#audrey is a bad liar
plumsaffron · 2 months
When you trick yourself into believing Lila is Marinette’s bully and you for some reason want to make it out that she started it all and wanted this is happen. Please refrain from giving yourself crystal meth.
It’s giving you Lila illness.
But go on...
grant yourself more tinnitus of the mind.
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starryredpandawrites · 3 months
What if. . . Wilson succeeded and made Audrey into his "perfect creation"? He takes Audrey by surprise instead of outright telling her his plan before getting a Gent pipe to the face, and Gent has their tool.
The one person who cared about and was kind to Bendy, taken from him and used like some puppet for their own twisted uses. The world truly hates him. . .
Me, thinking furiously: I can fix this, I can fix this, I can fix this, HOW CAN FIX THIS?!
This might be a little too much angst for me but I'll give it a shot.
TW body horror under the cut
Shipahoy Dudley and Wilson didn't mix very well, right? Maybe it's because he has a fully human soul and Audrey's soul isn't but I also can't imagine Shipahoy Audrey turning out much better since her soul is strong/intact enough to form her own person, so we'd probably end up with an Audrey sticking out of a Shipahoy monster like what happened to Wilson. Horrific but hopefully fixable. You'll see what I mean.
Bendy and Audrey's minds are probably still linked but I doubt Audrey's thoughts and senses would be very coherent. All the Ink Demon would know is something is very, very, very wrong.
Eventually, Wilson would sicc Shipahoy Audrey at Bendy (that's the whole reason he wanted her, to make something to take down the Ink Demon permanently) which means she would have to track him down. I dunno if she would have the mind for it, but once she crosses out of signal dampener territory, Bendy would find her.
Now, I don't think Audrey would attack Bendy, but the Shipahoy side of her might. If they fight Bendy will win, but it will be awful and traumatizing. If she doesn't fight back, it will still be awful but maybe a little less traumatizing or just traumatizing in a different way.
Either way, Bendy would see Audrey's upper half sticking out of Shipahoy and get the idea that, maybe if he separates her from the whole, he can save her.
So, that's what he does. She would not survive the process BUT in this world, you only truly die if you are consumed. Cue dramatic heartbreaking scene of her melting away in his arms while he begs her to return to him.
There's a chance that while she's melting he will panic and consume her rather than risk letting her reform on her own. While this would still count as a "bad ending" in my book, I do think Audrey would have a very different attitude towards becoming a Big Monster this time. She would much prefer being stuck with Bendy than being stuck with Wilson's monstrosity. She might even thank him for it.
If he doesn't consume her, she'll melt away and he'll go do whatever he did in the first game to the Shipahoy carcass or consume it just to be sure Audrey has the best chance at coming back as herself.
Since I'm writing this, she will come back and they have their happy reunion, but they'll both be horribly, horribly scarred by this. Audrey would understand and even be grateful that the Ink Demon freed her, but she would likely develop PTSD and/or at the very least suffer nightmares about the Ink Demon killing her, which would suck for both of them. The Ink Demon would feel awful for being responsible for one of her deaths. In his mind, he broke his promise not to harm her, and even though it was for a good cause he'll hate himself for that. He hates liars and now he's become one.
Luckily, time heals (or at the very least, softens) all wounds and they live happily ever after, the End 🎉
I know you mentioned the Gent corporation using Audrey against Bendy but my brain cannot handle the angst so have this happy ending copout instead
I'm gonna go write some fluff now 🥺
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mcheang · 11 months
The return of Amy Squirrel
“When the superintendent personally asks you to work at one of the worst schools…you say yes.”
Not only is Amy a more suspicious teacher than Ms Bustier, but she will be taking over Ms Bustier’s class while the latter is on maternity leave.
Now Amy may treat everyone like they are in kindergarten, but she has a history. She was forcibly transferred after her rival framed her for being on drugs. Said rival Elizabeth was now a guidance counselor but it galled Amy to be sent to Paris, aka the emotionally troubled city, to teach the akuma class, under false charges. In hindsight, she really should have returned Elizabeth’s desk after stealing it to check for drugs.
The unfairness and humiliation made Amy reflect on the situation and she vowed to be smarter, more prepared to see through such tricks.
Naturally, when it comes to Chloe’s bullying, Amy puts Chloe in a time out. When Chloe calls her father angrily, but Amy scolds her for talking to her father as if he is her servant. And Chloe is making her family look bad. Audrey happens to be near Andre when Amy says this and hearing this, agrees Claudine should be disciplined and gives Amy free reign. Until she is respectable, she isn’t a Bourgeois. Chloe is akumatized except Amy has a solution for this. While the butterfly is happily accepted by Chloe, Amy punches her, knocking her unconscious while Alya posts on her blog about the akuma so Ladybug has an excuse to come purify the butterfly.
Chloe: You punched me!
Amy: Your mother authorised me to use any means to make sure you don’t keep embarrassing her. Frankly, you losing again to Ladybug would be humiliating since it just enforces to your mother that you are a loser.
Chloe is stunned to see she has lost influential power. Aka she can be sent to detention and her parents won’t help her.
Now, Marinette is holding a car wash for a future field trip. Seeing Marinette’s clumsy and efficient record (she was practically doing half of Caline’s work for the pregnant lady), Amy did not mind. She minded however when Lila, who did not show up at the car wash at all, said she felt bad about not being able to help and volunteered to help with the money arrangements.
Marinette and Caline: Absolutely not
The class was stunned. Marinette was not expecting someone to be on her side.
Caline: I know your reputation for being charitable Lila, unfortunately it is that reputation that leads me to mistrust you with this. Mylene told me how you had donated the money she organised to your fundraiser for the poor instead of her preferred save the earth charity. While the cause is still noble, the donators wanted the money to go to the earth. I cannot risk you donating our fundraiser trip money to another one of your noble causes. If you are that worried about their causes, you can ask your class to help with another fundraiser, except Marinette and Alya, they need to help me plan the field trip.
Lila gritted her teeth. This immature teacher was a hindrance!
Amy had done her research on Lila too. A disturbing number of ailments and disorders, long leaves of absences with parent approval, and she was not unaware how the class catered to Lila by helping her copy notes, buy her lunch, carry her backpack, etc. All in all, Amy would not want to look before she leapt and think Lila a liar but she finds her suspicious. When she confides to Damocles, he mentions Lila’s lying disorder.
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Amy: THAT’S BONKERS! And if she is telling the truth, how can you know when she lies, we need a proper authority figure to guide us on how to help accommodate Lila’s needs. We cannot trust the poor girl whose ability to distinguish fact from fiction is so hampered.
Damocles: I have tried reaching out to her mother, but she’s so busy, I’m afraid emails are allowed. Rest assured they are detailed.
Having dealt with Elizabeth, Amy was not discounting the possibility that the email was a fake.
Amy: May I see Mrs Rossi’s occupation? What job is more important than being here for her daughter.
Principal passed her a paper. “She’s the ambassador of Italy.“
Amy: And what does it mean for Italy if she cannot even be there for her child?
Principal had no idea how to respond to that.
Amy personally went to the embassy to talk to Mrs Rossi and boy was there some clarifications to be made.
If Amy was immature, Diplomat Rossi was oblivious/ignorant. The diplomat readily agreed to come with Amy and see the principal.
The next morning, Lila was called to the principal’s office where she was roundly scolded for lying and framing Marinette.
Damocles: Lila Rossi, you are hereby expelled.
Lila promptly runs away, to become Cerise. She has 2 more mothers to financially rely on.
Mrs Rossi speaks to the class and tells them the truth about Lila. She apologises to Marinette. She also asks that if Lila should contact them, to call her.
Only, Lila isn’t answering any of their calls.
Marinette is so thrilled with Amy handling her bullies. She is so much more efficient than Ms Bustier!
Her efforts were enough to get her promoted from substitute to main teacher.
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Pomegranate Seeds
Chapter 1 - AO3
A/N: After this chapter, this story will be posted exclusively on AO3.
The glares of his new classmates burned Felix as he exchanged pleasantries with Mme. Bustier.
If there was any doubt Adrien had already explained the… situation he caused with his impersonation, it faded under the strength of their looks. It was only two weeks after the anniversary of his aunt’s disappearance after all; no doubt the wounds he caused trying to defame Adrien were still fresh.
Particularly the wounds of the three girls who ended up getting akumatized because of his actions. He’d have to avoid them in the future in case they wanted revenge on him.
Mme. Bustier instructed Felix to sit in the back next to the black-haired girl who had confessed to Adrien in her video. It was both good and bad: good, because it kept him out of eye-sight from most of his classmates, bad because there was little doubt in his mind that the black-haired girl would try to get revenge for his cousin.
Typical Adrien, always ready to let others do his dirty work for him.
Felix nimbly dodged a kick from Lady Wifi on his way up. He’d researched his class before insisting to his mother that he should attend school in Paris, specifically in his cousin’s school with his cousin’s class. He’d found Lady Wifi’s blog—he didn’t care enough to remember her real name—early in his research, but it was only useful about discussing her classmates’ akumatizations. The rest was trashy articles about the Parisian heroes love lives.
And the false exploits of another one of his classmates, but that was blackmail for another time.
Meeting the weight of Lady Wifi’s glare with a glower of his own, he smirked when she flinched away from him. Amateur. Was she even trying to be intimidating? Felix was a cold-blooded blue-blood; he’d stared down the most intimidating members of the fashion and movie industry and held his own. One teenage girl was nothing compared to famous photographers, directors who thought they could order him like an intern, Audrey Bourgeois, or his uncle.
He slid into his seat by the black-haired girl. From the back, he could look out over the rest of the class. He had full view over everything: the cutesy posters on the walls, the top of Bustier’s desk, his classmates whispering and passing notes. All was visible under his eye. The windows behind him were good too, reflecting all the light the room needed onto his desk and back, keeping him warm despite the winter weather.
He watched the others calm slightly once he left their immediate sight, turning their attention back to the liar he’d learned about last night. Bafflingly, they listened with rapt attention to her story about convincing some prince to forgive convicted criminals. She spared an obvious look behind her, locking eyes with him, as she mentioned that everyone deserves a second chance.
How despicable of her, using his own unpopularity to make herself look better.
He was almost impressed.
He glared at her and she gasped, folding in on herself so everyone else would take pity and comfort her. Her acting wasn’t even that good; she couldn’t cry on command and her shoulders shook, not like repressed sobs, but like she was violently shrugging. He directed children who were better actors.
But despite the girl’s bad acting, her seatmate rushed to comfort her, rubbing her hand over her back and murmuring in her ear. Their surrounding classmates, excluding Adrien who did his best to ignore Felix, glared back at him.
He couldn’t help himself. He smirked.
“Excuse me.”
At the stern words, Felix turned his attention to a new problem: the black-haired girl. Out of the entire medley of videos Adrien had received on the anniversary of Aunt Emilie’s disappearance (a month after his father’s death, for which he’d received no word from Adrien, not even a text of condolence—), her video had memorable. She’d confessed her love to Adrien, sappy and heartfelt and so genuine that he couldn’t help but pity her. Adrien wasn’t a good person to fall in love with; he was more likely to string her along to ‘keep the peace’ than reject her outright.
But that was then, and this was now. And now, she was an enemy with close access to both his person and personal items. Who knew what she could do—
“My name is Marinette Dupain-Cheng,” she continued, a light tilt to her head. “I’m the class president, so feel free to ask if you need something. However, I must ask you not to start anything with the rest of the class.”
He sneered. “I assure you, Mlle. Dupain-Cheng—I am not here to start anything. That won’t stop me from finishing it though.”
“That’s fine,” she agreed. Felix blinked in surprise. “Self-defense is self-defense. But I would make sure you have evidence that you weren’t the one in the wrong. Certain members of staff tend to victim blame.” Her eyes flicked to the front of the class, where Mme. Bustier was trying to bring the class to order.
“That’s absurd.”
“That’s reality. I just thought you ought to be warned, considering how everyone already hates you.”
“Oh? You noticed that, didn’t you?” Voice dripping with sarcasm and a curled lip, Felix looked down at her. “And you’re different, right? You’re willing to be on my side, defend me from your bad classmates, comfort me when your friends bully me?” He scoffed. “Save it.”
She sighed. “Think whatever you like, but I’m not trying to use you. I’m not a liar. Besides, I doubt they consider me their friend anymore. If they harass you, then they’ll harass me too.”
He studied her for a moment. She looked tired: dark bruises hung under her blue eyes and little strands of hair stuck out of her pigtails, like she hadn’t bothered to properly dress her hair. “…You’re not in the back out of choice, are you?” He already knew the answer.
“That’s right.”
“You said that you’re not a liar. You were referring to the Volpina girl?”
Her eyes widened. “Her name’s Lila Rossi. You know she’s a liar?”
Felix rolled his eyes, promptly forgetting the name before it stuck. He didn’t want to remember anyone. “I can do basic research, yes.”
“You shouldn’t bring it up to the others then.”
“What? You don’t think they deserve to know—”
He watched warily as her frame trembled and her fists clenched. “Of course they deserve to know; they just won’t listen! They’re so trapped in the lie that Lila’s an amazing person who needs their help and that she’ll help them fulfill their dreams that they can’t listen to reason.” She calmed herself down, breathing deeply. “Sorry. I shouldn’t have gotten angry. But they hate me because I tried to tell them the truth. Don’t give them another reason to hate you.”
He scoffed. “And I’m supposed to assume you don’t hate me? I saw your little video, Mlle. Dupain-Cheng. I know how you feel about my cousin. And I was the one who tried to ruin his reputation.” So show your true colors, went unsaid.
“I don’t hate you, M. Graham de Vanily.” He scoffed again. “I don’t! I’m angry at you, yes, but… I would like to give you a chance. I don’t know the circumstances that led to your… behavior two weeks ago, but regardless, I’m willing to give you a chance at friendship… provided that you don’t do something so cruel again.” She looked away, her cheeks ruddy. “If you want.”
His eyes narrowed. Pretty words from a pretty girl, but did she mean them? “Do you always forgive so easily?”
“I try to.”
“That’s a good way to get stabbed in the back.”
She smiled, close-lipped and bitter. “That has been happening a lot lately. It’s alright though; I’m willing to risk another stab wound.”
He hadn’t expected that. What on earth had been happening in Adrien’s class? They seemed close before, from what he saw online and through their videos, but to isolate and hurt one girl to the point that she’d be willing to risk friendship with him out of all people…
Before he could think of a response, Mme. Bustier finally called the class to order as they started their lesson for the day.
Taglist: @graduatedmelon @novicevoice@dur55@kris-pines04@18-fandoms-unite-08@moonlightstar64@bee-a-garbage-shipper@sol-o-shade@kittyotakunoir666@tinyterror333@allieoftheenemy@marichat00@xgxmxtx@two-faced-biatch@feliciakainzofspades@evil-cricket@emilytopaz@spicybelladonna@chocolateherringtacofan@user00000003@wannajointhecrabcult@happymonster-pants @duquesapincarrasca  @throneoffirebreathingbitchqueen  @sxltinette @kittydemon9000 @thetrashypanda423 @unoriginalmessess @toodaloo-kangaroo @troycattribunny
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queerquaintrelle · 8 days
Vamptember 2024: Dead dove ~ do not eat (3/4)
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Excerpt from my fic Anti-Hero, read here read the full story here. Chapter 15: Mistress Mine. Content Warnings: explicit sexual content, mildly dubious consent, vampire sex and blood.
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Lestat’s mouth pressed against hers and she tugged him against her. They were still in the hallway. 
“Not here,” Audrey half gasped. For fear that her light, her Ben, would see her entangled. 
Reading her thoughts Lestat pulls her into one of the court offices and shuts the door with a thud. 
Audrey gazed at him, he was always handsome, almost always knew the right words to say, and steps to waltz. 
Perhaps that’s why she still played with him and came when called. A loyal mistress indeed. 
“Fuck me,” Audrey said, shocked at her own eagerness. 
Lestat shook his head, gold curls like a lion's mane shaking from side to side. 
His ice blue eyes narrowed like a wolf on the hunt. Amused. 
“I will,” Lestat said. “I intend to make this goodbye last, mon amour,” he chuckled. “On your back, on the desk, I don’t wish to be remembered as a lover who paid you little mind.”
Audrey nodded and did as told, laying down on the desk. 
Lestat hitched up her petticoats and full skirt until her legs were spread on the table, but he didn't remove her pretty stockings. He knows well enough no one is afforded that privilege, however much he may want it. 
Audrey gazed up at him, puzzled. 
Finally, Lestat gets out of his knickers and traces a finger over her cunny. He is met with a pleasant warmth and wetness but he doesn’t see that as permission to take her, just yet. 
The debt is paid. But he wants to make her scream. 
Sliding a finger in he hesitantly teased her, grinning, like the brat he is, though it’s too dark to see. 
Audrey merely purrs, pushing back slightly against his fingers and gently lifting her hips.
Audrey lets out a soft whine as he hits her ‘button.’ 
At last, Lestat is pleased with himself. He slides another finger, in and out in a steady rhythm and Audrey moans, clinging to the desk like one of those images of a mermaid tied to a seagoing vessel. 
Taking a handkerchief he cleaned his fingers and at last positioned himself above her. 
Audrey doesn’t speak. She doesn’t breathe, though, technically she doesn’t need to, old habits are hard to kill. 
Lestat, it seems, is one of those. 
“Say it,” Lestat said, it’s an order, not an ask. 
Audrey gulped. As though pulled from a fairytale she most enjoyed reading. 
He was not her friend, he was no prince, he was just another selfish lover. 
Still, she can’t deny him now, not when caught between two manners of ruin. One, at least, is bearable. 
“Fuck me,” she said in a low hiss, as though baiting him, no, daring him to do it. 
Too bad, he lives for the chase, Audrey is all too familiar and eager to charm him back again, it seemed. 
Roughly his lips crashed against hers and he pressed himself into her. 
He wasted no time in taking her. It is a good thing the harlot seems to like it that way. For her cries certainly seem to say so. 
Audrey moaned into his mouth and without thinking pulled him down closer on top of her. 
“Mine,” Lestat rasped in eager desperation. “Mine,” he repeated, quietly as he moaned. 
“Of course, mon coeur,” Audrey reassured, simply out of habit. It felt normal to repeat the words. It didn’t make them true. 
“Until we are dust and ash,” she said. 
The desk creaked and Audrey’s head spun as he continued to take her, edging closer and closer. 
It felt good to create such ruckus, such scandal. She couldn’t help herself. Perhaps, until Tallmadge she had forgotten how to feel. 
At last, as they edge towards the precipice Lestat’s teeth sink into her neck, marking her. It’s not a wound he intends to erase. She’ll be fine. It’s not meant for her, not really, it’s meant for him, that Long Island liar. 
Audrey arched her back with a cry of pleasure and collapsed onto the desk. 
Lestat collapsed next to her, still throbbing inside her. Licking up the blood upon her pretty neck. 
Then he pulled out. 
“Undress and on your stomach,” Lestat said, sweetly. “We aren’t quite done.” 
Audrey nodded and did as asked, her gown falling to the floor, she got on her stomach and gritted her teeth. 
“Is that the worst you have?” Audrey said snidely. 
“If I gave you my worst, mon amour, you wouldn’t speak to me again. I can’t have that,” Lestat said, seeming to earnestly become unguarded momentarily. 
Lestat positioned himself behind her and wasting minimal time, slid into her. Audrey groaned and he tugged her hair. 
Nails dug into the desk as Lestat traced his nails down her back. 
“Mmmm, Lestat!” She cried.
“Yes, your mistress, yours, yours, yours!” Audrey whimpered. 
“Ma moitié,” Lestat crooned softly as he took her. 
Hand still in her hair, hand upon Audrey’s waste. 
Even now, even despite his cruelty. He can see what she is. 
Some better part of him that never learned to bloom. Some better part of his nature. Well, all human and vampire nature alike. A brutalized rose. But a rose nonetheless. 
The moans become soft sobs and their minds white out with the mixture of pleasure and pain. 
Adjusting her raven hair as best she can. Relacing up her dress. Adjusting her stockings. 
Audrey knows very well she cannot hide what happened. 
Despite the monstrous nature of their love, or maybe, because of it. Audrey loved Lestat, in a way. 
If she, in some other time, could be made to not choose between herself and Benjamin and Lestat. She would. 
But alas, there’s something about Ben that sets her alight. Like a sunbeam wherever he walks. Lestat possessed no such optimism or good nature. 
Turning to go Audrey meets Lestat’s cool gaze. 
Lestat’s lips pressed to hers gently. No viciousness this time. Just regard and most hollow fear and loneliness. 
Loneliness and fear Audrey understood too well. 
“À plus tard,” Audrey whispered against Lestat’s lips. 
“Ma moitié,” Lestat returned most softly. 
Audrey pulled away.  
Then, Lestat let her go.  
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baenyth · 3 months
Bethany's Bizarre Miraculous Reviews Episode 4-7: Sole Crusher
Finally! Time to say hello to Zoe and get a grip on her character? Is she interesting and adds something new to the table? Or is she just there so there can be a new Bee holder?
This show's still trying to say this is actually Paris and not just a small town imitation while the real Paris is converted to a theme park for tourists? There should be far more tourists than just Zoe then!
Like I feel like Marinette's parents' bakery is the one of the only, if not the only, one in Paris! Is this all because this is a cheap CGI-animated show or something!? They can't render in more people or make more bakery sets?
'The best bakery in Paris' is Marinette's parents'. Of all the bakeries it's the main character's and she isn't even that rich. My theory is getting truer by the second.
The fact that Zoe's father isn't even there makes me believe he isn't there for her life much. My parents would be with me if I was a 14-year-old going to Paris. Or at least one of my parents. I know I doubt Zoe's mom was in her life because she's clearly a deadbeat,
Yup. There she is, the deadbeat.
Oh. He was a deadbeat and Zoe did go to boarding school. As I thought.
Glowing shoes
pffft Zoe hates her at first sight
Also I know this is supposed to show Chloe as someone evil but I can only think about how warped her perception of society is.
pffffffft she's literally in the closet
Also wouldn't it be more practical for Sabrina to do her homework at home or is this just a lousy excuse to demonize Chloe?
This isn't even going to be a good downfall arc, isn't it? Like with the OG of serialized, more serious cartoons, Avatar, had Azula, a rich powerful 14 year old with minion-friends aside her, undergo an downfall arc, but there was still sympathy and understanding to her downfall. I consumed enough spoiler content to know the show treats the main Adult Villain as more sympathetic than Chloe.
Oh right. Audrey cheated on her husband! I forgot all about that while I saw Chloe get worse. Andre should divorce her but he's a bit too much of a pushover.
Marinette believed that!? Isn't she supposed to be good at figuring out liars? Oh, right. She didn't recognize Adrien when he had a fencing mask on.
pffffffffffffffffft "Do you think we can adopt her?"
And the limo's pink as well!
Or did Marinette see through the lies? Or is she just guessing?
Pfft the hyper-scheming
pffffffffffffffffffffffffffft this is probably one of the [%@!$] akumas by far. A giantess that gains height by stepping on people.
I wonder how expensive those two otherworldly shots were.
Seriously? Zoe's charm is gold and diamond-themed?
Ivan was the first one to comfort her. I feel like this adds character for him. Good. We barely have any content. Hm. It shows initiative and a physical side to him. Maybe his love language is physical affection?
Well, she has a backstory that ain't half bad, but it feels like she's just here to show how 'irredemable' Chloe is.
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gritsandbrits · 1 year
Thing I notice in fandoms is how nonwhite kids are often held to even higher standards or unfairly demonized for existing.
Let's start with Avatar cuz y'all no white ppl don't exist in that universe but it's worth mentioning. In fandom Katara is often made the butt of a joke; in the comics Azula was written HORRIBLY.
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I see it in TGAMM. Like Andrea, Ollie also came out of a toxic household yet fans put him down for "getting in the way of ships" even going far as to claim he and Molly are siblings (despite them coming from entirely different families and ethnicities). Even after Ollie is changing fans won't give him a chance.
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In HSMfandom people claim Sharpay was the real victim & Gabriella was the bad guy who mopes and whines all day, ignoring that Sharpay tried to steal Troy away (who she didn't even really like, she liked Zeke more). She forced the entire crew to work on a night of a big performance, and was essentially a bully all 3 movies. Yet SOMEHOW stans blame Gabbi. She was the one who actually had her priorities straight and refused to play Sharpay's mind games. Yet Sharpay gets excused bc she's pretty and pink and owns it. Yes media and society demonizes girliness, but Sharpay was toxic as hell and needed a few harsh lessons. Gabbi was the victim. It's spelled out in the text..
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Even in Amphibia there's a small section of fans who has Marcy and claim she's a manipulative liar. Not showing compassion for her when her actions came out emotional distress and she had to face the consequences. Sounds familiar?
In Descendants Uma and Audrey get the brunt of hate when they were victimized by Mal at some point, yet aren't given the same empathy even in canon. There's other posts that talk about this unfair treatment (as well as the double standards between Mal and Ben).
And trust me this isn't the first nor last time kids of color are unfairly castigated in favor of the "better" white kids. And not just race; religion, gender, class, disability mental illness etc, all of those also major factors in how fandom and canon perceive and write certain child characters.
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artseniccatnip · 2 years
Wanderfell Lore Post 2023
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Yes I updated it again, so Wanderfell is a Wandersong AU that started out as a simple, “Kiwi and Miriam are villains” AU but has evolved a little bit over time, the main premise, that they’re antagonists to the hero, which is still Audrey, but she’s a hero in a different way, still remains,  their brand of evil is more like... showboaty and cartoony, not actual morally reprehensible things
Audrey (Renamed Dragonfruit): Hero with a heart of gold, she's more patient, stubborn, and tries to talk things out, but she's also kind of a liar Sword can shoot all types of elemental magic cause why not, plus it has teleportation powers and gives her godly endurance
Kiwi (Renamed Pomegranate): Optimistic and motivated, a little prankster, doesn't think things through, selfish, overprotective, but also extremely loyal Singing still affects the world around them, whether it's a good thing or a bad thing, and it also amplifies Razzberry's magic
Miriam (Renamed Razzberry): Grumpy, Possessive, Impulsive, Selfish, deep down she's actually a softie Shadow Magic, Elemental magic, brews her own potions and grows her own plants, infinite inventory space in her hat
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The overseers are still in charge of the world, they're all powerful and have certain dominion over certain elements in the world, also they're switched with their fairies from the OG game cause i find it fun
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A hero is chosen by Eya every so often (think how the paintbrush is given to wielders and eventually they retire a la chicory: a colorful tale) to protect the overseers, they're given a magical sword that, depending on how you use it, is basically all powerful
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The hero who is chosen by Eya is worked TO DEATH, Eya (named Harmoneya) works her heroes to the bone in order to keep the perfect harmony of her world while no one else can, if she feels they aren't performing well enough she can take them over... (Also yes my version of Eya is an orb of light)
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Pomegranate learns about the hero and wants her uber powerful sword cause no one takes them seriously in life and they're belittled cause they do petty crime but they want to be infamous. Pom and Raz meet during Pom's quest to find the person who WAS given the sword, Raz wants to steal the power of the overseers, but Pom is mostly just obsessed with the sword, the two team up, agreeing that Raz can get whatever overseer magic she wants but Pom gets the sword
They run into Dragonfruit who has the sword and they fight her for it a bunch, but alas... despite how pathetic she looks...she is strong....and they can’t beat her
In this au the overseers aren't like deteriorating or dying, Raz and Pom are too stupid to realize hurting them would spell the end of the world and Rags doesn't want to hurt them so she will always try to reason with/befriend them before stopping their plans
This does eventually work, they get a soft spot for her and learn that her goddess is an evil fucked up being and decide they'll find a way to free Dragonfruit from her fate... and that's pretty much the open plot LOL, thank you for reading!! here are their sprites :)
Important facts: 
- Pomegranate is a vampire, why? Idk cause I wanted them to be - Razzberry really likes plants and animals, she has a soft spot for nurturing things, but she’d never say it - Dragonfruit lives in a freakin mcmansion in her village, but the villagers sort of revere her which makes her alienated to them, also she has a pond on her roof :) 
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Bracket C Round 1
Poll 16
Restag Davenport (@blurryumbrellas) vs. Tooey (@faerieorbitars)
159. Restag Davenport (@blurryumbrellas)
Restag should win because why not? He's an attention whore and needs something more to fuel his ego. In all honestly though, it would be just so silly funny if he did win :)
Restag is a 42 year old guy, he can do some silly magic things sometimes. He sports traingular glasses with a deep red tint, longer fluffy hair with a bang in front, a streak of white following suit. Along with his dark pants and red button down, Restag wears a sleeveless black turtle neck muscle shirt of sorts, a gold heart necklace around his neck which he holds close to him. He also sports a gold hoop earing on his left ear. In addition to facial hair, Restag has two hand scars in the shape of X's as well as scars on his face, one going up on his right side, and one down on his left.
160. Tooey (@faerieorbitars)
So Tooey is my MC/Yuu for Twisted Wonderland (the game with Disney villains as anime boys) and I thought it would be funny to make my MC be twisted from Audrey II from Little Shop and I was right it’s very funny. You know that classic shonen/isekai protagonist trope where the main character convinces everyone in this strange world to believe in the power of friendship? Well Tooey is like that except he’s secretly trying to eat them all the whole time but in a comical double twist he accidentally gets it to work on himself too. Talking about teamwork and collaboration and spending time with these guys all the time accidentally got him to process his own loneliness and changes him for the better before he gets the chance to do anything bad. He’s so cringefail that he has the teeth to back up his badness but doesn’t use them because he thought these guys were too funny to eat. And I didn’t even write him a liar revealed scene or anything he just keeps it to himself. He is so silly with it.
About 5’9”, brown skin and reddish-brown eyes. Dark brown voluminous curly hair with green tips. His lips have a slight purplish tint to them, and his teeth are all completely sharp. He has very slight dimples. The inside of his mouth is purplish and distinctly plant-like, with a muscular looking leaf for a tongue. Usually wearing a disheveled NRC school uniform, with no jacket; just the shirt with a loose collar, copper-y vest half buttoned, a loose tie, and black Doc Martins with embroidered red and purple roses.
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sl-newsie · 5 months
Spelled (Carlos de Vil x Sanderson Daughter) Descendants 3- Ch. 9: Redemption
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The blade that causes the most agony is the blade that takes its time.
The metal running through flesh and blood,
Its sharp emotion cutting into fear itself.
Your mind stops entirely, it’s too late to realize…
Hope is the blade that has pushed me to this. I can’t blame my mother, my coven, or Carlos. All of this is because I dared to hope. I chose to partake in this rotten fairytale, the one with the evil witch and no happy ending.
As I fly over Auradon I feel no reason for remorse. The citizens are still cowering in their homes but it doesn’t matter. I mean no physical harm to them. If they cooperate nicely then all I ask is for my father’s release and my own solitude from the law. Ben’s turned to stone and Mal’s obviously not a reasonable figurehead so I will consult my demands with the new queen: Audrey.
It’s no trouble to find her. The giant beacon of pink light in the sky leads me straight to the palace and I spot the pink villain on the tower. When she sees me Audrey’s face twists into a taunting smirk.
“Hm. Come crawling back, have we freak?”
“You were right, Audrey,” I mutter as I land and dismount my broom. “Mal is nothing but a vicious, back-stabbing liar. She never wanted to keep the barrier open, and she never wanted to let me be free. She just wants to use my magic for herself.”
Audrey’s cruel gaze softens and she lowers the scepter. “I’m sorry to hear that. What about the others?”
My breath stutters and I look up with glowing eyes. “You… You know what you did. Thou cast them into stone!” I seethe. “And now that everyone I care for is either locked away or dead, there’s nothing holding me back. Uma predicted I would become a villain. Why test fate?” 
“Magica?” A familiar black feline jumps onto the stone wall. I look away to avoid his judgeful eyes. “You’ve been busy.”
“Not now, Binx. I don’t need a lecture right now.” I let out a heavy sigh and turn to Audrey. “I have come to ask for thou’s permission to release my father and allow us to return home. Alone. Away from everyone. I promise I will not bother your reign as long as we are left alone.”
The pink-haired AK takes in my words with an amused look. She paces a few times and then says: “Funny. After all this I thought you’d want more.”
“I don’t want more. I just want my life back.”
She hums. “Very well. But first I need you to help me secure a certain asset.”
Something about the way she says it triggers my pulse to strike. “What asset?”
Audrey points the scepter and sends a blast of energy across the grounds, striking a nearby tree. When the smoke clears I see what- or who, she was aiming for. 
“Let me go!” Celia shouts as Audrey’s magic pulls her towards us. “I’m not on Mal’s side anymore!”
“That’s too bad,” Audrey says. “Because Mal still poses a threat to me and you’re going to be my insurance that she doesn’t try anything against me. As long as I have you she can’t do anything drastic.”
A hostage? No, I don’t like that. And neither does Binx.
“Magica, stop her! This isn’t right!”
“If it means I can be left in peace…”
No. It’s still not right. Celia shouldn’t be caught up in this. This is between me and Mal.
“Audrey, there are other ways-” I start off slowly.
“Here she comes!” she cackles and looks up at the darkening sky.
Mal, in dragon form, comes flying towards us with Audrey blasting magic everywhere. Unlike previous times I don’t see any anger behind Mal’s eyes. Did she just show up for a peace offering?
“Help me, Mal!” Celia shrieks and Audrey pulls her closer.
“Come save your little friend, Mal!”
Mal it seems is trying to put together how to attack without hurting Celia. All she does is circle around and growl with no intention of blasting any fire.
“Help me out!” Audrey barks and tries to curse Mal. “Come on! Blast her!”
Down below I see Uma and Harry run up, and I can tell they’re planning on stopping us. At least they’re unscathed. But Uma’s fearful and disappointed stare makes me wonder just how evil this side is.
Despair will cloak my being.
My mortal self will subside. 
The face of Death I’m seeing… 
To a frightful fate I’m tied. 
“Hold still, you little brat!” Audrey hisses at Celia. “Once these two prissy VKs are taken out I’ll finally get what I deserve!”
“Mal! Do it together!” Uma shouts from the ground.
Using both her shell and Hades’ Ember in Mal’s clawed hand, Mal blocks Audrey’s next lightning attack and sends it back to her, knocking her down. Mal descends and turns to human form, approaching us very slowly.
“Magica, I know you’re mad. You have every right to be. I’m a terrible friend and a selfish queen who thought if I locked away potential threats then I’d be doing the right thing. But it’s not. I can’t just assume that evil can be locked away. I need to settle things diplomatically.”
From the ground in hear Audrey scoff. “Ha! She’s trying to sweet talk us again. How ‘bout that, freak?”
The guilt and dread, pooling in my stomach. 
The sorrow of humanity is stressing. 
My time winds down to the final hour. 
The hope and joy wanes from my conscience. 
“My. Name. Is-” My eyes glow bright and I hold up my arms, both flickering with purple sparks. “Magica. SANDERSON!”
A powerful spray of flames bursts from my chest and spreads out in waves. Audrey cries out and is slammed against the wall even harder. She hisses in pain and sends out her own blast from the scepter. Time to end this once and for all!
“Praesidium! Praesidio nobis! Protegat nos cara Domine!”
A circle of purple runes sparks to life and spreads across the land. 
“Magica! You can’t-!” Binx screams over the roar of my energy.
I know I can’t. No witch can cast a spell this powerful without a full coven. But if it means providing protection for Auradon then it’s the least I can do to repay my sinful vengeance.
“Praesidium! Praesidio nobis! Protegat nos cara Domine!” I rasp in a shaking voice.
My energy is almost gone. As if someone cut out my heart. Audrey’s unconscious and is no longer trying to attack. My work is done.
My mind goes fuzzy and I feel myself collapse against the stone floor. All I can hear through the ringing in my ears is Mal and Binx trying to reach me.
Death is inevitable. 
A knife through the heart will stop any flow. You will die, you will slow.
A hint of red will stain the floor,
After you have entered the door,
You will shriek.
Not a quick death,
But just enough for you to feel your senses weaken.
A slow, miserable death.
A long and sad death.
But I am not alone. Through my glazed vision I see both Mal and Uma are kneeling next to me, while Binx is pawing at my chin.
“My prophecy did come true, Sparky,” Uma whispers. “But instead of destroying the world, you saved it.”
The black veil of grief clouds the bliss of Life. Will I make it through the night? 
“I’m so sorry,” Mal’s breath hitches as she tries to block tears. “This is all my fault.”
Yes, it is her fault. But it is also partially my fault for letting things go this far. As I lay in despair, my dress torn and my skin covered with multiple cuts, all I can think of is that the deed is done. I am at peace.
Despair will cloak my being.
My mortal self will subside. 
The face of Death I’m seeing… 
To a frightful fate I’m tied. 
“I- I don’t know if I will wake up,” I choke down a breath. “I only ask for your forgiveness.”
“Of course, Magica. But you need to stay awake. We’ll find Fairy Godmother, she can-”
Mal’s words are muffled out and my mind urges me into darkness. So now it ends. Without seeing mother, without keeping my promises. My last regret is that I never got to say goodbye to Carlos. I didn’t even get to tell him I still love him. 
“For God shall bring every work to judgment, with every secret thing, whether it be good, or whether it be evil.” Ecclesiastes 12:14
My own sins are tested. It’s in His hands now. 
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sweetcloverheart · 1 year
Clover Rants Miraculously: Power Of Love (Not) So Strong
I think I (and many others) complained about this already, but it annoys me that the show hypes up how being a good person means being a loving, empathetic person and how love can overcome evil selfish intents...only then to proceed to punish the characters for being loving empathetic people and rewarding evil selfish intents
Marinette realizes she was in the wrong for humiliating Lila like she did as Ladybug and apologizes? Lila becomes her greatest enemy in and out the mask.
Adrien accepts Felix's apology for tricking his friends and tries to be friends with him again? Felix uses it to help screw over his partner and give their main enemy a huge power bonus.
Marinette tries to empathize with Chloe and give her a chance to be good? Chloe betrays her to Hawkmoth and the resulting events of this cause Marinette to lose Fu as a mentor.
Adrien accidentally causes someone to get Akumatized because he lies about his and Ladybug's relationship status? Ladybug takes the blame for this.
Gabriel controls and manipulates his son at every turn? Just a man who loves his family. Clearly a misunderstanding on Adrien's part. Can't he see how much his father loves him!
Adrien realizes telling Marinette to let Lila be was a bad move and tries to help her convince Alya and Nino something's off? He's immediately dismissed and is claimed to only be saying that because Marinette's his girlfriend.
Marinette helps Chloe almost humiliate Kagami at the movie premiere to try and break her and Adrien up? She gets rewarded with being allowed to sit next to Adrien (Sorry Mari but that was absolutely bad on you)
Nathalie realizes Gabriel doesn't give a damn about anyone but himself anymore and quits? She still continues to let him commit crimes and doesn't even try to give the heroes a hint on how to find/capture him
Bustier recognizes Chloe clearly has something going on at home and tries to be kind to her? She's presented as wrong for doing this and gets fired later on
Andre continuously enables his daughter's (and wife's) worse behaviors and uses his position as mayor to aid in her torment of the city and her classmates as he prevents her from facing consequences? He's given a brand new sparkly undamaged daughter to dote on as he abandons his position to live out his abandoned dreams of being a director.
Chloe secretly gives Bustier a birthday gift to make up not initially getting her one? Bustier throws in back in her face to try and emotionally browbeat her during a teacher-student meeting.
Felix helps his uncle become even more dangerous and powerful and leaves Marinette with tons of trauma from the act? He's given immediate forgiveness despite never apologizing and allowed to keep his miraculous (that he had previously used to commit mass genocide with mind you), despite his identity being known to everyone and others on the team being bench for less
Chloe makes an attempt to actually be nice (by threat of Adrien ending their friendship)? She has to be threatened into keeping it up the whole time by her butler with Mr.Cuddly, and then is humiliated when the toy is exposed to everyone
Audrey constantly neglects her family and insults her children to their face? Presented as just Normal Parent Things™
Lila is finally exposed as a liar and revealed to have nearly messed up everyone's future class schedules/graduation forms alongside Chloe? Doesn't hurt her a bit! In fact, now she can go sneak off into one of her fake IDs and cause more trouble, and Chloe pretty much gets a slap on the wrist for what she did.
Bustier gets Akumatized over being fired and the fake video of Andre, and is clearly not in her right mind as she hunts down the mayor? Ladybug and Chat lead her straight to him and all but help her demand Andre resign (IDGAF he did so willingly that scene was not a good look for anyone involved) and Bustier is given the title of mayor, qualifications be damned!
Chloe gets used by Gabriel, Lila, and Tomoe to terrorize the city in a way that clearly couldn't have been done by her alone and is made obvious there's another party involved? She takes the full blame and is taken away to be abused by her mother forever in New York while the actually masterminds get away scotfree
Marinette decides to sympathize with Gabriel despite everything he's done to her, Adrien, Kagami, and the city and tries to convince him to work with her to find a way to save his wife? Gabriel not only backstabs her, but uses his control "shared love" of Adrien to manipulate Marinette into hiding the truth about what he's done as Hawkmoth as the show rewards his obsession "love" for Emilie by letting him make the wish in his final moments and getting him praised as a hero to all of France!
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September NoveList Challenge: Dark Academia
It's time to go back to school! Read a book with the theme dark academia.
Did you know NoveList is a database you can access with your library card to find reading recommendations? Find your next favorite read with this fantastic readers tool! Check it out on our website here.
Piranesi by Susanna Clarke
Piranesi’s house is no ordinary building: its rooms are infinite, its corridors endless, its walls are lined with thousands upon thousands of statues, each one different from all the others. Within the labyrinth of halls an ocean is imprisoned; waves thunder up staircases, rooms are flooded in an instant. But Piranesi is not afraid; he understands the tides as he understands the pattern of the labyrinth itself. He lives to explore the house.
There is one other person in the house—a man called The Other, who visits Piranesi twice a week and asks for help with research into A Great and Secret Knowledge. But as Piranesi explores, evidence emerges of another person, and a terrible truth begins to unravel, revealing a world beyond the one Piranesi has always known.
Magic for Liars by Sarah Gailey
Ivy Gamble has never wanted to be magical. She is perfectly happy with her life. She has an almost-sustainable career as a private investigator, and an empty apartment, and a slight drinking problem. It's a great life and she doesn't wish she was like her estranged sister, the magically gifted professor Tabitha.
But when Ivy is hired to investigate the gruesome murder of a faculty member at Tabitha’s private academy, the stalwart detective starts to lose herself in the case, the life she could have had, and the answer to the mystery that seems just out of her reach.
Plain Bad Heroines by Emily M. Danforth
Our story begins in 1902, at The Brookhants School for Girls. Flo and Clara, two impressionable students, are obsessed with each other and with a daring young writer named Mary MacLane, the author of a scandalous bestselling memoir. To show their devotion to Mary, the girls establish their own private club and call it The Plain Bad Heroine Society. They meet in secret in a nearby apple orchard, the setting of their wildest happiness and, ultimately, of their macabre deaths. This is where their bodies are later discovered with a copy of Mary’s book splayed beside them, the victims of a swarm of stinging, angry yellow jackets. Less than five years later, The Brookhants School for Girls closes its doors forever—but not before three more people mysteriously die on the property, each in a most troubling way.
Over a century later, the now abandoned and crumbling Brookhants is back in the news when wunderkind writer, Merritt Emmons, publishes a breakout book celebrating the queer, feminist history surrounding the “haunted and cursed” Gilded-Age institution. Her bestselling book inspires a controversial horror film adaptation starring celebrity actor and lesbian it girl Harper Harper playing the ill-fated heroine Flo, opposite B-list actress and former child star Audrey Wells as Clara. But as Brookhants opens its gates once again, and our three modern heroines arrive on set to begin filming, past and present become grimly entangled—or perhaps just grimly exploited—and soon it’s impossible to tell where the curse leaves off and Hollywood begins.
The Cloisters by Katy Hays
Ann Stilwell arrives in New York City, hoping to spend her summer working at the Metropolitan Museum of Art. Instead, she is assigned to The Cloisters, a gothic museum and garden renowned for its collection of medieval and Renaissance art.
There she is drawn into a small circle of charismatic but enigmatic researchers, each with their own secrets and desires, including the museum's curator, Patrick Roland, who is convinced that the history of Tarot holds the key to unlocking contemporary fortune telling.
Relieved to have left her troubled past behind and eager for the approval of her new colleagues, Ann is only too happy to indulge some of Patrick's more outlandish theories. But when Ann discovers a mysterious, once-thought lost deck of 15th-century Italian tarot cards she suddenly finds herself at the centre of a dangerous game of power, toxic friendship and ambition.
And as the game being played within the Cloisters spirals out of control, Ann must decide whether she is truly able to defy the cards and shape her own future...
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afreakingdork · 2 years
Crush Too Much - Master Playlist
Here is the current master-list of all the songs you all have recommended to go along with Crush Too Much! This page will update as more songs come in:
Mirror Mirror (White Trailer) by Jeff Williams
Ocean Away by Barlow & Bear
El Clavo by Prince Royce
If I'm James Dean, You're Audrey Hepburn by Sleeping With Sirens
Figure You Out by Djo
Go for It by Djo
Connect the Dots by Greer
Rocky and Window by Still Woozy
First Time by Lucy Dacus
Kissing Lessons by Lucy Dacus
Baby by Hippo Campus
Vanilla Twilight by Owl City
El Tango De Roxanne by Ewan McGregor, Jacek Koman, and José Feliciano
Tongues & Teeth by The Crane Wives
Never Love an Anchor by The Crane Wives
I'm Not Crazy by Kevin Walkman
Shit by Bo Burnham
Your Stupid Face by Kaden MacKay
Coffee by Jack Stauber
Let You Break My Heart Again by Laufey and Philharmonia Orchestra
Two Time by Jack Stauber
Nobody Gets Me by SZA
Meteor Shower by Cavetown
I Like You by dandelion hands
Ocean Waves by Alaina Castillo
Smitten by Leanna Firestone
Olive Branch by Sophie Holohan
O Sol e a Lua by Pequeno Cidadão
Sally’s Song by Catherine O'Hara
To Exist With You by Madilyn Mei
Roses by Phoneboy
Boy's a Liar by PinkPantheress
Dsco by Sweet Trip
Genesis by Grimes
Remember When by Wallows
i love you by Billie Eilish
Just a Friend to You by Meghan Trainor
The Winner Takes It All by ABBA
I Love You So by The Walters
Line Without a Hook by Ricky Montgomery
Mr. Brightside by The Killers
The Night We Met by Lord Huron
An Idiot by Phemiec
Where Do the Lonely Souls Go? by George Salazar
Less and Less by Matt Maltese
Irrational by Cavetown
Without You Around by Rare Americans
Loverboy by A-Wall
What About Me (Television / So Far So Good) by Rex Orange County
Out of My League by Fitz and The Tantrums
Fear & Delight by The Correspondents
Bullet by Saint Motel
i think you're really cool by Guardin
Obsession by OK Go
Feel Better by Penelope Scott
Teenage Runaways by Hot Milk
Almost Lover by A Fine Frenzy
Again by Crusher-P
despair by leo.
Where Did the Party Go by Fall Out Boy
Almost Is Never Enough by Ariana Grande
Invisible by Anna Clendening
Starry Night by Jordan Critz
Dark Beach by PASTEL GHOST
All I Wanted by Paramore
Astronomy by Conan Gray
Nervous by The Neighbourhood
Afraid by The Neighbourhood
I Want You by Mitski
Francis Forever by Mitski
First Love / Late Spring by Mitski
Humpty by Mitski
The Only Heartbreaker by Mitski
Come Into the Water by Mitski
Escapism. by 070 Shake and Raye
Kawaki wo Ameku by Minami (カワキヲアメク by 美波)
I Really Want to Stay at Your House by Hallie Coggins and Rosa Walton
save your breath by JVKE
Tonight I Wanna Cry by Keith Urban
Painkiller by Beach Bunny
Sunsetz by Cigarettes After Sex
Snow by Ricky Montgomery
Let Her Go - Acoustic by Passenger
Why Do I by Set it off, Hatsune Miku
Bite Me by Avril Lavigne
Bad Habit
Song by Steve Lacy
In an Emergency Such as the End of the World by Chase Petra
Wait On by Hayley Williams
Asystole by Hayley Williams
firearm by Lizzy McAlpine
I Know the End by Phoebe Bridgers
Yours by Conan Gray
Lover, You Should've Come Over by Jeff Buckley
i want, doesn't get by DellaXOZ
Hope by Blood Orange and Dev Hynes
Never Wanna Fall in Love With U by nelward
The Moon Will Sing by The Crane Wives
Can't Help Falling in Love by Elvis Presley
Heartache Tonight by Eagles
Waves By Dean Lewis
I'm Not in Love by 10cc
Jar of Hearts by Christina Perri
Ready To Love by Emarosa
Cautious by Emarosa
Wait, Stay by Emarosa
Fireworks by Mitski
Eternity With You by Adventure Time feat. Michaela Dietz & Zuzu
Monsters by All Time Low feat. Demi Lovato and blackbear
Out Like a Light by Ricky Montgomery & The Honeysticks
j's lullaby (darlin' i'd wait for you) by Delaney Bailey
I Don't Wanna Be Okay Without You by Charlie Burg
Don’t Wanna Fall in Love by Jane Child
Grow As We Go by Ben Platt
Creep by Radiohead
Happy by Mitski
Someone You Like by The Girl and the Dreamcatcher
An Awkward Duet by Dodie and Jon Cozart
Ma Belle Evangeline by Jim Cummings
Mamma Mia by ABBA
Um, it's Kind of a Lot by Will Wood
Hollywood by Jukebox the Ghost
Would You Be So Kind? by Dodie
Kill the Director by The Wombats
Conversations with the Moon By grentperez
The Color Violet by Tory Lanez
Heart Attack by Demi Lovato
Maybe So by Kid Cudi
Can’t Shake Her by Kid Cudi featuring Ty Dolla $ign
Willing to Trust by Kid Cudi featuring Ty Dolla $ign
Want It Bad by Cowboy Malfoy
My Heart Is Buried In Venice by Ricky Montgomery
Violet by Wild Party
A Shitty Love Song by Jye
You Are in Love by Taylor Swift
Accidentally In Love by Counting Crows
I Hear a Symphony by Cody Fry
FFF by Zara Larsson
Heartbeat by Childish Gambino
Head Over Heels by Tears for Fears
Here With Me by d4vd
One More Shot by CIL
Hopelessly Devoted To You by Olivia Newton-John
I Ain't Perfect by IV of Spades
If It All Goes South by Sammy Rae & The Friends
I Dare You by The Regrettes
Sarcasm by Get Scared
Die for You by Joji
golden hour by JVKE
moon and back by JVKE
this is what falling in love feels like by JVKE
how deep? by Tai Verdes
Nonsense by Sabrina Carpenter
Glimpse of Us by Joji
Try Again by JAEHYUN and d.ear
Pluto Projector by Rex Orange County
Wag Kang Mag-expect, Tanga by Fishy Bishie
All I Ask by Adele
Against the Kitchen Floor by Will Wood
Absence by Rio Romeo
Inarticulation by Rio Romeo
Never There Enough by PROM
Ever After by Marianas Trench
Science & Faith by The Script
Patchwork Staccato by Rachie
Hopeless by Khalid
It Ain’t Over ’til It’s Over by Lenny Kravitz
Snow On The Beach by Taylor Swift and Lana Del Rey
Your Hands Are Cold by Dario Marianli and Jean-Yves Thibaudet
A Postcard to Henry Purcell by Dario Marianli and Jean-Yves Thibaudet
Salut d'Amour by Edward Elgar
What's Wrong by half•alive
Dandelions by Ruth B
Move Me by half•alive
Arrow by half•alive
selfdestruct by torr
Lovers Rock by TV Girl
I Didn't Know That I Could Feel This Way by Roger Bart and Susan Egan
Pink in the Night by Mitski
A New Hour by Mr.Kitty
@cryptkillo was kind enough to put together a Spotify Version!
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nerd-chocolate · 1 year
Sole Crusher Redesign and Why her original design doesn’t Work:
Okay, first I just want to say this has nothing against Zoé or her character, I think she deserves better akuma than she got in the canon. Also, I know I have criticized her in the past but that doesn’t change how much I love this character and am glad she was made. So happy late anniversary Zoé, you truly are my canon sapphic punk baby and I love you for that, keep it up!
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The problems I have with her:
Anyway, I never gave my honest opinion about Sole Crusher, so here it is…. I hate it. Not because it looks bad, it's because it doesn’t feel like Zoé at all. Akumas should reflect the person that getting an akumatized like Reserver, Horrificator, Dark Cupid, Gamer, Refleka, Evilustrator, Stoneheart, I can go on and on with the many akuma designs we had that can look like and feel the civilian but not Sole Crusher. She doesn’t feel like Zoé or even look like her, she feels like Chloé’s many Akuma forms, and the fact she gets a design that is just sole crusher but better is pretty sad. And another thing, Sole Crusher doesn’t have that much personality to be honest like Akumas does. Like looking at the wiki picture, her paragraph about her personality is so short compared to Reserver’s. So yeah, she doesn’t have any similarities that would have made someone think that truly is Zoé but also she is pretty boring in terms of personality as well.
… so why not fix that.
The changes to her design:
First, let’s start with the design if you could tell already. I would use her concept design just not the weird thing on her forehead since that looks off to me, the ponytail, and her not having Chloé’s face of course. Also, she would have Zoé’s face because it is a very important thing, but have a mask that looks like Chloé like one that Obsidian from Steven Universe has and it can connect to her backstory since people didn’t like her because she was a liar to them. It's like she is two-faced in a way. Also, she would have two horns to reference her canon design. Also, she would have sharp teeth and clawed hands because they’re cool. And here are some pictures to get a better understanding of what she could look like:
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So yeah that is for her design, let’s go to her personality.
Her personality and motivations:
I would imagine her to be a lot more aggressive and angry at her family and I mean all of them. Yeah, including André since he is the one to give her the advice of hiding your true self for your family that doesn’t like your true self at all which makes her feel ashamed. Yeah, there's no way I’m dropping that any time soon. But anyway, like I say she is emotionally unstable since Zoé had to bottle up her emotions and not express them at all around others, especially Audrey for so long. So sole crusher is all that pit up of emotions she has that are now exploded and is coming for everyone she is angry with including her sister. I know Chloé was just probably being nice in her own way but she still lowkey tried to change Zoé into being another version of her. So yeah, whenever Chloé escapes from her, the more she gets pissed. But being emotional doesn’t just connect to anger, it also connects to others including happiness and sadness as well. So she is an unstable ball of emotions that we should be scared of especially when she is mad. Also, she acts very cocky and wants everyone to see that since she didn’t have any confidence in herself as Zoé. Also, her motive at first is to become a better Chloé since she doesn’t believe she can’t be anything else but when Cosette told her she doesn’t have to be a better Chloé and just be her person from her life, she took that to heart a bit too much to the point where her new motive was to get all things that the Bougerios had so she can distance herself from it and people wouldn’t think her just like them. So yeah, she is very impulsive.
Here are some notes I wanted to add before I do some quotes:
The more people she absorbed into her shoes, not only she gets stronger and bigger but also the more invulnerable she gets as well. The things that are always vulnerable are her heeled boots and her mask. Her mask is just a cover-up of her true self and can crack by her becoming more open about her feelings or by someone breaking it.
Her clawed hands can cut through anything and get stronger every time she absorbs someone.
She is also very overprotective of things she cares about (like Cosette for example)
The first people she absorbs are André and Audrey.
And finally, her eyes can glow when she like super mad.
Now here are some quotes! Also using here @artzychic27 ‘s ocs:
Chloé: *Looks at herself in the mirror with the golden short dress, making a bunch of poses* Mom will surely be more impressed by this than anything that my half-sister is going to wear! Hehehe! *Picks up a very expensive perfume and starts spraying herself with it*
Sole Crusher: Wow and I thought Mom’s perfume was worse.
Chloé: WHAT THE?! *Drops the perfume and turns to see a giant sole crusher, whose arms are resting on the balcony*
Sole Crusher: Heeeeey Chloé, you know earlier you say I need to sit dominant and fear my enemies?
Chloé: *shaking her head forward* 😰
Sole Crusher: Well I thought about it and you were right. *in a menacing tone* So is it working, little sister?
Chloé: So what are you going to do to me?
Sole Crusher: Easy, crush you and become the better you since people just expect me to.
Chloé: Oh please, you become a better me is something that can’t ever happen since I’m already so beautiful! *sole crusher rolls her eyes* You’re ridiculous! Utterly-
Sole Crusher: SHUT UP CHLOÉ!!!
Chloé: *immediately shutting up in fear*
Sole Crusher: Ugh whatever, now say goodbye little sister. *Goes to grab her but Chloé runs out of her room before she got the chance and ends up grabbing the dresser instead*
Sole Crusher: What the fuck?! *pulls out the dresser and stares at it with an annoyed expression before crushing it in her bare hands* …Grrrrrrr…GET BACK HERE CHLOÉ!! *sees Chloé running out of the hotel*
Cosette: *getting some decorations ready for the concert happening on the houseboat* I think that's all we need for the concert, right Sonic?
Sonic CottonBalls: *looks up and then grunts* ‘No your good and all ready to go’
Cosette: Well I’ll better get ready to go to the-
Chloé: *suddenly opens Cosette’s door then shuts it and puts Cosette’s stuff in front of it* Whew….. What do you want?!?
Cosette: What do I want?! You came in here!! In my house! By the way, how did you know where I live exactly?
Chloé: It doesn’t matter!! I’m trying to hide from half-of-sister of mine anyway!!
Cosette: Zoé?.. What did you do this time?
Chloé: I didn't do anything, she was just stupidly oversensitive that's all!! Besides, I don’t get why people get sad or mad over the stupidest things any way I don't do anything wrong ever!
Cosette: *both it and Sonic look at each other with disbelief look on their face then look back to Chloé in a sarcastic tone* Oh sure, you don't do anything wrong at all ever! You're just misunderstood and people just don’t get that at all!
Chloé: Finally you get it!
Cosette: … You know what, forget.
Sole Crusher: *Opens the roof with an angry look on her face* CHLOOOÉÉÉÉÉÉÉÉÉ!!!
Cosette: *with a startled and worried expression* ‘Okay, either made her outraged or the Akuma must be amplifying those feelings. Either way, Chloé fucking screw.’
Chloé: Eeeeee! *as Sole Crusher goes to grab her, Chloé grabs Cosette and pulls it in front of her, and runs out of the room*
Sonic CottonBalls: *Hisses* ‘MOTHER NOOOOOOOO!!!’
Sole Crusher: *holding Cosette like a little doll and seeing Chloé running away* Grrrrrr, when I find her, I’m going to destroy her!!! I hate her so much!!
Cosette: Agree, we’ll hating her part at least. But Zoé, what happened?
Sole Crusher: …
Cosette: Zoé?
Sole Crusher: *brings Cosette up to her face* Sorry the girl, named Zoé isn’t here anymore but you called me, Sole Crusher from now on. That doesn't matter right now, what matters is that I crush Chloé now, and then I’ll tell you. But for now, you're coming with me, don’t want someone as adorable as you to miss all the fun, now do we? *closes the roof and gets up* Now let’s go find that bossy bitch.
Cosette: … *blushes like crazy* ‘What just happened?!’
Ismael: *sees Chloé running from an Akuma* Meh, what else is new? *Sees the Akuma kidnapping Cosette* …The things I get myself into… I'M COMING COSETTE! *rides his bike right after them and texts Reshma what happening*
Cosette: *with big puppy dog eyes* Pretty please, can you not destroy the city just for some brat?
Sole Crusher: *with surprise blush face* ‘DANG IT, THEY'RE SO CUTE!’ *clears throat* No and stop staring at me with those big ol’ eyes!
Cosette: …. *stops doing the puppy dog eyes*
Ladybug: Can you at least put the civilian down?
Sole Crusher: *holding Cosette like squeaky toy* No.
Chloé: If you really want to better me then crush everyone here! Then you’ll prove to everyone that you are me completely!!
Cosette: Okay first of all, Chloé shut up. And second, Zoé you don’t have to do this!
Sole Crusher: ..What?
Cosette: You don’t have to be like Chloé so you can be safe from being bullied or ridiculed for just being yourself, but trust me, these people won’t judge you if you give them the chance to get to know the real you.
Sole Crusher: And how do you know?!?
Cosette: Because I know how it feels to be yourself will never get you anywhere and how you need to change yourself just so you can fit it. But I was proven wrong by meeting these people here! *points to the science kids*
Aurore: Awww thank you!
Cosette: Point is, no one here is going to judge you and make fun of you for being yourself. We’ll accept you for who you are, even if you made mistakes and errors along the way, but no one wouldn’t get mad at you for it and we’ll be here to help you and pick you right back up again if you want. I’ll be there to help you, no matter what! Because you’re very important to me!
Sole Crusher: *her mask starts to crack and she starts tearing up* You promise?
Cosette: *gives a gentle smile* I promise.
Chloé: Oh please, the freak just wants to stop a monster like you from destroying everything in her path. You’ll never truly be able to change, you'll always be Bougerios no matter what!
Sole Crusher: *goes back to being angry again* … ‘I’m going to kill her.’
Cosette: *with an annoyed face* ‘Dammit Chloé.’
Lacey: Now you see why, I wanted to get rid of her?
Marc: Yeah, I was wrong to spare her.
Reshma: She is the stupidest person alive.
Simon: Which isn’t surprising since both of her parents are really stupid.
Chat Noir: *Hits her with his staff hard enough to destroy a part of her mask* I got her milady!
Ladybug: *with a scared expression* Um, chat?
Chat Noir: Hm? *Turns to see Sole Crusher with glowing blue eyes and pissed off expression* … Oh shit.
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jeniffercheck · 11 months
kyleeeeeee #3 from the three sentence prompt list for. maybe twiniverse? maybe? <3
3. "I don't care."
thank u nia<33 under the cut bc this got long (of course it did) :)
Karolina wakes up to an empty bed. It shouldn’t surprise her; if she were Shiv, she thinks she might’ve left as well, recalling the anger and the vitriol in the night before.
I can’t keep doing things with the nannies and the assistants, Shiv. I need you. I need you, and you’re not fucking here. I swear, you wouldn’t even read my messages if they came to you in a court summons.
She considers staying in bed, sulking the rest of the day and drowning herself in fucking RHONY and mind-numbing emails, but Audrey’s still home, which means there’s going to be a horde of hungry teenagers flooding her staff-less kitchen in a matter of hours. She pulls herself out of bed and stalks to the kitchen, planning out the string of expletives she’s going to text Shiv that’ll be no doubt intercepted by Sarah before she even has to read them, nearly missing the scent of coffee already spreading throughout the downstairs.
She briefly wonders if she did schedule the kitchen staff for the day and didn’t realize, but they’re not on her calendar. She’s not positive Audrey even knows how to use the coffee machine, which leaves one option. She hates that she’s surprised when she finds her wife in their kitchen.
“You know how to use that?” she asks as she enters, Shiv’s head shooting up from her phone where she’s stood, leaning against the counter.
“It’s mine,” Shiv says. “Why would I not?”
Karolina sits down at the island across from Shiv, shrugging her shoulders. “I just thought you’d have forgotten by now.”
Shiv scoffs and sets her mug down on the counter. She pulls a second one out, Karolina’s, and fills it. “Good morning, honey,” Shiv says to herself, adding cream and sugar to the mug. “How’d you sleep?”
Shiv slides the mug across the counter to Karolina, and Karolina sips it. It’s perfect. “Good morning, honey,” Karolina says. “It needs more sugar.”
Shiv grabs a couple of packets, tossing them across the counter. Karolina grabs them, but leaves them unopened. Shiv rolls her eyes when she notices.
“You’re such an ass.”
It’s almost so normal of an interaction that Karolina would feel comforted by it if it weren’t for the events of the night prior playing on a loop in her head. She knows Shiv feels it too—try as she might, the woman isn’t a robot—but neither of them is going to bring it up. Stalemate, per usual.
Karolina thinks about ripping off the band-aid and bringing it back up, but the apartment is too quiet and too many of Audrey’s friends are over. She’s already dreading the thought of any of them having heard last night. Then she sees it. She notices it before Shiv does, her phone ringing, silently on the counter.
“Your phone’s ringing,” Karolina says. Shiv looks down at it, her fingers twitch and her lips purse, but she doesn’t budge. Shiv has a point to prove.
“I don’t care.”
Karolina can’t help the laugh that escapes her. Shiv, if anything, is not a good liar.
“You do,” Karolina says. Time’s running out on the call, and they both know it. Karolina doesn’t want to be cruel. She doesn’t want to be the thing keeping Shiv from her life. She doesn’t want to be resentment in a body, the thing that suppresses Shiv until Shiv has no choice but to suppress her back. She doesn’t want that for them. She sighs. “Answer it, Shiv.”
Shiv still doesn’t pick it up, though. Instead, she grabs the phone and silences the call, flipping it over to hide the screen.
“They can survive for an hour without me,” Shiv says. “While we figure out what the fuck I’m doing here.”
You’ve been in between home and DC for months. I wouldn’t even call this your home anymore.
Karolina looks down into her coffee. She’ll admit, part of her had wanted to make Shiv feel bad. To make her see what she was missing, to see what her absence had caused, and she knows she succeeded, that much is clear. What she didn’t want was to drive Shiv away. To make her feel like this isn’t where she belongs.
“Shiv,” Karolina says, looking back up. “This is your home. I shouldn’t have…when I said that—I was just mad.”
Shiv grips her mug, and her eyebrows betray her a bit as they twitch downward ever so slightly. “Are you still mad?” Shiv asks, and she somehow sounds hopeful, even though they’re both well aware it’s wishful thinking.
Karolina wants to say yes, wants to lay into Shiv all over again and tell her all the ways Shiv’s failing them, Karolina, their kids, but it’s hard to do it now that Shiv’s here. Now that Karolina’s not running on sheer spite and loneliness, and she actually remembers what it’s like to sleep with Shiv’s arms around her. Now that she can look into Shiv’s eyes and see that they’re just as tired as her own. Just as worried. It gives Karolina pause that she doesn’t want, an aching absolution for Shiv that always comes over her, no matter what she does, no matter how Karolina feels.
“Of course, I’m mad,” Karolina says, because she has to. “But I don’t want to be, Shiv. I miss you.”
Maybe it’s the way she says it—without the gruffness of a hoarse throat or drawer to slam shut in cadence with her words—or maybe it’s because it’s the truth and there’s nothing else left to say, that makes Shiv come to her side of the counter and cup her cheeks, lips lightly hitting her forehead.
“I’m right here,” Shiv says quietly.
“For how long?”
Karolina’s glad she can’t see Shiv’s face when she asks, glad Shiv can’t see the preemptive disappointment on her own.
“Audrey found me this morning,” Shiv says. “I promised I’d make her and the girls pancakes.”
So, long enough to make breakfast. After that, it’s fair game. Shiv could be out the door within the hour, which means Karolina doesn’t want to waste what little time she has left being upset. Not when it’s inevitable anyway.
She leans away from Shiv, letting a smirk take over her features. “She wants your pancakes?”
“Well, duh,” Shiv says, welcoming the switch up in energy. “You know mine are better.”
“If you like them burnt,” Karolina says, rolling her eyes.
“Oh, that’s how it is?” Shiv says, laughing. Karolina’s surprised when she finds herself laughing as well, and her lips settle into a small smile, Shiv’s own to match. They sit in the silence for a moment, letting the feeling of genuine joy flow between them, and then Shiv holds out a hand.
“Fine. Show me how it’s done, Novotney,” Shiv says. Karolina knows it won’t mean everything’s fixed, knows they’ll probably be arguing again by the time they have the house all to themselves and Shiv’s due back in DC, but she lets herself have this moment. Lets herself have Shiv.
“Fine, Roy,” Karolina says. “But you’re cracking all of the eggs.”
Shiv frowns as Karolina grabs her extended hand. “You know I hate that.”
“Oh,” Karolina says. “Do you? I must’ve forgotten.”
“Fuck you,” Shiv says, and she smiles as she says it, and for the first time in a long time, it feels like she and Shiv might be just fine.
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lucky-dreamfisher · 2 years
I guess they should have clarified more as to what happened to the other Audrey's, as that is kind of important to how much people buy Joey's redemption.
If he did care for them or tell them stories while they were here, like with the end credits scene of the last game implied, And they simply had short lifespans, then boom, successful redemption arc. But instead they don't really say what happened, and leaves some darker possibilities open. If it's meant to be up to interpretation...success I guess but I would like to know what they were going for?
There is nothing to buy, because there was no redemption. A redemption would require him to apologize and make amends to everyone he has hurt. Being a good parent to your kid, while ignoring everyone in your life that you have hurt, is not remotely close to a redemption. Joey didn't even decide to come out clean on his deathbed, given that Nathan still had the impression that Joey created Bendy while Henry was a disappointment and a failure, when he was buying Bendy IP and re-releasing Joey's book. We used to think this meant Nathan was a liar with malicious intents, but it turns out that Nathan was genuine. He was simply lied to.
It's like Halfusek said: Joey and Nathan are opposites. Nathan is a good person and a bad father, Joey is a good father (at least to one of his children) and a bad person.
He was, and still is, a bad person.
You know, I used to like Joey, but this half-assed "redemption" is making me hate him. Friendship ended with Joey Drew, now Wilson Arch is my new favourite Bendy villain.
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