#au ahoy
abyssalmermaiden · 2 months
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"daughter of the sea, come home...come home…"
there are risks to keeping her land-walking form too long...
(mermaids and pirates au)
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yloiseconeillants · 2 months
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hold onto your breath, hold onto your heart, hold onto your hope
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Mermaids SIRENS!!
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pikbro · 1 month
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thatmooncake · 1 year
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Sun and Moon designs I made together with @flinxypie for our new Magical Mascots AU!
An AU set in a theme park where the mascots have very important roles to play and they hope your visit is absolutely magical!
Especially our two fave celestial animatronics -
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Enter Sun, who makes every moment into playtime …literally! His silly craft projects really do have a life of their own, and as if that wasn’t enough, you too can join the fun and become a part of his merry toy band, safe and sound.*
*Terms and conditions apply.
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Moon on the other hand is the spinner of dreams and is always there with a fantastical adventure for when you need to wind down and catch a few Z’s. …Or maybe more than a few Z’s. …You don’t have a sleep debt do you? Or you might be here a while. Moon is very meticulous, and you won’t leave unsatisfied! In fact, you might not want to leave at all!
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celestialcass · 4 months
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The Little Prince AU makes me feel all sorts of things, like how Donnie's eating disorder would likely be noticed by ever-perceptive Leo, but given the lack of a close twin relationship in this AU he probably wouldn't directly try to help besides the offer of food...
@beannary I hope you like my small tribute comic to your AU!
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definitelynotshouting · 2 months
Idk if this is Hunger AU canon or my own personal fanon but
one of the "calling cards" that the Watchers used in Evo was bedrock
bedrock is unbreakable by a player
perfect for trapping the player you're using as a Watcher incubator
and the texture looks rough af
when you get desperate you often try to do stuff to escape even if it's impossible, right
so what I'm saying is
probably one of the last things player!Grian did was tearing his hands to shreds trying to break bedrock out of sheer desperation
which makes all the passages in your fic where he's staring at his hands even more *gestures vaguely*
(idk why I typed this out in this format but it felt right so I'm going with it)
MAN OKAY THIS IS SUPER COOL i especially adore how youve connected it with the way i keep having Grian stare at his own hands???? which ftr is smth ive only just now realized i do all the time AKDBWKDJKSSJ this is JUST like the scarian jaw kisses thing HELPPPP 💥💥💥💥💥💥💥😭😭😭😭😭😭😭 but thats such a cool thought!!! And utterly angsty i love it >:]
Its also made me realize i dont think ive ever actually told yall what did happen during that interim where Grian was captive as a Player before he died and became a Watcher, so buckle in i guess as i try to explain this one to yall (obligatory cws for captivity, parasitism, violated autonomy, body horror, and major character death discussion)
Yknow the world borders the life series has?? It was like that, but tiny. Maybe a couple chunks' worth of space to move around in. He spawned into a savannah biome and the Watchers specifically in charge of keeping an eye on him (pun intended) penned him in with the borders, implanted the specially-coded larva, and then retreated back just outside the server's barrier code to, well. To Watch.
So post Evo dragon fight the Watchers convinced Grian to join them without telling him what that entailed. They then proceeded to whisk him away to the server cluster's dev crystal, which is where the remnants of this Watcher colony made their semi-permanent home. There, held together basically only by the Watchers' ability to manipulate code, they had Grian make a brand new server.... and immediately trapped him in it.
He spent a year there slowly dying, eaten from the inside out by a parasite that was collecting his memories, copying over his stats and personality, with very limited space and resources to get by with. I know he built a tiny house out of acacia, but it never got any bigger than a starter base. He lived off of mostly bread and the meat from a few animals that spawned in with him; he primarily used stone tools, because those were what was most readily available. It was a very terrifying and lonely year, where all access to the outside world was cut off, and he was meticulously watched over to keep from dying while the larva inside him continued to grow and destroy him.
The Watchers were mostly hands-off in terms of interaction, but they did do regular check-ins to ensure the larva was alive and that there was no danger present to its host. Hostile mobs were carefully warded off, and Grian spent most of his time alternating between begging them to let him go (they never responded), trying to figure out ways to escape (it never worked), and tending to baseless chores just to keep from going out of his mind as his body grew weaker and weaker and more unstable around him.
I have a lot of feelings about this tbh, bc its just such a bleak scenario to think about-- trapped in a tiny cage with something killing you from the inside out, and your captors wont even talk to you about it properly. Being left otherwise to your own devices, with the terrible, lingering knowledge that, even if it was under duress, you still agreed to this. The fact that, after a certain point, after your questions and pleas are summarily ignored and brushed aside, you finally realize: you aren't meant to survive this. You are going to die.
A juvenile Watcher's first meal are the emotions during their host's last few moments. Grian was no exception; he cracked his way out of his own ribcage, and, without meaning to, amplified and feasted on Player!Grian's agony and terror as he died. With their memory codes finally disconnected, Grian had to watch himself through the eyes of a stranger as his terrified consciousness dissolved and his body fell apart into nothing more than loose strings of code.
Only then, still weak and flailing and helpless, was he was brought into the colony proper, in order to teach him how to be a Watcher. It wouldnt be for another few years before Grian gained the strength, control, and insight required to make his desperate escape. In total, i wanna say he spent somewhere between.... 4-6 years??? with the colony against his will. It would take another 4 for him to finally scrape together the courage to contact Mumbo and finally ask him for an invite into the Hermitcraft proper
One of these days i do plan to write that reunion, actually, which i'll add to the series as another prequel just like all the words that i forgot to say, which takes place roughly 6-8 months after Grian finally joins Hermitcraft. And if yall want to read an absolutely fantastic fic that deals with the moment Watcher!Grian was born and Player!Grian died, you should absolutely check out my friend @raichett 's fic Divergency, which ive pretty much canonized bc it REALLY hits the nail on the head for that situation.
Okay this got a lot longer than i meant it to sidhskdjej also those timeframes are a little squiggly bc i havent fully settled on where they fall on the general timeline. I wanna say Grian had been a Watcher for abt a decade by the time Mumbo got him onto Hermitcraft, though, so thats the loose timeline im working off of when i talk abt this :] anyway thanks for giving me an excuse to write this all out!!! while your idea about the bedrock isnt necessarily canon, i absolutely ADORE it and can totally see Grian just tearing up his hands while scrabbling against the world border.... utterly heartbreaking we fucking LOVE to see it. Thanks for sending in your ask!!! I always love seeing what you have to say about hunger au!!! :DDD
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secondary-colorentimy · 9 months
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going a little farther into the shatterverse: no place Riddle ! x3 (captain rosehearts as ive been calling him) i will draw his pirate crew laterrrr xP
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Their first kiss goes a little bit differently.
[ Movie heights. ]
• • • • • •
"You're as thick as it gets."
Alex knew Henry was upset. He knew it the instant he turned around in the storm of confetti and saw the look on his face. He would have thought Henry was about to be sick, if he hadn't been grinning like the sun just 2.1 seconds ago. Alex knew it in the way Henry pivoted into the crowd to get out of the tent. He knew it as he followed footprints in the snow to the slope of the linden tree, where the branches created a broad umbrella. Thankfully, Alex didn't need to look any further.
And okay, Alex is drunk. Maybe insensitive. He wants to go back to that instant right before midnight, the final seconds of last year, when Henry was beside him, smiling bigger than Alex had ever seen, swaying stiffly because the silly Englishman didn't know how to cut loose...
Alex knew Henry was upset. But he didn't know just how much until he stormed down to him on the little hill of the tree, and narrowed in 2.1 centimeters from Alex's face. Zero, in fact, as Henry gripped Alex's head and captured his lips.
Alex is in no way prepared for how soft Henry's lips are. Nothing has silenced his overactive brain like this before. It tries to catch up and fumbles, wondering if this is some sort of joke but also Henry never jokes like this -
Their mouths open. Their heads tilt in harmony and they slot together like they never left. Alex feels the tip of Henry's tongue on the seam of his lips, and then he's sliding into Alex's mouth. And Alex's jaw is going slack, letting him in. This is like...like smelling food and realizing he's hungry. Realizing he's been ravenous for a long time.
Alex's hands found Henry's waist and swooped around to hold his floating ribs. Henry shuddered and reared back, eyes unfocused while alarm swam in the intoxicated pools.
"I'm. Sorry," he stammered, and Alex could see, one by one, as thoughts and recoil began to slam through Henry's brain. His hands started to fall away from Alex as his eyes diverted to see his way out, to hide from Alex who stood way too close for hiding distance.
Henry begins sliding out of his hands, when Alex tightens his hold. Henry's eyes dart up, mouth on autopilot as he repeated, "I'm sorry."
"I'm not," Alex breathed, and pressed his thumb into the knot of that silly copper tie, holding Henry in position as he claimed his mouth again.
A weak little moan escaped Henry, and Alex was lost, burying that sound into his dreams and chasing for more. Henry took a moment to feel Alex's sincerity, but when he did, his hands raked into Alex's hair. The tingles across his scalp and nape combined with the blunt intimacy of having fingers in his hair and a moan of his own flew right out of his chest as he broke the kiss long enough to turn his head for another. He briefly saw the effect of his voice on Henry, whose brows tilted together in agony, like he would die if Alex didn't keep kissing him.
Alex stepped up the slope, regaining the precious inch he had on the golden boy and being rewarded for it by Henry's hands tugging him ever closer. Like he wanted Alex inside his suit with him, inside his veins.
Their bodies rocked together until Henry's arms slid firmly around Alex's shoulders, holding on as the latter walked them back towards the tree. An exclamation blurted out of Henry when his derriere landed on the arm of a low branch. The surprise opened his legs and Alex stepped between them, hands slipping underneath Henry's suit jacket. One of Henry's hands grasped Alex's lapel, only to splay across the fabric of his shirt over his chest.
Alex had already been hanging heavily between his legs but as his erection began to kick to standing, it moved along Henry's thigh and groin. That hand slipped down Alex's torso as Henry gasped for air--"Oh, fuck,"--and looked vaguely down to follow the sensation between them. That hand moved around Alex's waist, pulling him right against Henry as a leg hooked behind Alex's knee.
Which was good, because at this point, Alex had no idea how to proceed. His brain, or lack thereof, wanted to rut between Henry's legs like a feral teenager, but dry-humping seemed a bit beneath one of Henry's stock...right?
Henry's panting breath was hot on his face, making Alex completely forget that it was, in fact, snowing. Alex's body needed more of him, and as much as he wanted to be some sort of Casanova with better tact, Alex's hips rocked against Henry's pelvis.
Good news: Henry was not above dry-humping.
Less good news: the effect of him gazing at Alex with low lashes, chest heaving, as his hands found the hillocks of his ass to encourage more, fried Alex's brain beyond all reckoning.
He plundered Henry's mouth, more teeth than lips sometimes and Henry took it all. Alex felt Henry's erection and had never wanted something more in his life. He wanted to see it, to feel it on his bare skin, maybe even taste it -
Henry ripped a moan right out of him when he gripped Alex by the hair and drew him down to his throat. Alex was more than happy to kiss, suck, and bite that neck, only regretting not getting the tie and buttons open first.
Alex didn't know if Henry was even aware he was talking, but he heard Henry exhale, "Alex-ah! I want this. Hahh...I want you to remember me. I want to still taste you tomorrow."
Henry's pelvis was trembling. The reality that Alex was making him cum gave him the biggest power trip and the most humbling desire for servitude, he couldn't think. He could only press his forehead to Henry's and watch, trying to keep his own eyes open as Henry's wrecked face and blissful voice ripped his own orgasm from his control.
One might think post-nut clarity would lend some assistance here, but as they panted in each other's faces, and Alex's lips began to drag along Henry's hairline, he decided, "My room. I want to do this all over again."
"Aren't you the host?" Henry blinked at him. Alex understood his meaning: Aren't you supposed to go back to the party?
"My room," he repeated. "Now."
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abyssalmermaiden · 3 months
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me: I'm not gonna do pirate AU
*remembers Aryaille can be a mermaid-*
me: guess I'm joining the pirate AU
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yloiseconeillants · 3 months
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so! backstory: foreign doctor runs local clinic which in addition to providing No Questions Asked care also is a convenient front for the production of narcotics. her wife, an ambitious naval officer, can only turn a blind eye for so long
shenanigans ensue
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verysmallcyborg · 13 days
A3 and B3 for pirate fornax!!!
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[size difference poses]
completed poses: A1
(ft. @oneiroy's ryssrael)
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butterflyscribbles · 5 months
Hello! I wanna make fanart of Donnie and Jeremy, but I have a few questions cause I don't know the show well nor the movie. How old are they, and do they go to high school or college in your AU? (I'm new to the Tumblr scene too so I hope it isn't a hassle ;3;-)
No hassle at all! Welcome!:)
So Donnie is 14 at the start of the show and 16 by the movie and I guess I sorta pictured Jeremy about a year older than him. While Jeremy goes to high school in canon and eventually college in my AU, I feel like post movie he helps Donnie slip into a few college courses or at the very least they study together.
They’ll go on late night walks through campus with Donnie bundled up (though he was able to slip into the high school with just a hoodie on so I feel like college would be even more chill no one notices or looks into the fact that the student at the front of the cafe line is green and scaly lol chalk that up to being sleep deprived).
Hope that helps and I def recommend checking out the show/movie!!! They’re so good!!!!💜
(Jeremy and Don barely interact so don’t be disappointed this is me simply projecting the potential to be nerdy bfs onto them😈✨)
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xoxoladyaz · 1 year
Listen, I've devoured all of the Dom Eddie/Sub Steve fics I've been able to find, and I do it happily. However, I'd personally love to see more Dom Steve and Sub Eddie.
Because Eddie might be a showman, he might like having everyone's eyes on him, he might like being in control of the games he DMs, but deep, deep down he's still the scared little boy that first ended up at Wayne's trailer. The little boy who heard everyone around him call him a "freak" and a whole host of other terrible things. And don't get him wrong, he loves all of his quirks that make him stand out from the crowd, but there's still a deep hurt within. A hurt that says he's too much, that he's always going to be too much, that everyone will only ever see the show he puts on and not the Eddie that he is, deep down.
Enter Steve Harrington, the once-jock-Prom-King-turned-blue-collar-working-single-mother. Steve Harrington, who has a whole lot of love to give to everyone around him. Steve Harrington, who looks at Eddie, sees the Dungeon Master/leading man that everyone else does, and is able to look right past it. A Steve Harrington who brings extra water to game nights, because Eddie's throat always gets sore and he always forgets to pack enough water. A Steve Harrington who always makes sure to order Eddie's favorite pizza, even when the rest of the kids whine and complain about having to pick pineapple off of their slices. A Steve Harrington who wraps Eddie up like a burrito in his coziest blanket when they watch scary movies, and who runs his fingers through Eddie's hair when Eddie starts to get too stressed.
When they finally get together - once Steve is sure that Eddie is, in fact, like him in his preferences - Steve pulls out all the stops. Dates out and dates in. Flowers every time he picks him up. Chocolate and other candies when Eddie's having a bad day. Stopping by the mechanic's shop with a homemade lunch just because he had the time and he missed Eddie's face.
And when they make it to the bedroom, Eddie's pretty certain that he knows what he wants; to be the one in charge, to put on a show.
But then Steve takes Eddie's shirt off of him and kisses his shoulders and calls him pretty and Eddie? Eddie just melts.
Because he's not the Freak here. He's never been The Freak, not to Steve. To Steve, he's the smartest, funniest, sexiest, prettiest, just all around best boy in the entire world. And it just feels right to sink into Steve's love; to let Steve press kisses all over his scarred body, to relish in the way his hands run all over Eddie's skin, to whimper in response to the constant stream of praise rushing forth from Steve's lips - so sweet, so beautiful, so perfect Eddie, my Eddie, my baby, my sweet boy, my darling precious boy -
His orgasm hits him like a freight train, and the feeling of Steve's release on his thighs shortly after feels like benediction.
And Steve? Steve is giddy. Steve is drunk with happiness because Eddie isn't like Nancy Wheeler. Eddie never says enough. Eddie basks in all of Steve's love and asks for more, every single time. And Steve would be Vecna's second-in-command before he'd ever stop giving it to him.
So, yeah. Eddie's maybe a submissive. But it never feels scary, because all he has to do is look at Steve and he sees the way Steve looks back, so open and warm and happy and loving and Eddie knows he can trust him to be the soft, squishy version of himself that's buried underneath all the layers. He can trust Steve with everything - with his submission, with his heart, with himself. And he can't wait to spend the rest of his days taking care of Steve too.
(And while he may be Steve's good boy most of the time, he likes to be a bit of a brat once in a while because hey, he's also a bit of a showman at heart.
Good boy or brat, Steve wouldn't have him any other way.)
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AU where at the end of highschool Steve has just realized he's trans and starts working at scoops. In the bathroom scene Robin is the one to confess her crush and that she's a lesbian and Steve has to be like "there's something about me you should know. I'm actually a man." Robin's crush evaporates pretty quickly and they help each other on their queer journeys and are the platonic soulmates we know and love.
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steviesbicrisis · 2 years
No okay but imagine Eddie going absolutely insane because of Steve and Robin.
He goes to Scoops Ahoy one day, checks out the male worker on a embarrassing sailor outfit, gets a weird look from the other female worker and then gets out with his ice cream, not thinking anything of it.
A while later, he decides to rent a movie and weirdly the duo working behind the counter looks a lot like the ice cream shop one. Eddie just shrugs, winks at the cute guy and takes his movie home.
Then he plans an arcade hang out with his friends a week later, and shit it’s them again. It has to be. The cute guy is checking one of the games while the weird girl is giving coins to a bunch of kids.
How many jobs can you possibly juggle through your day?
Eddie refuses to believe it’s the same people every time, so he stares at them shamelessly during his stay and he can confidently say the blushing face of the guy and the confused and annoyed one of the girl are forever stamped in his head.
So when, two weeks after, he sees them at the new record store in town, he knows it’s them. For sure. But how? why? he wonders as he awkwardly moves between the aisles. He dares to look up and Weird Girl is staring at him with a smirk on her face. Eddie blinks. What the fuck. Are they fucking with him?
He shakes his head as he heads out, who would change jobs constantly just to fuck with a random stranger?
Even tho it seems unlikely, he decides to hit up places where the employees have not changed in the past ten years. Just to be safe.
The plan seems to work, he doesn’t spot the duo anywhere for a few weeks and he almost forgets about the whole thing.
Then a new movie with Harrison Ford comes out and like, he has see it.
As he opens the movie theater door, his eyes fall on two very familiar faces. Too familiar.
Weird girl spots him as well, and she nudges at Cute Boy as she giggles.
Cute Boy smiles at him and opens his mouth as to say something, but Eddie is having none of it.
«That’s it! You won whatever the fuck is this shit -» he throws his arms up as he walks back to the door «I’m out! Fucking hell - If I ever see you working another job I SWEAR TO GOD I-» the rest is cut by the door closing behind him.
«I think we traumatized the poor guy.»
«At least now we know he’s not a stalker» Robin Shrugs «it would’ve been weird to have a crush for your stalker, dingus.»
Steve rolls his eyes but his ears are bright red «it’s our fault, we’ve changed jobs too many times.»
«There’s no rule against being fired constantly!»
«If we keep this up, they’ll make one just for us!»
«Oh shush! And listen, I’ve heard they’re hiring at this new store…»
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