#autistic hcs go wild
eeleye-mcshitposts · 2 years
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oh the headcannon whores are gonna love this
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lixxen · 8 months
Idk how well text posts do on Trolls Tumblr, but I have so many thoughts rn and want to talk about feral Branch details.
Feral Branch HC:
Branch has fur, claws on both his feet and hands, his ears move like a cat, and he can see better in the dark
"Feral Trolls" are gray trolls who have adapted from being away from others. Trolls have a built in instinct that recognizes strength in numbers. You see this with rainbow trolls being able to change their colors/auras, and all trolls being able to manipulate their hair. Gray trolls cannot change their aura, but they are around others so they can stay normal
But isolated gray trolls biologically change due to them not being around others. This happens over years, and not automatic. Once a troll changes like this, they cannot undo it. So this is why Branch cannot go back to "normal" physically, even tho he isn't gray and around others
(there's also a psychological/self actualization part. Gray trolls tend to see themselves as the problem and rainbow trolls end up more likely to becoming "feral" looking due to their ability to change their aspects.)
All genres have feral trolls, all presenting differently. Rock and pop are the most similar since they are the two physically closest looks wise
Normal trolls are omnivores, but eat more plants since their digestive systems and body needs focus more on plants. Feral trolls need more meat, but are still omnivorses
If I can get psychological, a lot of their "feral tendencies" are actually just trauma responses and bad socialization issues due to isolation. A lot of responses are stemmed from fear and anger, so lashing out/growling/swiping at others is normally out of fear or response. Plus having to survive in the wild, y'know?
Okay. Done with that part, let's get into Branch!
Branch likes to be in trees and high ground. It comes from living in a pod in the troll tree, but he lives in the bunker because it's safer. So you'll find him in trees normally because he likes being high
Branch normally hibernates during the winter, but ever since he met Poppy he stopped hibernating. This makes him horribly grumpy during the snow season
Not shown: Branch loving his ears to be scratched. Her more sensitive than normal and he loves them being pet. He also loves to lay on top of people. It comes from the need of warmth and him thinking that others need warmth.
He wouldn't lick others, since they don't have fur. But if he's around other feral trolls he'd definitely lick them.
His parents were both half rock and half pop trolls. They both looked like rainbow pop trolls, and the rock parent (dad) did not live in the troll tree. Grandma Rosiepuff was the maternal grandmother and a pop troll
The parents names were Briar and Melody
Branch has the need to burrow all the time. It comes from years in the bunker and from hiding from danger in the earlier years. You will see him burried in someone's bed probably.
Branch is really good at math and science once he starts learning and back into the village. It comes naturally to him. He wants to be a pod architect because it comes naturally to him
Clay and Bruce follow the same thing, where Clay really likes accounting and Bruce loves to run business.
Floyd is the best at performing, with JD behind him. JD though is actually really good at taking care of others and survival. Surprisingly JD can garden and keep a ton of plants alive to feed himself.
Branch and Clay are autistic with different levels of support needed. Branch needs less support while Clay needs more. Thought I'd mention this.
Clay and Viva were best friends before the Troll Tree attack. The others did not know this. Viva and JD are the ones that helped Clay learn better coping mechanisms when the band started to sour
Branch is more sensitive to sound and light. He hates fireworks and doesn't like to be touched unless he knows the person
Ablaze is the one who mainly is teaching Branch coping mechanisms for his PTSD. Poppy is his support throughout everything, but she doesn't know how to help someone heal.
Branch mandates Kismet group cuddles. This dude it touched starved and they’re the only ones he is comfortable like that other than Poppy
Even after Branch is able to speak again, as he was nonverbal when he met Poppy and by Trolls 2 he is speaking again, he prefers to be quiet and doesn't talk as much. It is simply preference at this point
Branch likes to interlock his tail with Poppy's when they're not touching, but close enough :)
I might do more later, but I am about to go into work :)
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eros-vigilante · 1 month
issues w/ the octopath fandom, racism, and ableism
whats from the source
octopath does some racist bs quite frequently.
cotc (the mobile gacha) has an entire storyline filled with anti-indigenous and racist tropes.
the mainline octopath games have yet to design a traveler with curly hair, and frequently whitewashes the tan and dark-skinned characters in official artwork (compare these with the real ones; here's partitios official cotc splash art). ochette's hair especially is straight-as-a-ruler and silver. also worth considering eye colors. partitio is sad because his concept art had only one design where he's white and a couple even had dreadlocks, and yet his splash art refuses to match his sprite colors.
the beastlings... i'm white and have done more research on the tropes in cotc since i play it more, so while i did have thoughts of my own while playing, here is a better post i found that lists off all the bad choices about them.
also worth mentioning kaldena. one of the few dark-skinned characters in the game is a villain (and also has straight silver hair). other people have also broken down what choices in temenos' story around this were bad better than i could. i can't find a post with a quick search so if you want to reblog this to talk about it i will reblog/link it.
ableism. while i am a big fan of the autism-coding in the franchise, it's still true that there are a lot of jokes made in the games at the expense of osvald and cyrus (moreso cyrus). it's setting accurate for people to be mean to autistic people, but you're still supposed to laugh at "i guess cyrus isn't actually that smart!" which pushes the idea that autism affects intelligence and maturity. i think overall the autism representation is great (pspsps my essay) but it's definitely the source of some awful shit i've had to read people say about cyrus and osvald.
edit 1: friend reminded me of something i forgot that i only learned after talking to it about it a while ago: therion's story is actually really really weird in how it tries to frame cornelia and especially heathcote as helping therion when what they did is enslave him.
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whats from the fandom
fanart whitewashing. there is a lot of fanart of therion and partitio with pale skin tones. there is fanart of olberic and ochette with significantly lighter/barely tan skin tones. i'm not going to find any to link because harassment and arguing is not the point of this post, but if you've looked through fanart you've seen it.
here's their skin tones blended. even with the highlights included, they're not white. i get it, their splash art is very ambiguous from the colorism, so if you weren't using the sprites: here's your new references.
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ableism directed at cyrus and osvald. i've seen people complain about osvald's personality writing and then cite ptsd and autism symptoms, so many people call cyrus stupid, an idiot, or imply he is not mature. people assume/default hc that he is bad at adult activies. he is a thirty year old professor. it is his job to be mature, good with children, smart, etc. this is infantalization of an autistic character. it's a default assumption that the autistic man is below-average at adult functions.
infantalization of ochette. there are hcs and portrayals of ochette to be far less responsible and mature than she is in canon. she is the protector of her island, it is a theme of her story that she was forced to grow up more mature than everyone else. yes, she is funny, cheerful, energetic, but some fandom portrayals of her reduce her to just that, like she's a puppy. always being irresponsible, impulsive, etc. this matches to her dynamic with castti going from the sweet found family of their crossed path into "castti is the mother who needs to rein in this wild child"- and also consider how it looks to portray the only (consistently portrayed as) dark-skinned character as wild when she is responsible and mature in her story. similarly to cyrus, people tend to default to hcs that she would be bad at normal adult activities just because she has 'childish' traits.
what do you want me to do about it
eyedrop skintones from sprites or go darker for the guys who aren't white. consider changing their hair up, like using the concept art design for partitio. drawing characters of color differently from canon doesn't solve the racism in the game industry, but it is good practice for drawing poc and representing them more accurately.
don't... insult the autistic characters. there are things cyrus is canonically bad at that have nothing to do with his autism, like singing, but don't act like he's bad at everything that's not part of his interests. real people act how osvald does due to trauma. neither of them are two-dimensional in personality, they're written with nuance and a range of emotions outside of Being Autistic.
respect ochette more. are you portraying her as only silly or the savior of her home, or both? would someone who hasn't played ot2 know that ochette has overcome challenges based on your portrayal of her, or would they think she's a comedy relief?
learn about racism. learning about what kind of racist tropes are common in media and games helps a lot with recognizing it in other places, like the beastlings or kaldena. and most of all, learning about racist stereotypes and tropes makes you less likely to perpetuate them unintentionally.
putting the cotc racism essay down here so i can say that it has spoilers for Bestower of Power if you're a cotc player. it's different from the post i linked at the start; way more focused on just the anti-indig stereotypes in the villain's design.
the last thing i want to say is oh my god i love talking about this stuff so much. if you are confused about ANYTHING i talked about or want to talk about it more, or add your own experiences, or ask for recommendations, i love that shit. i made this because i believe most people who are really active in this fandom don't do this kind of stuff maliciously, and would benefit from just having a chance to talk about it. for some reason i am very into explaining/taking apart bigoted language, where it comes from, what it means etc. Please
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65thgames · 2 months
Okay now that we've sorted THAT here are some of my actual harvey headcanons (some loosely based on my fanfic that's in the works)
-I think when he was younger, I'd say 18-early twenties, he had a bit of a rebellious phase. Not necessarily as wild as most people's, but for him it was massive. He had internalised a lot of his insecurities and issues from his failed dreams and just general stress. So he became a bit untamed to try and fit in with the others, as he wasn't sure where he belonged. Certainly not in aviation (he's known this for a while), and he feels like an imposter within the medical field . So where else does he fit in?
-As expected this did not work. Someone tell him pushing away and bottling his issues isn't good for him bc he sure as hell won't tell himself. He was never able to feel like he fully fit in with the rest, like everyone else was speaking a sort of language that he was never given the dictionary for (yes I hc him as autistic).
-His relationship with his family now that he's older is more business-like than it is familial. He'll visit for major holidays, maybe stop by when he's near, but even in childhood he was always closer to his extended family. I don't think his parents were cruel, but I think that they were very strict, no nonsense people. They didn't support his inital dreams. Not because they didn't care for him, but rather because they thought they were unrealistic. Why be a pilot (when he's got bad vision anyways) when he can be a lawyer just like his father? Why be a pilot when he can become a doctor, like his brother? As a result I think he unconsciously associates his pain from his failed dreams with his parents.
-A lot of the food he "dislikes" in game don't actually come from not liking the taste. Instead he's conditioned himself into not liking overtly "unhealthy" foods to try and maintain his image of a good doctor. He already feels like an imposter in his profession, so he uses tactics such as these to try and lessen the feeling. Who needs therapy am I right?
-But despite this, he is a huge hypocrite. He is aware of this. He preaches health but then eats microwave meals in his secluded apartment where he doesn't need to keep up his mask. If any of you are familiar with Goffman's dramaturgical analogy, it's exactly like that in my eyes. His "backstage" is his home. But the main stage is Pelican Town. And he uses props moreso in the form of abstract things to build his mask of a good doctor, believing he cannot be effective if he's "just Harvey."
-Random but he's an olive AND marmite person. Not together, obviously. But trust that man has a jar of marmite in his cupboard, and one of these for his olives. His sister gifted to him over a decade ago. He's surprised it hasn't broken yet.
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-His first big buy for himself was a turntable. It was his pride and joy and he'd polish it often. He still has it. Obviously we know he likes Jazz, but I feel like his dirty secret is that he listens to country on the down low. Shh don't tell anyone.
-He's gotten into only a few physical fights in his life. Most were when he was in school. But one was an alleyway fight he got into whilst defending his sister from a creep. Trust me, poor Harvey got his fair share of a beating. But that's the day he learned he can throw a punch if he wants to. However since them he's gotten a bit more out of shape. He could still punch someone, but he's a gentle giant so give him a second to stretch and practice his breathing techniques he gets anxious okay. (unless its for someone else. If someone he loves is in danger he'll go in, ham stretches be damned. He'll pay for it in the morning though.)
-On the note of gentle giant, I think Harvey was a surprisingly short kid. He shot up around age 13, though, and didn't stop for a while. He was asked to be on the basketball team, and he did try out whilst he was still trying to find himself. That dream ended quickly when he got a basketball to his face and it broke his glasses in half.
-On the topic of sports, I think he's a pretty fast runner but he does have limitations. When he was a kid/preteen, he had asthma. He's grown out of it mostly, but he still gets attacks from time to time. Now that he's older, it's because his body has started catching up to him. Sure he'll run a few laps for a charity run, but give him an icepack for his bad knees okay.
-He started greying fairly young. He's very insecure of it, because as he was growing up one of his most prominent features was his hair.
-Since we're talking about appearance, I know that man has good cheekbones.
-His eyes are hazel but he just calls them brown.
-The most he's ever let someone in was Elliott, but even then he keeps him at a firm arm's length. He's not good at letting down his guard at all until the farmer.
-He's had a few relationships and a few hookups, but they've never really stuck. He doesn't like hookup culture so he no longer participates in it. I think Harvey doesn't fall for people often because he's so guarded, but when he does it's hard and fast and usually soul destroying.
-Cries at the lion king
-He's neither a cat or a dog person. He has no preference, he loves both for different reasons. Cats are laid back, independent and (usually) quieter. Dogs are floppy and silly. If the farmer has a pet/multiple, he usually has to be attacked with a lint roller before leaving for work every day. I'm talking airport security pat down core.
-This man is TERRIBLE with technology. He definitely does the millennial pause god forbid he ever has to send a video to someone. He's not very well versed with the new meanings people have assigned to emojis and slang. So never text him "HELPPP 😭" unless you want your house barged into at 3am by Harvey with a medical bag.
That's all I've got for now
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sleepingdeath-light · 10 months
autistic male s/o hcs ; otis
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requested by ; thatboymikey (09/10/23)
fandom(s) ; house of 1000 corpses / slashers
fandom masterlist(s) ; here
character(s) ; otis b. driftwood
outline ; “Hello :) can I request some Otis driftwood head cannons with a male reader? And the reader is autistic and sometimes goes non verbal at times if you’re fine with that, that would be amazing thank you so much.”
warning(s) ; brief references to canon typical violence, but mostly fluff!
otis is an asshole — a murderer, a kidnapper, someone who will torture anyone and everyone who he comes across with a smile on his face — but he does actually care about his family and about you as his boyfriend (even if he denies having a soft spot with everything he’s got)
after being with you for long enough he’s able to pick up on when you’re going to go non verbal and, having an adopted brother that is also non verbal, he’s more than able to communicate with you at times like that — he’s a murderer, sure, but he’s a murderer with a strong sense of community who practises sign language in his free time (he’s not the best… like, at all, but he knows just enough to scrape by during conversation with you)
he’s absolutely targeted people for being homophobic or ableist towards you — hell, he’s killed for far less so that shouldn’t be a shock — but he never uses them for his art because they don’t deserve to be preserved, so he just dumps them in the mass grave with the rest of the clan (he also makes their deaths much more intense and painful, but that’s par for the course with a partner like him)
alternates between calling you his ‘boyfriend’ and his ‘husband’ — he doesn’t give a shit about marriage as a concept, nor about anything else that’s legally binding, but he likes the possessive undertones of the title and will use it every now and then when someone just isn’t getting the hint (or if he knows you like it when he calls you that)
very physically affectionate in a sexual way, especially when you have ‘guests’ and one of them is looking at you in a way he doesn’t like, and that includes everything that you could think of: wet messy kisses to your temple, making out in full view of everyone, groping your body, pulling you down onto his lap, grinding his hips against your ass, turning your head to face him before kissing you very roughly, etc.
in short, it’s impossible for any visitors to not realise that you’re otis’ boyfriend (his man, his boy toy, his life partner, his husband in every sense except legally, not that either of you cared) and they’d have to be especially dense (or especially masochistic) to try and flirt with you after all of that
he doesn’t really get autism as a concept but he tries to understand with your help — even if a lot of his questions (usually asked when he’s high on several substances and when you’re cuddled up together in bed after a wild day or night) can be a bit blunt or strangely phrased
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iaminsideyourwalls · 1 year
Sorry for the ask so soon after my first one, but really, I would love to hear about any head canons you'd like to share! :O Do you have a favorite merc?
Don’t apologize for asks, I love asks! I even put it in my bio.
You couldn’t ask a parent to pick a favorite child could you??? ;_; (although I do think about sniper every day.) I’ll give you a headcanon for all of them then.
he retained some French from when he was little. He’s not good at it in general but is a lot better at understanding it than speaking it. He can eavesdrop on Spy but can’t conjugate être. I also like versions of Scout that speak Spanish when people hc his mom as Latina.
one of my all time favorite headcanons is Māori Sniper. Also, if you’ve seen this blog you’ll know i believe he’s an autistic king.
I know a lot of people tend to portray him as a tender, kind, empathetic guy but I genuinely don’t think he’s ever felt empathy or genuine compassion in his life. Sure he knows how to act sweet and polite and soft and nonthreatening all the time but no matter how long you’ve known him, if you get in his way he’s already designing a new machine in his head to blow you away into the last century.
Objectum Demoman is one of my all-time favorites. For real. I will genuinely ship him with eyelander, idgaf.
I really love trans soldier headcanons. His transmasc swag is off the charts. It’s hard to come up with hcs for Soldier because he’s so fucking wild you could put him in any situation and it could be true. Lived in a diving bell for two years? Sure. Favorite food is un-husked kernels of wheat? Absolutely. Replaced his dick with his big toe so he could use it to walk? I could go on.
during and after he obtained his phd in Russian literature he published a number of fiction books under a pen name. They’re all tasteful romances with subplots of political intrigue. They gained high critical praise and are still moderately popular in bookstores in Russia and some neighboring countries. all the royalties from sales go to his family. He’s also an autistic king.
I don’t have many headcanons for pyro because I like keeping the whole mystery. I don’t wonder what’s under the mask or come up with possible names because I think the whole of the character is that mystery. But I will say that as great as unicorns and rainbows and cupcakes are, there’s really nothing Pyro loves more than hanging out with Engie in his workshop and pretending to help.
as far as my own headcanons, I have a lot. Here’s some. He does not have a driver’s license—he taught himself to drive by stealing a car. He’s insecure about his voice but he talks too much to really care. He’s always wanted a motorcycle. He puts drugs in his morning coffee. He doesn’t like classical music, he listens to the top 40s on the radio and sings along. The peppier the better.
One of my favorite Medic headcanons I ever heard was that he only has medical training as a veterinarian and I think that’s hilarious because it could absolutely be real.
He’s smart but he’s not as highly educated as he wants people to think. He never went to a university and maybe never even finished school. Just like Scout, he’s so damn good at what he does that he can afford to be more concerned with appearance and showing off than anything else. They’re both committed to making people see what they want them to see and nothing deeper.
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carboardserpent · 10 months
Next gen headcanons? 🤔
Like, Jackson, Cruz, Tim, Danny, Chase, and Ryan?
Oh boy, that's a few characters. Alright, strap in then. Probably also gonna throw in Bubba because he's my favourite non-main next gen <3
(Humanised, as always)
(Quick disclaimer for this one, none of these are supposed to reflect on the irl racers that gave their names and voices to them - I'm treating these characters as though they're entirely fictional and not based on/inspired by real people. I make my HCs literally just based on Vibes (and RPs))
Jackson Storm:
6'1 and fit AF. Clearly spends a lot of time in the gym toning his body and muscles. He is male model levels of gorgeous. Physically flawless black man <3
Short black dreadlocks dyed blue at the ends.
Aromantic (female-leaning)bisexual.
Ray knew he was autistic before Jackson even knew himself, and is the reason he even got diagnosed in the first place.
One of his most common complaints is still about the reflections of the sun glinting in his eyes. The loud noise of the track still gets to him occasionally, but he has special earplugs to help him deal with it.
Can usually be seen drinking a can of IGNTR's flagship energy drink before a race. It helps him calm down and focus in. His sponsors love it, for obvious reasons.
Any time he's on camera, he acts calm and cool but internally he's freaking out. If they ask something he doesn't expect, he visibly tenses up and flounders for a second as he tries to figure out what to say, even if it was a simple question.
Doesn't do fan meets or signings unless he absolutely has to. Even then he tries everything he can to get out of them.
His physical attractiveness makes his already poor attitude even worse. Doesn't know how to talk to people, but gets all the praise and attention he could ever want online.
Yes, he posts photos of himself on various social media. He wasn't sure at first, but Ray convinced him to start shortly after his debut race, hoping that it would help reassure him and give him a bit of a confidence boost. Naturally, it went a little TOO well...
He's a gamer through and through. In any downtime he gets, he's still topping the leaderboards on just about every popular racing game you can play online. He also enjoys the occasional game of CoD and will verbally rip anyone to shreds if they try to come at him.
DUBSTEP. He loves it. If his skull isn't rattling from absolutely filthy, grimy bass, he's not interested.
So, of course, he has to have an incredible sound system that's probably worth more than the average person's car.
He doesn't watch anime. (Stop asking him if he does) Most of his entertainment comes from Twitch streams.
He streams himself playing Super Corsa 4 any chance he gets. Which isn't often with the packed NASCAR schedule, but he tries his best. His user is UrStormChasing
Still doesn't get along with Tim after their rivalry in training and isn't very good at pretending he does either. Their crew chiefs have to make deliberate efforts to stop them from running into each other before they get into their cars.
Cruz Ramirez:
5'5 with an athletic build. She is a Latina woman with visible abs and she deserves them gdi.
Side-parted brown hair a little shorter than jaw length, perpetually kinda wild looking.
Chaotic lesbian hours!
Literally cannot sleep at night without a big, milky mug of coffee.
It's not normal to wake up and go for a run before even having breakfast?
She's teaching Lightning to use social media more regularly (for better or for worse). His homework is to send her a funny meme or video that he found that week.
The result of this can sometimes be catastrophic. She'll never be able to unhear him uncertainly attempting to use outdated slang.
Almost every race, there's someone complaining about how she doesn't weigh enough and it's unfair to the rest of them. So she forces them to watch as race officials put extra weights in her car.
Has cussed Danny out in Spanish across Pit Road and will do it again if he carries on-
Is probably the only person on Team Dinoco that is actually nice to Cal and doesn't try to tease him. They get along well.
Tim Treadless:
6'0 with a broad frame and light muscle tone.
Tanned skin and tousled brown hair.
Straight ally.
Just call him Mr. Charismatic, everyone loves him.
Everyone except Jackson, that is. Jackson is the only person who brings out his anger to the point of wanting to throw hands.
Has a wife and a baby, bc of course he does.
One of those guys some people hate for being irritatingly perfect. Usually people that don't actually know him.
Has type 1 diabetes and a bad nut allergy.
Was pulled out of a race at the last minute when he went into anaphylactic shock - the entire race was almost stopped when people started to whisper that it was foul play. The race went on, but the only reason for Treadless' absence was that he had to be pulled for "unforseen medical issues".
Some of the other racers still blame Jackson, who actually had nothing to do with it.
Danny Swervez:
5'10 and fairly slender. Not a lot of bulk to him.
Tanned skin (he's Latino) and short black hair.
Cishet male.
This man is FULL of himself. What an attitude.
Genuinely a good racer, but not many people like him.
He's not a good guy. He's given Cruz some trouble for being a woman, though after she embarrassed him by publicly cussing him out in Spanish, he's learned to keep his unpopular opinions on her to himself.
Isn't exactly what we would call "faithful".
But hey, at least he doesn't cheat on the track (smh)
Has just as little respect for the older racers as Jackson, but is less vocal about it.
Is very bitter about Jackson and Tim being more popular than him, yet still does nothing to change himself for the better.
Has at least attempted to physically fight with other drivers that messed with him on the track several times.
Chase Racelott:
5'9 with a build somewhere between Danny and Tim.
Pale skin and dirty-blonde hair.
Straight ally.
Generally a pretty likeable guy. Not as well-loved as Tim, but he has a good amount of pretty dedicated fans.
Makes jokes about being single/available.
Has pretty average performance on the track, not great, but not poor.
Fairly high energy, he gets along well with Cruz.
Probably one of the best with kids. Has a lot of younger fans because of how he interacts with them during meets and signings.
One of the few who will try not to leave until he's spoken to every fan who wanted to meet him, no matter how long it takes.
Often seen hanging around with Ryan - the two of them cause some pretty good natured trouble together, often involving pranks on the other racers.
Ryan "Inside" Laney:
5'11 with a broad build similar to Tim.
Mixed race (¾ Caucasian, ¼ African American), with short black hair.
Closeted bisexual.
Friendly, but not really a standout character as far as the fans are concerned.
Kind of cocky, but in a cool way.
Has a girlfriend who travels with him.
Agent of chaos when he spends too much time with Chase. Don't turn your back on him.
Bubba Wheelhouse
Absolutely massive 6'2 gentle giant
Another gorgeous black man (fight me), his skin tone isn't quite as dark as Jackson's
Closeted homosexual
Has a fake relationship with a lesbian woman who's actually just his best friend (the racing world is scary and the US South probably wouldn't love an openly gay driver)
Kids ADORE him. Him and Chase are the drivers with the most kid fans.
Throws a football around with fans over the catch fence during rain delays (this one is based on the real Bubba Wallace bc its wholesome af)
Gets asked all the weird gay questions by everyone in the friend group. (Ex. "Is it gay if...?" "What is X actually like?")
Legit just trying to mind his own business, he doesn't want any part of drama or rivalries.
Occasionally finds himself roped into girl talk if the guys have their S/Os around. They're very excited to include him. He's too polite to decline.
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thalassic-p4rk · 11 months
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okay okay so some explanation:
kwazii: self explanatory really. it’s kwazii.
shellington: totally hc him as aroace and so oblivious and i love him sm for it
paani: might accidentally flirt or attempt occasionally, but most of the time is so completely oblivious. he’s got sm autistic rizz.
inkling: okay don’t come for me he has a really really nice voice okay?? i’m working through it still 😭😭
peso: okay unpopular opinion probably bc of this one wild 120k fic i read in one go but i totally think peso isn’t as naive and innocent as everyone thinks he is and he totally uses that to his advantage. like, not even with flirting, but in general like with cursing and stuff. but i feel like he’s not as oblivious as he pretends to be, and when he chooses to flirt holy shit this guy can flirt. 10/10 best twink 4ever <3
barnacles: i have. many thoughts about barnacles. but, all i will say is that he is so completely oblivious to how hot everyone thinks he is and he has sm unintentional rizz. he will accidentally flirt with like random people he helps or comes across and he has no idea why they keep swooning and calls peso over cuz he’s concerned and peso just is like *sigh*. also, i know fictives aren’t their sources but our barnacles is pretty damn close and when he first split me and peso spent weeks simping over him before another headmate forced us to sit down and explain this to him (which was one of the most embarrassing experiences of my life btw, fuck u eddie /lh)
dashi: i am a hardcore tweak/dashi shipper all the way, and while i think dashi is a very professional person (dog?), i think she’s also really good with people and knows how to use her skills to get what she wants. i think she totally worked in like customer service or something pre-octonauts and that she would charm her clients and customers almost instinctively. however, flirting for her, while common, is something she doesn’t really view as flirting flirting? like, it’s just something she does to steer the conversation in a more favorable direction. she very rarely actually means it, or genuinely tries to flirt, so that’s why she’s not where kwazii is. she was struggling with tweak though lol.
tweak: i think tweak is similar to dashi, she’s not naive and she certainly is good at flirting and probably did a lot of flirting and uh sleeping around in the past (who doesn’t love a butch lesbian mechanic), but i also think that she just. doesn’t really care. fhjffjjgdg like she likes having fun and stuff but generally outside of her video games and her inventions she does not give a shit about much lmao. not in like, a bad way or anything. she just never really saw the point of a social life yk? and the octonauts are an exception, that’s family it’s different. but she’s always had more important shit to do than playing social games.
anyways thank you for coming to my ted talk i am very eepy.
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eeblouissant · 1 month
Hello, if you are up for it I would love to know more about your headcanons for Rose being autistic. It makes so much sense to me, and I'd like to more 😊
I’d love to talk about my rose hcs :D here’re a few !!! this became a bit all over the place so bare with me lol
(some of you may have seen / seen me talk about these in the past but shhhh I like talking about things over and over - I love her so much it’s insane where do I even begin)
Firstly I think it’s important to note that rose obviously has/would have been autistic her whole life. The way an autistic person who has lived longer than you or I with their autism and autistic traits is going to deal & cope differently, and have more experience with managing/regulating - or at least in my head! We have to look at rose differently because I don’t believe she would experience autism the same way you or I would anymore; nothing is really new to her.
Until she moves in with Blanche, that is!!!!
I think rose, after being in the same spot for so long (st. Olaf) learnt on her own how to manage & cope with being autistic because she had a “life long” routine that never really changed until Charlie died? From the bits she’s shared about her at home life during her marriage it all sounds meticulously planned & never changing, which is one of the many reasons why I hc her being autistic actually. Charlie also seemed to have a similar routinely-ness about him but I don’t know enough to properly headcanon him (although, rose having an autistic partner would have brought her great comfort im sure. The idea sits in the back of my mind - however, I could definitely go on about Blanche & Dorothy being their own kinds of neurodivergent haha)
I think roses most “obvious” autistic trait is how oblivious (?) she can be, and very often is. She has moments where it’s made very clear that rose is not stupid, because she isn’t!!! She’s very clever and it’s crucial that point is underlined often!! She does tend to have things fly over her head, or taken too literally. We know that and it doesn’t need repeating - But another thing that really stands out to me is her lack of filter when speaking!!! This may just me be projecting, but I’ve noticed that most of the time, when she drops some wild out of no where (and sometimes slightly out of character) comeback at one of the girls, it comes out straight and with little thought. Innocently, almost? Like a thought just breached containment, you know 😂. I’ve seen a few autistic people talk about this but it really can be a problem - it’s something I personally struggle with and that has caused very angry fights between friends & family. It’s that, “if you didn’t want my opinion why ask?” thing I guess? But also just speaking your mind. This extends to her interests as well, and often in an “anger” of outbursts we don’t ever expect from her. ie: the scene where Blanche has accidentally given away her teddy bear & rose snaps. It’s a bit jarring the way it comes out of nowhere! But I’ll touch on her interests later.
I don’t think rose overly struggled/struggles with masking, because I don’t believe she’s ever really felt she had to (This adds onto my last point about lacking a filter). She grew up in an environmental where she always very closely related to the people around her, and that had mostly known her for her entire life (that she had grown up with). So I would like to assume that to them, this was just rose. The only rose that they had ever known. Nothing would be out of place to them because what else do they know! So naturally there would be no room for judgement = rose feels no pressure to conform. St. Olaf sounds like my autistic heaven, no wonder rose misses her hometown so bad 😭. Anyway the first time she’d ever get a strange look would’ve definitely been that first moment her & Blanche met. Blanche was a little startled by roses definition of being “a wild woman” and rose seemed completely lost by it - because she had never experienced that before! She even asked, panicked, why Blanche was putting her flyer back up. I could over analyze that scene forever. Dorothy was a separate shock to the system for her but I feel like that’s a whole post on it’s own. I really want to write out my thoughts on Dorothy & Rose warming up to each other one day because it’s not expanded on much :’) they’re soooooooooooo important to me.
Roses main interests also inspired this headcanon. Many autistic people tend to have “weird” or “childish” interests, regardless of age or gender. Lots of autistic people don’t tend to view age and gender the way someone who’s not autistic would - they’re not as concrete & restricting. Rose definitely has interests that would be considered strange for her age! Her protectiveness of her stuffed animals, Disney, even (what I consider to be her special interest) St. Olaf could be considered by some, outside of Dorothy, Blanche and Sophia, kind of odd. I think these things can be seen as less-so because Rose is a woman, which I’m sure would’ve been a lovely thing & saved her many uncomfortable questions.
Rose often self soothes/stims when she’s feeling particularly out of sorts or if she’s run into a slightly uncomfortable situation. One of my favourite examples is that clip where she’s taken two sock puppets & acts them out to be Blanche & Dorothy. Dorothy walks into the kitchen without her noticing &, once rose says something with her sock puppet that she’s not very fond of, hits her over the head (lovingly) with the paper. Rose repeats “bad puppet” to herself & knocks her wrists together. She also turns to the girls (but mostly Dorothy I think?) when she needs to self soothe or regulate. Another example that I think about all the time because I just love the clip so much - that bit where Blanche was on a diet for whatever reason she felt she needed to be & rose had accidentally eaten the food Blanche had prepared beforehand. Blanche explodes & rose immediately goes to hide herself behind Dorothy. Hinting at autistic traits or not, that scene is so damn precious 😭 be still my heart.
(the clip in question … I couldn’t help myself. Excuse the quality it’s been sitting in my camera roll for a while)
These are just some of my thoughts :D if anyone has any specific questions about my headcanons (or examples of autistic traits that I haven’t mentioned yet) pleaseeeee send them my way !!!!! I love love love talking about rose !!!!!!! <<<33333
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theinvisiblemuseum · 2 months
please though… give us some of YOUR regdora hcs
ok let’s get into the canonverse regdora timeline ‼️‼️
- they initially don’t like each other
- grew up in similar circles as rosiers & blacks were pureblood elite but regulus’ parents didn’t want sirius and regulus hanging out with pandora and evan because they’re Weird
- once they’re both at hogwarts regulus is like your brother is annoying and so is that crouch kid so they start hanging out a bit more but they never talk to each other or anything they just stare at each other autistically and call it a day
- reg eventually becomes friends with evan and barty but he refers to pandora as his best friend and chooses to hang out with her whenever possible
- pandora mostly just thinks it would be fun to make regulus weirder so she decided to befriend him to make his parents mad
- they actually have conversations with one another around 3rd year and all of a sudden they know each other better than anyone because they also see a lot of themselves in each other
-t4t realness
- they make a pact to never ever kiss because around the time they start talking people start to assume they’re dating and they’re like ew no
- pandora has wild and destructive relationships starting around 4th year and regulus nurses embarrassing crushes from afar
- regulus doesn’t talk to her for a month when she starts dating barty and neither of them really know why because regulus isn’t into her or barty (surely)
- pandora researches muggle surgical techniques with evan and they practice on reg and barty
- regulus and pandora invent spells together
- regulus gets jealous when pandora invents potions with lily
- pandora gets jealous when regulus barty and evan do things without her
- she blows up their dorm room after they went to hogsmeade without her once, even though she was busy and couldn’t go anyway and they invited her
- they find the room of requirement together and spend most of their time there
- everyone knows they’re a package deal
- when regulus is made prefect pandora abuses the privileges
- they often go to the bath together for normal not at all romantic or sexual reasons and they’re both really nonchalant about it all
- regulus starts researching horcruxes in his final year and pandora is the only one he tells
- they continue the research after school, and evan pandora barty and regulus plan to move in somewhere together but regulus ends up stuck with his parents because his dad is ill
- they’re both in love with each other at this point and stubborn/oblivious about it because truth to be told they’ve probably been in love since year 3
- a month before regulus goes missing they confess to each other
- what a fucking month.
- the day regulus goes missing he tells her he’s going to the store and will be back later that night and she believes him
-the two of them made many many blood pacts and unbreakable vows so it was probably very painful for her when he died and she felt it the exact moment it happened
- she loses every last remaining shred of sanity she had when evan dies too and spends the last years of her life trying to bring regulus and evan back
- she and barty don’t speak again after evan dies, she hears what happens to him and doesn’t care, he cries all night when he finds out she died
- but hey she finally got regulus back when she blew herself up in front of her daughter ! 🫶
- sorry did i mention that they’re tragic and doomed ? they’re tragic and doomed
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beansmakesthings · 2 months
You 🫵
Yes you
Give me your Penny Lamb headcanons (legoland)
Boy, what happened to 'hello' and 'please'. I have a name, you know /lh
I will preface this one by saying I think it's very funny if Legoland Penny and RTC Penny exist in the same universe as separate people and all my hcs are approached from that perspective. Cool? Cool.
This one is also just random general stuff and will feature some vague references to parental abuse and mental health issues. Cause you know, it's Legoland.
- RTC Penny started calling her 'PB' when she found out she had a crush on Constance. As in, she's the future Penny Blackwood. (I will refer to her as PB for the rest of this for clarity)
- Yes this means there's a Penny Lamb dating Ocean and a Penny Lamb dating Constance. I just think it's funny.
- PB and Ezra'a parents were neglectful at best days and cruel at worst. PB did everything in her power to keep their attention off of Ezra and took care of him as best as she could. As a result, she's a lot more affected by their childhood than Ezra is.
- She has a bad habit of getting into fights as she has pretty poor emotional regulation due to her childhood trauma (see biting Johnny Moon in the face) and the internal anger over being unable to stop it. She's going to therapy and has improved considerably, but she still sometimes has a tendency to lash out at people who bother her.
- PB and Penny absolutely hated each other at first. It was just plain creepy. Both from somewhere a little outside Uranium City, have the same name, both have parental problems, both subject to bullying, both autistic, it just rubbed them the wrong way. They eventually grew to like each other though.
- PB still has a legally enforced curfew she has to follow as part of the court order after the Johnny Moon incident. This is a great travesty as it means she can't join any choir sleepovers.
- When Constance finally cracked and told PB all about the warehouse after the Cyclone accident and coming back to life (she felt guilty lying and hiding it from her), PB took it rather well. She once used her brother's money from selling his ADHD meds to cross the boarder into the States, snuck into a bar, and attacked a celebrity once, so who is she to decide whether or not 6 people collectively remembering God in the form of a fortune machine making them perform a musical for a rat was a real event or just mass hysteria? Weird things happen all the time. She's just glad they're all alive either way.
- PB loves going into the woods and finding little bugs and frogs and things. She takes pictures of everything and gives them all names
- She has no idea where the whole 'PB' thing came from, but literally everyone except Ezra calls her that at this point and she DOESN'T GET IT
- Constance usually shortens the PB nickname even further and just calls her Peebs. It's so far from her own name at this point that it's kind of frustrating, but she can't convince anyone to stop (Constance is also in on where it comes from and thinks it's adorable)
- PB has no idea how most teenagers dress and has never been in on a trend in her life (aside from Seven Up and we all know how that turned out) so she usually dresses like a 70s hippie
- She has a tendency to bring home wild animals and try to sneak them into her room. She once hid a family of raccoons in her closet
- PB formed a weird friendship with Ocean that almost entirely relies on comparing their shitty drug addict parents
- PB absolutely loves music. It's so stimmy. Once she's out in the world and becomes friends with the Saint Cassian Chamber Choir, she's being introduced to more music than she ever knew existed. She loves watching the choir perform and loves being in a car with any one of them and cranking their music until she can feel the bass in her chest.
- Constance keeps telling PB she could join the choir if she wants. They have plenty of room for her. PB declines because, while she can hold a tune and play ukulele, she doesn't like singing nearly enough to get in front of so many people and open herself up to judgement. She prefers to listen, so she'll just sit in the front row, thanks.
- PB does not like eye contact and will never look anyone in the eye ever unless she has no choice
- PB and Ezra were featured in one of Mischa's rap songs on YouTube
- Elysium didn't have a lot of modern technology so PB is terrible with most of it. She can barely use her phone without getting trapped in the notes app and panicking and needing someone to fix it
- Since she was homeschooled and kind of got to pick whatever she found most interesting to learn about, PB is incredibly knowledgeable about a lot of history and biology, but is god awful at math. She's pretty convinced she'll fail grade 12 math because what the hell is a parabola?
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pinned post!
this blog is mostly life series and hermitcraft fanart. despite the name, we will draw more than just pearl, but we definitely are not okay about her characters!!
this blog is run by two people - @golubayasoyka /commissions open/ (#soykapost for her art on here) and @leafguyy (#leafpost for his art) we both have our personal blogs w/ art outside of hermitcraft/life series, as well as personal boundaries regarding our art, so we'll write two sections about ourselves under the cut
tag explanation-
#pearlescentmoon hcs - typically for when we add features such as mobility aids to certain au c!pearl designs. these obviously don't apply to actual cc pearl or her main canon characters. ex - leaf drawing catgirl pearl or adding canes to some designs because they make sense storywise.
#pearlescentmoon au - when we change the story of pearl's characters cause it's fun. ex - watcher pearl au, altered winners au.
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leafguy ->
he/him, i'm bilingual and speak both russian and english freely! i'm autistic and minecraft has been my special interest for around 10 years now. i have some mild but progressing chronic pain, which is why many of my c!pearl designs feature her using mobility aids! (i'm projecting literally everything on her). those designs are typically au designs as they pertain to my personal interpretations/potential additions onto pearls characters' lore that are very separate from the cc pearl or even pearl's character canon (such as my alternative look at pearl's character throughout the life series). designs that are closer to pearl's own canon don't feature mobility aids. my tag in the blog is #leafpost
in my personal blog, I mostly post oc art or warrior cats fanart. i'm not very active on there at the moment, but might be posting some stuff.
don't use my art for commercial stuff, that's rude. however, personal use is fine, as long as you credit me where it is appropriate! you can freely use my designs with credit. if you're going to repost my art (which you shouldn't), at least credit this or my personal blog).
Soyka ->
she/her, I can speak both russian and english. My life (like leaf's) been mostly minecraft for past years. I am going to post daily doodles and other fun things here (like AUs!), my tag is #soykapost
In my personal blog you can find my OC art and other fandoms(there is Technoblade, TMA and other things)
Please dont use my art for commercial things, beacause that's not nice. Personal use if fine though, don't forget to credit me where it's appropriate ofc. And if you like any of my designs you can use it too, go wild!(again with credits)
If you are going to repost my art (don't do that but) at least credit this or my personal blog.
I hope you enjoy our art, have a good day!
p.s. soyka straight up copied my half of this wtf
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colcredglass · 1 year
ted lasso sexuality hcs
here’s my brutally honest list of sexuality hcs for the characters in ted lasso. if someone isn’t listed, i don’t really feel strongly enough about their sexuality, or their sexuality is explored in canon. disclaimer: i think all of these characters can be hc’ed in a million different ways, but this is me being as honest as possible with what i think works best in congruence with the canon (i also love to say no one in the show is straight, but statistically speaking, there will probably be straight people)
Ted: straight ally (has experimented before and decided it’s not for him, but is also not entirely opposed to dating a man if something changes in the future)
Rebecca: bisexual (heavily male-leaning; hasn’t ever been with a woman before and probably never will, but has some feelings here and there)
Roy: straight ally (hasn’t ever tried anything, might try it once just to see, but not into men; i can see him dating an afab nonbinary person but then breaking up with them cause he realizes the relationship is invalidating and they deserve better)
Jamie: bisexual (might take some time for him to actually date a guy, but has definitely slept with guys before; his crushes on both Keeley and Roy are so real)
Sam: pansexual (sapiosexual lol; just wants someone sappy that he can have deep conversations with, doesn’t matter their gender; i also think he might be on the ace spectrum, in the “doesn’t really go looking for sex, but loves pleasing his partner” kinda way)
Isaac: straight ally (will go to gay clubs with colin and has no clue how to react when men hit on him; has some mild homophobia that he’s trying very hard to work through; listens to audiobooks about supporting your gay friends)
Richard: bisexual (french)
Barbara: lesbian (i can’t remember if she ever mentioned a boyfriend or husband or anything like that, but she’s so clearly into jack and probably has a crush on keeley)
Beard: pansexual (had a crush on ted early in their friendship that he’s gotten over; his backstory is truly wild and i don’t think someone with a life like that cares about gender; i don’t think he’s fully cis either)
Dani: straight ally (his reaction during colin’s coming out scene gave me huge vibes of someone who is maybe a little uncomfortable with talking about gay stuff but is also trying very hard not to seem uncomfortable talking about gay stuff)
Jan: queer (i know they say “he’s not rude, he’s dutch” but let’s be real, he’s autistic, and i think he’s the type that his experience of sexuality is very different from allistic people; mostly sticks with women cause it’s more socially acceptable, but definitely not opposed to being with others)
Nathan: pansexual (heavily female leaning; probably doesn’t realize he’s pan because he just assumes everyone is attracted to everyone and just chooses to date the more socially acceptable gender; too shy to ever hook up with a guy)
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valfeathers · 2 years
you know what. go wild. tell us more L headcanons !!! i'm listening with great attention !!!! i will read 3k of it if that's what you send. v wammyposting enabler agenda !!! 💙
gladly!! olorea enabling me in the inbox oh no
ookay so first i'm gonna info dump about how i choose to draw him bcs i just love talking abt my process & i put way too much thought into my own art lol
i remember some people talking about how i made him look healthier and i've had ppl say that i draw him pretty (which,, thanks sm i try !!)
so i like to mishmash several aspects from different L iterations over the years into my own art! such as the mole on his nose as a nod to the actor ken'ichi matsuyama who played him in L:CTW (& the 2006 dn live actions), and i tend to branch out & draw him with little bits of jewelry because of the 2015 jdrama
and the green jacket that he wears in the musical! (bcs i love that characterization and i think he should be allowed to be more unhinged)
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i've noticed that his bitten nails reappear in different media as well, so i try to include those wherever i can
and as for the bitten lips & perpetually scratched knuckles,,, that's mostly projection haha
but anyways here are some more little hcs that i didn't have the opportunity to draw :)
the laces of those beat-up trainers he wears are literally never tied. can he tie them? yes. will he? nope!
he cuts his own hair,, that man has never set foot in a barber's in his life
maybe this is projection but i just cannot imagine him with a posh accent, an autistic non-accent at most
i feel like if he had gone to a proper college he'd have done a course on criminal psychology, and he would have absolutely excelled at the challenge of puzzling out the motives of criminals alongside the just. the crimes themselves.
man's hands are just perpetually cold, i mean it, terrible circulation all round
i think the jdrama might have inspired this one but germaphobe L is so so real to me. he really is just like me fr.
this one is just straight-up canon but i HAVE to mention this. his ability to like,, copy different dialects?? the fact that he's multi-lingual?? cool as fuck
OH AND,, i'm an ace-spectrum L truther. he's asexual on this page babey
this was a little short but!! this'll do for now so i don't wind up losing my mind and rambling for like 10 years straight,,
i relate so so deeply to this weird man and i won't apologise for it!!
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windypuddle · 1 year
enstars headcanons
ok im going in order but i dont have headcanons for a few characters for sure. so. whatever on we go . just saying in advance these are mostly gender and Autism
eichi tenshouin: look i cant say anythinf about this guy hes already canonically terminally ill and gay. like what do you want me to do
wataru hibiki: genderfluid. whatever gender fits the performance. shes the moment hes the star theyre the epitome of an actor
tori: boy you are so gnc. princess but not a girl you know
yuzuru: has definitely had impulse thoughts about dying his hair and having a scene phase at 3 am
hokuto: bigender. sooooo queer . also autistic
mao: um ritsu braided his hair sometimes when they were younger
chiaki: trans guy i have many feelings about this but he leans into the hero thing because its gender affirming. also autism
kanata: no gender only blublublub. likes wearing long skirts. filipino. has like 1 million fish earrings. also autism
tetora: TRANSMASC ‼️💥💪
midori: transfem... also autistic.. she is so important
shinobu: Autism Autism Autism. bonus the detachment from gender that sometimes comes with the autism but he hasnt really thought about it. hes just some guy
hiiro: transmasc autistic i will die on this hill
aira: my lovely mutuals have convinced me with blasian aira its canon to me now. white french? no. cowards happyele are cowards i tell you. theres such a vast portion of the francophone world that is not white . also transmasc
mayoi: scaredgirl weirdboy core. whatever gender is easier at the moment. she likes being pretty
tatsumi: ok yknow what. fuck it. aroace tatsumi
nagisa: so much autism. nonbinary guy. religious trauma
ibara: lesbian. not going to elaborate bc thats not my problem ibara is just a lesbian
hiyori: hes just gay idk what to tell you. cisboy gay who is so annoying. when people complain about "gay isn't a personality trait" theyre complaining about him. also chubby
jun: also gay but fans love him for being normal about it. one of his main motivations for working out is being able to princess carry hiyori. hes so polite usually its insane but with eden he doesnt care because he loves them so hes a bit of a bitch
shu: god is a woman and her name is shu itsuki. transfem and autistic i will Also die on this hill.
mika: transmasc and autistic
hinata: men liker but dont ask me about her gender idk
yuuta: i see those slipups in twin peaks girl u are transfem nonbinary i think
rinne: bigender [wild cheering] also demi aka down bad for niki specifically
niki: tboy swag but hes not really bothered too much about medically transitioning. arospec i think
himeru: Sooooo nonbinary. so so so nonbinary. i like to hc afab nonbinary himeru and mainly got top surgery to more easily pass as kaname but like gahdamn of course you have blue hair and pronouns (they/it/no pronouns)
kohaku: tboy swag . the gender in crazy:b is off the charts
rei: 1 million genderqueer and SO gay. has all the problems of an older sister but also the hotness that comes with issues u know.
kaoru: ok. bear with me. aussie. also transfem... like what do you mean you hate men and only hang out with girls. definitely arospec
koga: AUTISM!! weirdgirl to autism boy wonder transmasc swag pipeline
adonis: also autism. he can be gnc. as a treat
keito: come on man we all know youre gay and insufferable about it
kuro: he should get to have piercings i think
souma: autism boy wonder. while you were busy learning social cues he was studying the blade. also applies to gender norms
nazuna: boy there is something gender going on with you. weirdboy or maybe a gender cis people have never heard of.
tomoya: That Is The Normalest Girl I've Ever Seen
mitsuru: autism
hajime: girl what is your gender. hes like the narrator of the arch nemesis cynthia post. so poor they cant afford a gender
tsukasa: autistic and please please please let him be chubby. staring at happyele with my biggest saddest eyes Please let tsukasa be chubby. while you're at it can he wear a skirt. please
leo: ok i give a lot of characters autism because i have autism and i get it but i think leo has adhd
izumi: agender. any pronouns. idk what to tell you he said in next door that he doesnt care about gender only beauty
arashi: only normal one in knights. i love aranee she should get 1 million hours to stress bake if she wants to
ritsu: ah i understand why vampires are gay. occasionally a girl if its funny
natsume: Diversity win!! the angry witch is transmasc!!! neurodivergent but i think its funnier if i dont specify.
tsumugi: new gender unlocked its pathetic wifeguy. hes every spirit in the fields of punishment and he does it willingly for natsume
sora: wahoo autism ^_^ yippee!!
madara: is cowboy a gender?
feel free to reblog and throw in ur own headcanons i love hearing other fans hcs it is so awesome!!
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charbon-et-eau · 3 months
Hoenn boys brainrot is still going strong. I should have some new art to share next week. In the meantime, I was rambling about some headcanons on aethy and figured I'd share them here too.
If you're interested in my top/bottom and sexuality headcanons for Steven/Wallace/Brendan, they're below the cut. <3
When the Hoenn boys brainrot started, I quickly decided that Steven was 100% a top, whether he's with Brendan or Wallace. Seemed like the obvious conclusion to me. So it was very surprising when I started looking at fanart on pixiv and bottom Steven seemed to be much more common with all of his ships except Brendan.
I was wondering why this is. I've noticed that a lot of people like to make Steven their silly autistic babygirl and I guess that makes him a bottom by default? Idk. I think he's silly and autistic too, but I don't think that automatically translates to bottom. But another thing I've noticed is that many people make their fav character in a ship the bottom. One of the daimiku shippers on pixiv clearly adores Wallace and draws him a bit more than Steven, and they LOVE drawing Wallace getting absolutely destroyed. On the other hand, bottom Steven fans tend to focus on Steven more. I guess people prefer to see their favs getting wrecked instead of the other way around. Makes sense.
And I'm sure there are plenty of other reasons why a lot of people prefer bottom Steven. Everyone interprets and plays with characters differently. These are just some of the more common trends I've noticed.
As for my headcanons, Steven is a rich CEO's son who was most likely taught how to be in charge and probably didn't hear the word "no" very often, so being in control comes naturally to him. He canonically likes to play with people and see their reactions, and he can also be a bit arrogant (thinks he's "the best there is" and has a habit of taking on important tasks himself instead of asking for help). When he finds someone or something he likes, he can be VERY intense about it. All of these things translate well to being a top imo.
As for Wallace, he's a switch, but he prefers being a loud, dramatic, slutty bottom. This man is an overachiever - being hot, doing contests, being a gym leader and helping Steven keep his privilege in check. In the bedroom, he just wants to turn his brain off and let someone else be in control. However, he'll happily top Brendan when he's in the mood and Steven's busy.
Brendan is a bottom for now simply because he lacks experience. Wallace will teach him how to top eventually though. And then Brendan can be a switch.
Now for the sexuality headcanons.
Steven is one of the few male characters that I hc as 100% gay (I make most characters bi disasters like me). He has zero interest in women.
Before his dad realized that he was gay, he would set Steven up with random women that he met through work, telling Steven to take them home and show them his rock collection, *wink wink*. So Steven would invite them over, show them his rock collection, and then say good night and politely ask them to leave once it got late. Wallace almost died laughing when Steven told him about this. Everything eventually made sense when Steven invited Wallace over for the same reason, but they didn't actually look at the rocks until the next morning... after a very passionate night of sex.
Wallace is bi with a heavy preference for men, like 90% men, 10% women. He has a deep appreciation for the beauty and elegance of women, thinks they're all queens, and would happily have sex with one. But after a wild night at the club, he's probably taking a guy home.
Brendan is also bi with a slight preference for men, like 60-40. Due to his daddy issues and mommy kink, he tends to be more attracted to people who are older than him. He's slightly more aware of his attraction to men, especially after meeting Steven, until he starts spending time with Glacia. Brendan is a hot mess around Wallace since he is the most intoxicatingly gorgeous combination of masculine and feminine energy. It doesn't help that Wallace will mercilessly flirt with Brendan any chance he gets.
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