#b/c of his own rocky childhood
dadbodbensisko-moved · 5 months
ok we as a society need to talk about a wrath of khan au where everything is the same but saavik is a spirk baby and kirk and spock (mostly kirk) spend the whole movie smothering and embarrassing her
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WIBTA for using my cousin's weed habit to convince my dad to let me go live on my own, making him pay higher rent? Hi so this is kind of a silly idea i had but wanted to see if it would be assholeish. Also it is not the only way out or anything, just a bit of a thought experiment. So i (24x) moved from mexico to the usa for grad school (2 years). For this first year i've been living with my cousin A (23F), A's college friend B (23F) and A's childhood/family friend, C (25F). Now they're lovely and really fun roommates, but honestly not very good to live with on an everyday basis. B and A are really messy (leave everything lying around - dirty plates, clothes, trash, you name it), and none of them are very clean. Other than them occasionally wiping the kitchen counters, emptying the dishwasher, or taking out the trash, i've done all the cleaning so far on my own (kitchen, 2 bathrooms, living room, hallways). I've made my frustration pretty clear (and even gone on strike lol, but i can't deal w a dirty toilet for more then 2 weeks), but nothing changes!! At this point i'm really fed up, and want to move elsewhere next year, preferably to live on my own. The problem is that we live in san francisco, and rent is... well, it's pretty expensive. Sorry californians you really got it rough. However, i've looked into the university's accommodation for grad students and it could be an option. I would be paying about $250 per month more than right now, but i would save on utilities (about $40 per month). The thing is, my dad is the one whose been paying for my living expenses ever since i went back to school. We used to have a rocky relationship (he was really frustrated with me not meeting his expectations; coming out as a homo, being a leftist, doing some weed as a teen...) and i think he sees this as 'making it up to me'. I really appreciate the way he has been trying to fix out relationship, and i'm obviously extremely thankful for the economic support. So i feel really guilty asking for more than he is giving me. Here is where my plan comes in -- my dad haaates drugs, and my cousin A has a pretty intense weed habit. WIBTA to complain about it ('waa the house smells like weed, theyre blazing it all day every day') to my dad, in order to convince him that me moving to the grad dorms is a good idea? EXTRA INFO: Would my cousin get in trouble? - not really i think. Its legal, and her parents are aware of her indulgences (i dont think they're happy with the amount she smokes, but they're pretty chill). I worry that if i complain to my dad, he would tell his sister (A's mom) and make it a huge deal, but as I said A's parents are pretty tolerant, and know of her 'addiction' anyway. Don't i have any money of my own? - not anymore lol, at least not enough to pay californian rent. I'm getting a job over the summer, but with visa restrictions (half time) i doubt i would make enough to make a difference. Working during term time is not possible for me (personal limitations). Also the increase in price would not bleed my dad dry or anything. Can't i just sort it out w my roommates? - they've proven to be admirably immovable objects on the cleaning issue. I mean, i can tough ot out, but at this point it's also the spirit of the thing that is pissing me off so much, rather than the cleaning itself. Do they just dont care?? T-T Do i have to 'manipulate' my dad? - um idk. It's definitely the easy (perhaps cowardly) way, but that's why i want to see if its too assholeish. Thanks for reading! Lay it on me
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neotomiccccc · 8 months
🐓 Headcanons: Shane's past 🌶️
The following is all just my opinion and personal headcanons on Shane's life before moving to stardew valley :) Marnie remarks in canon that he only moved in a few months before the farmer did, so it seems like a lot went on for him before then!
TWs for: child neglect, alcohol abuse, death, grief, depression, suicidal ideation
Shane was.. unplanned. His parents had a rather unstable marriage, and no desire for a child. It happened anyway.
Shane's childhood was rocky from day one. Neither parent really wanted to look after him, because neither of them had ever really wanted him. He was often just left to his own devices or to a babysitter.
Both of his parents had an alcohol problem. They would fight over it frequently, and had very unhealthy attitudes toward it.
After their fights, his mother would usually go out drinking, and his father would usually drink and watch TV. Drinking as a way of "coping" was something that Shane was repeatedly exposed to in his youth. He was never really shown any healthy coping mechanisms.
Occasionally, he'd get dropped off at Marnie's when his parents went away for a night or weekend. Shane and Marnie had a good relationship and Marnie grew to regret not being able to have him more often as a child. Shane's parents didn't like to make the trip to Stardew Valley too often, but Marnie wished she could have seen him more.
Other than occasionally taking care of Shane, Marnie and Shane's parents had practically cut ties. Marnie never really got along with her sister and when Marnie realised how terrible a mother she was being, that was the final straw.
At school, Shane didn't have many friends. Since his parents had never bothered to properly socialise him, he had his social anxiety set in very early and found it difficult to interact with other kids at school. Despite not having many friends, he was never really bullied either. Kids sort of instinctively knew not to mess with him.
If his 2nd grade teacher had to describe Shane, they'd have said he was very quiet, reclusive and withdrawn, but was creative with a spectacular imagination.
Throughout his life, Shane brought home consistently average grades. Usually C's and B's, maybe an occasional D here and there.
After school, Shane liked to practice playing gridball. He was always a part of the school gridball team, and his teachers always noted it was the only time anyone saw him come out of his shell.
He would also go home and watch gridball on TV as often as he could. Sometimes his dad would be watching it in the living room with a beer, and Shane would lurk in the corner, intently watching the game too.
Shane's favourite player and hero played for the Zuzu city tunnelers and wore the number 2. He idolised this player and often imagined what it'd be like if this player was his dad instead.
🐔Teenage years🐔
During his teenage years in school, Shane didn't change much. He brought home average grades, stayed quiet and reclusive, and kept out of people's way.
During this time, his egg cracked and he socially transitioned, alleviating a lot of the dysphoria he'd been experiencing. He also came out to his parents, who were almost completely apathetic to it. Shane figured this was a win, it was better if they didn't care.
He continued playing gridball and would go for long runs when he wasn't playing. He gained a good amount of stamina and gained a good amount of muscle mass during this time.
He didn't really speak to or see Marnie during this time. She sent him birthday cards but that was about the limit of their communication.
During this time, he became very close friends with two of his classmates. The trio all loved sports and could be seen training together pretty often.
🐔 16-20 🐔
At this age, Shane became almost totally independent from his parents. He stopped speaking to them completely, and rarely even saw them. He wasn't home much and neither were they.
At high school, he maintained his strong friendship with the two classmates. His two friends became a couple, but Shane was never treated as a third wheel. He was still their best friend and the three did many things together.
Occasionally, Shane would sneak out with them and go for drinks. Despite being young, he would sometimes stay out all night and go to parties.
Shane was formally a member of his high school's gridball team. He was a well loved player and talented at that. His entire team loved him.
Shane fondly looks back on this period as one of the best times in his entire life. He wishes things afterwards could have been different.
Straight after high school ended, Shane moved out. More accurately, his parents kicked him out, claiming that he could afford to look after himself.
Because of this, Shane crashed with his two friends for a while. This lasted until he found a job and had enough money to rent a small place.
When Shane was still in his early twenties, one of the two friends became pregnant, and nine months later gave birth to baby Jas. The couple formally made Shane her godfather.
As Jas grew, Shane slowly became involved in her life. Starting in his mid twenties, his friends would sometimes have her stay at Shane's house while they went out. Jas loved Shane a lot, and he would teach her how to play gridball, or let her stay up late to watch movies. He was kind of her cool uncle.
It was on one of these nights that a serious accident took place. Jas' parents were both killed in a freak accident, and Shane's life was changed forever.
It turned out that Shane was the only person who had been named to take custody of Jas should anything happen. He took her in, of course, but he'd never be the same again.
Shane was in a perpetual state of shock. He didn't know how to handle himself. His only close friends were dead, he had to grieve somehow, and now he had to take care of a child that he loved but wasn't prepared for.
The next few years were extremely rough, and one of the worst periods of Shane's life. He started drinking heavily to cope with the loss, having never been shown any other ways of dealing with sadness. He was always kind to Jas, but he had to put in more and more hours at work to sustain the both of them. He'd needed a bigger apartment so that Jas could have extra space, but he couldn't afford the rent and was quickly going bankrupt due to low wages and his brain steadily becoming addicted to alcohol.
Shane had a major breakdown when he realised what was happening to him. He waited until Jas had gone to bed, and broke down sobbing in his apartment for the loss of his friends, the loss of control, the loss of his health, financial stability, and the loss of his entire life.
Shane had become very very depressed - the illness had come on rapidly, and he couldn't bring himself to do basic necessities like brushing his teeth or getting up on time for work anymore. He dreaded becoming like his own parents, but all he saw in the mirror was his mother and father staring right back at him.
At some point, Shane began to consider suicide. It was a nagging thought in the back of his mind, a quick escape. He had no plan at this point, but it was always on his mind.
He hit a breaking point one freezing winter night when he could no longer pay his rent and realised he was going to be evicted, and called the only person that he thought might be able to help him. His aunt Marnie.
Marnie was shocked to hear the deep, gruff voice on the other end of the phone - she hadn't seen her Nephew since he was little, so it was an even bigger surprise when he was standing at her door, with a couple of suitcases, dark, sunken in eyes, straggly hair and a face that could only be described as entirely miserable.
Of course, Marnie welcomed Shane and Jas best she could, and let her nephew know that the new superstore to the right of the village was hiring. Shane quickly applied and started working at Jojamart.
Shane's life became monotone from there, but at least it was stable. At least Jas was safe, and at least he had a job. His depression went untreated and steadily worsened, but you know that...
Little did he know, Shane's life was about to take a dramatic turn one more time when a new farmer would move into town, just north of aunt Marnie's ranch...!
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hollowsart · 7 months
Alright - favorite versions of mysterio? (Also I'm curious, it seems like you don't seem to care for the mcu version and that's fair and I have a sneaking suspicion I know why, but - what's the beef there?)
I've talked before about why I'm personally not a fan of the mcu version even despite having never watched the movie
[THIS] is the last ask that I answered related to the mcu version of Mysterio and answers it fairly well. but I am curious what your 'sneaking suspicion' is to why I'm not a fan of the mcu Mysterio, though? please let me know!
As for my favorite versions of Mysterio.. gonna whip this image out again & also list them down below the cut, reminder: these are not in any order:
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TSSM: my number 1 brainrot. This one is a given considering he is the one that I based and designed my own Mysterio off of heavily. 1) Debatable Latin, 2) Funny, 3) melodramatic, 4) pathetic, 5) just watch [This]
Shattered Dimensions: [Exhibit A] [Exhibit B] [Exhibit C]
Webspinners: uhm.. uhm have you seen that one panel of him.. when he's first entering his old childhood home? that one panel.. is def the best he's been drawn in that comic, but also.. your honor. I could never in a million years hope to fix that man, but you gotta admit, -gestures vaguely- move over Betsy, I'm about to GET IT-- [my reaction post]
@scoutverse: Does fanmade count? because uhh.. Arcade's Quintin Beck.. he's uhm.. Arcade knows my thoughts and feelings on his ukranian twunk. how dare you make him so appealing in so many ways. I am abnormal for him. <3
Insomniac SM2: ..Listen. His whole side mission is just.. it's a chef kiss from me, okay. [the whole side mission] I am genuinely.. falling for this one. Send help-- sdkjhdsjkf
@lazydaydrawings: ..I am not above being a lover of a good monster okay. And their Mysterio? 10/10 all around. I am very normal about him I swear-- (she is lying through her teeth) I desire to learn more about him and also the entire world that they came up with for their spidersona, too!! It's so cool and just!!! YOU GOTTA CHECK IT OUT. GO!! LOOK!!
Renew Tour Vows: I just like how he looks. there's like literally nothing to his character here. I just like how he looks... his design is..... very appealing.. a shame he was only present for like 0.5 seconds :( [just look at him]
Mooseterio: THIS CREATURE HAS NOTHING BUT [THAT ONE CANON PIECE OF ART] AND [HIS CAMEO IN ATSV]. I AM DEVASTATED. ME AND LIKE 2? OTHER PEOPLE ARE (rarely/occasionally) CREATING CONTENT FOR HIM. He is a goofy funny moose with googly eye cape clasps. Rocky & Bullwinkle wannabe (affectionate) Honestly I prefer this design over the Mysteriape one by a long shot. Same goes for MJ Waterbuffalo over Mary Crane Watsow. It just looks better, more fitting/more personality.
How To Read Comics The Marvel Way: ..Listen. You just have to read it and see him for yourself. [Link to read]
616 Comics: Alright I admit I like the basic 616 comic Mysterio, too. You can't love Mysterio without loving his OG variant. Old man ran an obstacle course marathon so all the others could do a leisurely jaunt. He grew on me the more I fell in deep with liking Mysterio in general :(
Honorable Mentions: @itschr1spy, @spooky-salesman, @masterserris/@neomysterio highly recommend you talk to them about their Mysterios!! They're all really cool and unique and totally worth checking out!!
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hechiima · 2 years
What I love about Miles' outburst on Adrian, is that Phoenix afterwards points out that it's not like him at all, like it's not his usual rudeness at court. And Miles using the exact same phrasing with her, abt choosing death, which is also uhh, points out to their similarities
Thank you for answering!
I also wanted to ask you what you think about Phoenix's life before the events of the game? I mean even before Dahlia, how lonely he should've been to always care abt and then chase after this one guy who stood up for him in 4th grade? Where his first motivation (to save Miles) coming from, I think this question is a bit unexplored in the fandom, besides the idea that Phoenix is just that altruistic and kind person. I mean he is kind, but there's gotta be roots in his childhood maybe
Oooh good point; I hadn't thought about that! Lmao Miles "I faked my death and came back After Winning Mental Health Because I Attended A Single Therapy Session" just saying the most unhinged things sir please. Also, you're right that it does feel a lot more personal than most of his other outbursts b/c of the language mirroring his own note...ough man is not okay during that whole trial huh...
Haha I think Phoenix's life before the games was completely unremarkable? I'm p sure the creators at some point said something to that effect and tbh I think it's the best interpretation for him. Because it would make more sense if he had some sort of trauma/big event but nope he's just Like That. Man is just Deranged and it's so funny honestly love that for him.
Also I love the idea of him being A Normal Guy through childhood - law school. He had a decent social circle and keeps moderately in touch with his friends after graduation through text/group chats. His law school/college group chats aren't really active but the people in it will text each other once every few months or whenever something big happens to someone. It's low-key and normal and all his friends are like yeah Phoenix. He's just a Nice Guy.
Then ofc one day he's all over the news for fucking CX'ing a bird in court and publicly exposing one of the top prosecutors in the district. All his friends are stunned. They start following his legal career and they're all slowly coming to the same conclusion that Phoenix was Actually That Crazy the entire time. And the worst part about all of this is, looking back, they're also realizing that there were definitely hints. For example, in law school he was a p mediocre student except when he Aggressively Wasn't and would just seemingly wander off and book a class. Or in college there was that time he got REALLY into that girl and then disappeared for a weekish and never mentioned her again. (His college friends thought it was a rocky break up. They are now realizing it was b/c he was on trial for murder what the fuck Phoenix.) Or in high school he got weirdly into Legally Blonde but everyone just thought he was being a theater kid and was excited that the musical had come out. But Phoenix always seemed like such a normal guy that none of his friends thought that deeply about it and now they are and well fuck.
So they DM him in their group chats and his response is completely normal too. Phoenix sees nothing weird about what he's been doing oh and how are the children Susie? He's perfectly friendly, just like they remember, and seems to think nothing of how off the rails his legal career's gone. That's when everyone finally acknowledges he is really the craziest person they know (and maybe make a separate GC to discuss What The Fuck Is Phoenix Doing Now).
Hope that made sense! I do like thinking about how "normal" Phoenix was for years - it makes the unhinged shit he does later so much funnier and I think really fits with his character? And thanks for all the asks (also sorry it takes me so long to get to these; I've just been kinda busy)!! Lmao love any opportunity to talk about how Unwell Phoenix actually is. <3
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afterthegreatunknown · 5 months
Anwhistle Family Breakdown
(Or, a self-reference post to help me keep track of the OCs I created for the Anwhistle Family, alongside the Canonical Anwhistle Family, and Others)
Golden (Quiet) Generation Anwhistles
Anwhistle By Blood
A: the A stands for Aengus. The eldest of his siblings, Aengus is well-respected within VFD. But well-respected doesn’t mean Aengus is well-liked. Whistling Song Specialty: Rocky Road to Dublin
S: the S stands for Seachnall. The Black Sheep of his family (and VFD) through actions that weren’t approved of. If given the choice, he would do it again. Whistling Song Specialty: Maggie Mae
U: the U stands for Una. A lovely woman who many men wanted to marry, Una has high standards that only one man met; someone her family disapproved of. Whistling Song Specialty: When Irish Eyes Are Smiling
Anwhistle by Marriage
E, or Q: the E stands for Enrique, with the Q standing for his nickname of Quique. An immigrant from Mexico, Enrique risked the Anwhistle Family’s ire for his love for Una, and thought it worth marrying her.
A: the A here stands for Audrey. A fierce woman who supported Seachnall’s actions. She called out the Anwhistles and other families (mainly Baudelaires, Denouements, and Snickets) as cowards and hypocrites over it.
(Original) Schism Generation Anwhistles
Anwhistle by Adoption
F: the F stands for Francisca. A woman who adores opera, she is Aengus’ daughter. She marries C (Clovis) Baudelaire, who she less than adores. Whistling Song Specialty (being adopted doesn’t mean she can’t whistle): Tchaikovsky’s Piano Concerto No. 1
Anwhistle by Birth
I: the I stands for Ira. The first son of Seachnall and Audrey. Ira is a polite-speaking marine biologist with goals that aim high. Whistling Song Specialty: Dvorak’s Symphony No. 9 (New World Symphony), Fourth Movement.
G: the G stands for Gale. The second son of Seachnall and Audrey, Gale is a jack-of-all-traits who loves film-making. Whistling Song Specialty: Beethoven’s Symphony No. 9, Fourth Movement (Ode To Joy)
Z: Also known to some as O, which stands for Ocho (Eight). The only child of Una and Enrique, Z tried his best to protect his childhood friend, who still lives in Village of Fowl Devotee, and his family safe from VFD, but failed. It’s a failure that sends Z to his deathbed. Whistling Song Specialty: Étude Op. 10, No. 3 (Tristesse)
Anwhistle by Marriage
B: the B stands for Belladonna. A formidable woman who lives up to the flower she’s name after in order to do the right thing. B, despite Gale’s many warnings, always tries to to vindicate Seachnall’s actions (which she believed as correct) to certain VFD Families, to usually no results.
D: Formerly known as D. Snicket. D’s loyalty to VFD, for they helped her and her siblings escape their terrible guardian, pales in comparison to her loyalty for the family she started with Z, as well as the Snickets. D will do anything to keep her family safe, and most importantly, alive.
Proven False Rumor Anwhistle
‘H’ Anwhistle: Now, Seachnall prior to his marriage to Audrey, was something of a flirt and womanizer. After marrying, Seachnall stopped his Casanova ways and remained true to Audrey. Due to Seachnall’s Black Sheep status and that some VFD families were still polite and friendly to him (mainly the Quagmires, Widdershins, and Montgomery Family), a cruel rumor spread that Seachnall cheated on Audrey, and 'H' is his lovechild. The rumor was proven false because Audrey found the culprit who started it, and Audrey got him to confess publicly after threatening to expose his own affair to his wife.
Sugar Bowl Generation Anwhistles
Anwhistle by Birth
Gregor Anwhistle: the oldest son of Z and D Anwhistle, Gregor is an almost soft and baritone-ish speaking man that takes people by surprise when revealing his volatile nature. 100% judge Seachnall’s actions that lead to him becoming the Black Sheep, even though Gregor admits he would have done the same. Whistling Song Specialty: Bourrèe Fantasque
Helen Anwhistle: the Original H. Anwhistle, daughter of Z and D Anwhistle. Helen died at the age of three in her VFD recruitment. In a universe where she lived, Helen wins the heart of a non-hesitating submarine captain. Also, in this universe, Helen’s Whistling Song Specialty is The Garland Waltz from Tchaikovsky‘s The Sleeping Beauty ballet.
Isaac ‘Ike’ Anwhistle: The youngest son of Z and D. Anwhistle, Ike was a curious child growing up, and his curiosity transformed into (reckless) bravery. Ike is one the few people who doesn’t extend the ire/ban of Seachnall’s onto his descendant. Whistling Song Specialty: Beethoven's Fourth Quartet (Beethoven’s String Quartet No. 4)
F: the F here stands for Felix. The son of Gale and Belladonna Anwhistle, Felix is a traveler, going everywhere and anywhere. While having a decent relationship with Ike, Felix moved his family to New England to escape the ire/judgement of the other Anwhistles/certain VFD Families. Whistling Song Specialty: Piano Sonata No. 14 (Moonlight Sonata).
Anwhistle by Complications
Hector: the son of Victor Cuervo (Z’s childhood friend) and María Carmen Aguilar. Legally name Hector Aguilar, his informal full name is Hector Cuervo-Aguilar (Land of District law states only one surname can be on a birth certificate, and Aguilar was chosen). In a universe where he wasn’t recruited, Hector still gets roped up into the canonical unfortunate events. Whistling Song Specialty (because he too, can whistle): La Llorona
Anwhistle by Marriage
Josephine: Formerly Josephine Gonzalez-Swayer. Despite her bravery and fearless nature, Josephine is above all else, a cautious woman. Josephine always prioritizes safety first. Such safety is why she convinced Ike to allow and accept Felix and his family’s move to New England.
M: the M stands for Miriam. An adventurous woman who joined Felix on his travels. They later married in their time in Greece (Miriam’s suggestion). Miriam likes Ike and Josephine, for they treat Felix as his own person, and not as an extension of Seachnall’s actions.
Anwhistle Relatives
Beatrice Baudelaire: the daughter of Clovis and Francisca Baudelaire nee Anwhistle, she is the second cousin to Gregor and Ike through Francisca (being Z’s first cousin). Clovis and Francisca Baudelaire love their daughter, but not one another, and the two had one too many verbal fights at home that has Beatrice being ashamed of being a Baudelaire, especially as a child. Beatrice as such enjoyed visting Gregor and Ike’s home, taking those visits as a temporary sanctuary from her parents. Whistling Song Specialty: Mozart's Fourteenth Symphony (Symphony No. 14)
Jacques, Kit, and Lemony Snicket: the children of E and Jacob Snicket, they are the first cousins to Gregor and Ike through E. Snicket (being D Anwhistle’s sister). Jacques and Kit have little memories of Helen to where they forgot about her existence. Lemony in contrast, never have memories of Helen, thinking the Anwhistle Siblings are Gregor and Ike (and later Hector). Gregor prefers the company of his cousin Jacques, while Ike prefers the company of his cousin Kit. Lemony is equality like by them. Whistling Song Specialty: None.That said, Jacques can whistle.
Next Generation Anwhistles
Gideon Anwhistle: the first son of Felix and Miriam, he’s a sixteen-year-old who looks very polite, especially with his hexagon glasses, though he has a hidden anger that shows itself on occasion. Gideon has an interest in the paleontology field: paleobotany, the study of plant fossils. Whistling Song Specialty: Rhapsody in Blue
Elijah Anwhistle: the second son of Felix and Miriam, he’s a fourteen-year-old who sometimes let curiosity get the better of him. Elijah excels in sports (mainly swimming, canoeing, tennis, and baseball), but his real interest is art. Specifically, the traditional mediums of color pencils, markers, and inks. Whistling Song Specialty: Helter Skelter
Clementine ‘Clem’ Anwhistle: the last child of Felix and Miriam, as well as their only daughter. An energetic ten-year-old who loves creating buildings and decorating room interiors, be it on paper or on the computer due to having games that allows Clem do what her heart wants to make. Whistling Song Specialty: Walking on Sunshine
Regarding Beatrice and Lemony’s Engagement...
When Beatrice and Lemony announced their eventual short-live engagement, some people within the Anwhistle Family and Baudelaire Family wondered if it was legal. After all, Beatrice is a second cousin through the Anwhistles through her adopted mother F, and Lemony is a first cousin through the Anwhistles through D. and E being sisters.
Turns out Beatrice and Lemony before dating (hell, even before they asked each other on their first date), did their research.
By the Land of District’s law that the City follows, Beatrice and Lemony are able to date and marry. Beatrice’s relationship to the Anwhistle Family is a second cousin, meaning they don’t share a direct relative. While Lemony’s relation to the Anwhistles is a first cousin, because Beatrice has no Snicket relation through blood or adoption, the law doesn’t consider their relationship as incest in any way or form.
(Violet in TBB being force to married Olaf despite it being incest through adoption was through a loophole of the law of a minor being able to marry via permission from a guardian [or parent].)
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anchormuses · 2 years
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this is a... one part wishlist and headcanon post, one part personal vent under the cut.
( tw for disordered eating )
wishlist thing! i’ve talked about it before, but. moving in together and specifically doing things together that would’ve been done alone before. like cooking. morse cannot cook to save his life. he’s terrible at it, mostly because when he lives alone, he doesn’t care enough to put any effort into cooking for himself. food is a chore and he has a rocky relationship with eating regularly anyway. when he lives with someone else, though, he may be more inclined to try to cook for their sake, if he thinks that’s what they want from him. this is where they will discover he just doesn’t know what to do. he’ll cook like..... a plate of pasta. as a meal. nothing else. he needs some lessons.
if he moves in with someone with a particularly different work schedule to him, they might end up not cooking together and just sorting their own meals, which is infinitely more likely to lead to morse’s eating behaviour being more problematic. just like when he lives alone, he’ll put very little effort into cooking for himself. but this time, there’s an added problem ( and it has its roots in his childhood trauma which is a whole different post that i think i’ve made before ) because he will feel compelled to not ‘waste’ the food they have in their shared home on himself. 
this leads to several possibilities depending on the other person. a) the other person isn’t suspicious to start with so it isn’t very noticeable because morse believes this is normal behaviour and simply won’t mention it, will just say ‘yeah i’ve eaten already’ even if what he ate does not constitute a meal. b) the other person is suspicious from the start and notices that the food they have in the house never seems to be used up very much except by them. c) their schedules are uneven and unpredictable so they may come home and witness morse eating an ‘evening meal’ ( it’s probably like... a sandwich. ) OR they’re home first so morse has to squirm his way out of being offered their food or having to make something for himself in front of them. 
the bottom line is,, imagine you move in with someone. and he genuinely believes that the correct thing for him to do is to NOT use up any of the SHARED household food. he’s really out here believing his role as a member of a shared house is to provide money and be otherwise relatively invisible, except in very deliberate ways ( the music. )
anyway SO the wishlist thing is to explore some of that. 
okay now personal vent which is somewhat related. ( tw for general personal negativity and some things that the situation isn’t, but may be reminiscent of: emotional abuse, impact of abuse, neglect. )
you all already know i just moved into a new flat. and the whole.... having to get used to living with a new person thing is what inspired this post. some of you also probably know i previously did not live in a good situation.
and it is... having more of a long lasting impact on me than i expected. it’s honestly quite upsetting. i want to intellectualise my way out of it and that’s... just not how it works. 
i keep flinching at the sound of doors opening. and not just a little bit, it’s like... a full body violent flinch. and i have no good reason to react that way. i pause my music when my new flatmate is moving around the flat so that i can listen for the different sounds of the doors and work out where in the flat she is. it’s so automatic for me to pay attention to that and i don’t want to anymore. i don’t need to know where she is. it’s not unsafe for me to not know where she is. i know this and yet. i can’t stop. i know these things take time and i will be okay, it just... makes me sad sometimes.
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(Jason was officially the last person to know)
Part 1- James Potter
A) Background information:
James has always been close with Mary. It started because of Marlene. The Potters and the Mckinnons were neighbors, therefore Marlene and James were childhood friends. They grew up together and would spend all of their time together when they were back home.
Mary and Marlene have been inseparable since their first year. Mary would spend most of her summer at the Mckinnons. It helped her escape her own house, and she got to spend time with Marlene so it was a win win. Adrienna and Michael (Marlene’s parents) loved having another girl at their house. It was a good change since they had 4 boys.
So basically, James and Mary spent their summers together and became even closer. James loved her very dearly. (During summers, the four of them would spend all of their time together. Marlene, James, Sirius (he stayed at the Potters all summer long), and Mary. So the four of them had their own little group in summer until the rest of their friends arrived on July/August. They’d do everything together.)
B) Marson:
Mary has had a crush on Jason for a while now by the time of summer 1974. She didn’t do anything about it, she didn’t even talk about it; but James Potter noticed it during one particular day.
C) 4th year summer holiday (1975):
Sirius, Remus and Peter were at the Potters (Remus and Peter had arrived on July, Sirius was there the whole summer of course.) Mary, as usual, was at the Mckinnons and Lily hadn’t arrived yet
It was the end of Jason’s 5th year. His 5th year was very rocky, he had terrible (and a lots of) girlfriends. Marlene never understood why Jason dated them.
D) VERY random hc that’ll be mentioned later:
When James met Mary, he didn’t believe her name was “just Mary” He thought it was a nickname for a longer name (even though Mary is such a common name) like “Marisol, Marialle, Marigold, Maryl.” So James used one of those names (and many more) randomly as a nickname for her. Each time they got more ridiculous. When he ran out of girl names, he began with male names “Maryson, Marius..” Mary didn’t know what name he was referring to most of the time. Then there were the stupid rhymes “Mary berry, Mary cherry..” Mary thought it would end at one point since there were only so many names James could use, but after one point he started making up gibberish names. He’d use them so casually, in every kind of setting. One time, at an order meeting full of Aurors , James said “Okay, Maryladadido” Mary almost used muttered Crinus Muto and dyed his hair green.
And this is how that whole nickname incident started:
1971, Train ride to Hogwarts:
James went to check on Marlene. As he entered her compartment, he saw a dark haired girl he hadn’t met before. Marlene must’ve made a new friend.
“James, hi.” Marlene greeted cheerfully. “Meet my new friend” she pointed to Mary. James walked towards her to shake her hand. “Hi, I’m James.” he said enthusiastically. The girl was shyer than him. “Hi, I’m Mary.” she replied. Definitely calmer than him.
“Mary?” asked James, as if he was hearing the name for the first time in his life. “What’s that short for?” he asked. The girl looked confused. “Um, nothing. It’s just Mary.”
“Really?” asked James, surprised. “Are you sure? It could be Marigold, Maryanne, Marybeth, Martha?” Mary laughed at how ridiculous those suggestions was, but she still looked bewildered. Rightfully so, a guy she had just met was questioning her very simple name.
“Mary is one of the most common names in the world. Mary. Nothing more. This can’t be the first time you’re hearing of it.” Marlene jumped in as she rolled her eyes at James. “Sorry Mary, James is like that. You’ll get used to him.”
“Hey, Marigold and I are having fun. Why are you apologizing in my behalf” replied James. “Anyway, Mary is a very basic name. I’m not convinced. But if that reaaally is the case, I’ll find better ones for you, don’t worry.” James said to the girl.
“Well, It’s not like James is the most unique, interesting name there is.” Mary said sarcastically suddenly. Marlene laughed loudly. She hadn’t seen that side of the girl yet, but now that she had, she was sure that they were going to be best friends.
James laughed at that too. She liked this girl “You’re right Marisol, I’ll be sure to scold my parents about that.” He said playfully. “I might have to do that, as well.” Mary replied with a smile. They all laughed. Both James and Marlene was sure that this girl was going to stick around in their lives for a long time after that.
Mary was at the kitchen with Jason when his O.W.L. results arrived. When he saw he got an “O”, he got so happy and hugged Mary tightly.
That’s what pushed Mary over the edge. All of the feelings she had bottled up for an entire year threatened to come out spilling.
Keep in mind that 4th year was very rocky for Mary. She had to listen Jason talk about his girlfriends and she had to see him with them at every corner of Hogwarts. She sometimes wished she didn’t like Jason (because it seemed like a hopeless case) but she couldn’t help it. She was very confused about her emotions and Jason hugging him was the straw that broke the camel.
She decided to go outside and take a breath. She didn’t want to get emotional in front of everyone and get interrogated. She could feel her eyes tear up. She just needed a moment to clear her head. She definitely didn’t think James would be there.
James was alone in the garden. He had to grab something from his house, the house next door, and he was about to get in the Mckinnons when he saw Mary.
Though Mary tried to hide it, James immediately understood that she was upset. He always had a gift at reading her. James didn’t say a word, he just hugged her. He didn’t make her talk, didn’t ask anything.
After a while, Mary whispered “How does it feel to get rejected by Lily over and over again? Don’t you feel hopeless?”
James smiled at. that. So that was what this was about. “Well I do feel hopeless -and pathetic- sometimes, but it’s worth it. She’s worth it” he said honestly. His eyes lit up every time he thought about Lily. He quickly pulled himself together. “Why though? Do you fancy someone?” James added with a grin. Mary nodded her head.
“It’s Jason isnt it?” James asked as if it was the most obvious thing in the world.
A laughter escaped Mary’s mouth. James always managed to make her laugh, even when she was at verge of tears “Is it /that/ obvious?” she asked “It’s not actually, but I know you. I see the way you look at him. I see how you get overwhelmed when he talks about his girlfriends” said James casually.
He took a breath, as he reached for Mary’s hand “Look, I know that you feel hopeless. But if you truly love him, you can’t stop chasing him Marisol.” “I didn’t”.
Mary laughed. Both at his words and the nickname. “Oh yes you still haven’t” She paused, now more serious “And I admire you for that. You are not an annoying git, you truly love her. You just um.. show it differently.” James laughed “Well Lily might not agree with that.”
“One day she will” said Mary without any hesitations. She meant it. She wasn’t trying to comfort James, she knew Lily would realize it one day. She had a feeling.
James smiled at that and they continued to sit under that big tree, talking and laughing about everything and anything for hours until it got dark and Sirius came lurking on them.
And that’s how James was the first person Mary told about Jason.
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drariellevalentine · 4 years
Medically Inevitable
Meet Our Mc- Arielle Valentine
(This is after Chapter 7)
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Name:- Arielle Cerise Valentine/Raines (professionally known as Dr. Arielle Valentine, celebrity-wise as Arielle Raines)
Birthday:- June 5th, 1995 (Age-25)
Zodiac Sign:- Gemini
Face Claim:- Nina Dobrev
Background:- Part Italian and French
Education:- Johns Hopkins School of Medicine
Main Profession:- Intern at Edenbrook Hospital, residency of Internal Medicine
Side Professions:-
Actress- Played a leading role in a medical drama during high school
Model- Models her sister-in-law’s clothing lines whenever she can
Influencer- Has over 40 million followers on Instagram, posts about her daily life
Singer- Has sung and posted on YouTube with female icons like Ariana Grande, makes a guest appearance in some of her MV’s. (Don’t worry, you’ll see how later!)
Rookie (Ethan)
Ari (Elijah & Sienna)
Elle (Bryce)
Sunshine (Naveen)
Cherry (Mark & Adrian)
Adrian Raines
Age- 31
Background- Italian and French
Profession- co-owner of Carson & Raines and Criminal Defence Attorney
Married to Alyssa, father to Arabelle
Relationship- Extremely close with each other. Whether it’s personal problems or work issues, he’s the first person who Arielle turns to for advice. He would do anything for his sister, and so would she.
Alyssa Raines
Background- American
Age- 28
Profession- CEO and Head Designer of Fashion Empire ‘Flair’
Married to Adrian, mother to Arabelle
Relationship- Very close to each other, Arielle considers Alyssa as her older sister. Lived with each other for two years when Arielle was in med school. Later, Alyssa moved in with Adrian as her company expanded and Arielle bought her own apartment.
Arabelle Raines
Background- Part American, French & Italian
Nickname- Belle (everyone)/Amorina (Arielle-means little love)
Relationship- Arielle’s and Arabelle’s relationship is one of a kind. Both of them love each other so much, Arielle looks at her like own daughter. Alyssa jokes that her daughter is very lucky, not because they are well-off, but that she has two amazing moms. Arielle loves to spoil her, but makes sure she learns the importance for everything.
Mark Raines
Cousin- (Arielle’s father’s brother’s son)
Profession- Professional chef, owner of several restaurants and chains in various areas
Age-31 (older by four months from Adrian)
Background- Italian
Boyfriend to Blair
Relationship- This pair is very notorious and well-known in the family for their prank wars from a very young age. They still play pranks on each other, but not as much. Once Mark learned that Arielle’s middle name stood for cherries, and she just happened to be snacking on them at that time, he gave her the nickname ‘Cherry’, which caught on to Adrian.
Blair Carson:-
Best friend/cousin’s girlfriend
Profession- co-owner of Carson and Raines (Blair’s and Arielle’s father originally founded the law firm. Two years ago, Blair’s father died and she took over his position) and Women’s Rights Attorney
Background- British
Girlfriend to Mark
Relationship- These girls have been joined to the hip at a very young age, due to the fact that Blair was left at Arielle’s house when both their fathers had to work. Their emotional bond and connection only increased when Blair’s mother died when she was 3, as they both relate to never have had a mother’s love.
Amelié Valentine:-
Late mother
Professional singer/pianist
Background- French
Relationship- Amelié died just a day after Arielle was born. Though, all of her family members say that Arielle is a striking image of her mother. They share the same vivid violet eyes, perfectly pink lips and numerous other resemblances. Naveen is the one who told stories about her to Arielle.
Alessandro Raines:-
Father, although not on speaking terms
Profession- Retired, co-owner of Carson & Raines (multinational law firm)
Background- Italian
Relationship- Arielle and her father have not been on speaking terms for 7 years since their huge fight on her 18th birthday. Although she was not close with her father during her teenage years, they were quite close during her childhood.
Naveen Banerji:-
Godfather, although Arielle considers him as her actual father
Profession- Retired, former Head of Diagnostics Team, Edenbrook Hospital
Background- Indian
Relationship- Naveen and Arielle were like father and daughter until her second year of med school. He taught her everything there is to know about life, love, and laughter. The two are slowly mending their broken bond, even though their love and affection for each other has never diminished.
Bennet Wilson:-
Profession- Neurosurgical Intern at Mass Kenmore
Age- 27
Background- British
Relationship- The pair met at Johns Hopkins, Bennet was in his 2nd year and Arielle just started. They graduated at the same time, as Arielle completed her education in only 6 years. The pair went to great heights with their relationship, made it official for almost 4 years and Bennet was also planning to propose later that year. Then he learned that Arielle had gotten matched with Edenbrook, as she wanted to work with her medical hero and inspiration, Dr. Ethan Ramsey. But he hadn’t, he was extremely disappointed as Dr. Harper Emery was the main reason he had gotten into neurosurgery. This lead to huge fights and disagreements, leading to Bennet cheating on Arielle with her best friend. The pair broke up three months before the start of their residency.
A to Z with Arielle
A is for Actress
Arielle is known for playing a leading role in a medical drama during high school. She plays a young paediatrician on the show, and is known very well for handling kids on set. The cast would joke about her being an actress and babysitter at the same time!
B is for Blush☺️
If there’s one one makeup product Arielle never needs, it’s blush. She blushes quite easily and sometimes for no reason (according to herself), though I’m sure you know why!😏
It also is her favourite colour. Her bedroom, from top to bottom, is a picture perfect aesthetic of the colour blush, with hints of gold and a shimmery pearl. Fun fact, Arielle painted her bedroom herself and chose all the furniture and decor with Alyssa. She wants her room to be perfect, as it’s home and should be a place of comfort and solace at the end of her tiring shifts.
C is for Chocolate🍫& Cerise🍒
Chocolate- Arielle absolutely loves and adores chocolate. She cannot go a day without eating something which has chocolate, claiming that instead of coffee, she prefers a sugar rush. She jokes that her first love wasn’t Bennet, but chocolate.
Cerise- ‘Cerise’ is the French word for cherries. Her mother named her ‘Cerise’ because the moment she was born, her lips were cherry red (after that they weren’t though) and her main pregnancy cravings her cherries. Fun fact, Arielle hates maraschino cherries and anything cherry flavoured. She only likes juicy, fresh cherries.
D is for Dance💃🏻
Dance- Arielle loves to dance, whether it’s under the stars swaying or learning BLACKPINK’s new dance from their MV’s. She is quite flexible, and has been dancing from a very young age. Arielle also dances as exercise, saying that it’s a fun way to keep your body fit, while at the same time jamming out to your favourite tunes.
E is for Exercise
Exercise- This is something that is really important to Arielle, especially since she gained a bit of weight when she was 12 or 13. Since that, Naveen had taught her healthy ways to watch her diet and to easily exercise. Arielle says that her yoga sessions with him were one of the best, and she still continues till today. She is never embarrassed about her weight when she was young, and actually has talked about it on some of her guest appearances on shows and her Instagram. Moreover, she loves to encourage and motivate people to lead a healthy lifestyle. She isn’t much of a fan of sports but is a great swimmer.
F is for Fame
Fame- Arielle is known for many things, being a top influencer, an actress, a model, an icon for fashion and her beautiful voice. One of the things that fans like about her is she is very down-to-earth and never hides away about the problems she’s going through. Also, fans like that she doesn’t advertise different brands or products, nor always posts with a full face of makeup.
G is for Gelato
Being part Italian, it’s only fair that Arielle’s love for gelato is real. She prefers gelato rather than ice cream, although that doesn’t stop her from binge-watching and finishing a tub of rocky road with her friends.
H is for Helpful
Arielle loves being helpful. She goes to great lengths to provide care for her patients. When a friend’s in trouble, they always know that they can count on Arielle for helping them.
I is for Instruments
Arielle learned to play the piano at a very young age, as for singing, it was something that just came naturally to her. She later learned to play the guitar, but not as well. She was classically trained for 10 years on the piano, before she stopped and only learned her favourite tunes.
J is for Jewels
Arielle does love a little bling now and then, and treats herself to a few accessories sometimes. Her family members, who know this, love to gift her with a pair of earrings on a special occasion. She also spares no expense in picking out something for her loved ones. But any accessory she picks always has a meaning to it.
K is for Kids
Arielle is a natural with kids, she absolutely adores them having a niece of her own. The funny thing is Arielle was the one who cried when she found out that she was going to be an aunt. Alyssa shed a few tears at first, later full on sobbing because of the hormones.
She always keeps her pockets full of candy, and always keeps a stash in her locker. She loves handing out candy or even sing whenever she gets a younger patient. In addition to that, she loves going to the paediatric ward and giving everyone a little something.
L is for Looks
Although Arielle doesn’t believe in covering her face full of makeup, she always makes sure that she’s dressed to the nines for every occasion. Her style is quite feminine and flirty, though she does like to rock some badass outfits.
M is for Medical Hero
There’s no doubt that Naveen was her main inspiration to become a doctor. But later on, the person who inspired her that she could be able to make a difference in people’s lives was Dr. Ethan Ramsey. After she met him once when Naveen had taken her to one of Edenbrook’s charity galas, she was even more inspired and in awe.
N is for New York
Arielle was born and brought up in New York City, New York. Although having lived there for most of her life, many people don’t believe her due to the fact of her very kind and affectionate personality.
Being a true New Yorker, she loves going there once in a year or two. She’s been to Central Park, Times Square and the Statue of Liberty many times, she doesn’t remember.
O is for Optimistic
One of the things about Arielle is that she’s very optimistic, and always sees the good in everyone. Being optimistic for a person for someone like Arielle is a huge challenge, especially when having been through so many traumatic events. But Arielle likes to see the positive side of things. She believes that if she always focuses on the negative, she’ll miss out on life. Although,sometimes her sunny optimism can lead her into trouble.
P is for Protection & Polyglot
Ever since being kidnapped during the second year of med school, due to the fact her brother was dealing with a very high profile case, she vowed to make sure she knew how to handle a gun. She currently owns 3. One near her nightstand, one in her car, and another extra just in case she goes out somewhere. Nonetheless, she has been learning self-defence for quite a while. Though she doesn’t like hurting people, she admits that it always provides a feeling of security.
Arielle is very fluent in English, French and Italian. She can understand and converse in Spanish and Hindi, Naveen having taught her. Surprisingly, her desi accent is quite on point!
Q is for Class Queen
Arielle here was the Class Queen in college. Working very hard to ace all her classes, she still managed to find time a create a social status for herself. She was known as the Center of Attention because of her background, even though she is kind and affectionate.
She later on earned a name, Triple Threat. This was given when she completely roasted one of her bitchy classmates. Also, she was known as the Heartbreaker among the boys.
R is for Relationships
Arielle dated one of her co-stars when she was acting in high school. It later ended in a mutual breakup, saying that they both wanted different things in life but are still friends. Currently, he is now one of the most top paid actors.
Her fist love was Bennet Wilson, which ended 7 years later very horribly. Though she says that being in that relationship had taught her something, “If you have worked hard to earn your place where you are right now, no one, and I mean absolutely no one should have the right to tell you what to do.”
Her friendship with Dr. Ethan Ramsey is quite close, but it might turn into something more... although both of them are completely unaware, except for their best friends, Sienna and Naveen.
S is for Singer
Arielle has an exceptional voice, she can sing quite high and belt out quite a few notes. Her meeting with Ariana led to both of them being huge friends. They have filmed and uploaded a few videos of them on YouTube. Some of them duets on Ariana’s songs and a lot of other crazy battles. The fans absolutely love the friendship between these two icons, especially when both of their personalities and dynamics match!
Arielle loves to sing, she says that it’s a way to express yourself and what you’re feeling. She sings when she’s happy, sad, angry, and somehow manages to beautifully showcase her emotions in every song she sings.
T is for Traditions
The Raines’ family have quite a bit of traditions. Every Christmas, they all make different types of hand-rolled pasta as a family. They all play Secret Santa, although everyone ends up getting a gift for everyone. Arielle is very particular when it comes to gifts, she doesn’t care about the price, she always takes a long time choosing something that is meaningful and personal. Another tradition is going on a huge shopping spree and picking out tons of clothes for children, then donating them to orphanages, along with small gifts.
One of Arielle’s favourites is the feast they make for Thanksgiving. Between Mark and Naveen, with a little help from others, the food they end of making is delicious, even if somehow Arielle’s the only one ending up looking like she just played the ‘Eat it or Wear it Challenge”!
For New Year’s, they all share their achievements and regrets by writing them on a paper, and then folding them into a boat, they let them go at the lake near Naveen’s house.
Even though Naveen is the only one who is Indian, the whole family celebrates Diwali together. Naveen picks out a dresses and outfits for every single person, with Alyssa’s approval of course, and somehow manages to make mountainloads of desserts.
U is for Unwind
When Arielle has time to unwind, she has a lot of methods. When she’s alone and it’s a beautiful summer day, she goes for a long swim. If it’s a day off with her friends, she loves to indulge in self-care, making a whole spa day at home. And last but not least, Arielle loves to colour. Some might find it childish, but she loves to pair colours with each other. Playing a list of soothing tunes, she finds solace.
V is for Vegan
Vegan- Arielle cannot imagine being vegan for even one meal. She’s a huge fan of seafood and meat, but doesn’t eat much red meat, and has a crazy love for cheese. Her friends joke about her eating so much cheese, but still staying so fit.
W is for Watch
Arielle loves to wear watches as part of her accessories. Although she has many watches, she never uses them to tell the time, mostly only as a fashion statement. She doesn’t like to wear them to work, because then she’ll be checking the time every five minutes!
Y is for Youngest
Arielle is the youngest in her whole family, excluding Arabelle of course. But oftentimes, Arielle’s the one handing out advice and hosting get togethers. She’s never been seen as the youngest and everyone in the family has a huge level of respect for her, especially after what she’s been through.
Z is for Zealous
If you asked anybody who knows Arielle and ask them to describe her in 10 words, zealous or determined would definitely be one of them. Her zeal and perseverance is one of her main factors what got her this far in life, and it will continue carrying her through life.
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faulty-writes · 4 years
could you do a bakugo x s/o and it’s after the fight between him and deku and he just breaks down and his s/o comforts him
[Requests: OPEN]
[I actually loved that episode. Poor soft Bakugo. Here you are, I hope you enjoy it!] 
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You were sleeping in your dorm, usually your boyfriend, Bakugo would sneak in sometime during the night and you’d wake up next to him. His arms would always be wrapped around you and his body pressed close to yours, seeking your warmth and comfort. Tonight was no exception but you nearly jumped out of your skin when Bakugo slammed your door open. 
“Ah!” you jumped up from your sleep, scrambling back and almost fell off the bed in the process. Your heart was pounding and you couldn’t help but scream at the intruder, “What the hell do you think you're-” you stopped speaking the moment your eyes laid on Bakugo, he was covered in dirt and his clothing had small rips in it. “W-What happened?” you asked, your voice soft as you took a step toward him. 
Your heart sank when you heard Bakugo sniffle and he reached up to wipe his eyes. Your own widening in shock, was he crying? He dropped his hand and looked at you, that’s when your suspicions were confirmed. His eyes looked puffy and you noticed his lip was quivering before he walked over to you. A gasp came when he collapsed against you, burying his face into your chest. You shivered, your jaw hanging open. 
You had never seen Bakugo like this before, and you felt his tears soak into your shirt. “Bakugo …” you whispered before wrapping your arms around him, gently stroking his hair. You leaned close, nuzzling your head against his. “What happened baby?” you questioned, your voice still soft as he let out another sob. He reached up, wrapping his arms around your shoulders and you noticed he was trembling. 
He swallowed before answering you, though his voice was muffled against your chest. “F-Fucking Deku …” he said before a hiccup came and for a moment you wanted to ask for the details but you knew the rocky relationship Bakugo had with Midoriya. They were childhood friends and now it seemed that there was a thin thread keeping them together. “D-Did you fight him? Is that why you’re covered in dirt? We need to clean you up.” you said as you tried to step away, but Bakugo tightened his grip. 
“D-Don’t …” he squeaked out, his tears still coming. “D-Don’t fucking ...leave me …” a sniffle sounded before he lifted his head to look at you, “Please …” he added and for a moment you felt scared. Bakugo never acted like this and to see him so broken down, you couldn’t take it. “Come here,” you whispered, guiding him over to the bed where you allowed him to rest on top of you. His face still buried in your chest and his arms securely around you, keeping you pinned. 
“I-It’s my fault …” he choked out between his sobs and you gently hushed him and kissed the top of his head, your hand running through his hair again. “If ...i-if I didn’t get c-captured. If I w-was stronger ...” you squeezed him, “You are strong Bakugo, you got captured yes but that doesn’t make you weak.” you replied, “You are the strongest person I know. Brave and fearless, nothing stops you.” Bakugo choked down another sob. 
“A-All M-Might,” he stuttered out, “retired b-because of me …” you jumped, your heart accelerating. So, that’s what this was about. You knew a little about what happened during Bakugo’s rescue and the fact that All Might, the number one hero had hung up his cape. Well, you knew it must have taken a toll on Bakugo. You knew that much like Midoriya, Bakugo idolized All Might. 
You swallowed and nuzzled against his hair, despite the bits of dirt that stained it. “That isn’t your fault, All Might did what he did to protect you and to protect all the innocent lives out there,” you whispered, feeling tears of your own coming. “He’s a hero through and through, please don’t blame yourself,” you said and while Bakugo’s tears had lessened you could still feel some soak into your shirt. 
You weren’t the best when it came to comforting yet, you smiled as you squeezed your boyfriend once more. “You can let it all out baby,” you whispered and gasped when his arms tightened around you, those trembles returning. “I’m right here, everything will be okay,” you promised and allowed Bakugo to lay against you until those tears dried. You felt some anger fill you, though you knew no one, in particular, caused Bakugo to cry. But still, you would always be that shoulder Bakugo could cry on. 
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ravensirens · 3 years
Miyuki or Sabo for the song name aesthetic meme?
:o i’ll do both! C is for “Cosmic Love” Florence + The Machine R is for “Resistance” MUSE I is for “I turn to you” Melanie C M is for “Make Me Wanna Die” Pretty Reckless S is for “Spieluhr” Rammstein (death of a child cw) O is for “One of the Boys” Katy Perry N is for “Night of the Hunter” 30 seconds to Mars M is for “Monster” Starset I is for “(I) Wish You Were Here” Incubus Y is for “You Don’t Own Me”  SAYGRACE ft. G-Eazy U is for “Urami Bushi” Meiko Kaji (My Grudge Blues) K is for “Kill the Lights” The Birthday Massacre I is for “Ihmisten Edessa��� Jenni Vartiainen --- R is for “Rise” Katy Perry E is for “Endlessly” MUSE V is for “Violet” The Birthday Massacre O is for “Only” Nine Inch Nails (depression cw, self harm cw) L is for “Links 2 3 4″ Rammstein (can be used for his childhood*) U is for “Under your Spell” The Birthday Massacre (toxic relationship cw) T is for “Thing for you” Hinder I is for “I want to know what love is” Foreigner O is for “One Track Mind” 30 seconds from Mars ft. A$AP Rocky N is for “No light, no light” Florence + The Machine A is for “All Pain is Gone” Combichrist (idealization of one’s own death cw) R is for “Revolution” Oomph! Y is for “You’ll rebel to anything” Mindless Self Indulgence (radiates his asshole energy ;-; ) S is for “Slide” Goo Goo Dolls A is for “Amsterdam” Imagine Dragons (suicide cw, pro-euthanasia cw) B is for “Breath of Life” Florence + The Machine O is for “Only When I Lose Myself” Depeche Mode *it’s a haunting song once you read the English translation. ))
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Lost (B.Barnes) (Pt. 2)
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Characters: Bucky Barnes x Female!Reader
Warnings: Buck having one of his triggers. Tony being Tony. Steve being Steve. Some Buck and Sam fight as per usual? 😅 But, with his favorite knife involved. Uh-oh. (Btw, I suck at action and there's probably lots of errors and such. 😢😂)
Words: 2,000+
A/N: I feel so loved by you all! THANK YOU! ENJOY THIS SECOND PART OF ‘LOST’! 
Disclaimer: GIF'S and pictures used are not mine. Only the edits are and the oneshot of course. 😉 Credits to the owners of the GIFS.
Tag list for this oneshot: @justlovelifeblog​ @wolfiegal98​ 
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"H-Help..please," Dirt, grime and blood. You were covered with bits of glass that scratched your clothed body. Your suit ruined and slashed from the bombing. Everything that happened was too fast, catching you completely off guard.
"Go, Sam. I'll catch up." You shouted, running in a fast pace. Your partner, Sam Wilson flying above you. "Wha-What?!" He did a double take, and before he knew it you were gone in a flash.
"Damn it, Y/N." He uttered through the blue tooth. Flying back towards the Quinjet as he saw Natasha carrying Clint around his waist. All bloody and wounded. Sam could hear your staggering breath turn louder as you run back towards the underground compound. "What are you doing?!"
You huffed, breathing out of your mouth as you saw the little girl whom was trapped inside a small cage who was named Nadia that had a tattoo of a red octopus on her tiny, frail arm. Hydra. "Saving a little girl's childhood, Wilson!"
"Barnes is gonna kill me when you ain't here with me!"
"I can manage, Sam! I'm capable of taking care of myself!"
"Y/N--" The line was getting choppy and so was your eye vision. No. You couldn't faint right now. Not in the middle of a battle. The little girl sobbed harder when the both of you heard the earth rattle above you. "Shh, shh. Don't cry, little one. I've got you,"
"Get out--" Then the line went dead and so was your signal. You grabbed onto the little girl who was sucking her thumb, her violet eyes all red and completely swollen from crying all day.
There was something about Nadia that made you go back.
Thus, it was a huge mistake because there was only a second before the bomb went off.
"C-Cap?" You whispered so quietly that even one single word could pain you inside. Every move that you wish to do was left undone because you were wounded, weak and bleeding as you laid on the rocky ground, holding Nadia in your arms.
The kid was still alive, had a pulse but she definitely fainted from the shock and impact.
"J-James?" The tiny shake of the ground made your broken hopes heal, followed by faded foot steps which made you peacefully enter a different rialm that had Bucky, you and Nadia in it.
The snow made everything difficult for the hunt. Yet, nothing can stop Bucky Barnes when he was in the hunt for you. Especially when he knows you've been bombed and probably wounded or to make his heart shatter..you were already dead without him knowing.
"Barnes," Sam landed with a thud after the three of them did. Barnes couldn't help but scowl as he heard his voice. He was her partner. He trusted her that he'll be with her by hook or by crook but what happened? "You don't get to talk, Wilson."
Bucky unclasped the parachute and dropped it with a loud thud. The scowl turning nastier when he felt Sam walk closer to him. "I couldn't contact her--the signal's been jammed--"
"I trusted you with her, Sam!" He barked back, glaring at the Falcon with a nasty glint in his eyes. Oh, he was in rage. "Jesus Christ! I fucking trusted you with her because you've been her partner since day 1!" Bucky spat with venom in his words. Completely heedless that he was grabbing onto the body of his knife that he kept on his pocket.
Sam was unaware that he was grabbing onto his beloved knife, he was entirely focused on his fiery Steele blue eyes that suddenly turned a shade darker, in a blink of an eye, he could see that the person in front of him wasn't Bucky anymore and that made his heart skip a beat in the most frightening way.
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Bucky was entirely kept uncompromised and so they didn't saw how fast he went to attack their co-Avenger, gripping him by the neck with his metal hand that made him growl as he fell on the ground with Bucky's weight on either side of him, tightly clutching onto him like a wild cat. Choking him and wanting nothing more than to stop him from breathing. The sharp tip of his knife right above his pulse, dipping it in the right amount that made it ooze blood.
It wasn't Bucky who was acting all hostile right now and they were all too shocked from the sudden change of character.
"S-Steve...N-Not--" Sam groaned, tugging onto his metal fingers wrapped around his neck. Groaning out the pain he could feel as Bucky was pressing his knife on his pulse, dripping more blood. Every second turning like he was drowning in hell because Bucky was also choking him tighter. "--B-Bucky!"
"Buck, stop!" Steve began to intervene, about to pull him away from his friend Sam but the man in front of him was faster to hit his core with his elbow, making him back away from the impact. "Damn it," Steve muttered beneath his breath and he noted how Tony finally decided to jump in and help after minutes of being awol.
"Language, Rogers." Tony spoke through the intercom, making everyone hear what he said. "Momma' will be so disappointed in you, Capsicle."
Steve could feel him get thrown on the ground, making him whimper. Bucky had him by the neck now, leaving Sam coughing out air as he tried to recover. "You're my mission,"
Tony was flying above the air, trying to search for you as well, however he got too distracted by what Bucky said because he could sense that Bucky wasn't entirely Bucky right now and it made him roll his eyes. "Oh, God. Not this again," Steve screeched from the sudden attack that Bucky did as he was his next target aside from Sam. Everybody who was in his way was like a Bull being taunted with a red cloth in front him. He was in for the kill. His fingers tightened around Steve's neck, using his legs to unstabilize Steve's right hand, pinning them on the ground with his knee that made him cry from how it was insanely twisted.
"It's amusing to watch him murder you, Cap." Tony uttered with amusement. Trying hard not to laugh out. "Damn..you..Tony! He's not...Bucky right...now!"
"I could tell," He mused, slightly chuckling as he watched the fight  from above. "Hey, Natasha--" Tony started, but was immediately cut off with a quick message as Natasha turned the intercom's after. "Not now, Tony. Get them to stop while I find Y/N." Toot.
Well, what a chirper.
Tony sighed, enthusiastically having his best hero landing beside Bucky who was planning to murder his 100 year old best friend. "Manchurian Candidate, step away from the grandpa," Iron man welcomed before he was kicked on the core, making him fly towards a dead tree.
Tony began to gather himself, standing up in a hot second like nothing happened. Guess he wouldn't turn back that easily. "Why do you always have to be so hostile, Barnes?" He asked more to himself, immediately detecting where Bucky was before he came to attack back.
Tony propelled forward till he pushed Bucky away from Steve. Bucky instantly rolled on the ground with an angry growl that made the snowy ground shake.
"Cap, will you do the honor? Or you're still going to be a little pissy because I basically ruined your moment with your best friend?"
Steve gathered himself, standing up from the ground and helping Sam go up on his feet, lending a helpful hand to pull his friend up. Tony eyed Bucky who seemed to had the 'I'm going to murder you' gaze that made him cuss in the back of his genius mind. "He's not stopping," He stated the obvious. Glancing back at Steve and Sam who were dusting the cold snow off their clothes. "Bucky, you gonna stop or??"
Apparently, Steve sounded so unamused. "He's not gonna stop, Tony."
"And you're letting him kill me next?"
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Bucky was marching towards his way, grudgingly marching towards the man of Iron while stretching his metal arm that made a satisfying sound. Tony rolled his eyes, feeling the fatigue hit him hard. They were battling for days and now they didn't need another one of Bucky's triggered, Winter Soldier phases. "Christ. I'm blasting him off to bring him back,"
"Tony--" Steve started, stretching his twisted, slightly injured wrist, yet he was too late to react.
"Yep. Totally blasting him off."
He brought his armoured hands halfway, the familiar sound of his blasters turning on. "No--"
"Sleepy-bye, Barnes." His target turned red, and before Steve knew it. Tony just blasted his best friend off out in the air, making Bucky fall inside a hill full of snow that made him blackout. Well, he'll wake up any time soon. So, it was definitely not a problem.
He heard a loud sigh came from Sam's place and Tony knew it was Steve and he was trying his hardest not to give him a little of his scolding. "Precautionary measures, Cap." Tony quickly saved himself from the long scolding from the famous Captain America. "Atleast, I didn't blast his robotic arm off,"
"Tony," Sam begun to start for Steve, and Tony opened his mask to see them face to face. He had a ridiculous look that made the both of them shook their heads in disappointment. "What? What was I supposed to do?!" Tony responded, pointing towards where Bucky flew and it was only a few meters away from them. "He was giving me the murder gaze!"
Steve tried to turn on his intercoms, tapping his ear as he tried calling out for Natasha. About to ask where she was because she was suddenly gone in a flash. "Nat?"
Tony decided to answer for him. "She turned the blue tooth off. Noting that I finish your kiddie games with Barnes and Noble over there." They could hear somebody's feet scratching the snowy ground, in their peripheral vision. The three Avengers could see a metal armed man lying prone on the cold, hard ground.
He stood up on his own, groaning at the same time as he grudgingly dragged his feet to where they were. A skeptical look on their heroic faces. "What the hell?" Bucky rasped, his head pounding from the fall. "What happened?"
"You were being the terminator again, Barnes." Tony answered for the three of them. "Oh, God. Was I?"
Their intercoms went static, it screeched that made the group of heroic walking testorerone wince from the sound. Something was bugging up their connection from Natasha.
"Nat?" Bucky decided to talk through the static connection, ceasing once he did.
"Winter was triggered that your princess was hurt, Barnes." Natasha breathed through the intercoms, her breathing loud before it quickly faded and turned normal. "Never worry, though." She added lightheartedly, "Cause I already have her in my arms,"
She promptly stood up from her position, as she knelt beside you a while ago. Caressing your bloody hair with pity and dread. "But she isn't in a very good condition," She spoke through the intercom, sounding like she was in a hurry.
"As well as this kid,"
Bucky's heart fell because he knew Natasha wasn't exaggerating and he'll be facing the consequences once you'll be brought back to the headquarters.
It will be one heck of a consequence that could break Bucky's healing soul.
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ajbrooks-writes · 4 years
WIP Re-Intro: For The Crown
Book One of the Blood Ties trilogy
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Heyo! Exactly what it says on the tin. A new and improved For The Crown with special edition features and up-to-date info! Also now with an official trilogy title: Blood Ties. Incredibly accurate.
Book One: For The Crown
Two young shapeshifters uncover generations of blood crimes as they attempt to change their own destiny. Masquerading amidst power plays and fickle allys, the prince and the pretender learn the meaning of family in a tale of love, loss, and the cost of challenging the stars.
Elthian and Ryvaeryn are from very different worlds, tied together by a bloody past. They are each given a single chance to attain their goals, but to do so must navigate a court full of lies, a country full of secrets, and a foe determined to keep both in the past.
Stage: Complete Structural Overhaul Review
Estimated Length: 135k
Genre: New Adult high fantasy
Themes: found family, adventure, self-discovery, romance, challenging status quo, challenging destiny.
More info
Orphaned as an infant and raised by humans on the continent, Ryn has never known another shapeshifter. A bookbinder by trade, she masquerades as a scholar and runs to the island country of Mantha, where she meets our team, and her resolve is tested when she is discovered and has a choice: go home to safety or join the court and risk it all.
Growing up in the castle with his father, brother and best friend, Elthian has known he would be king since he was a child. A planner by passion, Elthian’s progressive ideas clash with his father’s traditional values, placing them increasingly at odds. When his father threatens to change his successor, Elthian must choose between sacrificing the crown for his values and work, or sacrificing his values for the crown and power.
Ryvaeryn and Elthian’s journeys intertwine as they work towards their goals. Among the trials of their individual paths, they realise their growing friendship might be more than that. Now they must weigh their loyalties and, when discovered, understand that one false step could tear them apart forever.
Read on to learn about some of the characters and the next two books! Also cool graphics.
Welcome to part two!
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Protagonist. Age 29, lion shapeshifter. Idealistic, compassionate, creative, naive. Elthian has a rocky past, but has landed on his feet with a father he idolises, an older half-brother he loves unconditionally, and a best friend he could not do without. His brother’s protection has left him naive to their father’s nature, but kept him from losing that idealism and compassion their father is so blatantly missing. Elthian’s biggest struggle is his own self-doubt, but his brother’s line “There are some things in this world you just can’t change.” kickstarts his determination to do exactly that. I love my son, but not make it easy.
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Protagonist. Age 26, tiger shapeshifter. Impulsive, defensive, determined, kind. Safe in seclusion with her long term girlfriend, Ryn gives it up to journey to Mantha and find others like her. She is quick to defend herself and slow to reason, and so desperately wants to know who she is and where she came from that she will risk everything to find answers. This is made difficult when she becomes to target of assassination. See her right eye pictures above? That may or may not emerge intact . I love her, and I forge her fortitude in fire.
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Secondary. Age 30, wolf shapeshifter. Quiet, perceptive, loyal. Joal spent half his childhood as a crown ward, becoming Elthian’s best and most loyal friend. His official role is Royal Historian and Heritage Law Consultant, and he lives at the castle. He is the first to realise Ryn isn’t a scholar. Joal isn’t ‘in touch’ with his emotions, which quickly creates a rift between him and Ryn. Joal has the largest role in Blood Ties after Ryn and Elthian.
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Secondary. Age 32, human. Optimistic, intuitive, honourable. Kalen is the ultimate best friend. He is a great hugger, great listener, and gentle soul. He left the army  to pursue music, specifically the flute. Kalen is aro-ace, and his and Skye’s QPR is the most precious and pure dynamic I have ever seen. He becomes close friends with Ryn, we call him K, and I would die for him.
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Tertiary. Age 35, lion shapeshifter. Discerning, protective, adventurous. Orrian paints himself as rebellious and unreliable, allowing him to pursue his interests in peace, and as a bonus giving his father frequent headaches. Orrian runs a shelter for homeless or orphaned boys and young men, mostly shapeshifters, and basically has a dozen adopted sons. He is also investigating his father, whom he loathes. Orrian has a much larger role in the next two books.
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Tertiary. Age 21, crane shapeshifter. Shy, observant, attentive. Skye is very close with Kalen, and Ryn first meets her in a courtyard where Skye is playing violin. She struggles with anxiety and  PTSD, and attempts to create a support network in this book, which unfortunately backfires. Skye’s role will change a lot over the trilogy as she develops and grows and discovers her strength.
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Tertiary. Age 24. human. Sarcastic, charming, realist. Corri meets Ryn early in town, and they become friends quickly. She loves to have a good time, and encourages Ryn to do the same. If the cellars are stocked, right? Corri has a brief, secret fling with Joal in this book. She also frequently makes time to spend with the children at the castle - much better company than nobles.
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Tertiary. Age 64, lion shapeshifter. Assertive, determined, commanding. Parthian rules with iron, currently with his third wife. He pushed Orrian to abdicate, and has spent the last decades grooming Elthian to be a more worthy successor. Parthian is struggling under the weight of (subjectively) poor past choices. His sons take more from him than they’d like.
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Side. Age 34, human. Calming, authentic, passionate. Lowe and Ryn were together for three years, and lived together for most of that. She knows Ryn’s aspirations, fears and hopes and supports her move to Mantha. Lowe will have a larger role in the next two books, but will crop up a few times in this one, too.
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Side. Age 9, shapeshifter. Shy, curious, adventurous. Pab is an orphan, and has lived at the castle her entire life. She is friends with Corri, and becomes a loyal friend of Ryn’s after a vandalism mishap. Pab will climb literally anything. She scales two storeys of old stone to break into Ryn’s room. Ryn and Pab’s bond strengthens over the trilogy, and we learn more about her family later on.
The World:
For The Crown takes place primarily in Mantha, an island country about the size of France. It has several smaller ilsands scattered around it., and across a strait is a mainland spanning an area close to that of Russia, which is where Ryn is from. Skye and Joal are from the North and South islands around Mantha respectively..During this book, the court travels around the country to various estates, under the guise of a ‘royal tour’, in which Parthian speaks to the leaders and the people and try to assure them that the monarchy has their best interest’s at heart. It gives Elthian the opportunity to find the progressive among them, and Ryn the opprtunity to explore different libraries and estates, including a ruined city, searching for answers.
Mantha is a feudal society originally settled by shapeshifters, which Parthian encourages, because they are easier to control. The continent, all humans, is meanwhile approaching an early industrial age; they have a direct democracy, with all the people having a voice. Mantha works with alchemy, whereas the continent works with technology. They have minimal overlap, but for trade and transport, things like air travel crosses their cultures.
This means I can have steampunk airships flying over my feudal farmland. The dream.
If you would like to know anything else about their culture, feel free to shoot an ask my way!
Rest of the trilogy:
For The King
After the bittersweet end to For The Crown, Ryn and Elthian try to recover the trust of the Manthan people as Elthian begins a shaky rule. But when the new king is kidnapped, it’s up to Ryn, Orrian, Kalen and Joal to race across the continent to save him, finding help from old friends along the way. Meanwhile, in a deep underground prison, Elthian meets new allies and foes as his captors attempt to break him, and he plans a daring escape or three. For The King is significantly darker, and ready to be drafted. You can read this wip intro here.
For The Country
Following a narrow escape, Ryn, Elthian, their new allies and remaining friends journey back to Mantha only to discover it has been overrun! With Elthian’s confidence shattered and Ryn struggling to stay afloat, For The Country has them and their team racing to rally their people against an approaching enemy while they battle fire, uprising, discord and disease. In the conclusion of this epic fantasy, everyone comes together for the battle that will decide Mantha’s future.
Final comments:
Can’t believe I managed, finally, to finish this intro.
I’m going to try and participate more in wip and OC related things, and post more about my story when life allows. I hope you enjoyed it, congrats on getting to the end, and have a great day!
For The Crown tag list:
 @trigwrites @jessicacaseyauthor @mfackenthal @mushwrites @b-works-074  @gardeningourmet @apocalyvse @jcckwrites @writingisdivinetorture  @purpleshadows1989 @thatwritergirlsblog @betwixtofficial @pen-in-hand @whynotwriting @bookish-actor @sunlight-and-starskies @jcckwrites @half-explored @watermelons-writings @purpleshadows1989 @crazycoffeemermaid​ @summerflowers
Blood Ties taglist:
@whisperswritings @stand-inthe-rain @fantasy-shadows @halrose @romanticatheart-posts @hopefulmoonobject @angelolytle @albarnesauthor @fantasy-penman @ofinscriptions @jynecca @venomouspen @k-nazario​ @raenawrites @s-n-o-w-p-i-e-r-c-e-r​ @the-starlight-chills​ @crazycoffeemermaid​ @ardawyn​ @bookish-actor​ @waterfallofinkandpages​ @the-writister​ @thewriteblrarchives​
(if you would like to be added or removed from the Blood Ties tag list, please let me know. Also if I’ve missed anyone I’m really sorry, could you let me know please thank youx)
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brandtmax · 4 years
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welcome back to gallagher academy, soo-yun ‘maxine’ brandt ! according to their records, they’re a first year, specializing in research & development; and they did not go to a spy prep high school. when i see them walking around in the halls, i usually see a flash of ( sugar-free mints, a messy low bun, wisps of hair alongside her face, the end of a pen between her teeth, the patek philippe calatrava 4897r-010 in rose gold, off-white pants in every fabric ). when it’s the ( virgo ) ’s birthday on 08/23/1997, they always request their japchae from the school’s chefs. looks like they’re well on their way to graduation. 
henlo it me again i hope u guys aren’t sick of me yet bc i have a new bby named max! i’ve written a lot™️ so brace urself but it’s worth it ( i think ) + trigger warnings: death and alcohol dependency under the cut xxx
the basics
full name: soo-yun ‘ maxine ’ brandt
nicknames: max — just max
age: twenty-two years old
birthday: august 23rd, 1997
gender: cis female
preferred pronouns: she / her
sexuality: bisexual
major: research & development (  formerly a b.a. political science degree from yale university )
known languages: english ( native ) / german ( native ) / korean ( native )
nationality: american
birthplace: new haven, connecticut, new hampshire
current location: gallagher academy, roseville, virginia
financial status: upper class
religion: non-theistic
eye color: brown
hair color: black
height: 5′8.5″
notable features: curly hair on lazy days, rosy cheeks
usual mood and expression: calm, furrowed eyebrows whenever her eyes are on work; lethargic and irritable when she’s overworked ( or without alcohol )
birth order: second born
parents: soon-bok ‘ vivian ’ jang and stephen brandt ( d. 2018 )
siblings: min-jun ‘ parker ’ brandt ( b. 1995 ) & georgia ‘ gigi ’ brandt ( b. 2001 )
significant others: chris harmon ( 2013-2015 ) / ava carrillo ( 2015-2016 )
her story so far (this is so long n serious lol)
soo-yun 'maxine' brandt was born and raised in new haven, connecticut, to jang soon-bok ( vivian ), a surgeon, and stephen brandt, a ( n allegedly shady ) criminal justice lawyer.
the brandt siblings were raised like any other blue-blooded, very strict but loving household ( strict = mom / loving = dad )
brandt house rules: get straight a’s, follow the 12 am curfew and don't bring anyone home that you know you’d get disowned for. follow those three rules, and you can do whatever you want.
there was pressure for the brandt siblings to be academically accomplished, but it wasn't anything they couldn't handle. they were well-tutored, semi-popular, attractive teenagers, which were common in new haven, and everyone knew they were destined for ivy league.
in high school, she dated chris harmon, and it was the kind of relationship that could only be described as the personification of a kinder egg. sweet on the outside, a waste of time and money on the inside.
which is fine; it took max about 2 months to get over it when they broke up halfway through senior year, because neither of them thought of their relationship going far. the joy of getting into yale ( already expected ) trumped the feeling of losing a boyfriend. she even bet parker $5,000 she'd get early admission. she won.
during college, she had an on-off relationship with ava carrillo for a year, which inevitably became a permanent off. it turned out that it wasn't a good idea to throw herself into a committed relationship the minute she stepped foot into yale. max never had the time, and ava didn't have the patience. at least she tried it tho !
things seemed to be on the up and up for their family, and the worst thing max has ever been through is being awake for 24 straight hours to prepare for a final presentation. but ! you know what they say about the calm before the storm.
( tw: death ) on december 18, 2018, their father unexpectedly passed away from a heart attack during a layover flight in new york. the brandt family was at home when they heard the news. needless to say, they had a quiet christmas and new year.
the family tried to move on as best they could, but the siblings knew their dad's death irreversibly changed their mom. they have a rocky relationship to begin with, the siblings always feeling like vivian never wanted to become a parent and only did so for their father. they have absolutely no mother-children bond, and it got worse when stephen died. being the older brother, parker took it upon himself to take care of vivian, balancing that with running the home stretch with his undergrad degree.
on the other hand, maxine still had a few years left at yale. no amount of therapy helped her cope with the loss of her father, the way her mother seemed to become a shell of herself, how parker had to break the momentum of his career to be there for their mom, and the constant pressure to do good academically.
( tw: alcohol dependency ) it started with buying bottled moscow mules because she didn't like how beer tasted, and she wasn't dumb enough to go straight to hard liquor. just one to take the edge off whenever stacks of coursework became too much, or when her mother would send her an email talking about her day, and she didn't have the courage to read it. then it went from a one, two, three-time thing to a whenever-i'm-upset thing, which slid into a whenever-i-feel-like-it thing. after a while, it became a daylight thing where she would add a splash of soju ( or whatever ) to her lunchtime drinks, and she genuinely thought it was just a funny idea at first. max wasn't the only day drinker in her social group, anyway. she found it acceptable, no different than how other people would pound red bull every 6 hours like it's their life force. it was manageable for her since she was able to schedule when she'd be indisposed, and she still can.
parker had ( and still has ) no clue. despite the two being close, max spared him the burden of having another thing to worry about. as long as she can control it ( or she thinks she can ) then nobody had anything to worry about.
eventually, both maxine and parker were offered the opportunity to join gallagher academy, with parker in line to graduate with honors in global affairs and maxine, not far behind with her own impressive academic portfolio in political science.
though really, her acceptance into gallagher has less to do with her published papers ( still impressive, tho ) and more to do with her covertly helping her father win cases by doing some expert sleuthing, strategizing, witness dispatching + discrediting, sexc breaking and entering, and good, old-fashioned manipulation !
it was something they both wanted; to be a part of the bigger picture in the world, but they knew they couldn't leave their mother alone. parker, who chose to make the sacrifice, let maxine go and stayed behind to take care of vivian.
( but if we’re honest, maxine would’ve left for gallagher regardless if parker was coming with her, but she’ll never tell him that )
despite the guilt and telling parker she wasn't going anywhere ( cough ), he insisted on her taking the once-in-a-lifetime chance to be a part of something they never knew existed. he knew they were going to end up resenting each other if they both stayed. at least one person in the family should be doing something that made them happy.
and so max dropped out of yale and left for roseville, even though she hadn't thoroughly planned out her career trajectory.
she’s eager not just because of the school, obviously. she can't handle going back to their childhood home and seeing how hollow everything is. plus, the immense anger and denial she feels over her dad’s untimely death has no place in new haven anymore.
she promised parker she'd make it up to him, though. somehow, someday.
who is this b*nch
max is relatively easy to get along with, tbh !
she’s a mood matcher; meaning if you’re nice to her, then she’s nice to you ( and if you’re gonna be a punk bitch, then she’ll be a punk bitch right back )
she’s a lil spoiled, lil sheltered, and lil ignorant but her general friendliness makes up for it, she’s the type to be friends with ( almost ) everyone
internally: perfectionist to the point of being ruthless, first place is the only acceptable place, meticulous, neurotic, workaholic, overachiever, if you’re not useful then what’s your purpose?, slightly egotistical, etc etc
externally: caring, protective, and supportive mom friend who just wants people to get their shit together because inadequacy is unacceptable, fixer, likes to dip into different social circles, consciously makes the effort to be more patient with people
she’s incredibly ambitious ? morally ambiguous ? slightly self-serving and self-involved ? her father’s a criminal “justice” lawyer whose clientele doesn’t exactly consist of the beacons of society so... she learned a lot of lessons about how you can win any case in the courtroom if you’re smart enough to a ) make a good story, b ) get the fitting evidence by any means necessary, c ) discredit and discard the necessary people, and d ) be charming and persuasive enough to rock the jury
she’s actively trying to be more open-minded and assimilate to a diverse group of people because back in yale she was definitely in a wasp bubble, and admittedly there are times where she will come off as super snobby without meaning to and tbh sorry about it
she’s still an extremely sociable person because yale also taught her how to network like a motherfucker, and how it’s important to know / be friends with everyone
honestly, intense people turn her off ( both positive and negative ) a little because she can't handle concentrated personalities in one sitting
even though she’s a little intense herself sometimes but it’s fine, we love hypocrites in this house !
neat freak ? but honestly who doesn’t like a friend who squeegees the shower every day and has a tiny can of lysol in their bag and an aroma diffuser with three ( 3 ) oil blends
she’s like... weirdly aggressive sometimes and most definitely has anger issues ( still in denial over her father unexpectedly passing away and getting stuck with a mom who doesn’t like her own children very much )
but also, she’s just agro in general and has a number of physical hobbies. she’s an ice skater, equestrian, a soulcyclist, and a kickboxer. she can fite.
she’s not the type to make fun of herself because she's not at a point where she sees qualities in her that are okay to laugh at ( unless you’re tight )
keeps her negative juju to herself because she’s a very private person
will prioritize work over play because she'd hardwired like that, but that doesn't mean she's anti-fun ( clearly )
definitely needs to loosen up a little that doesn't involve alcohol... jenga perhaps ? or actually try therapy again ?
very effectively sneaky about her growing alcohol dependency ( sugar-free breath mints, brushes her teeth + uses mouthwash after every meal )
dry sense of humor
at all times: wears a 1-carat, emerald cut, pavé diamond ring ( family heirloom ) + carries her trusty black hydro flask with her ( 24 oz. ) and no one is allowed to drink from it !
her signature scent is le labo bergamote 22 🤍
hmu on my discord @ tin#0697 for plottage !
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hbostolemysoul · 5 years
Band of Brothers fluff alphabet: Bill Guarnere
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A = Attractive (What do they find attractive about the other?)
Bill has always thought you were pretty. Face of an angel, and mind of a devil. You two used to get into all sorts of trouble when you were younger. Course he would always be blamed for coming up with such schemes, because how could a sweet thing like you ever be the mastermind behind such disasters.              (Ps. You were almost always the mastermind behind said disasters😉). 
B = Baby (Do they want a family? Why/Why not?)
Bill comes from a large Italian family, being the youngest of 10 children has taught Bill a lot…mostly that he does not want to have 10 children. But don’t take that as him never wanting to have kids, popping out little Guarnere’s is practically a right of passage in the family (Or so Bills older sisters and Ma’ told you, much to Bills dismay).  
That being said he will in no way ‘push’ you to have children with him if you are not ready. Things after he lost his legs were rocky, I mean he came back in as good a mood a man could have after losing his leg. He worked some odd jobs while he fought with the Army to get full disability. It was a painstaking process, and you were with him every step of the way (listening to his daily rants and all).
You had been in the kitchen on the phone with his Ma’ when he got the news. The door to your home burst open and the smile on Bill’s face had you promising to call back and hanging up the phone. Before you could get any words out he had his arms around you, and the kiss you shared almost had your knees buckling.
“Army bastards finally gave in. I can take this fuckin’ thing off” he said while motioning down to the poorly crafted stump the government was calling a prosthetic.
Bill had been much happier, and in significantly less pain not having to be on his feet all hours of the day to try and make ends meet. He had taken to using the crutches again,
“I ain’t ashamed to be hobbling around. Think I earned the right to hobble around if I want to” his thick accent and casual tone caused you to laugh.
It was about 6 months after Bill had quit his various jobs that the idea of having a little rug rat came around. Bill looked up at you sheepishly after asking, a hand coming to rub the back of his neck nervously. You just crossed your arms and leaned against the doorway. As much as you liked to tease Bill seeing him this nervous made something in you melt (not that you were going to tell him that yet though) you smiled at him mischievously making him grin in return,
“Fine, but you are on diaper duty”
Being a man of his word Bill changed almost every single diaper he could. He would call it ‘bonding time’ your little one would be wiggling and giving poor old Guarnere a hard time, but he would just chatter away to the kid, sometimes talking about how he couldn’t wait until Mom (you) got to start potty training them.  
Bill ultimately got his wish of not having 10 kids, after an accidental number 5 you both decided that was more than enough little Guarnere’s for the world to handle.
C = Cuddle (How do they cuddle?)
Bill likes pulling you close to his chest at night. He still remembers the cold nights where he and the guys would have to huddle close in those damned foxholes in order to stay warm. The closeness of you pressed against him make his sleep a bit more restful. He still has nightmares, but as time moves on they become less and less. He likes to think you have something to do with that.
D = Dates (What are dates with them like?)
There is this old ice cream place close to his Ma’s that you two used to frequent as kids. When he gets back to the states it is one of the first places you two go once he is settled.  It was there that he first started to talk to you about the war, about losing his brother Henry. He had done a pretty good job at coming across as the same old wisecracking pain in the ass he had been before he left. You two came here as often as you could after that first time. It was a safe place for both of you to talk…for him to talk.
E = Everything (You are my __ (e.g. my life, my world…))
“You are the only person I could ever imagine being with, and I love you and shit. Now please ask our kids to bring me my crutches I KNOW THEY ARE IN THE ATTIC… little shits”
F = Feelings (When did they know they were in love?)
You and Bill had been friends since childhood, as you got older you dated other people. Neither of you liked seeing the other with someone else, but you both just kept those feelings to yourself. No point in ruining a lifelong, if not at times dysfunctional friendship.
When he left for basic training the two of you kept in touch through letters. There were a few times you had wanted to get sappy and spill your heart out, but then thought better of it. As the war went on letters from him sometimes became infrequent, it scared you more than you let on. The letter that almost sent you over the edge was the one his parents received about his leg. You lived a few doors down from the Guarnere’s, hearing his Ma’ wail like that had you outside and on their doorstep in moments. The last time she had cried like that had been when the letter about Henry had arrived.
Mr. Guarnere opened the door and smiled grimly at you, Mrs. Guarnere was crumpled on the floor holding the letter to her chest. She just opened her arms and you were immediately in them. Tears ran down both your faces “He’s gone, he’s gone” kept running through your mind, or so you thought.
Mrs. Guarnere shushed you and held your face in her hands, gently brushing your tears away.
“He is coming home” she said between sobs. You just stared confused,
“He lost his leg, oh god his leg is gone” she wailed again.
You just held her tight. The tears were still running down your face, a mixture of relief and grief. It was in this exact moment that you finally accepted that you were in love with William (Bill) Guarnere…fuck…
Coming home had been bittersweet for Bill. Seeing his family again was nice, but the absence of his brother was felt throughout the entire household. It wasn’t until he saw you walk through that front door that things felt lighter for the first time. You had changed in the few years he had been gone. Sure you had always been a pretty gal, but you had turned into the most beautiful being he had ever seen in his life. His family quickly cleared out of the room shortly after your arrival and quick greetings. For the first time in your entire lives, neither of you knew what to say, until Bill (never being one for awkward silences) suggested you both take a walk down to the old ice cream shop. You walked together, your arm looped with his. Not so much out of balance, but to reassure each other that you were still there.
It was at the old ice cream shop that you two seemed to pick up like no time had passed. This became a ritual between you two. As the weeks went on those feelings Bill had been suppressing for years began to surface again. A younger Bill might have just continued to shove those feelings away, this Bill had been through actual hell and back. Life was too short.  
You had been talking about something and Bill just blurted,
“So do ya’ have a boyfriend or somthin’?” the owlish look you gave him almost made him laugh, and it probably would have if he didn’t feel like he had just thrown his heart onto the table.
You stared at him a moment, features gradually softening as you laughed,
“Nah, what about you Bill? Have a girlfriend or somethin’?” you grinned up at him as he bowed his head a bit,
“Ah, nah” he said trying to look less nervous than he was. You just rolled your eyes and rested your chin in your hand,
“Hey Bill, want to go on a date with me? Y’know considering we both aren’t seeing people, or somethin’?”
Your matching grins probably could have lit up the entirety of Philadelphia. It was in that exact moment that Bill knew he was fucked…and that he loved you.
G = Gentle (Are they gentle? If so, how?)
Bill is a passionate guy, slow, fast, hard, teasing, you name it and he is more than happy to deliver.
H = Hands (How do they like to hold hands?)
He holds your hand whenever it is A) appropriate and B) whenever the hell he wants to.
I = Impression (What was their first impression?)
He had been 6 and you had just moved in down the road, he was at the park with his older siblings when he looked over and saw you. This new girl that had just moved in a few houses down from his. He walked over (seeing as his siblings had taken off to cause trouble somewhere). He sat down next to you, a partially made sand castle in front of you.
“I’m Bill, can I play with you?” you looked up at him skeptically for a minute before shrugging,
“Sure, just don’t knock it over or I will hit you” you said smiling mischievously.
You two have been friends ever since.
J = Jealousy (Do they get jealous?)
Bill has a temper. We all know Bill has a temper. Heaven forbid some dumb guy comes along and looks you up for too long. One legged or not Bill has no issue holding his own in a fight, especially when his girl is involved.
Although there have been times you have literally beaten him to the ‘punch’ and dealt with the guy yourself. He has never been prouder.
K = Kiss (How do they kiss? Who initiated the first kiss?)
Kisses with Bill are always intense. Each and every one leaving you feeling loved and warm.
You two actually kissed shortly after you asked Bill out in the ice cream shop. Walking out together he just stopped, leaned down and kissed you while gently holding the side of your face,
“Figured I should make up for lost time eh’” he said with a cheeky grin.
L = Love (Who says ‘I love you’ first?)
You had been looking at apartment’s together, this one was on the main floor which was great for Bill, and so convenient for getting furniture and groceries in. You had been walking around with the Landlord, sunlight streaming in through the cracks in the curtains lighting you up like an angel. You wandered back over to him, a smile on your face as you asked him what he thought. He just smiled and leaned down to kiss you,
“Y’know I love you right?” he said, a soft smile making it onto both of your faces.
“I’ve always known Bill” you said smiling back as you both took in your new home.
M = Memory (What’s their favourite memory together?)
The day you agreed to marry him. You were radiant, and so much more than a guy like him would ever deserve. But for whatever reason you chose him. Hearing you say “I do”, dancing with you for the first time as his wife. Quite literally one of the happiest moments of his life.
 His other favourite memory comes from watching you try to teach ‘Uncle Babe’ how to change a diaper. The kid was so hopeless, but you were so patient with him. Even if you did shoot Bill many amused glances.
N = Nickel (Do they spoil? Do they buy the person they love everything?)
Bill loves to cook. Coming from a big Italian family, dinner was always a huge affair, home made pasta, sauce, you name it the Guanere’s did it. He loves doing that with his own little family now.
Also, he was a saint when it came to making food for you throughout your pregnancies (and when you were not pregnant…Bill just loves making you happy, be that food or flowers).
O = Orange (What colour reminds them of their other half?)
You can come across as gold and bright as an angel at times, and others you are flaming red and full of mischief. He wouldn’t have it any other way.
P = Pet names (What pet names do they use?)
Baby, Princess, Doll, he likes the way you either blush or roll your eyes at his pet names for you.
Q = Quaint (What is their favourite non-modern thing?)
As mentioned above Bill loves to cook. He has this old-fashioned pasta maker that he uses regularly because ‘Nothin’ is like the real thing, ain’t that right Doll?”
R = Rainy Day (What do they like to do on a rainy day?)
Bill's leg sometimes aches. He has no qualms about bitchin about it at times. You just smile and kiss him gently, quietly murmuring “grumpy old man” under your breath. He just grins in response.
S = Sad (How do they cheer themselves/others up?)
Bill tries to be a pretty upbeat guy. Sometimes when he is feeling down he will call around and check on the guys from Easy. Babe and Toye are usually the first ones on his list.
T = Talking (What do they like to talk about?)
He just likes to talk. Loud animated conversations that are always entertaining to watch, particularly when Babe is around. The two bicker like an old married couple.
U = Unencumbered (What helps them relax?)
Baths. But don’t repeat that to anyone else. He isn’t a bubble bath and candles kind of guy. But there is this essential oil you found that helps when his leg is acting up…he has found it works best in water, hence the baths.
V = Vaunt (What do they like to show off? What are they proud of?)
You best believe Bill is going to show pictures of his kids every chance he gets. Toye has completely mastered the ‘nod and hum’ approach when Bill is off on one of his tangents. Poor Babe on the other hand has yet to learn, Bill has no qualms about calling the younger man out if he gets distracted while Bill is sharing stories about his “wonderful brood of little shits”.
W = Wedding (When, how, where do they propose?)
It's New Years of all places. His Ma’ has been hounding the two of you since the day she found out you were dating. If Bill was being honest she just wanted to be able to officially call you her daughter.
The ball had just dropped, you and Bill had just ended our new year's kiss and he was just holding a velvet box out towards you.
“I would kneel if I could, but I feel like proposing while flopping like a fish on the ground wouldn’t b..”
He never got to finish his ‘proposal’ as your mouth had already found his and you were muttering something about marrying him regardless if he was flopping on the ground like a fish.
X = Xylophone (What’s their song?)
Don’t ask me why – Great Caesar
Y = Yes (Do they ever think of getting married/proposing?)
Oh yeah, Old Gonorrhea don’t miss nothing. Including the chance to make you his wife.
Z = Zebra (If they wanted a pet, what would they get?)
Your house is already a zoo. You and Bill had talked about maybe getting a dog once the kids moved out, plus Bill liked terrorizing Joe with his own cat ( Much to Toye’s dismay).
 This took me to long to write >_<  I am so sorry!! School is pretty much over now, so I am hoping to get my posting schedule back to normal asap.
Thank you for your patience!!
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arohasfiction · 5 years
ChaEunWoo X Reader
Gener: Fluff/ kind of Angst
Word count: 1560 words
Summary: You are in Rocky's age and also his Childhood friend, you knew astro members later on when you met rocky after a long time , later on you became a close friend of them because in the same time you were Eunwoo's girlfriend. You and Eunwoo met in really romantic way( Before meeting rocky) as once, you both were in the cafe and you ordered the same thing without knowing, you were both sitting in different tables waiting for your coffee when the cashier called your coffe name, You both without hesitation walked towards the cashier and grabbed the coffee in the same time. Your eyes met and he brushed you with his angelic smile while handling you the coffee. you take it and smile back to him, and for some reason you kept visiting that cafe and meeting up with him, become friends. and soon lovers.
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As soon as You met again with rocky after a long time and introduced you to the other members you immediately recognized your cafe friend who was standing among them( of course he didn't tell you that he was an idol). After you become close to astro members Eunwoo decided to confess to you, you became a cute couple who are living in there own world, the only people who knew about your relationship with him was his band members and Manger. As result of that you were able sometimes to drop by their dorm or practice room to hang out with them plus seeing your boyfriend's handsome face, and you too, your visual was no joke, you were a beautiful girl with a pink blushed cheeks and a brown hair which reached your shoulders and a cute light bangs, sometimes the other members joke about you two being a visual couple and how you two are destined from the beginning.
It has been already a month since you last saw Eunwoo, you were both too busy, he with his job as an idol and you as a college student in your assignments and projects.You were living alone in an apartment not very far from the boys dorm, living by your own was a big responsibility, you felt that you have your own life, but sometimes it was too stressful because basically the whole house work is on your shoulders, And recently the Assignments were coming one by one and it required alot of different researches which took alot of your time. Day by day the pressure was increasing on you, Assignments plus house work and sometimes going back to your family house to help your mother in various things. Sitting infront of your laptop, the sound of typing on keyboard was the only thing heared in the room. " And finished!!! Phew... I hope that i get good marks on this...oh it was really hard" you said in relief, as usual, in this time eunwoo texts you and you text him back, but today since afternoon, you haven't received any texts or phone calls from him. " He might be so busy...Should i text him instead today ?....no no no i might distract him" you sighed and looked back to your laptop to confirm that you finished everything in the assignment. You felt your eyes were heavy so you went straight to the bed. "Nighty Eunwoo~yah!!! Today you worked hard, though i didn't hear anything from you but I feel sleepy so until you reply I might be dreaming of you..." And you clicked SEND. A week later from submitting your assignment, the results were finally out, you took a look on them excited to see the good marks that came out of your hard work, but the smile on your face turned to frown when you saw them, " w-whats that....? Why d-did i got these marks?" You were known as the student who always got (A) in all the modules no matter how hard they were..you never managed to get less than an (A )rank, so when your eyes felt on the ( C-) you were totally shocked.. you felt like heart started to ache...your tears started falling silently on your pink blushed cheeks, thinking in all the hard time you had while doing it due to the pressure you had. At that time you felt like you want someone to comfort you...you wanted eunwoo to be beside you at this moment telling you that it's okay and keeps complementing and saying sweet thing just to encourage you, but you thought in yourself and knew that he might be busy as always and it's not good to distract him with this pathetic excuse.
15 minutes later after trying to distract yourself with something to calm yourself down, but no use , you felt so down and you needed eunwoo so bad to comfort you , " Just seeing his face will make me feel better...i guess,, I don't want to worry him..". You headed to their dorm hopping that you find them there, you rang the bell, not a 10 seconds passed but the door was already opened by Sanha. " Ohhh!! Noona!! So glad that you came...hey Hyungs!! (Y/N)-yah noona is here!!" . Everyone were happy to see you, it has been a long time since you visited them,, all of them greeted you happily and you entered. "Oh (Y/N)-yah, Eunwoo-yah is not here, he is still at the shooting site, but don't worry he will be back soon" said JinJin. " Ahh hehe it's okay oppa,, i will spend some time here with you if you are not busy" and jinjin nodded with a smile. Rocky noticed immediately that there is something wrong with you, With everyone chatting a laughing around rocky poked your arm you turned your gaze from your lap to rocky, " Hey..is something wrong? You look like kind of down..". " Oh...huhhu its nothing", your voice was cracking and suddenly a tear dropped from your eyes, Rocky's eyes widened " (Y/N)-yah...! What's wrong? Tell me..." Everyone's gazed turned to you and they all came closer worried about you, rocky patted on your head and Mj patted your back, trying to stop crying and whipping your tears you asked them politely, " Sorry..for being like this..b-but C-can i sit in Eunwoo's room a little bit?". " Of course you can, and don't say sorry everyone needs to cry sometimes" said MJ. " And if you felt like talking about it, don't hesitate,, we will listen to you okay?" Said Moonbin. Rocky took you to eunwoo's room and then left you and joined the others in the living room wondering about what is bothering you, Jinjin slowly walked to the kitchen, grabbed his phone a dialed Eunwoo's number." Hello?,, Ah Jin-Hyung...!" Answers Eunwoo. "Hmmm.. eunwoo-yah .. listen i know you still didn't finish but once you do please head back to the dorm..". " Okay...but why is something wrong hyung?". " Well, (Y/N)-yah came to the dorm and she looked kind of down and suddenly started crying...she said nothing but kept crying in silence, and i think she needs you". Eunwoo paused for a moment and then said, " crying? Why did something happened?no no don't mind we already finished shooting my parts.. I'm heading back right now" .
Eunwoo came back immediately and entered in hurry. " Hey !! Where is (Y/N)-yah?" . " Oh Eunwoo-hyung! She is in your room. He knocked the door and entered, once you saw him your tears rushed out of your eyes once again, Without say anything he pulled you in a tight hug and stroked your hair gently. "Everything is going to be alright okay..? Tell me about it and i will do my best to help you" , then he cupped your cheeks with his both hands whipping them from tears with his thumbs and leaned to give you a forehead kiss. You both sat down on the bed and you started talking about how you feel towards what happened with you in the assignment. " I feel that my hard work just was a waste of time, I-i tried to talk about it with them.. hopefully they made a mistake in something but unfortunately they told me that its my fault..." You sighed and your eyes were still teary, he holded your hand and with other hand took your hairlines and placed them behind your ears, " (Y/N)-yah, all of us knows how hard working you are and I assure you that even your lecture knows that, Don't ruin your mood about something like that, i know that it hurts when you get a totally different mark from what you've expected, but still you did your best and you should be proud of yourself just like how I'm proud of you, Now please ...show me your beautiful smile and look at me, I don't like it when you are sad.." and then he leans to give you a gentle kiss on your lips. After you parted Eunwoo's smile turned to a small frown and he said while playing in your fingers "(Y/N)-yah.... Sorry...". You suddenly got confused so you immediately replied, " why are you apologizing...? I should be the one to say sorry , i made you worry about me for a silly reason..". " No, its not silly at all, but the thing is that.. we haven't go on dates for a long time right now and i feel that I'm the worst boyfriend ever... and...". You pinched his cheeks and then cupped his face, " Eunwoo-yah, it's not your fault neither mine, we both had busy days, and i don't care about dates as long as i can just be like this with you.. being able to see your smile and face is enough for me.." you said while putting a grin on your face. " You know? I got the whole tomorrow morning free,, wanna stay here?"." Sure...!! I missed you alot,, so are we going somewhere?"." No, let's just cuddle together and chat a bit.. i feel like i haven't seen you forever". You blushed when he said that and later you ended up cuddling the whole night until you fell asleep in his arms...
The End
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