#average florida post
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you are ridiculous how are you even a fern Did you know that by county in the mainland US Cochise county Arizona has the highest amount of documented native fern species. with 60 fern species. yup.
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vamptastic · 5 months
honestly maybe it's bc i'm from a small town in florida where we didn't have a lot of covid cases until spring break hit, and also florida just... never really enforced a lockdown but every time i see a post talking about the Youth Of Today were all extremely damaged by lockdowns its like??? i think maybe ppl just haven't been around a lot of kids but working at summer camp before and after lockdowns the kids (5-13) seem fine & their behavior is the same. i was a freshman in high school when covid hit and certainly some people had a rough time mental health wise and i had friends i didn't see for years bc they were immunocompromised and had to switch to florida virtual bc schools here just stopped offering online school. like, it sucked, it still sucks, it was definitely a disruption. I'm just really not seeing any visible kind of developmental or behavioral issues in young children, anecdotally. Especially not to the extreme level suggested in some posts
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rabble-dabble · 1 year
this may be funny to me only but i'm laughing rn because my updated design for theoinnit is like if someone asked (begged) him to wear anything OTHER than the fucking red swamped hoodie he has on literally 100% of the time (including lava naps) and he goes "ok" and then shows up later in a long sleeve undershirt with a tshirt over it like. BUDDY
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plaguedocboi · 5 months
Bottomless Pits
We post holes here, sir.
Sinkholes, pit caves, wells and cenotes all have one thing in common; sometimes they’re bottomless. Not truly “bottomless”, of course, but in appearance, reputation, or of incredible depth. We’ve seen a few of these “bottomless pits” in prior lists such as the Lost Sea in Tennessee or the Devil’s Hole in Nevada, but today we will focus on those strange places in the earth that seem to be endless.
1. Laguna Kaan Luum, Mexico
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This one threw me for a loop because I was originally only seeing pictures like the one above, so I was like ‘oh, that’s cool, so it’s kinda like Dean’s Blue Hole, where it’s an ocean sinkhole right off the shore…’
No. It’s not that. Let’s zoom out a bit.
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Yeah. This is a lake with one giant sinkhole in the middle! It’s about 2,000 feet across and reaches depths of 278 feet, with the surrounding shallows a very pleasant 4 feet deep! I’m mostly including it on the list because the full image hit me like a bus.
2. Sima Humboldt, Venezuela
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Tepuis are large plateau mountains found across Venezuela, often with sheer sides and inaccessible tops that inspired explorers to imagine dinosaurs still surviving on these isolated mesas. Even on their own, tepuis are incredible, beautiful and mysterious. Add a sinkhole with an even more isolated forest at the bottom, and you have all the ingredients for some crazy shit to happen. Sima Humboldt and Sima Martel are two enormous sinkholes at the top of Cerro Sarisariñama. Humboldt is the largest at over a thousand feet across and nearly the same in depth, with a jungle flourishing at the bottom. The sinkhole forests are home to many endemic species of both plant and animals, but so far, no prehistoric monsters have been found in any of them.
3. Well of Barhout, Yemen
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The “well of hell” is a massive sinkhole in the desert, measuring about 100 feet in diameter and plunging down over 300 feet. Understandably, there are many myths and legends about this place, including a story about an evil djinn which lives at the bottom and takes the head of anyone foolish enough to climb in. In fact, so pervasive are these legends that the sinkhole was only formally explored in 2021! Luckily they did not find any evil spirits, but they did find stalagmites which reached 30 feet tall, cave pearls, and waterfalls which provided refuge for frogs and snakes.
4. Myakka sinkhole, Florida
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This murky abyss is filled with more than just water, it is also home to over a hundred alligators. Due to the poor visibility and very high concentration of large carnivores, it is very difficult to study this pit. Only a few people have ever glimpsed the bottom of this 134-foot deep sinkhole, but apparently we aren’t missing much because the water down there is stagnant and inhospitable to most life. Exactly why this area is so popular among alligators is still unknown, but it’s likely due to a combination of food availability and ideal temperatures.
5. The Pit cenote, Mexico
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Like Cenote Angelita, The Pit is a layered cenote. The first 88 feet is freshwater, then there is a “fog” of hydrogen sulfide, below which lies over 300 feet of brackish water. The Pit is a spectacular-looking cenote, with an almost otherworldly quality, which makes it very popular among divers. So far, this pit has been explored to a depth of 390 feet, but unexplored passages extend further.
6. Thor’s well, Oregon
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Like a drainpipe continuously swallowing an unbroken stream of ocean water, Thor’s well is often likened to a bottomless pit. However, it is actually only about 20 feet deep, and the drain effect is due to the fact that it connects back to the ocean, not swallowing the water but simply rerouting it. This does not mean that there is no danger, though. The rocks are slippery and sharp, and this area sees a higher than average number of ‘sneaker waves’; waves that look normal as they roll in but are actually much larger than they appear, potentially sweeping people out to sea as they retreat. The true danger here is the ocean, not the well.
7. Vouliagmeni Lake, Greece
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This incredibly beautiful saltwater lake has been rumored to have healing properties for thousands of years, and today continues to draw in visitors for its medicinal minerals and “doctor fish”. But this famous lake hides a secret; a labyrinth of caves whose depths have never been fully explored, and whose connection to the ocean remains undiscovered. Passages stretch over a mile into the mountains, with an average depth of 260 feet. The largest of these caverns is nearly 500 feet wide and full of warm sea water. Although a spectacular diving spot, these unknown caverns are best not underestimated.
8. Santa Rosa blue hole, New Mexico
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A gorgeous natural swimming hole, this cenote is roughly 80 feet wide and 80 feet deep (in most places) and is a popular destination for tourists. It was also used for diving certification tests, until an incident in 1976. There is one spot in this picturesque cenote that goes down much further than 80 feet; the entrance to a cave. In the dark, twisting passages, two young divers got lost and died, and the cave was later sealed with a metal grate to prevent other divers from attempting to enter. The cave was mostly forgotten about until 2013, when cave divers were given permission to attempt to map the area. The blue hole is at least 200 feet deep, but the bottom of the cave still has not been found.
9. Roaring River Spring, Missouri
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This turquoise river bubbles up from a ten-foot wide pool of deep water hidden within a sheer-sided canyon. But despite its peaceful appearance, this spring discharges 20 million gallons of water a day, and the exact source is still unknown. In 1979, divers attempted to map the cave, but reached a point 225 feet down where the passage constricted and had a water flow like “the force of an open fire hydrant”, preventing them from going any further. In 2020, divers waited until the water flow was lowest in the summer and descended to a depth of 472 feet with no bottom in sight, making this the deepest spring in the US!
10. Your Mom.
I jest, of course. Here’s the real one:
Hranice Abyss, Czech Republic
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A tiny greenish lake in the forest is the opening to the deepest freshwater cave in the world, deeper than the Empire State Building is high and still seemingly bottomless. It is so deep that scientists think it may have been formed by a totally different process than most freshwater caves; instead of water eroding away the ground from above, it may have been created by acidic groundwater coming up from below. And this water is extremely acidic, able to burn a diver’s skin if not covered properly. This, combined with fallen trees and other debris, poor visibility, and the sheer vertical drop of the cave, creates incredibly dangerous conditions for diving. Because of this, no diver or ROV has reached the bottom yet. But with a recent study using seismic sensors, scientists have estimated that the abyss may be over a kilometer deep, twice what was previously thought.
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mydaddywiki · 12 days
Gene Deckerhoff
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Physique: Average Build Height: 5'9"
Emerson Eugene “Gene” Deckerhoff, Jr. (born May 2, 1945) is the radio play-by-play announcer of the NFL's Tampa Bay Buccaneers, a post he has held since 1989. He also served as the longtime voice of the Florida State Seminoles, calling games for the football, men's basketball, and baseball teams. Deckerhoff announced his retirement from FSU broadcasts following the football team's 2022 spring game. He also voices the P.A. announcer for EA Sports Madden NFL, NCAA Football, and Arena Football games.
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Obviously he has a cute, sexy body but the main attraction was his face. Very gentle looking. Sweet. Almost too innocent and cute looking to make sexual comments about. Almost. And that voice… well, he wasn't the voice of Florida State Seminoles and the Tampa Bay Buccaneers for nothing. Looks like he lose some weight, but mmm… I wouldn’t kick him out of my bed.
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Deckerhoff, a Jacksonville native, has been married for over 57 years and they have three sons and six grandchildren. In the off-season, Gene enjoys traveling with his family, woodworking, photography and cooking. There isn't much else I can say about him. He's adorable and I'd love to fuck him.
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oldguardleatherdog · 1 year
OLD MACDONALD BOUGHT THE FARM: "Barking and meowing" by students is being banned in a hysterical panic by another ignorant Florida school board. How long are we gonna put up with this insidious nonsense?
I've had it. These nutcases are about to regulate onomatopoeia in elementary school. Don't laugh - it's hiding something ominous, and it's deliberate.
First: If you're in the furry fandom - as I've been for 26 years (longer than the average fur has been alive these days) - TAKE THIS SHIT SERIOUSLY.
If they're actually banning K-12 school age kids from wearing anything animal-themed (yeah, it's that broad) and restricting the sounds they can utter for Christ's sake, you can be sure that the wild-eyed crazeballs chick who runs LibsOfTikTok and singlehandedly caused the wave of library closings over the mere existence of LGBTQ+ characters in books - to the extent that the State of Missouri legislature has defunded the entire statewide public library system! - already has her sights trained on Midwest FurFest, and the lunatics who closed down Boston Children's Hospital with bomb threats are already booking flights to bring the Nazis-with-guns to every furry convention in America by the end of this year, AND IF YOU DON'T GET WITH THE PROGRAM THEY'RE GOING TO BLOW YOUR oWo uWu ASSES OFF!
Enough dicking around, my fellow furballs. You know what to do.
Here's what I posted to Reddit last night - piss-poor metrics for my posts about the Wile E. Coyote anvils over our heads, but my groaners in the r/3amjokes and r/dadjokes subs get 35,000 views. Go figure.
In the meantime, read, heed, and reblog like your life depends on it, because it does:
You may laugh at first glance, or shake your head at "Florida again" - but it's a stalking horse for their next milestone: banning student behavior and appearance that to the MAGAs and right-wing nut jobs carries even a *hint* of LGBTQ+, and then - say it with me -
Identifying students who are mature enough to have come out as LGBTQ+ fully or in part (friends, family); those who are known to be "questioning" and on their way to coming out; those who are beginning to identify as other than heterosexual or show "tendencies" or "predelictions", and students too young to be self-aware in those ways but are seen as suspect by teachers and administrators - and then, gradually at first, then quickly and deliberately separating, isolating, and ultimately barring them from access to public education.
Kentucky has said it out loud just this week, clearly, plainly, with no room for ambiguity: "It's time to eliminate 'transes' from our schools."
If you're still on the fence about getting involved with activism and protests to put this movement down for good before it becomes too big to stop - and we still have time to stop it and crush it - do you think they'll stop after just banning kids?
You don't need to have psychic powers or a crystal ball to see what's heading our way. Soon.
You can choose to do nothing - or you can choose to act. One or the other. Simple, plain, clear.
Joni Mitchell once sang, "it all comes down to you," and she was right, of course, but if you listened closely, her meaning was clear then, and applies now - one choice will save you, the other will not.
Only one of these choices has the potential to turn the tide, the clearly visible, quickening, rising tide that's got crazy Jesus in its eyes and a list with your name on it.
I cannot choose for you, of course. No one can.
Last time I looked, this was still a free country.
But if you do not make the right choice - *you*, Constant Stranger, she sang - no one will be able to save you, or us. And the choice is upon us, sooner than we thought, and now.
Time to choose.
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cvckinxss · 2 months
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And………..We’re back! #PovertySZNOver. Shout out to the real ones who held me down while I was on the mobile struggle. I’m still here, but a little wiser now, #IykYk ! Anyway, I have only three muses this time. I’m investing everything into EVE GLASPIE, DENALI DELANEY, & SATIVA SAYERS . I love them. They're my complex babies. Underneath the cut, you will find some important information about them. Please like this post if you want to plot. I promise I’ll message you.
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Eve Lyra Glaspie
| 𝐓𝐖𝐄𝐍𝐓𝐘-𝐒𝐄𝐕𝐄𝐍 | ● Born March 5, 1997 in Drayton, NC. Pisces 🌞 ● Aquarius 🌙 • Scorpio ⬆️. She spent the first twelve years of her life in the hoods of Drayton, North Carolina. The move to the suburbs of Athena, Georgia happened when she was thirteen years old. She spent all of her adolescent years in Georgia. She transferred from GSU to LSU when she was twenty years old, the beginning of her life in Belle Vie, LA.
| 𝐒𝐈𝐍𝐆𝐄𝐑 / 𝐈𝐍𝐅𝐋𝐔𝐄𝐍𝐂𝐄𝐑 | ● Eve is a self-proclaimed old soul. Her musical influences stem from the way she was brought up. She spent a lot of time with her grandparents. They played a lot of Anita Baker, Barry White, Al Green, Aretha Franklin, and Roberta Flack. Her parents were more into Aaliyah, SWV, En Vogue, Prince, UGK, Erykah Badu, D'Angelo, Mary J. Blige, TLC, Whitney Houston, Outkast, Jill Scott, and Michael Jackson. Eve was a part of an R&B group with former friend Sylvia Vaugine and one of her best friends Princess Whittaker. The group was called Nu Soul. Sylvia was dubbed the best performer, Eve was the soulful aspect, and Princess was the glue that kept it all together. They had two hits that charted on Music Now's R&B Charts. The biggest being a cover of TLC's Baby-Baby-Baby that peaked at number five and the second being a cover of En Vogue's Don't Let Go, which peaked at number ten. Their only original song was called Through Enough and it was in the top 20 R&B charts. The group only released one EP that made a huge impact on black youth. Yet, social media was unfortunately the downfall of the young girl group as well. They disbanded after their short-lived success because of a petty feud. The girls went their own way and garnered solo success through their respective followings on social media. Eve has three million followers on Grampic, a million monthly listeners on Music Now, and 800K subscribers on VidMe. Aside from music, she's known for her unique fashion sense. She cites Aaliyah, Left Eye, and Naomi Campbell as her style icons.
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𝗧𝗪𝗘𝗡𝗧𝗬-𝗦𝗜𝗫 | ● Born October 31, 1997 in Liberty City, FL. Scorpio 🌞 Scorpio 🌙 Cancer ⬆️. She's the daughter of a woman who was known as "Mary Jane" around Florida. People gave her the moniker because she was well-known for selling weed to numerous drug dealers. Alongside Sativa's father, Mary sold narcotics. Cocaine and crack was sort of "average" They were her boyfriend's thing. Mary was the one who introduced weed to their business. What made her marijuana stand out among the rest was the potent THC and impressive structure. Everybody sold weed and coke around Liberty City back in the 90s and 2000s. But only one person was dubbed the queen of marijuana. That was Asani "Mary Jane" Jones.
𝗛𝗔𝗜𝗥𝗗𝗥𝗘𝗦𝗦𝗘𝗥 / 𝗖𝗨𝗥𝗩𝗬 𝗜𝗡𝗙𝗟𝗨𝗘𝗡𝗖𝗘𝗥 | ● Standing at only 5'2 like her mother, Sativa's curves came from the same woman. Mary Jane faced struggles in a male-dominated industry. Certain men didn't take a 5'2 woman seriously. That's what her 6'2 boyfriend was for. He wasn't just a cocaine-addicted drug dealer. The guy had the muscles of a body builder. And the coldest eyes anyone had ever seen. Sativa's father was much more than a dealer. He was also an enforcer until the drugs took him all the way down in his mid 30s. He went from being addicted to coke to battling a heroin addiction in the late 2000s. Ironically, the latter formed while he was incarcerated on drug charges. By this time, her mother left the business. She was smart enough to invest in a barbershop that her younger brother ran for her. Sativa was close to her uncle and his wife. Matter of fact, her first job at the age of ten was sweeping up hair at his barbershop. She learned about unisex salons because of him. His wife worked as a braider who specialized in braids, twists, and locs. She taught Sativa how to braid and her uncle taught her how to cut. When Sativa was around fifteen years old, the aunt even let her do some of her clients' hair. The rave reviews made her want to pursue it professionally. She became sidetracked after high school because of a man. Much like what she grew up around, Sativa was attracted to drug dealers and gang members. Her most infamous boyfriend Draylon "Killa D" Johnson was a part of a gang on the south side of Liberty City. He was a few years older than her. Sativa was eighteen and he was twenty-three at the time. Draylon was in the midst of a gang war between two gangs. Bodies were piling up, blood was splattered on the streets. It got so bad that even cops avoided certain neighborhoods they knew was too dangerous for even them. The rumor was he was responsible for at least fifteen of those bodies. Sativa was blinded by her parents' love story. She wanted one just like it and got it with Draylon. He was flashy and unashamed of what he was doing. Draylon was showing off guns, money, and alluding to the killings all over Grampic. Sativa was in the background of a lot of pictures and videos, making people wonder who the girl with the "big ass" was. They started following her more than him and that's when their relationship got complicated. He became abusive and insecure. He wouldn't let her do anything. Sativa was even pregnant at twenty-one. A physical altercation led to a miscarriage. Still, she wouldn't leave him. They were very well-known on the urban side of Grampic, black youth being their primary audience. Unfortunately, Draylon wasn't allowed to redeem himself. He was killed in his late twenties by a younger member of the rival gang. He caught him "slipping" outside of a corner store. Sativa was only twenty-three years old when he died. The money he had stashed away, she used to relocate to Indiana and start anew. She went to beauty school to get her license and built her own unisex salon called "Cultivated Hair"
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𝗧𝗛𝗜𝗥𝗧𝗬 | ● Born June 30, 1993, on the north side of Villemore, MD. Cancer 🌞 Libra 🌙 Pisces ⬆️ The product of a north side love story. Her parents were teenagers who fell in love in the late 80s. The story begins when they were both fourteen in 1989. They were attending high school during the time when Washington, D.C. was declared "The Murder Capital" Villemore was just thirty minutes away from the Southeast region of Washington, D.C. The high murder rate stemmed from the crack epidemic plaguing the DMV area. Her own father's mother had fallen into temptation, trying crack in 1987. She became addicted to the drug. Her father always said that he was both a "motherless" and "fatherless" child because of the abandonment. Her mother came from a different kind of family. Perhaps because she came from a mixed background. Her father was Jewish and Italian. Her mother was Afro-Latina. She grew up wealthy. Her father owned local laundromats, and her mother worked in the medical field until her retirement at 45. Denali's father was Black and Irish. He didn't know his Irish side well because he was many generations after his great great great grandfather, who was Irish. By the time he was born, his bloodline was mostly Black.
𝗦𝗧𝗬𝗟𝗘 𝗖𝗢𝗡𝗦𝗨𝗟𝗧𝗔𝗡𝗧 | ● When she was growing up, Denali could remember people commending her mother on her looks and fashion sense. Her parents didn't let a teen pregnancy stop them from pursuing their dreams. Denali's father played college football. He was one of the players who received money from drug dealers who wanted them to win games for profit. Gambling on college games was big in his era. A career-shattering injury ruined his chance of going to the pros. He worked a normal 9-5 until the 10's. His alma mater offered him a coaching job. He worked as a defensive coach, eventually working his way up to head coach. That's been his job since 2019. Her mother is a homebody. She does arts and crafts, including blankets and seasonal wreaths. She sells them online. They're the complete opposites of what they were as teens in the late 80s and early 90s. Denali would say she got her style from her mother. Don't confuse the recluse for the stylish diva of the 90s. Her mother is more modest at 48. She doesn't care about keeping up with trends like the 90s babies she gave birth to. She lived in the era, attended Freaknik, wore the big exaggerated hairstyles, the booty shorts, etc. Denali modeled a lot of her image after her mother. She rose to prominence through social media. She was one of the first women to blow up on Grampic. Her college years were all over Blurbs and Grampic. After realizing she could make serious profit from the internet, Denali took it seriously. She has made claims that Grampic paid off her student loans and bought her first foreign whip. Denali started working as a stylist to the women of the WABA at the age of twenty-six. It started with one reaching out then came a viral outfit, and the rest was history. The AFL decided they needed to be more "hip" and "inclusive" Thus, the reason teams started hiring more minorities who were social media savvy. The Commanders, under new management, hired Denali to be a style consultant to a few of their young ballers who had an impact on the youth.
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coochiequeens · 27 days
She had a child trough surrogacy at 68. The average life span for Spainish women is 83. Meaning she could be dead before the kid is 18. And even if she does live to see her second kid reach adult hood. She's going to be handling an elementary school age kid in her 70s, and 86 when she's 18 and old enough to try for her drivers license.
Spanish Actress Ana Obregón Faces Backlash for Surrogacy Decision
May 25, 2024 F. Salau
Renowned Spanish actress Ana Obregón has ignited a firestorm of criticism after revealing that she welcomed a daughter through surrogacy in the United States at the age of 68.
The revelation has sparked debate and raised questions about the legality and morality of surrogacy in Spain.
A Respected Actress
Ana Obregón is widely known for her roles in various Spanish comedies, earning her a place in the hearts of audiences across the country.
However, her decision to pursue surrogacy has drawn both admiration and condemnation from the public and political figures alike.
A Tragic Loss
Obregón’s decision to pursue surrogacy comes in the wake of a devastating personal tragedy.
In 2020, she tragically lost her only son to cancer at the young age of 27. Since then, she has been candid about her grief and her determination to find hope and joy amidst the pain.
Surrogacy in Spain
Spain has strict laws regarding surrogacy, prohibiting all forms of the practice within its borders.
However, parents who undergo surrogacy abroad can legally adopt the child upon their return to the country. This legal loophole has sparked debate and controversy in recent years.
The Ethics of Surrogacy
Surrogacy, the practice of a woman carrying and giving birth to a child for another person or couple, is a complex and controversial issue.
While it can bring joy and fulfillment to those unable to conceive naturally, it also raises ethical questions about exploitation, commodification of women’s bodies, and the rights of the child.
Ana Obregón’s Revelation
Ana Obregón’s decision to share her surrogacy journey publicly has ignited a fierce debate in Spain.
Her appearance on the cover of Hola! magazine, cradling her newborn daughter outside a Florida hospital, has drawn both praise and condemnation from various quarters.
A Divisive Response
Obregón’s Instagram post, in which she expressed gratitude for the “loving light” that entered her life, has divided opinion on social media.
While some have praised her courage and resilience, others have criticized her decision as morally questionable and socially irresponsible.
Political Reactions
Politicians in Spain have also weighed in on the controversy, with members of the left-wing administration condemning Obregón’s actions.
Minister of Education Pilar Alegra likened her departure from the hospital to a descent into hell, while Minister of Equality Irene Montero characterized surrogacy as a form of aggression against women.
Legal and Moral Implications
The debate surrounding surrogacy in Spain touches upon complex legal, moral, and ethical issues.
While some advocate for stricter regulations and outright bans, others argue for a more nuanced approach that balances the rights of intended parents, surrogate mothers, and children born through surrogacy.
Conclusion: A Call for Dialogue
As the debate over surrogacy continues to unfold in Spain, it is clear that there are no easy answers to the complex questions it raises.
What is needed is a thoughtful and respectful dialogue that takes into account the perspectives of all stakeholders involved.
Only through open and honest discussion can Spain hope to navigate the challenges posed by surrogacy in the modern world.
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woomycritiques543 · 1 year
If you can handle NSFT- PLEASE BOOST THIS!
THIS IS AN ACTUAL SAFETY CONCERN! Whether you like Helluva Boss or not, if you actually care about trans lives- please don't skip this post!
As of this month, it's been announced that Helluva Boss S2 episode 5 is to be released this month. The reason why this is concerning, is the fact that the episode revolves around the premise of a grown man dressing in drag and sneaking into a high school to spy on freshman girls to murder them. Which sounds like an "average Helluva Boss" episode at first... until you consider the fact that there are laws against the drag and trans community now taking place:
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The reason why this is a state of emergancy at this point: Is because the newest episode is going to present the very stereotype that caused this man to be in office- in the first place! By representing a drag queen as a "danger to children" or "predatory." Here, we see a drag queen being depicted as a "danger" to kids by pretending to be a teenager to spy on them, stereotyping drag queens as inherently "dangerous" to children, which is the exact type of stereotype that is contributing to the common paranoia towards the drag community. -and though it may not effect you, doesn't mean that it wont effect others or increase their paranoia. Not joking, imagine a transphobia catholic parent who has had the thought of voting for Desantis coming across this episode since it's out there, put on trending, and on Youtube- imagine how that would impact their vote, imagine the further public paranoia this could further cause if this episode was released to the public in the current state that it's in.
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Honestly, look at this and try to tell me that it's a "positive drag representation!" Because even from the trailers alone, Moxxie is clearly being represented not just hyper sexualized, but as a actual danger to the children in the episode! This kind of representation is going to further cause dangerous misconceptions towards the drag community. So regardless of your stance on "fiction", you need to realize that representation like this is further putting lives at risk!
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Drag queens are now at risk of genocide in Florida because the public see's them as "a danger to kids!" or an outright "sex predator!"
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What Vivziepop needs to understand is that stereotypes arent "silly jokes!" They come from a place of discrimination, and ignorance. It's what they spread, and the more episodes portay minorities in this kind of stereotyped light, in public, where anyone can watch it, the more we are closer to acts like this being put into place. the fact that there are now laws threatening to kill drag queens as an act of genocide in Florida RIGHT NOW because Florida thinks that they're "child predators that try to get freindly with children to harm them/kill them/prey on them." So this episode isn't just poor timing- it's outright dangerous timing! I dont care if you see me as an "anti" or whatever you want to demonize me as- drag and trans lives are now even more at stake, and for the past two years, Florida has been highly paranoid towards the lgbt+ community, especially since it's Pride Month, and releasing an episode with stereotypes that have been used against drag queens at a time where the public is now highly paranoid of drag queens and those that are trans could literally contribute to the votes towards a man that is now attempting to cause a law that could mean the end of being openly lgbt+ in America- as a whole. This effects all of us! Everyone is harmed by lgbt+ and poc stereotypes- everyone! Please dont skip this!
Florida has now had repeated cases of violence towards the trans and drag community, and now they're targetting their rights as an attempt to force them into death row for being androygnous.
A literal minority genocide waiting to happen.
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So really, the last thing you'd want to do, is to release an episode of a show depicting a drag queen as a "danger to kids!" at a time where the public is now trying to kill drag queens because they think of them as just that- a "danger" to children! Scene at 1:24
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-and I get liking lgbt+ porn, but it's coming to a point where im starting to see so many dangerous stereotypes and fetishization on Twitter alone (this will be further mentioned in my next video) that this has now gone from "this show is offensive!" to "This show is showing stereotypes that have literally contributed to real life deaths of minorities!" The fact that Vivziepop is releasing this episode this year despite the news of this new law being widespread could potientially spread further panic amoung both consersative and lgbt+ social media alike, not just "Oh, the transphobes will be offended!" but "They're going to use shows like this as an excuse to demonize the trans community and drag queens at a time where America's law is literally trying to kill them!"
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They're depicting a drag queen, in 2023, a year where Florida is trying to cause genocide to the trans and drag community since they see them as a "danger" to children! When they're not! -and presenting these stereotypes in public at a time where the world is already highly paranoid towards drag queens being around children, at all, and see drag or being trans as a "fetish that's dangerous to kids!" as a "danger" to children, is actually putting queer lives at risk! So though I get that you're excited for the latest episode, but this is actually the worst time to release media like this- the public has been highly paranoid towards the drag and trans community, and releasing an episode like this at this time with these kinds of stereotypes, I dont know if you understand this since so many of you are so young, but this could spread actual danger to these communities!
Your love of a cartoon is not more important than the lives of those around you! This goes for those many of you have harassed in the fandom as well. Stop disregarding human lives over a cartoon! These kinds of stereotypes have been contributing to the discrimination against the trans and drag community for decades, and right now, at a time where trans lives and drag queens are more at risk than ever before, there needs to be a caution towards how we treat lgbt+ representation. We need to do more research, we need to be cautious, for the sake of our safety we need to care, because the more you support these kinds of stereotypes, the more you're causing more votes to put this man into office! He's trying to become our president, this could actually put us in danger, stop representing lgbt+ this way! I understanding liking villains, but presenting us in a derogatory light will only hurt lgbt+ lives!
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This isn't "old news." These are bills that are currently being put into Florida law that can severely injure or even kill real people in the lgbt+ community! It's becoming less and less safe to be out once again, so please dont release this episode so soon! Please dont release this episode at a time where drag queens are now being highly perceived as "a danger to children!" around the world! Please put genuine care into your representation, for the sake of the safety and protection of our community the least you can do is be more careful! Please be patient, im begging at this point, for the sake of the lgbt+ community and our safety please stop encouraging the use of these stereotypes and remember to boost this post as much as you can!
Please share this!
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foggynitefic · 3 months
Drop Them Bones Chapter 9: Hard and Fast
This one's a doozy...
Hard and Fast
To be sure of, without a doubt, without debate History: In seafaring times, the term ‘hard and fast’ was used to describe a vessel that was beached on land and unable to be moved. [Don’t lie. Absolutely none of us thought it meant that. None of us.]
So, funny thing. Since posting Chapter 8, I had a wonderful long weekend in Manhattan, followed by the worst stomach flu I’ve gotten in at least a decade. Then, after a few weeks recovering from that, I partially dislocated my knee and sprained my MCL. Full damage assessment still TBD in a couple months, but I have a care plan for now.
What I’ve posted as Chapter 9 was supposed to be ten pages max plus additional scenes, and then this happened. So, I have 6k words of Chapter 10 already because I split Chapter 9 in half, and I’ve had the final scene in Chapter 10 (originally intended for Chapter 6, hah!) written for the last three months…
I currently have 9 more chapters planned out, but as this adventure has shown me, that’s more like guidelines. This chapter would have been out sooner, but reference above, and in retrospect, this chapter’s title also describes me in seafaring times right now…
At least I’m recuperating and back to excessive research spiraling:
If you have the equipment, time, and inclination, you too can om a gator nom. I have only ever outsourced my gator dining experience to trustworthy restaurants, because I’m happy to compensate people accordingly for their labor and gator meat is fucking expensive to have shipped up north.
I’ve mostly encountered alligator fried or in etouffees in restaurants, and if you can’t source alligator or just think they’re too cute to eat (look at them faces!), they do taste like a fishy chicken, but less swampy than frog, and have the consistency of a pork chop. So, imo, you can substitute either white chicken meat or pork to about the same effects in all the recipes except the whole smoked gator. Alligator meat is very lean and easy to dry out, though (flashbacks to straw-like fried, breaded nonsense on that one trip to Florida…) The Daily Beast has an article from 2019 that goes into more detail on taste, etc. I’m not going to link to any of the butchering videos I watched to make this fic, but if you’re interested, deermeatfordinner on Youtube has a good one.
And yes, in true Louisiana fashion, the state government does have an alligator cookbook available in PDF for free. The final page notes that funds for it came from both Florida and Louisiana, and the most approximate publication date I can find for it is 1994. Its text, graphics, and ingredients definitely look like something from the 80s or 90s…
I was not tracking that discarded crocodile and alligator fat can be used to produce biodiesel at competitive prices…
I went down a lot of interesting 1700-1800s sailing history that involved the provisions given per day to British Navy sailors, how much salt was needed to brine 100 lbs of meat, and how the brining process actually worked (floating eggs and meats, oh my!) The average alligator yields about 40 lbs of meat, so all the proportions and weights for applegators came from multiplying that by three, then adding on more layers of fat than an alligator would have because applegators can also go out in the deep sea. Yes, I know this is a fanfic for fantasy pirates on an imaginary planet. If Oda-sensei can say they’re all stronger because gravity, I can make chonky applegators.
Curing meat Wikipedia article; Quora entry (of all things) on sailor provisions; Colonies, Ships and Pirates blog; and an NIH paper with some science of curing meats; plus a definition of pellicle; and some historical pre-refrigeration context.  Salting meat Wikipedia article and smoking meat Wikipedia article. And of course, once the fancy bougie restaurants start using salt water, it’s cool again.
If you don’t have a smoker at home, here’s a stove-top smoked salmon recipe that could work with any type of fish (though, I don’t think a sweet cure would really go with white fish).
How to dehydrate food without a dehydrator ideas
Making a ground oven: I actually learned about this technique back in anthropology of food, as it’s one of the oldest cooking methods that we know of, and I’ve always wanted to try it. Darn you, local fire ordinances.
Random fandom trivia: If you’re a fan of 911 Lone Star, you may remember the first (I think) season episode of a family ground cooking in their backyard and their racist neighbor being a dick about it then getting a righteous comeuppance from the team. Is it over the top justice? Yes. Is the drama hilarious? Also, yes.
They use a technique in this chapter that I based off a New England clambake set up. Mainly, a pit on the beach with seaweed, hot rocks, and a wet sail over top, covered with sand. General bake concepts and times came from here (if you can read it through that horrible font…)
Sustainably harvesting seaweed.  Modern Farmer has a pretty informative newsletter I’ve been subscribed to for a couple years – It’s an interesting read if you’re into agriculture news (food-related technology, regulations, innovations, etc.) and like to know more about your food supply chain.
I didn’t know how to make sausage before. Behold, basic sausage tutorial!
Recipes bludgeoned in the making of this chapter:
I have never cooked gator meat or a whole pig, but here are recipes that sound like horrifying fun:
Whole Smoked Gator
But also, whole pig ground cooked
Kalua Pork  
Alligator Jerky
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pumpkinsy0 · 3 months
TLDR: the shepards are immigrants from haiti who escaped from this dictatorship and found themselves in tulsa, tim made himself to be this intimidating guy because he wanted to protect his family, especially angela and curly, and that's also kinda how the shepard gang came to be
ALRIGHT SO QUICK CONTEXT, In the late 1950s, haiti was already facing political instability and economic challenges, so in the 1960s in haiti, this guy named papa doc came into power. He was ur average politician, when trying to get into office, he would cater to the needs of poor people and other marginalized groups, promising to address to their needs. Skipping past some electoral fraud, papa doc won through bribery, intimidation, and all around manipulation. When he was in power, he quickly made sure to try and keep that power and grow it, even creating this paramilitary force called the tonton macoutes. Anyone who opposed him were crushed,LITERALLY ANYONE who went against him were mostly jailed, tortured, or even killed, civilians, other haitian politicians, activist, ANYONE. And as you would guess, he would also censor the media, and made sure people were only glorifying his rule, and papa doc would essentially steal resources for himself, and ignore the needs of the haitian people.
NOW THE SHEPARDS IN HAITI, i would imagine that they of course had to flee, in fear for their lives however, of course it wasn't easy to do. Bc of papa doc, there were restrictions on immigration. Papa doc viewed immigration a threat to his power and would heavily surveil ppl who he saw as his enemies (aka people who went against what he wanted them to say). NOW i hc the shepards mother to have been this activist or AT LEAST someone who spoke out against what he was doing. Before she say him as this hope, but she quickly realized what was happening, tried to speak out against him, and got on his bad side, and was now not only heavily censored, but also bc now she wants to leave haiti, she's also being watched by papa doc's people. To make it clear, (NOT DOING MY MATH JUST GOING ON MY HEAD), tim is like AROUND a tween and angela and curly are like idk 9 or something, curly and angela dont really understand what's going on because their mom is changing, she's less outspoken and more depressed, but tim understands because he's been reading what his moms been saying and listening into her conversations with other activist. But back to what I was saying, their mother wants to leave haiti but papa doc's people is harassing not only her but her family, trying to stop them from leaving the country and spreading what's happening. At some point, their mom pulled tim aside and told him to protect angela and curly and that's just always been engraved in his mind. Now skipping over some other things that would really just deter me from what I want to do in this post, immigrating to the US was HARD, because of papa doc, but also bc the us is just SHITTY. It was literally just hard for haitians who wanted to move to get the legal documents the legal documents they needed to get to emigrate legally and even if they did, it would always jut be a very lengthy and complex journey, with NO guarantee of success
now up to this point, you can either see the shepards as legal immigrants or illegal immigrants, however because they get into a LOT of legal problems, im gonna say that they are legal immigrants cause they def would've been deported or somethin
NOW WHEN THEY GET TO THE US, haitians MOSTLy moved to states like florida or new york, and some other states I can't name off the top of my head rn, but I think they did have someone in the US who was willing to help them and that's how they got there, if i didn't just imagine this shit, the shepards canonically have a step father, and so I feel like that's how they got to america, maybe their mother married him for a green card or whatever, Im not fully fleshing this idea out, maybe ill do it later, but y'all get what i mean, someone helped the shepard immigrate out of haiti, and either their mom, their bio dad, or their step father got the job, and so they found themselves in tulsa
obviously theyre facing racial discrimination, its the 1960s in america, its like dead middle of the civil rights movement, noirisme in haiti is still popping off and goin strong, so while the shepards are in a VERY racist time, they themselves, dont feel down or bash themselves for being black, they are VERY MUCH comfortable being who they are and wouldn't change that, and because people stereotype that in black people as being "rude" and "aggressive" sometimes, that's exactly what happened to the shepards, ESPECIALLY because theyre dark skinned I wanna make that be known right now
Going deeper into how this impacted tim, curly, and angela now!!!
So obviously, they have thick haitian accents, how they pronounce their r's isn't really pronounced, they speak kinda slow bc they have to translate what theyre saying, and they get laughed at for that, and that's where tim like, wanted to prove himself and wanted to protect his family. Even before moving to the us, tim HAD to step up and take care of angela and curly because his mom was really caught up in other things, so when their in a COMPLETLEY NEW ENVIORMENT??? that ramped tf UP, tim tolerated absolutely no disrespect from ANYONE about his family, and like I said, because of those stereotypes about black people, ESPECIALLY dark skinned black people, he was basically villanized, ADDING ONTO THE FACT NOBPDY REALLY UNDERSTOOD HIM BECAUSE HES A HAITIAN IMMIGRANT AND COULDNT EXACTLY COMMUNICATE WITH PEOPLE THE WAY HE WANTED TO?????? yea he was villanized BAD, and this would happen with curly and angela too, dont think it didn't, and that's how the shepards started building this idea of being 'intimidating' and people you 'shouldnt mess with', they knew the area they were in was really dangerous, and so they used this system that was already against them to protect themselves and their family, but also because they can be really intimidating people and WILL beat a bitch up
And long story short since this post is ALREADY long as shit, but that's also how the shepard gang came to be!!! as they got more and more used to being in america, they made friends with the people they could trust and started out as this group of friends like the curtis gang, but then they saw how important it was to have a gang in these times, especially when it came to greasers vs socs, and became this scary gang
ANYWAYS YAP SESH OVER, i didn't really spell check or flesh out some ideas or anything like that cause im running off of my asthma medication rn and im very shakey but omggg if y'all have any questions about this do tell me this is very fun for me to do
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Members of congress have claimed more than $5 million under new expenses rules that allow them to claim back costs without receipts.
The new rules, which have been criticised by transparency campaigners, came into effect last year. Attracting rare bipartisan support, the system relies on members’ honesty and is designed to help with the costs of running homes in both Washington and members’ districts.
A total of 319 of the 435 voting members claimed $5.2 million in expenses under the rules last year, meaning that, on average, each claimed just over $16,300.
The biggest beneficiary of the system was Jack Bergman, 77, a Republican from Michigan, who claimed more than $32,000 for accommodation and another $12,000 for meals, which are also permitted under the programme.
A member of the congressional anti-abortion caucus, Bergman — who was also a candidate to become House speaker in October last year before losing to Mike Johnson — voted to block taxpayer funds that were being used by the US military to pay for abortions for women stationed at bases in states that have outlawed terminations. His office did not respond to a request for comment.
Matt Gaetz, a self-styled firebrand Republican from Florida, has also railed against the wasteful spending of taxpayers’ money. In March he “emphatically” voted against a federal spending bill that, he said, “continues to advance an unconstitutional process” and “unconstitutional agencies”, and would instead fund “all kinds of LGBTQAIXYZ stuff”.
Gaetz, 42, claimed almost $30,000 in accommodation expenses and more than $10,000 for meals in 2023.
A spokesman for Gaetz told the Washington Post that the congressman was reimbursed for accommodation expenses on days when the House was out of session but when he had stayed in Washington on official business for depositions related to his post on the select committee on the “weaponisation” of the federal government.
“Representative Gaetz has always complied with House rules regarding congressional reimbursements,” the newspaper was told.
A number of members did not claim any reimbursements under the new scheme. In all, 153 Democrats and 166 Republicans submitted expenses claims under the new scheme.
“This system is ripe for abuse,” said Craig Holman, a lobbyist for Good Citizen, which advocates for better government. “Many members of congress are not wealthy so a reimbursement system is important, but there should be full transparency and disclosure, and receipts must be produced. The loopholes are ridiculous.”
“Matt Gaetz says he was working on committee business during days the House was not in session, but no other committee members appear to have made similar claims.”
Some of the other claims raised eyebrows after it became apparent that members had claimed for accommodation expenses in Washington despite owning homes in the city. Nancy Mace, a Republican from South Carolina, owns a townhouse in the capital, but submitted $3,000 for lodgings in Washington.
There are rules dictating what can be claimed, but actual evidence of spending is not required. Instead, the members of the House are “strongly encouraged,” but not required, to keep records of their spending related to their congressional work.
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froody · 11 months
Every time I post about the wacky weather I’m experiencing, people are like “this is so midwestern” which is a stark reminder that people don’t know tornadoes occur outside of tornado alley. They are so common in the American southeast. A tornado took out my uncle’s office and one of the out buildings at my elementary school during spring break one year, my trampoline ended up several houses away, this was in North Carolina. In 2016 a tornado took out most of the town of Waverly Virginia and driving through the aftermath was so surreal and sad. Florida averages 66 tornadoes a year while Oklahoma averages 62. Like, the southeast deals with tornadoes, apocalyptic level thunderstorms, flooding AND hurricanes. We go through it man.
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todaysdocument · 17 days
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Tobacco Growing in Alachua County
Record Group 30: Records of the Bureau of Public RoadsSeries: Historical Photograph FilesFile Unit: States - Florida
Original caption: Tobacco growing in Alachua County - Yields 1260 per acre - Sold for $0.34 average - near Gainesville, Florida - Photographed June 5, 1919. - by H.J. Morrow - Gainesville, Florida.
This black and white photograph is posted on a yellow card.  It shows a field of tobacco plants.  A group of men in white shirts and neckties stand among the plants.
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kdero · 1 year
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After last summer's Supreme Court ruling in Dobbs v. Jackson Women’s Health Organization allowed states to ban abortion, urologists across the United States saw a dramatic surge in the demand for vasectomies.
Normally, vasectomy procedures peak towards the end of the year, but the mid-year Court decision led to an unexpected increase in demand in 46 states.
The greatest increases in patients undergoing this elective procedure were in states that implemented "trigger bans" severely limiting abortion access. These states experienced an average increase of 41% in vasectomy rates between July and September, compared to 26% in other states. States such as Arizona, Florida, Georgia, Tennessee, Texas, and Utah saw rates rise by more than 40%.
The post-Dobbs patients opting for vasectomies tended to be younger than the typical candidates. Data from Komodo revealed a small but consistent drop in the average age of patients undergoing vasectomies in the latter half of 2022.
Motivations behind this trend varied among patients. Some men expressed concerns about the lack of a reliable backup if their primary contraception method failed in the absence of abortion access, as vasectomy has a success rate of over 99%. Others were motivated by the fear that vasectomy itself could be outlawed next. Among this younger demographic of patients seeking to take control of their reproductive responsibilities were men who saw their decision as an act of solidarity with women.
Due to longstanding patriarchal constructs, vasectomy is viewed as a sacrifice for many men, involving recovery time and potential risks, along with misconceptions and concerns about its impact on masculinity. In reality, recovery time for this simple 30-minute outpatient procedure is 2-3 days, and there is no clinical evidence to support the notion that a vasectomy leads to a decreased sense of masculinity. The procedure does not have any direct physiological or hormonal effects on masculinity, sexual function, or masculinity-related characteristics.
In fact, by opting for vasectomy, men share the responsibility of contraception and alleviate the burden on women. By doing so, these men further embody the traditionally masculine traits of responsibility, self-reliance, decisiveness, and courage through taking an active role in family planning.
While the overturning of Roe v Wade has decimated women's rights in America, the increase in vasectomies following the ruling may be seen as a small consolation, a small step toward the long aggrieved concept of gender equity. As more men take proactive measures to dismantle the patriarchal idea that both conception and contraception are solely "women's issues," they act as leaders showing others the intrinsic value in the dignity and selflessness of their decision.
While our nation's leaders continue to restrict the rights afforded to pregnancy carriers, we are fortunate to have a younger generation of the impregnator class recognizing the devastating, often deadly effects of these laws and mastering the art of doing something about it.
For more information on vasectomies and providers in your area, visit plannedparenthood.org
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icestarphoenix · 5 months
Magical States: All Powers and Weapons
Finally some content from this AU. Big thanks to @the-phoenix-heart for helping with ideas, couldn't have done this without her!
In addition to getting new snazzy outfits, each state has been granted a power and a weapon in the dreamworld. Not all sets are created equal. Some are more combat-oriented, some more support-oriented, some only help themselves, and some only help others. Some states haven't fully realized extent of their powers when they first entered the dream, so the qualities listed here are their baseline abilities.
This is a long post, so the list is under the cut.
Power: Cotton Cloud
Alabama can create a red cotton cloud that can slow down whatever is in it.
The cloud is reportedly very comfy.
Weapon: Hammer
His Cotton Cloud makes it easier for him to land hits with his hammer.
It is yellow in color. hehe yellowhammer
Power: Bear Form
Alaska can transform into a polar bear at will. Whilst transformed, he still keeps his human mind and ability to talk.
Weapon: Bear claws
In addition to the bear claws from his transformation, the claws on the mitts of the long flaps of his hat can also be used.
Power: Hot Hands
Arizona can heat things that he touches.
Weapon: Stiletto daggers
The heat conductive quality of his copper-like daggers allow for him to superheat things in a small point.
Power: Diamond Spikes
He can sprout red diamond spikes from his body. These can be used for defense and/or offense.
Weapon: Hog helmet
Arkansas cannot grow diamonds from his head, so the helmet offers him head protection instead.
Power: High Haze
Colorado can emit red smoke from his mouth that gives the effects of altitude sickness to whoever breathes it in.
He cannot control who gets affected so this power is very prone to friendly fire.
States with higher average altitudes will be less affected while lower states will be more affected. Non-personification entities will all feel moderate altitude sickness.
Weapon: Two ice axes
Power: Werewolf
He can partially transform into a wolfish form that enhances his physical speed and strength as well as give him more heightened senses.
Weapon: Shark Grillz
The nutmeg-colored metal over his teeth are sharpened, and they become more effective with Werewolf giving Connie a longer snout.
Power: Spot Swap
Delaware can swap places with anybody by saying their name.
Weapon: Shield
It is styled like a kite shield, though more diamond shaped.
Power: Dragon’s Breath
Florida can shoot fire from his staff, able to shoot fireballs, streams of fire, or maintain a flame for light.
This fire has a magical quality, allowing it to even exist underwater.
Weapon: Gator staff
The gator head at the top of the staff is slightly sentient, and the two trailing ribbons can act as hands.
Power: Rest Stop
Georgia can create a circle with a six foot radius around him that can gradually heal the physical injuries of anyone standing in it.
The corresponding area glows peachy pink when he does so.
Weapon: Fiddle
Playing the fiddle allows tree roots to sprout and encircle the circumference of the Rest Stop. As long as Georgia is playing, the roots can move to defend the area. He can do this even if he doesn’t make a Rest Stop.
Power: Green Thumb
Idaho can instantly sprout a full grown and healthy potato plant from any solid surface in any environment.
The plant is easy to pull out for harvest.
Weapon: Potato Launcher
He can use the potatoes grown from his Green Thumb as ammo.
The potatoes explode on contact after being launched.
No need to worry about fuel, it’s powered by magic.
Power: Danger Sense
Illinois has a heightened instinct for danger and has magically enhanced reflexes.
Weapon: 12 gauge shotgun
The gun shoots buckshot rounds.
Power: Superspeed
Weapon: Bullwhip
Inspired by Indiana Jones, this whip is just as versatile. It can be a weapon as well as a grappling tool to grab items, to swing off from, and be used as a rope.
Power: Whirlwind
Kansas can manipulate wind.
Weapon: Broom
Combining Whirlwind with his broom, Kansas is able to fly like a witch.
Power: Tune Up
Kentucky can enhance the powers of one person whilst creating music.
Weapon: Native flute
Power: Flight
Louisiana’s pelican wings are larger and finally let him be able to fly. Out of all the other states, his flight is the most agile and precise.
Weapon: Saber
Power: Ice Breath
Maine can use his Ice Breath to create ramps to launch himself up as well as freeze enemies and create small walls.
Weapon: Ice skates
His skates will always keep the ground under him icy enough to skate on. However, the ice quickly reverts to normal ground the moment he leaves it.
Power: Shadow Clones
Maryland can create at most four shadow clones that are equal to him in every way, except that they cannot create more clones.
The four are silhouettes of Maryland tinted red, yellow, white, and black.
Weapon: Lance
Power: Ghost Troop
Mass can spawn spectral soldiers that fight for him. They’re the same as his Spirit’s. There’s just a small troop of six now.
They use rifles as well as bayonets.
When he spawns more, they rise out of the ground.
Weapon: Polearm
Mainly used to command and direct his soldiers by pointing at whatever needs fighting.
The spearhead resembles that of an upside-down cross.
Power: Sharp Frost
By slashing the air, Michigan can project slices of ice or snowy wind. He only needs to create a swinging motion to form and shoot them out.
Weapon: Claw gloves 
Claws can extend from the knuckles of Michigan’s gloves, similar to Wolverine.
Power: Foresight
Missouri can sometimes see a spectral image of potentially dangerous events happening seconds before it really happens. It's visible as a short flash in his eyes.
This always triggers if the potentially dangerous event is going to directly affect himself.
Weapon: Mirror Marksman
Missouri has a ray gun that shoots a small laser blast. By itself, the raygun does very little damage.
He can augment his damage by tossing mirror coins into the air that reflect the laser. The more coins are chained, the more damage the laser does.
His Foresight aids him by giving him prediction lines.
Power: Shooting Star
Montana can call down small golden stars from the sky to strike his opponent with.
The more open sky is available to him, the stronger this power is. The opposite is true as well.
Weapon: Hunting rifle
He shoots the stars from his power as bullets.
Power: Plant manipulation
Nebraska can command plant life to grow and move to his will.
Weapon: Scythe
New Hampshire
Power: Geokinesis
New Hampshire can move and throw earth with his mind. He can even cut out sections of earth to use. However, he cannot shape it.
Weapon: Gauntlets
New Jersey
Power: Fury of the Leeds Devil
New Jersey can dramatically increase his physical capabilities and go into an animalistic mental state by releasing a battle cry.
Weapon: Claw gloves
Not to be confused with Michigan’s Wolverine-esque gloves. The claws go over Jersey’s fingers.
The gloves also have knuckle protection for punching. When he closes his fist, the claws slide up his fingers for more comfortable punching.
New Mexico
Power: Omni-gravity
New Mexico can alter the strength and direction of his own gravity.
Weapon: Grappling hook
New Mexico can separately control the hook’s gravity to help him get around or use it as a flail.
New York
Power: Stormclouds
New York’s Spirit storm clouds can now shoot blue lightning bolts.
Weapon: Spiked bat
His bat is made of metal and can be charged with a lightning strike for more damage.
North Carolina
Power: Tar Heel
The sticky tar can slow down opponents that step in it and/or are covered in it.
Tar is flammable, and other states can set it aflame.
North Carolina’s tar reflects green.
Weapon: Six flintlock pistols
He can summon as many pistols as he wants through the two holster belts strapped across his chest, though only six appear at a time.
The bullets spray buckshot-style, and they spread tar upon hitting the ground which can slow down enemies.
North Dakota
Power: Brotherly Bond
The closer in proximity he is to South Dakota, the more heightened his physical capabilities become.
Weapon: Compound bow
North Dakota often sits on his twin’s motorcycle and shoots arrows from there.
Power: Back Tendrils
Ohio can use these to grasp and swing around on the terrain.
Weapon: “Buckbooms,” remote bombs that resemble buckeye nuts.
He is immune to the damage from his own explosions, allowing him to use the force to fly.
Power: Woodchipper
Oregon can shred anything in front of him to harmless bits when he creates a small energy field by opening his mouth.
The stuff he eats does gradually fill his stomach, so if he’s full he can’t use his power. 
Weapon: Axe
Power: Forcefields
Hits to his forcefields gradually make his body more fragile.
Weapon: Musket with bayonet
His body now has a composition like that of stone, which makes him more durable than other states. However, his body is now also able to shatter, which prevents him from using any part of him that isn’t attached to his main body. Luckily, the pieces can be easily put back. It is only fatal if the shattered area corresponds to a vital organ rupture or an immediately fatal injury.
South Carolina
Power: Fort Up
South Carolina can spawn a small, wooden, spiked wall out of the ground in front of him.
He can only spawn one at a time, so when he spawns a new one the old one collapses and disappears.
Weapon: Rapier
South Dakota
Power: Brotherly Bond
The closer in proximity he is to North Dakota, the more heightened his physical capabilities become.
Weapon: Motorcycle
To South Dakota, the vehicle is pretty light. It’s light enough for him to lift and swing it with fairly low effort.
The wheels are magically all-terrain, even able to drive over water.
Power: Mockingbird 
Tennessee can mimic voices and sounds that he has heard before.
Weapon: Microphone chain mace
The head of the microphone is spiked and can extend a chain to be swung.
Power: Retaliate
Texas can absorb the force from hits directed at him and then hit back stronger than before.
He still feels pain, and damage over time like burning or poison can hurt him without fueling his Retaliate.
Weapon: 10 gauge double-barrel shotgun 
Texas can channel the absorbed force into his gun to release it all in one big blast.
Power: Busy Bees
Utah can have the spectral bees of his Spirit’s halo build various earth constructs to support his fellow states.
These constructs can include walls, ramps, or to elevate states to give them higher ground.
Weapon: Tome
The pages consist of various building schematics for these constructs. Utah can flip through the pages extremely fast to find what he needs.
Power: Leaf Darts
Vermont can command the falling leaves of his Spirit to shoot out.
While the leaves continuously generate, Vermont can run out if he uses too many at once.
Weapon: Knife
Power: Charm
Virginia can use an elevated charisma to make enemies more docile and easily influenced.
This mainly works on fodder enemies rather than Nightmares.
Weapon: Parazonium
Power: Precipitate
Washington’s raincloud Spirit can now form rain, hail, sleet, snow, and various types of precipitation.
Weapon: Umbrella
Their umbrella is for combat only, not to shield themself from Precipitate.
West Virginia
Power: Wormhole
The little moths that flit around him can turn into black short-distance portals of various sizes for West to teleport through.
Weapon: Giant pickaxe
Power: Slipstream
Wisconsin can swim through solid objects as if they were liquid. This includes floors, walls, and ceilings.
He can breathe whilst doing so, but he can’t do any damage if completely submerged.
Weapon: Battleaxe
Power: None
Weapon: None
Wyoming is the weakest magical state in terms of combat strength due to barely changing at all from his normal self.
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