#atticus junk
buildbuymode · 2 years
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astro met atticus at work -- he’s a little geeky, a little goofy, a little bit bookish and also a little hard of hearing (worth it to get to be so up close to so many rocket launches, if you ask him about it) and he’s also astronomically smitten with his space cadet sweetheart
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elk96 · 1 year
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grass-s0fa · 2 months
artfight is over so here’s my attacks from this year!!!
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featuring . . .
ziggyxtal’s Hoki, @0pal-m0nroe’s Syren, hunnipuff’s Saltie, kodyssandwich’s Davero, 2am_main’s Nicolas, @ruadri-arts + @valiantmade’s Avani and Marigold, keterjester's Carmine +lenny, boubid's Allie, moochupon's Zainy, koreuh’s December, and @blus-junk-drawer + YourLocalWindex's Zach Lukas and Atticus!!!
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6.147.435 - Hitting a Sore Spot
he didn't think he'd get this far :(
surprise! a double update. let's keep that momentum up, why don't we?
Steven: You had something important handed right to you. And I'm just fixing useless junk. I… wanted to see what I was missing out on. Roxanne: Steven… Steven: You’re right, of course, it was stupid. I just… I want people to take me seriously. Roxanne: You don’t have to prove anything to anyone. And like I said… I’ll always be your biggest fan. (Roxanne punches her in the arm.) Roxanne: Even if you never let any thoughts through that thick skull of yours. Steven: Ouch! Jeez, I’m still sore! Thanks, Roxie. (to Atticus) Hey, Atticus, you gonna get up there and sing, or what? Roxanne: You are the one who wanted this. Atticus: Uhh…!
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lionfanged · 4 months
if atticus consumes a single unhealthy junk food item he may very well explode and die.
not because of allergies, but because he holds himself to a high standard and a strict diet.
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writingforfishes · 14 days
*creaks door open just enough to show a raised eyebrow*
i dont have much of a reason for re-reading the first hiatus story other than remembering some dialogue that i wanted to look at again (and then rediscovering "what?? i can cook eggs..." 😭😭) but uh i re-read that and
not asking for a full explanation or what exactly the poem even said
but atticus wrote and published a poem. discussing pomegranates. and it was aBOUT THEIR JUNK?????????
idt i wanna know a lot abt that but. what the hell does that mean. w hat. what does it mean. how did they connect those two things. is that like a fuckin greek pantheon's kore/persephone reference or somethin. what
I've actually been meaning to explore and write that poem.
I figure it has something to do with experiments in satiating arousal as well as the discoveries of how to do it after bottom growth.
I've always found pomegranates fascinating in how they open and what the pips (seeds) look like.
There is an unexpectedness in a pomegranate compared to other fruits whose seeds are only to be discarded while pomegranate seeds are meant to be consumed.
Anyway, I won't be specific about genital similarities from my perspective because of possible discomfort it might inspire, but I have my thoughts about it.
And, no, it's not something from mythology because I'm definitely not that smart.
I think maybe it would be something like:
People like to talk about forbidden fruit. They say it's the apple from the garden of Eden. Scholars say it's a fig from the same tree. I say it's the pomegranate. Beneath its tough skin it hides Fleshy red pearls Each a seed A potential at life, wrapped In succulent red flesh. I spent most of my life not knowing How to open a pomegranate. When I did, I realized I didn't know What to do with what I had Found. I was shockingly impassive to The texture and the Taste. Was I doing it wrong? Was my pomegranate inherently Bad? I ignored the pomegranate For a long time after that. I pretended it didn't exist. I pretended I wasn't jealous when Everyone else was enjoying their Pomegranates, lauding the fruit for its Luscious and satisfying nature. It took too long to Realize I needed to wait For the pomegranate to Ripen. I was Impatient and, thus, The pips were tasteless, Acidic, and abrasive. I let it grow inside its rind. I gave it time and Paid it gentle attention Until both it and I Were ready. When I cracked it open this time It shown like rubies and I Gasped with the flavor and gulped The juice the pips provided as if they Were life, themselves. I finally understood why Eve Felt such elation at seizing the temptation and Why she needed to show Adam her discovery. What sort of deity keeps this sort of pleasure At the periphery of their most beloved of creations And forbids them from imbibing? The humble pomegranate asks nothing but To be cherished and attended to, Opened and consumed, Appreciated and cared for. If that is not the most holy of expressions, I don't know what is.
Writing a poem on the spot for your ask, worm. Atticus' was, no doubt, much better (at least the final draft).
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piers-official · 1 year
The Broken Family Tree
“Hey Bro, how’s the organizin’ going?”
Piers is seated on the floor, surrounded by a flurry of papers and photos. He glances up at his little sister before sighing wearily, “S’alright, -lot of old junk if ya ask me.”
“Hmm maybe, but it’s junk that’s important to grandmum.” Marnie cautiously moves through the clutter of papers, tiptoeing around albums and old cardboard boxes used for storage. She squats down next to her brother, “I brought some tea, freshly made just for ya.” She offers a mug to him, which he gladly takes with a small thanks. Softly he blows on the steam before taking a sip of the bittersweet drink and quickly finishes it off.
“Thanks Mar.” he responds, handing the empty mug back to her.
“How long do ya think it’s gonna take?” The teen gently brushes some papers away and plops down next to her brother, Piers shrugs.
“Not sure, but ya can go home if ya like. No use stayin’ here if ya gonna be bored.”
“Nah I’m alright, Besides-” she glances around the seemingly tornado-stricken room, “Gram won’t be able to help ya clean all this…up…” her voice suddenly trails off as something catches her attention from the corner of her eye.
“S’wrong, Mar- having second guesses?” he smirks in a teasing manner, but when there’s no reply from his younger sibling, he looks up from his work, “Marnie-?”
“Who’s this?” 
A (clearly very) old photo is suddenly shoved into his face, he grumbles a bit before plucking the photograph from Marnie’s hand. Silently he studies it for a moment before humming inquisitively.
“Well Obviously that’s Grandmum Mara-” he points to a young woman on the right, “-And that’s…” Piers squints his eyes, before holding out the photo in front of him as if trying to get a better view of the whole picture, “-Well I don’t know actually. Kinda looks like dad, but not quite?”
Marnie cranes her head outward toward the picture curiously, when a noise of surprise escapes from her lips, “Piers there’s somethin’ on the bottom!” She points. His eyes scan downward and sure enough there is indeed writing, in faded black pen, scrawled onto the photo:
Atticus and Mara Astor
The sibling duo sat in questionable, puzzled silence, simply staring at the words as if they would jump out at them any second. Piers blinks several times as if the words would change, and provide more of an answer, with each subsequent blink.
“Who’s… Atticus?”
Piers pauses in consideration, “I think… he might be our Granpap?” he answers, in slight shock. Then, the sudden realization hits him like a freight train,  “-The one Grandmum never talks about. -It’s our dad’s dad!” he emphasizes, for both Marnie and his own waning skepticism. After glossing over the couple in the photograph for the umpteenth time, he decides to flip it over. 
His heart drops into the pit of his stomach, eyes widening with surprise. -There’s more information written on the back:
Married in Nimbasa, Unova - Oct. 1981
Another moment of silence washes over the room, before Piers suddenly jumps to his feet, jarring his sister slightly. With the photo clutched in one hand, he quickly turns back to Marnie, “I need to talk to Grandmum, right now. I’ll be right back, stay here.”
Marnie was understandably confused, but simply nods in quiet bemusement. Piers eyes her worriedly for a second before taking a deep breath. With that, he makes his way to his Grandmother’s bedroom for answers.
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tarmac-rat · 2 years
💕 Gush about your OC 💕
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✨ Post 5 facts about your CP77 OC.
✨ Open the latest section of #cyberpunk 2077 tag and reblog 5 posts of people you don’t follow, giving them nice tags.
✨ Tag 5 people to spread the game.
Tagged by @wanderingaldecaldo !!!! Which means yes, we're back to talking about Riley. I'm gonna try to keep this one as BRIEF as I can, and do more "fun" facts that I've been sitting on about her over the past 3 years of planning:
❤️ - Riley isn't a food nut but she LOVES shawarma. It was the first meal she ever had with Jackie after he brought her into the city and she and him (plus Misty and Vik) sometimes used to go to this one hole-in-the-wall shop around the corner of her apartment during the 18 months they worked before the heist. Her go-to order is syn-lamb with all the add-ons, no onions, and extra sauce on the side for dipping. She and Jackie both have signed eurodollars on the wall because they got dinner there like twice a week.
💛 - Riley is Indigenous American/Mexican, her mother Ivy being 100% Navajo and her father Felix identifying as both Mexican and Apache (don't ask him the percentages of each-- he doesn't know and he sure as shit doesn't care). Riley finds it hard to identify culturally with any of her backgrounds, however, because of her life growing up on the road, and Navajo customs and traditions fell out of the Bakkers over the years save for the stubborn few who still hold onto them. Her mother tells her some things here and there, but it's a part of her that she regrets not knowing more about once she leaves the Bakkers for Night City.
💚 - Riley's cybernetic right foot ends in a modified blade-- not a knife blade, a sprinter blade, like a runner would use-- and as a result she literally cannot wear heels. Flats only. She tried to shove her foot into a kitten heel once and she tripped on her way out of her apartment. It wasn't a good look. Please consider getting her more sneakers and boots for Christmas. Additionally, as a result of having one leg be made of mostly junk metal, her legs are actually not the same length (left leg is 1/2 an inch longer than her right), and she has to make a conscious effort not to trip over her own feet when she's moving hurriedly.
💙 - Riley's had her nose broken around 3-4 times throughout her life (three from fights, one from falling off her motercycle) and has never once gotten surgery to correct it, so it's pretty...let's say "askew". She actually has problems breathing out of it a lot of the time but in terms of medical issues that need addressing, this is LOW on her list, so she never actually does anything about it.
💜 - Riley was a massive horse girl growing up and actually dreamed about seeing a real-life horse one day when she was a child (a dream she still has, even if she'd rather die than ever admit it). She used to draw pictures of horses and hang them up in her family's tent, and every time the Bakkers would stop at a new town she'd try and barter with the townsfolk for any books about horses that weren't in the clan library. If she ever got one of her own, she already has names picked out-- Atticus for a boy, Maisie for a girl.
I would tab people but I'm pretty sure everyone in the fandom has done this one, so I'm gonna take a quick break and just say that if you haven't, consider this my invitation to you!
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captmickey · 2 years
Random facts of how the Office of Such and Junk blend into the Ace Attorney world because I'm thinking of them a healthy amount:
-As mentioned before, Victor really likes the Herlock Sholmes stories and is a fan of Edgeworth's style of logic. He would have been a prosecutor but something about be a defense attorney appealed to him. He also does some of the Herlock poses in court.
-Justine became a fan of the Gavinners and loves their music. She is also low-key a massive massive MASSIVE fan of Klavier and always hopes to see him in the courtroom... to the confusion of everyone but Lucille and Ned.
-Atticus likes the Steel Samurai a healthy, not-Edgeworth Level amount. He does have a Keychain of said samurai on his briefcase and he does try to create the various blends of coffee that Godot made.... to various success.
-Lucille bumped into Athena once and as mentioned before loved her necklace and asked to see it used on her. Athena was more than happy to oblige and noticed on the Mood Matrix that Lucille is perpetually in the happy state.
-Ned occasionally still has lunch with Marvin Grossberg when neither of them are working, sharing stories and the like to one another... Ned was a bit upset when he heard about Marvin's ordeal with Redd White and Mia but they're still close friends.
-Randolph... was offered by Lucille and Ned to maybe visit Kurain village to visit the spirit mediums there for some closure... but he doesn't feel right about it. Doesn't feel he earned it.
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galaxysodapopdraws · 2 years
Cant sleep, it’s 2 am, time to ramble about the hedgehog sibs in my au.
Reminder that I changed the au siblings to where Chuck, Aleena, and Paulie are siblings and my oc Maurice is no longer in the picture (I have ideas for him just not sonic related) so without further ado let’s go:
The siblings are different ages by about five years. So say when Chuck was 15, aleena was 10, and Paulie was 5 years old. So at the moment Chuck is 60, Aleena is 55, and Paulie is 50.
All three of them do smoke but Paulie smokes the most. Chuck and Aleena would probably only smoke if someone offered it to them but you’d never see them smoke regularly. Paulie is getting better at not smoking thanks to his family but he always carries a lighter and a pack of his favorite cigarettes with him.
They were all raised on a tiny island closer to the human mainlands than the mobian islands where they lived on a small farm. Because of this, a lot of human weapons and junk got thrown on their island which Chuck and Ellidy (who are childhood friends) would dig around in the scrap metals and make whatever they can with it. Also a lot of the island residents actually lived in abandoned, worn down human vehicles. Such as a jet plane that the siblings lived in with the little farm.
Speaking of family, the siblings parents (aka Sonic’s grandparents) are named Anna Marie and Atticus. Anna Marie was a inventor who mostly worked on any flying machine she could get her hands on. Atticus was a blacksmith who specialized in rings and their energy. Both of them were highly intelligent and made sure their kids got the education they needed. Both of them died of old age but only Anna Marie got to meet sonic when he was still a newborn.
Chuck and Aleena have cains instinct and Paulie doesn’t lmao.
I have mentioned chuck has a hobby for cooking but I never mentioned the other two’s hobbies. For Aleena it’s playing music particularly the piano. And for Paulie it’s working out. But not really in a gym work out more like those strongman workouts where they lift concrete orbs and giant dumbbells.
Out of all three of them, Aleena is the healthiest and Chuck is the least healthy. Chuck is kinda addicted to caffeine and loves sugar and fatty foods to much. And of course he’s usually sitting down at his desk working on projects. Because of this his sins and Nigel force him to exercise and get some rest. Paulie is second in healthiest because even though he kinda has a strongman body (which disappeared a little after having kids lol) and lifts weights and exercises, he smokes a lot and also loves fatty foods and alcohol. Aleena just plain knows how to take care of herself. She eats right, exercises, etc. and makes sure everyone is healthy as well.
Aleena is a lightweight when it comes to drinking, Chuck is average and paulie could probably drink a whole barrel of beer and not even flinch. Which means that when they go drinking just for fun, paulie is the one to guide them home. And paulie/chuck enjoy beer while aleena is a cocktail and wine mom.
Chuck smokes weed lmao. It’s for pain not just for getting high. But shard always tells people that chuck is his weed dealer and chuck does not like that. ….paulie has taken the weed before
That’s all for now I’m going to bed.
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cryptidsurveys · 6 days
Friday, September 20th, 2024.
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When’s the last time you ate bread? I had a hamburger bun with dinner last night. Also, do muffins count as bread? Because I had a bit of a walnut and pistachio muffin as well.
What’s the last movie you watched on your own? I think it was The Atticus Institute, all the way back in 2022. I rarely ever watch movies on my own.
What about the last movie you watched with another person? I went to see Inside Out 2 with my mom a few weeks ago.
How many coats do you own? Two. One maroon and one gray.
What about shoes? One basically retired pair of hiking shoes, a pair of mostly black slip-ons, and another black/laced pair that I haven't worn yet (they're for when the cheap slip-ons inevitably wear out).
One word to describe your most recent ex? Idk.
Where, in your current country, would you like to live, other than where you do now? I would really only consider moving to nearby mountain towns because I don't want to lose my connection to the animal shelter (and various city-based conveniences).
Do you like snow? I love it. I'm a little apprehensive about driving in it (my dad did most of the snow driving last winter because I was still in the beginning stages of relearning), but we'll see how it goes. It's not the daytime driving that worries me most - it's driving home in the dark when it's harder to tell how bad the roads are.
Do you like sheer clothing? No.
Have you ever seen anyone famous in the street? I haven't.
Are you hungry right now? No. I just finished eating breakfast a little bit ago.
Are you regularly tired? I am almost always some level of tired. Any errand or outing aside from the animal shelter makes me feel like a backpacker who just stumbled into town on my bloody foot nubs. ;D
What was the last thing to upset you? Family drama. I wasn't an instigator - it wasn't related to anything I said or did - but I'm inextricably involved because of the nature of the drama. Unfortunately, I don't think I'm going to be in contact with my mom anymore, which is a shame because things seemed to be going in such a positive direction. Also, sorry for being vague, it's just…a lot. I don't want to get into detail and probably never will. Just know that I have sustained Critical Emotional Damage.
How’s the weather been today? It's still early so I don't know how the rest of the day will pan out, but it's currently partly cloudy (or partly sunny according to my computer) and 49*F.
What was the first tattoo you got or what would be the first tattoo you’ll get? My first tattoo was the Eye of Horus on my left shoulder blade.
What was the last store you went into and did you buy anything? Walmart for groceries.
Have you ever been late for school or work? I've never been late for work. As for school…maybe a couple of times?
What is your favorite kind of fruit cobbler? Apple.
Is there a basement in your house? If so, what is it used for? There is. It's mainly used for junk storage and doing laundry.
Have you driven a car today? No.
Do you have a small, medium or large bedroom? It's the master bedroom, so it's fairly spacious.
Where was your first job and how old were you? I guess PDI was technically a job. I don't remember my exact age when I started, but sometime around my mid 20s.
Have you eaten soup this week? I haven't.
Are you a fan of The Office? I've never watched it.
When was the last time you started a new medication? 2018-2019. I tried a few different things within that timeframe, but I'm no longer on any prescribed medications.
What is your favorite type of nut? Cashews or pecans.
Do you know anyone who doesn’t have a middle name? Not that I'm aware of.
Have you put your phone on silent today? It's almost always on silent or vibrate…which is why it's such a wild coincidence that I caught that phone call from my mom yesterday. My dad and I were on the way home from the Mountain Park and I just happened to have it right there in my hand instead of in my bag. Things might have turned out differently if I hadn't picked up. Maybe not in the end (because all roads would have eventually led to Rome), but…lmao. Even though the situation is beyond horrible, I have to laugh or else I'll cry. My mom was apparently having an acute case of "Boomer with a Phone." :')
Can you name all 50 US state capital cities? No.
Do you read John Green novels? I read a few of them when I was younger, but I doubt they would appeal to me now.
Have you ever been to Universal Studios? No.
Can you tie balloons? Usually.
When was the last time you were at a pet store? 2022 when I was doing that work experience thing through DVR. I should go back there sometime… The owner was an absolute hoot.
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kradogsrats · 1 year
ncne lissa going through viren's old notes and spells and jars with Parts and finding out Shady Shit he was doing and/or planning to like "you want me to divorce a dead man?..... I just might"
lmao maybe? tbh she just scooped everything into a crate and dropped it on Kpp'Ar's doorstep like "here these are yours now" (he had a lot less junk at that point also, since it's before the secret dungeon lair)
Really though for NCNE as it is now, I don't think of Viren having been up to anything particularly shady beyond normal dark magic stuff? When I started the concept I was operating on a series of assumptions regarding What Viren Did(tm) that, after s5 and Puzzle House may or may not still be accurate. NCNE Viren, given the assumed choice between drawing on his own life force or someone else's, chose to restore Soren with his own. With the implications that the staff, possibly Star magic, or other factors may have been involved, that gets a bit more complicated and it's possible that I'll eventually have to go back and revise.
But even in canon, my impression is that Viren's shady shit escalated very fast, and mostly after Soren's illness and recovery. Possibly in kind of a chain reaction situation, where he did ONE super shady thing and then had to keep doing shadier and shadier things to keep anyone from finding out about it. (For example, him coining Kpp'Ar could conceivably escalate literally to the point of him disposing of King Atticus, depending on how things unfolded.) But before that? I feel like he was probably wasn't any more shady than s1 Claudia. Which I will grant is still mildly shady.
Also Lissa just plain doesn't understand most of his junk, hence her "returning" it all to Kpp'Ar—she's not able to gauge the shadiness of individual ingredients or books. Maybe if he had a jar just straight-up full of elf ears or something, but (whether due to in-setting reasons or real-world rating limitations) it doesn't look like he does, even after ten years of escalating sketchiness. Really, even if Viren had openly gone to her beforehand like, "I'm going to kill a unicorn to save Soren"... I don't think that would necessarily have been be an uncrossable moral line for her in that situation. She would probably have felt bad, particularly after, and possibly would still have left him depending on how big of a discrepancy there was between how bad each of them felt. (She would have objected to "I'm going to kidnap an orphan off the street and kill it to save Soren" though.)
There will definitely be more in the magma titan arc fic featuring Lissa's take on dark magic, though. :3c
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6.16.304 - New Assignment
it's a fun game of determining what dr. steele is and is not aware of
Steven: What?! Me?! Are you kidding? Dr. Steele: Sometimes. But this time I’m serious! If anyone could, it would be you. Steven: But it’s not even worth saving! It would be better to just scrap it and get a new one. Dr. Steele: Well, I was kind of attached to this one. Imperfections and all. I do have a hunch about these sorts of things — And I’m rarely ever wrong. Steven: … Right. Dr. Steele: So, off you go, if you don’t mind! I have a bit more scandalous business here with your wife. Steven: Did you really have to… Roxanne: … Phrase it like that? If you’re not careful, the interns might start getting ideas... Steven: Haah! I’m taking this hunk of junk and getting outta here. Atticus: Can I come — Steven: Ah-ah! You’re not the hunk of junk I was talking about.
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school-in-london · 2 years
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■DJ: 遠藤孝行
Junior Parker / Tomorrow Never Knows
Trent Reznor & Atticus Ross / (You Made It Feel Like) Home
Radiohead / The Numbers
HYUKOH / New born
Arctic Monkeys / There’d Better Be A Mirrorball
Wings / Let 'Em In
The Backseat Lovers / Growing/Dying
Pixies / All I Think About Now
I Saw You Yesterday / So Slowly
Glows / Pull
Spoon / My Babe
Modest Mouse / Float On
NewDad / ILY2
Yellow Days / Treat You Right
■DJ: タイラダイスケ
The Smile / The Smoke
Video Age / Blushing
坂本慎太郎 / ある日のこと
Khruangbin / Time (You and I)
Los Bitchos / Tripping at a Party
The Slits / Newtown
The Go! Team / Cookie Scene
Beats International / Echo Chamber (※Spotify無し)
Little Simz / Speed
Remi Wolf / Guerrilla
Dante Elephante / Las Vegas
Easy Life / BEESWAX
Pearl Charles / Only for Tonight
Arlo Parks / Just Go
Travis Bretzer / Promises
Michael Seyer / Weekend at Santa Cruz
FUR / What I Am
Whitney / MEMORY
■DJ: 村田タケル
Cola / Fulton Park
Alvvays / Adult Diversion
Kiwi jr.  / Salary Man
Stella Donnelly / How Was Your Day
Horsegirl / World of Pots and Pans
Double Virgo / No Sweet
Enumclaw / Jimmy Neutron
Launder / Blue Collar
Alvvays / Not My Baby
Dehd / Loner
Veronica Falls / Waiting for Something to Happen
Weird Nightmare / Wrecked (feat. Bully)
Dry Cleaning / Gray Ashby
The Pains Of Being Pure At Heart / Young Adult Friction
Courting / Famous
Fontaines D.C. / Liberty Belle (Darklands Versions) (※SpotifyはDogrel version)
Thus Love / Crowd
Alvvays / Pressed
■DJ: 遠藤孝行
EKKSTACY / wish i was dead
YUNGBLUD / Tissues
The Cure / Close to Me
The 1975 / Give Yourself a Try
Diiv / Under the Sun
Sports Team / The Game
Gorillaz Feat. slowthai And Slaves / Momentary Bliss
Bloc Party / Traps
HMLTD / To The Door
Arctic Monkeys / This House Is a Circus
The Lounge Society / People Are Scary
The Coral / Who's Gonna Find Me
Mystery Jets / Greatest Hits
Shame / Fingers of Steel
The Cribs / You Were Always the One
■DJ: タイラダイスケ
The Crash / Lost In the Supermarket
The Jam / It's Too Bad
The Lemon Twigs / The One
Yard Act / The Overload
Mura Masa, Lil Uzi Vert, PinkPantheress & SHYGIRL / bbycakes
The Streets / Same Old Thing
Wu-Lu / Blame
KOFFEE / Lonely (※Spotify無し)
Horace Andy / Away With the Gun and Knife
Massive Attack / Safe From Harm
Primal Scream / Star
Big Thief / Forgotten Eyes
Steve Lacy / Bad Habit
Har Mar Superstar / Restless Leg
The Regrettes / I Dare You
Buzzcocks / Everybody's Happy Nowadays
The Smiths / This Charming Man
Nilüfer Yanya / the dealer
The 1975 / Happiness
■DJ: 村田タケル
Iceage / All The Junk On The Outskirts
The Smile / We Don't Know What Tomorrow Brings
The Orielles / The Room
Squid / Pamphlets
Gilla Band / Bin Liner Fashion
Viagra Boys / Ain’t No Thief
Goat Girl / Sad Cowboy
Alvvays / Plimsoll Punks
The Lounge Society / Last Breath
Wet Leg / Chaise Longue (Vinyl Version)
Los Bitchos / I Enjoy It
Folly Group / I Raise You (The Price of Your Head)
Working Men's Club / Rapture
Talk Show / Leather
Gilla Band / Backwash
Crack Cloud / Drab Measure (Live Leak) (※Spotifyは通常音源)
Diiv / Doused
Highschool / New York, Paris and London
Alvvays / Pharmacist
Alvvays / Atop a Cake
~Ending~ Alvvays / Lottery Noises
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bluntforcefem · 3 years
comfort media time
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twistyprefect · 2 years
Heyooooo, congrats on the 1k hun and may you have many more on the way~!!! I would like to request a Matched drabble please with Atticus? Remember how we kinda joked about me stealing him as my husband, hehe! How would he react with the whimsical and strange Shopkeep suddenly bursting into Pomefiore with flowers and saying, "Hello, I've come to court you, lovely owl man."
{I DO REMEMBER THIS LMAOO Atticus baby...crying wlefhbawrl-
for anyone wondering, you can find Atticus here }
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Atticus Fulton
Atticus spent most of his Friday nights the same way a majority of Pomefiore did: planning a routine for the next week so he'd have enough time to preen and perfect his aesthetic. Huddled up at his desk, the owlish student looked over his schedule for the next week before nodding to himself, attaching it to his planning board hanging above his desk. Sighing in content, he fluffed his wings a bit to stretch them, closing his eyes for a momentary rest. As soon as he did, his dorm door slammed open, causing him to immediately jolt upright. Staring at the intruder, Atticus perched on his chair, ready to run off if needed.
"AHA, so this is the right room! Owl man! I have come to ask for your hand in courtship!" the figure in his doorway yelled as they walked inside. They were holding a bunch of flowers it looked like they'd just picked, along with a bag of what looked like junk food and, most concerningly, a mouse. Atticus stared at them in confusion before they moved towards him, making him scurry backwards onto his desk. The strange person grinned and held out the 'gifts' for him to take, the mouse immediately running off under his bed. He looked from the flowers to them and back, still confused.
"Uh...ok?" he said slowly, placing the flowers and bag onto his desk next to him to worry about later. "Who are you?" "You can call me Shopkeep! So does this mean I'm courting you?" they asked excitedly, blinking as they stared at him. He stared back in slight confusion before nodding his head tentatively. If they wanted to court him, he might as well let them try. Shopkeep cheered slightly before scooping him up in their arms, making Atticus screech before he covered his mouth. He hated seeming more bird-like, panicking and looking around to make sure Vil wasn't nearby. Shopkeep just blinked at him, shrugging and picking them up anyway (despite being a bit shorter than him). Atticus stared at them in confusion before they started to ramble off their plans.
"Ok cool so first we can go to this cool part of the woods I found, then maybe I can show you my favorite movies, and like next Sunday you can meet my parents..."
Oh dear. What exactly had he gotten himself into?
Well, at least they brought him a mouse...
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