pipe]
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mechadress · 5 months
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Colorado Springs
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nosleepgummitato · 7 months
Hello, I'm from Gaza City because of the war,my house was destroyed. We lost everything,my family and I did not have anything left. We left our homes in search of a safe place and we were displaced three  times to different places to survive, but unfortunately there's no safe place in Gaza. My mother is very sick and she's a kidney failure patient in need of treatment outside. She suffers from LS. Help me and my family to survive. Please, your small donation can make a huge difference. A friend outside Gaza has come in to help me run the donation program so that my mother can be evacuated
Oh, I'm so sorry about that, really. What happening to you guys is extremely terrible and you don't deserve that. I'm sorry about your mother and your situation, but I cannot give money. I don't have any way to do so <:[
I really wish I did, otherwise I would have sent the donation before answering this ask. But I do wish you well, and you have my prayers for you and your family.
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Did you ever tell Carrie happy birthday
“Birth-day...? What is?” She looks at you, head tilting to the side. “It has been too long since I have seen Carrie...” 
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aeaeaexxzd · 2 months
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Us, 7 vials of T by the river, and his gay cowboy tattoo = LOVE LIFE ❤️ T4T FRIENDSHIP
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transmasc-tabris · 2 months
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robinsnest2111 · 3 months
yeah yeah I know I got mommy and daddy issues to the max, no need for me to be so surprised whenever videos of parents being kind and caring with their kids no matter the age make me feel a certain kind of pain in my chest because I know 1000% I could never be this vulnerable with my parents or feel safe to depend on them this way or receive that level of care and consideration 👍
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hey have i ever told you guys that i have a strange (and some say statistically unusual) gift for finding four-leaf clovers?
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