#back yard bar and fireplace structure
storyarcade · 11 months
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Patio - Fire Pit Example of a mid-sized trendy backyard brick patio design with a fire pit and a gazebo
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New pics we haven't seen of this home that has been on the market since forever, and just can't find anyone who appreciates it as much as I do. I thought you'd like to see the new pics. 1905, Kansas City, MO, $480K.
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We didn't see this part of the porch- interesting window. Love the beams, too.
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The unusual living room with the strange mirror over the fireplace.
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Dining room's large, looks kind of like a Craftsman style.
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The kitchen and the vintage stove top.
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Nice pantry.
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Primary bedroom.
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We didn't see this the last time- there's an open balcony looking down into the bathroom! Have you ever seen anything like that? Hello, you down there on the toilet.
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Remember the weird sink by the stairs?
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How about the ship's wheel room and the stairs to the basement?
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Cool rec room has a fireplace and look at the little martini glass tile in the floor.
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Bar in the corner has a brass foot rail. They removed the screen from the fan and look at the music notes in the tile.
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Large pool room would make a cool vintage arcade room.
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Toilet and stairs to the yard.
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My absolute favorite - the insane indoor pool with the antique filter. (I wonder if it still works). I'm also wondering if the pool was painted with flat latex, b/c then it's not even useable. Love this crazy pool so much.
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You remember this photo of the pool? No way out. Well, now there's a photo from the other end.
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Check it out. There're stairs. The filtration is so old, I guess that long hose must bring the water to the filter.
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Shower for when you come out of the pool.
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They didn't show the back of the house and this porch.
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The yard's nice, they didn't show the yard before.
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Water is pooling on the roof, but what is that structure? It looks like it has windows. This is such a cool house.
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And, it's very near the city, but in a beautiful suburban neighborhood.
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immortalcoelacanth · 4 years
Between the Walls, Chapter 3: To Earn His Keep (Dream SMP fic)
*hits table*
I have so many wips, why is my muse just like this?
Word count: 5313
Summary: Jobs are assigned and questions are asked as to why the hell Tommy and Techno are still putting up with one another.
Tommy had been confused as to what Techno meant by him having to work to earn the right to stay in his house. What work could he possibly do that would benefit him?! He couldn’t chop wood, or mine any precious resources. Crafting was also out of the question since he could only make things that were good for someone his size, so that left…
There was nothing he could do. There was no possible job that would suit him that Techno would benefit from, so he honestly had no idea what would come of the deal they had made. Perhaps nothing at all, and he would be allowed
Yeah right, as if he had ever been that lucky.
“TECHNOBLAAAAAADE! YOU FUCKING DICKHEAD!” Tommy howled as he clutched the wooden bars of the makeshift cage he was in. It was practically a repurposed box, the gap between the bars being too slim for the borrower to slip through, but even if they were big enough, he wouldn’t dare escape.
Primarily because of the large pit of groaning mods below him.
Apparently, the “work” Techno had planned for him was nothing more than him acting as bait for a basic mob farm. He was suspended above a pit, his cage attached to a wooden outcropping, and the faint glowing of the strange, red and orange cubes below him allowed him to easily see the hoard of zombies, skeletons, and the occasional creeper milling about.
He glanced back at the house and scowled, knowing Techno was probably sitting inside, all safe and warm. The cage barely blocked out any of the freezing winds, and since Tommy hadn’t been able to grab a jacket before being put out here, there was nothing to protect him from the cold. He was stuck, freezing and yelling at the top of his lungs.
Damn that stupid pig-
… Or hybrid.
It was a term the borrower was vaguely familiar with, he had been eavesdropping when one of the farmers back in Borrowton mentioned “hybrid plants” and how useful they could be. From what he knew, hybrids were like a sort of mixture, two different things being used to make one. Two different plants producing a new one.
He guessed one of Techno’s parents really was a pig fucker.
Tommy snorted at the joke before shuddering in the brisk breeze, arms wrapping tightly around himself while he huddled up on the floor of the cage. It sucked, being out here with nothing but the mobs for company. At least when he had been with Techno, he’d been able to interact, to socialize. It was something that he had always craved, to be able to reach out and connect with people. Even Techno’s occasional barbs, jokes, and the anger he caused Tommy to feel was better than being stuck outside.
Bastard, going from acting like he wanted to protect him to sticking him out here.
… Speaking of which, it had been very strange to witness that exchange. See the way that Techno hesitated to reveal his presence, and the fact that he had tried to hide Tommy further after the librarian made it aware that he knew the borrower was there. Some part of him had cheered, recognizing that maybe the pig-hybrid actually cared about him in some way, even though they had only known one another for about a day, but Techno’s actions earlier-
“What’re you making?” Tommy hesitantly asked as tried to stare at the crafting table. He had basically been told, ordered, to wait on the table while Techno finished whatever it was that he was making. Not wanting to anger the pigman, he had reluctantly done his best to stay in place.
Fidgeting the entire time, of course. Staying put had never been his strong suit.
“Just something to help with your new job.” Techno explained before turning around and showing off the cage he had made. “Gonna make things a lot easier.”
“... What’re you gonna put in it, then?” Tommy questioned, not at all liking where this was going. Of course, the answer he got was one he had expected, but still never wanted to hear.
“You, duh.”
Techno grinned, and Tommy felt his heart drop.
“You’re gonna be the bait.”
Had obliterated the small sparks of that hope. Techno didn’t care about him and only saw him as a means to an end. Probably why he got so huffy when that other guy noticed him. Clearly no one was allowed to mess with or torment Tommy unless it was Techno himself-
The borrower let out a startled yelp as an arrow slammed into the side of his cage, making it rock and sway. He scrambled to the side of the enclosure and tried to spot what had shot at him. His eyes scanned the empty yard, briefly landing on the empty stall that Techno must have built for some reason. It was weird to just have that structure sitting there, all empty and ready for some animal to inhabit it-
Tommy shook himself out of his thoughts as he spotted the source of the arrow. A lone skeleton that had, somehow, not stumbled over and fallen into the pit, was aiming at him, bow drawn and another arrow pointed in his direction. He immediately backpedaled, arms flailing as the newest arrow was released, just barely missing the cage.
Shit, shit!
“Fuck off you stupid bitch!” Tommy howled as the skeleton readied another arrow. As it was aimed at him, his panic and the pitch of his voice increased until he was practically shrieking. “FUCK YOU! FUCK YOU! FUCK YOU! FUCK YOU-”
Another arrow slammed into the skeleton’s skull, bone shattering and turning to dust. The monster dropped to the ground, the fallen bow and arrows the only sign of it ever having been there, and he quickly looked over at what, or who, had shot the arrow.
Of course.
“Couldn’t have shown up any sooner, you bitch?!” He shouted, internally cringing when those too bright, red eyes landed on him. He watched as the hybrid rested the crossbow he had used to kill the skeleton on his shoulder before making his way over to the wooden post. He glared down at Techno, more than aware of how not intimidating he looked as he shuddered in the cold. Although, his glare lightened up when he was finally removed from the post, less exposed to the winds as he was unintentionally sheltered by the hybrid’s body.
“I was just testing a hypothesis I had.” Techno simply responded. The borrower waited to see if he would elaborate on what that meant. A moment passed, then two, and then-
“Well tell me then! You don’t need to act so secretive!”
That tiny, near invisible smile on Techno’s face grew as he started to speak. “A hypothesis on whether your voice is annoying enough to instantly agro mobs, and it is from the looks of it. Congratulations-”
“Wh-you bitch!” Tommy sputtered as he raged and pointed aggressively at the amused hybrid. “I have the voice of an angel! It’s not annoying!”
As if trying to prove Techno’s point, and in turn prove the borrower wrong, another arrow was launched at the duo. Techno easily dodged it, hardly sparing a glance at the new skeleton as he returned fire and took it down, while Tommy was jostled about thanks to the sudden movement. He just barely managed to stop himself from smacking his head against the wooden bars, and that scowl on his face grew deeper.
For some reason, Techno possessed the uncanny ability to infuriate Tommy no matter what he did. Whether it was his occasionally smug, know-it-all attitude or how obtuse he could be at times, there was just something about him that never failed to upset the borrower.
… Not that he would ever tell him, of course.
Of course, his general unease and anxiety towards this new situation did not help in the slightest, leaving him on edge and ready to snap when something potentially bad happened. It was a miracle he had not been killed yet, and he quietly wondered how much longer his luck would last.
Not that such a thought would stop him from acting like how he typically did.
So, as was in his nature, Tommy immediately started shouting and cursing once more. “And why the fuck did you stick me up there for so long, anyways?! It was freezing up there-”
“You wanna go for round two?” Techno interrupted, lifting the cage up so Tommy could easily see the wooden post he had been hanging from. Immediately, the borrower backed up and started shaking his head.
“No! No, c’mon man! I was just teasing you!” He backpedaled. “Just a little joke, I swear!”
“The only joke here is your accidental pun.” Techno quipped, his smile growing as he watched realization, and then horror, cross Tommy’s face.
“Listen! It’s-it’s a crime to make jokes about me being small, because I’m not! Absolutely criminal!”
Techno let out another chuckle as he shut the door behind him and made his way towards the table. “It’s a good thing I don’t follow laws, then.”
Tommy didn’t dare ask what that meant.
Fortunately, a distraction soon appeared in the form of the cage being set down on the table, followed by one of the sides being removed. He quickly jumped out once there was enough room for him to move, stumbling a bit over the lip of the cage before he straightened himself out.
He ignored the amused snort he heard from beside him, not at all looking at Techno, and instead chose to bask in the sensation of finally being indoors, even if he was still freezing. Tommy shuddered as he wrapped his arms around himself, doing his best to heat up after being exposed to the cold for however long he had been stuck outside. The roaring fireplace definitely helped to chase away some of the chill, and he found his eyes lingering on the large pot that had been added to the fireplace. The air smelled… nice, and it looked like Techno had decided to make soup for himself.
Strange, since he swore the hybrid’s diet consisted of nothing but steak and the occasional, weird sparkly apple.
God, he’d been dying to bite into one of those and see what they tasted like…
He jumped in surprise as Techno placed a small, obviously handmade, wooden bowl filled with soup on the table. Curious, he slowly walked over and checked it out. It was still a bit too large for him to use, he’d probably drown himself if he tried to drink straight from it, but it was definitely much more manageable for him to use.
“Is… is that for me?”
The hybrid just nodded as he got himself his own bowl of soup. As such, he was unaware of how Tommy’s jaw dropped in pure shock, as he carefully traced the side of the bowl. The guy who’d spent the last twenty four hours tormenting him had made something for him, made something that would make his life easier!
He hadn’t been given any cutlery when he’d been kicked out of Borrowton, all he had were some basic tools and rations of food. The absolute bare necessities. And, instead of letting him suffer and search for something he could use, Techno had made it using his own two hands.
It dawned on him, in some strange, iconic twist of fate that he had unintentionally helped Tommy out more than his own people had. Invested more care into making sure he didn’t just survive, but was also comfortable.
… And not spilling soup all over the place-
Regardless, it was one of the last things he would have ever expected from Techno, and he quietly wondered if the hybrid had been working on the bowl while he had been stuck outside. Was this…
A reward?
Tommy’s breathing hitched and he quickly wiped his eyes before any of the budding tears could fall, idiot, crying over something as stupid as a bowl. By the time he had gotten his emotions under control, Techno had looked over to find him just staring at the bowl, appearing to be doing nothing.
“Did you expect me to spoon feed you or something?” He chuckled, waiting for Tommy to respond. When the borrower said nothing, his smile faded. “Bruh-”
“Don’t look at me like that!” Tommy objected, nearly knocking the bowl over as he turned his attention to Techno. “I’m just surprised! Big, bad, Blade making a bowl, never thought I’d see the day. Guess you’ve got little dainty girl hands for that!”
Techno rolled his eyes as the borrower continued rambling, tuning him out as he went about his supposedly dainty hands, and questions about if he made bird houses in his spare time. Eventually, Tommy got that he was done interacting, and the duo focused on their respective meals, with the borrower burning his tongue in his haste to try the soup.
“Fuck.” He hissed, waving a hand over the bowl to help it cool down as he cringed in pain. After waiting for the burning sensation to fade, as well as checking to see whether the soup had cooled down enough, he carefully tried again.
As he slowly sipped away at his soup, he watched as Techno made his way over to a chair, picking up the book that had been placed on it, as well as putting on his reading glasses. They were surprisingly worn, primarily held together by tape, and just barely managed to stay on the hybrid’s face as he sat down and cracked open the book. He then quickly realized that the book was the one he had gotten from the librarian.
The one about borrowers.
He felt… weird knowing someone was basically researching him, studying up on the supposed myths about his kind, and wondered to himself when he would get interrogated. Would Borrowton be mentioned in that book, or one of the other settlements? Tommy had never visited them, but he knew they were out there.
Knew about the rumours of the secret tracks that had supposedly connected each settlement to one another and was used to ship goods back and forth. He and Tubbo had tried searching for them one day and had only wound up with bruises and a stern scolding from the adult borrowers, telling them it was foolish to believe in made up stories.
But he never listened. Those tracks were there, had to be there. He and Tubbo had spent so many nights dreaming of how they’d get away, racing down the rails in a minecart. The angry yells and shouts fading as they raced off into their newest adventure.
They had planned to find a home using those rails.
And they would, Tommy promised himself as he grit his teeth. They would go on that adventure, they would find a home. He would get back to Tubbo, no matter what. All he needed was to figure out how to get back to Borrowton, and perhaps snag some supplies from Techno when he wasn’t looking.
… Maybe that book would come in handy after all.
Not that he had any hope in hell of stealing it, or even really reading it since the book was considerably larger than him, but it was the only chance he had at figuring out where Borrowton was and how he might get there.
It was ironic, to think he had spent so long dreaming about getting away from that hellhole and then ending up stuck in a situation where he needed to do everything he could to get back.
All in the name of Tubbo, of course.
He’d rather spend the rest of his life stuck with the annoying prick known as Technoblade instead of going back to Borrowton if it weren’t for Tubbo.  
… He did need a proper plan, though. He had to survive, figure out how to escape the hellish tundra he was in, get supplies for his journey which would probably last several days, and figure out what path he needed to take to reach Borrowton. Plus he’d need to figure out how to sneak in and find Tubbo, too.
So many things… did he even have a chance at completing them all? He could easily freeze to death in the snow, get mauled by some monster, starve, get lost and never reach his destination-
Don’t think about it.
He let out a sigh and placed the bowl down, distantly noticing he had finished his soup. It was nice, tasted like potatoes and something else. Unconsciously, he started rubbing his thumb against the smooth rim of the wooden bowl. All in all, being exiled wasn’t nearly as bad as he thought it was going to be, aside from him missing Tubbo of course. Techno was a bastard, a prick through and through, but he was surprisingly…
Nice wasn’t the word. Less cruel than he thought he would be? He thought back to the discussion with that nerdy librarian and let out a snort. Borrowers and hybrids working together, living together, sounded like a load of crap.
… Even if he was technically doing that just now.
But it wasn’t like there was some mystical force making them act all soft! Like… like they were best friends or something! He and Techno weren’t buddies or allies, they were just stuck together until either Techno got tired of him and kicked him out, or he left.
Nothing more, nothing less.
With both his meal and mental contemplation finished, he stood up and made his way over to the edge of the table, attaching his grappling hook to the end and throwing the rope over the side. He didn’t bother to check on what Techno was doing as he slid down, bowl carefully pinned between his arm and his body, and felt no need to tell the hybrid he was leaving. The last thing he wanted was to piss him off or something.
As he made his way over to the hole in the floor that would lead to his home, he was unaware of the contemplative, glowing red eyes that followed him. Nor did he see how those eyes narrowed as they landed on the bowl he was still carrying.
The next day, Tommy jolted awake as the sound of knocking reverberated through the hollow he lived in. He yelped in surprise and promptly tumbled out of his makeshift bed, a pile of wool and other fabric he had managed to steal from Techno. For a moment he stayed on the floor, looking up at the carved ceiling as he contemplated whether it was worth it to get up or not.
The more trust you gain, the more you can get away with. Work. Take what you can. Find a way back to Tubbo-
Yup, that was enough motivation to get him moving.
Slowly, he pushed himself upright and got ready for whatever Techno had planned for the day. Since it was morning he doubted he’d be acting as bait again, nor did he think he would have to deal with any mobs. Perhaps he would get a chance to relax?
Maybe he might be able to scope out some of the more valuable items Techno had that could help him since he didn’t have to worry about sneaking around as much. Or he could always try and check that book out and see if he could actually move the pages enough to read it.
But before he could even consider doing that, he had to figure out what Techno wanted from him.
It didn’t take long for him to finish freshening up, and soon enough he was quickly making his way back through the tunnels towards one of the few exits he had made. Fortunately, the section of the tunnel that Techno had damaged had been replaced.
Of course, the hybrid had left it up to Tommy to actually carve out the replacement tunnel, which left the whole system feeling pretty disconnected since the walls no longer lined up.
The prick.
Eventually he made his way out of the tunnel, climbed out of the hole in the floor, and walked out into the open. Instinctively he shuddered, hating how exposed he felt. This feeling only increased as he felt the ground shake with each of Techno’s steps. In no time at all, he found himself in the hybrid’s shadow once more, reminded of just how vulnerable he was.
He hated it, hated it so damn much, but he did his best to swallow his fears and not retreat back into the comforting shadows of the shelf.
“So, what’s the plan for today, big man?” Tommy asked, rocking back and forth in place as he stared up, and up, and up, at the hybrid. Damn Techno and his stupid tallness, making his neck hurt with how far up he had to look.
He let out a startled yelp when he was picked up, the back of his shirt pinched yet again as he was moved from the ground and carried over to the crafting table. It took all of his willpower to stop himself from struggling, lest he was dropped, and he felt no small amount of relief when he was put down.
“The fuck was that for?!”
“I didn’t feel like watching you fumble with a rope.”
“Fumble?” Tommy scoffed and flexed his arms. “There ain’t no fumblin’ with manly muscles like these-”
“Are they just for show or do you actually know how to use them, then?”
Well that question definitely caught him off guard. The borrower paused, momentarily uncertain as to how to respond, before he that cocky smile appeared on his face once again. “I’ve won plenty of fights with these bad boys-”
“Great.” He didn’t miss the way Techno rolled his eyes, nor did he miss the heavy sarcasm that laced his voice. “Try this out.”
The item that the hybrid nudged over was… surprising to say the least.
“It’s… a stick.” Tommy blinked as he picked the stick up and looked it over. It was a bit longer than the length of his forearm, and if it weren’t for the lack of a sharpened end he would have assumed it was just a toothpick. “You gave me a stick.”
“It’s for practice, I’m not gonna give you a sharpened one and watch you trip and stab yourself with it.”
“I wouldn’t-practice?” All the anger Tommy felt at the implication of being a clutz, which he absolutely was not, evaporated as what Techno was saying registered. “For what?!”
“Self defense.” Techno shrugged. Upon taking note of the aghast expression on Tommy’s face, he elaborated further. “Not everyone you meet is gonna be as nice as me.”
Especially if I need you to spy on L’Manberg.
“Yeah, like you’re just the shining beacon of goodness.” Tommy scoffed while rolling his eyes.
“Beacon? Paragon has more impact to it. You really need to work on that lexicon of yours, kid-”
“And there you go makin’ up words again! Paragon! Lexicon! What’s the next word you’re gonna make up? Ontological?”
“... Tommy, that is a word.”
“Your mum’s a word, and that word is bitch!”  
“Are you going to keep throwing a tantrum over the tiny dictionary you call a brain, or are you actually going to listen to me?”
Tommy grumbled and kicked at the ground before sighing and looking up at the hybrid. It was time for him to pay attention, no matter how reluctant he was about this whole practicing thing.  “Yeah, so what should I practice, huh?”
“Stabbing me.”
A burst of high pitched, somewhat hysterical laughter escaped the borrower upon hearing Techno’s deadpan response. He slapped a hand over his mouth as he struggled to control his response, not wanting to piss him off further.
What a weird day this was turning out to be.
“You want me… to poke your hand? What the fuck, man.”
“Are you planning on just asking questions or are you going to use those manly muscles of yours?” The narrowing of Techno’s eyes combined with the immense amount of sass in that question told Tommy that his patience was running thin. The borrower quickly nodded and took a step forward.
As the hybrid’s hand stretched out in front of him, fingers uncurling and palm facing upwards, Tommy quietly realized this was the best look at Techno he had ever gotten. Previously, he had only ever really processed snapshots of the hybrid. The long braid, the glowing eyes, the sharp tusks that seemed to shine in the light, everything had only ever been pieces and not the whole.
But now here he was, and his situation felt far more real than it had before.
He could feel the heat radiating off Techno, the natural warmth his body produced reminding Tommy of the furnace he would huddle next to with Tubbo when the weather grew too cold. He could see the scars that littered the hand in front of him, and the callouses that covered the palm and fingers. He could also see the nails, dark in colouration and dangerously sharp, that tipped each digit.
He had been wrong about Techno having dainty hands, and for some reason this realization only made his appreciation for the gift he had been given grow stronger. It was so easy to imagine the hybrid hunched over with a tiny block of wood held in his hands, struggling to carve it and muttering curses when it accidentally broke. How long had he spent working on it-
Shit, he’d zoned out.
He could practically feel Techno’s eyes narrowing in disgruntlement, and he immediately looked up and threw his hands into the air in exasperation, nearly conking himself on the head with the stick in the process. “Don’t give me that look! It’s all so… so weird!”
Weird to be doing this! To be so close to someone who could kill me! It’s all wrong!
And yet, it felt right in its own way. The weight of the makeshift weapon in his hands, and the part of him that longed for some shield to hold up. Tommy had always been a fighter, using dirty tricks to get out of dangerous situations while quite literally throwing hands with anyone who threatened him or Tubbo, but this was another kind of fighting entirely.
A style that felt both familiar and alien at the same time.
The hybrid, choosing to not engage with the turmoil visible on the borrower’s face, decided switch tactics. Demonstrations would happen later when he was more settled and less likely to break down in borderline hysterical laughter, the time for basics was now.
For the next several minutes, Techno explained where it was best to attack in order to do the most damage and even disable his opponent for a short period of time. He was… strangely calm, and knowledgeable as he pointed out which parts of his hand were softer than the rest, more vulnerable.
It was unexpected, and Tommy could only ask himself one question.
Of course, he got no answer, not that he had ever asked the question to begin with. Rather, he just threw himself into practicing the maneuvers he had been shown over and over again, quietly thinking about how helpful they might be.
Tubbo, he might have to fight to get to Tubbo, and if practicing whatever Technoblade taught him would help, he’d do it.
Meanwhile, the hybrid silently studied the borrower as he thought about all that he had learned so far, from the book to his general observations of the kid. There was obviously something else going on with him, from the way he randomly spaced out at times, to that determined look that would sometimes appear on his face. Anger would occasionally appear, too. A kind of anger that Techno was intimately familiar with.
Tommy was expressive, too expressive.
At least that made things easier for him, but it also left him with far more questions than answers. Questions he didn’t really want to ask, but was still curious about.
It was obvious that the borrower had lived somewhere else before he had decided to invade his cabin. According to the book, most borrowers either stuck to a house they stayed in for their entire lives unless they were forced to move, or lived in community settlements. There were also the “wild” ones, but Tommy’s clear lack of any self-preservation instincts made it clear he did not fit in that category, and yet both of the remaining options made little sense as well.
There were no nearby houses nearby that he could have previously lived in, he doubted the kid would have been living in the village without the librarian’s knowledge, and a tundra biome was one of the last places he would expect to encounter a settle of tiny people. So, what had happened that wound up with him being out here in the first place? And why did he care so much?
Ah, the greatest question of all.
Why was he putting so much effort into this obnoxious kid? Sure he had his reasons, but were those reasons enough to justify the work he was going to have to do. Why had he let Tommy stay instead of throwing him out like he would have done to anyone else, aside from Phil.
Why had he gotten so protective of the kid at the library? It didn’t make sense-
“Look Techno!”
Tommy’s shout snapped Techno out of his thoughts, and the hybrid looked over to see that he was now holding one of the other practice sticks. He grinned and enthusiastically waved them.
“I’ve got two sticks!”
He raised a brow as the borrower started hitting some made up enemy, swinging the sticks through the air and letting out noises that he probably thought were intimidating, but only made Techno quietly laugh to himself. His laughter grew louder when, during one of his more enthusiastic swings, Tommy ended up smacking himself in the face.
“You’re supposed to hit other people with those.”
“Oh fuck off!”
Hours later, Tommy let out a groan as he flopped into his makeshift bed, burying his face into one of the pieces of fabric. The cloth was cool and soft, and he let out a happy little sigh as it helped him cool down. His muscles ached, and he wanted nothing more than to pass out for the next couple days, but his mind was abuzz with thoughts.
Techno was teaching him how to fight and was apparently making him armor. It sounded like such a horrible idea, teaching the person who was practically a pest in your house how to fight back, and it made Tommy wonder why.
Why was he being taught how to fight? Why was he being given weapons and armor? Was there something he needed to keep himself safe from? Someone?
“It’s a good thing I don’t follow laws, then.”
The hybrid’s “retirement”. The amount of weapons and armor Tommy had seen. The potions.
Was… was Techno a criminal? Had he unintentionally put himself in more danger by choosing to stay here? He knew nothing about him other than his dry sense of humour, his aloof personality, and how intimidating he was.
Dammit, this is why he needed Tubbo. Tubbo would have warned him about the possible dangers, discouraged his ideas, and brought reason to his chaotic thoughts.
It was at this moment that Tommy also realized that among the training and sparse breaks, he hadn’t been able to check out the book either.
Ah yes, the slow development from “you’re a pain in my ass and I’m only putting up with you for personal gain” to “okay, you might be decent”.
Also, there are many things I'm gonna make Tommy kind of cry over. A bowl of soup is just one of the more out there instances XD
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thedeaditeslayer · 4 years
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Moonshine, shotguns, buried cash: Bruce Campbell on 'The Evil Dead' in East Tennessee.
There are plenty of structurally sound homes scattered throughout East Tennessee's woods for tourists to enjoy, yet some prefer to visit the ruins of a Morristown cabin. Of course, it's the only cabin in the state once surrounded by demonizing trees and where zombies could be found locked in the cellar. A handful of circumstances led a Michigan film crew to East Tennessee in the late '70s to film the low-budget movie "The Evil Dead." More than 40 years later, the film is till very much alive in horror-enthusiast circles, with a special virtual screening scheduled for Jan. 23. The screening will include behind-the-scenes commentary from producer and actor Bruce Campbell, who recently spoke with Knox News about his time in East Tennessee and what's next for the "Evil Dead" franchise.
Check out our conversation with Campbell and visit bit.ly/WatchwithBruce to purchase tickets, starting at $25.  
How'd you end up in East Tennessee?
The crew planned to shoot the film in Michigan, but as delays got longer and the weather got colder, the thought of shooting outdoors in the North sounded less appealing.
"There were plenty of isolated cabins in Michigan that would have done the trick, but we went south," Campbell told Knox News.
The crew connected with folks from Tennessee's film commission, who then connected them with a local to drive them around.
"And we checked out half a dozen different possible places and finally found this creepy-ass place outside of Morristown," Campbell said.
He visited the cabin a few years back, although there's not much left of it.
"But it's private property, you know — 'Stay the hell off,'" Campbell said. "The usual deal (in) Tennessee: Shoot first, ask questions later. I never encourage people to go see it because part of the placed burned down in the '80s, but part of the fireplace still exists."
That hasn't stopped people from showing up at conventions with bricks to show Campbell, as the site has become a tourist destination of sorts.
Was the cabin as scary as it looks?
Fans of "The Evil Dead" might be surprised to learn the cabin was more scary than it appeared on screen.
"It had no power," Campbell said. "It had cow s--- on the floor. We had to knock doors and ceilings out and stuff. There was a lot of work to do. The locals showed up after a thunderstorm and said, 'Hey, have you seen Clara?'"
The story goes that people were once killed in the cabin during a storm, but Clara ran off.
Clara was rumored to come back to the cabin during storms and would have been an old lady at the time of filming "The Evil Dead."
"And so we were waited to see with bated breath if anyone caught out of the corner of their eyes some old woman crawling through the underbrush whose name happened to be Clara," Campbell said.
What was your experience in East TN?
Coming to East Tennessee in 1979 was a "fascinating cultural experience," Campbell said.
"It was all new," he said. "In 1979 you knew Tennessee was not Michigan. ... It changed in Kentucky, and we drove down."
Being that Campbell was a producer, he went to a bank to take out $10,000 in cash that he recalls smelling like dirt. He asked the woman at the bank if he was imagining the smell.
"Oh yeah, people still bury it in their back yard," he recalls her saying.
The crew tried their first moonshine in Tennessee, which they acquired along with marijuana from a local.
"We learned a lot about moonshine," Campbell said. "Too much. Too much."
Why did you decide on horror?
Campbell's early "Super 8" movies were slapstick style — "very 'Jackass'-like," he said.
But that changed after "The Evil Dead" director Sam Raimi, Campbell's high school friend, went off to college.
"He was sort of studying humanities or something and studied like the Sumerian book of the dead," Campbell said. "And that kind of caught his attention."
They knew they wanted to get into the movie industry after high school; they just didn't know what kind of movie to make.
"We sort of thought horror would be pretty safe," he said. "It's cheap, you don't have to have name actors, you can use regular street clothes and cars. Nothing had to be glitzy or fancy. If we did a comedy, you'd have to have John Candy or somebody. But, in this case, you were off the hook. Horror was very forgiving."
Raimi was interested in the subject matter, Campbell said. Once "The Evil Dead" story was selected, he was all in.
"We also thought no holds barred," Campbell said. "This movie is potentially unrated. Let's not pull any punches."
What were some low-budget tricks?
Being that the film was low budget, Campbell said, there were some tricks the crew used to make shots work.
"Every hour of every day on that shoot we were faking it," he said.
The moonshine they couldn't drink went onto the fire just before cameras rolled to make the flames roar.
"So we learned how to do that real cheaply," he said. "We learned to just use a real shotgun with real ammunition. That was just the easiest way to do it. ... The shadow passes over the window, you turn and you blow the window out with the shotgun just standing right there — no safety glasses, no earmuffs, no nothing.
"So simpler times, but stupider times. Hell yeah."
How do you illustrate fear on camera?
Illustrating fear on camera is just like illustrating any other emotion: You fake it, Campbell said.
He remembers someone at a Q&A criticizing his "Evil Dead" performance for being over-the-top.
"Sir, excuse me," Campbell recalls saying. "Can you verify sitting in that chair right now how you would react if your (girlfriend's) eyes turned white and she flew up into the air and got possessed and tried to rip your throat out? Would you react like Clint Eastwood? I would scream like a girl."
Campbell said his performances are "protected" by the fact no one knows how they actually would react. And while many modern films require even more faking, due to computer technology replacing sets, "The Evil Dead" had an advantage.
"You don't see anything anymore," Campbell said. "At least with the first 'Evil Dead,' you're in a real cabin in the middle of nowhere in the Deep South in 1979. I mean, it was weird as --- already.
"So, the nice little edge that 'Evil Dead' gets is it's a little docu-horror once you get deeper into the shoot and we all get a little crazier."
Why have you stuck with the franchise?
One of the reasons Campbell continues to be a part of the franchise is his love for his Ash character.
"He has no skills," he said. "In this case, the guy who saves the world from evil multiple times is — by the time he gets to the TV show, he's doing mescaline, he's drinking his ass off, he smokes reefer constantly. This is my kind of hero."
What will the screening be like?
The virtual watch party and live commentary will be different than what some fans are used to. Campbell will have the ability to stop and start the movie to share his thoughts.
"My problem with commentary always in the past is you see something that triggers it — a stunt or a punch in the face — and you tell about what happened," he said. "But then, you tell that story and you look back and you missed three other stories you could have told if that film hadn't just rolled along."
What's it like to watch yourself?
When asked what it's like to watch a young version of himself on screen, Campbell explained how being an actor is a double-edged sword. On one hand, every bad photo taken of Campbell is out there for the world to see.
"But then your best work is documented," he said. "That's what's awesome. Because a lot of guys go, 'I remember back in the day the chicks thought I was hot.' And most people are like, 'Yeah, yeah — sure pal.' At least I can suggest a couple of movies that I go, 'Well, this is me when I could do s---.'"
What's next for 'Evil Dead'?
Campbell said he's planning to shoot the next  "Evil Dead" movie in New Zealand later this year. The film will be set in a modern-day urban setting.
While he couldn't share much about the film, he did emphasize that "it's out of the woods."
"That's the best thing to say," he said.
Campbell also has a film called "Black Friday," in which he plays a manager at a toy store invaded by aliens on Black Friday. Campbell said he's interested in doing a drive-in tour and that it would make "a whole lot of sense" to show 'The Evil Dead' somewhere near Knoxville.
"Maybe I'll see you there in East Tennessee with this new movie," he said.
What are the challenges of COVID-19?
Campbell filmed during the COVID-19 pandemic in December, even though he had no clue what to expect.
"The whole crew looks like Darth Vader," Campbell said. "In proximity, you have to go beyond the mask. You have to put the shield too. The good news is Tom Cruise would shout at us, of course, if we had any problems with COVID."
In all seriousness, he said. the industry has been doing a good job taking precautions making sure work can be completed safely.
"Everything's more complicated, but it can still be done," he said.
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taramikealson · 4 years
New Orleans Is Such A Sight (Pt. #1)
Rain poured down in large sheets, running down the gutters in small waves. The hood to a black rain-coat was tugged tighter to conceal the blonde curls from the harsh winds. Her feet take forceful steps towards a small side street where a lone, cracked open, metal gate stood. Delicate fingers push the gate open a few more inches to allow her access to the inside. At the halt of water that the structure provided her, she pulled the hood off of her head, looking around the space as she did. 
The building was beautiful. The high arches, open court-yard, tan walls - bricks revealed where the drywall was missing. It was obvious that the house was old and worn in, but it was kept well enough that it became part of its character. 
She shouldn’t be here. She shouldn’t even be on this continent but leave it to Damon to angering a pack of werewolves a few hours before a full moon. 
Caroline hadn’t stayed in Mystic Falls. A year after her mother died, she left. She needed time to cope and space to figure out what she wanted out of life. At first, she was a little scared, staying state-side. Ultimately, after visiting a few states, she braved up and traveled to Italy, and then France. Then Switzerland, Austria, Spain, Germany, Greece, Ireland, and finally, London.  Caroline spent quite a bit of time there, liking the culture and feel of normal British life. Although, after a while, she became bored with the gloominess of the British city and wanted to move onto more sun-filled places. One of those areas happened to be The Bahamas. The tropical paradise gave her a chance to relax and take in the abundance of sunlight. Caroline enjoyed it quite a bit, laying out on a towel, sunglasses resting on the arch of her nose as she watched the waves fold onto themselves. 
She’d barely noticed it, but before she knew it, she’d spent a few months there. Caroline had only meant to stay there for a few weeks for a little breather from the large cities that she had been visiting but had come to enjoy the beach town there. At a local cafe, she had made a friend of the barista and had been subtly flirting with one of the daily’s that came in often, conveniently the same time she always went to grab her morning coffee on Saturdays. One day, she listened in on one of his orders; black coffee and the name he uttered to the barista was David. He was attractive in the average model-ish way. Dark brown hair, square jaw, calm eyes. David was nice and… normal. But, she knew she couldn’t get involved with him. But on the other hand, she couldn’t refuse to go on a date with him. There wasn’t a harm in that, right? 
She was a half-hour into the date when she’d gotten a call from Stefan. Normally, she would have ignored it but it was the second time in the span of ten minutes and she knew Stefan doesn’t call more than once unless it’s important. So, she took the call, apologizing to David before walking out of the restaurant. Apparently, a gaggle of werewolves found themselves in Mystic Falls, something about Damon threatening the alpha right before a full moon. When Stefan had explained it, she was confused about why they were calling her, she was thousands of miles away. Then it clicked. Damon got bit and he needed a cure. And her friends knew that she had a personal connection to the cure. Caroline was so close to telling Damon that if he wanted the cure to a werewolf bite, he should have to go to Klaus’ door to beg for it himself, but she knew Klaus wouldn’t budge. In fact, it was probably even a low chance for her to convince him to hand it over to Damon, of all people. 
So, what was she doing here? In New Orleans? Saving one of her friends. 
A pair of rushed footsteps took her out of her musings. Raising her head, she caught sight of a boy. Light brown hair that was in a fringe up style haircut, slim build, maybe in his late teens. He was jogging down a pair of stairs in the courtyard, looking down at his phone as he did so. Sensing her presence, he looked up to see her, pausing for a second before realizing he was still in the rain. He took a few steps to be under the roof, his head tilting as his blue eyes inspected her. 
A similar smirk graced his lips. “If you’re here for Rebekah, you just missed her. Took a flight out to Florence an hour ago.” Something about this boy was familiar. The facial structure, his eyes.
When Klaus had left for New Orleans all those years back, it had been for some sort of rising against him that turned out to be a pregnant girl. Caroline had gotten all the backstory from Tyler in a more biased version but basically, Klaus had slept with Hayley, getting her pregnant. Then, he’d apparently accepted it, having a kid. Klaus had a child. A kid.
He had a kid. This boy was Klaus’ son. The hair, the face, the eyes, the smirk. 
Caroline faltered for a moment before catching herself and casting him a small smile. “Do you flirt with all of Rebekah’s friends?”
He laughs softly. “Only the really pretty ones.” 
“Trenton.” A voice calls, an all too familiar voice. 
Looking across the courtyard, she spots the owner of that voice. He looked the same as always, black jeans, long sleeve Henley, boots, blonde hair subtly pushed up. The Original’s eyes were first trained on his son but picked up on the other presence in the room, looking at her. They widened and dilated a hair before returning to normal, smirk growing on his face. 
The boy sighs, shoulders drooping in a defeated manner. His jaw tightening before turning around to face his father.
“Sneaking out, again?” Klaus walks through the courtyard, ignoring the rain as it dampened his hair, before pausing once under shelter and out of the rain. 
Trenton clears his throat, glancing towards Caroline then to his father. “I was, uh, I heard someone come in. Thought I’d greet our guest.” Caroline had to give it to him, the boy was quick on his feet and used similar tactics as his father did; charm and deviation. 
It was extremely odd and very interesting to watch Klaus act a little fatherly, but not too surprising. He seemed to instinctively have the trait, unlike a lot of human men. He had the capacity to be mature, elegantly answer hard questions, entertain someone with stories of the past, and he knew what the image of a bad father was, surely making sure he was the exact opposite. Caroline could only imagine that his artistic abilities had come into play in the early years of Trenton’s life. But, just seeing both of them, seeing alike they were, was intriguing. If someone hadn’t known that the two weren’t supernatural, they’d most likely assume Klaus to be Trenton’s elder brother. Although, when Caroline saw them, she could clearly see a father with his son. May it be the wisdom and centuries of age in Klaus’ eyes or his mature style in clothing, he looked old enough possibly be Trenton’s father. 
Klaus arches an eyebrow in disbelief. “I’d believe that if it weren’t for you prattling on to Rebekah about going to some high school, alcohol-filled gathering. One, in which, I profusely refuse you acceptance to be a part of.”
“You have to be kidding.” Trenton scoffs, saying in that basic teenage-y way. “I’m not some human that’s gonna get wasted easily. I’m a hybrid.”
The Original’s eyes turn serious, indicating that his decision was final. “You prate on about being a hybrid, but have yet to learn to control your bloodlust in densely crowded areas without me or my siblings by your side. I will not risk the local’s lives nor my standing on the city council for you to have one alcohol-fazed night.” Trenton rolls his eyes and Klaus takes a step forward, now intimidating the boy. “We have an assortment of liquor here. If you wish to drink, it will be within these walls. Am I understood?”
“Why can’t-,”
“Trenton, am I understood?” Klaus interrupts, voice low. 
It takes a few seconds, but eventually, Trenton bites his tongue and gives his father a curt nod. The boys eyes were filled with aggravation and disappointment, she was sure Klaus saw it and understood that Trenton was hoping to have a little fun tonight. Klaus’ eyes softened as he placed a hand on his son’s shoulder.
“You’re lucky that I don’t plan to tell Elijah about your little scheme. You know how much he values your education. He’d be quite displeased to hear you were planning to stay out late on a school night.” A small smile graced Klaus’ lips as Trenton looked up to him. “Perhaps, even make you re-read that dreadful play, Hamlet.”
Klaus' words seem to make the boy puff out a laugh and inch a smile on his lips. “Thanks, for not telling Uncle ‘lijah.”
“Now, go on. I have a few words to exchange with our guest.”
Trenton nods and then glances to Caroline with an awkward smile. “Night.” He says before turning around and jogging through the rain-filled courtyard and up the stairs. Both Caroline and Klaus watch as he disappears into one of the second-story hallways.
After a moment, Klaus turns back to Caroline with a wide smirk. 
“This is quite a surprise. I wasn’t expecting you for nearly another decade and a half.”
She sighs, feeling the weight of his words and the intenseness that his eyes bore. “I’m not here for that.” Her voice a little too soft, the subject weighing on her a little bit more than she thought it would. Klaus recognizes her now uncomfortable stance and raises his arm in the direction to a set of french doors, a fancy ‘M’ insignia on both. 
“Then, perhaps we should take this conversation somewhere more private, rather than the courtyard?” He suggests and Caroline nods, thankful that he can still read on some of her subtle hints. 
Klaus leads her through the double doors and invites her to make herself comfortable in the living area. As Klaus went to pour them both drinks, she looked around the magnificent room that she was in. Two expensive looking, brown leather, sofas sat across from each other, a fireplace on the back wall, fancy chandelier hanging from the ceiling, and a mini-bar where Klaus was pouring their drinks. 
Before she knew it, Klaus had placed the drinks down on the coffee table by her legs and was now behind her, reaching for her wet jacket. “May I?”
She nods and shrugs the jacket off. He takes it, walking over to one of the stools near the mini-bar, and hanging it on the back of it. 
“I’m sorry for catching you at a bad time and so late at night.” She apologizes and he shakes his head. 
“No need for apologies, love. I’d gladly make time for you.” He says, sitting down on the sofa, taking his drink in hand. Caroline also sits, not yet picking up her drink. 
His eyes seem to analyze her and take in every detail that he could read off of her, trying to put together pieces in his head. His familiar mechanism and habits gave her a sense of reassurance that he hadn’t changed that much. She could clearly see the wheels turning in his head as he thought of situations as to why she was here, sitting on his couch in his New Orleans home on a very late Thursday night, a rainy one at that. Klaus must have caught her biting her lip because his intense gaze turned into concern. “You seem vexed, what’s happened?”
She swallows and looks away from him. “Damon ran into some werewolves.”
Klaus leans back as he huffs out a laugh. “And I imagine he is now sporting quite a nasty werewolf bite.” The Original’s amusement is not lost on Caroline, she knows how much he dislikes the eldest Salvatore brother, but that is why she was here. Now, he knows her reason for coming to New Orleans. 
When his expression showed a hint of disappointment, she felt utterly horrible. It was her that told him that she didn’t want him in her life, it was her that said that he needed to leave and to never come back. Now, she’s intentionally inserting herself back into his life just to leave again. Caroline couldn’t imagine what he would be feeling. Anger, disappointment? “Thus, you need my blood.” He utters, taking a thoughtful sip of his drink. 
“Yes.” She answers almost guiltily, her heart heavy. 
There’s a moment of silence where neither of them speaks. Klaus seems to ponder his situation as he runs the side of his index finger along his bottom lip in thought. For a moment, Caroline thought that he was going to turn her down, tell her that he wasn’t going to help her and that she had to leave, but that changed when he sighed. Placing his glass of amber liquor down on the coffee table, he stood from his seat and fished his sleek black iPhone from his back pocket. 
Klaus tapped a few times before pulling the cellphone to his ear and turning so his back was to her. 
“Joshua, do come by the Compound, I have a proposition for you.” He states quickly and then ends the call after he received a reply to his request. 
Pushing the iPhone into his back pocket, he turned back around without a glance to her and headed for the mini-bar. From Caroline’s perspective, he seemed a little tense but not angry, although she could be wrong. “Klaus…,” she begins as she gets up from her spot on the sofa and takes a few strides towards where he walks behind the counter, taking out a small vial and cork from underneath. Within an instant, he had already bit into his wrist, his blood now dripping down into the vial. His eyes wander up to hers when he comes out from behind the mini-bar. 
Caroline blinks, confused., sure that he was set on not giving his blood to her. In fact, she’s even more surprised that he hadn’t even tried to negotiate with her to have something to gain for his blood. “You’re not asking for anything in return? Won’t even try to negotiate with me?” She asks, clearly perplexed by  his actions. 
Klaus sighs. “I’ve come to realize that by negotiating between lives and the opportunity to have time spent with you, it hadn’t shown my understanding of the weight of the negotiations that I was making. And I have also come to realize that,” he takes a pause and Caroline swallows as he pushes the cork into the filled vial. His eyes stayed trained onto her as he pushed the vial into his front pocket of his jeans before stepping closer to her, “I don’t wish to negotiate our time together. Years ago, when I had coerced you to spend your time with me, it had given you a small glimpse of the better parts of myself but, yet, I’d be a fool not to notice the burden you had felt to be there in those moments.”
Klaus takes a cautious step forward, analyzing if she would shy away from him or not. When she stayed still, he gently placed his hands on the sides of her shoulders, the heat from his palms radiating like beacons through her clothing and into her skin. 
“Caroline, I don’t wish for you to feel burdened or obligated, by my actions, to spend time with me. It is your choice from now on, and it always will be.”
Her heart lurched in her ribcage and a flutter began in her stomach. His smooth voice, the eloquently and thoughtfully spoken words hitting her hard. Caroline’s thoughts swirled for a moment. Those two sentences that he had just spoken were not just talking about her feelings burdened to spend time with him, no. There was an undertone that she had caught. He didn’t want her to feel obligated to go to him, to be with him. In all honesty, it’s quite the sentiment. It shows her how much he has changed or, rather, bettered himself. This also tells her that he had been thinking a lot about their past and the wrong turns that he had taken to have an opportunity to win her over. 
And then, she remembers that he’s still waiting for her response. His eyes had begun to shift, analyzing her’s carefully and taking in the information that they bore. 
She gives him a reassuring smile. “I don’t feel obligated or burdened to spend time with you. Not anymore.”
His head tilts in that impossibly cute way that it does and smirks.
A pair of footsteps interrupt them, echoing through the hallway. Klaus lifts his head and looks over her shoulder towards the two french doors that had just opened. Caroline pulls away from Klaus’ warm hands and turns to see who had entered. 
“Joshua.” He greets a dark haired vampire that physically looks like he’s in his mid-twenties. 
“Well, I’m here. A little if-y about this whole ‘proposition’ thing though.”
Klaus smiles as if he knew something the other two vampires didn’t. “Yes, about that.” He begins, producing the vial of his blood from his jeans pocket. “Take this, carefully would you, to a small town in Virginia.” 
Josh furrows his eyebrows in suspicion, looking at the vial of blood like it was poisonous. “Why would I do that for you? Can’t you have one of your lackeys do it for you?” 
“Well, young Joshua,” Klaus begins as he takes a few steps closer towards the young vampire, “under these circumstances, it is precedent that this gets delivered in an expeditious manner, thus is the reason I present you with a proposal.” 
Caroline watches as Klaus takes another step closer to Josh, almost invading his personal space as he speaks. “Do this for me, and I will not only make an effort to look past your misdoings towards my family, but as well, that of your friend, Davina Claire.”
Klaus’ proposition clearly had struck a chord with Joshua, making him swallow in nervousness. Caroline could see how the boy’s mind was churning in thought, considering certain possibilities. After a few, long, seconds, Josh plucks the vial from Klaus’ fingers. The Original doesn’t make an effort to contain his satisfied smirk as Joshua looks at him with a hint of caution. “Fine.” Josh utters. 
“Brilliant. I’ll contact you with the necessary information.” 
Joshua sighs and takes his leave.
Once the vampire is gone, Klaus turns to Caroline, swiping his tongue over his lips with a smirk screaming how satisfied he was in getting his way. His eyes did that little thing that they always did when he’d look at her; his eyes starting at her feet and then moving up her whole frame, taking in very detail as if it’s the last time he’d be able to do so. When his eyes connected with her’s, his blue orbs seemed to sparkle. A small shiver went down her spine at the intensity of his gaze. 
“You didn’t have to do that. I could’ve just taken it back myself.” 
His eyebrow arches. “Well, I’ve already set up for a plane to take off from Louis Armstrong International in a half hour. Your friends should have the cure in no later than four hours.”
Caroline raised an eyebrow, knowing there was something he was not telling her. Klaus looks away from her almost bashfully and then returns his gaze towards her. “I, as well, was hoping you’d like to take one of our rooms.”
She’s a little confused at first, not understanding what he had meant by ‘taking a room’. “I’m sure you’ve had quite a journey here. A flight from the Commonwealth of The Bahamas and then a longer drive to New Orleans. I can only assume you’re exhausted and it’d be terribly unmannerly of me to not offer you hospitality.” He explains, tilting his head. “Perhaps, it’d give you time to recuperate and maybe… take in a few sights in the morning.”
His tone is hopeful, filled with possibility. She’d be lying to say that his behavior and words haven’t been a little tempting. Everything from the last few minutes has only shown her that Klaus is the same man that he’s always been. She wasn’t really expecting different, but deep down she had an idea that maybe he’d grown up a bit. This, right here, proves that he has. The man before would have threatened Josh instead of negotiating and he would have not had given up his blood so easily without a fuss. Would it really be such a bad thing to stay the night, in a different room than him? It’s not as if she’d be sleeping with him. Plus, it’d be for only one night.
“I’m not sure.” She trails off, still debating the decision in her head. 
“I’ll be sure to make it worth your while.” He states with a grin, knowing gleam in his eyes. 
Caroline laughs, the air in the room now becoming a little lighter. “I’m sure you would.”
He raises his eyebrows for a moment, silently asking her for an answer. She bites her bottom lip timidly. “One night wouldn’t hurt.” She states and a wide smirk grows on his lips, showing his thorough satisfaction. 
“Well, then. Shall I show you to a room?”
She nods, not finding the right words to say in that moment. He immediately begins to walk towards the french doors that they had entered in and opens them wide for her to pass through. It didn’t take long for them to bound up the stairs to the second story and then travel down a long corridor where a series of doors were on each side. Klaus, then, opened a mahogany door, revealing a gorgeously decorated room with a queen bed, antique dresser, small desk with a chair, and a door that lead to an adjacent bathroom. He’d been thorough in explaining the certain accommodations of her room and how his room is only a few doors down. After, he had left her to look around to gather her some clothing. When he’d come back, he’d placed a pile of clothes on the end of the bed. 
“I’ve procured most of these from Hayley. I’d doubt she’d mind much and I assumed you’d be closer to size with her rather than Rebekah. And my sister has a nasty habit of killing whoever touches her belongings.” Klaus states as he turns towards her.
She smiles at him. Her thoughts going past the topic of clothing. “How’d you know I was in The Bahamas?”
“I’ve kept tabs.” He mutters a little playfully, knowing that Caroline wouldn’t approve. She gives him an equally playful look and then rolls her eyes. 
“Of course, you have.”
Klaus chuckles as she goes to sit down on the end of the bed. He does as well, making sure to keep a foot’s distance away from her to make sure she stays comfortable and not overwhelmed by his presence. “Tell me, now that you’ve begun to stray from that desperately small town, how is it? Exploring the unknown?” 
Caroline hesitates for a moment, thinking about her experiences in the past decade and a half of exploring. They’d mostly been pleasant but nothing extraordinary. Yes, she’d been extremely impressed by the culture, architecture and environment, but it wasn’t as exciting as she had ever hoped or imagined. Although, she imagines that’s because she didn’t have anyone to explore it with. In the beginning she had thought Stefan may have joined her, but he’d been too swept up with a few problems in Mystic Falls and trying to make his brother into a ‘better man’. Like that would ever happen unless it was by Damon’s own incentive. Elena and Bonnie were too wrapped up in college and in their own love lives as it was, so that was a clear ‘no’. So, that just left herself. After her mother died, she’d needed a break and took the opportunity to branch off a little. In the long run, it has paid off. She’d met a few people here and there, as well as giving her a new perspective of the world. 
“It was kind of a quick decision. At first, I wanted to stay in the States and just London but the rest of Western Europe was too tempting to pass up.” She states and Klaus seems pleasantly pleased. “But, I kinda wanted to go somewhere hot, so I ended up in The Bahamas.”
“I imagine you enjoyed it there?”
She nods.
“And you?” 
Klaus tilts his head in interest to her question. “What of me?” He asks, genuinely satisfied that she was interested in how his life had been going. 
“Well, I was a little surprised that you were still in New Orleans. I expected you to move on. I didn’t suspect you as a person that stays in one place for long.” 
He smirks. She is, generally, correct. “I’d quite a bit of business to take care of here that took a little longer than I had anticipated and raising a child was one of the things I was most definitely not expecting.”
“I’m sure changing diapers didn’t fit so well into your plans for world domination, huh?” She asks teasingly, giving him a radiant smile.
Klaus chuckles, amused and glad that her penchant for over-exaggeration hasn’t changed. He’d always enjoyed the innocence within her and the light she projected off of herself and onto others. 
“You’d be correct.”
He smirked and they’d fallen into a silence. Caroline suddenly felt heated under his gaze, the intensity of it not lessening but a gracefulness communicating through those beautiful, blue orbs. 
In all reality, he hadn't changed that much. Of course, she can see that he’d become less prone to using violence as a first resort, but the way he regarded her was the same. He still looked at her with that look in his eyes that just screamed that he knew exactly what she was thinking. In the beginning, it was a little scary, she’ll admit, that he knew more about her than he let on. Although, after all this time, she’s come to realize that it’s not necessarily the worst thing. 
He understood her. But, it wasn’t just a one-way street. She knew him quite well, too. A decade ago, she would have said that she knew exactly the man he was, a monster. She’d pegged him for a man that had no heart. How wrong she was. After some time, she’s noticed that all the horrible things that he had done were because he cared. He’d always been pinned as the enemy, although sometimes he genuinely did something bad to get the advantage, but that wasn’t strictly true. Klaus was an extremely complicated man. He has many sides of him and has an extremely dark past that comes with them. His father brutally abused him, his mother locked half of himself off for spite, his siblings cast him off for trying to protect them. In fact, she’d condemned him and slung harsh words at him just because she didn’t truly understand his real intentions behind his actions. 
Now, she realizes him for the man that he was. He was an abused son, an abandoned brother, a misunderstood friend, a passionate artist, a good father. 
“Well, I’ll leave you to settle and call your friends. I’d rather not have them thinking I’d taken you against your will and have to deal with them knocking down my door. I’ve just gotten it re-painted.” 
His tone is light-hearted and filled with playfulness. Caroline smiles again as he stands from the bed, walking towards the door.
He pauses at the door and looks over his shoulder with a smirk.
“Goodnight, love.”
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Bah Hum Bug
Part Thirteen of the 13 Days of Seventeen series
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Your entire life has been a compilation of one mess after another mess, and the only thing that has been able to keep you on your feet so far is your own hard work. So when the opportunity comes for you to open your own cozy inn you’re determined to make sure that everything goes according to plan. Of course, your life-long and only friend Chan is tired of you putting work before your life and is determined to make sure your Christmas is one that doesn’t exclusively revolve around fixing the faulty shower on the fourth floor.
You could feel your heart beating rapidly in your chest as you got out of your car. You wondered briefly if this was all a mistake. If maybe you shouldn’t have just dropped everything in order to achieve a dream that you had been holding on to for maybe only the last few months at the most.
And yet, even still, as you stared at the building in front of you, even with all the ivy vines climbing its walls like wildfire, and the broken windows, and stairs that honestly didn’t even look like they had ever been a staircase before in their entire existence they looked so weary, you hadn’t ever felt happier.
“It is the most beautiful place I think I have ever seen in my life,” you murmured in awe.
“Are you and I looking at the same place?”
Of course, not everyone was as supportive of your last-minute decisions as you were.
Chan was your best friend on the planet. Had been since diapers and as such he knew you best and he knew best exactly how you could be when you got into projects like this.
“Come on, don’t you know how soon Christmas is? Do you really want to spend the holiday here?”
Just as Chan spoke you were wandering away from him growing closer to the Inn.
“Oh, you know I’ve never been much for Christmas,” you replied, your voice soft. Chan looked over at you with a sigh.
“Another thing I don’t get about you, how could anyone not like Christmas?” Chan asked you. “You know who else doesn’t like Christmas?”
You looked at him raising an eyebrow towards him.
“Scrooge. Scrooge doesn’t like Christmas.”
You looked back towards the Inn and sighed lightly.
“I never said I didn’t like Christmas. I just said I’m not very fond of it,” you corrected.
You truly weren’t the sort of person that hated the holidays. Honestly, you had always liked the idea of it. People coming together during the holiday to sit around a fireplace and enjoy time with their family, friends and the people that they loved was honestly like a dream.
You just had never had the sort of people in your life to really enjoy that dream.
Your parents had always been very busy and had never been around for the holidays, so you had always spent the time alone. You never really told any of your friends about it, because you didn’t want a pity invite to any events that were supposed to be intimate.
This inn was your chance, however- to finally reach that intimate family feeling.
Maybe you had been watching too many Hallmark movies, or maybe you were just a little overly hopeful that things in your life would change, but you had seen the way that these inns could work.
There would be families who would come back again and again, local kids who would come play on your yard, chasing bunny rabbits around and asking you if they could have one of your homemade cookies. You would be able to hire staff that would be just as enthusiastic about your life as you were about theirs, and their families could stay in the inn with everyone.
It wouldn’t matter if you never had a family or kids of your own because you would have this place. This inn would give you the family that you had been dreaming of.
But you couldn’t just say that- not to Chan. He just wouldn’t get it.
So instead of telling him exactly why this opportunity meant so much to you. You just walked through the overgrown lawn of your newest project, beginning to inspect the property closer with more scrutiny.
You had a lot of work that you were going to have to do before this place was inhabitable at all. You pushed open the front door and peeked into the large foyer.
There was ugly mint green wallpaper peeling of the wall, the corners dark with the possible past existence of mold. You walked over to it, your fingers tracing over the wallpaper. You would have to get rid of all of it immediately- and take care of any mold issues you may have before you did anything else.
The structure of the building itself was in pretty good shape. Other than the sound of creaking wood as you and Chan wandered the halls there wasn’t much to be said against it. It had a strong structure and you figured that if nothing else you would just be spending a lot of time polishing the floorboards to make it shine like you knew it used to.
“Do you even realize how expensive this project is going to be?” Chan asked as he kicked aside a ratty rug that had been left in one of the guests’ rooms.
“I have the money,” you replied softly. “Besides it will pay for itself in the end. This inn is in such a beautiful location.”
You walked over to the window and forced the shutters open. The hinges were rusted. You would have to fix that. You stuck your head outside and looked out at the acres of land that now belonged to you.
You would have to hire someone to take care of the lawn when it came to it- of course that wasn’t a concern of yours just yet. You felt Chan by your side and you looked back over your shoulder at him. He gave you a pressed smile and stuck his head out of the window as well.
“Sometimes I worry about you,” he admitted his voice soft. You rolled your eyes.
“There’s no need to worry about me,” you instantly told him. He looked over at you, his gaze scrutinizing. You never understood him when he got like this. Staring you down like there was this big part of you that you were hiding from him.
And yet there was nothing that you could rightly say you were hiding.
“Of course not,” he murmured. He continued to stare at you like that, but before you could finally say something about it he had pushed off the windowsill. “Okay, I’m getting out of this trash pile before a demon comes out of the closet. Call me if you need anything okay?”
You nodded and smiled.
“Of course.”
But of course, really meant that you weren’t going to call him at all.
You loved Chan, and he was always there for you and that was just that. You didn’t need him to be there for you right then. You needed to be able to trust yourself to do your own thing. You could fix this place. You would do it all on your own, and you would do it perfectly.
You sat in the middle of your new basement, three pipes leaking puddles around you and a discarded wrench on the floor with soaked jeans sticking to the ankles of your legs. You had no clue what you were doing despite having watched at least fifteen videos to teach you just how to fix your problem and yet the water puddles were only growing, and you were getting even wetter.
And considering you hadn’t bothered fixing the heating system in the hotel yet, you were also freezing cold.
You got to your feet and walked over to one of the pipes with the tape that you had bought specifically so that you could stop the leaking pipe. Yet even as you wrapped the pipe in the tape you could see water leaking out from under the edges.
You groaned and plopped back down to the ground, watching as the water dripped to the floor. That was it. You were a failure.
You felt like a total idiot- who couldn’t fix a simple leaky pipe?
You felt yourself teeter backward, your back splashing into the water. You stared up at the basement roof and pressed your lips together. At least you didn’t need to fix any of those support bars.
You heard footsteps and- surprisingly enough, the sound of someone chuckling from the stars. You sat up in the puddle of water, brushing wet hair strands out of your face so that you could see who was there. You sighed in relief when you saw that it was just Chan.
“I didn’t know you were installing an indoor water park,” he said, fake enthusiasm oozing from his voice. “That’s such a good idea, it’ll bring in guests from all over!”
You gave Chan a dry laugh in response to his words.
“Has anyone ever told you that I hate you before?” You asked him. He smiled.
“No, but they have told me that I am a master at fixing leaky pipes.”
He finally reached the bottom of the stairs, and walked over to you, offering his hand to help you back to your feet.
“Because honestly, it isn’t that hard to fix a broken pipe, I don’t know what you could possibly be struggling with so much,” he murmured. You took his hand and gave him a grateful smile.
“I don’t know,” you replied. “God, I don’t know I’ve been here for hours.”
As you spoke, Chan’s eyes never left yours. He watched you carefully, taking in your every action as he shed his jacket from his shoulders. He laid them over your shoulders and gave you a look.
“It’s cold down here, and you are soaked,” he said softly. He ran his fingers through your hair, his eyes wandering from yours to trail across your face down to the tips of your hair. You opened your mouth to say something else, but before you could Chan raised his hands to your forehead.
You made a face at him, one that just made him chuckle all over again.
“I want to be mad at you,” he murmured. “You’re going to get sick.”
Your lips dropped into a pout, and then he continued to speak.
“But, I can’t be mad when it’s so nice to see you so passionate about something,” he murmured. “I'll teach you how to fix the pipes. But only after you go home and get some rest.”
There wasn’t even a small part of you that wanted to argue with Chan.
Chan always knew what was best for you when you tended to not know. Whereas with most people you didn’t appreciate them telling you what to do and when to do it- Chan telling you that you maybe needed to do something was always a good clue that you were ignoring some vital part of your health again.
You were quick to smile at Chan, and nod your head once.
“Yeah, yeah,” you murmured, pretending to be the slightest annoyed at his mothering. You could tell by his face that he wasn’t having it.
It took Chan a good five minutes to fix the pipes, and only ten minutes to explain what he had done and why he had done it and with the pipes fixed all you had to worry about next was tearing the wallpaper from the walls in your Inn.
“Do you mind if I help?”
You had look at him, noticing that he had dressed for a long day of hard work, not just a few minutes of helping you fix a pipe. All of the restoration projects you had for the day were minor. Tearing down wallpaper, testing out some paint colors, blowing out any dirt, and bleaching down the mold buildup. It wasn’t anything too rigorous but… You knew it would be fun with someone else to enjoy the time with.
“I suppose that would be fine.”
Chan always made every activity more fun.
While you tended to be a little practical. Always partaking in every activity that you needed to with a certain level of professionalism, Chan liked to put a fun spin on everything that he did.
It wasn’t long before he had connected a speaker to his phone and was blasting out music. He would grab wallpaper and spin as he ripped it off the walls, encouraging you to bounce along to the beat.
You couldn’t help but laugh as the two of you ran across the bare wood floors, enjoying one another’s company too much to be bothered by the hard-manual labor that you were doing.
“What do you think? Too blue?” You asked as you looked at the streak of paint you had spread over the wall. Chan turned around and looked at you, wrinkling his nose.
“Well…” He took the paintbrush from your hand and stared at the wall. You didn’t know what that look was from so you stared at the wall just like him, trying to picture what he was seeing.
That was when you felt the cold feeling of paint on your face, and heard Chan laughing as he jogged away from you.
You chased after him, a laugh on your tongue despite the paint on your cheek. He was lucky that your paint samples were free because it meant that you had plenty to spare drenching him in it.
“So… What are you up to today?” Chan asked you softly. You smiled at him and placed a hand on your hip.
“What do you think?”
Chan sighed, but you could tell that he wasn’t really all that bothered by the statement. He seemed perfectly content by your chosen way to spend the holidays, whether he would have chosen it for you or not and he had been very helpful around the Inn. In the past week, he had spent three days out there with you, helping you do the various pieces of work.
You appreciated having him there with you, but today you hadn’t invited him out. You figured you needed some time to remember your vision.
“What are you doing today then?”
You smiled.
“The yard!” You replied confidently.  “Planting flowers, and trimming bushes- It's going to be a lot of work but I did most of the weeding yesterday.”
Chan chuckled.
“You truly do put a lot of love and work into that place...” He mumbled. He looked down at his phone and flashed it towards you. “You aren’t going to be too busy to join us for family dinner on Christmas are you?”
“I think your mom would kill me if I didn’t come over on Christmas,” you replied with a laugh and a shake of your head. You gestured your hands over to the plants on display. “What kind of flowers should I plant?”
He hummed taking a look at the flowers on display before him. You watched as his eyes settled on the two that you had been between two. A hibiscus that was pink and white, and some pretty sunflowers.
“The national flower,” he decided pointedly. “You should make the inside more cheery and bright, but the outside more elegant and showy.”
You nodded.
“That’s a good idea, thanks, Chan.”
Chan’s eyes lingered on you, and it looked like he wanted to say more, but before doing so he pressed his lips together and let his head fall to the side.
“Hey…” He trailed off and you raised an eyebrow at him.
“Yeah?” You asked.
He shook his head, and forced a laugh.
“I’ll see you around.”
After that, you stopped seeing Chan as much. He went from helping you out at the Inn practically every day to… Hardly being seen at all.
You kind of missed seeing him around. For almost your entire laugh you had spent practically every day with him. Before everything else, he was your best friend.
You supposed you hadn’t realized just how much you loved having him in your life until suddenly, he was gone.
You thought about calling him, asking him to come out but… You wanted to make some real progress before he saw the place again. So instead you just sort of let your work consume you.
You painted and weeded, and planted flowers and bushes- relocated trees, and began to load the place with furniture, by the time Christmas day had hit, the place was actually starting to look like what you had always imagined it to be.
You were trying to get a painting up straight on the wall when you heard footsteps behind you, and a hand landed on your shoulder. You smiled and turned over your shoulder to face Chan.
“Hey,” he said. “The day is ticking away.”
“I think the proper greeting of the day is ‘Merry Christmas’,” you replied lightheartedly. Chan smiled back and wrapped his arms around you in a tight hug. You returned the hug just as warmly.
“And what would you know about Christmas, we haven’t seen you all day,” he murmured. “My mom is getting anxious.”
You laughed.
“I was just finishing up here. It looks good right?”
Chan looked around the room and nodded.
“Yeah, I mean, it looks like an Inn.”
“But my Inn,” you replied pointedly. “I mean, this place is going to be my new home can’t you see it?”
Chan rolled his eyes at you.
“See what? The rude people who are going to complain about their sheets having weird stains on them?” He asked dryly.
“It’s just… Don’t you see the potential in this place? Chan I could grow old with someone here,” you stated. “Look at this place. Over there is where I will handle guests and over there will be a garden. Perfect for picnics on sunny Sunday mornings, where we can make literally anything happen. Imagine little kids going and picking big red tomatoes from the garden to show their parents-”
“Oh, and people could have small weddings back here,” Chan agreed, his eyes lighting up when he looked over at the green grass. “With the right floral arrangements and the lake in the background-”
“Exactly!” You agreed. Chan laughed.  “Okay and just think about this-”
You grabbed Chan’s hand and dragged him into the Inn.
“Just imagine all the people that will be around! The smiling faces, the return guests. At this time of the year we’d have out-” And you didn’t stop there.
You couldn’t help as you spoke confidently, practically dragging Chan from spot to spot in the inn so that you could try your best to show him your vision for the place. You pointed out every corner, told him exactly what color the walls in each room would be painted. Where you would hang pictures and everything in-between.
As you were talking, you noticed that Chan had fallen silent, his chest slowly rising and falling as he looked at you. You hesitated, letting go of his hand.
“What’s wrong?” You asked him. “Is everything okay?”
He laughed, a small exhale out of his mouth, and a short shake of his head.
“Yeah, yeah,” he assured. “I just...”
He hesitated as he sat there, clearly unsure of what to say next.
“I just don’t think I’ve really ever seen you this passionate about something the way you are being passionate about this,” he replied. You weren’t sure how to respond to that exactly, so instead of responding you just gave him a pressed smile.
Was that a good thing? Was he beginning to understand why you were so interested in this project or-
“It sort of just reminded me,” Chan said quickly, noticing the nerves in your eyes. He took a quick step forward, his hand once again reaching for yours. You were glad he did that because you honestly missed the warmth of his hand in yours. You smiled at him nervously as your fingers intertwined and he pulled you forward, a small stumble in your step.
“Reminded you?” You responded, encouraging his words. His eyes dropped down to the ground.
“Reminded me of why I love you so much,” he replied. He looked back up at you, his cheeks dusted pink.
“I mean I watch you get so passionate about all the kids running around and I imagine having our own kids you know? Playing with everyone else, telling us about all the friends they’ve made and the adventures they’ve had,” he stated. You felt your heartbeat in your chest at the simple assumption.
“Our kids?” You asked him. Chan seemed to suddenly realize what he said. A red blush spreading over his cheeks as he spoke.
“Well, I mean…”
You took a step towards him, trying to keep yourself from showing too clearly how nervous you were.
“That sounds….” You trailed. “Well, sounds like something that your mom would be really excited about.”
Chan chuckled.
“Okay, I am about to do something, but you can’t tell mom okay?”
Your eyebrows furrowed.
“Tell your mom wh-”
Before you could finish speaking, Chan’s hand was cupping your cheek. He leaned forward, his nose brushing your nose.
He pressed his lips to yours, dragging you into a kiss that you knew you would be thinking about long into the New Year.
Chan pulled away, but instead of looking at you, hid his face by looking to the side. You wouldn’t take it, however. You threw your arms around Chan’s neck and smiled at him.
“I have a feeling that your mom is going to kill me,” you murmured. Chan’s eyebrows rose in surprise.
“How come?” He asked you.
“Because… I love you too,” you replied. You leaned forward, pressing your lips to Chan’s this time, smiling when you felt him laugh into the kiss.
“Merry Christmas,” he murmured against you. You let your eyes flutter open, and smiled at him brightly.
“We are not telling your mom because she would go crazy right?” You asked him, just to make sure that your hunch was correct. Chan laughed again.
“Oh yeah, if my mom knew? We’d have to get married tomorrow.”
You laughed with him, letting your head fall on his chest.
“Yeah, let’s let’s take it slow,” you agreed with a nod of your head. Chan nodded his head.
“Agreed. Now… Let’s get to my place before my mom stars serving ham without us.”
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myhouseidea · 4 years
Slim House is a project designed by Matt Fajkus Architecture. Situated within a one-acre lot in Austin’s Tarry Trail neighborhood, the back yard of this existing 1933-vintage historical house was underutilized. The owners felt that the main drawbacks of the existing back yard were a general disconnection between each outdoor area and a general lack of relationship to the house proper. Therefore, the primary goal of the redesign was a scheme that would promote the use of the outdoor zones, with the pool as a centerpiece. Photography by Charles Davis Smith
The first major design move was to frame the pool with a new structure as a backdrop. This cabana is perpendicular to the main house and creates a clear “bookend” to the upper level deck while housing indoor and outdoor activities. Under the cabana’s overhang, an integrated seating space offers a balance of sunlight and shade while an outdoor grill and bar area facilitate the family’s outdoor lifestyle. The only enclosed program exists as a naturally lit perch within the canopy of the trees, providing a serene environment to exercise within the comfort of a climate-controlled space.
A corollary focus was to create sectional variation within the volume of the pool to encourage dynamic use at both ends while relating to the interior program of the home. A shallow beach zone for children to play is located near the family room and the access to the play space in the yard below. At the opposite end of the pool, outside the formal living room, another shallow space is made to be a splash-free sunbathing area perfect for enjoying an adult beverage.
The functional separation set up by the pool creates a subtle and natural division between the energetic family spaces for playing, lounging, and grilling, and the composed, entertaining and dining spaces. The pool also enhances the formal program of the house by acting as a reflecting pool within a composed view from the front entry that draws visitors to an outdoor dining area under a majestic oak tree.
By acting as a connector between the house and the yard, the elongated pool bridges the day-to-day activities within the house and the lush, sprawling backyard. Planter beds and low walls provide loose constraints to organize the overall outdoor living area, while allowing the space to spill out into the yard. Terraces navigate the sectional change in the landscape, offering a passage to the lower yard where children can play on the grass as the parents lounge by the outdoor fireplace.
Slim House by Matt Fajkus Architecture Slim House is a project designed by Matt Fajkus Architecture. Situated within a one-acre lot in Austin’s Tarry Trail neighborhood, the back yard of this existing 1933-vintage historical house was underutilized.
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micahtheprophet · 5 years
5 - “I might just kiss you.”
Fandom: Enderal
Rating: T
Warnings/Tags: Language, violence
The castle was far too big than it had any right to be. Had it not been for the Lost Ones that greeted them outside of the castle’s yard, Micah would’ve found it to be quite beautiful. In a way, it still was, only they would’ve preferred if it was completely deserted.
Ever since they stepped through the front gate, there was this… Powerful presence. Something, or a lack thereof, kept this from emerging, they could tell. Maybe it was their awakened magical talent, but this was not something they could easily write off. Micah didn’t voice their concern, however, as they has scurried through the yard, hoping to find some ingredients. Not much, if at all, could be found. Definitely a disappointment.
Micah took the main entrance of the castle while Tharaêl took a door from off the side. The two of them had agreed to split up after they had found two entrances, and they affirmed they would try to meet back up once they were inside.
As soon as Micah entered the interior, they had to engage in combat. Steel sword in hand, a Lost One dashed towards their right, giving them a small opening to rush at it and strike it down with Warnick. They ducked down and slammed the warhammer straight into the kneecaps. Down it went, clanging against the wall and blocking any of the other two Fleshless from heading in that direction. The archer kept its distance while the one wielding a warhammer of its own came running from the left side – iron-forged, and much weaker than their prized weapon.
Timing was much more essential this time, as the swing of one of those packed a punch regardless of their quality. They had to get closer and swing faster. Legs dived out, and both of them began to wind their swings. It was close, and yet Micah managed to hit the skeletal frame of its rib cage before it could make a dent in their armor. The clattering of bones and heavy metal braced the ground with a mess of a now-completely-dead-and-broken corpse.
An instinctive motion to the side sways them to the left, the space where their legs once were rifted by an arrow that clanked along the tile. They almost forgot about the archer that stayed far away from them. Good thinking on the bag-of-bones part, but now it was the only one remaining. Micah charges, reaching the bowman at the bottom of a stone staircase. Since the damn thing knew to aim for the less padded areas, they make a running jump with the momentum of their last swing, giving out a small battle cry as their legs tucked behind them. Warnick clashed directly into its clavicle before the bow’s string launched another arrow, probably aimed at their face, snapping it and the rest of the Lost One’s torso. More shattered bones fell, crunching beneath Micah’s knees. Good thinking on their end for getting those things padded so that the land was less strenuous.
For a moment, they sat still and silent. Another moment, and then, nothing. No growls or the steps of calcium against the hard surfaces, no noise, absolutely nothing. They were in the clear. With a sigh of relief, they stand, dusting off the bits of Lost One from their knee-plates. Branding Warnick in one hand, Micah finally explores the depths of the dining room.
Lavishly decorated with the wealth of some sublime figure, the interior was enormous. Tan and gray stone tiles greeted two separate dining tables, under which were large rugs. Two stone arcs before them opened to a different area with another set to their right. Pillars that ran from the floor to the ceiling were guided with pots that erupted bark and foliage, sections of white and pink flowers blooming. Above them were wood railings that hinted an accessible second floor that demanded to be searched, although that would have to wait until they did a bit of some bone-grinding and scanned the rest of the first floor. The area was illuminated by a simple, metal chandelier over each table.
It looked too pristine for this to have been deserted. There shouldn’t have been any light and the plants should’ve been dead or wilting. The natural flora that decorated the exterior made sense: natural sunlight and soil all around to collect water would keep the yard well-flourished. The interior, however, either indicated that someone still lived here or there was a magical force keeping this place in good shape.
The option of both existed, but it was one that they wished wouldn’t be the case.
Bone-grinding, right! They only needed a reasonable amount of bone meal, so a couple of thigh bones would have to make do. The broken pieces they could keep in a pouch, and the pieces that were too big could be broken into smaller chunks. Audible snaps echoed throughout the room as they gathered them all into their backpack. Before they would go left of the entrance – from the bits they saw, it looked of a kitchen – Micah’s eyes wandered onto the still form of the fleshier Lost One.
The eye sockets no longer held the blue glow that constituted the differences, outside of having more structure than just bones, between them and Fleshless Lost Ones. The Fleshless type confused them, as they had no tendons or muscles to move, but hey, magic was like that. In any case, on the ground it remained. Hollow, void of both life and magic. Officially dead. Rest in pieces.
These animated corpses were practically immortal; they did not require sleep or food, but at the cost of them attacking the living indiscriminately. What drove them to be aggressive? What parts of their minds remained active while others were dormant or dead? What distinguished them from being neither alive nor dead?
Why did these things make them feel… Off?
Shaking the thoughts out of their head, Micah makes their way to the kitchen. Color them shocked to find another dining table and the fireplace brightly glowing reds and oranges. It wasn’t nearly as illuminated as the main hallway, but it held some charm to it.
Definitely could not have been deserted.
The barred door off to the left grabbed their attention. More of a bright, slightly blue light completely shined, showing off a desk at the end and a staircase downwards. None of the walls indicated any levers or switches, but the bottom of the door was not stuck in the ground. There was a way to get through, but not on this side.
Continuing to inspect the room, they found nothing but mostly-cleared shelves and empty wine bottles. A couple of paintings sat on its side, stacked and leaning against one of the displays. Still, there was basically nothing in this room.
“So much for that,” Micah commented before strolling off. Nothing remained of the first floor that wasn’t examined, they even went as far as to dig a bit into the potted plants for any hidden trinkets or treasures. They’ll have to clean the dirt out of their gauntlets later.
The landing between the first and second floor held nothing of value. There were books, but searching every book would get tiring and fast. Tharaêl would’ve met up with them by the time they finished up, but then again, who knows what he’s dealing with.
Gods, they’re worried. Waiting would keep them stir-crazed, so they went ahead and marched around the railings. There was a pile of scrolls on one of the shelves, one of Boon and Water Breathing appealing enough to snatch and stash. Again, nothing really of note… Except for two things.
Down south on the opposite of the entrance stood two imposing hallways that ended with wooden barred doors, if their eyes were able to see that correctly from the far end of each. Their grip on Warnick tightened as they kept out of sight of the right hallway, pulling a small bit of spine from their bone pouch. The fragment was the right size and weight of a small rock. Micah tossed the bit down the hall, hiding once they finished their swing and peeking over the side.
The stomping of another Lost One followed once the chunk reached closer to the door, the figure slugging along and stopping in the hallway.
Great, another one, and here they thought the noise they made before would lure any of the others out.
Holding their breath, Micah’s eyes stayed on the Lost One. After several seconds, it finally hovered back over to a hidden room their eyes could not catch. They couldn’t count on there only being one, but they figured if there was more, the others would’ve inspected the other end closer to them. Lost Ones had some form intelligence, but they weren’t insusceptible to sneak attacks.
Taking another small piece – they swear they’ll pick these back up later – they tossed the chunk at the same spot and attempted to sneak to the other hallway. Hearing the stomping return, but only further away once they met the entry of the hidden room, they slowly made their way across and around the table that had been in the middle. The creature didn’t turn around once. They winded Warnick up and slammed him directly into the top of the spine, just a bit below the neck. Another body on the ground with a satisfying thunk.
A much needed breath was sharply exhaled. Sneaking wasn’t their thing; it was so anxiety-inducing to base a chance off of shadowed precision. It’s why they weren’t an archer or an assassin. The amount of tension in their chest was enough to cause them to implode, and their shoulders took too long to relax. Having to clench their jaw that tight was not good for their facial muscles, so why did they bother doing that?
It’s probably because of him. Tharaêl was quick and stuck to the darkness like a second skin, and was able to aim rather well. He contrasts to their fighting style, which was upfront, unrelenting force. Despite his commentary on having to adjust his strategies, it seemed they’ve adapted some tactics from him.
At any rate, they have a castle to explore.
The small room they were in had a corner of paintings. Perhaps this was once a study, or a room where they shoved a random assortment of items into. Either seemed plausible.
Micah found some flour sacks. Okay, not the most revolutionary discovery, but flour was important. A separate pouch for a separate ingredient, and now, the door!
They glanced the brass handle. There seemed to be a keyhole, but maybe this one would be unlocked. Maybe the next room had riches and treasures they could sell of to one of the vendors in Ark, and they could keep their coins balanced!
A tug on the handle and the door doesn’t budge. And another. And another.
They scoffed and groaned. Of course it was locked, and of course they haven’t found the key yet, even though they’ve practically noted every single detail. There was still a chance the other door was unlocked, so they trudged back through the painting room and into the other hallway.
Again, they tug at the metal handle. Nothing.
Micah stepped back, eyes squinting at the damned wooden door and debated for a second if Warnick would make better work than them. “You want a fucking key, and yet you give me none. Look, I’m going to come back, but if I return with no key in my hands, I’m tearing you and your establishment down, boyo.”
Micah declared that with absolute certainty, the door would see to it, and began backtracking their path, inspecting the main area once more. Painting room held nothing, nor did the plated Lost One. Hallways, zilch. Bookcases and shelves, nada. The littered bones definitely had no such key.
Another groan.
They stood between the two dining tables, hands waved out and hovering with curled fingers. “Where the FUCK is the key?!”
“Micah,” A familiar voice called from the fire-lit room. They scrammed up and over to hear the metallic groan of a gate, stopping to see the barred door lift as their friend Tharaêl – yeah, friend, and definitely just that – walk through with a key in hand.
“Wasn’t too rough,” Micah asked with a grin, “was it?”
“Not particularly. The only trouble was more Lost Ones, though considering the condition of the castle, I’d be more surprised if there wasn’t any at all.” He strolled over, offering them the key. “I searched for anything that would be of use and found this.”
Micah took the key, the smile growing wider by the second. Had they been on their own, who knows how much longer exploring around for a key would take, if they didn’t try breaking the door down with their warhammer. Not to mention that the company vastly improved the experience, and if they had been honest, they wouldn’t have asked anyone else to accompany them when they had someone as resourceful and perceptive as Tharaêl.
“I might just kiss you,” they mumbled, not really aware that they had actually voiced their relief.
“I don’t see how necessary that would be over finding a key, but I take it you know what that unlocks.”
The realization washed over their face with a light shade of pink. Good going jackass, they thought. Micah can’t look him in the face, not after that embarrassing comment, so they turned around and nodded. “Y-Yeah, there’s a door to the end of the hall on the second floor. This is probably the one that’ll open it, but if not… I guess we’ll have to keep looking, right?”
“Guess so.”
The atmosphere was awkward, at least it felt that way to Micah. They know that they have a problem with speaking at inopportune times; if their father of all people couldn’t get them to shut up, then really, who could? They might be able to blame their lack of a filter on being tired and/or giddy from finding a new location to explore, or maybe they really have no excuse and are trying to find loopholes in order to avoid the awkward truth.
Nevermind the blunder – they had a castle to search, and it wasn’t going to search itself.
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pergola800 · 3 years
Creative Pergola Designs And Solutions For Your Backyard
A pergola is a great option for homeowners who want to add some extra living space to their yard. Depending on the design, it can protect you from the sunlight, wind, and rain.
A complete pergola comprises posts, beams, and rafters. However, the concept of getting a pergola often comes with a set of confusion for certain individuals as they are quite similar to gazebos. The only point of difference between the two is the roof design- while pergolas have flat roofs, gazebos have pitched roofs.
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To put an end to this confusion and help you remodel your backyard with absolutely zero hassle, the best pergola suppliers in Dubai bring you the best pergola designs this year. These creative designs will add up value as well as space to your backyard, setting up a perfect ambiance for your backyard parties and family get-togethers.
Modern Style Pergola:
The basic lines of the modern pergola will most likely be a suitable choice for individuals who appreciate a current design style. Those looking for a garden fixture that blends in with the sleek, clean modern lines will probably opt for something simple and unobtrusive. The clean lines are achieved by using straight posts, a level top, and basic brackets. In addition to the conventional pergola slats, some contemporary versions incorporate a complete roof. A no-frills modern style would be a fantastic complement to a classic backyard, whether you opt for a rustic wooden color or paint it white.
Attached to House Pergola:
A pergola that connects to the building on one or even more sides could be the ideal method to make the most of your outdoor space. It will seem more like an addition to your home if it is attached, or it can be built over a preexisting patio right just outside of the back door. These pergolas can even cut down costs as it might not need all four pillars to vary according to the size of your linked pergola. However, as it will be immediately fastened to your house, it is advised to call best pergolas suppliers in Dubai for assistance.  
Pergola with Glass roof:
If you live in an area where rainy days are common, you may want more than the standard pergola slats to make your outside space useful. Many individuals choose to cover their pergola with a glass (or plexiglass) roof. These can be created with the glass already in situ or subsequently added. Adding a roof to your outdoor living area allows you to use it even when the weather isn’t cooperating.
Poolside Pergola:
If you want to spend your summers swimming around in your pool, installing a pergola to your edge of the pool might be a terrific way. It would provide some shade on those hot summer days. Also, a wooden structure is an amazing means to keep away some UV protection by filtering off part of the rays. If you have the space, you can also build your pergola near to and even over your pool. If your sundeck is already in place, you’ll probably want to hire a contractor to make sure you don’t damage it when putting your pergola columns.
Pergolas with a bar:
Do you enjoy putting on a show? Then why not transform your pergola into a private bar? You may go all out with a wet bar, barstools, and a TV to watch the big game, or you can keep it simple with a makeshift bar that also serves as a cooler. You can also add up elements like installing a classic fireplace or setting up a barbeque kitchen. When establishing your fireplace or pit, you can also contact a design professional to ensure everyone’s safety.
Retractable Roof Pergolas:
A pergola with retractable shades or a canopy provides a creative answer to the noon light. You may choose how much cover you want at any given point in time, and these sorts of tints are frequently simple to remove if the need arises. Look for UV-protective material when selecting a screen for your pergola. It will protect you from the sun’s rays while still being able to enjoy the winds and fresh air. You’ll notice that your pergola keeps much cooler, and you could even be able to reduce glare.
Wrapping Up!
Pergolas are a wonderful choice for individuals who love spending time in the open air and add an element of beauty to their property. You can do it yourself or contact top pergola suppliers in Dubai to help you realize your vision for a unique pergola design. However, when you add solid roofing to an existing pergola, verify sure the framework can withstand the weight with our professionals at 800Pergola in Dubai.
0 notes
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Here is a most unusual home. It was built in 1940 in Plano, Texas. Has 3bd. 2ba. $650K.
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The house is so spacious, it looks like it’s been gutted, and then decorated in a pirate theme. The living room is huge, but the seating area is just gathered in front of the fireplace.
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There are robes sails, and life size pirates above.
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I wonder if that big one conveys. I think that’s a fish tank on the back wall.
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Look at the dining room. It’s very large and doesn’t really look like a dining room, so I there are options.
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The kitchen is very dark. I like black cabinets, bu there’s too much gray. I think that may be the other side of the fish tank above the sink.
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Entering the home theater, there’s a bar on the left and another life size PIrate. 
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This is my favorite room b/c it has a jail in the corner. 
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I would say that this is the main bd. b/c it’s the largest. 
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The 2nd bd. in black & red.
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Bathroom #1 is small and features a shower.
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Instead of a hall, there’s a mezzanine that looks like the top of a pirate ship.
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Bd. #3 is small and also has a black & red theme.
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Finished basement room.
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This is a very dungeon-like basement office.
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Bathroom #2 is purple with red lighting, a shower and a sauna on the left.
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In the yard is a deck with a hot tub.
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Next to the pool is a structure that looks a bit like a pirate ship.
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The inground pool and nice yard.
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The property from above shows lots of trees and looks like it’s close to a main road.
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tahoedonnercahomes · 3 years
2314 Price Way, San Jose, CA 95124 | Home for Sale
A fabulous home in a sought-after location!
Tucked away inside one of Silicon Valley’s sought after Dry Creek neighborhood, this lovely single-family home is the right blend of serenity and entertainment.
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With the picturesque Dry Creek neighborhood as your backdrop, you’ll enjoy quietude while admiring the beauty of the fully landscaped front yard with a persimmon and lime tree. The large driveway and the front walk are constructed of stylish hand-placed pavers.  
The spacious backyard is an excellent venue for hosting both intimate get-togethers or grand parties among mature trees and flowering bushes, a horticulturist’s delight.  
It also offers the best of conveniences being ideally located! It is in one of the best school districts in the area, close to Los Gatos, Highway 85 and 17, and just a short drive to San Jose International Airport. And as if those amenities weren’t enough, it’s also near amazing Santa Cruz beaches! Featuring 1,915 square feet of living space, 3 bedrooms, and 2.5 bathrooms, this well kept San Jose CA home is a deal not to be missed.
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A great place for relaxation for any season
The spacious living room will welcome you as you step through the vibrant front door. A large skylight, along with recessed lighting and natural lighting bring out the luster of the hardwood floor all contributing to the room’s elegant vibe.
Check out the sophisticated fireplace. Imagine sitting here with a mug of cocoa, looking through the large french door set at the wonderful back yard. This is the best way to make your winter days warmer! 
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This modern kitchen will make any chef happy!
Next to the living room is an updated eat-in kitchen, sure to inspire you to cook meals for the family. You should enjoy preparing delicious food on granite counters and stainless-steel appliances.
It also features a breakfast bar and another view of the fenced-in backyard.
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Comfort and function are combined in the family room of this San Jose CA home!
Right next to the kitchen is a cozy family room. It features a gas fireplace and brightly painted ceiling and beams that accentuate the beauty of the fan chandelier.
With huge space for relaxation and a visual feast of the surroundings outside, this will be a place where everyone will want to hang out in.
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To find a  retreat after a long day, this master bedroom delivers!
It’s wired for surround sound and features a walk-in closet. Dual pane windows give an awesome view of the peaceful neighborhood outside.
It also has a remodeled en suite bathroom that gives privacy and peace . Aesthetic granite countertops and a custom-tiled shower are features that you will love. 
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A peaceful oasis right in your own home.
Whether you love having guests over or enjoying a picturesque view alone, this San Jose CA home backyard is the perfect spot!
Fragrant rosemary bushes, Meyer lemon tree, Key Lime tree, and many other blossoming greeneries surround the backyard, making it a delightful space to relax.
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One of the highlights of this impressive backyard is its well-built pergola. Want to enjoy a good view of the sky without having direct sunlight beating down on you? Simply grab a chair and bask in the canopy of shade provided by this uniquely designed structure.
The backyard includes a custom-raised redwood planter, custom storage shed, and newly updated pavers.
Finishing off the backyard is the fantastic custom-built wood-fire pizza oven to make any party a hit.
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As if its many delightful amenities don’t make it attractive enough, this one-of-a-kind home also includes an indoor laundry room and spacious 2-car garage with finished walls, ceiling and epoxy floor and a pull down ladder to access the storage in the ceiling.
Automatic irrigation, slate tiles, landscape lighting, are some of the recent upgrades on the front yard.
Updates include Google Nest smoke alarm, carbon monoxide detectors, thermostat, doorbell, and a newly installed water heater.
Be the proud owner of this wonderful home!
Call/Text Ann Nguyen at 530-545-3458 for questions.
In case you can not view this video here, please click the link below to view 2314 Price Way, San Jose, CA 95124 | Home for Sale on my YouTube channel: https://youtu.be/rlwege1R61A
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lucioledesign · 6 years
This is an outdoor room that does it all. For cooking, there’s a grill and burner, warming drawers and refrigerated storage. There’s an outdoor shower, a restroom and a storage room so you don’t have to haul your food and dishes in and out of the house. There’s a large screen television so nobody won’t miss the action and a linear fireplace for coziness. There’s a bar with a view, a table on a flying deck, an intimate table inside the pool house.
View from the spa to the pool house
The pool has a zero edge that mirrors the sky
The flying deck moves you out into the view
An outdoor room with all the amenities
Raising the outdoor room above the pool deck let us do some interesting things with views: it’s not only more visible from the pool area, but we could take advantage of the elevation difference to swoop out over the hill and into the view shed. Views are down to the pool making more of the pool visible as a bonus.
As far as entertainment space goes, this room was designed to host large parties. There is ample counter space, two bars accessible from both sides for serving. Cold and warm storage areas – including a beer keg refrigerator – support the large gas grill. Overhead cabinets, combined with an enclosed storage room with refrigerator make this a mostly autonomous space, although the home’s kitchen is used for large events.
The neighbor’s property is at a higher elevation than the pool house, so although it looks high from its own property, it will be mostly hidden by evergreen shrubs when viewed from next door. The roof is earth-toned metal, further blending it into the surrounding landscape.
We left the area downslope from the back yard mostly natural, giving a grove of large native oaks a chance to flourish. There are accents of low-water native and Mediterranean plants for added interest, but most vegetation is low to preserve a magnificent view.
This was our first view of the completed landscape. The pool was redesigned from our drawings by the pool contractor, sharing the zero edge design but changing the shape, spa and waterfalls. Our initial design had a sloping beach entry, replaced with extensive warming shelves. Both designs featured the pool as a central point of the garden, offset by the pool house. We opted away from a vanishing edge pool where the water spills off the edge on the view side because we wanted people to be able to circulate all around the pool at the same level, making it the center of the back yard. Besides, a zero edge pool looks dramatic from any angle, in this case mirroring the pool house, sky and surrounding oaks.
Building something like this requires a good design team. After our initial design, it required an engineer for structural details and calculations, an experienced general contractor and subs to complete their shop drawings and an expert pool builder familiar with zero edge pools.
Strolling through the completed project was a bit surreal, since we’d modeled the site on the computer and had virtually walked through it countless times. Although computer modeling results in a better, more complete analysis it also takes away a bit of the excitement of viewing a project in person for the first time. Now that software developers are moving toward augmented reality, where you view the “completed” project through the screen of an iPad on site, design communication will become even more technology driven.
  The Ultimate space for pool side entertaining This is an outdoor room that does it all. For cooking, there's a grill and burner, warming drawers and refrigerated storage.
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njrealtypros · 3 years
Great Places to Buy Houses for Sale
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Finding houses for sale is pretty easy these days. There are many online real estate websites that you can consult. However, with so many real estate websites claiming to have the best service around, how do you know which one really is worth your time and money? In this article I will show you how to locate affordable New Jersey houses for sale.
If you are looking for an ideal New Jersey home for your family to live in then it’s probably time to start your search online. Get instant access to tons of useful information regarding New York real estate, such as property descriptions, photos and maps. Even point gives you more than just a simple list of inexpensive houses for sale in New York, as the extensive search results pages have lots of useful information on New York, right underneath the listings. New Jersey properties are also displayed side-by-side with photos and details, allowing you to decide which one is best for you. The real estate website you choose should be user-friendly and offer an easy interface to navigate around.
If you are a fan of older New York style houses then you might find that there is many Covered Bridge Houses for Sale in Monmouth County. Covered Bridge Houses is known for their unique design and architecture. There are many options of beautiful two-story structure houses decorated with both Spanish and English architectural features and sits on its own set of stairs. On each level there are spectacular views of both the Atlantic Ocean and the Catskill Mountains.
Another beautiful residence option has multiple levels, and sits on four sides overlooking the ocean. Each level features a staircase, large balcony, a fire extinguisher, a wet bar, and a marble/stone foyer. Up to three bedrooms and three bathrooms can be found on this upper level. A quartz slab floor and new paint finish complete the upgrades.
Are you looking for a cozy cabin or do you like the idea of a private cottage in the woods? One more beautifully landscaped property has a large wood deck and a nice size back yard. The spacious living room space is complimented by a large stone fireplace. Up to three bedrooms and a bathroom are available on this type of lovely property.
There are so many options available on online real estate websites. If you want to get the best houses for sale in New Jersey, NJ Realty Pros can be the best online real estate agent to consult. To know more, you can call us 718-313-7751.
Source URL: https://njrealtypros.wordpress.com/2021/04/16/great-places-to-buy-houses-for-sale/
0 notes
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1900 Queen Anne in Maryland for $119,000 is a buy (it’s a foreclosure sale). She doesn’t need much work and is an elegant lady. Unfortunately, they put vinyl siding on her and tried to make her colorful, but I think it looks kinda tacky, like they used leftover siding. Can you paint vinyl?
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The wood is in excellent condition, throughout, and this is the historic Crockett House.
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Gorgeous fireplace. I would definitely keep the interesting wallpaper. 
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Pristine built-in cupboard. 
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The tiles on this fireplace are perfect. The red paint would definitely have to go, though. 
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The kitchen needs some work, but I like the floor. 
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Walk-thru pantry.
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Colored glass. Nice. 
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Bedrooms are in good shape, the floors are good, but need some refinishing.
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Beautiful bathroom. 
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3rd fl. needs work, but it can wait. 
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Why, oh, why, are there sliding glass doors & screens here? 
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I guess this is a bar. A little fixing, and w/this round porch, you can have some lit parties here.
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In the back yard, there’s an inground pool and 2 summer structures. She’s a real party girl for that price. So much potential here. 
Long and Foster
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3 Reasons Your History of Minneapolis Is Broken (And How to Fix It)
Minneapolis Minnesota
Exterior destinations in Minnesota consist of Minnehaha Falls, a lovely
environment-friendly area situated in the heart of Minneapolis. The falls are one of
the main Minnesota destinations when going to the Double Cities. The
stretching residential property affords visitors exceptional mountain biking trials,
hiking tracks, barbecue areas as well as numerous various other activities.
Regarding Minneapolis
Exposed brick, wood floorings, gas fireplace, 3 panel doors, natural
woodwork, fantastic cooking area granite counter tops as well as stainless steel
devices, in an open format with a facility island, top level laundry,
an all new high efficiency furnace just mounted.
Famous People From Minneapolis
Every huge city needs a place where residents and also visitors can unwind
and also unwind far from the hectic rate of the city. Lake Calhoun in
Minneapolis is simply the area to go when you wish to sit back. Rent
paddle boats, swim, canoe, fish or just sit by the shores and also appreciate some
wonderful people-watching!
The residence itself has actually been carefully cared for by the current ownersand
flaunts an useful layout with bunches of natural light, large open
concept kitchen area with stainless steel devices, breakfast buffet, & & a. excellent room with a wood-burning fireplace.
Lakes and storage tanks: Birch Pond (A), Powderhorn Lake (B), Lake Nokomis.
( C), Mommy Lake (D), Lake of the Isles (E), Lake Hiawatha (F), Lake.
Harriet (G), Ruby Lake (H). Display/hide their areas on the map.
If you live in Downtown, navigating in winter season is never a trouble.
many thanks to the skyway system. Attaching on the 2nd floorings of all.
major downtown workplace as well as apartment structures, the skyway system is an.
innovative corridor network allowing you to stroll for miles without ever.
going outside.
Minneapolis, Mn.
The arts scene in Minneapolis is first-class as well as wide-ranging. Among the.
city's specialties is that it has even more movie theater seats per head than.
any kind of city beyond New York, as well as the doing arts area in.
specific is as energetic and also varied as they come. Legendary places like.
the Guthrie Movie Theater as well as the First Method Bar are only the tip of.
the iceberg when it pertains to live songs, and also the city's gigantic network.
of galleries (including spots like the Walker Art Facility as well as.
Minneapolis Institute of Art) is amongst the most effective in the United States.
This Minnesota tourist attractions one of the most enjoyable leading instructional.
centers to check out in the state. With exhibits such as The Globe of.
Sharks in 3D, as well as several blended media presents covering subjects like biology.
and sociology, the Scientific research Gallery of Minnesota is an interesting area.
to check out.
Visitor destinations: Expense & & Bonnie Daniels Firefighters Hall & & Gallery
.( 664 22nd Opportunity Northeast) (1 ), Golden Wings Museum (8891 Flight Terminal Roadway.
Northeast Collection 6C) (2 ), Minneapolis Institute of Arts (Galleries; 2400.
Third Method South) (3 ), Holy Land Exhibit (Museums; 434 Ridgewood Avenue).
( 4 ), Hennepin Background Gallery (2303 third Opportunity South) (5 ), Center for.
Early Knowing & & Living of the Sciences (Museums; 4139 Minister Opportunity.
North) (6 ), Aminah Hair Sytlist (Galleries; 7500 69th Avenue North) (7 ),.
Fridley Historic Society Gallery (611 Mississippi Street Northeast).
( 8 ), American Wings Air Museum (2141 Rhode Island Avenue) (9 ).
Display/hide their approximate places on the map.
Points To Do In Minneapolis.
Take a look at the Budweiser Roofing system Deck prior to heading back down to the.
playing field. The excursion will certainly take you via the history of the Doubles.
group, highlighting previous as well as present gamers, superb displays of.
baseball memorabilia, as well as special environmental features of the having fun.
The exhibition aims to develop critical believing skills with forensic.
investigation, scientific query, as well as innovation, by giving a.
multi-sensory experience where site visitors can look into the globe of.
crime scene examination.
St Paul Minnesota.
Complementing the home-away-from-home environment is a menu filled with.
sublime concoctions from mouthwatering lamb scottadito to pillowy.
pan-fried gnocchi smothered in crumbly Parmigiano Reggiano. Open up until 1.
a.m. on weekend breaks, the location is constantly loaded and also getting a table is not.
easy, however definitely worth the delay.
Minneapolis Minnesota.
Pop, rock and indie songs acts perform, yet it is not just arising.
artists as even bands with big followings will certainly play two evenings at.
First Method versus than one night at a larger place. Significant talents that.
have actually graced the stage include the Indigo Girls, Tina Turner, The Black.
Eyed Peas, Economical Technique, Phish, and also more. A photograph with the wall surface of.
stars in the background is a must-do memento of Minneapolis.  
. Youngsters as well as kids-at-heart will certainly like checking out these top 10 kid-approved.
stops in the Double Cities. From epic dinosaurs as well as indoor.
water parks to roller rollercoasters and four-story interior backyard, there's.
no lack of household enjoyable.
Including an universal collection of over 80,000 items, spanning.
5,000 years of world background, the MIA is residence to among the finest.
comprehensive art collections in the country, consisting of amazing.
exhibitions as well as collections of art from Africa, Oceania as well as the.
Americas, in addition to a huge collection of Oriental art as well as sculpture.
Enchanting weekend vacations near me, spring break, puts to live: Orange.
Tumblr media
County Beaches, New Zealand Beaches, Fairbanks, Aberdeen, Providence,.
Lake George, Leesburg, Niagara Falls, Richmond, Virginia Purchasing, Ann.
Arbor, Sausalito, Morrison, Puerto Rico Beaches, Athens GA, Portugal.
Beaches, Zagreb Hotels.
23 Best Things To Do In Minneapolis, Minnesota.
Situated on the west financial institution of the Mississippi River, alongside Gold Medal.
Park as well as the Mill City Museum in downtown Minneapolis, the Guthrie.
Theater has actually won many honors for its design by Jean Nouvel and also.
attracts visitors from throughout the world to appreciate its architecture.
The movie theater homes 3 theaters with a signature ‘‘ thrust' stage, and a.
78-foot cantilevered bridge called the "Limitless Bridge.".
History Of Minneapolis.
The piano on the luggage case level in Terminal 1 is not simply for show.
Any individual is invited to play it; you might even be entertained by a.
expert musician or wonder child while waiting for your travel luggage.
Wish to know the most effective spots in Minnesota? How around ideas on just how to make.
one of the most of your time in a particular city? Our Minnesota experts can.
answer your concerns, supply suggestions, or intend the ideal Minnesota journey.
for you. Completely free.
MSP has a main 1.4-mile walking path in Terminal 1, funded by.
the American Heart Organization. It's a healthy and balanced way to waste time on a.
layover or to stroll off a few of that exquisite flight terminal fare.
Points To Do In Minneapolis.
Everything regarding Manny's is impressive, from large items of.
meat offered with a collection of sides, to must-try decadent desserts.
The dining establishment flaunts a 300-bottle red wine list, in addition to extensive.
reserve checklist. If you are looking for unique day evening ideas in.
Minneapolis, this dining establishment is a great option.
10 Factors To Check Out Msp Airport.
The Pedestrian relaxes opposite the Minneapolis Sculpture Yard, a sculpture.
park on the north side of the Walker School and is collaboration in between.
the Walker and the Minneapolis Park and also Entertainment Board. Housed in an.
architecturally magnificent building, the museum is a must-visit.
Minneapolis' origins were as a mill community, very first handling lumber, as well as.
after that becoming the biggest flour-producing city in the country in the late.
19th and also very early 20th centuries. Today the flour mills stand idle, have.
been taken down, or transformed to trendy lofts, yet you can see a peek of.
that time at the Mill City Gallery on the financial institution of the Mississippi in.
downtown Minneapolis.
Two aviation-inspired backyard (one in each terminal) will keep the.
youngsters inhabited while you wait for your trip, as will certainly the.
delicious treats at Rocky Hill Delicious Chocolate Factory. There's additionally.
private as well as deluxe nursing spaces for families taking a trip with infants or.
mothers that need a peaceful location to pump, situated in both terminals.
The residence for the Minnesota Twins is   at Target Field in the western side.
of midtown Minneapolis. The arena is an al fresco ballpark   and also. received praise from ballplayers and viewers for the seating, sights,.
ambience, as well as concessions alternatives. Attending a video game is an ideal method.
to invest a balmy summer night in the city prior to getting a beverage or.
bite after the nine inning in close-by downtown Minneapolis.
Romantic hotels, canine pleasant cabin, store inn, B&B, hostel, pictures,.
maps, discount rates, seminar, pairs pull away, tourism: Points to do in.
Miami, Miami with Children, Ideal coastlines in Miami, Places to Check Out in Miami.
on a Day, Miami fish and shellfish, Miami resorts, Finest time to check out Miami,.
Angling in Miami, Free Things to Do in Miami, Miami Nightclubs, Points.
to Do in Minneapolis, Free Things to Do in Minneapolis.
When you have joined, you receive a vital or passcode, which you then.
insert right into the needed slot at one of the several bike terminals throughout.
the city, get the thumbs-up and take your bike. You will be offered a.
specific amount of time to use the bike, according to your pass or.
membership, after which time the bike requires to be gone back to any kind of.
terminal. Once the bike is secured into the terminal, your trick or pass is.
gotten rid of, and you are good to go. Quick, simple and also cost effective, it's the.
excellent way to explore the city at your own rate.
Weekend break escapes, leading 10 things to do, locations to see near me: South.
Padre Island, Lexington,, Erwin, Floyd, Essex, Biloxi, Erie,.
Dining establishments in Lancaster, Restaurants in Lake Tahoe, Empire, Eastham,.
Sleep in before your return trip and stay on-site at.
the   InterContinental Hotel. The 12-story hotel features a day spa, two.
trademark restaurants, a penthouse mixed drink bar and a modern.
Points To Do In Minneapolis.
112 Eatery is a well-known midtown restaurant that provides a casual.
ambiance, superior solution, and amazing food. Award-winning cook.
Isaac Becker has produced this comfortable area where the hardwood floors as well as.
revealed brick wall surfaces resemble a comfortable apartment as opposed to a.
narrow restaurant, making it the excellent go-to location for a decadent supper.
or late-night bite.
Located within the Shopping Center of America, the Nickelodeon World is the.
globes biggest indoor theme park.   The grounds have greater than 50.
rides, appropriate for young as well as older children—— from knotting coasters, like.
Shredder's Mutant Masher,   to more mellow classics, like an antique equine.
slide carousel.  
. Pop into locally founded Aveda to example some items, obtain a pre-flight.
change at The Chiroport, or rest back as well as enjoy a premium shoe sparkle.
You can also obtain a complete mani/pedi, hair styling as well as face therapies at.
XpresSpa; no visit essential.
Going back to the 1870s, the mill facility is provided on the National.
Register of Historic Places as well as belongs to the St. Anthony Falls.
Historical Area, playing an important function in the conservation as well as.
education of the state's heritage.
Diving licensed divers can endure the waters as well as dive with sharks, while.
other site visitors can join feeding times with stingrays,.
seahorses, as well as rainbow reef fish. The aquarium offers a selection of enjoyable.
sea-based activities and also journeys for all, including stamp terminals.
with dive books for kids, behind the curtain trips as well as over night.
Charming locations near me this weekend, all comprehensive, real-time music, distinct.
shopping around, night life for tourists: Whistler, Shanghai, South.
America Cruises, New Zealand Cruises, Ireland Cruises, Winnipeg,.
Beijing, Paris resorts, charming Niagara Falls, Things to Do in Ghent,.
Brussels, Nepal, Ideal European getaway, Arizona Day Trips, Cincinnati,.
Finest place to remain in Grand Teton, Adelaide.
Famous People From Minneapolis.
Started in 1963, the Guthrie Movie theater is a facility for movie theater.
efficiency, production, education and learning and also professional training with the.
purpose of subjecting as well as attaching target markets to traditional literature and also brand-new.
jobs from varied cultures around the world.
10 Reasons To Check Out Msp Flight Terminal.
Minnesota's growing regional food scene greets site visitors as quickly as they.
touch down at MSP, where numerous of Minneapolis-St. Paul's ideal cooks and.
restaurateurs have opened shop. Please your inner foodie with.
choices like coal-fired pizza at Ne'er-do-well, fresh sushi at PinKU,.
neighborhood craft beer from Rock Arc or a Tattersall craft alcoholic drink from the.
Cocktail Space at 18th &   & Central.
Hing on the financial institutions of the historical Mississippi Riverfront as well as built.
into the ruins of what was as soon as the globe's largest flour mill, called.
the Washburn "" A"" Mill, Mill City Gallery is a small, intimate museum that.
presents birth and growth of Minneapolis as well as the subsequent background of.
the growing city with the flour sector as well as the river.
For foodies (and those with food allergies) Bryant Lake Dish provides.
locally sourced grub and a gluten-free food selection. Trying to find a task.
before playing a game? The connected movie theater to Bryant Lake additionally hosts.
everything from plays, neighborhood artists, as well as also a weekly worship.
Minneapolis-st. Paul Location.
First Opportunity is a genuine symbol of Minneapolis. When the midtown.
Minneapolis Greyhound bus depot, the building was redesigned in 1970 right into.
a live music place by tearing everything out, adding a phase, an audio.
system, as well as repainting the entire area black. The location has genuine.
songs cred— — Prince carried out right here in the early days of his profession.
Points To Do In Minneapolis.
The Double Cities' online reputation as a hub for arts is reflected throughout.
MSP. Several mosaics embellish both routs, the flight terminal hosts an.
annual staff member art show and competition, as well as a trio of Snoopy statuaries makes.
for an enjoyable scavenger hunt.
Resting and also delighting in a fancy mixed drink is good—— learning exactly how to make that.
expensive mixed drink in the house is also better. The professionals behind the bar at the.
Norseman Distillery reveal their tricks of the profession throughout classes at.
their Alcoholic drink Lab every month. The sessions come with hands-on.
guidelines, recipe cards, and 3 tastings.
The aquarium flaunts a 1,500 gallon Pacific Northwest Rockpool where.
site visitors can explore unusual sea animals such as cucumbers and sea.
polyps by touch, in addition to a 300-foot glass underwater tunnel for.
remarkable sights of sharks.
Minneapolis Minnesota.
Originally run by General Mills, the mill took off and ignited.
several times throughout its functioning life. As soon as abandoned, an almost.
tragic fire damaged much of the mill. The Minnesota Historic.
Facility finally organized the remains, which were maintained as well as a.
gallery was constructed inside the ruins. The gallery is among the best places.
to discover the history of Minneapolis.
Annual Events In Minneapolis.
From hip children to wealthy experts, the great stores in Uptown.
Minneapolis hosts the facilities they like to regular. Trendy bars,.
dining establishments, ​​ and stylish shops are collected around the intersection of.
Hennepin Method and Lake Street, the heart of Uptown Minneapolis. If.
people-watching is the goal, grab a seat at one of the neighborhood coffee.
shops and also take pleasure in the parade of fashionistas passing by. The location is a.
number of blocks from Lake Calhoun, where the the upper class most likely to.
sunbathe in the summer, as well as run or rollerblade around the lake.
Attractions & & Activities.
Weekend break journeys, what is a fantastic excursion location: Things to Do in.
Mauritius, Ukraine, Hong Kong, Myrtle Beach Day Trips, NY with Kids,.
Nevada with Children, Oklahoma with Kids, Day Trips from Omaha, Marquett,.
Greenbelt, Grantsville, Malvern, Hot Springs, Middletown.
Famous People From Minneapolis.
The Minneapolis Institute of Arts is the major art gallery in.
Minneapolis, with items spanning several millennia from all over the.
world. Functions from classical times with modern art fill this huge space,.
where it's very easy to obtain lost for a whole day. The gallery has a selection.
of unique programs, ranging from attracting courses for children to a.
once a week alcoholic drink as well as art night each Thursday.
St Paul Minnesota.
Izzy's Ice Cream is an ice cream organization, with stores in Minneapolis.
as well as St. Paul. Had and handled by Lara as well as Jeff Sommers, what started as.
a tiny kitchen area serving handmade gelatos has turned into the city's.
favored ice lotion place.
10 Reasons
0 notes
Buzzwords, De-buzzed: 10 Other Ways to Say Minneapolis Minnesota
Minneapolis Minnesota
Outdoor attractions in Minnesota include Minnehaha Falls, a beautiful
eco-friendly area located in the heart of Minneapolis. The drops are among
the primary Minnesota destinations when going to the Twin Cities. The
sprawling home affords site visitors superb mountain biking trials,
hiking tracks, picnic areas and several other activities.
About Minneapolis
Revealed brick, hardwood floorings, gas fire place, 3 panel doors, natural
woodwork, great kitchen granite counter tops and also stainless steel
appliances, in an open format with a facility island, top degree washing,
a new high performance heater simply mounted.
Famous Individuals From Minneapolis
Every large city needs an area where homeowners and also site visitors can kick back
and unwind away from the stressful speed of the city. Lake Calhoun in
Minneapolis is simply the area to go when you intend to settle back. Rental fee
paddle boats, swim, canoe, fish or just sit by the shores and also appreciate some
great people-watching!
The house itself has been carefully looked after by the present ownersand
boasts a practical floor plan with lots of natural light, large open
principle kitchen area with stainless-steel devices, breakfast buffet, & & a. fantastic space with a wood-burning fireplace.
Lakes and tanks: Birch Fish pond (A), Powderhorn Lake (B), Lake Nokomis.
( C), Mother Lake (D), Lake of the Isles (E), Lake Hiawatha (F), Lake.
Harriet (G), Diamond Lake (H). Display/hide their places on the map.
If you reside in Midtown, getting around in winter months is never ever an issue.
many thanks to the skyway system. Attaching on the second floorings of all.
major downtown office and apartment, the skyway system is an.
ingenious corridor network allowing you to stroll for miles without ever before.
going outside.
Minneapolis, Mn.
The arts scene in Minneapolis is first-class and also comprehensive. Among the.
city's claims to fame is that it has more theater seats per capita than.
any kind of city beyond New York, as well as the executing arts community in.
certain is as active and also diverse as they come. Legendary places like.
the Guthrie Theater and the First Avenue Bar are just the idea of.
the iceberg when it involves live songs, and the city's gigantic network.
of galleries (consisting of sites like the Walker Art Center and.
Minneapolis Institute of Art) is among the finest in the USA.
This Minnesota destinations one of the most fun leading instructional.
facilities to visit in the state. With exhibits such as The Globe of.
Sharks in 3D, as well as numerous blended media presents covering topics like biology.
as well as sociology, the Science Museum of Minnesota is an interesting place.
to see.
Vacationer tourist attractions: Costs & & Bonnie Daniels Firefighters Hall & & Gallery
.( 664 22nd Avenue Northeast) (1 ), Golden Wings Museum (8891 Airport Terminal Road.
Northeast Suite 6C) (2 ), Minneapolis Institute of Arts (Museums; 2400.
Third Opportunity South) (3 ), Holy Land Exhibit (Galleries; 434 Ridgewood Opportunity).
( 4 ), Hennepin Background Gallery (2303 3rd Opportunity South) (5 ), Facility for.
Early Understanding & & Living of the Sciences (Galleries; 4139 Regent Opportunity.
North) (6 ), Aminah Hair Sytlist (Museums; 7500 69th Opportunity North) (7 ),.
Fridley Historic Culture Museum (611 Mississippi Road Northeast).
( 8 ), American Wings Air Museum (2141 Rhode Island Method) (9 ).
Display/hide their approximate locations on the map.
Points To Do In Minneapolis.
Look into the Budweiser Roofing system Deck before heading back down to the.
playing area. The trip will take you with the history of the Twins.
group, highlighting previous and also present players, exceptional displays of.
baseball souvenirs, and also unique ecological functions of the playing.
The exhibition aims to establish essential believing abilities through forensic.
investigation, scientific inquiry, as well as innovation, by giving a.
multi-sensory experience where site visitors can explore the world of.
criminal activity scene examination.
St Paul Minnesota.
Enhancing the home-away-from-home ambience is a menu full of.
sublime concoctions from mouthwatering lamb scottadito to pillowy.
pan-fried gnocchi surrounded in crunchy Parmigiano Reggiano. Open till 1.
a.m. on weekend breaks, the area is constantly loaded as well as obtaining a table is not.
easy, but definitely worth the delay.
Minneapolis Minnesota.
Pop, rock as well as indie music acts carry out, yet it is not only arising.
artists as even bands with big followings will play two evenings at.
First Opportunity versus than one night at a bigger place. Major abilities that.
have actually graced the stage include the Indigo Girls, Tina Turner, The Black.
Looked At Peas, Inexpensive Trick, Phish, and much more. A photograph with the wall of.
stars in the background is a must-do souvenir of Minneapolis.  
. Kids as well as kids-at-heart will certainly like checking out these top 10 kid-approved.
drop in the Twin Cities. From epic dinosaurs and interior.
water parks to roller rollercoasters as well as four-story interior play areas, there's.
no shortage of family members enjoyable.
Featuring an encyclopedic collection of over 80,000 items, spanning.
5,000 years of world history, the MIA is home to one of the finest.
varied art collections in the nation, containing exceptional.
exhibitions and also collections of art from Africa, Oceania and the.
Americas, as well as a substantial collection of Eastern art and also sculpture.
Charming weekend getaways near me, springtime break, puts to live: Orange.
County Beaches, New Zealand Beaches, Fairbanks, Aberdeen, Providence,.
Lake George, Leesburg, Niagara Falls, Richmond, Virginia Purchasing, Ann.
Arbor, Sausalito, Morrison, Puerto Rico Beaches, Athens GA, Portugal.
Beaches, Zagreb Hotels.
23 Best Things To Do In Minneapolis, Minnesota.
Located on the west financial institution of the Mississippi River, next to Gold Medal.
Park and the Mill City Museum in downtown Minneapolis, the Guthrie.
Cinema has actually won various awards for its style by Jean Nouvel and.
attracts site visitors from around the globe to appreciate its style.
The cinema houses three cinemas with a trademark ‘‘ drive' stage, and also a.
78-foot cantilevered bridge called the "Limitless Bridge.".
History Of Minneapolis.
The piano on the baggage insurance claim degree in Terminal 1 is not simply for show.
Any person is invited to play it; you may even be amused by a.
professional artist or gifted child while awaiting your travel luggage.
Need to know the very best spots in Minnesota? Exactly how about pointers on just how to make.
one of the most of your time in a particular city? Our Minnesota experts can.
answer your inquiries, use guidance, or plan the ideal Minnesota journey.
for you. For complimentary.
MSP has an official 1.4-mile walking course in Terminal 1, funded by.
the American Heart Organization. It's a healthy method to kill time on a.
stopover or to stroll off several of that exquisite flight terminal price.
Points To Do In Minneapolis.
Every little thing about Manny's is bigger than life, from large pieces of.
meat offered with a collection of sides, to must-try decadent treats.
The dining establishment flaunts a 300-bottle wine checklist, as well as comprehensive.
reserve listing. If you are seeking special date night concepts in.
Minneapolis, this dining establishment is a great option.
10 Reasons To Check Out Msp Airport.
The Walker relaxes opposite the Minneapolis Sculpture Yard, a sculpture.
park on the north side of the Walker School and is collaboration in between.
the Pedestrian and also the Minneapolis Park and also Recreation Board. Housed in an.
architecturally magnificent structure, the gallery is a must-visit.
Minneapolis' beginnings were as a mill town, initial handling wood, and.
then becoming the biggest flour-producing city in the nation in the late.
19th and early 20th centuries. Today the flour mills stand idle, have.
been razed, or transformed to posh lofts, but you can see a glimpse of.
that time at the Mill City Gallery on the financial institution of the Mississippi in.
downtown Minneapolis.
Two aviation-inspired backyard (one in each terminal) will maintain the.
children inhabited while you wait for your trip, as will the.
scrumptious deals with at Rocky Mountain Chocolate Manufacturing Facility. There's likewise.
private and luxurious nursing areas for family members taking a trip with infants or.
mommies that need a quiet area to pump, situated in both terminals.
The home for the Minnesota Doubles is   at Target Field in the western side.
of midtown Minneapolis. The arena is an open-air ballpark   and. received praise from ballplayers and viewers for the seats, sights,.
ambience, as well as concessions options. Going to a game is a best means.
to invest a pleasant summer evening in the city before grabbing a beverage or.
bite after the 9th inning in nearby midtown Minneapolis.
Charming resorts, pet dog pleasant cabin, boutique inn, B&B, hostel, photos,.
maps, price cuts, seminar, couples retreat, tourism: Points to do in.
Miami, Miami with Kids, Best beaches in Miami, Places to See in Miami.
on a Date, Miami seafood, Miami hotels, Finest time to check out Miami,.
Fishing in Miami, Free Things to Do in Miami, Miami Nightclubs, Things.
to Do in Minneapolis, Free Things to Do in Minneapolis.
When you have registered, you receive a crucial or passcode, which you after that.
insert right into the called for slot at one of the numerous bike stations throughout.
the city, get the thumbs-up as well as take your bike. You will be offered a.
particular amount of time to make use of the bike, according to your pass or.
membership, after which time the bike needs to be returned to any kind of.
station. Once the bike is secured right into the terminal, your key or pass is.
removed, and also you are great to go. Rapid, easy and inexpensive, it's the.
ideal method to discover the city at your own pace.
Weekend break vacations, top 10 things to do, locations to see near me: South.
Padre Island, Lexington,, Erwin, Floyd, Essex, Biloxi, Erie,.
Restaurants in Lancaster, Restaurants in Lake Tahoe, Realm, Eastham,.
Sleep in before your return trip and also stay on-site at.
the   InterContinental Hotel. The 12-story hotel features a medspa, 2.
signature dining establishments, a penthouse mixed drink bar and an advanced.
fitness facility.
Things To Do In Minneapolis.
112 Eatery is a well-known midtown restaurant that uses a laid-back.
ambiance, excellent solution, as well as incredible cuisine. Acclaimed cook.
Isaac Becker has actually developed this comfortable place where the wood floors and.
exposed block wall surfaces appear like a comfortable apartment or condo instead of a.
narrow dining establishment, making it the perfect go-to location for a decadent supper.
or late-night bite.
Situated within the Shopping Mall of America, the Nickelodeon Cosmos is the.
globes largest indoor amusement park.   The grounds have even more than 50.
rides, ideal for young and older children—— from looping coasters, like.
Shredder's Mutant Masher,   to more smooth standards, like an antique horse.
. Pop right into in your area established Aveda to sample some products, obtain a pre-flight.
adjustment at The Chiroport, or relax and also appreciate a premium footwear sparkle.
You can even obtain a complete mani/pedi, hair designing and face therapies at.
XpresSpa; no visit necessary.
Going back to the 1870s, the mill complicated is provided on the National.
Register of Historic Places and also becomes part of the St. Anthony Falls.
Historical District, playing a vital role in the conservation and also.
education and learning of the state's heritage.
Scuba licensed divers can take on the waters and dive with sharks, while.
other site visitors can take part in feeding times with stingrays,.
seahorses, and also rainbow reef fish. The fish tank offers a variety of fun.
sea-based activities as well as experiences for all, including stamp terminals.
with dive publications for children, behind the curtain excursions and also over night.
Romantic locations near me this weekend, all comprehensive, live songs, unique.
buying around, night life for travelers: Whistler, Shanghai, South.
America Cruises, New Zealand Cruises, Ireland Cruises, Winnipeg,.
Beijing, Paris resorts, charming Niagara Falls, Points to Do in Ghent,.
Brussels, Nepal, Finest European trip, Arizona Day Trips, Cincinnati,.
Finest area to stay in Grand Teton, Adelaide.
Famous People From Minneapolis.
Founded in 1963, the Guthrie Cinema is a facility for theater.
performance, production, education as well as expert training with the.
objective of subjecting and also connecting audiences to timeless literature and also brand-new.
jobs from diverse cultures around the world.
10 Reasons To Check Out Msp Airport.
Minnesota's thriving regional food scene welcomes visitors as quickly as they.
touch down at MSP, where much of Minneapolis-St. Paul's best cooks and.
restaurateurs have opened store. Please your inner foodie with.
options like coal-fired pizza at Black Sheep, fresh sushi at PinKU,.
regional craft beer from Stone Arch or a Tattersall craft alcoholic drink from the.
Cocktail Area at 18th &   & Central.
Resting on the banks of the historical Mississippi Riverfront and also developed.
right into the ruins of what was once the world's largest flour mill, referred to as.
the Washburn "" A"" Mill, Mill City Gallery is a small, intimate museum that.
presents birth and also growth of Minneapolis and also the succeeding history of.
the growing city with the flour market and the river.
For foodies (and those with food allergic reactions) Bryant Lake Dish provides.
in your area sourced grub as well as a gluten-free menu. Looking for a task.
before playing a game? The affixed movie theater to Bryant Lake likewise hosts.
everything from plays, regional artists, as well as also a weekly worship.
Minneapolis-st. Paul Location.
First Opportunity is a veritable icon of Minneapolis. When the midtown.
Minneapolis Greyhound bus depot, the structure was redesigned in 1970 into.
a live music venue by tearing everything out, including a phase, a noise.
system, as well as repainting the entire area black. The venue has genuine.
songs cred— — Royal prince carried out right here in the early days of his job.
Points To Do In Minneapolis.
The Twin Cities' online reputation as a hub for arts is mirrored throughout.
MSP. Several mosaics decorate both concourses, the airport organizes an.
annual employee art program and competition, and a triad of Snoopy statuaries makes.
for an enjoyable scavenger quest.
Sitting and also enjoying a fancy mixed drink is excellent—— learning just how to make that.
elegant alcoholic drink in your home is also much better. The professionals behind bench at the.
Norseman Distillery reveal their tricks of the trade during courses at.
their Cocktail Lab each month. The sessions feature hands-on.
directions, dish cards, and also 3 samplings.
The fish tank flaunts a 1,500 gallon Pacific Northwest Rockpool where.
visitors can explore uncommon sea animals such as cucumbers and sea.
polyps by touch, along with a 300-foot glass underwater tunnel for.
memorable sights of sharks.
Minneapolis Minnesota.
Originally operated by General Mills, the mill took off as well as ignited.
numerous times during its working life. When deserted, a practically.
tragic fire ruined a lot of the mill. The Minnesota Historical.
Center ultimately took charge of the remains, which were stabilized and a.
gallery was constructed inside the ruins. The gallery is just one of the very best areas.
to explore the background of Minneapolis.
Annual Events In Minneapolis.
From hip kids to well-off specialists, the trendy shops in Uptown.
Minneapolis hosts the facilities they such as to regular. Posh bars,.
dining establishments, ​​ and also trendy stores are gathered around the crossway of.
Hennepin Opportunity and Lake Street, the heart of Uptown Minneapolis. If.
people-watching is the goal, order a seat at one of the local coffee.
stores and also appreciate the ceremony of fashionistas passing by. The area is a.
number of blocks from Lake Calhoun, where the stunning people go to.
sunbathe in the summer, and also run or rollerblade around the lake.
Tourist attractions & & Activities.
Weekend trips, what is a fantastic field trip location: Things to Do in.
Mauritius, Ukraine, Hong Kong, Myrtle Coastline Day Trips, NY with Children,.
Nevada with Kids, Oklahoma with Kids, Day Trips from Omaha, Marquett,.
Greenbelt, Grantsville, Malvern, Hot Springs, Middletown.
Tumblr media
Famous Individuals From Minneapolis.
The Minneapolis Institute of Arts is the major art gallery in.
Minneapolis, with items extending several centuries from throughout the.
globe. Works from antiquity via modern-day art fill this huge room,.
where it's very easy to obtain shed for an entire day. The gallery has a range.
of unique programs, ranging from attracting courses for children to a.
once a week alcoholic drink and art night each Thursday.
St Paul Minnesota.
Izzy's Ice Lotion is a gelato establishment, with stores in Minneapolis.
and also St. Paul. Had as well as managed by Lara and Jeff Sommers, what started as.
a little cooking area serving handmade gelatos has become the city's.
preferred gelato place.
10 Reasons To Check Out Msp Airport.
"" New cool things to do in Minneapolis, Minnesota"" Back to Leading or Enchanting.
Getaways, Wedding event Ideas close to me this Weekend break, Honeymoon, Wedding anniversary.
Suggestions, Marrying &
0 notes