#ava porcelain
sticks-without-stones · 6 months
about time i put my own characters here
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names are in the tags :-)
i've had some of these guys for like.. years.
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mynonjo · 6 months
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Shadows of Sybil
Setting: Chicago by Night
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Ava Heloise
Clan: Toreador
Age appearance: 29
Eye color: Red
Hair: Black
Ava is carrying the shadow of a powerful Lasombra.
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Dakota Raine
Clan: Gangrel
Age appearance: 18
Eye color: Blue
Hair: Red dreads, long messy
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Ollie Hopkins
Clan: Nosferatu
Age appearance: 30
Eye color: Brown
Hair: Brunette, clean shaven
Was previously a boxer - tall and has a large build. Wears a realistic porcelain mask to cover disfiguration underneath.
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Shuichi Saito
Clan: Tremere
Age appearance: 35
Eye color: Brown
Hair: Dark brown
Wears a signature green suit with broach. Was consumed by shadows & the abyss but is connected to Ava.
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Clan: Ventrue
Age appearance: 8
Eye color: Green
Hair: Pink
Wears a shoolgirl uniform with two black bows. Carries a stuffed lamp chop plush.
Long post but I was so happy to have the chance to draw these lovely characters for such a great chronicle ☺️ Have to introduce them all!
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kiisstuff · 9 months
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"Soulmate" is an interactive fiction story that follows the journey of Reyan, a high school girl who has recently been transferred to a new school. Eager to find love and belonging in this unfamiliar place, she encounters five potential romantic interests: Ava, an artistic girl with a unique sense of style; Daniel, the charismatic jock known for his athletic prowess; Gea, the popular girl who seems to have it all; Robert, the brilliant nerd who's passionate about academics; and Maxine, the troublemaker known as Max, who has a rebellious edge. Amidst navigating high school drama, friendships, and secrets, players will help Reyan make choices that shape her future, leading her towards her one true soulmate.
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Players will face a variety of choices throughout the story, allowing them to guide Reyan's actions and shape her destiny. These decisions will impact her relationships, friendships, and ultimately determine her soulmate.
Character Interaction:
Interact with the five romantic interests, Ava, Daniel, Gea, Robert, and Max, through engaging dialogues and choices. Get to know them better, uncover their personalities, and discover shared interests.
Character Development:
Each romantic interest has a unique character arc and growth throughout the story. Players will witness their personal development as they navigate the challenges of high school life.
Multiple Endings:
"Soulmate" features multiple endings based on the choices made throughout the game. Players can experience different outcomes, including finding Reyan's true soulmate or exploring various paths of her high school life.
Relationship Status:
Keep track of Reyan's evolving relationships with the romantic interests. The game provides a relationship status tracker, allowing players to see how close they are to each character.
Backstory Unveiling:
Delve into the pasts of each romantic interest as Reyan gets to know them better. Uncover their secrets, dreams, and insecurities, leading to a deeper emotional connection.
Emotional Engagement:
"Soulmate" aims to evoke a range of emotions, from joy and laughter to heartbreak and empathy. Players will become emotionally invested in Reyan's journey as she seeks love and belonging.
Meeting Other Characters:
In addition to the romantic interests, players will interact with a cast of supporting characters, including friends, teachers, and rivals. These interactions will shape Reyan's overall high school experience and influence her choices.
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Ava - The Artistic Soul
Ava is a free spirit with an artistic soul. She's imaginative, creative, and has a deep appreciation for beauty in all forms. She's also known for her kindness and compassion.
Appearance: Ava has long, wavy auburn hair that falls gracefully down her back, complemented by emerald green eyes that seem to hold entire galaxies within them. Her skin is porcelain-pale, and she often wears bohemian-style clothing, adorned with vibrant colors and flowing fabrics.
Daniel - The Jock with a Heart of Gold
Daniel is the jock with a heart of gold. He's confident, outgoing, and passionate about sports. Despite his popularity, he's down-to-earth and approachable.
Appearance: Daniel has a tall, athletic build, with short, sandy blond hair that matches his striking blue eyes. His sun-kissed skin reflects his time spent on the field, and he typically wears his sports team's jersey.
Gea - The Popular Queen Bee
Gea is the epitome of popularity. She's charismatic, social, and always the center of attention. Beneath her confident exterior, she harbors insecurities and secrets.
Appearance: Gea has long, flowing black hair that cascades down her back, framing her enchanting hazel eyes. Her complexion is a warm olive tone, and she's often seen wearing the latest fashion trends that accentuate her natural beauty.
Robert - The Nerd with a Brilliant Mind
Robert is the school's intellectual powerhouse. He's a bookworm, tech genius, and excels in academics. He's shy, introverted, but incredibly kind-hearted.
Appearance: Robert has messy, chestnut-brown hair and wears thick-rimmed glasses that emphasize his intelligent gaze. His skin is fair, and he dresses in comfortable, casual attire, often sporting graphic tees and jeans.
Maxine (Max) - The Troublemaker with a Rebellious Streak
Max is the enigmatic troublemaker, known for her fearless attitude and rebellious spirit. She's a bit of a mystery, with a tough exterior hiding a softer side.
Appearance: Max has a punk-rock style, with short, jet-black hair and intense, stormy gray eyes. Her dark skin adds to her edgy appeal, and she's usually seen in leather jackets, ripped jeans, and combat boots.
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demo: https://dashingdon.com/go/15340 (01.01.2024)
forum: https://forum.choiceofgames.com/t/soulmate-wip/147221
Tumblr: Soulmate-If , TBFamily-If
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cookiesupplier · 1 month
Every Rose Has Its Thorns - Part Forty-Two
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pairing: Ricky Olson x ofc x Chris 'Motionless' Cerulli
warnings/tropes: slow burn, soulmates, strangers to enemies to lovers, betrayal, angst, fluff, smut, language, online bullying, panic attacks, stalking, mental health issues, conspiracy theories.
summary: In a world where soulmates inexplicably receive a tattoo that will match that of their soulmate the moment they turn eighteen years old, being famous and covered in very visible tattoos can make finding your true soulmate a questionable fate. For everyone involved.
author’s note: Unbeta'd as usual, enjoy!
To read from the beginning, check out the Masterlist Here!
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tags: @faceless-mirror @missduffsblog @tamtam-elizabeth @witchyweeb34 @tearfallpixie
@wild-child-7747 @shilohrosechicken @lacktoesandtoddlerants @blackveilomens @valiantroeagleangel
@bngurngheart @dominuslunae @collapsedglasshouses @embracethereaper42 @emmmm127
@sunsshinesunny @spicywhenspeaking
If you would like to be added to this tag list please see THIS FORM
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Talia was ready, Ricky had told her yesterday before she left that he was going to pick her up along with Chris. She had offered to meet him there if he’d only tell him where they were going, but he’d been stubborn and refused to tell her what he had planned. More realistically, Talia probably thought he had absolutely no idea what they were going to do and him asking them on this date was spur of the moment and now was scrambling on the fly. What else could it be, he’d only just confirmed they were all without a doubt soulmates together yesterday afternoon, it wasn’t like he’d been planning this date for a while. Ricky had been vehemently against wanting to date her, wanting to date anyone, let alone having anything to do with soulmates, thanks to Grace. Let's be honest, Talia not only didn’t blame him, she had been feeling exactly the same way for years now, at least about the soulmates part. The dating part had been partially made that way because of the soulmate side of it.
So no, she didn’t blame him one bit, and yes, she thought he was scrambling now find something that was worthy of this date, at least she hoped he was. Then again, if anyone could get a reservation, or whatever he had planned, for something last minute in this town, it would be a member from a band that had made a name for themselves. Not to mention called this town home. Who knows what he could be coming up with on the fly. 
By the time the pair of them had finished with work together to get her ready, Talia felt like a porcelain doll, plucked, and polished to perfection. At least she had managed to talk her out of the stiletto heels she tried to convince her to borrow. There was no way she would have wanted to wear them on a date even if she’d known where she was going, let alone a mystery date. So instead she was wearing some mid-heel wedges. They were enough that they still made her ass look phenomenal according to Ava, but still felt like she had solid footing, she never felt like she had the balance to tiptoe in stilettos anyway. Ava had tried to claim to convince her that it wasn’t balance, it was confidence, but all it got from Talia was an eye roll as she turned back to the mirror to finish her makeup.
Now, she was waiting in the foyer of Vinny’s house until Ricky and Chris got there. She had always planned to. However, Ava tried to insist on going even one step further than that, just waiting for them to come to the door apparently wasn’t enough for her. This was an official date, Ava had even wanted to open the door herself like she was her overprotective parent. Only to have Talia scoff slightly and glancing over to Vinny.
“Hey Vinny, so, you know how I’m not a cock block while I’m living here?”
Oh, watching his eyes go wide right then was amusing, perfect.
“Right, so-”
“Ava, babe, let's go make some popcorn and watch a movie-”
Yea, he was getting what she was throwing down, now, whether Talia would actually do what she was implying, making his sex life very difficult and all that? That was beside the point. Obviously, Vinny wasn’t about to take that risk by letting his girlfriend get in the way. Talia couldn’t help but chuckle a little as she witnessed a complaining Ava being pulled along as Vinny sort to get her out of the way as she waited for Ricky and Chris to arrive. Hopefully it wouldn’t take them much longer. She was at least still waiting inside, Ava might not get to usher Ricky and Chris inside to interrogate them as she had wanted to, but Talia was still going to expect them to come to the door like gentlemen. It was a date, after all. It was almost a shame Ava was already practically living with Vinny, she’d skipped this part, cheater.
Oh, oh! There was the doorbell. Hearing a squeal from the kitchen and Vinny’s voice calling Ava’s name, followed by a No, Talia laughed, good luck Vinny wrangling her tonight, he was going to need to. Talia had a funny feeling, if Vinny didn’t manage to keep her occupied, she was going to get plagued with messages all night with how the date was going.. Actually.. Before she reached the door, she turned her head and called out back into the house,
“Vinny, confiscate her phone, will you?”
“Consider it done!”
Oh, she didn’t know if there was a scuffle, or if Vinny had taken her phone at that exactly moment, but then:
Laughing as she moved towards the door, hearing the echoes of Ava’s complaints as she made it to answer the knock. That was one less thing she had to worry about at least, she could get the run-down of her date, after it was over and not pestering her during their date. As the door swung open, her eyes fell on Ricky and Chris.
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They’d both walked to the door, of course, there was no way they one of them was going to stay in the car. Ricky not only had been the one that planned the date, he knew where they were going, but Chris insisted. There was no way that they were both going to stay in the car and just honk the horn to wait for her, no chance. Something about tonight felt like they’d been waiting for this date forever, which was rather funny, because Rick, had been in a committed relationship for years, so how was he waiting for this? 
He’d almost gotten engaged to Grace, even.
Yet, there was still something about tonight, something that felt, right. While it felt like he’d had years of his life ripped away, and that fear, that pain, he wouldn’t lie, it was still a wound that was open. He’d catch himself with moments wondering about what she was doing when he’d get reminded of her, fuck, how long was he going to be reminded of her, and it was going to kill him her lies, and the manipulation. Then he thought of Talia, and the relief, it wasn’t instant, she actually made the pain worse for a while. After all, there had been a moment when it was like he just couldn’t breathe. Then, now, when he could take a breath, that pain bled away and everything felt better. Adding Chris to the mix, and Rick felt so much calmer. The paranoia about worry about whether he could trust himself, just as he said to Talia, he wouldn’t lie, it was till there, but trusting both of them, together? That thought was so much easier. That was why he was here, that was why he was sure he could do this now.
So yes, it felt like he’d been waiting for this day, like something in him had been holding his breath waiting for this moment when everything was just how it was meant to be.
Taking one car, it was just so much more reasonable that Chris following him in his, Ricky drove them to Vinny’s to pick up Talia. No, he wasn’t giving Chris a hint of where they were going for their date. Both of them were dressed nice and casual, nice jeans, shirts, jacket hoodies, Chris knew him pretty well in that. Rick had no idea however what to expect from Talia, and he hadn’t told her what to expect from tonight.. So when the door opened and they saw her in that red dress.
Oh, that dress. 
He would be worried she had been expecting something far more extravagant than he had planned, but all he could think about, as he looked over her, was how exquisite she was. Her eyes were bright, and the fact that they were dressed casual didn’t seem to make her blink. If anything, she giggled happily as she quickly came out of the front door of the house, closing it behind her. 
“Damn, JellyBean, aren’t you something gorgeous tonight, sure we have to go out Rick?”
Smiling at the question from Chris, and the way Talia’s cheeks brightened from the obvious appraisal from them both as they walked down the path at the front of the house towards Ricky’s car in the driveway. 
“If we don’t, put that dress to waste, be a damn shame Spookie. You do look absolutely amazing, Sweetheart.”
Ricky couldn’t help but jibe at him, which had the blushing Talia in another pearl of giggles as they got to the car, which he wasn’t about to complain about in the least.
“Come on now, that's Talia’s nickname for me.”
Ricky just had to grin, chucking as Chris complaint, enjoying the way the other man’s face flushed all the same when he called him it. He might be complaining, but it had an effect, it was obvious.
“But it's so much fun making you squirm just now.”
He grinned as he opened the front passenger door for her, Chris could sit in the back, he wasn’t about to regulate Talia to the back when she had come out dressed up like that. Chris was just going to have to deal with it, but considering the way that he went straight for the back door without any fuss, he certainly didn’t seem to mind when Talia slid into the front seat.
As he climbed in behind the driving wheel, before he even got the car started, Chris was asking from the backseat.
“Now that Talia is here, can we get a hint of what we’re doing, or where we are going, now?”
Ricky shook his head with a laugh. Chris had been trying to get the information out of him all morning, but he’d been refusing, telling him that it wasn’t fair to tell him, but not Talia, of course, he’d use that against him.
“You just can’t be patient and accept a surprise, can you, Babe?”
Now that, got even more of a reaction from him than Spookie, that was definitely Talia’s, and with that, Ricky just grinned, yes, he had a good feeling about how this night was going to go. Starting the car, ready to get going as he pulled out of the drive and onto the road so they could get on their way. Ricky smirked as he focused on the road ahead, glancing in his rear view mirror at the squirming Chris in the back seat, knowing the effect he’d had on him. Enjoying the effect he’d had on him. Still, he was the only one that had any idea where they were going, so he had to focus, and he did. Change of topic, something else.
“So, Talia, what was up as you came out, all amused, practically giggling like a school girl.”
That just seemed to make her giggle again,
“That, was because I got Vinny to confiscate Ava’s phone. I mean, with how she has been all day, not to mention the fact she had planned to answer the door and wanted to interrogate the two of you before our date? I just knew she wasn’t going to leave me alone all night long, so after sort of, implying I’d cock block him if he didn’t help me, he called Ava off, and asked him to confiscate her phone. Then I walked out the door as she complained.” Her explanation was met from both men by a round of laughter, just the fact that she’d used the implication of cock blocking Vinny to get him on her side tonight had been hilarious enough. It was definitely a smooth ploy.
“Oh that's smart Sweetheart, very smart.”
“I love it JellyBean, remind me never to get in your way.”
All three of them laughing as they drove, their date night starting off in good spirits already.
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Dividers by @saradika-graphics
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dollygirl808 · 5 months
A Dead Man's Home
Childhood best friend! Simon "Ghost" Riley x Nurse!OC Ava
(Emotional, hurt/comfort, injury, breaking and entering, angst? Romance? Kinda.)
While this story is SFW, please be respectful and know that my blog as a whole is not, and is 18+ only. It's also possible that if I make this a series it'll contain smut. Thanks!
Big Masterlist
Ava gasped, falling back into the door she just closed as she saw him- just sitting there, apparently napping. Naturally, she screamed.
The man startled awake, a gun appearing in his hands as he shot up straight and pointed the gun at her, pretty blue eyes meeting hers. And then he relaxed, dropped the gun which bounced off the cushion and skittered under her coffee table. The masked man leaned back on her couch, hissing under his breath and pressing his hand into his side, which was currently bleeding through his black shirt.
There was a nice black leather jacket thrown over her dining chair, and a pair of heavy black combat boots that she almost tripped over.
"What're ya screaming for?" He asked, grimacing when speaking agitated his injuries. "Jus' me, love," He told her like it was obvious, thick British accent making her head reel. First his eyes- so familiar yet so different. Then his voice.
"W-what?" She took a stuttering breath, feeling her knees grow weak as she stared at the man currently bleeding out on her couch.
Then, slowly so as to not cause too much pain, he lifted his hand and peeled away the torn, bloodsoaked balaclava and revealed his face. Her heart skipped a beat, and she felt like she couldn't breathe.
"Si.." The tears welled up immediately, a hand coming up to cover her mouth as her voice trailed off. She felt rooted to the spot, unable to take a single step closer. His face is plenty recognizable in the dark of her apartment anyways, and there was a little light peering through the closed curtains.
Whatever face she's making must be ugly, twisted in disbelief and heartbreak and relief all rolled into one- she's always been an ugly crier, he told her so plenty of times. She must look so silly right now because he chuckled, low and deep, although the movement makes him grunt in pain again.
"Hey love," Simon rasped, chest rising with every heavy breath.
"Si... S-simon?" She asked, voice breaking off into a near silent whisper, the tears already gathering at her hand pressed to her face.
"Yeah. 'S me love,'' He told her, and that's all it took.
Ava burst into sobs, crumbling right there in her spot by the door to her knees, both hands pressed tight to muffle her opened-mouth wailing.
"Shit-" Simon cursed out, forcing himself to his feet and limping over to her. He kneeled in front of her, bruised and gloved hand hesitating before softly touching her hair like she was a wounded animal, as fragile as porcelain under his blood stained palm.
The single featherlight touch is all it took for her to throw herself at him, falling into his chest as she took them both to the ground despite his groaned protest of pain, crying into his blood-soaked shirt and clenching the fabric between his fingers like he might disappear again.
This isn't exactly what Simon expected when he came here, half delirious from blood loss, clumsily prying open her window out in the open where anyone could see. Really, she should get a security system, it was way too easy to break into her house. But that could be talked about later, after they've both calmed down and had some time to talk.
He could feel his own emotions swell, his nose and eyes burn. But he doesn't cry, no- he's far too gone for that, committed too many crimes, killed too many people. A single tear is all he allowed himself, pressing his cheek to the top of her ginger curls, letting the single droplet soak into her hair. He knows she felt it, too, but she doesn't say anything.
She's too busy cursing at him and hitting his chest and arms, and crying into his shirt and clinging to him, but she knows.
Ava sat up, half straddled over his waist from where she tackled him, cute puffy cheeks all angry and pouty as she glared down at him through teary eyes, and she slapped him. Hard, right across his face.
"You- you fucking asshole!" She sobbed, using the sleeve of her blue nurse's scrub to wipe at her teary face, but even as she tried to stop the waterworks they just kept coming.
Simon grabbed her wrists when she started pressing the heel of her palm into her eyes, pulling her hands away from her face with just one of his. His thick, scarred thumb swiped away a tear on her cheek, looking up at her with such longing as he did it. And she can't help but smile, lean into his touch as disbelieving little giggles bubbled out of her.
"I know. M' sorry Ava," He told her, voice reverent as he looked up at her as a thing to be cherished, treasured. And she was, to him. The closest thing to family he had was right here, in his arms.
"Don't Ava me!" She snapped at him, hitting at his thick muscled chest, and he let her, although it lacked any real venom or aggression. "You died! You left-!" The tears welled up again, and she hiccuped out another sob, cutting herself off.
"You left me, Si," She whimpered out, bottom lip quivering as she blinked at him through tears, fingers clenched into his black shirt again.
He swallowed thickly, barely able to meet her gaze, "I know.. 'M really sorry love." He wiped at the fresh salty tears on her face then rubbed his thumb against her cheek, and it didn't take long for her to melt into his touch again, un-clenching her hands and resting them against his middle just where his shirt was bunched up around her thick thighs.
"I missed you, so much Si- you have no idea."
"Missed you too, love," He breathed out.
Ava went to scrub at her face again with her sleeve, only to see blood on her scrubs that wasn't there before. She stared at it, blinked, then blinked again as if it would go away.
"....You're bleeding," She stated, chocolate eyes shifting from her bloodied sleeve to his face.
"Yea," He nodded once, concise, just agreeing with her statement.
They stared at each other for a moment, both silent for different reasons, Simon because he didn't have anything else to say, and Ava because she was praying for the strength not to kill him a second time and wring his neck.
She settled for smacking the side of his head before scrambling off of him, rushing to her bathroom for her first aid kit.
"Ow- what was that for?" He huffed, sitting up and dragging himself to leave back against the couch, not having the energy to stand up again.
He flinched from the bright light when she flicked on her living room switch, "For letting me squish you under me while you bled out, you moron!" She scolded him, dropping to her knees once again, this time with a white box that had the medical symbol on it.
She slapped away his hands with a click of her tongue as he tried to lift his shirt up, then pressed a thick pill into his palm and handed him her water bottle as she lifted his torn shirt for him, gingerly unwrapping his hastily-done bandaging.
"What'dya do that for anyways?" She glanced up at him as she tore open a disinfectant wipe, just to be safe. As he was about to speak she pressed it to his wounds, making him hiss out in pain. It brought a small little smile to her face.
"Little sadist," He sighed fondly, "Did it cause I missed you," He smiled softly at her despite her sadistic little revenge, eyelids all droopy as he leaned his head back against the couch cushion.
It made her heart skip a beat again, her breath stutter as she prepared her suture needle and thread. "What're you looking at me like that for?" She huffed out, tucking her chin to her chest as she stared pointedly at his wound instead of him.
"Like what love?" He asked, tilting his head to the side to look at her more.
"Like you're about to bleed out, that's what you big brute." She fished out her phone from her pocket, tossing it at him.
"You'd never let me bleed out love," He teased with a charming smile, somehow still managing to be stupidly attractive even with blood splattered on his face. He caught her phone easily, and raised an eyebrow at her in the form of a question.
"Use the flash, can't see shit on the floor," She told him, and set her emergency kit on between his legs as she half laid over his lap and half on the floor to get a better angle.
"Don't know yer code, love," He turned the phone to face her so she could unlock it.
"It's the date you told me you were joining the military." He hummed, barely noticeable pause before turning it back to face him as he put the date in- he remembered of course, the first time he broke her heart, when he said he'd be gone for months on end, only coming back every once in a while.
So, she spent the next hour properly patching him up, plucking him in the thigh or stomach whenever he let the light move. There were only two wounds that needed to be stitched, one gnarly jagged tear across his side that she couldn't even make a guess as to where it came from, and the other on his thigh, dangerously close to the femoral artery.
The rest of his wounds are mostly big, ugly bruises that must hurt like a bitch, and possibly a few broken ribs. When she tried to make him go to the hospital he put his foot down and refused.
"Simon," Ava sighed out, pinching the bridge of her nose, "I just don't understand, you could be seriously hurt, I'm not a doctor, I can't diagnose you," She told him, exasperated.
He sighed as well, blinking slowly at her. "Love- I'm dead. Y'remember that, don't ya?" He asked, poking his thick finger at the dog tags around her neck, the ones with his name on it, "Can't go to the hospital. They'll find my death certificate and it'll cause trouble."
Her face softened into a mournful little smile, the stinging of oncoming tears making her lip quiver again at the memory. It nearly made the corner of his lips quirk up in a smile, that was a trait from their childhood that he missed seeing. She always looked so cute like that, cheeks all puffed out, nose red with her bottom lip in a pout.
"I just... don't want you to die on me again, Si," She murmured, curling her legs under her as she scooted closer to him on the couch.
"You won't love, promise," He vowed to her, his expression almost adoring as he stroked his thumb over her cheekbone, then his hand fell down to her neck and slid into the hairs at the back of her neck.
"C'mere," Simon pulled her into his chest, wrapping his arms around her as she buried her face in one of his old shirts, the gray fabric stretched thinly over his thick muscled form, barely fitting him anymore.
When she handed it to him with a defiant blush, she threatened to kick him in the ribs if he ruined her favorite sleeping shirt. He huffed a laugh into her hair at the memory, and she nuzzled closer, burying her nose into his scent. Even if it was tainted by bloodshed and gunpowder, it was still him underneath it all. Her Simon.
Ava felt herself drifting off, when suddenly her world shifted as Simon hauled her up into his arms bridal style, making her squeak at him indignantly to be put down.
"I just stitched you up, you stray mutt!" She hissed at him, heat rising to her cheeks, "I'm too heavy and you're too injured to be carrying me Si!"
"Yer not," He rolled his eyes like what she said was a ridiculous, unfounded rumor with no truth to it, a smirk tilting the corner of his mouth, "Now where's yer bedroom?"
A furious blush spread across her face, "Put me down!" She wriggled like a worm on a hook to get out of his grasp, but despite having to limp from his injury and likely having a few broken ribs, he didn't so much as falter in his hold on her. In fact, he completely ignored her as he began limping down a hallway in search of his current objective.
"Stop squirmin'. Won't help you," He chuckled, amused as he opened a door, found it to be a bathroom and kept looking.
Ava whined, pushing her face into his shoulder, "This is humiliating Si," She mumbled.
"Love, 'S just us. Now are ya gunna hide or help me?" He prompted, tilting his head to look down at her with his pretty blue eyes.
She pouted, and refused to look at him as she pointed to the slightly ajar door of her bedroom. The man just hummed in acknowledgment and limped his way over, pushing open the door as they shuffled through, and he sat with her in his arms still.
When she squirmed and complained, he graciously allowed her to sit on his lap instead. "D'ya work tomorrow?"
She shook her head, "No, thankfully. I have the weekend off."
"Good," He sighed out, and promptly fell back onto the bed. "Let's sleep in tomorrow."
She had gotten changed into a t-shirt and shorts earlier when she let him borrow- or have, his old shirt back. And he was just wearing that and the boxers he wore when he came in, his pants being ripped and blood-soaked. As well as uncomfortable for sleeping in.
She crawled off of him, careful not to put any pressure on his wounds, and laid down as she usually would, covered pulled up to her chin.
"I never consented to you sleeping in my bed," She told him.
Simon cracked an eye open, looking over at her, "Want me to sleep on the couch, love?"
Ava pursed her lips, glancing away before looking back at him, "No," She admitted, voice quiet. He hummed again. He did that a lot, actually.
"You can cuddle with me.. I guess."
He smiled, "Thanks love."
It took him a few more minutes to move again, thoroughly exhausted, but eventually he dragged himself next to her under the covers, his least injured arm tucked under her head with his other wrapped around her soft stomach from behind, pulling her into his chest with only a small squeak of protest.
He pressed his nose into the nape of her neck, taking a deep breath filled with her smell, forehead pressed against her curls up in a bun. "Missed you," He mumbled against her neck, voice filled with warmth and pure adoration. Her breath hitched.
"I- missed you too," She told him back shakily. It was hard to keep her composure when he used that tone with her, so raw and exalting, hot against her skin.
"G'night love," Simon whispered into her shoulder, pressing a kiss to the skin there.
She breathed deeply, closing her eyes, trying to will her heartbeat to slow down, "Goodnight Simon.”
Thee end, that's all for now. Idk if ill write more because I wasn't supposed to start any new series bc I have too many in a cod fandom alone (7 now if you include this one) but you can have it and enjoy!
Taglist: @cringeycookies
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ksiondzkanexkiii · 2 days
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John Price knew that there were many ways to go through grief, he never questioned how Jinx was going through her mourning however, he didn't like the fact that she had become more oppressive which he didn't like. And a lot, but he couldn't chastise her for going through grief he could only stand beside her in the most difficult moments and keep her spirits up.
He understood that she did not want to talk to him about the fire, she was experiencing it all quietly. However, when she did say something to him she was more abrasive than always he had a fear that she had returned to her old habits and her curiosity about the normal world and her desire to change was gone along with Eric and Ava.
He sat at the table, a mug of steaming tea standing in front of him as he stared dully at the sky outside the window. He hadn't entered Jinx's zone, hadn't gone into her room since he'd left his paints and canvas there. Garrick's advice he took to heart saw that it was probably the only way to get the teenager to open up to him without having to speak. But she wouldn't leave the room, and that's where a gigantic problem arose.
He didn't even know if she had drawn anything on the canvas, but he didn't go into her room. Or should he? He asked himself this question every morning, and his worried eyes glanced at the door of the teenager's room every time he left his bedroom. Even books no longer relaxed him, his thoughts kept drifting back to the teenager, who sat locked in her room twenty-four hours a day only coming out when she was hungry, thirsty or needed to take care of herself in the bathroom.
She didn't even wash herself, Price felt as if she had lost her purpose for wanting to socialize. And this bothered him, of course he had seen other soldiers survive the loss of a friend or even family however every time he saw these souls broken by the mortality of having their loved ones taken from them
It was tearing him apart
But he knew he couldn't change it, he regretted that he couldn't show the middle finger to death and laugh death right in the face. As long as death has a face...
He knew when he needed to give someone space to express his emotions and he knew when to approach and support a person in a given crisis situation, but now? He didn't know, at the same time a part of him wanted to help the teenager and the other part of him was screaming in his ear to take the plunge and he began to further socialize the teenager hard, the sooner he finished and social services considered her , "safe" the better for him
Regain peace at home
The tea that stood in front of him had already cooled down, but his fingers were still tapping deafeningly against the porcelain of the mug. His thoughts drifted away and his blue eyes only told how far away he was on the sea of thoughts, but his attention did not escape the fact that the door of the teenage girl's room was opening. He had questions to ask her, although he did not think too much about them, but his head was cluttered with thoughts
He listened to the quiet footsteps of the teenager, who was heading toward the kitchen probably to brew herself another batch of tea, which apparently calmed her down and at the same time make herself something to eat. John swallowed his saliva hard as he tore his gaze away from the window to look at the teenager, who stood like a pillar of salt in the doorway from the kitchen, staring at him.
And she almost felt stupid, she disheveled and unwashed stood before him in dirty clothes the same ones she had four days ago. Her breath could have killed even a rodent. The blue shirt that accentuated her blue eyes, which were now without any sparkle, not even the faintest glint of mischief.
As if someone had erased that glint in the eye
Her skin was paler than usual due to the fact that she didn't get out of the house much, Price let her stay home he didn't want to send her to school when she hadn't gone through mourning yet and not sure how she would behave he feared some kind of fight caused by her not being able to keep her emotions in check. Her red plaid pajama pants covered her legs, which were crossed as if she was holding her urine to keep from peeing in her pants
And him, sitting there in fresh clothes and a freshly trimmed beard those two familiar mutton patches on the side of his cheeks connecting under his mouth and nose. That familiar beard almost made Jinx curse and dream at night, at the same time he was dreaming for her and behind every dream she called a nightmare she could find solace in his arms.
However, by no means will he admit that he needs help, the first rule of the street
No one cares about your feelings
Street rule number two
Don't trust anyone and they will leave you sooner or later anyway.
He sat there dressed in a navy blue short-sleeved shirt that hugged his muscles to show them off even more, he was wearing short shorts. His body glowed with sweat as if he had just returned from a workout
Did he go jogging without her?
They looked at each other quite awkwardly, she began to play with the hem of her shirt as she automatically began to make herself something to eat and put water on for tea. She did this automatically without even noticing how her muscles were tense, her spine was straightened like a taut rope, the air from her lungs escaping so fast that she couldn't keep up with taking in a new portion.
- Jinx? - called out quietly the captain watching her whether she liked it or not, he leaned in gently and crossed his arms on the table. He watched her carefully nothing escaped his watchful eye sometimes he felt like a falcon looking out for its prey, but he didn't want the teenager to feel like she was prey.
In a way she was, but he knew Jinx didn't want to be treated that way. Maybe he hadn't known her long and a few months... Well maybe it had been close to a year or so since he had arrived, he didn't even know when her birthday had been
Why did he think of her birthday now?
He had no clue, however, this question interested and slightly frightened him, because did he miss her birthday?
When the teenager did not respond and still made food he decided to use a louder tone - Jinx - he called out louder gently tilting his head hoping to see her face walker side profile, but nothing of that she stubbornly stood with her back to him. As he watched her a familiar smell of nicotine and smoke hit his nostrils, he now did not have a cigar within reach even in the morning he had not lit a cigar so it was not from him that the smoke stank
- Jinx - he called out even louder he saw the teenage girl's shoulder blades almost join together as she tensed up - Look at me - he commanded her, her hair was greasy and her curls were tousled more than usual even the messy bun at the base of her neck could not mask the fact that her hair was in a deplorable state
She did not obey his command - I told you something - he continued to order and she still ignored him even did not say anything back to him as she had been in the habit for the last few days, he gently sighed giving up trying to order her he adopted a different strategy - I want to help you Jinx and you push me away - he began to speak more calmly watching her
- I don't need your help Price," she almost hissed these words and her voice didn't even resemble a whisper, but it was all softly spoken, "I don't need anyone's help," she added finally looking over her shoulder at him
She sent him a brief meaningful look. She may have said that she didn't need help and pretended to be tough, but deep down she felt lost and alone, that all good things would one day end again, and she didn't want to let him closer to her so that he wouldn't have to die in agony. She brought bad luck and did not want to put this curse on him
So she went back to her cold walls that she had torn down at the time of meeting him, of course she had the desire to socialize especially after she met a group of friends however now that two of her five friends had died she no longer felt the need to socialize.
- Everyone needs help at some point," Price began to say and Jinx merely giggled humorlessly at his words
- Only the weak need help," she muttered under her breath, speaking more to herself than to him. The captain furrowed his eyebrows of course he heard her words he was not old enough not to understand her words
- Even the strongest needs -
- Support? -
- Yes -
- Then push this putty to everyone else and not to me - she growled throwing the knife on the countertop turning on her heel to look at him, the captain raised an eyebrow hearing her tone of voice. He didn't like it - I'm too old to hear it anymore," she added after a moment much quieter than before.
The captain was silent for a while his thoughts drifted away and the roles were reversed now Jinx was looking at his reaction however after a while she turned around to continue making herself food. She wanted to get it over with and hole up in her room again, she didn't realize that the captain was pondering whether Jinx smoked he could still smell the cigarettes.
After a while he moved his chair away from the table where he was sitting, raised his body Jinx did not pay attention to what the captain was doing she was too focused on slicing the cucumber. The captain simply leaned over her pulling his nose hard, it was from her that he smelled cigarettes and now he had confirmation that his nose was not deceiving
- You've been smoking - muttered the captain just above her ear, stated such an obvious fact that Jinx's face dropped, but she still guffawed that she didn't care and that she didn't know what he meant - Jinx. He smells cigarettes - stated again such an obvious fact that Jinx did not know what lie to come up with, she had to think fast
- Something is wrong with your nose," she muttered under her breath, "I didn't smoke and even if I did I don't have anything to smoke with," she sent him a bored look, not at all that when she went to set fire to Eric's hideout on the way she robbed the drunk people she saw along the way, Jinx seemed to have dreamed it however, when she woke up the next morning the guitar was still under the bed and in her pockets she had a lot of wallets and packs of cigarettes sometimes she came across a full pack sometimes a few cigarettes were missing.
- Jinx," growled the captain dangerously, his irritation boiling over, even the tips of his ears turned red as he tried to restrain his anger, "Don't make an idiot of me," he threatened her, standing behind her and looking down at her, an unpleasant cold shiver ran down Jinx's back as she felt his gaze on her.
The same assessing gaze she felt every time she opened the window and lit a new cigarette, she may have been alone in the room at the time however it felt like someone was watching her from the shadows. Somehow she didn't care about it however it wasn't one of the most pleasant, but for the unhealthy nicotine smoke she ignored it. As long as she delivered a new dose of harmful homes
- I'm not making an idiot out of you, I wouldn't even dream of it," she sneered, snorted under her breath without amusement setting cucumbers on the sandwich she had made for herself, she was already about to take the plate with the sandwiches when the captain's hand found itself on her forearm
- You're not going," he muttered, "We'll talk first," he added after a moment, he did not give her room for discussion brazenly snatched the plate with sandwiches from her hands to put them back on the counter and he led her over to the chair where he had been sitting moments earlier, "I don't hear you say the word , "No," he said as he himself sat down at the table opposite her
He leaned forward and crossed his arms again on the table top she sat across from him quite awkwardly, her hands were under the table her nails were effectively finding dry cuticles to pluck. Stupid nervous habit, she must quit it at some point.
- Then what do you want from me? - She sighed looking unhappy that she was put in this situation, she may have been more oppressive and snarky, but sometimes she didn't even have the strength to pretend to be , "strong" and , "brave" anymore if she had to be like that at all
- Talk," the captain raised an eyebrow, "That difficult? - He asked sarcastically at the same time rhetorically, the teenager only rolled her eyes. She raised her hands and rested them on the table top to push off and stand up
- Sit down - ordered her captain and the British accent became even more apparent than usual, this only showed how annoyed he already was. The teenager only looked at him with a raised eyebrow, however, she still stood, but did not make any move, not even a word was spoken - I ask for something - he added after a while John's blue eyes looked at her as if they were about to kill her
If sight could kill
She would be dead by now
- This request and so I will not listen to your request," she smiled innocently, when she finished her sentence, she was about to grab the plate of sandwiches again
- Jinx - Price hit the table with a song, causing the teenager to jump up, if that was the way things were going he was not afraid to use more drastic measures. Of course he wouldn't hurt her, he had no intention of doing so he only intended to scare her - Sit down - he growled again
Jinx pondered for a moment more, she could take a chance and play on his nose still not listening to him. As if she had earplugs in her ears, she looked into his eyes that could kill her with their sharpness she bit the inside of her cheek she was torn between the choice of listening to him and optionally not getting punished
Disobey it and have problems later
When she looked at the door she was considering the two options and the captain knew it well - If you don't listen," he began to say and she tore her gaze away from the door frame to send him a cold look
- If you already want to threaten me come up with something interesting," she shrugged her shoulders as if she didn't care, everything drains out of her so easily. She ignores everything - Something that will encourage me to stay and listen to your boring monologue - she added after a while again sending him an innocent smile and rabbit holes made on her freckled cheeks.
Her freckles were made more visible by the fact that she didn't get out in the sun as often, her skin also faded. The captain swallowed his saliva imperceptibly his fingers tangled against each other causing him to join his hands and press them together so hard that his knuckles turned white, he considered his every word he had to choose wisely so that she would listen to him
- He just wants to talk, I'm not asking for much Jinx," he began to speak in a tedious voice and Jinx looked up at him, standing over the table and critically assessing his every word
- Do you say that to every one of your soldiers? - she asked curiously and the Captain was slightly taken aback by this he expected any question, but not necessarily a question about the army - Because if so - Jinx dragged out her words muttering at the end, she really didn't care, she wanted to hear words that would be given only to her.
Words that only she could hear, she did not want to hear the words spoken to everyone.
 - If you let me finish, you'll see," insisted the captain hiding his annoyance at being interrupted again, he hated being interrupted, he was used to being listened to and not asking unnecessary questions, after all he is a captain, but Jinx was never interested in his military rank for her he was just a crutch that caused the opening of a new path, which was called "normal life for a teenager".
The only thing she was grateful to him for was that he let her go to school even if Annalise annoyed him... and along the way she also annoyed Jinx, but she was grateful to them for giving her the chance to go to school and finally learn to write. Maybe it wasn't easy at first because she didn't know how to write so she copied the movements of her classmates or friends optionally the teacher if he happened to be writing on the board and not dictating into a notebook
She was grateful to the teachers who wrote on the blackboard what they were supposed to transcribe and not dictate, how many times it saved her skin until she finally learned to write reasonably. She didn't know how to write, because what use is it to anyone living on the street?
Living on the street, you worry about whether you will have food for the next day or whether you will die of hypothermia in the winter.
- Well, go ahead, I'm turning into a listener," she mocked, moving her left leg gently backwards with her right hand placed on her chest leaning forward as if she was bowing to him as if he were the highest aristocracy. She sent him a mocking smile at the same time the captain snorted seeing her behavior
- I don't know how you feel," he began to speak calmly, "But he wants to help you," at these words Jinx rolled her eyes, how many times she heard these words until she wanted to vomit when she heard these words, "I can't let you rot in this room, he wants to know what's going on," he said in a stern tone seeing her behavior
He was not blind or stupid, he saw the dangerous glint in her eye as if he was treading on a thin line to fully annoy her - Besides," he pointed his finger at her, a little rudely thought the teenager, "You stink of cigarettes, you pretend that you did not smoke them however, you smell of smoke," he accused her quietly sighing and shaking his head in disappointment
- You could have masked the stench of smoke better is first of all," he began to enumerate even lifting his finger up, after a while he added another finger, "Secondly, you don't leave the room, and when you do you go to the bathroom or the kitchen," he continued to enumerate and Jinx's muscles were getting stiff and ready to run away
She felt like a deer ready to run away - What are you getting at Captain? - she asked quietly, but dangerously, as if she wanted to bark out to him the most vulgar words she could get out of herself - What else do you want to reproach me with? - she almost growled at him and her blood was boiling
- He wants to help, I already said that," he sighed, "But I was waiting for you to give me a signal when to help you however you don't do that," he explained calmly pulling the cup towards him, with the tea he had left on the table earlier, the tea was already icy but still drinkable he took a small sip gently contorting his face as the cold drink invaded the inside of his cheeks
- She doesn't need it," she wanted to continue her statement but the captain raised his hand and silenced her
- Help?  - he mocked - Yes you said it already - he teased her, looking at her briefly and then at the mug of tea he held in his hand, the quiet clink of the clatter of the porcelain against each other cut the momentary silence that had formed between them - If you want to lie, lie to someone else - he looked at her seriously
- But don't lie to me. Remember this - this time it was he who sent her an innocent smile in the shape of a "v" Jinx only twisted her lips in a grimace hearing the words of the captain and seeing his innocent smile - What is bothering you Jinx? - he asked straightforwardly, effectively making Jinx even more eager to leave the kitchen, but her muscles seemingly ready to escape did not even move an inch or a walker a millimeter
- Nothing is bothering me Captain," she muttered and her mixed accent was more audible to the captain, he knew she was lying. The purple bags under her eyes did not match her at the same time it was the sunken eyes that told him the whole story of what the teenager was going through
- Your mouth says something else, your body language says something else and your appearance says something else Jinx," he sighed looking down at her, "You can lie even to yourself thinking everything is fine," he leaned back and when his back met the back of the chair he crossed his arms over his chest
- Fuck," whispered the teenager her arguments were running out, as much as she wanted to end the conversation something told her that this was the last moment she could beg for help. She wondered whether to take advantage of this fact or not, she looked towards the window that was next to them opposite the door that only called her to run away like a frightened deer, she looked at the sky and the birds that flew in the clear sky.
Heaven was supposed to help her make decisions however she still felt she could not choose
- Far from hens," muttered the captain shrugging his shoulders, the teenager had to suppress the urge to giggle, "Let yourself help Jinx, I understand that," he was about to continue his statement when Jinx interrupted him again
- You don't understand shit Price," she growled again and her irritation which moments ago had stopped bubbling like the worst storm in her blood suddenly returned with redoubled force. If ships swam in her veins she was sure that the waves of blood would have sunk every ship of peace she had inside her
- Then enlighten me," he leaned forward again looking at her defiantly, "Since you're already in a position to shout at me then you're in a position to tell me what's bothering you," he said in a quiet but threatening tone, if Jinx had been smaller surely her blood would have frozen and fear would have taken over her helm causing her to flee.
If sight really could kill she would be dead, she repeated over and over in her head, but that was the truth.
Even if she wanted to deny it, she couldn't
Into a big swamp I've gotten myself into, thought the teenager looking around looking for some support in the furniture her mind was working a hundred miles an hour and the answers with which she could answer the captain multiplied so much that she couldn't keep up to judge which ones were perfect to say
- You won't understand anyway," she muttered looking at the sandwiches that were still on the kitchen counter, she had even lost her appetite for them already, "No one ever understands so why do you ask," she asked this time and not the captain, John only sighed heavily
- Don't turn the cat on its head," he threatened her quietly, "You had the urge to shout at me, you did it so let this head of yours finally understand that I'm trying to help, but you won't let me," he continued to say quietly and threateningly until Jinx got goosebumps
- Maybe he does not want your help? - she raised an eyebrow and forced herself to bring out the most innocent voice, she sent him a brief smile - Not always everyone wants help, you are a captain haven't you learned this rule? - she raised her eyebrow looking down at him while standing
- Sit down and talk to me," he commanded her and his tone of voice didn't change Come on, the captain's blue irises expressed more than just worry for her, his eyes showed something more than a cold side, but she couldn't work out what the emotion behind the coldness was.
Jinx swallowed her saliva hard but listened to him slowly sat down on the chair again sitting opposite him. She sat stiffly still ready to run away, blinking frequently and quickly another sign that she was stressed her leg under the table jumped nervously
- How are you feeling? - he asked looking at her it was a question one of a million he wanted to ask her, but he wanted to start gently. Without arguing come on and that goal failed
- Excellent - Sarcasm flowed out of Jinx's mouth as easily as if she was spreading butter on a bread roll, but even that was coming her way reluctantly - That's not what you want to ask right? - She asked raising an eyebrow she wasn't stupid she knew the captain was going to ask something she didn't like, but he wanted to start slow
- What do you want to lead to Captain Price? - She asked wrinkling her eyebrows and leaning forward to get a better look at him, he raised his hand and scratched at his beard gently crooking his arm - Something interests you, but you are afraid to ask - she mocked
- He wants to know if this fire was not your fault," he said seriously, Jinx at first thought he was joking after all why would he ask here? But when she looked at him like that she saw that he was not joking and his question was serious
Small but clearly blue eyes watched her reactions, which were quick and did not hide her surprise at first her eyebrows furrowed just enough for the wrinkles to remain then she raised her eyebrows with a mocking smile, but when she realized she was not joking her face returned to a stony side
- The fire department says there was arson," he explained, speaking quietly so as not to frighten her at the same time she wanted to look serious on the other hand her muscles were tense enough that one wrong word or move and she would run away like a frightened reindeer
- The firefighters found you and the Rodriguez siblings in the kitchen you suffered the least - he continued this time looking at her injuries her left side of her body her arm, abdomen, hand was in a bandage to protect the burns from infection and environmental contamination - Why? -
Jinx was silent at first, she thought it was an unfunny joke or some silly dream. However, it wasn't, and that scared her, of course she had her share of petty crimes like theft or robbery... well that's all she did, but to set fire to her friends' house? And cause their deaths? She would never go to something like that
It was funny to watch how she could not get a word out of herself, how she was speechless - Jinx answer to the question - he spoke as calmly as he could however anxiety was bubbling in his veins, what if it was all true? However, her reaction did not indicate this.
- That what I'm asking?  - She snorted still unable to believe what he was accusing her of - You want to tell me that it was my fault that the fire broke out? - she scoffed, still feeling as if she was dreaming she purposely pinched her arm to see if she was dreaming, but she was awake - You've got to be kidding me - she scoffed
- If so, this is extremely not funny," she indignantly looked at him her mind was darkened by grief at the same time she was annoyed that he accused her of such a thing.
- The fire department says otherwise," he leaned forward as he spoke these words, tilting his head to the side he raised his hand to scratch his beard, "Jinx, sooner or later they will get to who set fire to the Rodriguez house, but he wants to know," she did not let him finish
- Did I do it? - she mocked snorting under her breath, leaning back. She had stopped trusting him, if she ever trusted him at all - No, no, I think I'm asleep - this situation really felt like some kind of absurdity to her, something pulled out of the blue, something that shouldn't be.
- I'm serious Jinx," he almost growled at her feeling her mocking him, mocking him. He watched this as she almost threw herself on the chair like an offended five-year-old child could not find a comfortable position felt uncomfortable and wanted to run away
- And I'm serious that I didn't do it," she replied crossing her arms over her chest pretending that it was all draining out of her
That it doesn't move her
That it's all really about wanting to put her back in juvie
Her eyes widened at this thought, and if in fact this is the point? If in fact the captain doesn't want her here anymore and wants to get rid of her by the way driving her into a bigger corner of guilt. Her face dropped and her eyes darkened more she had no desire or strength to cry in front of the captain come on her mind wanted to cry to get it out of her she couldn't in front of John, her body was still tense to the point that her knuckles had turned white.
She clenched her jaw hard she could almost feel her tooth crumbling and the Captain could hear it, she swallowed her saliva hard, but the lump in her throat did not allow it. Her throat was dry just as her lips almost immediately demanded water
- You want to put me back in the reformatory," she stated matter-of-factly, Price let the air out through his mouth twisted in disbelief this conversation was making him more and more tired. And the teenager's conjecture sounded irrational to him at the same time he could not blame her for thinking so
He shook his head - No, but the fire department and the police are checking the clues," he warned her, "And supposedly you acted suspiciously," he argued and the teenager increasingly did not believe him they wanted to frame her for something she had not done. She had honor she would never burn alive her friends even her enemies
She would never kill a man
Of course coincidences walk on people, in an accident she may have inadvertently caused people could die, but setting fire to someone's house? Even if she was with the cartel, she didn't do it
She only looked at
- I behaved normally," she defended herself almost hissing at him like a snake, "I just sensed that something bad was going to happen," she looked at her hands, which rested on the table top and her fingers intertwined with each other, she had the right feeling. If only she had listened to that voice in her head Eric and Ava would probably be alive
- Who told you that? - She asked curiously tearing her gaze away from her injured hands, since the fire she had acquired the ugly habit of picking at her skin, her fingertips gently bleeding and made tender by the fact that they were not wearing protection and the unruly cuticles protruded just waiting for the teenager's teeth to try to pull them off.
- Mrs. Dorinson," he said truthfully, not missing the fact of how Jinx's hands look, "And you have a problem and he wants to help you," he continued and Jinx only rolled her eyes and groaned in displeasure
- I'm fine," she crossed her arms over her chest with her back hitting the back of the chair
- Your body says otherwise," he repeated himself, "You need help, accept it when someone offers it to you," he interrupted
He was silent for a long while watching her indignation, his face became stony of course he was expressing concern, but he was slowly getting tired of explaining it over and over again and eternally repeating himself
- Because then it will be easier? - She said what he wanted to say again, mocking him she shook her head with a dry and emotionless giggle - Forgive me Captain, but it doesn't work - she replied looking at the window and not at him
- If I let someone in then they leave me," she explained looking out the window at the birds flying by and merrily flying in the cloudless sky, "Then why do you want to? -
- Because it's my job," he defended himself with the same words as always and that and Jinx was getting bored
- Bullshit Captain - She almost shouted at him, leaning forward - We both know that - She said in a quieter almost whisper without taking her eyes off him, she was shaking emotions were bubbling in her just asking for a wrong move that will make her explode
- Say something else - she whispered - Something... that will make me consider your proposal - The captain looked at her quite annoyed, his patience was reaching its zenith and his desire to talk was subsiding. This is not how it was supposed to look - I did nothing, if there was arson by a third party it was not me - She defended herself already spoke normally not an ounce of sarcasm or derision could be found in her words
- I'll trust you on this," he muttered looking at the teenager's hands, "You're in pain," he stated matter-of-factly, the teenager at first didn't know what he meant seeing what she was looking at she hid her hands in the pockets of her pajama pants
- No," she burbled while correcting herself in the chair, she moved quite uncomfortably. The captain only smiled gently under his breath he knew that the teenager did not like to lie when she was sitting, because then she moved awkwardly.
- Be that as it may, but try not to do it again," he muttered looking into her eyes, they caught eye contact once again in this conversation she only swallowed hard
- Because what? - she asked almost with derision, but with curiosity
- Because later you will have calloused and rough fingers," he answered truthfully, but did he have confirmation of this? No. that's what his mother explained to him, so he wanted to pass it on, he always thought the woman was right
She only snorted under her breath while shaking her head - What are you acting like that for? - she raised an eyebrow, she wanted to detect a ruse in him that would herald that he wanted to extract information from her by being nice and caring to her.
She knew the trick and wasn't about to fall for it
- What kind of magic trick is this? - She went on, not paying attention to the fact that the captain's nostrils dilated and irritation began to appear in his eyes - Laswell taught you this or what? - she sent him her familiar smile, with which dimples appeared
- That's no trick Jinx," muttered the captain with a tired expression on his face, "It's called worry," he added after a moment
- How many cigarettes did you smoke? - he asked, but got no answer he could have guessed that he would get no answer only to be doused with urine
Jinx continued her tirade, but the captain was running out of patience and wanted the teenager to finally understand what he wanted to say and convey to her, apparently she was too dumbfounded to understand it
 - Because if so," she interrupted her statement by a loud bang that rang out in the kitchen
- Because I'm worried about you! - shouted the annoyed captain slamming his hands on the table moving away from the table and the chair fell to the ground with sensation, when he rather aggressively got up from it, he was breathing hard as if these efforts cost him all his energy, when he looked at the teenager with a stern look after a while, however, he closed his eyes and rubbed his tired face with a heavy sigh
 - Is it so hard to understand that I'm worried about you? - he added more quietly - And that he doesn't want them to lock you up for something you didn't do, if you didn't actually do it," he mumbled looking at his hands, but the teenager stood there frozen with fear, when he looked at her again he realized that the teenager had turned her back on him and with a quick step began to walk out of the kitchen leaving behind the sandwiches she had been so eager to eat earlier.
He watched her disappear behind the kitchen doorframe, heard her quick footsteps heading towards the room and then the door closing - Fuck Price - he whispered to himself - You fucked up - he stated matter-of-factly and began sipping the cold tea he had made for himself earlier
He will talk to her later
In the evening, when they had both cooled down from their emotions, if he moved after her now he would probably be met with more fire than he is now. And that was not what he wanted
He didn't have the strength for it, not even the desire to stand in front of the bigger fire that the teenager had lit however he knew she needed help. Even if she wouldn't admit it, too many times he had seen recruits call for help with their gestures rather than words.
They were closing in on themselves
They locked themselves in their barracks and didn't come out for days. As far as they could they only went out for training or to use the restroom
They ate and drank less
They often sat in their heads in the land of thoughts
And all these symptoms are now exhibited by a teenager who is more impetuous than a recruit in the army. He sighed heavily and took another big sip of cold tea
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goheehawsomewhereelse · 2 months
Ava crowder headcanons because she deserves more LOVE
Yeah sure boyd does all the handiwork around the house in season 6
But don't let that fool you because Ava is an absolute fucking unit.
Oh the patio needs fixing? No problem
The car exhaust stopped working? Why waste money on a mechanic
Ava carrying around massive amount of lumber no big deal pshhh
Ava being strong as fuck is my weakness
She still collects those porcelain figure things Bowman used to get her
She has a whole little shelf dedicated to them
Ava loves those spanish TV dramas
She also loves the gossip her clients share
Ava is definitely a cranberry or orange juice kind of person
Okay hear me out
Ava and Tim friendship
Not really friendship more like "we go to the same bar and talk and complain together"
Like yeah ava is a criminal but Tim needs more friends
Ava making homecooked meals for her ahem "ladies" because they need to eat well
She tries to quit smoking multiple times but FUCKING BOYD and FUCKING RAYLAN
Avas pet dog
Like maybe she had one before Raylan came back
Wasn't even a pet dog it was just a stray she fed every morning and night
Ava making the dog his own food because she don't trust kibble
Conclusion: we don't get enough Ava content.
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while i’m at it, have some ocs as well
continuation of this post
character names are in the tags
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echantedtoon · 4 months
Fae x John Doe Playlist UPDATED
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An updated playlist for my Cannon x OC ship from my story (John) Doe Eyed. This is just for fun and nothing official. Warning: A lot of these songs contain yandere/dark themes, suggestive content, etc.
Waifu by S3RL and Alaguan ft Lexi
You Are Mine by S3RL ft Kayliana
SugarCrash! 2 (Notice Me Senpai) by Bemax
Smoke and Mirrors by Little Jayney Cakes
An Unhealthy Obsession by Zashiina
Stalker's Tango by Autoheart
Never Ever Getting Rid Of Me from The Waitress Musical
All I Want Is You by Rebzyyx
Yandere by Jazmin Bean
Kawaii by Tartarka
Aishite, Aishite, Aishite (English Cover) by Will Stetson
Aishite, Aishite, Aishite Nightcore Cover
Suki Suki Daisuki by Jun Togawa
I Wanna Be Your Slave by Maneskin
Love Me Like You Do by Ellie Goulding
Enchanted by Taylor Swift
Clarity by Zedd ft Foxes
Strangers by Scratch21 ft EileMonty
Monster by Topic
Im In Love With A Monster by Fifth Harmony
Wonderland by Taylor Swift
Problem (The Monster Remix) by Becky G ft Will.i.am
Pretty Little Psycho by Porcelain Black
Super Psycho Love by Simon Curtis Nightcore Cover
Candy by S3RL Nightcore Cover
If I Killed Someone For You by Alec Benjamin
Far Longer Than Forever from The Swan Princess
Once Upon A Dream by Lana del Rey
Sweet But Psycho by Ava Max
I Want To Smoke You Like A Cigarette by m1v
Meant To Be Yours from the Heathers Musical
Notice Me Senpai by Ihascupcake
Hands Up by 6arelyhunan emo edit
Merry Melodies We Are In Love
Do I Creep You Out by Weird Al
She's Crazy But She's Mine by Alex Sparrow
Love Taste by Moe Shop ft Jaime Paige and Shiki
Im So Crazy For You by Rebzyyx
With You Forever by Rebzyyx
Obsessed by Mariah Carey
Kiss Me by Vampyx
SugsrCrash by ElyOtto
Leave Me Alone by Alexander Rybak
Fairytale by Alexander Rybak
I Want U 4ever by Rebzyyx
Senpai by Shiki
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austinsmutler · 1 year
Wicked Little Woman | Shawn!Austin x Reader | One-Shot
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Summary: Based on the White Elephant SNL sketch. You're at the Christmas party when Ava steals the ashtray from Shawn!Austin and get a bit protective of your favorite temp.
A/N: Written because I promised @infatuatedharleys I would- Merry Christmas, Angel!
Pairing: Shawn (Played by Austin Butler) x Reader
Word Count: 4,800
What you’ll like: Christmas, Fluff, Grumpy/Sunshine, office romance, finger sucking (yes you read that right), Smut, Oral (F!Recieving)
Warnings: Smut, minors DNI!
Masterlist | Requests are currently open
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You usually skipped the office Christmas party. It wasn’t that you hated your co-workers per se, just that you preferred to keep your work life and personal life separate. The last thing you wanted after working with your team 8 hours a day, 11 and a half months a year, was to spend an evening with them at one of their homes. You wanted to stay home, eat Christmas cookies, and watch all three versions of The Grinch. 
Then they hired Shawn. You’d never paid attention to the temps they’d hired before- they were all plain types in thick-rimmed glasses and sky blue button-up shirts, whose idea of an interesting day was ordering their latte with full fat milk instead of semi-skimmed. 
Shawn was different- he showed up to work every day in a jet black button-up, signet rings on every finger. You’d called him over to walk him through a few reports one day and spent half the demonstration trying not to look at his rings and wonder what each stood for- there was a calavera with intricate detailing in silver and gold on his middle (giving death the middle finger? bold for a Monday morning); a sparrow engraved on his right ring finger, and a quote you couldn’t make out engraved on his left pinky. 
You tried and failed to ignore the fact that his wedding finger- on both hands- was bare. Interesting. 
“Hey, you going to that Christmas thing?” He’d caught you earlier in the break room by the coffee machine. 
“The White Elephant?” You shrugged. “I don’t usually, but maybe this year. Are you?”
There was something behind his blue eyes, but he kept his hands in his pockets. “Yeah. Hope I see you there.”
“You probably will.” You grinned, the decision made for you. Even if that meant skipping the rest of your lunch break and picking up some shitty last-minute gift for the Dirty Santa game. 
At work, the White Elephant portion of the company party was a legend every year- one you’d been happy to miss. Everyone else worried about FOMO while you enjoyed ROMO- the Relief of Missing Out on grabbing some random, useless item and shoving it in the bottom of your closet until the next year when you released it back into the wild at the next party. 
You ducked out of the office and headed to the nearest supermarket, looking up and down every junk-aisle until you found something: a jet black ashtray with silver studs. Ordinarily it wouldn’t have stood out, but something about the dark porcelain reminded you of Shawn. 
God, you needed to stop thinking like that. He’d be out of the company after the New Year, and you’d never see him again- that would be that. No more mysterious rings on long, intriguing fingers. Absolutely no more catching a faint whiff of leather whenever he leaned over your desk to point at something on your computer screen. 
You could live with that. You had for years. This time next year, you’d be at home with store-bought Christmas cookies and The Grinch, the way things had always been. Shawn would be along with all the other Christmas decorations by the 1st of January. Fine.
That didn’t stop your heart beating like a bongo when you knocked on Kathy’s door.
Kathy ran the finance department, meaning that half the people here would be from teams you didn’t know, or who considered marketing a waste of money and space. Maybe exchanging gifts with your mortal enemies would get you into the Christmas spirit… Especially if Shawn was there.
He was already sitting in Kathy’s living room, silently watching the rest of the strangers having a conversation- knowing finance, it was probably about tax write-offs for the holidays. The gift of interest rates dropping from 12% to 11.5%.
The seat next to him was empty, so you grabbed it, sending Shawn a quick smile. He nodded a greeting before turning his attention back to the conversation, but your eyes couldn’t help but take him in like a tall glass of eggnog. 
Shawn rarely dressed like other employees, and tonight was no exception. Where everyone else was wearing red, silver or gold (or a hideous Christmas cardigan) he was dressed head-to-toe in jet black. Casual black jeans and boots, a black biker jacket that made his shoulders look that much broader, and slicked-back blonde hair. He’d missed a spot at the back. You could just make out a curl in the straightness, flattened but still sticking out like an imperfection.
That just made him more perfect. Dammit. You grabbed a glass of mulled wine and hoped it went straight to your head. Anything to forget your stupid crush on the temp.
Everyone gathered in the living room. A spread of chairs formed a circle around Kathy’s coffee table, where everyone added a gift. 
“Champagne?” Kathy offered, popping open a bottle and pouring everyone a full glass.  
You and Shawn took the seats closest to the door, and everyone else settled down too. 
“Thank you all for coming!” Kathy clapped her hands together, creating an awkward silence that made you want to throw back the entire glass of champagne. “Sorry for the small space, but I think it’s nice that we can all be so cozy together at this time of year. And who knows, maybe next year we can put our heads together and host this party in the Bahamas, right Finance?”
Nobody laughed. Shawn cracked a smirk. Kathy cleared her throat and sat down. “Anyway, cheers everyone!”
“Cheers!” You clinked glasses with Shawn first, but he avoided looking at you. He was never like this in the office; when you sat in your cubicle his blue eyes seemed to burn into you, always searching for answers to questions he wasn’t asking out loud. Maybe that was just your over-active imagination at play. 
“Why don’t we start the white elephant gift exchange?” Kathy’s smile was tight and unfaltering as her gaze swept over the room. “Did everyone get assigned a number when they came in?”
Everyone held up a slip of paper- you were 9, Shawn was 2. 
“Great! Does everyone know how this game works?”
“Remind me again?” Shawn asked. 
“When your number is called, you grab a gift.” 
“But we can steal, right?” That was Jeff from accounting, number 5. 
“Exactamundo!” Kathy nodded a little too enthusiastically- either she was irrationally nervous or she’d been hitting the mulled wine too hard. Either way, you tensed as the game began. 
Janette from marketing was number 1, and she picked a red paper bag from the pile, excitedly pulling out a scented candle. Great, her house reeks. You swore you could smell her husband’s dirty socks from across the room, and he wasn’t even in the room. 
“A candle!” Janette gasped in delight, blissfully nose-blind to the situation. “I love it!”
“Alright, who’s next?”
Shawn raised his hand and stood over the table, playfully waving his hands. You held your hand as he came within an inch of grabbing your present- only to pick the one right next to it. 
Don’t feel disappointed, you told the sinking feeling in your stomach, It’s just a stupid game of Dirty Santa.
Shawn pulled a light blue piece of porcelain out of the golden paper bag, his jaw dropping open. If he were a cartoon, this would have been the exact moment his eyes popped out of his head. 
“Oh, nice!” He exclaimed. “A sweet ashtray! Oh, you know I was just saying I needed something like this.”
You winced at the joy in his voice. First rule of White Elephant: if you like your gift, never show it. Still, you couldn’t ignore the infectious warmth that spread across your chest as Shawn carried on, words tumbling out of him in an excitement you’d never seen from him at the office. 
“I’m going to use this as a catchall by the front door of my place, so when I get home from a long day I can put all my rings and bracelets and playing cards and stuff from my pockets right here. To whoever got this, thank you. For real. I’m going to cherish this forever, it’s perfect.”
No you won’t, you thought, catching eyes with Ava from the legal branch of the finance department. A ruthless woman in a red-and-white Christmas jumper, with the glow of at least a dozen Patrick Batemans in her eye as she looked at Shawn’s ashtray, which he was hugging to his chest, a goofy smile on his face. 
“Let’s move on.” Ava flicked her brown hair over her shoulder and looked around the room, but you knew she’d already made her decision. “I’m number three. I’m going to steal- I like Shawn’s gift too.”
Ava reached over and took the ashtray from Shawn before he had time to react- or prepare for the loss of a lifetime, if the look in his eyes was to be believed. 
The smile evaporated instantly- a fact which hit you with a pang- as Shawn’s brows knit together.
“So what, now I just don’t get a gift?”
“No, Shawn, you can go back to the unopen gifts, or you can steal.” There was a desperate edge to Kathy’s voice, as if she’d start shaking like a chihuahua if Shawn didn’t play along. 
He wasn’t playing along.
“Okay, I’ll steal my gift back.” Shawn attempted to grab the ashtray out of Ava’s hands, but her red talons fastened tighter around the ceramic.
“No, I don’t think you can do that.” Ava delivered her line with what would have been an Oscar-worthy performance, if she weren’t a total she-devil. You’d caught her in the break room a dozen times before, taking the last cup of coffee without refilling the machine.  Satan.
You liked Shawn's brand of rebel, but not rule-breakers like Ava. There was a clear difference, even though Kathy was quick to intervene with a meek,
“You have to grab someone else’s gift.”
“That’s not fair,” Shawn was smiling, but his eyes were cold. “That- you shouldn’t be able to do that, that’s like, mean. That’s mean as hell.”
Welcome to the finance team, You thought, drinking the last of your champagne and noting that you and Austin were the only non-numbers people left at the party. Outnumbered, outplanned. 
“You know what, Ava?” Shawn was growling now, looking at the ashtray in Ava’s hands instead of her face. “You are a wicked little woman.”
Oh. That phrase did something to you. Or maybe it was the combination of mulled wine, champagne and eggnog- you weren’t drunk, but you sure as hell weren’t sober enough to play your usual quiet role. 
His head whipped around to face you, mouth open like he was preparing to say something until you grabbed his hand and picked your present up from the table, shoving it into Shawn’s arms. “Thank you for a lovely evening, Kathy. But we have an early morning deadline tomorrow so I think Shawn and I should make haste now.”
Make haste? Maybe the eggnog was stronger than you thought.
Shawn started heading for the door without saying anything, but you stopped, turned on your heel, and grabbed the ashtray out of Ava’s hands. 
“By the way, I’m stealing this. See you in the Wednesday catch-up.”
Was the look on Ava’s face worth the complaint you’d be getting from HR? Maybe not. 
Were the hearts in Shawn’s eyes worth it? Absolutely.
He was silent until you shut Kathy’s front door behind you. Then he asked,
“Why’d you do that? I don’t even know you.”
“You will.” You smacked yourself internally. “I mean, we work on the same team. You have a couple weeks left to get to know me. Um, anyway, Ava was asking for it. Woman never refills the coffee machine.”
Shawn’s jaw tensed. “That’s her?”
You nodded. “Everyone else refills it but she just takes whatever’s left and waits for someone else to do the hard work. She doesn’t deserve-” You looked at the cheap piece-of-shit sky blue ashtray in your hands- “A present of this caliber.”
“Right.” Shawn was looking at you now, and you were shocked at the sudden darkness in his blue eyes. “Can I drive you home, or do you have a ride?”
You shook your head. “I was gonna take the bus.”
“At this time of night?” He raised his eyebrows. “Come on.”
You shouldn’t have been surprised when he led you to a jet black motorcycle parked not too far down the street. It was exactly Shawn’s style, and knowing you’d get to sit on the back of it, breeze in your hair, hands wrapped tight around his middle…
Yeah, this was better than The Grinch.
If the hint of leather and musk was sexy in the office, the full scent of it in your nostrils as Shawn straddled the bike was enough to leave your knees weak. Did people born after 1899 still swoon? Maybe you’d restart the trend. 
The distracting scent was interrupted as he turned and slipped a black helmet over your head, sealing you into something grittier- the leather smell of him was still there, mixed with sweat. Great, now I want to live in a helmet. 
Shawn's body was firm under your arms, well-muscled in spite of the long office hours you both worked. Would it be creepy to splay your fingers across his stomach, feel the groove of every muscle?
Definitely. Fight that urge, you told yourself. It’s not worth the trip to HR.
You had to yell to direct him to your place, a small apartment on the outskirts of the city. The building wasn’t especially pretty from the outside, but rent was cheap and you didn’t have to worry about neighbors making any noise complaints- they blared techno music 24 hours a day, making it hard to hear yourself think without specialist equipment. 
“This the place?” Shawn parked up and walked with you to the door.
“Yeah.” His scent lingered in your nostrils as you gathered the courage to look Shawn in the face. “Do you like hot chocolate?”
“Do I?” He grinned. “Is there anyone who doesn’t?”
“Come on in.” You held the door open and pressed the elevator button. 
“You have marshmallows?”
“I wouldn’t invite a man up to my apartment if I didn’t have marshmallows.” Did you really just say that? 
Shawn didn’t seem to mind, if the way his nose wrinkled in laughter was any indication. Of course. It wasn’t enough for him to be effortlessly sexy, he had to be effortlessly cute too. 
Silence descended between the two of you in the elevator. If clinging to him for the past 20 minutes while the motorcycle swerved through city traffic wasn’t enough, now you were just a few feet away from him. Maybe you were one hot chocolate away from everything you’d been daydreaming about for the past few months. Dating, or casually banging the temp, wasn’t against company policy (you’d checked repeatedly since Shawn started), so what was the worst that could happen?
Muscles in Shawn’s neck twitched as he drank you in and gulped. 
“You look really nice.”
“Do I?” You looked down. In all the commotion you hadn’t had time to buy anything christmassy for the party, settling for a tight red mini dress that came to just above your knees and matching heels. You’d hoped white leggings would make you look more christmassy, but you felt like a gigantic candy cane. 
But looking into Shawn’s dark blue eyes, you realized that wasn’t such a bad thing. Not if he wanted to eat you up.
“Mmhmm.” He was trying too hard to sound noncommittal. You’d barely spoken outside of work, but one thing was obvious about Shawn: he wasn’t neutral about anything. The ashtray in your hand was just one example. 
“Thanks.” You said, once the silence had dragged on a beat too long. The elevator dinged and you led him through the loud corridor to your apartment: a studio with just enough room for a bed, sofa and TV, with a corner kitchen overlooking it all. All three DVDs of The Grinch were laid out on the coffee table, but you hoped he wouldn’t notice those. You tucked them under the coffee table when he wasn't looking. 
You made the hot chocolate while Shawn leaned against the kitchen counter with eyes that kept wandering across your body when he thought you weren’t looking. One serving of cream, marshmallows, and grated chocolate later, you were on the couch together. Inches apart. Living in a tiny studio never felt so good. 
“I love your place.” Shawn smiled, licking whipped cream from his top lip. “Do I hear techno?”
“Yeah.” you rolled your eyes. “The neighbours are crazy for it. I think one of them is a DJ and the other one is deaf. They’re a match made in heaven.”
He laughed. “I don’t mind that kind of music.”
“What do you like?” You made a point of crossing your legs as you asked. Is this how people flirt?
His eyes flickered to your legs before he shook his head slightly.
“Don’t laugh.”
“Tell me.”
“Alright, I like… musicals. Hamilton, Hadestown, Mean Girls, I don’t care if it’s on Broadway or not. I just love them.”
You couldn’t help but snort in surprise. 
“Hey, you said you wouldn’t laugh!”
“I’m sorry!” You took a sip of hot chocolate to hide another giggle. “That’s just not what I expected.”
“You expected metal and rock, didn’t you?”
You gestured at his leather biker jacket. “You kind of have the right look for that.”
“Haven’t you ever seen Grease?” He purposefully smoothed a hand over his hair, and suddenly Shawn made sense. A blonde Danny Zuko. 
“You’re full of surprises.” 
Shawn hummed in agreement as he sipped the hot chocolate. “So are you. I wasn’t expecting you to… come to the rescue at that party. Thanks again, by the way.”
You shrugged. “I’ve been wanting to stick it to Ava for years. Thank you for the opportunity.”
“Still.” An easygoing, maybe nervous, smile spread across his face like melted butter. “How can I make it up to you?”
“Forget about it, it’s nothing.” You almost missed the way his smile faltered slightly. He’s playing at something. 
“I don’t think I wanna forget about it.”
“No?” The sugar from the hot chocolate started to buzz through your veins. “Maybe I should make you.”
His eyes widened, but darkened as well. Lust. You knew it well, mainly from working so close to Shawn for so long. Your breathing quickened as he put his mug on the coffee table. Is he leaving? Had you pushed it too far too fast?
“Okay.” Shawn studied you. “How are you going to do that?”
In for a penny…
“You still have the present I picked up from Kathy's, right?”
He frowned and reached for the bag. “Yeah?”
“Open it.” You shifted closer to Shawn as he picked the jet black ashtray out of the bag. 
His eyes went wide, a confused smile lighting up his features. “Jet black? My favorite color? This is even more badass than the last one!”
You nodded, leaning closer to his ear to whisper, “I’m going to take that ashtray and put it right here.” You took it from his hands and placed it on the coffee table.
“What else?” Shawn breathed, and you could see something twitch in his pants. It took everything in you to fight a smirk. 
“I’m going to take your hands, I’m going to suck the rings off of each finger and spit them into that goddamn catch-all. Then, I’m going to let you fuck me.”
Silence. You fought to keep your breathing even, not daring to lean back and look him in the eye. Oh god, he really had just come up for hot chocolate, hadn’t he? Shawn was-
While you were busy fighting within yourself, Shawn took your face in his hands and kissed you. There was nothing innocent about this kiss; it was all tongue and tooth as you moved to sit on top of him, his hands on your lower back. 
He drank your breath in like a man parched, and it dawned on you Shawn must have been fighting the same attraction you’d been, for who knows how long? You swallowed his growl when you ground your hips against the hardness in his pants. 
“You keep doing that, I won’t last long.” He hissed in your ear, moving to devour your neck. 
You moaned in return as his hands grabbed your hips, helping you move in a rhythm that had the two of you out of breath in moments. 
Shawn wore his dark blue button-up mostly undone, and it didn’t take you long to undo the rest of the buttons, giving you access to his torso. He wasn’t overly muscled, but he was lean enough to have a clear outline of his abs, a V shape disappearing into his jeans. You drank him in like a tall glass of eggnog before leaning down to attack his neck, nibbling at his ear until his hands tightened on your hips, tilting you back and forth. 
Shawn’s plush lips were pink, swollen from kissing as he reached a hand towards your face. 
Now you could read the inscription on one signet ring. It was big and heavy-looking, full of tiny writing. 
When stormy weather comes around
It was made in heaven
When sunny skies break through behind the clouds
I wish it could last forever
“Queen.” You said, toying with the ring on his pinky finger. “Interesting.”
Before he could reply, you took his finger into your mouth and sucked, swirling your tongue around the tip before pulling at it with your teeth. It gave way easily. True to your word, you spat it into the ashtray in a way that had Shawn’s breath hitching in the back of his throat. 
His middle finger, the one with the calavera, tasted of mint and sugar, like the peppermint popcorn from Kathy’s party. Once the ring was free you sat back and opened your mouth for Shawn to see the skull balanced on your tongue before you dropped it too in the ashtray. 
“Fuck, you’re hot.” He growled as you moved on to the final ring, the one with the sparrow.
How was it possible that seeing his hands bare was hotter than seeing most men fully naked?
Shawn shrugged off his leather jacket and shirt, leaving him bare from the waist up. 
“I think you’re overdressed.” He smirked, hands reaching for the zip at the back of your dress. You stood up to step out of it, leaving you in thigh-high white stockings and a set of red lace underwear that matched your heels. 
He drank you in like a work of art before standing, taking your head in both hands, and capturing your lips with his. He tasted like eggnog and something stronger- maybe whiskey, which had also been a staple at the party. You were just glad you were both clearly sober enough to consent.
In fact, Shawn was sober enough to pick you up, your legs wrapping tight around his waist in an instant. 
“Which way to the bedroom?”
"Shawn, it's a studio. The bed's right behind you. The light is by the fridge.”
“Good. I want to see you.” He devoured your neck on the way, pressing you against the wall so he could turn the light on before continuing the journey. 
You bounced on the bed as he set you down and crawled up your body. Heat radiated from every line of muscle, and you traced them all as you stroked his arms and down his back, pulling him close enough that it was hard to breathe. Hard to think. 
Not that you were interested in thoughts- the sensations he could pull from your neck with his lips alone were mind-numbing, especially when he licked his way up your neck to whisper,
“Can I taste you, beautiful?”
You could only nod and watch as he kissed down your body, pushing down your bra to give his tongue access to your nipples, learning every movement that pulled a fresh cry from your lips and repeating it again on your other breast. 
His fingers hooked around your panties and pulled them down. Shawn kept eye contact with you as he shoved them into his pocket, earning a groan from you. Were you into that? When it came to Shawn, yes. 
From the first hot press of his tongue to your clit, one thing was obvious: he loved to eat. And he was good at it. Even the expel of air as he smirked against you had your hips grinding, pleading for more friction. 
Then one of those damned fingers slid into you, curling, searching for the right spot, and your own hands flew to his slicked-back hair, ruffling it, pulling. Shawn groaned into you at the sensation, speeding up his ministrations. 
“I- I need-” You gasped, not knowing how to finish your sentence when he was between your legs, your panties in his pocket, your red heels no doubt leaving marks on his back. 
You came. The growl that left Shawn’s throat as he attacked your clit with his tongue was nothing short of brutal, and you loved it. Pled with him not to stop. Clawed at his hair, tightened your thighs around his head as he milked your orgasm for all it was worth. 
When it was over and your clit was at its most sensitive, he blew cold air there, causing a whimper to leave your lips. 
Shawn climbed back up your body to give you a searing kiss. His lips were salty, his tongue anything but gentle as it toyed with yours. 
“Fuck me.” You wrapped your legs around him and ground your hips to his. 
He smirked before wrapping his hands around your back and flipping the two of you over so you were straddling him before he retorted, 
“Ride me.”
Your shaking hands made quick work of his belt, unzipping his black jeans and pulling down his boxers. When Shawn’s cock sprang free, you were almost nervous. He was bigger than the men you’d been with in the past, but when you wrapped your fingers around his cock and gave a few experimental pumps his eyes flew back in his head. 
I can work with that. 
His fingers toyed with the white lace of your stockings as you began to ride him. His cock was incredible, hitting a new place with every thrust. With one hand on your hip and the other on your breast, Shawn started fucking up into you in time with your bounces. 
Every fluid movement of your hips was an experiment as you set a pace that was all for Shawn: when he groaned, you tightened around him. Every sensation was tense, building up to something incredible. 
Words got caught in your throat, pushed to the side by loud moans that somehow said more than words ever could. Your hips sped in time with Shawn’s thrusts as you locked eyes.
The climax hit you both at once, Shawn calling out your name as he unloaded into you and you collapsed on top of him, feeling utterly satisfied for the first time in… well, ever. You’d thought you knew what it was like to be satisfied before, but this was something else. You couldn’t move for several long minutes. 
Shawn’s hands stroked your back as you both came down from the high. He pressed a gentle kiss to the top of your head. “Hey, beautiful.” 
“How was that for you?”
“Earth-shattering. You?”
“Dazzling. I can see why you haven’t worn these to the office before-” He tapped your heels- “I’d never get any work done. Nobody would.”
You hummed against him, tiredness pulling at your eyes. You winced as you moved off of him, suddenly sore from the roughness of the night’s actions, just from the size of him.
Shawn shot you a shy smile as he buttoned his jeans once more. “Hey, did I see The Grinch under your coffee table?”
Heat rushed to your face. “Yeah. I usually watch it every year.”
“Could I join you?”
You shared a warm smile. “I’d like that.”
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humblewats · 11 months
i just wanna stay - chapter 9
Beatrice startles awake.
It happens occasionally, which is still more often than she likes to admit. She dreams of Lucy, of the morning when everything changed. It’s always vivid - the smudge of peanut butter on the corner of Lucy’s mouth from breakfast, the smell of apple & cinnamon muffins baking in the kitchen, the gentle flow of Lucy’s giggle, the slant of morning sunlight shining against the porcelain faces of Lucy’s dolls. Then, it’s the pitch of Mothers scream and the vacant look in Lucy’s eyes that has Beatrice trembling.
Every time, as though her brain is trying to protect her from reliving it, it jerks her back to reality. Her eyes fly open and she tenses, hot tears blurring her immediate field of vision.
Fuck, fuck, fuck, she whimpers around exaggerated breathes. She squeezes her eyes shut in an effort to dispel the oppressive brand of crippling emotions that coils inside her, permanent and rooted and weeping. She swallows thickly and works on tempering her oxygen levels, but it’s a difficult task considering just how real it all feels. It’s over now, she tells herself, it’s okay.
A low groan, an unimpressed sound that doesn’t belong to her, causes her heart rate to spike again. Her body automatically jolts into a half-sitting position, the back of her hand wiping furiously at her face as she surveys her surroundings with an alertness that has her mind spinning.
A messy dresser. Blue sheets. An overflowing hat rack. A band poster of the Pixie’s, one corner peeling away.
She looks down. One arm is trapped beneath the body of a naked woman, her bare shoulders and back on display. The tattoo of a cartoon ghost sits at the top of her spine. Messy brown locks spread across a pillow, a slight frown on her face.
Ava, she breathes.
CONTINUE on ao3 here
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askwhatsforlunch · 5 months
Mincemeat Kings' Crown
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When I visit someone, I never come empty-handed. Whomever that someone is: a friend, family, a co-worker, an overseas landlady, a brief lover, an Airbnb host... I can bring flowers, Chocolates, or a small gift, a good bottle of wine, or home-brewed Cider or Liqueur, perhaps. But more often than not, it's cake. Cake makes people happy, doesn't it? Thus, as we are visiting my sister, Jules, in Dijon this weekend, and she's said she hadn't had a Kings’ Crown or Cake yet, I baked this beautiful Mincemeat Kings' Crown to bring her. A delicious way, we found, of toasting (with home-brewed Cider) to her new table, bench and chairs after spending an arvo assembling them!
Ingredients (makes 1 brioche):
4 cups strong white flour
1/3 cup caster sugar
4 ½ teaspoons active dry yeast
2 teaspoons salt
4 large eggs
½ cup milk
1 cup unsalted butter, cut into small chunks
1/2 cup Ava’s Mincemeat 
a fève*
1 egg, lightly beaten
½ tablespoon milk
1/4 cup Honey Syrup 
1 tablespoon pearl sugar
The day before, combine strong white flour, caster sugar, yeast and salt (they shouldn’t touch at this stage) in the bowl of an electric stand mixer fitted with the hook attachment. Turn on low speed until well-combined.
Turn on medium speed and add the eggs and milk, and mix 4 minutes until smooth and elastic. The dough will be quite sticky at this stage. Gradually add butter, a few chunks at a time until fully incorporated. When all the butter is incorporated, increase speed to high and mix, 4 to 6 minutes, until dough is soft, shiny and slaps the sides of the bowl.
Turn dough out onto a lightly floured surface and knead lightly to form a ball. Pop the dough ball in a lightly oiled large bowl and cover with cling film. Let rise at room temperature for an hour.
Again, turn dough out onto a lightly floured surface and knead lightly. Shape into a ball, and return dough to the lightly oiled bowl. Cover with cling film, and prove once more a couple of hours or until the dough has tripled in size. Place the bowl in the refrigerator overnight. The dough will continue proving, which will give the brioche a light and airy texture.
In the morning, remove the bowl from the refrigerator, and allow the dough to come back to room temperature, for 1 hour.
Line a baking tray with baking paper. Set aside.
Remove cling film and turn dough out on a lightly floured surface. Divide the dough into three equal portions. Roll two of the portions into large rectangles onto a lightly floured surface.
Spread half of the Mincemeat onto the first dough rectangle, leaving at least an inch on the outward edge, and roll it tightly like you would a Swiss roll, seal the seam, and gently roll into a long “sausage”. Set aside.
Spread remaining Mincemeat onto the second dough rectangle, leaving at least an inch on the outward edge. Again, roll gently but tightly.
Roll the plain portion into a long “sausage” the same length as the others. Hide the fève* in it!
Place them all vertically on the work surface, pinching the end of all of them firmly together. Plait, and shape into a crown. Place on prepared baking tray. Leave to prove for 30 minutes to one hour in a warm, draught-free room.
Whisk the egg and milk together.
Preheat oven to 190°C/375°F. Once the brioche has risen, brush thoroughly with egg wash. Bake at 190°C/375°F  for 35 minutes, until a nice golden brown colour.
Meanwhile, heat Honey Syrup in a small saucepan. Bring to a simmer until slightly thickened. Remove from the heat.
Remove Mincemeat Kings’ Crown from the oven, and immediately brush all over with the Honey Syrup, to glaze. Sprinkle generously with pearl sugar. Transfer to serving plate and let cool for a bit before serving and finding out who’ll be crowned Queen or King! Serve with chilled Cider (Brut or Doux).
*A fève is a tiny porcelain figurine traditionally hidden in Epiphany Galette des Rois or Kings’ Brioche in France. Whoever finds it in their slice is Queen or King for the day. Before it was a figurine, a dried fava bean (”fève”, in French) used to be hidden, hence the name.
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9unravelledcrimes · 8 months
Hi! I’m K and I’ve been following the ld fandom since forever and finally decided to make a tumblr this year
The 2015-2019 era >>>
Some of my fav dancers + solos:
Basically every Izzy Howard solo, she’s currently my fav ld and has been since 2020.
Brightyn Brems: in disguise
Sabine Nehls: light of the seven and shout
Dyllan Blackburn: 1977 and violence
Ellie Wagner: I will always love you
Gracyn French: this business of love and unravel me
Ava Arbuckle: one
Tate McRae: porcelain
Savannah Kristich: fame and paparazzi
Kaylee Quinn: arrival of the birds
Cami Voorhees: painting greys, stations and movement
Kiarra Waidelich: pause, goodbye and corps
Hailey Bills: Billie Jean and dracula
Elliana Walmsley: breathe
Bostyn Brown: le vent
Laci Stoico: blackbird
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readingwithrhia · 1 year
Linger - MPHFPC Fanfiction ( Alma Peregrine x OC Daughter character Avalon Peregrine) Chpt.2
Disclaimer, I only own Avalon Lefay Peregrine, the other characters rightfully belong to Ransom Riggs
Based on Ransom Riggs bestseller Miss Peregrines Home for Peculiar Children.
This is a fan-fiction story
Rape, incest, and mature content will be included in this story. Read at your own risk.
Trigger warning ⚠️
——————— Chapter 02 —————
I remember those little moments when he would converse with me in this filthy cell, restraint by leather straps to a chair, because he wanted to make me feel he was the one with power. The empowered god.
"Hello, sweetheart." Dark chuckles slipped from his scarred lips, his eyes drenched in insanity, terror coursed me at how his blank eyes were filled with violence. Still scary how an average appearing man reigned with monsters. "I still cannot believe that a child of beauty would be conceived through horror."
Chills ran down my spine, even if I attempted to lunge at him, it would be of no use. I was restrained.
"I gave her a child of her own, she should be thankful."
Even my bones tremble in disgust at the sight of my father.
Silence continued to scream, except for his words amd the clicking of his boots against the hard concrete.
"Not being able to look at her only own flesh and blood as she is reminded of me and what I forced upon her is the greatest pain I have ever inflicted, and I have slaughtered numerous inoccent souls."
Digging my fingers into his skull and ripping out his brain would be a pleasure of mine, but that will not be as of today. Completely devoured by insanity, redemption was an impossible call for this man. How could he have slept? Those screams Mother made and her struggling to free herself from his grasp were lullabies to his sleep.
"I love her, but not in a way a brother loves his sister."
Going through sleepless nights of pain and grief, dancing on the edge of a knife barefoot, salvation finally arrived.
In the form of my bruised and injured mother, the great Alma Peregrine — the crimson line across the arc of her cheekbones was visibly evident, black and blue bruises revealing themselves underneath the sleeves of her dress, like blood trailing on porcelain cups — and what I assume to be the now renowned hollow-slayer, Jacob Portman.
Traces of Jacob's injuries barely showed themselves, except that his ocean eyes showed traumatic gleam, a dash of pride and relief.
"Thank God, we found you." Jacob breathed heavily, finally saved from the nights of endless crying, torture, and loneliness. I tried to keep my spirits high and remember that I was stronger than this. I was a peculiar. I was stronger than a normal human; and yet my father made me weak. He made me think I was weak and frail. I felt that way,and deep down, I felt I was always weak. Until the moment I was saved.
"Ava!" My mother cried in a mixture of pain and relief, intangible glass shards piercing her voice. With her trembling hands, she embraced me and there came a whisper, "I'm sorry."
I may be alive, but death will always inhabit my bones.
When Jacob and Mom came and got me, I felt relief. I was relieved that my nightmare was over.
Weakness prevailed as tear stained cheeks on my face kept the reminder of the nightmare,and that my nightmare was alive. My nightmare running through my blood. My nightmare wouldn't end, until I did. I knew I was stronger than him. I was stronger than any of the torture he put me through. And yet, he stuck me down and made me small. I wasn't myself anymore, I was a barely a shadow of Avalon.
Not the daughter of Alma Peregrine, nor Caul's.
A burning throne in Hell has been reserved for me as soon as the monsters' scream echo through my mind.
— ALP—
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kadebronson · 1 year
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01. barbie girl - aqua
02. material girl - madonna
03. perfect day - hoku
04. barbie boy - dorian electra ft. sega bodega
05. doll parts - hole
06. dumb blonde - dolly parton
07. c'est la vie - b*witched
08. blondes (have more fun) - rod stewart
09. malibu - trixie mattel
10. hollywood baby - 100 gecs
11. do it - spice girls
12. pink barbie bandaid - scene queen
13. plastic doll - lady gagy
14. coin operated boy - the dresden dolls
15. another dumb blonde - hoku
16. queenie - bratmobile
17. i'm just ken - ryan gosling
18. born to make you happy - britney spears
19. ship in a bottle - bright eyes
20. pretend to be nice - josie and the pussycats
21. smile - vitamin c
22. dolls - bella poarch
23. this, my porcelain life - rasputina
24. ken doll - gameboi ft. ayesha erotica
25. sorry bro (i love you) - dorian electra
26. backwoods barbie - dolly parton
27. just a girl - no doubt
28. the blonde lead the blind - streetlight manifesto
29. statement of vindication - bikini kill
30. shabby doll - elvis costello and the attractions
31. kings and queens - ava max
32. barbie and ken - scene queen ft. set it off
33. mattel - avenged sevenfold
34. fight like a girl - emilie autumn
35. personality crisis - new york dolls
36. barbie world - nicki minaj and ice spice ft. aqua
you can listen to the playlist here!
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kiisstuff · 9 months
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Ava Rosé - The Artistic Soul She/Her, 16 years old
Personality: Ava is a free spirit with a deep appreciation for all things artistic and beautiful. She exudes a sense of creativity and imagination that sets her apart from the crowd. She's kind-hearted, compassionate, and always eager to lend a helping hand to those in need. Ava's openness to new experiences and her willingness to embrace unconventional ideas make her an intriguing and unique individual.
Appearance: Ava's appearance is striking and memorable. She has long, wavy auburn hair that seems to catch the sunlight and cascade gracefully down her back. Her emerald green eyes sparkle with a sense of wonder and curiosity, as if they hold entire galaxies within them. Ava's porcelain-pale skin complements her vibrant hair and eyes, giving her an ethereal and almost otherworldly beauty. She often dresses in bohemian-style clothing, favoring flowing fabrics, earthy colors, and an assortment of unique accessories that reflect her artistic sensibilities.
Interests: Ava's true passion lies in the arts. She's an accomplished painter, and her artwork often reflects her deep emotions and unique perspective on the world. She also dabbles in music, occasionally playing soothing melodies on her acoustic guitar. Ava's room is a sanctuary of creativity, adorned with colorful canvases and filled with the scent of incense. She often encourages Reyan to explore her own creative side, sparking a unique bond between them.
Green Flag - Supportive and Encouraging, Red Flag - Emotionally Distant
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