#ate shepherds pie for dinner
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Day six hundred thirty one 631 Heatmor
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ive been vegan for about 3.5 years, but not everyone in my community is. I'm also a talented cook. i was asked to cook dinner for 8 people, which I was happy to do, I like cooking, I'm good at it. I clarified that if I was cooking the dinner, it would be a vegan meal, I don't cook with animal products, and asked if they were fine with that; everyone in the conversation said that was fine.
So I made a big ol' 12-inch shepherd's pie; it took me like 2-3 hours because i did the whole shebang, i made homemade gravy, boiled and mashed the taters by hand, and seasoned and slow cooked the tvp filling in a cast iron pan to try and give it a really authentic vibe despite not having animal meat in it.
one of the people i was feeding found out late in the process that there wouldn't be animal products in the food and got kind of fussy with me about it, started walking back into the kitchen to start arguments about veganism, which i kept just shutting down out of hand with statements like "i'm busy cooking, please stay out of the kitchen if you're not helping" and "i don't want to argue about this right now," I just didn't engage with them. I don't like arguing. They were pretty persistent and at one point i had to set a hard boundary with "I do not like arguing. if you keep coming back here to pick fights with me I'm just going to leave." fortunately they didn't live at that house, so we were both guests, and the hosts (who invited me over to cook dinner for them) asked them to stop bothering me.
so the pie is done and cooling, people think it smells good, they're asking how long it has to cool before we can eat it. the person in question then starts rifling through the fridge looking for something, can't find it, and then asks one of the hosts if they can borrow a car to go to the store and get some "real food" to add to the pie, I asked what they meant and they said they wanted to put some sliced ham and shredded cheese on it. It was at this point that I got pretty angry with them, i don't remember everything i said but the main thing i said were "i didn't cook you a gourmet meal for 3 fucking hours for you to put a slimy piece of grocery store ham on it, if you don't want to eat it like i made it then I won't give you any!"
So, they objected to my tone, and to the way i was policing how they ate food, and that i was forcing them to eat vegan. i objected to their general vibe and aggressiveness toward me, and I was offended as a chef that they wanted to add sliced grocery store ham and shitty shredded cheese to my fully homemade gourmet food, but I was also definitely annoyed as a vegan that they wouldn't even try it without adding meat to it. I didn't really feel like their objections to my tone and attitude were justified because this person had spent a good chunk of the evening going out of their way to start shit with me, and I had clearly lost my patience by the end of it, they didn't feel like I was justified in threatening to withhold dinner from them under any circumstances, as I had not paid for the ingredients (the hosts did) and it was not my home (it wasn't theirs either).
ok so, i feel like up until now i pretty clearly wasn't acting thaaaaat out of pocket, i think i could have been nicer but i mean... i was pretty angry and tired at this point. The reason im asking if i was the asshole is because, this person also cited withholding dinner as an abuse tactic that bad parents use and tried to paint me like an abuser, saying this was the same shit their parents would do to them growing up that gave them an eating disorder. I didn't know any of that, hadn't really considered that i could be triggering someone in this way. But also, I'm not this person's parents, and they were being pretty rude to me all night. AITA?
What are these acronyms?
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imaginejamesandsirius · 5 months
Hi, could you write a fic about Chubby!Harry coming home from school in a bad mood and not really eating any of his dinner (he normally wolfs it down then has seconds, so this worried James and Sirius) and then his dads ask him what’s wrong and it turns out people have been bullying him at school and the teachers have been ignoring it, and now some of them are getting involved too?
Lots of body-positive, hurt/comfort fluff, with protective Sirius and James going and giving the school a piece of their mind?
((A/N: Warning for mentions of bullying fat people and fatphobia.))
When Harry gets off the train and isn't bursting with happiness at seeing them again, Sirius tries not to take it personally. Harry is a teenager now, and it makes sense if he's more sad to leave his friends behind-- nothing compares to staying in the same dormitory as the best mates, he knows-- than happy to see his parents again.
He shares a look with James as they leave the station, and they agree that he'll shake it off soon enough.
Except he doesn't. His mood gets worse and worse. James practically drags him to the dinner table that night, and Harry only pokes at his food with a clenched jaw instead of eating it.
"Haz?" Sirius ventures.
Harry looks up from his plate, meeting his eyes dully.
"Is everything okay?"
"Are you sure?" James asks, unconvinced.
"It's just, you're not eating. I thought you liked Shepherd's pie," Sirius says. He would be worried that it didn't turn out except his piece is fine-- rather tasty, actually, since he has plenty of experience making it.
"I don't have an appetite is all."
"Did you eat a lot on the train?"
Harry's looks askance and gives a small shrug. He's lying, but as much as Sirius wants to get to the bottom of the matter, cornering Harry isn't going to help anything.
"It's alright. I'll set some aside so you can have it before you go to bed tonight," Sirius says, trying his best to smile like he doesn't suspect anything amiss.
"No, it's... it's fine," Harry tries. "I'll just eat a bit now."
While James and Sirius finish eating, Harry manages all of two bites.
"Alright Harry, that's enough," James says, pushing his empty plate away from himself so he can put his folded arms on the table. "What's wrong?"
Harry's expression turns pained. "Do I eat too much?"
"No, not at all," Sirius says, as James shakes his head. He isn't sure there is such a thing as eating too much, unless it makes one sick-- and Harry has never eaten so much that he puked. "Why would you think that?"
"Some people at school said..." Harry trails off, but it's not from a lack of words, it's from shame. His cheeks colour a self-conscious red.
"What did they say?" James asks sharply.
"I dunno," Harry mumbles. It's an obvious lie, and he continues on, almost as if he didn't say it at all. "That I'm... pigging out. That I'd lose weight if I ate less."
Sirius feels like his stomach drops to the floor.
"Who said that to you?" James asks.
Harry's shoulder shrink in on himself like he wants to disappear, but he answers the question without further prodding. "Everyone says it. Even the professors."
Sirius forces his voice to come out calmly. The last thing he wants is to sound angry and make Harry regret telling them. "Which professors?"
"Pa, I don't want to make a big deal out of it."
Both of his parents have to hold back the response that it is a big deal, because that's not going to help Harry feel better. A shared look between the two of them confirms that the professors will be hearing about it, but they're not sure how to handle the conversation right in front of them. Sirius tilts one corner of his mouth down-- he can't think of anything to say.
James clears his throat uncomfortably and looks back to Harry. Harry's gaze is trained on his barely touched meal, missing the quick interaction his fathers had. "You should be happy," James says, and it feels so simple and James to Sirius that he can't help but smile. "We're here to help you be happy. It's not a big deal to talk to your professors about something they shouldn't be doing or letting happen in the first place. One of the Defense professors in our day had it out for Pa, and your grandparents stepped in for him."
"I asked them not to, and I was embarrassed about it at the time, but it helped," Sirius adds softly. His heart aches looking at the warring emotions on their child's face. He recognises it from his own tumultuous teenage years; he hoped that Harry would never have to deal with anything that made him feel this way, but maybe growing up would always include something horrible.
Harry shifts uncomfortably. Then, so quietly they can barely hear, he lists the names of two professors. "Nobody says anything around the other professors, but they're..."
"We'll take care of it," James promises.
Sirius can't let his son sit there and look so sad, not when he can do something about it. He gets out of his seat and rounds the table to hug Harry from behind.
"Pa," Harry says, embarrassed, but in the usual way he is with his parents' antics, rather than personal shame.
"You're perfect, pup, you know that?"
"I'm not a pup anymore," Harry argues.
"You'll always be my pup."
"I'm glad to see you didn't deny the perfect part," James says, looking at them with a smile growing on his face.
Sirius keeps on hugging him because Harry isn't trying to get rid of him.
James's eyes flicker to Harry's plate once more. "Haz, Lily was heavy too." They don't talk about Lily much. She hadn't wanted to be involved after he was born, but then she died shortly after. It feels worse to not mention her role in Harry's existence, so they try to walk the line. Harry shares her genetics, and right now, that is worth talking about. "She was healthy, just like you are. There's nothing wrong with being fat."
Sirius loosens his arms and stands up enough to press a kiss to the top of Harry's head. He didn't want to let go, but he gets the feeling that he should anyways. He gives him a parting squeeze and rounds the table to give James a hug because his husband, at least, will always hug him back. With James's hand coming up to touch his arm, he feels grounded enough to offer, "Do you want me to find you something else to eat?"
"No, this- this is fine. Thanks." Harry takes a small bite, and they go from there.
In private-- and with a silencing spell to ensure Harry can't overhear-- they rage. They both need to rant and curse anyone who would treat Harry this way, and when it's just the two of them, they can do it. 
It's not only the two professors, it's the Gryffindor prefects too. Harry made a point of pretending like it wasn't that big of a deal the whole time, even though it was obvious he was hurting. He didn't tell them the names of all the students, just the ones with a bit more power. Prefects in the various Houses, a few upperclassmen. He even stressed that his friends told off anyone that said it, but they had their own studies and it's not like he needs them to look after him anyways. He tried so hard to downplay it while still answering their questions. It was understandable, but infuriating.
After they get the first wave of it out of their systems, it's time to plan. Professor Dumbledore is the Headmaster so he'll have to be involved in some fashion, but he's not the one who will be dealing with the situation-- that'll be Professor McGonagall. She's the Head of House for Gryffindor, and much more hands on than Dumbledore could ever be. She should be looking after Harry now that the prefects can't be trusted to do a bloody thing except add to it.
When they manage to get McGonagall on the floo, she is gratifyingly concerned. When they mention that the Gryffindor prefects are part of the problem, she looks incensed.
"I wanted it to feel better," James says, after they're done talking to her and she's gone from their fireplace.
"What do you mean?"
"I wanted to feel good after we took care of it. Maybe... I dunno, happy? Happy that Harry won't have to deal with it anymore, but I don't. I just feel angry, same as I did before."
"I know what you mean," Sirius says, taking James's hand in both of his own. "Maybe it'll feel good once he goes back to school and doesn't have to deal with it anymore. Right now, he's still with us. It's like nothing's changed yet."
"Yeah, maybe," James says noncommittally.
Sirius waits for him to finish whatever thought is in his head that's giving him so much trouble and isn't disappointed.
"I'm mad that it happened at all."
"Me too," Sirius agrees softly.
"I thought making sure it won't happen again would make that go away, but it didn't. I'm still angry."
Sirius squeezes his hand. He is too. He's not sure anything's going to make it disappear. "As long as it gets better, we'll move on."
"Right." James smiles at him. "Of course, you're right."
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ghostingal0ng · 2 months
3/27/24 journal ^_^
* morning :-) no weigh in today ... 😬 im making myself wait until friday. I'm convinced ive somehow gained a million pounds ...
* breakfast ☕️
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oats made with coffee instead of water. these r so fucking killer i need to make them more often
* i want to go shopping sooo bad today but im too lazy to leave my house ... probably for the best bc i have no money anyway
* my dads shepherds pie for dinner . i think this is the most fucking disgusting meal on the earth. the taste is gross and the texture makes me want to barf. and i just ate a shit ton of it 🙃. i was so hungry and so fucking angry at everything that i just ate it straight out of the pan ...
* 285 + 820 = 1105
idek how much dinner was.. could be more could be less... posting this super early bc im not allowed to eat anymore today 🫶🫶🫶
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boldlyvoid · 2 years
Freezer Burns | Chapter Two
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Chapter Two | Masterlist
Summary: Eddie has a sweet tooth
Warnings: mutual pining, Eddie's past, parental death, mentioned transphobia and bullying, his mom had cancer, Grandma Beth and Eddie are besties, steves sexuality crisis, background Gareth x Jeff,
Word Count: 4.1k
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He spends the whole walk from his work to scoops fixing his hair and hyping himself up. He straightened out his boring grey Guitar World shirt under his jean vest leather jacket combo, he pulled his pants up and adjusted his belt, the closer he got the scarier this all seemed.
He almost turns around and then he’s spotted. 
“Ahoy Edward,” Robin calls to him, forcing him to come all the way in and walk right up to her counter.  
He feels so awkward and weird coming to Steve's work for the chance to see him that he starts to turn pink with embarrassment, “hi… um, is Steve in today?” 
She nods, “yeah, dingus khan is in the back working on the new order we got… did you want me to go get him for you?” 
“No, no it’s fine I just thought I’d ask 'cause I didn’t see him out here with you,” he shakes his head. “Um, can I get a cone of tiger tail while I’m here?” 
She nods and grabs her scooper, “waffle cone or regular?” 
“I only have enough for a regular,” 
“Waffle it is,” she decides, grabbing the cone from on top of the display and sliding the glass door open to access the ice cream buckets. “It’s on me.”
“You’re too good to me, Buckley,” he smiles, calming down a lot. He had only 7 minutes left of his break to enjoy this cone, he wanted to enjoy it with Steve’s company but his best friend's cousin was a good second option. 
“Anytime, Munson,” she packs on another scoop of ice cream so the cone is full and beautiful. “Look at her, she’s stunning!” Robin teases as she hands him the cone over the counter. “A dollar 60 is your total.” 
He hands her two 1 dollar bills and puts the returned change in the tip jar for her and Steve to divi up at the end of the shift. “Thank you for this, um… what time do you get off tonight?” 
“You know better than to ask me out,” she can’t help but tease him. “But 9 o’clock. Steve’s driving me home, why?” 
“Oh, I’m coming over too so I thought I’d offer you a ride if he wasn’t,” he lies, he just wanted to know if Steve would be over without asking if Steve was coming over. “Grandma Beth said that she’s making her shepherds pie for dinner and you know I live for it.” 
“That I do,” she can’t help but laugh, Eddie often went home with the leftovers whenever she made it. “Well, I’ll tell Steve you stopped by, and we’ll see you later?” 
“Yeah, you will,” he gives her a wink and a wave and then he’s off.
He takes a deep breath as soon as he’s free, and his eyes go wide as he shakes his head, he couldn’t believe he built up the courage to go all the way over there to see Steve and he wasn’t even there. 
This stupid crush on Steve Harrington has been plaguing his mind since middle school and was way too powerful now that he’s gotten to know him sightly. Before he’d just stare from afar, admiring the hair and his body and how his eyes lit up when he laughed… and he was laughing often when he was with his friends before he lost them all and ate in his car alone until he graduated. 
Eddie’s always had an eye on him, he went to morning pep rallies to see him when he was the captain of the basketball team and went to Steve’s parties just as an excuse to look at him. His hair is luscious, his face is sweet, and his muscles are nice… he wasn’t even going to bother thinking about Steve’s thighs right now or else he’d pop a boner at work and he didn’t need that right now. 
It took everything in him not to talk to Steve earlier, he knew he was hurting and he wasn’t having a fun time with his family or his friends or his exes… he felt bad seeing him always alone, and then Robin brought him home like a lost dog. He instantly wanted Steve to be in their friend group, but the other boys were still hesitant. 
Before Gareth had his surgery they called him man boobs, the testosterone worked enough to make his face manly, almost too well when all the guys at school genuinely believed he was assigned male at birth so much so they bullied him for having breasts as a boy.
Gare still saw it as a half-win, cause they’ve never not thought of him as a dude. The bullying just wasn’t needed. 
Jeff has been bullied and attacked and harassed simply for being black, no one even cared that he was very visibly, madly in love with Gareth, it was the racism of it all that got him bullied. No matter how much they tried to downplay their relationship around the town and even in front of Gareth’s grandma, they were all over each other when Eddie was around. 
It’s why he had to leave the garage and ran into Steve in the kitchen that first night. His best friends couldn’t keep their hands off each other, they kept stealing kisses and holding hands and being cute and he couldn’t take feeling alone anymore so he got up and left. God knows what they got up to completely alone after that. 
Since the first night, they’ve had a few more kitchen run-ins, sharing plates of reheated dinner and sweet chats and subtle touches. They got closer each night, he was so sure there was something fruity about Steve Harrington but he’d be the last person on earth to ever overstep and ask him or make a move or even hint that he wants Steve back... assuming that Steve wants him at all.
“Munson,” his manager calls to him the second he’s back in the store, “line one on the phone is for you.”
“Oh?” He is so confused, no one’s ever called him at work before. 
He makes sure to take the last few bites of his ice cream and clear his mouth before picking up the phone. He takes a deep breath and hits the button for line 1, “hello?” 
“Hey,” Steve’s sweet voice was so noticeable to him. “Robin said you stopped by, you okay?” He only asks because they’ve made it a habit of checking up on each other. 
Most nights start with the same question, “how was work?” And slowly it becomes them sharing small grievances with the day, things that they loved and things that they wished would happen the next day. Talking to Steve in the refrigerator light was better than writing in any journal, he kept every single thought to himself and made Eddie feel so secure in their blooming friendship. 
“Yeah,” he can’t help but smile. “I’m fine I wanted to know if you were coming over to Gareth’s tonight… and Robin said you are.”
“I am, I wouldn’t miss shepherd's pie for the world,” Steve agrees. “You guys got anything planned tonight?” 
“Not that I know of, why?”
“I could pick up some movies and all of us could watch them together?” He suggests. “I’d really like to get to know your friends too.” 
That makes his heart swell impossibly big, “yeah… I mean, even if the guys don’t want to, I’d still love to watch a movie with you and Robin, or just you? I’m sure grandma Beth won’t mind us using the tv as long as we’re quiet.”
“Yeah,” he can practically hear the blush on his cheeks. “Anything you like?” 
“Uh, nothing particular, I’m good for anything,” he covers up his feelings. “But I’ve got to get back to work before my boss yells at me for hogging the ph—
“Yeah no, don’t let me hold you up, I’ll see you later?” Steve cuts him off, worrying immensely. 
“That you will, pretty boy. Have a good rest of your shift, I gotta go, ” he drops the nickname and then hangs up the phone so he can’t experience the repercussions of his actions. 
Feeling like he just ran a marathon, he has to hold his chest to catch his breath. He feels like a complete fool being down so bad for the ex-king of Hawkins but who could blame him?
“You okay?” His boss notices, “someone die?”
“That would be the worst way to ask if someone did,” Eddie jokes, “but I’m fine… I think I’ve got a date later?”
“Cool,” the older man nodded with approval, lips pressed together in an awkward smile that was hidden mostly by his moustache. “Can you go in the back and tell me exactly how many boxes of bass stings we’ve got left? I sold the last ones on the shelf.”
“Totally, you want me to rest all the shelves and put more on the order sheet?” Eddie asks, knowing the store like the back of his hand. 
“You know it, kid,” he points a finger gun and him and heads back towards the cash register, leaving Eddie with his thoughts for the rest of his shift. 
Eddie gets off work at 6, leaving the closing shift to his boss and rushes back to his trailer to change. He puts on more deodorant and cologne and a nice burgundy shirt, debating on his regular jacket or not, he decided fuck it and wears a black jean jacket instead to match his jeans. 
The boys all ask why he’s so dressed up lately and he pretends to not know what they’re talking about. Even Grandma Beth compliments him on looking nice, thinking he had a date later or something…. How the heck did she know everything?
He helps her clean up after dinner, placing the leftovers into different Tupperware containers so he can take them for lunch at work tomorrow and the next day. He’s quiet, normally he talks her ear off while she does the dishes and he dries them for her. She doesn’t ask why, much like Robin in the way she waits for people to come to her when they need something. Be it advice, a hug, or anything. 
“Would you be okay with me staying over tonight?”
“What do you think?” She bugs him for asking. “Why don’t you want to go home?”
“If I tell you a secret you’ve gotta promise not to tell anyone? Not even in passing or as a hint or a joke, nothing…” Eddie whispers to her, even though the boys weren't off making out somewhere and not able to hear. 
She nods softly and gives him all her attention, “always, sweetie.” 
“I really like Steve.” 
Her eyes widen but she stays quiet, wanting him to explain more but she also gets it. He’s pretty, of course, Eddie noticed. 
“And he wants to watch a movie tonight so I said we could do it here 'cause if I bring him home and Wayne sees him then I’m dead,” he rambled until it all falls out. 
“I thought Wayne was okay with you liking boys?” 
“He is,” Eddie sighs. “Just as long as the boy isn’t a Harrington.”
“Why?” She can’t imagine why he’d have a problem. 
“Something happened between his dad and Wayne at the plant and I don’t know what exactly, and honestly, at this point, I’m afraid to ask,” Eddie explains. “He would murder Dick Harrington with his bare hands if given the chance.” 
“Damn,” she looks disappointed, wanting all the hot gossip Eddie normally had for her but getting nothing. “I’m sure it’s not that bad, just work problems and differences in opinion, maybe? Or he didn’t give Wayne a promotion? Or said something about your mom’s cancer?”
Eddie shrugs, “he’s hated Steve’s dad since we moved here, something happened in ‘71 and he’s hated him since.”
He can see the gears turning in her head, trying to think about what happened that year in their little town, “that was the year Dustin, Lucas and Mike were born,” she recalls Eddie’s newest little friends who were already trying to audition for hellfire next year when they started grade 9. 
“Yeah,” he agrees, having no clue how she knew that but then again, she asked so many questions when new kids entered her home. She had to make sure they were okay. “But anyway, is it okay if we watch a movie here?” Eddie asks, “we’ll be really quiet, I promise, I just want to spend time with him.” 
“Does Robin know?” She asks carefully, “won’t she think it’s weird if she comes down and see you two on the couch?” 
He shakes his head. “I don’t think he’s told her anything, right now we just meet in the kitchen at midnight and talk for a bit until I head home. He slips out of her room when she falls asleep and she has no idea he’s even gone.” 
“Interesting,” she purses her lips. “Just promise me you won’t be having sex on my couch?” 
He laughs, shocked and startled a bit, “no, oh my god, beth?” 
“What I know Gareth and Jeff are,” she reveals. “It’s why you’re always in here with me, isn’t it?” 
He turns pink, unable to lie so he just nods slightly, “but I never said it.” 
“As much as I like collecting you kids, I don’t need a great-grandchild,” she reminds him. “They just better be safe.” 
“If it makes you feel better they haven’t had sex yet,” he shares honestly, “they just make out like they’re addicted to each other and it’s annoying.” 
“You’ll find that,” she can’t help but smile at him, it makes his cheeks heat up bright pink. 
They’re talking so long that Steve walks in the door with robin, giggling away with each other as they kick off their shoes and rush up the stairs to her room and the bathroom to change out of their uniforms. They don’t even check the kitchen to see Eddie there, he just watches them move up the stairs and panics. 
“I’m going to go to the garage now… thank you for letting me talk,” he places his hand gently on Grandma Beth’s shoulder and she pulls him in for a hug. 
Damp hands from the dishes rest on his shoulders as she holds him close. “There’s popcorn in the pantry, have a good time tonight?” She whispers so no one would hear if they entered the kitchen. 
“Thank you,” he squeezes her one last time and then let's go, giving her a sweet smile before backing away and heading for the garage. 
He tries not to run but he rushes down the hallways because he can hear Steve laughing with Robin up in the hallway as they change. When he reaches the garage door he knocks and opens it barely an inch with his eyes closed, “I’m coming in you better be dressed!” 
They both laugh, “you’re fine,” Gareth calls back. 
When Eddie walks in, he finds Gareth sitting in Jeff’s lap, lips swollen and pupils blown out in euphoria from each other's touch. “What took you so long?” Jeff asks. 
“There were a lot of dishes tonight,” he explains as he takes a seat on the dusty old green couch in the corner. “And I like talking to your grandma, sue me.” 
“Nah,” Gareth waves him off and snuggles against Jeff. “I’m glad you’re friends, really. It’s cute.” 
“Thanks,” he grumbles, hating that he has to witness the scene unfolding in front of him for a few hours until he’s free to go find Steve in the kitchen. “You two are disgusting, you know that right?” 
“Yep,” Jeff doesn’t even give a shit as he kisses Gareth one more time. “This is the only place we can do this.” 
“I know,” he whines. “Doesn’t mean I have to like it.” 
“Go get laid then,” Gareth suggests. “Seriously, you’ve been insufferably touch-starved for months, it’s getting annoying for us too.” 
“Gee, thanks,” he kicks his legs up onto the seat and stares up at the ceiling. This was going to be a long night until he saw Steve.
He thinks he’s taking his time and looking unsuspicious, getting ready for bed ever so slowly as Robin lays in her bed on the bottom bunk, watching him act weird. He’s all but pacing back and forth from the dresser to his bag as he keeps looking at himself in her mirror over her wardrobe. 
“Why are you always in a rush to head downstairs?” Robin can practically feel the anxiety radiating off him 
“Huh?” He plays dumb but his tomato skin gives it away. 
“You sneak out of my room every night and then you come back at 1 or 2 and you are so grumpy when we have to wake up at 10. It’s weird Steve… where are you going in my house?” She asks, revealing just how much she pays attention to him and what he’s getting into. 
It’s not something he’s used to. 
His parents barely remembered he was living with them, so it was easy to sneak around when they were home. That wouldn’t work with Robin. 
“I like to sit in the kitchen completely alone and decompress before bed,” he explains, it’s almost true… if he just said Eddie was there with him then it would be the truth. 
“You’re okay though, right?” She worries. 
He nods softly, “I just like to be alone for a bit before I go to sleep. I’m really used to being alone.” 
“Okay,” she lets out a sigh of relief. “Well, you don’t have to wait for me to go to sleep, you can go downstairs whenever you please… do you ever run into Eddie down there?” 
He nods, “he’s always eating.” 
She laughs but then gets frustrated, “I know! I go down for a snack sometimes and he’s eaten everything already! He better not eat my rainbow brownies in the cupboard, can you make sure he doesn’t?” 
He just nods, not sharing that it's exactly why he brought home Ice cream for Eddie and extremely glad that she didn’t suspect that they hung out together every night that he slept over… and even a few nights where he didn’t and Eddie walked him to his car and followed him down the street in his van until they turned opposite ways and went to their respective homes. It was nice, he felt like Eddie really liked him and wanted to make sure he was safe and cared for. 
“I’m gonna go…”
“Okay, just be quiet when you come back in,” she’s fine with it, pulling her blankets up and grabbing a book, it was barely midnight. 
“Okay,” he agrees, but he says it more because he wants to feel okay himself. He takes another look in the mirror and then he heads out of her room, closing the door quietly behind himself. 
He rushes down the stairs and turns into the kitchen to see absolutely no one in there. “Oh…” he feels his heart drop, wondering if Eddie forgot or if he’s not coming at all now that they’ve actually planned it all out. 
Now that it felt real.
Eddie accidentally falls asleep on the couch waiting for midnight to roll around. It takes a shove from Jeff for him to wake up. He stares at him like he’s terrified, eyes wide and hands gripped into fists, ready to swing. 
“You were snoring,” Jeff explains. “Go home or go sleep in the living room.” 
“Ugh,” he groans as he sits up and rubs his eyes. “What time is it?” 
“Quarter after midnight,” Gareth explains from the other side of the room, cleaning off his bed so that he and Jeff can head to sleep soon. 
“Fuck,” he stands quickly and grabs his things, “shit…” 
“What’s so important that you’re missing?” Jeff teases, “your hand expect you home at a certain time?”
“Fuck off,” Eddie doesn’t have time for it. “I have a date with Beth's leftovers and then my bed, if you must know.” 
“Sure,” Gareth teases.
With all his things in his hands, he rushes to the door, “bye! I’ll see you tomorrow.” 
“See ya!” They call back. 
Eddie rushes to the kitchen, it’s empty, and his heart drops.
He missed it, Steve was tired of waiting, he fucked everything up like he always does. Smacking himself in the forehead, he’s pissed at himself. “You fucking idiot.” 
“Eddie?” He hears Steve from the other room so he follows his voice, meeting him halfway. “Hi…” 
“I didn’t forget,” he rushes out his thoughts as he lunges for Steve, holding his arms in his hands. “I fell asleep on the couch in the garage, I’m so sorry.” 
“It’s okay,” Steve manages to laugh but then stops still, reaching out to pick the sand out of eddies eyelashes. He closes his eyes so he doesn’t get poked, “you’ve got sleep in your eyes…”
“Thanks,” Eddie smiles at him every so softly. “Can we still watch something?” 
He nods, “if you want? Or we can just sit and talk? Or if you’re tired you can go home?” 
“No, no, I want to stay here with you,” he assures Steve. “Come sit,” he drags him back over to the couch and sits, Steve beside him, thighs touching… he almost sat down on him and then he moves away. 
Steve sits with his back against the armrest and one leg tucked under himself so that he can face Eddie. With his arm resting on the back of the seat, he looks so hot just sitting there with the moonlight shining through the window behind the couch. It makes one side of him blue, but the lamp light in the room turns the rest of him orange, he looks godly. 
“How was work today?” Eddie finally asks. 
“Good,” he smiles. “I did the order, but you know that… and I brought home some tiger tale for you so you won’t eat all of Robin's brownies in the pantry.” 
“You’re too kind, Harrington,” Eddie smiles back. “Did you get any for yourself?” 
He shakes his head, “I’ve lost my love for ice cream, unfortunately.” 
“What?” Eddie can’t believe it. “Come on, there’s no way you’re sick of it already, it’s only been a few weeks?” 
“When you’re around something all the time, you grow tired of it,” he explains. “Like a bad marriage.” 
“You tryin’ to tell me something?” Eddie teases, glaring at him playfully. “I don’t wanna be a home wrecker.” 
“I’m not married,” he laughs, reaching forward and smacking Eddie’s arm. 
Eddie grabs his hand and pulls him in close. Steve, in a moment of confidence, sits in Eddie’s lap, facing him, knees on either side of his hips resting on the couch cushion while he stares Eddie down, hoping this is okay and only asking with his eyes. 
“Well, then I guess I shouldn’t feel bad for liking you this much,” Eddie whispers, tucking a strand of Steve’s hair behind his ear and resting his hand on her cheek. “Who knows… maybe we could find a better treat together.” 
“One without the freezer burns,” he smiles. “Something warm and cozy and nice… like you.” 
“You think I’m nice?” Eddie cups both his cheeks this time, smiling impossibly wide. 
Steve giggles, “yeah? You are… I wish I was always nice to you too. I wish I was friends with you instead of Tommy. I wish everything was different.” 
“Hey,” he caresses Steve's cheek with his thumb, “you’ve got me now.” 
“do I?” Steve looks terrified. “How? How does this work? What do I call it? Why does it feel so fucking scary?” 
Eddie shrugs, “I don't have the answers. And you don't need to have them either. We can just be… it’s really easy to pretend things are fine.” 
“I don’t know who I am anymore,” he whispers, breaking down. “I was so sure of so many things and then a few years ago it all came tumbling down and I can’t rebuild any of it. I’m surrounded in rubble, eds.” 
“Come here,” he pulls Steve into his chest, rubbing his back with strong hands as he cuddles into his neck and settles against him. “You can tell me about it, about what happened?” 
“I don’t know how,” he whispers, sniffling slightly. “I—I just… I know I like you, I know it’s not like how I thought I was crushing on Robin when I really just wanted to be her friend or how actually being friends with Tommy meant sleepovers and drunk kisses and weird possessiveness… I like you, okay? But— but—
“You don’t know how,” Eddie gets it. “Thats normal. Valid even.” 
Steve holds him a bit tighter, “don’t take it the wrong way. Please? Don’t get weird about it, either.” 
“I won’t,” he smiles softly, turning his head to the side to rest his cheek on Steve’s head. “You can come to me for advice, for silence, for company, solace… cuddles, kisses, friendship, more… I’m here.” 
“And when you’re not I know where to find you.”
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General Taglist 
@ncsls0515 @stevesmunsons @reidsbookclub @wroteclassicaly @sweetyyhippyy @manuosorioh @mrs-dr-reid @k-k0129 
@nosaladallowed-ao3 @maya-custodios-dionach @wifeyreid 
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repulsiveliquidation · 4 months
what did you have for dinner then??? you best have had something daddy 😤
i had the saddest! microwaveable shepherds pie that i had to season myself 🥹 i ate it while it was still piping hot so i really wasn't that bad
but i have a nice cold Milo (malaysian chocolate sports drink!) that i'm about to have so that will cheer me up and fuel me as i write that orgy hehe
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heyitsellebell · 5 months
elle’s diary - Page 36 - 21/12/23 @ 8:57pm
hiya!! Hope you’re well. Had a nice day today! Woke up around 12pm and had some breakfast of toast with plum jam and ✨ coffee ✨ I then got ready to go with my mum to our local community garden. It had been a while since we went so we were there for around two hours. We did some watering, weeding, cleaning up, and harvesting in the summer heat. There were so many beans ready to be harvested y’all, it was amazing.
I got a bit lightheaded a few times and had to rest, but it’s something I’ve gotten used to honestly. I always drink a heap of water and bring snacks with me on hot days, better to be prepared and upright than unprepared and on the floor lol. At around 3pm we went to a local bake house and had some lunch. I had a shepherd’s pie and my mum had a beef and onion pie, they were delicious. We then took an apple slice to go and went home.
I watched TV for a bit and ate the said slice (it was yum) and then I began work on the vocals for ‘Achilles’!!! I got the intro, outro, verse 1 and bridge all done. I just need to adjust the vocals for the outro and they’ll be all good. The vocals in the verses are quite slow, so I want to make the chorus ones more fast paced. I love it when vocals in songs move and flow in rhythm, so I think I’ll give it a go. Had dinner halfway through the process of recording. We ate some kievs, pan fried fresh zucchini and beans, and garden salad (all very yummmmm). Gonna work on vocals a bit more and then unwind :) Alrighty, that’s gonna be all for now. Thanks for reading and take care of yourself!
lots of love,
elle xoxo
P.S. This was my setup for recording tonight. Note the three beverages (from up to down): Solo, water, and coffee respectively lol.
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scarlet-riot · 1 year
Tagged by @bigboobshaunt
Favorite Color: green and teal! they are different enough to me that i am listing them as separate colours ok
Currently reading: aside from weekly series that i keep up with, i’m currently hopping around between 2DK, G-pen, Alarm clock (a yuri series about a no-nonsense interior designer and her disorganized aspiring mangaka roommate), Kaiju No.8 (a shonen jump series about fighting kaiju, recommended to me by @bakumanfaces), aaaaaand Wyrd and Other Derelictions (an anthology of horror short stories, recommended to me by @thebirdroads)
Last song I listened to: "Goodbye, Goodbye," by Tegan and Sara is currently on shuffle as i’m typing this, so that :P
Last movie I watched: Violent Night with @shooponthemoon lol
Last series I watched: Mobile Suit Gundam: The Witch from Mercury!! i am extremely into it and still going nuts over the season finale and you should all watch it too
Currently craving: i just ate dinner so i’m not really hungry for anything atm, but i just made a vegetarian shepherd’s pie for meals this week and i’m pleased with how it came out so i’m looking forward to eating more of that :)
Tagging: @bakumanfaces  @thebirdroads  @shooponthemoon  @knuckle @magodangretsus  @reicchel  @shishiikura  and anyone else who wants to!
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myf00djournal · 1 year
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Big day again but moreso socially than exercise like yesterday
Trained 👆🏽
Had protein
Met my dear friend for brekky - yep same place as I went last month and got the deep dish pancake hehe
Went shopping
Came home and had leftover dinner which was a beef shepherds pie inspired meal
Then ate dinner which was a sweet chili pork stirfry
Minimal snacking, hopefully something soon maybe a mug cake
No tracking today but I would say I’m around 2000
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heartfucksmouth · 1 year
I feel like this holiday season is especially hard for people, a lot of people I know are having bouts of depression.
myles is overworked, exhausted, stressed, and still feels like he isn't making enough money working the two jobs he has. he wakes up at 1am right now bc it's peak season for loading trucks and then goes to his second job with a moving company and doesn't get home til 6 or 7 (which is when he has to go to bed). he barely gets time to eat, gets maybe 6 hours of sleep, and does physical labor for sometimes 18 hours a day.
I knew it was getting to him a few weeks ago. I suspect he has this sleep disorder called "confusional arousal" where he will wake up and act really strangely for a few minutes. it's like he's awake but still stuck in a dream state - almost like sleep walking bc the behavior is weird and he can move around. it's been ramping up and happening sometimes 2-3 times a night. i know ita bc he isnt getting enough sleep and its exacerbated by streas.
he woke up to go to the bathroom and asked if I had eaten dinner yet - I had to explain to him that we both ate dinner, it was shepherds pie. another time he woke up and stood at his bureau and was getting angry and confused that there was a package there. he kept asking "what is this?? why the fuck is this here? what is this!" - even though he had put it there the day or two before bc it was his dad's Christmas present.
today he came home briefly from first job and he looks so tired. he got teary eyed a few times and his voice cracked as he said "I feel depressed" while I rubbed his back for a minute.
it's heartbreaking. all I can do is little things to make the days easier on him, but he still worries more about me taking care of myself. I held him and told him everything was gonna be alright and we would figure things out together, no matter what. we can figure out how to afford stuff for the baby (i have resources and honestly I'm used to being poor and frugal lol) and the only thing that feels impossible is finding a place of our own. I know that weighs heavy on him bc his mom is difficult to live with and a lot of people are asking us bc of the baby.
i don't know how to end this right now. just needed to write this down.
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dead-loch · 2 months
It’s 10 am. So far:
- my sister refused to drive me to buy apples (the only thing I can reliably eat)
- I walked in the cold to get apples
- the apples cost $10 because the shop only had organic
- the self check out attendant decided to be an asshole when I forgot to scan my bag. .33 cents folks!
- I got back home, opened the fridge, and realised that my sister ate the entire massive portion of shepherds pie I’d brought back from my mom’s. It should have fed 2. So now I have no dinner 🙂
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parksaversnews · 3 months
Doctor Dies Eating at Restaurant in Disney Springs
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A beloved New York doctor's recent death has shocked the Disney World community and raised concerns about food allergy safety at the resort's restaurants. 42-year-old Dr. Kanokporn "Amy" Tangsuan, a physician at NYU Langone Hospital, died on October 5th, 2023 after suffering a severe allergic reaction from food she ate at Raglan Road Irish Pub & Restaurant located in Disney Springs. According to an autopsy report, Tangsuan's cause of death was ruled "a result of anaphylaxis due to elevated levels of dairy and nut" stemming from her meal at the pub. Tangsuan's grieving husband, Jeffrey Piccolo, filed a wrongful death lawsuit on February 23rd against both Raglan Road and Walt Disney Parks and Resorts, Inc. seeking over $50,000 in damages. The lawsuit alleges negligence on the part of both Raglan Road staff and Disney in failing to provide truly allergen-free food as promised. The incident has raised concerns among allergy advocates and Disney fans about the safety protocols and training at Disney eateries. It also spotlights Raglan Road's reputation for authentic Irish fare alongside lively entertainment.
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History of Raglan Road Irish Pub Raglan Road Irish Pub first opened its doors in 2005 in what was then known as Downtown Disney (now called Disney Springs). The pub aims to authentically bring Irish culture to life through its food, drink, music, and design. The pub was built by a team of Irish craftspeople using antique materials actually shipped over from Ireland. Its owners, John Cooke and Paul Nolan, are seasoned Irish hospitality entrepreneurs who have opened Irish bars around the world. Their goal was to transport guests to an authentic Dublin Victorian pub through every detail at Raglan Road. Over the years, Raglan Road has become one of the most popular spots in all of Disney World, known for its strong Irish staples like fish and chips, shepherd's pie, and Irish stew alongside an extensive beer menu. It also hosts live entertainment like traditional Irish bands and dancers every night. The pub has garnered numerous accolades, including being named the #1 gastropub in the Orlando area multiple times. It also lays claim to pouring more pints of Guinness than any other pub in America.
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The Tragic Incident According to Piccolo's lawsuit and multiple news reports, here is what transpired on the evening of October 5th that led to Tangsuan's death:Tangsuan, her husband Piccolo, and his mother arrived at Raglan Road for dinner around 8pm. Upon being greeted by their server, Tangsuan emphasized that she had severe allergies to nuts and dairy and needed confirmation that various menu items were free of allergens before ordering." The waiter unequivocally assured them that the food would be allergen free," the lawsuit states. Tangsuan ultimately ordered the broccoli and corn fritters, scallops and onion rings. When the food arrived, some items did not have allergen-free flags. The couple questioned the waiter again about allergens, and he re-confirmed the dishes had been made allergen-free. Roughly 45 minutes after finishing her meal, while Tangsuan was shopping alone nearby, she began to suffer a severe allergic reaction. She self-administered her EpiPen, but soon had trouble breathing and collapsed. Tangsuan was rushed to the hospital by paramedics, where she was later pronounced dead.
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Allegations of Negligence The crux of Piccolo's lawsuit focuses on allegations of negligence against Raglan Road and Disney Parks. Some key claims include: - Failure of staff to properly warn about potential allergens still present in dishes despite assurances of being allergen-free - Failure to accurately track which dishes did or did not contain dairy/nut allergens - Failure to safely prepare promised allergen-free dishes - Failure to properly train staff on managing severe food allergies The lawsuit also notes that both Raglan Road and Disney Parks advertise accommodating food allergies as a top priority. Yet in Tangsuan's case, the protocol and training appeared inadequate which tragically led to her death. Advocacy groups like Food Allergy Research & Education (FARE) have expressed concerns over the incident as well. FARE CEO Lisa Gable told NBC News, "We are deeply saddened by this tragic incident. Restaurants have an obligation to train staff about food allergies and put procedures in place to safely serve customers with food allergies."
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Disney's Health & Safety Rules As the lawsuit also names Disney Parks and Resorts, it's important to note the company's stated health and safety policies related to allergies: - Disney notes on its dining FAQ site that guests should inform their server about any food allergies. Chefs are also available to discuss and provide allergen-free offerings. - On a separate FAQ page about park rules, Disney states that "all persons, bags, parcels, clothing and other items may be subject to screening/security checks." This suggests items such as ingredients would be checked to align with guest needs. - Disney also has a dedicated dietitian team called Food and Nutrition Services that consults on allergy policies across Disney dining locations. - Starting in 2017, Disney began adding more allergy-friendly menus and kitchen protocols. However, advocacy groups have called for more stringent food handling training and procedures in Disney kitchens. While Disney has taken steps to address allergies, Tangsuan's death indicates potential gaps in communication, training and execution on the front lines. Piccolo's lawsuit seeks to compel Disney and its vendors to re-examine current practices and make policy changes to prevent similar tragedies.
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Ongoing Discussion Dr. Tangsuan's death has prompted ongoing discussion about protecting guests with severe allergies. Some key questions include: How can communication around allergies improve between guests, servers, and kitchen staff?  Protocols requiring managers to personally confirm restrictions and oversee allergen-free orders may help. What specific training can better equip Disney culinary cast members to safely handle allergens?  Formal instruction on cross-contamination risks, ingredient sourcing, labeling standards are potential areas of focus. Should Disney's official allergy policies provide guaranteed safety?  Allergy advocates argue that Disney's messaging sets high guest expectations, so the resort must meet those standards through updated regulations and auditing across all dining locations. Do independent Disney restaurants like Raglan Road need closer oversight?  Since Tangsuan's death occurred at a non-Disney owned eatery, increased scrutiny and accountability for third-parties may be warranted. The ongoing legal case and public discourse will likely pressure Disney to reassess its current food allergy approach. While no policies can 100% prevent reactions, further action is clearly needed to protect guests. Dr. Tangsuan's grieving family hopes increased awareness around her death leads to improved allergy safety at Disney and beyond. By honoring her memory, her premature passing may help spare others similar harm in the future. Read the full article
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diaryofdayet · 4 months
Jan 23 𓇢𓆸 Hilo
Stella and I are having a gruesome fight. Rosemary is chastizing me for making too much noise in the back of the classroom. A high school classroom. I'm back in high school?
I blinked my eyes out of the nightmare to an unexpected view. Through the large window, I saw two palm trees rising out of dense vegetation. And beside them, a gathering of spruce. And beyond them, the rising sea. All of them set pieces for a morning opera sung by birds of every color.
It was too much to bear.
At nine, Jo, Fabia, Mihiro, and I drove down to Rosemary's farm. All of the students milled around, wishing each other good morning until Rosemary called us to the ahu. She explained its significance in Hawaiian culture,
"The most skilled builders can make ahus that are square, but that is very difficult. You think it's easy until your pile of rocks begins to bulge out. As you can see, ours is not square. However, my friend told me that it is not the shape of your ahu that is most significant, but how well it is tended to. So this morning you're going to help me dress the ahu."
She sent us out to pluck adornments for the ahu from the farm. I wandered until I caught a cool, herbaceous smell in the breeze. It was coming from a plant I didn't recognize, a dense shrub with long, lavender-like buds. I plucked one of its stems and rubbed it along my arms before returning to place it in the center of the ahu.
Carlotta pulled me aside.
"I know you mentioned wanting coffee this morning, so I made you a pot."
She led me to the kitchen and found me a huge mug. I was touched.
Then we walked up the hill to the studio to begin the morning session. The studio had smooth wood-paneled floors and multiple doorways that overlooked the vast property. It was, in a word, special. Rosemary led us through a few exercises, but it was all too new for me to do them with focus.
We eventually broke for lunch: star fruit salad and vegan shepherd's pie. These people would be repulsed, I thought, if they saw what I normally eat.
Everyone caravanned to a farmer's market down the road, where Tabitha, a genial, white-haired hippie whose folk music is famous in Canada, lent me some cash to shop around. I bought Thai iced tea, breadfruit fries, and sweet sesame balls. Then Shani convinced me to try the labyrinth ritual in the field nearby.
It was a labyrinth drawn with white powder in the grass. At its foot were slips of decorated paper where people write their hopes and dreams and such. We walked slowly through the labyrinth with our slips and burned them with the candle that sat in the center.
The second half of the session restored my confidence. I sang and growled and moved through the exercises. Several students thanked me for my example. I could tell I was one of the most advanced participants. But I also knew that this style of music is fickle—just when you think you've got it, it throws you flat on your face.
At the end of the session, I helped sweep the studio. Jo, Fabia, and I drove Mihiro home and then went back to the town center to grab groceries and dinner. We ate at a loud tourist trap and talked about family and politics. Jo and Fabia were animated and gorgeous, and despite my growing exhaustion, I felt lucky to be sitting with them.
I had hoped to shower but collapsed entirely when we got home. Tomorrow, tomorrow.
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sweetbriermouse · 6 months
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Not doing great today, not horrible. I do not like that I ate junk today and I really wish I had gone to the store and gotten something instead of fast food, but I will do better tomorrow. I am going to do the April Han leg workout in just a few minutes and that should add another like 50ish cals to my workouts.
My net goal today was 1,025cals. I doubt I will hit that since I still plan to eat dinner tonight, I am trying not to skip meals. Dinner will likely be around 400cals because my partner made gluten free shepherds pie.
I did pretty bad yesterday, a net of like 300cals I think and an intake of 500 and something. I'd like to avoid ⭐️vation mode but it does mean I won't ruin anything by ending with a higher net today. I've got wiggle room 😁 (bad brain says exercise until I hit a net of like 500 tho so I can drop like 2lbs this week but we're not listening to bad brain)
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Friday, November 10 –  Love Is Stored In The Garlic
Fish and Chips [x]
Roxanne remembers going on seaside holidays with her parents and the rest of the extended Martin family. They'd go to different beaches and always end the day with a nice fish and chips by any pier they could find. Roxanne remembers watching the water hit the cliffs as she ate her fish and chips.
2. Sunday Roast [x]
It's a Martin family tradition to have Sunday Roast, on well Sunday and they've been doing it as long as Roxanne can remember. Her mum likes to cook it from scratch and will source local ingredients for it. Roxanne will make it home every Sunday for it even if she hasn't come home that weekend from university.
3. Shepherds Pie [x]
Roxanne remembers going down to her grandparents over the years and this would be one of the meals they would serve. Her nanna used to let her help in the kitchen to peel the carrots then chop them up and Roxanne remembers it as one of her favourite memories of her childhood. Whenever she has shepherds pie, she thinks about those times and it makes her happy.
4. Bangers and Mash [x]
Roxanne's dad doesn't cook often and when he does, there is one dinner meal he will always cook. Bangers and mash. It's one of her favourite meals as her dad makes the best mash and no one else's mash can compare. He talks about how his dad would make this meal for him and he always wanted to make it for his kids to keep the tradition going. One day, Roxanne hopes to make it for her kids.
5. Toad in the hole [x]
Roxanne wasn't sure about this at first because when her mum said she was making this one night for dinner. Well, Roxanne was expecting real toads and not sausages baked in batter. Once, she realised what it was then she decided to try it and was glad for it. It's a meal she will enjoy if it's made for her but she wouldn't necessarily go out her way to make it herself.
6. Macaroni Cheese [x]
Roxanne has always loved macaroni cheese. Her mum used to make it most Thursday nights for dinner and would maybe add bacon bits to it which Roxanne loved and maybe serve garlic bread with it. It has become comfort food for Roxanne in the dorms whenever she is missing home then she'll make herself some macaroni cheese.
7. Steak and Gravy Pie [x]
It's a Martin family tradition to have Steak and Gravy Pie every year on the first of January and they have kept this tradition going as long as Roxanne can remember. Her parents have hosted in the past but the last few years, they have ended up at her grandparents along with the extended Martin family.
8. Full English breakfast [x]
Roxanne loves waking up on Christmas morning every year because she is greeted by the smell of breakfast cooking. Her mum always cooks a full English breakfast for the family on Christmas Day and as been doing this as long as Roxanne can remember. It's one of Roxanne's favourite things about Christmas morning as she likes to have a buck's fizz with her breakfast then start opening her presents.
9. Fish pie [x]
This was another meal that Roxanne wasn't keen on but she tried it because she knew she wouldn't get anything else. Her parents were very much you ate was was put in front of you and Roxanne does agree with that. It isn't something she would personally choose to eat for dinner or make herself but it was edible and not as bad as she thought it would be.
10. Cheese and ham toasties with tomato soup [x]
Roxanne will make this when she is in the mood for it or in need of comfort. It was something she ate a lot of during her breakup with Briar and it did help her get past it because who doesn't love a ham and cheese toastie. Especially one that they can dip into their tomato soup. Just amazing!
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twobillionseconds · 11 months
July 5th - July 7th 2023
July 5th:
First day back at work. I had an ok day. When I got home I forced myself to go for a run. After the wife and I got In-N-Out for dinner.
July 6th:
I woke up early to go to the gym. After I took a cold shower and walked the dog. I took the wife to the airport after. Man the workout and the cold shower is a great way to start the day. At work I had an efficient day. I got home and walked the dog and I stopped by the grocery to pick up some stuff for shepherd’s pie. I got Main Chick Hot Chicken for dinner. Also the power went out. Came back around 4 AM.
July 7th:
Woke up late. The power outage screwed up my morning routine. Anyway I got a late start to the day. Since it was mostly meetings in the morning I went to the gym during that time. Came home and worked some more. I took the dog for a walk and cooked dinner. Went to a class and came home and ate dinner. I’m planning on doing some work. 
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