#it’s just annoying when ppl pretend he does no wrong
sleepyzukka · 4 months
being a zuko fan is admitting and accepting his flaws and all the terrible shit he’s done and will continue to do. redemption doesn’t just completely change someone and there will always be chances of relapsing. ignoring his journey and his arc and all of his bad shit just makes what he went through to get where he is feel fucking useless, makes it seem like he went through all of that for nothing. please stop claiming to be a fan of zuko if you cant accept who he actually is or what his character is like.
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nightcolorz · 3 months
Going to vent to you because this seems like a safe space for Armand sympathizers lol…
LIKE obviously Armand is doing all the wrongs, he didn't have to agree to literally any of this, blah blah etc etc BUT GIRL. if the guy i had been casually dating for two years because he had great benefits one day revealed to me that he was a child sex slave, the thing i would not do is be like 'wow, i guess what you're secretly saying is you want me to turn our relationship into an unnegotiated 24/7 TPE huh'.
And then when he came to me in a panic to tell me his life is falling apart and his employees are plotting to kill him and his protection isn't going to last much longer and i should flee the country for my own safety because he's the most vulnerable he's ever been since the time he was abducted by the crazy torture cult, the thing i absolutely would not do at that moment is surprise him by introducing that dynamic into our relationship completely out of nowhere and then order him to stay right here because I've got a totally cool plan to outmanipulate his enemies and I'll be his master now :)
And then I orchestrate a series of hot public encounters where i blur the lines of being angry and disgusted with him right up against ignoring the boundaries he sets and telling him to do whatever i want wherever i want. and because i never bothered to ask him, i don't know if he's genuinely into it or if it's because i've weaponised his trauma when he's feeling unstable, but like, he's the one who manipulated me into doing this anyway by telling me his sad backstory, so actually i'm the victim here??
AND THEN when I tell him my awesome idea of turning a nazi collaborator into a human eating monster machine and I want him to do it even though he is clearly revulsed by this idea from every angle, I'll berate him endlessly for refusing and be annoyed with him because by saying no he's making me turn her and that's not cool bro, and when he begs me not to do it, or at least not to tell him because it's breaking the rules and he's vulnerable to the machinations of the coven rn, I'll shut him up with my dom routine, and then tell him to come watch because he'll realize he does actually want it after he does it.
and when he asks me whether this is a genuine invitation in this moment or if I'm ordering him to do it and will be upset if he doesn't, I'll be so hurt and angry with him because wow, I can't believe after months of using my nonconsensual game of acting like his childhood master to get him to do things for me, he's acting like I'd use my nonconsensual game of pretending to be his childhood master against him, fuck you for trying to manipulate me right now you worthless piece of shit </3.
like even daniel, the most neutral and ethical judge of whether it's okay to make someone a vampire, can tell the only reason he'd set his one boundary at murdering and cursing another human being for eternity is because it's not hot or convenient, and not because of 500 years of witnessing the most insane vampire maker shenanigans known to Europe.
and then the entire audience claps because honestly i'm just trying so hard and my boyfriend just keeps fucking it all up for me and taking away my choices. literally what else could i have done in this situation :(
AHHHH ANON U ATE THIS UP ‼️🙏 and Yes this is absolutely THE safe place for Armand sympathizers!! I am the Armand sympathizer king and u have just brought me an Armand sympathizer gift lined with gold and jewels and placed it in front of my thrown and I’m knighting u Armand sympathizer general as I bow before u
ur so right and it’s actually so crazy to me that this isn’t a more popular take. it’s insane to me bcus im remembering how seriously this fandom was taking Claudia’s s1 sexual assault and how sensitively it was being discussed and now these same ppl r insisting that it’s unfair to “demonize” Louis for preforming non consensual bdsm with a csa victim without any safe word or prior discussion specifically because he told him about his csa and Louis found a chance to leverage control in this relationship. I saw someone insisting that it’s ridiculous to interpret Louis as sexually exploitative for being a pimp because he was a nice pimp and he was self aware about how pimping was bad and like ??? 😭😭 how do I even argue with that, that is just so absurd I’m lost for words. No guys he was one of the good pimps because he “didnt take advantage of his position” (😭⁉️) and he knew that it was wrong to sexually exploit vulnerable women and just chose to do it anyway so see it wasn’t that bad. And because Louis knows sexual abuse is wrong and chooses to do it anyway despite this he clearly isn’t mirroring the sexual abuse Armand experienced in his non consensual power play dynamic with him because uh yeah he wouldn’t do that ig 😭. It’s not like Louis canonically is capable of using sexual exploitation to manipulate people’s vulnerabilities for his stability and gain. Like guys book Louis also felt guilty for being a slave owner and knew it was wrong 😭😭 am I gonna hear “it’s unfair to say Louis being a slave owner was indicative of his negative traits cuz he felt bad about it” come out of ur mouths 😭⁉️cuz oh my god I hope not 😭 “Louis was only a pimp because pimping was his way of keeping his family afloat and asserting the masculine identity he felt obligated to preform for his safety” and he is doing the same thing with Armand guys obviously??!! He is taking advantage of armand’s history of sexual abuse to keep himself safe from vulnerability with the coven and to assert his masculine identity as a shield like 😭 and that doesn’t stop what he’s doing from being wrong like no fucking shit. He’s a complex character and his actions come from a place of fear and not straight forward evil, but that doesn’t mean u have to defend literal sexual abuse to analyze that and to enjoy Louis as ur favorite character 😭 I keep saying this but louis is a great character and there’s nothing wrong with him being ur fav but it is pretty mf weird to insist that everything he does is ok when things that he do include like, non consent 😭
I feel ur annoyances so hard anon, it’s driving me a lil crazy rn cuz in s2 ep6’s wake i have barely seen anyone discuss the Louis fucking Armand in the coffin scene like it was pretty shitty and abusive and not like, non complexly hot and fun and nothing else. Like, Armand has been panicking for a while and insisting to Louis that he is loosing respect from the coven and therefore his control and he’s in danger because of it, and Louis decides to stroll into Armand’s office unannounced, demand he strip for him immediately, demand again without any room for argument when Armand says he can’t, and then fuck Armand in view and ear shot of the whole coven in a degrading power assertion that Louis knows will put Armand in even more of a vulnerable and compromising position, like ?? I get it read the pages to me while I fuck u was pretty hot but omg can we talk about this with some nuance 😭⁉️ this is possibly the most overt instance of Louis not asking, *demanding* that Armand sexually submit and preform for him specifically as a grab to assert dominance over the coven. And Armand of course won’t say no, he’s been quite literally trained to believe that he has services that people r entitled to take from him at any time because he’s a product to be used. He also believes that saying no is not an option because submitting to the master will keep him safe, and Louis I think knows this to an extent and knows that taking advantage of this will help him stay afloat. I believe that this scene was a significant contributor to Armand deciding to betray Louis, because Louis’s actions *do* put him in danger with the coven and cause him to loose his position of power (Santiago mocking him for getting fucked by Louis cough cough). And Armand at this point is realizing, I can choose to be in a relationship with Louis that is causing my sense of stability and safety to fall apart, or I can choose to regain my position of power by forgoing Louis and getting to retain my safety. When u think about it like that it makes perfect sense for him to do that 😭 and I’m tired of seeing takes treating Armand like he’s a sneaky little snake and not a cornered animal
on the subject of Daniel because u mentioned him at the end there, oh my god it has pissed me off since the beginning how a lot of people act like Daniel is the embodiment of the neutral, unbiased correct word of god figure who is just telling the audience how it really is. Like?? No??? 😭😭 Daniel is a shitty journalist and a shitty person, he’s borderline racist and ignorant, he is not looking to expand his perspective or approach his subjects with any empathy or nuance because he decided going in that he hates them and they r bad, which is like?? Defeats the entire purpose of the affective journalism that he is trying to preform 😭😭 He is NOT the guy u should be getting ur takes from, he is a character like any other, he is not a source for correct analysis or meta or unfiltered truth.
But anyways lol, not to be personal and vulnerable in the gay vampire sex tv show post but it’s rlly disheartening for me to witness this blatant excusing and downplaying of a sexually abusive dynamic as someone who has experienced a very similar type of “but was it technicallyyy non consensual though..?” Sexual abuse. Like guys pls 😭🙏 I thought that “bdsm dynamic that merges with actual, genuine grabs for control and blurs the line between fun sex and real demands or anger” was like considered unambiguously bad? 😭 There asses do NOT have a safe word. In conclusion anon u r everything to me and everyone else um USE UR BRAIN🔥🔥🔥🔥
thank u sm for the ask OMGG ur so well spoken and correct and I enjoyed reading ur ask so so much
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augustghosts · 2 years
The Best Thank you
Tommy Miller x fem!reader
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On that night in 2003, Tommy calls his girlfriend instead of Joel. 
(let's pretend the literal apocalypse doesn’t happen for this one, ok?) 
 I started writing this like a week ago before ep 6 and after seeing ep 6 I haven't been able to stop thinking about tommy fucking miller. Anyways, this ends kind of abruptly because i’m bad at endings lol. And this is the worst title ever, I couldn't think of one. Hope you enjoy <3
Warnings: 18+ so minors dni pls, not proofread so lmk if u spot any mistakes lmao. Lots of pet names. Established relationship, ppl in love n all that. Oral (f receiving), unprotected sex. Tommy defo whimpers btw.
Word count: 3.1k
“Shit!” She almost rolled her eyes at herself as she did the classic scramble around the bed in the dark for her phone. After a few seconds she grasps it, her eyes squinting as she looks over a number she doesn’t recognise. She considers not answering, it is midnight. But calls this late are usually important, right? Fuck it. 
“Hello?” She’s hesitant, but the sigh she lets out makes it sound like she’s annoyed. Tommy is nervous, he’s actually fucking nervous. After no answer from Joel, he didn’t know what else to do. He was well and truly fucked. He's leaning against a cold wall, the payphone is heavy in his hand - not as heavy as the stare the officer who’s watching him is giving him. He looks down at his boots instead and squeezes his eyes shut before replying. The sound of her voice immediately helped his situation. 
“Hey, honey!” He sounds a little too cheery, he honestly cringes at himself. He can’t tell if its the pure fucking anxiety he’s feeling because of this phone call or the alcohol. 
“Tommy? What’s wrong?” She sussed him out immediately, the sounds of his voice initially putting her at ease before she sensed the edge in it. God, he thinks, she’s so damn smart. And she knows him so well. He catches himself smiling at the just the thought of her, until he remembers where the fuck he is. 
“Yeah. I’m, uh - I'm okay.” Did he just stutter? This is one of those times he wished she didn’t have this kind of effect on him. 
“Okay?” She beckons him to continue, leaning over to her nightstand to flick the light on. Her room is illuminated revealing a pair of Tommy’s shoes by her door and some clothes he’d left there still thrown over the back of her chair. 
“Look, I'm - um.” Fuck, Tommy. Just say it. “I’m in jail.”
There’s a pause on the other end, a pause that’s a little too long and makes him think she’d hung up. He takes the phone away from his ear to glance at it, as if that would help.  Her voice is small when it finally comes through. “What?” 
“Did you actually not hear me or do you just want me to say it again?” He tries to joke. 
“Say it again.” Her voice is stern, it immediately shuts him down. 
“I’m in jail.” He sighs. 
There’s another pause before she asks: “Are you okay?”
His heart squeezes in his chest. He had expected a million sighs, a telling off or maybe even a dial tone ringing in his ear telling him she’d hung up on him. But no, of course she’s not like that. He knows that - she’s better than anyone he’d ever met. Of course his beautiful girl with her beautiful heart, who had just been woken up at midnight, was going to ask him if he was okay. 
“Yeah. I’m fine.” His voice is uncharacteristically small. 
“What happened?” 
“I don’t know. It's- you know I was at the bar and one of my buddies got into a fight and I was just helping him out. I think maybe I knocked the guy out, I don't know.” He does know. He did knock the guy out and honestly, he was pretty proud of it. But he doesn’t want to tell her that. 
“Oh, okay.” Honestly, she’s confused. Not sure why he was calling her, didn’t he have a brother? 
“Anyway, look baby, I'm sorry but I need you to help me out.” 
“How?” She asks. She’s sitting up now, and suddenly she doesn’t feel tired anymore. 
He sighs again, he really doesn’t want to be doing this. “Darlin’, I really am sorry but I need you to bail me out.” 
She’s silent again for a second, “Now?” 
“Yeah, it’s friday. If I don't get out tonight I'll be here all weekend.” He’s speaking faster now, he sounds like he’s panicking. Shit, is she really gonna do this? Of course she is. She sighs as she stands up. Tommy hears it and it makes his chest squeeze again, guilt flooding him as he speaks. “Please. I’m sorry.” 
“Which jail?” She asks - he tells her. A feeling of relief almost overtakes the guilt as he hears her shuffling around on the other end. 
“Okay.” She says, slipping her shoes on. “I’ll be there soon.” 
“Shit, thank you sweetheart. I’ll make it up to you.” He promises. She doesn’t respond - the line goes dead. Honestly, he feels like he’s getting mixed signals. Was she mad? Was she upset? He couldn’t tell. Fuck Joel for not answering.
Half an hour later she’s pulling up in front of the station. Her heart is beating faster than ever, maybe she should have left him here over the weekend. Taught him a damn lesson. She knows she doesn’t mean that, but she seriously considers it as she gets out of her car. The place is weirdly empty for a Friday night, a few people sitting on chairs in front of the desk. Only two people sitting behind said desk, she had expected it to be a lot crazier. Maybe the crazy is happening where Tommy is, somewhere in the back. In just a few minutes after a conversation at the desk Tommy is walking towards her. He looks more nervous than she’s ever seen him. His usual cocky and confident demeanor, which she loves so much, has been replaced by guilt and embarrassment. She stands with her arms crossed as she waits, watching as he’s handed back his phone and wallet. 
“Hey.” He says as he turns to her, he almost wishes he could go back inside. 
“Hi.” She replies, she turns and leaves. He follows, already going through an apology speech in his head. When they get outside she stops by her car, turning to face him. 
“Baby, look, I'm sorry. I-” He starts his speech but is cut off by her soft hands grasping his face. Her hands are warm on his cheeks and he brings his own hand up to rest on top of hers. 
“Are you sure you’re okay?” She asks. He nods, his gorgeous brown eyes wide as he anticipates what she’s going to do next. She surprises him by leaning up to kiss him, pulling his head down to meet her lips. He sighs as she kisses him softly, his hands wrap around her middle - he pulls her as close as he can. He had been contemplating tonight being the end of this, all his worries that he had disappointed her melting away as he felt her smile against his lips. 
“You’re an idiot.” She mumbled against his skin as she pressed a kiss to his cheek. He mirrored the grin on her face as he pulled away from her, she was still holding his face lovingly. 
“I know.” He smirked. Shit, even after all this - a night of drinking, an apparent bar fight and a few hours in jail, he still looked gorgeous. 
“So, am I taking you home or?” She trailed off, stepping away from him and rounding her car to the drivers side. 
“Only if you’re coming with me.” 
“We’ll go to mine then. I have work in the morning.” She says, and that guilty feeling almost returns, but when he sees the smirk on her face, he mirrors it with the same amount of enthusiasm. 
When they enter her apartment, Tommy suddenly isn’t as nervous anymore. Alcohol still running through his veins and excited over the thought of getting to spend the night with his girl instead of in a fucking cell. She’s slipping her shoes off and placing her keys down on the shelf beside the door when he approaches her from behind, wrapping his arms around her - chin on her shoulder. 
“You’re my goddamn hero.” He jokes, mumbling the words against her skin as he nuzzled into her neck.
“Sounds like you were the hero tonight.” She whispers back, placing her hands over his and leaning back into him. He’s pressing kisses along her neck as he responds. 
“Yeah, and i got fuckin’ arrested for it.” 
She laughs loudly, turning in his arms to kiss him again. More passionately and messily than in front of the police station. His hands grip her hips tighter, one traveling down to knead at her ass. Her own hands push his button up off of his shoulders, leaving him in just his white shirt. God, he looked good today. She can feel his cock through the front of his jeans as his hand on her ass pulls her forwards into him.
“I gotta admit,” She pulls away from him, his mouth tries to follow hers but she grasps his hand, leading him to her room. “It is kinda sexy, Thinking about you winning a fight.” 
She decides that maybe he deserves a bit of a show after the night he’s had. He’s standing in the doorway watching her, his trademark smirk plastered onto his face as she slowly takes her shirt off - Tommy’s shirt, actually. Already braless from being woken up at midnight, the jacket she had thrown on top of his shirt has already been abandoned at the door. He couldn’t lie about noticing her nipples through her shirt as she’d taken the coat off earlier. He makes a show of crossing his arms and leaning against the door frame, the smirk now turned into a grin. One that she's mirroring as she unbuttons her jeans and slowly slides them down her legs. His eyes follow, once they trail over her hips and legs he decides he can’t take it anymore. Having her standing in front of him in nothing but panties is not how he thought this night was going to end. 
“Fuck, baby.” His voice is noticeably deeper now as he comes to her, gripping her hips so she's against him. Her bare chest pressed against his clothed one. “I’m gonna give you the best thank you you’ve ever had.” 
And with that, he crouches down to haul her up into his arms - her legs wrapping around his waist as she laughs above him. He presses a quick kiss to her lips before dropping her down onto the bed. It’s his turn to put on a show now as he rids himself of his own shirt. He kneels in front of her and presses a kiss to her ankle before grabbing them both and using them to haul her towards the end of the bed. His mouth is inches from her pussy and she sighs as she feels him pressing kisses up her legs. He’s always been a tease, he lives for the sounds she makes. He loves to see her squirm. And squirm she does as he begins to slowly suck and bite the skin on her thighs. 
“Tommy.” She sighs his name and tugs on his hair and he swears his cock twitches in his jeans. “Please touch me.” Fuck, the effect she has on him is insane. He wants nothing more than to rip the denim off of his legs and fuck her into the matress, but he knows what she needs. And he will always give it to her. He presses one last kiss to her stomach before sliding her panties down her legs and throwing them behind him. 
“You’re so pretty, baby.” He whispers, just inches away from where she needs him. He used his thumbs to part her lips, a groan leaving his lips as he leaned in and dragged his warm tongue down the length of her. She sighed above him, her hands still holding onto his hair. He focuses on her clit, his tongue drawing tight circles over the nub. After a couple of strokes he closed his mouth around it, sucking gently. 
“Shit, Tommy.” One of her legs lifted around his shoulder, her heel pushing him further towards her. He smiled against her, he loved pleasing her. She always thought about how lucky she had gotten with Tommy.  A man who knows what he’s doing, and loves to do it. After playing with her clit for as long as she could take he pulled away. A beautiful smile on his face as he watched her squirm, her hands grasping his shoulders trying to push him back down. 
“You wanna come for me, gorgeous?” He asked, breathless. 
“Please.” She nods enthusiastically, just as breathless as him. “Please make me come!”
“Whatever you want princess.” He smirks, bringing his mouth back down to her pussy. His lips closed around her clit once more. He brings a hand up underneath his mouth, a single finger tracing her entrance before pushing inside. He moans against her when he feels how wet she is, adding another finger. She’s whining above him, moaning his name and pulling on his hair and he thinks about how he could definitely come like this. Shit, he has before. He fucks her with his fingers exactly the way he knows she likes, his tongue continuing to dance on her clit until she closes her thighs around his head. 
“Oh fuck, Tommy!” She moans loudly, neither of them have time to think about her neighbors right now. “I’m gonna come.” 
He continues what he’s doing as she grips harder on his hair, her legs closing tightly around his shoulders as she arches her back as she comes. He watches her face, she always looks so gorgeous like this. He fucking loves it. He fucking loves her. He keeps going until she's giggling breathlessly and pushing him away. He sits up, kneeling at the bottom of the bed between her legs, pressing one last kiss to her thigh before standing up and ridding himself of his jeans. She whimpers when she sees just how hard he is. He looks gorgeous as he stands above her, his cock flushed and leaking. He climbs on top of her to kiss her messily, her wetness still around his mouth as he pushes his tongue inside of hers. 
“How do you want me?” She whispers against his lips. 
“Fuck, turn around sweetheart.” He’s grinning at her as she follows his instructions. Turning around onto her stomach and leaning on her elbows. He takes a hold of her hips, pulling her ass up so he can get a view of her dripping pussy. “God I can't wait to fill you up, you ready for me?” 
“I’m always ready for you.” She smiles at him over her shoulder. He groans at her words, realizing he cant wait any longer, he takes a hold of his throbbing cock and lines himself up to her glistening hole. They both moan as he pushes in, her warm walls welcoming him as they squeeze him in. 
“So fuckin’ tight.” He whimpers as he begins to set a pace. “God, i fuckin’ love your pussy.” 
She feels like his words make her more wet, if that's even possible. 
“I love your cock, Tommy.” She moans as he fucks her slowly, holding himself back. He wants to enjoy her, but her heavenly cunt makes it so difficult. “Please, make me feel good.” 
“Don’t worry sweetheart, I'm gonna.” He says through gritted teeth. He always does, but she loves to tease him. And she knows how much he loves to hear her beg for him. He continues to fuck her like this, picking up his pace eventually when she begins to whine for him to go faster. She breathes his name as his cock begins hitting just the right spot, her hands tightening around the bedsheets - needing something to hold on to. Her chest pressed up against the bedsheets, her body being thrust forward as Tommy fucks into her, adds deliciously to the stimulation. He knows her so well, he can feel when she's getting close. Her silky walls tighten around him, her hands clenching and unclenching as her back arches more. Her whines of his name becoming higher in pitch. He’s close too, so with a smack to her ass that makes her yelp he pulls out. She doesn’t have time to process as he turns her over climbing over her again to kiss her. She moans against his mouth, his soft lips and tongue mixing with her own. Her legs wrap around his body as he pushes into her again. Immediately setting a bruising pace, both of them too close to care. 
“You gonna come for me baby? Yeah?” He eggs her on as she nods, desperately. “Come on baby come around my cock. Let me feel it.” 
The sight of her reaching down to play with her clit as she comes undone beneath him is enough to do it for him. 
“Where do you want it?” He hisses. He knows the answer, but he always asks anyway. 
“Come inside me Tommy. I wanna feel you.” He practically whimpers her name as he empties inside of her. She pulls his face down towards her again, wanting to hold him close. He bites into her shoulder as she whimpers in his ear, still coming down from her own high. Both of them enjoying the feeling of him filling her pussy up. 
“Holy shit.” She murmurs. A drowsy smile on her face as she plays with his hair until he eventually lifts his head from her shoulder. He laughs before pressing a kiss to her cheek. He sits up, pulling out of her and biting the inside of his cheek as he watches his come drip out of her. 
“I love you.” She says, reaching for him again. 
“I love you more.” He smiles as she pulls him down for a kiss. “You gotta sleep, not long until you need to get up for work.” 
“Yeah,” She agrees, still trying out her breath. She stands up to make her way to the bathroom and stops at the door to say: “A long night of being a hero.” She hears him laugh from the bed as she shuts the bathroom door, her legs still slightly wobbly and tingling. He definitely kept his promise, the best damn thank you she’d ever had. 
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pumpkinsy0 · 13 days
okay now we need pony getting jelly of people flirting with curly🤭 (let’s pretend people WANT to flirt with curly)
OKOK WOAH WOAH WOAH NOW☝🏽☝🏽ill have u k ow ppl DO find curly attractive, but when he opens his mouth or does something THATS what throws ppl off, but curly does have his admirers, give him his flowers🙄🙄
ANYWHO onto the hcs!!
•curly plays into it a bit and pony will ALWAYS roll his eyes and grumble, curlys a cocky guy and probably just goes “yeah??” or “oh really” if u gave him a compliment, but i dont think he would flirt back at all
•i dont think ponys as up front as curly, hes not physically pulling him away but he will say “i wanna go”, “cmon”, or if it annoys him enough, he just walks off somewhere n curly has to find him
•i wouldnt say ponys possessive, he knows curly will always get stared at for one thing or another, hes used to it, unless u were touching curly or obviously trying to get his attention, pony wont act, plus he doesnt want to straight up assume
•”whats wrong??” ”im fine”, meanwhile ponys barely paying him any mind, curly has to ask multiple times whats up w him, probably has to corner him too
•pony hates feeling that way too btw, says he “feels like such a girl”, on too of that, hes just rlly never felt possessiveness before, so for him this is like uncharted territory, hes only heard about acting like this bc of steve or dallys stories w their girl
•also may i say that ponys petty, if its happened multiple times and pony hasnt said anything about it het, he WILL eventually bring it up, most likely in an argument
BUT THESE HCS R ONLY IF CURLY JUST LETS THEM FLIRT☝🏽☝🏽, sometimes curlys OBVIOUSLY not interested, so when THAT happens
•curly can tell ponys a bit jealous, bc pony has this habit of kinda staring w the tiniest scowl, he thinks its so funny and will tease him for it
•to make pony feel better, curly will mess w em so he can at least MAYBE get a smile out of him here, if not a smile, just get pony to see that hes not rockin w em either
•its like, one of the times pony doesnt mind curlys handsyness, if anything, he leans into it more!!!
•like i said, pretty rare for pony to get actually possessive, but when he is, curly is just lovin it, THRIVES in it even
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2n2n · 1 month
hi!! i have two questions, i apologize in advance that theyre about mitsuba and kou, but theyre also about the yugi twins, so i hope u can forgive me...
first!! i see a lot of ppl complaing/being sad that hanako and kou dont really have any moments interacting together anymore, posting screenshots, mourning their lost early series friendship ... and i dont really get it? to me, hanako never really liked kou, he was more "playing pretend" to appease nene, he doesnt seem to value him as a friend... theres the "kid"(<deragatory) he does, to emphasize that he is the Older, Experienced Guy in this relationship and kou doesnt have anything of value to add... but then again, ive never really sat down to reread everything in one go, so i might be missing something... do you have anything to say on hanako and kous relationship and how/why it developed?
second question!! i noticed that mitsuba and kou both have a favorite twin who they are friends with and a twin who they think is an evil, violent, perverted psychopath, and those twins are swapped between them lol
so i wanted to ask, do you have any thoughts/opinions on mitsubas and kous outsider perspective on the yugi twins? who has what aspects of them right/wrong? could a fight over who the better yugi twin is cause a rift large enough to stop their budding romance?(<hyperbole)
im sorry if this got really long, and these are less concrete questions and more me pondering things and then presenting my half-baked thoughts to you for examination, but i always really enjoy your interpretations of anything tbhk so i thought id do it anyways >.<
Ohhh its fine haha, there are no characters I truly hate (I JUST JOKE...) & I like talking about everything in the manga, as everything has some sort of place in the themes or story! And I do care about all relationships from character to character, even if I might find that character annoying on a personal level HAHA. I like the entire 'voice' of JSHK!!! It's all a part of the beautiful web c:
I would say, Yes, I agree 100%! I've talked about it before myself. I don't see Hanako and Kou as best friends, and I'm not sure what incredible moments of pure friendship people are remembering (probably mostly... ch9?). Hanako both creates distance by using 'kid' (indeed making Kou always out to be more ignorant or childish than him…) and even Kou creates a distance by using only 'Hanako' (no honorifics-- Kou is actually generally quite deferential and polite to people he respects like Nene-chan or Akane.... he is a 'good boy'! When he meets Hanako, of course he thinks he is a monster, so he doesn't use honorifics… but he also doesn't correct this, later. While dropping honorifics can also be a sign of intimacy, that only counts if the other person has given you some kind of permission, or after knowing someone a long time … Hanako never uses honorifics for others himself, because he sees himself as above everyone, and wants to impress distance … and I'm sure because he is 'nanaban-sama'. He only really uses honorifics when menacing Nene or Akane about "Aoi-chan".)
I think in reality, most Hanako and Kou interactions point to something contentious between them waiting to snap, as I've discussed before.
In fact, we now know explicitly that Hanako loves his little brother & sought to save & protect him, so for sure a wedge was driven between Kou and Hanako the moment Kou declared revenge on Tsukasa. Hanako's blank stare, [... ...I see.] should make sense when looked back on! Quietly logging that Kou might become a problem for him, later.
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At the very least, you have to imagine he is more loyal to his yorishiro than he is to this ugly kid. If push came to shove.
We see plenty of Hanako resenting Kou.
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On top of that … he's competing with Kou for Nene-chan, not only her time & attention but even the right to influence her life or save her. Both in Picture Perfect & Severance, Hanako expresses this VERY directly.
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Despite initially being OK with Kou making efforts to save Nene-chan, he completely walks that back in Picture Perfect; his sense of possessiveness and jealousy cannot in fact handle it at all. Sometimes people get attached to a particular older manga scene, and see it as inconsistency or random when that aspect has changed, but honestly, I think it's always a realistic character beat. Hanako once welcomed Kou to try to save Nene-chan, back in volume 6,
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but .... as he got closer to Nene-chan, he instead pursues Picture Perfect & then the Severance as his own aggressive, forceful solutions, which no longer factor in Kou as anything but an impotent annoyance. Hanako once, incorrectly, 'thought he wouldn't care', but he in fact does! This is a form of character development I think a lot of people refuse to acknowledge, in Hanako (... maybe people think 'character development' can only mean positive traits or improving, and not something like becoming more aggressive or possessive? <- but being more attached & true to himself IS'positive' development for Hanako. Becoming yandere isn't a bad thing in AidaIro-sensei world </3). Over 20 volumes in, there's no need to cling to perceptions of their dynamic which they have evolved away from.
So.... you have Kou shounen protag shouting "I'll save everyone!" while Hanako is being a yandere like "nobody can ever touch Yashiro's lifespan but ME". This isn't a recipe for best friends.
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I remember when ^ this ^ chapter came out, some people were upset/shocked that Kou could still talk easily about destroying Hanako, but I have no idea why. Hanako has only repeatedly proven himself unstable and untrustworthy since those early-manga moments (if a friendship stems from ignorance, what is it worth?). It is only Kou's dedication to Nene-chan that makes him help Hanako in the Far Shore ... Nene-chan is pure of heart so, perhaps so long as she doesn't see him as a lost cause, or as long as Hanako doesn't hurt her, he will try to believe her, and stand by her.
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The thing Kou does have going for him, is his faith in Nene-chan to bring out the best in Hanako, to reach his heart. I think ultimately Kou himself isn't sure about the truth lying within Hanako, & he knows it won't be him that draws it out. To him, it could end up that he's completely crazy & dangerous & has to be shot like a rabid dog lol, or that there's something good in there. He's fence-sitting between Teru & Nene's extreme positions.
My favorite very earnest, honest Kou moment among them, is this... when he is approaching Nene-chan, after the meeting with Teru & Akane, during the Severance.
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Kou checks in with Nene-chan because he's not sure where SHE'S at with all of this.
The actions he takes in the Far Shore are less "to save Hanako, as his friend" but "to save Hanako, for Nene-chan".
meanwhile, for your second inquiry:
Didn't a fight over Tsukasa already interrupt their relationship? Mitsuba relies on Tsukasa constantly,repeatedly,and this very fact made Kou cry, feeling jealous & inadequate, LOL. Kou's whole complex is that he wants to be trusted & relied on, and Mitsuba instead running to Tsukasa every time he is in trouble, racks up Kou's resentment towards Tsukasa. Isn't it so funny…MULTIPLE ARCS OF THIS!!!!
I would say neither Kou nor Mitsuba really trust the Yugi twins, or understand them, any of them, despite each being allied towards one in some flimsy sense. I think Mitsuba is correct that Hanako is a psycho pervert... uhhhh all of their interactions are SO terrible LOL
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and uh....
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(^I love this moment SO much ^ completely unnecessary out of pocket Hanako moment!!!!! No reason for you to look so crazy!!! DID YOU HAVE TO CAST SHADE??? lame weak Mitsuba .... haha... I love Hanako ahhh </3 Mitsuba is so pathetic & stupid to him.... such disrespect in PP!)
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^ KouMitsu fans should love this protective Mitsuba moment, him staring at Hanako like this while clinging to Kou...
In mmmany ways I guess I don't think Kou or Mitsu are loyal to the Yugi beside them, wouldn't necessarily come to their defense any more than Mitsuba does in the Aquarium chapters (which only really argue a necessary dependency; though I think it's really interesting that in PP, Mitsuba defends his CHOICE to ally with Tsukasa, not WANTING to be seen as only Tsukasa's victim or helpless.)
Kou holds Mitsuba's loyalty to Tsukasa against him, but for some reason as we've seen thus far, Mitsuba does not hold Kou's loyalty to Hanako (or Teru, who tries to kill him) against him. I'd say Mitsuba is actually more humble/gracious & a little more self-aware than Kou-- and also devalues himself, wouldn't ask Kou to give up anything for him, because he is worthless (the entire point of his willing attempt at suicide in the Aquarium chapters). Kou screams & throws lightning around when he feels anything Bad, so more disquiet is expressed at Mitsuba. Kou feels more demanding & holds more uhm.... ambitions for what he 'wants' their relationship to be (one where he is depended on, is Mitsuba's hero). So there is probably more likely to be more conflicts surrounding Tsukasa....
I wonder if Hanako will ever do something so directly terrible that it would cause Kou to loosen his allyship to Nene-chan, and increase his allyship to Mitsuba. I would like that tbh, and it would bolster their dynamic to me, & I could respect Kou's stance more. As it is, it's hard to say much about his loyalty to Mitsuba, which is kinda only simultaneous to his loyalty to Nene-chan .... I would like Kou's fence-sitting about the Hanako situation to finally really hurt Mitsuba maybe, some day. If I had to have an opinion on it.
I wonder what Nene-chan coming to like/defend Tsukasa would do to Kou's stance against Tsukasa? What if everyone but Kou liked the little bugger in some way.... haha. That would be idealistic for me.
I would also find it interesting if Mitsuba actually had to do something meaningful to defend or protect Tsukasa. Curious if the vague ghost memories in Mitsuba's head in the recent chapters will culminate in any kind of reaching out to Tsutsu. Ultimately, is Tsukasa someone who tormented Mitsuba, or someone who saved & comforted him repeatedly? His active mind rejects the concept, but maybe his subconscious would feel otherwise. I dunno. A lot is ambiguous.
A bit of a tangent I guess there... so theorhetical. Well, nobody really likes the Yugi except for each other & Nene-chan.
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noahschnappinfs · 2 months
for the first five months these ppl were spreading that vile deuxmoi rumor that their pr managers are instructing the other st cast members to not hang out with noah and now they are saying that this recent hang out is “PR” so that it would “improve” noahs image like i swear his antis will never stick to an actual narrative and will always make themselves look like idiots
it’s extremely funny how people twist reality to their own advantage because they can’t handle the truth and it’s also very sad that people believe anything they read online without any kind of fact checking.
everybody from the cast kept mentioning noah very casually during the first few months of this year. finn, millie, gaten and caleb all mentioned him positively but people pretended it didn’t happen because it didn’t fit their narrative that their favs are morally superior so they wouldn’t hang out with noah anymore. i remember when millie mentioned him lovingly when talking about her wedding, i literally saw some millie stans being surprised because they thought she was forbidden from talking about him which says more about how naive they are if they were blindly believing something they read online without any evidence. even now some people were surprised when they saw him with the rest of the cast when it shouldn’t be surprising, caleb mentioned hanging out with him and finn before. at some point, it was so annoying that every time we saw some people from the cast together, the conversation always turned to noah because if he’s not with them 24/7 then he’s being shunned by them. we never see millie or sadie publicly with the rest of the cast, does that mean they all hate each other? no, it just means that everybody has their own personal lives and things to do, we don’t see every second of their lives, they can hang out in private for all that we know and even if they don’t, there’s nothing wrong with that. it’s nice to see them together because we love the cast and their friendships but their private relationships aren’t for our entertainment.
now that their made up fantasy of the world ostracising noah was debunked, they take a turn and twist the narrative to the absolute opposite side. now according to them, everybody is being forced to hang out with noah. do they even hear themselves? how do you go from their teams forcing them to stop interacting with noah to saying they are being forcing them to hang out with him? it makes no sense, it’s literally the opposite of what they were saying even a week ago but i guess if that makes them feel better but no amount of make up fantasies will change the reality that the cast likes noah and are still friends with him. sooner or later, we’ll see even more of them hanging out and i hope they finally accept it instead of making up conspiracies. it’s not normal to be that obsessed with noah’s relationship with the cast if you say you don’t like him.
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ca-suffit · 5 months
my inbox got *so* quiet the last couple days but then I noticed something interesting.
almost everything was about sam or lestat again
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then look at how virginia is posting now
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and this
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this side has always needed to pretend this is about something else so they don't have to talk about fandom racism. some of the asks I got might have been real but the timing of this feels sus. trying to get me to talk shit about sam but when I didn't post anything for days u decided to get the gossip rolling urself? that's what this is lol. faked outrage to stir the pot. u have to subtly aim at black fans again and also go deeper into ur weird parasocial sam reid feelings so u feel important and loved. wtf.
didn't u all send sam a fan art book and other stuff ur always being loud about cuz he mentioned having it in interviews a few times? don't u visit him on sets and tell him u luv him all the time (I've seen the posts lol). he's fucking with u so u will watch the show more and react just like this lol idiots.
the last fangs psa post also tried to pretend it was about this
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the craziest thing about this tho is that after she was done aiming at the black and brown fans, she posts a big part about this white guy *with a lestat icon* but.............now it's about race??
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isn't it weird how they can't keep to one story lol. it's all about hating lestat except for when u can't use that against a white lestat fan u wish would stfu so u pull the "I'm black" card instead and then reveal u have no friends lol.
this has never been about lestat or sam. it's an excuse because they don't have the range to speak about why lestat being judged for his ignorant white shit feels uncomfortable to them (especially if they want to fuck him, cuz I'm p sure fangs does). they get off power tripping on telling white fans it's okay to do racist shit if u hate the "right" ppl. her and keybearer are the first to do dumb shit to alienate themselves but blame everyone else for it. then cry to white fandom for hugs because they know how easy it is to get white ppl to feel good about shit if u stroke the fires of antiblackness in them. nobody is kicking u out of spaces unless ur doing some fuckshit but white ppl only hear "I'm black and ppl are being mean to me :(" and then rush to do the most racist shit ever because u just gave them a "good" excuse to do it. if a lot of black ppl are defending a white person who talks about antiblackness and ur the only black person saying that's wrong? u are the one who is the problem! especially because fangs and keybearer are both *not* american and nearly everyone from "this subset" is......and that is also the show's focus, that is louis' struggle! not to mention how fangs got upset about *this* in the cap but then had no issue pulling out talk of the fucking palestine genocide on a black american fan, to say that black americans don't suffer oppression. is this the real reason nobody likes ur bitch ass, mayhaps?
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them being unable to let anyone know peace because of their own bad feelings is the most annoying thing. the show hits u over the head with the "memory is a monster" thing. we *know* we're gonna be seeing different versions of ppl and events and that's alot of what makes it interesting and fun. it's insane u keep pretending we're ignorant to this, as if u *also* haven't been crying for years now about "wait until lestat tells his side!!!!" we have fucking heard ur annoying asses jfc. WE KNOW.
but u have these ppl who can't hear a word against their fav without pulling out the books and showing u some sad lestat passage to change ur mind. girl shut up idc?? can't u let ppl like things as they come gd. what's the harm in enjoying the journey. u assholes are always saying ur so smart but then u have tantrums that the show isn't on book 12 already and ppl don't luv lestat enough yet. who tf cares? he's literally all the tags are whenever a 2 second clip shows up in any S2 thing rn, what are u even complaining about.
fucking crazy that this is louis' story but the focus is always on why isn't lestat getting more attention, why do ppl hate lestat, why is everyone mean to lestat. nobody frames it like that because then u'd v easily understand how stupid and racist this shit rly is. when u speak up in defense about any black character they literally accuse u of being the woke mob but ok lol. "did u listen to what jacob *a black man* said about the character being a crazy liar, sweetie??" (example 1, example 2) this shit is so obvious.
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kyuala · 2 years
partying with epex
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first time writing for these boys! hope u enjoy it. any feedback is encouraged and appreciated ♡
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says stuff like "this isn't hitting" and then drinks like he wants to get himself into a coma
you can physically see the immediate regret in his face once it does, in fact, hit
spends the rest of the night slurring his words trying to keep his members in check and ur like how is he STILL leading. dawit go sit down
keeps thanking you for taking care of him even when you say it's no big deal and laying his head on your shoulder so he can get his hair all up on your face and it's like sigh........he's lucky he's cute
knows EVERYBODY and their cousin
good luck trying to cross the dancefloor with him by your side 'cause he'll be stopping to talk to somebody every other step you take like he's running a political campaign at this damn party
knows the moves to all the hit songs but mostly ignores the choreography or deliberately gets it wrong 'cause he just wants to let loose and have fun and make you laugh 🤕
he's kind of insane so one minute y'all could be dancing to girl groups and he's got the cutest smile on his face and the next he's giving you The Eyes and dragging you somewhere so y'all can make out in private
you'd think he'd be all shy and quiet but he's giving his all on the dancefloor and belting out the lyrics to the best hoe anthems of the past decade
annoyed when somebody brushes past him on the dancefloor even though it's packed and literally a dancefloor
still clings to you when he's taking a break from all the dancing even though he's sweaty
says he's still got energy for another hour or two but jumps at the chance of finding a place to sit with you and talk abt nothing until it's time to go home
killing it at the dancefloor for an hour, resting for another hour, it's all about balance. keeps this routine for the whole night
that one dude who turns up wearing sunglasses inside at night (stopped letting people borrow them after donghyun stole and lost a pair)
the AMOUNT of ppl trying to flirt with this guy on the dancefloor...... insane
the way he still only has eyes for you though....... SICKENING and everybody can see it
donghyun gave him a cup of pure water once and it's still unclear if he was acting drunk or just being himself
somehow has shown up in the background of so many party photos looking like a cryptid it's got to be a running joke at this point
keeps saying he's going to leave the party bc he just wants to go home but only leaves your side when u go to the bathroom and even then he waits right outside the door for you
holds your hand when it gets too crowded bc he's scared you'll lose him even though he's literally 8ft tall
that one guy sitting in a corner having deep ass conversations with a group of people he just met
still introduces them to you like he's known them for like 10 years
honestly just vibin the whole time. gives everybody he meets a bright ass warm smile and has been a shoulder to cry on and given advice to more people than he can count on one hand
most excited for the walk home when he gets to hold your hand and talk only to you tbh
was probably dragged to the party
you and him stay glued to the wall sipping on ur sodas rating everybody's outfits out of 10
yewang doesn't give 10s out easily, he says they're for special people only
the one time he did give somebody a 10/10 was to you and he blushed right after he said it. super cute 1000/10 if i do say so myself
has filmed every single fight he's ever witnessed break out and you can hear him giggling in the background
pretended to be drunk out of his mind and scared everybody half to death once. still looks back on this moment fondly
only shows up if ur there or if there's food tbh
your partner in crime in whatever both of you choose to do to make sure your friends will never know peace
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main masterlist | epex masterlist
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miiilowo · 1 year
Fnaf Twitter / X is SO annoying.
Like I'm not pretending fnaf tumblr is innocent but like. At least everyone kinda minds their own business here.
I can't tell you the amount of dissing of HEADCANONS i've seen just because they weren't creepy enough ot whatever.
Like i saw someone say Eclipse from Ruin is creepier than Withered Chica (and was deadass about it). When someone (semi politely) disagreed they mocked THEM. Like ???
I understand people have different fears but people have different tastes. I don't hate eclipse but Withered Chica is scarier and i care about her.
Another thing is most of these hypocritical William haters ALWAYS have the same copycat designs (old plastic face + soft body animatronics). Like i have not seen or met one person who does that design and actually understands his character to some degree.
Like.. Fnaf twit is always shaming an idea thats purely just a hc and then acts like Pizzaplex stories is saving fnaf. That or its someone screaming Vanny is a lesbian who did no wrong and then bashes William (who i bet ppl would love if he was a woman </3).
ALSO I love women i love lesbian vanny I'm not dissing that i prommy its just hard to find people (on twitter) thats not fucking rude or weird
twitter is a vile platform that is built to thrive off of negativity and people know this . naturally any minor thing they dislike NEEDS to be made fun of (for clicks and attention) and if its not that then they need to turn it into a dick measuring contest. or both. anyways that sounds annoying. get off twitter
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semperama · 2 years
share some of your au ideas if you want!! it’d be fun!! i’m sure a ton of ppl are interested like me ❤️❤️
Thank you, anon!! Here's a little sad, sad, ficlet, just for you. <3
They only stay at the cabin for four days. It's all the time they can spare, before Daniel goes home to Perth and Max goes home to his perfectly constructed family and they pretend not to care overmuch about each other for months.
"We don't have to do this, you know," Max says on the last morning. He always says it, just like this, when they're in bed together and he's sex-dumb and sated. He pulls Daniel's arm tighter around him and interlaces their fingers, half-turning his head even though he won't be able to see Daniel's expression without turning all the way over.
"Yeah, we do," Daniel says, speaking his line like he's supposed to. He kisses the skin behind Max's ear and nuzzles in there, pretending for a moment that this is enough. "You know we do, Maxy."
Red Bull is...well, it's Red Bull. And Formula One is Formula One. Even if things are changing, even if you can get away with wearing a rainbow helmet now or speaking up for others' rights, you still have to give up a good amount of your own. Max can't be a World Champion and also be gay and in love with his rival--or, now, his reserve driver. Daniel can't be....whatever he is, and also be this, the one who spoons up behind Max in bed, the one who makes him cry with his dick, the one who adores him so much it's terrifying.
"We can tell them to fuck off," Max says. "What are they going to do? Fire me?"
They could, Daniel thinks. Max doesn't believe it, because even though he pretends otherwise, all this does go to his head. He knows he's the best, and he thinks that makes him irreplaceable. But the truth is, none of them are. Not really. Cash is king, and the moment any of them is the threat to the cash, they'll be out on their ass.
"Not worth the risk." Daniel kisses the shell of his ear, then props himself up so he can lean over, meet Max's eyes. "We've been through this. I can't be the reason anything happens to your career. You think I could live with myself?"
Max scowls, always so annoyed in the face of cold logic that proves him wrong. He shrugs off Daniel's arm, then seems to think better of it and grabs his hand again. "What if I don't care? What if I'd rather be with you than drive?"
It takes everything Daniel has in him not to laugh. They both know it's not true. Neither of them would give up the drive. Daniel spends most of his energy trying not to think about what that means, whether that's a bad sign. All he knows is that these four days have been the only time he's felt whole all year, and he only really feels alive when Max is near him--but he still wouldn't give it all up. And more than that, he can't let Max give it all up for him.
"It's temporary," Daniel says. This, too, is his usual line. "And we still have this."
Max flops back to the bed, defeated for now. He's beautiful, there in the cage of Daniel's arms. He turns his head and kisses Daniel's bicep, then rests his head there, closes his eyes. "I don't want to leave tomorrow," he says, his voice rough.
"Don't think about it now," Daniel says in a rush, just before his throat closes up. He kisses Max, squeezing his eyes shut, making himself pretend.
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saivii · 5 months
gonna just. post these minoru/ryo teacher au headcanon things here: (part 1 bc the whole thing goes over the character limit lol)
teacher au:
minoru is probably a gym teacher (if not i think he’d teach science) and i can’t decide if ryo is art or english or math lolol
or maybe ryo teaches home ec
minoru is the fun one who tries to keep the class entertained
ryo is a bit stern and strict at times but he’s passionate about what he teaches and he cares a lot about his students (even if he’s not super obvious at showing it)
minoru will sometimes just briefly come in ryo’s classroom while he’s teaching and do something to mess with him like flickering the lights or saying something silly
ryo will scoff and try scolding him whenever he does but minoru runs out the door while laughing
minoru probably ruffles ryo’s hair or gives him a noogie at some point and ryo fumes at him for fucking up his hair
if minoru doesn’t mess with him for a while, he’ll secretly miss it or be worried about him
maybe he’ll even check to see if minoru is okay and accidentally show minoru that he’s worried bc of the lack of shenanigans, which minoru will tease him about
then minoru will go back to messing with him, ryo will act annoyed but secretly feel relieved, and his students will notice his fond exasperation and tease him about it
maybe one time ryo exasperatedly asks him if he’d like to teach the class and minoru accepts, makes it fun, and gets ryo involved and gets ryo to smile
and minoru makes it his mission to get ryo to smile/laugh
after that the students tease ryo even more about how minoru made him smile lol
ryo definitely starts making excuses to see minoru. shit like “oh you left your pencil in my class” (even if he didn’t and it’s literally a random pencil) or “xyz student wanted ___/wanted to let you know ____” (or maybe one of the other teachers like takuma told him to tell minoru that bc he Knows how minoru and ryo are feeling and wants them both to be happy)
if takuma told ryo to tell minoru smth minoru would smirk and say “takuma’s my friend, why wouldn’t he just tell me himself” and ryo’s like “idk man i’m not a psychic!!!” 
also minoru would just tease him like “i think you’re here bc deep down you like me” and ryo gets flustered and grumbles smth to the effect of “don’t flatter yourself”
and he doesn’t know why he’s like this now and is annoyed at himself for wanting to do all this
the answer is probably bc he likes minoru’s playfulness and smile, and bc seeing him over and over again has made him get more attached to him (yay for the mere exposure effect)
minoru starts playfully teasing him/bantering with him more often, like at lunch or in the break room
he also feels happy when ryo starts bantering back
then there’d be a moment where ryo is struggling bc smth reminds him of his fear that nobody actually likes him and ppl think he’s a burden, and minoru can see that ryo’s acting different. he sees that ryo is quieter than usual and that he looks sad rather than slightly grumpy and snarky like he usually is, and that ryo isn’t responding to minoru’s playful teasing or joking. 
ryo also avoids minoru, which hurts and confuses minoru and minoru starts to wonder if he did or said something that was seriously hurtful to ryo. 
so at some point he manages to talk to ryo one on one and he sheepishly says that if he went too far with any of his teasing, he’s sorry. ryo is confused and quietly says that minoru’s teasing isn’t the issue. 
minoru asks what the actual issue is, ryo tries to pretend like nothing is wrong, and minoru gets frustrated and starts arguing with ryo until ryo finally admits that he feels unlikeable and that he envies how minoru seems to be liked by everyone and be so confident and happy all the time.
minoru’s shocked and a little sad that ryo feels that way. he didn’t think ryo really cared about what other ppl think and he still can’t help but wonder if he might have accidentally said something that made ryo feel so insecure
ryo continues by saying that his students seem to like minoru and that they’d probably rather be taught by minoru 
minoru says that the students still really like ryo but they just act differently around ryo bc his personality is different (which ryo doesn’t believe and thinks minoru is just trying to sugarcoat the truth)
minoru also hesitantly adds that he’s not happy all the time and that he feels like being funny is one of the only things he’s good at
then ryo is surprised but asks why minoru would think that when so many ppl like him. 
minoru points out that ppl like ryo too, and ryo says “oh yeah? name one person who actually likes me,” and minoru pauses before quietly admitting, “i like you…”
and ofc ryo’s like “why?? half the time i’m roasting you” and is genuinely confused as to why minoru likes him. minoru bashfully explains that he doesn’t tease anyone else nearly as much as he teases ryo and that he feels like he can just have fun when they’re together and that he likes their banter (he’s not ready to admit the part about liking ryo’s smile and laugh yet lmao)
that makes ryo really happy and he can’t stop himself from smiling before sheepishly admitting that he returned minoru’s pencil and told minoru what the students wanted to say to him just to give him an excuse to talk to minoru
then minoru smirks and says “so you do like me deep down” and when ryo doesn’t deny it, minoru teasingly says “aww, ryo has a heart” and then they’re back to bantering and laughing like they usually do
maybe minoru even convinces the students to do something thoughtful for ryo like writing him thank you notes and when ryo sees it, he swears he’s not tearing up and that the sun is just bright. he’s surprised but touched when he realizes it was minoru’s idea and awkwardly thanks him at some point
the students tease tf out of BOTH of them for this, especially minoru
“aww, you’re worried about him and wanna make him feel better” or smth idk
ryo and minoru get a lot closer after that whole conversation and spend a lot more time together bc of it. they also start spending time together outside of school and gradually become more vulnerable with each other.
their bantering starts to seem a lot more flirtatious, with a lot more smiling and laughing and touches (like playful nudging)
speaking of which, they find more excuses to give each other lil touches, like minoru throwing an arm around ryo’s shoulders or ryo trying to get an eyelash off minoru’s cheek or fix his hair or fix his tie
they start looking at each other more fondly. ryo has unintentionally looked at minoru like a lovesick teenager when minoru is rambling excitedly about something, and minoru has given ryo several yearning looks when ryo isn’t looking
they start getting more attached to each other and think about how fun and easy it is for them to be around each other. ofc they have other friends but none of them have the same dynamic that they have with each other. they start thinking about each other more often and random things start reminding them of each other more often. 
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aroace-cat-lady · 1 year
so uhhhh ahhh long rant incoming sorry~
I'm sure you're aware of this whole Matty situation...
I just need to say that I cannot support Taylor after this, for me, this is absolutely where I draw the line. Personally, I believe that knowingly dating a bigot, a racist for example - this is someone who has unashamedly admitted to watching racist torture p**n, imagine how twisted you have to be to do such a thing - it automatically means that you are also racist, because, as per *my* definition of racism, racism doesn't have to be outright saying racial slurs and actively harassing poc, I definitely classify this indifference and condoning of bigotry as racism too. You *cannot* claim to be an activist and proceed to associate yourself with someone who is against everything you apparently stand for, unless it is of course, purely performative and somewhat for your own benefit. You cannot seriously claim you stand with people of colour, trans people, jewish people, muslims, every marginalised group basically, yet associate yourself with someone who clearly doesn't??
I understand some people are conflicted, I mean so was I for perhaps an hour after it was confirmed, it is hard when someone who you might idolise, who you believed would advocate for you is actually incredibly apathetic, and who has proven that countless times but especially this time, that they didn't truly mean what they claimed... But how can one not draw the line at bigotry? You can't just shrug it off by saying "I love her but this is wr-" that means nothing, you can't seriously call her out for something and say you love her in the same sentence, does that even count as holding her accountable? Equally bad are those who are "looking the other way" so you simply just don't want to hold her accountable and then be held accountable yourself for not doing so.
Additionally, if you're going to date a literal bigot, and you are aware of the colossal platform and influence you hold, why would you do it publicly- oh and with a fanbase obviously including the groups said bigot has openly discriminated against?
Unfortunately, the main responses I've seen to this situation are: swifties who idolise taylor to an unhealthy extent attempting to defend and condone even matty's actions, the performative activists who pretend they care but continue to talk about how much they adore her and basically just shrug it off, those who are fully aware its wrong and look the other way, and the literal minority who hold her accountable. Oh, said minority's feelings tend to be dismissed and invalidated and belittled by the former 3 groups. Oh, and also, said minority is primarily poc. hmmm.
Something particularly annoying that people are doing is attempting to making this about misogyny when it quite obviously isn't ("ofc you guys are blaming a woman for a man's actions"). I swear, I have seen not one person who has even implied that Taylor is to blame for Matty's actions. We are holding them both accountable because they are both shitty. Matty is unquestionably worse, but does that mean Taylor shouldn't be held accountable? Really? People saying this either... have zero understanding of the situation OR just don't want to hold her accountable and want to *out-woke* us or something and I think most of them are guilty of the latter
btw you don't have to comment on this or anything idk I'm just upset lrpekfos;rjdlgi
Oh I'm commenting don't worry about that
Just!!! Ugh!!!
I'm so. Outraged. And disgusted. He's just another privilege white guy who doesn't care at all about making fun or offending ppl that are different from him and that doesn't even try to understand or respect them. He's the worst brand of white bread out there.
And most white fans are being so awful about this. Oh you're just making it about yourself oh she's just not thinking oh he's not that bad oh I actually think he's becoming a better person because of her. Shut up. Shut up. Just shut the fuck up.
I really don't know how to feel about Taylor right now. Like, all I can think about now is how a lot of ppl have said for years she's racist cuz she has never toured on latam. How there's literally no explanation for that. And I ignore all of that cuz, dude, it's Taylor??? She's one of the few ppl that actually try.
But. Is she?? Cuz she isn't trying a lot right now. She apparently doesn't care. Sure, she stands for human rights and say Vote Blue!! and all that, but at the end she doesn't seem to think that being racist antisemitic islamophibic etcetc count as a red flag.
I just hate feeling like this. I've always respected and admired Taylor, but I really just can't respect her right now. But I don't seem able to pull away from her.
I mean, I literally love her songs so much I learned a second fucking language thanks to her. My relationship with my sister got a lot better because of her music. I've met incredible ppl because I started blogging about her.
I guess I'm so disappointed and kind of heartbroken right now. Like, I got this feeling of you didn't just betrayed me, you betrayed all of us and, worst of all, you betrayed yourself
It's just a lot.
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akirawrites24 · 1 year
Hihi I saw your blog and it seems to be opened for persona 5 requests, and sm crossed my mind with an idea.
I'm very close friends with this girl who is very sweet and amazing and could do nothing wrong and very much fun and comfy to be around (you could tell I like to be around her:')) but she his this one friend, and it seems the this Friend is her best friend (she is very popular and she consider to be friends with everyone but no one really is close to her like our friend group and the friend of hers) and the friend is so mean 😭 she is very much an introvert and it seem she doesn't have any Friends only the very sweet girl, and when she hangs out with us she becomes very quiet around the sweet girl yeah sure she will sometimes call her annoying and the girl will only laugh at her and tells her " if you found me so annoying why not sit in the corner of the room since silent is blooming in there" and she stays quiet and just continue to listening to our conversation and you could general see those two together holding hands (in school or outside), she reminds me of a chick who follows her mama<3 (ngl theses two are such beauty together istg those pretty ppl who always have this cute friendship together 😭 and WE ALL KNOW THE COLD GIRL HAVE A SOFT SPOT FOR THE SWEETEST GIRL EVER👹)
Could I request The Royal trio (separately!) With this sweet s/o who is absolutely best friends with this cold friend who have a soft spot for her ?
(sorry if this was long :'))
Sure thing! My apologies if it isn't good, I am not very familiar with friendships like that!
Ren Amamiya x Reader
Goro Akechi x Reader
Sumire Yoshizawa x Reader
Fandom: Persona 5
Ren Amamiya:
He is gonna try to include the cold friend as much as possible.
Likes seeing that his s/o tried to include them as well.
Totally likes it when you don't mind it being called annoying by them.
Would try to ask you if there was something bothering them.
Likes it when you two are having fun together, making him love you even more.
He does hope that they aren't pretending to be your friend, because he will change their heart if that was the case.
As someone who is also introverted, he can see where they are coming from.
When you seem to be happy around them, he is happy too.
"You two have a very interesting friendship…"
Goro Akechi:
We all know he is the same, and it makes him jealous.
Even when he was still putting on the Detective Prince act, you could see he was jealous.
He is scared you will leave him for that friend.
Definitely plotting murder when they would call you annoying. (Only he can do that)
You have to calm him down and make him sure you aren't bothered by it.
Still glares at the friend whenever the two of you are a bit too close to each other.
If he finds out they are faking their friendship, he will go to Mementos and kill them for playing with your friendship like that.
Eventually he is going to come around with them, but that doesn't mean they would be friends themselves.
Will kiss you so they know you are taken, even if you and them are just friends.
"Friend or not, I'll make sure that they know not to mess with your feelings…"
Sumire Yoshizawa
Won't really know how to handle it.
Not that she isn't used to it, she had worked with Akechi after all.
Will try to understand them better, as you requested.
Will try to ask why they would call you annoying.
You had to explain to her it is just something friends say to each other for fun.
Friend is gonna try to explain they mean it, but you know better.
You see how nervous Sumire is, but you are trying to give it a shot.
Of course she would try too, a friend of yours a friend of hers after all.
"I am sure we will get along fine! I hope…"
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hertwood · 8 months
dts s3 e7-8
e7: -HI LAWRENCE BARRETTO -romain's new indy team need to lean into the taylor swift thing i need to know what his favorite era is. its important -i think. it would be so fun. if fred hired gunther as an advisor. backmarker clownshow to frontrunner clownshow would be such a beautiful upgrade for both of them~ -i always forget about antonio sorry. he is simply a bip in time to me -drivers asking if there teammates are ok after crashes always makes me BONKERS but i do think kevin & romain are so so so interesting and rly underrated as a ship. i heard that before kevin got his seat back he was asking romain how to get into indycar and i think id like that parallel universe where they're still racing together :') -every time gunther calls gene i think of that post that was like. 'i like to imagine that gene is gunther's imaginary friend so when he goes i need to go call gene its just to go in a room alone and talk to himself.' might as well be from how poorly gene runs his business lmao -as much as i don't like gunther i do think a lot of his career was just. having nothing but shitty options and trying to pick the least shitty over and over and over. i wouldn't want his job in a million years. it really feels like while they say "oh we want to try something no one's tried before with two rookies!" it very much seems that if they didnt take mick and nikita, they'd be bankrupt. thats at least the narrative dts is spinning i'm curious to know if there was more context at the time. but can't blame him for his choices at all!! (can blame him for treating his drivers like shit tho!!!! that we CAN do) -fred would've treated mick fucking right btw
e8: -it feels sorta goofy how they drop the carlos ferrari news. i suppose just like w/ daniel since it happened before all the races start there's not much to say in buildup but i do find it jarring -spa in the rain is simply too dangerous its gonna kill someone sooner or later -i always think team orders are so so so silly like i GET it but also bro overtake him if ur that much faster bro. prove it. (i GET it tho i promise) -carlos being annoyed about preference seems silly when it is a predictable and understandable consequence of switching teams -i WILL say (lewis news came out the morning i started watching this lol) it does make me wonder how that'll affect george v lewis this year in merc....but that is unrelated to the episode soz -will buxton marriage counseling aldjfalksdjfalksdjfklsdj -i will say its not JUST dts that plays up driver rivalries--a lot of drivers are very much able to not let what happens on track seriously affect relationships w/ other drivers -that being said some drivers are just COWORKERS and i need that all to be seen as acceptable. ppl shouldnt have to pretend to be friends -ppl make fun of will buxton saying "the gloves are off between these two" but i dont think its wrong to recognize that a rookie/veteran relationship will inevitably shift in the second/ongoing years, and i wouldn't be surprised if we start to see more friction with lando and oscar in the coming years -i MISS mclaren rainbow halo stripe bring her back -it is funny watching carlos lament mclaren bad pit strategy & car failure knowing whats to come (ferrari bad pit strategy & car failure) -GOING TO FERRARI IS SOMETHING THATS IMPOSSIBLE TO REGRET i dont even like carlos but man i wanna cry for him BRO
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golbrocklovely · 1 year
You seem very bitter and upset in asks today, are you ok? Has something happened? I send hugs, remember we appreciate you!
….does it sound bitter if i say i'm really tired of being called bitter lol
i'm not bitter or upset really. at least i wasn't for most of the day. if i'm coming across like that in my asks, again, my apologies. i'm honestly just saying things very plainly, borderline deadpanning. let me explain a little bit bc there have been two things that have been annoying me a bit.
(also most of this is not even directed at you, anon. this is more just the general audience.)
the sam situation - i've talked about it a lot on here. i've said my peace a hundred times over. and i get that some ppl are new on here, so maybe they don't know the full story or how i feel. and i understand that. i try my best to explain, but it doesn't change that the situation overall annoys me deeply. so sometimes that means i'm gonna be petty about sam, maybe make a snide comment or two. what doesn't make sense to me, if i'm completely honest, is all i'm saying is that sam doesn't edit as often as he once did/as much as colby does. that's it. i'm not calling him names or saying he's a terrible person. i'm saying he doesn't edit like he once did and that is just objectively true. they have an editor that he gave notes to to do his job……….. so that would imply he doesn't edit like he once did. colby then explained their editing situation, which again is just sam giving notes and having the final say. i have never once said that sam doesn't edit AT ALL anymore. i have never once said that he doesn't deserve a break or that he can't take time off from editing. all i said was that it isn't fair he gets credit for editing when that is something he doesn't really do as much of anymore, and colby since day one has always edited. i don't think it's crazy for me to want colby to get credit where credit is due. but apparently, i'm wrong lol
the other situation: everything i'm about to say is not me calling any anon out or trying to make anyone feel bad. i just need some of you guys to understand my perspective for a moment.
for the past couple days, ever since sam announced that there was possibly gonna be an announcement this weekend, i've gotten anywhere between 5-10 asks on this, if not more. mind you, he never once said what the announcement could be or hinted at it. so, i am just in the dark as much as yall. imagine how you would feel if you got 5-10+ asks asking you what you think the announcement is, bc let me tell you - i said what i thought it could be in the first two-ish asks. afterwards, idk what else to say for the other asks. and i mean that genuinely; i have almost no other words at this point. so, when i answer an ask about the announcement (that was so vague i forgot it happened) for the 8th time, i'm completely unsure what you want me to say. bc i don't want to be a dick and either a) not answer it at all or b) just copy and paste my previous answer. but i can't pretend to be enthused about a question i'm now answering for the 8th time. and i get that it's not the same person sending the same ask over and over again, but i can't help that i have no opinion left or that i'm not as joyous as i originally was the first time around. and that's the thing too - sometimes i have no opinion on what is being ask so most likely, in situations like that, i'm gonna answer very plainly.
also, the announcement for a possible announcement was so vague, i don't understand why there is hype for it. and i mean that sincerely. i just don't get it. if you're enthused about it, that's great. i just don't feel the same way. but i don't think you're dumb or anything like that for being excited even if i'm not.
i love talking to yall, i really do. and i love having a space for ppl to say their opinions anonymously bc i know this fandom can be trash about shit like that. that's why i continue to have my ask box open and with anon on. however, i WILL NOT talk in fucking circles. i despise with almost every fiber of my being talking in circles and rehashing the same conversation over and over again. if it's one we had a long time ago, i don't mind saying what i think again. but if it's something recently, and i have to again say what i think, or go thru the whole argument once more just with someone different, i'm not gonna do that. and if i do, i'm probably gonna be a bit snippy about it (especially if it's one topic of conversation that annoys me). if you just want someone that's gonna agree with you all the time, i won't be that person and have never claimed to be that person either. i love having discussions with yall, even the ones where we don't agree. but i'm not gonna agree with you just for the sake of agreeing or just bc you really want me to. and i don't expect that from yall either. we're allowed to both have different opinions and i think that's awesome. sometimes, we just have to agree to disagree and move on.
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edalynn · 2 years
#i like desperately want to rant somewhere other than just to slog and fox#and just do it in a tag post ig bc I don’t want to be annoying and beat a dead horse#but everything abt the huntlow arguments from fans rubs me the wrong way#fandom seems to think Willow is this happy go lucky loving unconditionally without question sweetheart#when in reality she’s actually kind of a bitch#like to anyone outside of her immediate inner circle and sure she wasn’t confident at the start of the series but she was still kinda#self absorbed ie was a jerk to king in the carnival ep had convinced Luz to disobey Eda multiple times (yet admonishes Gus when he does it?)#like I’m not saying she’s EVIL or BAD she just doesn’t have the highest empathy AND ALSO she’s a fucking badass too#so not some shy quiet girl like huntlow shippers pretend#also have seen ppl say she turned 15 and I’ve seen no canonical evidence to back that up unless I missed something but the age gap bothers m#also seen shippers say huntlow interracial rep is better and more needed than a main character interracial wlw ship#also abt it being good bc Willow is curvy and that exists in no other shows which 1. willows lack of confidence never came from her looks#but came from her abilities as a witch & 2. practically every modern cartoon has fat or curvy girls in love now this isn’t new#and finally it’s irks me that this is how everyone views it but in reality the only times she’s interacted with hunter were to use him for#her own gain. 1. starting a flyer derby team 2. saving Gus#she literally didnt care abt him being there at all until she was like oh bump let’s use him to find Gus like didn’t pay attention to him#at ALL. if anything IF hunter has a ‘confirmed crush’ I want it to be oh no sweetie ur experiencing friendship and admiration not love#and for everyone to get straightbaited lmao#not putting in tag bc I’m not THAT MEAN#and also no one try to “’convince me’ of anything bc u wont#taako talks
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