#attempted assassination tw
dimonds456 · 2 months
Okay in the midst of this I do wanna say that this absolutely WILL get Trump even MORE support.
So, here's what you're gonna do, okay:
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destielmemenews · 2 months
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Thomas Matthew Crooks is from Bethel Park, Pennsylvania, and is a registered Republican.
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your-fav-is-divorced · 2 months
AR-15 rifle and Donald Trump
An AR-15 and Donald Trump are Divorced!
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gay-poet-gabriel · 2 months
Dallas shooting Donald trump ( he misses )
maybe not the most tasteful thing for me to draw
gun tw
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bittyfromquotev · 2 months
While I still think wishing death upon people no matter the circumstances is wrong…
You know what’s funny? Several people are saying that
The would-be assassin was a REPUBLICAN MAN
Civilans warned the cops 4 FUCKING TIMES and they did nothing
one cop went to check it out but immediately backed down when the guy held the gun towards him
Cops are cowards and this guy should not have missed. You were doing this for a fucking REASON.
RIP the bystander that was killed instead of that old ugly tangerine with noodle hair.
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martuzzio · 2 years
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Simon's met (and killed) a lot of interesting people in his life. This "Soap" person might be the most... interesting yet.
(A continuation of my Medieval Knight!Soap and Mercenary!Ghost enemies to lovers idea)
Check out more Medieval 141 here
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askquellowsans · 2 months
[•Legally, we have freedom of speech.]
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onlytiktoks · 2 months
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xionandpluto14 · 3 months
Whump prompt:
Character A has been the target of numerous assassination attempts, from arrows barely missing them, to waking up in the middle of the night to see someone standing over them with a knife.
Every attempt has failed thus far- their work is sloppy, at best.
And then one day they see a signal flare not too far off from their team. Not one to ignore a potential cry for help, they head over to see what the situation is.
When they arrive, they find Character B there, inspecting the place as if they feel something is off.
Now that Character A thinks about it, something definitely is off. There’s no one here besides the two of them, so who could have possibly set off the flare?
A feels a sense of dread, and only then do they look to one side and see the raging flames engulfing the distant forest, blocking any hope of retreat.
“A, look out, it’s—“
The swift sound of a weapon, being brought down on someone with the full force and intent to kill.
The smell of smoke.
The feeling of one’s own heart picking up speed as the situation gradually becomes clearer.
The sight of B, bleeding out on the ground in front of them.
It was a trap all along. The obvious attacks, the failed attempts to assassinate Character A…. They were all a diversion.
Even the signal flare— probably stolen for this very moment.
All of it… to get the ever-vigilant Character B to finally let their guard down, and put an end to their life.
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fanofstuff01 · 3 months
Can you explain to me what the Gaurdian Angel au is please?
Sure thing! Sorry if it took me a bit long and it’s messy though.
So basically, in this universe’s Heaven, there are angels called “Guardian Angels”, both heaven born and winners can apply to the job. Their duty is to rehabilitate and save people who are tend to oof themselves, are hurting themselves or are addicts.
Lucifer is a winner in this, he died with his family (His parents, twin brother and little sister) when he was 14 and they went to Heaven.
Lucifer wanted to make people’s lives better so he applied for this job.
Ona day, at a “To Be Saved” list, he saw his childhood friend, Adam. And chose him.
Speaking of Adam… Let me tell you why he wants to oof himself…
So, he had an abusive relationship with someone named Steve. He was 15, Steve was 17. The relationship caused Adam to fall in depression.
His step mother, Sera didn’t want to find a doctor to help him (because he was just being dramatic and should get up and be a man), but his step sister Emily insisted. So he did went to a doctor. They gave him a medicine to help. (Probably Xanax)
Oh and he had to take Vicodin at one point too, he broke his ribs.
When he finally moved on from Steve, he found another partner, Eve. Their relationship was going well until…
Eve got pregnant when they were both 19.
Thier parents forced them to get married and without knowing what else to do, the couple moved to another statw with their twin boys Cain and Abel. They opened their small farm there and Adam thought they could finally live happily.
But Cain killing Abel ruined his life. They were 14. Cain went to juvie.
Eve blamed Adam for this, saying she did not wanted to see his stupid face ever again. And they got a divorce, with Eve taking almost all the properties they had, leaving Adam with Cain’s custody and a few other things. She sold the properties and moved to another country.
Oh you think these are bad? Wait till you hear the rest.
Sera disowned and refused to help Adam once she heard about this. His sister was in a different country, so it was easier for Sera to tell lies about what Adam actually did. Emily believes her brother deserved it.
Sera’s excuse? Adam was basically a murderer himself. He should’ve raised his kids better and be a father, this was all his fault.
Again without knowing what to do and without anyone, again in deep depression, Adam moved to a small apartment, but he couldn’t pay the rent. He was going to be thrown at the streets until a “superhero” came and “saved his ass”.
His step cousin, Alastor. Who wants him out of the picture so he could get a step closer to inheriting Sera’s properties once she dies.
So he offered Adam a place to stay, one of his apartments. Saying he won’t have to pay the rent until he is stable again. Adam couldn’t be more thankful. He begin working at a supermarket.
But Alastor has other plans.
He brought Adam vicodin and xanax, saying they’d help ease his pain. They did, for a while, but he became addicted, which is exactly what Alastor wants so he can have him under his control. He began sending his friends, The Vees to sell him drugs. They are expensive.
He became addicted to alcohol as well.
The supermarket fired him, saying they couldn’t have an addict as their employee. Adam was left desperate again. His rent was unrealistically high and so were the prize of his drugs. Nowhere else hired him or kept him longer than a month, so he uhh… Began selling… Pictures of himself. Take this as however you want.
Depression and anxiety mixed with a little agoraphobia clinged to him and never left.
He also became some sort of a hermit, never leaving his house for anything other than going to the liquor store, always ordering stuff.
Alastor visits him once every three months to make sure he stays in this state. With abusing and manipulating him psychologically and verbally.
With a life like this, he was obviously in the list.
Now back to Lucifer.
He disguised himself as a human and became Adam’s neighbor. He began bringing him food but Adam didn’t open the door, so he left them and Adam took them. Until one day he finally opened the door and implied to Lucifer that he didn’t want to see him.
So Lucifer began leaving food with notes, inviting him to dinner at his place. One day Adam went to his place, only because he wanted this man to leave him alone.
They slowly became closer and closer, with Lucifer helping him with his depression and anxiety, becoming his friend and slowly making his life better.
And the angel broke the biggest rule they had:
Don’t fall in love or start a relationship with a human.
But he didn’t care. One day, after another one of Al’s visits, Adam cried in his arms, saying he didn’t want to love anymore because he always fucked it up and called himself a fucking up machine.
Lucifer kissed him and confessed to him that night. They started a relationship, the best one Adam had. But…
Lucifer’s ex, a heaven born angel and an exorcist, Lilith noticed their forbidden love.
Lucifer and Lilith broke up because their relationship simply didn’t work. They were both happy it ended. Or so Lucifer thought.
Lilith was furious that Lucifer took a filthy, mentally ill human as his partner while she was there. So she reported this to the authorities.
They told her to take him back to Heaven. So she did. Infront of Adam. He was forced to stay in Heaven until the human died, which was going to take 5 years, and he was also forced to watch him from there. He could only go if his life was in danger in that 5 years.
Lilith mocked him by saying that stupid fucker was going to end up in Hell. (There’s more punishment Lu has but they’re not relevant to the story anyway.)
But what Lilith didn’t knew was…
Lucifer already saved Adam. He was worth Heaven and was going there if he kept himself this way for 5 years.
But he died two years after Lu left instead.
Adam died because:
Emily was returning to visit, and Adam wanted to have a word with her, Lucifer’s love and care had brought back his courage.
But Sera, afraid Emily will turn against her, spread the word that she is a horrible person and her reputation would be fucked up, hired a hitman to kill Adam. And sadly, succeeded.
Lucifer was supposed to prevent this, but Lilith laughed at his face and refused to remove the handcuffs that kept him in Heaven. She instead forced him to watch Adam’s death.
But Adam ascended to Heaven.
Lucifer was the first angel to greet him.
Lilith fell to Hell for messing with Heaven’s plans.
Happy ending.
I hope I covered everything, feel free to ask to me or Things if you have unanswered questions.
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stormvanari · 1 month
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they say she fought to her death under the effects of a fatal poison
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destielmemenews · 7 days
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"A Secret Service agent spotted a rifle barrel sticking out of fence and “engaged” with the suspect, Palm Beach County Sheriff Ric Bradshaw said at a news conference late Sunday afternoon. The gunman was 300 to 500 yards away from Trump, a Secret Service official said. Law enforcement found an AK-47 style rifle, GoPro and backpacks where the suspect was positioned, Bradshaw said."
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dontgetmadgetmaddie · 2 months
We know via the NYT that the shooter was a registered Republican.
The way I see it, there are two options here. Either the shooter was right aligned but was so freaked out by this project 2025 bullshit that this seemed a viable solution (and that should be a goddamn wake-up call) or it was an inside job—a set up to make him look heroic and ensure he’d win the election. I don’t know which is better, I just know that that mouldering clementine is going to milk it for all it’s worth.
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God damnit 🤣
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dimonds456 · 2 months
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surplus-of-sarcasm · 1 year
Numéro 23
Part 2
Guess what, ya girl finished a snippet on the plane!!
Words: 1.28 k
TW: Violence, bone fracture, slightly depressed and pretty anxious hero, questionable agency, bone fracture, guns, attempted murders, restraint mentioned
The file was dropped onto their desk curtly, no words spoken, like every other assignment Hero got. Their newest target didn't have a name, no alias of some sort, and the picture of them had shown them fully masked in a sleek, black suit, no inch of skin showing; a faceless caricature. However, their kill count, in three digits, was important enough that any other details seemed inconsequential next to it.
Besides, Hero had been taught to treat their targets more like tasks than people. 
So the crime-fighter trained till they were left dead on their feet, till their knuckles were all ripped skin and covered in bloodstains, till their exhausted muscles felt like they were on fire. 
“Hero! Don’t you think you’re going a little overkill, boss?” Sidekick asked, folding their arms across their chest and leaning against the doorframe.
The young hero was the closest thing to a light in the agency’s pitch black darkness; the soul that gave life to a lifeless place, like a flame lighting the slowly dwindling, half-melted candle that was the older crime-fighter’s life. 
“I. . .can’t, Sidekick,” the hero replied breathlessly, hauling their form up for yet another pull-up, having done so many that they’d lost count. “This new target is unlike all the others before the-”
“Yeah yeah, but when are you not being paranoid about one of your enemies?” the teenager replied, cutting them off. 
“Their kill count is in three digits,” the crime-stopper retorted almost impatiently.
“Bloody hell,” Sidekick interjected, eyes going wide.
“Watch your language,” Hero chided, but a sly smirk danced across their face. 
“Okay, I wasn’t expecting that, but what good will it do if you show up to fight this bloody - sorry - serial killer exhausted? Weren’t you the one who kept lecturing me on the importance of rest for maximum work efficiency?”
The hero may have been stubborn, but they realised their protegé was right. They couldn't risk showing up to fight someone like their mystery killer while tired, so they decided to make their way home.
Normally, a hot bath would easily clear their head. Sure, they could still feel the tension blissfully seep from their form, the warmth relaxing overworked muscles, but their mind remained a raging firestorm of anxiety. It frustrated them how they couldn't even enjoy something this simple, the one moment where they no longer had to think or be whatever the hell they needed to be at the moment. "At least I smell nice," they scoffed, wishing to get this over with much faster. 
They let out a heavy sigh, leaving the tub and slipping into a bathrobe, trudging to the desk in their room to use the old, but still functional laptop. Ironically, being a hero barely payed for rent. 
For someone so high and mighty, their little terrorist wasn't completely difficult to find. Or maybe the hero was really a 'natural with the keyboard', since it had taken them a bit of hacking to find their target. Who's to say? 
Changing into their suit, Hero stared at their reflection with such intensity, that it would look to most people like an attempt to shatter it to a thousand shards by just looking at it. In reality, their own harsh gaze bore into the dark corners of their mind, wondering for the umpteenth time if they were enough. It didn't matter because they'd still have to do this anyway, whatever the cost.
"Target spotted," they whispered into their comm, standing on their knees for long enough that their muscles ached, waiting for their enemy deigned to show up. 
"I will engage now." 
The killer's movements resembled that of a panther, and the crime-fighter would have been lying if they'd denied finding it graceful. They were fast and agile, almost impossible to keep up with, not even giving them the chance to reach for the gun in their waistband. But the hero was no slouch either. They aimed a harsh kick to their enemy's shins, their body slamming into the asphalt with an audible thud. Still, the figure in black remained undeterred, kicking the crime-stopper on top of them in the ribs, sending them toppling down across the street, making their head throb and effectively destroying their flimsy communicator.
The hero swore, muttering something ironically much more profane than what they'd chastise their sidekick for, but they rolled away, out of the bastard's reach, quickly getting back on their feet. Their assailant was quick on their feet, chasing after them, but Hero was faster. They'd managed to slip behind an old building, trying to quiet their laboured breathing. They slowly reached for the gun in their waistband, removing the old magazine and replacing it with a new, loaded one.
They waited painstakingly for their target to reach the perfect spot.
Bang. They fired, aiming for the kill, three perfect shots. 
Except the bastard was wearing bullet-proof armour, the bullets ricocheting off of them uselessly. They were certain that underneath their dark cowl, the criminal must have had an infuriatingly smug smirk on their face, but right then, they recieved an entirely self-satisfied tilt of the head to the side. 
Their only option was to destroy a piece of the armour and shoot them there. 
The fight between them continued being a draw, one striking, their opponent blocking, and neither causing any real damage. Until the killer had managed to back Hero into a corner, kicking them to the ground and twisting their leg into a horrid angle, the crime-fighter crying out in pain as a grotesque crack rang in their ears. Tears sprang in their eyes and with whatever little movement they could manage, they furiously ripped their nemesis's mask off.
It wasn't the face of a stranger, like they'd expected, nor was it the face of someone entirely close to them, not that there were many people, aside from their sidekick, who obviously wasn't the ruthless murderer before, instead, it was their quiet lab partner from college, Villain, the one that sat next to them every day, brought them coffee and the occasional dessert, and doodled silly cartoons in their notebook to keep them both sane during boring classes, the closest thing they had to a friend that had nothing to do with the agency.
Their mouth was left agape, their eyes wide, their whole world spinning, but Villain didn’t even blink. They fired, straight into the hero's chest, utterly remorseless, no readable expression on their stone hard face.
Hero woke up. Woke up? What the hell? But Villain had killed them, yet here they were, lying on a soft mattress underneath a wonderfully thick comforter, with their leg in a cast, bandages crisscrossed across their chest. The only thing ruining the strangely mellow coziness they felt (possibly painkilling drugs) was the fact that they were handcuffed to the nighstand. 
The bullet had missed their heart. But surely an expert marksman like Villain wouldn't miss, right? This, for some strange reason, was intentional. 
We like to believe that our expectations have a foundation in truth, that they are of considerable value, that they can have even the slightest effect on any future outcomes. Yet, that is a fool's dream, a fruitless effort to calm a racing mind in fear of the unknown. Just when you are at the peak of your certainty, when you fully believe your fate is sealed, a spontaneous twist, the slightest change sets you on a path you were never aware existed. Our choices, our words, our actions have meaning, yet they only hold the power of a few tidal waves in the vast unpredictable ocean that is our future because destiny is a weapon one can only hope to master.
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