#deaf hcs go wild
eeleye-mcshitposts · 2 years
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oh the headcannon whores are gonna love this
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Post-Series Finale HCs: The Owl House (Spoiler!)
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(From days to weeks) Right after;
—Raine spends time between recovering and pitching ideas to rebuild the Isles, reconnecting with Eda. They find out what music range the Owl Beast spirit cannot handle to avoid making their girlfriend (later wife) go deaf. Happiest they have been in years since the breakup.
—To limited degree, witches can use magic outside their coven sigil now. The sigils cannot completely block other magic-types only just restrict it. Biles sacks are pretty fragile though.
—Several cults/religions tried to start up once people learned King was a living Titan. Eda shut them down before they could get established—the Collector has a few cults too.
—Hooty helps Lilith practice her own Harpy form. Has to catch her several times as the other half of Owl Beast is less sentient(?) than Eda’s own curse. It grows to be a Raven. He finds being in his “Porta-Hooty” mode to be more fun since he can hang out with Lily.
—Alador spends time catching up with his kids. He likes to study how various beasts and animal species are adapting to the raised left arm. (If the Abomination track wasn’t expected of his family, he would have joined the Beast track.)
—Luz does, in fact, keep a portion of her Titan form’s power. Being in direct contact with such immense power has left its mark. She has fangs and magic will spark off her fingers whenever she holds Stringbean. Her shouts are loud!
—The decision to tear down the ruins of Belos’ castle is pretty unanimous. They find several thousands of snails hidden away, remains of the Grimwalkers, and old wild magic texts.
—So much rebuilding to be done. Not just buildings but the entire infrastructure of the Boiling Isles. People outside the main cast wonder what in the realm happened for everything to crazy during the Day of Unity.
—Hunter does some soul-searching in between joint custody of the Nocedas, Clawthornes, Parks, and Darius (plus Eber). There is a lot to unpack in his life after everything that went down. He ponders what being a Grimwwalker means, processes Flapjack’s passing, and what he is going to do going forward. The poor boy is traumatized to high heaven being raised under Belos/child soldier/clone of Caleb Clawthorne.
(Yes. I headcanon that Caleb took Evelyn’s last name or they refer to him by that after finding out what his brother did.)
—Eda jokes about Hunter technically being her and Lillith’s however-many-greats-grandfather.
—Wrath has to go through a redemption arc. Seriously! He sees how much Braxas missed him and begrudgingly accepts that the coven system was wrong. It takes a few years though.
—The Collector does not go straight back to the siblings who left him alone. This idea is argued for by the main cast who want them to spend time being a kid. King begs him to stay.
(I do not know how to write pronouns for a person who has He/him and They/them).
—On a side note, everyone who was ever mean to King is now genuinely terrified of him. :)
—People wonder why the Titan’s left arm is stretched out toward the sky. Even Luz does...
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Four Years Later;
—The concept of carving a palistrum egg has boomed in popularity. Stringbean inspired many people to respect Palismen as individuals.
—Cultural trade between the Boiling Isles and Earth is still tentative. Unfortunately, Andrias’ invasion made humans wary of other realms. (We know ToH and Amphibia share a universe due to easter eggs. Might as well capitalize~)
—Gus secretly eats movie DVDs. He knows that they are supposed to be watched but they taste good. He will eat some on his lunch breaks.
—A president/representative has been put in charge of the Boiling Isles. Democracy is still new so there are a few kinks to work out. Each town has a few spokespeople for them to really give everyone a voice in how things are run.
—Luz, Amity, Willow, Gus, Hunter, Eda, King, Lillith, Raine, and the others are still the main celebrities on the island. Their popularity has finally died down from fan-worship levels much to their relief (Raine, Hunter, & King mainly).
—King keeps discovering glyph types outside his parent/father’s elemental ones. The combo testing can get a little crazy since this is his new magic language! He is really excited to learn it.
—Funnily enough, future students of Eda’s have visited using the time pools. They never say anything too revealing about the future but the subtle picture they paint is chaotic.
—The Basilisks help the Unversity of Wild Magic keep from burning down/freezing/exploding/imploding/getting damaged by wild studies.
—Willow acts as a motivational speaker for young witches and demons in the Flyer Derby off-season. The still-new freedom of magic can be overwhelming in sheer choices to the kids.
—Camila can only handle a certain amount of the Boiling Isles’ otherness. She loves that her first kid found such an accepting second home, really she does! But it is still a lot to take in...
—The Collector took care of the Titantrappers years ago. Only the youngest members are more open to interacting with King.
—Eda still finds it ironic she became a teacher.
—Amity spends her days exploring the world, though she is always a call away from Luz and her friends. She did not expect to fall in love with exploring different Titan-civilizations.
—Viney has interned under Camila to learn about Earth animals. The difference in biology between the two realms plays a part in how she judges treating pets at her mythical pet clinic. Some species react adversely to magic being used on them which she learns cause of it.
—Hunter gives each past Golden Guard a name based on what little he could find about their personalities. He still sees their ghosts but in a “guardian angel” way. Is for sure dating Willow.
...It. It took a while for him to carve Waffles.
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cartooemcanhis · 2 months
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These guys were in a polycule I think. They all kissed eachother when noone else was looking. 🏳️‍🌈🏳️‍🌈 They were definitely gay for eachother and no one else in the w.a.r knew ‼️‼️🦅🦅🦅🔥🔥🔥
Shout out to Kapow we may never be getting mo w episodes but it's so damn silly!!!
Random Sneaky and Mouse Ka-boom hcs for funsies cuz why not👍✨👍✨👍✨👍✨👍✨
Sneaky basically like never talked and whenever he did it was usually the most out of pocket crap ever that made no sense, either that or something important but usually it was wild lmao
Mouse Ka-boom had a very short temper and was totally the kinda guy to pick fights with guys twice his size (he was so tiny I cannot fathom how small this guy was)
Sneaky did that weird chameleon thing where randomly he sometimes smelled like rotting flesh for no reason and it was always very concerning to everyone else
Mouse ate a concerning amount of food for someone his size, they call him the nibbler‼️
For a majority of Sneakys training they made him wear gear that didn't let him go invisible because they didn't trust him lmao
Mouse wasn't fully deaf, he just had really bad hearing due to explosives (the ear protectors didn't fit his ears 💔). He was almost discharged from the w.a.r because of it but they kept him around because of him insisting he stay
Sneaky knew basically like everyone's secrets in the w.a.r and if he wasn't so quiet all the time would probably be a gossip king
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spacefinch · 7 months
Magic School Bus/Wild Kratts crossover masterpost
Basically, @daiohficblog and I have been coming up with lots of headcanons that cross over the shows.
WARNING: This post is by no means organized.
How does everyone know each other?
First of all, Ms. Frizzle knows everyone. So of course she would know the Kratt brothers and the rest of the WK team (Aviva, Koki, and Jimmy).
The MSB kids are introduced to the Wild Kratts team during a whale-watching trip off the New England coast.
Phoebe's uncle, Dr. Cecil Byrd, is a traveling ornithologist from Australia and often bumps into the WK team.
Creature powers:
The kids all have their own creature power suits (which Aviva made them for Christmas one year).
Color schemes:
Phoebe: Red
D.A.: Violet (different from purple!!!)
Carlos: Dark blue
Tim: Cerulean
Ralphie: Green
Arnold: Yellow
Wanda: Pink
Keesha: Fuchsia/Magenta
Other hc's
Carlos and Mikey's sibling dynamic parallels Martin and Chris's dynamic. You have the older sibling who likes to goof off and the younger bro with slightly more brain cells.
First creature power the kids used:
Carlos and DA: Peregrine falcon
Ralphie, Arnold, and Phoebe: Red fox
Tim: Pine marten
Keesha: Rattlesnake
Wanda: Bullfrog
Phoebe and Ralphie are step-siblings in this universe. They also have the most pets:
Brandy (a grumpy old tortoiseshell cat). Dr. Tennelli (Ralphie's mom) adopted her before Ralphie was born. Former stray.
Joxter, a black-and-white tomcat. Brandy's son. Adventurous, but also lazy (rather like his namesake from the Moomin books). Good swimmer.
Renee and Megan: Two red foxes, rescued from a fur farm. Renee has the "normal" reddish-orange coat, and Megan is leucistic.
Jeanette: An old border collie (female). Another rescue.
Loretta: A black-and-white Newfoundland dog. 6 years old.
Charlie: a piebald ball python. (Not sure whether Charlie should be a boy or a girl.)
Fang: a male red-kneed tarantula belonging to Ralphie.
HC's continued (not in any particular order)
Carlos is very arachnophobic-- so he tries to avoid spiders at all costs. However, most other "scary" animals (sharks, crocodilians, snakes, bats, etc...) don't frighten him.
Martin and Chris have become somewhat of "elder sibling figures" for the kids.
Wanda is the water-lover of the MSB gang. She brings her snorkeling/scuba gear WHEREVER she goes.
Phoebe and Ralphie (AKA the Terese-Tennelli siblings) like to visit Ralphie's uncle Brian at the lake to go fishing. It's the same lake where the "Bass Class" fishing contest took place.
Uncle Brian (Dr. Tennelli's younger brother) is an expert fisherman.
In the fishing contest before the events of "Bass Class," Brian won first place in the local fishing contest, and Gavin came in third. Fortunately, Brian is a lot nicer about winning and losing than a certain cheater named Zach.
The WK kids of Frogwater Pond (Gavin, Ronan, Jenny, Katie, Aidan, and Nolan) are in this AU, and they know the MSB kids. (Since they know Phoebe and Ralphie, who come to their forest every summer).
Carlos has two younger siblings: Mikey (one year younger) and Maria (three years younger).
Mikey is a computer/tech prodigy, and as such, often helps Aviva with her inventions. He also makes his own inventions (for which Carlos is usually the test subject). He uses a wheelchair to get around.
Maria is the math expert of her siblings. She is also deaf and uses American Sign Language (ASL) to communicate.
Mikey might not be able to walk, but he's good at a lot of things: fishing, kayaking/canoeing, playing the piano, and more.
Phoebe and Carlos (the most avid birdwatchers of the MSB gang) have developed a "secret language" composed entirely of birdcalls. One key part of this language is that anyone using it has a birdcall that stands in for their name.
For instance, Phoebe's bird name is the eastern phoebe's song, while Carlos uses the northern cardinal's song for his name.
They also teach the birdcall language to Martin and Chris, who use the calls of the purple martin and pileated woodpecker, respectively. It does not go well.
Phoebe might seem harmless, but she isn't. She's been taking karate classes since she was little, and if you hurt any animals around her, RUN. In fact, she's rather like her avian namesake: small and unassuming, but a fighter through and through.
Wanda is even more of a fighter-- leading to the bird nerds in both crews comparing her to a kingbird.
The Ice Cream Run is a time-honored tradition of both the MSB gang and the Wild Kratts team. Some details:
The best Ice Cream Runs are at night. Everyone get in the car/bus/Tortuga and head for the ice cream store.
You do not want to interrupt the Ice Cream Run. Under ANY circumstances. (The WK villains learned this the hard way.)
Phoebe and Martin bond over the fact that they share their names with birds. (The eastern phoebe and purple martin, respectively.
Any time either of them sees one of those birds, they'll send each other a picture of said bird with the caption "this you?"
Wanda can pilot the Cheetah Racer and the Amphisub and the Buzz Bikes. She is not allowed in the Tortuga's cockpit.
Carlos can pilot most of the underwater vehicles (the Amphisub and the Manta sleds), but he always crashes the hoverbikes.
Mikey usually helps Koki with system maintenance of the Tortuga. (At least in the early days, when he's still learning how to make computer programs without any bugs.)
How each of the kids handles being captured by any of the WK villains:
Arnold: Carlos shows up and frees him. (The two of them are rock bros, and rock bros always have each others' backs.)
Carlos: Annoying them with horrible puns and messing with their tech.
DA: Smacks the villains with her books.
Keesha: Also resorts to punching.
Phoebe: Fury of the bird she's named after.
Ralphie: Smacks the villains with his baseball bat.
Tim: Escape artist.
Wanda: Crowbar to the face. (Nobody knows where she got the crowbar.)
Wanda has only been captured once. After that time, none of the villains dare to capture her again.
Pretty much all the MSB kids (Arnold included) will resort to violence or trickery if they're captured.
Carlos might be the goofball of the MSB gang, but he can switch into serious mode very quickly-- especially when one of his younger siblings or friends is in danger.
MSB kids from oldest to youngest: Carlos, D.A., Wanda, Tim, Keesha, Arnold, Ralphie, and Phoebe.
There is a 6-month age gap between Carlos (born in October) and Phoebe (born in April).
By contrast, the shortest age gap is between D.A. and Wanda, who were born one week apart in November.
Carlos's favorite creature power to use is peregrine falcon power-- to the point where he always keeps a falcon feather with him.
Tim is the climbing expert of the MSB gang. Wanda is the swimming expert.
Tim is also the only person in the "I Injured Myself Falling Out of a Tree" club (which comprises himself, Phoebe, Wanda, Carlos, and Chris) who has never broken a bone.
Every now and then, Carlos (dinosaur nerd) will contact the Tortuga to tell them he's seen a dinosaur. They know full well that he means birds.
Wanda rescues her pet bullfrog Bella from a shady pet store while Bella is still a tadpole.
As in the "Hopes Home" MSB episode, Bella escapes and goes off to live in the wild. However, Wanda can't help but worry about her.
HC that Bella escaped to Frogwater Pond, and the kids there keep an eye on her.
The "Gets Swamped" episode of MSB is also canon to this AU. After the events of that episode, the swamp Carlos helped save is made a nature preserve in his honor.
Carlos and Wanda are practically adopted twins, and they share a brain cell.
Wanda technically has two brothers, but she doesn't get along with them very well. She argues a lot with her older brother Henry (they both get on each others' nerves), and there isn't a lot she can do with her younger brother William.
Martin and Chris have substitute-taught Ms. Frizzle's class a few times. It ends up being just as chaotic (if not more so) than the days when the Friz is there.
This is all I have. Will post more headcanons if I think of more.
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gemini-forest · 9 months
I've had a few folks asking me if Eliot is autistic coded.
The evidence claimed are the following:
1: His flat affect/monotone 2: Western Fashion/lifestyle being a hyperfixation 3: Nonverbal at times 4: Knows sign language 5: Low empathy 6: Touch avoidant
Hate to inform y'all but he's not autistic coded internally. You can headcanon though! I won't stop you guys with the hc. I'll tackle each point to explain:
1: Flat affect/monotone
A common trait with those with depression is a flat affect. Sometimes we just talk with that due to the chemicals in our brain. That's just how he talks
2: Western Fashion/Lifestyle
The wild west stuff came to be a security blanket in a sense. Could it be seen as a clutch? Probably. Is it effecting him negatively? Nope. It's a norm Eliot likes to have and willing to cling to to his deathbed.
3: Nonverbal
Everyone has days where they go nonverbal. A common neurodivergent thing. In Eliot's case it's kinda a habit? He's not much of a talker but him being nonverbal under stress is another thing those with PTSD or C-PTSD can have.(I have C-PTSD and I do that). My man just has undiagnosed ptsd.
4: Knowing Sign Language
I honestly think this is a weird thing to think he's autistic for. Not in a bad way! I'm autistic myself and would like to know sign language. But for Eliot he knows sign because he didn't know how to talk. Like at all. He learned how to talk through the tv. He still signs to people on the regular and makes sure he's up to date because he uses it not only with Big Mama's staff who are deaf or mute, but for his bounties for those who are mute, deaf or are so stressed they can't talk and signing is easier.
5: Low empathy
Oh boy here we go. Eliot's low empathy comes from his depression and PTSD. He's so numb to what he has to do on the regular and the type of folks he deals with you'd think he'd be hyper sensitive. NOPE. He lacks empathy for most people. Unless he actually gives a shit about someone like, Boss, Tammie, the boys(When he befriends them) his sister Lilith and even Big Mama. He's okay with the staff at the hotel. But other than that he's genuinely apathetic and doesn't care. He's the type to live by the motto "Stay out of my business and I'll stay out of yours" type outside of work.
6: Touch avoidant
He just doesn't like touch that lasts a long time. Like hugs, shoulder pats, head pats, etc. He may not entirely remember but his body does remember getting hit a lot as a toddler. He's gotten better since he started as a bounty. He's very adaptable(which isn't entirely a good thing with those with PTSD depending on the situation)
Eliot isn't autistic, his behavior and such is a trauma response. But if you wanna hc him with autism you're more than welcome to.
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(Apologize for my long, rambling ask, this is just in my brain and not like. Me forcing it on anyone or anything ksjfksagjklasdfsdf. Hope nobody minds me sharing this anyway because it’s very personal to me!! ^^;) I’m not sure anyone else has ever had this thought except me before, but one of my favorite personal headcanons about Lance is that he’s deaf/hard of hearing. :) I don’t see those kind of headcanons a lot in fandom, so seeing it applied to my favorite characters means a lot when people take the time to think about it a little bit. And one day I did that, and I decided to slap the label onto Lance. And I was really just projecting my love onto him when I did that, but then I seriously considered the idea and realized I could genuinely see it fitting him.
First off, Lance is a dragon trainer. Even if his pokemon are well-behaved, it makes sense that they’d be incredibly loud and sometimes temperamental. His poor ears never stood a chance if he was going to be growing up in an entire clan of dragon trainers. Also, he does a lot of wild and crazy missions as a G-Man. He’s probably been the victim (and instigator, naturally >:)) of some pretty sick explosions, which could be hell on his hearing. Thankfully, he doesn’t need perfect hearing to know what move a pokémon’s gonna use before it’s even gotten started, so he’s still at the top of his game.
I also think in this instance Lance would be one of those guys whose normal voice is loud enough that people sometimes cringe when he greets them. Most people tend to think that being a dragon trainer suits him perfectly because he’s so loud, but it’s really the opposite. (Oh, just wait til they meet Clair. Homegirl has never even heard of an inside voice… pun intended)
I haven’t decided if Lance would wear hearing aids yet (this is just silly brainrot after all), but I think he would know sign language. He’d know it more because of who he is though rather than because it’s a necessity. His hearing isn’t THAT bad. However it is necessary TO ME because just imagine him talking with Red in sign language and teaching it to Blue so he can do the same. It gives me such warm fuzzies :’)))
(Ahhhh this got so long. Sorry about that! I have a lot of feelings about Lance being deaf apparently 👉👈)
I have never considered this but now I have!! Thank you for the mega-brain headcanon!!!
His loud voice, talking in sign language with Red, GENIUS!
I hope I'm not derailing from your own HC, but I remembered having a strong headcanon about Lance being sensitive to loud noises, such as crowds and booming music. It gives him a serious case of sensory overload and has to wear earplugs when going out to meetups and big stadiums.
Honestly, this one line of dialogue in GSC/HGSS when you defeat Lance is my reasoning for this hc. :_D
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kankuroplease · 1 year
Do you have any wedding hcs for kawarama x Okami
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Tobirama would tell Kawarama is about damn time. The two had thoroughly damaged each other’s reputations with their lewd acts in public, so they might as well make it official 💀
Kawarama would fire back with he’s just trying to live up to his big bros reputation of making his lover moan loud enough that half the village can her jk, but not really
Itama would have to stop Tobirama from obliterating their brother on his wedding day while Kawarama doubled over with laughter from the reaction
Hashirama would laugh happily about the two going at it like always. He just knows the day will be eventful
Okami wouldn’t want some big deal wedding and would feel overwhelmed that it turned into one anyways
She’d really only going through with it because Kawarama wants to get married and she wants him to be happy
She’d have a solemn look on her face whenever she’s not looking at Kawarama because she knows her parents never approved or accepted this relationship by their absence
Her mood and gaze towards the place where her parents should be wouldn’t escape Kawarama’s notice; taking her hand and asking if she’s alright with his concerned look
Her small but reassuring nod would at least let him know she’s not upset at him but he wouldn’t be able to shake the feeling she’s pushing herself
After the ceremony, Kawarama would turn to their friends and family to thank them for coming but there’s an urgent matter they have to take care of before scooping up Okami
Shouting that there’s food and drinks at the reception/they’ll be right back as he makes a mad dash off into the forest
The party goers are stunned, but Hashirama quickly tells everyone not to worry and to all enjoy this wonderful day
He’s running so fast Okami starts to laugh as she holds onto him
He doesn’t stop until they reach their usual spot and puts her down but doesn’t let her go; instead he embraces her and tells her he’s sorry that they (her parents) didn’t come. He’d promise that him and his family will love and cherish her forever in their stead
Which of course makes Okami cry and squeeze him in a bear hug. She’d be so happy to hear that.
“I love you so much, Kawa Kawa”
“I love you even more”
The next couple of hours would be them playing in the river, making each other floral crowns, petting and feeding their animal buddies, chasing each other, and lots of kiss and hugs
When they finally do come back to their own wedding party, they look extremely disheveled. Okami even forgot her shoes. So of course everyone thinks they ran off to have sex
But they know their truth 🥰
Kawarama would immediately be swarmed by his men with many congratulations and questions he won’t dignify with an answer
Katsura would dust of her wild friend and take her to change clothes. All the while telling her how her husband’s brothers are too encouraging of tone deaf lushes and gambling woman, how dare you leave her with this huge brutes and a heavily pregnant emotionally unstable Aori!! And for what? Dick?? It’s not like she doesn’t get that every FREAKIN’ day he’s home💀
Okami would be happy their guest were having fun in their absence and tell Katsura to relax and maybe take someone home for her own entertainment/stress relief 😉
Once they’re back at the party Okami and Kawarama would be very cozy and cuddly with each other while they hear the speeches everyone prepared
Lots of laughs and smiles as their loved ones all recall all the good times and wish them well
Okami would be surprised when Kawarama says he wants to read something he wrote for her
Kawarama would be more nervous than he’s ever been as he reads his letter to Okami
He knew she was the one ever since their days in the cave and he was so scared he’d never see her again. He looked for signs of her, his gallant healer, on every mission no matter where it may have been
So when she reappeared, he felt so relieved. When she agreed to move to where he was, he was elated. When she said she liked him too he couldn’t help but cry tears of joy. and now that she’s apart of his family, he can die a happy man. But he promises not to die on her before they’re both grey haired… well maybe white in her case, and old.
Because by then she might me tired of him 😅
Okami would hug him and tell him she’d never get tired of him and would follow him into the afterlife and their next lives, because that’s how much she loves him
Cue the most disturbing PDA most of the crowd has seen because there’s no way he’s not kissing her passionately after she said that
Aori would think it’s kind of sweet still but Tobirama would escort her out of their because he’s not trying to watch them go at it
The two would be in their own little world and wouldn’t get any rest that night ✨
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squadron-of-damned · 1 year
Gamt :)
A quote of them that you remember
A childhood headcanon
Sexuality hc!
How do you think they were as a kid? (Like, were they shy, noisy, wild, etc)
The most unnecessary thing they ever did?
How do you think they would be as a parent? (and if they are a parent, how do you think they would be if they weren't?)
Future headcanon
What do you think is a secret they have that they never told anyone?
When do you think they were being "themselves" the most?
Gant! :)
I shall go with the classic: "There are only three people I watch out for: Me, Myself, and I." But the actual 'quote' I remember being most impactful is just when he stands there like this
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for several seconds before the text starts running. The ultimate "..."
He had (or maybe still has) a brother, Norm, with whom he very much does not get along. Not as in that they hurt each other, but ever since they were kids they had vastly different views on the world. Of the two of them, Damon was the nice/kind one. As for himself, he was the kind of "I will do a Thing just to see what happens", but he didn't do many Things, because msot of the time he was able to very well reach the logical conclusion of what would happen. So it was more along the lines of "Will everyone actually evacuate orderly as trained if the fire alarm sounds?" (answer: No) and not "What's going to happen if I tear a bugs' legs off/dissect a live worm/etc.?" (6 yo Damon didn't know that the proper word for opening up a living being is "vivisection" and not "dissection", which is reserved for the deceased.)
He is definitely aromantic, and either asexual (sex-positive) or pansexual who doesn't really care for the attraction much. Damon will have sex when he feels like it with the first willing person with whom he thinks it's going to be good.
I am undecided between "manipulating Lana by threatening to reveal her little sister to be a murderer" and "playing the organ so loud that it rendered people temporarily deaf". Leaning towards the organ thing, honestly. For Lana he had a solid reason.
He would be very much a "let's talk about this" parent. Not the type to get angry, but also if you caused yourself a problem (especially if daddy Damon told you not to do the thing), he would not lend a helping hand, at all. Also the kid would get introduced to baby Franziska, Daddy would insist you are best friends, and let Fran do most of the "parenting". You'd grow up fine, but plenty of times you'd look back at your early life and suddenly realise "huh, that was kind of fucked up." Where 'that' would be things like getting a tutorial how to do drugs and not get caught, unarmed and armed self-defense, how to drive your colleague up the wall just by existing, and so on. Your teen friends would think he is cool in that laid back way, and after they'd leave, he'd say "honestly I hoped you know how to keep yourself in a decent company, but I can't be right all the time".
After his prison sentence is over (he had a good case and a good defense), he gets hired by a small café the woner of which had done some prison time too and knows how hard it is to get back on your feet with 'murder' or 'manslaughter' in your CV. It's supposed to be a temporary thing, but Damon finds out he is fascinated what kind of fucked up orders people are able to make and willingly drink (unicorn caramel decaf mocaccino).
Additional future headcanon: While still in prison, his assigned psychologist/therapist talked to him precisely once and after ten minutes concluded: "No, I really can't work with you. You know the textbook answers, you can improvise a whole new personality. I am good, but not good enough to work with that. And I can't tell when you are honest." "You are probably the first person who could tell. Have a nice one, doc, I'll send a word if I need you, ey?" And then they never talked again.
I ultimately choose to believe that Damon knew precisely what Blaise Debeste had been up to since day 1, and the whole chokehold he was holding the Prosecutors' Office in via Lana was directly to counter that as much as possible.
I honestly think that Damon figured out early on that "being himself" unnerves people greatly and people are horrible to work with when they are that kind of nervous. He had the set of various personas, the larger-than-life friendly one, the threatening one... He was himself basically only when he was overlooking a crime scene and in his head there were patterns flashing back and fro as he analyzed the situation.
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who-is-muses · 2 months
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[ man embarrassment is such a wild ass thing because I can give negative 2 shits about anything and everything for a majority of the time, then all of a sudden be mortified by my own enjoyment of something. Anyways, woe! Thought about sinhal I hid in my drafts like two weeks ago be upon ye! (under a readmore tho, still working on unlearning shame djdjjdkd) ]
[ while I see the appeal that draws many to hc Hal and Sin as exes, I like them more as having no preexisting romantic relationship for a few different reasons. ]
[ Firstly, I sincerely doubt Thaal would have any kind of Thing with anyone that soon after losing both Arin and Abin. He'd never loved anyone else before, never had the inclination to share a bed with someone beyond sex, and then he found them. But they were then taken away. Thaal is and long has been the very specific kind of egotistical bastard that thinks everything he's involved in happens because of him, is his fault, good or bad. He's also always been the kind to internalize and repress and bear everything himself rather than willingly seek solace in another. ]
[ Secondly, it’s so much worse for my Thaal (making it that much better for the angst <3) to have had that pining festering under everything else for so many years. As aforementioned, he's had to grapple with heartbreak and regret of the dead before- but regret of the living, where there's technically still a chance to say or do what part of him wishes he did but another sees that sliver of possibility as nothing more than a personal insult, is a very different thing. Even deeper than the yearning to have Hal at his side and be allies proper once again is this awful, disgusting want that he’s ashamed of and that just fuels his anger and paradoxical hatred all the more. ]
[ Thaal absolutely fell for Hal when they were both still GLs, don't get me wrong- but after the mess that was adding a romance onto his mentor-and-mentee relationship with Abin, he absolutely refused to go down that road again and resolved himself to just bury that piece of his feelings for his own trainee. Abin was every bit the hero he was lauded as- but lacked in the intrapersonal department. Not cold or unfeeling- far from it- but often deaf and blind to his loved ones' feelings. Though Arin had learned to read her younger brother and how to talk with him in that regard, Thaal never really figured it out and was left confused and hurt on innumerable occasions. Never once did he say "I love you" in plain words, leading Thaal to just stop trying to get the reply. Unique to Arin and Abin, Thaal let them do nearly whatever they wanted with him- but where Arin reciprocated, Abin tended to be a rather selfish lover and didn't know how to go about aftercare so he rarely put even the smallest effort in. Though Thaal was always quick to deny it, scorn anyone- even Arin- for suggesting anything negative about Abin, he ultimately knew he was letting Abin get away with playing him. But he also knew Abin did truly care about him in return, just failed time and again to properly show it, and so Thaal endured. ]
[ As much as Thaal tried to separate Hal from the man whose ring he inherited, it was extremely difficult to do so entirely at first; part of his initial infatuation with Hal was that connection, yes, but it was also part of why he kept him so stubbornly at arm's length. He was both afraid to let anyone close again, and afraid of ending up in the same heavily tipped relationship again that he would repeatedly doubt the reciprocity of his feelings whenever brushed off or met with shallow affection. ]
[ Lastly, I think it's very funny to imagine there being the common assumption that there must have been Something other than platonic between them at some point. Which is very reasonable with Thaal acting like a vengeful ex- ]
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khuzena · 2 years
Hello! I love your writing and I hope you have a good day, I just want to say I absolutely in love with the valorant protocol and their s/o who's good at cooking, I was wondering if you can make similar one with non-agent s/o? Maybe s/o work in a cafe or restaurant and val agent keep visiting them, either hc or fic is fine with any character you like 😔 go wild go crazy
Order up!
Yoru, cypher, chamber, sova, viper, fade, neon, jett x g/n! Reader
Tw: just wholesome and fluff, them being super in love with reader
I was looking for some request like this, lately my inbox was flooded by horny bitches and their horny requests and it's such a breath of fresh air of a request like this (no hate to those who requested smut, love yall)
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Yoru first met you in a cafe, he would usually order a warm cup of matcha tea with no sugar and some bread on the side.
After you both started dating, you'd see him less albeit he tries to spend time for you.
Your timezones and work are completely opposite of each other but when he's given day offs by his boss, brimstone, the one he mentioned once a conversation with you, he'd pass by the cafe you worked at and order the usual with a smile in his face, you knew was so rare to see when he's with other people but it's much more common with you.
Sometimes when you serve him, he'll try to spark a new conversation just so he could hear your voice; he'll sip the tea you offered while he listens to you rambling about your day and when he has to go, he'll lead you into a corner which you both know there won't be anyone who'll see you both.
In which he'll lightly peck your lips and the side of your nose, telling you about how he'll promise he'll try to get more time with you then proceeding to leave the cafe with a sad smile on his face.
The next day though, he'll show up at the building and would order again, but this time, you had no idea he snuck out of work just to see you.
When he told you this, you scold him, telling him how he should prioritize his work rather than fooling around here but your complains fell onto deaf ears as he continued to talk over you.
Cypher isn't one who'll dwell too long in such a crowded restaurant so I can see him dating and spending time with his s/o in a cafe too.
He'll order black coffee with a splash of milk as he narrows his eyes to you carefully brewing the coffee with extra love than the other orders.
He'll take a seat at the less crowded corner and invite you to talk with him, he never shown his face to anyone but you; looking from side to side and making sure no one else is looking at his unmasked face.
Cypher would crave the beverage you would always serve him, that's why he always visited, by the sound of his shoes you already knew he was there as you slouch over the corner and watch him act unfazed of you doing your job but what's running in his mind is how dedicated and sweet you are at the moment.
Before he knew it, he's visited the cafe for more than 2 times a day every single fucking day, week and he starts worrying about him being too annoying, always found at the cafe when he's supposed to do work somewhere else.
But he doesn't care either way, you have no idea what his work is like so you assume he has a very loose schedule to which he does.
Though he could be a creep who would stalk you outside the windows just to watch you converse with co-workers and customers.
This french man would meet you at a restaurant, surprisingly.
Now you thought you'd both meet at a cafe? Probably but no.
He first set his eyes on you when you walked over his table with a list on your hand and tapping the table lightly to catch his attention, asking him what he would like to get.
Now, he first thought you were some ordinary worker, but he found himself often eating at the Michelin star restaurant just to see you.
Even if he wasn't craving anything in particular, he'd buy the most expensive meal the resto could offer just to see you smile because you got a big order for the day, and a big tip he'd slide under the table just for you.
After a few months per se, you'd both be in a relationship and you'll always greet him with a happy smile when he walks in, he became a regular there just to see you.
Of course the mouth-watering delicacies are great but seeing you serving people left and right including him with a bright smile always lightens up his days.
Like cypher, he'd visit you often and would sometimes order you something you like, because you can't afford it and he'd just get it for you.
Now, you and sova met through a common friend and started hanging out together.
One day, he asked you what kind of job do you work in and to which you replied a small cozy restaurant your family made a few years ago.
He asked if he could come and you agreed to bring him there, the cozy ambiance of the resto was really welcoming and you offered to make him a meal since there were only a few customers around.
He insisted on paying and you both chatted about, talking about family stuff until he had to go, he promised he'll come again and you said you'll wait.
After 2 days he arrived, it was like he was beat up or fatigued of some sort but you knew not to question him about work.
He ordered again and asked to talk to you again if you could but there were many customers that day so you barely had any time for idle chit chat; he doesn't mind though, just seeing you working hard and great like this was enough.
If he's stressed, he'll visit, if he misses you, he'll visit. He'll always visit the restaurant because he wants to support you and your family's business and just so he can see you everyday.
She secretly loves visiting your cafe, or maybe not secretly.
When you were both dating, she'd often call you to eat somewhere and she had no idea where you worked, not until she was looking for a cafe where you guys could have a date in and she saw you right at the counter, working your ass off to serve the customers in line.
A soft smile creeped up to her face as she watches you from the window, she enters the small aesthetic cafe, she sees you and orders like she's just a stranger but she wants to see how you do your work up close.
She'd sip the piping hot coffee while inviting you for small talk.
Viper would visit often because it's not everyday she'd hang out with you for a long time, even if she just sees your face atleast for 5 minutes and rushing to work, she'll be really happy.
The other agents don't know why she keeps getting up early in the morning, so eager to get coffee; they think she's being possessed after she comes back from the coffee shop because of the wide grin in her face as she scrolls on her gallery of pictures of you.
This routine will carry on for a long time, one time she was on auto-pilot and her body just knew that she should go to the cafe, to order, and to just see your face.
Before you both got into a relationship, she asked you what your work was and you said you worked at some restaurant somewhere, she was so excited to see the place and seeing the pretty exterior of the place made her more excited.
At the table she'd start asking so many questions about the place, how long did you work here? When's your shift? How did you find this place?
Seeing you work, just like the rest, would admire your dedication for your work and would be in awe, the way you handle rude customers or the way you keep serving with a smile on your face.
Neon loves to order new dishes, especially when you made it and would order for seconds just to taste the food you made.
She won't visit often because of her work in the VP but she'll dash right outside of the restaurant whenever it's your work shift so she could greet you and see you again.
She might not even notice she spent so much time to the point where brimstone found where she was(through cypher) and dragged her out of the building because they were running late behind schedule and she decided to not go to her work.
She definitely met you at a quiet cat cafe you worked in, fade would go to different cafes that weren't too crowded so she could have some piece.
She showed no interest in you at first, but the way you tried to lighten up the mood definitely piqued her interest and decided to why not be friends with you for a while? Just friends.. right???
Fast forward to a year now you guys were dating and she's a regular there, whenever she's not making other people's lives a nightmare, she'd cool off to your cafe like it was a quiet paradise.
The cats, tasty food and seeing you made her love this place more.
She'd pay extra just so you won't kick her out because she spent the whole day here distracting talking to you and playing with the adorable cats.
This is the best cafe in the world for her because only few know this place and she'd always give a big tip so this place could still be up for a long time.
She's pretty lonely most of the time so fade would come here every day at the exact same time, to the point where everyone working in the cafe knows her.
Jett used to work in a restaurant like you do, one time while walking in the city she found a new restaurant open up.
As she opened the glass door she saw your enthusiasm that you finally had your first customer even though she hasn't ordered anything yet.
She thought it was love at first sight and she tried to maintain her composure when you walked over to her excitedly and asked what she wanted to get.
Then she asked you out, she may just be a customer but she'd give some tips and give actual good criticism to your cooking so she could help.
From that day on, she'd invite her co-workers like phoenix or yoru to eat there while watching the tv and chit chatting about stuff.
They would see the sappy demeanor whenever her eyes sets on you and you bet they teased her and would joke how down bad she is for you and stupid she looks when she's around you.
Sometimes, she'd come alone and would order a shake and some dessert, jett would always compliment your culinary skill and tease how you're so excited to see her walk in the resto.
One time she invited a bunch of the protocol to the restaurant and they enjoyed the food you and your other chef mates(yes i made that word up) made, even asking jett how she found this unique but great place and she'd bashfully answer back.
Her co-workers feel like they're all third wheels when you both interact, now they're not surprised why she comes here often.
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Meow meow fuckers, I'm writing like 10 recs all at once like its a full time job, anyways my writing progress will be much slower because i have a tight schedule, but i hope you like this fic hehe, thanks for reading and requesting! ☆
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hyunsuks-beanie · 2 years
Yandere! TXT Reaction to Another Member Calling You Hot
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Mellow speaks: Here's the TXT version of the Yandere HCs I had promised, and this was honestly super duper fun to write. Hope you guys like it!!
Tagging: @yeonyeonyeonjun @yjs6x @yedammi @sweethyuka @ivyvesisi
"Y/N looks so hot in that dress," Taehyun says under his breath, not loud enough for anyone to hear. Except for your boyfriend, who has a cat's hearing, his eyes going narrow the second the words make their way to his ear. He knows you do look hot, and he really doesn't want to deny it, but at the same time, the way your gaze falls to the floor at the compliment making his teeth clench.
He can't help himself, a "What the fuck?," slipping past his lips as he gets up from his place on the couch, his hand getting wrapped your wrist as he doesn't waste a second pulling you into his lap, his lips crashing against yours. He's shameless in that moment, sloppily kissing you as his tongue slips into your mouth, exploring it as much as he can.
Yeonjun could've thrown hands if he wanted, could have made the younger take his words back through force. But that's not what he wants, choosing instead to kill two birds with one stone, showing you your place place showing him just who you belong to.
"Y'N's the real hottie here," Beomgyu comments, his lips curving up into a smirk as he sees the photos from your recent trip to the beach with your boyfriend. Soobin doesn't say anything, choosing to let his calmness speak volumes as he simply glares at the younger male, his own lips pursed as tight as can be. It's not like he doesn't know this, but hearing someone else say that, to his face no less, annoys him to no end.
But still, he keeps his calm inside the practice room, even as his mind grows dark with the thoughts of all that he's going to do to you when he gets back home. Yeah, that's a better way of of letting his anger out, putting it to some use having fun with you instead of getting into a fight and risk being put on hiatus. That's his motto, anyway, and so, that's what he does.
And that's the reason why coming back home, all he really does is throw himself on to you, pretending to need attention for a while until he has you like putty in his hands. Once he does, it's go-time, his real intentions coming to the fore as he plays with you. What's more, the next day, Beomgyu is treated to a photo of you sleeping peacefully, your bare shoulders on display under the duvet as Soobin recounts the events from last night.
"You look so hot Y/N," Yeonjun says, a smirk plastered to his face as he shamelessly eyes you up, paying no mind to the way your boyfriend seethes at his words. They make you uncomfortable, but it's not like you can say anything in front of the members. So you choose to stay silent, biting your lip and pretending to be flattered. Your quietness though, only urges him on, his smirk widening as he says, "You'd look so much better with me."
And what that ultimately results in is Beomgyu getting up from his seat, his hand firm on your arm as you feel yourself being pulled away, the door slamming shut behind your form as you're dragged down the corridors of HYBE, your protests of "Go slower" and "You're hurting me" falling on deaf ears. His hand eventually moves to your wrist, gripping it tight until he finds the place he's looking for.
The washroom, and that too, the Mens' Washroom to be precise. Into a cubicle you go, a sinister smirk painted across your boyfriend's face as he waits for anyone to walk in, eager to show them that he's the only one who gets to call you hot and to look good with you and to show you a great time.
"Y/N is too hot to be real," are Kai's words, his eyes fixated onto the photo on his "best friend's" phone, his thoughts running wild as he sees you, dressed in a swimsuit as you kiss your boyfriend during your most recent trip to the beach. You do look really gorgeous in that, the blue and black fabric hugging your body at all the right places. But that doesn't mean anyone who's not Taehyun gets to call you "hot" right in front of him.
And so, it's only a minute or two before the slightly elder boy deems it fit to voice what be thinks, catching the younger by surprise because he's already forgotten he even said something. "What did you just say?," Taehyun questions, his head turning to look at Kai in the scariest way possible. The look on his face is probably enough to send Kai reeling, the calmness inside the room thick enough to be cut with a knife.
But that's actually all that happens, with your boyfriend saving up his energy for when he gets home, just so he can smooth-talk his way into your mind again, making you believe it's your fault for letting someone else think they can get away with calling you "hot." The result, he doesn't have to work on reminding you who owns you, because you do all the work yourself.
Huening Kai
"Man, Y/N is too hot for my health," Kai hears Soobin tell Beomgyu on his way out of the practice room, a laugh following soon after as the two of them talk about just how hot you are. But it's not like your boyfriend can make his disdain at that evident, being forced to keep up his usual cheery demeanor even though in that moment, he wants to punch someone's face.
He can't say anything, choosing to smile and act as if he didn't just hear his groupmates vocalizing their fantasies about you. He's gotta wait till he reaches home, has to keep his anger and annoyance inside him. When practice does end at last, all he can do is make a beeline for your shared apartment, his mind swimming with thoughts of how best to relieve the sudden surge of insecurities.
In the end, he takes the route he's most used to, putting up the pretense of being sad and not feeling worthy of being with you. He uses reverse-psychology on you, making you feel pity for him, which in turn becomes the source of your love. The rest of what happens that night, is the story for another day, as he lets you take care of him.
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can u a bakugo fic where the reader has siren powers like a sonic scream I hc him as partly deaf and she screams and it makes him go fully deaf and there already dating right and he's having a panic attack abt but she knows asl so she comforts him and feels so bad
i'll do my very best :)
Masterlist <3
Bakugou x Fem!Reader - Siren
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He had never told you.
The air in the training area is thick with tension as you look at what you've done, absolutely destroyed with guilt and heartache at the pain you've put your boyfriend through.
It had all started when you and Katsuki, your boyfriend, had been paired up to train together. Fair enough, just another normal day at UA. That is until you get a little frustrated at your lack of skill in comparison to the bull-headed blonde. He was just destroying everything, bits of rubble flying in every direction as he aims another blast at you, almost setting it off before you swiftly kick his arm out with what seems like the strength of ten men.
With another kick to the chest he's flying backwards, and you square your stance like a wild animal, opening your mouth and unleashing the most piercing, wailing, high-pitched frequency that travels so far and fast that the soundwaves are almost visible in the air.
And it's all thanks your quirk.
The 'Siren' quirk is supposed to make you a wolf in sheeps clothing, attracting prey with a pretty face and irresistible charm, and ensnaring them with a banshee shriek and legs strong enough to make a brick wall crumble in a single kick.
There are a few drawbacks, however. Everyone is vulnerable to your quirk except for women. They dont answet to your cry or your charm.
Another drawback being the, albeit temporary, damage done to yours and others' ears. This is where you start to get a little careless.
You didn't know, okay? Katsuki had never told you about his sensitive hearing for some reason, and as you recover from the ringing in your ears you spot your boyfriend sitting on the floor a few feet away, his head in his hands as he presumably covers his ears. Everyone's staring now, and Aizawa Sensei is quick to get recovery girl to undo the damage that's been done.
While the teachers work to quickly and efficiently help your boyfriend you can't help but to stand there, frozen in shock and desperately hoping that maybe you'll just open your eyes and wake up from this nightmare.
But you don't, and when you realise that this is real, and that somehow you must've really hurt Katsuki, you quickly make your way to him on shaking, unsteady legs, holding back your own tears while you focus on what's more important. Your boyfriend, whom you've just deafened with your stupid quirk.
"Katsuki! Katsuki-... Oh my god, are you okay?! Can you hear me?"
The realisation dawns on you that he can't hear you at all, and is only alerted of your presence by the gentle hand you set on his back. He's seconds away from slapping your hand off of him, when he realises it's you and calms down a little.
You've never seen him looking this frightened before. His bright red eyes stare up into your like a kicked puppy, his body shaking as he whimpers and looks around frantically, his eyes gone glossy with tears that he refuses to shed.
You collect your thoughts as you try to catch a confused and disoriented Katsuki's attention, signing to him once his eyes are on you. He was the one who taught you sign, and maybe you should've realised sooner what he was trying to tell you by doing that...
'I hurt your ears, i'm so sorry. But Recovery Girl is on the way. You'll be fine.'
Your hope that the ASL would've made him feel better only shattered along with your heart as he clings to your shirt with one hand and lays the other on the ground to steady himself while he hyperventilates loudly.
Katsuki is having a panic attack. And it's all because you fucked up. You just wish you could go back in time and fix things.
You need to stop getting distracted. You rub Katsuki's back and comfort him as best as you can, shooing away your curious and worried classmates and letting Katsuki bury his head into your lap and cry in privacy. He's so strong... and you're falling apart.
After a feew minutes of Katsuki's panickin, the school nurse comes quickly to his aid, giving him a quick peck on the cheek and saying that he'll need to come to her office when he's well rested to do a hearing test. The blonde doesn't catch this, as he's fallen asleep in your lap, but you make sure to plan a visit after you help Katsuki back to his room. taking it upon yourself to fix your mistake and pay the price for your carelessness.
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helmarok · 2 years
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ok theres like a lot of shit in my canon but im just gonna go like a bit post journeys.
the trio since SM have wanted to live in alola and settle down there, but the reason they stayed in the organization was for stability (and many times in the jn time period including jn095, jessie fears losing said stability). at that point they are just about done- jessie and james who got married there discuss quitting and having a kid, though meowth the one with a brain tells them it's a bad idea when their only source of income would be a food truck which is pretty unreliable to live off of. the day they were told by giovanni to go to kanto again they were offered a huge promotion, so they all decided to continue on and save money for settling down.
journeys itself is full of a lot of stuff like meowth ends up adopting a son named scrimblo and growlie evolves to an arcanine. most of their time in kanto is spent doing nothing if not james and meowth fixing other rocket's things as part of their job (their promotion was to field engineers). after about 2 years living in a basement they quit after they find out jessies having a kid so....... giovanni lets them off easy cuz like thats his sister and he somehow manages to get their criminal records wiped. they pack up and move to alola afterwards. ash, misty, and brock also go as brock got a job in the melemele island pokemon center cuz the joy there retired and she settled down with the jenny lol. the three of them didnt even mean to come with but they of course ended up on the same flight as the trio cuz they are destined to bump into eachother no matter what
theres like a lot of stuff in between all that but they all go to the treehouse and have lunch. then james takes note of how small the interior is, and how there's no bedroom for when their kid gets old enough to have one. ash being mr helpful protagonist volunteers to build another room, and then james ms autism goes nuts and plans it out in like 10 minutes. ash goes and gets kukui and his family the next day and he's like "LOOK WHO'S HERE TO HELP" and james cries cuz her hero... wants to help... eventually they also get to work on a new cafe called "mama ki's malasada cafe" for a more reliable business that isn't screwed over by the weather
its all just found family building a house and having fun at the beach and having big dinners really... have some smaller listed hcs too
their daughter's name is jaime
later theyre in a polyam with harley, who surprised them by buying the property for the cafe
they have 2 more girls one with harley and another of james (jackie n jordan) and then adopted two others (marley and kalina) so you can imagine amount of house this can tree
the treehouse also becomes a pokemon center for wild pokemon. jessie earned her GED not long after journeys and later was given a professional license for being a pokemon nurse from brock after she worked as his assistant in her spare time. injured wild pokemon will often stop by the treehouse if not carried in by mama ki, and the trio but especially jessie will help nurse it back to health
brock gets married to a singer my oc my man LOUDREAD
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misty and ash are in a qpr and honestly just do whatever. they dont... actually have important jobs... misty gave the gym to daisy, ash is a pokemon master whatever that means so hes just chilling. they DO however work at mama ki's part time. you probably wouldnt expect the protagonist to work at their enemies' little cafe but they do... ash was banned from the food truck though cuz hes crashed 3 of brock's cars
meowth is very old, i mean he was already fairly old even in OS but now hes like. EXTRA old. its sorta sad, though hes still kickin. hes got a cane to keep on two feet and hes got glasses cuz he started to go blind. hes also starting to go deaf, and getting sick more often than not. this obviously raises concerns, but he dismisses them.
speaking of meowth he is gay married to pikachu theyre like old white men wearing hawaiian shirts and watching the sunset
i have many more hcs, if theres a specific thing anyone wants to know ill be glad to answer any asks 🥳
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thunderheadfred · 3 years
🦅Hawks HC’s🦅
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This is SO unnecessarily long. Some NSFW. Minors do not interact.
- - - - -
Has zero social life or hobbies outside of work. He knows it’s unhealthy, but like, who has the time?? Oh? Lots of people do?? Haha what are healthy work/home boundaries? He desperately wants to retire and always talks about a world without heroes, but the truth is he would have no idea what to do with himself if he got his way. Take him to a park at midnight and watch him turn into a giant repressed child on a swing. He’ll do a standing-360 and it will be terrifying.
Listens to music way too loud in his headphones to drown out wind noise. Probably half deaf at this point. His musical taste is wild; listening history all over the fucking place. Algorithms have no idea what to do with him.
That visor? It’s prescription. Wow is he far-sighted. He wears glasses. He’s not blind without them (rather the opposite) but they help him see things directly in front of him without massive eye strain. Yeah, he looks really hot in glasses.
Prefers communicating via text. Sometimes it’s a lot of dumb memes, but mostly it’s sincere. He can say what he means when he doesn’t have to put on a public front.
Smokes like a chimney. Self medicates with stimulants. Coffee, tobacco, sugar. Fidgety, likes things in his mouth or hands. Gnashes on toothpicks and popsicle sticks. He really should go back to therapy, huh? His teeth are sparkling white for the cameras but his breath could use some work. Chews gum a lot to compensate, and always does it really loudly with a big shit-eating grin.
Impatient as fuuuuuck. Rude about it. If you take too long doing anything, you’re going to hear a foot tapping. He’ll smile and laugh it off, never ever directly criticize you about it. But lord, the dramatic sighs. He WILL nudge you out of the way and take over in order to finish a task faster, and it’s truly fucking annoying.
LOVES food. Has the metabolism of an actual bird. Will seize upon any excuse to eat. No need to be self-conscious about eating in front of him; he wants you to enjoy it. Steals bites from you and talks with his mouth full. Prefers street food and take-out, usually eats while walking or flying. Sit-down restaurants are an invitation for gawkers.
He’s one of those celebrities that looks way taller on TV. In real life, he’s small and compact. So you’re surprised the first time you see him in person. He has a big head. Literally.
If you’re taller or bigger than him, he does Not Care. He treats everyone like they’re four feet tall, even Endeavor. Everything you do is cute. If you’re actually short, he’s going to carry you around all the time, and there’s nothing you can do about it.
Collects big chunky overpriced watches. All the better to tell you you’re late.
Half his clothes are brand fucking new. Sometimes he forgets to take off the tags. (Don’t look at the prices, do NOT) He never seems to wear the same thing twice. He also never seems to go shopping. Brands just give him stuff, and he shrugs and goes “yeah okay.”
The other half of his clothes are old, faded, and patched up. Every item he acquires for himself has deep sentimental value. If you tell him to throw away that nasty ten-year-old pair of frayed cargo pants, be prepared to find out how wrong and evil you are for even suggesting it.
He doesn’t snore; he coos. Loudly. Like a fucking pigeon trapped in a megaphone.
- - - - -
Gift-giving is his love language. Bringing your favorite snacks. Leaving novelty magnets on your fridge. He found a copy of that book/game/movie you mentioned like a month ago, don’t you remember? If he has to go out of town on a job, he’ll bring back the ugliest possible souvenir, just to annoy you.
He likes gifting jewelry especially. Covering you in shiny baubles, little golden things. Not expensive, but unusual. Antiques or handmade, even bizarre vending machine crap. Gets really handsy if you wear or show off his gifts.
Since you’re the first person who has given him The Feels, if you are resistant to his advances (like, say, because he’s way too famous and you’re terrified he’s gonna break your heart) he’s going to go fucking nuts trying to woo you. Doesn’t have a single patient bone in his body but will wait as long as it takes for you to come around. He’ll act like he’s cool with just being friends at first, just hanging out, haha. Oh you’re busy today? That’s cool. Inside he’s shrieking like a tea kettle. Go ahead, make him wait.
Don’t bother giving him a key to your place. He’s coming in through the bedroom window or patio door. Just put out a damn welcome mat on your balcony... or a bird feeder.
A bit of a voyeur. He likes to watch you do your normal routine without interruption. He can see from miles away so if you’ve got your lights on at night, he’ll creep for a while before he comes in. It comforts him immensely, seeing a little slice of the world that isn’t constantly in need of saving.
Is super talkative and funny but a terrible communicator. Makes more jokes the worse he feels. Will almost never tell you what he needs. Most of the time, he doesn’t even know. You will learn to read between the lines and gradually notice his tiny unconscious cries for help. Back rubs make him emotional.
He shows up at your place at the weirdest times. All hours. You’re never ready. At first it was infuriating, because you wanted to look your best and have time to prepare, but you figure out pretty quickly that seeing you in your natural state is his favorite thing. He never gets to be around normal people, doing normal things. A boring, lazy afternoon is his idea of paradise.
He’ll pick through your things and ask a world of invasive questions. A medicine cabinet raider. He wants to know every fucking tiny thing about you, live vicariously through you.
He actually lives in a top floor penthouse. Because I mean, where else? Never spends any time there; mostly he seems to roost on the balcony. He has used the front door maybe once. He much prefers your place, and will only take you back to his after months of dating. It’ll take like, an entire emergency. You’ll end up in his bed by mistake.
Because when you finally come over, he’s embarrassed. Its sparse. White. Things in boxes. A new furniture smell. Like he’s not done moving in, though he’s lived there for years. He wants you to move in So Bad but doesn’t want to be pushy. If you don’t start leaving your stuff there, he’ll steal things from your apartment. Where the hell is your favorite t-shirt? Or that pillowcase you like? Dammit Keigo.
He’s a decent cook, a habit he made himself pick up because he thought it might make him feel more normal. It... didn’t. He never actually cooks until you give him an excuse. He’ll bring you breakfast in bed and watch you eat every bite with big hungry eyes.
He’s got a separate wardrobe for his hero costume and all his feathers. Yeah. His feathers. Because he can detach and control his feathers at will, when he’s alone at home he kind of just... shucks off his wings. The first time you see him do it, your eyes fall out of your head. He walks around in a tee shirt and boxers with these ugly little stumps covered in brownish, blood-red down. It actually looks kind of gnarly, like he got mauled by a bear.
He’s never dated until you. No one has ever been in his apartment until you. No one has called him Keigo until you. He has some bigass intimacy issues. Because. Y’know. The trauma. But god, he wants you in his life so bad, even if he has no idea how to make time for your relationship.
He’ll want to keep you to himself for a while. Once you go public he’s going to have an arm around your shoulders at all times. Publicly Displays his Affection way more than is socially acceptable in Japan, and gives precisely -100,000 fucks.
His fans either love you or hate you. There is no in between. He will immediately take your phone and threaten to drop it from a great height if he catches you reading shitty gossip about the two of you. Does NOT care about his public image anymore, doesn’t want YOU to care about it either. He’s gonna retire soon anyway, remember? That’s a lie.
Being a charming motherfucker is the core of his public persona, so you will get jealous. A lot. He will flirt shamelessly without realizing it. He will get photographed in compromising positions with gorgeous people.
Once you accept that he’s basically an actor 80% of the time and that Hawks and Keigo are separate identities, you’ll both feel better. When he comes home (to YOU) and falls over exhausted and stops being Hawks(tm), when he scratches his ass or burps in front of you, when he yells to you from the bathroom, when he groans childishly about his shitty day while laying face-down in your lap, you’ll know you have nothing to worry about. Keigo is all yours.
Boundaries? Never heard of ‘em. He’s either a million lightyears away or he’s glued to your hip. The whiplash is astounding.
Absolutely says “I love you” wayyyyyy to soon. It thrills you but scares you off at the same time, because there’s no way Hawks - The Hawks - can actually mean it, right? (He does)
Rings? Nah. When things get serious, he will make a necklace out of a feather for you, and if you ever take it off, you better be asleep or in the shower. Even then you’re on thin fuckin ice. If you’re not wearing it he knows. He’s never mean about making you put it back on, it just makes him nervous if he can’t feel your heartbeat.
- - - - -
High sex drive. Horny like 25/7. Probably a symptom of having way too much pent up stress.
Often takes care of it himself when he doesn’t have the emotional resources for anyone else, even his S.O. Figures you don’t want him coming on to you as often as he would like to, but he’s too stupid to talk to you about it first. Morning masturbator.
Yes he’s fucked around a lot but he’s not exactly a playboy either. People have always thrown themselves at him, and before he met you he let them do it. Especially when out of town and staying in a hotel. Whatever happens in Vegas stays in Vegas, etc.
He’d never be unfaithful to you though; his loyalty and dedication are frankly a little unsettling. Sometimes you feel like the only thing in his life other than hero work. Teach this man to knit. Make him join a book club. Christ. Anything.
Does in fact have seasonal mating patterns and it’s super embarrassing.
An underwear-sniffing perv. He’ll definitely hump your pillow.
Gets a sick thrill out of breaking in and startling you. Coming up behind you in the dark, sneaking into your bed. It’s probably his worst habit, and even he hates that he does it. If you get better at detecting him he’ll be so proud. Land a slap on him and he’ll be a horny mess.
Dog-whistles at you. Often from rooftops, and you have no idea where he is but you know he’s leering.
He will call you a lot of really stupid pet names. He likes the way you blush when he finds a newer, stupider one. Calls you angel when he’s really far gone.
Likes to scratch you with his stubble until your skin turns raw and sensitive. If it annoys you or hurts a little? Even better. Making you squirm is his new favorite thing. Especially when going down on you. Your inner thighs are always exfoliated.
His cock is average in every respect. This is not a bad thing. He knows how to please you with every totally normal inch of that cock. He has some kind of homing beacon installed on your sensitive spots.
Goes absolutely insane for blowjobs. Any time, any place.
Likes to bend you around in all kinds of positions with an assist from his feathers to hold up an ankle here, an arm there. Get used to floating mid-coitus. It just seems to happen.
His number one priority is making you feel adored and at home in his bed. Ohhhhh he likes to make you smile. But if you encourage him to get pushy and dominant with you, you will have a good, good time.
He’s switchy, and will lose his shit if you initiate or take control. Again, he’s always horny for you, because he can finally let go. Breathe in his direction and he’s hard.
Doesn’t moan much, but Babe, he’s a dirty talker. He’s not smooth or deliberate about it, it’s more like he can’t fucking believe you let him do whatever he wants to you. You like that huh? Like he’s in stages of shock. He’s singing your praises to high Heaven and muttering oh shit oh shit oh shittttttt and laugh-crying as he cums. He never talks about his feelings; he fucks about them.
After. Care. King. He loves pampering and clucking over you anyway, this is simply another excuse to do it. He knows exactly how much water you drink in a day. Can’t take care of himself for shit, but you? You’ll never have a need he won’t try to fill. What’s all that hero work for if not this? Yeah, soak it up. You deserve it.
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brownskinwaifu · 3 years
hcs of mikey slipping viagra in his s/o drink and eating her out until she can’t take it anymore
Abit of bonten is here btw!
How long has it been? 2 hours.. No.. 3- fuck another orgasm piling up and ready to be slapshed out onto the fine dining table in the meeting hall. Skin all sticky yet drenched from body sweat creating little pools around the natural crevices and dips of your body as your back arches again for a another ground shattering orgasm almost leaving your jaw slacked. It's a mess. Corners of the table are dripping with fluids, mostly yours but majorly belonging to the 6 figures towering over you with much hunger and carnal instincts to fuck you over again. and again. and again. Non-stop until you pass out. "aren't you one tough cookie? want us to leave you brain dead but dick hungry for us baby?" onyx irises staring you down as he continues pumping himself full of you whilst Rindou licks off stripes of your drool forming at the corner of your mouth "don't space out on us sugar cmon speak up" smirks evident on all 6 of the mens' faces. "Mi.. sir.. wan-"
"use your big voice can't. hear. you. baby" Mikey gruffly whispers in your ear, whiny groan fills the room accompained with rapid thursting and clit flickering to once again stimulate your abused swollen clit. Head thrown back in pleasure, confidently exclaiming profanities on how blissful you make him feel. "I can't take it fuck baby that's one hell of a pussy" "you had so many rounds yet you're this tight?" Your head spinning and denying of more since long ago falls deaf on their ears as you suprisingly let out the most wanton moans, cumming out hard fresh juices while simultaneously suffocating his dick with all your grip, still more cum leaking on him creating a white cum ring around his base. Skin clapping either from hands jerking for quick releases to you and Mikey or just Mikey. He has never seen such beauty like you, giving him such motivation to start all over again and greedily tend to his ego. "y/n who makes you feel this good?" slow thursts keep you sane at this moment but you feel so uncomfortable, so unreasonably incomplete. Fuck. It's another one. "Mikey please I'm tir-" rapid thrusts pick up this time going on almost animalistic, wild dark eyes peering over you to see your tired teary sex glow expressions. "I'm not repeating myself give me your answer" it's too much for you to even emit noise until he strokes a deep sweet place where none has reached sending you in a frenzy. "yes-mikey it's you sir all of you-ugh fuck that's s-so good" What an ego booster. The uncomfortable feeling settling within your clit, you feel a quick urge to pee but you can't move. Pleasure is overflowing the whole scenario and you can't speak anymore as Mikey lands a cute pinch to indicate a greenlight "yes baby release let it all go for me" "fucking hell you're so hot you dirty fox" one last cry as you squirt all over his pelvic region and onto the table to have it drip to the floor. Different sets of bewildered eyes all land on you finally allowing all parties to release hard. Mikey being the last one out of hall, pulls out to tender his dick flicks around his tip to dump his crazy load onto your thighs. Leaning to kiss your forehead, he picks you up for cleaning.
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thottyimagines · 2 years
Individuals masterpost
Naruto and Sakura have a nice S/O AU
On being a himbo
Being jealous
Headcanons (II)
Awkward sex headcanons
Soulmate tattoo AU
On being whipped
NSFW headcanons
What on earth are taxes
Drinking bong water
Dick hc
Naruto and Sakura have a nice S/O AU
Is she a face sitter or a seat?
Sakura could’ve been a mad scientist
Jealous sex
Can she tell teeth marks from the bite?
On (not) being a himbo
Awkward sex headcanons
Soulmate tattoo AU
On being whipped
Team taka hc
What if Sasuke’s crush liked Itachi?
Random hc
Sasuke merely endures food
‘Crackhead energy’ S/O
Do not mark Sasuke
He’s a strange lad (II)
Drunk Sasuke meets Drunk Neji
Headcanons (II)
Drinking bong water
NSFW headcanons
Soft boi (II)
On finishing too fast
Dick hc
He Bites
Sasuke doesn't know how a one night stand works
On being a himbo
Being jealous
Drinking bong water
Want a rock?
On finishing too fast
Headcanons (II)
Jealous sex
Taking care of sick Kiba
Dick hc
Dick hc (II)
NSFW hc (II)
Hissed at other children
Being jealous
Soulmate tattoo AU
On being whipped
Dick hc
Could Shikamaru and Shikaku share a partner?
With a Deaf S/O
Is he lazy doing the do?
Being called daddy
NSFW hc (II)
Rick and Morty
Dick hc
Soulmate tattoo AU
Neji needs to blow his nose
Gut health
Drunk Sasuke meets Drunk Neji
Soft boi
Dick hc
What on earth is under that linen kimono?
NSFW hc (II)
Seeing someone who rejected him in the wild
Rock Lee
On finishing too fast
Dick hc
Headcanons (Part II)
NSFW headcanons
Jealous Iruka
Relationship hc
No kith for you
Dick hc
On being whipped
What would he be like with an s/o who likes winding him up?
High school AU
Pygmalion/Galatea/Galatea II
Being a cunt
Healing that liver
Being a cunt
Poor decisions (II) (III)
Living deliciously
Winter shedding
What that tongue do (not horny)? (II) 
Isolation tank
Dumptruck ass
Dick size
Good times with wretched students
Hissed at other children
What did the Akatsuki think of him?
Body snatcher time
Voodoo dolls
Likes feet
Ass vs. boobs
Big dick
Has one glorious brain cell
His one brain cell is why people love him
On being whipped
Did he go to orgies?
BFF Hashirama
On being whipped
Fluff (II)
NSFW headcanons
Jealous sex
Big dick
Double cheeked up for what?
Brawling in the 7-eleven parking lot
A strange lad
Dick hc
Taking care of S/O on their period
Finishing too quickly
A menace unto middle school (II)
With an S/O from Konoha
Relationship hc
Needs some individual love atm
Vying for Orochimaru’s attention
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