#attraction of redemption
leletha-jann · 4 months
Went outside to pull velcro plant out of the yard, which let me tell you does not take brain cells, so also spent the time thinking about the "WTF, Bill Heterodyne, why trust Lucrezia and not the Jägermonsters" dilemma.
And what I settled on was the concept of - indeed, the allure of - redemption.
Long post under the cut...
Bill Heterodyne, after all, could have inherently been a Thing of Evil (as he saw it; I'll put the more pulp black-and-white concepts in capitals), but instead was Redeemed by the Love of his mother Theodora, who stood between her children and their objectively monstrous father. Bill's entire life story, which he would have profoundly internalized, is that he would have been something else, something dangerous, if he and the people around him hadn't worked - constantly! - to make him a Force for Good instead.
And indeed, he and Barry went out and performed this redemption narrative in their role as the Heterodyne Boys. They were famously active, visible, persistent Heroes, trying to rewrite the story the rest of the world (after a thousand years of "Heterodyne" meaning something quite different) wanted to put them into. And it worked!
In that light, we have two separate case studies:
Lucrezia's story, at this point, parallels Bill's in ways that he would have been drawn to. (We are, of course, not looking at everything that's happened to Lucrezia since then. We're in pre-canon Lucrezia territory.) Young Lucrezia Mongfish comes from a similar background - a powerful Spark from a family of Deep Evil. But in flashback, we see her choosing - performatively or not, however sincerely or not - a different path by choosing to become one of the Good Guys and marry Bill. (These things seem to have gone together, which is a whole different story.) This is an active choice. This, I argue, is what Bill was attracted to: the idea that you, no matter who you are, can choose your nature and your fate. You can become Good - but it is a choice.
That was, after all, the story Bill was telling himself. Lucrezia's choice validated his - and his mother's choices too. The choices Theodora had died for. The Path of Righteousness could be chosen - indeed, had to be. And it's that element of choice that makes the difference here.
It's a very tempting narrative, for someone raised to despise and fear the more infamous side of his family - and indeed himself.
The Jägermonsters, on the other hand, take orders from the Heterodynes, and always have. Are famous for it, actually. Bill could have told them to be Good Guys now, and they would have listened! Dimo tells Agatha that it sounded like fun, and they wanted to try! If Bill had only enlisted them in this fine new game. But it would have had to come as an order from the Heterodyne. It wasn't their idea, and they wouldn't have done it on their own. Do you see the Horde sitting down and considering their ways and having a mass - or even individual - change of heart? No, me neither, and neither did Bill. Receiving and obeying an order to "be good guys now", to Bill, wouldn't count. Not with centuries of destruction apiece behind them. That wouldn't be a true change of heart, it would just be another order.
If just one or two Jägers had gone to Bill, individually, and said, (in the appropriate accent) "Master, we understand, we want to Be Good and do better, can you show us how?", would Bill have believed them? Welcomed them as converts? Could things have been different? I don't know, but I think yes.
Redemption is active. Redemption is a thing you do. It's a thing you work at. That's what Bill was drawn to. Not Evil itself, but the refutation of it.
Forgiveness, by comparison, is passive. Forgiveness is a thing you receive, sometimes whether you work for it or not.
(We're also into pretty solid Catholic guilt territory here, by the way, rarely to be overlooked with creators with Italian surnames. I could cite Bible verses if I really wanted to take the time, but I DO NOT.)
...I don't know if this is coherent, or new, or relevant, but those weeds were really boring, so this is what you get when I have to do yardwork.
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strrwbrrryjam · 4 months
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he's so handsome...
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sleepyzukka · 1 month
being a zuko fan is admitting and accepting his flaws and all the terrible shit he’s done and will continue to do. redemption doesn’t just completely change someone and there will always be chances of relapsing. ignoring his journey and his arc and all of his bad shit just makes what he went through to get where he is feel fucking useless, makes it seem like he went through all of that for nothing. please stop claiming to be a fan of zuko if you cant accept who he actually is or what his character is like.
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nickeverdeen · 3 months
The 100: What are their love thropes with you
Clarke Griffin
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Enemies to lovers
You and Clarke start off on the wrong foot, with frequent arguments and disagreements fueled by your opposing viewpoints or loyalties
Circumstances force Clarke and you to work together, whether it’s due to a common threat, a shared mission, or being stranded in a challenging environment
Despite your initial animosity, Clarke and you begrudgingly acknowledge each other’s strengths and capabilities, leading to a begrudging respect for one another
As you spend more time together, you and Clarke begin to find common ground and compromise on your differences, forming a tentative truce to achieve your mutual goals
During vulnerable moments, Clarke and you open up to each other about your fears, insecurities, and past traumas, fostering a deeper emotional connection between you two
Through your interactions, you both gain insight into each other’s perspectives and motivations, leading to a greater understanding and empathy for one another
Despite growing feelings for each other, you and Clarke struggle with conflicting loyalties to your respective factions or groups, adding tension to your budding relationship
As your relationship evolves, you and Clarke navigate the complexities of your feelings, experiencing a slow burn romance characterized by longing glances, subtle gestures of affection, and unspoken tension
Despite your turbulent history, you and Clarke share moments of tenderness and vulnerability, where you offer each other comfort, support, and reassurance in the midst of chaos
Your relationship is punctuated by defining moments where you choose each other over your past grievances, solidifying your commitment to one another and embracing your love despite the odds
Clarke and you face numerous obstacles and challenges that test your relationship, from external threats to internal conflicts, but you emerge stronger together, united in your love and determination
As you continue to work together, you and Clarke develop a seamless and shameless relationship and become an unstoppable team, complementing each other’s strengths and weaknesses
After a journey filled with trials and tribulations, you and Clarke finally confess your love for each other, breaking down the barriers and embracing a future together
With your love as your foundation, you both envision a future together, where you can overcome any challenge as long as you have each other side by side
Despite the odds stacked against you two, both of you defy expectations and forge your own path to happiness, embarking on a journey filled with adventure, passion, and unwavering love
Wells Jaha
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Friends to lovers
Wells and you have known each other since childhood, growing up together in the same community or social circle
Despite your differences, you and Wells share a deep bond forged over years of friendship, understanding, and mutual respect
Your relationship begins as a platonic friendship based on shared interests, experiences, and values, with neither of you considering romantic feelings for each other at first
You and Wells are each other’s biggest supporters and confidants, always there to offer a listening ear, a shoulder to lean on, and unwavering support through life’s ups and downs
Over time, Wells and you start to develop romantic feelings for each other, initially unaware of the other’s hidden emotions due to fear of ruining your friendship
Despite your growing attraction towards each other, both of you tiptoe around your feelings, hesitant to risk your friendship by confessing your romantic interest in each other
As you spend more time together, both of you begin to realize the depth of your feelings for each other, grappling with the fear of ruining the friendship if you pursue a romantic relationship
After much internal turmoil and soul-searching, Wells and you finally confess your love for each other, breaking down the barriers that once held you back and embracing your romantic connection
With your friendship as a strong foundation, both of you navigate the transition from friends to lovers, adjusting to the new dynamics of your romantic relationship while cherishing your shared history
As your romantic relationship blossoms, Wells and you embark on a journey of growth and self-discovery together, supporting each other’s dreams, aspirations, and personal development
You and Wells revel in the newfound intimacy and affection of your romantic relationship, cherishing the small moments of physical touch, emotional connection, and verbal affirmation
Despite the challenges and obstacles you face, Wells and you navigate the highs and lows of your relationship with grace and resilience, strengthened by your unwavering commitment to each other
With your love as your guiding force, you and Wells envision a future together filled with love, laughter, and endless possibilities, united in your shared dreams and aspirations for the future
Yours Wells’ love stands the test of time, enduring through life’s trials and tribulations, and growing stronger with each passing day, a testament to the power of friendship and love
Together, Wells and you embark on a lifelong journey of love and companionship, embracing each other’s flaws and celebrating each other’s triumphs, living out your own happily ever after
Octavia Blake
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Forbidden love
You and Octavia are drawn to each other despite being from opposing factions and tribes setting the stage for a forbidden romance
You steal moments together in secret, away from prying eyes and the judgment of each other’s peers, meeting in hidden places or under the cover of darkness to avoid detection
Your love is fraught with risk and danger, as your relationship could jeopardize alliances, provoke conflict, or result in severe consequences for both yourselfs and your communities
You and Octavia share whispered confessions of love and longing, your words filled with passion and urgency as you navigate the complexities of your forbidden romance
Despite the risks, you and Octavia find yourselfs irresistibly drawn to each other, unable to resist the thrill of the forbidden and the intensity of your connection
You must carefully navigate the delicate balance between your love for each other and your loyalty to your respective factions or tribes, constantly facing the threat of discovery and reprisal
You and Octavia are forced to make sacrifices and compromises to keep your love hidden, putting your own desires and happiness on the line for the sake of your forbidden romance
Your love challenges societal norms, expectations, and prejudices, forcing you to confront deep-seated biases and confront the consequences of your actions
Despite the challenges you face, you and Octavia find solace and hope in each other’s arms, drawing strength from your forbidden love as you strive to overcome the obstacles standing in your way
You and Octavia are willing to defy convention and risk everything for the sake of your love, determined to carve out a future together despite the odds stacked against you
You and Octavia share intimate secrets with each other, creating a bond of trust and understanding that transcends your forbidden circumstances
You steal kisses in hidden alcoves or secluded corners, your moments of stolen intimacy filled with longing and desire as you revel in the forbidden thrill of your love
Octavia is fiercely protective of you, willing to risk everything to keep you safe from harm, even if it means defying her own tribe
Octavia whispers words of affection and devotion you, your whispered declarations of love serving as a reminder of the depth of your connection despite the dangers that surround both of you
In public, you and Octavia exchange fleeting glances and subtle gestures of affection, your silent communication speaking volumes about the depth of your feelings for each other
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Lexa first meets you during a dangerous situation where you are at risk
Lexa, being the Commander, intervenes and saves your life, establishing a bond between you two
Lexa takes it upon herself to ensure your safety, assigning guards and keeping a close watch on your well-being
Despite your differences, you and Lexa develop a deep mutual respect for each other
Lexa becomes a source of emotional support for you, offering guidance and reassurance during difficult times
Whether it’s providing a shoulder to lean on or offering words of encouragement, Lexa is always there for you
Lexa is willing to make sacrifices to protect you, even if it means putting herself in harm’s way
She prioritizes your safety above all else and is willing to go to great lengths to ensure your well-being
Despite your close bond, you and Lexa hesitate to acknowledge your deeper feelings for each other, fearing the consequences of a romantic relationship
Your unspoken attraction simmers beneath the surface, adding a layer of tension to your dynamic
Amidst the chaos of their world, you and Lexa share moments of tenderness and intimacy
Whether it’s a quiet moment by the fire or a gentle touch, you find solace in each other’s presence
Lexa expresses her love and devotion through protective gestures, such as standing between you and danger or offering her cloak to keep you warm
These actions speak volumes about her feelings for you
Lexa’s protection of you is fueled by her unwavering loyalty and devotion
She would do anything to keep you safe, even if it means risking her own life in the process
You and Lexa work together to strategize and plan for potential threats, utilizing your combined skills and knowledge to stay one step ahead of your enemies
Lexa takes it upon herself to train you in combat and self-defense techniques, ensuring that you are prepared to defend yourself in dangerous situations
Amidst your busy lives, you and Lexa cherish quiet moments together, enjoying each other’s company in the tranquility of nature or the privacy of your quarters
Raven Reyes
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Opposites attract
You and Raven initially clash due to your contrasting personalities and approaches to problem-solving
Raven is logical and pragmatic, while you are more intuitive and empathetic
Despite your differences, you and Raven are forced to collaborate on a project or mission
You both reluctantly agree to work together but remain wary of each other
As you work together, Raven begins to admire your unconventional methods and ability to think outside the box
You, in turn, gain respect for Raven’s intelligence and technical expertise
Throughout your collaboration, you and Raven face various challenges that require you to rely on each other’s strengths
You learn to complement each other’s skills and abilities
Over time, both you and Raven start to build trust in each other as you prove yourselfs capable and reliable partners
You begin to open up and share personal stories and experiences
Despite your initial differences, you and Raven develop an unexpected bond forged through shared experiences and mutual respect
You both find common ground in your determination to overcome obstacles
Raven becomes a source of emotional support for you during difficult moments, offering encouragement and reassurance when needed
You, in turn, provide a listening ear and offer comfort to Raven her during moments of vulnerability
You and Raven challenge each other to grow and evolve, pushing each other out of your comfort zones
You inspire each other to strive for greatness and pursue your goals with determination
Despite occasional disagreements, you and Raven learn to resolve conflicts maturely and constructively
You communicate openly and honestly, addressing issues when they arise and finding common ground
You and Raven discover that you share similar goals and aspirations, despite your different approaches
You find strength in your shared vision for the future and work together towards achieving it
You and Raven celebrate your successes together, acknowledging each other’s contributions and achievements, you take pride in your accomplishments as a team
That’s when the unspoken feelings and chemistry gets more visible and stronger between the two of you
You and Raven provide unwavering support for each other, standing by each other’s side through thick and thin, you know you can always count on each other no matter what
As your partnership blossoms into a deep and meaningful love relationship, you and Raven realize that your differences only serve to complement each other, you embrace your unique bond and look forward to facing whatever challenges the future may bring together
Finn Collins
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Childhood sweethearts
You and Finn grew up together in the same neighborhood or attended the same school since childhood
You were inseparable as kids, always playing together and sharing your secrets and dreams
After being separated for years due to different life paths and circumstances, you unexpectedly cross paths again in adulthood
Despite the time apart, you quickly reconnect and find comfort in each other’s presence due to your shared history
You reminisce about your childhood adventures, bringing back nostalgic memories and strengthening your bond
As you spend more time together, you and Finn start to rediscover the feelings you had for each other as children
You navigate the complexities of adult life together, leaning on each other for support and guidance
You both realize that you still share similar dreams and aspirations, reigniting your connection on a deeper level
You face challenges and obstacles together, but your strong bond helps you overcome any hurdles
You and Finn grow and evolve together, supporting each other through life’s ups and downs
You build trust and understanding, knowing each other’s strengths and weaknesses from your shared childhood experiences
Finn becomes yours biggest supporter, always cheering you on and believing in your abilities
Your childhood friendship blossoms into a rekindled romance as you both realize that your bond runs deeper than friendship
You envision a future together, filled with love, laughter, and the shared memories of your childhood adventures
You and Finn find your happily ever after, grateful for the second chance at love that fate has given you
Jasper Jordan
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Survivors of tragedy
You and Jasper bond over your shared experiences of loss and hardship, having both endured tragic events in your lives
You find comfort in each other’s company, as you can empathize with the pain and struggles you’ve each faced
You and Jasper become each other’s support system, offering a listening ear and a shoulder to lean on during difficult times
You embark on a journey of healing together, helping each other cope with your past traumas and find closure
Despite your painful pasts, you and Jasper strive to create new, happier memories together, focusing on building a brighter future
You draw strength from your relationship, empowering each other to overcome your demons and move forward with your lives
You and Jasper face new challenges as you navigate your relationship, but you tackle them head-on as a team
Your bond deepens as you open up to each other about your vulnerabilities and fears, fostering a deep emotional connection
You both learn to appreciate the small joys in life, cherishing each moment you have together and finding solace in your love
You and Jasper demonstrate resilience and perseverance in the face of adversity, refusing to let your pasts define your future
You both create a safe and nurturing environment for each other, where you can be vulnerable and authentic without fear of judgment
Through your relationship, you and Jasper find hope for a better tomorrow, believing that you can overcome anything as long as you have each other
You learn to live in the present moment, savoring your time together and focusing on what truly matters in life
You and Jasper make plans for your future together, dreaming of a life filled with love, happiness, and new beginnings
You both vow to stand by each other’s side through thick and thin, knowing that together, you can conquer anything that comes your way
John Murphy
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Redemption Arc
At the start, Murphy is wary of your intentions and skeptical of your motives, especially given his past experiences with betrayal and deceit
Despite his reservations, circumstances force Murphy and you to work together towards a common goal, albeit begrudgingly at first
Over time, you prove your loyalty and earn Murphy’s trust through your actions and unwavering support, slowly breaking down his walls
You discover that you share common goals and aspirations, sparking a sense of camaraderie and mutual respect between the two of you
Your relationship is fraught with conflict and tension, as Murphy struggles to reconcile his past mistakes and redeem himself in the eyes of others
With your encouragement and guidance, Murphy embarks on a journey of redemption, seeking to atone for his past sins and make amends for his actions
Murphy grapples with feelings of guilt and remorse, haunted by the weight of his past transgressions, but you offer him forgiveness and a chance at redemption
Through your relationship, Murphy undergoes significant personal growth and development, learning to confront his demons and strive for a better future
You stand by Murphy’s side every step of the way, offering unwavering support and encouragement as he navigates his journey of redemption
You and Murphy face numerous challenges and obstacles along the way, but you confront them head-on as a team, strengthening your bond in the process
Murphy learns to open up to you and trust you with his deepest fears and insecurities, allowing himself to be vulnerable in your presence
Together, you and Murphy forge a new path forward, leaving behind their troubled pasts and embracing the possibility of a brighter future together
Your relationship is built on a foundation of honesty, trust, and mutual respect, laying the groundwork for a deep and meaningful connection
You and Murphy fiercely defend each other against outside threats and adversaries, standing united in the face of adversity
Ultimately, Murphy finds redemption through his love for you, realizing that true redemption lies in forgiveness, acceptance, and the ability to love and be loved in return
Monty Green
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Strangers to lovers
You and Monty met under ordinary circumstances, introduced through mutual friends
You start off as casual acquaintances, exchanging polite conversation whenever you cross paths but not really forming a deep connection
Over time, you find yourselfs running into each other more often, whether it’s at work, school, or community events
You discover common interests and hobbies, sparking conversations and shared experiences that bring you closer together
Your casual acquaintance blossoms into a genuine friendship as you spend more time together, enjoying each other’s company and sharing laughs
As you get to know each other better, you and Monty begin to notice a subtle yet undeniable chemistry between you two, sparking curiosity and intrigue
You engage in playful banter and light-hearted teasing, testing the waters of your burgeoning attraction to each other
You and Monty gradually realize that your feelings for each other run deeper than friendship, acknowledging your growing attraction and connection
Eventually, one of you musters the courage to confess their feelings to the other, leading to a heartfelt and honest conversation about your mutual attraction
You navigate the transition from friends to something more, exploring the uncharted territory of a romantic relationship with excitement and trepidation
You and Monty become each other’s confidants, sharing your hopes, dreams, and fears as you navigate the ups and downs of your budding romance
You build trust and intimacy through open communication, honesty, and vulnerability, laying the foundation for a strong and enduring relationship
You and Monty embark on adventures together, whether it’s exploring new places, trying new activities, or simply enjoying each other’s company in quiet moments
You face challenges and obstacles along the way, but you confront them together, supporting each other through life’s trials and tribulations
Your relationship deepens and flourishes over time, growing stronger with each passing day as you continue to learn, grow, and evolve together
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velveteencryptid · 5 months
Just rewatched this episode and jfc the Glen the Savage fight scene is amazing.
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Damnit Christian Kane it's really hard to not objectify you when you have talents like this
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keenadraws · 1 year
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oh he's so awful... I love him
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taolaoo · 1 month
You know, all this talk about the fact that Arthur died and he had no one to carry on his bloodline. It's so tragically painful. I mean, Isaac died and things didn't work out with Mary either. Not fair. Upsetting.
But you know what? Have you ever considered that this is what makes Arthur unique.
Once upon a time, a man was born and you couldn't find a replacement for that man anywhere. Because this man was the only one of his kind.
The universe decided to create something new, and placed all the unique and appealing features in Arthur.
It is amazing to think that Arthur once walked the earth, lived, breathed and was on his own. Because there was no other Arthur. He was the only one. A man remembered only by myths and legends continues to live on in the people who once knew him.
I find a specific poetics in the fact that in nature no one is the same. Each person is different and individual. And sometimes it just happens that nature can create one, and take away one too.
That's the melancholy beauty of it all.
I like to think of Arthur this way.
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notdeadyetmatthews · 3 months
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A dark and broody young Hosea Matthews for y'all
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sky-is-the-limit · 6 months
Why is John Marston kinda... 👀
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emmcfrxst · 2 months
How experienced do you think Arthur’s is in bed and where would he get it from because I don’t see him as someone to sleep with harlots as much but he probably has when he’s desperate
i honestly think arthur’s too much of a romantic to have been with working girls as often as other men in camp have because imo he needs to have a connection with the person he has sex with but i do think it could be possible that he’d gotten to know a specific girl he’d visit from time to time so they wouldn’t be complete strangers and also there has been abigail because i remember it being mentioned that she did sleep with arthur at least once before she got pregnant with jack but apart from that i think he’s still pretty fresh to the sex scene, i mean he definitely had experience with eliza because isaac was born but i don’t think he had sex with mary simply because she doesn’t seem like the type to have sex before marriage and given the way she views herself as higher on the social hierarchy than him i don’t think she would’ve lost her virtue to him
okay so i got carried away by the backstory but to answer your question: i don’t think arthur is particularly experienced but he’s a natural and he’s also a fast learner so it’s not a problem!
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awakenmiamor · 4 months
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kitkatt0430 · 19 hours
Breanna - I've never conned someone cute before.
cut to imagine spot of the girl she's supposed to con flipping her hair free and winking at Breanna
I love this disaster ace lesbian so much
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strrwbrrryjam · 9 months
arthurs relationship with the strange and unknown is something so personal to me
arthur is from our world, in a world where magic doesn't, or well, shouldn't exist, but that doesn't stop him from searching for it, he sees some weird writing on the walls of saint denis and hears rumours of a vampire roaming the streets of saint denis and decides to go looking for it, and he finds a vampire, something that shouldn't exist in this world,
he comes across a weird building made out of sticks and plants and inside is a cauldron filled with strange liquid and he drinks from it (which is insane) and he wakes up outside of the building, fully healed and just walks away,
he meets a man who talks strangely and asks him to look for these weird symbols built on the sides of mountains, he takes note of these weird symbols and once he's found them all he returns to the house where the man is gone and a woman with a baby is there and the baby looks like the man from before and is confirmed to be the man who was there before, he's shocked sure, but he just goes along and accepts that he just met a time traveller,
he can encounter ghosts, men who live with wolves, a man talking behind a giant cave close in who claims to be a giant, giant bones, aliens above a dead cult, etc etc etc
his attitude is basically, "so, that's a thing," and he accepts it, and he makes conversation with the vampire, or the giant, or the man who claims to be the devil, the man who hides in a tree, and he treats them normally as if it isn't something that's so strange and I just think that's really, really beautiful
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What are the most and least flattering physical descriptions of Marmont?
Thanks alot for the question....now physical descriptions of Marmont are very few/nonexistent. So finding any description was difficult but the one I did find was mostly positive!
Together with two other generals, he defends Napoleon's retreat all the way to Paris. In March 1814, he offered a tough resistance in the very suburbs of Paris. Here is how Sainte-Beuve evokes him in the skirmish near Belleville at the head of the remnants of the former Grand Army: »And finally, let's show him in this last venture when we saw him at the head of a group of about sixty men repulsing the Russian column. Let's remember that his right hand was weak since the battle of Arapilès, that the thumb and forefinger of his left hand were crushed at Leipzig. That's how he looked on his feet, because the horse under him was hit once again (the fifth horse since the start of the battle). He always went into battle standing tall, with his head held high, his chest/breasts and heart proudly protruding. Let's add to that his warrior demeanor and his unique uniform: a tailcoat without laces, a hat with white feathers, always white trousers and sturdy high riding boots. We saw him like this on the way back to Paris, covered in dust, still trembling from the excitement of the battle. And he was only forty years old at that time.<<<
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After 1812. he had his right hand always in a sling and was extremely wounded on his right side (he was hit by a cannonball 😢)
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Here are some of the only full body photos of this asshole 😭
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cathode-crew · 27 days
"'Who watches Hazbin Hotel?' Ummm people who want complex and traumatized antagonists that get redeemed and get a better life :/"
Dragon Ball is right there, guys.
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gravestoneghost · 9 months
I see John Marston as a younger brother so I genuinely forget that people can be attracted to him
Girlbossed to close to the sun with playing as Arthur/older brother character
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