#audio is in japanese but eh it's fine
shiki-aki · 4 months
[Translation] Convenience Store Lamento Drama CD - Track 6. "Dogs and Cats"
This is my translation of the Shiki & Akira scene from track 6 of the "Convenience Store Lamento" drama CD. This drama CD features a crossover between Lamento and Togainu no Chi, where the Lamento cast are employees working at a convenience store, while the Togainu cast are shoppers there. My Japanese is limited and I had another person help me translate this, although neither of us are fluent in Japanese. Regardless, I hope you can enjoy this audio!
Konoe: Uoh! Wah! A motorcycle?
Shiki: I'll have the usual.**
Konoe: Welcome! Please wait, I'll head over to the register.
Konoe: You want the water bottle in this size, correct?
Shiki: That's right.
Konoe: Thank you for shopping with us.
Konoe: Huh?
Konoe: Ah—
Konoe: This is bad... the register is broken.
Konoe: What should I do?
Shiki: Keep the change.
Konoe: Eh?!
Konoe: I can't do tha—
Konoe: Wait!
Konoe: The manager will get mad at me!
Shiki: The manager...
Shiki: Is that white-haired man not here today?
Konoe: Eh?
Konoe: You mean Rai?
Konoe: Yes, unfortunately, he went out somewhere...
Shiki: Then I have something to ask you.
Konoe: Eh?
Shiki: Does this water have some sort of special effect to it?
Konoe: The... water?
Shiki: Whenever I drink this, I get a strange dream.
Konoe: Ah...
Konoe: You mean a memory.
Shiki: A memory?
Konoe: It's written on the label.
Konoe: The water has a purifying effect that clears impurities from the body.
Konoe: During that process, old memories can awaken.
Shiki: An antidote?
Konoe: It's not really detoxification...
Konoe: It's just purging impurities from your body.
Konoe: Do you know what "purification" is?
Shiki: ...
Konoe: This water is made from sap that is harvested from a large tree.
Konoe: During the harvesting, the Sanga sing.
Konoe: Their singing strengthens the power of the water.
Konoe: Well, in the first place, the Touga often drink this water to purify their bodies.
Shiki: I don't know what you mean by Touga, but when I drink this, I can feel a strange power.
Konoe: I think that's the song's effect...
Konoe: What kind of dream is it?
Konoe: Is it a nightmare?
Shiki: A nightmare...
???: "Shiki."
Shiki: No, it's just a voice.
Konoe: A voice...
Konoe: What is it like?
???: "Shiki!"
Konoe: If the dreams are distressing, then we can ask Tokino.
Konoe: He's a friend of mine who handles dream powder.
Konoe: He's very good at his job.
Shiki: No.
Shiki: It's fine.
Shiki: So this water can purify the effects of Rein, too.
Konoe: Rein?
Konoe: Where is that product from?
Konoe: Ah, I don't know much about products from other stores yet...
Shiki: It's fine.
Shiki: I just wanted to ask.
Konoe: I'm sorry.
Shiki: I'll come again.
Konoe: Eh?
Konoe: Ah, yes.
Konoe: Thank you very much!
Shiki: Move.
Akira: I was standing here—!
Akira: first...
Shiki: What?
Akira: Nothing...
Akira: I was just wondering why you're looking at me.
Shiki: I was?
Akira: You were staring at me.
Akira: Just now.
Shiki: You're very self-conscious.
Akira: Then don't look at me.
Shiki: What's your name?
Akira: Why would I tell my name to someone I just met?
Shiki: Just met, huh...
Akira: ...Have we met before?
Shiki: I can't remember the rest.
Akira: Huh? What are you—
Shiki: However...
Shiki: I remember that voice.
Akira: Eh?
Shiki: If that's a memory, then...
**Shiki more specifically says "I'll have the usual [brand name of water]" in this line but neither of us can decipher what he's saying lol. It sounds like a loan word, or maybe it's a word specific to Lamento. I haven't played Lamento yet so I don't know.
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fruit-of-infidelity · 11 months
⚰︎ DIABOLIK LOVERS SKiT Dolce Tokuten Drama CD: “Trick or Treat(ment)” ⚰︎
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Japanese Title: トリック・オア・トリート(メント)
CV: Takehiro Kou, Kaji Yuki, & Takashi Kondō (briefly ft. the other Sakamaki's too)
Audio Available: N/A
Author Note: This is another Halloween Drama CD especially for the spooky season, except this one is a little more fun rather than spooky. Like always with these group dramas, there is no audio available. But, I hope you enjoy it all the same!! I'd love to hear feedback/thoughts on this, since it's been a while since I focused solely on Drama CDs!
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― The scene begins in the Sakamaki manor. ―
Subaru: Where’d the hell that girl go?
Heh, you hidin’ on me? Fine, I’ll play ball, just this once… Tonight’s all about spooks, so what’s a little hide and seek?
Kanato: Cut it out. You’re being awfully noisy.
Subaru: Hah?
Kanato: Don’t act like you didn’t hear me, please. I hate repeating myself… Even Teddy says you are making a ruckus.
Subaru: Whatever… Don’t blame me for it. I wouldn’t be havin’ to make a sound if that woman would hurry up and show herself.
…Oi, reckon you have any idea where she wound up?
Kanato: That annoying person? It seems she decided to shut herself in her room.
Subaru: Just in here? I should’ve known.
― He tries the door. ―
Fuck… The hell did you go locking the door on me for!? Not like there’s anythin’ to barge in on, you know!
― Footsteps approach. ―
Ryuuto: Have you considered she might be avoiding the likes of you for a change?
Subaru: Haah!? Ryuuto…?
Looks like Halloween came early...
Ryuuto: Mutter under your breath all you’d like. You’re simply putting your immaturity on full display, like a peacock showing off its feathers.
If she is avoiding you… Well, I – for one – think it is about time some sense was knocked into her. You can be nothing but a bad influence on her.
Subaru: Bastard… You’re one to talk!
Kanato: Who was it that let you in to our house, Ryuuto? I thought this place was off limits to your side of the family?
Ryuuto: I let myself in.
Besides, you must be mistaken if you think a verbal warning is enough to scare me off. Pitch a sign outside in protest, next time, fufu.
Kanato: …Hehe, maybe you’re right, Teddy. Maybe pitching his head on a spike, instead, would make a better solution.
Subaru: It’d make for a much better Halloween decoration, that’s for sure.
― Subaru and Kanato laugh amongst themselves. ―
Ryuuto: Har. Har. How very funny.
Anyhow, please clear off, won’t you? I am here for that person, alone, and would rather not have my evening ruined by the “Sakamaki babies”*.
  *The Japanese here would ideally be “―逆巻のねんね”; Not only is Ryuuto calling them childish and immature, but he is also using baby-talk whilst doing so to be condescending lol.
Kanato: What did you call me!? A “baby”…!?
Subaru: You say that shit again, and this place’ll soon be a real haunted house!!
Ryuuto: Oh dear, what a foul mood you are both in all of a sudden. It would appear you babies are teething*, too. Fufufu.
  *Again, Ryuuto is being condescending as they’re younger than him, about to throw a tantrum, and – as all the Diaboys like to bare their teeth/threaten to bite when angry – teething is a play on them being “babies” as well as Vampires lol.
Subaru: You piece of…!
― Suddenly the door opens, with you rushing out to stop the fight! ―
Ryuuto: “Stop”? Fufu, you think I am frightened by―― Gaah!?
Subaru: Th-The fuck!? Gh-Ghost!?
Kanato: Waah!?
― You question what’s wrong. ―
Ryuuto: …!? It’s just you!?
― You apologise. ―
Subaru: “Thought you were a ghost”? F-Fuck off, I wasn’t spooked…
Ryuuto: You can’t expect us to not be startled, when you come walking out unannounced covered in something so strange.
Kanato: E-Eh? You mean…
It’s just that person, under that… that ectoplasm?
― You laugh and explain. ―
“A face mask” is what all that slime on your face is? How is putting something that looks so disgusting all over your face relaxing?
Ryuuto: They aren’t uncommon when it comes to skincare; Women tend to love the moisture and glow they give the face, after all.
Aren’t you supposed to have cucumbers to go along with this too?
Kanato: Like those over there you mean? Like a spa treatment…
Subaru: Pah… Since when did you care about “skincare”, anyway?
Ryuuto: Don’t sound so revolted, Subaru. I’m sure you could learn a thing or two about taking care of yourself from this woman.
Subaru: What’s that supposed to mean!?
― You ask them to calm down. ―
Kanato: …Sniff, sniff. Smells of… honey?
― You explain it’s a homemade face mask. ―
Kanato: It’s “homemade”? From fresh ingredient we had lying around in the kitchen?
Hey, is this really just an excuse to make yourself into a ready-to-eat meal for me? Hehe, you smell too good to not eat.
Subaru: Honey? You mean…
― Kanato licks your face. ―
Kanato: Mm… and strawberries.
Ryuuto: What do you think you’re doing? Don’t be so inconsiderate.
― You thank Ryuuto. ―
You think I was telling him off for your sake? Fufu, not at all… It’s simply disgusting to see what belongs to you be eaten up by someone else.
Subaru: Guess you’re not gonna like this then?
― Subaru also licks your face. ―
…You weren’t kiddin’, huh? It’s really strawberry, and all that stuff.
― You insist they stop! ―
Ryuuto: Exactly, face masks aren’t for eating.
Subaru: Maybe not. But, she is.
Kanato: I wouldn’t mind another taste, please.
Ryuuto: Tut.
You there, they’re going to make their stomachs sore, if you keep enticing them like this. Then this “Halloween” you have been so eager for will be ruined.
― You come up with an idea. ―
…You want us to try these face masks too?
Subaru: You mean… smearin’ this crap all over our faces?
Kanato: Are you saying our skin needs some kind of treatment? Mine is as soft as ever, you know!
…Although, with how sweet this stuff is smelling…
Ryuuto: I don’t know about you two, but I suppose it might make for quite the relaxing evening, if we were to give it a go, as well...
Fufu. Cucumber-eyes and all.
Subaru: I thought the point of all this was to make her look ridiculous.
Kanato: If we participate, does this mean we can eat it, when we’re done?
― You suppose so. ―
Then, I’ll have to give it a go as well. Heheh…
Please do mine first, before these other two. And be very generous with how much you put on.
Ryuuto: Remind me, you made this yourself? Well, it would be careless to not give it a good go, wouldn’t it?
Perhaps I ought to entrust my painting palette to you more often; You seem to mix rather pleasant colours.
Subaru: …Huh? What are you lookin’ at me for?
…Tsk, if everyone is doing it, i-it’d be a waste to not use to all up, I guess? Only ‘cause you went to the effort of makin’ so much!
Fine… Count me in.
― Timeskip. ―
Ryuuto: Haa… This has turned out to be rather relaxing, after all. With the lights off like this, the moonlight on my skin feels extra rejuvenating.
Subaru: Feels like I’ve shoved my face into mud… It’s caked all over…
Kanato: Mm… Please top mine up. It’s dribbling right into my mouth; I have no choice but to lick it off.
― You tell them to be careful. ―
Ryuuto: I’m not going to spill any onto your bedsheets, whilst sat here, don’t fret.
Although, I cannot speak for all of us…
― You top them up with cucumber eyes now. ―
Kanato: Why are you laughing all of a sudden?
Ryuuto: Why, indeed? It was your idea for the cucumber-eyes, Pet. Don’t tell me you are going to make us regret letting you pamper us?
Subaru: …Oi.
I wonder if you could do this sorta stuff with blood, you know? Wouldn’t that be just as refreshin’?
Kanato: Are you suggesting we should try that next time?
Subaru: Somethin’ like that, heh.
Ryuuto: Say, when the time comes… You will wash this off our face too, won’t you? After all, we’re in your care, tonight.
Kanato: Yes, return the favour; Lick mine off my face.
Make sure you end at my lips, though. That way, I’ll be able to finish my treatment with a final taste of the mask, hehe.
― You refuse. ―
Subaru: Hah? “No”? You’re gonna make us wash it off ourselves?
You’re really a pain in the ass sometimes, just c’mere instead――
― Subaru grabs hold of you. ―
Quit screamin’.
Fuck stumblin’ my way to the bathroom to wash it off, using you as a washcloth’ll work just fine.
― There is a struggle. ―
Ryuuto: Good grief, you’re going to make a complete mess, Subaru!!
Kanato: Who said you can use what belongs to me like that, anyway!?
― There is more of a struggle as they all get tangled in the bedsheets. ―
Ryuuto: Hand her over, at once! If she isn’t the one to fetch a damp towel for us, then who else will be…!?
― You shout for help. ―
Laito: Nfu. Did I hear a cry for “help” from my Bitch-cha――
― One by one, the other Sakamaki’s appear. ―
Reiji: What on earth is happening h――!?
Ayato: W-Woah, what the hell!?
Shuu: …Heh.
Look at that. Looks like the ghosts of this “haunted house” have come out to play this Halloween, after all…
Ayato: Whaddya mean “ghosts”!?
― You, Ryuuto, Kanato, and Subaru fall off the bed, with the bedsheets. ―
Subaru: Aargh...!!
Laito: D-Did you hear that?
Reiji: W-Wha…!? This… This can’t be…
Shuu: Hahah…
― Shuu slowly walks away. ―
Reiji: Shuu, come back!
You… Ahem, whatever this is, y-you should learn to deal with these things yourself once in a while, as the eldest, you know…!
― Reiji quickly disappears. ―
Ayato: Y-Yo, Four-Eyes! Wait up!
― Ayato, then Laito, rush after Reiji. ―
Laito: Ayato…!? Hey...!
Ryuuto: Tsk...
Who pulled down this sheet with us!?
Kanato: M-My mask!
― They finally break apart… covered in a mess of face mask. ―
Subaru: Fuck, I’m covered in it!
― You complain. ―
Kanato: “C-Covered your bed in it”!? You’re lucky you didn’t cover Teddy in it!
Ryuuto: It’s all over my clothes, and through my hair…
Subaru: I think I got some in my eye…
― You are also covered head to toe in it from the struggle. ―
Ryuuto: Tut… Seeing as you are also completely covered in it, I’ll let you take a bath with me.
Subaru: Get lost, you have your own bathroom back at your place! I’m calling shots for scrubbin’ clean first, with her.
Kanato: It was your fault for the mess in the first place! It’s only fair her and I get to wash off first!!
― You get upset. ―
Ryuuto: Forget about laundry for now, Pet.
If you want a clean body first and foremost, secure that spot alongside you in the bath for me!
Kanato: N-No, me!!
Subaru: F-Fuck… Just, someone, go already!
This stuff’s really sticky…
ーー THE END ーー
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thefinalcinderella · 2 years
Tsurune: Irodori no Issha Episode 1: Kuma’s Feelings
So kyoto animation is posting limited time audio dramas after every episode, and luckily for me, there’s subs in Japanese! I’ll be tagging all the dramas under tsurune: irodori no Issha
Seiya is being a funky little guy in this one
Tsurune translation masterpost here
Translation Notes:
1. Seiya is parodying the speech patterns of the cat protagonist in Natsume Soseki’s I am a Cat. The cat there speaks in a very self-important and grandiose way, like a nobleman
2. A pun. The phrase here is 医者の不養生 which literally means “a doctor’s neglect of health” and is an idiom that means “not practicing what you preach”
Minato: Kuma! Good morning! 
Minato: You’re so fluffy...let me sniff your head a little bit. And then your paws, and your ears.
Minato: Let’s go out together today.
Seiya: “I am Kuma. Today, Narumiya Minato-kun, the neighbor from across the street, is in high spirits.”
Minato: Eh, what are you doing, Seiya?
Seiya: “Minato-kun comes to my house everyday for the goal of petting me. I am pleased that he visits me everyday, but to be honest, I cannot help but think that there are other things he should prioritize.”
Minato: Kuma would never say something like that
Seiya: Who can say
Minato: Kuma loves me. No matter how much I pet him, he’s fine with it, right, Kuma?
Seiya: “When he states that so strongly, I have no choice but to say yes in a dog-like way.”
Minato: Seiya’s Kuma is pretty sarcastic
Seiya: He has a fairly philosophical side to him
Seiya: Anyways, let’s go. We have an appointment
Minato: “I’m Kuma! My young master is a bit of a pain. But I forgive him since he gives me jerky.”
Seiya: Huh? There’s bribery involved?
Minato: “My young master is desperate for my affection.”
Seiya: Then, what about Minato?
Minato: “Minato is my friend. I love playing with him. By the way, my favorite games are fetch and tug-of-war.”
Seiya: All you need is for someone to play with you?
Minato: “My job is to play, sleep, and eat.”
Seiya: That’s nice. I’m jealous of you, Kuma.
Minato: “Oh? Master has a gloomy face. Let me try to sniff him.”
Seiya: You can tell from my smell?
Minato: “My sense of smell is ten thousand to a hundred million times better than humans. I can even know what you’re thinking about, whether you’re happy or sad, not to mention your footsteps!”
Seiya: Ten thousand and a hundred million are two completely different numbers.
Minato: “My master is nitpicky. That’s why he tends to worry about all kinds of things.”
Seiya: I don’t want to hear that from you, Kuma...or rather, Minato.
Minato: “I don’t care about the small things! There’s a nice phone pole here. Hmm, hmm. I see.”
Seiya: So, what about it? 
Minato: “A dog has marked this spot.”
Seiya: Well, that’s obvious. Anyone can see that. 
Minato: “I won’t tell my master the details.”
Seiya: I know Kuma wouldn’t say mean things like that. 
Minato: Ugh...that’s true.
Seiya: You broke character.
Minato: I know. 
Minato: Okay, let’s go, Kuma.
Minato: What’s wrong, Kuma? Don’t sit down. 
Seiya: “I am Kuma. I sense something suspicious.”
Minato: There’s nothing suspicious at all.
Seiya: “I sense something suspicious in the fact that he said that there’s nothing suspicious.
Minato: Stop goofing around, Seiya. Do something
Seiya: “I have decided to not budge at all from my spot.”
Minato: And we were almost there...
Minato: Seiya, hold Kuma for a bit. 
Seiya: You help too, Minato
Minato: One, two!
Seiya: Heavy!
Minato: When we weighed him before, he was 45kg. 
Seiya: Heave-ho! 
Minato: “Oh wow, I’m being carried. Is it okay to ignore a person...no, a dog’s will?”
Seiya: Minato, do you want to take Kuma to the animal hospital or not?
Minato: I’m going, I’m going. Okay, Kuma, bear with it. A dog from a family of doctors wouldn’t get sick. 
Seiya: That would be failing to practice what they preach.(2) Oh, he gave up and started walking.
Minato: “I didn’t give up. I decided to go to the hospital for the sake of my master.”
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seth-burroughs · 4 months
rain code rewatch (czynś pirsza) (chapter 0, up to the moment Yuma got on that train)
reminded on how much i liked shinigami's japanese voice over the english one...... the dub was surprisingly fine actually, it's just. you get me right.
when i first watched this game it was the japanese dub (because of course) but i forgor most of the voices they had over time. gonna get reminded of so much tonight lmao
i love how it just. the train folk all dying the death is this shocking plot twist nobody saw coming but the chapter title is literally. massacre on the amaterasu express. you know. massacre. defined indiscriminate and brutal slaughter of many people.... i love being clueless all the time i loooove not seeing literally anything coming ever. also the chapter title segments are cool i like them thumbs up emoji im on laptop
yuma's japanese va <<<<<<<< yuma's english va (also the audio from that guy's video is jumping a loooooot huh. i remember it got better later)
kokohead guy looking kinda cute i want to punch him till he falls over on the ground
i just wanted you to know that yuma completely stole from yomi's cool as fuck blue light up boots he did it FIRST and he did it BETTER this is truly a testament of how all the incarnations of Number One are so hellbent on pissing him off . they are obsessed. they are obsessed. (aren't they? i know ur listening i can feel u there. you agree eh?)
nevertheless, i can understand the choice. it is cool looking. yuma would be regarded as god if he came in to the average elementary school with those-
why do i whenever i see something looking mildly scared or miserable my first instinct is KICK THEM PUNCH THEM SMACK THEM AGAIN THE WALL MAKE THEM CRY HARDER START DRINKING THEIR BLOOD IN FRONT OF TH
awwwww. big guy is shivering too.
i still want to know the origin story behind the deliberate choice of naming this guy. kokohead. what deep meaning does this have that i do not get.........................
au where yuma did not get on that train in time . why did i not think of that earlier this is like one of the most obvious au ideas-
TIMESKIP SEQUENCE Okay, so.... Nearly a full day passed since Seweryn wrote this and he forgot to post it I guess. I'm back now (yes, me <333 have I been missed by the masses?) probably gonna continue in a minute-
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tofueggnoodles · 1 year
Saiyuki Noisy Cast Talk
Summary: The voice actors share their thoughts on the recording of the album Saiyuki Noisy and talk about health and relaxation.
See notes at the end for disclaimer.
Hoshi: It’s time for the bonus track of Drama CD Saiyuki Noisy! Thanks for your hard work, everyone. Er... first, the topics of our talk: your thoughts about the recording and anything you wish to share regarding your health and what you do for relaxation. I would like each of us to say our piece in turn. First of all, this is Hoshi Souichirou, who plays Son Goku. Pappi!
(The others laugh.)
Hoshi: Yes, everyone, pappi.
Ishida and Seki: Thank you for your hard work.
Hoshi: Thank you for your hard work. It’s been a while since a full-blown Saiyuki Drama CD [such as this one] was last released. In this CD, a number of bonus audio dramas were compiled. It’s quite a voluminous work, but it also gives me a sense of satisfaction. Well, I wonder if Hirata-san, in particular, is pleased with this undertaking. As for me, it was fun. However, for Goku, there were some serious parts from the beginning to the end. Because of them, interesting episodes as they were, the level of excitement was pretty high and it was challenging [for me]. But those scenes were really rousing, especially the one with the wanko soba. Right?
Seki: You worked hard on it.
Hoshi: Yes, I did. I had fun doing the scene with everyone. Next, regarding my health, there’s nothing to tell in particular. I try to eat as much vegetables as possible. With that aim in mind, I’m doing my best. I like spinach. Whenever possible, I add it to my meals. At this age, this is something I should do. In this sense, everyone, please share what you’re doing for the sake of your health. Well then, over to you, Seki-san.
Seki: Yes. Thank you for your hard work. This is Seki Toshihiko, who plays Sanzo. I got to to let my hair down to my heart’s content and relax playing this funny version [of Sanzo], which appeared for the first time in a while.
Hoshi: You got to relax?
Seki: Well, it felt good. Thanks to this Drama CD, the stiffness in my shoulder blades seem to have loosen up. At least, this is the feeling I got. Now, I said that [performing in] this CD was relaxing, but–
Hoshi: I thought ‘what?’ when you said that.
(They both laugh.)
Seki: When it comes to health or relaxation, well, whenever possible, about twice a week, I run for about an hour. Moreover, recently, I regularly eat dried baby sardines while drinking orange juice.
Hoshi: Eh.... is such a habit beneficial to the health?
Seki: It satisfies my craving for have something in mouth.
Hoshi: You have such a craving?
Seki: Yeah. Well, not really **–
(Hoshi and Ishida laugh.)
Seki: I’d probably been brainwashed into believing doing that is good for my body.
Hoshi: Ah, I see.
Seki: And I got used to it.
Hoshi: I see... dried baby sardines....
Seki: In addition, I use the bamboo tea whisk at home to prepare tea from fine powder green tea – as prescribed by Sen no Rikyū. [a historical figure with the most profound influence the Japanese tea ceremony]
Hoshi: Just what one would expect [from Seki-san].
Seki: Now that the hot summer is approaching, I heard that when you drink hot tea in summer, you’ll enjoy the cool breeze [all the more].
Hoshi: Ah!
Seki: It’s the opposite effect [of what you’d expect] from hot drinks. With this in mind, I’m getting myself ready [for summer by honing my tea-making skills]. How about trying this method too, everyone?
Ishida: Awesome!
Seki: That’s it from me.
Ishida and Hoshi: Thanks for sharing.
Hoshi: Next, Hirata-san please.
Hirata: Hello, everyone. Thanks for your hard work.
Hoshi and the others: Likewise.
Hirata: We really got to make some bonus dramas at last.
Hoshi: Bonus audio dramas are Hira-san’s favorites, right?
Hirata: Yeah, they’re. Is it bad to have them as favorites?
(The others laugh.)
Hirata: As for my thoughts about the recording, we did Cinderella for the first track, right? Why did they come up with this Cinderella story? This happened quite a long time ago, but at an event, I was asked to impersonate Osugi [a gender-bending Japanese celebrity]. And, ah, I was inspired by this [for Gojyo’s role in this track]. I wondered if it was okay to adopt that persona too, even if it was for an actual production [of an audio drama]. I was agonizing between impersonating Osugi or coming up with something else. In the end, though, I arrived at a compromise, a new effeminate character [for Gojyo’s part as Cinderella].
Hoshi: Ah, just as I thought.
Seki: I see!
Hirata: No matter how I look at it, everyone is taking good care of their health. Well, at least Seki-san is. Monkey’s not doing anything, is he? As for me, well, to be frank, there’s nothing in particular. For instance, I’m not reducing the amount of cigarettes I’m smoking. However, this is something I’ve been keeping at: after getting out of the bathtub, I always take a cold shower. In summertime, there’s no problem with flinching at the first splash from the shower, since the water temperature is higher. But, in wintertime as well, I make sure to end my bath with an ice-cold shower. I’ve been doing this for about three years, you know. What do you think of it?
Seki: Well, I met my match today. **
Hoshi: As expected of Hira-san.
Hirata: That’s it from me. Everyone, take care of your health too. I don’t care whether it’s hot or cold season that’s approaching, whether you’re asleep or awake at the moment [!], but please pay attention to your state of health, everyone.
Hoshi: Thank you very much. Interesting, isn’t it?
Seki: As usual, you say interesting stuff.
Hoshi: Awesome, as expected of Hira-san. Well then, over to you, Ishida-san.
Ishida: This is Ishida Akira, who plays Cho Hakkai. Thank you for your hard work.
Hoshi: Likewise.
Ishida: I feel as if it’s been a long time since we last made this type of production for Saiyuki. The most recent role I played in this franchise was in [Saiyuki] Gaiden, which is a serious work. It reminded me that Saiyuki does not consist of only serious parts. There are also fun scenes in which the characters joke around.
Seki: It’s to this extent that the work has been misunderstood in the opposite way.
(Ishida laughs.)
Hoshi: Listening this album, you’d think there’s nothing serious about Saiyuki.
Ishida: It’s because it’s bonus audio dramas that we can deviate from the original story **. On the topic of health, since I’d really not been paying attention to my health, I thought I should start exercising. But, I managed to do that for only one day. It’s like the saying ‘a monk for three days.’ [a person who cannot stick to anything] I ended up not exercising the next day.
Hoshi: Ah, a one-day monk. That happened to me too.
Ishida: Therefore–
Seki: Monk? Did you call out to me?
(Ishida and Hoshi laugh.)
Ishida: Sorry for thoughtlessly calling out to you. I’m like a child who tires of something within three days. No, not a child. I can’t even qualify as a three-day monk. Therefore, I’d like someone to teach me a good method for how to continue [exercising after one day].
Hoshi: You want us to teach you.
Ishida: Is there something [you can tell me]? Aside from being bothersome, isn’t it tough as well to move one’s body?
Hoshi: It’s tough.
Ishida: I must be the worst human being for saying that it’s tough to move one’s body. Somehow, I just don’t feel like doing it. I end up thinking: just skip it. I think I need to beat that weakness of my spirit into shape. There you go: Everyone, in order not to end up like me, please pay diligent attention to your health and live a long life. Yes, that’s it from me.
Hirata: Will you conclude the cast talk, monkey?
(Ishida and Seki laugh.)
Ishida: Please take care of it.
Hoshi: Yes, that’s right. Saiyuki Noisy is the first Saiyuki Drama CD we’ve had for a while. What sort of Saiyuki drama will be released next? There’s still the serious stuff from the main story. Whether it’s that sort or something funny like this CD – the extent of this franchise is inexhaustible – everyone, please keep up your anticipation. And of course, we look forward to your continuing support. Well then, until the day we meet again, good-bye everyone!
The others: Good-bye!
Hoshi: Good-bye!
Seki and Hoshi: Until next time!
(Round brackets): actions and sound effects. [Square brackets]: translator’s notes and clarifications. Double asterisks **: Stuff I am really not sure of.
As @soto-translates pointed out, cast talks aren't scripted, so the voice actors often interrupt each other, talk over one another, and mumble. I’m pretty sure I did not get everything right, so I’ll definitely appreciate any correction.
The track Hoshi refers at the beginning (the one with the wanko soba scene, Food Fight)
The translation of the track Hirata refers to (Cinderella)
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alpaca-clouds · 1 year
In your Digimon season ranking post, you describe Ghost Game as unusual in explicitly pushing digimon/human ships, and while you're right that it's not common, I do have to point out that going this hard on it isn't without precedent. Ruki very much did confess to Renamon on-screen. That is very much a thing that happened.
Sorry I did not get around to answering this before. Kinda a lot going on over here.
Now let me say first: I am totally fine with the ship. So please do not take this as any bashing of the shipping. I can absolutely see where people are coming from with them.
But what was the intended reading for Ruki and Renamon was actually the relationship between sisters. The Japanese text in their case "-suki" can very well be a familiar or friendship version of like.
Ruki's entire arc - though Konaka himself says he did not realize it back when he was writing it, only when he revisited the story later - kinda revolves around her finding a version of feminity she was comfortable with and, for the lack of a better term, a female role model she could identify with. Because her mother is too young (Ruki is the result of a teen pregnancy after all), while her grandmother has never quite taken over the maternal role either. And Ruki could not identify with either their versions of feminity. Hence... Renamon. There is a reason that Renamon's feminity (despite being a sexless being) is called out so often.
Fun fact: This entire story is why I really do not like all those interpretations that have adult Ruki as this ass-kicking tomboy, because it kinda negates her entire journey. And yes, this very much includes the stuff from the later audio dramas as well. Like, I know Konaka was not in a mentally good place when he wrote them. I get that. I sure hope he is doing better by now. But at times those dramas go after what he himself prior said about what the characters were about.
Eh, I got distracted. Point is. Ghost Game was interesting in very outright coding the relationships between both Jellymon and Kiyoshiro - and especially Ruli and Angoramon as explicitly romantic, with them not only using romantic language, but also that romantic imagery (especially with that Agoramon and the werewolf story).
Digimon in general definitely had stories before - both played straight and for laughs - that could be read as Digimon/Human Romance... But never this explicitly.
Other monster-franchises have been more straight forward with that kinda stuff. Though none quite as far as Z/X with the entire Sieger/Ayase story. (But obviously I feel at times as if I have halucinated Z/X existing, because nobody seems to even fucking know that franchise.)
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kinnoth · 1 year
just to get this out of the way:
i watched boondock saints for the first time when i was like, 14 and i didn't think it was good, but i was like eh, it's fine? good enough to try and find fic for?
i watched it again last week because my WIFE of all people suggested it, and holy shit
like i'm not a fan of tarantino. i think his shit is schlocky and that his style is like, what a terminally uncool person thinks how cool people talk and act, and i think that's inherently cringe as like, a personality fault: that lack of self awareness etc etc
but oh my god, watching the ineptitude of someone who is JUST AS UNCOOL as tarantino try to IMITATE tarantino, and DO IT BADLY
like say what you will about tarantino (i just did), but his shit is functional. it is coherent. he understands the language of film and the clip of a conversation and how to block characters moving on a screen through a space. he knows, on a very basic level, how to cut a scene so that you know where people are within a physical location, and how things are moving through time. you get a feeling, also that even if he doesn't know and love the places he sets his movies, that at least he's aware of them, like maybe he's done a minimum of research into the location's history and geography.
he produces schlock but it's COMPETENT, COMPREHENSIBLE SCHLOCK.
fucking duffy???????????????????
there's at least 3 scenes i can think of where he cuts a scene before the actor has finished delivering his line of dialogue, so the last 200ms of audio are played over that abrupt cut to black scene transition. he doesn't know how to light shit, so there are multiple scenes where the background is blowing out the characters' faces while they're supposed to be seriously talking to one another.
there are ...6(?)...fight sequences and each of them are cut so that every abrupt angle change confuses you as to which characters are to the left/right/screen up/screen down of the closed room they're in. actors frequently are just left to .....fidget? listlessly? as they deliver their dialogue because his fucking sets are populated with NOTHING and he has given them NO direction about what they ought to be doing while they deliver his absurdly unwitty dialogue. you don't even get the impression that he knows what people do when they're hanging out. it's like a 12 year old girl's best guesstimate about what adult men get up to in their free time. like they sit around one kitchen table and drink? for 14 hours? and then one of them shoots a cat?
also he doesn't know shit about boston. as sarah put it, "he writes boston like he's a japanese game studio setting something in america". it's deeply embarrassing.
like i'm not even gonna go on about the terrible politics etc etc. because the rest of it, the thing it's attempting to do just isn't a functioning, moving vehicle. the staggering incompetency, the yawning pit of illiteracy of this film is such that criticising its message is like walking into a mouldering, rotting lean-to and criticising the wallpaper. it's not "so bad it's good"; it's too inept to be structurally sound.
like i've watched the likes of "the room" or "birdemic", and at least those films offered a peek into the ridiculous psyches of their writer/director's souls. duffy isn't even interesting enough for that. he's got nothing to offer.
anyway, terrible movie but incest shippers are really sleeping on this fandom, y'all need to hook a brother up with another brother if you know what i mean
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guillemelgat · 3 years
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I started watching Princess Mononoke with Basque subtitles (which you can watch here 👀) and I’ve been going through and looking up all the vocabulary that I don’t understand. Here’s the first part (~first 20 minutes of the movie), some of the words have multiple defintions and I’ve only put here the one relevant to the dialogue I was trying to understand:
gizatiar - human
igarle - prophet
madarikazio - curse
uki - touch
zauritu - to injure, to wound
isuri - to pour
makurtu - to bow, to surrender
hilobi - grave
hileta - funeral
izaki - being
higuingarri - disgusting, detestable
neu - myself
albiste - news
basurde - wild boar
amorratu - to infuriate, to irritate
igarri - to predict, to notice
gezi - arrow
jaurti - to throw, to shoot
patu - destiny
lausotu - to cloud over
egotzi - to blame
gizaldi - generation
jadanik - already
debekatu - forbidden, to forbid
ardura - care
aizto - knife
borrokaldi - fighting
muino - hill
agudo - quickly
harrapatu - to catch
orban - stain
txiza - urine
aizun - false
aztertu - to examine, to study
pinporta - grain, lump
inozo - stupid
lekaide - friar
zakukada - full sack
hanka egin - to run away, to escape
segika - following
erakustaldi - exhibition
erraldoi - giant
zehar - through, along
arrasto - trace, mark
zoragarri - wonderful
uholde - flood
inguratu - to surround
izurrite - plague
hilezkor - immortal
trukean - in exchange
katilu - cup, bowl
orein - deer
akabatu - to kill, to die
I made a Quizlet set here, I’ll keep adding stuff to it as I go!
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DIABOLIK LOVERS DARK FATE Gentei Tokuten Drama CD ”Diabolik ★ Aesthetics ~The Soul, Body and Blood Kept Beautiful with Sadism”
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Original title: ディアボリック★エステティック~心も身体も血液もドSに美しく~
Source: Diabolik Lovers DARK FATE Gentei Tokuten Drama CD
Audio: Here
Seiyuu: Katsuyuki Konishi, Midorikawa Hikaru, Takahiro Sakurai, Suzuki Tatsuhisa, Morikubo Shoutaro
Translator’s note: You know, part of me wanted to believe that this weird trivia about Ayato rubbing takoyaki sauce on Yui/the MC was nothing but a fever dream...Unfortunately it is not because it’s in this CD. I don’t know who thought it was a good idea to have these boys run a beauty salon, but it’s a disaster waiting to happen lol. Even though there’s plenty of funny moments, I needed 200% brain power to translate this one because there’s no visuals so they have to explain the massage techniques with words and well...Let’s say that my knowledge on different muscles in Japanese is very limited. Especially Ruki’s explanations left me going ??? and scrambling to open my online dictionary.
Yuma: Haah~ Honestly…That Reiji guy is such a slave driver. Can’t believe he’s expectin’ me to put out the signboard first thing in the mornin’. …Heave-hoh.
Yuma: There, that’ll do. ーー Anyway, what’s the point in advertisin’ with a billboard when the damn beauty salon is already fully booked as is? Haah…
Reiji: …What are you mumbling about?
Yuma: …Ackー!? Reiji!? N-Nothin’, really!
Reiji: Oh my, really? I am fairly certain I heard something about a ‘slave driver’ earlier, no? 
Yuma: Guess ya must be hearin’ things? …Oh. Seems like the customers are already coming in.
You arrive at the beauty salon.
Yuma: Welcome! We’re pleased to have ya here at ‘Diabolik Aesthetics’! 
You seem confused by his attitude and mannerisms. 
Yuma: Aah? I’ve got the wrong place? Hell no! I can tell ya were ‘bout to enter!
Reiji: Aah…Ahem. Yuma. I shall not allow such crude language to be used towards a customer. 
Yuma: Woah…Anyway…It’s already past your reservation time, so hurry up get into the store…No, I mean…If you’d be so kind to… (1)
Reiji: Haah…Good grief…He is a lost cause… 
Reiji turns towards you.
Reiji: Well then, my dear customers. Please allow me to escort you instead. You see, this gentleman over here was hired only very recently, so he is still learning. Please forgive me. This way, please…
Reiji escorts you.
Ruki: I’m delighted to see you here, Livestock. 
Reiji: Ruki! You as well!? How dare you address our customers as ‘Livestock’!? 
Ruki: It’s part of our store’s aesthetic. Bear with it. In exchange…We guarantee only the finest quality. You will be made beautiful from head to toe, I can assure you that. ーー You made a reservation for the special course. This treatment is quite lenghty, so we do not have any time to waste. Please hurry your way over to the dressing rooms and change into the right attire. 
Ruki: Oi, Shin. 
Shin: What?
Ruki: Please escort the customer to the dressing rooms. It appears to be their first time here, so explain to them how things work over here. 
Shin: God…Why do I have to do this stuff? …I mean, sure. Oi, you. Don’t stand there spacing out but follow me. This way.
Shin escorts you.
Shin: You can put all of your personal belongings in one of these lockers. Ah, you’re responsible for taking care of any valuable items. We are not liable for potential loss or damages so don’t forget to lock it, okay? 
Once you’ve taken off all your clothes, you can put on this gown over here, okay? I mean, you’re gonna have to take this one eventually too, so if you’d rather not wear anything, that’s fine by me too.
You seem shocked about having to take off your clothes.
Shin: Isn’t that obvious? What? Would you rather…have me strip you down?
*Rustle rustle*
Shin: I wouldn’t mind giving you a massage here either if that’s what you want. I could always lock this room…Hehehe…As long as we don’t exceed the original time of your appointment…I won’t charge you any extra either. So, what will you do?
You shake your head.
Shin: Eh? You’re passing up on my offer? What a waste! I’m sure you’ve heard the rumors about us Founders and our ‘godly’ fingers, haven’t you? So, what do you say? You and me, right here, right noーー
Kanato enters the room.
Kanato: Shin. What are you doing?
Shin: …Woah. Che. Seems like someone’s here to get in the way.
Kanato: I was wondering what could be taking her so long to get changed, but I guess you were holding her up.
Shin: Not really. She’s just slow as hell, you see? All I did was give her the usual explanation. …Well then, leaving the rest up to you.
Shin leaves the room.
Kanato: Che…He ran. 
Kanato approaches you.
Kanato: Anyway, what are you doing? We are pressed for time here so please get changed already. Come on. 
You nod.
Kanato: Haah…I don’t care for you response. Come on, chop chop. 
You ask him to leave the room. 
Kanato: Haah…? You want me to leave? Who do you think you’re talking to?
You defend yourself. 
Kanato: I don’t want to hear any protest! Uu…You…Sniff…think…hic…of me as a nuisance, don’t you? Uu…Hic… ーー You shall not get away with treating me in such a way. I shall…punish you personally. 
You try to get away but Kanato corners you.
Kanato: Where do you think you’re going? You can’t get away. …Not from me!
Kanato: Fufu…Fufufu…But I still haven’t done anything, have I? So please don’t be so frightened. I was going to make you feel amazing, you see? 
You ask him to let go.
Kanato: You really think I’m going to let you go now? After all, you are just so…
Reiji enters the room.
Reiji: …! K-Kanato…!? 
Kanato: What do you need, Reiji? I happen to be quite busy at the moment so please do not get in my way.
Reiji: T-That’s easy for you to say, but I have no other choice! Come on! Get away from her!
Reiji: She is a customer of ours, remember?
Kanato: …!? What are you doing!? Let me go! I wasーー
Reiji: Yes, yes, I know. But your time to shine will come later. Now hurry up and leave.
Kanato leaves the room.
Reiji: You should finally get changed as well. Understood? 
You nod.
Reiji: Haah, good grief…Our staff is quite the handful. While they may be skilled at what they do, they’ve all got very eccentric personalities. It is highly troubling. At this rate, if our business does not run well, we will not reap any benefits. This is the concept I came up with myself: we guarantee a pleasurable experience for our customers and in return…we get something amazing out of it as well..’ It is truly a ground-breaking system…
Ayato: Zz…Zz…Nn…I’m completely stuffed…Idiot…Who puts soy sauce on Takoyaki…Nn…
*Knock knock*
Ayato: …Nn…
*Knock knock*
Ayato: …Hm? Haah…? What do you want?
Ayato gets up and opens the door.
Ayato: Who the fuck are you? 
You explain.
Ayato: Ah…? A customer? …Wait! It’s already that late!? God, I overslept!
*Rustle rustle*
Ayato: There we go!
Ayato: Couldn’t you have told me sooner? Come on in already, god!
You step inside.
Ayato: For now, just lie down.
You hesitate. 
Ayato: Hurry up!
You seem skeptical. 
Ayato: Haah…? A medical interview? That’s Kanato’s job! He should have come to you to ask a bunch of questions, no?
You frown.
Ayato: If what happened earlier was part of the interview? Beats me! Oh well, all women worry ‘bout pretty much the same thing, don’t they? No point in asking. …Besides, I only need to take one look at you to figure out what weighs on your mind. Hehe…
Ayato: It’s this, isn’t it? …Your non-existent chest. 
You protest.
Ayato: What? I’m spot on? That sorta stuff happens to be my area of expertise tho! Come on, we don’t have much time. Hurry up and lie face down on this table. 
You get on the table with your gown still on.
Ayato: Haah…? How am I supposed to do anything when you’re wearin’ this damn gown?
He attempts to take it on as you protest.
*Rustle rustle*
Ayato: Why would you try to hide your body when there’s nothin’ to see anyway? Your front is just as flat as the back. 
You get upset.
Ayato: I’m only statin’ the truth. …There. 
Ayato: Okay. I’ll start with a massage, so relax, ‘kay? 
*Rustle rustle*
Ayato: Yours Truly will get rid of all the stress and pressure built up in your body. Hehehe…
Ayato: I’ll start with your calves. 
You flinch.
Ayato: Woah there…What are you twitchin’ for? …Could it be you’re gettin’ a kick out of this? 
Ayato: See? You did it again? How fascinatin’...You must be sensitive, huh? But we’ve only just started, you see? My hands will travel across every nook and cranny of your body, makin’ you feel amazin’...
*Rustle rustle*
Ayato: See? Just like this…
*Rustle rustle*
Ayato: How’s that? You can feel your body gradually heatin’ up, can’t you? I’m gonna move all the way down to your ankles…
Ayato: Whoops. Before that, I gotta take this bad boy, don’t I? 
Ayato: A lovely scent, don’t you think? 
You frown.
Ayato: Exactly. It’s a body oil which smells just like takoyaki sauce. What’s better in the world than sucking the blood of a woman who smells like this? 
Your eyes widen in surprise. 
Ayato: …Oh no, I’m just talkin’ to myself. 
Ayato spreads the oil on his palms. 
Ayato: First I divide the oil amongst my own hands and then I’ll massage your legs with it.
You giggle.
Ayato: It tickles…? Don’t you want to say that it feels good? 
He continues massaging you. 
Ayato: Come on…Go ahead and feel my hands…Can you tell? …Why are you tremblin’...? Hehehe…You’re way too sensitive. If you’re reactin’ this strongly just from your legs, then I’m starting to fear what’ll happen once I move on to other parts of your body. 
You wince. 
Ayato: Ah…? You’ve gotten me kind of excited. Come on…I’ll do the back of your legs next and last but not least will be your thighs.
Ruki enters the room. 
Ruki: Oi, Ayato. How are things goーー …Ugh. What’s this smell? 
Ayato: What do you mean? It’s the smell of takoyaki sauce!
Ruki: I can’t say I understand your choice. 
Ayato: Like I give a damn!
Ruki: Oh well. …Anyway, we’re running behind, so I’m going to start with my procedure as well. 
Ayato: Be my guest. …Knowin’ her, I bet she’d love to get doubled teamed on.
You grow flustered. 
Ruki: Livestock…Ah, you are curious about my nickname choices? This is how I address all of our customers. I will not take any complaints. 
You frown.
Ruki: I will now commence the upper body massage. By focusing on your back, it will not only boost your metabolism, but also help relieve the pressure in your muscles. Allow me to remove the towel. 
Ruki: Hah…? Why do you seem so surprised? …That caught you off guard? In that case…Should I warn you first every time before touching you? 
You nod. 
Ruki: Oh well. …In that case, I will now touch your right shoulder. 
Ruki: How’s that? Now there’s no more surprise, right?
Ayato: Che…Look at Mr. Nice Guy over there. 
Ruki: If she moves around too much, it will hinder the procedure. That’s all. …Well then, I’ll massage out the knot. This will help your muscles which might have dilated from the increased blood flow return to their original shape. 
Ruki: Keep still. Did you not hear me earlier? Just leave everything up to my hands. 
Ruki: Relax. Your whole body. If you tense up, I cannot apply pressure correctly. Down to your very core…
*Rustle rustle*
Ruki: Oh? You’re still having trouble relaxing? I suppose you leave me no other choice. 
Ruki: I will have to use force then. 
Ruki: Ugh…Well then, I’ll move on to your back now. I will align my fingertips with your spine and press down. 
Ruki: This should help get rid of the pressure in your muscles. 
*Knock knock*
Ayato: Haah…? Who’s that? ーー Come in.
Reiji opens the door. 
Reiji: It appears that things are taking longer than expected. There are other people waiting in the back, so I suggest all four of us work at once. …Is that okay with you, Yuma?
Yuma: Hell yeah! I finally get to do somethin’! 
Reiji: What’s the matter? Do you not like the idea of having all four of us treat you at once?
Yuma: Shouldn’t ya be happy instead? 
Reiji: Exactly. If you simply behave and let us do our thing, then you will surely feel as if you have ascended to Heaven. Or perhaps…It might be the pits of Hell instead? Fufufu… ーー Well then, Yuma.
Yuma: Roger! 
Yuma walks up to you. 
Yuma: Sow. Imma massage yer head. Ya know, this thing called a ‘scalp massage’. 
Reiji: I shall be in charge of your hands and arms. By focusing on the pressure points in your palms all the way up to your shoulder, I can even get rid of the cellulite on your upper arms. 
*Rustle rustle*
Ruki: Oi, don’t move. The massage is not over yet. I’ll move on to your pelvis next. 
Reiji: Well then, I shall start with your right hand. 
Reiji: Ah…You are too tense. Please try to relax a little more. 
Reiji: Or does it simply feel too good? 
Yuma: I’ll start by a general rub-down of yer head to improve the blood flow. 
*Rustle rustle*
Ayato: Hehe…How’s that, Chichinashi? You’re getting the full treatment here!
Reiji: It truly is a shame we cannot see the expression on her face. 
*Rustle rustle*
Reiji: Hey there. Did we not tell you to keep still? If not, you will receive a severe punishment. Just like this…
Reiji: Fufufu…Did I not warn you? I pressed a pressure point on the palm of your hand just now. If you experienced pain, then it means that there is a problem with the organ connected to it. (2) Fufufu…Listen carefully. If you do not wish to be in even more pain, I suggest you keep still. I want to make you feel good. With my very own hands and fingers. After all, a happy body harbors a happy soul. 
Reiji: Our store’s selling point focuses on delivering the ultimate pleasure to our customers. …Well, what actually matters happens only after that though.  
Yuma: Come on, yer head’s startin’ to feel good too, right? I’m the one workin’ my magic after all. In that case…I don’t mind if ya make some noise. No need to hold back…
*Rustle rustle*
Yuma: I bet ya can’t get enough of the way my fingers massage yer head, before runnin’ across yer nape and pressin’ down?
Yuma: I can tell, don’t worry. Yer body’s heatin’ up…Hehe…What do ya say? Want me to keep goin’?
You pass up on his offer.
Yuma: You’re good? I see. In other words, you want more, huh?
You protest.
Yuma: Hehe…Ya can no longer run. Not until you’ve surrendered both your body and soul to our fingertips. Just give in already. No point in fightin’ back forever…Just fully submit to it. 
*Rustle rustle*
Reiji: Fufu…Your breathing has become quite ragged. I suppose we are almost there? 
Ayato: Seems like it. I can feel heat radiatin’ all the way down to her toes.
Ruki: Finally? Good grief, she was a stubborn one. 
*Rustle rustle*
Yuma: Oi, oi…Try a lil’ harder. I’ve only just gotten started, ya see? 
You protest.
Yuma: You’ve reached yer limit? But the real fun has yet to start.
Ruki: I cannot let you go yet. I’m not done with the treatment of your pelvis. 
Reiji: I am nowhere near finished either. 
Ayato: Well, I’ve done a pretty good job so far.
Yuma: Oh…You’ve got goosebumps. ー Oi, Ruki, lower the pressure a bit.
Reiji: Ayato, so shall we. 
Ayato: Gotcha.
Ruki: If you are wondering why, we do not want you to indulge in the pleasure too much after all. 
Reiji: Fufu…First we build up the pleasure, then right before the climax, we hold back. By repeating this process, you will eventually get a taste of true ecstasy. 
*Knock knock*
Reiji: …Oh? What is it?
Shin and Kanato enter the room. 
Shin: How are things looking over here? 
Kanato: We finished the treatment of the customer in the other room, so we’ve come to check up on things.
Reiji: I see. In that case, please join us in massaging the lady over here. 
You flinch.
Ayato: Whatcha twitchin’ for, Chichinashi? Aah?
You beg for them to stop.
Ruki: You’ve had enough? You are our customer. No need to be modest.
Shin: Right. You didn’t get to have a taste of my skills earlier, did you? This is where the real fun begins. 
Kanato: Exactly.
Shin: Okay. Ready when you are. 
Kanato: I’m good to go as well.
Reiji: Well then, dear customer. You get the unique experience of being massaged by six people all at once. Please enjoy it to the fullest. Fufufu…
Shin: Haha…Are you shuddering from anticipation? I can tell you’re already gasping for air and I haven’t even done anything yet. 
Ruki: Let us get back to business. 
Shin: You can no longer get away…from my fingers.
Kanato: You do know what will happen if you dare feel good from someone else’s touch, right?
*Rustle rustle*
Shin: Oi…Don’t move. I haven’t even touched you yet, you know?
Kanato: Come on…Focus on me. 
*Rustle rustle*
Ayato: Chichinashi. You’ve worked up a sweat. Hahaha…
Ruki: Her metabolic rate must have improved. 
Shin: …Don’t tell me that was enough to satisfy you?
Kanato: Go ahead, let everything go.
*Rustle rustle*
Reiji: The Heaven you have been waiting for is just around the corner. ーー No, the gates to Hell will open instead.
Yuma: Hehe…Just lose yerself in the pleasure. Come on. 
*Rustle rustle*
Reiji: Oh dear, oh dear, seems like she lost consciousness…
Ayato: Aah? What a weakling. I know she got the special treatment but still? 
Ruki: Well, I suppose it cannot be helped, considering our skill.
Shin: What a shame. I haven’t even gotten a chance to show off my techniques. 
Kanato: Says the guy who tried to get her all for himself before any of us had the chance.
Reiji: The same can be said about you.
Yuma: Oh well, I guess we’re done here. Ahー I’m beat. 
Ruki: Yuma. Shall I give you a massage? 
Yuma: Ah? Fuck off. I’m good. 
You wake up. 
Kanato: …Hm? Have you woken up? You slept for quite some time, you see? It’s already evening. Come on, get off the bed. Our store will be closing soon. 
Reiji enters the room. 
Reiji: Oh? Seems like she finally woke up. How do you feel? Well, after undergoing our treatment, I cannot imagine you could be feeling bad. 
You grow flustered.
Reiji: Your cheeks are flushed. Fufufu…In other words, it felt nice, did it not? 
You thank them. 
Reiji: No need to thank us. We are no charity organization after all. That being said, Ruki, please fetch her ticket. 
Ruki: Ah, yes. Here it is. 
Ruki: Livestock, we accept payment by credit card as well, so feel free to use that option if you’d like. 
You seem shocked. 
Shin: Hm? What’s wrong? You look shocked. …? The price is too high? …You’re kidding, right?
Yuma: I mean, ya made a reservation knowin’ damn well we aren’t cheap, didn’t ya? All the prices are on the website after all. 
You explain.
Yuma: Ah…? Ya never booked a session? Why the fuck are ya sayin’ that now!? 
You insist that he dragged you inside. 
Yuma: Ah!? It’s my fault!? 
Reiji: Now that I think about it, Yuma, I do recall you dragging her inside the shop rather forcibly. 
Ruki: That being said, she could have still refused. After receiving the entire treatment, it only seems fair that she pays. 
Yuma: E-Exactly…! What Ruki said!
Ayato: What’s wrong, Chichinashi? Don’t tell me you don’t have that kind of money? 
Reiji: Good grief…Well, I do admit that the special course is somewhat on the pricey side. What shall we do? 
Ayato: In that case…She’ll have no other choice but to pay in ‘that’ way, right?
Kanato: Fufu…You’re talking about ‘that’, right? I honestly prefer that over actual money. She’s been giving off a lovely scent this whole time after all. 
Kanato moves closer to you. 
Kanato: I can no longer hold back. 
Shin: I mean, if that works for you guys, I’m on board as well. …Of course, I’ll get the first taste, okay?
You ask for an explanation. 
Ruki: …Isn’t it obvious what we’re talking about? Livestock. We want…your blood.
Your eyes widen in horror. 
Reiji: Well, if you cannot pay us the money, it is simply the only other option left. 
Yuma: Hehehe…Brace yerself, Sow!
You ask if that was their goal all along. 
Reiji: Oh dear? You realized only now? Exactly, we only have one objectiveーー not the money, but the customer’s blood. 
Ruki: We make their blood more tasty by providing pleasure, then indulge. A very efficient system, no? 
Reiji: Well, I am the one who came up with the idea. Fufufu…
You try to escape. 
*Rustle rustle*
Kanato: Fufufu…Please don’t thrash about. You got to feel good, so it only makes sense for us to get something in return now, right? 
Ayato: Chichinashi. Behave!
Yuma: Oi, Ayato! Why are ya tryin’ to get first dips here!? 
Ayato: Aah!?
Yuma: I’m up first!
Shin: Don’t be ridiculous. I obviously get to go first. 
Ruki: Wait. Seniority (3) is the deciding factor here. I go first.
Kanato: Hold up! That’s unreasonable! I’m first!
Reiji: May I remind you all that I am the owner of this store! You should allーー 
Ayato: Look, take it down a notch, okay? 
Reiji: Excuse me? I could say the same to you. 
Ruki: I cannot say that it is very admirable to try and abuse one’s authority to get personal gains. 
Yuma: Keh…! Stupid rich folks think they can have it all!
Shin: Well, if you want to use that argument, I have the most authority of us all, being a Founder. …Right? 
You suddenly push them aside. 
You make a run for it.
Ayato: …!? Chichinashi, you bitch! Get back here!
They start chasing after you. 
Kanato: Wait…! I won’t let you get away from me!
Yuma: Fuck, that sneaky Sow…! Hold it!
Shin: Ah…? God, this happened because you guys just had to get into a ridiculous argument!
Ruki: Good grief…I wonder why it always turns out like this? I cannot comprehend. 
Reiji: You have the nerve to say that!? 
Ruki: What do you mean? 
Reiji: Haah…Why does this happen time after time? Well, I suppose I was wrong to assume that things could work out with this group of individuals. 
Ruki: Think of it this way, they might successfully drag her back here. 
Reiji: Well, my expectations aren’t very high, but I suppose we shall eagerly await their return. Haah…I wonder when we’ll actually get a taste of some delicious blood? Right now, all the trouble does not weigh up to the benefits. 
However, it would be a waste to let this fateful meeting go to waste…
Translation notes
(1) Yuma is struggling to use correct keigo or formal speech here. Since English lacks similar structures, I had to adjust some things for my translation.
(2) A lot of Chinese medicine (which is also highly celebrated in Japan) focused on internal organs and its relationship to pressure points. 
(3) Ruki refers to the ‘nenko system’ which is common at most Japanese firms and companies. The longer somebody has worked at one workplace, the higher their salary and the more benefits they get.
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onigiriico · 3 years
Mikoto Audio Drama – English TL
I got possessed by my own Mikoto brainrot and stayed up until 5 am translating this, so here you go 😂😅 I apologize in advance for any potential mistakes, my Japanese is far from perfect agdhsvdbs
⬇️ translation under the cut ⬇️
M: (sighs) What am I doing in a place like this…?
E: Yeah, I wonder.
M: Woah! 
E: Well, figuring that out is Milgram's task anyway.
M: Come on, don't startle me like that, Warden-kun…! Isn't it basic manners to knock on the door before you enter?
E: Shut up. Don't talk back.
M: You're always so bossy...!
E: (sigh) We're going to start your interrogation, inmate no.9, Mikoto.
M: No, no– you might be saying "interrogation", but I already told you, there's not really anything I'm hiding.
E: Your name and age?
M: Uh… Mikoto Kayano, 23. Wait, no! I've been wanting to talk to you this whole time, Warden-kun!
E: What is it? Make it short.
M: Alright… when is this whole thing going to end?
E: Hah?
M: No, it's obvious, isn't it?! Suddenly being dragged to a place like this, being told all this weird stuff about killers and all that– is this some kind of comedy? A reality TV show? One of those monitoring things? I've been holding on to that thought this whole time, and that was also the reason I tried to get along with the others, y'know – because that'll look better on a TV show, right?! – but look, this is stretching out for way too long…! What's up with this?
E: (sigh) You really still believe that? That Milgram is some kind of joke?
M: I do! Of course I do! I mean… I really don't remember. Even if you talk about sins or murderers– I don't know about any of that! I'm just a normal worker at a company…
E: Hmm…
M: What? Why are you smiling like that when someone's just having an honest conversation with you?
E: (huff) Now that I think about it… this is the first time I see an inmate who acts like they have no memory of what they've done.
M: it's not an act! Seriously! I seriously don't know! See? Look into my eyes! See?!
E: Don't touch me like we're friends.
M: No, really, just properly look at me!
E: (sigh) Hmm~
M: So? I'm telling the truth, right?
E: Like I know. Did you expect me to say something like "if you were lying, you wouldn't be able to meet my eyes"? My judgement of you doesn't rely on naïve ideas like that.
M: Ugh, c'mon…! (pause) Hm? No, wait a sec. Even you don't actually know what I've done, right? 
E: Yeah, I have no clue.
M: What's with that?! Aren't you getting ahead of yourself then, just labelling me a murderer like that?
E: I'm not. Milgram tells me that you did it. That's enough for me.
M: Why are you just blindly believing that? There's no way of talking(/getting through) to you…! (sigh) Anyway. I really don't know anything! Nor have I killed anybody, or done anything bad! I was just living an ordinary, everyday life… and yet I got dragged into something this weird! (slamd hands on the desk) Of course I want to think of all this as a joke…! Wouldn't anyone?
E: (noncommittal hum)
M: I have my own life, you know? And I just got accepted into the company that I was aiming for… If I get fired, you'll have to take responsibility for that.
E: I see. Interesting.
M: Is that something you should find 'interesting'?!
E: (clap) Fine. I'll humor you and your view on things  – all of this is just an experiment. Mikoto, you have done nothing wrong.
M: Yeah! That's exactly it, Warden-kun!
E: Just for now. For now, let's not think of you as inmate no.9 Mikoto, but… let's see… yeah, just as Mikoto-kun.
M: I like that! Let's go with Mikoto-kun! I'll also act more familiar with you by calling you Suu-kun– (?? probably as a short form of "Esu" 😂)
E: No, thank you. Don't get cocky.
M: Eh–
E: In return for my going along with you, accept every one of my words as the truth. Milgram is not a show of any kind, it is reality.
M: Mhh… like… the stuff about this being a facility full of killers and all that? And about their crimes being showcased through songs and videos?
E: Exactly. Following what you said, everyone here other than you has committed murder.
M: Being locked up in a place like that sounds too awful…! None of the others really look the part, either. Listen, there's even a primary schooler here.
E: (sigh) You'll be better off not saying that to Amane's face. That'd turn into trouble.
M: Huh? Why?
E: Well. It's not like I don't get what you mean. I'm stunned too, doing these interrogations. Your impressions of people can really pull you along. (???)
M: See? Like, Yun-chan and Mucchan are just highschool girls, Haru-kun looks like someone who can't hurt a fly, and Futa would be an umbrella thief at worst. Then there's Mappi, who is just a nice person– well, and well… Kazu-san and Shidou-san and… Koto-chan do kind of seem like they could do some bad things, I guess.
E: (sigh) Those are your personal impressions, Mikoto-kun. But those are the people that Milgram chose. They've all without a doubt been involved in someone else's death.
M: Hmm… well… Okay, fine. I'll believe it for now.
E: Alright, then. For someone innocent like Mikoto-kun to be chosen as well… what do you think could've been the reason for that?
M: Uhm… they got the wrong person.
E: Oh?
M: I can't imagine that they know the details of what we look like. Mistaking me for someone in terms of gender or clothing style... something along those lines.
E: So Milgram made a mistake, is what you're suggesting?
M: Yeah, exactly. There's no other option that I can think of.
E: Is that so? I have another idea. You have forgotten that you've killed someone.
M: ...Huh? 'Forgotten'? About killing someone? Is that even a thing?
E: You're not lying. Milgram is always right. If both of those statements are true, it's only natural to arrive at that conclusion, isn't it?
M: Forgotten? Me…? About killing someone?
E: To get rid of [psychological] stress, humans may repress certain memories as a coping mechanism. It's not unheard of.
M: S-stress? (laugh) No, no. (heavy breathing) Killing someone without even knowing it… there's no way…!
E: If I believe you, there's no other logical conclusion, since I still prioritize my faith in Milgram over your statements. There is no way I would question that.
M: No… no, no…!
E: As the warden, my judgement is... that you are a murderer.
M: No way, no way–! Time out, time out! Stop it! (scratches head(?)) Saying all those awful things…!
E: (sigh)
M: Becoming a murderer… without even knowing it…? There's no way, no way…
E: Let's give it some time. The threads of your memory might untangle themselves eventually.
M: (gasping / choking(?) for air)
E: A murderer without memory of killing… in which case, how should I think of you… Hey, Mikoto–
M: (screaming)
(Mikoto starts to attack Es)
E: What is–? Mikoto?
M: (heavy breathing/growling)
E: (cough) You… attacked me…? No way… That can't be…
M: (more heavy breaths) Fuck… Fuck…! Stop pissing me off!
E: There should be no way– for a prisoner to attack me–!
M: Shut your mouth!
E: (gasp)
M: You keep blabbering on and on… I'm gonna fucking kill you, you piece of shit!
(he continues to hit them)
M: Going on, and on, and on… all high and mighty… like you aren't just a kid! Serves you fucking right!
E: ...emember...
M: Huh? I can't hear you. You're no more than an unimportant brat.
E: I'll remember this… you murderer…!
M: Huh?! (laughter) You prefer it when it hurts more, huh? (Es gasps) That's fine. I'll beat you up all you want.
E: Go ahead… and try…
M: You don't need to tell me twice! (screams)
(Kotoko interrupts & kicks? punches? Mikoto idk honestly)
M: What's with you…?!
E: You…
K: I saved your life, didn't I, Warden-san?
E: Kotoko… Why?
K: We can talk later.
E: (gasp)
M: One like the other… You're pissing me off!!
(Mikoto and Kotoko proceed to throw punches at each other for a while)
M: Don't fucking mess around with me…!
K: Your technique is definitely that of an amateur… (?? she adds something about his amount of muscle / how he uses it)
M: Annoying… you're annoying…! Argh…!
K: I could be saying the same.
(they continue, Kotoko eventually knocks Mikoto out)
E: Knocked him out… with one hit…?
K: Be grateful to me. You got banged up pretty badly as is. Are you okay, Warden-san?
E: (cough) Kotoko… you…
K: What?
E: Did you… sneak in before the interrogation…?
K: Huh? You don't intend to accuse me of anything, do you? If I hadn't intervened, you would've ended up dead.
E: Why… were you in the interrogation room…?
K: I've already noticed Mikoto Kayano's weird behavior a while ago, and since I'm in the room right next to his, I kept an eye on him.
E: Why did you save me…?
K: Because your existence is helpful to me.
E: That's… not an explanation…
K: I guess you're right. I'll be answering that question when it's my turn. I don't mean to pre-empt things here, after all.
E: Damn it… Mikoto… Suddenly lashing out like that…
K: Warden-san, look over here.
E: What is it now, Kotoko–?
(Kotoko "tries" to punch them, but her hit gets blocked by the usual barrier)
K: The hit got blocked mid-air… So it's true that inmates can't attack you. Then why was Mikoto Kayano able to hit you…?
E: …This is bad for my heart. Stop it. Besides, that's what I'd like to know as well…
(bell rings)
E: It's time… Get out, Kotoko.
K: The song extraction thing, huh. Are you trying to say that's something I'm not allowed to see?
E: I won't acknowledge it. Get out.
K: Hmm. Either way, this has become interesting, hasn't it?
E: Kotoko…
K: You've realized it too, haven't you? Based on this confrontation, it's likely that Mikoto Kayano has dissociative identity disorder, or in other words, a split personality. Well, of course there's also the possibility that he's just putting on an act... What do you think? I've never met anyone like that in real life, but if he really does have a dual personality, should he be punished for crimes that were committed by his other side–?
E: Kotoko!! It's my job to consider that, not the prisoners'… not yours…! Only myself and Milgram have the right to… finding out what the truth is… and what their crimes are!
K: (giggle) Yeah, yeah. Alright, I'll be leaving it to you. See you.
E: ...Hey.
K: What?
E: Thank you… for saving me.
K: You're welcome.
(Kotoko leaves)
E: (sigh) There's so much that I don't get about this yet, but… I'll have to do my job anyway.
(they walk over and smack Mikoto(??))
M: Ow! What– what are you doing, Warden-kun?? When did you– Argh, my head hurts…
E: i bet it does.
M: Ugh… Wait! You're covered in bruises too! What's wrong? What happened?
E: You really… don't remember anything, huh?
M: Huh? What…? What are you talking about?
E: You're acting so clueless it still makes my blood boil… But it's fine. I've acknowledged your attitude now. Although I may not know if that attitude is actually yours… or someone else's.
M: Seriously, what are you talking about?!
E: Prisoner no.9, Mikoto… Now, sing of your sins.
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kumoriyami-xiuzhen · 2 years
Hakuoki Drama - Hijikata Biyori Track 10 - Sign Post English translation
This is my first post of the month, so I’ll start by asking you to please support me if you can through my ko-fi, and paypal or patreon which provides access to my hakuoki blog translations and early access to my postings. Also, please let me know if you have any hakuoki drama cds that you’d be willing to share that are on my Lookout List since i either do not have audio for those cds or do not have audio that I can share...
biyoris all month again!
Hakuoki Drama - Hijikata Biyori Track 10 - Road Sign/Sign Post
Translation by KumoriYami
Kondou: Ah, look, Toshi. These are the streets of Kyoto. It's indeed worthy of the being the place where the Emperor lives [actual tl is "Son of Heavens" but i don't feel like searching if thats what the Japanese referred to their Emperor as]
Hijikata: Ah, yes, Kondou-san.
Kondou: You should look too, Sanan-san. Kyoto is truly beautiful/majestic [check audio].
Sanan: Yes, I saw it. It truly is special.
Kondou: Yes, indeed. I'm really glad I came here /to Kyoto [check audio]. It really deserves to be at the Emperor's feet/under the foot of the Emperor [yeah thats the right tl].
Hijikata: Realy, we didn't come to visit today. Don't speak so recklessly, Kondou-san.
Kondou: Uh, that's true. But――
Sanan: Isn't that good, Hijikata-kun [check audio for punctuation pacing]?
Hijikata: Ah?
Sanan: It's only been a few days since we came from Edo, and its' important to understand the situation in Kyoto.
HIjikata: Nn... is that so? But, since Sanan-san is saying that... Indeed, we're don't know this place.
Kondou: That's right, Toshi. As I recall, there seems to be a famous temple nearby. We need to go and pay our respects!
Hijikata: It can't be helped, we'll accompany you.
山南:我们去吧。 Sanan: Let's go.
(人声喧嚷) (sound of people talking)
Kondou: Oh――Kyoto is truly full of temples. The next one is over there!
Hijikata: Hey, no... Kondou-san! How many of these are you going to go to!
Kondou: Well, it would be nice if we could visit every place we see. Besides, Toshi, weren't you admiring the Buddha statue(s) just now?
Hijikata: That's because the carving was wonderful... that's not what I mean!
Sanan: Isn't this fine? It is also good to go to a shrine and pray to the gods and Buddha for our future.
Kondou: Look, Sanan-kun is saying that too. Next, next!
Hijikata: Nn... it really is magnificent.
Kondou: It feels that just by look at these, we've become more benevolent.
(later on in the day)
Kondou: It's late, we should return to/The sun is setting, so it's almost time to return to Mibu-dera [a Buddhist temple in Kyoto. source wikipedia by way of jisho since i had access to a jp tl for this biyori. also check for 'temple' in audio]. By the way...
HIjikata; Nn?
Kondou: That is... which way did we come from?
Hijikata; Eh?! Then, Kondou-san, you don't know?
Kondou: Ah... Toshi, are you the same/you know――
Hijikata: I thought you knew where you were going...
Kondou: Ah... is that so... Well, this is bad.
Sanan: It's fine.
Hijikata: Oh, Sanan-san.
Sanan: I know the way back.
Kondou: Really? Ahahaha... that's great, that's great.
Sanan: Kyoto's roads are arranged like a grid on a chessboard/squares on a grid [check audio], so as long as the direction is correct, there won't be any problems. Look, the sun is setting in the west over there, and our way back is this way.
Kondou: Ooh――
Sanan: Let's go. It would be best to return before sunset.
Kondou: Ya――Sanan-kun is indeed a reliable person.
Sanan: it's not a big deal.
Hijikata: Ah, that's not the case/there's no such thing. Sanan-san/You're not only good at kenjutsu, but you're also well-educated. For Kondou-san, there is no other way to describe you but as a reliable existence [the cn tl i have is more 'the word best used to describe you is "reliable"' so i changed it a bit].
Sanan: That would be HIjikata-kun. Hijikata-kun has been with Kondou-san for a long time. Ah, Kondou-san.
Kondou: What is it?
Sanan: It's not that road, rather the one on the other side. Don't head down that one.
Kondou; Eh? Ah, haha... right, sorry.
Hijikata: Kondou-san, let Sanan-san take the lead.
Kondou:  Oh, yes! We won't get lost that way.
Sanan: Is that so. Then, let's do that ten.
Kondou: Oh, that's reassuring. Toshi, follow along.
Hijikata: I don't want to be told that by you.
Sanan: Haha... Alright, let's head back. Everyone is waiting.
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henriediosa · 2 years
video description: a screen recording of synthesizer v studio basic, a singing synthesis program with a piano roll, overlaid with a simple white spectrum audio visualiser.
before the music starts, the first text overlay displays the following:
Kahihintay ng Milagro (Waiting on a Miracle) from Encanto music and lyrics by Lin-Manuel Miranda translated into Tagalog by Henrie Diosa Jimenez vocals by Chiyu (Lite) on SynthV Studio Basic based on an SVP by raidergale
lyrics fade in and out on the bottom centre of the screen, with the tagalog lyrics on top and english back-translations below in italics. (in this alt text, each stanza is followed by its back-translation)
di ko naman pinepersonal hindi ako nasasaktan, tutal eh, isa pa rin naman akong madrigal kaya bakit ako haharang? tatabi nang kayo'y kuminang ayos lang, ayos lang
i don't take it personally. i'm not hurt; after all, i am still a madrigal. so why would i stand in the way? i will step to the side, so you all can shine. and that's fine, that's fine.
hindi naman ako malakas hindi ko kayang gumawa ng rosas hindi ko kayang bumalik na lang doon sa taas at maghintay ng milagro
i'm not even powerful. i cannot make roses. i cannot simply go back there, upstairs, and wait for a miracle
hindi naman ako magaling hindi ko kayang paarawin o paulanin hindi ko kayang kipkipin pa itong hinagpis kahihintay ng milagro, ng milagro
i'm not even skilled. i can't cause rain or sunshine. i can't keep carrying this sorrow from waiting for a miracle, for a miracle
laging nasa dilim laging nasa tabi laging nanabik makakinang lang tulad ninyo
always in the dark, always at the side, always waiting in suspense, just to get to shine like you all
anong dapat gawin? kailan ba darating ang pagkakataong mabuksan ang inyong mga mata at inyong makita, inyong makita
what do i need to do? when will the opportunity come when i can open your eyes, and be seen by you, be seen by you?
mayroon din akong lakas mayroong bagong mailalabas ituro lang sa akin ang tamang landas tungo sa aking milagro, sa milagro
i also have power. i can make something new come out. just show me the right path to my miracle, to a miracle
mayroon din akong galing mayroong bagong ipaparating anong gagawin para makamit ang aking hiling? bigyan lang ako ng milagro, heto na ako
i also have skill. i will make something new come in. what do i need to do to get my wish? just to be given a miracle, here i go
handa na ako! handang-handa na ako! nagtimpi't nagtiyaga't nagtrabaho hindi ba ako bahagi ng pamilyang ito, na nabigyan ng milagro?
i am ready! i am absolutely ready! i have kept my peace, persisted, and worked am i not a part of this family, which has been given a miracle?
talaga bang wala akong milagro?
is there no miracle for me?
[end of video description]
I started working on this translation literally right after I saw Encanto. It was a fun challenge, because I struggled with keeping Mirabel sympathetic. I actually finished We Don't Talk About Bruno before this one because I wanted to give it time to stew.
Some of the lyrical choices I made were also affected by my decision to use Chiyu for the vocals. The VST I was basing off of already used Solaria, so I thought I'd make things harder for myself (/lighthearted) and switch from an English voicebank to a Chinese one. It definitely came with its own set of problems and advantages; I liked having more vowel options (and yet still no open O?) but the consonants were hit-or-miss, and there's still no tapped or trilled R, so she has an accent too. (A Japanese voicebank would have something close to those, but the lack of other much-needed phonemes means I'm not really considering trying to get a Japanese voicebank to sing in Tagalog without cross-language synthesis. Please buy me Synth V Pro so I can use cross-language synthesis and finally get the sounds I need.)
Hey. If you've read this far and you like my art, please consider tipping me on Ko-fi, or becoming one of my monthly supporters! I'm a disabled queer artist from the Philippines and your tips help keep me online and making art for everyone. Thank you!
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tempenensis · 4 years
Jujusanpo #3
They goes to the karaoke! Please listen on the anime official website. This is based on the extra pages of volume 2. Title is “A certain karaoke shop somewhere in Tokyo”. 
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This audio drama episode basically just proves that Fushiguro is the only one who have braincell. Rough translation under the cut. 
(this one is also in the illustration) Itadori: Kugisaki, sing aiko! Kugisaki: I’ve decided one song from Yousui. Itadori: Then I’ll pick one in between. Shiina Ringo. Kugisaki: Why is Ringo in between Yousui and aiko? Fushiguro: (on the phone) Sorry. Can you please call saying time left 10 minutes when it is 30 minutes left?
Itadori+Kugisaki: Eh? Fushiguro: What? Itadori: What is the meaning of that? Fushiguro: What do you mean? Kugisaki: What do you mean you don’t understand. Please call time left 10 minutes when 30 minutes left. What’s that mean? Fushiguro:  Calling to say time left 10 minutes when it is 30 minutes left. Just like that. Itadori: Why must you ask to call 10 minutes left when it is 30 minutes left? Fushiguro: Calling 10 minutes when 10 minutes left just makes you impatient, and then you’ll just go home right? Itadori: Ooh.  Kugisaki: Well... usually like that. Fushiguro: But if the call says 10 minutes left when it actually 30 minutes left, we can calm down and decided the song first for 5 minutes, one song is around five minutes, if each of us three sing one song that makes 15 minutes. Then time left from 30 minutes is ten minutes. All that’s left is to calmly go home. Itadori: Oh, it’s like that! Kugisaki: Fushiguro, you are somewhat used to this. You often go to karaoke? (nobody answers her lol) Kugisaki: Why you all just silent?!
Itadori : But what happens then when the actual call for 10 minutes left comes? Fushiguro: Well, whatever. By the way, the one between aiko and Yousui should be Togawa Jun.
Kugisaki: What are you talking about so suddenly? Fushiguro: It’s the one you two talking about. The one between Yousui and aiko is Togawa Jun. If we are talking about the period. Itadori: Oh, the era. If it’s about music, then in between is Ringo, right?
Kugisaki: Whichever doesn’t matter! Itadori: Then what do you think, Kugisaki? Kugisaki: Baby Boys. Itadori: Why it is become a band? Kugisaki: If it’s about era and music, then it’s Baby. 
Itadori: I don’t know the song from either one. Fushiguro: Me too.
Itadori: Kugisaki, you know a lot about music? Kugisaki: Not really. By the way, why are you just keep eating? This is karaoke. Choose your song already. Itadori: Then I’ll sing aiko’s kabutomushi (=beetle. a song title I guess). Fushiguro: Cardigan is fine too. Kugisaki: Like I’ve said, I’ve decided one song of Yousui’s 
(the phone rings and Fushiguro accepts the call) Fushiguro: (in the phone) Yes. Understood (close the phone), (to Kugisaki and Itadori) There’s 10 minutes left. Itadori+ Kugisaki: No way!  Itadori: That’s way too fast! Is this some kind of jutsushiki? (I’m dying of laughter at this part)
Fushiguro: Like I said before, there’s 30 minutes left. Kugisaki: Haa? You just said there’s 10 minutes left! Fushiguro: No. Remember in the first place I asked for 10 minutes call when it’s still 30 minutes? Kugisaki: Oooh, I see. Itadori: Wow, Fushiguro, you’re awesome! You use inversion jutsushiki? Fushiguro: No. Then what should we do? We can sing each one song.
Kugisaki: *sigh* In the end, I end up only with one song of Yousui’s. Itadori: What’ll you sing? Kugisaki: hmm... maybe “kasa ga nai”? (=no umbrella, another song title it seems).
(aiko, Yousui, Shiina Ringo, Togawa Jun, Baby Boys are all name of Japanese artists. I don’t know much about their songs though)
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staysaneathome · 3 years
Statement #3 of the Reigen Files (Name Pending)
ARATAKA REIGEN: “Oh, a computer! Nice, nice, very nice.”
[A clatter of someone dropping into a chair with two much force. The table squeaks as it is nudged out of alignment.]
ARATAKA REIGEN: “How-eh-how’s the, «what’s the word again…» the recorder?”
THE ARCHIVIST: “Fortunately, its cover was just cracked and the tape was fine, no thanks to you.”
ARATAKA REIGEN: [Sucking in air through teeth.] «C-crap.»
ARATAKA REIGEN: “I can pay for a new one?”
THE ARCHIVIST: “It’s fine, Mr. Reigen. Just, just try not to gesticulate too wildly this time, alright?”
ARATAKA REIGEN: “Eh, what is ges-gesti—?”
THE ARCHIVIST: “Oh, damn, uh…Movement. No big movement, like this, right?”
[There’s a faint sound of a hand smacking against plastic.]
THE ARCHIVIST: “Ow! Oh, damn—”
THE ARCHIVIST: “…At least the laptop’s screen’s fine. So, so no big movement like that, got it?”
ARATAKA REIGEN: “No big movement! Got it!”
[Another clatter as something else on the table is hit.]
THE ARCHIVIST: “…Let’s just get this over with, shall we?”
THE ARCHIVIST: “Statement of Arataka Reigen, regarding…” [Weary Sigh] “…Regarding the time his parents forgot to pack him a lunchbox for a school sports day. Statement is taken directly from subject by Jonathan Sims, Head Archivist of the Magnus Institute, whose time Mr. Arakata apparently sees fit to waste at his leisure, on June 12th, 2016 at 11:45 AM. Statement begins.”
ARATAKA REIGEN: “Well, I want to say it was maybe…3rd grade in elementary school?”
THE ARCHIVIST: “I beg your pardon?”
ARATAKA REIGEN: “Elementary?” «I’m sure that’s the right word…» “The school you go to when you’re…eight, I think?”
THE ARCHIVIST: “Oh, you mean primary. Right, okay. Please continue.”
ARATAKA REIGEN: «…Okay… I could’ve sworn it was…anyway,» “I was eight years old. It was my school sports day. I was in class 3-B, and we were the red team that year. We had done well that year, because we had Urashima Taro in our class. We didn’t do so well the next year, because he moved down to 4-C, but we had him that year, and he was really strong and the fastest runner put of everyone. Of course, I helped us get a victory over 3-A in the rope-pull, so I was pretty important to our success too. But then lunch time came, and everyone in my class went off with their parents to eat their lunchboxes. You know what it was like in the one hundred and eighties, where everyone’s parents had to work to buy the next meal for the week. Well, my mom and my dad could not come because both of them were working that day. But I guess both of them had forgot to tell each other that? So after the rope tug, I went to go have lunch like all my classmates, only no one was there. And they’d both forgotten to pack me something to eat on my own, even? So I was just staring at everyone else eating, with their mommies and daddies, and feeling really, really hungry. And it was weird, because my vision got kinda…«what’s the word…» fuzzy? Like I was in a…«mist», you know? When clouds come down to where you can see and it goes all white?”
THE ARCHIVIST: “You mean foggy?”
ARATAKA REIGEN: “Foggy!” «That’s the word, I need to remember that for next time…» “Yeah, yeah, foggy. And I am in the foggy, staring at all these people, but they are hard to see. Hard to hear. Almost like I’m the only real person and they’re just…extras? Like in a movie? And I’m really, really hungry, and I’m wishing I had some…some food. Or a person to talk to, like everyone else. And then there was a hand on my shoulder. It really scared me, because I thought I was alone! It was Tanaka-sensei, my…«…I know this!» Ah! Homeroom teacher! Yeah, yeah, homeroom teacher. And he was scared because he saw me just staring at everyone, not moving, and Tanaka-sensei asked me where my parents were. And I said they weren’t here, and I had no lunchbox. So Tanaka-sensei gave me his banana and peanut butter sandwich, because I had no lunch. It was pretty good. But what I learned most on that day was that it was okay if your mom or dad or whoever takes care of you didn't show up, even if it was to something important to you. Because there are other adults who will care, even if they aren’t them, and that’s okay. But when you’re an adult, and you have a kid like that, you gotta do your best to be like Tanaka-sensei was to you to them. It’s what being an adult means. I have students like that, and I made sure to make Mob a peanut butter and banana sandwich when he was training for his club. Tome’s allergic to peanuts though, so she prefers cheese and egg sandwiches.”
ARATAKA REIGEN: “I have some pictures of Mob in his club, wanna see?
THE ARCHIVIST: “That’s quite alright Mr. Reigen, I—”
ARATAKA REIGEN: [Clearly ignoring his protests] “Yeah, see, here, this is Mob training for his first race! He was so excited for it, and he did super good, even if he ended up tripping at the start! He was «74th» in his year! Wait, I have a video here—”
THE ARCHIVIST: [Slightly desperately] “Is this really necessary—”
[Slightly tinny sound of a video being played through a phone’s speakers. There’s the sound of clamorous cheering in Japanese, in concert with wild and slightly too enthusiastic applause. Faint sounds of people running are audible beneath the sounds of support. Reigen’s voice calling out for Mob is much louder than anyone else’s.]
THE ARCHIVIST: “Ah. How lovely.”
ARATAKA REIGEN: «Right?» “Mob’s on the track and field team at Tokyo U now! He’s in his second year.” [A wistful sigh]«They grow up too fast… I remember when he barely came up to my knee, when he first came into my office…»
THE ARCHIVIST: “That’s very nice, Mr. Reigen. But if we’re quite finished?”
ARATAKA REIGEN: “Well, I guess—”
THE ARCHIVIST: “Wonderful. Why don’t you go and wait in the bullpen and Martin will fix you a cup of tea? We’ll be sure to look into this and see if it is anything more than childhood drivel and get back to you, posthaste.”
[Clatter of someone being not so gently guided out of their chair and shown the door]
ARATAKA REIGEN: “Okay? Wait, what does ‘drivel’ mea—”
[The door slamming shut in his face cuts off the end of his sentence.]
THE ARCHIVIST: “Oh thank God.”
[Slow trudging steps of someone shouldering a burden too heavy for their shoulders and slumping into their chair with more force than strictly necessary. The table squeaks in complaint again.]
THE ARCHIVIST: “I need a pay raise. Some similarities to Naomi Herne’s statement, but honestly I expect that’s more a result of Mr. Reigen’s sense of melodrama than anything else. Honestly, if Elias expects me to entertain these frivolities…”
[A pause. Shuffling as papers and miscellaneous pens and other utensils are shunted aside before audio quality suddenly increases.]
THE ARCHIVIST: “Wh-? What’s this doing here? And it’s…running?”
THE ARCHIVIST: “Ugh, MARTIN! How many times have I told you, we only have a limited supply of these tapes, we can’t afford to leave them running them willy-nilly, honestly—!”
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ejga-ostja · 3 years
Megamind dubs 2
Part 1
Here’s another batch of 6 dubs and my opinion on them :>
I also brought the Slovene dub rating down a bit bc I realised I was being biased and that it’s really not that great lmao
🇯🇵 JAPANESE DUB 🇯🇵 Rating: 6.5/10 - I went into it with low expectations but it was really good! - Syncing is done really well. - Starts of poorly but the acting gets way better as the movie progresses. - My favourite dub of 'ollo'. - I liked Roxanne rejecting Hal and Minion's 'death' scenes. - Comedy done really well. - They dubbed EVERYTHING, no bits of audio from the original left and I respect that.
Megamind's voice: - Has a painfully unfitting voice but gets Megamind's character pretty well later on so it's no longer as distracting. - He's not afraid to go over the top which I appreciate. - Does comedy well. - I don't like his laughters.
Individual voices: - Hal is really good, fitting voice and nails the character! - Metro Man is sometimes good, sometimes he seems to act poorly/lack character. - Minion is cute, Roxanne is alright, I like her screams.
🇧🇬 BULGARIAN DUB 🇧🇬 Rating: 5/10 - Generally gets better as the movie progresses but mostly 'eh' as a whole. - Syncing done REALLY well. - All the VAs do a good job except for Megamind's, who sadly really brings it down. - Impactful scenes weren't bad but weren't good either, nothing left a strong impression on me. - In the third act, a surprising amount of the original audio is left in (it isn't a thing in the first two acts), sometimes the original and dubbed audio are so close together it's distracting.
Megamind's voice: - Has an unfitting voice and doesn't get the character down right, just kinda below standards. - Seemed to get better later on, then lacked character again. - I like his laughters tho.
Individual voices: - I ADORE Metro Man's voice in this dub but I can't pin down why. - Hal and Minion are alright, Roxanne is mostly fine but her voice annoyed me at times.
🇬🇷 GREEK DUB 🇬🇷 Rating: 8/10 - Had a TON of fun watching, really good dub. - Quite bad in the first 10ish minutes but gets real good real fast. - Syncing done really well. - All the VAs do justice to their characters, so watching it is a really enjoyable experience. - It feels like this cast is especially good with emotional scenes, Museum scene and Metro Man's crisis especially stuck with me. - Minion's 'death' scene was also done REALLY well.
Megamind's voice: - Starts off without any energy but gets much better early on. - A very good VA for Megamind, fitting enough voice, has the right amount of energy, does comedy well, does emotional scenes well. - His 'speciality' is that he has quite a gentle voice, idk, it's cute tho. - I love his laughters, especially in his first fight with Titan.
Individual voices: - Minion is interesting, it feels like his voice is somewhat unfitting but it kinda works. - Roxanne is good, her voice is a bit unfitting tho but it mostly doesn't show. - Hal is also great, especially before he gets his superpowers. - I don't like Metro Man much but can't pin down why.
🇮🇱 HEBREW DUB 🇮🇱 Rating: 9/10 - Fantastic dub!! Starts off strong and keeps getting better. - Syncing not done that well. - A few goofs that are really entertaining but still embarrassing from a technical perspective. - All the VAs are really good! - Comedy and emotional scenes are all done well. - Rain scene done wonderfully. - It doesn't have any major flaws, it's very good but it's still not the best.
Megamind's voice: - Fantastic in every way. Nails Megamind's character, does comedy well, does emotional scenes well. - I love his laughters. - Has a fun and fitting evil scientist type of vibe.
Individual voices: - All the voices are really good! Not strongly outstanding but I liked every single character. - Roxanne is the weakest, seems a bit 'too collected', doesn't have the right energy, but she does emotional scenes really well!
🇫🇷 FRENCH DUB 🇫🇷 Rating: 7.5/10 - A solid dub! Megamind's voice in this one is sadly probably the worst thing about it. - Syncing done really well. - I really really liked Megamind and Roxanne's first scene together here. - 'I love you Metro Man!', poor lady's scream gag and Minion's death scene were also really enjoyable. - Minion's name has a really cute translation.
Megamind's voice: - Has a 'mean villain' energy rather than a 'fun villain' energy. - His laughs scare me. - Otherwise has a good range, has energy, good with emotional scenes. - Puts on a mocking voice when addressing Metro Man, it's a sweet little touch.
Individual voices: - Roxanne is WONDERFUL, the highlight of this dub, the VA really does justice to her character. - Minion and Hal I also really liked. First dub I watched that makes Hal sound really young, but it's really fitting! - Metro Man has a really unifitting voice.
🇷🇴 ROMANIAN DUB 🇷🇴 Rating: 6.5/10 - Syncing done kinda poorly. - Didn't start out great, but REALLY strong in the third act. - Roxanne rejecting Hal and the rain scene were done REALLY well. - Roxanne and Megamind's first scene together wasn't done that well. - While it's good, for the most part the VAs still don't quite nail the characters so it's def not one of the better dubs.
Megamind's voice: - He's pretty decent, not the worst, not the best, gets the job done. - Has a good range, a lot of energy. - He pronounces Metro City and Metrochiti which is ADORABLE.
Individual voices: - Absolutely the most interesting dub regarding Roxanne. She starts out AWFUL, unfitting voice, weird way of delivering lines, she sounds like a grandma. By the end she was one of my favourite Roxanne VAs, she really does her character justice. - Metro Man was also FANTASTIC in this dub. - Hal was alright, but I didn't like Minion all that much.
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metaldragoon · 4 years
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@justsuha​ filled this out, and I felt like doing the same.  Kinda felt they didn’t have the best categories so maybe I shouldn’t have bothered, also tried not being too repetitive with my picks. Favourite Game - Final Fantasy VI, this was an easy one for me.  One of the first games I ever played, then I came back to it around like 12-14 years old and it was the first game I ever played on an emulator, then it was one of the first games I ever watched an LP on, one of the first game I ever started playing with mods, and yeah, I’ve just played this game a lot in my life. Best Story - Mass Effect (1), could’ve gone with FFVI again but eh, and maybe Hollow Knight but I feel like the world building in ME1 is crazy-deep and unparalleled.  Maybe that’s not story in like a “plot” sense, but it’s what I settled on. Favourite Art Style - Killer7, was a comfortable pick but Persona 5 is also a really crisp game.  Also thought about other things that are more atmospheric like Metroid Prime, Hollow Knight, or Bloodborne. Favourite Soundtrack - Final Fantasy VI, like I said, didn’t want to be repetitive, so there was games that had like a banger of a track like Papers, Please, or something like Super Meat Boy, but I couldn’t really justify anything being equal to FFVI.   Hardest Game - Dragon Age: Origins, Felt like a Soulsborne game was the “gimme” answer so I wanted to swerve a bit.  DA:O is hard as fuck, if you’re not optimizing your build you’re not beating that game.  Even on “easy” I’m like chill man Funniest Game - Paper Mario: Thousand Year Door, was tempted to go Undertale but since that’s kind of just a parody game I feel like it had a lot more liberties it could take to still be funny.  TTYD is super funny while still being like it’s own game. Game I like that everyone hates - Gears of War 2, some kid in Gr. 11 said I should get a 360 and play that, and so I did.  I played the online mode so much, but it never really felt like a popular competitive game.  I liked being so beefy, it’s basically just one-shotting people with shotguns is the meta and so the whole stalking someone to close the gap to be in range was super fun to me.  Campaign kinda trash and my friend wanted to get an achievement for co-op beating it on the hardest difficult that was miserable for me, but I think it’s a really fun game to play with some great audio too, the SFX are top notch. Game I hate that everyone likes - Borderlands, hate is a strong word but man I don’t really care about this game at all and people have been hyping it up for a decade. Underrated Game - Catherine, all my irl friends I tell about this game don’t know what it is, until I remind them and they go “oh yeah, that game looked weird/was too hard.” don’t know anyone who’s actually played more than an hour of it.  It’s one of my all-time faves, though. Overrated Game - Breath of the Wild, my wife says I didn’t give it a “fair shake” but I played like 20 hours and zzz... was tempted to go with a Pokemon game too, but it’s more a franchise in general than a specific game. Best Voice Acting - Yakuza Kiwami, I didn’t really have any real opinions on a game having good voice acting; generally they don’t.  Yakuza is all VA’d in Japanese so that’s probably why, but it felt pretty cool and was the only thing that I could think of actively enhanding a VG experience.  Maybe shoulda gone GTA (3 or San Andreas), both are really dated and definitely don’t sound that good anymore but one of my favourite games to listen to dialogue from. Worst Voice Acting - Metroid: Other M, not bad in terms of the actual talent of the VA’s but damn if it doesn’t ruin everything about Samus as a character.  “REMEMBA ME?!” Favourite Male - Kazuma Kiryu, was tempted to go General Leo from FFVI, but couldn’t find an image big enough before I resized this, which I could have easily worked around, but I also really like the Dragon of Dojima! It’s weird because he seems like such a simple design but he’s just badass in the right way, and I don’t know why more games can’t get it right.   Favourite Female - Franziska von Karma, from the 2nd Ace Attorney game.  For some reason had a huge crush on her, when I was younger I even drew some fanart of her which I ain’t done for nobody but her and Broly. Favourite Protagonist - Samus Aran, wanted to go with a “franchise” character and Samus is always super cool (except in Other M), I’ll always be excited to play her in some new game.   Favourite Village - Kakariko Village, felt like kind of a weird question, ‘cuz like if it was favourite area or something, I could have put some other stuff (Greenpath in Hollow Knight for example), and being a village I feel like basically limits you to medieval games but not the main hub either as that’s “a city.”  But Ocarina of Time’s Kakariko Village is always really fun to roll in to, also thought of the Goron Village, or just any village in Secret of Mana because that village theme is soo good. Most Hated Character - Nathan Drake, have barely even played Uncharted, but I just always hate any character with his personality, and he’s the biggest and most well-known.  Maybe he’s fine but meh. First Game You Played - Super Mario World, can’t say for 100%, but this and Super Mario Kart were games I was playing a lot since at like 4 or 5 my older brother owned them and they’re the most baby friendly.  Also remember playing a lot of PC games that my dad had, Timon and Pumba pinball, Chip’s Challenge, Ski Free, and stuff like that.  Skunny Kart Racing for DOS but I never understood how to get to DOS. Favourite Company - Bioware, I don’t really care about gaming companies in general, but Mass Effect and DA:O are some of my favourite games.  I might say Square as well but they do a lot of stuff.   Hated Company - Ubisoft, don’t hate them all but I just feel like they only make games I have zero interest in. Depressing Game - Doki Doki Literature Club, this and creepy are kinda really similar I feel, but I went DDLC but I kinda forget how it even ends.  I just remember feeling bummed about the purple and pink haired girl, and then the Monika scene just being uncomfortable (in a good way). Creepy Game - Doom3, don’t really play creepy games, Doom3 was suspenseful so I don’t know if that counts.  I had it for like 2 years, played it once for like 10 hours straight, and never played it again.  Still lives in my head. Happy Game - Super Meat Boy, is this a happy game? I don’t know, I feel like it’s got a pumped up energy which I equate to happiness.  It’s fun and the music makes it really addictive. Favourite Ending - Metal Gear Solid, don’t really have a great answer to this.  I really like Meryl and Snake riding off on their snowmobile though.  
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