#autumn tbr
kwc-reads · 9 months
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part one of my autumn tbr list (not counting upcoming releases)🍁
what would you add to this list?
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moondust-bard · 8 months
Currently, I’m crafting my autumn/spooky season audiobook reading list. I’m taking recs. Drop your favorite witchy, mild horror, quirky, gothic, cozy, cult-y, books. Books with spooky manors or forests, feminine rage, cute animal companions, mutual pining, and Howl Pendragon coded characters welcome.
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Hello, how are you?✨ 
Today I bring to you (a bit late as usual) my autumn TBR, of which I am currently half way through 😅
So, in no particular order, we have: ▪︎The secret history by Donna Tartt (do not come at me, but I was not the biggest fan of this one) ▪︎The creeping shadow and The empty grave by Jonathan Stroud (the 4th and 5th installment in the Lockwood & Co. series) ▪︎The graveyard book by Neil Gaiman (which is just really good) ▪︎ A far wilder magic by Allison Saft (that I keep on seeing everywhere and also that cover 😍) ▪︎Ordinary Monsters by J.M. Miro (in this gorgeous Italian edition that reminds me a lot Jonathan Strange ✨) ▪︎The golem and the Jinni by Helene Wecker (that has been on my shelf for ages)
Also, if you scroll, you can see the rest of my autumn list on Notion 😊
What about you? What are your reading plans for this fall? 👀🍂
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mxgxn · 2 years
Fuck It! Fall TBR
that I haven't already read
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viomakesart · 8 months
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autumnsvoice87 · 2 years
Autumn in MN
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francesbeau · 2 years
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Autumn / Winter Read Ambitions
- Decay of an Angel
- Wind up Bird Chronical
- Essentials
- The Secret History
- Brideshed Revisited
- Little Women
- Middlemarch
- Oblomov
- The Spy
- Autumn
Possibly re-read:
- Crime & Punishment
- The Idiot
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hortensiahoro · 2 years
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Fall journal entry no 4: comfy, cozy books 💕🍂
I saw my favorite YouTuber Darling Desi’s new Autumn videos, and I loved her book recommendations for Autumn!
Especially the Nancy Drew’s drew me in! I had to order the two first books in the series. I have actually just finished the first one, the Secret of the Old Clock- and I admit, the cover is really autumnal but the story, while being cozy and fun, could have been a bit more dark and adventurous!
But I’m sure that the other stories in the series will be just that! Im excited to cozy up and read the second book. They really are perfect to read on a crisp autumn afternoon!
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study-coffee-chicago · 8 months
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Bujo spreads, coffee, books, and fall weather. That’s me in a nutshell.
Also, I’m being very ambitious with my TBR this month…we’ll see if it pans out.
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kwc-reads · 9 months
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part two of my autumn tbr list (not counting upcoming releases)🍂
have you read any of the books on this list?
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lifeimitatesart1998 · 9 months
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New books/ tbr pile
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cassiesbookishcorner · 7 months
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•October 26, 2023•
I'm a little late, but I'm finally starting the book club pick for October.
So far, it seems like everyone is enjoying it and that makes me very excited but also nervous.
Have you ready any spooky and/or autumn reads this month?
What was your favorite?
Edit: this was a 5 star and the cutest book I've ever read!
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the---hermit · 9 months
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How my tbr shelf is looking at the moment.
It is once again the birthday of this beloved sideblog of mine. I cannot believe I just made it three years ago. So many things changed in the meantime, I got to make so many new friends thanks to this little online journal, I wrote my first thesis and graduated, I started my masters degree, and so much more. I feel like have grow so much since then, I should make a new i troduction post but I am lazy and I have been procrastinating it. Today was a calm uneventful day made of reading and crocheting mostly. I did watch a movie with my brother in the morning, we have been in the mood to rewatch the muppet's treasure island for a while, and it was a delight as always. In the adternoon I rearranged my tbr shelf adding a couple of books I would like to reread. I did avoid putting there the first five volumes of Something Is Killing The Children, because I am waiting for the six volume to come out at the beginning of next month, but I'd like to reread those as well. I have also been considering starting working on a few recorded lectures this week (so a week before the actual start of my classes), mostly because there's a lot to do and I'd like to see how much I can work on in a day to plan my studying for next month. I don't know if I actually will or not, but the thought is there.
Cozy hobbit autumn activities:
Watching a movie with my brother and laughing at the same old jokes
Crocheting while listening the audiobook of The Burning God
Catching up with podcasts (both re:dracula and the antiquarium of sinister happenings, which I am very much enjoying)
Thinking about books I'd like to get this autumn
Planning my to-dos for the upcoming week
Practicing Irish on duolingo
📖: The Burning God by R.F. Kuang, Of Ghosts And Ghoblins by Lafcadio Hearn
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ghoulvangogh · 9 months
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-can you feel autumn in the air?
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poppletonink · 8 months
September Reading Wrap Up
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Myth and Romance: The Art of J.W. Waterhouse by J.W. Waterhouse - ★★★★☆
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If Were Villains by M.L. Rio - ★★★★★
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Loveless by Alice Oseman - ★★★★☆
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atruegift · 2 years
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August 2, 2022 | Tuesday
My stacks of TBR books never seem to be ending and I can only blame myself for that.
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