#at this point im changing every single url on my hands....
transkeiichi · 2 years
literally on my hands and knees begging @staff for a "confirm follow?" button on mobile dashboard as an accessibility option i am so tired of accidently following someone who just like made a comment half way down a post and having no way of noticing i did it unless it i am looking directly at it when i do it, apparently i accidently followed a Violent Transphobe at some point and didnt recognize the url but assumed it was just a url change but today that blog put violent transphobia on my dash, i blocked them but im sorry to any of my followers if i reblogged any of their innocuous posts and you were greeted by that bigots blog. this happens like nearly every single day. probably every 5th blog i follow was a complete accident. thankfully most of the time they just spam my dash w content im not interested in pretty quickly and i unfollow but other time they dont post as frequently and it takes something like THAT to realize it.
@staff @support it is way too easy to follow blogs by accident on mobile dash. PLEASE implement some way to help mitigate this.
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zukuist · 4 years
long distance [hcs]
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“you’re travelling for a internship, needing to leave the prefecture for 3 weeks— so now what, now that you’re gone?”
includes: shinsou hitoshi, midoriya izuku, bakugou katsuki
your name is shortened to y/n, gn reader
notes: so.. i changed my url :)) i decided to change it early on my tumblr experience. i was gonna do shouto and kirishima but.. yeah, will add that in another post.
shinsou hitoshi
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at first, he was like “oh ok.” because he thought that you were just leaving for a few days
but nooo, you had to leave the area for 3 entire weeks.
21 entire days
really bummed about that. what’s he supposed to look forward to after school?
since y’all usually hangout after school, he needs to change that since you’re not there.
the entire vibe is different. regardless if you’re upbeat or calm around him— it doesn’t feel complete
on the brighter note, whenever he passes by a cat, he sends a bunch of pictures of them.
it’s even at the most random times of the day, and you still manage to open them and comment on them every single time he sends one
he questions what you’re doing if the timezones are very different, but you never give him concrete answers
he also ends up staring at pictures of you, trying to recall what being with you’s like.
calls are very frequent and random, and they last for hours
he looks forward to just picking up his phone and calling your number as soon as he’s free
even if he’s nocturnal, and even if you beg him to sleep.
he’ll complain about the fact that you have to be gone for sooo long,
but you only smile sadly— telling him you’ll see him soon.
not one to meet you at the airport/trainstation, but as soon as you tell him you’re back
he’s asking for your location :)
then he’s dragging you back to his place, hands enlaced in yours as he puts you in one of his hoodies,
cuddling you, as he takes in your scent, missing you as a whole.
bonus : you gave him cat souvenirs, almost as a “im sorry for being away for too long”
midoriya izuku
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stays wide awake the day before you leave
he’s just unable to rest, knowing you’ll be miles away from him— for 3 long weeks
at first, he’ll just drown himself in practice and training,
because he knows it’s not good to be worrying about you too much, that’ll look a little excessive
but he finds himself thinking about you the majority of the day, glancing at the clock very often— as he can’t wait to tell you about his day
he’ll send you a message every hour, just to see if you’re okay, because you could be in danger rn and he wouldn’t know
and he’ll ask you how the place is, how the weather is like— and if you’re having difficulty in sleeping due to the timezone differences
(if it’s really different)
he thinks to himself out loud more
whenever he sees something— he’ll comment out loud like “hm, i wonder what y/n thinks about this.. i should tell them later!”
lots of video calls. and most of the time, y’all accidentally leave the call on—
leaving inko to find his son still calling his s/o at 12 in the morning (don’t ask why she’s awake at that time LMAO)
the calls are either him going on a word dump, desperate to talk to you
or it’s just him staring at you through the screen— missing you dearly.
he’s almost complaining lol
will offer to pick you up at the airport/train station because he wants to,
eagerly walking towards the station/port, excited to see you finally. oh, and he’ll also offer to carry your bags.
he’ll also be holding a stuffed animal with flowers in his hand, eyes lighting up at the sight of you
because he wants you to take the stuffed animal with him the next time you travel far away
bonus : he keeps the souveniers you gifted him somewhere special, kept away from danger
bakugou katsuki
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his first reaction to you needing to leave the area is “okay, and?? what’d you want me to say?”
until he finds out it’s for 3 weeks, 21 days.
he hates it already, and he’ll be kinda mad at you— like.. why’d you need to leave for that long?
katsuki looks fine on the outside, acting pretty normal for bakugou katsuki.
however, he finds himself staring at your empty spot almost every hour
he hates being annoyed, but not if it’s you :(
this mf is never the texting or calling type of person— but because you’re so far away from him >:T
he’ll call you 2 hours before his appointed bed time, disappearing into his room and locking it— just so he can hear your voice
he’ll openly complain “why is the day going so slow? and why do you even need to stay there for that long, idiot.”
then he’ll proceed to request a video call, wanting to see your face. even just a quick look
he’ll probably admit it at some point, but baku will hint to you that he misses you
“it’s not the same without your dumbass here. i don’t know. there’s somethin’ missing here damnit.”
as your arrival back home approaches..
he goes quiet, his mind running wild on what he wants to do as soon as you get back
will surprise you at the airport/train station. because who warns people now these days? tch.
will probably give you a minute headsup— before he appears right infront of you, demanding for you bags
then midway the walk back, he’ll kiss the crown of your head— because he just couldn’t contain yourself
then he’s throwing you on his bed, and trapping you in his arms. grumbling that you shouldn’t leave for that long again.
bonus : will totally act like he didn’t miss you at all the next day. you’ll be like 🤨 uh.. okay
©️ izukulie 2021, bnha|mha belongs to horikoshi kohei. do not steal ❕
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goeymoey · 4 years
What if you tricked me?
A BBS short! (Part 1/??)
Hope you enjoy :) !
Nogla’s mic popped as he sat down in his chair. The signature black headphones already perched on his head.
“ Okaay, what we doin’ today boys?”
Miles away, in a different country, Tyler sighed. “ You really gotta get that mic fixed, man.” He turned on his web cam for emphasis and gave Nogla’s profile picture a frown. “ It sounds like shit.”
“ What do ya mean?” Nogla faked a whine. “ It sounds great! everybody loves the sound of my voice through this here mic! Am I rights boys?”. While turning on his web cam as he talked, Nogla leans back in his chair with both arms spread wide open.
“ I sound like a god!”
A neon green light highlights around Brian’s box as he snickers. “ Yeah...the god of shit!” Brian flicks his web cam on but, instead of being greeted with a smiling Irishman, he shows his middle finger.
Nogla sticks out his tongue. “ Shut yer fuckin mouth, traitor.” He crossed his arms with a pout. “ You’re the one who gave me the mic in the first place!”
Tyler and Brian lock eyes on the screen as the later smirks widely.
“ Why do you think that was?”
Nogla shrugs. “ I don’t know! I thought it was because you were being a good friend but-“ He gives Brian a hard stare through his screen “-OBVIOUSLY I was incorrect in my assumption! Hmpf!”
Another mic pop echos through the others headphones after Nogla’s shout, and it makes the two begin to snicker.
“ Sorry for trying to be a GREAT FRIEND and give you something of mine!” Brian says through a laugh. “ I guess I’ll go fuck myself next time!”
“ Shut yer cunt mouth you dirty-“
Nogla’s mic pops as it cuts off the final word to his sentence.
“- Next time I see ya, I’ll make sure to stick my foot up your dirty arse!”
Tyler bangs on his desk with a closed fist before taking off his head seat and walking away from the screen.
His faint laughter can be heard even as he walks out of his office and down the hall.
Brian smiles wide at the echoing laughter of his friend. He hunches over his keyboard, to be closer to the screen, as if he was about to follow Tyler himself.
“ You made the man leave the room, Nogla! how do you feel?”
Nogla scowls. “ I feel nothing towards any of ye cunts now...fuckin hate y’all...”. He mumbles. “ Especially-...Hey! Brock!”. Nogla cuts himself off as the discord ping of someone joining the voice call rings in his headset.
“ Just the man I wanted to see!”
Brock sighs and turns his web cam on. He stares at Nogla with a slack face of indifference.
“ Hey Nogla.”
The tall Irishman smiles wide. “ Did ya miss me?”
Brock scratches at his chin. “ No.”
“ What? Come on, Brock! I’m giving you all my love right here and you just-“ Nogla exaggerates his movements while shaking his hand in front of his face. “-give me this!” He slouches back in his chair. “ You give me nothing.”
Brock smiles. “ Okay...Hey Brian.”
The other Irishman smiles at the acknowledgment and tips his head. “ Hey Brock. How’ve ya been?”
“ Oh, y’know...” Brock holds in his laughter at the sight of Nogla giving him a deadly stare through the screen. “...same old things everyday, every night...the use’.”
Brian stretches his arms behind his back causing the bottom of his shirt to ride up a bit. “ Oh the woes of a single man in he early twenties. Never having any fun.” He rests back into his chair with both arms laying in his lap. “ Bet you wish you would have taken me up on that trip to Ireland, huh?”
Brock rubs at the back of his neck. “ Kinda...but not really.”
Nogla has given up trying to get Brock’s attention back and is now glued to his phone.
He mumbles something under his breath, but the other two males don’t catch it.
The door to Tyler’s office shutting muffles in the back ground of everyone’s head phones as the tall man comes stalking back to his chair. His attention is also focused on his phone, but his face is a mix of confusion and frustration.
He doesn’t reciprocate the others greetings and instead hastily shows the screen of his phone to the web camera.
“ Did any of you guys get this message from Evan?” Tyler’s grip on the blue cases phone tightens as he asks the question.
“ It says he sent it to me a while ago, but I left it down stairs.”
While listening to Tyler speak, both Brian and Brock brought out their phones.
“ Ummm...Yeah...” Brian starts awkwardly. “ I got a message from him too but...but it’s just a link with no url...” He mimics Tyler by holding up his phone to the web cam. “ It’s just a grey box...is that what you got?”
Tyler nods and sets his phone out of view from his camera. The screen facing up at him...just in case.
“ Yeah...it’s weird...How about you, Brock? Nogla?”
“ I got the box.” Brock shows the two his phone.
From his slouched position, Nogla mumbles. “ Same here.” His eyes stay glued to the screen. “ I already clicked on it, and it doesn’t seem...weird.”
The three watch as Nogla sits up and exposes his screen. “ I think it’s just a new game, or something like that.” He faces his phone towards him and then scrolls up on the screen. “ It’s like asking for my email and stuff like that so, I’m just guessing that’s what it is.”
Brock puffs out his cheeks. “ But what if it’s a virus?”
Brian shakes his head while tapping on the link. “ Evan wouldn’t send us a virus. He’s too smart for that.” His eyes shine against the brightness of the phone.
He flips up and down on the screen and then nods with a hum. “ Yeah, I think this might just be a new game for us to play. It all looks that way.....you wanna check it out togther?” Brian looks up from his phone. “ It says it’s multiplayer.”
Tyler purses his lips in an unsavory frown. “ I don’t know...it still seems a little sketchy.”
“ Aww, please, Tyler?! Please!” Nogla clamps his hands together in a plea while bowing his head. “ I’ve already set up my account and made my avatar! It’s too late to back out now!”
Brock huffs. “ Maybe for you.”
Nogla points at the screen with a strict finger. “ You shut yer fuckin mouth you god damn short prick!”
“ Hey! Don’t call me short!”
“ But you are!”
“ No I’m not! I’m 5’9!” Brock glares with his arms crossed. “ It’s like the average height.”
Nogla makes a ‘pft’ noise. “ That’s just what short people say! Now-“ bouncing up from his seat, Nogla waves his phone around dramatically “- hurry up and make y’all’s profiles before I start without ya! I’m getting bored!”
The others sigh at Nogla’s childish behavior, but fill out the link anyway.
It takes a few more minutes then Nogla would have liked- since Brian couldn’t decide whether he wanted his character to have blue or brown hair- but he refrained himself from succumbing to his impatience.
Brock was the last to finish his avatar with a worrying smirk as he tapped the ‘save’ button.
“ Okay, I’m ready. Who’s making the game?”
Nogla pipped up with shimmering eyes. “ I will you slow cunts! I’ve been waiting forever, let’s do this!”
Tyler rolled his eyes. “ It’s been like five minutes.”
“ Well, it felt like a long time!”
Brian scoffed at his friends whining. “ And yer just making it longer by complaining about it.” His arms sit across a wide chest as he laid back with the black cased phone sitting on his desk.
“ Just make the game already, jeez.”
Nogla huffed. “ I’m going I’m going....Okay, what are your guys usernames? The same as always?”
All three nod in agreement.
“ Yeah.”
“ Mhm.”
“ Weirdly, yes. I didn’t even have to change the ‘s’ in ‘Terroriser’ to a ‘z’ or add a 0.”
Brock hummed. “ Same here, and usually my names the first to go.”
Nogla rolls his eyes. “ Whatever, boring. It should be sending you an invite riiight....now.” He points to the screen just as three simultaneous dings pop in the others headphones.
“ The game won’t be able to start unless we all accept so, hurry up!”
Tyler looks down at the acceptance button suspiciously. “ I still don’t feel good about this...but fuck it! Let’s do this!” He taps the button and waits for the others to join.
Brock nods. “ Yeah, it might actually be fun!” He accepts the request.
Brian hesitates as he reads the short paragraph of rules before accepting.
“...this may be too much for some audiences...viewer discretion is-...I think this might be a horror game!” Brian exclaims with glee.
Brock’s face turns pale. “ A horror game? Does it say what it’s about? I didn’t read the warnings!” Brock looks down at his phone with worry as his free hand fiddles with his hair.
“ I wouldn’t of accepted if I had read that...”
Tyler snorts. “ Quit being such a pussy, Brock. It’s a mobile game. No mobile games are scary.”
“ Except for Five Nights at Freddie’s.” Nogla interjects.
“ That’s different.” Tyler responds.
“ How is that different? It’s a mobile horror game?”
“ It’s different because FNAF is based off of real life human things...like the fear that toys are alive or...yeah.” Tyler bites his lips in thought. “ Stuff like that.”
“ That sounds dumb.”
“ You’re dumb!”
“ Shut the fuck up, Nogla.”
“ No. You shut up.”
Brock sighs in irritation. “ Brian, hurry up and accept the invite before I blow my brains out from listening to these two.”
Brian absently nods as he reaches the end of the paragraph. “ Yeah yeah...im almost done.”
He taps the accept button.
“ I was just-“
“ Ooh Shit-“
The world turns black for all four men as their bodies slump down into their chairs. Phones slip carelessly from hands as headphones ride up on their heads and chairs creak beneath pounds of dead weight.
Tyler’s web came shakes as his head slams down on the desk in a dead black out. The door to his office jiggles behind him, but stays shut.
Brock’s head rolls back over his chair as his jaw unhinges to let his mouth hang open freely. The top of his headphones slide forward onto his forehead while his shoulders rise up on the chair.
Nogla’s arms simply drop dead and hang off the armrests of his chair while his head props up, unmoving, on his shoulder.
Brian’s body fully slips out of his chair as all dead weight transfers to the front of his seat and sends the furniture flying backwards. His camera also shakes as his body slams against the ground without trying to catch himself.
Then everything is still.
A green highlight appears around Tyler’s web cam as a bird chirps outside, but nobody moves and nobody talks.
Soon, their chests stop rising.
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yntcdtyler · 5 years
so here’s my lover secret session’s story... 02/08/2019 london 🏹🇬🇧
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i got my dm on twitter on july 16th at 5:15pm and i looked at it thinking someone was trying to boo boo the fool me and it was really gonna say something like “stream ME!” so i opened it not thinking much of it and my heart literally SANK when i saw it was actually REAL. i got the phone call 4 days after from a girl called sara who was from Taylor Nation, she told me everything and i was literally in the storage room in work crying.
so it’s finally august 2nd.. i got up at 5am cause i literally had 4 different trains and 2 ubers to catch, when i finally got to my hotel it was around 11am, i checked in and got ready and went to the meeting point. i was literally the first one there so i panicked thinking i was at the wrong place but more people started to show up and immediately everyone formed little friendship groups who they seemed to have stayed with the whole day which was insane. i met lisa and emma which i’d recognised from twitter because we’d been following each other for so long and then georgia, evie & shiv all came over and we all just bonded and instantly became friends and realised we we’re the brits of the group, there were SO many international fans and it was amazing seeing people come from all over the world! our group was first on the bus and i’m not sure why but we were literally all crying like wtf was going on?? we drove past a few ambulances thinking ‘that’s gonna be our ride home after tonight’ cause at this point i’m like dying and then we finally got to THE HOUSE.
we all go inside, the ME! playlist was on, there was a huge moose head on the wall which we all became really intrigued by, a huge mirror to see ourselves ugly crying, there was food & drinks and little m&m’s with ‘lover’ and hearts on them and i have no idea what was going on in my mind at this point, like i didn’t know what to expect.
so then we all go to the living room we’re there was a bunch of cushions on the floor and a chair and speakers in front of us and i KNEW what was about to go down lads, it’s about to happen, we’re about to hear lover and i just wasn’t ready and i was sat THERE in front of the chair and a few minutes later... SHE COMES OUT FROM BEHIND THIS DOOR LOOKING LIKE LIKE AN ACTUAL GODDESS THAT JUST STEPPED OUT OF HEAVEN AND I DEAD ASS DIED RIGHT THERE THINKING ABOUT THAT AMBULANCE I SAW EARLIER ON CAUSE SHE JUST WASNT REAL. so she’s like “welcome to the lover secret sessions” and the noise that came out me was actually not human at all. she played half the album the first and kept apologising for ranting and going off topic which was so funny, she’s so adorable i was literally in awe. then was like “we’re gonna take a break so you can all go the bathroom, have a drink and stretch your legs” and then mentions she’s made us treats and everyone’s like OMG and she’s literally like “it’s just rice crispy treats i dyed in heart shapes” and it was just the funniest thing bc she’s just so sarcastic but they were the cutest things and just knowing she spent time making them was honestly insane. like i ate a rice crispy heart treat..made by taylor swift? sounds fake. so then as she’s passing them around, she’s goes into the garden and starts talking to everyone and thanking people’s parents and let everyone on her trampoline and just shouts “THESE ARE MY KIDS” with a glass of wine in her hand and it was such a taylor swift moment. it was just surreal like wtf? imagine bouncing on taylor swifts trampoline? i would’ve went on it but i wasn’t about to break my neck before listening to the rest of the album x
okay so we go back in to listen to the rest of the album and throughout the whole album listening part, i just kept crying and she kept looking at me and smiling and singing and i was just bloody in shock. there was one point during a song we’re me and georgia we’re holding onto each other crying and she just looks at us and tilts her head and gives us the most warming smile. right there we both died together it was unreal. but the album HOLY SHIT every song was INSANE. i found it so hard to pick a favourite so i have 3, this album is literally her BEST, and this coming from a speak now stan🤝 i was just the happiest i’ve ever been, it just seemed like a dream. seeing her sat there in front of me so happy and in such a good place, feeling so proud of this album and these songs just made my heart feel so full. what i was feeling in that moment is unexplainable. just pure happiness like i knew life doesn’t get any better than this... right it’s time for the meet and greets and everyone goes back in to the other room whilst they got ready and people started queuing then to go in and meet her, she spent so much time with every single person and seeing everyone’s faces coming out that room was so magical. the event was supposed to be over at 11pm and it’s literally 1:30am when it was my time to meet her. she’d literally been meeting people for HOURS and is 2 and half hours past the end time and she didn’t even mind. everyone was so eager to go inside that me and the girls decided to wait till the end.
so evie had just come out and now it’s my turn. i almost fainted, i was so dizzy and nervous and WHEN I TELL U I WAS PETRIFIED TO GO INSIDE, I ACTUALLY MEAN IT BECAUSE I WAS STOOD OUTSIDE THE DOOR REFUSING TO GO IN FOR ABOUT A MINUTE CAUSE I COULD JUST SEE HER STOOD THERE AND I WASN’T READY BECAUSE LIKE I’VE DREAMT ABOUT THIS MOMENT SINCE FOREVER. emma and lisa we’re stood there laughing trying to force me inside as well as a girl from TN. took me a good minute but i finally walked in, i walk over to her trying not to cry AGAIN and she’s stood there smiling at me and she says to me “it’s tyler isn’t it?” and i was like JDJSKDJD “yeah 😭😭😭😭” cause i didn’t think she knew who i was and i was just randomly picked by TN??? she then pulled me in for the biggest hug and i just felt like this is it, i’m gonna bloody pass out. I TOLD HER THAT WAITING IN THAT QUEUE TO MEET HER WAS LIKE WAITING FOR THE ELECTRIC CHAIR and i was like why tf did i just say that omg but she laughed and was like “omg hahaha it’s like waiting for the electric chair that’s so funny” then i gave her the lover necklace i’d gotten made for her so we had matching and she kept saying how much she loved and how beautiful it was. then said “i love your necklace” with a little smirk because i was wearing her ‘TS’ initial necklace and my heart just went HDAJHDJDDH. then she asked did i enjoy the day and i was like of course??? it was so amazing i couldn’t stop crying and she was like “aw i had so much fun, i love doing these” and then she asked how i’d gotten here and i told her that i had to take 4 trains and she looked so shocked and thanked me for doing that and asked if i was travelling afterwards and i told her i had a hotel and she goes “omg good, PLEASE don’t talk to any strangers” and i’m just like YEAH OF COURSE ANYTHING FOR U MISS SWIFT :’)))) i hugged her about 3 more times and i asked her about tour, and how she found me and she said she’d found me on tumblr and literally said “its tylovestaylor right?” and i was just like WHAT. THE. ACTUAL. FUCK. IM SCARED. cause i barely use tumblr because i’m the only one who reblogs myself??? and i’d gotten my dm on twitter so my mind was like wtf is going on right now?? i told her i changed my url and she said she’d follow me 🥺 then says “so do you wanna like... take a picture together or something?” YEAH OF COURSE, IM A BIT OF A MESS RN BUT ABSOLUTELY. she asks what i wanted to do for the photo like stand, sit, go near the piano? and i told her to choose because my mind was just all over the place and she says to me “i think one sitting down with our legs crossed over acting all (then does some pose) and stuff” i just couldn’t believe what was actually happening. we sit down next to each other and she grabs my hand and i’m just holding her and the photographer takes the photo and she tells me to have a look to see if i like it and i said i looked so bad and she goes “ITS SO CUTE, YOU’RE BEAUTIFUL AND PHOTOGENIC” then the photographer told me i was really photogenic and tay goes “SEE SHE EVEN SAID IT” did taylor swift..who invented photos and beauty... just call me beautiful and photogenic? surely not. so we took one more pic and she said she loved it so i loved it😭😭😭 we got up and hugged again and i just kept saying i love you and she told me i was beautiful and i was like SO ARE U???? and then i told her that i still don’t believe she’s real and she laughed. we hugged again i told her i loved her as i was walking out she shouts “please get home safely” and i said “have a safe flight wherever you’re going next” at the same time and she laughed and was like “OMG THANKYOU?” and i walked out and the emotions i was going through oh my god. i’d just met my favourite person in the entire world? like never in a million years did i think i’d ever meet her let alone get handpicked for secret sessions. i was in so much shock like it wasn’t real. that never happened? i’m still in shock now and literally crying writing this. she was so lovely and welcoming and spoke to me like she’d known me forever.
i couldn’t get over how beautiful she is, inside and out like i already knew that but seeing her in real life is so different, she’s literally flawless and so cute and delicate and i’ll literally die for this woman. thankyou so much, from the bottom of my heart @taylorswift for choosing me out of 100m+ fans, i’ll never understand why i was chosen but i can’t explain how grateful i am. it was by far the best day i’ve ever had in my 18 years of being alive, nothing will ever come close to that moment. i cant wait for everyone else to hear this album, i miss you and your hugs already and i forgot to tell you because my mind was blank but i’m insanely proud of you and will support you forever. promise.
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lorddiiavolo · 4 years
*shyly slides url over*
i made the meme up. you don’t tell me what you always wanted to say “bEfoRe 2020 eNdS”, i do. send your url.
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    can I just start off by saying I’m Thoroughly pleased that I got to meet you in the year of 2020?  of all the chaos that’d happened, I’d say you’re a surprise bundle of chaos that I got to meet but you aren’t rly chaos per se - you’re another one of those surprise, mellow friends that I had the privilege of meeting.  you’re such a sweet person, Brit - ignoring your tendency to strew angst all over the place. it’s a good quality to have though, I didn’t get enough angst in the past couple of years anyway, you keep me on my toes with your angst lmao.
  AND for having just 10 months to talk and get familiar with each other ( I think we both have the tendency to not approach people first for various but also possibly some similar reasons ), we came quite a ways.  you were always on the dash and I always was trying to figure out ways how to get us to write more bc Diavolo was digging his heels in the dirt with Solomon akjsha but despite how much Diavolo might’ve Not been fond of Solomon, your portrayals are part of the reason I’ve come to rly like the muses you write for ( especially the ones I’ve seen before but haven’t really paid much attention to: Vil, Solomon, Barbatos but I liked him - you just amped it up with your portrayal, Byakkomaru even tho idk who he is - your portrayals have me like :eyes: ).   the amount of detail and love and passion you put into them, how you explain their inner workings and why they do what they do, it gives me ( and I’m sure many others ) a different perspective. it’s a refreshing change of perspective and you always have me open-minded when it comes to the characters you take on. I even kind of take your portrayal for what the characters are, at least the ones that I don’t know but kfsja none of it is done in a way that's obviously out of character.   you’re so thoughtful with not only your portrayals but with how you treat people.  you always put a lot of work into everything. every writing, every relationship, every project you do, be it a meticulous process, I understand but you do it in such a way that it’s seamless.  you’re an overachiever ( no, I will not hear your objections, you came for what my thoughts are about u and Im delivering, u cannot intervene with humbleness and/or objections. shush, be silent ) and that’s something I can recognize.  you dive headfirst into projects and portrayals but you come out of it on top, and that’s just Brit.  it doesn’t take a close friendship to realize that, either.  that’s something admirable.  and I hope you carry that trait into every single thing you do - not to a point of burnout but in healthy dose.
  in this new month - seeing as we got to talk a little more afjsah I really hope we can do more. I’m bad at telling people about what Im doing kfsja things that interest me or just talking about my day but that’s something I wanna do with u and a lot of other people that I got to meet and get more familiar with. you’re an anchor on my dash, a presence I’ve gotten so used to seeing that when I don’t see you pop up normally I go and see if ur up to anything just for the sake of knowing.   I hope you don’t take these as just words when I say you’re someone who I’ve gotten used to having around and I plan on being around a little more bc you’re just good company to have.  no tension, no time-limit, no negative strings attached rly you’re just someone who I see vibing on the dash and someone who tolerates the bullshittery I let Diavolo do kASDFJ SO WITH THAT BEING SAID ---- thank you for being here. and for giving me a chance to find my bearings with this blog bc I didnt know what I was doing at first lmao THAT GOES IN HAND with your support. from small amounts of it to you just up front responding to shitposts and interacting ooc in general, like, it’s small to some people but its a lot to me and it always makes me smile a little when I see you bc its like “we’re bonding” LMAO you’re GREAT, Brit. you’re SMART, you’re wELLREAD, you’re just as shitposty as I am but u get it. you’re someone I didn’t think I’d even be able to talk to and yet here we are. and what’s more is your angst balances out my dash tbh lmao. it’s wonderful, pls keep it up - bring the tears for me and I hope you’re ready for more trouble from not only Diavolo but myself >:3c ily, treat yourself kindly and DONT BE SO HARD ON YOURSELF IM JUST AS STUBBORN BUT LISTEN I WILL REMIND YOU. now pls drink water. thank you for being here still, Brit.
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surejo · 5 years
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( victoria pedretti, cis woman ) hey ! have you seen JOSEPHINE “JO” CORMAC around ? SHE works at the HOT COCOA STAND at big bear resort, but they must be off their shift by now. well, if you do see them can you let me know ? they’re 24 years old & they’ve been working here for TWO YEARS. they tend to be +OPTIMISTIC & +EMPATHETIC, but can also be -IMPRACTICAL & -PASSIVE. the other employees have labeled them THE IDEALIST. thanks a lot ! ( the few nights the stars can be seen, books worn down by dog-ears and marks left throughout the years, the first crisp breeze of autumn, the duality… of t.s. eliot ) 
OK. a few notes before i get started:
1) i hope everyone loves how i literally j copied my ivan stuff. url format? ‘sure jan’ lives on. theme? too lazy to find a different one that’s easy to work with. luv that for me. 2) speaking of this theme i forget if i addressed this on ivan’s blog but tabbed bullets don’t appear tabbed.... so if anything seems like it doesn’t make total sense.... it is supposed to be tabbed™. 3) get ready for drama!!!!! you may ask yourself “but the app looks so tame! there will be no drama!” but you are wrong........ because she loves cats. the t.s. eliot book......... the musical........ even the movie.
ok jo,, is also a resurrected character,,, hence how i already kno,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, that she loves cats. anyway ! let’s begin ! (listen,,,, the intro format will at least be a little different from ivan’s ok im evolving)
full name: josephine “jo” rose cormac
date of birth: march 6, 1995
*does not perfectly reflect the below big three zodiac chart because that’s too much math
zodiac big three: pisces sun, gemini moon, cancer rising
gender & pronouns: cis woman & she/her
sexual orientation: bisexual ( preference for women bc we luv that for her but we also luv leaving things open to chemistry )
education: bachelor in english - literature that she is doing nothing with
enneagram: 2w1
mbti: infp
various inspirations: eleanor crain ( the haunting of hill house ), dolores price *as a child and towards the end of the book ( she’s come undone ), fox 8 ( fox 8: a story ), “why try to change me now?” - fiona apple (cover), “be still” - the killers
triggers: verbal/mental/emotional abuse/gaslighting, very slight implication of spousal abuse, brief mention of car accident/death & drowning
( ivan and jo’s breakout pop-punk single: “fuck happy backstories!” stream it on spotify ! )
jo......... was born into the wrong family, let’s get that out of the way.
it was pretty clear she was a ploy to save the marriage of her parents ( who have names: lucy and benjamin, luv that for them ). it didn’t seem like they’d ever picked up a parenting book, gone to a parenting class, rly prepped for being a parent at all...... in their entire lives.
that being said, her mom was actually decent at parenting. her major flaw, though? ok, so you know how kids usually have that one bedtime story that they love and want it to be read to them over and over? well lucy complied ! but y’all wanna know what that book was ?
t.s. eliot’s “old possum’s book of practical cats” whfeiuldjkn
anyway ! when jo was seven, after many failed attempts and simple threats, her mom was finally divorcing benjamin for realz. due to his volatile nature, it was becoming very clear that she was the more fit parent and she almost got sole custody ( the only reason benjamin was motivated for it in the first place was the power so?? )! how exciting!
but the keyword is ‘almost’!
alexa, play ‘my heart will go on’ but the off-tune flute version
just as the proceedings were going through, jo’s mother was hit by a drunk driver on new year’s eve. the car skidded onto some ice, minimal damage done... then the ice broke.
jo and benjamin both devolved after that. jo withdrew more into herself and pretty much coped by..... just reading old possum’s a LOT (hate that for her). all mopey, benjamin became much less outwardly violent. the keyword is ‘outwardly.’
ya, instead of j bein like “i will just chill” he was like “i will just make my rage more subtle because in this house, we love intimidation, manipulation, hostility, the blame game, and gaslighting! uwu” managed to convince jo that her mother’s death was somehow her fault, that he was the only person she could trust, that she will never be able to live without someone else, etc., etc.
a few years in and a cycle of many impromptu sleepovers began. luv that for her. hate that for her, but luv that for her. 
there is a lot i cld talk abt here, but it all seems like it cld j be tl;dr’d as: “basically became the surrogate daughter of a bunch of other people”
as for things that r not tragique™, jo was v much a drifter when it came to friends. managed to make a fair amount bc she does not seem like she will put a tadpole in ur hand like ivan. also j a people-pleaser but that’s starting to get into her personality which is another section.
did go to college. luv that for her. has NO CLUE what she’s going to do with her degree, but she can make some really sick niche william faulkner jokes. 
began seasonally working at big bear during the winter break of her last year in college because bitch needed some money!! wound up loving it and was like “i think,,,, i will continue to do this,,,, the people here,,,, r cul,,,,”
still visits benjamin every once in a while. not a way to say that uwu you should forgive ur abusive parent(s) uwu rather that jo.... still has slight belief in him. just to end on something emo.
started life out as a saddie, not a baddie. still not a baddie, but no longer as much of a saddie. loves “cats” and there is no irony to that statement. can make good niche literary jokes, but that’s about it.
a child. a literal child. a child to the point that she should have supervision when she goes on grocery trips because she falls for marketing ploys so easily. can’t believe she hasn’t fallen into a pyramid scheme yet.
an absolute dumbass. again, can make some great niche william faulkner jokes, but ask her the order of the planets? “...well mars is somewhere in there.”
unironically LOVES cats - both the musical and movie. thinks jennifer hudson’s grizabella is the best. will start sharing random facts about it or old possum’s book of practical cats if she runs out of things to talk about but feels pressured to keep talking. was broken when she first read a different t.s. eliot poem and realized he was actually super dark. the only thing that got her through it was a comparison to batman :\ bruce wayne is old possum’s, batman is everything else.
to take a brief break from fun personality facts, v down on herself bc benjamin’s words rly!! stuck with her!! convinced she is an absolute idiot and does not trust her own memory. v indecisive bc of this and always longs for someone to help her figure things out. tries to distance herself from memories of her mother because, again, benjamin got to her. her love of cats doesn’t help that, but... can you believe that’s her coping mechanism? makes up for it by giving all of her love 2 everyone else!! we love tragedy!! and needing to go to therapy!!
secretly knows her love of cats is weird and dumb. a part of her knows why it’s considered one of the worst musicals ever. but LISTEN. we luv rly weird coping mechanisms!
big dreamer. will develop the most impractical goals. she usually knows they are impractical, but still..... uwu
has decided everyone is good until proven bad! except for,,,, like,,, murderers and rapists,,,,
is #StraightEdge for the most part,,,, literally has a drink maybe three times per year
says “like” a whole lot for someone who majored in english with a concentration in literature and should therefore be more eloquent.
i am not great at these sections!! feel free 2 j refer to her zodiac, personality tests, and character influences!!
literally fox 8. i put the others there bc she’s similar but wow,,,, if u read fox 8 (it’s a short story i recommend it i luv george saunders u can find a pdf online),,,, she is fox 8. 
here u go here is a sample that doesnt need context: "Fox 4 woslike: No ofense, Fox 8? Your ideas are not super praktikal. Dreem, dreem, dreem, said Fox 11. Fox 41 woslike: Fox 8, does this honestly never get old for you?"
OH ALSO. she has a slet. a cat,,,,, named asparagus,,,, whom she calls “gus”,,,,, and y’all know WHY.
recent development: has downloaded tor so she can get on the dark web. why? because she thinks there will be more funny animal videos on there. is shockingly good at navigating it.
close friends bc we luv that –– roman (nuanced), aylie (nuanced), hazel (nuanced), cleo (nuanced), vic (nuanced), marco (nuanced)
childhood friends whom she possibly had impromptu sleepovers with bc that is v soft and,,,,, y’all i left the city blank for a reason. –– hazel, marco, 
on that note, the person who was like “wait,,,,,,, u know that book was turned into a musical right,,,,,, like,,,,, a musical literally everyone knows” and shook jo’s world
good influence / bad influence –– cleo, vic, 
exes –– ian,
reciprocated pining
unreciprocated pining
someone..... who has accepted..... that she likes cats.... in a way that is not ironic. will see the movie with her. –– aylie, 
an enemy,,,,,, aka this person was like “cats is literally the worst thing in the entire world” and now they r on jo’s very short hit list –– riley
idk!!! im also obvs up for brainstorming!!! luv that!!!
** descriptive connections page is here ( only people who i’m messaging are on it, but i ?? would love to plot w everyone ?? so don’t make the short list make u think i’m trying 2 limit it 2 these ppl auhfoeidla )
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yunhwas · 4 years
mydaytiny >>> yunhwas
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bngtnblues · 6 years
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genre: strangers to lovers!AU + non-idol!AU + fluff
author’s note: im reposting reverie again because my dumbass didn't realise if you changed your url, all your original content will be deleted as well :(  you can read iniquitous here to get the backstory as this is an alternative version <::: credits to @jitonic for the gif!!!!!!!
pairing: jeon jungkook x reader | a scenario
blurb: You, a constant sore thumb, didn’t realize how painfully obvious you were, gawking at the strawberry-scented boy who’s alluring enough for you to start sketching him.
word count: 1,870
You were quite terrible when it comes to expressing your feelings. Especially when it comes to liking someone. At a mature age, you should’ve known how to start up a conversation with this person but how the hell were you supposed to do that, since whenever he made his presence known with that strawberry scent of his, you voice gets stranded in your throat and as always, the train ride resulted in him sleeping and you stealing furtive glances at him.
And today was no different.
He sat in his usual seat; head slouched onto the window, earbuds plugged in as slow breaths exhaled out, not a single trouble on his face while the train barrelled along the rails. And then there’s you, in the seat opposite him, twiddling your fingers, then biting your lips out of habit, the process in a ceaseless replay as your conscience flew out the window ever since his toned legs made his way to the seat.  You didn’t even notice the woman, sitting two seats away from you, rolling her eyes at another episode of your obvious infatuation with the handsome man.
And boy, was he handsome. He had the type of face that could occupy your eyes from a mile’s distance. Chestnut brown hair tousled in the middle, rosy lips parted from sleeping, even his nose is perfect. To most, it might’ve been slightly big but to you, it was just right. But you never clearly saw his eyes. Masked from his hoodie’s shadow and his head tipped down whenever entering the carriage, his eyes remained vague to you as he always closed them instantly when taking his seat, much to your disappointment.
It’d be an understatement if you said this “non-existent relationship” with the hot stranger has become rather unhealthy.
So, today you thought to change your predetermined course of stolen glances and finger twiddling, you decided you might as well save the twenty-or-so minutes of this train ride by sketching him.
In your head, this was a progress from staring. In your head, you thought this would be a satisfying first step in finally asking out the hot stranger. That specific part was still complicated but all in all, it seemed like a win-win situation.
You gingerly brought out your sketchbook from your bag and soon, the artist entrenched in you made sure you captured every ounce of his face, from that small mole under his lips to his slender neck, the pencil worked tentatively onto the white page. Finishing it off, a frown formed on your face as you studied the drawing with an unsatisfying feeling because there is no way the drawing could be finished without his eyes.
And it was as if the gods above finally answered your calls after the four or more rides you’ve shared with him, but only in response to seeing your embarrassment unfold right in front of the only guy who made you question your sanity. To start on a positive note, it wasn’t your fault. It was the trains and mostly him. Your fingers compulsively grabbed onto the pencil once more because his lips just weren’t right and as you ready yourself to glimpse at him, you find yourself in a sudden shock to see him looking right at you.
Nut brown. Large, doe eyes with specks of nut brown. Damn.
You merely thought as you kept on gawking, too entranced by his bright orbs that peered right back. You felt your cheeks betray you with pink and it was a miracle your heart didn’t ram into your throat which had difficulty functioning at the moment.
Even if you were already a wreck of anxiety while he watched with such curious eyes, clearly it wasn’t enough for the gods, because you didn’t notice your sketchbook steadily falling from your hands onto the floor. It took a matter of seconds for the doe-eyed boy to break the intense stare down to direct his gaze towards it.
You followed his gaze and for a second, you thought, someone might as well shoot me now because there it is, your sketchbook lying flat open on that one shitting page. Becoming awkward while trying to seem normal in front of him turned out to be not such a good idea, because, in the next moment, your mouth opened to splutter out nonsense on how that sketch couldn’t possibly be of him.
“O-Oh, t-that’s my brother, just so you know. N-Not you, of course, because that would be just weird… but y-you look a lot like him when I think about it,” you stutter out, your heart easily matching the pace of the train. For your first actual words, you manage to say to the hot stranger, who still had his gaze fixated onto the sketchbook, you mentally cringed at how absurd you sound. That’s my brother just so you know… fucking hell, Y/N!
When he finally looked up, you were surprised to see a faint blush on his cheeks as he leans down to pick the sketchbook off the ground to offer it to you. You expected him to say something in return, a repulsed reply maybe, but his rosy lips remained sealed as he placed the book onto your hands. A process in which his fingers touched your palm, the gesture causing nerves in your body into some kind of joyride, enough for your plummeting self - confidence to hit rock high.
“It’s actually pretty shit looking, don’t you think?” you chuckle tensely, “Without the eyes and all,” you mumble the last part. Your second attempt of garnering a conversation seemed to fail as you stare at him from the corner of your eye, his eyes now focused on the ground, and an even more distinct tinge of blush spraying across his cheeks. The action making you wonder, given that there was nothing for him to be blushing about. As a matter fact, the roles should be reversed, however, here you are sprouting out crap, and there he is, flushing as if he initiated this whole drastic situation.
At once, the effects of this catastrophe was coming to an end as you noticed the train was nearing his stop and your fixated gaze on the floor saw from the corner of your eyes his legs getting up, and, all of a sudden, your mind was concocting some kind of desperate plan for you to at least to find out his name.
You set the sketchbook into your bag as you also stand up, your legs tremoring from the train reeling to the stop, your arm instinctively gripping onto the handlebar. Swallowing tensely, you train your eyes upwards, but your muscles stiffen as if your body could ignite into flames because what you least expected was the scent of strawberries inches away from you.
You feel your cheeks multiply in heat and you feel his fingers grazing yours as both of you hold onto the same handlebar above in hopes of not falling onto one another. The ding! of the doors are heard as a stream of people get off the train and you noticed the proximity with the stranger was still lingering. Why wasn’t he getting off? Your mind was spinning endlessly while more people entered the carriage.
You deepen your attention onto his hoodie, not daring to look up as you mutter out, “ My n-name’s Y/N, by the way…umm, isn’t this your stop?” and when you finally have the courage to peer up, you see him staring down at you with those eyes of his and it was as if all you could, in return, was treasure his beauty. You gauge his subtle expression with a clobbering heart and some sweaty palms and he held your stare with inquiring eyes. You compel your mouth to mutter out something, anything before he cuts you to the chase.
“And for a second I actually thought that sketch would be of me .” His voice whispers so delicately to you, so lightly with a hint of a tease, it mesmerizes you to the point where you wondered what he was whispering about. In a matter of a heartbeat, it dawned upon you that he was implying about the sketch that led to you being in this position.
You blink, stunned and perplexed by his answer. “W-What?”
His lips curl into a dazzling smile as he sees your dazed face. “You’re-” The monotone words of the train announcer disrupt him as she signals the doors closing, and you hear a curse fall out of the hot stranger’s mouth as he darts his eyes to the window behind you. When he fixes his eyes back onto you, he seems hesitant to finish the sentence, as if he lost the confidence to say whatever he wanted to say.
With a sheepish smile, he ruffled his hair to utter a sorry, before he dashes out, through the doors with earbuds stashed into his jean’s pocket and a waft of strawberries left behind. You simply watch him leave before impulsively grabbing your bag and rushing out behind him, barely scraping through the closing doors. As you step out onto the platform, you instantly look for his retreating figure through the deserted station. When your eyes land on a white hoodie a few steps ahead of you, you call out into the breezeless night.
“Wait, what were you going to say?!”
He immediately looks over his shoulder in alarm and when he saw you slightly out of breath form, his face contorted into a startled expression before his lips slowly curved into a slight smirk. With long strides, he reached you in a matter of seconds. You straightened yourself up in attempt to peer up at him and utter out,
“I know I’m quite insane to jump out of the train to follow a complete stranger… b-but I won’t be able to sleep tonight without thinking about what y-you were about to say, “you pause to curse yourself for stuttering(again) before quickly adding, “and also it’s been bugging me to know your name ever since the moment I first saw you.”
Your eyes fall to his black sneakers and you slowly let out a long-held breath.
“I was going to say you’re shit at lying.”
You instantly widen your eyes, still staring holes at his shoes while mentally wince.
“But it’s not every day a cute girl jumps out the train for you.”
You slowly look up at him, wide-eyed and all to see the station lights giving him an angelic glow and his eyes fixated on you with amusement as he holds out a hand, enough for your cheeks to heat up again.
“And as for my name, it’s Jungkook.”
You clear your throat and cautiously stretch out your hand to meet his, a prompt of warmth embraces you as he envelops your hand into his. You internally relax a bit as you gently beam up at him.
“Well, it’s nice to meet you Jungkook.”
Bonus ending:
“Was it that obvious I was staring at you during all those rides?”
“Oh, definitely.“
“ Then, why didn’t you say anything?“
“Let’s just say good things come to those who wait, Y/N.”
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weiwuxiian · 6 years
galdrgraced rp with me light
Send me your URL and I'll tell you || @galdrgraced
My Opinion on;
Character in general: I first got to know Reyson through simply reading about Tellius after I read about Ike. But tbh I only finally got to know more about Reyson through you??? It’s come to the point that whenever someone mentions Reyson, I associate the character with you bc tbh Dani you’re the best Reyson I’ve never came across and the one who fully puts thoughts into and invest deeply into his character. I really, really love it when I see someone absolutely devoted and passionate about the muse they rp, because it’s what makes those people stand out imo, and not just here for the sake of writing. WHO CAN LOVE REYSON MORE THAN DANI ANYWAYS??? How they play them: Omg,, i feel like the answer to this one would just be a little similar to the one above. I think the reason your Reyson is so good is because you’ve done full research on him and you know his character like the back of your hand. Which is why he takes life under your fingers. You thought out every aspect of him and every have every single detail laid out. You know exactly how he would react to every situation. Your Reyson is so good.The Mun: I LOVE DANI???? I can’t remember how we met but I think it was funny bc me & my usual nonsense, like how I caled Dusk a Duck the first time we talk AADJASd. But omigosh Dani is such a good friend and everything??? One of my best takeaways in the FE fandom is getting to meet and form the Blond Bombshell Squad. We troll people together, we troll each other, we troll our muses, and being with you guys is one of the best experiences I ever had in the FE fandom. I was afraid that moving to another fandom would change things but I’m so relieved and happy that we’re still the same. Dani also gives super good advice if you need a friend to talk to and she’s just....very supportive of every situation. Dani is kinda like Reyson, LOL, she’s always the first to leap out whenever something’s going on. I should shut up bc this is getting too long ashdasjd. 
Do I:
RP with them: Yes??? Most of them are trolls. With Libra is mostly crack. With WWX they’re never ending fighting and I love it X”D Want to RP with them:   Of course! UGH, Laguz verse ONE DAY.
What is my;
Overall Opinion: When ppl says Tumblr is filled with shitty people I would be like, “HAVE U MET DANI???” but ok im exaggerating. But if you aren’t friends with Dani you’re missing out!! although I think that most people already knows this adjas.
**Note: Mun’s answer are all to be completely honest. Don’t send url if you don’t want brutal honesty
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semiprcious · 6 years
hi!! so i’m the worst at intros, but i’m a and here’s nico giuseppe bianchi, the drummer for renegade. he’s a selfish italian boy who decided their actions don’t have consequences and lives in a scarily burden-free world. 
i have-- a more detailed bio in the works, but here’s a base intro. TW please be warned of mentions of drugs, drinking, organized crime and otherwise sensitive subjects.  like to plot?
「 ASH STYMEST, MALE, 24, RISE AGAINST. 」┈ did you read that latest viral gossip issue on NICO BIANCHI?  he/they are the DRUMMER in RENEGADE, one of my favorite HARDCORE PUNK groups. they’ve been releasing music for FIVE YEARS now, but viral gossip has only been talking about them for the last MONTH. get this, i think i heard THEY HAVE TIES TO THE SOUTH AFRICAN MOB. they’re known as the SHAMELESS of the music industry, since they have a rep for being UNINHIBITED but VINDICTIVE, but who knows. maybe that will change once they become #1.  
nico was born to a single mother in capetown, south africa. she was heavily connected to the mob (a branch of the sicilian mafia), a powerful and usually stern woman, but, as soon as nico was born and she looked into his eyes, she became afraid.
no, not because she hated him, but rather because , in that moment, she had never loved anything so much. he was her little prince, the only thing she had ever had all to her own-- and, because of that, she would never be able to deny him anything.
so, though he was taught from his other 'Family' members to be tough and self-sufficient, to shun weakness, and to make sure no one ever got the best of him, he was also spoiled, allowed to do whatever he wanted without fear of consequence.
to be fair, this lack of restriction allowed nico to live honestly at an early age. by sixteen, he was out as being bisexual to everyone who knew them and he had no shame about it.  
but it also led him to have no shame about anything.
he had no problem with subjecting others to casual cruelty. he was callous and self-absorbed. he never really had to stop to consider how others felt or what his actions really entailed for others. he lived in a self-indulgent and lascivious world and didn't care for anyone else's perspective.
he was... flamboyant, magnetic, reckless, full of sharp edges. he still is. but back then, he was a bull in a china shop. he pulled you in, so he could trample you. with every kiss, he consumed.
and then--- he left the Life.
make no mistake. it's not that he had any qualms with the oft violent and corrupt lifestyle of those associated with the mob.  he had never even been close to a good person-- he didn't suddenly develop a moral compass, feel compassion for the people he hurt.
he just- he couldn't stay.
look, im not saying he has a bunch of diamonds somewhere in his home. but i'm like- i'm not not saying it, okay? there’s a reason his url is semiprcious and its bc.... well, that’s between me and god. the point is-- he's out of the life. he's not here in la to get intensely involved in the criminal underworld. he's here to have fun, to break hearts and take no shit from anyone.
he’s here. he’s queer. he’s got eyeliner smudges all over his hands, fingers that are stained from chain-smoking cigarettes. he’s sharp as a whip. he’s mean as a snake. he’ll be kind to you long enough to charm you, drop you as soon as he loses interest.
they just... do what they want. they always have.  it’s been 24 years. no one has ever told them no. they’re not going to start listening to people now. 
so... gender is a lie.  though they do mostly identify as male, they do tend towards nonbinary descriptors.
as for their sexuality-- they suppose the technical term would be bi or pan, but the truth is the best descriptor for their attraction is that they’re a narcissist. they like people who give off the same vibes as they do. 
nicknames? do they give condescending names to everyone? hell yeah. will this piss off your muse? probably. will they stop? no. 
are... they having an ugly realization that, for the first time in their life, their band members won’t let them get away with... everything? yeah. 
nico loves to go out and does smoke and drink, but he stays (mostly) out of drugs. WARNING: he is not v considerate of people who rely on drugs/addiction. this is less due to demonization of the drug and more because of the fact that he feels like it makes them weak? this is a very toxic thought, but nico ... doesn’t care.
look... he’s a bad. he’s cold, self-absorbed, narcissistic, flamboyant, vain, clever, persuasive. don’t let him get close to u... bc... why be nice? this is a cruel world, babes. u gotta look out for urself.
i hate this ugly. 
i really do. 
one night stands
current flings (if he calls u... an ice cream flavor... its bc you’re the flavor of the month, not bc ur sweet... watch out)
exes on bad terms that nico literally pretends never happened which probably makes ur muse angry
party friends
party enemies (ur... too wild or u cant match his wildness)
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creion · 7 years
gen z/millennial fma headcanons courtesy of me.
greed is friends with everyone in this au. everyone. he knows everyone.
no one knows greeds real name. he’s just greed. in this au thomas halbert doesnt have the url greed. greed does. hes not even that greedy and he most definitely blocks everyone who calls him out on it.
he’s mysterious in general. his youtube channel goes between him doing backflips off of things he shouldnt be doing back flips off of to a podcast about [some obscure political thing]? who is he?
greeds probably low key homeless like idk in an au where hes human i can imagine him showing up at one of his friends houses every night with like his one backpack of belongings like “hey im sleeping on ur couch and using ur shower” and no one really questions him because hes charming enough to get away with it yknow
except edward questions him. “ling isnt even here. wyd.” “please. if i dont shower i might die.” “fucking fine I GUESS”
greeds favorite place to go is ed and lings apartment because theyre nice and ling always feeds him and also eds funny and greed appreciates humor
this is just a general greed headcanon but god is he poly :3c i can and will fight about this.
GAY! TANA! MONGEAU! hes wild and a lot of people hate him even though hes really a giant sweetie. he’s best friends with greed and sometimes ling goes on greeds podcast so they can talk about their exercise regimen
hes dating edward of course. theres not more to this other than theyre dating and they love each other and Would kill for each other. also a lot of people probably dont think they have a deep relationship but im telling you. theyre star crossed lovers. its total romcom bullshit.
ling probably gets paid to go to parties. like thats his job and he makes good money doing it even though he has a masters in psychology. he just. goes to parties. pays off his student loans.
he does a lot of prank videos on youtube. think tgfbro but american and less edgy.
ling probably also models on occasion. like hes pretty enough that he just does it.
he shaves his head at some point or like maybe gets an undercut and no one can look at him for a month because its just weird. lings hair is like his identity.
he gets up to a lot of hijinks with greed. theyre probably a little gay together. edward doesnt care because its 2018 time 2 start normalizing polyamory ok.
ling spends actual money on new clothes for greed but the man always wears the same two outfits and although ling rarely gets angry this gets him a little riled
his youtube channel is just a mess kind of like greeds except with him its unintentional he just... does what he wants. theres videos of him showing off his physical prowess. like hes small but he WILL kick your fuckin ass. hes probably a black belt and is the physical embodiment of the navy seals rant.
sometimes he does vsauce style videos on youtube and everyone hates when he does it because hes memelord 69 but at the same time hes wicked smart
hes a physicist in this world and im serious it throws anyone who meets him for a loop.
ed gets asked a lot how roy is his dad if hes only 12 years older than him. eds answers are either “he found me and my brother as infants and has mothered us since” or “idk man”
ed accidentally starts a meme. he posts a bunch of pictures of ling either sleeping or passed out and idk the specifics of the meme but he starts a meme and it pains him. he consumes he does not create.
ed likes greed but he doesnt express it. “i dont like you” “[eyeroll] and???? im still eating ur leftovers”
ed actually does kick russel tringham in the head for a skit for one of lings vlogs. ed and russel are best friends even if russel genuinely did try to steal eds identity at some point and may or may not have put ed in debt for a few months
hes one of ed’s professors much to eds dismay since roy is, technically, his adoptive father.
he probably argues with ed a lot in the middle of lectures (”hey dumbass thats not how it works” “im literally teaching you what you’re majoring in.” “yeah and im telling you that you’re wrong.”)
he’s like 35 in this au and technically a millennial. ed’s 21.
roy has an instagram and its literally just pictures of hughes and elicia and nina and ed and al
roy and hughes are most definitely a foster family and am i pulling this from my own fic yes i am can you stop me no you cant
all of the gen z kids in this au think hes awful bc of all the dad jokes and slightly outdated humor. hes not awful. hes perfect. hes doing his best.
he loves all four of his children.
he and gracia are best friends even if their marriage didnt work out for unknown reasons. they along with roy are GOOD PARENTS to elicia. you can pry this from my cold dead hands. canon can suck my chode.
shes not like greed she doesnt try to be mysterious. shes probably a beauty guru (SolarisCosmetics) and does a lot of tutorials like “Low Commitment Goth Makeup Tutorial”
shes unintentionally mysterious because for her first like 50 videos or so theres no commentary its just subtitles
her first video with commentary is like “i... apologize. i was not intending to be so... mysterious.” and shes actually very sweet and nice and you can fight me on this ok
greed is her adoptive brother and greed makes her bleep out his name and blur her mouth whenever she calls him by his name bc he likes to lurk in the background of her videos because hes an asshole
shes a mechanic in this au and i mean shes a mechanic in canon but she prob specializes in like. idk. cars. this is a headcanon list im not looking up specifics of mechanics point is she can rebuild an engine in an afternoon and everyone in this au is in love with her
she probably tries getting ed to go on double dates (him and ling with her and lan fan) but every single time he shoots her down and its to the point shes almost convinced that hes not even dating ling in the first place
greed is probably her biggest client. no one knows how he does it but his car is constantly breaking and winry is the only mechanic in his general vicinity who knows how to do her job worth a shit and also her repair shop has cool music and he probably finds excuses just to chill for the music
“[greed] please. if your fat ass is going to be taking up counter space AT LEAST help clean up” “excuse you my ass is FIRM AND PERKY.”
its probably a joke among ed’s following that winry DOES NOT put up with his shit and when winry gets asked out it shes just like “hes an asshole why the fuck do you think im gonna let him walk around all half cocked like that”
i like to think shes in the military in this au too. not like military military but maybe air force idk. imagine pilot riza. wow.
shes not on active duty or w/e but you KNOW shes in a foreign country going to college paid for by the government.
everyone in this au is at least bi and riza is no exception. she is dating olivier armstrong. they are in love u can pry this from my cold dead hands you fucking gremlins
edward is probably platonically in love with her. like when he gets to see her (which isnt often) he has to occasionally stop, put a hand on her shoulder, do the ‘boi’ hand (idk how else to describe it) and say, “i love you dont ever change” “thank you, edward.” “[hug]”
a troll. like you know those troll blogs that are pretending to be otherkin or some really obscure gender w neopronouns (u do u but we all kno theres trolls). envy has one of those blogs.
envy is actually nonbinary irl but theyre very critical of “special snowflakes” (again u do u these headcanons dont necessarily reflect my opinions and as long as u aint hurting no one i support u) and they probably cyberbully ppl
envy is garbage in this fic
“god i hate you” “actually eat my ass, greed”
see greed is the opposite of ed w riza. he looks at envy and occasionally has to say “i fucking hate you”
theyre secrety buds but like... they annoy the shit out of each other. u kno they do.
ENVY STARTS A LOT OF DISCOURSE. THEY PROBABLY START A LOT OF HOMESTUCK DISCOURSE. GOD. here i am in 2018 writing about envy starting fucking homestuck discourse. its probably like davekat discourse too tbh
i know im forgetting alphonse, may/mei (i spell it mei), and lan fan but its like 4:19 am 
please send me asks if u have any feedback. or reply to this post. its up to u. i trust u to make the right decision. (there is no reight decision and honestly i need to go to bed)
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jooheonies · 6 years
nawar lover no.1 aka user shwhyuk uwu
bloodorangeki said: the lady formerly known as hyuccwoo, shreknu if u will,
send me a tumblr url and ill tell you what i think of them!
hhhhhh ok before i eben launch into this full love essay. i jst wanna say tht u truly are the light at the end of my tunnel sejung,,,,u make me so happy !!! Like i remember when i was losing my mind off of like three sips of pineapple cider and i legitimately felt like i was gonna throw up but then i was like … damn i can’t forget to text shannon and tell her about all this. and then i talked to u for a full hour or so while u called me a liddle babie nd i continuously whined…either way you truly have me under your spell you demon!!
okay so not to be. dramatic but youre so dreamy and pretty you remind me of rain and soft kisses on the cheeks and rose gardens and bouquets of flowers and soft sunlight on flower meadows and like! that feeling you get in your cheeks when you smile too much for too long and you get that permanent blush across your face! god that’s probabaly nonsense and not very cohesive but you have the same sort of colors…soft orange and light pink….you’re like a sunset on the beach right at the start of spring when theres barely anyone on the shore and the whole world feels really big and wide but even though youre all alone you don’t feel lonely because it still feels like the whole world(you) is poised right at the edge of your fingertips.
hhhh that also probably made very little sense but i dont care i love you so much and im very bad at expressing emotion (blame my virgo moon who hasn’t felt any feelings in over 18 years) but i still feel like always showering u in that sweet love and affection, despite the fact that im horrible with words and i have absolutely no consistency. I feel like it’s really rare to meet someone who literally changes your entire perception of the world but … damn here we are!! tlkaing to u is literally a part of my daily life its a part of who i am at this point :/
Anyways, friendships don’t really come naturally to me because I have a very weird perosnality where like. im simultaneously suffocating whilst also being very detached and it turns people off so quickly but..god we mesh so well i truly love you so much. i also tend to not write a lot whenever i make these posts bc im the kind of person who continously says how much i love you throughtout the convo (even thoguh ill ghost most ppl for a few days) so whenever i get around to writing these im like :// but what else do i say :// but this time!!! oooo i have so much to say i can never go into full loving hours with you bc you always turn things around and get me to start talking abotu myself and pretty soon we start talking about how i used to raise rocks as a kid instead of talking about how hot you are :/
so anyways firstly . those were just the intro pragaraphs im finally getting into my loving sejung essay :(( helloooo one of my favortie things about talking to you is how easily the conversation always flows ….us talking about shownus asshole and the questionable consumption of expired jello and orbeez at 3 am is most likely the more demonic things weve done while simultaenously being the more tame things…my head still aches when i remember that giagntic bruise i got from looking at that wonho+tentacles/changkyun+black hole sketch u made… god we somehow always go from topic to topic with absolutely no regard for cohesiveness and yet neither of us ever question it…we’ll spend hours discussing absolutely nothing …like that one night we stayed up for like three hours on rabbit talking about all the different mx stans and which member has the most stans internationally versus domestically and why….icons of developing complex sociocultural theories at 2am while occasionally mentioning “oh wow its late u should go to bed >:/” god its just that I always lose track of time whenever I talk to you…its like im so focused on that I Love Her mood that I don’t even realize its been 4 hours until I look down at my pile of unfinished homework and then back up at my laptop like. This was a Valid choice why would I pick ib math when I have a whole entire sejung talking to me. hhhh its just that talking to you comes so naturally and I always tell you all these quesiotnable things to which you always respond by first calling me a demon and then laughing about it and encouraging my stupidity. it’s also so so endearing that ill tell you about the dumb shit im doing and your first response is always to nag at me to be safe and take care of myself as if ill actually listen to you and clean a cut with alcohol, risking legitimate Pain… anyways sejung? queen of making me feel loved and noticed? MORE LIKELY THAN U THINK!!!!
hhhhh ok moving on now I get to talk about how. sexy u are damn….i remember back when we were first starting to talk and you sent me those pictures of yourself in that button up and I literally. I quite literally almost passed out in the starbucks while the barista was handing me my strawberry lemonade I truly almost lost it…nd right before that I was encouraging you to talk to the boba girl nd flirt nd be all spicie…but then u sent me those pics nd I was like for what reason would she have to impress boba girl when im right here … mouth open so wide in love that all the bobas are spilling out of my mouth :( not to be dramatic yet again when I know ive mentioned those selfies before but damn…those were so hot u unbuttoned like two or three of the top buttons and u looked so hot truly. raw me vore me behind each and every single boba store location hewwwooo u look so intense nd powerful im truly putty in ur hands not only would I lose my mind for u, I have already lost it
hhhhh im very much rambling and making very little sense rn bc its. 2:30 am and im sleebie nd I blocked all social media sites so id do homework bt I kept thiknning abt u so I was like hm the universe clearly wants me to write about sejung more even though ill have to post this in the morning bc tungle is blocked until then :// bt anaywas that also means I get to go into all the other thigns I love about u and all the things u remind me of :(( hhhh its so wild that I never actually aunch into full loving shannon mood bt I talk abt u so much w my friends theyre all. suspicious ,,,,
them: nawar u don’t actually like romance and u hate talking about people r u perhaps dating this girl??me, w hearts in my eyes laughing at smth ure saying on my phone: what
HHHH DJHFKSJDHF TAHST TRULY ME,,,,ALWAYS THIKNING ABT U,,,ALWAYS BEING BIG HEART EYES FR U,,,at any given moment I could be reminded of u :( I see a piece of paper nd im like huh I should do work then again is work necessary to live perhaps not but sejung is necessary to live,,,,me thinking abt u as I procrastinate every single thing ive ever had to do :D Like, ive never understood when people say that they hated a zodiac sign at one point, and then they met one person and they were like oh my god nevermind this sign is perfect but truly,,,I love geminis now ,,,I used to hate them almost as much as cancer nd now? geminis are all good ure so wonderful nd loving nd sweet u being a gemini saved geminis collectively,,
ill also neber stop talking abt how now matter how much I whine and demand attention, youre always jst,,,supplying it without any question like at one point people usually get annoyed, no matter how endeared they were by it at first, bt youre always calling me a baby (even though im older) nd giving me that sweet Love and Attention,,mmmmm my libra sun thrives under ur care :( hhhh also I feel it is important to point out I love. all of u,,,,like I don’t even usually care much for peoples voices or anything unless its like so deep it sounds like the grim reaper bc that’s wild u ,,bt anyways the first moment I heard ur voice I was. breathless I was so shocked like ur voice is so soothing nd warm its like. if the aesthetic of sunlight and honey and warm pies had a voice,,,hhhh im also not the type to really believe in things like fate nd destiny and soulmates and stuff bt that’s kind of what u remind me of ? in a? not weird way hhhhh so I feel like youre just so naturally in tune with people like nothing really catches you off guard and you roll with peoples different personalities and quirks and you always jst. mesh so well with everyone ure like the minhyuk of the internet,,,,nd like!! theres smth abt u that reminds me of balance and maybe its my libra sun always seeking peace and harmony in life but I always feel so relaxed nd steady whenever I talk to you its like . idk how to explain it!!! its jst so comforting!!!
I was originally gonna cut myself off at 1k but its too late for that now and im gonna put this under a read more anyways and its 3am now so I feel like. go Big or go Home!!! now im gonna launch into a long analysis of u! and ur smile!! first of all,,,its so rare nd wild to find someone who likes validating people more than being validated,,,,u finding my libra antics cute???hhhhh tahts so wild,,,,I could pout for hours nd u would call it cute,,,validating!!! nd the fact that you’ve read my writing,,,,excerpts from my demonic wips and youre stil friends with me?? you still talk to me?? damn that’s like. never to be expected any time I make someone read that tangerine fic they ghost me for a good month but I sent you pieces of that tentacle fic and YOU FUCKCING SKETCHED OUT THE LOOK,,,,,MY MUSE,,,nd also you tend to always steer the convo around to focus on the other person n dim a FOOL who almost falls for it every time,,,before I remember and make u tell me thigns…god ive told you so many obscure things from my childhood like that time I tried to eat a brick and yet you still,,,,talk to me,,,,who are u,,,,hhhh ure always so cute nd giving nd caring I feel like I could genuinely truly look like shit nd send u a selfie nd you would still be like WOW GORGEOEUS YOU LOOK SO GOOD THAT’S HOT!!! u,,,going out of ur way to make ppl happy :( anyways im a fool in love w u ,,,also not to be like. one of those old white boy text posts from tumblr but ,,,,hey girl,,,ladie,,,wamen,,,did u know? ur smile lights up my world? ,,,did u know? theres no such thing as u being anything less than perfect,,,why? because its impossible to be anything less than the essence of who you are. hhhh that’s the dumbest thing im ever written im cutting myself off that was too much this is like. 2k words so far and in all honesty I could continue but then id get gushier than that last line and nobody wants to see That,,,hhhh
this started out with. somewhat decent grammar like I used periods and I think I occasionally capitalized the first letter of the sentence but at this point its incoherent rambling it’s the inside of my brain every time I see u or hear frm u its like when spongebobs brain was on fire and all the cabinets and computers were going up in flames and all the little brain spongebobs were losing their mind that’s me right now losing my mind over you I wrote exactly 2k words in that whole essay,,,,im so fucking valid,,,,ananywas I love you if you couldn’t tell nd iim . somewhat satisfied at being able to vent all this love,,,smoochie,,smoochh,,SMOOCHIIE
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niladmirai · 7 years
Do all the numbers. Do them all. I want every answer.
Geez, thats a tall order
1: NameDavid
2: AgeTurning 23 in March
3: 3 FearsHeightsRejection from family/friendsFailure
4: 3 things I loveMy loved onesVideo GamesArt
5: 4 turns onIntelligenceCommon interestsGenuine joy and happinessGreat listener
6: 4 turns offSmokingAsshole attitudeIgnoranceDisrespect
7: My best friendAt this point in time, it’s hard to say…
8: Sexual orientationStraight
9: My best first dateNever went out on a date ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
10: How tall am I5'6"
11: What do I missNot being tied down by the pressure of being an adult
12: What time were I bornExact time, 9:11AM; The date, March 12th
13: Favorite colorBlue
14: Do I have a crushLmao not at the moment
15: Favorite quote“Do or do not. There is no try.” -Yoda
16: Favorite placeMy hometown of NYC
17: Favorite foodFrench Fries
18: Do I use sarcasmWhen do I not?
19: What am I listening to right nowNothing. Its 8:30AM as I type this lol
20: First thing I notice in new personTheir face and hair
21: Shoe size11
22: Eye colorBrown
23: Hair colorBlack
24: Favorite style of clothingJacket, hoodie and jeans
25: Ever done a prank call?Once
27: Meaning behind my URLBased on the phrase ‘nil admirari’ but i missed the last ‘r’ lmao
28: Favorite movieBetween Scott Pilgrim Vs. The World and Speed Racer
29: Favorite songTo Zanarkand
30: Favorite bandNone in particular. But favorite musician would be Bruno Mars
31: How I feel right nowTo be honest, mostly indifferent about a lot of things
32: Someone I loveMy older cousin for being an awesome guy to hang around with
33: My current relationship statusSingle
34: My relationship with my parentsLove them to death!
35: Favorite holidayChristmas mostly for Christmas music
36: Tattoos and piercing i haveNada. If i did, my dad would flip and rip em
37: Tattoos and piercing i wantIf i was allowed to, a pink star on my neck like the Joestars or the Zanarkand Abes logo on my arm
38: The reason I joined TumblrFriend mentioned it when I was at a retreat and was curious to what it is.
39: Do I and my last ex hate each other?Nah, we ended on good terms
40: Do I ever get “good morning” or “good night ” texts?Nope lol
41: Have I ever kissed the last person you texted?No lmao
42: When did I last hold hands?Yesterday during Mass
43: How long does it take me to get ready in the morning?Thirty Minutes tops
44: Have I shaved your legs in the past three days?How bout my whole life
45: Where am I right now?In my room on my bed
46: If I were drunk & can’t stand, who’s taking care of me?My cousin and brother
47: Do I like my music loud or at a reasonable level?Resonable so its actually audible
48: Do I live with my Mom and Dad?Yea
49: Am I excited for anything?My said cousin before is coming to visit!
50: Do I have someone of the opposite sex I can tell everything to?Yes
51: How often do I wear a fake smile?Usually half the time
52: When was the last time I hugged someone?Yesterday
53: What if the last person I kissed was kissing someone else right in front of me?I could care less at this point in time
54: Is there anyone I trust even though I should not?Nope
55: What is something I disliked about today?It’s 8:30am. I didnt sleep yet.
56: If I could meet anyone on this earth, who would it be?My japanese cousins whom ive never seen or met
57: What do I think about most?Fire Emblem Heroes
58: What’s my strangest talent?My thumb is double jointed
59: Do I have any strange phobias?Nah all are kind normal
60: Do I prefer to be behind the camera or in front of it?Both
61: What was the last lie I told?'I’m going to the car to get something’
62: Do I prefer talking on the phone or video chatting online?Talking on the phone
63: Do I believe in ghosts? How about aliens?Both
64: Do I believe in magic?Nope
65: Do I believe in luck?Yea
66: What’s the weather like right now?Clear
67: What was the last book I’ve read?Something in my college class 3 years ago
68: Do I like the smell of gasoline?Hell no
69: Do I have any nicknames?Dabid or bid
70: What was the worst injury I’ve ever had?My right index finger nail came off
71: Do I spend money or save it?Spend sadly. Its a bad habit.
72: Can I touch my nose with a tongue?Nope
73: Is there anything pink in 10 feet from me?My RWBY Vol. 5 poster
74: Favorite animal?Birda
75: What was I doing last night at 12 AM?Playing Fire Emblem Heroes
76: What do I think is Satan’s last name is?Hercule’s last name is Satan
77: What’s a song that always makes me happy when I hear it?Right now, the Finesse with Cardi B
78: How can you win my heart?If we share some interests, maybe thats hos
79: What would I want to be written on my tombstone?A beloved by many, and loved to play games
80: What is my favorite word?Free
81: My top 5 blogs on tumblrLmao never cared about favorite blogs
82: If the whole world were listening to me right now, what would I say?The world will be ruined if we continue the path we follow. We need to change.
83: Do I have any relatives in jail?Thankfully no
84: I accidentally eat some radioactive vegetables. They were good, and what’s even cooler is that they endow me with the super-power of my choice! What is that power?The power of luck manipulation
85: What would be a question I’d be afraid to tell the truth on?How’s the job search going?
86: What is my current desktop picture?The intro screen of Xenoblade Chronicles
87: Had sex?Never haha
88: Bought condoms?From my brother LOL
89: Gotten pregnant?Im a guy
90: Failed a class?Yes
91: Kissed a boy?On the cheek
92: Kissed a girl?Yes
93: Have I ever kissed somebody in the rain?Lmao no
94: Had job?Nope
95: Left the house without my wallet?Yes…
96: Bullied someone on the internet?No
97: Had sex in public?Still no
98: Played on a sports team?Yeah, bowling back in elementary school
99: Smoked weed?Nope
100: Did drugs?Perscription drugs
101: Smoked cigarettes?Nope
102: Drank alcohol?Hella
103: Am I a vegetarian/vegan?No
104: Been overweight?I currently am lol
105: Been underweight?No
106: Been to a wedding?Loads of times
107: Been on the computer for 5 hours straight?Five is an understatement
108: Watched TV for 5 hours straight?F I V E I S A N U N D E R S T A T E M E N T
109: Been outside my home country?Yea
110: Gotten my heart broken?Of course
111: Been to a professional sports game?Yeah!
112: Broken a bone?No
113: Cut myself?Papercuts
114: Been to prom?Yep. Loved it.
115: Been in airplane?Yeah
116: Fly by helicopter?Not yet
117: What concerts have I been to?The Eagles, Air Supply, my high school’s band
118: Had a crush on someone of the same sex?Admired, not crush
119: Learned another language?Java
120: Wore make up?Just nail polish
121: Lost my virginity before I was 18?No lmaooo
122: Had oral sex?No
123: Dyed my hair?Nah
124: Voted in a presidential election?Yes. Still upset about the end result.
125: Rode in an ambulance?No
126: Had a surgery?On my tonsils
127: Met someone famous?Yeah! I met Julius Erving as a kid and recently Pewdiepie a few years back.
128: Stalked someone on a social network?Who hasnt lol
129: Peed outside?Had no choice
130: Been fishing?Yep! I wanna do it again!
131: Helped with charity?Yeah
132: Been rejected by a crush?All thd time
133: Broken a mirror?Naw
134: What do I want for birthday?Money, a Switch, games to play on the Switch, games to play on my PS4, and most importantly, happiness
Whew that took awhile!
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infamousoverwatch · 8 years
Clichés: Chapter 2
Someone asked me to tag them in this so they could know when it was updated...but i’m a moron and didn’t write their url down. So if you wanna be tagged/mentioned when there’s an update, send me an IM or an ask. I’ve added a button on my blog that will allow you to read Clichés in chronological order.
Once your blush faded away and you were composed enough to not look like an idiot that was in love with their boss, you went to go talk to your other boss, the one that you weren’t majorly crushing on. Not that Jack Morrison wasn’t attractive with those stunning blue eyes and sexy blonde hair and fit, muscular body with arms that probably felt like heaven lying in… what was the point again?
You walked up to him just as that bitchy reporter was leaving. You could see the frown on her pretty face as she huffed and turned away, walking towards the elevator with purpose. Jack groaned once she was out of sight, those blue eyes you had just been thinking about rolling in annoyance.
“Didn’t think she was ever gonna leave.” He huffed, turning around and sitting on top of your desk. You moved to stand beside him, offering a comforting smile.
“How’d it go?” You asked him, eyes darting to the mug of coffee resting dangerously close to the corner of your desk. The coffee you made that morning was no doubt cold and gross by now, but if it spilled, you’d have to clean it up. Or the janitor, Jamison, would and he could be a little intense. Luckily Jack seemed to notice the mug on the brink of suicide and picked it up before he accidentally knocked it over.
“She didn’t take it well, but she’ll be out of our hair for now,” He informed her, “‘World’s Okayest Secretary’?” He read the text on the mug, deep chuckle escaping his lips.
“Yes, it was a Christmas present from Mister Reyes.” You recalled the memory fondly.
You had been working on the morning of Christmas Eve, boredly typing away at your computer, checking through the bosses schedules and making sure their appointments were correct, all the usual stuff, when Gabriel showed up at your desk. He knocked his fist against the wood of your desk to capture your attention. It had startled you, but you were always happy to see him (and think about him. Which happened a lot. Especially at night, whenever you were lonely…). He moved his hand from behind his back and showed you what he was holding. It was hard to tell what it was from the shape, as the red and white christmas tree ornament decorated wrapping paper made it look like a crumpled newspaper inside another crumpled newspaper. He handed it to you with a huge a grin that took your breath away (God you wished he would grin at you like that all the time) and you were so stunned it took a moment to take it from him. It took even longer to unwrap the present, tape gripped at every turn, corner, and curve. When you finally managed to discard the wrapping paper, you let out a sharp laugh. A white, slightly misshapen mug with the words ‘World’s Okayest Secretary’ painted in large block letters. When you looked up at him, his grin practically blinded you. You stuttered out a thank you, face flushing when you realized you hadn’t gotten him anything because you deemed it inappropriate. After telling him that you hadn’t gotten him anything, he laughed, deep and rumbling, echoing to your very core. It felt like butterflies had been caught in a tornado in your stomach. The feeling got stronger as he rubbed his hand on your head and told you it was okay, that the best present would be you continuing to work hard.
It was then that you started to think maybe your crush wasn’t so much of a crush and more of you being hopelessly in love. And then you started planning what to get him for Christmas the next year.
“Y/N?” Jack calling your name snapped you out of your trip down memory lane.
“Oh, sorry, what?” You asked, embarrassed that you had been so entranced in your memory you didn’t hear your boss talking to you. Jack didn’t seem to mind, and offered a kind smile before uncrossing his arms and standing from your desk.
“I asked if you’d like to get a drink with me?” He repeated.
What. Wait. What? Was he asking you on a date? No way, right? No way. Yeah totally no way, he’s just being nice.
“There’s this nice bar a short walk from here. It’s already almost 7, I say let’s call it a night and celebrate another day of work survived,” He joked, “Besides, I could really use a drink after talking to that girl.”
Yeah, he wasn’t asking you on a date. No way. Just… co-workers out drinking.
“Oh, sure.” You agreed, eager to leave work. Free drinks didn’t sound bad. Maybe it’d help get your mind off Gabriel. Or you could do the opposite and ask him about Gabriel, or inquire about the whole marriage situation.
Jack grinned, teeth shining bright as always, eyes crinkling with joy. He was very much like a golden retriever. The thought made you giggle as you walked to the elevator with him, stepping in and hitting the button to the lobby floor.
The bar was a lot more quaint than you thought it would be. You figured it would be something fancy, but it was rather average. It was still nice; dim lighting, bartenders in suits, colorful drinks with fancy umbrellas, quiet alternative rock music playing in the background, well furbished booths, stools, and tables. Not like the rundown shitshow you were used to.
Jack, clearly familiar with the place, lead you to free table in the back of the bar, away from most of the people. Ever the gentleman, he pulled out your chair for you and if you keep blushing like this, your face will turn red permanently.
“I’m gonna get us a drink. Any idea what you’d like or should I surprise you?” He asked, gesturing to the bar with a nod of his head.
Fuck, you had no idea what to order.
“Uh, surprise me?” Your meekness made it sound like a question, and you mentally reminded yourself to work on your confidence. Which was currently very lacking. Well, work on faking the confidence at least.
Jack didn’t seem to care, and offered a quick nod before turning to the bar and hailing the bartender's attention.
‘This isn’t a date. This isn’t a date.’ You thought to yourself, silently watching Jack interact with the bartender as he leaned on the bar. Your eyes trailed down to his ass. ‘I really need to stop looking at his ass. I can’t believe I have to work for two incredibly attractive men. If only this were some romantic movie. A rom-com or something. Two handsome CEO’s pinning over an average girl… such is the dream.’ A huffed laugh escaped your lips at the thought. That stuff only happened in movies and fanfiction. Terrible movies and fanfiction, full of clichés and cheese.
When he returned, it was with a glass of scotch in one hand and an obnoxiously multi-colored drink with a crazy straw in the other. He sat down in the chair across from you and slid the colored drink your way.
“One of this place’s specialties. Super fruity and not a lot of alcohol.” He explained, watching your reaction as you took a sip from the crazy straw. It was definitely very fruity. It tasted more like candy than alcohol. It wasn’t too bad, though. Just… different. It kinda tasted like you had taken a bite of every fruit in existence at the same time, had half a teaspoon of DayQuil, then drank koolaid made with 60% koolaid powder, 5% water, and 35% sugar. Still, you plastered on a smile and thanked him. At least you could keep the crazy straw, even if you did get diabetes.
“So how are you holding up with all the changes?” Jack inquired, striking up a conversation.
“It’s a little hectic. Not too much has changed, just double the workload.” He made a humming noise and oh shit you just casually complained about work to your boss. “Not that I'm complaining or anything! I mean, I can handle it! It’s not a big deal.” You quickly explained, voice getting higher as you tried to defend yourself.
Jack chuckled and took a swig of his scotch, swirling it around in the glass as he swallowed, enjoying the soothing sting it left.
“How-How about you? How’s working with Reyes, side-by-side?” You asked, “Especially with that whole ‘gotta get married in six months or we’re fucked’ thing.” You added casually, the instant regret of asking rising to your face.
Jack looked at you surprised and curious, not expecting you to bring that up, let alone know about it.
“Gabe told you about that?” He asked, the surprise clear in his voice. You didn't understand why it surprised him. You would have found out eventually. It seemed unlikely that something like this would go under the radar of the press.
“Yeah. Uh, should he not have?” Now you were concerned. Was it supposed to be some super secret thing? Did he only tell you because he was stressed out? Jack’s easy going chuckle soothed your nerves slightly. You took another sip of your drink to try and relax, immediately remembering it was mostly sugar and fruit and not nearly enough alcohol to provide any soothing effects. You tried not to let the gag escape your lips.
“No, no,” he started, “It’s fine. I just… didn't expect him to tell anyone. He’s not really fond of the idea, if you haven't noticed.” He took another sip, actually it was more of a chug. When he set the glass back down, it was empty.
“He’s not like… dating anyone?” Holy shit why did you ask that. You shouldn't have asked that.
Jack looked at you with a raised brow, a small smirk curling his lips. He knew. He knew, he knew, he knew. He knew that you are so sickeningly in love with Gabriel.
“No. Far as I know, he’s single. But he doesn't like being forced to mingle by his dead father.” He explained as he watched your expression intently. You tried so hard not to show your relief and to just play it off as professional curiosity. Instead, you just giggled at his attempt at a joke.
“Gossiping about my father, eh chicas?”
Speak of the Devil.
Don’t worry, there’ll be more Gabriel in the next chapter lol.
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onireview · 5 years
myIMUniversity 2.0 Review – Creating an online learning academy has never been easier!
myIMUniversity 2.0 Review – Introduction
Digital education, without doubt, has been the leading trend in the era of the Internet. Paper publication and e-books have been losing their market share sharply. Indeed, people tend to prefer listening to online materials such as ready-made audios or videos than reading by themselves. Follow this trend; many marketers create online courses or info products to scale their profits.
In this article, I will not go into detail how popular and trendy online courses or info products are. Instead, I want to tell you about how to produce them without breaking a sweat. I have witnessed that many of my friends and customers receive pricey bills every month for the charge of creating and maintaining their online courses. There was even a period when I wasted my money like that.
Now, this scenario no longer appears after I came across myIMUniversity – a product that lets anyone at any experience build their own online courses without any fee.
Are you curious and want to know more about this tool? Do not hesitate to check out the next parts in my myIMUniversity 2.0 Review for further details.
MyIMUniversity Rating!!
Easy To Use
The outstanding advantages inside the myimuniversity academy
- DFY HD video courses in HOT IM topics. - Mouth-watering university website in 15 different colors. - Online marketing academy can be ready within 7 minutes. - No hosting or domain required. - Ready-made HD training video course. - No recurring cost. - No technical skills required. - 100% beginner-friendly.
Learn More...
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myIMUniversity 2.0 – Overview
Vendor: Dr. Amit Pareek
Product: myIMUniversity 2.0
Launch Date: 2019-Jul-15
Launch Time: 10:00 EDT
Front-End Price: $37
Niche: Software
Salepage: https://offer.myimuniversity.com/jvz-special/
Bonus: Yess!
Recommend: Strongly Recommend!
What is myIMUniversity 2.0?
myIMUniversity 2.0 is a web-based tool, which is designed to create sites similar to Udemy. It includes more than 300 ready-made training videos in HD format, 40 ready-made sales funnels, and support desk within 7 minutes.
This product comes with over 40 IM training video courses which enable you to sell right away. Also, it provides users with a handful of exceptional features and requires no technical skills, recurring cost, and training experience and creation.
With myIMUniversity, you can:
Create e-learning platform like Udemy/Udacity/Coursera within minutes.
Stop wasting a large amount of money to create info products.
Create and sell HOT IM courses via a single tool.
Do not go anywhere and explore the rest of my myIMUniversity 2.0 Review. I bet you will be blown away with what this product can bring.
The Author – Dr. Amit Pareek
Dr. Amit Pareek and Er. Ashu Kumar, The creator of MyIMUniversity 2.0
Dr. Amit Pareek is the guy behind this powerful tool. This time, he has cooperated with his partner – Er. Ashu Kumar to develop myIMUniversity 2.0.
Dr. Amit has been well-known as one of the top premium suppliers on JVzoo in recent years with plenty of successful launches. Some of his most-mentioned products are LeadPrimo, Vidmozo, Tappit, LeadFunnelCloud, Trenzy, VidRankXpress, NinjaShoppe, and the list still goes on and on. If you have a chance, you can try on some of his products; I am pretty sure they will not let you down.
With in-depth knowledge and experience gained over the years in the marketing field, this man has been delivering high-quality products to the market and received much praise from his customers. He is also the CEO and founder of Eduncle and Saglus.
By the look at the previous successes of Dr.Amit, I firmly believe that myIMUniversity 2.0 will soon become the next product in the collection of his big hits.
Key Features Of myIMUniversity 2.0
This product is designed with various ground-breaking features. Hereunder are some of its most killing ones:
It provides eye-catching university websites in 15 different colors.
It lets you get access to a massive collection of more than 700 HD video courses.
It enables you to use ready-made sales material.
It includes 40 sales funnels, which are already proven to bring highly-converting results.
It allows you to make multiple funnels and course.
It provides a system with built-in DFY lead generation.
It lets you add students and leads unlimitedly.
It includes fully protected content delivery.
It is a 100% web-based system and requires no sophisticated installation or updates.
It allows payment via PayPal, ClickBank, JVzoo, and Warrior Plus
It gives you detailed step-by-step training videos.
It includes a ready-to-use affiliate system.
It does not need any domain or hosting.
It has built-in HD video hosting and player
It provides built-in support and ticketing system.
It can sync with more than 10 autoresponders.
It has extreme-fast server.
It owns cutting-edge members area
It requires no monthly or yearly fee.
It 100% complies with GDPR and CAN-SPAM.
It helps you to earn 5k-10k monthly via the package of Commercial License.
How Does myIMUniversity 2.0 Work?
With 3 steps, you can start your e-learning platform without wasting any single dime. Let check as below:
Step 1: Login to myIMUniversity’s Dashboard
In the first, you can see how to login to myIMUniversity Academy System
Enter your email and password to get inside imuniversity academy
Enter your business name and the business subdomain name as you want. Then let’s start!
Myimuniversity dashboard screen look like this
Step 2: Select module
In this step, you have to choose ready-made-to-sell training module among the library of over 300 HD videos in 20 Hot courses and Proven Sales Funnels
Pick one and create the product as you want
Step 3: Customize
Then, you need to add your details to create your desired training courses.
About: You can edit vendor names, vendor images, product description, sale platform and sale page color
Enter Delivery Url and you can preview the report. When everything is perfect, click “next”
Step by Step Training
Training Videos
Affiliate Stuff
Step 4: Scale your profits
Your HD video courses are now ready to drive traffic and sales to your sites.
MyIMUniversity 2.0 Academy Short Video Software Demo
Who Should Use myIMUniversity 2.0?
In my view, this tool is the right choice for a wide range of users from individuals to businesses. Also, either experts or newbies can start and manage this software with ease.
To be more specific, I highly recommend myIMUniversity to you if you are one of these people as follows:
Affiliate marketers
Training courses designers
Product owners
E-commerce marketers
Product Promoters
Business owners
And a lot more
Pros and cons
DFY HD video courses in HOT IM topics;
Mouth-watering university website in 15 different colors;
Online marketing academy can be ready within 7 minutes;
No hosting or domain required;
Ready-made HD training video course;
No recurring cost;
No technical skills required;
100% beginner-friendly.
I have not found any drawback of this software yet.
Evaluation and Price
You need to pay $37 to own this software. This price package allows you to get access to all of the breakthrough features, which I mentioned above.
I find that this price is reasonable in comparison to what users can do with it. I bet you cannot find similar products out there with the same price and same functionalities.
This is a front-end price, and as far as I know, it will not remain unchanged and will go up day by day after the launch. Therefore, taking early action is highly recommended. If you really fall for it, there is nothing to wait more, go and bring it home by hitting the Purchase button below.
User Experience
Frankly, I feel so lucky to have discovered this product. It has been a helping hand and has contributed effectively to my marketing activities so far. You know, since this software is 100% cloud-based, I am free of complicated installation and issues related to hosting or domain. Besides, myIMUniversity provides me with ready-to-sell materials so I can save a great deal of time to allocate to other aspects.
Last but not least, their support desk is always by my side. Whenever I email any questions or problems to them, they drop feedback with timely solutions. That is a plus point for this software.
Last Thought
You have reached the bottom lines of my myIMUniversity Review today. Heartfelt thanks for reading my whole article.
This product has changed my marketing activities profoundly. I do want you can have the same experience as me. So, to get started, just click the button below.
Do hope my review is helpful to your purchasing decision. If you have any questions, feel free to leave them in the comment section below. I will try to reply in time with as much knowledge and information I know about this product as possible.
Good luck, and see you soon in my next article.
The post myIMUniversity 2.0 Review – Creating an online learning academy has never been easier! appeared first on OniReview.
0 notes
idksheepthoughts · 7 years
Conversations Me: you actually soft blocked me....                                   any reason why?
Her: lol the fact that you noticed this late   but it happened on accident actually and i went and unblocked               but at that point i was like lmao like she'll notice so i never mentioned it              
Me: If you hate me just say so. No need to lie.... I don't check shit like that every day but it's not that many days since I know it was maybe a week or less ... Whatever. I'm so splitting atm. So I'll shut up before I say something else             
Her: hate? when the fck did i mention that?         yes, better shut up before you stick your foot in your mouth as usual                 since i've done nothing hostile to you as if me feeling like i matter to no one and have the smallest amt of friends possible is somehow how an Attack on You.
Me: you blocked me... on "accident" how does that even happen.... i've told you tons of times that the amount of friends depends solely on yourself. and your willingness to talk to people and work past the anxiety and fear that talking to people causes. . . otherwise I wouldn't even have friends. because if i isolated and neveer talked to anyone ever first that nobody would talk to me in the first place. . . ugh whatever. i've said too much im just going to sober up and talk later i guess.... I can't always be here I try to be but like we said previously, i didn't know what to do between give you loads of attention and give you nothing at all...
Her: tumblr mobile? lol. if you can't believe me when i say that then i don't really want to talk to you since everytime i feel bad or have like, negative feelings regarding my own situations you always take it so personally (1) and then i have to dread these fcking conversations so when we've been talking normally on twitter                 it all goes to fcking shit because you can't accept that i get to feel bad and feel upset about stuff regardless of whether or not im taking actions to help myself in my own way at my own pace...doesn't mean you get to think that i hate you so i blocked you      because what the fuck how does it work when we've been chatting like everyday on twitter?                   and it was (what i thought) fine? good? (2) if it really was the case i wouldve blocked you here or just flat out deleted since then i'd only have one fucking follower :) so just. let me have emotions. and don't assume things. this is so funny because i remember you getting mad at me months ago for the same exact thing   and here we are, situations reversed  
Me: BECAUSE i have a huge fear of abandonment.... it was fine but this stuff even if its an accident just idk .... i guess you never saw how much abandonment even if its an accident sends me into depressive spirals??? have i ever left you no. i've been distant yes but i've never full on unfollowed or left... idk you block me a lot and delete and it hurts every time.                                    
Her: "even if" can you believe me????? first off???? (3) and no you havent god if it was such a problem just follow me and then ask me about it because why would i lie lol (4) i don't like friendships built on lies i'll never talk to someone like that genuinely   i have insecurities too. i have enough
Me: ok it was an accident.
Her: i didn't even think it was a problem first off considering all those people you put on your thanksgiving post. and then you never noticed/messaged me about so i was like k, so that's that! and just talked w/ you normally here  (5)           so let's just accept the fact that we've got our problems and there's better ways to handle this than assuming motives
Me: so you did change url because of that post??? like my paranoid ass thought???? i was right on that???? cause i noticed that and was like... maybe its not related but was it????? cause I just want to know... im not mad at that at all just... i want to not assume things atm.    and i notice stuff slowly because I try not to fall into obsessive traits. its not healthy to check who im following or who is greyed out or blocked every single day. . . I try to just let things be but when I do notice stuff i can't help but explode. I tried to be calm by just asking why.... but i clearly failed at that. its whatever. I followed back. if it happens again just like.. tell me please??? this stuff makes me so close to slitting my wrist                                    
Her: no, i changed my url because i was sitting on that url for a while and i wanted to use it              
Me: okay, it was just a paranoid thought.                             
Her: well, i really, really, really, don't like when you start assuming things even after i tell you or not believing me. we've been friends for how long? does it mean nothing? you'd think i'd lie at this point? x____x       (6) .those thoughts make me want to die      
Me: i'm sorry for thinking irrationally, but with how many people just up and leave, all the time even with being friends for long periods its hard not to jump to conclusions. I am in the wrong for falling into my own paranoid thoughts. You explained things and I don't believe that you are lying so its fine.                        
Her: oh, now you believe me                     after i have to hold your hand when i'm upset (7) whatever i'm probably not going to follow back because i hate that i have no friends and my mutuals ignore all my posts when i try to put myself out there     it's gotten to a point where i can't post stuff on tumblr anymore because i know no one gives a shit             like even as happy as i am about my commission i know if i post that on my tumblr i'll make the artist seem bad when no one likes my post  idc. i'm bitter and alone and probably always will be because i don't have any friends aside from you o/                           like, be grateful you even have that many people to be grateful for   (8)      i'd kill for it i feel like dying when i think about this and i think about it a lot     but ofc i don't moan about it anywhere except on this stupid fucking twitter account                   where you seem ot think i live a dandy life   (9)                                    it fcking sucks bc im trying my best!                                           anyways im done lol           oh and then you post shit like *Edit* (Screenshot of some tags where I said I always listen to people but nobody likes listening to me so I talk to my cats a lot which is true because I’m a burden and i hate bothering people with my problems so much)                    that when you damn well no i have no one else to listen to except you online      and we've been civil lately                         but ok! i guess i don't care!  because im living it up!       #sarcasm    (10)
Me: you havent followed me in probably over 10 or so months, whenever i remade, cause i don't think you followed me when i delteed either,  i didn't expect a follow back at all. i just expect us to be not mutuals but still friends? THEN TALK TO PEOPLE TALK TO PEOPLE AND TALK TO PEOOPLE thats all i did was work past my fears and talk to people and some stuck around some didn't. i dont know what else to say. some of those people haven't actually spoken to me in months either but im still grateful for them. I have nothing else to really advise on that other than you gotta put the talking in first. thats all i've done and its somehow managed to not fuck it up for this long??? i dont think i've had any friend longer than whenever we started being friends... so around 2 years...    
Her: no offense but just talking to people doesn't do shit :) but seriously, thanks :)       (Phone lagged) So I repeated my previous message by accident)                           
Her: yeah probably the only reason you havent fucked it up is because i dont want to be fucking alone and i dont give up easily so ive stayed with this even fi you make me feel like fucking shit when this happens   & since you said nothing to everything else i just said i guess im right :)             god im over this i dont want to fight and i dont want to talk to you becaus eim always explaining my problems and you just like. tell me the same shit each time as if it'll magically do stuff   liek the fact that im trying doesnt mean anything                 i dont wanna talk to you if its always going to be like this ill take the goddamn loss and be lonely while youve got your fucking harem of friends idc if its an exaggeration the point is everyone i considered a friend has just stopped talking to me completely and the only thing i get here is you telling me what to do like i need cold hard instructions for making a friend  
ME: Harem??? You know nothing about anything. Ya know what..... forget it. If it's better I don't say anything because nothing I says helps and  I'm a broken record. You want to assume because I tagged a lot of people doesn't mean I wasn't just fishing for validation. Me trying to help is just being a dumb mistake. I can't help anyone and why I try is also confusing because I am pointless. I'm keeping you in my note regardless you have been here and listened and that hadn't changed.  But if this is just going to explode it's going to explode. All I do is ruin everything and I don't even care anymore I'm going to buy a gun soon anyways. So what's the point in trying to make something work. I've always been a shit friend and it's just not worth it to you at this point. So okay.                   
Her: HERE let me qutoe for you something    "idc if its an exaggeration"                                      ^^^^^^^             unlike you im aware when im being irrational lmao    (11)     apparnetly you get to be and i dont                             thats how it always is            did you ever think about it feels for me   when my only friend does shit like this constantly    like lmao                                ofc not bc why would you consider anything from my point of view  this conversation is over until you want to stop fucking assuming i dont care       LOL     and acting as if me letting you go is the best thing that could happen to me       like we couldnt j ust talk on twitter and let it fucking be but you have todrag it all in at least i get to get stuff off my chest thats the only fucking good that comes out of this  like you dont get that you telling me the same thing hurts because it doesnt fucking work and i dont have any fucking friends  i have college to deal with and studies and that pressure but you dont know the half of it?    but you just want to assume, assume, assume   (12) i cried already out of anger    
Me: I didn't have friends in college either                                 
Her: big offense but i dont want to continue this conversation
ME: Okay
Her: unles syoure willing to admit to your bullshit       because ima lways doing that and im always getting the end of your shit      
Me: I am made of nothing but bullshit I'm nothing but a huge fucking shit storm and I always will be. You should have left a long time ago because I don't know how to not be toxic   It's not That I won't be upset by you leaving far from it but you deserved better people and maybe if you had left and kept trying as you have been things will turn around. Because literally everyone that has ever done that with me ended up fine and in a good spot. I hold people back. And that's all I can think of. I ruin other people's lives by being in it. And I've certainly made your life worse. And I'm just better off dead because I am a selfish fucking loser.     I'll shut up now.
0 notes