#azula nyx
witchofthesouls · 1 month
Hey, for the other!tfp trio….let's assume that the team remained on really close contact despite the distance after the war (RID 2015 who knows you? Certainly not me). I wanna see a really touching reunion between the bots and their protegees, but here's the twist:
They return to their kids, only to find out that these three are no longer kids, but young adults (maybe late teens for Raf, because our future little Dragon always will be the youngest of the trio) and are no longer humans (cause they have fully embraced their other heritage)
This time-lapse could be explained by either A) the bots spending a bit longer on Cybertron and losing the human sense of time or B) The kids deciding to make a joint trip to elsewhere/the other side after the end of the war, where time doesn't move the same as in the human plane (they went as kids, but elsewhere spit them as grow ups even though this change doesn't make sense to the bots.... because they are seeing things from a human sense of time); now, when exactly these three got lost and then reborn, that's privy to them alone.... I prefer the B) option if you ask me....
Regardless, I think that these three would remain tightly nit, as tight as possible (they could be on the other extreme of the planet or any other plane, and yet they would return to each other...eventually). Cause after all the went through, separation is not an option for them
Reactions and talks/explanations are meant to happen in response to this..... and what roles June, the Esquivels and the Nakadais families had to play in all this
Ohhh, this is interesting. I hinted or understated in some pieces that time can get weird in Elsewhere as a call to the folktales and myths of humans stepping into an otherworldly space to spend a few hours there, and then stepping back to their world to find out decades had passed.
Perhaps it's their heritage, singing in their bone marrow and igniting from the Matrix's influence, June's own presence (haunting and hungry, no matter how muted or how well she hides her own teeth), or a strange combination. Perhaps it's the experiences they shared, forged in fire and blood as Earth's own chaotic nature. But these three are bonded. Intertwined with each other, even across the world.
Distance means both little and much to them now. They ventured onto foreign, alien planets and spaceships, traveled to lands across the world in the blink of an eye, and went on the run from a manhunt.
Miko keeps the Apex Armor and takes it back to Japan. At the right moments and when the urge gets too much to bear, she steps into the sea and goes farther than any of her relatives could go, even the ones that can hold their breath for 20 minutes.
She hasn't been the most filial of daughters, but she is her parent's child. Her sea-blooded mother stole back a human that survived and thrived from Elsewhere and claimed that man as a spouse. Bloodlust and wet works are no distant strangers to her. She's inexperienced but a willing learner. She already cut her teeth on foreign flesh.
Down in the dark depths where there's no difference between going up to the sun and going towards the abyss, but where her steps tread, she meets someone with pearly, iridescent scales across a long, serpentine body and a face so much like her own (and her mother's and her grandfather's and her-) with large, dark eyes with an amber ring.
After meeting the yokai that birthed her lineage centuries ago, Miko finds her way back to the Americas. A blessing and a warning kept in her heart.
(One day, Miko will understand what her sea-blooded mother meant when she told her that her father was a 'good Man.'
Raf's deep fascination (admiration, obsession) with space exploration and technology is taken in stride among the Esquivels. He doesn't raise any suspicion among them because that's how they all are.
He absorbs whatever he can, consuming the hard-earned lessons under Ratchet's care and oft-handed commentary. The Esquivels hunger and Raf is no different as he swallows how Cybertronian theory and application and attempts to further bridge between human and alien equipment.
Raf had found his teeth and his siblings recognized it as their baby brother doesn't disappear on them nor shrink away from their more vicious arguments.
(They are a family whose flesh descended from fire tempered by earth. Raging passion and violent temptations. Wicked protection and immense wrath. Voracious, cruel, and beastly, yet so very kind and vigilant.)
Mama kissed her youngest boy (because Raf will always be her baby boy) on his head and told him to be careful, praying for his safety as he went with Jack.
That protection will save them on a summer trip when Jack retraces his steps to all the places he once called home.
Ever since his mission to Cybertron, Jack dreams of strange, wistful things. An unquenchable thirst, an itch in his bones... he feels bereft for some reason.
He misses Arcee. He misses all of them. But for some reason, Jack
In the summer after graduation, he takes his new-used car and travels across the mainland United States. The windows are down as the radio blares, wind ruffles his hair as Raf laughs and tries to figure out maps since some locations are so off-beat that the GPS can't confirm the coordinates.
Deep in the bones of a decrepit old house he once called a home in his long-distant childhood because June and Jack moved repeatedly, hopping from place to place without rhyme or reason... there are the echoes of a wailing scream buried within it.
A living corpse for a copse of trees that guard the area.
(A mother will tell her son what exactly brews in their powerful blood and what she has done to ensure he grew up safe to make a choice.)
Elsewhere exists in so many ways, shapes, and forms. At one point, the legends and myths had once walked upon Earth and left their marks. Something happened in the unwritten, unspoken past that corralled those legends away.
The trio will venture through the many portals and gateways and have many more adventures as they realize there are far more Cybertronian relics on Earth...
Mermaid queens and Seelie emperors, dignitaries of unearthly shapes painted in enamel and precious jewels, sharp animals with sharper intelligence that speak in prose, the faint imprints in slumbering environments, and empty, the lingering remains of humanity's role among such great and terrible things.
(Humanity was (is) great and terrible themselves.)
(Miko's father is a 'good Man,' and that means something different to such beings.)
"Long ago, Man made peace with Magic." "Long ago, it was decreed that Man would stay."
Time isn't linear in Elsewhere which incorporates so much that a single or several maps would be useless. Time flows in so many directions that it's a constant battle to recognize and travel to and from their own particular section of a river.
Perhaps it's his heritage or a minor blessing from the Matrix, but Jack is more sensitive to flow and can locate the best spots for them to get back to their Earth. To the same week, month, or year they ventured away.
Miko explores her own bloodthirst and prey drive. The singing, thrumming chant in her blood and how the Apex Armor responds to it.
Raf hones his own instinct on his particular guidance to find portals and lucky happenstances. Between him and Jack's instincts for 'shiny' things, little can escape them.
In some worlds, they grow older. Aging and bulking, exploring how to reshape themselves and all sorts of careers. In others, they seem immortal compared to the rapid change around them in a species whose lifespan is a single human year.
"We could be gods here," says a man with a firestorm trapped in his bones and has become a dragon. Not a Dragon because he searches the stars for a mech he once called brother. "Are we not gods already?" The not-man made of shadows and feathers replies. He still dreams of a far-distant metal planet and realizes that it whispered to him back then. "Does it matter," laughs a woman encased in armor that's more like a second skin, tendrils sweeping upon the floor like the gentle motion of a calm tide upon the beach. Pink for her lost girlhood and passion, a warning and a sign from her many great-grandmother. Green as the metal she once called her kin.
When humans are pulled Elsewhere. Three things usually happen: they break there, they struggle or thrive, or they break at home.
"How many times have we done this?" A boy that's not really a boy, who shall become a dragon in so many lifetimes, asks his companions. (Raf keeps his sister's warning close to his heart as she once died in a foreign, strange desert and was resurrected in her own pyre to devour the city that enslaved her and so many countless others. Pilar has become a Dragon and that legacy between mortal and divine shall be her epitaph in a battlefield far sooner than later.)
Ratchet returns. Some things change, while some remain the same.
Jack tastes the grief and repressed anger upon the medic and leaves him be. Raf remembers Ratchet parked in the garbage and keeps the old medic busy between lessons and searches. Miko digs into the festering tangle of emotions, lapping into those wounds as she uses the Apex Armor on the training mats to absorb those fighting skills and grills for information about Cybertron and the rest of Team Prime.
She cares, she really does, but the boys' avoidance of Ratchet's issues won't help anyone, especially if (or when) the medic leaves the planet with no way to contact again.
Ratchet went Elsewhere twice. The first time was a rough pill to swallow as Team Prime never realized its existence. He wondered where the trio had scavenged a considerable amount of Energon crystals and the resources to guard the new base with all the newly acquired. He stiffly apologized to them because he had thrown hurtful words over their travels, calling them "superstitious" and "better than that" and "this is why you never applied yourselves" was the least of the insults. The second time, he realized just how much and fast humans age as he counted each tick on his chronometer as they ventured across new continents and strange seas. Those years and crippling injuries and strange bodies melt away from the trio as they return back to their native Earth and their baseline human form.
June visits them. Ratchet never thought to ask how she found them in Nevada when Agent Fowler would have never told a civilian about them. No one questioned how she managed to bypass all the security with her car.
He tallies all the strange, eerie signs as she leaves hints to solve their challenges, how she seems to appear when food is low and they're too busy to bring anything more substantial than a simple run to the nearest fast food joint or a quick foraging session, how all the security in the world, both Cybertron's and Earth's, cannot track her.
"I am what I need or want to be." The one called June Darby demurely answers.
The only family member of Raf's that Ratchet will officially meet is Pilar whose bones are filled to the brim with rituals, survival tips with monsters, gods, and hostile environments, and formal protocols in so many kingdoms, both dead and alive. She grieves as well. She had given up the Dragon to return home but her memories are bursting full of laughter and people and color when the crumbling ruins the new Team explores are long empty of an extinct people or a fallen kingdom.
"Sometimes I think I carved out parts of my heart and left it there. All I have left are the memories as I'm the only one that remembers the campfire songs and the lessons of all those who helped me."
Ratchet will never meet the Nakadai family face-to-face, but he gets a hint of what they are with all the messages and packages they send their only child. Izumi sends pointers on how to prepare certain sea creatures and how to differentiate the signs of an underwater portal in treacherous waters. Her husband will leave cryptid messages and strange, gold pieces. Sometimes he sends coordinates for Miko to dig up a weapons cache or an informant to cultivate.
Of course, things change when the not-quite-human trio spirit back a Primal Artifact of Quintus Prime...
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frosty-tian · 1 year
Hey, just sending a quick message to see how are you! I hope that everything is well over there. Also, I adore Grams new ex...
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Recently hip pain’s been flaring up, but other than that, all has been alright many thanks! Hope you have been doing well and all has been okay for you too!
Thank you so much, I’m happy to hear you like Juan (or just the number of people who like Juan in general). I was hesitant on sharing him out of fear I might be mocked, so its relieving in a way.
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asmoteeth · 11 months
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You are not immune to the beanie recruits
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friend tags >w<!!! (the tag list is either wider or shorter in every post I'm sorry I have bad memory--)
@sphnyspinspin @blueberry-cute-cat @wildlygay @azula-nyx @lonely-paracosmos @sonicnerd @whirltherescuebot
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Llamawrites here
Give me a 15 reasons on why I should ship Cody x Priscilla
An answer you shall receive. I don't know how to upload a PDF...
I promise that the links are safe and in there you will find the answers to my my madness
Special tags for @mysticfoxdesigns @frosty-tian @cf8wrk4u-us @bluekat12345 @sassysaltuna @azula-nyx @z-glitc (why it doesn't let me tag you???) @transingsomeformers @justxplosions @mk-wizard @hopefulangelpuppy @gamecrash716 @shipper-of-many-many-ships sorry if I forgot to tag someone else...
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zane-helps-otherkin · 3 months
Name suggestions for a virtual desktop companion
Requested by: Anon
Name suggestions for a virtual desktop companion with themes of blue and cybercore/webcore and mizuiro fashion
Bluey: From the word blue.
Navy: From the color variant of blue.
Cyber: From the word cyber or cybercore.
Afina: Meaning blueberry.
Azure: Related to the color blue.
Cyan: From the color variant of blue.
Aqua: Meaning water, related to the color blue.
Bleu: French word for blue.
Azul: Spanish word for blue. You could also use variants like Azula, Azulon, Azuli/Azuly, etc.
Indigo: From the color variant of blue.
Bluesette: Related to music, specifically jazz.
Lapis: From the precious blue stone lapis lazuli.
Sapphire: From the precious blue stone.
Doli: Associated with bluebirds
Sark: Sark is a program's name in the movie "Tron".
Bishop: With reek origin, meaning "overseer", the name is taken from the cyberpunk inspired novel "Glasshouse".
V: V is the name of the first-person player in the game "Cyberpunk".
Geneva: With germanic origin, refers to a juniper tree, a female's name in "Singularity".
Ingram: With germanic origin, meaning "raven"; from the cyberpunk game "VA-Hall-A".
Alt: Alt is a programmer from the game "Cyberpunk".
Other cybercore names with no found meaning:
Requests are currently open
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ofdarkestdesires · 1 year
The Canon Muse List of Of Darkest Desires and Darkest Desires Erotica
So many people have been asking about this...for years now. I specifically don't list the canon characters that I write for because that list is lengthy, and changes with the wind and my personal muse. However, since it is a new year, I suppose it's time we did a full canon character list for this blog. And, as an added note, I will also add at the end of each section notable OC muses that belong to these specific worlds.
Quick key before we get to the list, though: if a character is one of my favorites, they will be bolded and colored. If a character can be written genderswapped, they will be italicized. If a character is written non-canonically, they will be struck-through.
Avatar: Aang, Katara, Sokka, Prince Zuko, Toph Beifong, Suki, Jet, Azula, Mai, Ty-Lee, Princess Yue, Kyoshi, Korra, Mako, Bolin, Asami Sato, Kuvira
Bleach: Ichigo Kurosaki, Rukia Kuchiki, Orihime Inoue, Yasutora "Chad" Sado, Uryu Ishida, Tatsuki Arisawa, Yoruichi Shihoin, Kisuke Urahara, Kukaku Shiba, Sosuke Aizen, Rangiku Matsumoto, Toshiro Hitsugaya, Sui-Feng, Shunsui Kyoraku, Nanao Ise, Isane Kotetsu, Yachiru Retsu Unohana, Isshin Shiba-Kurosaki, Neliel tu Odelschwanck, Grimmjow Jaegerjacques, Tia Harribel, Francheska Mila Rose, Ulquiorra Cifer, Coyote Starrk, Lisa Yadomaru, Mashiro Kuna, Kensei Muguruma, Kirio Hikifune, Bambietta Basterbine, Meninas McAllon, Candice Catnipp // Ryuko Yorukitai
Critical Role: Vax'ildan, Vex'ahlia, Keyleth, Grog Strongjaw, Percy De Rolo, Pike Trickfoot, Scanlan Shorthalt, Allura Vysoren, Kima, Cassandra De Rolo, Delilah Briarwood, Sylas Briarwood, Caleb Widogast, Nott the (Thicc) Brave, Veth Brenatto, Jester Lavorre, Fjord Stone, Beauregard Lionette, Mollymauk Tealeaf, Kingsley Tealeaf, Yasha Nydoorin, Essek Theylyss, Reini, Queen Leylas Kryn, Imogen Temult, Laudna, Ashton Greymoore, Orym, Dorian Storm, Fearne Calloway // Scourge Maelstrom, Twilight Obsidia, Verdexis Sylvain
DC Comics: Bruce Wayne (Batman), Dick Greyson (Nightwing), Jason Todd (Red Hood), Barbara Gordon (Batgirl), Harley Quinn, Poison Ivy, Selina Kyle (Catwoman), Clark Kent (Superman), Lois Lane, Supergirl, Powergirl, Starfire, Blackfire, Rachel Roth (Raven), Princess Diana (Wonderwoman), Darkseid, Aquaman
Disney: Princess Jasmine, Genie, Jafar, Aladdin, Mulan, Esmeralda, Nani Pelekai, Moana, Maui, Queen Elsa, Pocahontas, Princess Ariel, Ursula, Merida, Princess Kida, Megara, Jessica Rabbit, Kim Possible, Shego, Pacifica Northwest, Dipper Pines, Mabel Pines, Wendy Corduroy, Eda Clawthorn, Lilith Clawthorn, Amity Blight, Luz Noceda, Willow, Hunter, Helen Parr, Violet Parr
Fairy Tail: Natsu Dragneel, Lucy Heartfilia, Gray Fullbuster, Erza Scarlet, Wendy Marvell, Mirajane Strauss, Lisanna Straus, Cana Alberona, Juvia Lockster, Gajeel Redfox, Laxus Dreyar, Ultear Milkovich, Jellal Fernades, Minerva Orland, Sting Eucliff, Rogue Cheney, Yukino Agria, Sorano "Angel" Agria, Erik "Cobra", Irene Belserion, Brandish // Nyx Sylvain
Final Fantasy: Tifa Lockhart, Cloud Strife, Aerith Gainsborough, Barret Wallace, Jessie Raspberry, Yuffie, Scarlet, Sephiroth
Harry Potter: Harry Potter, Hermione Granger, Luna Lovegood, Neville Longbottom, Draco Malfoy, Pansy Parkinson, Daphne Greengrass, Susan Bones, Hannah Abbot, Cho Chang, Parvati Patil, Padma Patil, Lavender Brown, Bellatrix Lestrange, Nymphadora Tonks, Fleur Delacour, Fred and George Weasley, Ginny Weasley, Remus Lupin, Sirius Black, Voldemort // Romulus Antares Lestrange-Black
Marvel Comics: Spider-Man (Peter Parker), Spider-Gwen, Miles Morales, Black Cat (Felicia Hardy), Mary-Jane Watson, Scarlet Witch (Wanda Maximoff), Black Widow (Natasha Romanoff), Iron Man (Tony Stark), Captain America (Steve Rogers), She-Hulk (Jennifer Walters), Wolverine (Logan), Wolverine (X-22), Kitty Pride, Thor, Loki, Jean Grey, Storm, Rogue, Wasp (Janet Van Dyne), Nebula, Black Panther (T’challa), Black Panther (Shuri), Captain Marvel
My Hero Academia: Izuku Midoriya, Katsuki Bakugou, Toshinori Yagi (All Might), Ochako Uraraka, Momo Yaoyorozu, Todoroki Shoto, Mina Ashido, Kirishima Ejirou, Tsuyu Asui, Toru Hagakure, Yu Takeyama (Mt Lady), Nemuri Kayama (Midnight), Rumi Usagiyama (Miruko), Mei Hatsume, Itsuka Kendo, Camie Utsushimi, Keigo Takama (Hawks), Nejire Hado, Himiko Toga, Dabi, Nomu // Tetsuga Bushido (Iron Midknight)
Naruto: Naruto Uzumaki, Sakura Haruno, Sasuke Uchiha, Kakashi Hatake, Shikamaru Nara, Choji Akimichi, Ino Yamanaka, Hinata Hyuuga, Kiba Inuzuka, Shino Aburame, Kurenai Yuhi, Tenten Higurashi, Anko Mitarashi, Tsunade Senju, Gaara no Sabaku, Temari no Sabaku, Kankuro no Sabaku, Tayuya, Orochimaru, Mei Temuri, Raikage Ei, Samui, Mabui, Yugito Nii, Konan, Kushina Uzumaki
Nintendo: Princess Zelda (SS/TP/BotW), Link (BotW), Ganondorf (TP/BotW Rehydrated), Impa (SS/Warriors), Midna, Urbosa, Riju, Mipha, Sidon, Paya, Purah, Robbie, Princess Peach, Bowser, Bowsette, Princess Daisy, Pauline, Donkey Kong, Luigi, Samus Aran
One Piece: Nami, Nico Robin, Yamato, Boa Hancock, Luffy D. Monkey, Portgas D. Ace, Trafalgar Law, Roronoa Zoro
Pokemon: Red, Blue, Green, Yellow, Misty, Lt. Surge, Sabrina, Lorelei, Bruno, Lance, Giovanni, Gold, Silver, Krystal, Whitney, Jasmine, Clair, Karen, Brenden, May, Roxanne, Brawley, Flannery, Winona, Tate, Liza, Maxie, Archie, Admin Shelly, Admin Courtney, Phoebe, Drake, Steven, Wallace, Lucy, Anabel, Lucas, Dawn, Cheryl, Gardinia, Fantina, Volkner, Commander Mars, Commander Jupiter, Lucian, Cynthia, Hilbert, Hilda, Rosa, Ashley (B/W Mom), Lenora, Cheren, Bianca, Roxie, Elesa (B2W2), Skyla, Brayden, N, Caitlyn, Grimsley, Shauntal, Marshall, Iris, Professor Kukui, Professor Burnet, Olivia, Guzma, Lusamine, Sonia, Leon, Bede, Marnie, Nessa, Kabu, Bea, Gordie, Melony, Raihan, Oleanna, Klara, Honey, Burgundy (Scar/Vi Mom), Cylene, Adaman, Irida, Arezu, Mai, Ingo, Palina, Gaeric, Lady Cogita, Nemona, Penny, Arvin, Dendra, Saguaro, Raifort, Brassius, Katy, Iono, Tulip, Grusha, Professor Sada, Professor Turo, Mela, Giacomo, Atticus, Eri
RWBY: Ruby Rose, Weiss Schnee, Blake Belladonna, Yang Xiao-Long, Jaune Arc, Nora Valkyrie, Pyrrha Nikos, Lie Ren, Glynda Goodwitch, Professor Ozpin, Cardin Winchester, Coco Adel, Fox Alistair, Velvet Scarletina, Yatsuhashi Daichi, Roman Torchwick, Cinder Fall, Emerald Sustrai, Mercury Black, Neopolitan, Hei Xiong, Miltia Malachite, Melanie Malachite, May Zedong, Arslan Atlan, Sun Wukong, Adam Taurus, Qrow Branwen, Raven Branwen, Taiyang Xiao-Long, Summer Rose, James Ironwood, Salem, Oscar Pine, Kali Belladonna, Ghira Belladonna, Sienna Khan, Ilia Amiitola, Saphron Cotta-Arc, Terra Cotta-Arc, Winter Schnee, Willow Schnee, Harriett Bree, Elm Ederne // Stark Ryker/Fall, Fenris Silbern, Russet "Rusty" Vulcan, Hozukimaru Wukong, Cherrybomb Alistair, Baelfieyr Zirconia, Zephyr Zirconia-Nikos, Scarlet Zirconia-Nikos, Lupin Zirconia-Nikos, Bast Zirconia-Belladonna, Shrike Zirconia-Branwen, Kyrstal Zirconia-Schnee, Sirius Silbern, Orion Braith, Clay Taurus
Skyrim: Yngvelja Ashkeeper (Dragonborn), Serana Volkihar, Lydia, Aela the Huntress, Mjoll the Lioness, Maven Black-Briar, Astrid, Queen Elisif, Thalmor Ambassador Elenwen
Xenoblade: Shulk, Reyn, Fiora, Dunban, Sharla, Melia, Rex, Pyra, Mythra, Malos, Jin, Nia, Mòrag Ladair, Brighid, Vandham, Eunie, Mio // Gairic Dáraig
Other: Chel Dorado, Ember McClain, Desiree, Danny Phantom, Gwen Tennyson, Charmcaster, Ben Tennyson, Kevin Levin, Gwen (TDI), Courtney (TDI), Bridgette (TDI), Heather (TDI), Bulma Briefs, Android 18, Android 21, Bayonetta, Lara Croft, Daenerys Targaryen, Sansa Stark, Jon Snow, Melissandra, Sandor Clegane
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animewolflover18 · 1 year
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Yeah.... since I got some great ideas from @azula-nyx I decided to look over chapter 13 and redo some of the parts.
Azula has been a great help, because I did hit a rock when writing chapter 13. And since I saw the poll, I have many ideas now. She helped me with names for characters and interesting ships too.
Well this is my announcement for chapter 13.
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krastbannert · 1 year
As @calcliffbas, for some reason, can't send me asks from his blog, he sent me a message when I first reblogged the "5 Headcanons About an AU" ask game, so I'm putting them here in this post.
Maiko in a small-town Grocery Store AU
I've read a story similar to this one, actually, called photosynthesis of the soul, where Iroh and Mura owned shops in a mall (tea and flowers, predictably) that Zuko and Mai worked at. It was really adorable, actually.
Mai is the floral department associate, running it under the supervision of her aunt Mura, the floral department manager. She doesn't mind it - it's quite, and she likes the hidden meanings that flowers can have.
Zuko works in the deli, usually in the background; he started in the customer service area but that didn't work out so well after he got in a fight with a customer named Jet.
Mai had already been working there when Zuko was hired, and she thought he was a little weird, but handsome. She likes him, at least from a distance, and his awkward flirting is cute whenever he comes by.
Zuko usually ends up in the floral section when he takes a break, at first because it reminds him of his mother, who had been a florist. That's how they end up meeting (actually meeting, not just locking eyes from across the store); Mai wants to know why he keeps coming over here and interrupting her drawing/flower-arranging.
Azula had come to the store to bother their uncle (the owner; he bought the store from Ozai) and she almost instantly became best friends with Mai the moment she walked in. She proceeded to viciously tease Zuko and Mai until she eventually had enough of their pining, and set them up on a date.
The Dragon Prince characters' misadventures at a Friday night youth club
This one...hmm.
Opeli and Ibis are the technically the two running the place, and she is incredibly tired because all these kids are causing a lot of trouble. Opeli survives Friday nights mostly on caffeine; Ibis needs about four hours of meditation instead of twenty minutes.
Nyx causes a ton of trouble by playing pranks on everyone. And I mean everyone. Opeli, Soren, Rayla, Callum, Ezran - she even plays pranks on Bait, sometimes. Everyone says they hate it, but they love it. Really, they totally do.
Soren and Claudia are new additions to the group, coming from a relatively troubled home; Rayla invited Soren after they made up, following several fights on the sports field. Claudia was a harder sell, but eventually Soren managed to convince her. Turns out they both really needed a place to get away from home.
Amaya, Janai, Opeli, Ethari, and Ibis shouldn't have one, but they have a bet going about whether or not Rayla and Callum will get together, since the two have been dancing around each other for a very long time now and they're all frustrated. Marcos, Amaya, and Gren have a different pool for Nyx and Soren - they all lost, though, because Nyx and Soren got together, secretly, before the pool was started.
Bait, Zym, and Stella cause lots of trouble by breaking into the pantry and eating...well, everything. Ezran, Callum, and Rayla think its hilarious. Soren is scandalized and upset that all the food is gone. Claudia just wants some hot brown morning potion. Nyx is the one who let them in.
Sokka and Suki's meet-cute in their very own College AU
I actually kinda wrote this already, believe it or not😅may not be exactly what you're looking for but this is what I got.
Suki is a health physics major, Sokka in aeronautical engineering; they met, technically, years before, during high school soccer, but had fallen out of contact. They met again during freshman year physics. Sokka was surprised to see her, but he was nonetheless, still humbled.
Sokka is, of course, still hung up on Yue. Her passing affected him quite a lot; it took a lot of conversations with Zuko, Iroh, and Katara for him to get it into his head that no, past did not equal present or future.
They actually got together almost completely on accident. They got dinner after a class they were TAing together, and then they just...stayed out. And then they were together, under the moonlight.
Katara, Azula, and Aang were not surprised in the least. They both saw it coming from a mile away. Zuko was mildly surprised (Zuko, in any AU, is still Zuko), but he figured they went well together. Ty Lee called bridesmaid the moment she heard.
Suki, for her part, was just glad they got together. She'd been thinking about Sokka for nearly two years after they first (actually) met, and she knew she was crazy - her aunts both said it to her face - but she held on to him, hoping they'd meet again some day. For all his faults, he'd been a good guy. (And he was cute. That was a bonus, too.) When she finally did see him again, it was a rush of happiness, mixed with a little," Oh, crap, this guy again." (She did still remember when he said girls shouldn't play soccer or do martial arts. And she also remembered running circles around him.)
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saiilorstars · 1 year
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Ch.11: Goodbye, Reyna
Story Masterlist
Fandom: Sailor Moon (Crystal)
Rewrite of season 2, AU-ish in that there’s new OCs and the fusion of plots from the manga, crystal and the og series
Pairings: Eventual OFC x OMC, Usagi x Mamoru
Taglist: @ocappreciationtag​​​​ @arrthurpendragon​​​​​​​​​ @anotherunreadblog​​​​​​​​​ @maaaaarveeeeel​​​​​​​​​ @stareyedplanet​​​​​​​​​​​ @foxesandmagic​​ 
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In the base, Meroko stood beside her sister, Asteria, in civilian forms and listened as Asteria relayed how it was she came to be after thousands of years.
"Queen Nyx had felt Princess Reign's death the moment it happened but instead of telling me and the rest of the guardians to retrieve the body...she said we had an important mission to do," Asteria's pale face was partially hidden by her blue and silver-tipped hair falling over her shoulders. "She said Princess Reign had done her duty well even in death and that it was now up to the rest of us to follow in suit. Sailor Circe, our magical guardian, used her teleporting powers to send our people to our sister civilization who had found a new planet to live on and then Queen Nyx, uh, she...she used the last of her powers to put me and my two other guardians in cryogenic stasis on Earth."
"So you've been sleeping for thousands of years since then?" Azula crinkled her nose at the thought. She loved sleep as much as the next person but that was too much.
Asteria nodded. "Queen Nyx said that Princess Reign would be reincarnated by the grace of Queen Serenity, along with my sister—" she put a hand on Meroko's arm, "—because it was imperative that the Shadow Crystal remain protected. Since Princess Reign would one day re-awaken, she would need the rest of her guardians with her."
"But then that confirms that your Queen had contact with not only your sister planet but also with Silver Millenium," Usagi noted. "She knew my Mother…"
"And once upon a time you knew Princess Reign," Asteria said with obvious disdain. Since she had learned that the Moon Princess had also been reincarnated, she hadn't really wanted to speak with any of the girls and much less Usagi. "And then you let her die…"
"Hey," Mamoru cut in before Asteria would go further, because he had no doubt she would, "That is something you're gonna have to stop saying."
"Truth hurts? Not my problem," Asteria shrugged her shoulders. "The only reason I'm here explaining everything to you all is because my sister made me. I, frankly, would rather us work alone than join forces with the lot that killed my Princess."
"I'm sorry about that, really," Usagi wanted to be believed so badly even though she herself couldn't remember this Shadow princess. It was hard trying to picture this entire story without the proper memories. She hoped the memories would start coming now that she was learning about them.
"We don't know what exactly happened," Mamoru added on. "No one does except Reign herself and until she joins us and explains everything, we're not going to blame anyone."
Asteria crossed her arms and looked to the side. Mamoru remembered the girl to be much more stubborn and challenging than Sailor Hemera. Even now, Asteria remained the same.
"Asteria has agreed to the terms of our accordance," Meroko spoke up. "We'll work together to find Princess Reign and defeat Senka and then afterwards we'll leave to find the rest of our people."
"We can get to work on that then by cross referencing any sorts of jewels in the area," Azula thought out loud. "It's a stretch but it's a start."
Asteria scoffed at her. "You believe my Princess would let her Crystal hide in plain sight?"
"Well, Usagi's crystal hid inside her body so unless you find Reign this is all we have right now," Azula retorted within the second. She wasn't here for snappy attitudes, especially with the girl who had stabbed her with literal stars.
Asteria released a breath and looked at Meroko. "I'm hungry. Could we go to that cafe shop you talked about in the morning?"
Meroko nodded and told her sister to start heading out first. When Asteria was out of hearing shot, she addressed the group. "I know Asteria is…"
"Snotty? Rude?" Minako finished for her and yelped when Makoto elbowed her. "What?"
Meroko sighed. "I know it's difficult for everyone, alright? But Asteria has been asleep for thousands of years and this is a new world for her to get used to. To say, she refuses to adopt a human name."
"The name she lives by is the least of our problems," Rei pointed out. "If she doesn't work with us then finding Reign, the Shadow Crystal and defeating Senka is going to become a lot more difficult."
"And it doesn't help when she keeps throwing the death of Reign in our faces," Makoto huffed. "Especially to Usagi."
"Are you sure Princess Reign truly died because Serenity?" Ami asked curiously. It was a whole story to learn once they all regained their memories, and as such they had some doubts.
"Yes, I know she did," Meroko nodded. "I was guarding the barrier when I heard the humans' uproar. I didn't make it to Reign on time but I did see Prince Endymion's lifeless body on the ground while Reign and Serenity ran off."
Usagi leaned on Mamoru for some support because she truly did not remember anything about Reign and the guilt was getting to her. "I just...I just remember taking my own life...that's all…"
"But if Reign ran with you...and she died first...wouldn't that sort of imply she died trying to protect you too?" Azula tapped her chin with her finger. They all knew the story about how Endymion had given his life to protect Serenity. That made sense given their relationship. Reign, however, had no reason to do the same for Serenity, as terrible as that sounded.
It was an idea that not even Meroko had thought about, judging by the horrified look on her face. It would mean that their belief about Reign's death was completely wrong. "Why would she do that for a girl she didn't even know?"
"Because maybe she did know Serenity…" Mamoru said before he could even begin to think about the meaning behind his words. He needed to start to remembering faster.
"This is...pie…?" Asteria jabbed her fork into the piece of cheesecake in front of her.
Meroko sat across her in their booth and smiled. "Yes. It's a popular dessert and a good one if I say so myself." She grabbed a nearby fork and dug it into her own piece. "Azula introduced me to it."
Asteria stopped her fork just inches from her mouth. "You seem to be a little too warm with these Silver Millenniums."
"Actually, Azula is the only normal human in the group so you can eat that slice calmly."
Asteria never liked jokes much. Thousands of years wouldn't change that. "Hemera you do remember that they are the cause - both Silver Millenniums and humans - of the death of our Princess?"
"Yes, and believe me I've been just as angry as you are right now. But I learned that these people can be trusted," Meroko argued logically. "The more time you spend not cooperating with them, the more time we'll have to work with them. Think about that for a moment, will you?"
Asteria didn't have to think long to know Meroko was right. "Fine. I will be...more civilized. But I don't like them."
"Well you don't have to. You just have to work with them." Asteria finally tried the cheesecake bit on her fork and immediately "mmd" in delight at the flavor. Meroko chuckled at her sister. "Good, huh?"
"Maybe these humans aren't all that bad," Asteria dug her fork into the cheesecake again. "So tell me about Senka. What's going on with her?"
Meroko forgot how straight-to-business her sister was. "Well, she's getting stronger. She's taking energy from the humans to reclaim her figure. She's almost there now so I assume afterwards she's going to start really searching for the Shadow Crystal."
"Good luck," Asteria said in-between bites. "Queen Nyx made it clear before we were all put to sleep that Princess Reign had hidden the Crystal well."
Meroko trusted in her Queen's words but couldn't help wonder how it was that Reign had hidden the Crystal in her final moments. She looked around before she spoke again because this time it was a much more dire question. "How do you think Senka got out through the gates of the Shadow Dominion?"
Asteria paused her eating for a second. "Well, with Princess Reign's death, the Gates must have suffered a severage due to their linkage and it provided Senka a tiny hole to get out through."
"If there's a hole, no matter how small, then we need to fix it," Meroko then whispered again, "Can we get to the Gates of the Shadow Dominion?"
"No," Asteria shot the idea down on the spot. "Of course we can't. Only Princess Reign knows the way. We don't know anything about the Gates."
"And Senka, obviously," Meroko mumbled.
"Senka is a dangerous creature and we cannot allow her to continue searching for the Shadow Crystal."
"Asteria, the last times we've seen Senka she said...she said something odd…"
"That she's 'meshed' by the greatest soldiers. What does that mean?"
Asteria gulped and put her fork down. Her pale face had gone even paler. "I don't know as much as Circe did about the Shadow Dominion, but I do know this: Shadows in the Shadow Dominion can sometimes merge to create a stronger being. Those Shadows could be the souls of Sailor Guardians or other warriors, dead or alive from this world."
Meroko's eyes widened. "So we could be fighting a culmination of the best warriors in the universe? Asteria, how are we going to defeat them?"
"We can," Asteria assured her. "Princess Reign can use the Shadow Crystal to seal Senka away. I have faith in her, don't you?"
"Of course," Meroko leaned back against her seat and thought about Princess Reign's task to put Senka down. The girl was in for a rude awakening.
~ 0 ~
"I can help too, Rei!" Reyna laughed delightfully as she ran across Rei's shrine courtyard to gather a dust pan. "My Mommy says I'm a good helper! I can do lots of stuff!" she snatched the dustpan off the ground and ran back to where Rei was already brooming. While Reyna began listing the many things she could help out with, the rest of the girls watched from the sides with fair amusement.
"Where did she come from again?" Minako asked Azula who was lying down on the ground with her arms tucked behind her head.
"From the sky?" Azula replied and moved one arm over her eyes to shield them from the sun.
"No, seriously," Minako said again.
"I am being serious," Azula's voice sharpened a bit. "She literally dropped from the sky and nearly crushed me to the ground."
"She can't weigh that much," Usagi chuckled with a hand in front of her mouth. "She's only five."
"And mega annoying!"
"Aw, I think she's kinda cute," Makoto watched as Reyna helped Rei collect the dust.
"But it would be helpful to know where it is she's from," Ami looked up from her book. "Has she said anything to you, Azula?"
"You'd be surprised to know that despite the big chatterbox Reyna is, she hasn't said a word about her home nor her parents." And that drove Azula mad. Every time Azula would ask Reyna about her parents and home, Reyna would change the topic. "You'd think if my daughter were missing I'd go out and look for her or something. Or even put up missing daughter posters."
"Maybe they don't know she's gone," Usagi shrugged.
"Well, she fell from the sky so...I doubt she came prepared," Azula sat up and stared at Reyna. "But then...where the hell is she from? She's not a regular child, that much we know." She gestured to herself as living proof of Reyna's special abilities. She'd spent time at the hospital for her injuries - something that had been explained to her dad and sister as a mere consequence of being at the wrong place at the wrong time - and then suddenly Reyna got the idea to 'help' and somehow the little girl had healed Azula in minutes. It was an odd thing but Azula couldn't say she was mad about it. "And she knows about Senka, I know she does."
"All this Senka stuff is confusing," Usagi released a bit breath. "It would definitely help if we could get something out of her. God knows Mamoru won't say a word to me about it."
"To be fair, he probably doesn't even know himself," Azula leaned back on her hands. "He said that the memories aren't coming back fast enough."
"Well that's what he's doing today, apparently," Usagi muttered. "Trying to remember more. You'd think he'd want to spend more time with me since I have my memories back.'
The rest of the girls laughed at the blonde. Hearing their laughter, Reyna came scurrying up to them. There was a smudge of dust on her cheek and on her left knee. "What's funny?"
"Oh, Usagi having problems with her boyfriend," Minako sobered from her laughter first.
"Ew, boys," Reyna crinkled her nose. "Did you know boys can make you sick?"
"Are you talking about cooties?" Azula looked at the others girls. "That's still a thing?"
"It's true though," Reyna assured. "My cousin told me."
"Your cousin wanted to fool you,' Azula clarified. "And props to her because looks like she did it."
Reyna frowned at her. "My cousin wouldn't lie. Lying is bad."
"I know lying is bad," Azula mimicked her tone. "Doesn't mean people won't do it."
"My Mommy doesn't lie!"
"Kid, I'm sure she does—"
"No, she doesn't!" Reyna stomped her foot.
Ami cleared her throat to prevent Azula from further arguing. She flashed a gentle smile at Reyna who was busy glaring at Azula. "Reyna, what's your Mommy like?" Azula snorted but Makoto elbowed her on the side and motioned to stay quiet.
"My Mommy's the best," Reyna said, her mood instantly changed. "She wears all these fancy dresses and she's really pretty too. Everyone loves her but my Daddy loves her the most. And then me!"
Ami hummed, showing she was acknowledging Reyna's explanations. "And what do your parents do? What's their jobs?"
"Um…they look after people. They love doing that. One day, I want to do that too."
"What's your Mommy's name?"
Reyna suddenly went silent. "I don't want to talk anymore," she stated so plainly and hurried away.
"And that is what I have to deal with everyday," Azula gestured after Reyna who'd taken to collecting leaves off the nearby grass.
"Other than the fact she's hiding what she knows about Senka, she truly does seem harmless," Ami concluded and opened her book again.
"Uuuh, are we forgetting the fact she hypnotized my Dad and my sister into believing she was another member of the family?"
"Where'd she get that sort of magic?" Usagi tilted her head and watched Reyna. The child seemed normal at first glance.
"I wish I knew," Azula muttered. "I just don't get why she's here, you know?"
"Mhm," the girls felt her frustration and together they gazed upon the mysterious little girl who was having the time of her life picking up brown crunchy leaves off the ground.
~ 0 ~
Azula made it a habit of startling people when they were sitting alone. This time her victim was Mamoru at school, but she was mighty disappointed to see her presence wasn't even noticed. He was staring off into space and she was sure it had nothing to do with Usagi.
"Okay, what thy hell, are you doing?"
Mamoru came out from his thoughts and gave her an odd look for her choice of words.
"I just had a Shakespearean lesson."
"You paid attention?"
"Oh, funny," Azula went with it for a moment. "But not as funny as watching Asteria trying to figure out how to do calculus."
Mamoru wished Azula could at least keep it serious with Asteria since the girl was trying to handle being a human at a human school. "How's she doing on her first day?"
"Right now, a bit better than you. What were you thinking about?"
"Honestly," Mamoru sighed, "I'm trying to remember things about Reign. I haven't had anything new in a while now."
"Why don't you ask Meroko or Asteria for help. I mean, if anyone can talk about Reign I imagine it'd be her followers."
"I'm not sure if Meroko and Asteria are up for conversing…"
"Mm, wouldn't be so quick on that judgement," Meroko was coming up behind the bench Azula and Mamoru were sitting on. Asteria was right behind her sister. "Whaddya need, prince?"
Mamoru was by now better used to Meroko's way of being and merely ignored her in that aspect. "I want to know more about Reign. I want to remember more."
Meroko looked over to Asteria because out of the two, Astera would remember more. "What? I'm just supposed to tell you everything I know?" asked the pale girl.
"That would be really helpful," Mamoru kept his kindness in check. Asteria was harder to deal with than her sister but being snappy as she was wouldn't help anyone.
"He can use his abilities to go into your mind and see things you've lived through," Azula explained.
"I'm supposed to let you wander in my mind?" Asteria asked with wide, alarmed eyes.
"Just the memories of Reign."
"Asteria…" Meroko gave her sister a significant look, reminding her of their previous conversation concerning the team.
"Fine, what do I have to do?"
Mamoru stood up and gestured for her to give him her hand. Asteria rolled her eyes and stuck out her right hand. He grasped her hand and focused on the right sort of memories he would be requiring. Asteria released a small gasp when she felt his presence in her mind.
A woman dressed in a purple sparkling gown stared out her open window to her kingdom. There were phenomenal silver lights tonight. "Tell me, Asteria, what is Shadow celebrating tonight?" Her soft voice asked of the other woman in the grand bedroom.
Sailor Asteria remained by the doorway of Princess Reign's bedroom, her usual post during the day. "I believe it is the Harvest today, Princess. Many of the locals like to give thanks to the Gods for allowing us another year of prospect within our hidden kingdom."
"It looks beautiful from up here," Reign mused at all the silver lights now mixing with purple, twinkling from the Kingdom.
"I shall go call upon Sailor Siren to look after you until my sister arrives to take up post," Sailor Asteria began to open the door of the bedroom when Reign turned around.
Of course when she did, Sailor Asteria could not look Reign directly. The enchantment that kept Reign's identity a secret allowed for no one to see her. And so, Asteria missed the curiosity etched across Reign's face.
"Do the humans celebrate the Harvest like we do?"
"I do not think they do, Princess," Asteria paused for a second to think. "I believe they celebrate something of a new year but...certainly not the Harvest."
"I wish I could see for myself," Reign lamented her reclusive status. It was no fun being locked away every day, but no one seemed to really get that.
"You must stay in the Palace for your own safety, Princess," Asteria reminded before she walked out of Reign's bedroom.
Both Azula and Meroko knew for sure Mamoru had seen something. Mamoru slowly let go of Asteria's hand and looked away to process what he'd seen.
"That ability is a complete invasion of privacy," Asteria clutched her hand to her chest, looking almost mad Mamoru had been able to see something.
"Oh shut up," Azula told her with a wave of a hand, ignoring Asteria's glare. "Mamoru, what did you see?"
"Reign...and she was…" he tilted his head and stopped talking for a minute. "I just can't see her face."
"Well of course," went both Asteria and Meroko.
"I know," Mamoru sighed. "Because of the enchantment placed on her."
"That's inconvenient," Azula frowned. "But, I suppose, strong since it remains cast even in memories."
"I hardly find precautions for our Princess amusing," Asteria said curtly.
"I'm just saying..." Azula rose up from the bench and crossed her arms, "How could you swear eternal loyalty and protection if you never knew what Reign looked like? I mean, you didn't know her."
"It was the only way to keep her safe!" snapped Asteria. "You don't understand the danger Reign poses if she exposed herself. The enchantment law was placed after the Forbidden Soldiers' uproar."
"Forbidden soldiers?"
"It's a whole other story but it was a massive threat for Reign and so after the guardians were cast away, Queen Nyx declared that Princess Reign's identity should be hidden, even from us."
"This is crazy," Mamoru shook his head. "How are we supposed to find her if no one knows what she looks like?"
"Princess Reign holds the Shadow Crystal, and so if we find the Crystal we find Reign herself," Meroko replied. The bells chimed signaling it was time to return to class and for Mamoru and Azula it was time to think about the newest details of Reign.
~ 0 ~
"Hey Luna," Usagi entered the base under the arcade and was unsurprised to find Luna hard at work on the command station. "What are you doing?"
"Oh, same as I've been doing since Senka's first appearance, searching for valuable information on Shadow and the Shadow Dominion."
Usagi sighed. "I've tried my hardest, Luna, but I can't remember anything about Princess Reign. I know Mamo is having the same problem."
"Usagi you may have never even met Reign," Luna stopped working for a second. "You can't remember things that never happened."
"But if this princess died because of me, the least I can do is remember her," Usagi crossed her arms. "Where was she from again?"
"Shadow. It's a planet off in a different galaxy that was destroyed long before you were born," Luna went over the facts they already knew. "Both it and its sister planet were destroyed in a war and it led to Shadow's movement to Earth."
"And they just hid like nothing…"
"Well, we now know that despite the hiding, Queen Nyx of Shadow held contact with Queen Serenity and its sister planet apart from the Earth Royalty."
Usagi crossed her arms and thought about the idea of having a secret world living right under their noses. She didn't have a long time to think about it when an alarm went off from the computers. Luna quickly stopped her work to see what the alarm was for.
"It's Senka, she's attacking the flower shop down Tutter Street!"
"I'm on it!" Usagi exclaimed and hurried out.
~ 0 ~
Azula truly wondered how much more of Reyna's chatterboxing abilities she would be able to take. It was a whole mixture of things Reyna would talk about, ranging from her favorite thing to eat all the way to what kind of ice cream flavor she would like to be.
"Oh my God if I buy you an ice cream, will you stop talking?" Azula finally snapped and stopped walking just to ask.
Reyna giggled and nodded her head. "My Daddy says that he used to talk a lot when he was younger."
"God help your mother, then," Azula muttered and began to walk again. She was mildly surprised when Reyna easily slipped her hand into hers just to walk together.
The two were forced to stop when they saw the evil shadow once more raging in the air.
"Not her again…" Reyna very quickly whimpered at the sight of Senka. "When does Sailor Reign defeat her?"
"What!?" Azula gaped at the question and, consequently, missed Senka's attack coming her way.
"Watch out!" Reyna acted and pushed Azula to the street, her small body falling over Azula's.
A street pole had flown just over them and came crashing down over a car parked on the sidewalk. Azula breathed hard as she realized that Reyna had quite literally saved her life.
"Are you okay?" Reyna climbed off Azula and grabbed her hand.
"Y-yeah, I...you saved my life…again." Azula could not stop blinking. Reyna cracked a small smile.
"No! No! Let me go!" cried a girl. Azula and Reyna saw a young teenage girl being lifted into the air by Senka.
"What delicious energy you give me," Senka laughed. Now it was easier to see her figure. It almost looked like Sailor Moon had never attacked her in the first place. "You are enough to complete my figure once more!"
"Halt evil spirit!" Sailor Mars stood tall and proud across the street. ""Agent of Love and Fire, the pretty sailor suited soldier Sailor Mars! In the name of Mars, I will chastise you!"
"You again," Senka growled. "I have grown stronger since the last time we met and I assure you this time, no silly moon stick will stop me."
"Well, we'll just see about that," Sailor Mars promised. "Burning Mandala!"
Senka dodged two of the fire blasts but intook the last two. She yelped with pain but this time held her ground. A bigger surge of energy emitted from the human in her grasp and she laughed an echoing laugh. "Mysterious masked kiss!"
Sailor Mars was victim to several shocks of black thunder-lips. She screamed and fell to her knees.
"Senka!" Sailor Hemera was running towards the scene.
Sailor Asteria didn't bother calling out. She got straight to business and threw forwards her silver star tattoos. Senka dodged them and let go of the human who fell down with a thud on the roadside. Her next victims were unthinkable. Her black tendrils reached out to take Sailor Mars into her possession, followed by Sailor Hemera and Sailor Asteria.
"NO!" Azula cried out and scrambled to get on her feet.
Senka turned around, her entire figure beginning to glimmer as she the final energy she needed to be fully restored. "Shall you become my next prey, dear?"
"Let them go!" Azula pleaded but Senka did nothing. The three Sailor Scouts writhed in agony as their energy left them.
"Azula, we have to go!" Reyna sounded like she was begging for them to leave. She was terrified and Azula knew it but she couldn't bring herself to leave her friends behind. "Reyna," Azula bent down in front of the girl, "I know you and I don't see quite eye to eye but in this case just listen to me. Run home, okay? Run home and you lock that door."
"But I-I don't know…" Reyna's eyes filled with tears. Her breathing hitched as she neared to cry. "I-I want my Mommy...my D-Daddy…"
"Yes, okay, yes, I get that! But you have to listen to me!" Azula shook the girl. "Run! Just ru- ah!"
Senka had reached out to grab her as well. "Show me your Crystal!"
Azula felt a cold surging through her body as she was taken away by Senka. It was all a bit fast. She could hear Reyna crying and her friends' painful shouts yet she herself couldn't really muster a sound.
Reyna furiously cried in her spot to where a purple glow began to surround her. It drew the attention of the incoming Sailor Moon and the other Sailor Scouts.
"What's happening?" Sailor Jupiter could only wonder.
"Whatever it is... it's not our priority," Sailor Venus pointed at their friends up in the air.
"Mercury Aqua mist!" Sailor Mercury covered the area with her thick, frosty mist. "You get the girls and we'll get Reyna!" she motioned to Sailor Jupiter and herself.
"Venus Crescent Beam!" Sailor Venus shot directly at the tendrils holding Sailor Mars, Asteria and Hemera. The three were let go but Azula was still in Senka's grasp.
For Senka it did not matter anymore because now she had her true form. She was a light-skinned woman with long, flowing black hair. It appeared there was an M-shaped crown sitting around her face. Her outfit was a pitch black dress with a short skirt and a sleeveless top; it almost resembled a familiar uniform. A gem at the middle of her chest shined in various colors. There were thick, black bracelets sitting on both of her wrists, however one bracelet had a green gem at the center while the other had a purple gem. She held onto a fierce-looking black staff that looked like it would cause mega trouble if used properly.
Azula was arching backwards as an illuminating white glow started at her chest. "Show me the crystal!"
"Magic chain sniper!"
Senka was surprised by two purple and silver metal chains that snapped at her like lassos, forcing her to drop Azula. Before Azula could crash on the ground, Tuxedo Mask swept in and caught her.
"I almost forgot how evil and persistent you were," boomed a sharp voice.
"That...voice…" Sailor Asteria groaned.
"Is it really…?" Sailor Hemera twisted in Sailor Jupiter's hold to see who the new woman was.
Reyna had even stopped her crying to see, because she too recognized that voice. Uh oh, she was in trouble. "C-Circe!"
An older version of Sailor Circe rose in the air with the same purple glow that surrounded Reyna's form. Her green eyes glared at Senka. "You will never win this battle, Senka. Know that." She pointed one finger at Senka and uttered, "Magic sparkle venom!" a black beam of energy shot from her finger and hit Senka square in the chest.
The woman screamed in pain and ultimately faded away, but everyone knew it was yet another temporary situation. Sailor Circe lowered herself to the ground just as Reyna zoomed towards her.
"Circe!" she cried in a mixture of happiness and tears. She wrapped her small arms around Circe's legs.
"Reyna, you know better than to time travel," Sailor Circe bent down in front of the girl. "Your mother and father have been going crazy looking for you."
Reyna pouted. "I thought I was supposed to come."
Circe raised an eyebrow. "Now why would you think that?"
"The voices in my head told me."
Circe only had a moment to react to that before she was ambushed by the other Sailor Scouts.
"Circe! It's you!" Sailor Hemera was being supported by Sailor Jupiter.
"We didn't feel you awake," Sailor Asteria had Sailor Venus helping her stay on her feet.
Sailor Circe pursed her lips together with an unusual grave face. "My fellow guardians, it is I, Sailor Circe, but not the Circe meant to awaken." Reyna turned around at the push of Circe. "I am from the future sent back here to retrieve Princess Reyna."
"Princess!?" this time Azula was the one to gawk. She had Tuxedo Mask helping her stand but she was sending deadly eyes at Reyna. "You know, that makes a lot of sense. You time traveled you little brat and you didn't even time travel correctly so that you wouldn't crush people!"
Sailor Circe put a comforting hand on Reyna's shoulder. "Time Traveling is forbidden and Princess Reyna here, knew that. I am sorry for any disruptions she may have caused but I will be bringing her home now."
"I'm sorry," Reyna apologized to the entire group in such a child-like voice that the group just couldn't be angry with her.
"You didn't do anything wrong," Sailor Moon smiled at her.
"I loved the stories about the Sailor Scouts," Reyna started smiling widely as she remembered the stories everyone at home would tell her.
"Yeah? Say, who was your favorite Sailor Scout?" Sailor Moon innocently wondered.
In her excitement, Reyna didn't think twice in answering with, "Sailor Reign!"
Everyone's mouths dropped.
"Reyna!" Sailor Circe at once commanded silence from the little girl. Reyna quickly covered her mouth with her hands and looked down at the ground. Sailor Circe gazed at the others who were either trying to process or waited for an explanation. "You must understand that we are not allowed to disclose anything from the future. Reyna is still learning that."
"But she said...Sailor Reign…" Sailor Mercury said, "That means...Princess Reign is also a Sailor Guardian."
"It makes sense if she's the Guardian of the Shadow Dominion Gates," Azula inputted her thoughts.
"We must get going," Sailor Circe motioned Reyna to take her hand.
"Wait, Circe," Meroko stopped her for a moment, "If you're from the future...that means we find each other again…?"
Sailor Circe flashed a smile at her younger versions of comrades. "Indeed. Sailor Siren and I will soon make our returns. Save our Princess," she parted with those words. She took out a silver key, with its handle in the shape of a heart, and raised it over her head. "Guardian of time! Tear apart the sky and open the Door of Space-Time to us! I call your true name, the almighty god of time, the guardian of time's father, Chronos! Guidance to us! Protection to us! The path of light to us!"
A great blinding light ruptured from the sky and engulfed Sailor Circe and Reyna together, and after it was gone, so were the two. The rest of group was left in different stages of shock and confusion, but the one thing they shared was the idea of Sailor Reign and what that indicated.
Sailor Circe and Reyna had appeared in a cloud-like environment with white mist covering most of the area. Circe was gripping Reyna's hand as she led the girl towards the appearance of a silver door.
"The Queen and King were very distraught about your disappearance, Princess," Circe was saying. "They have most of our Sailor Guardians searching for you."
"I'm sorry. But the voices in my head told me I needed to go back in time," Reyna insisted.
"Okay," Circe stopped walking and turned to the girl. She bent down in front of Reyna and looked the girl in the eyes. "You're going to have to tell Sailor Circe about these voices."
Reyna pouted but she did go on to explain. "There were many voices but they all said Sailor Reign was in trouble. I had to go back in time to the 21st century."
"That doesn't make sense, though…" Sailor Circe thought for a second then raised her two index fingers. "Reyna, Sailor Circe is going to see those voices in your head, okay?"
"Mhm," Reyna closed her eyes and let Circe complete the task.
'The one they call Sailor Reign needs help. Only you can help her.'
A floating figure hidden behind a purple cloak flashed in Circe's mind.
'You need to go back in time...help the Princess...before it's too late!'
Sailor Circe gasped as she let go of Reyna. She gave the girl a long, alarmed stare until she finally straightened up on her feet and took Reyna's hand. "We need to get back home right now."
But both Sailor Circe and Reyna returned to a very different kind of home.
A dark, silent one.
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minniethemoocherda · 1 year
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This is my favourite picrew! It's by ummmmandy! I love it!
I'm tagging @roninreverie @ilovecatsandbaking @callme-xo @azula-nyx plus anyone else who wants to have a go at making themselves in this picrew!
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witchofthesouls · 2 years
Why do I imagine that the TFP!kids turned sparkling would wreak havoc on the nemesis if they found themselves on decepticons hands? I mean, yeah, they will learn what they can from them, cause the bots simply can't teach them about being a warframe, but that doesn't mean they will be docile and easy to manage, even more with them simply being other. Would they get attached to the cons? Would megs (and soundwave too, cause he has other vibes) realize the otherness cause of the dark energon?
Because you’re not wrong. But it's hard to say if the Decepticons ever figure out the kids' Other heritage without major clues and a 2x4 to their prejudice. If anything, they'll make a lot of assumptions that their quirkiness is due to them rising above their flesh or weirdness from the cyberization process.
Should the Decepticons manage to get their hands on the sparklings, the ship will be very lively and the crew will be on their toes wrangling those three.
Much to everyone’s surprise, it’s not the little Predacon or nearly feral War-Forged that causes the most trouble, it’s the polite one.
Miko may be a ferocious, bitey slip of Seeker sparkling (Many had their servos patched if they didn’t catch her fast enough.), but Jack is able to suppress his presence to nonexistence and he moves so lightly that he doesn’t register on sensors that detect motion and proximity. 
He also has a sweet smile. Jack can and will try to finagle his way out of things, especially since his curiosity is too powerful to suppress. (Ex: the base cougar, his constant sneaking away into vents, walls, ceilings, and so on. A locked door is not a deterrent, it’s a challenge.)
Starscream and Predaking had relentlessly worn down Megatron on claiming guardianship over Miko and Raf, respectively. They actually worked together to push their claim; after all, they’re the only adults of the sparklings’ specific frame-types. Plus, neither of them wants Shockwave to have them.
Neither of them has to worry about the sparklings getting curious about the scientist, Jack had a terribly negative reaction to his presence that he immediately fleed from the medbay with Miko and Raf.
Between Predaking’s refined tracking skills and Soundwave’s constant surveillance of everything, the trio is found holed up in the walls where raw Energon crystals are stored for the long term.
Both of them are vicious, little things. Jack isn’t a mild child. When provoked, he doesn’t have any issues sinking his claws or denta on the softer bits between plating. Unlike Miko’s wild lashing to draw blood, Jack purposely targets the seams that protect the nervecurcuits and ligaments.
Jack is very driven by his curiosity. He can be bird- and cat-like in his mannerisms. The Decepticons had learned the hard way to not only indulge some of the constant questions but make sure it’s truthful enough since the bitty seems to have a sixth sense in detecting lies.
While all the kids can be omens in their own ways, Jack is downright eerie at times. It’s the way he keeps to himself, how silently he moves. He’s downright difficult to teek, so more than once he had a few of the mechs raise their blasters to his direction, especially when they see those off-blue optics above them.
Jack is a little ghost. In more than one way.
Megatron would be focused on the kids, particularly on Jack, especially since dark sparkling reminds him a lot of Orion. The unstoppable quest to satisfy his questions, the willingness to subvert the establishment, that smile when around friends, and the strange sense of politeness to accept gifts even when confused or unsure about the goods. The warlord can’t help but to laugh when Jack bit into a Cybertronian-version of the Kinder Egg. Poor thing was so confused since he took a hearty bite out of the chocolate, plastic covering, and toy. It’s a “unique” taste, alright. 
Of course, Jack is his own person. And that person is a sparkling that can and will dabble into eating venom and poisons with little side effects.
He also has the worrisome habit of sneaking to the outer deck to sit at the bars to either way the sky or the scene down below.
With great reluctance and gritted denta, he had to give Jack over to Soundwave since Jack can and will sneak away from the warlord and everyone else if they take their optics off him.
Soundwave, as a spymaster and head of security, is constantly surveilling everyone and everything.
Miko is the loudest, angriest child. She squeaks and chirps up a storm. Climbing all over the place and isn’t afraid to jump and tumble down. Before mecha knew Starscream was coming based on the distinctive clip of his heels, now mecha know it’s Starscream based on the furious howling by Miko hanging by the scruff.
Much like the Autobots, she spends a lot of time in the medbay since she’s the only current War-Forged on Earth and she really does love jumping from ridiculously high places.
Death from above, the Vehicons tease with a sort of gallows humor, especially when one of them catches her from hitting the floor. If Miko ever survives to her adulthood, then she will really bring death to many mecha.
And if Miko is in the medbay, then Jack will suddenly appear in the vicinity. He pesters Knock Out and Breakdown with hows, whats, whens, whys as the medical berth keeps Miko dealing bolting away. Breakdown graciously allows the pink Seeker to chew on his armor as the medic sorts out the little damage and her systems.
Out of the three, it’s Raf that would get attached the most quickly. He’s very young in terms of development, he craves close emotional connection, so as far as he’s concerned, he has a caretaker that’s like him. 
Predaking is attentive to his needs and very patient. He spends more time in his alt-mode since Raf either doesn’t know how to transform or simply doesn’t like going to two-legs form.
He will carry Raf by the scruff like a mama cat with her kitten, or let the kid ride his back as they cross halls. Predaking doesn’t trust the other mecha onboard to try something. (They just want to pet the potato. Honest to Primus.)
Even with a superior sense of smell, he does keep very close to the chonky pup since Raf will explore his new surroundings and will attempt to shove new things into his mouth. No little pup, you can’t eat that. Even if it’s tasty. Plus, keep the baby dragon from overeating and away from the long-term storage space.
Of course, Predaking grumbles but doesn't push away Miko and Jack that find their way to Raf.
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frosty-tian · 1 year
Hey there, just sending you an early happy Christmas (cause I will probably forget to do it later on)
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Thank you so much, and an (early) Merry Chrysler to you too Nyxxxx…!!!
Hope you have an epico one for the remainder of 2022 and 2023!
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asmoteeth · 8 months
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Tried my hand at making some RBA humanformers :3
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friend tags :Dc @sphnyspinspin @whirltherescuebot @lonely-paracosmos @blueberry-cute-cat @sonicnerd @wildlygay @azula-nyx @blazzerez
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For @agentsquirrelsgotrobots @shark-orbiting-the-sun and @azula-nyx (« thought you didn't ask)
Because of a recent post, have the ultimate ace4ace crack ship!!!! Optimus Prime x Charlie Burns. Just two old men in love XD. I could say that this is an AU where Megatron married Madeline and Soundwave married June 😋
I still don't know how to draw robots 😥
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riveramorylunar · 2 years
To Clear Things Up This Is Who I’ll Write For:
Marvel - Any either from the Movies, Series or Comic Books (Female Characters Only)[except for Kate Bishop]
DC - Any either from the Movies, Series or Comic Books (Female Characters Only)
The School For Good & Evil: Leonora Lesso & Clarissa Dovey
Fast & Furious: Cipher, Riley Hicks, Gisele Yashar, Ramsey, Letty Ortiz, Mia Toretto, Hattie Shaw, Tess, Margarita, Monica Fuentes & Elena Neves
Jujutsu Kaisen: Maki Zenin, Yuki Tsukumo, Kaori Itadori, Mei Mei, Shoko Ieiri, Mai Zenin, Manami Suda, Nagi Yoshino, Utahime Iori & Saori
Pokémon - Jessie, Aldith, Cassidy, Bea, Nessa, Nemona, Professor Sada, Rika, Cynthia, Diantha, Carmine, Raifort, Dendra, Eri, Mela, Briar, Miriam, Perrin, Tulip, Klara, Melony, Alexa, Bryony, Carrie, Cherie, Clair, Cogita, Officer Jenny, Jupiter, Lorelei, Lusamine, Malva, Onia, Palina, Professor Burnet, Shelly, Sima, Skyla, Soliera & Wicke
The Little Mermaid: Ariel, Queen Athena, Arista, Attina, Adella, Alana, Andrina & Aquata
Ghostbusters: Jillian Holtzmann
Wednesday/Addams family: Larissa Weems, Morticia Addams & Marilyn Thornhill
Winx Club - Icy, Darcy, Stormy, Bloom, Stella, Daphne, Diaspro, Selina, Venomya, Cyan, Kalshara, Kalima, Nebula, Vertigo, Virus, Banshee, Obscura, Stoney, Sinka, Veronique, Zulema, Roxy, Stella, Musa, Tecna, Flora & Aisha
Monster High: Nora Bloodgood, Clawdeen Wolf, Clawdia Wolf, Scary Stone, Cleo De Nile, Nefera De Nile, Toralei Stripes, Meowlody, Purrsephone, Abbey Bominable, Draculaura, Elissabat, Frankie Stein, Lagoona Blue, Amanita Nightshade, Ari Hauntington, Avea Trotter, Sirena Von Boo, Bonita Femur, Catrine DeMew, Catty Noir, Dayna Treasura Jones, Gigi Grant, Djinni (Whisp) Grant, Gooliope Jellington, Gory Fangtell, Jane Boolittle, Jinafire Long, Skelita Calaveras, Rochelle Goyle, Moanica D'Kay, Operetta, Robecca Steam, Silvi Timberwolf, Spectra Vondergeist, Venus McFlytrap, Wydowna Spider, Astranova, Batsy Claro, Clair, Luna Mothews, Honey Swamp, Kala Mer'ri, Peri and Pearl Serpentine, Posea Reef, Kiyomi Haunterly, River Styxx, Vandala Doubloons, Marisol Coxi, Viperine Gorgon, C.A. Cupid, Casta Fierce, Lorna McNessie, Mouscedes King, Scarah Scream, Iris Clops, Teresa Thornwilliow & Principal Revenant
Mortal Kombat: Kitana, Sonya Blade, Sindel, Cassie Cage, Jade, Khameleon, Frost, Skarlet, D'Vorah, Ferra & Jola
Once Upon A Time - Ruby, Emma Swan, Belle, Blind Witch, Regina Mills, Maleficent, Zelena, Anna, Elsa, Blue Fairy, Mulan, Jack (Jacqueline)
My Hero Academia - Nemuri Kayama, Nana Shimura, Rumi Usagiyama, Chitose Kizuki, Ryuko Tatsuma, Emi Fukukado, Ryuko Tsuchikawa, Shino Sosaki, Kaina Tsutsumi, Teka Todoroki, Uwabami, Yu Takeyama, Konako Haizono, Kaoruko Awata, Saiko Intelli, Fuyumi Todoroki, Rei Todoroki, Mitsuki Bakugo, Mei Hatsume, Kiruka Hasaki, Sirius, Chikuchi Togeike, Cathleen Bate, Camie Utsushimi & Beros
Tinkerbell - Vidia, Spike, Zarina, Chase, Glimmer, Queen Clarion & Nyx
Star Wars - Captain Phasma, Rey Skywalker, Ahsoka Tano, Hera Syndulla, Sabine Wren, The Armorer & Chewbacca(Platonic)
Voltron: Legendary Defenders- Kroila, Acxa, Hira, Honerva, Veronica, Zethrid, Narti & Ezor.
High Rise Invasion - Yayoi Kusakabe & Dealer Mask
She-ra and the Princess of Power - Catra, Adora & Shadow Weaver
The Dragon Prince - Amaya, Janai, Sarai, Annika, Neha, Kim’dael, Opeli, Fareeda, Khessa, Tiadrin, Aditi, Rayla, Bloodmoon Huntress, Lujanne, Sabah, Miyana, Claudia & Nyx
Power Rangers - Dayu, Posiandra, Roxy, Karone/Astroema, Psycho Pink, Kimberly Hart
Criminal Minds - Emily Prentiss & JJ
MPHFPC & MP - Alma Peregrine & Mary Poppins
The Legend Of Korra & ATLAB - Korra, Asami, Izumi, Kuvira, Kyoshi, Lin, Prosecution Attorney (Don't know her name), Suyin, P'Li, Azula, June, Ursa & Toph
DOTA Dragons Blood - Drysi, Vanari, Rylai, Selemene, Mirana, Lina, Aurouth, Luna & Marci
Barbie: Queen Calissa, Delancy Devin, Alexander Privet, Anemone, Coral, Jacqueline, Lillian Roxelle, Melody & Marlo
Demon Slayer: Daki, Kanae Kocho, Nezuko Kamado, Ruka Rengoku, Shinobu Kocho, Spider Demon(Mother), Susamaru, Tamayo, Nakime, Koinatsu, Makio, Mukago, Ozaki, Satoko, Suma, Amane Ubuyashiki, Hinatsuru & Mitsuri Kanroji
Miraculous Ladybug: Marinette Dupain-Cheng (older), Nathalie Sancoeur, Alix Kubdel (older), Caline Bustier, Emilie Agreste, Fei Wu, Juleka Couffaine (Older) & Ondine
Arcane: Vi, Mel Medarda, Sevika, Grayson, Jinx
Castlevaznia: Morana, Carmilla, Lenore, Hermina, Raman & Striga
Blood Of Zeus: Alexia, Hera & Fates
Naruto: Yuuhi Kurenai, Kushina Uzumaki, Ino Yamanaka, Hanabi Hyuuga, Guren, Yugito Nii, Ameyuri Ringo, Yugao Uzuki, Natsuhi, Fuuka, Suiren, Pakura, Hinata Hyuuga, Temari, Ruka & Kakashi Hatake(Platonic)
Twilight: Esme, Alice, Bella, Rosalie, Victoria, Tanya Denali, Irina & Kate
Descendents: Mal, Evie, Audrey, Lonnie, Jordan, Uma & Harry Hook
Pitch Perfect: Kommissar, Chloe Beale, Beca, Aubrey, Cynthia Rose, Calamity & Emily Junk
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nyxbearkitty · 3 years
Re-watching ATLA as an adult when I haven't watched it in years is crazy, I don't remember the Dai Li at all?? And looking back a bunch of these kids share some autistic traits with me (Zuko in particular is painfully relatable), and Azula deserved way more compassion than she got. Also why am I seeing a sudden hatred for Katara? She's just as much of a kid as the rest of the main group. Kids with world-altering responsibilities are still just kids. They gotta let their brains grow man
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