#Mad eye Moody
polaroidcats · 14 days
The only thing Sirius Black and Barty Crouch Jr. had in common is that they enjoyed tying up a DADA professor
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hxuse-xf-black · 9 months
Mad-Eye: Lucius Malfoy, you have the right to remain- Tonks, interrupting: A loser! Mad-Eye: Nice. But legally, I have to start over now.
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resident-gay-bitch · 3 months
Pictures I’ve found on Pinterest that I would draw as the marauders if I had any drawing capability whatsoever:
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redadidassneakers · 2 months
Moody talking to Draco: so I wonder when Harry is going to sho-
Harry: *kicks open door*
Harry: *kisses Draco*
Harry: *pulls out wand*
Harry: let’s get this over and done with I have my OWLs this week
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reggies-fake-horcrux · 10 months
the hot girl struggle of trying to figure out whether someone is a marauders fan or just queer
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kitgeometri · 5 months
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Dumbledore and lovely animals
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dixonsgirl93 · 10 months
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lulublack90 · 4 months
Prompt 7 - Star
@jegulus-microfic February 7 Word count 743
ok this wasn't meant to be another multi-prompt story but here we are 🤣
CW- someone is tortured but it's not described but you know it's going on.
First part
Sirius had blindfolded him once they’d cleared the building. He could feel Sirius’s face still close to his. 
“We’re going to apparate in a second. Are you going to behave, or do I have to stun you?” Sirius growled into his ear. Regulus tried to twist his head away from his brother.
“Stunning it is.” Sirius sighed before Regulus felt a spell hit him, and then…
“Did you have to do that, Sirius?” James huffed as he rearranged Regulus’s limp body on his shoulders. 
“If he messed around, he would have splinched himself, and you might have as well. This was easier.” Sirius shrugged at James as he explained. “Come on, Mad-Eye will want to question him.” Sirius held his hand out to James, and they disapparated to their designated safe house. 
Regulus’s body felt stiff like he’d fallen asleep sitting up. Slowly, he cracked his eyes open. He was in a dark room, possibly a cellar. He wasn’t sure. If magic was being used, he could be anywhere. 
He tried to move and found he was strapped tightly to a wooden chair. 
“Ah, so you’re finally awake?” A gruff, gravely voice said from the shadows. Alastor Moody moved so he was just visible in the low light. 
Regulus supposed it was meant to be an intimidation tactic, but it wasn’t strong enough to work on him. The Auror clearly hadn’t asked Sirius for input, as he’d know that after dealing with Walburga Black, nothing these silly little men could do would get to him. 
“Hmmm, braver than you look, hey, Black? Let’s see how brave the lionhearted star really is.” He raised his wand, pointing it directly at Regulus’s chest, and all Regulus could think was this man was an idiot. The Regulus star wasn’t lionhearted. It was the heart of the lion, and as it was, his heart belonged to only one lion, a Gryffindor lion. 
He used thoughts of James to get him through the waves of torture Moody was about to perform.
Above them, in the kitchen, James and Sirius paced. Frank Longbottom had his wand on them, and they had been warned that if they tried to get into the cellar, he’d stun the pair without hesitating. So they paced. 
James flinched at every scream, and Sirius ranted and raved about how torture wouldn’t work on him because Walburga had made it her life’s mission to torture her sons until they could endure anything. 
“Just talk to him like I said to. He’s a twat, but he’ll talk more if you don’t piss him off with spells first.” He bellowed at the door.
James couldn’t speak at all. Every cry emitted from Regulus broke a piece of him. If he’d have thought even for a second that the Order would do this to him, he’d have taken him and run. 
Eventually, it went silent, and familiar clunking footsteps pounded up the stairs. The door to the cellar opened, and Mad-Eye walked out, looking tired and not at all satisfied. James and Sirius went to step around him, but he shot his arm out, blocking them. 
“Oh, no, you don’t,” He growled at them. “No one is to go near the prisoner.” 
“What the fuck Mad-Eye?!” Sirius cried as he tried in vain to get around him. 
“He’s not talking yet. But don’t you worry, he will.”
“No, he won’t! I’ve already told you, Moody, you won’t break him like that. All you’ve done is piss him off. He’ll never say a word to you now. Let us try. I know we can get through to him. He’ll talk to James and I. Please let us try.” By the end of his tirade, Sirius was pleading with the older wizard. James was glad Sirius had taken over. He was in no fit state to fight Mad-Eye. 
“Go on, Mad-Eye, it won’t hurt to let them have a crack at him.” Frank offered as he tried to defuse the situation and get the head Auror to see reason.
The grizzled wizard grunted something incoherent but nodded before he stomped out of the kitchen. They all understood he meant that James and Sirius could go down to Regulus.  
James stared at the cellar door. He felt sick at the thought that whatever had happened to Regulus was his fault if he hadn’t picked him up. None of this would have happened. 
He put his hand on the doorknob and turned it.    
Next part
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abitchnamedtia · 6 months
Alastor Moody's love languages
To give:
His number one love language is acts of service. Weather is doing the dishes for you, cleaning something, helping with a small task when he can, giving you is coat whenever you're cold... The fact that he'll also give his life to protect you is a part of it. He would kill and die for you. LITTERALY.
To receive:
His favourite love language to receive is words of affirmation. He won't ever admit it, but hearing how much you love him makes him all fuzzy inside. And seeing, hearing, how much you mean it, makes him love you a hundred times more. Sometimes (most of the time) his confidence isn’t on top, but you always manage to change that for the better.
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moonyswarmsweaters · 12 days
what if there was fic that is just Barty Crouch Jr in his time as Mad eye moody where he spend alot of time with Luna lovegood because she reminds him of one of his best friends and sister in law,
spending time with who should have called him uncle-Barty and it’s him keep telling luna about her mum and uncle.
Barty going mad stuck in the body of his soulmate’s killer. and they spend time together and it’s sweet but also heartbreaking with a bunch if flashbacks.
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pinkbubbles06 · 3 months
Rosekiller Headcannons:
Pt. 2
Pt. 1
Some of these are my own and others are ones I agree with so if some seem familiar that’s why lol. Enjoy!!!!!! Gosh I love them so much. I need like a semi canonical fic of them stat.
* I like to think that Barty was the sweetest of souls when he was younger, but the constant abuse from his father and the cold world damaged him a lot. He also is bipolar so ya know…. Uhhh… yeah…😅
* Barty has long and slender fingers and it would always drive Evan nuts when Barty would wear rings on his hands and nervously play with them
* Barty also developed a tick/constant habit of darting hit tongue out of his mouth to wet his lips. Evan never learned why he did it but found it oddly endearing.
* I feel like Barty couldn't fall asleep without like a million pillows. Unless he had Evan. He would have the best sleep of his life when he slept with Evan.
* Barty will Call Evan Dimples
* The Infamous Three™ know French so they talk in it when they want to say shit about other people.
Evan knows German but rarely uses it.
Barty knows Italian and oh boy, his Italian. Evan got so hard the first time Barty started talking in Italian that he thought he was going to cream his pants. Barty talks in Italian when he drinks which is Evan's worst nightmare since Barty becomes even more flirty when drunk. Every time Barty calls him "mio amato" (my beloved), Evan MELTS (he stills swears he is straight™ and not completely in love with Barty).
When Barty wants to talk about Evan without being pried on, he talks on Italian. Reg knows Spanish and they make it work.
* Barty is Scottish and Evan is French.
* Barty picked up a bunch of languages by the age of 15 because his father decided it was mandatory for his son. (Crouch Sr. canonically knows around 200 languages)
* barty loves the snow. he could spend hours out in the cold without a warming charm if it weren't for his friends getting onto him about him possibly getting sick. he loves sledding down the hills at hogwarts, racing his friends to see who wins. he always does. he also likes snowball fights, building a snowman, and making snow angels. it was something him and his mother cherished so he likes to bask in those precious memories when he can.
* conversely, evan hates snow. his faces crinkles up at the sight of it. he makes sure he bundles himself up and uses warming charms as much as he can. most of the time he sits watching his friends enjoy the snow, throwing snowballs at each other. then barty just shows up with that damned smile of his, his eyes full of wonder at the snow falling down. barty will shoot him a grin just before he throws a snowball. sure, evan hates the snow, but he does genuinely appreciate how happy it makes his boyfriend.
* it is a matter of fact that Barty and Evan spoiled each other constantly, with materialistic things or with kisses and hugs.
* Evan’s birthday is June 20th
* Barty loved to doodle. He would sometimes just grab a marker or something and gently and carefully draw on Evan’s hands or arms. Whichever was easiest to doodle on at the time.
* Barty is secretly a book worm and could talk for days on end to Evan about what he reads.
* Evan isn't much of a reader but he will read anything if Barty suggests it to him, because he absolutely loves seeing him ramble. Barty will also annotate books for him when he borrows them. Don’t get him started on the love poems.
* Barty is so smart. But like in the doesn't need to try smart - tests come easy to him sort of smart
* Evan is completely and totally scared of all bugs ever, and he has to get reg or barty to kill them when they get into the dorm. Barty will sometimes terrorize him by bring the bug really close to him in his hand. Evan screams bloody murder every time. Barty gets such a kick out of it lol.
* When someone asks Barty if he wasn’t something to eat, he’ll say ‘you’ in a deadpan tone (mainly to Evan)
* Evan is possessive as fuck, he will actually glare anyone down that even looks in Barty's direction and will proceed to plan a murder.
* Evan was just a little bit more unhinged than Barty was at Hogwarts. But after school, and after he was a legal adult, Barty let loose and they were both unhinged together!!😁
* Barty and Evan share beds a ton, and the first time it happened was because Barty was having a hard day and Evan snuck in and held him through the night,
* Barty also has nightmares and instinctively looks for evan when he wakes up; Evan is always there
* Barty secretly proposed to Evan when they were 16. No one knew about it. Ever. And no one could ever tell because they almost always both wore rings. So they were engaged until Evan died, because they never got to get married because of all the “no gay marriage!!” In the 70s/80s
* I like to think Barty fell first but when Evan fell for him too Barry’s love grew deeper once he had him. So basically he fell first and he also fell harder.
* Barty never holds people's hands, he just wraps his fingers around their wrist. Friends or Lovers.
Evan has no idea why, maybe it's a preference or something?
Barty actually does it to check if the person he's with has a pulse and is real, a small reassurance for his anxiety
* evan has brown eyes, and barty collects rocks when they match the color perfectly. He’s kinda like a crow that way. He will find things that remind him of Evan, or that make him think of him, and he will give them to Evan. He keeps every single one.
* Barty has deep emerald green eyes.
* Evan adores it when Barty runs his fingers through his hair. He gets shivers down his spine every time.
* They both actively tried to summon ghosts
* Evan has like really bad circulation so he's like ALWAYS cold. And Barty is always a furnace
* Barty would often just bite Evan’s shoulder. Evan eventually go a tattoo of Barry’s bite marks on his left shoulder.
* Harley Quinn and Barty Crouch Jr. are interchangeable and you cannot convince me otherwise.
* Like, “what’s that I should kill everyone in escape? oh sorry, it’s the voices… I’m kidding!!! that’s not what they actually said.”
* Evan would often put his hand on Barry’s throat and Barty lived for every second of it. The Horny Bastard.
* I just know that Barty and Evan had so many dramatic break ups over the pettiest things
* They did it so they could have hate sex🤣🤣
* Barty would always tell Evan that he hopes that he would die first. He always said he never wanted to live in a world where Evan wasn’t in it….
* The skittles(Barty, Evan, Reggie, Panda, and Dorcas) all made an unbreakable vow that only death would do them part… and it did…
* Everyone thinks that they can’t stand each other when in public, but alone, or just with their friends, they are literally unbearable
* Evan wears baggy clothes and Barty wears tight clothes. Fight me on this.
* Also Evan has the sluttiest waist known to mankind.
* The fist Slytherin party that Evan actually danced at, he was so insecure. So Barty convinced him that no one was looking at Evan and that they were just looking at Barty. And after a few drinks, Barty had convinced Evan of that and he just let lose. And holy shit were they hot together. Kinda like the song by Sabrina carpenter if u know what I mean….
* Like, Barty would say “They aren’t even looking at you Ev, they’re looking at me.” Then Evan would say, “But I don’t want them to look at you Barty.”
* Evan took his shirt off a few times at a couple of party’s and literally all eyes were on him but he didn’t care cus Barty was there, Hands tightly secured to his waist and glaring at anyone who even glanced at Evan.
* Barty is a pyromaniac, and when that happens only Dorcas and Pandora can settle it. Evan can too but he usually just enables him🤣
* When Evan goes missing it doesn’t take Barty long to figure out he is dead. It totally sent him off the deep end and caused him to put all of his devotion into the only thing he had left, Voldemort.
* Also, once he found out Evan was dead he went straight to Pandora. She was the only one of their friends would would even think about talking to him. He was miserable, he wouldnt leave his room at Pandoras house for days.
* I am also completely convinced that Bartemius Crouch Sr had Evan assassinated after he found out about him and Barty.
* Like you know how canonically moody was trying to take him prisoner, but Evan was fighting so damn hard that Moody had to kill him. I think that was his order along. You can’t convince me otherwise. that is what happened.
* When he is posing as Moody, Barty finds out about this and kills his dad because of it. And also because of the god awful abuse. Duh.🙄
* Also, a little before torturing Alice and Frank Longbottom, Barty tried to obliviate himself so he would just forget Evan and Regulus because the pain of losing them was too much. In his attempt, because his emotions were so high, he messed it up and he went insane. This also caused him to halusenate Evan and Regulus. The halusenations of them were the ones who convinced him that Alice and Frank killed Evan. (Barty already knew how Regulus died.)
* Regulus told Kreature to tell Evan and Barty how he died, knowing they would keep his secret. And they did until they died.
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not-rab · 1 year
evan rosier is the most underrated/overrated character in the entire marauders fandom
on one hand - he was literally mentioned twice in canon
on the other hand - we realise he managed to seriously harm one of the most powerful aurors of all time
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lemongrass77777 · 2 months
The Marauders As Images No. 3
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mireyaaaaaa · 2 months
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I was evil for spamming these first thing in the morning
@yeeteddemigod lolol sorry
Now I'm going to go spam pjo too>>
(Think about Sirius, Lupin, Lily, James, Mad eye moody, hedwig; to cry some more)
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moody: I have the sharpest memory, name one time I forgot something.
tonks: you left me in a parking lot like, three weeks ago
moody: that was on purpose, try again
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iamnmbr3 · 3 months
Moody: constant vigilance
Everyone: lol there he goes again being p-
Moody: I was kidnapped and replaced and none of y’all noticed so shut tf up
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