#back to the void I go
justpked · 9 months
Merry Christmas, and Happy Holidays everyone.
Let us commit some sins.
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trlvsn · 10 months
"narumitsu is overrated and actually toxic" "krisnix is terrible and you shouldn't ship that" and yet we're both fantasizing about lawyers making out. take my hand comrade
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zawieja · 9 months
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It's a giant cat. Maybe it's friendly...
Today I learned that in Icelandic folklore there is this huge cat called Jólakötturinn that eats people who don't get any new clothing before Christmas. I love it.
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amixofpixels · 14 days
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Still alive, and currently playing. I am still in the midst of an heir hunt and blaming people for cursing my game. You know who you are...
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mothiepixie · 1 year
Motti is 5ft/152 cm where as Big Red is 6'10/208cm.
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soepwashere · 2 years
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Quick expression practice
Picked the expressions from this
Close ups yippee
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(Edit: there was a random line on Wilbur’s face that I didn’t notice until now lol so I fixed that)
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blighted-lights · 5 months
me: why have i been so anxious and shaky and upset these past few days?? why have i been struggling to talk to people? what's going on???
my traitorous uterus:
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queermyth · 2 years
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Emerging from my cave to post doodles again..🕺
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crimsyoko · 11 months
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Closeup Below cause I really like how the eyes turned out again :3
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tangeringe · 1 year
Waiting to die
I just realized I forgot to post this @simcardiac-arrested
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sesshy380 · 2 years
Achievement unlocked: Survived yet another 365 days.
Reward: Have everyone tell you how it's 'your' day and that you can do whatever your want, they then proceed to do the exact opposite and make that day hell.
So here's what I'm gonna do. I'm gonna create my own hell. I've been bouncing back and forth with sharing this Eldritch AU snippet that I wrote (literally, aside from base premise, this is the only thing that resembles a story). I figured 'What's the worst that can happen? Crickets?'
WIP Title: A heart in Darkness
Puzzleshipping, Blindshipping (take your pick, Atem is called Yami in this for reasons, so idk)
Yugi screamed at him. “Who are you?!”
Yami felt hurt and confused. “You know who I am.”
“No, I don’t! I don’t know a single damned thing about you other than the name you’ve given me, which probably isn’t even your real name!”
Yami looked away, sorrow in his eyes. “I can’t tell you anything else.”
Yugi jerked the choker from around his neck and threw it as hard as he could at Yami. “Two guys that looked very much like dark doppelgangers of Ryou and Marik seemed to recognize this. They claimed it was the ‘handiwork’ of their ‘Prince’.”
Yami quickly turned his gaze back to Yugi, his eyes wide with fear. “No. They-...They must’ve been mistaken.”
“Oh, ‘Zorc’ and ‘Kek’ seemed pretty certain,” Yugi said, still fuming.
The fear in Yami’s eyes intensified. “Did they say anything else?”
“They gave me a message for their ‘Prince’. They told me to say ‘The Reclaimers have found you’. They also mentioned that he could either go with them willingly, or they could do things the ‘fun’ way.”
Yami felt like he was falling apart inside. He fell to his knees. They found him. He glanced down at the choker Yugi had thrown. They found him…and it was because after all this time, he’d been careless.
“Yugi, I didn’t want you to know. I was afraid. I am afraid. Once I tell you the truth…show you the truth…you’ll never look at me the same. You’ll scream in terror at the very sight of me. You’ll become plagued with nightmares and madness. I…I can’t…”
Yugi’s anger slowly faded as he brought himself before Yami, knelt down, and took Yami’s hands in his own. “Yami, you know that you can tell me anything, right? There’s nothing you can say or show to me that would change how I feel for you.”
Yami couldn’t look Yugi in the eyes. “I assure you, there is. There has not been a single person I have encountered that has yet to react any differently.”
Yugi lifted his chin with a single, curled finger beneath it. Their eyes met, and Yami stared into the amethysts that bore into his darkened soul, warming it and filling it with light that didn’t hurt.
“Yami. I love you.”
Yami came undone. He couldn’t bear the thought of lying to Yugi for another second. He wanted nothing more than for Yugi to gaze upon his true form, hoping those bright amethysts wouldn’t turn away. He wanted Yugi to hear his true voice, and he prayed it would not drive Yugi into madness.
“I…I’m an Eldritch Prince.”
Yugi stared in confusion for a long moment. “I’m sorry…what?”
“I’m an Eldritch Prince,” Yami reiterated.
Yugi blinked a few times. He let go of Yami’s hands, stood, and walked away, keeping his back turned to Yami as he stood on the other side of the room.
Yami wasn’t sure what to think of Yugi’s reaction.
“I thought you would at least tell me something that was partially true. I never imagined you would come up with an obvious lie based on Ryou’s outrageous accusation,” Yugi said bitterly.
“B-But it’s true!”
“Get out…and don’t come back,” Yugi said coldly.
Yami felt his cheeks and eyes begin to sting, and the space inside his chest became increasingly heavier and heavier. “Yugi, please…I’m not lying. I am an Eldritch Prince. I ran away millennia ago from the Plane of Darkness, an-”
“Stop lying to me and get out!”
Yami wobbly stood and took a few unsteady steps towards Yugi with a single outstretched arm. He wasn’t sure why his body reacted this way, but he didn’t care. He just wanted Yugi. He wanted to feel his warmth again.
“I can prove it.”
Yugi glanced back over his shoulder. “How? Are you going to sprout a hundred eyes and a bunch of tentacles?” he asked sarcastically.
Yami halted in his wobbly advance, shaking his head. “No. I am an Eldritch of Darkness. In all technicality, I am formless. What you describe are more commonly found in the other Planes.”
Yugi rolled his eyes and huffed loudly. “I can’t believe you’re still spewing out this nonsense.”
Yami resumed his approach towards Yugi. He shakily placed his hand on Yugi’s shoulder, and applied enough pressure to indicate that he wanted Yugi to turn around.
Yugi did as indicated, his lips pursed as he lowered his eyes and shook his head. “Why are you doing this? I just admitted how I felt, and all you can think to do is come up with a blatant lie.”
Yami could hear the pain and sadness in Yugi’s voice. He could also smell and taste it in the air around them.
“Yugi, I love you as well…and I want you to see me for what I really am. I just pray that your mortal mind can comprehend it.”
Yugi folded his arms across his chest while upwardly rolling his eyes and scoffing loudly. “Whatever. I guess I’ll play along with this sudden burst of madness. I don’t know why I expected to get a real answer anyway.”
Yami stepped back until he was across the room again. He removed his Pendant, and as he did, the lights in the room began to flicker and his eyes became glossy black.
That one subtle change was all it took for Yami to sense the sudden change in Yugi. He could see Yugi’s mind quickly grasping the fact that he hadn’t been lying.
He waited for a moment to assess whether or not Yugi was actually ready to see what should never be seen by mortal eyes. Yugi stood there slack jawed as he took things a step further. He allowed the tendrils of smoky Darkness to pour out of his being, holding out on fully dispersing his human visage.
Yugi had begun to visibly shiver in fear, which was something he had expected.
"Yugi, I need you to stop thinking in the realm of what is and isn't possible. We Eldritch exist outside of the Planes of Possibility and Logic. Mortals go mad at the sight of us because they become fixated on trying to comprehend and understand what they are seeing. If you don't try to do those things, then you will be spared that fate. Let go, and accept that there are things beyond the limits of mortal imagining."
“...y-you-...-y-you’re really…” Yugi couldn’t get the words out.
“Yes.” Yami stated calmly, the tendrils of Darkness still billowing out from his visage. “I am, and I am not. I am ‘other’. I can see each and every layer of existence simultaneously, and exist in each simultaneously as well if I so choose. Instead, I have chosen to exist in just this one.”
Yami patiently waited. He felt with all his senses, trying to determine if Yugi was ready to truly see.
“If this is more than enough proof, then I can hide what you see now. You have told me how you feel, and I wish to show you how I feel. I wish for you to see my true form…but I will refrain from doing so if you are not ready.”
He saw Yugi take in a deep, steadying breath. Yugi appeared to relax as his shivering vanished. Yami could sense that Yugi was steeling himself in preparation for what was to come, and it made his physical heart beat in a way that made him warmer than he’d ever felt.
Yugi stood up straight, those amethysts boring into Yami in a way that expressed nothing but trust. He nodded slowly. “Alright. I want to see.”
Yami didn’t think his body could feel any warmer. It took everything he had to not immediately dissipate into a pile of billowy smoke. The knees of his physical body felt weak, while the rest of his body wanted to spring forth and wrap itself around Yugi. He wanted to feel those physical lips against his own. He wanted to do the things that they had begun to do back at the club. He wanted to feel every sensation of two physical bodies trying to occupy the same space, without actually being capable of doing so.
Yugi was standing there, staring in anticipation, and Yami could sense that he was not afraid. Just as he hadn’t been afraid of the strange deer he’d encountered outside of the cabin. It was at that moment, that he knew Yugi was truly ready to see.
Yami closed his physical eyes, and allowed his visage to fade. The lights that had been flickering, went out entirely as he dropped the Pendant from his hands. His form dispersed, and he became a formless mass of shadow that was void of all light that continuously formed and collapsed back in on itself. Even in the darkness of the room, his essence was darker still.
"̵̱̕I̸͕̊ ̸̜̹̆a̵̛̜̓m̸͚̲̆ ̴̞͕̋t̵̼͊h̸̲́͒ȩ̴̠̀̅ ̸͉̾E̷͚̋l̵̺͙̽d̷̙̓r̷͇̓̈i̷̢̱̒t̷̬͐ͅc̸̦̪͗͘h̸̤̐̈́ ̸̗̏P̷̤̠̌̓r̷̬̅̇i̵̘̙͛͗n̵͈͉͗c̷̲̀e̶̡̎͛͜ ̸̦̲̿ö̷̧f̵̦̓͜ ̵̗͉͝Ḏ̴͌ȧ̶̲̮͒r̵͙̍͝k̷̈́͜͠n̷̲̺͛e̶̳̱͒ş̴̽ͅş̸̝̆,̵͈̚ ̵̨̦͛A̷̰͛͛͜ţ̸̢̿e̶͎͘ḿ̶̨̒.̶̰̂"̷͉̄̈́   (“I am the Eldritch Prince of Darkness, Atem.”)
“Atem? Your real name is Atem?” Yugi questioned.
Yami could sense no fear in Yugi, only awe and curiosity.
"̷͖̟̉T̸̺̙̒͝h̷̭̎a̷͓̔t̴͓͝ ̵̩̅͝ͅi̷̥̚͠ͅs̶̲͑͌ ̴̨̲̈́c̴̦̎̽o̴̯͕͂r̶͔͍̉ȑ̷͙̤ė̷͉̊c̶̪͆t̴̲̀.̸̼̉̋"̶̘͐   (“That is correct.”)
Yugi stepped forward, and as an instinct, Yami billowed back, keeping the distance between them.
“It’s okay,” Yugi said quietly. “I’m not afraid. I just want a closer look.”
Yami hesitated, then came forward until his mass was within arms reach of Yugi. He watched as Yugi slowly extended his arm and touched his mass, running his fingers through the billow of Darkness.
“Can you feel when I do this?”
"̸͈̪̈̅Y̵̙͆͘ͅe̴̫̅s̸̡͍͛̏.̷̹̖͝"̷̗̊́   (“Yes.”)
“Does it hurt? Or feel uncomfortable?”
"̴̘͕́N̶͖̏ö̵̲́ͅ.̵̹͂"̸̝͘   (“No.”)
Yami laughed internally at the last two questions. There was no way to describe how it felt to have Yugi run his fingers through his mass. He wanted to embrace Yugi in the Darkness, but without devouring him. He wanted to become one with him. That was the Eldritch way after all. Consummation between Eldritch involved becoming a singular mass, then separating back into each individual mass once each had obtained what they desired from the other. ‘One thing at a time,’ he reminded himself.
Yami slowly billowed back. He didn’t really want to, but he desired to hold Yugi in a way that he could not in his current form. He reformed his mass and replaced his visage. The lights slowly flickered back on one by one as he placed the Pendant back around his neck. He opened his physical eyes, and was once again flooded with warmth as he saw those amethysts looking at him in the same way they had been when Yugi had professed his love.
Yami slowly reapproached Yugi, placing a hand delicately on Yugi’s face as he brought himself closer still, then placed his lips against Yugi’s. The sensations he felt were the same as at the club, but on a much higher scale. He was an Eldritch Prince. He came from a place where there were no rules. There were no limits to what was, and was not, possible. Yet he stood here now, feeling things he’d never thought were a possibility.
As their lips parted, Yugi stared deeply into his eyes. “So do I call you ‘Atem’ now?”
Yami shook his head. “I would prefer it if you didn’t. My true name has not been uttered a single time over the millennia until just now.” He leaned his forehead against Yugi’s. “Besides, I like the way ‘Yami’ sounds when you are the one saying it…and I can only imagine how it will sound in other ways that it may come out of your mouth.” He lightly caressed a thumb across Yugi’s bottom lip as he said those words.
He could feel the heat off of Yugi’s face, and could make out the very distinct sound of Yugi’s heart picking up pace. It wasn’t beating rapidly in fear. It was beating rapidly in excitement. It seemed this whole evening was the club all over again…with a few speed bumps in between.
“I want to be with you Yami. I’m not afraid. I meant what I said before. I love you.” Yugi said breathlessly as his lips slowly began to close the gap between them.
Atem’s lips began to close the gap as well. “And I love you, Yugi. I never want to be apart from you.”
Their mouths met once again, and the explosion of feeling and emotion were like shockwaves through Yami’s body. He wanted more. He wanted to become one with Yugi. He wanted to feel Yugi inside of him, and him inside of Yugi. He wanted it all.
Yugi appeared to want the same as he wove his fingers through Yami’s hair and pulled him closer. Their bodies pressed so tightly, that had there been nothing physical to separate them, they would have already become one.
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snzzenby641 · 2 years
Yeah I’m coming off break for half a second just to post this shhh.
Two people both sick with colds (could be partners, friends, etc) and character A is drinking a cup of tea when their breath suddenly catches. Character B quickly takes the hot beverage from them at the last second, only to sneeze themselves and spill anyway.
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void-cloud · 1 year
*has positive experience*
*uses the momentum to reconnect in the group chat cause one on one is too scary*
*gets ignored*
Cool :)
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element-tale-blog · 1 year
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Goofy ahh water skeleton. I have come back from the shadows to post this.
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bloo-the-dragon · 11 months
i still have a few asks to answer BUT i'll get to them later!! gonna hop off to rest for now jhfkgh
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ralofofriverwoods · 1 year
Art dump time
Since I haven’t posted any in a hot second
First three are my ocs that have just needed references for a while. Or redesigns
Spider-Man character is a commission I did for someone on discord
Last one is another character I obtained recently :3
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May post some more tomorrow, because as always, the gods have cursed(blessed??) me with too many ideas and my work is never finished.
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