#baby kane alert!
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Rescue 77 S01E01 Pilot.
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ficnoire2 · 11 months
A Little Legendborn/Bloodmarked Scent Theory
Scent is nostalgic.  It transports us back to a memory, a person, and the feelings that lived in that pocket of time.  When I was a teenager Snoop Dog proclaimed in Lodi Dodi “For all the bitches I might take home, I got the Johnson’s Baby Powder and Cool Water cologne.”  Yes, I have happily dated myself with that reference (all my youngins, do your Googles) but nearly every boy I knew had that scent profile and every time one of them said, “Where my hug at” I would bury my nose in its familiar embrace.  Tracy has been hella intentional with so many of her choices in this amazing series (see a bit more in my “A little LB/BM…” series at the end) and I don’t think the way our favs smell is any different.  Let’s take a dip in the olfactory pool shall we?
Bree Matthews - scent profile Gourmand, Green, Mossy Woods
“Do you want to know?” he asks in a low voice that makes me shiver.  He reaches for my hand, and his fingers are hot against my palm.  “What your magic smells like?”... “Honey wine.  Amber.  Green things growing.  The tiniest hint of copper, like fresh blood.  Something else…”  A deep inhale, and I feel him shudder.  “Power.”
Well now, Selwyn said a mouthful when describing Bree’s scent and every note fits her perfectly.  
Honey Wine - Did y'all know that honey wine is also called Meade?  Arthur went on about someone drinking all of it when Bree popped up in one of his memories.  It is made from honey, yeast, and water and can vary in alcohol content and can be mixed with fruit.  In Celtic cultures, Meade is thought to enhance virility and fertility and has aphrodisiac qualities (had Sel on his ass in the woods).  This wine was said to have been first made in secret by Irish Monks. Its origins, however, are lost in prehistory with the earliest archeological evidence dating back to 7000 BC. It was used in feasts and celebrations across Europe and Asia and still exists today. A scent fit for a King. 
Amber - Warm and exotic, amber which is derived from tree resin and described as “Gold of the Sea” and has been touted as the world’s oldest and most desired treasure.  It is considered beautiful and unique and has special chemical properties that are electrically charged and could ignite when rubbed together (A bit volatile and explosive like our Bree).  Amber is a powerful Chakra cleanser and can absorb negative energy, transferring it into positive. It can be used in meditation for relaxation and can heighten and enhance psychic abilities. 
Green Things Growing - The scent of fresh cut grass, blooming flora, mother earth.  Representing growth, new beginnings, healing, and renewal.  I find it interesting that Sel tapped into this aspect of her scent as taking in her root (after giving him consent) revitalized him.  In a way Bree’s arrival has brought forth new beginnings and growth for everyone she has come into contact with.
Copper, Fresh Blood, Power - Smelling blood (where none is present) can signify a deep connection with ancestral ties.  As we know Bree has seen Vera bathed in blood, and its use has been pivotal to her communing with her ancestors.  It can also serve as a shield or protection.  Erebus has Bloodmarked Bree which alerts him to her danger, in a way protecting her. This scent being part of her profile is telling because it is a symbol of life, sacrifice, and spiritual potency.  These attributes are ever present in Bree.  She after all is their sharpest and strongest blade with a powerful connection to the spirit realm. 
Selwyn Kane - Scent profile Oriental (amber/sweet), woody (smoky), peaty (aged whiskey)
“We are so close I smell whiskey and smoke.  His aether signature, back again.”
Whiskey - Did you know that smelling alcohol has spiritual significance involving evolution, cleansing, and reemergence with renewed clarity?  Smelling alcohol can be a call to purify oneself, to get rid of negativity.  It can signify a period of transition or transformation, a rebirth if you will.  Selwyn Kane has managed to change immensely throughout both books.  He can literally transform by owl shifting.  By the end of Bloodmarked, we see yet another iteration of him as he transitioned more towards his shadow side, his demon nature.  Historical context suggests the scent of alcohol is associated with sacred rituals (Oathing ceremonies) and can be a bridge between the physical and spiritual realms. 
Cinnamon - In the oriental scent family, this scent is exotic and seductive (just like our favorite, angsty, goth).  Some people use cinnamon for protection, prosperity, and healing.  It is said to be anti-viral, anti-biotic, anti-microbial, and antifungal “I don’t get infections.”  Cinnamon has therapeutic properties, it's no wonder Selwyn is able to heal so quickly from injury (bruised ego aside).
Smoke- While a part of Sel’s scent profile, when Bree smells the hint of smoke he gives off, it suggests her closeness to the ancestral plane and the supernatural.  Like Bree, people that smell smoke when there is none can sense the spiritual world.  Selly has an affinity for detecting those pesky Shadowborn that continuously make their way to our world. Its scent is also associated with messages from our ancestors and the divine.
Nick Davis - Scent profile Woody, fresh
“When he catches up, his fresh laundry and cedar scent comes with him.  Of course he smells good.”
Fresh Laundry-Nick’s scent has been described as a bit boring, but I tend to disagree.  Tracy has been extremely intentional with her choices in this series and I don’t think Nick’s scent is any different.  Fresh laundry makes you want to bury your face in it.  After a long day and a nice shower, it feels like home to snuggle into freshly laundered sheets (Is it just me?).  It is comforting to snuggle up in your favorite blanket that smells of your favorite detergent.  It is soothing and in a sense freshly laundered linens are a clean slate.  If that isn’t Nick, I don’t know what is.  He is deeply comforting to Bree and is a soft place to land for her.  Whenever she is in his room, she is smelling his clothes, sheets, she is able to find respite with him.  He is a change of pace in all the chaos happening in her life.  Not only does he serve as comfort for her, but for Sel as well (hello Bloodwalk).  Plus, tell me you haven’t taken clothes out of the dryer and took a big ol’ whiff.
Cedar- I love the smell of cedar.  Symbolically it represents protection, wisdom, strength, and spiritual grounding (come on Nicky!).  In some cultures Cedar trees are considered sacred and are known for their healing relationship with humankind.  The scent of cedar clears the mind, opening it to past memories. Cedar trees in particular are said to store energy, only releasing it when important healing needs to occur.  We know Nick has a lot of inner rage (Max fucked around and found out), but he is also optimistic and seeking correction of the wrongs his father and The Order have imposed on the Legendborn.  I don’t know about you, but I’d bathe my clothes in this for sure.
Scent is such a powerful medium. What do you think of our faves’ scents?  I find it interesting that the spiciest characters (looking at you Bree and Selwyn) are in the oriental/woody scent family and our more level headed bunch is in the fresh scent family. 
In part two, we’ll take a look at Valec, William, and Incense Daddy himself, Erebus. 
Color Theory
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braveclementine · 4 months
Chapter 7
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Warnings: None. However, future chapters will contain sexual content so readers that are under the age of 18 may have to skip those chapters (Please keep note of the warnings).
Copyright: I do not own any Wizarding World characters that J.K. Rowling wrote. I do however own Elizabeth Kane (main character) and Trang Nyguen (best friend). There should be no use of these two names without my permission. I also do not condone any copying of this.
The house in question was a small one, that was still abandoned with a FOR SALE sign in the front yard. I slipped into the house using Alohomora, and then headed upstairs to the bedroom. The furniture had all been moved out, so I simply used the few blankets I had to make a small bed for Remus. He looked adorable, all trundled up in the blankets. 
I sat on the floor and cried. The stress of everything that I had gone through caught up to me. I couldn't sleep, consistently having nightmares about the dungeons. I worried about Severus and I also worried about Lucius. 
I hoped that Severus  made him the potion quickly and I hoped that Lucius was able to recover in time. I knew from the little research that I had done, that the potion usually took effect in less than forty-eight hours. That was promising. It just depended on how fast Severus could get the ingredients. 
I tried not to focus to much on the rapes. I wasn't sure if the ability to focus on other things like taking care of Remus or planning out the future was a good thing or a bad thing. Did it mean I wasn't coping with it and pushing it away until it became detrimental? Or did it just mean I was strong enough to move past it? 
Somehow, I felt I was moving past it, too easily. Which probably meant that I was dealing with it the wrong way. 
It took Trang three days to show up on my doorstep. When she slipped into the house, she gave me a heart attack as she called out my name. I pointed my wand in her face unapologetically. "When did you find out I was a witch?" 
"Technically, I didn't know you were a witch until we were in the summer of our fourteenth birthdays." Trang rattled off quickly. "However, I knew something was fantasy like in your family when I was on a camping trip with my family and I watched your father turn into a werewolf." 
I sighed in relief, pulling her into a hug. She hugged me back tightly and we went back upstairs. 
She had packed everything I'd left behind at the Burrow, which also contained books and journals. I had notes on the upcoming year. Dates and timelines so I knew when I needed to start brewing the Felix Felicis potion for Dad, Tonks, and several of the others. 
We moved house after that, leaving the small one behind. We found a house that was for rent near Kings Cross. We paid for only a month since that was how long we were going to be there. Since it was already complete with furniture and the likes, we didn't need to worry about that. 
I was the one who paid for the house while Trang and Remus waited around the corner. It was only after the real estate agent had left, did Trang come around the corner with Remus in her arms. 
We had already agreed that I needed to be the one to do things, but not have Remus with me. Me, a natural Brit was perfectly fine. Especially since I looked and acted older than my real age. But if I had Remus with me, there would be questions and curiosity around me. A single teenage girl with a baby? 
And Trang was out of the question since she was definitely looked like a foreigner. Vietnamese, living in Britain, with a mix of Vietnamese- British- American accent combined. She would stand out too. 
We settled into the new house in comfort. We kept the doors and windows locked with alarms on every single ones. They were special wizarding alarms that would sound only inside the house, not outside so the Muggles weren't alerted. The only people that needed to be warned of intruders were us. 
It was actually a nice month. I would go out and get the groceries- once again by myself- and then we would cook and eat in the kitchen. We could watch movies on the telly. Read books upstairs in the bed. There was a crib so Remus had a comfortable place to sleep. 
There was also a park nearby and every few days we would walk down there together with Remus and we'd take turns pushing him in the baby swings. If anybody ever inquired about us, I would say that he was my baby brother and that me and my friend were taking him out. 
There was never anyone suspicious around the park. It was always families with children. And unless the Death Eaters were taking Polyjuice Potion to be a child too (which I couldn't see), we were perfectly safe here. 
It wasn't until about three days before we were going to leave for Hogwarts did Trang and I finally discuss the plan. 
"I was thinking," Trang said as we sat on the bed. I had been reading a Stephen King book while eating Salt and Vinegar crisps with tea. She had been sketching a little in a notepad, but was taking a break. Remus was already fast asleep in the room, so the lights were dim and the curtains were pulled. "We could make our way to Vietnam. I have family there. I haven't met them, but we've contacted through letters over the years. We could stay there until the war is over." 
"If that's what you would like to do, I won't stop you." I said softly, closing the book over my finger, holding my spot. "But I have to go to Hogwarts Trang." 
I hesitated and she waited. "I. . . There are things there that I need. Potion ingredients and, well, most importantly. . . Severus. I need to make more Felix Felicis." 
"For the war?" Trang questioned carefully. 
"For people I love who die in the war." I whispered softly. "It's. . . Trang this battle. This war if that's what we want to call it. . . I am going to lose everyone if I don't do something about it. Dad, Tonks, Fred, friends, and especially Severus. And his life will be the hardest to save." 
"Elizabeth. . . why didn't you tell me?" Trang asked softly. 
"Because I didn't want to ruin your summer, ruin the wedding." I sighed. "Because even Dad and Tonks and Severus don't know. I could never tell them. I have plans. Dad, Tonks, and Fred are the easiest to save. Give them some Felix Felicis and they should be fine. Maybe stun them and throw them in some broom closest just for safe measure. But Severus. . ." 
I trailed off, thinking over Severus' death. The window period between Nagini biting him and me being able to save him was small. I knew it was pertinent to the future that Voldemort had to believe Severus was dead. 
So I had Felix Felicis, which I could shove down his throat and hope that luck would be enough to save him. I had Fawkes, which meant that while Severus was swallowing the luck potion, his tears would be healing him. And I had a special rune knife that I was going to use to carve runes into his neck and heart. 
I shook my head, "Anyways, I have to go to Hogwarts. But I understand if you want to part ways from here." 
"Lizzy." Trang sighed, taking my hand into hers. "I'm with you till the end of the line." 
And that was the end of that. 
"Okay, you ready?" Trang asked, looking at the packed trunks along with the basket. 
"No, but we need to go." I sighed, cuddling Remus close. "Come on. Before it gets to crowded." 
We made sure we had packed up everything that we had brought with us, and then exited the house for the last time. 
It was a dreary day out, so no one was going to look twice at us with our hoods pulled up over our heads. 
The plan was clear and simple: Trang would get on the train, accompanied by a cat. She would keep her luggage with her, which would contain a wicker basket that had been poked with three hundred and fourteen holes so that Remus could breathe safely. 
She would find an empty compartment- easy since we would be there earlier than most other people- and pull the shade down. I would transform back and hold Remus in my arms. The door would be stuck for three seconds, giving me enough time to put Remus back in the basket and curl up on top of the lid as a cat before anyone came in. 
I kept Remus in my arms until the last second, before Trang looked around discreetly. I kissed Remus' forehead, placing him gently into the basket. 
"Let's make this quick." I warned Trang, before putting the lid down, turning into a cat, and jumped on top of it. 
Trang walked briskly through the station, looking like a woman on a mission. She got half a dozen side-eye glances. Perhaps partly from her having a cat as part of her luggage, or perhaps because she wasn't native British- in their minds- like the others around them. But no one paid close enough attention to her to make me nervous. 
She paused near the platform, going and leaning on the wall, falling backwards through platform 9 3/4, before pulling the rest of the trolley through. 
The platform was nearly empty, devoid of most anyone except for a couple of extremely nervous, early bird first years and a few older students who had badges on their chests. So prefects and Head boys and girls. 
Trang was quick in leaving the trolley out there, picking up the basket, which I leapt off of. I padded after her as she found a compartment near one of the many exit doors of the train. Once inside, I immediately became human again, scooping Remus up out of the basket. I checked him over, fawning and fretting, but he was perfectly fine, having a little tired smile for me. 
"It's okay sweetheart." I murmured, holding him close to me. "We're going to be okay. You're going to get to see daddy soon." 
Trang tapped a code on the door quickly, before slipping back in, this time with her luggage. Then she tapped the compartment door with her wand so that we could see out of it, but no one could see in- like a two way mirror. 
Trang slumped in her seat, exhausted. Neither of us had gotten much sleep over the worry of the planning. 
I hid in the beginning once again as the Trolley witch came around. Trang bought lots of milk chocolate frogs, licorice, and Sour Crawley animals (sour sugared coloured animals that moved!) along with four flasks of pumpkin juice. 
When the witch had gone, I dug into the Crawley animals, unceremoniously decapitating an elephant as I bit the gummy in half. Trang meanwhile, snapped a chocolate frog in half and stuck a piece of it in her mouth to suck on it. 
Halfway through the ride, Ginny came into the compartment. She was relieved to see us and we all hugged. I shared parts of the story of me being in the Death Eaters mansion, but I couldn't bring myself to tell them about the rapes, not even when I'd promised Lucius I would spread the story about him. I just couldn't.
Susan Bones and Ernie Macmillan found us soon too, though more near the end of the train ride. 
"Look." I said as the train started to slow down and the others were starting to gather our luggage. "I'm not. . . here to attend school. I have some things I need to get and then I'm gone. I just need some help getting into the castle. And, well it would obviously be great if no one but the four of you know that I was ever here." 
"Of course. Just tell us what we need to do." Ernie said seriously. 
"Well, the first step is getting to the castle." I said. "I have a way of doing that. But we'll need the carriage to ourselves." 
"Done." Ernie said, puffing his chest out with the Headboy badge on it. I bit my bottom lip so I didn't giggle. 
"Let me carry Remus." Ginny offered, holding her arms out. She didn't have much luggage and since I would be an animal, she was the best person to do it. I carefully handed the basket over to her. She propped the lid up an inch, her fingers pressed against the back so it wouldn't slide off. 
"Great." I murmured. "Ernie, you lead the way." 
I shrunk down into a cat and allowed Trang to carry me. 
Once we were safely in the carriage, I turned back to being human. Susan and Ernie both gave verbal exclamations at me being an Animagus. 
All to soon, we were nearing the castle. My heart started to pound in my chest and I was shaking with nerves. This was ridiculously dangerous. But it was also the only way. 
"Okay." Trang said, her voice shaking as the carriage rolled to a stop. "Let's go." 
I slipped Remus into the basket once more and turned into a cat. They walked briskly up the steps and then stepped into the hallway. It was more crowded in here as the students walked in streams up towards the Great Hall to eat. 
Trang put her luggage to the side with everyone else and then took the basket that contained Remus from Ginny's hands. 
"Good luck." Susan whispered before the three of them hurried off to the Great Hall with the others. 
It took Trang a good five minutes of rushing to the seventh floor, leaving the basket and me outside the door, and then rushed off again without a single word. I hoped that she made it to Great Hall without the Carrow siblings noticing that she was a little late getting in. 
I paced back and forth three times, before the Room of Requirement became the art studio that I had asked for. Stepping into the room, I paused, taking in the new additions. 
The art room had always been large and spacious. There were several desks and tables that were large enough for several students to occupy, four chairs around each table, regardless of the size. 
Along one wall were metal carts that held tubs of art supplies, all of them neatly named. There was every colour of every art supplies imaginable as well. Art easels were propped up against the wall under the large windows that were filled with smooth glass stained art prints. 
There was a ladder that led up to the second floor balcony, which held books about art and just books that I generally enjoyed. There were also famous art pieces up here, though I wasn't sure to much if they were just copies or the real deal. 
Now, the room had extended even further back and along the bare wall, there was a new line of bookcases. They were filled with books that I had only seen in passing but had never touched: Dumbledore's private library. 
I breathed in shakily, walking over to the bookcase, observing the books. Some of the texts were obviously very old, and probably rare. Perhaps even collectors' items. And he'd left them for me. 
I smiled a little. 
I went ahead, settling up in the loft, waiting. I knew that it would be nearly two hours if Trang could get Severus to talk to her without raising suspicions. And if she couldn't, then it would be some time before Severus even knew that I was here. 
I was trembling in anticipation, my body seemed very cold all of a sudden, shivering in the air. I clenched my jaw as my teeth started to chatter, the sound grating on my already thin nerves. 
Finally, the door to the art studio opened. Trang opened the door and Severus darted through. I quickly sprung to my feet, carefully climbing down the ladder. But the time my foot had hit the floor and I was turning around, Severus was there, wrapping his arms around me. My back pressed against the ladder and I received his kiss eagerly. 
Remus let out a stifled cry, as he was being smushed between the two of us and Severus quickly pulled away, light filling his eyes. "He's gotten so big!" 
I quickly handed Remus over to his father and Severus held our little boy close. "Hello buddy." He murmured softly against Remus' hair. Remus was already fast asleep and Trang was nowhere to be seen. 
"Are you staying here?" Severus asked, motioning around the art studio. 
I shook my head, "No. I came to stay with you." 
Severus hesitated. "That's risky Elizabeth. And I'm not sure if I can risk it with you. . . especially with Remus here." 
"Severus, I wouldn't have come here if I had any other choice." I murmured. "I have. . . plans I need to do. Like starting up the Felix Felicis potion. I'm here to save lives and I need your potions expertise. Believe me, Severus, if I didn't have to risk Remus, I wouldn't have." 
Severus nodded, cupping my face and kissing the corner of my lip. "I know. I know. I missed you. I love you." 
I smiled, taking his hand. "I love you too." 
I turned into a cat and then Severus put Remus back into the basket. The two of us walked briskly back to the Headmasters headquarters, where he said the password, 'Dark Lord' and the Eagle sprung aside. If I had been human, I would have rolled my eyes. 
The Headmasters office hadn't changed much, besides the private library being moved. Severus had put in his own library, which I'm sure contained hundreds of Dark Arts books. The portraits were mostly sleeping, though I'm sure one or two were awake. And as such, I waited until Severus headed past the desk and down the hall that I became human. 
Severus opened the door to another room and I stepped inside, pausing to take a look at the room. 
The floor was carpeted with a red and gold threaded carpet. It had been grand once, but had faded from the sun that clearly came in through the two large windows on either side of the bed. At the moment, the windows were covered with matching red drapes. 
The bed was a king sized bed made of African Blackwood. The sheets were neatly white and made of cotton. The drapes that hung around were gold and black, along with the matching comforter. The rest of the furniture in the room from the dressers and wardrobe to the chairs were also made of African Blackwood. 
"Not what you were expecting?" Severus asked, locking the door behind the two of us. He walked over, grabbing one of the chairs and tapped it, creating a crib out of it. He conjured blue blankets and a pillow for Remus. 
"Here." I murmured, kneeling and rooting through the basket, taking out the Panda stuffed animal. "He can't sleep without it." 
Severus tucked the Panda stuffy in with Remus, and then watched his son sleep, the small fingers curling around the body of the animal. He eventually pulled away, coming to sit down next to me. 
"We're going to have to establish some rules." Severus murmured. "You cannot leave this room, Elizabeth. It's to dangerous for you to wander the castle, even as an animal. Please?" 
I hesitated. I had plans that tomorrow I would show up in the forest by the Quidditch cup so that I could give Harry, Hermione, and Ron a parcel of food. 
Severus read the hesitancy in my face and his eyes grew desperate. 
"It's just. . . I can still see the future Severus." I murmured. "And I was going to leave tomorrow for a few hours to help out Harry and the others. Trang is going to help me. I'll be okay." 
"Only been together for less than an hour and you're already pushing my rules." Severus sighed, tucking a curl of brown hair behind my ear. "I ought to punish you." 
I blushed red and he sighed, shaking his head. But he had the smallest smile on his face. "You'll be safe?" 
"Of course." 
"Fine." Severus muttered. 
I smiled, relaxing in his arms. "Hey Sev? How's Lucius? Is he alright? V- The Dark Lord didn't. . ." 
"Lucius is perfectly fine." Severus assured me. "He's been taking his potion and he's completely cured. I've set up a timeline and a schedule along with several bottles for him to continue taking. I'll make more here and when I visit, I will bring them with me." 
"Good. I feel absolutely terrible for him." I murmured. "To wake up and find that you've done a terrible thing that you didn't want to do. . . I can't even imagine." 
Severus' arms tightened around me and I knew that it was a sign that I needed to change the subject. 
"I love you." I murmured. 
Severus relaxed against me, pulling me up more in his arms. He kissed the side of my temple. "I love you too." 
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polarnoid · 1 year
⭐ all the combos let's goooo
MULTIMUSE MEME: Send a " ⭐ " and I will list muses I would be interested in throwing at yours, or potential muse combinations if you are also a multi.
okay i get the feeling its gonna get long and im taking in the ones in your active tag but if you also want to expand on this and or other combos lmk...also not putting down anything we have talked about already...also kinda cheating and adding the guys from scoops hehhee also also there are some combos i might be interested in but like i wanna wait until i know more about the characters so ill dm you about those specifically...also edit i forgor giselle was here so... adding that to the mix
julie & villanelle
baby murderer meets grown up assassin, there is like these differences between them that would make an interaction kinda funny??? there's a lot julie could learn and idk it would be a good thing to explore...maybe the difference on why they kill and how they see killing like idk idk that's interesting to me...julie used to be the popular girl, she kinda is still....something we can cook there
fiona & martha
so fiona is a girl from the 16th century dropped into the modern world to reunite with her husband...perchance she could be a time anomaly, something funny there. martha has time traveled, has endured things for the sake of guy and has had that whoops what did i get myself into moment...which i think is one funny because it paralelles what fiona goes through but also like idk something IS HERE...friends....fwiendship....
patrick & aimee
oh well i could give him a st verse and like ...heheh hoo hoo bad boy alert, but there's this myths and shit that are so untrue about him. so like that could definitely be funny to explore, also he is a pretty guy and can be emotionally open and understanding !! hell we could even recreate the movie plot with st in the background jkhrkjhg there is SOMETHING HERE OK?
patrick & adam
oh damn two guys ...two dudes with a bad reputation and while adam is more angry than sad patrick is kinda more like stoic and sad than angry,, idk neither of them like opening up so maybe they can hangout and not talk about their feelings at all until they grow emotionally and idk be a safe space for each other but like in the cool guy way
richie & dustin
ummm mike's annoying queer cousin....he is like a funny lil kid, i think there isnt necesarilly a funny lil kid his type of brand in the party, he also is a geek (not a nerd) so putting them into situations would be fun, also lil kid who has also dealt with weird ass happenings in one's town so he would be extra annoying i think ! funny banter here...also them bickering at each other is a guarantee ! fun !
alice & el
alice's st verse has her as an experiment, so hehehe hooo sister's vibes. she is also very much different from the people el usually surrounds herself with, she is very much a weird girl, and her powers have developed way past the default here...also bonding over their share trauma,,, she also has a scientist dude who basically killed her family and alice wants him dead...so like hehehe fun stuff there
aimee & luna
listen aimee is part of the pack, luna is in the pact, she isn't as clueless as aimee can be but i feel like they both can be girls, girls, so i think a friendship is definitely in order ! also another dog friend who doesn't want that ???
clem & luna
wow the way luna would absolutely take in clementine in as a younger sister, i think even though kane tries i feel luna and clem would connect a bit better over the whole turned into a wolf thing, especially because i think luna also got turned by necesity like clem did, also clem has this edge that kane also ocassionaly has but luna actually lacks...luna might learn a thing or two from clem
anamaria & muireann
mermaid and pirate, maybe ann gets attached to anamaria, and now anamaria has a whole ass mermaid to deal with...a whole ass feral mermaid, but maybe muireann has her back...can help anamaria kick ass hehehe
joe & giselle
wow ?? repeat customer at her tavern...an annoying lil guy who can bicker with her? he is also sorta friends with dave, since they kinda go back. a fun way for giselle to find out about dave's past like the parts he doesn't disclose necessarily...but also maybe a fling,,, he's a fun guy to be around most of the times,,, i think kghkjsdhfjsf
ophelia & giselle
wow two of the most important women in dave's life, would be fun to compare and contrast....they both ran away from what was home and family to them. so that's hehehe hooo ?? ophelia is also a lil weirdo sometimes. and i think she definitely needs feminine energies in her life especially someone that has a strong personality like giselle, teach her your ways ... perchance?
rosa & morgana
hehe hoo hoo witches magic users on opposite sides of the good evil spectrum? interesting very interesting. we could do like a modern thing for them or maybe even make it high fantasy...maybe friends turned rivals turned enemies, they would be at odds on the topic of use of dark magic...and if they were friends at some point wouldn't that be a lil sad :((
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chanelfunnell · 2 years
impersonification by troll
guys we know certain Mrs Troll sending tons of abuse or questions, say about Crosby's baby. She has created a fake account of her other target Marketa as an impersonification and obviously included me as one of the keywords. Writing bs. Stealing from my blog and writing with bad English. Shame is her trolling target Marketa BLW is English speaker. Without mistakes so visible. The impersonification is a crime, I guess serious one
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she stays at Balmoral over Christmas, troll Ashley. She is not a heiress of the throne. She is English speaker. British English.
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How a puckbunny fakes account of famous person. Check the keywords. I am included. She adds Tazer on the top. This is for Canadian police. Enough bs off topic.
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There crazy troll obsessed with Crosby. Toews and Kane faking Marketa's account speaks like troll.
Let's alert certain people so they sort it out with Canadian police and their mental services..I don't deal with crazies dipping in Crosby's and NHLers' obsession for a decade. With multiple personalities, accounts and impersonating others to harm them, jealous tantrums about potential baby of Crosby...
0 notes
bellarkeselection · 3 years
Radio Smile
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Bellamy gets pardoned for his crimes before he speaks with his girlfriend Y/n L/n whose close with Marcus Kane. (Fluff)
Bellamy's pov
I open the tent flap to see Clarke waiting with everything set up for the video call with Chancellor Jaha, the man I shot to get on the dropship to protect my little sister. Taking a deep breath in a sit beside her to see him appear on the screen as we both put on the headsets Raven made. "Mr. Blake, I've wanted to talk to you for some time now." He spoke firmly. Clarke jumps in before he can say another word. "Before you do, I'd like to say something. When you sent us down here, you sent us to die, but miraculously, most of us are still alive. In large part, that is because of him, because of Bellamy." She pauses glancing my direction. "He's one of us, and he deserves to be pardoned of his crimes just like the rest of us."
"Clarke, I appreciate your point of view, but it's not that simple." Jaha tried to say something but I cut in quickly. "It is if you want to know who on the Ark wants you dead." Silence filled the small tent for a few minutes. Clarke eyes me with concern as I nervously twiddle my thumbs together under the table. I'm dead for sure now. Stupid Bellamy, now you'll never see Y/n when the drop ships come.
By someone miracle though I'm not. "Bellamy Blake, you're pardoned for your crimes." I part my lips taking a sigh of relief at hearing those words. "Now, tell me who gave you the gun." Leaning forward I simply reply. "Sinclair, sir." Jaha nods to someone that isn't in camera view as he gets up to leave. "There's someone coming to see you." Y/n, it has to be her. God is she gonna be mad that I left her up there or happy I'm alive.
Y/n's pov
The electronic doors open for Kane and I to see guards surrounded Sinclair. Tucking my hands in my guard jacket I just give him an annoyed look. Kane nods his head having them place him in lock up before I get an alert to go to the control room where the video to talk with the 100 is. "Chancellor's requested me, Marcus." I said looking to the man. He's been training me to become vice chancellor under him if he ever gets the job. "Go see him, cabdet L/n. I've got it covered." He smiled softly before I race to go see my boyfriend.
Once sat down I see his face on a slightly blurry screen wearing a headset. "Hey, baby." I smile at hearing his voice after thinking I'd never hear it again. "Hi, Bell." In unison we both breathed out in anticipation. "I've missed you." Seconds after we both start laughing with huge grins on our faces. Resting my chin in the palm of my right hand I steady his face to see he's got some cuts and there's a hint of regret and fear hidden behind the loving glow of his deep brown eyes. But all in all he's still alive. He's still my Bellamy.
"I'm so sorry for leaving you...like I did." Bellamy suddenly spoke. "I just needed to - my sister she's. I didn't know a way to protect the - both of you." I cut him off smiling at his kindness and how he'd do anything for Octavia. "Bellamy I'm not angry with you." His eyes locked onto mine hearing me say those words. "I know how much O means to you. And that's one reason I love you, that you'll always protect your family no matter what. I love you because you use your heart in any situation. The only thing I regret is that I didn't come down there with you..."
He shifts in his chair hands intertwined on the table giving me a bright smile. "Thank you babe. I needed to hear that. And don't ever regret staying up there, our people need you up there more." He wipes away some tears that I didn't know were there. "I love you, Y/n L/n. I'm gonna be counting down the days till I can hold you in my arms and kiss you again."
"I love you too, Bellamy Blake. Keep everyone down there alive." I wave bye to him finishing our conversation. "Kane has me scheduled on the first dropship down. So I'll be home soon, Bell." His smile says everything just as the screen went black. I'll be waiting for you.
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Back Against the Wall - TEASER
Recent poll winner for the prompt: - Kara forgets to button the last button at CatCo event, gets swarmed by omegas.
Includes the following items in every box: * Cat Grant returns * Nia is flustered by Cat Grant * Andrea is thirsty * Lena is slightly devious * Kara doesn't "get" Earth taboos
"Well, well, well...aren't you all grown up, Kiera?"
Kara spins so fast that it has Nia coughing in a way that sounds suspiciously like 'secret identity'.
"Cat," she mumbles.
Elegant as ever, her old boss lifts her flute of champagne to her lips, her trademark platinum bracelet twinkling in the low lighting. Behind Cat is a strawberry blonde omega clad in a shimmering drape of green silk seemingly modeled after the chitons so popular on statues of Greek goddesses. It bares her legs to mid-thigh and the silver-plated clasps leave tantalizing glimpses of milky flesh between hips and ribs. The collar is turtleneck-high and crushed velvet, leading to a gold chain. The outline is tempting without being glued to her bust and her butt, and so like something at the National City University sculpture garden that no one would dare call it racy. Perhaps it's an in-joke between them about her very classical figure: all curves and heft in tribute to the ancient feminine from ages before anyone heard of 'thigh gap'. The omega's scent screams admiration and her hand never leaves the small of Cat's back. Kara spots a tiny scar on Cat's braceleted wrist. It's a better place for a businesswoman to have a bite, Kara supposes. Easier to conceal. Never let them know what the rules are, Cat once told her.
"Right," Kara finally manages. "Good point."
"Naturally," Cat retorts. "I made it. This is Vania."
Rao's mercy. The Amazon? Aella and Melanippe's daughter?
"Lovely to meet you, sister," Vania drawls. "For you it's Van, or just V."
"You haven't introduced me to your date, Kiera."
"This is Nia. Ah...a friend."
"My..." Nia pauses. "...partner is having a rough patch. We're trying to keep it low key for him. So when I go out, it's with Kara."
"Nia Nal."
"I'm Cat Grant. Obviously."
The handshake is brief and jerky and meant to show a burst of strength but also respect. Nia is making Kara's alpha feel foolish and inadequate tonight.
"The pieces on fashion, expression, and gender," Cat recalls, tapping a long finger against her wine glass. "And the op-ed on status-body divergence. I'm guessing those were yours?"
"Yes, ma'am."
"Ma'am," Cat huffs. "Ma'am is my mother. An association you do not want me to make. Those articles were tolerable. I thought you seemed familiar."
Nia shivers. Cat turns her all-seeing gaze back on Kara. Pale blue, almost green. Knife-sharp and intense enough to spear Kara to the spot, bracing for a verbal beat-down.
"I recommended to Ms. Luthor that she assign Nia to you, Kara."
"You did? You personally?" Nia all but squeals.
"Mmm. But I wanted you to teach her how to show some spine, Kara. Not donate yours," she teases.
Van slides her arm in Cat's and gestures towards the banquet table.
"Let Kara be, my heart."
She turns her ocean-blue eyes on Nia and waves a hand idly at the food.
"Come, little oracle. I do love a good story of Cat's handpicked proteges," she purrs.
As the trio passes by, Kara feels blunt nails scrape across her abs.
"Missed a button," one of her tormentors hisses.
The 'crisis' turns out to be Lena and Andrea next door in the omega's ladies, still dressed to the nines, with the alpha waiter that they'd hijacked held between them. Andrea's long fingers are curled around the waiter's cock. Each pump is slow. Deliberate. Controlling. Lena's tongue traces the poor woman's ear--pink, puffy, and perfect--dragging strangled sounds from deep in her ribs. Andrea's bending over more than she needs to, making sure Kara has a good view of her golden skin. Up and down she strokes, up and down goes the mind-melting glimpse of her cleavage.
"Nice of you to join us," Lena purrs. "I knew I could count on Supergirl."
There's something about the waiter, too. Something familiar.
"You're the vigilante that I had to save six months ago."
The woman was good, and obviously had excellent training. Batman-level moves but no Batsuit. Bruce won't admit it, but the fifty million dollars of bulletproof armor matters.
"Answer her, love."
Kara's too hasty in setting them down on Lena's balcony, making Andrea tumble out of her grip into a heap. Thankfully, she landed on one of Lena's chairs for sunbathing.
"Whatcha think?" Kara whispers to Stephanie, nodding at the tangle of golden skin, ruined designer silk and embarrassed slash horny scent. One of Andrea's Givenchy heels is dangling on snapped straps and the other probably went over the edge of the balcony. A quick glance with X-Ray vision finds it embedded in a planter. Since the falling stiletto didn't smash anyone's brains, she decides it's not Supergirl's problem.
"I think you should fuck her."
Kara nearly jumps back into the sky at the sound of Lena's voice.
Lena toes off her own shoes and walks over to the deck chair. She gathers Andrea's silky mane into a fist and yanks.
"Lee," Andrea moans. "Please."
"Please what, Andrea? Please, Lena! Protect me from a pair of alphas? Please, Lena! Let you pay me back for the way I betrayed you by letting them fuck me sore? Please, Lena! Let me earn your trust by taking their knots?"
"All of it," Andrea mumbles. "Except the first bit."
Lena claps appreciatively and disappears inside, soon returning with baby wipes, paper towels and an energy drink for Andrea. Someone's phone goes off and the three of them--Andrea is working hard just to keep track of a straw--hunt through the pile of clothes until they find it.
"Fuck," Stephanie hisses. "I have to go."
Lena glances over her shoulder.
"He does not call it the Bat-ification. Does he?"
"I tried to trick him into calling the alerts 'bush', for Bat-push, but Batwoman caught me."
Andrea wheeze-laughs.
"Kate Kane knows her way around a bush, I'll give her that."
Kara is not a fan of capitalism in general.
But having Lena's fridge restocked to abundance in tidy rows by some white-gloved person every day makes a case for some aspects of it.
Lena on tiptoes in a loosely tied kimono of queenly purple, straining her pretty little fingers for the switch for the stove's exhaust fan? That can excuse any injustice.
"Little help?" her best friend whines, using her scent in a way Kara doesn't remember Nia ever using to make Kara reach something in the supply closet at work. Nia's probably just not as crafty. Who is, really?
Kara walks around the breakfast counter and curls her fingers around the omega's hips, thumbs pushing in just a bit so she can stroke the delicate arch that frames Lena's pelvis.
"You could just reach up and do it," Lena reminds her, but she's short of breath.
"Gotta teach billionaires to be self-sufficient," Kara teases before she lifts her up.
"Fuck," Lena pants, bracing her hand against the exhaust hood and scrambling madly for a switch with fingers shaking so hard she can barely work it.
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sirowsky · 3 years
The Flowers Always Know
Description: When a mad scientist uses you as an experiment while you’re on holiday, the Heroics only just manage to save you. And in your recovery you become very close to the leader of the group. (Slow burn)
Rating: Mature
Warnings: Language, kidnapping, torture (not the gory kind), angst, buried trauma.
Link to Masterlist
Comment: You have a woman that seriously hurt you, at your mercy, and you’re struggling with how far to take it. Meanwhile, Marcus realises he’s going to have to save you from yourself, if he can find you in time.
Chapter 43
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  You waited for her to wake up for almost thirty minutes, and that was after you’d taken her to the abandoned warehouse, and secured her to a solid metal post that used to connect the floor to the ceiling. You didn’t know exactly what kind of tranquilizer Tech had used, but it sure was potent.   Her feet were still tied together and you’d placed her on her knees with her back to the post. Her arms were strung up above her head on either side of the post, and secured individually, to ensure she couldn’t use either hand to untie the other.   Her head hung low between her shoulders and her body seemed completely limp. If not for her slow and even breathing, you’d have thought she was already dead.
  After your phone had gone to voicemail for the third time, Marcus lost it.   He’d been working on dismantling the containers, no longer needed, while he waited for Aidan to finish his task, and for you to call him. He didn’t do well with idle hands when he was worried about something, and there was so much at stake right now.   Then his phone had beeped, and as he’d read the message, his blood had turned to ice. He’d immediately tried calling you back, but he was routed straight to your recorded voice declaring that you were indisposed at the moment.   Desperate to believe that you wouldn’t do this, that you weren’t cruel enough to do what his mind was telling him were the only reasons you would have taken off with the believed head of the entire organisation you were trying to bring down, he tried again.   The third time was just dumb, but he really was losing it.   He ran back to Tech.
  “I need you to track my wife, right now! Her phone, car, fucking watch – anything!”
  “What? Why? What’s going on?”
  “She took off with Kane, we have to find her before she does something she can’t come back from.”
  “She wouldn’t do that, Marcus. She started all of this because she wants the pain and deaths to stop. She’s a good person.”
  “Yes, she is. But Kane very nearly killed our baby, and as much as I hope that she’s strong enough to resist, I know that the mother in her is the most powerful part of her, and she’s gonna wanna hurt Kane. Even if she doesn’t kill her, she might still torture her, and I can’t let her do that. It would never stop haunting her, specifically because she is a good person. Please, Tech.”
  “Okay, okay. Let me see what I can find.”
  Marcus was beside himself with worry, and his mind was grasping at anything it could to distract itself, while there was nothing he could do but wait.
  “Where are we with the operation?”
  Tech answered him at the same time as he typed impossibly fast on his laptop, and various windows were popping up and disappearing on the screen.
  “Only six more cities left to confirm completion. All the others have been successful.”
  “I’ll check on the kid.”
  He walked over to where Aidan sat on the same spot in the grass. The boy was pale and bathing in cold sweat, breathing hard and visibly trembling with the effort it had taken out of him. With so few locations left, he had been able to let go of most of the birds, but he was exhausted and still had hundreds of birds left to direct for a while yet.   Marcus knew that Aidan’s fate mattered to you, and it did to him as well, so he sat down next to him, and put his arm over the kid’s shoulders. He just wanted to convey that he was there and that he cared, and Aidan seemed to feel it, because his discomfort lessened a bit.
  “I found the car!”
  Tech’s voice reached him from across the field, and he got up, but not before whispering ‘hang in there, kid’ to the boy. Then he sprinted back to his friend’s station.
  “Tell me.”
  “I don’t know what the hell she did with her phone, but I can’t see it at all. I had to break into her car’s emergency alert system, and trick it into believing there’d been an accident, to get it to reveal the coordinates. It’s parked on a street on the edge of a warehouse district, but she could be in any one of a hundred different abandoned structures on that lot.”
  “Just send me those coordinates, I’ll find her.”
  When she finally did wake up, you felt oddly calm. As though something inside you relished the thought that she was about to wake up to a real-life nightmare. Somewhere deep inside, you knew that you should be disgusted with yourself for reacting like that, but your hatred towards this woman was clouding your mind, and darkening your heart. But just knowing that wasn’t enough to make you wanna stop.    Her head twitched first, and then her hands, as she tried to move against her restraints. When she realised that she was unable to, she tried to lift her head, but she was still groggy, and her nerves weren’t responding normally, resulting in a clumsy few bobs of her head before she managed to draw it back to rest against the post.   She was still too groggy to speak, but you saw the recognition in her eyes when they fell on you, and there was surprise in there as well, which pleased you more than it should have.
  “Hi. I’d say it’s good to see you, Emily, but it just isn’t. I don’t even know what to say to you yet. I’ve been sitting here for half an hour thinking about what I wanna say… or just do, to you, and I still don’t know. But we have time. I’m sure I’ll figure it out.”
  “You… have no.. idea… what… you’re doing.”
  “And why is that? Because you experiment on people against their will, and have no problems with being complicit to mass-murder, if not committing it yourself? Or is it because you’re the leader of a covert organisation of hundreds of agents that do all of that on your behest?”
  She was regaining control of her body, and you could see the contempt in her face as it dawned on her just how much you’d already figured out.
  Her tone was demanding and arrogant, and as the façade of the benign doctor fell away, you didn’t even recognise her face anymore.
  “You told me. Through my subconscious. Word of advice: if you’re gonna give people powers, having no idea what they might turn out to be, don’t show them your fucking face.”
  “Those memories... were removed. The super who took them… he never fails.”
  “He left behind just enough that my powers could recreate a single image for me. But that was enough.”
  “Well, congratulations, you figured it out. You’ll never stop us; our organisation has grown exponentially.”
  “The Society of Inferiority Complex, yeah, we know.”
  “How mature…”
  “An acronym that spelled SIC (sick) was just too appropriate to pass up.”
  “I don’t give a fuck what you call us. Before long, you’ll be introduced into a world where everyone is just as powerful as you. You won’t be so smug then.”
  You got up from the crate you’d been sitting on, and stepped right up to her so you could squat down and face her at eye-level, mere inches away from her.
  “Tonight, hundreds of our operatives have kidnapped hundreds of yours, just like I did with you. We’ve been monitoring your activities for months, mapping your movements, documenting your labs and temporary offices all over the world. You never even knew how many supers live covert lives in today’s society, did you? Well, we found hundreds of them, and after hearing what you did to me, and to those children, they all volunteered to help us. Your own actions created an army of superpowered people hellbent on destroying you. Did you really think you’d be able to beat us? All you’ve done is unite us.”
  “Aren’t you clever, little Rainbow. But, tell me… If you’re such a good girl – why’d you bring me out here? All alone. Where no one can hear us.”
  You pulled back just a few inches, but her question only managed to wake all the anger inside you back to roaring life. If she really wanted to know the answer, you’d happily show her.
  “Because you tried to kill my baby.”
  You dropped all pretence, and allowed your powers to flare freely. The concrete under your feet snapped and cracked, sending long trailing crevices through the floor. Time and erosion had created flaws from underneath, that meant that large sections dropped several inches in some places, sending thunderous rumbles through the whole area. But you didn’t care.   Ordinarily, your mind automatically shielded anything living, standing in your vicinity, when you flooded this dimension with the denser energy of the others that you had access to. Otherwise, you’d destroy every living cell around you by forcibly compressing them until they were crushed. And, ordinarily, that wasn’t something you wanted to be responsible for.   But not this time.   You merely sat there, hands clenched into fists, staring at her, seeing only those eyes that had looked at you with such fondness while you worked with her. Those eyes that had fooled you so completely. You wanted to rip them out of her head.
  “Good show. But we both know you don’t have what it takes to…”
  Your stillness was an illusion. You were slowly gathering an increasing amount of energy into the air around her, and as the space got more and more crowded, her whole body was slowly being crushed.   She fell silent mid-sentence when she realised that your stare was in no way harmless, and a minute later, the first scream escaped her.
  The car was unlocked when Marcus got to it. The keys were still in the ignition, and on the front passenger-seat he found a contorted piece of metal and plastic and glass that had probably been your phone. All the materials had melded together as you’d forced them to compact more than they were actually structurally able to.   That was a bad sign, if he’d ever seen one.   There was nothing else in or around the car that could indicate which way you’d taken your prisoner, and the odds that you’d have stayed close enough to be able to hear him if he shouted for you from there, were non-existent.   Using his current, he tried to sense your energy, and was almost startled at how strong a trail he discovered. But, of course, he should’ve known that you’d use your ghost hands to move Kane, to prevent leaving marks on the ground, as well as make it easier for yourself.   He started following the signature of your powers, so familiar to him by now, and it led him into the very heart of the labyrinth of old run-down buildings and factories.   But when he got to a certain point, the energy suddenly quadrupled, snaking off in four different directions.
  “Oh, for god’s sake, woman… Give me a chance, at least.”
  A terrifyingly loud rumbling, accompanied by what very well could’ve been an earthquake, but wasn’t, came from his left, and without hesitating he ran towards it.   The ground was split open and uneven and half-collapsed buildings lined the roads that he followed to get to you. But he still had to run for hundreds of yards until he reached the structure that it seemed to be coming from, based on the directions of the cracks under his feet.   Realising how far you’d allowed your energy to reach, he was once again amazed at just how powerful you were, but also petrified that it might mean he was already too late.   As he made his way inside the lightly trembling warehouse, he heard blood-curdling screams coming from somewhere inside, and his heart fell. But if she was screaming, she was still alive, which meant he still had time.   When he got to the right place, it was like walking into a nightmare.   There was no ceiling above you and no lights were working, leaving the room basking in nothing but the pale and ghostly moonlight. You’d somehow twisted the whole room so that nothing was straight anymore. Posts and beams and even the walls, were all bent or curved or twisted around themselves or something else. The ground had risen in some places, and fallen in others.   It felt like he was walking into a physical representation of what your mind looked like right now. And in a way, he supposed it was.   Kane was still alive, but whatever you were doing to her was painful to the extent that she was shaking uncontrollably against her restraints, pleading like a child for you to stop, in between fits of vomiting and convulsing.   And you were so calm. So viciously calm it was heart-breaking to him. You just sat in front of her, one knee resting on the ground, the other under your elbow, watching her as though you were a cliff and she was the ocean, thrashing against you with all her might, but unable to move your solid frame even a single inch.   If he hadn’t known how much this was actually hurting you, he might’ve found it fascinating. But he knew you so well that all he could see, was his beloved wife being destroyed.
  His voice came to you like a butterfly against a hurricane. Like soft whispers carried on those wings, so faint, but still able to drown out that howling wind in your ears.   Your eyes automatically turned to find his, and the pain that was already overwhelming your heart, seemed to double.   This wasn’t who you were, you knew that. Every fibre of your being knew that, but you’d forced them into silence with your anger. Used your pain as a shield against all those voices telling you to stop.   But Marcus… seeing him look at you with that much fear…   Not the fears you’d seen before, when he’d thought he was losing you, or when you were injured or being threatened, or the fear that you wouldn’t love him anymore after he walked away from you.   No, this time he wasn’t afraid for you – he was afraid of you. Of just what you were capable of, how far you were willing to go, how much darkness you were willing to let into your heart to try and be free of the pain that festered in there.   Your powers were draining you fast. You’d made no attempt to hold them back at all, and if you stopped now, all that exhaustion would come crashing over you, and you’d be unable to finish what you’d started.   But what had you started? What was it you were hoping to achieve here? You’d wanted to hear her scream, and you had. You’d wanted to hurt her like she hurt you, and you had. But did you want her to die? Were you willing to become a murderer just so that you didn’t have to see the falseness of her face ever again?   Confused, but no less angry, you forced your gaze away from your husband, and refocused on Kane, pulling even more energy out to thicken around her until one of her shoulders was pushed out of alignment with the amount of force bearing down on her.   The harsh popping sound was loud enough to reach Marcus’ ears, and her resulting scream made him close the distance between you, while he started begging you to stop.
  “Please… this is wrong, you know that, mi amor.”
  “You know, I remember thinking that if there had just been someone there to stop my torturer, I could’ve been spared so much pain and fear. And then I found out someone was there, but she did nothing to help me. She just watched and enjoyed the show. So, why should I treat her any better? Why should she be spared that pain?”
  Your energy already filled the room, and half the damned district, so when the images started appearing, they didn’t just show up around you, they flooded the whole area. Every memory you had of every moment that had hurt you, throughout your whole life.   There were hundreds of them.
  “The tears I’ve shed could build a lake. Tell me what I’ve done to deserve that. How could anyone do anything bad enough to deserve all of this?”
  “You’ve done nothing wrong, hermosa. Life just doesn’t work like that.”
  “Then I should at least get to avenge myself!”
  Her other shoulder popped, and she squealed and wailed until her voice gave up and she just sobbed instead.   Marcus moved even closer, just a few yards away from you now.
  “You should. You should get to avenge all the terrible things that have been done to you, but you never can. All you can do, is hurt yourself instead. I know you’re forcing yourself not to feel it right now, but this hurts you. You want it to feel good, to make you feel better, but it won’t, because you’re a good person. You are a good person, hermosa. That’s why I married you, that’s why you’re carrying my child, and that’s why my daughter loves you.”
  Missy. Fuck. Why’d he have to mention her?
  “Please, sweetheart. Don’t make me watch you destroy yourself. I already lost one wife… I need you to let me keep you.”
  His voice was so frail by the end of that sentence that you feared a mere breath might break it apart. And yet, his words held so much power. They forced their way under your skin, cooling your blood and pushing the anger out.   But the pain was still just as strong.   Desperate to get rid of it, to be free of everything that haunted you, you collapsed on the ground, and enormous quantities of your sparkling dust poured out of you, flooding the room in every direction, flowing unhindered through all that energy that you’d pumped into it.   The images were still there, snapshots of the worst moments of your life, the one’s that caused you more pain than you could ever voice, and you wished that you could make them solid. That you could pull them out of yourself completely and leave them behind in that room.   The dust pulled the images apart, turning them into three-dimensional representations of themselves, while you watched, actually seeing the magic happen for the first time.   When the sculptures were finished, they solidified, just like before.   A single tear escaped your left eye as you saw your very worst memories turned into some sort of bizarre museum-exhibit all around you. It rolled swiftly down your cheek, and with the way you were sitting, it should’ve hit the top of your left hand, holding you up from the ground. But it never landed.   Instead, it hovered mid-air for a few seconds, before splitting into dozens of smaller drops, that each flew away to one of the sculptures. And as the drops made contact with them, the sculptures turned to stone. Transparent, and still sparkling in every colour on the spectrum, but unmistakably more solid than just the dust.   Once again, your powers had tried to give you what you asked for, what you needed the most. If only the memories could’ve been trapped inside those statues as well. If only you actually could get up, walk away and leave them behind forever.   Strong arms encircled you as Marcus pulled you off the ground and into his chest, and you finally gave in. Now that you allowed yourself to feel it, you were completely spent. You wanted to say something to him, but he didn’t need an explanation, he understood everything, you knew that.
  “Marcus… I’m sorry…”
  He just kissed your forehead and held you closer, but if he said anything, you passed out before you could hear what it was.
Author’s Note: As always, I love criticism, please don’t be shy to let me know if there’s anything you like/don’t like/have questions about.
@allmyspideys​​ @blueeyesatnight​ @hrk-fic-recs​ @strawberryperegrine​ @lucrezia-thoughts​ @computeringturtle​ @sarahjkl82-blog​ @giselatropicana​ @ayamenimthiriel
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inamindfarfaraway · 3 years
My Miraculous: Tales of Ladybug and Cat Noir OCs!
Note: my version of canon ignores pretty much everything from the Season Two finale onward, so Ladybug is not the Guardian in Paris, Chloé’s character development isn’t completely undone, Zoé doesn’t exist and everyone in Marinette’s class doesn’t get a Miraculous without any proving of their worthiness first. Being entrusted with a Miraculous holds weight.
Estelle Celine Gauthier. Estie is her dad’s pet name for her. She gets annoyed when it is applied by someone else.
Estelle is average height. She has a skinny but flabby build, meaning she doesn’t occupy a lot of space and has thin proportions but undeveloped muscles and visible stomach rolls; light skin that burns easily; and smoky brown eyes that can glare through a steel wall. Her hair is straight and burnt umber, in a chin-length, meticulously brushed bob with a fringe framing her face. Her small, cute, girlish features are placed low down in a baby face with full cheeks and lips. She wishes she would be called beautiful just once instead of cute. She has a slouched posture and transparent ceramic braces. She can’t go a day without applying makeup to sharpen her features to look older and cover a bad case of blotchy acne. On her forehead, pointing diagonally between her nose and left eyebrow is a long, brownish scar.
She doesn’t have much knowledge of fashion beyond the rudimentary staples of the gothic style and an eye for aesthetics and colour theory, and leans toward casual clothing (jeans, jackets, essentially whatever her peers are wearing) bestowed a dusky and macabre personal touch. Her favourite colours are purple, black and gold, in order of prominence in her outfits. She’s fine wearing the same outfit several days in a row. She always wears two silicone medical alert wristbands, a purple epilepsy one and a black asthma one both with white text and symbols, on her right arm.
Estelle is epileptic. She has generalized onset myoclonic; atonic; and absence seizures. The falls from atonic ones have hospitalized her multiple times. Banging her head on a table corner in one such fall is the origin of her scar. Repeatedly landing on her face has forced her to wear braces to correct her crooked teeth. Her seizures are more common when she’s stressed and sleep deprived, hence why she sets herself a strict sleeping schedule (that and being a lover of routine), but are normally random.
Estelle was born two months premature in Nice in the south of France. Her epilepsy manifested at three years old, the result of her birth complications, soon accompanied by asthma. For the first eleven years of her life she was a happy, intelligent young girl who dreamed of being an artist.
Then her parents Noah and Violette abruptly divorced. The signs of their stagnating, deteriorating relationship had gone straight over her head and while they remained on amicable terms and divided their property and funds in a civilized manner, the matter of Estelle’s custody did make sparks fly. Sitting through the legal battle was harrowing for her, and their efforts to win her to their side inadvertently caused her great guilt. She’d always been marginally closer to Noah so she chose his custody in the end.
He spent the next half a decade travelling France on a literal and emotional journey to rediscover his individual self, before recently settling in Paris and remarrying a French-Vietnamese woman called Alison Duong. He feels remorse about uprooting his daughter so many times and wants to reconnect with her. Alison is perfectly kind and though Estelle inwardly resented how much attention her father gave her she was willing to tolerate her stepmother because she knew she made him happy. Alison’s own fourteen-year-old son Kane was overjoyed to have a big sister, but she considered him an invasive nuisance immediately. Their situation has improved since she got her Miraculous (see History with Kwami section). She’s warming to Alison and Kane now, but ironically her double life has slightly strained her and Noah’s relationship due to her secrets and mysterious absences.
The epilepsy is comorbid with mild persistent asthma, causing her fatigue, dizziness, and shortness of breath following physical exertion, especially uphill. And to top it off, an allergy to animal dander prevents her getting a seizure alert/response dog. Slow walks calm her and reduce her symptoms. She goes on one every morning and evening, the only noteworthy exercise in her lethargic lifestyle. She takes anticonvulsant medication and uses preventer and reliever inhalers.
Estelle has become cynical, caustic, touchy, waspish, standoffish, lazy and apathetic. She underachieves and is careful not to form close bonds with others because she’s afraid any progress will somehow be taken away again. She’s internalized that she just isn’t good at things by nature and therefore shouldn’t try; her disabilities preventing her doing or doing well in many activities and generally making life harder is a core part of this. That said, she cares strongly how others perceive her after not fitting in at any previous school, and is eager to cultivate a cool image outside the house, but her detached introversion and inability to handle risks repeatedly foil her attempts, feeding a cycle of loneliness and defensiveness.
Her intelligence now has a guileful, expedient edge. She will thoroughly evaluate every decision she makes due to a lack of faith in her instincts. She constructs complex plans about up to weeks’ worth of her expected or desired life course, and gets frustrated that life doesn’t follow them in spite of knowing, objectively, she’s being unrealistic. Reading people and situations quickly and accurately is a particular skill of hers. But she struggles to put her thoughts and especially feelings into words, meaning these observations are rarely shared. Her voice is nasally and high and she has a habit of mumbling and swallowing the ends of her sentences. When she doesn’t know what to say or how to say it, her default reaction is to snap, pretend it’s nothing or tell a white lie to get out of it. She’s uncomfortable telling graver lies though. She frequently employs body language as visual communication, like waving hello and goodbye and pointing to things.
Estelle’s economic status has always been upper middle class, and granted that she is liable to throw money at problems or try to bribe people into liking her, there is a genuinely generous and altruistic side to her. Giving gifts is her love language, along with quality time. She may not be the most courteous, but she’s neither selfish nor ignorant; she won’t be actively malicious unless she feels offended. The trouble is that it takes very little to offend her. Were somebody to actually be her friend, she would be forever grateful and show them immense loyalty and respect. She loves her father more than anything else and is protective of him. He’s rather protective of her too because of her disabilities, but not (usually) to a harmful extent. He has continually fostered her imagination - being a prominent video game designer at a wealthy company, he has quite a large one himself, and rejects the notion that creativity or unconventional thinking is necessarily bad for a career - and been the only constant in her stormy adolescence. She hates having to lie to him, feeling guilty whenever they have a misunderstanding.
Painting is a lifelong hobby - a chance to escape the often self-inflicted disappointment of her life. Her painting is colourful, exaggerated and cartoonish and primarily focuses on human figures and landscapes, but she refuses to name her style to avoid ‘breaking the rules’ of a movement. It also niftily evades admitting to her cursory understanding of art history. Pictures are done with watercolour or oil paint, and on her tablet she draws with a stylus. This has given her callouses on her right index and middle finger. Online she runs an art/fanart blog. This is the only place she is confident enough to publicize her artwork, secure in the internet’s anonymity. She likes to watch animatics on her phone and has sketches and cartoon storyboards stuck on her bedroom walls.
Contrary to her desire to appear mature but aligning with the escapist tendencies her painting demonstrates, she secretly has retained a childlike taste in TV shows and films, enjoying family animated media which she insistently calls “for all ages” like the Disney Animated Canon. She gets her share of drama, action and suspense in everyday life. After a bad day or argument, she’ll go straight to her room and listen to her Disney playlist through her pair of black and golden wireless headphones, a gift Violette bought her during the divorce period. They are her most prized possession. The vast majority of the media she consumes is American, leading to a familiarity with American youth culture, fictional character archetypes and narrative clichés, and vernacular. Her preferred genres are YA, high fantasy, sci-fi, mythology, fairytale retellings, and overall heavy on worldbuilding and characterization. She does read, but finds it less enjoyable than watching things or listening to audiobooks. It’s the same reason she does mediocre in most classes except art - too much effort for someone accustomed to living to the minimum.
She’s badly acrophobic. Simply having her feet off the ground for an extended period of time is uncomfortable. Her epilepsy, specifically the fear of having a seizure high up and falling, is the root of this. She compulsively fiddles with her hair while concentrating hard on something and brushes her fringe aside to make better eye contact when she wants to get a serious point across. She eats healthily and watches her weight, prone to jumping on fad diet bandwagons and doing her best to follow the latest trends. Her favourite foods are peppermints and mint chocolate chip ice cream.
Kwami and Miraculous
Showee is the bowerbird kwami of dedication. In particular, he’s based on the satin bowerbird. He has glossy black feathers, an avian beak and claws, and purple eyes. His antenna hang down from his tail. He is optimistic, organized, hardworking, encouraging, passionate, romantic, flamboyant, and tries and usually fails to act suave. Obviously he clashes with Estelle on many fronts, but is nonetheless determined to help her follow her heart and be true to herself. He must be her conscience, with zero tolerance for her shadier behaviour. He firmly believes she is his destined holder. However, he can be overly trusting and hasty to get invested in things, slightly dim, melodramatic and a bragging egotist, befitting his name. He is as old as life itself; born when the first primordial organisms went out of their way to stay alive and thrive. To refuel he eats berries, blueberries his favourite.
His Miraculous is a black bowerbird brooch with the four wing feathers and eye made of clear crystal. In its charged mode the bird opens its beak, spreads its wing behind it and the gemstones turn blue, reverting each minute until its power is depleted. Showee claims that it has been left out of the representations of many of history’s best artists, sculptors and architects. That sounds like a boast, but it would explain his knowledge of a wide variety of different cultures’ art and architectural history. It is positioned on the left side of Estelle’s top over her heart. Its symbol is the black charged Miraculous silhouette inside a blue circle.
History With Kwami
One day Kane came home from school with a beautiful brooch, apparently an anonymous gift. In a fit of jealous pique Estelle stole it (how come nobody ever gave her presents like that?). When he saw it in her room while innocently questioning her, she coldly told him it didn’t matter because he’d stolen her father from her and he would never be her family. She’d assumed the perpetually cheery boy would bounce back like he normally did. To her shock the brooch turned out to be a Miraculous. She initially rejected the hard work of heroism and thought she couldn’t manage it, but her new kwami wouldn’t hear of it... and then it turned out that had been the final straw for Kane. His akumatization forced her to forget her doubts and help Ladybug and Cat Noir save the day.
The whole episode significantly improved the siblings’ relationship and Kane let her keep the brooch, instantly realizing it was the new superhero’s Miraculous unbeknownst to her. Things are still awkward and he’s learning to respect her boundaries, but she can confide in him about her issues and he will come to her for support. He was content to wait until she revealed her secret to him. She eventually did tell him and nominated him the secondary holder of the Bowerbird Miraculous, calling himself Bowerboy, when circumstances put Estelle out of commission. A series of events recently led him to get his own Miraculous, that of the great white shark with the power of predation. The siblings are now superhero partners.
Superhero Identity
Estelle says the phrase, “Showee, wings spread!” to transform into the superhero Bowerbird and “Showee, wings folded” to transform back. She wears a jumpsuit the same iridescent black as Showee’s plumage, with deep blue lower arms and boots reaching her knees, a feathery blue cape reaching her ankles, and a purple domino mask with feathered edges. Her medical alert bands’ messages are emblazoned on the back of her right wrist in white. Her hair gains indigo highlights and gold pins with purple jewels. In this form she has the ability to flawlessly mimic sounds she’s heard, including voices. Aware that she is an untrained, unfit teenager, heightened physical capabilities notwithstanding, she prefers to stay on the defensive in battles and solve problems as fast as possible through tricky strategies and clever power use to minimize the risk of a seizure from tiredness or losing her breath. She only enters the up-close fighting when it’s clear none of the other Miraculous holders can succeed without her or she’s cornered. The cape’s intended function is to glide through the air, but since that’s not an option and it’s impenetrable and can stiffen to a supernatural level of toughness, the resourceful girl uses it as a shield in combat or the event of a seizure or asthma attack. It has small pockets on the inside for her inhalers and medication.
Estelle’s weapons are a pair of painting knives, the kite-shaped blades of which are actually sharp. She uses them for close-quarters combat, but also frequently for uses unrelated to violence, and their subtlety and small size make them agile and easily hidden inside pocks in her cloak. The handles can project a holographic video call and texting screen and there is a hidden speaker and microphone in each flat end like a phone. It can be used to breathe underwater.
Her special power is Masterpiece. It allows her to build an indestructible, immovable 3D ‘bower’ out of blue paint with her knives. This structure might protect her and/or her allies, trap a villain, guard civilians, block a projectile, etcetera. All paint is magically erased the moment she detransforms. When Showee uses Masterpiece, there’s no limit to the size and shape of his bowers and he can create more than one.
Estelle is more driven, responsible, genial and comfortable expressing her emotions in her Bowerbird persona, and gradually in civilian life too. She stands taller, projects her voice louder and clearer. Her analytical mind and willingness to consider multiple angles of a situation prove excellent assets. The downside is that sometimes in situations of extreme pressure she will be paralysed by overthinking and second guessing, which frustrates her, which delays her actions further. She loses her fear of commitment, lack of initiative and embraces her creativity. The anonymity is liberating, like how she feels on her blog except not just restricted to her art.
Kane Duong.
Kane is tall for his age. He has fair skin bronzed from a lot of time in the sun, a heavy build and his figure is athletic and strong due to lifelong hobby of swimming, with developed core muscles and powerful legs. His hands are relatively large. His shiny black hair is wild and fluffy, ruffled by the air resistance of his running around, sticking out from his head at all angles. He has double-lidded dark brown eyes. His mouth is wide and rests in a smile, and his teeth are perfect.
He wears cool clothes like T-shirts and shorts in bright, light and warm colours, mainly red, orange, yellow, pink and white. He often wears swimming trunks underneath instead of boxers for convenience.
Born and raised in Paris, Kane had an uneventful childhood... to his mild boredom. He was daring and always looking for adventure, did well in school, made lots of friends and his teachers have always liked him. His mother Alison had, as well as an endless supply of love, a good income as head of security at an aquarium, so she could afford to pay for him to do a number of extracurriculars, from sports teams to learning foreign languages to cooking club to drums and guitar lessons. He excelled in every one. He honestly can’t recall many serious problems or unpleasant experiences. The one major flaw in his childhood would in fact be a lack of experience - with having a father. His dad and Alison’s marriage just did not work and he walked out before Kane was even born. Neither of them like talking or thinking about him. It wasn’t a big deal. It totally wasn’t! After all, how could you miss something you never had?
So when Alison found real love and a father and sister joined Kane’s life, he couldn’t have been happier. In the early days. He in hindsight was a little too clingy with his new dad Noah, and adjusting to sharing everything with an older sibling has proven the greatest challenge he’s ever faced. Estelle saying they would never be family cut deep, making him realize how much his father’s absence has impacted him and how a part of him had wanted a bigger family all his life. Now he had it, and it chose to hurt him. Was something wrong with him? Something had to be wrong with him, right? These feelings led to his akumatization, only for Estelle to defeat him with her new Miraculous. Kane had been chosen to hold it based on his unfailing helpfulness, but she flourished being Bowerbird instead. This was the start of the siblings’ Miraculous-intertwined lives, and Kane eventually got another Miraculous. Protecting the city under the name of Grand Blanc is definitely the best extracurricular he’s done. His life is more complete than ever.
At first glance, Kane is an archetypal people person. He’s always been in the top five most popular kids in his peer group due to his athletic prowess and unstoppable force of personality. He’s eager to help wherever he can, highly idealistic and will see the best in everything and everyone down to the last straw of personally harming his friends or family, kind, charming and just wants to have fun and be happy. He is excitable, freely emotional and very expressive, at least of positive emotions. His love languages are words of affirmation and acts of service. He’s talkative and loves gossip. He seems to on some level legitimately believe he can do anything he sets his mind to, which can be heroic or reckless since he probably won’t wait to get and assess all the facts before setting his mind to it.
His childishness is exemplified in his black-and-white absolutist moral worldview: if you do bad things, you’re a bad person, and for good the same. This makes him strongly, sometimes inaccurately judgmental and accusatory. His righteousness usually works out fine in hero work where good and bad really are that clear-cut - stop akumas and protect civilians. It’s more common in everyday life that he’s confronted with moral ambiguity and dissonance. This is why it’s so hard for him to be self-aware of his imperfections; if he acknowledges his bad behaviour, he spirals into thinking he’s a bad person and that if his friends knew that they’d leave him… and he can’t let that happen. To his credit, he is growing out of this relatively quickly for a paradigm he’d held all his life, but it still trips him up.
This shallowness actually shows in much of Kane’s character. He views befriending people almost as a kind of conquest or achievement. Thus he gets personally hurt and shaken when someone doesn’t just click with him, used to things coming easily to him. A persistent flaw is that he doesn’t think things through and overestimates his abilities and emotional capacity, hence how he has so many friends and takes on so many duties that sometimes even he gets overloaded and emotionally drained. He seeks attention and every opportunity to shine to the point of self-destructive overachieving. But he always pretends to be fine because he couldn’t stand to lower anyone’s opinion of him, having made ‘lovable and loved’ such core parts of his identity he doesn’t know who he is except in relation to other people and his accomplishments (also a pillar of his self-perceived identity). He can possessive of his friends. All of this comes back to not wanting to be abandoned the way his dad left ever again. Safe to say he’s overcompensating.
Besides his morality, he’s innately adaptable, adventurous and stagnates in a fixed routine for too long. His great ambition and competitiveness are fed by his natural talent. Kane’s burned through a number of hobbies and interests. It sounds ridiculous, but in these practical activities he’s seemingly too talented - he’s rarely ever been seriously challenged by something, so gets bored very easily and is constantly in pursuit of new stimulation. He’s habitually restless and impatient. In short, he wants to ‘have done’ things like self-aggrandisement points on a checklist, or there’s a scale of experience he needs to fill, not necessarily put in the work of doing them. This impatience is arguably one of his worst flaws, since flitting between projects, ideas and even focus on people before he can experience or properly register the consequences of his actions enables his other flaws.
Swimming though he thinks will stick. His favourite childhood memories are of a) Alison taking him to her aquarium and him seeing and learning about the sea creatures and b) trips to the seaside. Marine biology is the interest he will never get tired of, and swimming, diving and watersports the activities. He feels at home in the water and the ocean is the most beautiful thing in the world for him. Since being a hero has widened his altruistic scope, he’s got involved in activism for the protection of sea life.
Kane thinks, acts, talks, and makes decisions fast; of course he wants to grow up fast too. Out of his own burgeoning desire to be seen as more mature and wanting to maintain the respect and interest of his peers, he’s become fascinated with works of fiction his parents say he’s too young for. He loves horror, thriller and action films, the grittier and gorier the better, and anything with a good twist. He loves surprises in general. His favourite foods are hearty, filling meals like steak and pasta dishes, the kind he eats for fuel before or after a sports event. He isn’t allowed coffee or high amounts of sugar.
Kwami and Miraculous
Biita is the great white shark kwami of intimidation. She has a grey back and white front with a dorsal fin, tail fin, tiny sharp teeth and dark ocean blue eyes. Her antenna grow from the tip of her dorsal fin. She is stern, brusque, levelheaded, and excessively professional, treating Kane like her student and nothing more and being domineering in her attempts to get it right at first. Slowly he proves her doubts wrong and earns her respect and affection. She has little patience for his immaturity, and had little at all for her fellow kwami Showee upon meeting him again. They quickly form a bickering sibling relationship paralleling their holders. They were once inhabitants of the same Miracle Box; he is older and marginally more powerful than her, as the tactic and experience of intimidation are born of animals’ primal dedication to survival, and she dislikes being reminded of that and his teasing ‘big brother’ attitude. Two things they agree on are their morals and their love for their and each other’s humans. To refuel she eats small fish or pieces of fish.
Her Miraculous is a simple black string necklace holding a dull, yellowed shark tooth and two white beads on either side of it. In its charged mode the cord and beads swap colours and the tooth turns a gleaming white. To show the depletion of the five minutes after the special power is drawn on, the beads turn white one by one from the outside inward and finally the tooth fades back. Kane wears it under his shirt in his civilian identity. Its symbol is a white shark fin emerging from a gently wavy sea surface inside a grey circle.
History With Kwami
Estelle’s birth mother Violet showed up out of nowhere one day hoping to resume contact with her daughter. Noah and Violet soon began to argue. As they revived more and more tactics from their divorce period and Alison struggled to mediate without knowing the other woman well enough, only Kane noticed just how tense and distressed Estelle was growing. Finally she broke and yelled at both her biological parents. She hid in her bedroom and did her typical self-comfort routine of listening to music on her headphones... but since Violet had given them to her, that didn’t help. An akuma flew in. Showee tried to warn her, but she couldn’t hear him and couldn’t see through her tears. It entered her headphones and akumatized her, though she resisted long enough to give Showee the Miraculous and tell him to find Kane. Kane had one final stint as Bowerboy, the reverse of his sister’s first as Bowerbird. The heroes won, obviously. Violet and Noah resolved their argument and she left on good terms with the family. Now she can contact Estelle whenever she wishes.
The Guadian Wang Fu recognized the stepsiblings from Kane’s akumatization and, impressed by Kane’s progress, decided it was time he got his own Miraculous, like he’d originally intended. He took to being Grand Blanc like, well, a shark to water. The sister and brother are Paris’s second duo of permanent heroes in possession of their Miraculouses.
Superhero Identity
Kane says, “Biita, teeth bared!” to transform into the superhero Grand Blanc and “Biita, teeth hidden” to transform back. His costume is a scaly jumpsuit with alternating rows of white and light grey scales on the front and a solid grey back and limbs. His domino mask is aquamarine and also scaly with waterproof lenses. The whole costume doubles as a swimsuit. His teeth are sharper and his hair is slicked back as if gelled or wet. His senses of smell and hearing are heightened when transformed. The first time he experienced it before Biita taught him how to manage his input, the sensory overload was painful and distracting. Now he’s a terrifyingly adept tracker. He’s skilled in close combat and likes direct action, where he can take many hits and keep going.
His weapon is a silver trident with triangular prongs resembling shark teeth. He wields it more like a staff with a weighted head against opponents, only using the prongs to spear or otherwise manipulate objects. For example, piercing clothing to prevent a villain escaping; hooking and grabbing their weapon out of their hand; or shifting an object using leverage. It has magically precise aim, like how Ladybug’s yoyo can supernaturally wrap around things. The staff is collapsible and the prongs fold up into a triangular compact form. This form contains radio, texting and respirator functions, and is worn clipped onto his hip. Later he learns how to detach and fire the prongs, both individually as blades and together on the end of a chain connected to the hilt to use as a grappling hook.
Kane’s special power is Track Attack. For the remaining five minutes he can detect people’s ‘soul signatures’ - glowing auras around them left behind on items they’ve touched, distinguished by colour and the manner, speed and regularity of their circulatory movement (e.g. Estelle’s is indigo and crackles and flickers like lightning) - based on sharks’ acute senses of smell and electroreception. Signatures are visible through matter within the human range of vision if he concentrates on them. The dimmer their glow, the older they are. He can use this to track anyone once he matches signature to person. Alternatively, he can start with a signature trail and figure out whose it is. He just has to do it fast! When Biita uses Track Attack, there is no limit to its range and she can observe far older signatures.
Kane initially saw being a Miraculous holder as finally being indisputably important, having the means and right to let out all the anger and frustration he’d been holding back. He could do whatever he wanted! Anyone with other ideas could speak to Bowerboy’s paintbrush! But since he’s had to work in an equally balanced team, he soon realized that this approach made him a poor crimefighter and partner, and repeatedly caused more trouble than it fixed. Nowadays, while he’s still more openly aggressive and violent to enemies in the mask than Paris's other superheroes (except maybe Queen Bee), his tracking powers have pushed him to be more mindful, patient and logical. He acknowledges Estelle’s plans are mostly superior to his own (lack of them) and is able to listen to her good judgements, question her bad ones and remain attentive to her disabilities even in the heat of battle.
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puddygeeks · 4 years
Wᴇ Cᴏᴍᴇ Rᴜɴɴɪɴɢ - Tʜᴇ 100 Bᴇʟʟᴀᴍʏ x OC - Cʜᴀᴘᴛᴇʀ 68: Gʀᴜᴅɢᴇ
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Rating: Mature
Summary: During her time in the Skybox, Indigo formed a precious friendship with fellow outcast Octavia Blake, the girl under the floor. At first they thought their departure from the oppression of the Ark was a blessing, but quickly came to rely on Indigo's keen survival instincts. The 100 struggle to meet the challenges of Earth whilst Bellamy strives to lead the wavering teenagers and his irresponsible attitude fuels constant conflict with Indigo. Their only shared interest is in protecting Octavia and Indigo beings to suspect that there is a deeper cause to Bellamy's seemingly irrational choices. As the consequences of his actions mount up around him, he finally begins to confide in her and she discovers more than she ever bargained for.
Fandom: CW’s The 100
Pairing: OC x Bellamy Blake
My writing is entirely fuelled by coffee! If you enjoy my work, feel free to donate toward my caffeine dependency: will work for coffee
Warnings: Mature content. Non-consent, language, sex, self harm, suicide, anxiety, helplessness, torture, captivity/confinement, alcohol/drug use.
Episodes: Ye Who Enter Here
Chapter Sixty-Eight
Raven and Gina were already in the middle of arranging tools for their task when we arrived in the docking bay and Octavia and I busied ourselves with loading the van with supplies, both feeling content to get this trip over with as soon as possible.  
We remained focused on the task at hand, until Bellamy arrived and called me over in his best attempt at a subtle manner and Octavia flashed me an interested look as I followed him from the room.
Before I could question him, he led me into a separate hallway where Kane was waiting for us.
“I’m sorry to pull you away from your work, but as council members, I thought you should know what’s happening.” He began, the serious expression that he wore causing a knot to form in my stomach and I waited with baited breath for an explanation.
“The Commander has made contact and offered us the chance to attend a summit today. Whilst you complete your delivery to Mount Weather, Abby and I will present our terms for an alliance.” He revealed, my back straightening up as my posture became alert and I glanced over at Bellamy to find that he was equally shocked at this sudden proposal. 
“But - you said you needed my help for that?” I stuttered, realising that he intended to keep me occupied whilst this meeting happened and feeling a surge of anger that my supposedly important position might have been a farce. “You said that I would come with you once a meeting was arranged. I can translate, at the very least.” I argued, hurt that I was being closed out now that we had finally reached our goal and Kane smiled at me in a manner that hinted at his conflict.
“With all due respect, Sir, I’m not happy about this either. If things go wrong, you should have the best of the guard with you.” Bellamy interjected, seeming equally put out by being excluded and I noted with concern that his first thought was to expect that they might need to fight their way out.
“Bellamy. You’re still recovering from your last impulsive encounter with a grounder. Until I can be confident that you aren't going to repeat that behaviour, I can’t in good conscience take you into their capital city.” Kane explained, as Bellamy grimaced and shook his head in disagreement, but remarkably held his tongue.
“And unfortunately, Indigo, it is not my choice on whether to bring you. Your teacher is assisting us in this meeting and she has forbidden me from bringing you into Polis.” He added, causing my mouth to drop open in shock.
“What? Why?!” I gasped, an overwhelming feeling of confusion and betrayal washing over me and Kane fidgeted awkwardly on the spot, clearly uncomfortable that he had been put in this position.
“I didn’t ask. But I got the impression that it was important. She certainly didn’t say it simply to be cruel.” Kane described, sounding as if he knew more than he was letting on and I hissed under my breath in frustration. 
“We can manage this. The Commander has proven herself to be reasonable and open to negotiation in the past. With Arlo’s support, I believe we could secure peace today. In the meantime, I’m trusting the two of you to assist in progressing the successful reintegration of Farm Station.” He added, fixing us both with meaningful looks and I rolled my eyes bitterly.
“Yeah, yeah. I hear you. You want us to butter up the bully, whilst you work on world peace.” I groaned, noticing a slight smile on Kane’s lips that he tried to hide. 
“Come on, Bel. Let's get this over with.” I suggested, placing a hand on his arm to encourage him to follow me and we made our way to the Rover together, both silently sulking about our rejections.
During the drive to the Mountain, Bellamy filled in the others about the Summit and whilst they all chatted about the possible outcomes, Octavia and I held a silent conversation of our own with only expressions. 
It was clear that she had noticed the tension between Bellamy and I, but I also knew that she understood why I was stressed by his recent behaviour. Having her with us was already more helpful than I had expected and I was able to relax somewhat at the thought that she would have my back if needed.
By the time that we arrived at our destination, Octavia was almost turning green from nausea and I had to stifle a laugh as she stumbled outside first. After immersing herself in grounder culture, it seemed that she’d lost her space legs and gained their dislike for any forms of transport other than horseback.
“I knew I should’ve taken my horse.” She groaned as she wobbled in an effort to reorient herself on the ground and I chuckled at her, whilst Gina hurried past us to check on Raven as she struggled out of the driver's seat. 
Though the girls moved easily into unloading the Rover, Bellamy seemed distracted, staring out into the distance as if he hadn’t even noticed the movement around him.
I already knew exactly where his mind was, as mine was trapped in the same terrifying space and I wandered over to stand silently by his side. 
We stood together without speaking for a few moments, both gazing in the direction of Polis and focusing on our own anxieties about the Summit. Though it seemed petty, I couldn’t help the niggling feeling that Bellamy had only wanted to join them in order to recover Clarke and I had to push the childish concern to one side.
“We should both be there.” He muttered finally, keeping his eyes trained in place and I sighed thoughtfully.
“Well, if you hadn’t chased after Clarke like a complete idiot, then you would be.” I responded accusingly, unable to contain the bitterness that was coursing through me and he turned to view me with a hurt expression. 
“I’m sorry. I’m just tense. I don’t understand why Arlo doesn’t want me there. I know that I could help.” I admitted, crossing my arms defensively and he nodded his head in understanding.
“I get it. You think that you’re being punished for something too?” He enquired, viewing me with concern and I chewed on my lip as I considered this.
“I don’t know. Leaving her? Maybe she thinks that if I’m not going to live like a grounder, then I don’t get to play the part? It's hard to figure out Arlo’s motives.” I explained, still muddling through possibilities in my mind and the question continued to bother me.
I recalled the conversations that we had about Azgeda, the many times that she told me I was not ready for the dangers that we would find there. However, the last time I had seen her, she’d offered for me to be a part of her investigations and I had to wonder exactly what kind of threat was in Polis that she would consider worse than the Ice Nation betrayal. 
“Kane’s right, though. You still need time to heal.” I added as I forced myself back into the present, flashing Bellamy a knowing look and he straightened up slightly, trying to correct his posture to hide the impact that his injury was still having on him.
“I’m fine. I’m ready to get back out there now.” He insisted, grabbing a bag from the back of the Rover to prove how capable he was, but I noticed a slight limp in his gait as he bought it over to me.
“Oh, really?” I asked innocently, raising my brows in disbelief as I offered him the chance to be honest with me and he gave me a stern nod in response.
My movements were too quick for him to anticipate as I reached out to jab him in the side and then much gentler at the stitches in his thigh. He yelped in pain, before dropping the bag to the ground with a thud and I crossed my arms again, as I fixed him with a scrutinising look. 
“You can’t con a con-artist, baby.” I crooned, turning to load myself up with my own share of cargo. “When you’re ready to get back out there, you know that I’ll have your back against Kane and anyone else that tries to stop you. But you had better believe that if you try to do it any sooner, I will beat your ass. With love.” I clarified, smiling warmly at him despite his annoyed expression.
“You drive me insane. You know that, right?” He grumbled as he straightened back up and I simply chuckled at him.
“Of course. How else am I supposed to entertain myself?” I remarked, glancing around to check that we were all ready to go, before I returned my attention to him. “Think you missed one.” I teased, pointing to the bag that I’d made him drop and he finally cracked a smile as he loaded himself up.
“You guys. Did I ever tell you about how I saved Sinclair’s ass on the Ark.” Raven quipped, joining us with a large bag hanging on her shoulder in determination and it was clear that getting out of Arkadia with Gina had lifted her spirits.
“Please, don’t.” Octavia groaned in disinterest, strolling away before Raven could engage her in a conversation and I flashed her a look that told her to stop the negativity.
“You mean the time you went rogue on a spacewalk?” Gina chimed in, immediately indulging Raven with a keen attitude that was heart-warming to witness and Octavia quickly clocked on to my intentions as I observed them with a smug pout.
Bellamy strode ahead to lead the group, leaving Octavia and I to fall into step side by side immediately behind him and we purposely allowed the girls some space to enjoy each other's company. The Rover doors closed behind us and I could still overhear their conversation as they followed us inside.
“That depends on your definition of going rogue.” Raven answered, her voice lighter than it had been in a while and hearing it gave me a deep sense of satisfaction.
“Oh, really?” Gina responded flirtatiously, prompting Octavia to raise a brow at me sneakily and I risked a quiet giggle. 
It was exciting to consider the way their relationship could develop and I hoped that I could count on seeing Raven smile like she was now more often. 
“I just hopped on a robotic arm and aimed it at the solar array.” Raven clarified, clearly enjoying herself as she recounted the details of the story with enthusiasm and I smiled at Octavia fondly. 
“I wish they’d bang already.” Octavia groaned in Trig, rolling her eyes dramatically and I scoffed at how unchanged her attitude was towards anyone hesitating to get together.
“Hey. Not everyone moves as quickly as you. Plus, she went through a trauma. It’s gonna take time for her to be ready to try again. I’m just glad to see her happy.” I pointed out defensively, referring back to all of the times that she had pressured me when I first confessed to my feelings for Bellamy and Octavia softened her expression.
“I know. She deserves it.” She admitted carefully, the remorse in her expression revealing that she was likely thinking about Finn too and I nodded in agreement.
“Shof op.” [Quiet.] Bellamy remarked as he glanced back at us, only to be met with glares from us both for his rudeness. “You’re like a couple of gossiping old women.” He added, cracking a smile and I pouted, annoyed that he could tell we were up to no good despite his limited understanding of Trigedasleng.
Whilst Raven and Gina continued chatting happily behind us obliviously, I became aware of the sound of distant music and laughter, and felt my stomach drop with dread. It grew louder as we closed in on the dining room that Farm Station had been assigned to and as we turned the corner to the open doors, we were met with a scene of celebration.
A host of Farm Station inhabitants were filling the tables, indulging in a luxurious meal with music blaring around them in a joyous environment. 
I felt sick as I took in the situation and the feeling only worsened as I noticed Pike sitting at the top table. He had conveniently placed himself in the seat where the President once would usually preside over his residents and as he noticed our arrival, he regarded us with the same dishonest gaze that Dante has always given us.
Pike rose to his feet with an unnaturally warm smile and held out his arms in a strange gesture.
“Welcome!” He announced as he began to approach us and I found myself clenching my jaw to contain my emotions. 
“Come, join us.” He offered enthusiastically to which only Bellamy moved any further into the space, but I couldn’t bring myself to react at all, hesitating on the spot with the other three girls.
“Someone’s made themselves at home.” Raven muttered under her breath and I was glad to find that it wasn’t only Octavia and I that felt uncomfortable with this. It seemed strangely morbid to revel in the mountain's comfort when it had been a mass grave mere months ago. 
“Natronas.” [Traitors.] Octavia spat under her breath, the fury that rose in her also bubbling in my stomach and I nudged her side subtly in support.
“Don’t let him make you lose your cool.” I warned, meeting her eyes with a meaningful expression and I waited for her to release a long breath, before encouraging her to step forward with me.
By now, I expected that Pike was already aware of both Octavia and I’s involvement with the grounders and after my previous outburst, I was cautious not to allow him any more ammunition to paint us as savages. The delicate balance here was obvious and it was important to ensure that the power remained where it should, with our current leaders who understood the need for peace.
“There must be thirty of them in here.” Octavia remarked as we reached Bellamy, attempting to gauge his reaction and although he seemed somewhat concerned, I could tell that he was not comprehending the impact of this as we were.
“Thirty-six, but the more, the merrier.” Pike responded cheerfully, oblivious to our disdain and Bellamy parted from us to greet him with a handshake.
The way that the two men smiled at each other made my stomach lurch and it took all of my self control to prevent the disgust from reaching my face. Though I tried to remind myself that Bellamy had a different impression of him to me, every time that Pike looked at my lover made my skin crawl.
“Thirty-six? Wow.” Octavia stated, the disapproval clear in her voice and I knew in that moment that it would be my responsibility to be the responsible one of us today. “The grounders are gonna think we moved in.” She added, forcing a tight smile after and Bellamy glanced back at us over his shoulder.
His gaze was a clear warning as he met Octavia’s eyes. He then turned to me as if wordlessly reminding me that it had been my idea to bring her along and I simply shrugged, unable to pretend that I didn’t agree with her sentiment.
“Well, there was no room at the Inn.” Pike excused, leaning past Bellamy to meet Octavia’s eyes with a charming smile, but she remained stern faced, demonstrating that she would not be fooled by him.
“And this is your option?” She interrogated, unwilling to drop this fight just yet and I noticed Bellamy’s shoulders tense at her attitude. She was damaging his pristine reputation and I could tell that he wanted to maintain his air of control around Pike.
“O.” Bellamy drawled, glancing over his shoulder at her again impatiently and she sighed, before sneaking an apologetic peek at me.
“I’m outta here.” She announced, dropping her bags into my hands with annoyance and turning to storm out without another word.
“Tavi!” I called after her, keen to encourage her to stay, but she ignored my cries as she stomped down the hall toward the exit, leaving me caught between the two siblings again.
Before I could make a decision on who to support, Pike gave Bellamy a wide smile that made the hair on the back of my neck stand on end and I resolved to stick with my earlier plan to never leave him alone with Bellamy.
“Spirited.” Pike commented idly as he watched Octavia leave, causing Bellamy to nod dismissively in response and I couldn’t prevent myself from butting into their conversation.
“She’s not spirited. She’s right. We've survived this long because of our truce with the grounders. Like it or not, your group being here endangers that.” I pointed out, causing the smile to fade from his face and as I caught sight of Bellamy’s expression, I softened my voice. 
“People died here. Lots of people. Many of our own were held captive and tortured inside of this facility, including me. This may be a great place for you, but try to respect that it’s a painful memory for some of us, not just the grounders.” I reminded him and though I was sure that Bellamy would prefer me to simply be friendly, I caught a hint of pride in the way that he smiled at me.
“I understand. My apologies.” Pike answered, his voice completely void of any authenticity as he returned to his political act and I forced a polite smile in response.
“I’m gonna go check on O.” Bellamy announced, relieving me from the strain of remaining at Pike’s side and I nodded gratefully.
“I think that’s a good idea. I’ll see if Raven and Gina need any help.” I reported, keen to make my escape and Bellamy caught me off guard by bending down to kiss my cheek before he left.
Though I knew that it was likely meant as a subtle way of telling me that he was proud of me for keeping my cool, I felt uncomfortable that Pike had witnessed it. 
When I turned to seek out the girls, I noticed that Pike was now studying me with interest and I rushed out of the dining hall before he could say anything to cause me to lash out. 
❖ ── ✦ ──『✙』── ✦ ── ❖
The gentle teaching methods that Knox had used to train me to help out in mechanical had done little to prepare me for working with Raven. Though I’d asked for simple tasks that could lighten her workload, her perfectionist nature made even that next to impossible and if it wasn’t for Gina playing the mediator, I was pretty sure that I’d have punched her by now.
It was a relief when Sinclair arrived to tell us that we were being called to a priority mission and we wasted no time in dropping our tools to follow him.
My mind was already racing with scenarios as we raced through the halls and lights flickered on and off all around us due to our unfinished work. 
“Why the hell are they calling us off?” Raven questioned, moving ahead to walk alongside Sinclair, and Gina and I followed, listening carefully for any insight that we could gain. “I’ve got tripped circuits all over the grid.”
“Oh, whatever it is, it supersedes fixing the power problem.” Sinclair responded with frustration and his words caused my stomach to drop.
When we’d left this morning, Kane had made it clear that keeping Farm station happy was a top priority and I couldn’t imagine anything positive being important enough to change that. 
“Hey. Try not to panic.” Gina remarked quietly and I turned my attention to her with confusion. “I know that face. Whatever it is, we’ll manage it. We always do.” She asserted with a reassuring smile and I sighed, disappointed that I was so easy to read nowadays.
“That’s easier said than done. Anything happening on the day of the Summit can only spell bad news.” I mumbled, feeling dread already gathering in my chest and she nodded in understanding.
As we rushed toward the dining hall, a spark exploded out of a nearby socket and both Sinclair and Raven paused to check that it could be made safe. Unable to wait any longer for answers, I rushed ahead and jogged my way into the hall to find Bellamy, Octavia and Pike surrounding an unfamiliar grounder.
“White war paint.” I stated, identifying her clan the moment that I got a clear look at her and she glanced up at me, thinning her eyes in interest. “Who is this? And why are we holding her?” I interrogated, turning to face the two men suspiciously and Bellamy shifted on the spot.
“This is Echo. The one I told you about, she helped me when I was trying to get you all out of the mountain.” He explained, seeming especially awkward about repeating this in front of Octavia and Pike, and I turned to examine her much more closely now, both of us seeming to be getting the measure of each other.
“You didn’t mention that she was Ice Nation.” I remarked, keeping my eyes trained on her and she seemed somewhat alarmed by my perceptiveness.
“Honestly, I didn’t know how to tell the difference when we met.” Bellamy confessed, shrugging apologetically as he spoke. “She came to tell us that the Summit is a trap. Our people are in danger.” He explained in a rushed manner and though I whipped around to face him in shock, Pike interrupted before I could get another word out.
“You’re one of them. So, why are you telling us this?” Pike grilled, glaring down at Echo aggressively and though I was also on edge with the situation, I didn’t appreciate his intimidating behaviour to our possible ally. 
“We abandoned Skaikru in the battle for the mountain.” Echo answered, returning Pike’s eye contact with no fear, then she turned to face Bellamy with guilt in her eyes. “It was wrong.” She added, earning a subtle nod of appreciation from him and at least a hint of my respect for admitting this.
“And won’t they miss you?” Pike suggested, leaning closer into her in an attempt to frighten her and her posture grew tense, making it clear that she was losing patience with his distrustful attitude.
“Maybe.” She answered sharply, glancing up at him with disdain and I watched her closely for any signs of deceit. “But that’s why we need to hurry.” She confirmed, scanning each of us impatiently and I was unable to tell whether she seemed genuine.
“Pike. She saved my life. We can trust her.” Bellamy asserted, his voice remarkably certain and though I was pleased to see him standing up to Pike, I couldn’t help an uneasy feeling at how quickly he had trusted this Ice Nation soldier.
Though I wanted to raise my concerns, I decided to wait until Pike couldn’t hear us so that I didn’t undermine Bellamy. It had been hard to convince him to trust the grounders in the first place and I definitely didn’t want to give Pike a chance to jump on my doubt, or to use it to manipulate Bellamy. 
“Listen up.” Bellamy announced as Sinclair, Gina and Raven finally arrived in the dining hall. “If we want to get to Polis before the attack, we have to move.” He ordered, as I noticed all of the guns that were being unpacked around us and began to feel the stress of this threat pushing down on me.
“Attack?” Sinclair questioned, staring at Bellamy in wide eyed disbelief and I was glad that he had arrived to add another voice of reason to the room. “Do we have confirmation of that?” He enquired, glancing between us worriedly and I looked over at Bellamy for an answer.
“We radioed, but no answer.” He revealed and I pushed my hair out of my face to rub at my temples. This was certainly not the result that I’d hoped for and knowing that Pike and the others weren’t responding only added to the urgency of the situation. 
“They may already be dead for all we know.” Pike suggested, attempting to rile the group into a frenzy and I jumped in to cut him off.
“No way. Arlo would have got them out.” I argued, noticing that Echo perked up at this name and resolved to follow this up later. “Indra wouldn’t allow anyone to harm them either. They have allies in there. Kane was extremely cautious since we moved this lot in. He might not have wanted to take any technology inside.” I theorised, attempting to find a less disastrous reason for their lack of contact and Pike scoffed loudly at my comments.
“We can’t possibly know that! The grounders they were meeting might even be involved. They could already have killed our people and if they have, we need to be ready to respond.” Pike exclaimed, pushing at my fragile self control and I moved closer to face him down.
“Oh, I’m sure you’d love that. Any reason to start a fight with them.” I accused, squaring my shoulders as I spoke and as he opened his mouth to defend himself, I spoke over him. “What is it you called yourselves when you came across our first group? Grounder killers, wasn’t it?” I recalled, making him squirm in response and he turned to appeal to Sinclair instead.
“We can’t allow this to go unanswered.” He stated firmly, as if he were already certain that a crime had been committed and I was relieved when Sinclair refused to shrink under his aggressive behaviour.
“Don’t make this about the missiles.” Sinclair answered evenly, holding Pike’s gaze with confidence and I felt my heart skip a beat as I processed his words.
“This is about survival!” Pike defended passionately and fire began to rise from the pit of my stomach at this new development. “We don’t have the numbers, but the missiles in this mountain even the playing field and you know I’m right.”
“Why are we even talking about missiles? You want to blow up the place where our people are, just in case they’re dead? Are you completely insane?!” I yelled, my voice rising out of my control and everyone around me jumped at my sudden outburst, causing me to lower my voice before I spoke again. “This mountain has already annihilated too many grounder villages and you're seriously considering bombing their capital? How is that going to help anything? We’d just become the same as the monsters that we fought out of this place.”
“Indigo’s right. We shouldn’t be discussing measures like this. We need to focus on saving our people.” Gina piped up, helping to break the tension in the air and when I met her eyes, she gave me a supportive smile.
“Even if I did agree with you, we still don’t have the launch codes. So let’s focus on what we can do.” Sinclair argued and for a moment, I felt relieved that Pike’s tirade had come to an end, before Raven stepped in to reopen the argument.
“No, but we have me.” She announced, as I rolled my eyes at her in disappointment, but my expression was nothing next to Sinclair, who just stared at her with blatant annoyance for several moments.
“And you accuse engineers of arrogance?” He questioned under his breath as he approached her, his firm gaze expressing the many criticisms that he refrained from saying aloud and I gained a new respect for him, as he refused to be bullied into rash action.
“I’m growing as a person.” She shrugged carelessly, before wandering off with Gina at her side and Sinclair following closely behind, shaking his head in disbelief.
“Let’s go.” Pike growled in a low, threatening voice as he pulled Echo from her seat and I was on him before I’d even decided what I would say.
“Get your hands off her!” I spat, barging him backwards and placing myself between them. “You’ve made your feelings on grounders abundantly clear today. If you think that I’m leaving you alone with one, you’re even more unstable than I thought.” I stated, holding my position to shield her from his reach as I turned my face to Octavia.
“I can’t come with you. Watch this man like your life depends on it, because it very well might. Keep an eye on your idiot brother for me too. I can’t handle him sulking his way through another injury. And don’t forget that she is from Azgeda.” I blurted, noticing that Pike’s eyes widened as he realised that I could also speak Trig and Octavia nodded keenly back at me.  
“Don’t worry. I know a snake when I see one.” She answered, glancing at Pike with a smirk and I was relieved that she didn’t hesitate to support me. “And I’m always careful. If she’s up to something, I’ll find out. Besides, she knows that she can’t hide anything in Trig now.” She added, glancing back at Echo who was assessing us both with surprise, before Octavia stepped behind me to move her out of Pike’s reach far more gently than he had.
“Octavia will manage her. You can go.” I stated coldly, as he glanced over at Bellamy for support and when he didn’t receive it, he reluctantly left us.
“You’re not happy with this plan?” Bellamy suggested, approaching me with a concerned look and I sighed thoughtfully, glad that we could finally discuss this situation alone.
“I don’t know. Something doesn’t feel right. I just can’t figure out what.” I admitted, glancing up at him nervously and he furrowed his brows. “Just be careful not to be blindsided. I completely understand why you trust Echo, but try to remember that she is Azgeda. We don’t know how long she’d been locked up for when you met her, but now she’s been home for a while. Her loyalties will have changed. We’ve never been good at getting ahead of their plans and we don’t know if she’s part of their agenda somehow. She may not even know if she is.” I suggested as I desperately tried to consider every possible outcome, rubbing at my temples in stress and he pushed my hands away to cup my face.
“We’ll be careful, Inds. Eyes wide open. Nothing gets past you.” He promised, placing a kiss on my forehead and I sighed guiltily at his words. He thinned his eyes at me, realising that something was off and I glanced up sadly up at him, feeling immensely torn between commitments. “You’re not coming, are you?”
“Someone has to stay behind and make sure that they don’t blow up Polis. Besides, I’m not allowed in, remember? If they’re okay in there, Arlo will just be angry that I came.” I divulged, feeling immensely pressured by this responsibility and he smiled at me with understanding. “Please be safe. I know the stakes are high and that usually brings out your hero streak, but I’m gonna need you to be sensible. Pike’s already a loose cannon with a grudge against grounders. You don’t need any more risks.” I clarified, feeling as if it was impossible to know the right decision between staying here and joining them to keep an eye on Pike.
“I’ll keep things under control. Octavia will watch Echo and I can watch Pike. Have faith, Love. We’ll bring our people back.” He assured, caressing my face comfortingly and I tried my hardest to believe in him. “You just make sure no one here blows us up.” He added teasingly and I couldn't stop myself from smiling as he pulled me into a kiss. 
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ayeun · 4 years
the only person I respect in Bling Empire is Anna (spoiler alert up to ep 5)
Anna - a queen. stays in her own lane but people keep going into hers and testing her. she’s confident, genuine and nice, expects nothing in return and actually has manners. gives sound advice and wisdom and living her best life.
Kane - on thin ice. i love his unfiltered commentary and social intelligence/awareness but hate the fact he’s a shit stirrer and enables/supports bad decisions knowing the consequences. ofc, the show wouldn’t be what it is without him planting those seeds. he’s v smart on who not to cross. honestly he reminds me of some people in high school i’d never want to befriend LOL..
Kevin - big dumb hetero energies. honestly i don’t think he’s as “hot” as people make him out to be. there’s this look on his face that makes me think “oh this guy isn’t smart”, and he truly isn’t. his face KINDA reminds me of an Asian Joe Rogan lmao. i think the thing that makes him the least attractive for me is him being a horndog and making inappropriate remarks in front of Kelly AND Andrew(no sympathy for Andrew, but who tf says they’re gonna fuck someone’s gf in front of them???) the whole salsa thing was hard to watch because of how fucking CRINGEY it is of how he attempted to dip and kiss Kelly like 3+ times. get a fucking clue, dude, and give her some space?? also hate Kevin’s FAKE vibes w trying to get on everyone’s good side to keep these rich people friends in his circle. Kevin’s supposed to be relatable to the “poor audience” but Kevin has a net worth of over $10M, which is double Kelly’s. yet this mfker pretends to be poor. also him defending Anna and then quickly making it up w Kim even though she still hasn’t apologized for  the shit she did. it kind of feels like Kevin’s shooting his shot at all the “rich and hot” girls just so he has something to go off of and start a relationship w them after this all ends.
Kim - hate her. not only did she invade the space and privacy of someone who graciously INVITED HER OVER AS A GUEST, but she won’t own up to what she did wrong even when politely given the chance to. that shit’s on camera what you did, just own up to it?? also her doing shit bc “haha it’s for the camera” and chucking Anna’s shit out the window. why not just remove yourself from there, bitch? also i can’t stop looking at the bad/unnecessary contouring job on her nose and her face looking like she got an ig filter on it. girl just do ur smoky eye and call it a day. you actually look worse with contouring!!!!!! she’s also got those fake vibes and pretending everything’s cool with everyone when it’s actually not.
Kelly - sure whatever feel bad for her for being in the toxic relationship, but also this bitch leading Kevin on KNOWING that he likes her by accepting going to salsa with him and entertaining his fantasies by responding back. Just say no?? tell him to fuck off??? you’re rich you can distract yourself with thousands of other things and with other people. the feeling i get of WHY she wants to keep dating Andrew is to have that connection to a “well-known actor”, that she’s dating a celebrity, and  that he’s white “to boot”
Christine - hate her fake ass “philanthropist” shit. the reason she’s throwing these events is just to boost her social status/standing amongst the rest of the rich people and showing off her “generosity”. the whole seating drama, inviting Anna over convo was cringe all over. the name dropping and then the trivia? typical holier-than-thou attitude lmao. people who try to flex their knowledge and then not know wtf they’re talking about themselves is just EMBARRASSING. i felt bad for her one point on the getting pregnant thing but then i thought to myself. wow, fuckin bitch. hope she really does have to take care of 5 children in the future but that should be okay for her so that she can brag about having 25th generation Song Dynasty princes and princesses. also her comment towards Cherie was so awkward. “woww you guys are not married and u got kids??? id get shamed for that w my family!” ALSO Baby G’s celebration..there was a fucking ballpit that SHE PUT in there and she gets ANNOYED bc Anna, whom she invited, jumps in and has fun?? LMAO lord...
everyone else i didn’t write about i don’t really care about enough to / they didn’t have enough screen time for me to truly judge
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tysonbaerrie · 3 years
of course but of course after trying for five years 1988 would have three babies in a row, even if pat's first pregnancy gave them twins! twins! do they have pat's hair and jonny's eyes? pat would be delighted for carrying tazer twins. and little zoe, the girl who has all the boys at home wrapped around her little finger, particularly her older siblings, that even though are still babies themselves, they are already enamored with her :)
yes!!! pat freaks out at first because, uhhhh, that's three babies under two jonny wtf are we going to do??? and jonny's response is just to shrug and say "love them??"
eli has pat's hair and jonny's eyes; leo is a carbon copy of patrick, it's like jonny wasn't even involved in his conception 😂😂 until his personality starts to show and they all realize he's 1000% jonny's clone. and little zoe?? well, she's all jonny through and through, except her brown hair is curly just like her dad's.
she definitely runs the toews-kane household, is probably the most stubborn and bossy of the three kids. leo is bullheaded and always wants to be the best at everything, and eli is the most chill kid in all of existence and the constant peacemaker between his brother and sister and jonny and pat thank their lucky stars every day for somehow managing to have at least one kid who isn't a competitive little asshole (spoiler alert: he's the kid that plays goaltender when they're old enough to join a league)
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braveclementine · 4 months
Chapter 1
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Warnings: None. However, future chapters will contain sexual content so readers that are under the age of 18 may have to skip those chapters (Please keep note of the warnings).
Copyright: I do not own any Wizarding World characters that J.K. Rowling wrote. I do however own Elizabeth Kane (main character) and Trang Nyguen (best friend). There should be no use of these two names without my permission. I also do not condone any copying of this.
"𝕻𝖑𝖊𝖆𝖘𝖊, 𝕴 𝖆𝖒 begging you." I said desperately, Uncle Moody and I the only people in the small room at the Burrow. He didn't listen to me, continuing to repack the sacks that he would be taking to Harry's house tonight.
The night that my uncle would die.
"Kane, enough." Uncle Moody said gruffly, making sure that the pairs of clothes and glasses were all there. "I'll be fine."
"What part of, 'Voldemort kills you in the air while you're on a broomstick and you fall to your death' don't you understand?" I asked bitingly. "And why won't you let me tell the others? They should know that you're going to let yourself be killed!"
Mad-eye finally stopped, glaring at me with both eyes, before allowing his magical one to rotate around the house. Once he had confirmed that no one was listening in, he said, "Kane, this future of yours that plays out. It relies on them having no idea Death Eaters are in the sky. You won't be there, and I'll be the only one on alert. Or are you doubting my skill?"
"Of course not!" I protested as he started duplicating Hedwig's cage with stuffed snowy owls inside of it. "And make that seven, not six!"
Uncle Moody sighed but duplicated another cage so that there were seven instead of the original six that I had seen before, "And why did I do that?"
"Because Harry's owl Hedwig also dies tonight!" I snapped angrily, trying to get him to see it. "But Trang and I are going to take the owl to safety separately. And you are going to send someone else in your place!"
"And if I send someone else in my place than that person will die, and the others will wonder why I did so." Uncle Moody growled. "I love you, Elizabeth, but I will not back down from this fight."
A baby crying interrupted the air, and I closed my eyes, knowing I had to go and get my son. Uncle Moody clapped my shoulder, squeezing tightly, before stomping out of the room. Taking a deep breath so I didn't cry, I headed from the room.
Taking the staircase, I found that Trang already had Remus on her hip, trying to shush him softly. She looked up when the door opened and handed him off to me easily. "He just woke up."
"Thanks." I said softly, looking out the window. Bill and Dad were talking out in the garden, everyone getting ready for the last preparations. "You ready?"
"Sure." Trang nodded solemnly. Out of everyone else who was in the Order, only Trang and Uncle Moody knew what was happening tonight. Trang, because she kept all my secrets with her life. And Uncle Moody because I was trying to change his future.
"Are you?" She countered.
"He won't listen to me." I whispered softly, rocking back and forth. Remus had quieted down and was falling asleep again, but I didn't want to put him down. "He's repeating what Cedric told me. What Sirius told me. He knows the future, he'll be fine. I know he won't. But what can I do?"
Trang nodded, sitting down on the bed. "What you've done every other time Elizabeth. Pray."
𝕴𝖙 𝖙𝖔𝖔𝖐 𝕳𝖆𝖗𝖗𝖞 only a few seconds to run out his backdoor, Hermione wrapping her arms under him first as we arrived at his house. The skies seemed clear enough for the arrival at the very least, but I knew it was just a ruse and my stomach was turning in my stomach.
"Change of plan." Uncle Moody grunted suddenly, "Let's get undercover before we talk you through it."
Harry pulled me into a side hug as I stepped into the kitchen and then Trang. I took refuge at the kitchen table, sitting on the edge of it with Trang coming to stand next to me.
Ron, Hermione, Bill, Fred, George, Mr. Weasley, Uncle Moody, Tonks, Dad, Fleur, Kingsley, Hagrid, and Mundungus all managed to fit into the small kitchen of the Dursley household.
"Kingsley, I thought you were looking after the Muggle Prime Minister?" Harry asked.
"He can get along without me for one night. You're more important." Kingsley answered in that slow, deep voice of his that I loved.
"Harry, guess what?" Tonks asked, perched on top of the washing machine. I smiled as she flaunted her hot pink rhinestone ring.
"You got married?" Harry asked.
"I'm sorry you couldn't be there, Harry, it was very quiet." Dad apologized sincerely.
"That's brilliant, congrat-"
"All right, all right, we'll have time for a cozy catch-up later!" Uncle Moody barked and I flinched. "As Dedalus probably told you, we had to abandon Plan A. Pius Thicknesse has gone over, which gives us a big problem. He's made it an imprisonable offense to connect this house to the Floo Network, place a Portkey here, or Apparate in or out. All done in the name of your protection, to prevent You-Know-Who getting in at you. Absolutely pointless, seeing as your mother's charm does that already. What he's really done is to stop you getting out of here safely."
Personally, I thought it was stupid. Why didn't Uncle Moody and Harry just walk a quarter of a mile to the public library or something and apparate from there?
"Second problem: You're underage, which means you've still got the Trace on you."
I zoned out after that. I had seen this conversation beforehand, and I thought it was stupid. I was more focused now on the route I would be taking with Trang.
"No!" Harry said loudly enough to jar me from my thoughts. "No way!"
"I told them you'd take it like this." Hermione said complacently.
"If you think I'm going to let six people risk their lives-!"
"-because its the first time for all of us." Ron said sarcastically.
"This is different, pretending to be me-"
"Well, none of us really fancy it, Harry. Imagine if something went wrong and we were stuck as specky, scrawny gits forever." Fred said in a horrified whisper. Trang and I giggled.
"You can't do it if I don't cooperate, you need me to give you some hair."
"Well, that's the plan scuppered." George rolled his eyes. "Obviously there's no chance of all of us getting a bit of your hair unless you cooperate."
"Yeah, fourteen of us against one bloke who's not allowed to use magic; we've got no chance," Fred said while I whispered, "Get him Trang! Sic!"
Trang giggled behind her hand and Harry glared, "Funny, really amusing."
"If it has to come to force, then it will." Uncle Moody growled dramatically. "Everyone here's overage, Potter, and they're all prepared to take the risk."
"Elizabeth's not." Harry said immediately, pointing at me like everyone didn't know who I was. "Our birthdays are on the same day."
"Trang and I aren't part of your rescue mission." I said in a bored voice. "We have a side job that has nothing to do with you guys. Real top-secret stuff."
Fred chuckled.
"Let's have no more arguments. Time's wearing on. I want a few of your hairs, boy, now." Uncle Moody growled.
"But this is mad, there's no need-"
"No need! With Voldemort out there and half the Ministry on his side? Potter, if we're lucky he'll have swallowed the fake bait and he'll be planning to ambush you on the thirtieth, but he'd be mad not to have a Death Eater or two keeping an eye out, it's what I'd do. They might not be able to get at you or this house while your mother's charm holds, but it's about to break and they know the rough position of the place. Our only chance is to use decoys. Even Voldemort can't split himself into seven."
Trang suddenly had a coughing fit and Dad handed her a glass of water which she took and ducked away with. I heard her start sniggering in the bathroom after that and it took everything in my power not to laugh as well. God, we were so immature during serious conversations.
"Good." Uncle Moody said and I watched the brown turn to gold. I nearly snorted.
"Ooh, you look much tastier than Crabbe and Goyle, Harry." Hermione squealed in delight, setting Trang off again in laughter. "Oh, you know what I mean- Goyle's potion looked like bogies." Hermione tacked on defensively as Ron gave her a strange look.
"Right then, fake Potters line up over here, please." Uncle Moody said.
I was frustrated that Moody had still taken Mundungus, when Mundungus was clearly the whole reason that Uncle Moody died. But I supposed there wasn't really anyone else to take his place. Most of the other people pretending to be Harry were all of the kids anyways. I supposed Trang could've, but I needed her.
"We're one short." Dad said, as Mundungus never joined Ron, Hermione, Fred, George, and Fleur in the line.
"Here." Hagrid said, lifting Mundungus up with what felt like three fingers and plopping him down next to Fleur.
"I've toldjer, I'd sooner be a protector." Mundungus complained.
"Shut it. As I've already told you, you spineless worm, any Death Eater we run into will be aiming to capture Potter, not kill him. Dumbledore always said Voldemort would want to finish Potter in person. It'll be the protectors who have got the most to worry about, the Death Eaters'll want to kill them."
My stomach turned. While knowing right now that it should only be Uncle Moody who would potentially die- besides Hedwig- I didn't know if anything would change. After all, it was clear to everyone that Uncle Moody and I had some sort of tension between the two of us. And it was probably strange that we wanted to take Hedwig on a separate journey.
I wondered if it would change anything. If I had to worry about Dad or Tonks or Kingsley. If I had to worry about George losing more than an ear. Or worry about Fred now instead of in the future at the Battle of Hogwarts.
I took a deep breath, once again trying to find where we were in the conversation. I noticed the others were all taking the drinks now.
It was disconcerting, watching.
Fred and George turned to each other and said, "Wow- We're identical!"
I was eased once again as I laughed.
"I dunno, though, I think I'm still better-looking." Fred said.
As the others got ready, I tugged at Harry's arm. "Where's Hedwig? Trang and I need her."
Harry went ahead and got her, and I nodded, "Uncle Moody has a stuffed one for you. What I want you to do is act like you really have Hedwig. Whatever you would do if it was truly Hedwig in the cage, do it."
Harry looked a little nervous, but I knew I had to tell him. If he didn't duck for the cage because he figured it was just a stuffed animal, he would be hit by a killing spell.
"Good." Uncle Moody said, once everything was set and ready to go. "The pairs will be as follows: Mundungus will be traveling with me, by broom-"
"Why'm I with you?"
"Because you're the one that needs watching." Uncle Moody growled while I felt my stomach sink once again. Uncle Moody didn't even look at me as he continued, "Arthur and Fred-"
"I'm George." The Harry that Uncle Moody was pointing at said, "Can't you even tell us apart when we're Harry?"
I covered my mouth with my hand as Uncle Moody sighed, "Sorry, George-"
"I'm only yanking your wand. I'm Fred really-"
"Enough messing around! The other one- George or Fred or whoever you are- you're with Remus. Miss Delacour-"
"I'm taking Fleur on a thestral. She's not that fond of brooms." Bill said. Trang might've cracked a rib from how hard she was laughing at the sappy face Fleur- as Harry- made at Bill.
"Miss Granger with Kingsley, again by thestral-"
"Which leaves you and me, Ron!" Tonks said excitedly.
"An' you're with me, Harry. That all righ'? We'll be on the bike, brooms an' thestrals can't take me weight, see. Not a lot o' room on the seat with me on it, though, so you'll be in the sidecar."
"That's great." Harry lied.
"We think the Death Eaters will expect you to be on a broom." Uncle Moody informed the dispassionate Harry, "Snape's had plenty of time to tell them everything about you he's never mentioned before, so if we do run into any Death Eaters, we're betting they'll choose one of the Potters who look at home on a broomstick. All right then. I make it three minutes until we're supposed to leave. No point locking the back door, it won't keep the Death Eaters out when they come looking. . . come on. . "
Uncle Moody waited as everyone filed out of the kitchen. Dad gave Trang and I a smile as he exited until it was just Trang and me.
Uncle Moody looked at me as tears started to pile up in my eyes. "Kane. . . just remember. I'm forewarned. But I can't sit this one out. Too much is at stake for that boy. And I know you'd die for him just the same as I."
"I know." I whispered.
Uncle Moody stomped over, and I hugged him. I knew it would be the last time. He would go out the way that he wanted to go out.
Uncle Moody then clapped Trang on the shoulder, "You're a good kid. Both of you."
Then he stomped out of the kitchen and Trang, and I sat in silence, watching the rest of them take off into the sky.
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greekgeek21 · 4 years
Percy Jackson & The Avengers: Convergence - percy is taken by the men (women) in black
Ok, so by what I've been hearing, there has been some confusion regarding the timeline, so here's the full explanation: figure it out for yourselves. My beta reader and I have already discussed this (MONTHS AGO IN FACT!) and we ultimately decided to not go into any specifics because it wasn't important to the story and the only thing you guys needed to know was that Percy and Annabeth were 18 now, and it's after the first Avengers movie and that Thor's not there. Got it? Ok, now to the real good stuff!
Thank you to all the people who have responded kindly to this story. Honestly, it made my day to find that I had already received 3 reviews on ff before it had even been out an hour. So, thanks so much guys.
- your author
PS hopefully these will start to get shorter cuz I hate reading long A/Ns on other fanfics so I don't want to be THAT person.
Ω ♆ Ω
Knock Knock
"Come in, Hill," Fury said, already knowing it would be his second-in-command.
As she entered, Fury noticed a slight change in her attitude. It wasn't large, but it was noticeable to the experienced spy's eyes. It was almost- confusion? What could she have discovered that caused her to be confused?
"Sir, I found a possible suspect. He's...not what we expected," Hill told him, placing a file on his desk.
The file included a single piece of paper. A SINGLE PIECE OF PAPER!!! Who was this guy that could evade SHIELD's suspicion for so long? Surely, someone smart. Very smart.
"What do you mean, Hill?" he asked, picking up the paper.
The woman in question cleared her throat before responding, "See for yourself. He's just a kid."
Not displaying any surprise, though there was some going through his head, Fury read the information on the sheet:
Gender: MALE
Age/DOB: 18; AUGUST 18, 1993
Status: ALIVE
Last Known Location: MANHATTAN, NY
Place of Birth: MANHATTAN, NY
Height: 6'1"
Disabilities: DYSLEXIA, ADHD
Family: Sally Blofis (Formerly Jackson), Mother - ALIVE
Paul Blofis, Step Father - ALIVE
Estelle Blofis, Maternal Half Sister - ALIVE
Gabe Ugliano, Step Father - MISSING
Abilities/Weapons: CLASSIFIED
Other Info: Was involved in a nation-wide manhunt at 12 years old; Pushed class into shark tank; Blew up school bus with colonial cannon; Flooded an Aquarium; Seen traveling Greece with six other teens after missing three months of school (wasn't reported missing by parents);Suspected abilities; Was seen at Brooklyn Bridge explosion
Fury sighed. Just great. Another troublemaker to give him a headache. And what was with the Classified stamp? Nothing is classified to the director of the company who created the file, so why was this?
Deciding to put it off for further thought, and steeling himself over again, Fury gave his orders to Agent Hill, "Find him. Bring him in for questioning. Don't make a scene."
They were simple orders in themselves, but Fury knew better than to expect everything to go smoothly. Any second grader could figure out that Perseus Jackson was not one to do things smoothly. Hell, it would be a miracle if they even got the chance to talk to the kid before he did some crazy stunt that would most likely get someone hurt. That's just how Fury's luck was.
"Understood, sir. I'll let you know when we have him in custody," Hill answered before briskly striding out the office door.
Fury sighed once she was gone, running a hand over his face. With nobody watching, he could truly let the stress on the inside seep into the outside. It wasn't just this one case either, there had been a couple other bombings popping up around the US, and they weren't any closer to finding the source. All they knew about them was that they were connected and that they were seemingly random attacks. Add finding Jackson to the mix and his mind was about ready to implode.
But unfortunately, the director of SHIELD didn't have time for breaks, so he went back to work on the multitude of information residing on his desk.
Ω ♆ Ω
Percy and Annabeth were back at home, which was currently the Blofis apartment, and they were enjoying every minute of it. With his sister Estelle around, there was always something to do. Percy absolutely adored his sister. There was nothing he wouldn't do for her. Just another side effect of his fatal flaw.
He hadn't told his mother or Paul what had happened during their trip, not wanting to worry them, but he had given Annabeth the simple explanation when he got back. He made sure to stress that he had been discreet, so she had eventually given up the interrogation. That's why it was such a surprise when they were sent a visitor not a week later.
When it happened, Percy was playing with Estelle in the living room while Annabeth studied in their room. Even though she had graduated from high school early, and they weren't due to start at New Rome University for several months, she insisted on keeping up with her studies. He, on the other hand, couldn't have cared less about school. The only reason he was going to college was so he could stay near Annabeth.
Sally was cooking lunch in the kitchen, and Paul was at work. There wasn't much the man could do for the case of Percy's expulsion from Goode, but he still worked there as an English teacher. And Percy used the powers of being a savior of Olympus to get a diploma for himself from the gods anyway. Annabeth still made him study sometimes, but he figured it was the least he could do after practically giving his girlfriend a heart attack when he announced he wasn't planning on finishing mortal high school.
Just as he was about to let Estelle win their game of cars, there was a knock at the door. Since his mother was closer to it, Percy didn't feel the need to interrupt his playtime with his baby sister. A year ago, Percy would have bolted to the door to make sure it wasn't a monster, but ever since the end of the Giant War, monsters tended to steer clear of the smell of the sea. Besides Kelli, of course. She was a perpetual nuisance for Percy.
And just as he was about to make his car lose, his mother called him, "Percy! There's someone at the door for you."
He was immediately on alert. The way his mom's voice sounded made it seem like she was trying to warn him, so his mind went straight down monster lane. Gripping Riptide in his pocket, Percy made his way to the front door, trying to act casual, but his muscles were tensed for battle.
"Coming, Mom!" he answered.
What he found was certainly not what he was expecting. Sure, it wouldn't have been a surprise to find that it wasn't obviously a monster, but his eyes weren't completely masked by the Mist. He could still tell when in the presence of something related to the divine, and he most-certainly was not in that moment.
As he got to the door, he noticed that his mom had positioned her body to block the entrance to the apartment. So not a monster, but possibly a threat, he concluded.
"Who's this?" he asked his mom, taking her place in front of the doorway.
"I'm Agent Hill with the FBI, and I have a few questions to ask. Would it be alright if we stepped inside?" the woman introduced herself, flashing a badge.
Percy wished he could have checked the badge's authentication, but his dyslexia prohibited that. He did his best to keep a cool persona as he acted like he could actually read what was on the badge. Given that his mother hadn't made any protests, he passed it off as good enough.
He narrowed his eyes at the agent, assessing her threat level quickly before deciding that saying 'no' would cause more trouble than saying 'yes' and answering with a simple, "Sure."
He and his mom backed away and let the women enter before shutting the door behind them. As the woman walked inside, Percy and his mom shared a silent conversation. He told her to take Estelle to her room and stay with her after alerting Annabeth of their visitor. He was sure that his girlfriend had already figured it out, but better to be safe than sorry.
"Take a seat. Do you want anything to drink?" Percy gestured to the kitchen table and went to grab glasses out of the cupboard.
The woman took a seat before saying, "Some water would be great, thank you."
Percy mentally noted that the woman was keeping a professional front while trying to still be friendly.
After he had gotten the water and sat himself down across from Agent Hill, he said, "You said you wanted to ask some questions. I'm not sure why, though. I haven't done anything."
Hill took a sip of her water before responding, "Well, we are just going over some of our older files and wanted to fill in some blanks on yours. For instance, where were you when you disappeared? We have a record saying you were spotted in Greece."
Percy had been prepared for this question. Annabeth had ingrained it in his head after he had run into his old swim team and had fumbled over an answer. After that, Annabeth had come up with a whole explanation for what seemed like every possible question out there.
So, he quickly answered, "I was with my dad."
He had been told that it was best to answer with short sentences. That way there was less room for confusion. Honestly, he was surprising himself with the calmness he exhibited. Annabeth had suspected he would end up needing her to rescue him if the need for these explanations ever arose.
"I thought you didn't know who your dad was," Hill countered smoothly, gaze becoming almost snake-like.
"We recently connected. He lives in Greece," Percy said.
Out of the corner of his eye, he could make out some blond curls peeking out from the edge of the hallway leading to the bedrooms. His mind let out a sigh at the knowledge that his Wise Girl was here to save him from whatever inevitable mistake he made.
"Ok, then could you please inform me of his name?" Hill asked, "And then maybe we could travel somewhere more private for the rest of my questions."
She could tell that they were being spied on, then. That seemed like a little above the average skill-level of an FBI agent to Percy, but he was just basing his thoughts off of movies, so he wasn't too sure.
Whatever the case, there was no way that he was going to go anywhere with Agent Hill. Here at home, he was on his turf. Wherever he was taken would be unknown territory, and it was common sense to not go into there.
Trying to dodge the name question, he said, "I'm not going anywhere with you without a warrant. I have rights, you know."
He was just saying what sounded right. Honestly, he had slept through US History. He barely knew who the first president was, let alone his constitutional rights.
"Those are irrelevant with probable cause, and we're only going to ask some more questions. I promise that if you come calmly, there will be no record of it anywhere," Hill said, standing up and brushing off invisible dirt from her clothes.
Percy thought about it, he really did...for a whole three seconds. I mean, what would one expect from the most irrational person on the planet?
"Yeah...sorry but I'm not going anywhere with you, especially not calmly," he said, standing up and reaching into his pocket again.
Even though he knew that the Agent was a mortal, and that Riptide would be useless in a fight against her, he still had an instinct to go for his most-trusted weapon when endangered. And in the moment, he felt extremely endangered.
Hill seemed to be trying to inconspicuously reach for her gun, but he saw it. His ADHD had kicked into overdrive, and he was noticing every little movement the woman made. ADHD could come in handy sometimes.
"Mr. Jackson, I highly suggest you stand down and let me take you in. I don't want this to get messy," Hill said smoothly, holding a hand out in a placating gesture.
"Too bad everything I do gets messy," Percy said, trying to simply swipe Agent Hill's legs out from under her, but she jumped over it and threw a punch to his temple, which is swiftly dodged.
Percy may have been taught to never hit girls when he was younger, but when he became a demigod, he learned that a threat could come from anywhere, and more often than not, it came from the female gender (or something resembling a female).
His signature troublemaker smirk made its way onto his face when he realized that this fight was actually something he had to work for. He wasn't arrogant persay, but he knew what he had defeated before, and a simple mortal isn't usually a comparison to them. But he knew better than to underestimate any opponent. Annabeth taught him that one. Speaking of Annabeth, she was still hiding behind the wall, probably waiting until the prime moment to strike. Always the strategist!
Hill and Percy's fight become a fluid motion. Sometimes they got a hit in, but most of the time it was a game of defend and retaliate. Nobody had the upper hand...yet.
Percy may be better at swordsmanship, but it wasn't like he was completely ignorant to hand-to-hand combat. He knew some stuff, including how to feint and attack. Blame Luke for that one.
So, Percy used the technique. He wasn't actually expecting it to work, considering the obvious skill level of the agent he was fighting, but maybe a simple trick was just the thing he needed to knock her off her game. Even so, when he feinted a punch to her temple, just to pull back and knee her in the stomach, he didn't stop in shock. He let his adrenaline guide him into pulling the woman into a headlock that even Tyson, with all his cyclops strength, would have trouble getting out of.
Hill pulled at his arm a couple times before giving up on that strategy and trying another one: talking, "You know, Perseus, this little display makes it really hard for me to believe you're innocent. In case you haven't noticed, you're holding a federal agent in a headlock."
Percy grip barely loosened, but his determination to defy the agent's questions lessened. She was right. What makes her think that he's one of the good guys if he fought another one of them? Nothing, that's what. Because of this, he let out a large sigh, making eye contact with Annabeth (who's eyes widened in realization and shock), and released Agent Hill. He knew that she had manipulated her, but he also knew that what she had said was true.
As soon as Hill was out of his hold, she turned around while simultaneously pulling her gun out and pointing it at Percy, chest heaving for breath, "Don't move! Get on your knees and put your hands behind your head."
Percy complied, but he could see Annabeth finally slipping into the light, ready to fight off the woman arresting her boyfriend. He met her eyes and tried to convey his thoughts, but she ignored him, instead opting to go ballistic on Agent Hill.
"What do you think you're doing?! Let him go!" she yelled and grabbed Percy as Hill cuffed Percy with some seriously high-tech handcuffs and tried to pull him to his feet.
Hill kept a steel face as she shoved Percy towards the door, "He assaulted a federal agent. I have probable cause."
All of the noise had pulled Sally out of her hiding spot in her daughter's room. Once she saw what was happening, she joined Annabeth in protest. Percy just really wanted them to let it happen. Better it be him than anyone else.
"Mom, Annabeth, let me go. I'll be fine, I promise." Percy said, eyes pleading as they reached the front door.
Annabeth scoffed, eyebrows furrowing, "Like that means anything!"
"Mom, let me go. I'll be fine," After saying that to his mother, Percy turned to Annabeth, "Tell my cousins what's going on. They can help."
He prayed that she understood what he was trying to say. He wanted her to tell their demigod friend's what happened to him, and then they could help her with whatever plan she comes up with. Knowing Annabeth, she already had a plan, though, so there was no doubt in his mind that she had understood what he was insinuating.
Annabeth hesitated before giving him a curt nod. Hill took that as her signal to tug him out the door, but before he was completely gone, Annabeth grabbed his face in her hands and gave him a kiss. They were deepening it as the Agent once again pulled him away. Annabeth and his mom's worried faces followed him until he was inside the elevator, heading down to the lobby.
On the ride down, his entire body tensed up as flashbacks from the Doors of Death shot through his mind. Usually, he could push them away when Annabeth was there with him, but the stress of the previous hour was weighing on his mind, so it became difficult. Hill seemed to think that he was going to try to resist again, so she pulled out her gun again, aiming at his side. For the first time, Percy noticed that the gun looked a little odd; it was glowing blue. Then, before he could react, Hill pulled the trigger and the last thing Percy saw before he blacked out was blue liquid seeping out of his side.
Ω ♆ Ω
How was it? Let me know in the comments! As always, like, follow, and reblog pls!! Thank you to my amazing beta reader, nightskywithrainbows on Ao3! This would suck without you! Go check out their writing!
- your author
other chapters :)
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12-altunivkru · 4 years
The 100 Rewatch - All Seasons Ranked
*spoiler alert*
1️⃣ Season 5: 9.5/10
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▪️What was good:
Everything BLODREINA
The conflicts between characters were intriguing and well developed
How cool were new characters??? (by that I mean Diyoza and Madi, obviously)
It was refreshing to see new bonds/alliances: Spacekru fam (Raven/Murphy/Emori or Bellamy/Echo), Wonkru stans (Octavia/Miller/Nylah), Clarke/Madi, etc.
How did they manage to pull off decent plot twists in almost every episode?
▪️What was bad:
Let's rush Raven into a relationship because why not
Why didn't we get an episode of Spacekru flashbacks like we did of Clarke/Madi and Wonkru?
Blowing up Earth once again is starting to get old...
▪️Favorite episodes:🥇Damocles Part I (5x12)🥈The Red Queen (5x02)🥉Exit wounds (5x06)
▪️Favorite line: <<You are Wonkru or you are the enemy of Wonkru. Choose.>> Octavia
2️⃣ Season 2: 9/10
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▪️What was good:
The mystery behind Mount Weather kept me 100% invested
Introducing grounder culture, definitely a highlight of the show
The beginning of morally-questionable decisions and trust issues
The developement of Kane & Abby's relationship was sweet
Finn & Anya's deaths as a ´no one's safe on this show' reminder
▪️What was bad:
Really? Another underdeveloped love interest for Raven?
Not enough scenes of Mount Weather kru (Jasper+Monty+Harper+Miller+Fox+etc)
Jaha, Murphy & Co's journey to the CoL was dragged across too many episodes
▪️Favorite episodes:🥇 Blood must have blood Part II (2x16)🥈Coup de grace (2x11)🥉The 48 (2x01)
▪️Favorite line: <<Maybe life should be about more than just surviving.>> Clarke
3️⃣ Season 4: 8.5/10
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▪️What was good:
Simple easy-to-understand plot (basically finding a solution to a big problem) that allowed more time for character development & interactions
More screentime for the grounders, which is always a good idea - Echo&Emori&Indra&Roan&Luna thank you for existing!
They did a great job at showing that the concept of 'antagonist' is very relative as the protagonists are forced into an alliance with Azgeda
The season finale was epically epic
▪️What was bad:
Luna going psycho in the Conclave without a heads up - it would have been nice to have a hint or something in a previous episode...
Raven spending more than half of the season in the lab was not so fun (don't get me wrong, her storyline was great BUT they dragged it across too many episodes)
▪️ Favorite episodes:🥇 Die all, die merrily (4x11)🥈The tinder box (4x05)🥉Praimfaia Part II (4x13)
▪️Favorite line: <There's nothing like a little pain to remind you you're alive.> Raven
4️⃣ Season 7: 7.5/10 (until 7x07)
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▪️What is good:
Time dialation in the different planets is such a cool concept! (>>time travel)
Indra being THE BOSS
So far they have been successful at making us care about most of the new characters (Hope & Nikki Bang Bang are so cool!)
▪️What is bad:
What is this Raven redemption storyline? Completely unnecessary at this point...
No main character has died YET - it's the final season & we're ready for some shocking/emotional deaths!
Yet another love interest for Octavia?? SINGLE & HAPPY AREN'T INCOMPATIBLE, PEOPLE! *let's pretend we didn't see Jordan flirting with Raven*
▪️Favorite episodes:🥇 Hesperides (7x04)🥈The garden (7x02)🥉The queen's gambit (7x07)
▪️Favorite line: <Faith may be blind but loyalty isn't.> Indra
5️⃣ Season 3: 6.5/10
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▪️What was good:
Smart writing overall
They had us REALLY stanning the team plotting against Pike (Kane, Miller, Harper, Octavia, Abby)
ALLIE's recruitment process was terrifyingly amazing
▪️What was bad:
They did a poor job of connecting and transitioning between the Pike plot and the ALLIE plot, they simply took turns dedicating an episode to one or the other towards the middle of the season EVEN THOUGH everything was happening in Arkadia
Too much blood/graphic violence, even for this show
Things happened too quickly, characters were 'transformed' with no/very little build-up
While the rest of the deaths had a significant impact (whether you liked them or not), Sinclair's was a filler as it did not seem to affect the plot
▪️Favorite episodes:🥇 Stealing fire (3x09)🥈Ye who enter here (3x03)🥉Perverse instantiation Part II (3x16)
▪️Favorite line: <<Get knocked down, get back up again.>> Lincoln
6️⃣ Season 6: 5.5/10
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▪️What was good:
The first couple of episodes with team explorers & team spaceship (I was all in for the Raven-Diyoza-Madi trio) were SO promising
The Clarke/Josephine scenes were GOLD - were we supposed to like Josephine that much?
Raven, Murphy & Co giving Clarke shit for her actions in S5 was satisfying
▪️What was bad:
Raven & Echo didn't even get a storyline and Indra was gone pretty much all season
Kane & Abby's deaths weren't as meaningful/emotional as they could have been - after S5 their deaths made a lot of people happy
The Octavia & Diyoza arc was dragged across too many episodes
Body-snatching isn't very original & the Primes plot wasn't really trascendent since they almost all died by the end of the season
The finale was dissapointing, there was no tension whatsoever
▪️Favorite episodes:🥇 The old man and the anomaly (6x08)🥈The red sun (6x02)🥉 Sanctum (6x01)
▪️Favorite line: <<[enters #102 into the lock to open the chest] You forgot Bellamy and Raven.>> Clarke
7️⃣ Season 1: 5.5/10
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▪️What was good:
Original plot
The establishment of Clarke & Bellamy as co-leaders was beautifully written
▪️What was bad:
Is it a scifi show or a teenage drama with love triangles & cheesy lines?
The special effects & spooky transitions were not very impressive
Most characters felt very one-dimensional
They never explained why Lincoln sided with the delinquents? All we got was: well he drew Octavia in his notebook so he's good!
▪️Favorite episodes:🥇 We are grounders Part II (1x13) Murphy's law🥈(1x04)🥉Unity Day (1x09)
▪️Favorite line: <<We're back, bitches!>> Octavia
✨May we meet again✨
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dilfdoctordoom · 4 years
*raises hand* i think bette and dinah should interact
You know what, if Kathy Kane Bat-Woman helped out the JSA, then who’s to say that she didn’t bring along baby Bette. Who’s to say that baby Bette didn’t meet Dinah Drake & lose her MIND that is the COOLEST PERSON EVER & then she looks up to Black Canary because, like, people have been telling her that fighting in a dress is impractical, but Black Canary? Black Canary supports her. Black Canary understands.
Now flash forward a bunch of years. Baby Bette is no longer Baby Bette, she is now Flamebird. Babs has asked her to run a mission with the Birds and the basic rule of life if you want to continue your survival is Do What Oracle Says. So Bette puts on her suit, goes to the meet-up & expects like... Huntress. She’s always worked well with Helena, it’ll probably be Helena.
Spoiler alert: it’s not Helena. It’s Dinah Lance and oh god, Bette’s freaking out again it’s like she’s ten but in her defence have you seen Black Canary? Black Canary is the coolest. In the midst of writing that sentence, I came up with a very fun AU that I’m gonna be messaging you about because fuck yeah, Black Canary.
Bette knows it’s not the Black Canary she met as a kid but still? She’s the COOLEST PERSON EVER it might be something to do with the mantle it might be the way she kicks Deathstroke off a roof in fishnets. Unclear, more information will need to be gathered.
More information will be gathered on more team-ups because Oracle is a cruel, cruel woman who thinks it’s absolutely hilarious that Bette freaks out over Black Canary. Will this happen if she works with Wonder Woman? Inquiring minds would like to know. Oracle would like to know. Oracle will know. Once she stops laughing at how adorable Bette looks when she’s freaking out over working with the Black damn Canary.
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