emilycollins00 · 1 year
Tagged by my lovelies @a3hihi and @hqissodelicate for the last song I listened to! I was getting ready so I tend to select ones that are danceable to wake up asdfg also fun fact this is one of those songs coca-cola used for their ads!
Tagging!: @athelari (the fact that you were the first on my mind bc it's music related asdfgk love it) @omi-my-beloved, @galaxystar17, @last-runway, @macaronnya, @birdyies, @7-oh-ta1, @taruruchi, @primeministerofantarctica, @taichissu, @soliioquising and @thechavanator if you would like to, no pressure!💕
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cobaltash · 3 years
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Arriving from a timeline that belongs to @athelari, I welcome to the Thedas Spring Ball lady Inquisior Shokra Adaar! Truly an icon, who holds fast to her Vashoth roots and carves a path through the world that might bring those like her closer together.
Thank you for gracing us with your presence!
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luckyspacerabbit · 3 years
For the companion doodles, how about a nice warm (?) Mordin for the soul?
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grand pappy war crimes <3 his mug says "world's best mad scientist"
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We reach the end of the journey to find there is actually an 8th element, one we had been using all along without realising, and which is the source of so many of our victories.
It's the element of surprise.
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natsu-tte-noodle · 3 years
Fave, least fave, fanon peeve: Taichi!
Ah hello!!  Another son let me see...
Favorite Thing: I think I have to go with how much he loves to try new things!  Granted, a lot of them were to be popular, but I do think he genuinely ended up enjoying them and has a lot of fun with them now.  Acting, origami, skateboarding, balloon art--he’s actually one of the most multi-talented members of the company, it’s just hard to remember because of who his troupe leader and roommate are.  Also he’s a great big brother!  That’s two things but Taichi deserves love.
Least Favorite Thing: This has been consistent since I first started playing, but godddd Taichi you'd have a partner by now if you didn't go into every interaction with "get a partner" as your end goal
Fanon Pet Peeve: So canon kind of perpetuates this a little bit too, but like. Come guys Taichi isn't COMPLETELY spineless
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chrismerle · 3 years
OC asks time! 25 and 34?
(le meme)
huzzah! my favorite time!
25. Are there any two characters that are like a dynamic duo/group?
honestly, a lot of my characters travel in packs, but Shai tends to sort of ... move in and out of various dynamic duos depending on what they're doing. if they need to openly kick some ass, they're probably going to do so with their BFF/pseudo-semi-romantic-but-kind-of-platonic partner Daniel (property of @nicxan even if I shamelessly borrow him a lot). if they need to get more covert/stealth shit done, they're probably going to be with their spouse, Ari (property of @vecchio-fastidioso but I also shamelessly borrow them a lot), 'cause Shai on their own is only very reluctantly okay at stealth.
I'm ... not sure if Bamidele counts as being part of one of Shai's dynamic duos. he's the boyfriend that Shai and Ari share. (the version of Bamidele that originated in Fallen London was a devil. the version of him I imported into Threshold is a gargoyle.) primarily, his job is grabbing the others by the back of their shirt collars and hauling their asses out of trouble when they inevitably get in over their heads. he's less 'dynamic' and more 'much beleaguered.'
Ivan gets a special mention because Shai recruits him for stuff that is certainly dynamic, but it is, without fail, all shit that Shai Does Not Want To Do, so they fuck off and leave it to Ivan whenever possible, which sort of eliminates the 'duo' part.
really, the only one Shai spends a fair amount of time with in Threshold who ISN'T part of some sort of dynamic duo is Jayne, by virtue of him being a hapless 20-something who fell through a portal and doesn't know his ass from his head for most of the story. he tries his best.
34. What scene that you’ve written/imagined is your favorite?
ehhhhhh it changes by the day. occasionally the entirety of Brothers that I have written so far is my favorite. sometimes I'm just super psyched up about a fanfic scene I want to write but then inevitably fail to do so. (at the moment I'm very psyched up to write a DA2 fic of my emotionally constipated Hawke having a fit in Varric's vicinity. my friend Ala knows what I'm talking about, probably.)
and there's a nugget in my brain for a visual novel that I'm pretty jazzed about, though it's really just the smallest kernel of an idea still. it would take a lot of work to do and do well and a lot of money to make it presentable, and so I keep balking.
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animaniachan · 4 years
Right back atcha, three for three! 🌶️🎨💪🏼?
ahhhh 𝔸𝕣𝕚 ty once again for making this super cute ask meme!! 3 for 3 it is! 💜💜
Responding to this: A3! Ask Game
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🌶: Tell us one thing about you that sounds like a lie, but is actually true.
I was a super introvert, like, the most introvert of introverts up until pretty recently, lowkey barring the line of antisocial. I was always super shy and awkward with other people and kept to myself. Also I despised social media as a teenager oop 😳
Legit I only made a FB and IG account two months ago bc it was the best way to communicate with uni friends. If it wasn’t for uni, I probably would not have even considered getting them (⁎⁍̴̛ᴗ⁍̴̛⁎)
Oh, and also my right shoulder and elbow are double joined so I can twist that arm in 360 degrees and would feel 0 pain~ 💪😌
🎨: What was the last text/chat you sent?
“yea lmaooo” to my friend in uni (generic I know 😂😂) she just told me something funny are professor did and we were just vibin over that.
💪: Out of the entire A3! cast, who do you think you’d be friends with in real life?
Answered: here
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stardromo · 4 years
Shall we give it a try? 💤 and 🕹️?
Thank you for the ask! ✨⭐️
🕹: Name one thing that comes easily to you.
💤: What’s the weirdest place you’ve ever fallen asleep in/at?
🕹: surprisingly for me it’s learning languages! From a very young age I’ve always had a knack for language learning and never had to study that much for quizzes and tests. In elementary/middle/high school I took Spanish classes and in uni right now I’m taking Japanese!
💤: hmmmm the one place I can think of and it isn’t even that weird is in high school my senior year I fell asleep on my band classroom’s floor bc we had an off day that day and I was so exhausted from doing assignments along with cheerleading practice so I just conked out LOL
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3, 33, 39? Huh. The numbers give me sankaku feels. ∆
33 is already answered 💞
3. Favorite play
but stranger my master loves mystery, and dead/undead are special to me
39. If you could choose a support character to get a card who would it be
Ichigo miki or iku! Preferably ichigo tho
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lovinga3characters · 4 years
Oh, I'm curious! 🏵️ and 🌶️?
🌶 was asked already HERE!
🏵️ Is there anything you stopped doing that you want to start doing again?
I had to quit Drama Club and my chorus group because of COVID so I’m really sad about that 😔 (other than that, I really got start writing my older fanfics again ahaha)!
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emilycollins00 · 4 years
Oh, here's back atcha in return: 6, 38, 41?
Yay! 💕
6. Favorite Card SRR
You know what, now that I think about it, I don’t really have any favorite cards of any type. They are all cute  this is also because I am super indecisive though
38. Any characters you wish interacted more?
Taichi and Muku! They are so adorable ugh also Tsumugi and Sakuya maybe, I just want to see sunshines with more sunshines  💕
41. Any stories you wish would be turned into a play in the game?
Ever since people here talked about Spring Troupe doing a version of Peter Pan  I’ve been crossing my fingers so hard because?? it would be so good?? Someone really should suggest it to Liber
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cobaltash · 3 years
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Merrill in C4, for @athelari! Thank you for playing!
Send me a character and an outfit and I’ll draw them!
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luckyspacerabbit · 3 years
🍂☁️ for Dan Hyun, and if it's not too greedy of me, 🌴❄ for Kai Leng on the side?
UGH THANK YOU so much for indulging me 😭 and my oc kai leng
Dan Hyun
🍂- What music does this oc like?
Dan Hyun loves pop music! She idolizes celebrities and fashion, and she's a noted stan of NCT 387 (SM finally figured out how to clone their boy bands) and her favorite member is Taeyong (A clone ased on his actual DNA preserved in 2055!). She listens to kpop girl groups because she enjoys an upbeat tone and likes to keep herself lighthearted in all the places she can. She listens to more of the noise music during combat and workouts to drown out any anxious thoughts.
☁️- What is this oc's clothing style like?
Fashionable... Dan Hyun used to dress very femininely in her younger years in an effort to appeal to her desire to "fit in" and be someone socially beloved, popular even. Skirts, skin hugging dresses, mary janes. But as she grew older and hit her 30s, she developed a greater sense of authority and comfort in her body. She now tends towards formal dress pants, pleated and crisp, wide leg and oversized blazers. Suits! She also has an iconic pair of stomping boots. She's still known to dip into crop tank tops and cardigans, though :)
🌴- Who is this oc's favorite person?(Can be another oc, a fictional character, a celebrity, anyone)
I feel like this is bait to say Dan Hyun but she's not really his favorite.... I think his favorite person was their tutor, May. Kai met May when he was 14 and in his eyes, May was the only person that ever looked out for him in a truly altruistic way. When he would get into arguments with Dan Hyun, May would always come to him and talk him out of his locked room by banging on it at first and then giving up and just talking to him through the crack. She was a true family member to him when he never had anyone, and was his loyal advocate when he was blamed for fighting.
❄- What is this oc's favorite and least favorite food?
Kai's favorite food is stinky tofu >:) He likes strong, savory flavors and the brine is good. It's also good for long periods of time, so he ended up eating it a lot as a kid since it was an easy meal while his mom was busy. His least favorite food is Holodets, he hates them with a passion. The jellied meat makes him queasy, and it's a food soley associated with his near absent father. He rarely sees it as an adult, but he feels a pungent rage in association with them.
Thank you so much for your ask ;_;
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quenie-azryneth · 4 years
The handwriting tag
I know it looks bad (horrifying)
Wait 'til yeah see what it looks like when I'm in a hurry. ( ゚∀゚)アハハ
But hey, I enjoyed it. (^ω^)
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@athelari Thanks again for tagging
If you feel like doing it (whether you were tagged or not!), the write down:
The alphabet, A–Z, in both uppercase and lowercase varieties
Your url(s)
The quick brown fox jumped over the lazy dog
A quote or song lyric, your choice
Any people you're tagging
I summon @sugarshiin, @loudmindquietsoulblog, @littlemissaesthetic, and @beyondtheborderridiculous.
Only if you wanna do it
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Hey there, shall we give this a shot? 👑 and 🌹?
hello i already did crown and im too lazy to link it but just scroll :b
🌹  - do you name your belongings?
i dont name many but i have a lil shrine of ghost figurines and such and they all have names. too lazy to get pics but their names r ghoolie (lil plastic guy who holds my hair ties), ghoulbert (ceramic guy that holds business cards), ghoulianne (big plush with a cute ribbon) and boob (plastic ghost that lights up and sings) 
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taichissu · 4 years
Oho, shall we play? 🖊️ and 🪀?
🖊️ If you can watch any A3! play in real life, which one would it be? 
hmmmmm this question is difficult for me because i already watch vids of mankai stage so- but if i could legit watch a play irl (either mankai stage or any other production) i’d be super excited for captain sky pirates (the mankai stage performance is SO GOOD everyone needs to watch it the action scenes are SO WELL ARRANGED) or any akigumi (i’m biased but...... hhh stranger AND MANTOU FIST) play because i love seeing well performed action <3
🪀 Have you ever dyed your hair? hell yeah brother i haven’t dyed it in like a year because i’ve been recovering it, i would probably dye it more often if my hair wasn’t naturally pretty dark (so i have to bleach it and i Don’t Want To Ruin My Hair Again Right Now) but my endings (that are still bleached) still have a red tint to them i might bleach and dye it red again in a couple months once i move out <3 i wish red dye didn’t come off that easily tho
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