#at the main station there are armed policemen waiting for you
bowieisworried · 3 years
Get to know me Tag!
Tagged by my lovely @kingleedo
Tagging: It’s far too hot for me to engage my brain to remember urls so... @choicemillionaire for all your kindness today :)
What day is your birthday?
December 24th
What is your favourite colour?
Black or maroon
What’s your lucky number?
Do you have any pets?
Yep, I’ve got one big old grumpy cat and a fairly new cheeky little kitten
How tall are you?
5′4″, I’m a short arse. BUT I am a teeny bit above average for Scotland :D
How many pairs of shoes do you own?
Oh, umm... 7? If I was buying them for myself I’d have 1, but my aunt doesn’t believe that shoes can last longer than a damn year
Favourite song?
Fucking hell. Favourite song? Singular? Jesus... 
Fuck it, Metallica - Hero of the Day. I realised that every song that came into my head as a potential favourite of all time was a Metallica song. There’s so many that mean so much to me. Really is a reason I have James Hetfield tattooed on my arm xD
Favourite movie?
Wings of Desire (Der Himmel über Berlin). Something I intend to have inked as well.
Who would be your ideal partner?
Someone who can hold their own in an argument, who likes learning, who’s willing to travel in the cheapest way possible at the cost of comfort. Someone who doesn’t mind if I stick my headphones on on a long trip.
Do you want children?
Oh no. No, no, no.
Have you ever got in trouble with the law?
Nope. BUT, funny story, when I was waiting in the train station to the airport in Germany, 2 policemen came up to me and started asking questions about what I was doing, etc. and checked my passport and shit. I’d been sitting there a while because the only bus there from where I was living arrived like an hour before the train. So I probably did look rather sus xD
Baths or showers?
Showers, especially if it’s one of those fancy rainfall ones.
What colour socks are you wearing?
I am not wearing socks, I only ever wear them if I’m going properly outside lol I’m a fucking medieval European peasant, honestly.
What type of music do you like?
All of it. Everything. Though the main stuff I grew up listening to, and still love the most is metal.
How many pillows do you sleep with?
3, but they’re all quite flat so it isn’t really that high
What position do you usually sleep in?
Fetal position basically? That sounds weird but meh, one does not care lol
What you don’t like when you are sleeping?
HEAT. This heatwave is a fucking nightmare right now.
What do you typically have for breakfast?
The only time I ever eat breakfast is if I’m staying in a hotel (which I haven’t done for years). So nothing.
Have you ever tried archery?
I have not, nor should I, I’d probably kill someone.
Favourite fruit?
Pears and apples
Favourite swear word?
Fuck. Here in Scotland though it’s basically just common grammar. Cunt if I want to piss off some middle-class folk. Probably the same for German actually, Fotze.
Do you have any scars?
Not really, not any from injuries anyway. I have a small scar from where I got my MMR jab as a kid.
Are you a good liar?
Depends who I’m trying to lie to.
What is your personality type?
Sarcastic, intimidating (allegedly), basically a bit of a bastard.
What is your favoruite type of girls?
Can I just say Alex Vause? Her entire vibe, that’s my bag lol
Are you an innie or an outie?
Left or right-handed?
Right handed.
Favourite food?
Cheese and bread. Yes, hello, medieval European peasant has resurfaced.
Favourite foreign food?
Gulab jamun, it’s heavenly.
Are you a clean or messy person?
Used to be messy but I’ve managed to clean up a bit xD
Most used phrase?
“Get fucked” probably, or some variation.
How long does it take for you to get ready?
About 15 minutes, I have really short hair and don’t wear makeup so it’s easy.
Do you talk to yourself?
Nah, not particularly.
Do you sing to yourself?
I only sing if I’m alone, because I can’t sing for shit.
Are you a good singer?
As above, no. No, I am not.
Biggest Fear?
It’s always been heights.
Are you a gossip?
Not really.
Do you like long or short hair?
On other people, I don’t mind, depends on the person and what suits them. But for myself I’ve had super short hair since 2nd or 3rd year of high school, and I’m never going back lol
Favourite school subject?
I enjoyed Modern Studies and English, but my favourite was probably Graphics/Tech because the teacher was very good.
Extrovert or Introvert?
Introvert as hell, though I’m nowhere near as bad as I used to be.
What makes you nervous?
Money and covid xD
Who was your first real crush?
A guy called Adam in primary school lol Oh so long ago...
How many piercings do you have?
None at all, though I do want some. But I’m kinda terrified to get them because of the healing process and how sore they might be to get... and yes, I’ve got a fair few tattoos, but that isn’t the same xD
How fast can you run?
What colour is your hair?
Naturally brown, currently dyed auburn but with like... 3 inches of roots lol
What colour are your eyes?
Green, green, green.
What makes you angry?
People acting like they know about something when they’re clearly fucking clueless.
Do you like your own name?
Yeah, it’s a good name. Annoying that most people misspell it but hey ho, win some, lose some.
Do you want a boy a girl for a child?
None of the above. I will have a cat or a dog.
What are you strengths?
Stubbornness, knowledge, the ability to shut idiots down.
What are your weaknesses?
See above lol
Colour of your bedspread?
I swap through a few but it’s currently kinda teal I guess, with a white leaf pattern.
Colour of your room?
Rented flat that I can’t paint for another 6 months, so plain old white.
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hwauas · 3 years
🕊️: "the lost prince" (5)
park seonghwa (박성화) - 2,664 words
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     the woman who stole your boyfriend's childhood, who lied to him during all his life; this woman was here. in front of you. and you felt the anger growing up inside of you. no other feelings remained, only the anger. you wanted her to pay for what she's done.
but were you ready to face the future..?
     “miss/mister? is she the one who pretended to be his mom?”
a policeman asked. you had to think about what to do, and quickly.
     you were thinking about Seonghwa's pain to be far from his family totally unknown to him, and Seonghwa's real parents waiting for their child. there were a lot more behind choosing to tell them the truth. could you really be selfish? could you really take away someone's child for ever because you don't wanna lose him?
     “it's me.. or them..”
you whispered as you were looking at the woman through the window.
     “sorry, what..?”
     you weren't moving. your eyes were glued on this woman. only two tears rolling down your cheeks were moving.
“it's... it's her...”
     you couldn't do that to Seonghwa. you couldn't prevent him from knowing the truth. it was a part of him. and you would always put him first, before yourself.
     you looked down as soon as you told them the truth about this woman. you didn't want to stay here any longer. you didn't want to see her any longer. it was her fault. everything was because of her. and no one else.
     “thank you, miss/mister.”
they kindly mentionned you the door to leave the room, which you did. you had nothing to do here anymore.
“we'll question her. and if the whole situation is moving.. we'll be seeing your boyfriend immediately.”
you thanked them, and left.
     once you were out of the police station, on your own, you felt how weak you were. this whole situation, you couldn't control it. nothing about it. and you were powerless to your boyfriend's wounds. you didn't know how to heal them. you've been learnt how to love someone, not how to heal someone's deep wounds. and even though you were giving Seonghwa back his family, that was the upper and visible part of the iceberg.
     your tears were flowing down your cheeks. you couldn't control them. even that, you couldn't control it. it was the same as being overwhelmed by everything, and anything.
the anger left for a distress to come. and it was even worse.
     you started to walk. you seemed to be someone walking around aimlessly. a wandering person. but in fact, you were heading to your home. you knew so well how to go there that you weren't paying attention to your surroundings. your head was full of questions.
even though you knew you did the best for Seonghwa, it was hurting you. the future was the main reason of this pain.
     once you reached your place, your mom rushed to you and showered you with questions. there were so many, and she was throwing them at you without letting you the opportunity to answer.
you could understand she was the type to be very curious and sometimes intrusive. but it was too much for you at this moment. you couldn't handle more. it was impossible.
     “mom please... stop.”
you tried to hold back the tears forming in your eyes. crying in front of her was the last thing you wanted.
“i came to take some clothes for Seonghwa, and then i'll be back by his side. he wants me to stay with him during the night.
     “i see you won't answer my questions.”
despite her certainty, she was following you.
     “it's not that simple mom.. i'm sorry if i seem... i don't know, overwhelmed? but i actually am overwhelmed. i don't control anything, i don't know nothing more. i don't know if he's this lost prince or not. i don't know what our relationship will be if he's the prince. i don't know how to help him. i don't know how to soothe his pain. i don't know nothing. the only thing i know is that.. they arrested this woman who pretended to be his mother. but if it's that simple, there wouldn't be this much lost child in our world.”
     your mom stopped you and simply hugged you. she knew you perfectly. she knew how devoted you were to people you truly loved. but she hated to see you overwhelmed by problems and questions.
“baby... you're not alone in this. you're not alone in this fight. and you don't have to handle all the things. we're here, you can count on us.”
     you wrapped your arms around her waist, and slowly became calmer. it was soothing you to hear someone you trust with your whole soul saying you weren't alone on this.
     when you both pulled away from the hug, you finished to pack up clothes for Seonghwa. you needed to see him again. you wished he would have the same reassuring words to you. you wished he would have the right words for you to worry less about the future.
your mom helped you preparing everything for Seonghwa: clothes, personal stuffs to give him a kind of comfort in his white room, and she even gave you two pieces of cake she made — she knew Seonghwa loved her cakes, she didn't hesitate before giving them to you.
     you left a little bit later than expected. in fact, you accepted to stay a little bit longer at home to spend some time with your mom. you both talked as if you were friends: you talked about few things that happened to you both in the past, remembering funny moments, and you lauged about few anecdotes. it lighted up your mood, you had to admit.
even though you left a little bit later, you knew Seonghwa wouldn't be mad at you, and would understand. even though his "mom" wasn't his mom, he was the type of person to give a lot of importance to family.
     once you got there, to the hospital, yesterday's nurse was there, in the corridor of your boyfriend's room.
     “Seonghwa is doing a lot better. it didn't have a huge impact on him. that's a great thing. did you get any information about his family?”
she nicely asked to you. you could tell by her eyes she was really worried about this whole situation.
     “i'm glad it didn't..”
you sighed in relief.
“yeah, i have more informations. and policemen have the same lead as me. i wish it was a coincidence. but i don't think so. we wouldn't think about it if we hadn't any good reasons.”
     “and you, how do you feel about it?”
     her question touched you. even though some may think it was her job, not all the nurses would have done the same as her. not every nurse would have paid this much attention to a patient's problems and to a random person's problems.
“honestly... things are really hard for me. and i feel like i'm getting overwhelmed by.. everything.”
     “do you.. want to talk about it?”
     you kindly smiled to her.
“thank you so much...”
     you followed her in the same room as yesterday, when you talked to Seonghwa's "mom" and learnt about her lie. you sat on a chair with the nurse. her smile was very reassuring.
    “yesterday, the woman i talked with called Seonghwa 'the lost prince'. i think it's enough to explain the whole thing. and i'm getting nervous because.. i'm scared... what will happen to us if he is the prince. i don't wanna lose him. but our worlds will be so different.”
    the nurse first stayed quiet. she was right besides you. her eyes were scanning your face. and she noticed you were more than scared and nervous. your whole being was so in love with him and, as a consequence, was more than scared.
“i don't like it when i can't control things. and right now, i control nothing. absolutely nothing. i'm going through the unknown.”
     “you both are going through the unknown.”
she softly wrapped a hand around yours. her hold on your hands was showing off how comforting she was.
“you are both into a relationship, right? talk to him about that. you'll figure out things are not that uncontrollable. and you may have surprises.”
     you looked straight into her eyes. slowly but surely, you started to smile.
“thank you so much. i'll surely talk to him.”
you smiled to her. when she let go of your hands, you picked up the bag once again, and stood up.
     “if any of you needs something, call for a nurse. i'll come.”
     you nodded and respectfully thanked her. you walked out the room with her, and went to your boyfriend's room. he immediately greeted you with a bright smile and sparkling eyes.
     you giggled at his cute behaviour, again, and kissed his forehead.
     “you're adorable, baby.~”
you sat right next to him on the bed, and put the bag on a chair.
“i got you some clothes, some other things so you feel a little bit more at home in your room, aaaaand...”
you took out the two pieces of cake into foil.
“my mom gave me two pieces of cake for you. a cake she made.~”
     “Choi family is really the best family.”
he took a piece of cake and started to eat it. all you could see on his face was joy. even though he was going through a lot, little things were enough to brighten up his mood. and seeing him being easily joyful was enough to brighten up your own mood.
     “Hwa, i'm sorry for what i've said earlier. i understand you don't wanna think about yourself as the lost price or something. i understand you don't wanna make assumptions.”
you softly started to rub his scalp. his hair was really soft.
     with cheeks full of the cake, he shook his head as a no.
“no baby. it's okay. i shoud have listened to you, too.”
     “we're not mad at each other, then?”
     “we're not.”
Seonghwa had a pretty smile on his face. you leaned over and slowly wiped away a piece of cake on the corner of his lips.
     when your boyfriend was done eating, you took the second slice and put it down on his bedside table, next to some personal stuffs: there were a picture of you both together in a frame, a little bracelet he never left since his childhood, and a ring he was always wearing. it wasn't too much, but enough to make him feel better in this room.
     you were still on the bed, next to him. but after looking at you oh so lovingly, he opened his arms to ask for a hug. and you didn't waist time before snuggling up into him.
     “how was it.. there?”
Seonghwa asked, looking at your face. but you, your head on his chest, you were looking down to your feet.
     “there? where?”
     “at the police station, silly. was she.. there?”
     there you were. the moment. you didn't think it would come this fast. but there you were. in front of him. and he was asking you about her, about what happened. you hoped this would have come later. you hoped you'd have more time to think about what you should and what you shouldn't tell him.
     “she was..”
you sighed out. you tensed up in his arms: you only hoped he didn't feel it.
     “thank god you recognised her, she'll be arrested!”
he tightened his hold around you. luckily, it seemed like he didn't notice your reaction.
     “you're happy about that?”
     “of course i am. she took me away from my family all my life! she lied to me! she looked straight into my eyes and called me son when i wasn't..”
     “do you wanna.. find your real family? no matter what it involves..?”
you were worried about his answer. but more like about what his answer would mean.
     “of course i do. i wanna meet my real parents. the one who gave me birth. the mom who breastfed me. the dad who woke up in the night when i was doing a nightmare. and i wanna thank the real ones who brought me to the world.“
he tightened a little his grip around you.
“i wanna meet them with you. i want them to meet the person i love.”
     you bit your lower lip. you were happy he told you that. that was a proof he won't let anybody break you both apart.
“is that what you want?”
     “yeah. i wanna meet them. and i wanna get to know them with you. i wanna tell them 'look! it's the person my heart had chosen! i believe she's/he's the good one for me.' and then, i'll be the happiest.”
     “i shouldn't have hesitate...”
you sat up in the bed, pushing you hair back. you were realising how stupid you were for doubting about him and his feelings. of course he wouldn't let anyone break you both apart. he waited for you for so long. he always showed you how much he loved you in the past. each time he had the chance, he did it.
     “yeah.. honestly, when i was in front of her.. thinking about her calling you fleur-de-lis.. i was scared. i thought about.. lying to them. i thought about telling them she wasn't the woman they were looking for.”
you were playing with your fingers, feeling nervous again. as if you were in front of this window; as if you were in front of her.
     “you what..?”
you could hear Seonghwa was curious and almost disappointed in you.
     “i was scared.. i was scared i couldn't control the situation anymore. i was scared about the future. i'm not the only one thinking you're the lost prince. policemen also think you are the lost prince. and admitting that.. i'm scared of the truth, Seonghwa. if you are the prince, our worlds will be so different. i was scared this title would take you away from me. and i'm still scared.”
you started to cry. you couldn't stop the tears from rolling down your cheeks.
“but then.. i thought about you. i thought about your desire to know your parents. i can't take you away from the truth. and i can't let a broken family wait for their son for ever because i was too selfish..”
Seonghwa wrapped his arms around your shoulders. he softly hugged you.
“so despite everything it involves.. i said the truth..”
     Seonghwa stayed there. he didn't say anything. he was just holding you tightly — tighter than ever — to try and call you down. he wiped away each tears as they came. and he often kissed your forehead.
     this hug was showing how thankful he was you told the truth, but also was a proof he won't never let you go. it was enough to make you feel warm in the inside.
     “i love you, y/n..”
you sniffed multiple times, and looked up to Seonghwa.
     “i love you too..”
you pecked his lips twice, a little smile. after a day full of emotions, you felt warmer.
     as you were enjoying a moment with Seonghwa, and playing with him by rubbing your noses together, squishing his cheeks or trying to tickle him, you both heard some knocks on the door. you stopped, and sat properly before Seonghwa answered. the nurse you talked to opened the door.
     “i'm sorry to disturb you, teenagers.~ a woman is here, and want to talk to you. espacially you, Seonghwa. can i let her in?”
the nurse asked softly for Seonghwa's permission, and mentionned the lady to come in when he agreed.
     a lady came in. she was stunning, and wearing pretty well the wrinkles on few spots of her face. her brown hair was falling gracefully on her shoulders.
     but who was she?
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evermorehaikyuu · 4 years
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In which Komori Motoya has to choose where his loyalties lie: his job or his lover.
Word Count: 1091 words
Taglist: @our-tall-slytherin-queen @gg9183
Note: This has Komori as a policeman, for the sake of the plot and it ends very fluffy.
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Fifteen more minutes, come on, fifteen more minutes. Komori told himself as he kept his eyes on the clock, willing it to go faster. All he wanted to do was go home to Y/N. It was the only thing that kept him going through the slow shifts that he had. Well, her and the swivel chair too.
At the thought of Y/N, he smiled widely. Both of them were different in many ways, but their main difference was their occupations. While he was a policeman, she was the leader of a known criminal organization. It was the police’s job to capture her and execute her on the spot. Y/N had known Komori was one of them and Komori had known who Y/N was. However, it didn’t stop them from being together. In fact, neither of them had ever thought of going against each other, they were too closely knit for it.
On his way back home, his stomach was growling from sheer hunger. The last time he had eaten was about eight hours ago, which was a long while. Entering his house and sighing, he set his shoes aside. “I’m home!”
“Motoya!” Y/N launched herself at him, arms wrapped around his neck as he laughed, hugged her by the waist and spun her around before setting her down delicately, as if she were a piece of glass ready to break. Gently running his fingertips down the side of her face, he studied her, making sure that she was fine.
“Motoya, I’m okay, you don’t have to worry about me.” She turned her face to kiss his palm when he had cupped her cheek. 
“But I do worry about you anyways, I never want you to be hurt. I love you too much for that.”
“Well, I love you more.”
“Hmm, no, those are sheer lies.” 
This was the normal routine of teasing each other until Y/N heard the rumble of his stomach and laughed as she led him to the kitchen where there was already a platter of food waiting for him. “I had to leave my job early to make this for you, but it was worth it.”
Komori could’ve married her on the spot as he started eating, his gaze at her was that of someone utterly in love. She kissed his cheek before walking up to their shared bedroom, most likely already knocked out. But what she didn’t know was that the next day would be the day Komori would have to choose where his loyalties lied.
He had walked into the station like any normal day but tension was high in the air and anticipation resided in many of his co-workers’ faces. “What’s going on?”
“We’ve found Y/N’s location.” One of his co-worked told him excitedly. “They’re making a plan to capture her.”
“T-Today?” Komori sputtered. His heart dropped to his knees and his throat was dry. No. No, no, no, no, no, this couldn’t be possible, she was so careful and he made sure that no one had ever caught her. What did they mess up on, why was today the day where she might be locked up or even worse, given the death penalty?
“Yeah! They’re not sending any of the big leagues, they want the policemen to do it with a bit of backup. I think the chief wants you to take her and if necessary, execute her.” The man was too excited about that last part.
Komori’s face was pale and even as he was called into the chief’s office and told the plan, his mind was going haywire and trying to figure out what was the best way out of this. He frowned at one idea he had. It was the only one but it was the best way to get her out alive. “Sir, can I be the only one in the room with her when I corner her? I want to talk alone with her.”
The chief hesitated before speaking up. “Okay. But if you need backup, call for it and we’ll be there on the spot. Let’s move out.”
This was too early. There was no way plans should have been performed this early. Maybe she was caught when they were sleeping and they had found her office. 
Do I choose my job or my lover?
So many thoughts infiltrated Komori’s mind as he held his weapon in his hand, ready to barge into Y/N’s warehouse at any moment. But his decision was a no-brainer. When the signal was given, Komori ran behind everyone else and separated himself from the group to find Y/N’s office.
Slamming the door open, he could hear Y/N growl, “Weapon down now--! Motoya?” Her eyes were wide and for the first time, he could see the fear on her face and her lip trembling.
Rushing to her and grabbing her arms, he started speaking quickly. “No one is coming, I told them I wanted to talk to you myself. But Y/N, is there a way for you to escape? I need you to leave now or else someone is gonna come after me and actually...” He trailed off, not wanting to finish the sentence.
“Yes, there is. You can come with me!” Y/N said hopefully and her face fell when he shook his head. 
“No, I can’t. But here’s the plan. The dummy you have, it’s your perfect substitute. We make it seem like something happened, they take you away, I quit my job and then...this is too risky.”
“No. It’s our only chance. Hurry up, we have to get going.”
That night, Y/N L/N was pronounced dead, killed by one of the officers. That very same officer had quit that night before the autopsy was revealed. Komori went straight back home, exhausted from what he had to deal with and he saw Y/N sitting on the couch, her face looking utterly terrified.
He pulled her into his arms, one hand cradling her head and the other on her back as she wrapped her own arms around his waist, breathing shakily. Kissing the side of her temple, he whispered, “It’s all right. It’s all right, I got you. It’s you and me now. Don’t worry, it’s going to be ok. I promise, it’ll be okay...”
From that day on, he made sure it was all okay for both Y/N and him, neither of them wanting to be held down by their previous jobs and continuing with life together.
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introvertguide · 4 years
Similarities Between Radio Raheem and George Floyd
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OK. Let me start this out with a really good disclaimer. I am a 41-year-old white male who has no knowledge of the black American experience. I have gone out of my way to learn about black history, but that is not even close to the same. I have some black friends, but that does not translate to me understanding the life. I do the best thing I know how to do, I swap stories with my friends and listen intently to them without making assumptions about what I do or don’t understand. This has not always been the case and I sadly have some stories of saying things over my head. One story that has made me think about how little I understand was from a discussion about the film Do The Right Thing by Spike Lee with a coworker. It was around 2011 and I made quite a few mistakes in my approach:
1) It was with a very nice black man in an office environment
2) It was at the BART main office in Oakland, California within a couple of years of the shooting of Oscar Grant at the Fruitvale station in Oakland
3) I referred to the film as a sort of “ghetto fairy tale”
It went from discussion to argument and eventually to anger (100% on me and my arrogance, by the way). I believed that a character named Radio Raheem had brought his fate upon himself because he continued to fight back when police officers where trying to subdue him. My coworker argued that the situation played out the way that it did because the character was black. He said that many police and white society in general are taught to be afraid of black people while, at the same time, many black youths are taught to distrust police. I said that it would never play out like that and my coworker said it had happened already at Fruitvale. I said it wasn’t the same thing and that seemed like an accident. He said that it occurred because the cop was unreasonably scared and careless because he was dealing with an angry black man. I said that I would have to take his word on that, but it would take an awful lot to make what happened in the film Do The Right Thing occur in real life. 
I messed up. My coworker was quite large and was playfully nicknamed Green Mile because he was built like Michael Clark Duncan. He stood up and raised his voice taking a couple quick steps toward me, saying “what if a black man came at you like this?” I panicked and looked for something to protect myself in complete fear for my life. I realized that, even though this man was my friend, there was something in me that lost all sense when this large black man showed signs of anger. He said that I know that he would never attack a friend like that and I shouldn’t fear him, but that most white people had a deep down fear that a black person could turn on them. It was eye opening because I think he was right. 
In the movie, the character of Radio Raheem is a tough guy that just likes to play his music on his big old stereo and he doesn’t like to turn down his music. He gets along with the other black residence in the neighborhood but doesn’t like the Italian family that owns a local restaurant. Raheem gets into a fight with the owner of the eatery and his radio is destroyed. Raheem goes crazy and attacks the owner in an attempt to choke him out. The fight spills out onto the street and what happens next is prophetic on the part of Spike Lee. Police show up and focus completely on restraining Raheem and his friend while keeping the crowd back. At one point, three white policemen are restraining the one large black man in which two men are holding his arms while the third has him in a choke hold using his nightstick. Raheem had stopped fighting, the people around the police were screaming at them to stop, and Raheem could not explain himself because he couldn’t breathe (his feet were off the ground and he wasn’t moving). The cops killed Raheem and the retribution was rioting in the street.
George Floyd had committed a crime of passing counterfeit money. Two officers attempted to arrest Floyd and transfer him to a police car. Officer Derek Chauvin arrived to assist and was able to drop Floyd to the ground and hold him using his knee to apply pressure to the back of Floyd’s neck. Floyd was not resisting and began pleading that Officer Chauvin get off of his neck. Floyd is held in this position for almost eight minutes despite many witnesses yelling that Floyd couldn’t breath and had stopped moving. The lack of air was fatal and Floyd was pronounced dead at the hospital an hour later. 
I wish that I had been right when I described the movie as a fairy tale, but it turned out to be a very realistic morality lesson. There has been a tension between the police and black communities for a long time and it has been a pressure cooker waiting to explode. It just needed some outside factors to turn up the heat. In the movie it was a record high heat wave. In life it was a new pandemic and a polarizing election. A black man who was fed up and angry clashed with the police and the result was scared officers forgetting themselves and outright murdering the man. The number of witnesses and the brutality forced the world to re-examine why the animosity exists and many people had to face their own internal racism. Many protests followed and I was surprised at how peaceful they were judging by the underlying anger. In the movie, the neighbors destroyed the restaurant and I fully thought that was going to happen with the protests in real life.  
This is really rough, but check out the video of Radio Raheem and then the footage of George Floyd. What makes the things worse is that the real life encounter was so much more blatant and cruel than the movie. Think about the similarities and the warning the movie gave. We were warned that something like this could happen and we didn’t do enough to prevent it. All we can do now is make sure we all listen to these warnings to make sure it doesn’t keep happening:
Radio Raheem: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7TrE6GquNKE
George Floyd: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qBCbOtXsvFc
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jjkfire · 4 years
is it okay to send in an ask about try me wip ? if not could u give us a lil sneak peek or tell us smth about police officer!namjoon ? i love your stories 💕💕💕💕💕💕
hi! lov u, you’re so sweet 🥰 but i think if i give any more info about the try me wip, it would ruin the story haha but if you haven’t checked it out this is the latest latest latest preview for try me and here’s a link for all other previews that i’ve posted before! 
but police officer namjoon is going to be an e2l fic!!!
You own a roadside pop-up burger stall near the police station and Namjoon is a cop that works at the station. You only work at night and into the wee hours of the morning. Despite the weird time frame, it was never particularly quiet, many would stop by for burgers on their way home, or after a night out at the nearby clubs. Of course, the police officers were regular customers too. Most of them were nice, some of them not so much and Officer Kim Namjoon definitely fell into the latter category. You’re sure he’s good at his job and well loved and all of that but good god you wanted to strangle him most of the times. He always had something snarky to say, be it the way you ran your grill or the ratio of sauces on the patties. You would simply nod and smile because the customer’s always right or something like that. He was insufferable and you think you’d find peace from the man when you’re away from your burger stall on the early weekend mornings, but who else do you find driving around to go garage sale hunting but the demon spawn Kim Namjoon himself.
What made matters worse was the fact that he always seemed to be after the same things you were. When you were into old baseball trading cards, so was he. When you were into enamel pins, so was he! It didn’t matter what had caught your fancy that month. Coins, porcelain, stamps, postcards, plushies, whatever it was, Namjoon had suddenly found interest in them too. It didn’t help that he was much more charming than you were. He could convince someone to sell them the pants they were wearing if he really puts his mind to it. Frustrating, you grumble. He was doing all of this on purpose and you knew it. It was just his mission... making your life miserable that is.
One night when you’re working your stall, you look up to the bridge that’s close by and you watch as a man tosses something into the river. You watch him begin to make his way off the bridge, and you shake yourself out of your daze. You don’t think much of it. You’ve seen much weirder things happen in this city and you’ve learnt that you shouldn’t stick your nose into matters that didn’t directly concern you. 
As business began to pick up for the night, you watch a burly man make his way down the line. He stuck out like a sore thumb and you weren’t sure if it was because of the tattoo that crept up his neck or the faint blood splatter you saw on his collar. If you thought anything of it, it had quickly been forgotten because you were struggling to keep up with orders as is.
As the clock ticks closer to 3.30 am, you close up the store and take the trash to the nearby dumpster. While walking there, you get a text from a regular customer, begging you to find their retainers that they accidentally threw out when they were at your stall. Gross, but okay, you sigh. You’re hunched behind the dumpster, looking through the rubbish with your headphones in, and to your surprise you actually find the retainers all wrapped up in tissue paper without much effort at all. 
You’re almost turning the corner out into the main alley, grimacing at how mushy the tissue paper felt in your hand when you see it, a guy shooting somebody. Twice in the chest. It barely made a sound, at least it didn’t make one similar to what you have seen in the movies. You took care to stay still but you must have made a noise because he turns towards you, and with ease, he takes two shots. The impact or much rather the shock causes you to crumple to the ground. You lie there, controlling your breathing, eyes shut until the footsteps have receded and you heard the subsequent revving of a motorbike.
Seconds pass, possibly minutes before your dare to move. It hit you... or so you thought but when you pat your chest, you find nothing there. For him to have missed completely, luck must really be on your side, you laugh. 
You drag your feet slowly, taking cautious steps until you see a man lying in a pool of blood. You didn’t have to check for a pulse, you think. He was obviously dead. Now that his face was in full view, didn’t he look like that guy who was at your burger stall earlier? He had the same tattoo, and same build. You couldn’t say much about the blood splatter on his collar now that his whole shirt was soaked in blood.
Perhaps the best course of action was to have called 911 but only being a few steps away from the station, you make your way there. You walk there at a comfortable pace, as if you were just running an errand. Truth is, you feel like you’re on autopilot, your legs simply moving on their own. When you get to the station, you’re barely able to get a word out before you see Namjoon, his eyes wide with horror. 
“Y/N, what happened?!” He almost screams out. “Sit and let me take a look at that.” 
Wait, take a look at what? Also, how did he know something was wrong? Did you look that haggard? 
“In the alley just behind here, there was a man with a gun,” You mumble, watching as the policemen scramble around. “He shot this other guy then he shot at me, but he missed and I—”
“The ambulance is on its way,” You hear somebody say, and everything’s happening so fast you don’t even have the chance to ask who it was for.
“I need to unbutton your shirt, is that okay?” He asks and as much as you hated to admit it, Namjoon was attractive, yes, but you didn’t think this was the time nor place for that. You move to lift you arm and push him away but that’s when you feel it, a searing pain. Then, you look down at your shirt and you see it, a large patch all stained in red.
“Oh my god, when did that—”
“Y/N, please, we need to put pressure on your wound.”
You only nod, a soft okay leaving your lips as you watch him make quick work of a few buttons.   
All Namjoon can think of as he watches you grimace in pain is... holy hell, who just shot his girl? Whoever it was, there was going to be hell to pay.
But, really the best part of the story is:
“You’re telling me I have to live with this guy?” You shout. “This— this is unacceptable. Anyone but this man, I beg you!”
“I’m sorry ma’am. It’s already been decided and it’s only for a short while,” The man mumbles. “Your safety is at stake here and Namjoon is one of our best officers.”
this is in relation to my wip game post!
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chilling-seavey · 4 years
Amoureux (c.s./d.s.) - Chapter Twenty-Five
A/N A decision has been made...
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Christian woke early the next morning to make sure everything was going according to plan with the last-minute date change of the wedding. He slipped back into his red and gold suit and was polished up by his own personal butler to be ceremony ready before heading down to the ballroom. As expected, it was almost finished, the workers looking half exhausted, but it didn’t phase him in the slightest, offering a half-honest thanks for their accommodation to the room before leaving again.
Corbyn had stayed up all night to prepare the wedding fest and he was over his feet and frustrated to no end with the sudden change, but he pulled his best smile to the future King when he came into the kitchen, assuring him everything was progressing smoothly.
Mary came into the kitchen while Christian was in there in order to bring Louisa her breakfast; it being bad luck for the bride and groom to see each other the day of their wedding, so breakfast wasn’t held in the dining room. Mary shared her excitement with a smiling Christian before being handed the tray from Corbyn and made her way upstairs. She knocked on the door of Louisa’s room before letting herself in.
Mary stopped in her tracks when she found the room empty; the window open to the cold autumn air, wedding dress gone from the hanger, and the bride-to-be no where to be found.
Louisa’s hands hurt from holding up the front of her dress and her ankles were aching from walking in her heels for hours as she rushed into the city of London, the hem caked in mud and her hair drenched in sweat, breathlessly navigating the streets as the sun rose behind her. They would be looking for her soon.
Once Anna left her bedroom the night before, she left Louisa questioning a lot, especially weighing the Royal requirements of marriage with what she truly wanted. For her whole life, she had been blinded by the crazy expectations and the tight leash she was on, forced to focus on what she was told was right rather than what she knew to be true.
She dressed herself up in her wedding dress, staring at herself in the mirror in the light of the moon and a single candle, and all she could think about was Daniel. If she loved Christian then why was she wishing it was Daniel she was going to be walking down the aisle to the next morning? It was wrong of her, so wrong, and Louisa knew it.
If she was caught disregarding the Royal rules again, there was no doubt she would be punished either by Christian himself or the Crown…her own parents even. The existence of France and the reign of her family depended on this marriage and if Louisa broke that promise, her family would be taken down and her country would be turned to the British.
But all that seemed so mundane compared to how important it was to find Daniel before he was gone for good.
Maybe it was her naivety speaking, at only sixteen you couldn’t expect much, but Louisa was sick of feeling like she was walking on eggshells, sick of crying over her feelings, and sick of not doing anything to change it.
The police station was set on the corner of one of London’s main streets and Louisa’s legs were nearly ready to give out by the time she got there, heaving her heavy dress up as she took a step inside the building. The three policemen stationed inside looked at her with shock as the future Queen on England stood in their doorway in her wedding dress, drenched in sweat and stained in mud.
“Where would you take someone who is to be removed from the country?” Louisa asked breathlessly, her body trembling with exhaustion after running nearly all night.
“Princess, are you alright?” the captain asked, walking over to her and set his hand on her arm. “Are you in danger?”
“No. I am fine. I just need to know where you take banished p-prisoners.” Louisa said, looking between the group.
“We will send word to the palace right away. They must be worried sick.” the captain waved to one of his men to set off for the palace. Louisa rushed outside after him and grabbed his arm to stop him from getting on his horse that was tied up on the street.
“No!” she said sternly, looking between the two men. “I need to know. This is of utmost importance.”
“Princess, with all due respect, you really need to return to the palace. You are getting married today and should not be walking these streets alone.” the captain said with the fakest kind smile Louisa had ever seen.
She yanked her wrist from his grasp, stumbling over her dress a little, “I have been walking all night to get here and I will not let you stop me! Now tell me at once!”
“There is no need to go to the port. There is nothing there for you.” the captain said.
Louisa could have screamed, shoving him back before turning to the second in command who had untied the horse but was kept still by her hand on his uniform collar.
“Tell me! Tell me at once or I will have you beheaded.” She didn’t want to use that card but her power within the country was higher than most, even the police constables.
“Are you threatening us, Princess?” the captain questioned, grabbing her arm to try and restrain her. 
The other man looked between them with wide eyes, hesitating on Louisa’s demanding expression, the usually so clean cut princess looking half a mess in front of him. Desperate.
“Are you sure we can’t take her to Southampton?” he spoke slowly, lifting his eyes to his captain casually.
Louisa whipped around to look at the man too, now given the name of her destination, nearly begging him with her eyes.
“Not without permission from the Crown. Now let’s go. I will have to keep you in the cell while we wait for the Royal Guards to retrieve you.” the captain turned to pull her back into the building but Louisa ripped her arm from his grip and hoisted herself onto the horse’s back. The two men shouted at her and tried to grab her but she kicked her heel against the horse’s side and clicked her tongue and the horse took off down the street, ripping the reins from the constable’s hand.
She had always been hesitant around horses during her dates to the stables with Christian, keeping her comfort zone to a light trot, but the adrenaline was coursing through her from her sneaking out of the castle on only a meal of truffles and pastries and she was taking the police horse down the dirt road out of London at its top speed, dirt kicking up behind them in their wake. The stained wedding dress was rippling in the wind, her hair pushed back from her face as she leaned forward and snapped the reins again.
By carriage from Kensington, it would take about a day and a half to get to the southern coast with time for the horses to rest overnight. Louisa didn’t know how long she had left – if she had any time at all even – but she wasn’t willing to sacrifice one spare minute. It was a straight shot to Southampton from London and at the speed she was travelling; Louisa made it in an hour, her body trembling with adrenaline and she struggled to hold the reins as she slowed the horse down to a trot as they entered the town. She kept her head down the best she could as she navigated the streets towards the ocean in the distance although it was hard not to notice the future Queen riding at breakneck speed into a small town on a police horse in her wedding dress.
Louisa could hear her heartbeat in her ears as she scanned the bustling harbour for any sign of the Royal Guards and carriage. The horse carried her gently down the stone steps and through the crowd, avoiding people and their belongings and carts that lined the shore, all ready to board one of the four massive sailing ships that were docked in the water. She scanned every single face she passed, a few giving her concerned glances in return or a whisper to their neighbour, but she pushed on, clicking her tongue to get the horse to walk a bit faster.
She finally spotted a glimpse of red and then the tall hat of the Royal Guards and she snapped the reins to push the horse through the crowd. It was hard to navigate through the crowd at a faster pace but Louisa kept her eyes on the smudge of red as she tried to make it in time. She could see them unpacking the trunks from the carriage and loading them onto the last ship in the lineup.
A few people gathered to watch the Prince of England being taken from the carriage in chains, his head bowed tiredly, shamefully, with a guard on each side of him holding his cuffed arms tightly.
“Daniel!” Louisa called out at the sight of him, making a few people look up and move out of her way as she got closer.
He didn’t hear her and neither did the guards as they took the first step onto the gangplank.
“Daniel!” Louisa screamed, her voice wavering with emotion.
He looked up from the ground, blue eyes wide as he scanned the crowd as if her voice was a figment of his imagination, but he spotted her on horseback, towering over the rest of the crowd in her ruined wedding dress and mangled hair. His eyes shone with excitement as they locked on hers.
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mirkwoodshewolf · 5 years
Time travel rescue pt.4; 11th Doctor x teen reader ft. Queen
*Author’s note*
Okay guys this is it, the last part that I’ve got for you all till I get around to writing pt.5. Now I’ve got my one and only final tomorrow so this will be my last update till this Friday and you’ll know then why exactly that is. Now for anyone out there that’s in my shoes with final exams, I wish you all the best of luck and I know you’ll KILL ‘EM. Kill ‘em Kill ‘em. Okay I hope you all enjoy this last part I’ve got for you all, enjoy my lovelies :)
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He smiled at me and knelt right down beside me still cradling Robert in his arms.
“Is he—okay?” I asked worriedly.
“Yeah he’s okay. Just a little frightened from that terrible fall, but he’s brave. Just like another human I know.” I sighed with relief and held my arms out for him.  The Doctor immediately complied and handed me Robert and as he cooed and began to calm down, I rested my head gently on top of his.
“Oh thank god Robert. Thank god you’re safe.” I then looked up to the Doctor and said. “How did you find me?”
“Well—” but before he could answer, the front door opened and Veronica’s voice was heard.
“(Y/n) I’m ba—what the….(Y/n)!?” she then came running right up to the bedroom and when she saw us, she gasped as soon as she saw the crib overturned. “What the hell happened in here!?” she raced over to me and took Robert in her arms. “Are you okay? Oh god you’re covered in blood.”
“Veronica I’m fine and so is Robert.” She took her son out of my arms kissing his head repeatedly before turning to me.  Just before she could blow her top, she must’ve seen the blood on me because she then cupped the side of my face as she looked me up and down.
“But you’re covered in blood!” she said worriedly.
“It’s alright Veronica, it’s not her own. She actually—” the Doctor began to speak but he was shut up by Veronica hitting him with her large purse, while she still held Robert in her arm.
“You creep! Back! Get back! Go on get back!” she exclaimed as she kept hitting the Doctor over his head forcing him towards the open closet.  
With a final hit, the second he got inside she closed the door and not only locked it but placed a chair against the door handle.
“Police, police that’s it. I’ll call the police.”
“Wait no Veronica you don’t know the whole story!”
“Come with me.”
“No come with me!” she gripped my wrist but I tried to get free as she dragged me out of the room. “Come on, come on! They better get here as soon as possible, I won’t risk staying in that room with that creep there.”
“Veronica hold on that’s my—”
“(Y/n) not now!” she snapped as we finally arrived at the main lobby.  She handed me Robert and the front desk man said.
“Ma’am are you alright, there’s been some calls of noise complaints.”
“An intruder broke into my room and nearly killed my husband’s friend and my baby. Call the police!” Veronica said as she slammed her hands on the front desk, her eyes frantic with worry.
“Veronica no! Please he’s not dangerous!”
“I don’t care what he is. Any man whose willing to attack someone with a baby is a psychopath! Now ring up the police right now!” the man behind the desk picked up the phone and dialed 999 for police assistance.
Oh god what have I done?
*3rd Person POV*
As the night went on by around 11:45pm, Brian, Deacy, Roger and Freddie arrived just a block away from Veronica’s hotel but they were shocked when they saw a police car parked out front.
“What the hell is this?” asked Roger.  Exiting the main doors two officers had the Doctor handcuffed and dragged him towards their cruiser while the Manager of the hotel huddling himself in his coat to block out the winter chill said.
“And if you want my advice you see to it that creep never gets out.”
“No worries Mr. Anderson. We’ve had several reports fitting this guy’s description of property trespassing. We’ll take good care of him.” Said the older male officer as he and his partner put the Doctor in the back of the cruiser.  Confused and starting to worry for his family’s safety Deacy was the first to run towards the officer.
“Deacy wait!” Freddie called out to him as he and the other two band members followed him.  As the older officer started his car, John came up to him and said.
“Officer what’s going on here?”
“Sir please step back.”
“Please my wife is checked into that hotel what happened!” Deacy’s tone was urgent and stern as his eyes were widened with fear.
“Just stopped an invasion from escalating. Caught this guy trying to attack a young teenage girl and a baby.”
“What!?!” Roger asked urgently.
“No Robert!” Deacy exclaimed worriedly.  Soon all four band members started calling off either Veronica’s, (y/n)’s and Robert’s names as they raced inside the hotel and towards the room Veronica said she was staying in.
The second they barged into the room, they saw Veronica sitting on the kitchen floor holding Robert in her arms.
“John!” Deacy immediately fell to his knees in front of her and hugged both his wife and son close.
“Are you both okay? What happened?” Deacy asked frantically.
“I—I went out for about five minutes to pick up some more diapers for Robert, and when I came back I saw (y/n) on the floor covered in blood holding Robert and that-that-that creep was standing over them. I didn’t know what else to do!” Veronica ranted hysterically.  Deacy shushed her and held her close as he comfortingly stroked her back.
“It’s okay, it’s okay. You both are safe now. I’m here, I’m so sorry I didn’t come sooner.”
“Wait but—where’s (y/n)?” asked Roger.
“She was hysterical. Even ran after the police begging them to not arrest the creep. They—over powered her and shoved her into the closet where I had the creep locked up.”
“They what!?” exclaimed Roger. “Why did you just let that happen!?”
“Roger dear calm down.” Freddie tried to calm the hotheaded drummer down.
“You damn well know why I won’t bloody calm down Fred! Why did you let them do that to her!?”
“Don’t shout at my wife Roger! She’s been through enough already!” Deacy snarled protectively.
“What else was I supposed to do? She was actually defending her own attacker.” Veronica said.
“Not let the police assault her then lock her up. Which closet is she is?” Veronica pointed to the one just across from the kitchen.  Roger unlocked the door only to be tackled by (y/n).
*My POV*
God all of this shit shouldn’t have happened. No wonder why the Doctor tends to stay away from human past when police get heavily involved. If they find out he’s not really human, who knows what they’ll do to him?
Of course I tried to stop them but two male policemen just jumped me as I tried to get the Doctor out of the room, one of them even tasered me forcing me down and they just shut me in here deeming that I was too hysterical to handle.  I think I even heard the one who tazed me to call the nuthouse.
But the second I heard the voices of the guys coming in, I wobbled myself up to the door.  Just before I could open it the door suddenly swung open and I fell into Roger’s arms.
“(Y/n). (Y/n) love can you hear me?” I groaned barely even able to speak due to having more than the required 1000 milliamps charge through me in order to stun me.  God I hated getting tazed, it was not fun at all.  At this point I pushed myself off of Rog and looked like a drunk person as I babbled nonsense and tried to enter the bedroom.
“God she’s hysterical and completely out of it. John set her down before she hurts herself.” Veronica said.  I felt John’s hands take my arms but I mumbled.
“No! No….” I fell to the ground with a groan and crawled towards the corner.
“(Y/n) please you need rest. You just went through something traumatic.” Brian said calmly.
“Not to mention assaulted by the police.” Roger sneered.
“No lo—look!” I finally reached the corner and as best as I could, dragged out the siren’s body but I collapsed right on the floor groaning.
“Wait what the—Fred help me with this.” Soon Roger and Freddie dragged the siren out by the feet and finally everyone got to see the body of the siren.
“Who—who is that?” Brian said.  Roger then turned it over and was shocked to see a slight version of himself.  Fred was just baffled.
“You don’t have a long lost twin we don’t know about do you Roger?” he asked.
“No I only have one sibling and that’s Clare.”
“Well whoever this is sure looks a hell like you, but these nails yeesh!”
“So if this was the real intruder, then the one the police have is an innocent man.” Said Freddie.
“But how do we know that? He could’ve been an accomplice?” Deacy stated firmly.
“Then why would (y/n) have put up such a fight to ensure they didn’t take him away? God never have a seen a girl act like an—a protective animal. She was clawing, screaming and kicking them as they tried to take him away. Oh God what have I done?” Veronica said.
“None of this was your fault Veronica darling, you were just doing what any mother would do. Your first concern was your child’s safety as well as (y/n)’s.” Freddie told her.
I slowly tried to pick myself up off the floor but I kept wobbling just like Bambi after he got shot when he saved Faline from the hunter’s dogs.  It was then I saw Roger come towards me and he slowly helped me up.
“There we go lovie. Easy now, easy, easy, easy.”
“Doctor.” I mumbled out.
“She’s right, we need to get her a doctor.” Said Roger.  I wanted to talk back but at this point my brain is still fuzzy from nearly being barbecued to death.
“Alright, Fred, Brian, you two go with Rog and take (y/n) back to our hotel. Veronica and I will head over to the police station to get all this cleared up.”
“What will you tell them?” asked Brian as he began to pack some of (y/n)’s things.
“We’ll come up with something. C’mon love we better hurry.” Then John and Veronica left the room and took her car over to the police station.
“I’ll ring us a cab to the hotel, you two keep packing.” Said Roger as he guided me out of the room.  My footing was wobbly and that’s when Roger finally decided to pick me up bridal style and I just kept whispering.
“I know love, I know. We’ll get you a doctor soon enough.” And it was at that moment I passed out again.
*3rd Person POV*
At the police station the Doctor was currently being hold in containment.
“You’re making a mistake. I wouldn’t dare hurt (y/n) she’s my friend I was trying to help her!” The chief of police looked at the Doctor through the two way mirror and the Lt. said to the chief.
“Can you believe this crap?”
“I’ve seen weird but this guy deserves to be put in a straitjacket and sent to the looney bin.”
“Chief, excuse me chief.” A police sergeant came up to them and he said to them. “Sorry to interrupt but Mr. And Mrs. Deacon are here to talk to you.”
“Ahh great. Probably to confirm that they want to press charges against him for attacking that girl and baby.” The chief then walked to his office and there he saw John and Veronica sitting on the two chairs. “Glad you both came down, now are we here to discuss the matter of pressing charges against your attacker?”
“Actually sir. We talked it over and—we’re willing to drop the charges against the fellow.” Answered Deacy.  The chief looked at him like the bassist had grown three heads.
“Mr. Deacon. What this man did according to your wife is a serious matter? Are you sure you wish to consider dropping the charges?”
“Yes. Chief Evans, I—it turned out there was another man who was found knocked unconscious in our room. He was the real intruder.” Said Veronica as she held Robert closer to her and he softly cooed.
“Where is this man now?”
“He’s dead. The head injury to him just—killed him on impact. We couldn’t find a heartbeat.” Said Veronica.  Chief Evans sighed heavily and he said.
“Alright but—the guy’s been set on bail of 5,000 pounds.”
“I’ll pay it.” Said Deacy.  “Just make sure he’s released tonight.”
“Very well, there’s just a few papers you both need to sign and then you’ll write up the check.” They both nodded and proceeded to do the work.
Once the check was made and the bond was made, the chief called in the holding section to release the Doctor from his cell. When the Doctor saw his cell being unlocked he said.
“Am I going to the real slammer?”
“No. You’ve been bailed out. Now come on before we change our minds.” Said one of the sergeants as another one came toward him and unlocked his cuffs that held him down to the table.
“Well thank you gentlemen. Now you officer Blake, kindly explain to me why you physically assaulted my friend back at the hotel room?”
“That’s Sergeant Blake to you. And she’s lucky she didn’t end up getting herself arrested for assault on an officer.”
“Well it wouldn’t be the first time.” The Doctor muttered.
“Now follow me. And no more questions.” Sergeant Blake sneered as he and the other officer escorted the Doctor out of the holding cell and towards the front lobby of the police station.
“Okay Mr. and Mrs. Deacon. Your bond has gone through, we’ll be in touch with further questions.” Said the chief as he and the Deacons came out of his office and stood before the lobby.
“Thank you Chief.” Said John as he shook hands with him and Veronica adjusted Robert against her shoulder and shook the chief’s hand as well before he went back toward his office.
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“Ahh the Deacons. John and Veronica. And baby Robert, oh glad to see he’s doing alright from that little scare earlier. Couldn’t you both hear that he was trying to tell you that I wasn’t the guy?”
“How would you know what he was saying? He’s only five months old.” Said Veronica.
“I speak baby.” The Doctor stated nonchalantly.
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“You—you speak baby?” baffled Veronica.
“Yeah. Is that so surprising that babies actually have a voice even with them being so young?” At this point, Deacy grabbed hold of the Doctor’s arm and escorted him out of the police station.
“John. John hold on wait a second!” Veronica protested as she followed the two men outside.  As soon as they reached the curb, he released the Doctor and the Doctor said.
“Wow, wow that was a strong grip. People should think twice about messing with you John Deacon.”
“Enough of this. First of all who the hell are you, how do you know our names and why the bloody hell did that—that….person look like Roger?!” At this point the Doctor’s facial expression grew solemn and stoic.
“Look. I know you both have been through something traumatic tonight that no parent should have to go through.”
“You think?” hissed John.
“But trust me when I say that I am on your side.”
“What do you mean ‘our side’? And you never answered my first question, who are you?”
“I’m the Doctor.”
“Doctor? Doctor Who?” asked Veronica.  At that moment, Robert cooed and babbled and that’s when the Doctor said.
“Well thank you for the compliment Bobby but (y/n) is the real hero who saved you from that monster. Oh (y/n)! Where is she? Is she alright?”
“She’s fine. Brian, Rog and Freddie took her to our hotel for her to rest and get looked at.”
“That Blake fellow didn’t hurt her too bad did he?”
“He tazzed her if that’s what you mean?”
“Ohh bloody—that girl I swear is always looking for trouble. I’ve told her to never attack an officer of the law especially around these timelines.” He muttered to himself.
“Wait! Are—are you the friend she’s been telling us about?” asked Deacy.
“What has she told you exactly?” asked the Doctor.
“Roger said he met up with her last night after she was jumped by some thugs. Assaulted her pretty badly, scratches along her arms, I’d never even see Freddie’s cats make marks like that.” At hearing this, the Doctor exhaled in relief.
“Then yes. I was that friend. I’ve been looking for her for hours ever since then. But when I went back, she was gone.”
“Well we can take you to our hotel. But promise me you’ll have more answers to the remaining questions I just asked you.”
“As I said John, I’ll tell you everything I know. Right now I just need to make sure my friend (y/n) is okay.”
“I’ll go hail us a cabbie then.” Veronica said as she walked out to the side of the road and held her hand out to signal the next cabbie that drove by.  Shortly after a couple minutes, they all piled in the cabbie’s car and Deacy gave them the directions to the hotel he and the boys were staying at.
*My POV*
When I finally woke up, I found myself in a familiar room once again, I felt something wet and cold being dabbed across my face and that’s when a voice said.
“And sleeping beauty awakes. How you feeling darling?” I looked to my left to see Freddie sitting by my bedside.  He softly smiled showing off that famed overbite of his.
“A little funny. But—I’ll live. Hadn’t been the first time this happened to me anyways.”
“What kind of life have you been living my dear?”
“Trust me, it’s better you don’t know.”
“Well you’ll be happy to know that Roger can finally stop fussing about you. Blondie was about to have himself a heart attack with all the pacing and frantic worrying he was doing. That is if he didn’t run a rut in the middle of the living room.”
“I didn’t mean to cause him such worry.”
“Oh don’t be so dramatic darling. Never have I seen Roger behave this way around another girl except his sister. You seem to have him wrapped around your little finger darling.” He playfully and gently bopped my nose which made me grin and softly chuckle.  “Here darling, drink this.” He held up a cup of water and I took a sip of it and allowed it to hydrate me up.
“Fred, you know what she really needs is some juice for vitamins.” Said Brian as he now came into the room along with Roger. Brian held in his hand a bottle of orange juice and he as well as Roger came over to me and Brian handed me the bottle.
“Thanks Bri.” I said as I took the bottle.
“You sure you’re okay (y/n)? You were pretty out of it back there.” Said Roger as he stroked down my hair. I turned to look at him and I assured him.
“I’m okay Roger, I promise.” He looked at me with that soft, affectionate look in his eyes as he leaned forward and pressed his forehead to mine while cupping the back of my head.
But it was then our moment was interrupted by a knock at the door.
“Well about bloody time. We called for a doctor an hour and a half ago.” Freddie proclaimed as he headed for the door and that’s when he said. “Deacy, Veronica.”
“Hey Freddie, is (y/n) awake?” I could hear Deacy ask.
“Yeah she’s in the room with Brian and Roger.” Next thing I knew I saw the Doctor coming into the bedroom and he said.
“Oh thank god (y/n)!”
“Doctor!” I quickly but very wobbled out of bed and hugged him and he hugged and kissed me back.
“Are you okay?” he asked me.
“Why are you asking me that? The real question is if you’re okay? They didn’t fully process you did they? Oh god if they did—”
“Relax (y/n) everything’s fine. I was just being hold in a detaining cell, but Deacy and Veronica bailed me out just in time.” As Deacy and Veronica walked in the room with Freddie I turned to them and said.
“Did you guys really bail him out?” Deacy and Veronica nodded.
“After we had discovered that horrible body, we began to figure out that maybe your friend was really innocent. Why else would you have gone to such lengths such as assaulting an officer to protect him and not have him be sent to jail?” said Veronica.
“Wait so (y/n)—this is the friend you were telling us about?” asked Roger.
“Yes. Roger, Brian, Freddie this is the Doctor.”
“Doctor who?” asked Brian.
“Well not quite the same doctor as you are—or well trying to be my dear Brian.”
“How did you—”
“I think it’s time we got that explanation you promised us Doctor.” Said Deacy.  I looked up to the Doctor in fear and I mouthed.
‘What’ll we tell them? I—what if they don’t accept the truth?’
“It’ll be okay love. Besides they were bound to know eventually.” He whispered to me. “Right, gentlemen, madam, Sir Robert of Bucksley.” They all looked at him confused. “Oh yes that’s what he wants to be called from now on. Anyways, I did say I owed an explanation but it’s best if you all follow me around the corner of the hotel.”
“Why exactly?” asked Roger.
“Roger please it’ll—it’ll make more sense if we show you.” I told him. Soon everyone stood up and we all got bundled up, well except the Doctor and as we walked outside, I felt Roger take my arm and he whispered.
“(Y/n) what exactly is going on?”
“I’m sorry Rog but I—I didn’t exactly tell you the whole truth of how I came here.”
“What do you mean?” it was then we finally arrived at the TARDIS.
“Ahh here we are, and thankfully no one used it yet. Then again I always keep her locked up tight.” The Doctor said.
“Minus the time you let the angels take it.” I sassed at him.
“That was not my fault and you know it missy!” he sassed back at me.
“A police box? What exactly are we looking at here?” asked Freddie.
“This my dear rockstars is the Time and Relative Dimensions In Space box, or TARDIS since it’s much easier to remember. My time machine.”
At that statement, the guys and Veronica were just dumbfounded.
“You’re joking right?” asked Deacy.
“Afraid not Deacy.” I said.
“You can’t be serious. Time travel is—it’s nothing but fiction. Something out of Star Trek or something.” Stated Brian.
“If you don’t believe me,” then with a snap of his fingers, the doors of the TARDIS opened and all that could be seen within was the bright light. “Why not have a step inside? See for yourselves.” I was the first to walk into the TARDIS.  I turned towards the guys and nodded before entering inside.
I sat down on the staircase that led up to the mini library bookcase he had on the upper catwalk and that’s when I saw the first Queen band member Freddie enter inside, followed by Deacy and Veronica, Roger and then Brian.
And as always like many before, even me when you first step into the TARDIS, it’s unbelievable at the hugeness that’s on the inside of what looks like a police box inside.
Brian even had to do a double check as he raced outside before coming back in.  The Doctor walked towards the controls and he said.
“Well…..go on say it. Everyone else does.”
“It’s……it’s……” started Freddie in awe.
“Bigger on….” Said Deacy then Roger finished.
“The inside.”
“But—how I mean it’s…..it’s impossible.”
“Not for a time lord, or Gallifrey technology, which is what you’re looking at.” Explained the Doctor.
“Gallifrey? What is that some type of Italian district?” asked Roger.
“No it’s actually—well was a planet. Far beyond your solar system. It’s a long story that I’d—rather not talk about right now.”
“And what was it that you said you were?” asked Veronica as she adjusted Robert in her arms.
“I’m a Time Lord. We basically have the ability to manipulate and travel throughout all of time and space.”
“So—you mean to tell me that this….is a legit time machine. You both travel throughout time and space?” asked Brian as he turned towards the Doctor.
“Exactly. Well I do mostly, I came across (y/n) two years ago. Which brings up another thing you all should know about her.” They all turned towards me and I looked down shamefully.
“As I said before Rog, and I’ll let the rest of you know now. I—I’m not exactly from here. I mean I do live in London but just not this time of London. I—I’m from the future.”
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secretiveauthor · 5 years
4.4- Sleep in Abandoned Car
She decided to sleep in the abandoned car
“I guess it’s the car then...“ Athena wasn’t very fond of the idea, but she’d choose it over the Abandoned house without a doubt. Walking to where the fence entrance was, she realized she would have to push her way through to get to the other side. It was more like a gated small parking lot. Nonetheless, it had something that could house her in for the night.
Athena wasn’t very strong but she still was able to house her strength. She was small, a 5′2, 25- year old working as a waitress at a nearby diner. Back in her high school days, she was an athlete. She did track and graduated top of her class. But all of that was years ago.
She got most of her interests from her father. Before he passed away when she was 17, she had always admired her father working in the DPD and how big and strong he was- not to forget smart as well. She wanted to be just like him. In College that all changed when Cyberlife kept coming out with new versions of androids. Athena was so fascinated by the idea provided by Elijah Kamski, that, Athena decided she wanted to become a mechanical engineer.
So she worked hard and managed to graduate top, valedictorian just like her father and Hank had done. Not wanting to dwell on the past anymore, she did one final push before making it to the other side. Athena quietly closed the gate behind her and took a look around. The small house light shining on the abandoned car- seeing the passengers side with a broken window, as well as the car hood, being fully exposed to the rain.
The area wasn’t small nor was it big. But it was big enough to house a car. The car itself had windows, or at least whatever was left of windows but Athena didn’t mind if a little water sprayed her here and there. Walking over to the broken down car, Athena reached over to open the back seat. It was the most reasonable spot, seeing how the windows were in tack.
The door was surprisingly unlocked, allowing Athena to craw in. A smile spread across her cheeks as she silently squealed. A subtle smell was emitting from the back seat. It smelt like cigarettes and ash, the aroma finding its way to Athena’s nose as she scrunched up at the smell. It brought her back to when Jonah would come home smelling like some type of drug. Red Ice to be exact.
Flashbacks played in Athena’s mind. The senseless beating. The screams and name-calling. It truly made Athena shudder in fright.
“It’s just for tonight...“ Athena told herself, wasting no time getting in the back seat. The seats weren’t rock hard, but they weren’t soft either. Closing the car door, Athena pushed herself all the way to behind the driver's seat, resting her back and head against the door frame. She let out a small sigh, hearing the soft rain patter against the hood of the car. It was somewhat calming to Athena. It relaxed her just a bit.
She saw something on the back of the car, just behind the back seat headrest. She reached up to grab it with her hands, the feeling of -soft- material. It was another jacket. She quickly discarded the one she was wearing, seeing how it was soaking wet from the rain and put the leather jacket on her naked arms. The feeling of new warmth spread through her upper body, leaving Athena to let out a satisfied sigh.
She made her way down to the seats where she put her arms under her head as a pillow and brought her knees up to her chest. The smell of the old leather fabric didn’t bother Athena too, too much. It provided her warmth and that’s all she needed. 
She closes her eyes and dreams of a better place in her mind where everything was peaceful and free.
November 6, 2038
10:25 AM
Athena’s eyes cracked open at the dawn of sunlight coming through the windows. It was early and to Athena’s surprised she felt well-rested despite what had happened last night. She figured the cops were already on her tail so she decided to make a move before anything could escalate.
Crawling out of the car, she took a look around. To her dismay, she could see police officers surrounding the main area where she had been.
“Shit...“ Athena’s eyes scanned the area, seeing policemen litter every corner, trying to search for her. Or so she thought. With this many police officers looking for just one girl? Jesus, it was just a small murder not a threat to the entire state. Athena figured that there had to be more than that.
Coming out from the little area where she slept, she put on her hood and put her hands in the pocket. From as far as her eyes can see, she did spot one familiar-looking man. God, its been years since she’s last seen him. The last time she saw him was when Athena was going off to college. She did take a gap year to deal with her father's death -at 17- before getting back on her feet and getting her degree in Mechanical engineering...
During the day time, there were a lot more people that were out and about so Athena thought it would be easy enough to blend in with the crowd. Hide in plain sight is what she learned from an Assassin’s Creed game a long time ago.
Crossing the street, Athena kept her head low, hearing the officers talk about where she could have gone... As well as other people who were in the area too. Athena felt her heart rate increased, the feeling of anxiety and adrenaline surge through her body as she was coming up on a couple of police officers.
As Lieutenant Hank Anderson and his partner, Connor, were walking around the area, Connor noticed something suspicious. Say she wouldn’t get too far but with this many people around walking in the area, it could be an easy escape to blend in and get to their destination. That’s when Connor scanned the area and saw how far away the nearest train station was. 273 meters. She shouldn’t get far.
“Lieutenant, you wouldn’t think she would hide in plain sight, would you?“ Hank stopped talking to one of the officers and turned to Connor, barely hearing what he had said to him.
“The fuck you talking about?“
“If you wouldn’t want to be found in a public place, where would you hide?“ Connor turned his head to the crowds of people passing by and then looked back at Hank, seeing his face come to the realization of what he meant.
“Hide in plain sight... Shit... She could be any one of these people...”
Athena hurridly passed by the first set of officers, going shoulder to shoulder with the random people next to her. She was sure that they already know what they look like so she wasted no time in looking up at the sighs of where the train station was. Seeing a couple of officers coming her way, she quickly spotted a group of homeless people and squatted down in front of them. She made up a conversation with the group and heard the officers right behind her. 
She held her breath and hoped they wouldn’t notice her. Athena’s fashion attire blended well with the homeless so it was easy enough to see that the officers did not notice her on the ground.
The android watched her every move, slowly walking up to her and trailing her from behind.
After the officers walked right past her, she got up from her spot and moved on. She had failed to notice the walking android behind her, which is what the Android had hoped for. Athena was too caught up with trying not to be seen that she failed to even notice the android right on her tail. The android though of using a fake tactic to get her attention. Something believable and something to catch her off guard.
Athena then felt a tap on her shoulder.
“Excuse me, miss. You’ve seemed to have dropped something.“ Athena’s heart jumped when she heard the mans voice behind her. The gentle tap made her heart race, even more, the android detecting a high jump in her blood pressure and heart rate. He had her right where he wanted her.
“Oh- I’m sorry, you must have the wrong...“ Athena’s eyes traveled up and saw the blinking blue LED on the side of the man's forehead. Right then and there, Athena’s entire world had stopped. Her eyes widen as she had been caught red-handed trying to escape and run away from the person in front of her.
She pushed the android down and made a full run for it. The android fell on his back, letting out a grunt- even though he felt no pain from the fall.
“She’s here Lieutenant!“ He called out. Hank jogged over to Connor and grabbed his hand, helping Connor get back on his feet.
“What the hell are you waiting for, Connor!? Chase her goddamit!“ Hank wanted Athena no more than Connor wanted her. He needed to see his little girl again.
Athena pushed people out of the way, her hood falling off her head revealing the silky blond hair she had. It was easy enough to spot Athena from just her hair color. Connor had done the same, knocking people down to the ground and yelling at the officers to block any sorts of entrances to the street or to the train station.
Athena ran at full speed, turning into an alleyway, her eyes staring straight ahead as she saw a woman with a child with the exact same mindset as her. They were hoping the fence when Athena approached them. The woman had gotten down and held the child's hand in hers.
They both exchanged stares at each other. Athena could already hear footsteps approach her quickly. She quickly looks back and realizes that she wouldn’t even have enough time to climb the fence and escape. Instead, she decided to surrender herself and give the woman and her daughter enough time to escape and -hopefully- make it to the other side.
“Go.” Was all Athena said to her. The woman nodded-mentally thanking her- and took the little girl- possibly her daughter- by the hand, sliding down the dirt hill and at the edge of incoming traffic. Another police officer comes up, clocking his gun at Athena. The android from earlier puts a hand up to the officer and tells him not to shoot. 
Connor had just caught the two main people he needed for the investigation but one of them was on their way to escape while the other would be taken into custody for questioning.
Athena puts her hands up, watching the woman and her daughter cross the highway. She watched intensely, wanting to see if they would make it to the other side or become roadkill. She had hoped they would make it and live a free life. 
“Oh fuck, that's insane!“ Athena turned around as the tall android moved to her side. Hank pointed at her, the pure rage could be seen in his eyes but also  jubilation could be seen as well.
“Hank I-“
“Don’t you fuckin’ move.“ He cut her off. Hank was out of breath but the words he said were stern. It hurt Athena to hear him say those words with such hatred and emotion, but she knew this was his job. She thought he would be somewhat happy to see her, just as she is right now.
The android beside her had his hands gripped on the fence and was about to climb the fence but Hank grabbed his shoulder and pushed him back down.
“Hey! Where you goin’?“
“I can’t let them get away!“
“Connor- it’s not worth it! They’re already on the other side, you’ll never make it alive!“
“I can’t take that chance.“
“Hey, you will get yourself killed! Do NOT go after ‘em, Connor, that’s an order!“ Connor obeyed Hanks orders and backed down, giving up on chasing the woman and the little girl. Athena felt someone what prideful, knowing that she saved two people. But she was also envious of their escape as well. The policeman that pointed the gun at her, handcuffed her as they all watched what was happening down on the highway. 
The last thing Athena saw was the woman and the little girl had successfully made it across the highway, safe and sound and on their way to freedom.
--> Continue
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thatonekawaiigirl13 · 5 years
Who Said Death Was Easy? [Death Note] Chapter Forty-five
Chapter Forty-five: Frenzy
Keiko’s POV:
“Ryuzaki-san,” Light started, glancing over at the raven haired detective. “I must say, I never knew that you could pilot a helicopter. That’s incredible.”
At this, Keiko cracked a small smile as she glanced over at L. Even though he’s a bit of a jerk at times, he is rather impressive...I wonder what else he’s capable of doing…there’s a lot about him that I don’t know… 
“Wait a second,” Light muttered. “Higuchi isn’t heading towards Sakura T.V….he’s going the other direction.”
Keiko glanced at the map sitting out in front of them, “hmm...could he be heading towards Yotsuba’s main office?”
L nodded. “Yes. I’d say that’s likely where he’s headed.” He pressed a button on the computer, “Wedy...everything related to Matsuda at Yotsuba’s main office has been destroyed, right?”
“Yes. Why? Is he headed there now?”
“How convenient. That should give me enough time to go ahead and meet up with Yagami-san to set up the ambush.”
With that, L hung up. According to Higuchi’s tracker, he was currently heading towards the inside of the Yotsuba building. 
“How much longer until the announcement?” L questioned.
“About fifteen or so minutes,” Light responded, checking the channel. 
“Yes. That should be enough time,” the detective murmured. “It looks like Higuchi’s realized that there’s no longer any files or tapes on Matsuda in the Yotsuba building...which means...now he should be headed towards the Sakura T.V. station...Light-kun, can you call your father?”
“Already on it.” Light replied, dialing the number. 
Keiko studied him as he talked to his father. His gaze was fixed on Higuchi’s car down below, and Keiko could hear the determination in his voice. It was clear that he wanted to catch Kira just as much as she did.
If he was Kira, then he really doesn’t have any recollection of it...and, when we catch Higuchi, will he go back to being Kira immediately? Or does Higuchi have to give up his powers or something? If we can somehow still figure out how Kira kills, then perhaps it’ll become more clear how Kira’s power is passed along among individuals...it looks like I’ll have to keep a watchful eye on Light when we capture Higuchi…
Down below Higuchi’s car slowed to a stop in front of the Sakura T.V. building. He rushed out of the car, running towards the entrance, a briefcase in his arms. About thirty seconds later, Mogi and Aiber also arrived. 
“We’re here at Sakura T.V. and we’re moving into position!”
“Yes, good. Go on.” 
“Now we wait,” Light muttered. 
It’s only been a couple minutes since Higuchi went inside the building, but it feels like an eternity! If he has the same powers as the Second Kira, and can kill with only a face then it could be dangerous! I know everyone’s wearing a helmet, just in case, but if something were to happen and someone’s helmet came off…
“Please, try and remain calm, Kagami-san,” L’s voice broke through her thoughts and she glanced over at the detective. His eyes met eyes, and he continued on, “the best thing you can do right now is try and keep a clear mind. If something happens, I’m sure we’ll be equipped to handle it.”
Try and stay calm...right. Keiko nodded. Easier said than done. Especially because, even if things go as planned and we capture Higuchi...there’s still a chance that Light could end up becoming Kira again.
“Ryuzaki-san!” Mogi’s voice came through the speakers, “Higuchi has a gun! The chief’s been shot. Higuchi’s escaping!”
“I’ll be alright, don’t worry,” the chief added. “I’m sorry, Ryuzaki-san...if we pursue him right now, we can still catch up to him! Let’s hurry!”
“This is bad…” Light whispered under his breath. “He’s escaping from Sakura T.V.! He’s getting away in his car right now!”
“Don’t worry,” L interjected. “Well…I was hoping it wouldn’t come to this, but this leaves us no choice. We’ll have to move in and apprehend him. Watari-san, are you ready?”
Beside Keiko, Watari had moved into position. He had opened the side door to the helicopter, a long-range gun aimed and ready in his hands.  
A gun?
“Light-kun,” L produced a handgun from a compartment. “You should hold onto this for self defense. After all, this is Kira we’re after.” 
I’m not sure how I feel about these weapons...even if it is Kira we’re going after...surely, it won’t come to this, right? Keiko glanced at the weapon that the detective was holding. 
“No.” Light’s voice was firm. “Firearms aren’t allowed in Japan and I’m not a policeman.”
“You know, I’m sure your father would have said the same thing,” L replied, placing the gun back into the compartment. 
What was the meaning of that? Was that another test for Light? Does he think, if Light were to go back to being Kira, that he’d kill by using any means necessary? Or what…? Keiko let out a sigh, keeping an eye on the scene below. Higuchi’s car was speeding forward, behind him were the others chasing after him. However, up ahead there was also about a dozen police cars blocking off the road. Their lights were bright and even though they were high up in the helicopter, Keiko could still faintly hear the sirens as they went off.
“What is this?” Watari questioned. “I told the police not to make any sudden moves without your okay...the only one who would have the power to do this is-”
“Yes, you’re right…” L interjected, “It must be Aizawa-san.”
Aizawa? I have to admit, I’m not that surprised...so he did all this on his own? Amazing.
Down below, Higuchi’s car came to a halt, stopping in front of the police block. L maneuvered the helicopter, and they slowly descended until they were floating closer to the ground. It looked as though Higuchi was about to turn the car around when the sound of a gun firing filtered through the air. Moments later, Keiko realized that Watari had aimed for his tires, ensuring that he would be unable to escape. Higuchi’s car skid upon impact, hitting the side railing, his windshield shattering. 
“It’s over. Give it up, Higuchi.” Light muttered quietly as the cop cars surrounded his, now crashed, car.
“Ryuzaki-san,” the chief’s voice came in, “please. Let me go and make the arrest.”
“Chief, I’ll go, too,” Mogi added, “if that’s alright.”
“Go ahead,” the detective looked at the scene below, “but keep in mind that this is Kira you’re dealing with. Be careful when arresting him. Be sure not to let him see your face. And, Watari-san, if Higuchi makes even the slightest move…”
“Yes. I know what to do. I will shoot to stop him, not to kill him.”
Below, the chief and Mogi walked over to where Aizawa’s car is, helmets covering both of their faces. After a moment, the three of them, and a few other officers in helmets, walked over to where Higuchi was sitting in his car.
“Higuchi!” the chief was saying. “Put your hands up and get out of the car immediately! You’ve been caught!”
A few moments later, Higuchi popped out of the car, slowly raising his hands. Before he could do anything else, he was approached by the three policemen, who made sure to handcuff and blindfold him. 
“Mogi-san, as planned, give Higuchi a headset please.”
“Roger that.”
“Higuchi,” L started as soon as the headset was in place, “how do you kill people? ...tell me! Please know that I will use whatever means necessary to make you speak.”
Higuchi dipped his head, seemingly hesitant, but he responded anyway. “The...notebook.”
Keiko let out a small gasp, is he serious?!
“The notebook?” L repeated.
“Yes. You probably won’t believe me, but there’s this special notebook I have. If I write someone’s name in it while thinking of their face, that person dies.”
Wait! That means...when he was writing down Matsuda’s alias in the Yoshida Productions building, that was his attempt to get rid of him! Which means he wasn’t just making a note of the name, or keeping track of the people he’s killed! That is the method of killing! That’s...that’s...I can’t believe it!
“Yagami-san,” the detective started, but before he could finish, the chief cut him off.
“Yeah, we found the notebook. It was in his briefcase. There are names written in it, but it looks like any other ordinary noteboo-aaAH!” The chief let out a scream as he looked up, suddenly dropping the notebook.
“Dad, what’s wrong?!” Light questioned.
“I-it’s a monster!”
A monster?!
“Yagami-san, please calm down. Don’t panic...remember,” L watched as the chief instinctively reached inside his coat pocket, “you don’t have a gun on you right now.”
“Oh...yeah...of course.” The chief replied. 
“Are you alright?” Mogi questioned. Keiko watched as the man leaned forward, a concerned look on his face. 
“Can’t you see that?!” The chief questioned. 
“The chief’s probably just tired, Ryuzaki-san. I’ll take the notebook for him,” Mogi responded. He bent down, picking up the notebook that Light’s father had dropped. When he looked up, he also let out a shocked yell. 
“Mogi-san!” Light’s voice was sharp, “what’s going on?!”
Mogi pointed up in front of him, but there was seemingly nothing there. “I-I...it seems that only people who’ve touched this notebook can see this...the chief was right, it does look like a monster.”
It seems impossible...but...then again, this whole investigation has been that way. Could there really be a monster? No wait...perhaps, could this monster they’re referring to be…a shinigami? Earlier...when it appeared that Higuchi was talking to himself...that Rem Higuchi mentioned...could this be them? This means that...shinigami...exist...this notebook with the power to kill people...exists. Keiko’s mind raced, so much for keeping a clear head...there’s far too much going on for that, far too much at risk...
“Please bring the notebook over to the helicopter.”
Keiko noticed that the detective glanced over at Light as he said this. 
Wait a moment...does L think that Light will regain his memories of being Kira if he touches this notebook? She shivered at the thought, unfortunately, if he was Kira then it’s possible. If this notebook truly holds the power of Kira, then...it’s dangerous if this falls into the wrong hands...and if Light regains the powers of Kira once more, then…
Keiko didn’t even want to finish that thought. She watched as Mogi walked towards the helicopter, notebook in hand. 
“Here it is, Ryuzaki-san,” Mogi held out the notebook for the detective to take. Keiko watched as L leaned forward, pinching the notebook in between two fingers. He then looked towards where the chief and Aizawa were standing, his eyes widening slightly.
“It really is...a shinigami,” the detective whispered quietly. “So they really do exist.”
“Ryuzaki-san,” Light started, “you need to let Keiko-chan and I see it as well. Come on.”
With that, Light reached forward, grabbing the notebook out of L’s fingers. Keiko watched Light carefully as he held onto the notebook. While he was silent, his face said it all. His eyes were wide, his mouth open in disbelief.
His reaction...is it just me or is he more shocked than L was? I know shinigamis are supposedly not supposed to exist but...is it more than just seeing a shinigami? Does he perhaps...have his memories back?
Out of the corner of her eye she noticed that L was also watching Light like a hawk. She gave a quick glance at the detective, attempting to gauge his reaction to Light. 
He does look rather suspicious...that means he must be on his guard.
Keiko was disrupted from her thoughts when Light let out a sudden, ragged breath. It almost sounded as though he was in pain. 
“Light-kun, are you okay?” Keiko questioned, slowly taking the notebook from his hands. 
“Y-yeah,” Light managed to get out, letting Keiko take the notebook. “Anyone would be surprised by that monster. When you’re done with the notebook, is it okay if you hand it back over to me? I’d like to match the names written in the notebook with the names of the victims recorded on the computer, if that’s alright…”
Hand the notebook back over? He’s being suspicious! I know he wants to check the names of the victims in the notebook, but if he’s Kira and he’s just gotten his memories back, then that’s almost too convenient. There’s no telling what he can do if he takes hold of the notebook. But what can I do? If I say no, I’ll look suspicious myself. 
“Sure,” Keiko replied, grabbing hold of the notebook. She closed her eyes a moment, mentally preparing herself to see the shinigami with her own eyes. When she opened her eyes, she let out a gasp. The shinigami was standing in front of the chief. They had a white, skeletal appearance, markings on their face, and one eye appeared to be covered.
So shinigamis really are real! This must be the Rem that Higuchi was talking to…
Keiko swallowed, flipping through the notebooks pages. She wanted to take a quick look before handing the notebook back to Light.
I suppose if Light were Kira he wouldn’t leave any evidence in this notebook, but still. It’s worth a shot to take a peek! Keiko peeled through the pages, attempting to quickly scan their contents. She was both disappointed and relieved when she did not find anything. 
This doesn’t mean he’s innocent, this just means that, if he was Kira, nothing written in this notebook can prove that...so that means he doesn’t want the notebook back to cover anything up...meaning that he really must be only checking the names written in his notebook to the names in our database...
After a moment, Keiko reached forward, passing the notebook back over to Light. When Light grabbed the notebook, she noticed that the bottom of one of the pages had been slightly ripped. 
What the-? 
Before she could get a good look, the notebook was gone, back into Light’s hands. Keiko leaned forward, looking back and forth between the detective and her ex-boyfriend.
Light didn’t rip the page before handing it to me, did he? No, no, you were watching. There’s no way he could have done that. Therefore, it must’ve been there before we got a hold of the notebook. However, the notebook is still back in Light’s possession...which, if he’s Kira, isn’t a good thing...wait a moment...if Light’s Kira, and Misa’s the Second Kira, then that must mean...there’s two notebooks! That has to be the case...meaning that there’s another notebook with this killing power. And it’s possible that Misa could get a hold of that other notebook...if that happens then...then they’d be unstoppable! Especially if Misa has the power to kill someone with only a face! Which would mean that, Keiko glanced over at the raven haired detective, her heart aching, I was right. It would mean that L’s life is in danger. While this is still all hypothetical, it’s a very real danger, one that I can’t take lightly. 
L must have sensed that Keiko was watching him, because he looked over at her. As usual, she couldn’t quite read him, but she could sense the softness in his gaze. It wasn’t a usual expression, this one wasn’t meant to tease or frustrate her. While Keiko couldn’t quite be sure, it looked as though there was almost a sadness to it. 
He must realize the danger he’s in as well…
Keiko swallowed hard, suddenly looking away. She couldn’t bear to face him any longer, she couldn’t bear to see his nearly-vulnerable expression.
No matter what, I can’t let Kira kill him...I can’t lose him. There has to be some sort of way…
“Yagami-san,” Keiko heard L saying a moment later, “please take Higuchi to the car.”
“Alright, Ryuzaki-san.”
“You know, about this notebook…” Light started, “I wonder what we’d find if we had it forensically analyzed.”
“Hmm, that’s not like you, Light-kun,” the detective responded. Keiko looked over at him once more, seeing his narrowed eyes. “It’s quite obvious at this point that this thing is beyond science.”
At this, Light let out a soft chuckle, “you’re right, Ryuzaki-san...it was just a thought.”
In front of them, Higuchi was almost to the police car when suddenly he started to convulse. He shook and started to appear to gasp for air. 
“What the hell?!” Light’s eyes widened, “what’s happening! We can’t lose Higuchi, not now!”
“I-it’s impossible!” there was disbelief in the chief’s voice, “there’s nothing I can do! H-he’s already…”
There was no need for Light’s father to finish his sentence. It was quite clear that Higuchi was now already dead.
N-no! T-that can’t be! Keiko bit her lip, her eyes widening once more as she glanced at her ex-boyfriend, looking over at the notebook in his hands. I-I knew it was possible that Light was Kira, but this...Higuchi dying right as Light takes possession of this notebook...that really can’t be a coincidence, can it? He was also acting a little suspicious as soon as he took hold of the notebook...if he’s Kira then that has to mean that his memories are back! That means...Light Yagami...really must have been Kira…
It was only when Keiko started to taste blood that she realized how hard she had bitten her lip. She ignored the stinging sensation, still focusing solely on her ex-boyfriend. Keiko continued to keep a close eye on him on the ride back to headquarters.
If he’s Kira again, then it’s only a matter of time before he’ll try to strike…
Keiko’s POV:
“‘How to use it’...” Aizawa read, the notebook in his hands, “it says here, ‘the human whose name is written in this notebook...shall die!...this notebook will not take effect unless the writer has the person’s face in their mind when writing their name. Therefore, people sharing the same name will not be affected. If the cause of death is written within 40 seconds of writing the person’s name, it will happen. If the cause of death is not specified, the person will simply die of a heart attack.’” 
Aizawa paused a moment before continuing on, “‘After writing the cause of death, details of the death should be written within the next 6 minutes and 40 seconds’. Additionally, on the back, there are two more rules. The first one is, ‘if you make this notebook unusable by tearing it up or burning it, all the humans who have touched the notebook until then will die.’”
Matsuda let out a gasp, his face full of anguish, “what?! Is that true, Aizawa-san?”
Aizawa nodded. “Yeah, that’s what’s written.”
“No way!” Matsuda groaned, “why didn’t anyone tell me before I touched it?!”
“How was I supposed to know?!” Aizawa shot back.
“Just think,” the chief started, “if you hadn’t touched it, then you would be the only one out of the loop in this investigation. Would you be okay with that?”
Matsuda quickly shook his head, “no! I want to work on the same terms as everyone else.”
Wait a second...if that’s really the case...then, what about that rip at the bottom of one of the pages? Wouldn’t that count as tearing it up? 
“Anyway,” Aizawa interjected. “I’d like to continue on, Matsuda-san.”
“R-right, go ahead, Aizawa-san.”
“The final rule is as follows, ‘if the person using the notebook fails to consecutively write names of people to be killed within 13 days of each other, then the user…’” Aizawa trailed off a moment, but then continued on, “‘then the user...will die.’”
What?! Keiko glanced at her ex-boyfriend, if that’s the case then-
“If that’s true then that means Light-kun and Misa Misa are completely cleared!” Matsuda pumped a fist in the air, “right, chief?!”
“Yeah, now that you mention it, Light and Amane-san were detained for quite a while...much longer than 13 days...and they’re still under surveillance. There’s no way they’d still be alive if they’re both Kira,” Aizawa commented.
 Matsuda grinned. “Wow, that’s great news, isn’t it chief?!”
Light’s father nodded, “yeah. That means I can breathe a sigh of relief.”
While it looked like a few of the others were celebrating, Keiko wasn’t too sure what to make of the whole situation, while I’d also love to celebrate, I’m afraid these that these rules don’t make any sense! And anyway, it’s almost too convenient! The evidence against both Light and Misa is pretty high! I’ve already basically accepted that Light’s Kira based off of his behavior earlier! And what about that torn page at the bottom of the notebook?! Hmm… Aizawa mentioned that these two rules are in the back of the notebook, not the front with the rest of them. Why are these rules listed at the back? Why aren’t they at the front? It doesn’t make sense to me...could it be...could these rules be...fake?
The sound of the detective’s voice broke through her thoughts. “Rem. That’s your name, isn’t it, shinigami?”
“What do you want?” The shinigami, Rem, responded. 
“There are other notebooks in the human world, aren’t there?”
As expected, he also realized that there has to be more than one notebook! ...does he also suspect that the last two rules might be fake?
Keiko looked over at the shinigami as they replied, “who knows. There may be and there may not be.”
“If there are other notebooks, are all of their rules the same?” The detective questioned further, seemingly unaffected by Rem’s lack of a real response to his previous question. 
“Yes, they are all the same. There are many notebooks in the shinigami realm but they all have the same rules.”
“Ryuzaki-san!” Aizawa took a step forward, “Light-kun and Amane-san have both been cleared of suspicion. That being said, they shouldn’t be under surveillance any longer…”
“I suppose you’re right,” L replied. Keiko could sense the reluctance in his tone. “I understand...please, accept my apologies about everything that’s happened until now.”
Keiko watched as the chief stepped forward, placing his hand on Light’s shoulder, “thank goodness…”
“Yeah, but we still can’t say that we’ve solved the case yet…” Light started. He stood up, looking over at the raven haired detective, “Ryuzaki-san, would it be alright if the handcuffs were removed? I still want to investigate with you, but given the current situation, I think it’d be best if the handcuffs came off. And, seeing as Misa-chan is no longer a suspect, she should be released from surveillance as well…”
“Yes,” was the detective’s short reply. “I understand.”
This really isn’t good! If Light really is Kira and if Misa is the Second Kira, then letting them get released from surveillance is the worst possible decision! But there’s nothing I can do about it, not with those rules standing in the way! At this point, in order to save L’s life, I have to assume that Light is Kira and that he’ll start working with Misa again as soon as she’s released...but still, what can I do to stop them? It’s me up against the power of two killer notebooks...this can’t end well!
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franksgrl · 6 years
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Part 1: Chapter 1: A New Threat
What makes a hero? That's a hard question to answer but in retrospect the easier question is what doesn't make a person a hero.
Simple: their clothes, if they wear a mask or have a catch phrase. Hero's don't need dolls or tv specials. They don't need praise.
So back to the main question: what makes a person a hero? A hero is different to everyone but a universal answer is someone who cares to make someone else's life better.
Policemen, doctors, fireman, soldiers come to mind but there's many more. The teachers, parents, your neighborhood grocer could all be hero's to someone.
Hero's aren't far and few, they are everywhere because anyone of us can be a hero to someone.
We are also our own hero. Everyday when we get out of bed, make ourselves face the day ahead of us and make ourselves happy, we are a hero. Maybe you don't jump out of buildings or dodge bullets but your making the world a better place by being a part of it.
So next time someone asks "who's your hero? Smile, point to yourself and say "me".
Iris West-Allen and Karen Page
New York Bulletin
What makes a hero?
Published Feb.9,2018
New York City: Homeland Office
Dinah Madani sighed and threw the newspaper in the backseat of her car. She had only checked the article out because she liked Karen. She met Iris once when she first came to town but all she knew about her was her husband is a crime scene investigator for the SCPD and her dad is a detective at the same police station. It wasn't a bad article and made a lot of sense. She would have to call Karen and congratulate her on another wonderful story.
Dinah climbed into the drivers seat and placed her badge and gun on the passengers side. She then proceeded to head over to her favorite coffee place and got herself a cup of hot coffee to go.
The drive home was scenic and quiet. She watched as the city disappeared and the open farmland case into view.
She had all she could take of the city so she moved into a family farmhouse her mother had bought but never used. She even insisted on paying her mother for it.
She missed her mom being around even though she always drove her crazy. Farah said she had a business venture to take care of. That was her mom, always on the move.
As she pulled up to the farmhouse, she saw the rescue horses she had saved. They used to be carriage horses in Central Park but using her family name and money she bought them and opened up the farm to them. Their names were Roci and Ceres. She also had cows, pigs and sheep all that she had rescued from other farms.
"Hey Roci, Hey Ceres, mama's home" Dinah called at the gate. They came trotting over and she gave them each a sugar cube from the bag in her purse.
Heading inside she placed her purse, gun and keys on the counter. It was quiet. She went into the kitchen and opened the side cabinet she started reaching for some whiskey but stopped. That wasn't her anymore. She turned on the coffee pot behind her and leaned against the fridge.
As the coffee pot bubbles she heard avoice from her living room. Quietly moving forward she stopped immediately. For a moment, only a quick moment she felt the urge to reach for her gun but after a quick reality check and some inner chastising, she relaxes and smiled.
There on the couch laid the most important things in her whole life. Her husband, frank castle, was asleep on the couch with their infant daughter in one arm and their teenage daughter in the other. All three were asleep like logs. The girls favorite book, One Batch, Two Batch was laying on the coffee table. Along with one of his sons toys, It was the only thing Frank had kept from his house before burning it down.
Amy has finally started sleeping in her bed but Dinah knew she was the most comfortable either on the floor under her bed or next to one of them on the couch. She had also started school and during the summer they were all going to Florida for her to take diving lessons.
And then there was Lisa Maria Castle. She was only six months old but she had her daddy around her thumb already. They had adopted her when she was just a few days old. Her mom had died in childbirth and her father had been killed overseas.
And then there was Frank. The man who had terrorized her and all of New York and hadn't stopped yet. When he asked her to date him and then marry him she thought he was kidding but dammit to hell the man wasn't and she was so surprised what a gentleman he really was. She looked over at the hall closet and grinned. Inside those doors was The Punishers vest and she was proud he hadn't given it up when they got together.
She went back into the kitchen and poured herself a cup of coffee. Her mom was going to have a heart attack when she got back and she was just waiting.
As she took a sip, she felt two strong hands clasp over her shoulders. "Hey Dani, your home early baby" Frank said softly in her ear. "I couldn't take anymore Frankie, I needed to come home and see something I love" Dinah said as he kissed her neck.
"Get a room" they heard from the couch and they both laughed. "Ya we will use yours" Frank replied teasingly. "Ewww" was the only response they received as Amy laid back on the couch.
Turning around, Dinah gave him a deep kiss and handed him a cup of coffee. "There's something else isn't there" Frank said knowingly as he drank his coffee. Dinah nodded and led him into their bedroom so Amy couldn't hear.
"All agencies have been told to be on alert. A threat from space has been reported and it would seem as a alien bio weapon is headed in our general direction. Along with the fact that Fisk has been seen with some new friends of whom we are trying to identify" Dinah said as she laid her head against Frank's chest. It always made her feel safe from the world.
Frank gently stroked her hair but stayed quiet. He was contemplating all the safety measures he needed to put into place and who to hunt down first though Fisk was the for sure winner.
"I won't let anyone hurt your or our girls Dani, I promise" Frank said stroking Dinah's face. "I know you won't Frank" Dinah said letting the man have his moment. She knew he was elsewhere but it didn't bother her. Maria, Lisa and Frank Jr. we're as much a part of her life now as Frank and their daughters were.
After a little while, Frank and Dinah headed out to the couch where they snuggled the two girls between them and watched some cartoons. This peace wouldn't last long and neither of them were going to waste what time they had.
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The Snowball part 15
I know I said I was on holidays but turns out work thought that meant I should work every day so I haven't been able to work on this as much as I had hoped, sorry!
Link to previous chapters! x
Feyre became frantic as Bron shepherded her towards a black SUV with an already open door. When they were close enough Feyre used her legs to put her feet against the door and push against Bron, refusing to go in without a fight.
Bron redoubled his effort and Feyre's legs shook with the effort to keep them straight.
Bron grunted in her ear, "Feyre please stop, people are looking".
"Good." Feyre growled back, nearly horizontal as Bron tried to knock her off balance.
Feyre whipped her head to the right to see people gathering nearby with phones out, either recording her struggle with Bron, or fixed on the fight still ongoing in the café.
Feyre wanted to shout for someone to help her when a booming voice echoed down the street, "STOP! Put the girl down and step away from her".
Relief crashed through Feyre when she looked up to see a group of policemen coming towards them, led by an enraged looking Mor.
Immediately Bron set Feyre down and took three deliberate steps away with hands raised. An officer came forward to arrest Bron while Mor rushed Feyre.
Mor was crushing Feyre's face into her shoulder while yelling at the cops to stop staring and hurry up and get the other idiots out of her shop before they caused more damage.
The remaining cops rushed inside while two waited outside, one for Bron and one to stay with a numb Feyre.
After much shouting and the sounds of more things breaking, a bloodied Tamlin, Rhys, and Cassian were led outside in cuffs followed by Lucien and Azriel who barely looked dishevelled but were throwing the other death glares the whole time.
The clicking of phone cameras were frantic as the males were forced to sit outside the shop while cars were brought over.
An officer came over to speak to Mor who was taken inside to look over the damage presumably. On the way in she threw a dirty look at Tamlin who didn't even notice, only staring at Feyre through an already blackening eye.
"Miss, are you Feyre Archeron?" Asked the police officer at her side.
Feyre nodded quietly, unable to process that Tamlin had nearly kidnapped her.
"You're not under arrest Miss, but I do need you to come with me to the station for a statement, do you understand?" The officer asked.
Feyre nodded again. "What's going to happen to them?"
"Not sure yet. We just got a call about an ugly brawl and were told to intervene."
The officer placed a reassuring hand on Feyre's arm to draw her away but a loud groan had her turning back.
Rhys was sitting between Azriel and Cassian but his head had lolled back so he was being supported by Azriel's shoulder only. Feyre felt sick with worry when she saw Azriel try to rouse Rhys but his eyes remained shut.
Finally reaching them, Feyre dropped to her knees in front of Rhys, placing her hands on either side of his face and trying to work out if he was unconscious.
Tamlin surged towards her from several spots away, growling for her not to touch Rhys, before an officer shoved him back into place. A second officer gently pulled Feyre away. When Feyre tried to resist Cassian and Azriel bristled but Feyre shot them a warning glance.
"He needs to go to hospital." Feyre demanded of the policeman holding her arm.
"We'll get someone to look at him after we've figured out what happened."
"This is ridiculous. Rhys didn't do anything, he was the one being attacked!" Feyre yelled.
Lucien was gaping at her open mouthed as she defended Rhys.
As the officer was attempting to calm Feyre down Mor came striding out of the store at all the yelling. She took one look at Feyre's red face and quickly intervened, saying that she would take Feyre to the station and get her to cool down.
Feyre unable to fight with Mor, sighed and allowed her to walk her down the street where her car was parked. Feyre glanced once more at Rhys, Cassian and Azriel before they drove off. She felt even more worried when she realised the police had to have two of them pick Rhys off the ground because he couldn't stand.
"Got you a coffee." Mor said, shoving a warm, plastic cup into Feyre's cold hands.
"Thanks." Feyre replied, taking a long sip.
"Woah slow down there. That stuff's hot. Didn't you just burn your whole mouth?"
"Didn't notice." Feyre mumbled.
They were sitting in the front room of the police station, Mor and Feyre had both given statements, Feyre getting heated when they suggested she may have been leading Tamlin into thinking they were still together and inciting the whole fight.
"That doesn't give him the excuse to kidnap me!" Feyre argued back.
After that the man had apologised and continued to listen to her quietly.
Mor wanted to charge for any damages her shop had sustained, which from her icy glares towards the room holding Tamlin, must have been a lot.
Azriel was let out first.
"For being compliant and remaining calm." He said, a small smile aimed at Mor as she fussed over him. "Can't guarantee Cassian will get out as quickly."
Lucien emerged next.
Azriel and Mor were on their feet in seconds. Lucien cut a quick glance at them before turning sad eyes to Feyre.
"Feyre I don't even know where to begin-"
"How about you don't?" Mor hissed.
Red seeped onto Lucien's face as he grew more ashamed. But Feyre held out a placating hand to Mor and Azriel, stepping closer to Lucien to allow him to talk.
"You have one minute Lucien. Be quick." Feyre warned him.
"I should never have let this happen and I'm sorry. Tamlin has been out of control... has been for a while." He quietly added. "I'll make sure he leaves you alone."
"That's if Feyre doesn't place a restraining order." Mor scoffed.
"Mor please, it's alright. Lucien's a friend."
Lucien nearly flinched. "No she's right, Tamlin doesn't think rationally when he's around you. And I've been a terrible friend lately Feyre. I should have done something months ago."
"Lucien, don't go back with him. Find somewhere else to stay. Maybe Mor can help you?"
Mor hid a snort in the background as Lucien just looked at her sadly.
"You know I can't do that Feyre. He's my oldest friend and he needs help right now."
Feyre knew Lucien had next to no family left that actually liked him and Tamlin had taken him in. Lucien really didn't have anywhere to go if he were to leave.
Feyre took his hand gently and told him softly, "It's up to you Lucien, but if you ever need to, call me. We can help you find somewhere else to stay." Feyre promised.
Lucien gave her a small smile and gently squeezed her hand, then he looked curiously at Feyre's two apparent bodyguards. "I thought you said your boss's name was Morgan?"
Feyre laughed, surprised he remembered. "Well what else is Mor short for?" She asked turning to look at Mor.
Mor looked mockingly offended, "Some friend", she laughed.
"It's short for Morrigan." Azriel said looking amused.
A door nearby opened and Cassian appeared, stopping dead in surprise when he saw Lucien near Feyre.
"Well that's my excuse to leave. See you round Feyre." Lucien muttered quickly as he left in the opposite direction.
"What was that about?" Cassian growled. 
"Nothing. Feyre handled it." Mor quickly said before Cassian could get into another fight.
"Any word about Rhys?" Feyre asked Cassian.
"They haven't told me anything. I was hoping you could tell me actually."
Just then an officer came over to inform them that after questioning the others they had decided Rhys was free to go and they escorted him to hospital.
"What about Tamlin?" Feyre asked.
"He's being detained for further investigation. He'll probably be charged for at least one of the accusations."
"Good." Mor said darkly before the group was ushered outside.
The police waiting room was swapped for a hospital waiting room as the group waited for a nurse to come back with news about Rhys.
Mor was on her phone when she gasped.
"What?" Azriel asked, instantly at her side.
"Look what Amren sent me." She said, holding out the phone for them to all see.
Dozens of photos, videos and articles about the incident were online. Witnesses had recognised both Tamlin and Rhys and realised that by selling the footage they could earn a few bucks. Articles speculated what had caused the fight, suggesting money, business, and to Feyre's horror, she saw photos of herself with big question marks asking who the mysterious girl was.
Feyre groaned and put her head into her hands, wanting to just disappear. She was saved from thinking too much about her new fame by a nurse telling them they could see Rhys now.
They entered a small room that struggled to fit them all in. Rhys was lying in bed, heavily bandaged but with both eyes open and smiling at them all as they fought to get in the door first.
"Man you look uglier than usual." Cassian joked.
"Had to give you a fighting chance when we go out." Rhys quipped back. 
"How do you feel?" Mor asked, interrupting them.
"I apparently have a concussion." Rhys said mildly.
His eyes hadn't stopped scanning the room until he finally saw Feyre half hidden behind Cassian who had barged in before her. She saw him sigh and relax once he had looked her over and been unable to find any injuries. It made Feyre feel even more guilty.
"Apparently?" Azriel asked.
"They said I hit my head pretty hard, but I don't remember that."
Cassian laughed. "That's like, the main symptom of a concussion."
"There also happens to be a Rhys sized hole in my back wall." Mor said grumpily.
"I also have a pretty big lump on the back of my head so that could explain it." He mused, his violet eyes locking on Feyre again, seeming to ask a question.
"Will you be allowed to leave?" Azriel asked.
"Sure. They just said I can't sleep if I have any more symptoms."
Back at Rhys's house, Feyre had remained quiet. She knew she should apologise to them all for the trouble she had brought on them again and again, but she couldn't form any words.
Cassian and Azriel had left to go and piece together the shop while Mor quickly waved goodbye to her. She was going to go and collect their stuff as they'd all be staying at Rhys's just in case.
"Don't you need me to come and help?" Feyre asked.
"Amren's already got most of our things. Besides someone needs to watch Rhys, I'm not convinced he should be allowed to sleep yet, he seems a bit unsteady on his feet."
So Mor left Feyre in the house with a concussed Rhys.
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jamlessness · 7 years
felix culpa, two.
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pairing: namjoon x reader. word count: 2.7k content: mafia!au, angst
prologue, one, two
“You’re not fighting today!”
A single grunt left your mouth as, with a smooth movement, Hoseok denied you access to his gun again. Not even a full minute had passed by since the moment you heard the last shots, more distant than the first ones but still incredibly close. You were desperate as your thoughts concentrated on what could have possibly happened to Namjoon. If Yoongi ever put his hands on him, it was the end.
Detective Jung could easily read it in your eyes and, honestly, it was his concern too. Not just because it was his duty to protect a citizen but because if something happened to that specific citizen, he’d lose you again and that was not an option.
“Don’t worry, Boo.” Hoseok said after requesting his partner to set him free.
A whole lot of new words dropped off your mouth as you tried to convince him you were on his side this time and wouldn’t think twice before turning Min Yoongi in nothing but a dead body on the station’s hallways. But before you could even finish reasoning, he was leaving you to throw your fists against the door.
“Not the fucking time to not trust me, Jung!” you claimed as if you could punch your way out of that room.
If you could only think straight, you’d escape easily and you knew it. But nothing could take your concern away, nothing could erase from your mind the possibility of Yoongi having any control over your beloved Namjoon made you sick and dizzy. Not that you had ever doubted but it was pretty clear how weak you were when it came to him.
When your arms started to feel sore for all that senseless punching, the door swung open again and, startled, all you could do was to stare at the slightly taller figure in front of you. One you never thought you’d see under these circumstances.
“J-Jimin?” you fought the name as if rolled out of your tongue, widen eyes staring at the familiar caring hues that analyzed quickly every detail of your confused expression, smirking as he realized you were in perfect condition for the next move of his plan.
“You alright?” he asked just to make sure and once you nodded, your former coworker moved to grab you by the hand but you pulled away.
“Namjoon is here, I gotta g-”
“You heard the Detective.” he cut you off with a reassuring smile alongside a hidden message he knew only you could get. “You’re not fighting today.”
Even with a mind as brilliant as his own, Namjoon wasn’t able to process the events of the past couple minutes. All he could recall was that one second he was fighting the urge of heading back in that room and hug the life out of you and the next one he swore  he was in the middle of the crossed fire.
But then he realized he wasn’t.
None of the shot had never found any of them - in fact, they came all the way from the end of the hallway, completely opposite to the place they were heading to.
Right on his left side, officer Kim yelled at someone words he knew but didn’t understand. Comprehension was the last thing he could care about given the situation: they were gathered in Detective Jung’s office, apparently the safest place in the station, just a few minutes after one of the most awkward events he had ever being a part of.
Still, his thoughts were concentrated on you.
You said they’d come for him and even though he did not believe it was the case on the last scene, he couldn’t help but conclude that they’d come for you too.
“My wife…” Namjoon spoke out of habit and concern as he turned to face the young officer responsible for his security.
“She’s safe, I assure you.” this answer was the politest Taehyung could pull off. He was still so confused by what had just happened, so random and meaningless. Open fire in a police station, specially that one, and run away, causing no harm to any of the many policemen working in there was way out of the usual criminal line he dealt with. It was nothing but a huge mess. Shaking his head, he soon turned to stare at the man under his protection to at least give him some comfort. “Y/N is tougher than both of us combined.” he joke before reassuring his thoughts about your state.
Before Professor Kim could elaborate another question, the man whose name was in the door plate entered the room, his attentive eyes quickly analyzing the situation.
“Kim.” he called out for his pet officer that soon let out a relief sigh.
“Four shots out of nowhere, boss. No other than my ego wounded.” cocking an eyebrow as he processed the youngster’s report, Hoseok let his eyes wander until they found the reason for his latest worries.
It even crossed his mind to ask Namjoon how was that for a preview of what his life would turn from now own but it soon clouded with every possible reason for what had just happened. There wasn’t much he knew about Min Yoongi - his expertise was, in fact, Boo Y/N - but it seemed so unlike him.
Unless, it was not him at all.
His eyes shot open and soon enough Hoseok left all the questions from his colleagues behind, running straight towards the place he left you. A minute later, every person in that station was able to hear Jung Hoseok cursing you to death once again.
“Is it still too early to ask about your plan?” your voice made him look over his shoulders so he could see you examining the place he judged safe to hide you, not refraining a smirk as he checked the windows for the last time.
“You have no reason to be impatient.” his calm words reached your ears, making you smile just as sweetly as he spoke.
“I'm full of reasons to be suspicious.” you replied in the same tone, getting arched eyebrows in response.
The two of you stood in silence, staring at each other as the unspoken facts increasing the tension each second that went by. You knew how much you trusted Jimin but you also knew how much Yoongi trusted him - almost as much as he trusted himself - and that was not something you earned easily, yours nor Yoongi’s trust.
Jimin was the only one you were able to work with since you first began in this field. He saved your life as many times as you saved his. But the main reason for the blind faith you had in him were the endless times he helped you in keeping Namjoon safe and away from your professional life. He even advised in how to balance the two worlds you were part of and sometimes came up with ideas for dates for you guys.
But since you declared war to Yoongi you haven’t heard a single thing from Jimin.
Of course, you didn’t gave it a lot of thought since you had bigger concerns; but he hadn’t openly claimed sides and you knew it was too much to ask of him.  In order to protect yourself and, above all, Namjoon, to doubt was necessary.
Still quiet, Jimin paced until he was facing with the mere distance of a few inches. His stare was deeper than the usual and you wanted to know how to interpret this but given how messed up your life was, you were entirely unable.
“You should rest, Y/N. It was a long day and you have a few more on the way.” he voiced as loud as a whisper as he always did when he wanted you to have his way. An alarm started to ring in your head but something in his eyes told you to wait before jumping in conclusions.
“I didn’t need your help to escape.” you stated as Jimin stepped away, making him stop and turn just enough to be able to see you. “Nor did I ask for it.”
“I know.” a single nod was the only answer you got before he left, saying he’d be back in the morning.
Namjoon looked around once he was all set up. It looked like he had a very uncomfortable night of sleep to face. He couldn’t even find gratitude in himself towards the Detective for bringing him to his own house and offering his own bed for the sake of his safety. Firstly because he didn’t have a saying and second because he was nothing but a chess piece to Hoseok.
But the main reason for his foresight was the fact that he didn’t hear from you.
Of course he heard Hoseok cursing you to death.
He heard Detective Kim trying to calm him down.
He heard Officer Kim praising your abilities like a child.
Still, he got no word from you.
It was just so confusing to think that you had actually have help just after telling him you’d go for Yoongi by yourself - and, for such a big of a deal, Namjoon knew you’d work better this way. You would never lie to him. Hide things from him? Yes, you majored it but lie to him?
The Professor shook his head, breathing deeply as his phone buzzed on the bed. He checked his wrist clock before heading towards the sound, trying to find the words to explain to Haneul the reason why he didn’t show up for their date tonight - and, honestly it was the last thing he needed.
“I’m sorry.” Namjoon sighed the second he picked up. “I know I promised I wouldn’t miss it this time but something really important came up and I had to deal with it, Haneul, I’m sorry…” another deep breath preceded the long silence that settled between the lines and it made him frown. Why wasn’t she mumbling complaints already? “Haneul?” he called out carefully.
“That’s a pretty name.” a male, solemn voice came through the speakers making his eyes wide out. “But I must confess I like Y/N better.” Namjoon pushed away the phone to check the caller’s ID only to find there was none. His heart sped up right away at the thought of that being the so called Yoongi.
“What do you want?” he hissed back, not containing the anger in his voice. If his suspicions were correct, that was the man that destroyed his life. Of course Namjoon knew you were the one to choose that path but, if it wasn’t for Min Yoongi, you wouldn’t have even considered it in first place.
“Just a couple of things…” the answer came in such a serene tone for Namjoon to like it. “I want you to know that Y/N is safe.” those words should be reassuring but then why he kept on thinking on the worst? “And to warn you…” there was the reason for his heart to still be racing: it knew this turning point was coming. “If you step one single inch out of the line, I won’t be able to protect her anymore.”
“She doesn’t need anyone to protect her.” if that was an affronting statement or a hopeful prayer, Namjoon couldn’t tell the difference. He tried to firmly believe his own words just so he’d feel less wrecked on the inside. But hey, when did that even happen?
“Trust me…” the chuckle showed up before the anonymous called finished his sentence. “She does now.” and then he hung up.
His eyes wandered around the room once again as his mind clouded around one single thought: you were in danger and he needed to do something about it. Namjoon had to find a way to reach out for you… Yes! That was the absurd and absolute truth: he had to rescue you.
The university, his responsibilities, Haneul… They all hid somewhere in his brain along with all the reasons he had to stay away from you. All Namjoon knew is that you needed him and he would find a way to come for you before it was too late for you to leave that trap.
“Professor?” three knocks came after the familiar voice before his figure could be seen. Quickly checking his surroundings, Hoseok concluded his guest had already set up. “Is there anything else you need?” Namjoon shook his head in denial as soon as those words were spoken, as if it would make him get rid of his host in the next second. What he never saw coming was the fact that the Detective longed to talk to him about the crazy events of that day. “You know…” he began, hiding his hands in his pockets. “She has always been one step ahead but she always messed up when you came to the scene.” his eyes darted to Professor’s, making it nearly impossible for him to just stand there and swallow what he has been told. All Namjoon wanted to do was to be left alone so he could figure out how to get you out of this whole madness and then Jung came and tried to fill him with guilt for the situation you all were living. “I hate to admit it but the few times I almost caught her, the opportunity came up because of you. Ain’t that such a coincidence?”
“Last time I checked Y/N is still human. She’s allowed to make mistakes and weaknesses.” he claimed, emotionless and proud of it. He silently thanked his most annoying students for helping him master the art of hide your true thoughts and keep it polite for the sake of the common sense. Hoseok, on the other hand, made a single movement with his head as he eyed the taller man.
“She still has you in the palm of her hand…” he said, quite amused with that conclusion. Namjoon merely raised his eyebrows along with his shoulders.
“I could say the same thing about you.”
“Be careful, Professor.” Hoseok immediately snapped back, his words slipping through his clenched teeth. “I thought you said you have had enough trouble in your life and you were not wishing to be part of another.”
“Guess I suck at it, don’t I?” he shot, watching as Hoseok chuckled as he got closer to the door.
“I just hope you realize what happened today.” he spared Namjoon one last look as the words rolled out of his tongue, referring to the unprecedented fact that you had help earlier: “You’re not the only one that moved on.”
Sleeping was an impossible task if you answered to the name of Boo Y/N that night and, hey, you did.
You were ready to be carried away to Dreamland when your mind decided that it wasn’t much of a good idea. It decided to replay your day just like a movie in your head instead:
Surrender. Bargain. Namjoon. Hoseok. Shots. Commotion. Jimin.
Something about the last three didn’t click.
Even if Jimin had picked sides it gave him to right to act out of his decision. You had a plan already - a very well thought one - and it was way more fun and intriguing that his, but that was not the point. In fact, the point was that something was bugging you about how it all turned out and you should find out what it was.
With that thought, you got up and started pacing so it’d help you elaborate a plan.
Park Jimin earned your trust in the past, yes, but your intuition kept recalling you to allow yourself to doubt him;
Trust Jung Hoseok was just out of question - he was a good Detective and was keeping Namjoon safe, but he’d screw up anything you came up with within two seconds;
The last person in you who to trust list was someone you never thought you’d run to but, honestly, he seemed so perfect for the job.
Before you could even give yourself the benefit of a second thought, you soon found your way out of your concealment in the middle of the night in order to find the one and only Officer Kim Taehyung. 
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robininthelabyrinth · 7 years
Coldflash Week
I wrote two short snippets. Here's the longer one, for days 3 (forced to work together) and 5 (alternate earths). More of a set-up to a longer story that I will likely never write, so if anyone wants it, it's yours - no need to ask permission, just go ahead and link me to it when you're done.
Fic: When The Bat Comes In Fandom: Flash Pairing: Leonard Snart/Barry Allen (pre-slash)
Ao3 link
“Hey, Bear! Got another one with your name on it!”
Barry groans. He’d be so damn close to getting out early, just once.
“Sorry, man,” Julian says from the next desk over. “You know what they say: crime doesn’t sleep –”
“– and neither do the detectives,” Barry finished.
Sometimes he regrets not going in to be a CSI instead of following in Joe’s footsteps to become a detective. Still, Joe’s detective work – along with his deep and abiding faith in the innocence of his best friend when he had been suspected of killing his wife – had been the only thing that had thrown enough doubt on Barry’s dad’s case to win him an acquittal. Everyone else had assumed was open-and-shut and hadn’t bothered looking deep enough: only Joe had bothered. Only Joe had found the questionable evidence, thereby sparing Henry Allen the agonies of being imprisoned unfairly and letting him stay home to raise his son.
Barry was determined to be that person to someone else.
He just wished crime slept a little bit more, that’s all.
In fairness, it wasn’t exactly Joe West’s police force anymore.
“Hey, Iris,” Barry says, sliding into the seat next to her. “You know what happened?”
“Nope,” she says, buzzing with energy. “They say it’s related to the Big Five.”
Barry’s eyebrows shoot up. “JLA?” he asks. “In our town?”
“Central’s a perfectly good town, Barry,” Iris sniffs. “We may not have a major superhero of our own, but we’re a presence.”
“But why are we involved, then?” Barry asks. “Don’t the capes usually prefer not to work with the local authorities?” He frowns. “Except for Superman. And even then, it’s on his terms.”
“Yeah, well,” Eddie says, walking in with – thank god – cups of coffee for everyone. “From what I hear, we have a Bat.”
“In Central?” Iris exclaims.
“Central’s a perfectly good town, Iris,” Barry reminds her.
“Shut up. We never get a Bat.”
“And more to the point, none of the Bats are exactly police-friendly,” Barry says.
“He needs the manpower,” Captain Singh says, walking through the door. “Anyone who wants to go home because they don’t feel like being recruited into an unlicensed vigilante with too much money’s plan which he won’t share with us in full, you should feel free – sit down, Allen, I was being sarcastic – but I have been assured that this will save the world from something terrible beyond the ken of us mere mortals.”
Barry tries to hide a smile. Like most honest policemen, Singh doesn’t always appreciate interference from the capes.
“Terrible beyond our ken,” Eddie says dryly, not even bothering to hide his own smile. “That doesn’t quite sound like Central, I must admit. Have they finally decided to go up against our supervillains?”
“The Rogues, as ever, remain at large,” Singh replies. “Consider them armed and dangerous.”
This time, no one bothers hiding their laughter.
Some five years ago, when the superhero craze had really been getting into high gear, several supervillains, several super-strength types and one super-intellectual, from other cities had noticed Central’s lack of a superhero and had decided that it made Central the perfect base from which to plan and launch their attacks on their home cities.
That was when the Rogues had formed, a loose association of thieves and criminals with the sort of tech that would make them supervillains in another city, and they’d told the newcomers to butt out of their city.
They’d made their point emphatically.
City Hall had howled in panic about the idea of having a homegrown supervillain threat, but the Rogues were remarkably good about minimizing collateral damage. Their heists were mostly aimed at the rich corporations, too, none of which headquartered in Central anyway, so the only people really being hurt were the politicians that were being funded by them.
The Rogues also imposed a pretty strict ‘no killing cops’ rule, which they enforced throughout Central. In return, the CCPD made only token efforts to catch them when they weren’t actively engaged in a heist.
Barry was about 70% sure that the guy who haggled with the fresh fish people at the farmer’s market every Saturday was Mick Rory – it was a little hard to tell, given that his usual Rogues suit involved goggles to protect him from his heat gun – but he wasn’t going to check, either.
“Anyway, boys,” Singh says, raising his hands for silence. “And girls, of course. We’re canvassing the area. Batman – and yes, the main one, not one of the promoted Robins, I know, I know, I’m surprised too – said to look for anything unusual.”
“Define unusual,” Iris says, slouching back in her seat. “Man dressed as a giant bat running around, that’s pretty unusual.”
“He said we’d know it when we saw it,” Singh replies, sounding equally unenthused. No one liked the high-handed way the superheroes treated the police, like they were side characters in a penny-novel instead of hard-working men and women trying to serve a city in which the crime had only gotten worse and worse as the years went on.
“So, porn,” Barry says.
Everyone bursts out laughing.
Singh is trying to keep order, but Barry sees the smirk tugging on his lips. “Enough, enough. If the Bat’s come personally, it’s probably something really unusual. Which we’ll know when we see.” He pauses, considering. “Someone should probably survey the sewers, but avoid the GZ. While that might fit Batman’s criteria, it’s not really unusual…anymore.”
Grodd’s lair was something of an open secret in Central.
People were slowly adjusting.
“You’ve each been assigned a district to survey – keep your radio and back-up close by. We don’t know what we’re dealing with here,” Singh says. He’s managed to eliminate most, but not all of the resentment in his voice.
“No problem,” Iris says. “You know how these things go – we do all the legwork, and in the end, the Bat does the grand finale. We’ll all be back in time for dinner.”
“Knock on wood,” Barry says, and grins at his oldest friend.
“I’m telling you,” she says. “Piece of cake.”
Barry coughs, his eyes tearing up from the dust. He crawls forward, too dizzy to get up. His face feels slippery.
He might be bleeding. Probably a head wound. Those bled like crazy; he’s more worried about the untreated concussion he probably has.
The box…thing…is still glowing, even after that explosion.
The Bat is gasping for air. There’s something on his chest.
It’s glowing, too.
Barry pulls himself forward. One of his legs isn’t working. “Bat –” he hacks another cough.
Eddie’s slumped over in the corner; he can see that from where he is. He doesn’t know where the others he’d called in for back-up are.
He hopes they’re still alive.
“Batman,” he rasps. “Bat…”
The Bat’s head slowly turns and his eyes fix on Barry. His mask is broken in three places, but there’s so much blood, it’s not like Barry can see anything.
He crooks his fingers.
Barry’s not sure if that was intentional, but he pulls himself forward anyway.
It’s hard.
It’s much harder than it ought to be; Barry’s legs have stopped working and his left arm is going numb and it feels like there’s an anvil tied to his chest.
But damnit, Barry was born stubborn and he grew up stubborn and he’s not going to let this weird magic bullshit stop him.
He gets within a foot of Batman before suddenly Batman’s hand shoots out, gauntleted fist seizing Barry’s collar and pulling him in, right up to Batman’s face.
“Get – plan,” Batman rasps, his voice even thicker and lower than usual. He’s barely understandable.
“What plan?” Barry asks, blinking.
“Genius,” Batman hisses. “Need – genius. Don’t–”
“Don’t trust,” Batman gasps, his chest rattling in an unhealthy way. “JLA.”
Barry’s eyes go wide. “Wait,” he says, “wait, you –”
He feels Batman’s hand curl around his own, pushing a scrap of paper into his fist.
“But –” Barry starts helplessly.
And he throws Barry away from him with surprising strength, less than a second before the box explodes a second time.
Everything goes fuzzy for a while after that.
In the end, they keep Barry in the hospital for about 48 hours before letting him out.
He desperately wants to go home, but he goes down to the station, instead.
“Barry,” Iris shouts, jumping over a desk to grab him into an embrace. Eddie rushes forward from behind him to stabilize him. He got to go home with Iris after a brief consultation with the EMTs.
“How are you?” Eddie asks.
“I’m okay,” Barry says. “They were really just keeping me to make sure I wasn’t traumatized or something.” He tries to smile. It doesn’t feel right on his face.
“I can’t believe you’re here,” Iris says. “They shouldn’t have released you.”
“I’m not actually hurt, Iris.”
“You nearly got killed,” Iris says. “You watched a cape get killed.”
“Batman’s not dead,” Barry says. He hesitates. “Unless you’ve heard something?”
“No,” Iris says, disgusted. “The capes flew him away, and that’s the last we’ve heard – apparently capes get treated at the fancy-smancy JLA HQ.”
Barry shrugs, but privately he agrees. The least they could’ve done would be drop him off at the hospital, but they’d been concerned with getting the Bat home. Or to the JLA HQ. Whatever.
Capes were kind of shitty to people they assumed were collateral damage.
But they were heroes.
At least –
Barry’d always thought they were.
Don’t trust the JLA.
“Iris,” Barry says. “Can I talk to you?”
He trusts Iris more than anything. They practically grew up together, joined at the hip. She was his first crush, nursed for far too long, before his dad gave him a talk about expectations and friendship and encouraged him to make his move, resulting in her shutting him down and him moving on.
Iris he trusts with anything.
“Sure,” she says. She kisses Eddie lightly on the cheek – they’re engaged now, still recently enough for it to be exciting – and heads after Barry.
He goes to the roof where the smokers go because there are no cameras there.
“What’s up, partner?” she asks.
Barry swallows. “I need to tell you something,” he says. “And I know you’re busy with your wedding plans and all that, so if you don’t want to be bothered –”
“Nah, we’re not actually planning on getting married for at least a year,” Iris says dismissively. “Need to give both our families time to freak out first. Also, you’re my partner and I’ve got your back. Now spill it.”
Barry tells her.
Tells her what happened in that abandoned warehouse.
Tells her what happened to the Bat.
What happened to Barry.
What the Bat said to him, in a hushed whisper, like he thought someone would overhear.
And, more than that, Barry shows her what it was that he got from the Bat.
“This doesn’t make any sense,” she says, staring at the incomprehensible squiggles.
“That’s what I thought,” Barry says. He runs his fingers through his hair. “The Bat said I needed to give it to a genius.”
“Do we even know any geniuses? If we give it to any of the eggheads in the department, they’ll probably alert the JLA. Not even on purpose; I would bet money that the JLA has spying programs of all sorts in all the police databases, even though they’ve never admitted it.”
“I don’t disagree,” Barry says. “So I’ve been thinking.”
He pauses. Licks his lips.
“Well?” she says.
“You’re not going to like it,” he warns her.
Iris crosses her arms. “Tell me.”
He tells her.
“No! Absolutely not!” she shouts.
“Shhhh!” Barry hisses, waving his hands. “And it’s not like I have a better alternative, okay?!”
“You have –”
She hesitates.
“Wells turned out to be evil, remember?” Barry reminds her. “He was deliberately sabotaging his own Particle Accelerator in an attempt to make this city a hotbed of metahumans; we wouldn’t have found out about it if it wasn’t for Hartley Rathaway turning evidence.”
“And you believing him,” Iris reminds him.
Barry shrugs. That had been his biggest collar so far, the one that made him feel like he deserved the title of detective instead of just wearing it.
“But still,” Iris says, “Snart?”
“He is undeniably a genius,” Barry says.
“So is – Tina McGee!”
Barry looks at her.
“Cisco Ramon?”
“Do you think either of them is the type of genius that Batman meant?”
“…no,” she concedes. “But how are you going to even find Snart? The Rogues don’t just sit around wherever you can find them – and even if you do find him, how in the world will you convince him to work with you? You’re a cop! Snart hates cops! Everybody knows that.”
“First,” Barry says, “let me find him. Then I’ll worry about convincing him.”
“But how will you find him?”
Barry smiles a little crookedly. “I think I’m going to go get some fish. You want me to pick you up something from the farmer's market while I'm there?”
"I want you to still be alive come nightfall, that's what I want," Iris grumbles.
“You’d better not fuck this up, kid,” Rory warns him gruffly. “I’m only doing this ‘cause you seem sincere, but if you use this against us...” He trails off warningly.
Barry nods, swallowing. “I won’t. I promise.”
They reach the bar at the end of the street.
Saints & Sinners.
“Is this the place?”
“Yeah,” Rory says. “We’re just about always here. C’mon.”
He leads the way inside.
The inside of the bar is – well. It’s like any other dive bar.
If any other dive bar had distinctly identifiable Rogues hanging out in the bar stools, in the booths, playing pool, watching TV.
And one of the ones sitting at the bar, watching a game of hockey, is the single most beautiful man Barry’s ever seen, wearing a instantly recognizable blue parka and a heavy gun strapped onto his thigh.
Rory doesn’t say anything, but it’s less than a moment before Snart is turning to regard them.
A faint smirk curls his lips.
“Mick,” he drawls, the voice that put Central City’s accent on the map. Leader of the Rogues, the man who mastered absolute zero, he who was widely recognized as the finest thief in the entire country, courted by other supervillains, and member of at least three different Leagues, Legions, and Societies.
Defender of Central City.
“What did you bring us?” Snart asks.
“A cop,” Rory says, mincing no words. “Name of Barry Allen. He’s got something to ask of you.”
“I see,” Snart says. His eyes show no discernible emotion as he scans Barry from head to toes and back. “Well then, Allen. I suggest you start talking.”
Barry swallows again, gathers his courage –
– and speaks.
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ecotone99 · 5 years
[MS) My Mystery and Suspense Story Title: DEATH AT SEA by Andrew Hixson
The restaurant was in a narrow cellar on a side street in the town centre. The stone walls had holes carved in them, framed photographs of Hollywood actors sitting inside. In the closest to us, the actor Gregory Peck was caught in black and white, frozen for a moment against a markless sky. I think it was a scene from one of my favourite films, The Guns Of Navarone.
Angela let me choose, so I ordered two glasses of white, peri-peri chicken to start and babotie – spiced mincemeat, baked with egg – for the main course. While we waited for the food to arrive, she talked about her day and I told her about mine. I’d just put a case to bed a couple of days before: a woman had bought a new pair of shoes and then went to work and died. The local constabulary often called on my help to consult on puzzling cases and this one was no different. They paid by the hour and this one only took me a couple of hours to work it out. I was never going to get rich out of my consultancy, relying more heavily on the mundane, like divorce cases or benefits fraud. Anyway, I quickly discovered that the woman was the assistant to a circus knife-thrower, who stood in front of a target as knives were thrown around her. The new shoes had higher heels than she normally wore, causing the blindfolded thrower to misjudge his aim.
After the babotie arrived, Angela continued talking, and I caught sight of a woman watching me from across the restaurant. As soon as we made eye contact, she looked down at her food. I watched for a moment, waiting for her eyes to drift up to me a second time, but she just continued staring at her plate, picking apart a steak. I turned back to Angela. Ten seconds later, the woman was looking at me again.
She was in her late twenties, red hair curling as it hit her shoulders, freckles scattered across her cheeks and nose. She had a kind of understated beauty as if she didn’t realize it, or she did but wasn’t bothered enough to do anything about it. The thin fingers of her right hand grasped a fork; those on her left were wrapped around the neck of a wine glass. She was wearing a wedding ring.
“You okay?”
The woman was looking away again now, and Angela had noticed me staring at her. “The woman in the corner there – do you know her?”
Angela looked back over her shoulder. “I don’t think so.”
“She keeps looking this way.”
“Can’t say I blame her,” Angela said, smiling. “You’re a good-looking man. Not that I want to inflate your ego or anything.”
We carried on eating. A couple of times I glanced in the woman’s direction but didn’t catch her eye again. Then, about thirty minutes later, she suddenly wasn’t there anymore. Where she’d been sitting was empty; just a half-finished and a full glass of wine. The money sat on a white tray on the edge of the table, the bill underneath it.
Just before we left, Angela got a call from work. Being the Assistant Chief Constable of the local constabulary, she was on call, twenty-four-seven. She rolled her eyes at me and found a quiet spot in an alcove. I gestured to her that I’d meet her upstairs when she was done.
The rain that had been in the air earlier had now arrived. I pulled my jacket on and found shelter a couple of doors down from the restaurant. Across the street, people emerged from the railway station, a few armed with umbrellas and coats, but most dressed in short sleeves or T-shirts, blouses, or summer skirts. After about five minutes I spotted a figure approaching me from my left, moving in the shadows on the opposite side of the street. When she got close, the light from a nearby pub, illuminated her, freeze-framing her face, and I realized who it was.
The woman from the restaurant.
She crossed the street and stopped about six feet away.
“Can I help you?” I asked.
I recognized the look in her eyes. I’d seen it before, constantly, repeated over and over again in faces of the clients I’ve helped; she knew something about someone. Her face was young, but her eyes were old, wearing every ounce of her pain. It gave her a strange look as if she was caught somewhere in between, neither young nor old, not beautiful, or ugly. Just a woman who knew a secret that was frightening her.
“I’m really I had to come up to you like this,” she said and pushed her hair behind her ears. She seemed nervous, her voice soft but taut. “My name’s Julieann Lawes.”
“How can I help you, Julieann?”
“I, uh . . .” She paused. A bag strap passed diagonally across her chest. She reached behind her and pulled it around, opening up the front flap. She took out her purse and removed a piece of paper from it. As she unfolded it, I could immediately see what it was: a printout. “I read about you,” she said. “On the internet.”
It was a BBC story, a photograph showing me leaving a house, with Angela at my side and the main suspect, handcuffed, and flanked by two uniformed policemen, just behind us. Three days earlier, a man tried the new cologne his girlfriend had given him for his birthday. He went out to get some extra food for his birthday party and died. The man had been a beekeeper, and the bees attacked en masse because they didn’t recognize his fragrance. It was a plan designed by the victim’s ex-wife who had befriended the girlfriend and suggested the fragrance that had certain elements that would antagonize bees.
There had been other stories in the same case. For everyone else, it was consigned to history.
But not for this woman.
“How can I help you, Julieann?”
“I read this today.”
She produced another piece of paper but this time it was the front page of the local newspaper. An article with headlines: DEATH AT SEA.
“What’s so special with this headline?” I asked.
“I work at the local travel agent,” she said. “I recently a man sold two tickets for an ocean voyage, one round-trip and one one-way.”
“Go on?”
“The trip cost a lot of money.” She said. “I didn’t think anything of it. I just assumed one of them was staying in the Caribbean. But when I saw this, I recognized the last name of the man who’d bought the tickets. It is the same as the last name of the woman who "fell" overboard and drowned on the voyage, which is the subject of this article.”
Angela joined me in the street. She’d heard what Julieann had said.
“Are you suggesting that this man has murdered his wife?” She asked, directly.
“Yes, she is,” I said, on Julieann’s behalf. “And that could be the only reason he bought a return and a one-way ticket.”
Angela turned away and immediately made a phone-call to issue instructions to arrest the man who’d bought the tickets.
submitted by /u/Archieauthor [link] [comments] via Blogger https://ift.tt/2lDutc9
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weditchthemap · 5 years
Visiting Diyarbakir – The Capital City of Northern Kurdistan
En Route to Diyarbakir
The bus from Mardin was relatively uneventful—2 hours and a security checkpoint later we were nearing the city of Diyarbakir, or Amed as is known to the Kurds. The armed policemen went around taking everyone’s IDs while the other police officers waited outside near their armored cars. When the policeman got to us he simply gave us a once-over and kept on collecting IDs. Apparently we did not fit the ‘target demographic’ and our IDs were not required. After scanning each ID our van was free to continue onwards into the city.
The first thing I noticed were the multiple layers of security fences lining the main road into the city. Tall fences with barbed wire on top gave a very clear message—the only way into or out of the city was along the main roads. Lookout towers peppered the landscape as we entered the city proper while concrete barricades and a multitude of armored vehicles greeted us.
About Police Officers
While most police officers were men I did see a handful of female officers—none of them wearing headscarves. Police officers, like many other professions, have obligatory term assignments in less desirable areas. This is due to the socialistic nature of Turkey’s government. I actually find this practice quite positive.  Imagine how quickly our racially and ethnically divided neighborhoods would benefit from an influx of outside support. On the flip side envision an inner-city nurse working at a fancy suburban hospital. Talk about broadening one’s horizons.
We also learned that police officers are never allowed to work in their home towns. Because of this Diyarbakir, a city of Kurds, has no Kurdish police officers. Obviously this increases the tension between the Turks and Kurds. Furthermore an extensive background check its conducted to become a police officers and oftentimes the Turkish government finds reasons—sometimes unsubstantiated—to prevent Kurds from being police officers at all.
Meeting Our Couchsurfing Host
We were dropped off at a small bus station and we struggled to find a bus into the city.  I had been using my google translator app on my phone with little success.  I changed the language form Turkish to Kurmanji (which is the Kurdish dialect here in Turkish Kurdistan).  This proved to be much more successful. We met our host at a modern café that he owned. We were greeted by another couchsurfer who had arrived just one hour prior. The couch surfer was a 30 year old man from Poland named Robert. He had previously biked through Georgia and Iranian and Iraqi Kurdistan before coming to Northern Kurdistan in Diyarbakir.
Our host was a delightful man named Suat. He told us a lovely story about his first experience hosting where he had hosted a Swedish woman named Mona. This was 12 years ago and was not through couch surfing.  Although only planning on hosting Mona. for a couple days Mona ended up living with Suat and his wife for 6 months while she researched Kurdish culture for her thesis. They formed an incredibly close friendship and Suat ended up naming his Café and later his first child after Mona. Mona flew back to Diyarbakir for 2 days for her Birth. Later Suat and his family went to Sweden for Mona’s wedding.
Suat is also a full time teacher in a village.  He described his frustration with the village children in how they were troublemakers and didn’t pay attention. Their parents are uneducated and mostly laborers so their children do not see the benefit of education.
Suat told us that he and his wife were different types of Muslim (Sunni vs Shia) and that both of their parents forbade them from getting married.  They were married anyways
We discussed Kurdish history and the current state of affairs. This involved detailed comparison of Eastern Kurdistan (Iran), Southern Kurdistan (Iraq), and Western Kurdistan (Syria).  Suat explained the PKK to us and I found the information quite interesting.  Compared to our host in Van, Suat’s feelings about the matter were different.  I wonder if it’s because Suat still lives in the heart of Northern Kurdistan?
A Brief History of Diyarbakir
Diyarbakir, known in ancient times as Amida, has been the cradle of 26 different civilizations over the last 5000 years.  Its proximity to a basalt plateau gives the city a rather dark appearance thanks to the dark grey stones found throughout the city.  Located in Mesopotamia, the land between the Euphrates Valleys and the Tigris river Diyarbakir’s past involves the Mitanni, the Urartu, Assyria, Persian, Greek, Seleucids, Romans, Arabs, Safavid dynasty, and ultimately conquered by the Ottomans in 1515. They have never known long-lasting peace because in subsequent centuries they were invaded by the armies of Anatolia, Persia, and Syria all of which overcame the city’s walls.
Since the 1980s the city has been the center of the Kurdish resistance movement. Throughout the 1990s many refugees from the conflict between the PKK and the Turkish government move to the city.  Just a few short years ago in 2016 there was an altercation between the PKK and the Turkish government leaving a large section of Old City demolished. We witnessed some new construction in the area but could only see inside by climbing onto the city walls and looking down into the city.
Please read our posting on the Safety of Travel in Turkey.  Diyarbakir is highest on the list of places to avoid in Turkey.  I couldn’t disagree with this more. The city is safe and the people are friendlier than what I thought was humanly possible. There are only two dangers I can see someone encountering in this city—falling off the old city wall and getting sick from the Cig Kofte—I’ll discuss these later
When I mentioned to people that my country strongly advises against travel to Diyarbakir they seemed greatly confused. They said it was just politics and that now it’s very safe. While strolling in Old City we met an Iranian Kurdish family.  We talked on the street for 15 minutes.  When I explained to her the United States’ stance on travel to this area she gave me an explanation without hesitation.  She said it was likely because of Turkey’s government—they were trying to paint the Kurds as terrorists. I found her explanation easy to believe after learning more about the Kurds and Diyarbakir’s history. The family was impressed that Robert, our Polish travel companion, knew more about Iranian Kurdistan than they did. After these last few days Sylvie and I wish to visit Iran in the future.
Interesting Facts of Diyarbakir
Pigeons - Pigeons are so highly sought after that Sylvie and I could not quite wrap our heads around it.  The reason is actually due to some esoteric history.  Pigeons were brought into the city and bred because their feces is helpful for growing watermelon. Watermelon is incredibly popular here. Now that cotton has replaced much of the watermelon crop the love for pigeons is just a carryover from the past.  Many older people still love pigeons—so much, in fact, that there are a handful of pigeon clubs around town where the notorious bird is auctioned off for as much as hundreds of dollars.  We even heard stories of men selling their homes to buy pigeons.  Here you can see a video of a pigeon race here.
Sunflower Seeds – Cheap and plentiful they can be found in buckets for sale around town.  Men will down an entire bag while sipping tea and talking to other men. The seeds are eaten with such haste that it is dizzying just watching. While the mouth is busy removing the seeds from the shell the men’s hands are readying for another seed. This endless seed-eating frenzy is associated with the poorer Kurds and a “rich person would never be caught eating a sunflower seed”.  Our host went as far as saying he would not even permit someone to eat “those things” in his café. 
Dogs – Despite the numerous stray cats in the city we didn’t see too many (if any) dogs.  Our host explained to us that there is a story found in Islam where a warrior was about to slay a dog but at the last moment decided not to.  While certain muslins interpret this story as the warrior demonstrating mercy many Kurds believe it teaches that the warrior didn’t want to touch the dog because it was unclean/dirty.  For this reason you will find many Kurd avoiding dogs completely.
Kurdish Wedding
Our couchsurfing host invited us to his collogues wedding our first night in town. The wedding was half an hour out of the city and we arrived around 9pm.  There must have been between 600 and 700 guests at the party.  I wore jeans a black polo, and flip flops.  Sylvie and Robert were even more casual.  No one seemed to care.  As is typical in wedding here people eat dinner beforehand and only snacks and drinks are served at the actual wedding.  Tables were overflowing with nuts, fruit, and cookies.  Men came around offering us glasses of orange Fanta and cola.  No alcohol at Muslim weddings made for a wholesome experience.  Suat had mentioned that they “went all out” since fruit was expensive. 
Guests danced off and on throughout the night to traditional Kurdish music.  People joined hands and danced in one collective circle.  I found an occasional man and women holding hands but this was by far the exception. For the most part women danced with women and men danced with men.  There seemed to be 2 or 3 discrete dances but most of them involved bouncing ones shoulders up and down.
Every once in a while a fluttering of American one dollar bills would rain from the sky.  Traditionally this was real money but since 5 liras (the lowest denomination of paper money) was too expensive fake money was substituted.  You donate a small amount of money and receive a stack of fake dollar bills. You can then throw this fake money into the sky in the center of the dance floor to demonstrate your wealth and generosity. 
It was customary for each guest to visit the Groom and Bridge and present their gift.  Gold coins are the status quo but paper money is also permitted—money is typically reserved for those who cannot afford gold coins.  The gold coins, which come as pendants, are standardized and come in a variety of sizes.  My guess is that the coins come in multiples of grams.  Some coins were as small as a dime while others were larger than a quarter.  The guest present the gift and sews the coin onto the newly married couple’s clothing.  This is also done for the money.  By the end of the night the bride and groom were covered in gold coins, Turkish lira, and even a few $50 US bills. The bride and groom sell the gold coins the next morning and pocket the money. A funny tradition to say the very least.
The cake was cut towards the end of the night.  I asked Suat the significance of using a sword to cut the cake, and he just shrugged his head and said “big cake”?
Observations of Diyarbakir
The vast majority of women did not wear head scarves.  Kurdish women traditionally do not wear them until they are married unlike Turkish (and Arabic) women.  Dissimilar to Van there were many women in the streets.  Our host even said that there a few places around town where you can find single women drinking beers at night.  Urfa, the city we are visiting next, has a large Arabic population and is one of the country’s most religious cities—you will not find women alone in the city, without head scarves, or anywhere to drink/buy beer. (check out our next blog about Urfa)
Whereas Mardin may have been the most beautiful and enchanting city I’ve seen Diyarbakir has been the most genuine city we’ve visited so far.  Although Istanbul was busy and filled with tourists the authenticity of Diyarbakir was palpable. Old City had more shops aimed at tourists than the New City but nothing felt forced.  Prices were not inflated and locals shopped alongside tourists.  Most tourists seemed to be coming from nearby Kurdish regions.  We read most tourists don’t venture out of Old City but we had split our time evenly.  Old City had Mosques and history whereas New City had a café culture we have not seen elsewhere in Turkey.
Wikivoyage says it best: “Diyarbakir’s old city is like a village in the middle of the city with village mentality.  Goose running around, women having cay in front of their houses and kids shouting to foreigners the few English words they know.  However walking around in the city center is unique and totally different from other Turkish cities.  You’ll see people as they life their everyday Kurdish life.  If you are lucky, you may even get invited for a tea by a friendly shop owner”
While walking in Old City many vendors stopped us to ask where we were from.  Everyone was so happy to hear that we were from America.  One even told us how “Turkey and America are good friends”.  While walking near the southern wall I spotted several kebab vendors sitting and enjoying a midday snack.  They were eating slices of watermelon, chunks of cheese, and Kurdish bread.  When they saw us looking at their food they commanded us to join them.  They gave up their seats and forced us to eat, even bringing more bread and cheese.  They had to get back to work but after 10 minutes they even gave us a sample of their chicken kebab and another sandwich item.  We sat for a while and upon leaving I asked how much we owed and the men held their hands to their chest and said it was a gift.  They asked for a photo and we hugged and kissed each other’s cheeks as we departed.
For dinner one night Sylvie and I split a portion of Cig Kofte, a Turkish dish originally made with raw meat.  However the government has outlawed the use of raw meat for health and safety reasons. This Cig Kofte was by far the best we’ve eaten and we’ve had at least a couple dozen times. The next morning we came back to the same place and Sylvie and Robert bought a Turkish breakfast sandwich.  We watched the men prepare the Cig Kofte for the day and they showed us how they used raw lamb. I was finally happy to have tried Cig Kofte with raw meat.  Our host couldn’t believe it as using raw meat is strictly forbidden.             
Must-Sees/Dos in Old City:
Include the Great Mosque of Diyarbakir (Ulu Mosque) – 800 years old
Aramaic Church of the Virgin Mary (Meryemana Kilisesi)
Dicle Bridge (ten eye bridge) - Built south of the city in 1065
Kervanseray – Old caravanserai now used as a place for cafes, bookstores, and shop
Hasan Pasha Hani – A 500 year old in that offers best place to get breakfast in Diyarbakir.  Come hungry as you can expect your entire table to be overflowing with a variety of Kurdish dishes (found inside Kervanseray)
Eat Cigercisi, preferably at Dag Paki Cigercisi, this liver kebab is unique to Diyarbakir
Eat Kadayif and Kunefe – Two types of desserts famous in the area
Leaving Diyarbakir
After trying their kadayif we caught a bus to the bus station thanks to a handful of helpful locals trying with great effort to see that we were on our way safely. The bus driver let us off without charging us! As we walked into the bus station no less than 5 men ran up to us screaming names of large cities in Turkey. We said “Urfa” and one gent took us by the arm and brought us to a counter inside the bus terminal. We bought tickets to Urfa for a bus that left in 4 minutes. Sylvie, like always, ran to the bathroom and we were on our way to Urfa within minutes. Within 10 minutes we were already stopped at yet another security checkpoint. This time the police officer was wearing a complete set dessert camouflage. Goodbye Diyarbakir, I’ll surely miss you!
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dimecarrentals-blog · 6 years
Tips and tricks for a trip to Austria
The Austrians are a very law-abiding nation, almost obsessed with the rule of law. And this is observed literally at all levels - no one in their right mind would throw garbage on the street, no one would cross the road in the wrong place, and the presence of the police is almost imperceptible. Recently, however, the overall crime rate in the country has been steadily increasing, so when visiting Austria you should take the usual reasonable security measures.
Almost all the problems faced by tourists in Austria are associated with petty scams and fraud. In large cities, pickpockets and petty thieves should be wary; there are frequent cases of transport fraud. You should not carry large amounts of cash with you or withdraw them from an ATM in front of everyone. Documents and money is recommended to be kept in the hotel safes or, if necessary, placed in the most inaccessible place. It is not recommended to leave anything of value in the car, while the car itself is best parked in guarded parking lots or well-lit streets.
In the case of direct contact with the robber, it is recommended to comply with all his requirements and not to enter into direct confrontation. It is not recommended to run away from robbers, shout or enter into confrontation with them (although this is not excluded - the law will in any case be on the side of the victim), but in most cases local residents prefer to give money and then call the police.
Interestingly, under federal laws, vagrancy and prostitution are not punishable by law, but are prosecuted at the local level.
There are several areas that are not recommended to visit alone, especially for women. In Vienna, this is the Gurtel district and the Sudbahnhof station after dark, in Graz - the area southwest of the main station, in Salzburg - the western outskirts, and so on. OBB (Austrian Railways) even introduced special sections for women only (Damenabteilen) on InterCity and EuroCity express trains, which run late in the evening. When buying a ticket at the ticket office of the station, you may be asked to provide a place in such a compartment - this will ensure greater safety during embarkation and disembarkation.
The Austrian law enforcement agencies have several offices - directly the police (Polizei, dark green army style uniforms) or the federal police, which controls the capital and other cities in the country. The members of these units are well armed and rather severely react to all cases of violation of the law, including by the tourists themselves. The jurisdiction of the gendarmerie (Gendarmerie) includes all other areas of Austria, as well as many other tasks, starting with the control of provincial roads and ending with the search and rescue service.
It usually takes some time to call the police. You must have any ID with you (ideally, a passport or driver's license, from which a photocopy will be taken). You may also need an original or a copy of the hotel reservation and tickets for departure or departure from the country - suspicions that there are intentions of illegal emigration from local law enforcement officers have already become a habit. In addition to German, many policemen speak English tolerably well, but all other languages ​​are unlikely to be used, and the translator will have to wait quite a long time, since all of them work part-time with the police. Sometimes police officers of Slavic origin (Czechs or Croats) help themselves out, but there are very few of them, and the similarities of our languages ​​are rather arbitrary. Therefore, it is worthwhile to first carefully consider and formulate the essence of your appeal.
Toponyms and addresses
Street names in Austria are always written in front of the house number on signboards and signs. There are double numbers - the first number indicates the building number, the second - the number of the building or apartment.
Vienna is divided into 23 "postal districts" (Bezirke), with the numbering going in a spiral from Innere-Stadt (Innere Stadt) clockwise. When writing the address here, first write the number of the postal district, then the street name, then the house number and then, through the slash, the apartment number. For example, the address of the form 9, Loblichgasse 11/14, means apartment number 14 in the house number 11 on Löblichgasse street in the ninth district.
Luggage & Luggage Storage
Large stations have automatic lockers (Schliessfacher), whose services are usually estimated at 2-5 euros per day. At large stations, there are also ordinary luggage storage facilities (Gepackaufbewahrung) with a counter and special employees - here you usually have to pay 2.5-5 euros per baggage item per day.
Lost and Found (Fundamte) are usually located at the local police station.
Austria is one of the “smokers” countries of Western Europe, and the current trends in restrictions in this area are so far poorly traced. There are some restrictions on smoking in public places (first of all - in places of public catering) and on transport, as well as in areas adjacent to children's institutions. However, the sale of cigarettes is limited (in restaurants or bars, for example, it is quite difficult to buy them.
We advise you to rent a car on a careta.at for traveling around the country.
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