#au info masterpost
chubs-deuce · 2 months
Is there any fanfic or lore on the Dawn Morningstar?
Hello! :D There is quite a lot actually!!!
I have yet to get my fanfic for her to the point of being post-able but there is an attempt being made :')))
I have however so far been gifted three(!!!) insanely adorable oneshots about her by others:
Something Unspoken by @shardetector
Scars by @/incantatrice-hex13 (didn't know if they want to be tagged, the fic itself is listed under Anonymous) this one I even made fanart for, here!
Fever by @hazbinstohell
Most of Dawn's "lore" thus far is spread across various ask responses I've written out over time or the occasional lore dump I posted alongside art, here's a list of everything noteworthy that came up so far:
The ritual that created Dawn
How the hotel residents reacted to Dawn and some extended thoughts about the ritual that created her
How Lucifer reacted to Dawn
Alastor as a father
Charlie as a mother
Dawn's relationships with the other hotel residents
Dawn changing her parents' sleeping arrangements
Dawn going full demon form for the first time
Dawn's safety and social struggles
Dawn's personality over time
potential emo/goth phase
would Dawn become an overlord - her personality as an adult
What about Charlie's and Vaggie's relationship in this AU
question of Vaggie's romantic partner since it's not Charlie
Why there won't be Husk x Angel Dust kids
Alastor's and Niffty's dynamic in the AU (or in general, but the question was asked regarding the AU so it still applies)
The jokingly concocted "Dawn's first boyfriend" arc
There's some more nuggets I dropped here and there as well but these were largely what was most worth mentioning.
Here's a brief summary of the remaining info nuggets I didn't bother linking so you don't have to open a million other posts:
Because Alastor sacrificed one of his shadow minions to create Dawn, it reforms as her own, sentient shadow. Normally this kind of bond has to be contracted via a deal, so this is rather extraordinary.
Charlie and Alastor aren't actually together yet when Dawn gets created, since she was kind of an accident. I don't know yet when they'll get together in the grand scheme of things, but I know they're going to be slowburn idiots about it.
Dawn's main weapon would probably be staff-based, since her mother's trident and her father's mic staff have that quality in common.
Dawn's magic is mostly fire-based and she can to a degree manipulate sound as well (i.e. mimicry, completely removing noise, boosting sound in volume selectively, manipulating pitch etc) but unlike her father, she cannot manipulate radiowaves.
She loves any and all animals with sharp teeth, most of all sharks - she's raised to despise Vox however and will try to harm him on sight
She had pica disorder as a child
I hope any of this this included the kind of info you wanted <3<3<3
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liamz-spacetrash · 3 months
KQ credits: @cleverperfectionstrawberry
Rogue Kinger and writing credits: @obamerzslop
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(Their finally done)
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linked-maze · 2 years
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»•» Comic «•« »•» Map «•« »•» Link Character sheet «•« »•» Link ref info «•« »•» Twili siblings ref «•« »•» Twili lore «•« »•» Twili trans «•« »•» Links scars 1 «•«»•» Links scars 2«•« »•» LM voices «•« 
»•» Discord server (must be 16+) «•« »•» WebToon «•« »•» Fours abilities explained «•« »•» healing magic «•« in progress »•» Fairy AU «•« in progress  »•» dark maze air «•« in progress howdy! the name is Frulle and im the creator of LinkedMaze. A Links meet Fancomic where heroes from different eras find themselves within a mysterious maze. trying to tackle surviving and the different types of enemies. Warning! Linked Maze is for more mature audiences due to scenes that may contain blood, sensitive opinions, violence, and partial nudity. 
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thesupernaturalhouse · 2 months
Hi!! You can call me Supernatural, I'm aroace and agender(please use she/they), feel free to send in any asks/questions(please I beg you-), about my au, me, my opinions, etc, you can also ask me to rp and here is my Ao3 and wattpad
This is an au/fanfic master post thingy, hope I did it right lol
Before that though, the link to the previous pinned post because I don't want to forget it....Rocky
Now!! Onto the aus!! Oldest to newest if course
Mama witch au: An au where Shelby empires smp s2, adopts child Oli, False, and Tortoise. Along the way, she meets Katherine, which opens her life to act more drama to say the least
Og post and fanfic
Brothers and sisters alike: Mystreet au where Ein and Aphmau are raised together! Plus I fix some things and add ships that are non-canon or were supposed to be canon
Og post
Hazbins Fallen au: A hazbin hotel au where Emily follows the exorcists through a portal one year, she sees the carnage and what happens to vaggie and she runs, getting stranded in hell...going back to the ally way she finds Charlie and Vaggie....things go from there
Og post (fanfic to be added)
Hawk Feather Exorcists au: An au inspired by a dove emily post I made a while back, where Adam and Lillith were made from dirt and Eve from Adam's ribs, the Exorcists are made form Hawk feathers! Giving them more bird traits and well, things spiral like there
Dove Emily post, our convo, Sunsets og post, lore summary by me
Accidental overlord vaggie au: Vaggie rescues a sinner who accuses her of rescuing them for their souls. She offers to teach them self defense so this doesn't happen again. This keeps happening, most demons saying they owe her a favor, giving her their souls until the favor is asked upon. She is unaware of all of this...until Alastor drags her ass to the meeting in ep3
Og post and snippets: 1, 2, to be added
Other random aus: serith au, the polycule vision do you see it??
More aus to come!! Lemme know if I missed any! I'm not sure if I did this right tbh, cause I've seen au posts having every single post linked and stuff, but I figured it's be fine if I just linked the og post and fanfic if there is any
Also, aside note, feel free to use any of my ideas and stuff, just idk. Give me a heads uo and send me the link when you're done so I can read it! Oh, an ofc mention my tumblr XD
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crossroadsofchaos · 22 days
Retired Leaders AU Info Masterpost
Figured I'd compile basic info about this AU into one big post.
It's a "Good Uncle" kind of AU, where Belos is a better person. He actually tried to unite the realms, because he believed it would be beneficial for both, but it was doomed from the start and went horribly wrong. He has publicly admitted to and apologized for his wrongdoings and resigned from his position, and the Coven System was abolished. His family occupied leadership positions within his Coven and also left those roles behind, hence the AU's title.
I refer to the family as the Wolf Fam. It consists of Belos, Steven, Hunter and Kiki, along with their palismen. They all live together in a newly built house.
This isn't a list of all characters that exist, just the Wolf Fam and a handful of others, mostly OCs.
Belos Wittebane (he/him; mid 410s): Former Lord of the Boiling Isles; now a palisman carver; husband of Steven.
Steven Bellamy (he/him; 53 y/o): Husband of Belos; former Head of the Lord's Coven; now a P.E. teacher at Hexside.
Hunter Wittebane (he/him; 17 y/o): Nephew of Belos, raised by him and Steven; former Golden Guard; now mainly focused on pursuing his interest in engineering and tech.
Kikimora Volk (she/her; mid 20s): A sort of adopted daughter to Belos and Steven and adopted sister to Hunter; former Secretary; now works at a history museum.
Crescent (they/them): A floating snow leopard palisman belonging to Belos.
Ash (he/him, they/them): A dark gray wolf palisman belonging to Steven.
Waffles (she/her, they/them): A winged red wolf palisman belonging to Hunter.
Grusha (she/her): A spotted hyena palisman belonging to Kiki.
Jasper Tholomule (he/him; 44 y/o): Younger half-brother of Steven; father of Matt; husband of Cass.
Cassidy "Cass" Tholomule (they/them, she/her; 44 y/o): Spouse of Jasper; stepparent of Matt.
Matthew "Matt" Tholomule (he/him; 13 y/o): Biological son of Jasper and stepson of Cass; nephew of Steven.
Leslie Bellamy (she/her; 80s): Mother of Steven and Jasper; grandmother of Matt; wife of Opal.
Opal Bellamy (she/her; 80s): Wife of Leslie; stepmother of Steven and biological mother of Jasper; grandmother of Matt.
Ren Kanemaru (they/them; 53 y/o): Steven's childhood friend; former scout.
Valerie "Val" Durand (she/her; 54 y/o): Best friend of Steven and Ren, who they met after joining the Lord's Coven; former scout.
Petra Barany (she/her; mid 20s): Best friend and former assistant of Kiki.
That's about enough I think, I won't be including the rest here. One thing to note is that the Collector doesn't exist in this version.
And you may have also noticed that "Steve" is a little different. I created this version back when we only had one scene with Steve and had no idea he was going to get a face reveal and more canon info, and I just chose not to change the name after that happened. So Steve technically exists, but it's not canon Steve. They do have some similarities though.
Back in the 1600s, Philip did not kill Caleb, and reluctantly gave the Boiling Isles a chance. Though resisting it at every turn, he ultimately fell in love with it. He developed the belief that uniting the two realms would be beneficial for both, combining the less dangerous climate of Earth with the more open and progressive culture of the Isles. After Caleb died in an accident during the search for one of the ingredients for the portal door, Philip only became more committed to the idea.
He began to do extensive research into magic, digging for as much information as he could find, which included looking into lost and forbidden magic. The latter is how he discovered both Grimwalkers and a way to extend one's life by consuming palismen. As he formed a coherent plan for how to enact his goal, he began trying out his messaging on small groups of witches to see what works, as well as testing out Coven sigils on the earliest ones until they worked as intended. He also took the name Belos and began to wear a mask.
Slightly over 50 years ago he took power as the Lord of the Boiling Isles, becoming the chief religious figure and a sort of constitutional monarch, with his fourth Grimwalker nephew, Anthony, by his side as the Golden Guard. There was an elected government responsible for things like deciding on budgets and passing legislation unrelated to the Coven System, however Belos had ultimate authority and could override any decision. He largely stayed out of their affairs unless he thought what they were doing would undermine his ultimate goal.
However, his plan to unite the realms was doomed from the start. When he attempted to do it on the Day of Unity, it went horribly wrong and shattered his hopes. The Unification Spell didn't work and was simply draining people of magic. It ended abruptly once Belos's staff, through which the spell was channeled, exploded. He, Hunter and the Hexsquad barely escaped the blast by leaving through the portal door. They ended up stuck in the Human Realm for a time, before finding the same way back as they did in canon.
Belos publicly admitted that he had lied about speaking to the Titan, and that the plan to unite the realms was his own doomed idea. He apologized and resigned, with Steven, Hunter and Kiki following him. The Coven System was abolished, and the Isles became more of an actual democracy, without a single individual with ultimate authority being able to override the decisions of the elected government, which also became more transparent.
Belos helped with restoration efforts where damage had been caused on the Day of Unity, and he later took up palisman carving and caring for palismen in general to make up for consuming them to extend his own life. He also released many palismen souls that were previously trapped inside him, and is now aging at a more regular pace. Though some remain, in part because they have fused with his curse - he was cursed long ago, in a similar way to Eda, and his curse is a wolfcat. Both conditions have physically affected him, giving him scars, catlike pupils, sharp fangs, ability to purr, and making him much bigger than he was originally.
spirituality on the Isles
Belos didn't invent a religion from scratch, but rather built on and expanded - or, to put it more harshly, exploited - already existing spiritual beliefs related to the Titan in order to achieve his goal of uniting the realms.
Before Belos, the Titan was rarely (if ever) viewed as a higher authority who, through messengers, gave witches rules to live by. He was mainly seen and respected as the origin of the Isles and all life on it. People thanked him for their existence, their magic, their harvests, etc. and payed tribute to him, but that was largely it. The prevalence of spirituality/religion has gone down over time.
Belos's rise to power with the claim of him being "the Titan's messenger" caused a resurgence of spirituality/religiosity, with him being seen as the authority on the matter by his followers. It has declined again once it was revealed that he hadn't actually spoken to the Titan.
They were in frequent use by ancient witches, in part due to them having weaker natural magic and having to rely more on magical tools than modern witches. Over time, they fell out of common use and were limited to specific spiritual/religious rituals, and then only became more rare over time.
Disabled witches who had weak or no natural magic would simply rely on their staffs, due to which they wouldn't rediscover glyphs out of necessity. On top of that, when knowledge of glyphs was still more common, it may have been taboo to use them for non-spiritual/religious purposes.
There have been a number of different Coven systems throughout history. Some Covens were based around familial ties, some were based around what kinds of magic people specialized in, some were simply regional, etc. Though sigils had not been used before, and it was possible to move between Covens, with the level of difficulty depending on the type of Covens in question. Whether it was legal to be Covenless may have varied as well, with it being illegal in some places at some points in time. When Belos rose to power, he chose to use the specialization-based model of Covens to sort people into.
With Belos's system gone, the concept of Covens wasn't completely abandoned, but rather became non-official and based on voluntary participation, as opposed to a legally mandated system that also restricted what types of magic people could use.
the structure of Belos's government
As mentioned previously, it was a sort of constitutional monarchy. Belos was the Lord of the Boiling Isles, it's main religious figure and ultimate authority, but there was an elected government, responsible for things like budgets and passing legislation. Belos could override any decision they made.
The Head Witches of the main nine Covens were originally appointed by Belos alone, but after Terra turned out to be a disastrous choice and had to be pushed out, he handed the appointment process over to the elected government, and would now simply confirm or deny their appointments. Those officials could be bribed, though, to appoint someone who shouldn't necessarily hold a position of power, like Adrian. Belos tried to keep an eye on such issues - or more so tasked others with doing so, but some still slipped through.
The Lord's Coven was a separate branch of government, entirely under Belos's control, though he tended to be somewhat reclusive, so day-to-day coordination and such was largely handled by other high-ranking members of the Coven.
The top leadership originally consisted of three positions: the Lord (Belos), the Secretary (first Winston, later Kiki) and the Golden Guard (first Anthony, later Hunter). The third position was later split into two, the Golden Guard and the Head of the Lord's Coven (first Lilith, later Steven), with the latter taking on some of the former's responsibilities, which allowed Belos to keep Hunter in the castle more for his safety.
The Lord's Coven was the Isles' military, and they performed other tasks and missions for Belos as well, such as finding abandoned palismen for him to consume as "medicine" - something he agreed was unfortunate, and claimed he was looking for an alternative to - and searching for Titan's Blood. Regular law enforcement was typically done by members of other Covens, though some scouts, mostly newer ones, could get the assignment. Usually, experienced scouts were only brought in for emergencies, or to deal with particularly powerful criminals.
the basilisks
The basilisks were not tortured and were generally treated better than in canon, but they were made to do things they didn't like, and were still kept in captivity, in part out of concern that they'd start attacking people if released out in the wild, and they were unhappy with their lives, so they still escaped.
The basilisk that attacked the schools in season 1 had always had behavior problems, possibly a combination of being the earliest and thus least correctly created, as well as being mishandled by those responsible for their care. They have since been treated, and are no longer dangerous.
Vee had complicated feelings about Belos, but was not terrified of him when she saw him in the Human Realm, especially once he made it clear he had no intention of forcing her to return to captivity.
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fallenstarsgc · 9 months
Hihi!! This is a blog dedicated to (mostly) the Fallen Stars, 2019-2021 Version!
This is kinda like an FAQ thing, tho I take it more as "For (almost) All Questions" than "Frequently..."
Asks are open!
Warnings are at the bottom of the post, before the "About the Admin", sorry!
I use mostly what I have from the Gacha community from back then as inspiration/goals for them/etc, tho they have a bit more character than just "emo uwu baby" or the like! I still place a lot of their characters into the old tropes.
This also means they don't follow the truly canon characters! A lot of it is made up and fanonised!
Another factor into this is that I also cannot find a lot of canon information to ALL these characters in the time span that I'd still be motivated to even do this, as it takes a lot of time. So it's headcanons and fanon mixed!
There are two Chara's and Frisk's in this team, one pair are adults and dating Sans (19 y/os) + she/her pronouns, the other pair is small Frisk and Ghost!Chara who both use they/them! Also I mix a lot of the ideas people have/had for both Star Sanses and Fallen Stars, this meaning the team'll end up pretty big!
This is like found family trope but instead of them just having a "family type" they're also dating kinda! Like a really big poly but unknowingly from some sides! They're confused but they got the spirit!
Small Character introductions here!
Shattered/Dream; a kind-hearted spirit and prior Positive Guardian that has fallen due to his brothers hatred towards him, and several other factors. No one besides the team knows he is corrupted. (he/him)
Ink; after his friends' disappearance and other friends' crash in the antivoid, his vials had been taken away. Occasionally at Error's for fights or "fights" still (he/they)
Blueberror; prior Swap, after being (more or less) forced to stay in the antivoid for just too long he has glitched out and became this version. Mocks Error often and has taken on a slight parental role, just more strict and rude. (he/him)
Unlust/Cher; used to be Lust, but after Events in his au and with Red, an underfell sans, she stepped up for themself and went with Yanberry into the Fallen Stars. His LV has changed her body drastically. She's also the tallest. (any pronouns)
Yanberry; named Blueberry prior to seeing his brother killed in front of her by his Chara. After the reset, he had somehow kept his memory, making him go mad and kill almost everyone in her AU. Shattered had found him and brought him into the Team while he was stalking Dust. (he/him w occasional she/her)
Frisk; since she is now an adult, she is casually dating Sans and Chara. Often goes onto "missions" with the team. She's more or less of a hypocrite and a bit mean, tho she tries to be nice still. Will attack you if you try and hurt Sans. (she/her)
Chara; since she is now an adult, she also started casually dating Sans and Frisk. She feels bad for what happened, and the yellow flowers blooming on her head are a constant reminder of her wrong-doings. (she/her)
Little Frisk/Fry; they're a little sweetheart! But they're also dangerous. Don't step on the bugs they'll kill you for harming their friends :( (they/them)
Ghost!Chara/Charm; they're nice, but also like your intrusive thoughts. And they don't leave Fry alone ever. Also their crush is chocolate fyi (they/them)
Cor!Classic; not a lot is known about him. all we know is he's LV20 and dangerous. (he/him)
Honorable Character mentions:
Sci (neutral ground), Outer (occasionally drops by), Core (had no true choice), Ghost!Dream (from another dimension)
The Bad-Now-Good Guys:
Nightmare; Usually really mean and rude, but is also the only one allowed to hurt Dream. Could possibly corrupt back but doesn't due to fear, most likely.
Killer; more of a malevolent person to the Stars. Knows Cross's dirty little secret but keeps shut about it so he stays still about his own. Nightmare's right hand
Horror; Usually stays at Farm's place, but is also still more than not in the castle, usually by Murder's side. Keeps out of missions a lot but is pretty brutal when it comes to it.
Dust; A somewhat nicer version of Murder. Unaware of Yanberry's stalking&yandere behaviour towards him.
Murder; Stays with Horror a lot. His face is just gone and it unnerves Yan. Just as brutal as Horror and Killer, with LV20.
Cross; Stayed by Nightmare due to not wanting to come over as a traitor. However he is a traitor by simply dating/loving Dream. Keeps undercover.
Honorable Character mentions:
Error (doesn't care a lot), Farm (kind, neutral side character), Color (tries salvaging Killer, it doesn't work)
Please stay kind for all of this! I'm still learning how to do blogs such as these.
I might end up drawing human version instead of skeletons, and this doesn't really have a lot of big meaning, I just felt like drawing humans that day XD
Dust and Murder are two seperate Dust's/Murder's to me. This is why Yanberry can stalk Dust while Murder will be left untouched by this.
This account will mostly run off asks, so sending them in, no matter what they may be, is appreciated!
Also if there's text instead of a drawing to an ask, then that day I wanted to reply but could not find the energy to draw one! It's not because I favour anyone, I just have changing energy/motivation.
Updates can vary, due to me not having my computer and tablet with me 24/7
Possible triggers/warnings/might mention: self-harm/sh, past abuse, yandere behaviour, genocide routes (UT-way), death
(more to be added)
About the Admin!
↳ Orange ; they/them ; main - @orange-dreamzer
(always updating) Videos from that time range:
How Bad Sanses found out... - Link
Bad Guys react + Passive... - Link
Bad Sans Meet... - Link
Bad Sans react... - Link
Fallen Stars meet Bad Sans - Link
Singing Battle(s) - Links one ,
Other memes: Lambada , Stars+Fallen , Angry Too ,
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screwzara · 1 year
About Me
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Alias(es): Myst, Maruu, Zara, Chasm, Fera, Heikha, Zamar, Mon, Cimii, Chay, Scry [Most Used Alias]
Nickname(s):.... Joey, Duckling, Tadpole, Screw(you'll know who gave me that nickname if you read the comments before), Zar,
Gender/Pronouns: She/Her
Q/A Links:
OC/Creator Questions(?)
What Color Am I? #1
What Colour Am I? #2
Outfit Meme Request #1
Outfit Meme Request #2
Yes pls :)
The Squad Meme Request
Why Do You Follow Me?
Color Wheel Challenge
Assumption Asks!
AvA Ask Game
Anonymous Assumption Game
✨ Cool ✨ Colour Ask Game
What's my Art Trademark?
Anonymous PDA Meme Asks
Curious Asks
Uncommon Questions for OCs
Emotions Chart - Credit to @/goofybeatrix
If It's Ok To....
Ask me my Top 5 ______
Weirdly Specific Artist Ask Game
A s k g a m e !
Evil Art Style Challenge
Character Development Questions: Hard Mode
Buddies from Tumblr:
Close Friend(s) [IRL]:
Incorrect Quotes Masterpost:
Stand In[First of Many]
Reminder List
→ Art Tips
→ Collaborative Writing Tool
→ Magma Board
→ OC in A Zombie Apocalypse
→ Kiss Challenge Template
→ Anti AI
→ More Anti AI Shit
→ Colour Checking Tool(s) For Wider Accessibilty
And makeshift Masterpost for the AUs I have made so far(in chronological order):
Virabot Malfunction AU - Animation vs Animator AU [HIATUS]
Gympie Filled Cauldrons AU - Cookie Run Kingdom AU [HIATUS]
Long Distance Friendship AU - Ejen Ali x Boboiboy Crossover AU [HIATUS]
[Unnamed At The Moment] - Epic Mickey AU [HIATUS]
Absence AU - Mechamato x Boboiboy AU AKA Power Sphere Universe AU [HIATUS]
Chasm Of The South AU - Postknight 2 AU centered around my player character [HIATUS]
Visit For a Month AU - a wholesome Gacha friends/peeps centered AU, will make an appropriate Masterlist when i have time [HIATUS]
Forgetful Purity AU - JSAB AU [HIATUS]
Blind Strike AU - Cuphead AU [HIATUS] -- Ask Blog: @blind-strike-au -- Link
Not Exactly A Hero AU(Temporary Masterpost) - Not Exactly A Hero Visual Novel [HIATUS]
Impairment AU - Riggy AU [HIATUS]
Celestial Reign AU - Gacha AU [HIATUS]
Determined & Just AU - Undertale × Undertale Yellow AU [ON GOING] -- Ask Blog: @determined-n-just-au -- Link
Socials Links: Here
Original Story Masterpost: [Pending]
OC Masterlist: Here
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dragon-tamer-1 · 1 year
Flighteningverse Week 2023
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Here we go! It takes place on April 3rd-9th!
Here's the days in case you can't read what's on the image:
Day 1: Free Day
Day 2: Swap/Zero Gravity
Day 3: Friends/Lonely
Day 4: Storm/Rainbow
Day 5: Changes/Routine
Day 6: Old Friends/New Friends
Day 7: Dream/Reality
You can pick one of the two, or, if you're particularly motivated, both. But you don't have to pick both, so it's up to you which ones you do. But regardless, just have fun with it. If you need a refresher on Flighteningverse, you can find everything on it linked in my masterpost.
Don't forget to tag me and use the tag #Flighteningverse Week 2023 so it's easy to find! I look forward to seeing what you guys come up with!
Tagging @bluepallilworld @zu-is-here
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matrix-fnaf-roleplay · 2 months
M@tr!x's FNAF ask blog
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The purpose of this blog is to help me build up my AU a bit more
This is a blog where I talk about my FNAF AU and roleplay as literally any FNAF character! ^^
Asks are Always open, anons welcome!
Each color corresponds to the character speaking, text and/or two emojis will also be added at the end of each text to help you see who's talking
(favorite characters to RP as: ennard, Cassidy, Abby, and Michael)
Human Characters-
William afton- 🐰🔪
Michael afton- 🍇🧟‍♂️ (past is 🦊🤘)
C.C./B.V.- 🧸🔦
Elizabeth Afton- 🍦🎀
Henry Emily- 🔧🐻
Charlie Emily- 🎭🪀
Mike Schmidt- 💤💊
Abby Schmidt- 🖍️♥️
Garret Schmidt- 👻🚘
Gregory- ⚡📦
Cassie- 🐺🔧
Cassidy- 🪦💛
Fritz- 🪦🦊
Gabriel- 🪦🐻
Susie- 🪦🐥
Jeremy- 🪦🐰
Jeremy fitzgerald- 🧠🤘
Vanessa- 🔦🔪
Phone guy- ☎️📰
Phone dude- 📞📼
Freddy- 🐻🎩
Bonnie- 🐰🎸
Chica- 🐥🧁
Foxy- 🏴‍☠️🦊
W. Freddy- ⚙️🐻
W. Bonnie- ⚙️🐰
W. Chica- ⚙️🐥
W. Foxy- ⚙️🦊
T. Freddy- 🪀🐻
T. Bonnie- 🪀🐰
T. Chica- 🪀🐥
Mangle- 💔🦊
Puppet- 💧🎭
Balloon boy- 🎈🎉
•Phantoms + springtrap
P. Freddy- 👻🐻
P. Chica- 👻🐥
P. Foxy- 👻🦊
P. Balloon boy- 👻🪀
P. Puppet- 👻🎭
Springtrap- 🫀🐰
Fredbear- 🗝️🐻
Springbonnie- 🗝️🐰
N. Freddy- 💭🐻
N. Bonnie- 💭🐰
N. Chica- 💭🐥
N. Foxy- 💭🦊
Nightmare fredbear- 🧸💭
Nightmare- 👹🐻
Nightmarionette- 🎭💭
Jack-o-chica- 🎃🐥
Jack-o-bonnie- 🎃🐰
Ignited foxy- 🔥🦊
Funtime freddy- 🐻🎉
Funtime foxy- 🦊🎉
Ballora- 🩰🎉
Circus baby- 🤡🎉
Bon-bon- 🐰🎉
Bonnette- 🐰🎀
Yenndo- 🔌🐻
Lolbit- 🦊📺
Hand unit- 🖥️🎉
Ennard- 🍹🎉
•Rockstars + others
R. freddy- ⭐🐻
R. Bonnie- ⭐🐰
R. Chica- ⭐🐥
R. Foxy- ⭐🦊
Security puppet- ⭐🎭
Mr. Hippo- 🦛⭐
Orville elephant- 🐘🪄
Happy frog- 🐸⭐
Pig patch- 🐷⭐
Neddbear- 🐻🤪
El Chip- 🦫🌮
Funtime chica- 🐥📸
Music man- 🕷️🎧
Helpy- 🧸📜
Scrapbaby- 🛼🤡
Scraptrap- 🗑️🐰
Molten freddy- 🍝🐻
Lefty- 🐻🎭
Glamrock freddy- 🐻⚡
Glamrock bonnie- 🐰⚡
Glamrock chica- 🐥⚡
Roxanne wolf- 🐺⚡
Montgomery Gator- 🐊⚡
Sun- 🃏☀️
Moon- 🌙🃏
Golden freddy- 💀🐻
Old man consequences- 🐊🎣
Vanny- 🐰🔦
Burntrap- 🔥⚡
Glitchtrap- 🐰🎮
Mimic- 🤖🔌
Shadow Bonnie- 🌑🐰
Shadow freddy- 🌑🐻
Eclipse- 🌙☀️
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moontale-official · 2 years
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With a whole six years behind their original conception, I’m surprised that I’ve never taken much time to give anyone a way to know more about my most deeply loved character. I’ve given a lot of love and attention to Ivis, and want to take the opportunity of their sixth birthday to properly share a piece of the result with the rest of you.
 I plan to update this master-post as time goes on, but as of now I want to give enough information for people to have a firm grasp on who Ivis is.  
Name: Ivis (occasionally called their flower name: Lotus)
Age: Mid 20′s (25 in the time of the IVIS comic)
Height: 6′5″ (200cm) Weight: 270lbs (122kg)
Species/Race: Skeleton Monster / East Asian (Primarily Japanese)
Gender: Trans-Femme (she/they)
Alignment: Lawful Neutral
Class/Job: Upper Class / Samurai / Guard 
Appearance: See their latest reference here
In spite of their powerful frame (they can crush rocks with their fist), Ivis bears a timid soul prone to heavy bouts of emotion. When not strictly on the job, they are as gentle and polite as they can manage, but their disability -along with mountains of anxiety- causes them to be more socially inept and come off as unintentionally rude. Aside from this, they do their best to keep themselves composed, taking high priority in the health and cleanliness of not only themselves but the area they occupy. 
See the above character sheet for more details on their personality.
Ivis grew up in a comfortable upper-class life just outside of the town of Snowdin, completely unaware of having replaced another skeleton who lived in the timelines prior. They we’re mainly homeschooled with the private tutors their wealthy doctor of a father could provide, training most of their life to live up to their dad’s expectations of them becoming a highly valued member of the Emperor’s guard (the most respected of which having secured human souls for their ruler). 
Not long after Ivis’ coming of age, their father began to show concern over their physical development (not unhealthy, but quite lacking for their intended career path). The attempt to solve such an issue resulted in an accident that made headlines-- along with Wingdings, head of the royal scientific branch, dead. The death of their one remaining parent submerged Ivis in a crippling depression, one that took their younger brother Papyrus to step up in Wing’s place to keep both their heads above the water: for better or for worse. 
For a category that encompasses any tidbit pieces of information I feel that I should share. Likely will get the most edits and additions in the future. 
- I wanted to make an FAQ for this but until more questions arise I will put this here:
Ivis is NOT a Sans.
Despite taking his place, Ivis is her own character. 
- I don’t mention the cat much but Ivis does have a Japanese Bobtail kitty by the name of Mayumi and they love her very much maybe a little too much because Ivis spoils the ever loving crap out of her.
- It’s difficult for me to find an exact voice that matches what I have in mind for Ivis (considering the lack of trans-feminine characters in media), but I have a specific Voice Actor that I believe would best fit them. That VA? 
. Her stuff’s great do my trans dude ass a favor and go check her out.
- I would’ve also used this space to properly show other pieces of art including their tiger mask only if Tumblr would LET ME POST IMAGES THIS FAR DOWN A POST--
I’ll find a way to include stuff like that later ^^’
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eryanlainfa · 10 months
hi hey very random but im new here and can i ask everything abt aiden? like the lore and their powers they seem so cool i wanna get into ur au :D
(idk how to exactly sayit)
Do not worry I basically shared almost NOTHING about them at all so no one really knows much about them except me and ONE friend. But maybe it is time for me to share more !
But- everything- ? You sure about that ? You want everything ? I'll assume you mean the important things because there's a LOT going on, you don't want to know 😭
If anyone wants MORE infos about Aiden or my worldbuilding around Tangled or my version of Vat7k. I CAN make posts going in more details but do YOU really want to read ALL OF THAT ??
So for now ! Important infos about Aiden under the cut !
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Small worldbuilding thingy first : witches exist in my version, they're basically halfbloods of humans x whatever magical being, and it stays in their lineage for a whiiiile. Basically, contrary to humans, witches don't need artefacts to do magic, and different witches have different magical abilities (depending on what/who was their magical ancestor). And fun fact : they can't break promises. They genuinely physically can't. Because promises are a sort of pact, so they avoid it. (Aiden made two throughout their life and it always ended badly for them)
Aiden ! They're a witch and are from a powerful witch family known for their purple eyes. Their father ran away from said family before Aiden was born so they only got to learn more about their heritage when meeting the extended family during the vat7k journey. Lots of drama on that side.
Aiden's parents are very kind and simple people, they arrived in Old Corona around the same time as Quirin and Ulla so both couples became friends. But while Quirin quickly got the villagers' respect by helping around, Aiden's parents prefered to stay low, they were here in hide-out afterall.
Aiden is around a year and a half older than Varian. They are friends, at first because their parents also are, then because they're both nerds and the only ones capable of keeping up with the other's brain. They both care for each others, and yeaaaars later Aiden gets a crush, but it's very obviously one-sided.
When Aiden was very young they didn't really know how to control their powers, causing incidents and starting weird rumors around town, so their parents decided to lock it up. Since then Aiden got a tattoo on their back as a binding spell. Their father also added an illusion rune to said tattoo to turn their eyes orange/light brown instead of purple. (so through all of Tangled The Series and a good half of Vat7k they have orange eyes).
Due to the rumors (and needing someone to do the tattoo) Aiden's family moved away from Old Corona, they spend some years in another small village farther away and only come back to the capital 2 years before the movie takes place.
Aiden almost always knew they wanted to become a physician, for multiple reasons, and worked hard to attain their goal. So when the current royal physician accepted to make them his apprentice Aiden was overjoyed. They've resided within the castle since.
They lost the use of their right leg and left foot to the storm in Queen for a day. Due to not receiving proper care in time, once back to the castle, their mentor had to cut of the limbs because they were too damaged. Aiden got a prosthesis since then and they have multiple mobility aids they can use. Though it did take a while for them to accept the whole thing.
They took care of a hurt magpie and the bird just keeps on coming back to them, his name is Camille! He is very useful when Aiden needs to communicate with someone who's far away.
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Aiden has almost no impacts on the Tangled Series, I like to make things difficult for myself and kept everything canon intact. During the series they are mostly off-screen being busy, their mentor makes them work a LOT, and when they have time off they mostly hang out with their friends who also work within the castle. I could genuinely make a spin off solely on castle staff shenanigans-
Aiden's interactions with the main cast is limited and, as I said, happen off-screen. The only plot point they impact is the saporian take-over of the castle. Which happens off-screen for my own delight.
They helped to get Varian and Andrew out of jail. And helped Saporians to take over Corona, until things went too far and they tried to convince Varian to turn against Andrew, to no avail. Cue to Varian and Aiden having their sort of 'break up'. Once the whole ordeal is handle by Rapz and co, the two teens decides to give their friendship another try, they still do care about the other a lot, but the subject still stains their relationship a little, even through vat7k
I've been rewritting my own version of Vat7k for the 5th time and explaining everything would take forever :'D help. But there' s like... A whole other quest that results in finding the eternal library but is kind of more important for the world- It's a forever work in progress...
Var and Add are back to being close friends when Vat7k starts. Except that while Aiden is repressing their feelings, Varian is slowly accepting his. Cue to Varian clearly flirting with Aiden but the other keep on dismissing it.
Aiden's reason for joining Varian through his journey is because : 1-something is wrong with the magic and witches started to get weaker, they hope to find the cause and a cure. and 2- their mentor really wants to retire but Aiden doesn't feel ready to take his place yet, so they kinda run away from the responsability by following Varian
Aiden's story is a lot about accepting their disability, learning to put their needs before others and learning to trust themself.
At first they kinda fall for Hugo as a way to get over Varian (he looks like fun).
Upon discovering Hugo got feelings for Varian, Aiden immediately started to play wingman for the two. Drama ensued.
They got a crossbow because they needed to find a way to help while staying at a distance.
Aiden sees Yong and Nuru as younger siblings. The whole team enjoy bantering with one another but if anyone is in danger they would not hesitate to destroy things. Aiden is closer to Nuru than to Yong though, they relate to each others in multiple ways, and Yong finds Aiden can be a bit too uptight.
Aiden learnt about their heritage and got to see how shitty their father's family is like. Said family tries to get Aiden to stay with them at ALL COST. Resorting to brainwashing at some point.
Their magic got unlocked and they got their purple eyes back definetly at that point. The tattoo is gone.
the relationship between Aiden, Hugo and Varian is pretty vague when they get back to the Light Kingdom but they are aware of each others feelings to an extent- and it almost becomes a thing! Then Donella comes back to fuck shit up-
When Varian locks himself in the eternal library Aiden was against going after him right away, they wanted to give him time to cool off and to get back to his senses on his own.
Fun fact. Since Aiden never really got the chance to learn how to do magic properly the "final battle" is genuinely.. terrible. They do try to use their power but at some point they kinda give up and just shoot "Ulla" (so Varian's body) with their crossbow. Nothing too bad no worries.-
End of Vat7k.
Once they get "proper" rest, Aiden goes back to being a physician for the crown and gets back to work right away because Rapunzel is pregnant and their mentor basically leave them a note like "your turn now, good luck 😋✌"
Varian Hugo and Aiden get officially together after all of that, the three of them. They told no one at first (except Quirin and Aiden's parents) just to mess with everyone.
I'll stop there for the story because my drawings are mostly around this period. And the rest is barely written at all yet but more shenanigans with Aiden's family happen and Donella comes back to be a bother as well. Results in Aiden's father dying and Hugo loses his right hand.
More facts :
Aiden's green ribbon in that ref sheet is from one of Hugo's dresses. Even when their hair got short they kept wearing it as a bracelet.
Aiden is from a lineage of mind witches (yeah its hypnosis basically). Their power impacts the mind. It can be used as an 'enhancement' (making someone believe they're stronger than they are or making them unable to feel pain), or to create illusions only the affected person can see. Mind control or brainwashing is possible but takes a lot of energy and practice. And each members has their set of rules to be able to use such power.
They can also like.. See the flow of magic and some other stuff. But that's a thing for most witches
Yong and Nuru are witches as well (so I could keep their original eye colors). I haven't fully decided on what kind exactly yet- but I have ideas.
Aiden does learn how to use their magic a bit better and sometimes use it on their patient as an anesthesia. They also use magic to help Hugo and Varian fall asleep every now and then.
They don't like lying but they're good at turning the truth in their favor. They enjoy playing with words.
This is for the main universe/timeline ! Because I have many AUs and 'what ifs' and since I keep on rewriting things I kept old versions as 'other timelines'- voilaa
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henriiiii-1001 · 3 months
In alt-swap , imagining Dave in Gabe's position is just weirdly hilarious to me
It's like this classic
i feel like gabe also does that in canon and it's so accurate 😭😭😭
but yeah dave in alt swap also bc he deserves to be a bitch tbh
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oddogoblino · 5 months
Anything anyone wants to know abt my AUs or ocs? It can be a silly question, idrc, I just wanna get into the motion of infodumping bc idk what to talk abt but I wanna say something- anything
Can check my bio post for my AUs' tags or OCs you can ask stuff of :0
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eldritchdemonfox · 2 years
Hi, and welcome to my corner of Tumblr!
Feel free to send me asks! Art prompts, question for/about my OCs, questions about my AUs, or even just whatever are all welcome! RP asks are encouraged. Multifandom crossovers are welcome. My current hyperfixations are on: Five Nights At Freddy’s , Slimecicle, 17776/20020, The Sandman universe, Dead Boy Detectives, and Ghostbusters. My heros are: Neil Gaiman, Will Wood, Team StarKid, Smosh, Brennan Lee Mulligan, Brian David Gilbert, Markiplier, and Tom Cardy. I rotate this handful of stuff around in my brain 24/7 all the time help.
I run a few different side blogs, including: @polaris-the-star, @definitely-spencers-gifts, @labyrinth-slenderman, @poorwayfaringstranger, @archive-of-important-lists, @acatnamedsalad, and @reassurance-bucket-everyday
I am a proud maggot
If you are new to my blog, make sure to check out my bio:
RP/Lore Masterpost:
Tags List:
#fox draws - all my art, both digital and traditional
#fox's rambles -shit I say lol
#fox made memes - stupid memes I made on imgflip
#fox cosplays - my cosplay photos
#wires and secrets au - my main FNAF AU
#lore post - any lore related to my OCs/Roleplays
#mootmoot - my mutual tag!!!
#fox writes - my original writing
#fox got lazy - queue tag
#fox creates - stuff I made using picrew/lily story/etc
#fox’s polls - my polls
#fnaf - anything FNAF related
#the sandman - sandman content
#discord roleplay - stuff related to my OCs on the Cerania discord server
transphobes/terfs/farts/radfems (looking at you staff/photomatt), homophobes, lgbtq+phobic ppl, racists, pro trump, pro life, xenophobes, islamophobes, anti-semetic/nazi, proship (elaboration), pro-censorship, pedos/MAPS, ableist, sexist/misogynistic, bigots, rapists, dream stans, jkr fans, people who support "purity culture", proselytizing blogs, zionists, arophobes, acephobes, radqueers, Wilbur soot/will Gold fans, or people who try to support/downplay the genocide of Palestinians If i see any of this shit i will block you so don't even try it /srs.
Also dni: casual-mitosis-collective and sideblogs. If anyone is curious why, dm me. But the short of it is, I don’t feel safe around someone who threatens other people and me with harassment because they were mad at the bereaved person I was comforting.
Old Profile pic by Benzon Q on discord
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enyter · 1 year
Info about me and my projects
Hi :D I am Enyter, a self taught artist and beginner writer.
I am slow, but I will get there one day >:)
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I LOVE stories and fantasy! 💞💞
Also WELCOME to my Fandoms~ ^^
I post fanart, oc art and some writing on this blog! I will edit this post with new ideas/info on the go ;)
I might be slow and overthink everything, so please be patient with me😅
Tags and blogs
ART: @enyter-art (sideblog), #enyter art or #my art
MY OCS: @enyter-ocs (sideblog), #my oc (tag)
LANDSCAPES: @enyter-backgrounds (sideblog)
DCA FANART: #enyter and #fnaf
DREAM STORIES: #enyter dreams
LILY & ROSEH STORY: #lily and roseh
My socials:
Tumblr (you are here): @enyter
Tumblr sideblogs: @enyter-ocs, @enyter-backgrounds , @enyter-art
Instagram: @enyterpurple
Tiktok: @enyterpurple
Youtube: enyter
Other socials: https://linktr.ee/enyter
Future projects I want to post:
I'll transform my dreams and the fascinating characters within into dynamic comics or spin them into full-fledged stories.
Multifandom fanarts
Plan on drawing fanarts for all of my fandoms -- we're talking about 50+ fandoms from all around: books, movies, games, anime and more
OC Art
"Each time I draw my OCs, it's like peeling back another layer, revealing more of their essence and watching them evolve right before my eyes." ------>Posts: @enyter-ocs
Lily & Roseh story (oc)
This tale is about unexpected allies: Lily, a princess tired of war, and Roseh, a dragon prince out for revenge. Their world is full of secrets, like what is in District K-96 and who is the real evil lurking in the shadows? Amidst chaos and betrayals, they realize that sticking together is their best shot at setting things right. It's a wild adventure with magic, big battles, and friendships that change everything.
Lost in the Shadow Realms
A boy finds himself in a strange, unexplored world. During his adventures in this bizarr realm, he encounters a mystical voice, much like a girl's. He fights with strange, twisted creatures, stumbles upon odd landscapes, and he doesn't want to admit it, but the voice saves his life a few times... maybe their destinies are intertwined. Could this be the way out of this insanity, or is the boy rushing toward his doom?
A totally normal camping story
We all know the thrilling feeling of a well-told creepy story around a fire. But these are just stories... right? A group of teenagers decides to camp in the woods near the sea. They dare each other to go into the woods and do other silly tasks. It's just fun, nothing more. Until... peace shatters when they hear an eerie melody from deep within the forest. Something unnatural lurks in the woods. Strange events and disappearances ensue, with no chance for escape until they find the reason for the disappearances... or something more.
Fantasy AU
Where Sun and Moon are a magical being, who protect the Magical Forest, and YN is a traveler, who are doomed to cross their path, because they are lost in the forest
Multiversum AU
Where my YN discovers that it is possible to travel between multiple dimensions with the help of Sun and Moon, and we follow YN's adventure through such popular Sun-Moon fanfics, like Solar Lunacy, or Twin Animatronics AU and other AUs
Canon AU
Which take place in the Pizzaplex, and shows how Sun and Moon performed as a theatre animatronic, then go through the virus phase and my oc/yn? comes in the picture as a new hire just after Gregory thrashed all the animatronics at that iconic night, and Fazbear Entertainment hired new mechanics and tech people to fix them in one month
Kidplex Mysteries
Where a bunch of kids roam the Pizzaplex and try to figure out the mystery of it, and save their favourite animatronics
Merman AU
Where merSun and merMoon stray too far into the human land and get in trouble. And later on YN is hired by Fazbear E. to guide a ship into the area where the Mers live, to capture them, but YN has other ideas when they find out about this.
-> tag: #mermans no way
Infinity Train Au
I've thought about an "Infinity Train AU" because there's literally a daycare car on the train already, and the boys would fit so well in this universe! They could help children (and adults too) get their numbers down to 0 and have so much FUN Yn could be a passenger, and Moon's "virus" might be the result of Amelia tampering with them... (a weird attempt to replace One-One).
(Fanfic to the AU Bethroned from @strawbubbysugar) writing something about Fandalin
yeah this just happened... I have many ideas... i just ... have to write them down... someday...
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monstrsball · 1 year
hq!! pkmn au masterpost
since i've been talking about it a lot lately, i decided to make a post gathering (almost) all of the posts i have made about this au.
links under the cut
rundown i gave on the au a few months ago.
elite four & champion teams.
aone's team.
tendou's team & a question i answered about regions/regional gimmicks.
my thoughts on the karasuno adults in the au. (takeda, ukai, saeko, akiteru, tenma, takinoue, & shimada. i threw in miwa for fun)
my thoughts on hinata, atsumu, & kenma.
another post i made about hinata's team.
lev's team.
kyoutani: 1. 2.
iwaizumi and his tyranitar.
suga's team.
suga's aipom.
yachi, yamaguchi, and tsukishima's teams.
tenma, akaashi, akiteru teams + thoughts on design elements for characters.
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