#at the same fucking time!!!
voids-ideas · 3 months
Ok I am going to do this simply because the first thing I will put here I NEED to do it and I have 0 motivation to do it even though it is EXTREMELY important
In fact, I think that's the reason why I don't want to do it... anyway
If this gets to 30 notes, I do that thing ✅️
50 notes, I call to ask if my doctor's appointment has been scheduled (I've been avoiding it for two weeks now) ✅️
100 notes, I go wash my shoes that have long needed washing and are just sitting there, existing, waiting for me to deign to wash them. ✅️
200 notes, I finish organizing my room (I organized it halfway and then left a bunch of things that still don't have a defined place) ✅️
500 notes, I use the things I have to bleach and color my hair. The only thing that has stopped me is the fear of doing it wrong or being too lazy to maintain it. ✅️
1k notes, I stop doing things that I know will trigger my chronic pain with the pure intention of confirming that the pain was indeed real (don't do this. 0 recommended) ✅️
5k notes, I try some new food without fear of wasting money by buying something I most likely won't like (my autism hates new foods) ✅️
10k notes, I wear my bi flag earrings in front of someone I wouldn't usually wear them with. I trust that they possibly wouldn't have a problem with me being bi, but I would never get up the courage to tell them anything ✔️ (I haven't, but that person was in my room next to where the earrings are. They were 0% hidden) ✅️
20k notes, wtf I have absolutely no idea. If it comes to this, ehhh... Honestly, I have no idea what I'm doing here. Do I promise to be honest in therapy and stop telling them that everything is perfect even though nothing has ever been perfect? Yeah, that probably works. Please don't go this far, I don't know how to do this. Maybe I should... but... it would be awful to learn it
April 2024: I stop procrastinating editing this post with the things I've already done. I WANT THE HAIR SO MUCH BUT IT'S SO DIFFICULT
May 2024: Red hair, red hair, red hair. I'M CROWLEY, RED HAIR!!!!!
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demigods-posts · 2 months
i feel like percy is the type of fighter who would laugh if a monster ran away from him out of fear. but annabeth is the type of fighter who would call them a coward and run after it.
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nerdpoe · 5 months
Dan hates his Nicer Self.
He does. He really, really does.
The kid is naïve, cocky, strong in the weirdest ways that don't make sense-
And he's such a busybody! Always helping, always jumping into things, and always saying that he's definitely not trying to be a hero.
It's annoying.
It's so annoying.
For instance, Phantom got called in by the JL for an all-hands-on-deck situation right before a super important test. Phantom accepted the call.
But the JL had dealt with threats like this before, a million times-there was literally no need to answer the call.
Yet the little dumbass had.
And now Dan was at home, staying on the other side of the room away from Vlad, and watching the fight on TV.
Phantom takes a hit. Then another. Then another.
Good; he'll learn not to jump when the JL says jump, then.
Phantom goes down, disappears behind some rubble.
Dan doesn't care. He doesn't. Let the kid learn a lesson.
Phantom doesn't get up.
Just like Jazz didn't get up.
Or Sam, or Tucker, or his mom or his dad-
Dan sees red.
He barely hears Vlad as he rips a portal to the fight and steps out, in his own ghost form, and decks the bad guy-some demon named Trigun or whatever, fucking weeb-so hard he knocks the guy back.
The fight pauses.
"You touched the twerp," Dan growls, voice distorting and allowing his powers to manifest at full capacity for the first time in years, "So you get to lose your head."
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snowheartsz · 4 months
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kennythetrampvamp · 10 months
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bixels · 3 months
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Posting a sneak-peak of this now because I'm about to be In The Shit school workload-wise, so this'll take me a while to finish.
Doing some character design exploration/expression sheets for Celestia and Luna. Figuring out Celestia's weird ass anatomy while I'm at it.
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araneapeixes · 3 months
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Not gonna be able to get back to this for the next week or so but I wanted to share so wips :))
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slymanner · 9 months
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hurt my heart why dontcha.
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ejsuperstar · 2 months
Imagine you live in pelican town. The new farmer has been here a couple weeks now and seems to be settling in, except... He's picking the weirdest friend choices. Like sure it's not weird to befriend the local fisherman, especially when he has an interest in fishing himself, but you're pretty sure you've seen him rooting through the Saloon's garbage with the local homeless man. As well, he keeps harassing the poor guy who works at Joja even though you KNOW he doesn't want to be friends with him.
And since you're on the topic of weirdness, isn't it odd he seemingly runs everywhere at a full sprint? Or just... Eats entire raw fish while fishing for "energy reasons"...
Despite all that, it's too early to call him off putting or anything... He has been engaging in town traditions, and he's started helping out with the old community centre. He's probably like the rest of you. Someone with a few quirks, that will fit in with the valley great!
Surely he can't get any weirder... Right?
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say-sike · 3 months
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seefasters · 5 months
average travis player character: some sort of guy with backstory happenings of various levels of tragedy
average clint player character: old man with a mischievous streak (always on the verge of death)
average griffin player character: lil guy with impostor syndrome and trying SO hard
average justin player character: the weirdest person anyone has ever heard of, ever
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8pxl · 3 months
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since AI has gotten prolific posting art on social media has been so fun 🤪
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nerdpoe · 7 days
Guardian Angels are actually Guardian Ghosts, and it's sort of mandatory military service.
Vlad managed to dodge his, by way of proving he had no morals and therefore no ability to guard. He doesn't know this yet, but it's a huge mark against him in terms of reputation.
At the moment, this doesn't really apply to or bother him.
When he fully dies, though, and reputation is all he has? It'll be very important.
But going through a Guardianship is important to ghosts for many reasons; it instills a sense of responsibility, gives them a connection to a world they left behind, and helps them increase their powers.
LunchLady? Successful Guardianship.
Walker? Ultra successful Guardianship.
Skulker? Technically successful Guardianship.
Now it's Danny's turn. The Observants held off on assigning him because a ghost needs to legally be an adult in Ghost terms, and Danny's half human.
So, when he graduates High School, a letter appears on his bed.
On top of that letter is a green sticky note that just reads;
"Yes, they're serious. Yes, you have to do this."
The letter outlines his duties and responsibilities to keep his charge alive, and the exception to the rule they're making with him due to his mortality.
He is being assigned this person for four years, instead of that person's lifetime. Long enough to make an impression, short enough to enable Danny to live his life.
Danny's new charge?
Bart fucking Allen.
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lotus-pear · 3 months
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dazai breathlessly watching his partner in an inhuman, corrupted state and still finding him beautiful has to be another kind of love
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puppetmaster13u · 2 months
Prompt in Memes 5
Once more, have a prompt entirely in memes because I'm too lazy to properly write one right now lol.
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