#azure lion my beloved
swkbiggestdefender · 1 month
Aroace mf accidentally pulling everyone
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py-dreamer · 7 months
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(Can you tell I don't like peng very much?)
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bijellyfishy · 11 months
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He’s not a slut! He just gets around a lot,,,
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journeytothe-legos · 23 days
I see all of Azure's smarts went to his tits instead of his brain... /j
Anyway, Camel Ridge Trio!~ What's your guys' love languages? -🎀🐐
Despite the rude joke, love languages? I'm not sure if you're asking how we show love or how we prefer to be shown love... I know I tend to lean towards acts of service myself when giving, and I would say I'd like to receive it the same way.
...Gift Giving and Words of Affirmation. I don't think I need to elaborate.
Quality Time, even if that time is just me and my future partner doing our own things in the same space. Just the knowledge of preferring each others company is enough to show love in my opinion.
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haomnyangz · 2 years
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It seems the dawn is almost upon us. About time, too.
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lovestruckprincess · 1 year
~ * Tag Dump * ~
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itsabouttimex2 · 3 months
Sun Wukong and Love
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Found family, my beloved 💚💙🩷🧡💛
Sun Wukong, Intelligent Stone Monkey, Handsome Monkey King, Great Sage Equal to Heaven- going from the blind adoration of Azure Lion and the enabling permissiveness of Macaque and the rowdy shenanigans of his Sworn Brotherhood to the flawed and misfit pilgrims will live rent free in my head forever.
Wukong moving past a life where the “love” he receives stops when he fails or falls. Moving past a life where “love” can’t survive an argument.
Wukong learning what real love is.
Learning that real love has restrictions and boundaries and inherent equality, and is more than being treated as a king or leader.
And learning that if someone loves you, they’ll give you a second chance when you fail or fall short or disappoint them.
Sun Wukong learning to love.
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quitealotofsodapop · 3 months
A completely unrelated note, since the queen mother and PIF are big cats in your verse(PIF being half), would catnip effect them?
Big cats can be effected by catnip and there are some cats that develop a tolerance to it. Catnip was discovered around the late 1600s and surprisingly is in the mint family. And on contrary to dogs it brings calmness and relaxation.
So for the queen mother, I imagine Erlang brings back this nice looking bunch of flowers that were near wild mint that relaxed Quan to the celestial realm. Jade Emperor saw it and asked Erlang if he has some more bc the flowers look nice and thought it'd make a nice bouquet to send to his wife. Unfortunately once it was presented to her she face planted on the catnip. She has developed a tolerance so it wouldn't be used against her.
PIF accidentally stumbled upon catnip by accident during DBK’s imprisonment and ended up rolling around it eventually developing a tolerance to it to ease her depression during the time.
What about Redson, Nezha, Bai He and other cat related characters in the AUs?
Ref. Yes!
Catnip and Catmint are in the mint family, and are related to Snapdragons - something more obvious when it's in bloom. Some cats are more affected than others, my own elderly house cat doesn't care for it but loves silvervine.
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Other plants that cause a similar reaction in cats are Valerian (Honeysuckle family) and Silvervine/Matatabi (kiwi family). Hilariously, all are used frequently in traditional Chinese medicine, Catnip for cough medicine, Valerian as a sedative, and Silvervine to prevent hypertension. Silvervine sticks are also sold as teething aids for cats.
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I love the imagery of Erlang grabbing some catnip cus Quan seems to like it (catnip calms dogs down), and the Jade Emperor asking for some as decoration in a bouquet for his dear Tiger Lily.
The Queen Mother looks at her husband's bouquet, and after an adoring smile, shoves her entire face into the flowers whilst purring loudly. The Emperor at first thought he just did really well when his wife then proceeded to pounce on him hungrily. One lesser known side effect of catnip - makes larger cats randy. XD
Xiwangmu embarrassed by her reaction, at first thought it was an attempted poisoning or seduction. Li Shou, the goddess of cats, overheard the incident and was there to defend Erlang from punishment.
Li Shou: "Mao Bo He! It's a breed of mint beloved by my subjects! It blooms very briefly and the oils help keep biting insects away." Xiwangmu: "But what of my... undignified reaction?" Li Shou, giggling: "Oh thats normal! In order to spread its pollen, the plant causes a euphoric reaction in cats, and since the oil of the plant is released when bruised - it encourages you to rub into it." Xiwangmu: "Goodness! However, if it's meant for your subjects, why am I affected?" Li Shou: "It seems Mao Bo He is indiscriminate which type of cats it affects." (*the two look over to where Erlang and some of the celestial agents are watching Azure Lion rolling in the remaining flowers.*) Li Shou, laughing: "No matter the size!"
The Queen Mother doesn't want the plant used against her in the future, so she secretly has it planted in her Jade Pond garden so that she can develop a passive resistance. The first couple of years were a little awkward though - it appears half her daughters are affected too!
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Funnily enough, catnip oil has been used as an insect repellent for cattle since ancient times - so it's not out of the realm of possibly for DBK to have some on hand. Imagine slapping on some sunscreen and your gf start rubbing all over you. DBK wouldn't be 100% upset by PIF's reaction, but he'd make sure to switch to citronella or similar so he doesn't accidentally dose her in future. PIF appreciates his consideration, but keeps some around for fun. >:3
PIF canonically "hits the bottle" in Jttw when her marriage is on the rocks, so I could see her "hitting the 'nip" as well to deal with the pain of losing DBK during his imprisonment. She's managed to wean herself off of it, and bars Red Son from having any out of fear of him developing a similar reliance.
Red Son accidentally gets exposed to catnip when he joins Mei and MK on one of their snack runs. He passes by the pet section and gets entranced by a catnip toy. He buys it for himself, and while his reaction isn't as strong as his mothers, it brings him calm. He gets grounded when his mother sniffs it on him.
Nezha is more snake-like in his lineage, so catnip just smells nice like how lavender does to humans. He does however, have a stronger reaction to valerian - he took some to help with insomnia and he was out of it for the rest of the day. He chalks it up to a weird drug side effect.
Azure Lion has the most intense reaction to the 'nip - male lions especially become big kitty cats when exposed to it. He got introduced to it in the celestial realm on accident when Erlang brought it in. And you know he sneaking into the Empress's garden to roll around in it when no one's looking. The rest of the Brotherhood found out about this reaction when DBK had put on some insect repellent, and Azure got a little silly. It became a bit of a prank to leave catnip in Azure's armour for a bit to humble him. He hasn't been exposed to it in a long time, so if he happened to find a even a tiny cat toy he'd be out for the count. No plans for universe domination, leader of the rebellion too high rn.
Bai He is part cat-demon in the TMKATI au, so she's involved in all his catnip talk. Kittens actually don't get effected by catnip like the adults do till they're teenagers, so Bai He likely doesn't have a reaction until one day her parents find her face buried in Sandy's cat toys. The adults agree to keep catnip out of the house and the restaurant, but they keep some Silvervine sticks to help Bai He with her teething adult fangs.
And ofc Mo is a kitty-kitty cat and just rolls around in the nip like a cat do.
ty for sending this in! I'm a plant nerd at heart (horticulture course ftw) and this was fun to do a deep dive into!
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sloth-artstudio · 3 months
Expansion, Part 2.
((TW: Angst moments and tears ahead.))
~Flower Fruit Mountain, a hour after discovery.~
A small tornado formed in from of the house the Monkey King had built over 13 years ago after his first one was destroyed by the Azure Lion. The winds disburse to reveal the matriarch of the Demon Bull Family, Princess Iron Fan, and standing beside her is a small dark furred monkey child. Iron Fan looks down to the young girl who hadn't said anything but a "hello" to her since she picked her up from that human and demon school her parents signed her into, nor was the child saying anything now.
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"Mei-Yue," Iron Fan spoke. "We're here now. Your father is waiting for you."
Mei-Yue, the little six eared monkey, didn't say anything in response, she only nodded at her aunt. The princess gave a saddened front at the silence of her niece. She'd been quiet since she picked up from the school her brother-in-law was insistent on letting her attend. Speaking of which, the door to the house swung opened, revealing the smiling face of Wukong peered out. He appeared to be tired.
"Thank you again, Iron Fan. Mac and I have working our tails off getting everything ready for our new 'guest'."
The Princess gave a smirk to the retired hero. "Oh it was nothing too special. After all you know how much I adore my beloved niece."
The rust colored furred monkey rolled his eyes at the Celestial before him; Of course she would call his daughter 'her beloved niece', even though she could've consider her only son a 'beloved' (He wasn't allowed to say throw her past mistakes back at her unless she absolutely deserved it). Speaking of children, Wukong turned his attention to the nine year old dark furred cub standing beside Princess Iron Fan, giving her a warm smiling, noticing the girl's blank expression.
"Hey Lil' Tiger," the reitred king greeted, "How was school today honey? Ya make any new-"
Before he could finish his question, Mei-Yue walked passed her father without saying a word, she didn't even acknowledge him. Wukong stared as his daughter walked towards her room.
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"Well that's concerning." The old king muttered, he turned back to the Celestial at the front door. "Did something happen at the school we need to know about?"
"I was actually about to ask you if something happened here that was upsetting her." Iron Fan responded. "She been quiet since I got her; She didn't even smile at me. Me! Her favorite aunt and mother figure."
The Stone monkey gave a loud 'HAH'. "Ah I didn't think you could be funny, Fanny. But everyone knows that my sister Ma is her favorite aunt and mother figure.". Iron Fan gave Wukong the sourest scowl.
"Regardless, Macaque and I will see if she's up to talking, maybe we can get an answer."
"You better."
With that, a tornado formed around the Celestial, then just as it came, the tornado dissipated, and Iron Fan is gone. The monkey king frowned at the spot the Celestial once stood. Oh Buddha how he hated his sworn brother's wife, but he wasn't gonna focus on her empty threats, he had a more important priority. One being a certain Celestial Primate eavesdropping on him.
"You know, you're sworn sister is a real pain at times." claimed Wukong as he peered down at the darker shadow that encompassed his own. He stepped to the side as Macaque emerged from the shadows, smirking at the rust monkey.
"You're the one who let's her get to you. I was just here to make sure you two didn't start fighting again." Macaque affirmed. "But aside from that. I think we need to address to elephant in the room, or rather our usually bubbly daughter not being herself."
"I couldn't agree more." Wukong sighed. "Do you think that Shang kid's at fault for that?"
Macaque groaned in frustration at the name. "Sweet Buddha, I hope not. That kid is an asshole, and his mother ain't any better, constantly saying her brat's angel.".
The rust colored monkey chuckled at his husband. "Going on a bit of a rant, eh Macky?"
The dark furred glared at his husband.
"C'mon, I think Mei-Yue went to her room."
Macaque strided towards the the hallway leading to the bedrooms.
"Note to self:" muttered Wukong as he followed suit, "Watch what you say around your pregnant mate. He will get snippy."
In the bedroom of the Monkey Princess, Mei-Yue sat on her bed with her favorite stuffed rabbit wrapped in her arms. Her focus was on a picture frame on her bed. The picture inside was of her adoptive brother MK holding Mei-Yue when she was baby, her older sister figure Mei squealing in joy, their friend/her sworn cousin Red-Son looking over MK's shoulder, at the bottom frame was a saying carved into it. The carved words read 'Welcome, Little Sister'.
The soft knock emanated from the other side of the bedroom door, shifting the child's attention to it. It was her fathers on the other side, she knew that much.
"Moonbeam?" her baba's (Macaque) emanated from the door. "Can we come in please?"
There was silence from the girl's room. The Celestial Primates looked at each other with concern painted on their faces.
"Maybe she fell asleep." Wukong subjected.
The doorknob turned and door was pulled open by a tired looking Mei-Yue, the usual sparkle in her eyes was absent. Doing their best to mask their worry, the men gave their daughter a soft smile and knelt down to her level. Macaque was the first to speak.
"Hey Dumpling. How was your first day at school?"
Mei-Yue shifted where she stood. "It was fine, I guess."
"Are you sure? Because you didn't say hi to us when you got home."
"Y-Yeah, I'm-..."
The girl just shut down and stared at the ground, clenching her stuffed rabbit.
"Did something happen at the school?" Macaque questioned his daughter. "You know you can tell us when something's wrong, right?"
The only response he got was a shrug of her shoulders. Keeping his resolve, Wukong reached out and placed a gentle hand on his daughter's shoulder, finally getting her to look at them.
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"Sweetheart, whatever is going on, we can help you go through it." The Stone Monkey consoled his young daughter, giving her a warm smile and the reassurance her needed. But his smile faded when she spoke up.
".... Am I gonna be alone forever?"
Both parents looked at their daughter
"I- I beg your pardon?"
"Dumpling, who told you that? Was is that Shang kid that's been giving you trouble?"
"No. He's not even in my class this years."
She took a deep breath in, then slowly exhaled before she spoke.
"Today in class... my classmate, Yao, was talking about his birthday party his parents are throwing fir him, and that his oldest birthday was coming up and-"
"And you're upset because you weren't invited?" Wukong questioned.
"No! Lemme finish!" Mei-Yue barked at the Stone Monkey as he held his hands in front of his chest.
"Okay, Okay. I'm sorry, I didn't mean to interrupt. Please continue. "
"Thank you. As I was saying, Yao's birthday was coming up and his older brother was home to visit and celebrate his birthday and I didn't think anything of it. But then my other classmate said that she and her sister got to go camping this weekend. Then recess came and I wanted to play with the twins, Ming & Lian, but they said I couldn't play with them because..... it was a twins game and I don't have a twin..."
Her breathing was start to become hitched and she was trying to fight back the tears that were forming in her eyes, trying her hardest not to cry if front of her fathers. Macaque's expression grew from worry as he
"I tried to not let it all get to me, but....."
"Mei-Yue, you don't have to continue-"
"But when I was waiting for auntie Fanny, my friend Winnie told me that her big brothers were happy that she that she made it into the junior basketball team..."
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A sob escaped from her mouth, the tears began to fall as she tried to wipe them away. She clenched her rabbit plush tightly as if it were a life line, too afraid to let go.
"I didn't wanna think too much about it, and-.. and I know you guys love me and your happy, and you need me to be happy... But... I didn't realized how alone I really am until Winnie said that, and... and......."
"Lil' Tiger-"
"And I hate it. I hate that I'm the only kid here. I hate that I have no one to play with after school, I hate that can't share my toys with anyone, I hate that I can't make up games with anyone but my cousins, I hate how empty home is even though you wouldn't leave me here alone, I hate not having a brother or sister here with me, I Hate Being Alone!"
She lost her resolve. The young monkey let out her pained cries. She no longer fought the tears, or held in the pain... She let it out...
In that instant, Macaque pulled his daughter into a tight hug and let her cry while he tries to fight back the tears that were forming. Wukong joins in the hug, gently stroking his daughter head to soothe her as he did so many times before, all the while both men were trying to fight their own tears back.
"No, no, no, no, no, no. You're not gonna be alone, hon. Daddy and I would never let that happen to you in a million years." Macaque soothed Mei-Yue as she buried herself in his chest.
His precious daughter's muffled cried only grew louder, and it made his hearts break. He knew her pain. He and Wukong knew it too well...
To Be Continued in part 3....
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asurius · 1 year
Can you do headcanons for a Red Son and Macaque’s reaction to the Reader bring Inked away by Azure during the final Battle. Like As if instead of Red Son it was the Reader?
I would like to thank you for this ask it has been on my mind all day.
Reader is GNC.
Trigger warnings: slight depictions of violence (if I missed anything then please let me know)
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🔥Red Son🔥
Time moves by so slowly when you see Red Son launch himself at the towering Lion. His flames are bursting forth from both his head and hands. And then you see Azure Lion go to grab at Red Son and…
…You’ve always been aware of how Red Son feels about his head being touched. He’s not a fan, even the most tentative of touches leaves him flinching for a moment before he relaxes into your hand. Despite that though he’s still very bad about guarding his head. You know all of this. You know your impulsive beloved leads with his head. So when in that split second you see Azure Lion lift his hand ready to grab at Red Son you act without thinking. Because you know he doesn’t like his head being touched.
Azure Lion is taken aback for a moment when it’s not the traitor’s son…but you that he’s grabbed. This hadn’t been what he was expecting but he doesn’t waste time disposing of you. He lifts up one of the tablets and activates it.
“Very courageous of you. But also very stupid. I am sorry for this.”
You’re painfully aware of everything all at once. The painful grip on your head, an all too familiar scream begging Azure to stop, your existence being assaulted by whispers of all your past failures as the ink seeps it’s way into your entire being…and an intense heat at your back.
In a moment you feel yourself dropping to the ground. Azure Lion is holding his wrist as a dark red blazing fire surrounds you. But everything is getting fuzzy now. You can see angry red blisters on Azure’s wrist. Did Red Son do that? There’s a voice you can almost make out through the haze of ink. Red Son is reaching out to you desperate to pull you out of the ink but he’s just not fast enough. His hands goes right through where yours were as the ink finishes it’s job and is quickly sucked back into the tablet.
“No! NO stay with me (y/n)! You can’t leave me! I need you!”
He’s prepared to burn Azure to ashes when he’s pulled back by the rest of the gang. Red Son is angry. Did they know this was happening? Where have they been? Why couldn’t they have gotten there sooner?
He’s giving the rest of the team burns as he’s struggling against them demanding to be let go. Screaming profanities as he swears that he’ll make Azure Lion suffer for all he’s done. He almost outright attacks Tang when he teleports them all away.
Nezha doesn’t even get the chance to get a word in before Red Son is screaming at MK and the rest of the gang.
“It was our only option! We weren’t prepared to fight-“
When MK presents Wukong’s tablet to the group it is of little comfort to Red Son and only serves to fuel his anger further. He grabs by MK by his sleeves and screams loud enough to hurt his eardrums.
“There wasn’t time! Our best chance at getting (Y/N) and everyone else back lies with The Monkey King. He’s the only one who’s successfully stood up to the Jade Emper-“
Everyone let’s him scream and rage. MK has no defense for what’s happened and he knows it. Nothing he could say would convince Red Son that a tactical retreat was the best option. So he lets him nearly burn holes into his sleeves as he gets it out of his system.
When his energy is spent Red Son falls to his knees as angry tears begin to stream out of his eyes. Once again his family is lost to him, and this time so are you. He doesn’t know why it is that he somehow continues to come out the only one in his family that gets to escape but he hates it.
And when he at last comes to his senses he gets up, dusts himself off and swears that this will be the last time anyone takes his family from him again.
He’ll get you back. Redson will stop at nothing to ensure you and his parents safety.
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(I actually struggled a bit with this one due to the timings of events, I hope this turned out ok!)
You and the gang had arrived ready to do what you could to stop the Camel Ridge trio, and when you saw Nezha lunge for Azure you knew it would end badly. You didn’t want anyone else to get hurt. So you yanked him back and haphazardly tossed him to the rest of the group, who did their best to help him. Unfortunately Azure had still been targeting him, and that didn’t stop just because his target had switched last second.
“I am surprised to see you here. I am sorry it has come to this.”
You feel the ink consume you in a few agonizing seconds as the others look on horrified, unable to get close to help you. You see them almost wanting to reach out to you, to do anything at all that would help, but your last thoughts before you disappear are of Macaque instead. Wondering how he would react to this.
The rest of the monkey kids already knew what would happen if they tried to help, they had already been through it once day. That didn’t stop it from hurting any less, but it was the middle of a battle and they couldn’t stop to think about that, they would get you back just as they themselves had been saved and it would be fine. They were sure everything would be fine just as it had been fine one hundred times before. As they prepared to fight back MK quickly burst on to the scene and after grabbing Wukong’s tablet, called for a tactical retreat. No one was happy about it, but MK knew best in these moments.
When they arrived at Wukong’s home and after Nezha yelled at him for abandoning the field, they heard a presence drop down from one of the trees. “Hey Kiddo! You made it back! See I knew you could do…it.” Macaque’s otherwise cheerful facade dropped as he looked over the group and noticed two things. Wukong was still stuck in the tablet…and you weren’t there. “Hey uh, where’s Y/N?” He had a feeling he already knew the answer as he looked to each of them, and none of them looked back at him. He didn’t want to be right, please gods don’t let him be right- “They…they got taken. They got taken trying to save me.” It was Nezha who spoke up. Clearly not thinking highly of himself in the moment as he looked down at the ground angrily.
He wasn’t staring at the ground long however, as Macaque immediately jumped him. Using his shadow powers to force him against a wall. “It should have been you. It should have been all of you before it was them- WHAT THE HELL WERE THE REST OF YOU DOING!?” He’s angry. He’s angry at everyone who went to the celestial realm and didn’t come back with his Y/N. But mostly he’s angry at himself for not being there. He should have been there. He could have protected you. But he wasn’t. He wasn’t there, and now you weren’t here. And it was all his fault.
As the others pried him off of Nezha and he in turn wrenched himself from their grasps, he felt MK’s hand on his shoulder, giving him a stern look. “We’re going to get them back. We’re going to get everyone back, and we’re going to take down Azure Lion.” He’s not sure he believes them. He knew what they could do, hell he fought with them as brothers once upon a time. But he slowly looks at MK and nods.
But he’s not going to let anything stop him from getting you back. Even if it kills him a second time he’s not going to stop until he gets you back.
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thefrenchydude · 3 months
The FrenchyDude page
Hi, everyone !!!
I'm writing my story about a yandere version of sun wukong and Macaque, called Murderous Lust.
No minors !!!!
Murderous Lust Story:
Story's first draft
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3 -part 1-
Chapter 3 -part2-
Chapter 4 -On work-
Asks about the story:
About the facility the player was part of, did they train warriors/assassins?
Is the demon slayer from lmk or JTTW?
Does it hurt Wukong and Macaque that their beloved kidnapped reader is cold and cruel to them?
Our favourite lion boy Ejem Ejem Azure Will be in your visual novel?
How you think our lovely yan monkey boys would react to a Demon reader, maybe a Demon monkey like them , maybe just a random demon?
Could we have a character sheet for Macaque and Wukong, and for the other characters in the visual novel, please?
How you think that The reactions of Yan!Wukong and Yan!Macaque would be about The reader of Normal!Wukong and Normal!Macaque?
Did you ever have an idea of giving Y/N some kind of magic?
And I'm also currently working on making a visual novel, so...
Updates for the VN:
Game update #1 -not yet released-
First images of the game -not yet released-
Game update #2 -not yet released-
From TheAwakenedMonster:
Wukong's sprite sketch
Final smiling Wukong's sprite
Class Wukong's sprite
Smiling Macaque's sprite
Class Macaque's sprite
From K.Yami:
First Yìchén sprite sketch
Final first Yìchén sprite
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starsfic · 2 years
I read your azure lion and Wukong fic. You have my whole heart. I fell in love with the ship even if shadowpeach is still my main.
I was wondering,because Wukong has to be oblivious to not see what he does to people, if you would ever be willing to write azure and Macaque competing for affection from Wukong.
Spoilers for LMK Season 4!
This was the life.
“Welcome, viewers, to a shadow play!” Macaque spread his arms to oohs and ahhs from the crowd. He had no idea what village this was, but it didn’t really matter. They were all the same, with the same faces. As Macaque launched into his intro, explaining the tale that would be told, his eyes scanned the crowd.
There were lots of humans, but he saw a few demons here and there. One of them made him pause. He looked to be a lion demon dressed in fine white and gold robes, but his purple eyes weren’t looking at the stage. Next to him, a person straightened, and Macaque’s heart went boom.
This wasn't just another face.
It was another monkey.
He was dressed in soft yellow and touches of blue, the color complimenting his gold fur. His gold eyes, like his companion, weren’t focused on the stage. Instead, he was helping a few kids get on his shoulders and arms, holding them up to see the stage better. He laughed and the sound echoed in Macaque’s ears.
Like liquid sunshine.
A loud “Hey, what’s the hold up!” made Macaque snap back to his narration. However, he couldn’t help it. His eyes lingered on the gold monkey, happily whispering to the lion. The taller demon chuckled, pulling him close. The touch seemed rather friendly and, the moment he saw it, Macaque's heart twinged with an unfamiliar emotion.
The curtains closed on the sight before he could think about it.
Macaque took a deep breath before he hopped off the stage, his clones setting into motion. Well, hopefully, the play would do its thing.
And he would get to talk to that monkey.
“Did you enjoy the shadow play?”
“Yeah!” Wukong’s grip on his arm was warm and Azure was happy to let it linger. “You were right, that was pretty fun.” He paused to let his smile grow bigger. “I think those kids really liked it.”
Ah, yes. Just another reminder of how wonderful a person his beloved was. Taking him to a shadow play, among humans, hadn’t exactly been Azure’s top idea. But Peng had suggested it as a date and Azure couldn’t help but admit he was right, especially when Wukong noticed the kids unable to see. “I think they were more impressed by you,” he said.
Wukong blew a raspberry, even as his tail began to swish back and forth eagerly. “Aw, what? Those puppets were way cooler!”
“I’m glad you enjoyed them.” 
The two stopped as a figure appeared, as if he had been waiting for them. Azure opened his mouth to say something, but the narrator stepped closer to Wukong. And then, before Azure could blink, he grabbed Wukong’s hand and pressed a kiss to the back. Wukong’s entire body stiffened as his eyes went wide. “It’s truly a joy when my art is seen by lovely patrons like you.”
“Oh, uh, thanks!” Wukong sounded like he wasn’t sure how to react. “You did a wonderful job.”
The narrator leaned back before gripping the hood and pulling it down. Dark fur revealed itself as a monkey stared at Wukong. An adoring smile filled his face. “I hope to see you at another one, then…”
His date blinked. “Sun Wukong.” he said, softly. Something squeezed in Azure’s chest at the sight.
The narrator chuckled. “It fits you.”
Without another word, he was gone.
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py-dreamer · 7 months
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Hey! 1500th post woo!
Yea so I know Azure canonically kinda grooms Wukong (and the monkie kids to-) but STILL
Like, MAN do I love me some big papa lion.
And you know what in fanfic, we can have that! Here, he didn't groom anyone! He has hiss-hiss noodle baby and his big bird to kis-
And in 'Of Blood and Bones' we get that! Yay!
(and a bunch of angst on the sides!...less yay!)
So, Azure is the jade emperor here and is doing (I hope) a rather good job at it, but he's very busy and stuff and in the fic, Mei is always trying to get her baba to rest (I think...it's been a while since I read the early chapters) and oh yeah! Turns out the dragon heiress got adopted by the Jade emperor and his consort themselves!
Hooray! (Way to climb the social ladder ig)
I have a headcanon that Mei would hang around Azure's neck like one of them taxidermied fox scarves the scary rich ladies have in movies... but...alive (obviously) or for my hinduism mythology nerds, the snake Shiva wears around his neck like a necklace
...or to my papa's pizzeria nerds, the live mink around Krystal's neck
Anyways, Azure's fluffy mane make a great resting place and Mei loves to stay close to her Baba! So win win! It also acts as a way for her to unhinge her scary snake jaw if someone tries to drag him away for even more work.
Since Azure's so busy, at times when his arms are full I think like sometimes he lets his instincts get the better of him and nom the child up (Lions do pick up their cubs by the scruff) but at times his aim isn't the best and just grabs her abdomen and just settles for it
He looks so frazzled and Peng has to step in to roast their himbo husband and help fix things up
Inkyfeathers I imagine would be just like Ratchet and Optimus from TFP: I will follow you into every battle with only mild complaining
(Hell, I wonder if the aquirement of Mei was just like:
Peng: Azure, what the hell are you doing now
Azure: I assure you love, I have absolutely nothing to hide. Now if you'll excuse me, I have a meeting to attend to-
Peng: Hold on, your majesty. Last I checked, your shirt didn't look that lumpy
Azure: it just got ruffled up, that's all. No need to make a fuss about it-
Peng: And shirts don't move either.
Azure: wait, we can talk about it-
Mei: ('u')/
Peng: Azure, mind telling me why there is a dragon in your shirt)
And Boy, as much as I want to open up a dang KFC on Peng's corpse, Inkyfeathers just does SOMETHING to me that I can't resist
There's not much to say about their designs, I wanted to give Azure a more royal purple is all!
(click photo for less sh!tty quality)
^^ Link to the great fic!
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bijellyfishy · 1 year
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Hehehe I did a collab
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tamaruaart · 3 months
@lallxrona <33
In her book (JTTW) version she is canonically an aunt.
She used to be a really salty bitch back in the JTTW days in LMK- (Like as salty as pearl from Steven universe) Especially towards Azure and Wukong (Who kinda sorta kidnapped her from the celestial realm-)
She used to have short hair in the past/JTTW days of LMK! (Her hair was reminiscent of how Quanshuǐ's s hair looks now)
Mei and MK's godmother figure :>
Wukong fucking LOVES aggravating this woman. He once threw her in a river. (This was also during LMK's JTTW. Tripitaka was extremely disappointed)
She sometimes gossips with Pigsy about Wukong-
In her early character stages, she actually used to be a minor war deity!
Incurable wine aunt sindrom 😔
(I remember once saying she didn't like the taste of alcohol but yk what fuck that wine is her best friend now-)
She cannot Ice Skate for the love of god- (Wukong likes bullying her for it)
This isn't a fun fact, this is a pretty universal fact but she's a cat mom (And when I mean "Cat mom" I mean "tiger, lion, lynx and panther mom")
She's bisexual and demisexual with no preference!
This bitch be OLDD (Older than Wukong)
I actually imagine her voice to be a mix of EPIC's Circe and Tigress from Kung Fu Panda (Ik Ik the enchantress and the tiger for my tiger enchantress-)
Her siblings used to call her "Yan-Yan"
And yeah, that's basically it! Feel free to ask more questions and ofc thank you Lala for asking! :D
(She's a clever witch, and she's hard to slay-)
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mjni · 1 year
Spoilers for LMK Season 4 Special
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"When will you realise that you are but a pawn in someone else's scheme?" Azure my beloved my scrunkly my stupid my dumb blue lion who tried to conquer the world to make it a better place.
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