#au where everyone is happy and alive lmao
iridiss · 3 months
Mystreet has brilliant potential as a more “innocent and casual” modern au of Diaries to be the universe that heals all the heavy scars that Diaries left behind.
In Mystreet, Laurance’s dads are both alive and the Zvahl family lives as a very happy nuclear family. Sasha and Laurance had a small grudge in their childhood over Laurance leaving the gang in his freshman year, but when they’re older they make up and stay close friends.
Zane and Aphmau used to bicker a lot in their childhood (and very much still do on occasion in their adulthood), but somehow ended up forming a tight-knit friendship over their shared autism I mean interests, making Aphmau one of Zane’s first ever friends. Zane ends up becoming deeply loyal to Aphmau as a true and genuine friend, who would do anything for her and do his best to keep her from harm when the chips fell down. He becomes integrated into Aphmau’s group of found family. He could never dream of hurting her.
Garroth and Zane struggled in their childhood to connect, with Zane’s constant attempts to push everyone away and appear guarded and non-vulnerable, but when dire circumstance finally forced Zane to put his ego aside and open up for once in his life, they do end up connecting and becoming incredibly close as brothers. ((GUYS. REVERSE OF THE IRENE DIMENSION SCENE IN STARLIGHT GUYS. INSTEAD WE HAVE GARROTH FIGHTING HIS LITTLE BROTHER WHILE ZANE BEGS THAT THERES STILL GOOD IN HIM AND TO COME BACK TO HIM AND BE BROTHERS AGAIN. THEY REVERSE THE ROLES IN MYSTREET. AND THIS IS HOW THEY HEAL. FUCK YEAH))
Jeffory lives. And though he and Katelyn still had their break-up, in their later years they still keep in touch, occasionally seeing each other again as Jeffory is invited to house parties and holiday celebrations. He’s happily married to a new wife, who doesn’t die, and raises his daughter in peaceful bliss. He and Zane never meet.
Gene becomes a good guy. More specifically, he becomes a caring older brother and partner. There’s never any point where he and Dante don’t keep in contact. In his childhood, Gene was an edgy emo prick desperate to be cool and superior through manipulation and blackmail, but he mellows out a lot in his 20s, because in this universe, he doesn’t have any reason to keep fighting. Life is good, no one ever betrayed him (aside from Laurance leaving the gang, but when he’s an adult his perspective on that changes from “how could you leave us for a goody-two-shoes PREP life” to “yeah that was very understandable tbh we were NOT a healthy clique lmao”), he was never killed, no one is making him fight for anything, nothing is there to make him bitter and angry and vengeful. There’s nothing to avenge. So he’s happy. He loves his little brother, he loves tormenting him and teasing him, but at the end of the day he would die for him. He loves his doting parents, he’s a happily married polyamorous husband to both Zenix and Sasha forever and I will die on that hill, he reconnects with Laurance and apologizes for all the trouble they had in their youth. Laurance forgives him with a laugh and a joke, the two hug it out, and stay acquaintances. Laurance forms a closer bond with both Zenix and Sasha as a result.
Zenix and Garroth are best friends, especially when they’re adults. It takes them a bit, because in highschool I imagine Garroth would know Zenix as “one of the kids in that mean-looking ruffian gang that made my boyfriend Laurance cry, so fuck you” or even alternatively, if you’ll allow me to be a bit more self-indulgent, “that’s Zane’s weird little friend that comes over sometimes and is very loud and breaks things on occasion.” But like. they can’t NOT be friends in this universe. they should get to maintain their old bond in this universe. Where Zenix is like an additional little brother to the Ro’meave family. Once they become friends, they never have any fallout or problems, they stay friends, and Zenix is very worried about whatever the hell went down on Starlight and very badly wants to make sure that Garroth is okay.
This is the universe where the Diaries characters and their relationships in Diaries are allowed to happen again, but this time, it happens without any of the conflict that tore people apart. There’s no war to fight, there’s no shadow knights that do dastardly things, there’s no heaven and hell colliding that forces people to pick sides—they just get to live. And if life is good and normal and happy for all of them, how do they change? What bonds never die, that did prior? They all get to be friends in ways that they never could before. Zane never goes on a murdering spree antagonizing all of Phoenix Drop for years, so he’s able to meet Nana and the two fall in love, when in Diaries the two never even met. They were always too far apart to have met (and frankly I bet Diaries Nana would have a lot more violent words to say to the man that terrorized her best friend and new home). Zane becomes friends with Aphmau, of all people. Laurance keeps Sasha as a close friend. They heal, man.
travis is an exception to this rule though, he does not get to heal in this universe. it gets worse for him actually
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je-suis-applebread · 4 months
Wait do the beasts still want their souljams back? Since I see that PV and White Lily are in the au-
I was just wondering if the beasts have tension between the ancients but this also brings up the question of if the other ancients visit as well
mostly text post (that took quite some time)
so, where do i start... beasts-ancients relationships under the cut (there's a lot)
Beasts don't try to get soul jams anymore. They know, that once they get their hands on at least one, they would get grounded once again faster than they can say "world domination" - even though they don't know if Witches are the same they used to be or not, they know cookies would still be able to bury them alive at that tree, so isn't worth it.
But not that they even want to try that again. They've already lost once, what is there to repeat? They are kinda content with what they have now. And I find two of them a special case, actually.
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Eternal Sugar and Silent Salt. After everything I came up with, I've found something special about them, something that especially noticeable in "what if eldad faerie died" reactions - Eternal Sugar wants them to be happy, Silent Salt tries to be there for them. They get closer to what their ideals were once. Maybe they're not Happiness and Solidarity per se, but sometimes they just feel like that. Of course, they're not gonna take respective soul jams to become whole again, neither do they have some special synergies with their Ancients, it's just a detail I really like.
Anyway, to relationships we go.
Mystic Flour:
- Dark Cacao: Dark Cacao HATES her for what had transpired during her chapter and - hey, can you really blame him for his feelings?? He just never wants to see her ever again (he'll have to on purelily's wedding, poor soul), he does not know what he will do if he sees her for too long. — She doesn't give a fuck about it or him.
- Pure Vanilla: she doesn't interact with him all too much, however he is terrified by what he heard from Dark Cacao. So he maybe wishes he won't stumble upon her. — She, once again, doesn't give a fuck.
- Hollyberry: she would like to call Mystic Flour out on feeling something because no way she believes Mystic Flour really apathethic to everything. — That's annoying to Mystic Flour, otherwise she also doesn't give a fuck
- Golden Cheese: they forbid her from starting fights because the first thing she did when found out about her doings from Dark Cacao, she started looking for her to at least punch her. She was held back physically, which did not stop her from shouting insults. — Mystic Flour was watching it with her annoyed face, mostly irritated by noise also not fully understanding why Golden Cheese reacts almost harsher than Dark Cacao when it wasn't even her kingdom, why would she feel something that strong when it didn't include her. If Golden Cheese is surprisingly in Faerie Kingdom, she locks herself up so she would not have to listen to her screams for another half an hour.
- White Lily: she really doesn't believe Mystic Flour is okay in any way though. Of course every Beast has their "oof lmao", but everyone is maybe slowly but surely come to senses and Mystic Flour... White Lily knows she must give a fuck about at least something, even if she is "Apathy". So she is mostly worried about her and her attitude. Also hearing about her deeds made White Lily once again think of her doings as Dark Enchantress, so she became quite quiet for a while (and Silent Salt was another quiet one, but tried to be a comforting presence). — Mystic Flour... She doesn't give a fuck to even try to not to give a fuck. Like, with others is mostly "ignore them", but with Lily she doesn't even acknowledge ignoring her
Shadow Milk:
- Pure Vanilla: after all the troubles, he really didn't want to believe a word of his and maybe possibly evade him. But being there with White Lily, he kinda got to know new Shadow Milk - mischievous and still very emotional, but otherwise mostly harmless. Sometimes he wonders if this is some grand deceit of his but then this silly boy hides behind him because he just annoyed Mystic Flour to point of giving a fuck and, well, it doesn't seem that likely. He is not fully comfortable with being around him - at first he wasn't comfortable with Shadow Milk at general, but after he got used to him it was because he didn't really want to be his hiding wall or involuntary coparticipant of his jokes and stuff. — And we all know what Shadow Milk feels about him. For him, Pure Vanilla is absolute bestie, he never let's this poor innocent guy go, for him he's that rat/mouse he picked up and said "youre my bestie now"
- Hollyberry: she kinda likes his energetic and funloving attitude. She gets that he shouldn't be trusted, but hanging around him is never boring for her. She trusts her friends that if Shadow Milk would start deceiving her, they would notice and get her back, so she's kinda chill about him. — He also finds her quite interesting, especially her stories. Especially dragon ones. And maybe she kinda internally compares him and Pitaya because under overall opinions, they're good companions.
- Dark Cacao: he can tolerate him, which already is times better than with Mystic Flour. Not very much aside from this though - Shadow Milk being cookie of Deceit is already a massive con for him, and his personality overall is kinda annoying for Dark Cacao. He can stay in the same room as him, but he's gonna grumble or leave it if Shadow Milk tries to communicate with him with no actual reason or pull some shenanigans of his. — As for Shadow Milk, Dark Cacao kinda reminds him of Silent Salt and a little of Mystic Flour, so bro can't stop himself from annoying this guy. Overall he's fine, but nothing really special standing out.
- Golden Cheese: she's wary of him, she's all like "I'm not letting you mess with my head". She's all ready for hitting him should the need come. Shadow Milk actually finds kinda amusing the fact that she was deceiving herself about her kingdom's fate. — He would like to mess with her about it or at least stir some talk that way but she never lets him.
- White Lily: she was a bit tense about him in the beginning, but slowly started to find his personality kinda amusing. His shenanigans were making her smile when she was sure of nothing, when her thoughts were trying to get her. She could see his obvious attachment to Elder Faerie what raised her trust towards him even more. — Shadow Milk, considering her closeness to Elder Faerie, kinda treats her like some kind of sister. Out of the Beasts, he knows how haunted she is by her past the most. If he was to cheer her up, she would think of it as a lie, so he mostly distracts her from thinking or gets Pure Vanilla's attention to her
Eternal Sugar:
- Hollyberry: drinking buddies. Okay, let's elaborate, she wasn't really trusting her at the beginning, but Eternal Sugar let her understand, that she has no harm in mind as of now. One time White Lily mentioned that Eternal Sugar makes really good wine and then Hollyberry accepted next drinking together suggestion. She slowly started warming up to her and really enjoys their drinking sessions. — Eternal Sugar actually first suggested drinking together right after her defeat. She basically said like, hey would you like to drink with me? i want to cheer over your victory. And of course Hollyberry was surprised aaand of course she was suspicious. But Eternal Sugar didn't stop after that rejection – after all, she knows that Hollyberry likes drinking, so that means they both like drinking the most out there so why not take her in drinking buddies and possibly just buddies down the line, with the way they giggle after first half of drinking session.
- Pure Vanilla: he likes to see how happy White Lily is to chat with her. He gets that Eternal Sugar is, like, mostly harmless when she has no motivation to commit atrocities, so he's actually very fine with interacting with her. He finds it pleasant to talk with her when they're together. — Eternal Sugar finds him cute in terms of personality. Also sis is main purelily supporter in this household, she finds him very good for White Lily.
- Dark Cacao: she doesn't really worry him. He isn't enthusiastic to communicate with her but if she tries to sometimes he entertains it. She's the most chill out of them and Dark Cacao gets it – like, he's not gonna trust Beasts, at least anytime soon, but he's kinda okay with her. — Eternal Sugar can't help herself but think of Silent Salt whenever she sees Dark Cacao, she actually suspects that just like Silent Salt, Dark Cacao also is a "softie"© inside, that's her main theory.
- Golden Cheese: the only Beast she is okay with. Golden Cheese actually finds her wings kinda cool, and maybe she sometimes pouts because Eternal Sugar doesn't agree to flying race. — Eternal Sugar is not a fan of races or such but she totally can't drop the topic of wing care. She had been asking Golden Cheese if she was doing anything with her wings and gave some of her wing care tips in return (and Golden Cheese had actually tried out a few)
- White Lily: she was invited on girls night by Eternal Sugar after a few visits to Beast-Yeast. She didn't really know what to expect, but it turned out just a girls night with her, Eternal Sugar and Mystic Flour. Like, of course, Mystic Flour was in her "i don't give a fuck", but White Lily and Eternal Sugar actually had quite some fun, spending the night by meaningless gossips and different hairstyles (they even made one for Mystic Flour). — Eternal Sugar just adores White Lily. Like, she was kinda intrigued when she met her for the first time, but the she started gradually realising that she wants to befriend her and so she did. Her bestie is Burning Spice, but White Lily is very close second, she's not even second, she's first and a half.
Burning Spice:
- Golden Cheese: Golden Cheese is tense and kinda down around him. Tense because of what he had been doing about soul jam stuff and down because he embodies destruction, he reminds her of her loss just by being there. She kinda tries to play neutrality or still being irritated about soil jam stiff around him, she mostly tries o leave whenever they're in the same place. — Burning Spice actually feels kinda bad because he had distressed an already traumatized person even more. He would like to somehow make up for that, but he can't really get a chance to do so.
- Pure Vanilla: he finds Burning Spice quite sincere person. Like, of course Burning Spice still gets into troubles and creates destruction, but most of the time it happens out of accidents, which makes Pure Vanilla calm about him. He's not malicious since the end of all the soul jam mess, and he finds him a fun person. Way too active to tag along, but fine to have an occasional chat with. — Burning Spice thinks he's a bit frail actually, not in the bad way. Like, if Pure Vanilla would get exhausted around him he would totally carry him (not that he wouldn't for others, but it's even more for Pure Vanilla). He kinda likes to ask him about Crispia, how the world is there.
- Hollyberry: she kinda finds their personalities a bit matching. Like, she had found him quite fine all the way almost in beginning when he crashed in something and was very embarrassed about destruction he caused. She suggested having a spar the very next time they saw each other (of course under supervision but he didn't mind), so she really likes running around with him when she visits. — Burning Spice also likes spending time with her. He actually was surprised to see so much power in such a cookie but oh he's all in for it. Especially after stories about dragons (which may have made him being happy as a little kid whenever he wins a long spar/forest race or something else against her)
- Dark Cacao: he actually gets skeptical half the times Burning Spice gets into another destructive accident but doesn't push on it looking at his friends. He is kinda tense about him, but actually his active yet sincere personality sometimes reminds him of Crunchy Chip and so sometimes he gets lost in fond thoughts around him. — Burning Spice finds him kinda grumpy but also thinks he has his reasons to be that way. He doesn't really try to communicate with Dark Cacao most of the time, knowing he would most likely be turned down or ignored, judging by his personality.
- White Lily: she gets worried about Burning Spice each time he crashes into something or something like that happens again. Burning Spice spends quite some time with Eternal Sugar, so she finds him being her good friend just like Eternal Sugar. — Burning Spice can't think of her any way except as a friend or kinda sister, but mostly friend. He likes chatting with her and Eternal Sugar, sometimes he even participates in their girl nights (and those nights they totally paint their nails(do cookies have those though...? ...does it matter though??)).
Silent Salt:
- White Lily: she was kinda tense and a bit afraid of him in the beginning but slowly she was finding him more and more reliable and just kinda misunderstood. So she stopped worrying about him looking all intimidating and tried to know him closer. She realised he is actually very reliable and the most responsible out of Beasts, so she actually started sticking around him sometimes. — He knows she wanted best and then it turned out into disaster, so she totally wants to comfort her (and possibly relates). He sometimes gets quite worried thinking of what would somebody who don't know her think of her knowing truth about Dark Enchantress(especially worried when he sees the way Golden Cheese still can't get okay with it), also he really wants her to kinda separate Dark Enchantress and herself in her head. She's here and that person is out there.
- Pure Vanilla: at first he was tense as well, but then noticed that Silent Salt does something questionable only when something happens that really clashes with his morals. After he got to know him a bit closer, he started to understand his company. Not really enjoy it, it's kinda uncomfortable for him, but he understood while others were finding it comforting. — Silent Salt is positively surprised that such an actually pure cookie exists in such a world. He respects Pure Vanilla for his personality and morals, for the way he does not waver in his ways and wishes he would stay this way as long as this world would allow him to.
- Hollyberry: she finds his presence kinda unnerving especially with him being that silent so she tries to not interact more than needed. — Silent Salt just thinks their personalities are way too different, no way to actually connect with her. She does not try to do so and so he follows this tactic.
- Dark Cacao: he finds their similarities being kinda unnerving. Since Silent Salt is, well, silent, he had been thinking they would not really communicate, but they kinda got some non-verbal communication in actions, body language and in case of Dark Cacao, eyes. So he got that they both are just worried about ones they care for and can go for great lengths to protect what they have. But otherwise he really doesn't initiate any other contact. — Silent Salt kinda sees through him because of their similarities and he thinks Dark Cacao should get better before it gets worse for everyone. If anything serious would ever happen, he is sure they would both jump to action the very same moment and possibly cooperate way too well.
- Golden Cheese: she's not gonna become unnerved because of him, but she really has no reason to stay around him with him never talking, so if she has nothing to do she mostly leaves if they happen to be in the same room. — Silent Salt, once again, finds it worrying, how she reacts to White Lily. He finds himself wanting to get them through it but he knows he can't make Golden Cheese just change her mind. Otherwise, he doesn't really has a special opinion on her since they communicate as much as him and Hollyberry – that is, they almost do not.
Phew, I think got everything. That took quite some time but I got through it yaay
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howlsofbloodhounds · 1 month
Fell sans head cannon:
he's an anxious texter (send like 10 messages until u reply)
i like to imagine him actually telling fell papyrus of the resets, cuz as their world is so stressful, they might actually have gotten much more closer as they need to rely on eachother more
He smokes pal malls
Instead of sans wink he does this->
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Hell yeah fell sans! 🗣️ 🗣️ I need to look more into him and his AU but someone feel free to infodump if they want.
Fell seems like the type of person who’d give me a heart attack and make me jump every time my phone buzzes and then id have to silence it for my sanity only to forget to respond to him 💀. He’d probably blow up my phone with 100+ messages because I take forever to reply. [would be funny if that was an actual game mechanic. he keeps spamming frisk if the player doesn’t answer or reply lmao]
And I think itd be a cool idea to imagine him telling fell papyrus—I think his fandom nickname is edge?—about the Resets. the two of them having a much different dynamic from their undertale counterparts where sans will even go as far as to tell papyrus that everyone is just on vacation if the player chooses to kill everyone but papyrus.
idk. sans seems to have a concern with protecting papyrus’ hope and happiness to the point of lying, whereas the world of underfell seems like it’d be pretty dangerous for fell sans to lie to his bro about things like that.
not to mention that fell papyrus was likely exposed to much more violent and upsetting things than undertale papyrus was, and likely didn’t have the luxury of trying to live in denial about it. not if he wanted to keep himself and sans alive.
but I definitely think fell should do that instead of sans’ wink. itd be hilarious.
{ @thatguylucass }
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shyravenns · 1 year
NikPrice headcanons that I wrote at 2am
. Price doesn't bother to say much to Soap or Ghost about their relationship since they so often remind him of Nikolai and himself. He sees the same level of codependence and rapid-fire intensity that they display towards each other, and he can't help but think of the gold necklace that's neatly tucked in his shirt.
- No such thing as a slow burn for these two. If you thought Ghost and Soap were codependent then you haven't met young!nikprice. They got better as they got older, but You Can Tell
- met in a scary forest, nik got a knife held to his throat, and Price woke up three hours later in an abandoned shed with their clothes scattered everywhere god bless 🙏
- both of them have scary dog privileges
- no matter where he is, Price will always look up at the sound of a helicopter and watch it until it fades into the distance.
. Price doesn't believe in soulmates, but he remembers to thank whatever God must be out there for putting him and Nik in that God forsaken forest where they both met each other.
. They absolutely fail at pretending to be excited when they see each other. Soap snickers as Price damn near refuses to take his eyes off of Nik vs Farah who rolls her eyes at the goofy smile Nik has plastered to his face when he sees Price. They're like *children*.
- Price is a boydad and Nik is a girldad go argue with the wall
. Price so blatantly loves the faint grey hairs that are slowly beginning to grow on Nik's belly. It's a reminder that they're still alive, and that maybe that happy ending is just on the horizon for them both. He wants to grow old with him.
- Nik, who is so gleeful at the faint grey hairs that have began to show in Price's beard over the years.
- got married in a run down chapel with a priest that Nik may or may not have threatened with a knife
- they have mastered the art of silent conversations much to everyone's annoyance.
- Nik is a romantic, and if you see Price with different flowers on his desk every Friday then no you didn't.
- both of them have shot each other, and no one knows the full story (Nik has told several different versions every time someone asks)
- they hibernate in the winter or at least they try to lmao (they both love naps). There's no little spoon or big spoon, just pass out on the bed and pray that neither of them fall out.
- dear God the snores that come from the both of them 💀
- He was his King, and God help anyone who dared to disrespect his King 😤😤😤
- They both enable each other lmao they're both several shades of unhinged, and honestly it's what makes the sex between them better
- my personal au is that Nik eventually gets hurt to the point where he can't go on missions anymore, and Price does not hesitate to step back from being in the field to take care of him. He's tired, and if this is the final push for him to lay down his weapons then so be it.
- They know each others moods as innately as they would their own. Nik can read the lines of exhaustion on Price's face as clearly as ever, and Price knows the deeper meaning behind every single one of Nik's "jokes"
- Price surprising Nik with his own new identity, and taking his last name 🥺 As if Nik would ever give up his last name "Price"
- would kill for each other 100% don't even have to ask twice.
- they like to fish, but honestly Price just likes it when Nik begins telling another one of his stories while he sits back and listens to the sound of his voice and gentle waves of lake at their quaint little cabin
- Not the best cooks, but they try! Have definitely taken a cooking class together with mixed (aka illegal) results.
- Alpha/Alpha coded im not sorry
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stealingpotatoes · 1 year
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hi!! so i got a lot of skywalkers apart au asks last night and rather than obliterate everyones dashes with like 5 posts, just doin it all in one!!!! and i made a banner so this post looks cuter
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YEAH he rlly does!!
its a little awkward when they reunite -- don't get me wrong, SUPER loving and everyone's trying so hard to make it work and like it-- mostly does work? but there's a lot of growing pains lol especially given Luke's only been raised by his very civilised mum, so suddenly having a dad that's 6'2 of bug-eating chaos is a bit of whiplash loll. but they all love each other very much and the twins are old enough to mostly understand their parents' decision
luke's rlly going thru it tho loll he's got that family going on while he's also dealing with going from senator's son to recently-liberated-force-sensitive-rebel-fugitive
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LMAO i mean i assume they don't BLAST (in a lot of cases you don't want to let the enemy know you've got an ace up your sleeve lol) but you can bet there's been a couple times where they've found their least secure comm to say it over lolll. then again if you see a blue lightsaber absolutely whipping everyone's shit on the battlefield you can just guess, who needs an announcement <3
BUT LMAO I LOVE THAT Anakin gets back and Leia's like I CANT BELIEVE THAT ACTUALLY WORKED??? meanwhile Obi Wan and Ahsoka are like ohhh that tactic. classic. and Leia's even more shocked that he's made this work MORE THAN ONCE??
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@mayordomogoliat loll i mean. he was a jedi fugitive!! he can't predict when the empire'll spot him!! sometimes that's during grocery shopping when he's got his baby daughter (who's weirdly gleeful in the fight??) strapped to him!
LMAOOO YEAH "if i could avoid falling, so could you. do better" hes not angry hes just disappointed
YES ABSOLUTELY i mean obvs i've drawn Kanan fangirling but so many other younger jedi would be so happy to see him omg also COOLEST PERSON TO BE SAVED BY!! tbh anakin not falling definitely leads to more jedi survivors (as in ppl not the game) partly bc palps doesn't have that immediate killing machine
loll anakin's absolutely spending any downtime he doesn't spend with leia working on ships etc. probably gets annoying sometimes bc "Hey mr jedi can u do this mission" "no look i worked out a way to make this ship respond .3 seconds quicker i NEED to finish this first" local jedi forgets he's a useful jedi and thinks he's just a mechanic
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yes absolutely. like canon threepio's absolutely ???? all the time bc nobody tells him what's going on and
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@british-sarcasm YEAH!!!! palps is so pissed off he didn't turn anakin bc that means he's alive and rebelling and MY GOD is he annoying for everyone involved.
and omg YES good for them. if they ever ran into each other/ did a mission together they'd make everyone there regret ever signing up for the empire
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roxyzwritez · 2 months
au writing shit idk
heres the Rough Plan for my first few eps:
ep1: the au branches off of canon in the final SU ep, Change Your Mind. renamed to Change Your World. when white yoinks the gem out of steven and pinksteven reforms and whiteasks W H E R E I S P I N K the response is something along the lines of "i am right here, but fuck you im not talking to you." (girlboss) and white gets the "im a child, what's your problem" and has the perfectionist meltdown, then steven's like "sorry but we gotta head out" and they're like "PINK WHAT THE FUCK?" steven goes "im not pink just leave earth alone" the gems agree and give steven The Legs™️.
pearl latches onto the idea that rose is still alive in there. (didn't write that tho just had it cut to this next bit oops) her and greg build a thing to connect to the gem that will essentially connect to pink/rose im just gonna call her rose damnit and allow her to communicate w everyone. shes like "...hey guys. uh. sorry for trying to kill myself i guess that didn't work but i have been minecraft spectating steven for the entirety of his existence with no ability to do anything but think and watch" pearl has a lesbian implosion, everyone's all happy n shit. steven eventually asks about the lying and she's like "yeag i done bad there. i just wanted to keep you guys together" (now that i think abt it there was no mention of bismuth here.. oops,) garnet gives her a Garnet Specil motivational speech and she's like "i missed you too garnet" (i forgot to mention, garnet violently explode-unfuses and ruby+sapphire are just bumbling with happy when rose spoke) amethyst has her own moment (she thought this was all bullshit and started playing fortnite upstairs but between games she heard rose and a p p e a r e d)
anyway rose then is thinking "oh man i gotta talk to so many ppl" and realizes eh guys nothing to worry abt just a HAPPY TO LISTEN, HAPPY TO STAY, HAPPILY WATCHING HER DR- but we should go there NOW" so they do, spinel is understandably distraught and breaks the gemspeaker in half but feels bad about it. she comes with the gang to earth, they show her around, a new gemspeaker is made and they reconcile. yippy! also spinel ate one of ALL. big donut flavors. sadie allowed this just for on e because steven is the LORD AND SAVIOR OF THE STEVEN UNIVERSE haha funny.
anyway she and bismuth talk. bis is kinda like "yeah i wasnt very gamer sorry about that herhee" again ignoring that SHE lied about the bubbling, conveniently forgot to explore that conversation for ease of writing and so i didn't need to go "how do i utilize my 2 iq points to channel these characters and get them to have a coherent, consistent to character conversation about this situation"
peri and lapis are called over by bismuth who doesn't say shit to them for the surprise. lapis is like "yeah ok hit me" peri is more curious. rose speaks, peridot fangirls and lapis is like "oh shit that's historically significant " peri is like "I NEED TO RESEARCH:)))" and runs off. spoiler: gem cloning
bis brings up the idea. rose is like "yeah that sounds legit" (the gem cloning conundrum took me way too long to understand. i drove my friend crazy. "hey can u explain every single quantum detail of this in the most verbose way i dont understand" but eventually i understood it JUUUUST enough to write it lmao i still don't get it)
rose n steven talk in roses room. all happy n shit. greg is told abt the plan and hes like oh shit i gotta clean up and steven is like "you know her standards. she don't give a shit" hes like "yeag"
peri makes progress! she made a little clump!! (explaining the gem cloning: theyre making essentially an empty gem with the powers but no consciousness inside. when its ready, white will take steven's gem out again, rose reforms, and the new gem gets ever so graciously stabbed into his belly where the old one was.)
peri tells steven its gonna take a year. he's like "well okay better than like hundreds of years" then he goes off to talk to the diamonds. he brings the speaker with. rose lets out the thousands of years of distrust and anger at the dismonds and they are humbled even more than when they got pinkd and rose is like "you WILL heal all the shattered ones i don't give a shit" and theyre like "whatever you say little one" (yes they do indeed heal the fallen. probably with regular shipments of steven fluid. that sounded wrong but im not a freak like that hes still 14)
also they go back home and steven talks to rose abt "you told the diamonds you literally wanted to die are you fr?" she explains and hes like YOU FATHERFUCKER, YOU ARE AMAZING AND YOU CAN'T DO THAT (crying)"
next episode is just year-long filler but i made it actually good by making it essentially a montage of lapis and peri in the barn becoming lesbian for eachother. finally, a controversial move on my part, they decide to overcome lapis's fear of fusion and fuse for stevens birthday. their fusion is turquoise (took way too long coming up with a fucking name) and can corrode (water + metal) and can morph/control metal (liquify n stuff. definitely not taken from a lapidot fusion concept i found on google images.) garnet is like "hey pearl look at these silly lesbians " pearls like "damn relatable" garnets like "yeag"
a week or a few after the bday, the gem is finally ready. everyone is excited until steven asks how this is gonna work. peri is like UHHHHH... 😊 and lapis is just "eh just take that one out, stick this one in!" peri goes NNNO- but after some damage control and telling everyone steven will be fine hes like "well i better get some good sleep then. big day!"
there's more but im done typing my fingers are about to go peridot and fuckin fly away let me know if you want the like 1other episode and the minisode after that
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hearts401 · 10 months
Could you list all of your Au’s and what each acronym stands for
this includes aus without tags but i'll tag the ones that have tags lol
EAPS au. Evan afton's pizzeria simulator: evan survives the bite and goes on to be scooped, later reuniting with an alive and healthy michael in ffps. shenanigans ensue
N? au. Normal? Aftons au: The afton kids survive and evan and michael, along with a ton of other characters, have to work to stop william elizabeth and a mystery killer
normal aftons au: just ur run of the mill happy au. everyones normal and silly
mm au. Murder Mystery au: Afton kids live and liz calls them to solve the mystery of their father's disappearance while they uncover certain... concerning things
Pitdad au: william gets springlocked before he can kill any kids and becomes springbonnie early on. springbonnie also becomes sentient and the two of them have to mend the family william has neglected for so long
dysfunctionally functioning au: Nobody dies but the afton kids have to learn to deal with their abusive household dynamic (important note! the abbreviation for the fic of this au is gbwwwg and stands for getting by with what we've got.)
Wizard's Quest au: Springtrap and William team up in ucn to escape while its in a fantasy type landscape
Michael's robots au: William, Henry, and Michael build the robots together following the deaths of michaels siblings. however not only does william has a lot of dark secrets, mcihael is learning a whole lot about his robot friends (like how. yk. theyre possessed)
Swap au: Exactly what it sounds like. Elizabeth is michael, michael is the puppet, evan is circus baby, charlie and sammy are golden duo, and theres other thigns im not getting into rn
fnaf x tadc au: just the fnaf characters getting put in the digital circus world
fnaf x ut au: fnaf/undertale crossover but i changed so much its unrecognizable at some points
Werewolf will au: william is a werewolf adn kills people and manipulates his friends while keeping his kids hidden for evil nefarious reasons
Employee trio au: William drags vanessa and henry into killing people and everything goes to shit
kill ur dad au: Michael kills william and drags evan in to help him cover it up. unfortunately, william always comes back
Traveling circus au: the funtimes, as humans, run a circus and meet elizabeth who got lost when her father had a springlock accident. while htye take care of her, william gets help from a shady wizard and things dont go well
Fnaf theatre au: where the fnaf game characters are a highschool theatre class and end up making a huuuge broadway show that retells the fnaf movie
anthro au: everyones a furry and the aftons are searching for william who disappeared many years ago
Golden memories au: Evan and Cassidy fail to keep william in ucn and end up losing their memories of everything past being killed (which includes meeting each other officiall) and help cassie throughout ruin
this isnt rlly important but good ending tfc au: novel elizabeth goes home with charlie instead of dying and they become friends
scrap baby's pizzeria: scrap baby (not liz), lefty (charlie), and molten freddy run a pizzeria in ucn and have to watch william while cassidy is away on torture vacation
Foxymike au: Michael is a robot william built years ago. he looks like foxy and ev n liz dig him up and decide to adopt him as their new big brother while william has a more special, evil plan for him
Lizzie time travel au: Elizabeth travels back in time after fnaf 6 and has to fix everything
the immortal and the restless au: Evan survives the bite and both him and mike work to fix everything, but they dont meet again until fnaf 6. evan burns down fnaf 3, and mike still gets scooped and all.
Fredbear sb plush au: Evan follows greg around as a possessed discontinued golden freddy plushy and they become besties
glitched mike au: au where michael goes looking for his missing sister and gets wrapped up in the remains of glitchtrap, whos clawing his way back to life
Zombiegolf au: Michael works at the pizzaplex and is bestfriends with monty and theres other lore but william is glitchtrap, evan and liz r there, and gregory is there lolz
Zombie apocolypse au: William accidently makes a zombie virus and everything goes to shit while his kids search for him and he finds his ex wife again
time travel crack au: Michael goes back in time but hes like. nine. and hes pissed as fuck and is trying to kill his dad wiht cassidy
fnaf wcm au: Ellis goes to the pizzaplex and meets the ghosts of the people who died there (most notably tony, gregory, and cassie) but somethings wrong. gregorys still alive...
Monster Island au: (the fic for this is deep end!) au where the animatronics are giant monsters on an island where a bunch of kids get stranded (afton kids, mci kids, sb kids, ect)
mer cbby au: circus baby is a mermaid that michael befriends (not liz!!!)
Michaels plush shop: michaels family gets cursed as plushies and he realizes any plushy he makes comes to life so he just has a funny little plushy family
flashlight frights au: flashlight duo are springbon and golden freddy and they r besties while william runs fazbear frights and jeremy, michael, and vanessa are security guards there
fredbears pizza mania au: glitchtrap remakes the afton family in a video game and they become sentient
little nightmares au: au based on the LN games. full of angst and horror adn afton brothers
Cityscape au: Au where its all futuristic shenanigans centered around glitchtrap vanny and the sb kids
afton house of horrors au: au where the afton kids meet the very kind hearted robots fredbear, springbonnie, circus baby, and ennard. unfortunately for htem, williams testing his nightmare gas in that house
ucn mike au: post fnaf 4 mike gets stuck in ucn bc cassidy fucked up the timeline and hes stuck with william
warrior cats au: jsut fnaf retold with kitties
Elliz sb protag au: Ellis is the sb protagonist and befriends monty
Williams apprentice au: Elizabeth lives and becomes williams helper
Williams successor au: an au based on a post by @/puhpandas (go follow him!!!! NEOW!!!) where william tries to make evan his successor and evan flips him the bird
Afton family business au: a murder family au catered to me
the sun sets in utah au: Elizabeth, grown by now, returns home after college to find both it and the people in it have changed so much. Especially her family
Glamrock baby au: Elizabeth in the pizzaplex what will she do
marionette emily au: charlie is accidently killed possesses the puppet. henry takes her as his daughter still. what could go wrong? (a lot)
the puppet and the carver: Charlie is trying to get her father to move on, but he has work to do. So much work. A lot of charlie and henry angst n stuff
summer camp au: Michael dies and is a ghost and his family + cassidy investigate
those are the ones of note i can think offff they dont all have tags like i said. I'll link this on my pinned post btw so anyone can find it
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supernovaa-remnant · 2 months
Rated T | Fantasy AU | c!Dream Team-centric
Fic Summary:
When he’s falsely accused of necromancy, George is forced to flee Manberg in an attempt to avoid his execution. His goal? Stay alive long enough to reach Kinoko Kingdom, where he will be granted asylum. On the way, he meets Sapnap, a fugitive who’s wanted on accounts of arson, and later Dream, a mysterious masked stranger who calls himself a traveler. The trio embark on the journey together, but things go sideways when they learn that Manberg’s ruler, Emperor Schlatt, has blasphemous plans that threaten to shake the very balance of the realm.
Without further ado, here's chapter 8 of Withering Heights!!! This is the second to last chapter, and I already know that next week is gonna feel so bittersweet when I finally post the last chapter haha. Well, now's the perfect time to start reading or to catch up in the fic, because we're almost to the end now.
Also we've officially passed 100k words, which is just. wild. I actually can't believe I wrote this much lol.
Thank you to everyone who's been reading and commenting so far. I'm beyond happy that people are enjoying this fic and this universe. This fic is like my baby lmao I'm so proud of it haha. Anyway, I hope you all enjoy the chapter <3
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favouritefi · 9 months
I'm sorry if this comes across as rude but I have to get it off my chest. I started watching the terror because of your fan art and going into it I had quite different expectations LMAO. Now I've finished the first season and *SPOILERS* They're dead. They're ALL DEAD and you're drawing catboy AUs about them???!!!
Anyway...please continue, they deserve to be happy at least in another universe...
i laughed out in the real world about this ask bc i cant believe i successfully bait and switched someone into watching a horror drama literally called "the terror" using catboys. im so delighted that you sat thro the first scene where we are told everyone is dead and was like "surely not....online stranger drew them as catboys....they must all be alive and living at croziers house..." love this for you, please remain this innocent and full of wonder forever so i can continue to trick you
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smokescreenimusprime · 10 months
I am absolutely in love with the Ghost of Darkmount au. It's both so funny and intresting.
So, my thoughts are, what would the autobots's reaction be after they found out the truth? You know, Ratchet obviously finds out first, but it can't be far behind before the rest does too. What are their thoughts, emotions, on the whole thing? Will they be angry at Smokescreen? Will they understand the reason he did it all?
And Smokey himself! I imagine wearing the phase shifter could have some serious side effects, especially now that it's damaged. Imagine him forgetting he's not a 'ghost' anymore and walking into walls or other solid objects constantly lmao
well >:3
Ratchet is absolutely floored by this, but admittedly doesn't have much time to process it in the rush of Hey The Final Battle Is Happening Right Fragging Now And We Don't Have Time To Spare. He makes it VERY clear that they WILL be talking about this later on, no ifs ands or buts, but he does put it on the back burner so they can actually get this plan through
the Autobots also have it pretty rough in terms of reveal since it's just. Right in the middle of them invading the Nemesis
but then when everything calms down........ then things get interesting :3
the emotions everyone feels are definitely complicated to say the very least of it. They're happy Smokescreen's alive! Don't get me wrong there!!! But there's also a BUNCH more they're feeling, especially after the immediate relief fades. You're right in how there's some anger at the secret keeping and tricks, but there's also a little bit of pride at what Smokescreen managed to accomplish, some mild discomfort that the kid did this by himself
However, most of all is...... concern honestly
after all, Smokescreen had been undercover for a long time, and the Autobots aren't blind to the differences, which nicely segues into the other point you brought up :)
Ratchet ends up dragging Smokescreen off to the side to remove the Phase Shifter as soon as he can, and he immediately gives him a check up that...... admittedly doesn't come out super great. Smokescreen hadn't gotten out of the collapsing base completely unscathed, not to mention all the grime and dirt that's been sticking to him for what could possibly be months now
and Smokescreen does have some..... habits
there is as you've mentioned Smokescreen forgetting he's not intangible anymore, and there have been more than a few instances of him walking or even running full speed into objects, walls or even other bots. He's a pretty frequent visitor to the medbay, and it gets bad enough that he starts carrying around a medkit
He's a weird mix of quiet and chatty. He's VERY socially starved and talks with the others whenever he can, but there are also times he forgets that people can see and touch him. The number of times he's been startled by people calling out to him or touching him when he didn't initiate it is more than he can count. There have also been times where he's just....... silently watched the other Autobots talking with a look that could only be described as longing, as if he's forgotten he's allowed to join in
he has an........ interesting relationship with the vehicons and Knockout. It's very tense and awkward, and honestly they're still largely terrified of him because of the months of Spooks. Now, Smokescreen doesn't regret what he did, not by a longshot...... but it does hurt a little bit whenever they whisper about him or flinch when they see him. It's especially bad with Knockout because of all Smokescreen's trips to the medbay
it takes Smokescreen a long time before he refuels with everyone else and recharges in a regular berth. Those habits were among the hardest for him to break. After so long of breaking into storage rooms to steal small portions so he wouldn't get caught and catching quick naps while being paranoid of falling through the airship, it's....... really difficult to adjust
to the Autobots, it's clear that he isn't the same bot as when they last saw him, and it's going to take time before he finds his "normal" again, but they do what they can to act as a support so he knows he doesn't have to be alone
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wikiangela · 11 months
Weekend WIP Game
tagged by @jesuisici33 <3
Rules: List your WIPs below (if you only write one fic at a time, feel free to include future WIPs/ideas!) then answer the following questions. Then, tag as many people as you have WIPs (or more)
1. WIP List:
alive shannon
sick eddie
buddie coffee shop
new buddie chris' school
bi eddie
buddie death cast fic
cheating fic
untitled natalia fic
buddie 2x01
5+1 nicknames
coffee buddie
2. Which of your WIPs is currently the longest?
alive shannon with 20k words so far
3. Which WIP do you expect will end up the longest?
alive shannon, since it's kinda a canon rewrite and I still haven't decided to which point it's gonna go, we'll see when it'll feel right to end it haha
4. Which WIP is your favourite to write/the most enjoyable to write? Why?
once again, alive shannon haha - it's just so fun to explore what all those dynamics could've been, and giving Eddie and Shannon some closure, and I love exploring Shannon's character, too, speculating on her thoughts and motivations, and diving into everyone's heads, and I'm so excited to see it all develop!!
5. Which WIP do you find the most intimidating to write? Why?
I think it's either alive shannon or the cheating fic alive shannon bc I've never written s2/s3 buddie and I wanna get their characters semi-right, and I don't remember a lot of details so I need to get on with my rewatch lol - and also writing Shannon's and Eddie's feelings on their relationship and how it all ended is not easy haha and the cheating fic bc it's so not my thing but a song inspired it and it got stuck in my head and it's happening haha and I hope I'll make it make sense haha
6. Which WIP do you experience the most self-doubt about. Why?
tbh all of them - some more, some less, but there are moments, especially lately, when veeeery often I'm just like: everything I write sucks wtf
7. Which of your WIPs will you seek out a beta/sensitivity reader for? Why?
@giddyupbuck agreed to beta the alive shannon fic, and I spam them with snippets if I'm in doubt and it's sooo helpful fr ily <3 and I'll need alive shannon beta-read bc it's gonna be so long, and I keep changing my mind about things bc of how many ideas I have, so I just need someone else to look at it and tell me if everything makes sense haha - and Ro's helped me so much with some previous fics so they have my full trust with my baby that is the alive shannon fic haha
8. Have any of your WIPs been struck by the curse of writer's block?
all of them at some point lol - a few of these are actually on hold bc of that - I will get back to them tho!
9. Which WIP has your favourite OC? Tell us about them?
as of now there's no ocs in any of these, but we'll see haha
10. Which WIP is the sexiest?
cheating fic and maaaaybe coffee buddie (if I'll ever get back to this one) - no actual smut in my wips yet atm
11. Which WIP is the angstiest?
buddie death cast fic - if you've read 'they both die at the end' you know why lol this is not gonna have a happy ending
12. Which WIP has the best characterisation (in your humble opinion)?
so far I'm loving everyone in alive shannon so I guess let's go with that haha
13. Which WIP has the best scene setting (in your humble opinion)?
oh I am so bad this - but maybe let's say buddie coffee shop au bc i think it's the only one where I put even a little bit of focus on the setting lmao
14. Which WIP have you worked the hardest on?
alive shannon, been thinking about it and making notes for months before I started writing, and I don't think i've ever been this invested in a fic
15. Which WIP do you have the highest expectations for? Why?
alive shannon - - like I said, it's my most precious baby, and I'm so excited to not only write it but read it, and I hope it's gonna be as good as it is in my head, and I hope I'll make the story make sense with Shannon there, but also keeping some important buddie moments from canon hah
16. Do you dream about any of your WIPs?
not sure if i've ever dreamt about a wip, but i do get new ideas in my sleep sometimes lol
17. Do any of your WIPs have particular complexities that your other fics don't?
alive shannon will have switching povs which i rarely do, so it's gonna be a challenge to write three distinct voices - and diving into Shannon's head and feelings and motivations will also definitely be hard
18. Which WIP is the funniest or has the most humour?
I think sick eddie - he's so ridiculously stubborn and difficult istg haha or buddie coffee shop with how fucking awkward buck's being
19. Do any of your WIPs contain outside POVs or a deep dive on a character other than the main ship? How are you finding that process?
yep, once again, alive shannon - it's as much a buddie fic as it is a shannon fic, so it's not exactly outside pov, bc I'm just excited to focus on her equally as much, on how she's settling into their lives, becoming a better mom, being involved in Chris' life - she's gonna have as much focus as buddie sns it's not easy, bc it's alternating povs and once I get stuck in Eddie's head it's hard to leave, but so far it's been fun
20. Tell us one thing we don't know about one or more of your WIPs
uhhh, I think I share like everything lol okay, so maybe: alive shannon will definitely go at least up until s4 and will include Eddie dating Ana 👀 purely bc I want a buddie-shipping Shannon to be like wtf eddie??? also, there will be more than one mcd in the death cast fic and coffee buddie was loosely inspired by a small thing from luke cage lol
no pressure tags: @daffi-990 @fortheloveofbuddie @elvensorceress @gaydiaz @diazass @thebravebitch @silentxxsoul @shortsighted-owl @eddiebabygirldiaz @arthursdent @diazblunt @911onabc @eddiediaztho @housewifebuck @lover-of-mine @gayhoediaz @rogerzsteven @watchyourbuck @hoodie-buck @monsterrae1 @ladydorian05 @forthewolves @honestlydarkprincess @wildlife4life @theotherbuckley @weewootruck @thewolvesof1998 @disasterbuckdiaz @loserdiaz @underwater-ninja-13 @giddyupbuck @hippolotamus @eowon @callaplums @spotsandsocks
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splendidbadger · 8 months
I read the tags on the ROTTMNT villains reblog, do you have more any scenarios and ideas for the villians? ANYTHING will do, they’re so fun and intriguing but the fandom overlooks them constantly.
Oh, I'm so glad you asked!!! I love the villains sooo much that I'm making an Ask blog revolving around them opening a bar lmao. I'm happy to see others who are invested.
Repo Mantis
I feel he was the first to be mutated with normal he acts like he gives no shit he's a mutant and we see him deal with humans. In my AU it's due to the fact he was mutated years before ROTTMNTs start. I mean he is not weirded out by the boys, he clearly knows Yokai exists. I have it set so he started doing work in the Hidden City and Draxum saw a nice unmutated human to experiment on and bam mantis man.
Repos trans too, idk man he's my favorite outside of Todd and you know? He's like me frfr. Repo def doesn't strike me as a top surgery guy, but also I feel his mutation helped his dysphoria a LOT because like I mean I've felt that.
Man is also very obsessed with his hair, and uses a lot of products. Doesn't care he's greying but he DOES care how healthy it is.
Repo can and will do drag. (Warren helps with his makeup and wig due to his claws getting in the way)
Here's a lil angst one.
Hypno doesn't realize he fused with Doug. I can't remember the episode name, but it's the one in the botanical gardens where we get the flower mutant. We see that humans can literally be fused with plant life and possibly animal life. Also since we know Hypno wants to bring Doug back to life, hes passed away. Given that Doug was Hypnos hippo, and was most likely with him when he was bit, he doesn't realize he's been fused with his buddy.
He just knows his buddy is gone and he'll never see him again. That or he fully knows but is in denial. Warren buys him merch based on Doug as a way to make him feel better, since he's not the greatest at comforting people.
and some non angst headcanons
Hypno doesn't really have a label. He knows he's queer but doesn't care to label himself. He likes who he likes, and that's all that matters.
Hypno does drag a lot!!!! He LOVES doing drag! It's fun for him, and how he expresses himself!
A lil senario thing
Imagine that Repo was actually a fan of Warren Stone as an anchorman, imagine he enjoyed his jokes and commentary. Repos devastated he went missing, and genuinely invested in keeping up with anyone trying to find him. When he discovers his favorite anchors alive and not dead he's thrilled.
Due to the fact we know everyone Warren knew pre-mutation abandoned him he doesn't trust Repo, not at first. After all Hypnos is the only one who takes him seriously or seems to give a shit about him especially after he bungled everything with April. (He feels guilty about that gauntlet situation I will die on this hill.) So naturally he doesn't believe Repo at first. Repos pretty hurt, but man he gets it. These changes are big but he promises he's a fan and even knows other fans too.
Repo ends up taking Warren and Hypno to meet the others, sure they met when Draxum "hired" them but it was just a job and they didn't really to much time to talk after they got into action. I like to think Warrens was genuinely touched to see he has a fan base. I'm fully convinced post Warren and Hypno Sitting in a Tree Todd got Warrent a job as a Hidden City news anchor. Sure it's not what he had, but it IS something, and these yokai? They love him even if he's a worm-
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silly-l1ttle-guy · 9 months
bucci gang + la squadra go ice skating
i like making headcanons. also consider this an au where they all just hangout or something idk
he's never really ice skated before
he's happy to go nevertheless
he gets a hang of it fairly easily
he'll fall down a few times but he gets a good laugh about it
sticks close to Abbacchio
he'll help out Fugo once he's confident enough that he won't fall
he'll talk to the la squadra members when he takes a break from skating
like him and Prosciutto will sit down and talk for a bit
overall he has a good time
you cannot tell me this man has never ice skated before
he used to take ice skating lessons come on
he's gracefully skating around while everyone else is falling on their asses
except for Ghiaccio, but we'll get to that later
he'll stick close to Bruno in the beginning to make sure he gets the hang of it
after Bruno gets the hang of ice skating, Abbacchio will probably give him a quick kiss and go off on his own
laughs at Giorno when he falls
"HAH! Giorno fell!"
will be offended if anyone laughs at Narancia or Trish for falling though
those are his kids, how dare they?
he'll zoom over to beat their ass
he has a fun time and shows off a lot
he gets the hang of it after like five minutes
he's a natural at like everything
like he'll fall down a few times, but that's to be expected
and most of the time it's because Fugo's clinging onto him with the tightest grip you can imagine
"GIOGIO DON'T LET GO I'LL SLIP" "I've got you, don't worry"
this boy manages to make everything romantic.
after Fugo get's used to it they'll hold hands and skate around together
it's very cute
Sorbet and Gelato might even comment on how cute they are together (they're alive now. why? because fuck canon, that's why)
he likes to spin
you'll just see Giorno and Fugo spinning together and giggling wildly
then they have to take a break cuz they got too dizzy
he had a very fun time, probably the most fun he's had in a while
falls flat on his ass the moment he gets on the rink
and every five minutes after that
he'll purposefully stay close to Narancia and Trish, then grab on to them when he's about to fall and brings them down with him
they keep making jokes about each other too
"Damn Trish, I didn't think you'd be so shit at ice skating!" "Shut up Mista, you're lucky the ice can even support your fat-ass" "Yeah, I'm surprised the ice isn't cracking beneath you like in the movies" "Fuck off Narancia, you can hardly see anything with that shit eyesight of yours"
he starts sweating a lot too
Narancia and Trish end up trying to skate away from him because he smells bad
he just chases after them and subjects them to his stink
overall he has a lot of fun
very wobbly
he just clings to Giorno for most of the time
he just really doesn't wanna slip and fall
not because it'd hurt, but because Narancia, Mista and Trish would tease him about it for weeks
he eventually gets the hang of it and just holds Giorno's hand and skates around with him
he's very peaceful during this time
they eventually have to take a break because he got too dizzy
Illuso probably makes fun of him for "being weak"
he just threatens him while trying not to throw up
"What? Are you too weak to handle a bit of spinning?" "Don't make me get out Purple Haze..." "HAHA NEVERMIND I WAS KIDDING"
he has a fun time with Giorno :]
Stays close to Mista and Trish
they do stupid shit together lmao
"Trish I dare you to lick the ice" "EW no! Mista should do it" "WHY AM I BEING TARGETTED?!"
Have I mentioned that they only bully Mista
it's because Mista can take anything they throw at him
like literally he just brushes it off
Narancia falls over like 447837269 times
most of it is Mista's fault tho
he does a stupid thing and skates over a thin patch of ice
it breaks and he falls in
Abbacchio zooms in to save him lmao
he has to go home early :[
he had a lot of fun though, minus the fact that he fell into the water
she's probably pretty good at ice skating
this is her first time, but she likes rollerskating so she gets the hang of it
she stays with Narancia and Mista
also her and Narancia keep bullying Mista, as stated before
she probably convinces Mista to carry her at some point
only for them both to fall
then they apologize because they feel bad
"You're not actually that fat btw Trish" "Yeah neither are you"
then they go right back to bullying each other
she ends up going home early with Narancia and Abbacchio
she has a really fun time though
he's so fucking scared of slipping it's hilarious
he's a big guy, everyone's gonna notice
also scared of falling through the ice
the only reason he's there is to make sure no one dies
which means making sure Ghiaccio doesn't kill someone
the ice cracked a little under him and he got so fucking scared lmao
like he just stood there
for five minutes
pissing himself cuz he thought he was gonna fall through
Someone eventually notices that he hasn't moved and comes over to check if he's ok
"Are you all good, Risotto?" "I'm going to fall through the ice. Help."
never again
figure skater
it actually calms him
literally everyone is impressed
he might even race Abbacchio if he's feeling up to it
he wins btw
will get mad if he sees someone doing it wrong though
He uses White Album to keep the ice from melting
he's doing everyone a favour fr
ESPECIALLY since Mista is naturally a very warm person
he took warm-blooded seriously
anyway Ghiaccio is very good at ice skating
he has a good time
Pesci is too scared to get on the ice
Prosciutto bullies him into ice skating
I don't really have any headcanons for these guys
also my fingers are starting to hurt so I gotta wrap it up
they have an ok time
he's pretty good at ice skating
stares at people asses while they skate though
that's all from him
he had a good time
dick cheese
makes fun of Narancia for falling
gets beaten by Abbacchio
has to leave early
did not have a good time
shit at skating
keeps fucking falling
did not have fun
they kiss
and try to give relationship advice to people
"Bruno, we've got some advice for you" "Hey Abbacchio, want some relationship advice?" "GIORNO WE CAN TEACH YOU HOW TO BE A GOOD BOYFRIEND!"
They have fun
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rollinouttahere-writes · 10 months
So just wondering in the strays au was Rob Lucci in dressora because he heard Lizard was there and just took the first mission available at Dressora or was it just a coincidence?
I had to hit up the wiki for this one, I didn't even know he was in that arc lmao
It was probably a coincidence. With how quickly the Straw Hats move around (doesn't that arc happen over the course of like 2 days?), it's hard to know where they are at any moment. It was a very happy accident that they happened to be there at the same time. Lizard's just trying to escape with everyone still alive and well, then Lucci manifests behind her while saying that they have some training they need to catch up on.
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jtl-fics · 1 year
i just want you to know that I've started watching The Fantastic Race (I'd never heard of it before) and i too cannot stop imagining Andreil in it.. but also a Foxes/Exy only edition.
like, one is Foxes only, 10 teams, either with some of the freshmen, or while Seth is still alive/in an AU where he survives.
one is Andreil against other Americans where they dominate everything
and one is Andreil, Kevin/jeremy, riko/jean, and some other teams from other American Exy teams
i will eat this thing upppp!! please write it, i beg of you lmao
I do love me some Amazing Race. I think I could give you a Miracle Year of Collegiate Exy version of the Amazing Race.
I think maybe after their initial run through and victory Neil and Andrew are like absolute fan favorites and even though Neil, Andrew, nor the show ever say it there is a general belief that Neil and Andrew got together BECAUSE of the show. Any follow-up publicity on it has Neil and Andrew just staring at the camera like "Are u for fucking real?"
The thing with these shows is that fan favorites get asked to go back ALL the time and Neil gets a lot of very lucrative sponsorships that make the Moriyamas VERY happy after it.
They offer the same deal, a cut on the % that they will take from earnings and this time it's just for competing and this time it's a deal given to. They want the Miracle Generation of the Foxes to come and if every one does then Ichirou will lower Neil, Jean, and Kevin's %s owed to 50% (Maybe the deals are that good, maybe Ichirou is a big fan of the show, maybe he has a finger in it's production. This is mostly just like rationale on why the fuck they'd all do this. Especially Neil and Andrew since like Andrew had a bad time on those planes).
Either way not a single Fox disagrees. Arrangements are made for everyone's kids / pets. Shit is talked.
The Miracle Generation Race is ON.
The Teams are As Follows:
(Fox) Neil Josten & Andrew Minyard (Orange) (Dating)
(Fox) Kevin Day & David Wymack (Green) (Father-Son)
(Fox) Dan Wilds-Boyd & Matt Wilds-Boyd (Yellow) (Married)
(Fox) Allison Reynolds & Renee Johnson (Pink) (BFFs)
(Fox) Aaron Minyard & Katelyn Minyard (Blue) (Engaged)
(Fox) Nicky Klose & Erik Klose (Purple) (Married)
(Trojan) Jean Moreau & Jeremy Knox (Red) (Dating)
(Raven) Johnson & Reacher (Black) (Friends)
(Trojan) Alvarez & Laila (White) (Dating)
(Raven) Thea Muldani & Jenkins (Teal) (Friends)
(Penn) Penn State Coach & Penn State Captain (Grey) (Friends? IDK I ran out of people to be honest and thought well maybe we just have some throwaway team to lose first)
One of the funnier things I could do with that is that this Miracle season is also fan favorite season too and they want the cast to come back but no one can be with their same partner again. So you get shit like Neil and Jean, Jeremy and Andrew, Allison and Kevin, Renee and Aaron, Wymack and Nicky, etc.
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windupaidoneus · 20 days
the workplace drama in the modern AU must go crazy.
under the cut w the highest hopes that makes it not show up in the searches. no one look at me.
it is downright infernal. the scions & the ascians are coworkers. fourchenault is there. nero is there. yotsuyu is there. asahi is banned from the workplace. the zeroes can be here if you all wish them to be. somehow zenos & emet coexist at similar ish ages. siblings? can you imagine? horrifying prospect. i think it's funny if it's the case. fandaniel has no reason to take on asahi's appearance anymore but he does it to uh, piss asahi off, i guess. guy who puts himself in a situation he doesn't like ("double date" with zenos & hilde/emet. no one is happy about this. he's not at all into zenos or anything this is purely a self destructive act that everyone involved either agreed to to humour him hoping for some reason this was an actual thing he wanted to do, went along because who give a shit or went along because someone begged them to try & humour him. yeah that's hilde zenos & emet in order) to be a nuisance to someone else. maybe he's friends with yotsuyu. maybe that's why he's trying to ruin asahi's life. compels me. on that note i wonder what fandaniel would go by. amon perhaps? seems to be what he'd favour at least like. from what i can tell. he's probably a system. in fact i can't imagine him not plural
i havent decided if athena is alive or dead in that scenario. athena being alive would be horrifying probably. i feel like she would somehow find a way to make going to work as high stakes as endwalker is. due to her problems. it's very scary to think about! emet steals thancred's lunch & gives it to hilde as a "gift" (he is NOT eating that himself & he knows hilde needs to eat more than he does so. he gets the free lunch) every single time someone steals his own lunch. doesn't matter if thancred isn't the one who stole it because emet does not like him
i think estinien steals the lunch more often than not & it's entirely bc he forgot what he brought/if he brought anything at all. causing the eighth calamity by being forgetful & he's just sitting there eating the food without a care in the world
there most certainly is some evil shit going on there but tbh a lot of it is everyone being exposed to cid & nero doing whatever the fuck it is they do. because they're both there. yeah this office has five billion employees (ok some of them are just there in the AU due to their connections w other characters who do work at the office. but i'll work out who does what at a later date). when haurchefant brings pastries for everyone it is a beautiful day where no one fights WRONG!!! all out war. even though he made sure to bring enough for everyone. also hilde & haurche probably dated in high school then parted on good terms at some point. of course bc of hildes #problems. they're still good friends
i like to think the whole thing w hilde & emet is being like. followed with bated breath by a lot of them. because they really dance around it for so long it just becomes the office's sports to watch them will they wont they lmao. nero doesnt give a fuckkkk hes usually mostly here to do repairs & whatnot until he hears thancred complain about it at which point he makes a completely uncalled for remark toward him in which 1. he probably has 0 stakes in 2. he may not even have any room to speak on the matter in question he's just ready & willing to be a bitch to the guy being a bitch abt his brother. yes they are still brothers in this au. good luck to this office
the ascian/ancient beef is unparalleled though. i shudder to think of what nabriales brings to the table.
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