#backhouse mike
secondbeatsongs · 2 years
shuffle me timbers. 74, 62, 35
unfortunately, I do not know what these numbers correspond to, but I will give you a shuffled song!
the song that came up for you is "Okay" by Backhouse Mike - he's a guy that did in-house tracks for Nickelodeon shows, and the version I have on my iPod is actually from the Zoey 101 soundtrack CD!
but here's the deal. this song, everywhere you can find it officially? the quality sucks. it's awful. we're talking like...8tracks-rip bad.
and that's bad.
it's probably 128k or worse, and it's noisy, and compressed, and ughh. and it's like that on all streaming services! but you know where it's not like that?
besides the CD rip that I have, the highest quality version I can find of this song comes from this almost-11-year-old tumblr post.
is it perfect? no! but it's crisp 192k quality, and unlike my CD rip, it has the extra little fun bit at the end where he repeats one of the lines a bunch!
so like! fuck! what the fuck! why does this decade-old tumblr post have better audio quality than everything Backhouse Mike put up officially? who was in charge of putting his stuff online? and why would they not check the quality first?!
like not to exaggerate on main, but this might be my villain origin story.
anyway, it's a great song, and I listen to it to chill out sometimes
...and since it exists literally nowhere else in 320k, here's my CD rip of it:
(but do also go listen to the tumblr post I linked above, because the ending on that version is just *chef's kiss*)
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locke-writes · 5 months
Okay - Backhouse Mike
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backhouse-liz · 11 months
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Happy Birthday Elizabeth Gillies!
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cherry-velvet-skies · 11 months
Tag Nine (9) People You'd Like To Know Better!
I was tagged by @noses-goses thanks babes 🥰
Last Song You Listened To: Get It Right by Backhouse Mike (I LOVE LOVE LOVE this song and if any of y'all know what movie it's from you all get kisses lol)
Show You're Currently Watching: I was watching Big Time Rush about an hour ago lol but I am heavily invested in the final season of Riverdale. I've been watching that damn show for so long it's gonna feel weird once it officially ends lmao
Book You're Currently Reading: Currently rereading George's book I Me Mine but aside from that nothing else lol (I wanna read Paul's new book but it's so expensive gah)
What You're Currently Obsessed With: Besides the Beatles? Lmao idk when I'm obsessed with something, nothing else comes close. Like I can't even think of another thing to put here. But I guess, in terms of things I like? I like the YouTube channel Good Mythical Morning lol I watch every new episode every day 😁
For others to participate: @rodeoromeo @harrisons-hoe @tompettyofficial @peanutbutterex @blistersonmefingehs @polarisintheskywithdiamonds @dickiemcgee @run-down-that-dream @mudcrutch AAH I wish I could tag all of y'all !! 🥰🥰 Obviously tho whoever sees this can still do it even if I didn't tag them ❤❤
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shyjusticewarrior · 2 years
Nygmobblepot Songs
Ed's perspective:
Smitten - Leanna Firestone
The Zombie Song - Stephanie Mabey
Francis Forever - Mitski
Bodybag - Chloe Moriondo
I'm Fakin' - Sabrina Carpenter
Alone Or In Love - Will Jay
Your Stupid Face - Kaden Mackay
Stupid For You - waterparks
In Case You Don't Live Forever - Ben Plat
Finally // beautiful stranger - Halsey
Oswald's Perspective:
Chateau Lobby #4 - Father John Misty
Like Real People Do- Hozier
my tears ricochet- Taylor Swift
hoax - Taylor Swift
Come In With The Rain (Taylor's Version) - Taylor Swift
Okay - Backhouse Mike
I Want You - Mitski
The Archer - Taylor Swift
Pancakes For Dinner - Lizzy Apilane
This Love (Taylor's Version) - Taylor Swift
When He Sees Me - Waitress
Everything Has Changed (Taylor's Version) - Taylor Swift ft. Ed Sheeran
Best Friend - 5sos
The Very First Night - Taylor Swift
The Last Time (Taylor's Version) - Taylor Swift ft. Gary Lightbody
All of Me - John Legand
Daylight - Taylor Swift
Make Me Feel So... - Montaigne
Lover - Taylor Swift
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mm0924 · 11 months
June of Mei Nagano. 6月。春と夏の真ん中、どっちつかずな天気につられてどっちつかずな気持ちで気付いたら1ヶ月が経っていました。6月中旬、めいが大好きな升野さんのトークライブ「バカリズム談」の開催が決定しました。やったー!…と思ったのも束の間。日付は8月5日土曜日、場所は福岡県福岡市立博多市民センター。8月5日は既に撮影の予定が入っているし、あわよくば撮影終わりに…なんて思ったけど福岡県だからそれも叶いそうにありません。とっても悔しい。トークライブの開催決定が発表された6月22日まで月記のネタがなくて書くの辞めちゃおうかななんて考えたりもしていましたが、升野さんが自分の腕が衰えないように流行に置いていかれないようにトークライブを開催する姿を見て、めいも腕が衰えないように流行に置いていかれないように文章に向き合おうと思いました。「めいちゃんの書く文章好きだよ」そう言ってくださる方々(本当にありがとうございます)のためにもね。ここだけの話、月記どころか約10年書き続けている日記もおざなりに…ってよくない!日記や月記はながのが生きているという証拠であり記録だから、その日考えたことや感じたことが鮮度が落ちてしまわないように、その時の温度のままで言葉にして残しておきたい。6月に間に合わず、少し遅れて月記を投稿した今日7月5日は「バカリズム談」の先行抽選の抽選結果発表日。升野さんの地元福岡の方々が当たりますように!楽しめますように!来年はながのも行けますように!当選祈願! 最近はゆとり時代なのかと思うくらい「頑張らなくていいよ」って言葉をよく目にしたり耳にしたりします。もちろん頑張りすぎている人やそこは頑張らなくていいよって時の「頑張らなくていいよ」は100点花丸大正解だと思うけど、なにも頑張らなくていいよは違うと思うんです。今月は〝言葉について〟考えてみました。言葉一つで傷ついたり勇気づけられたりすることがたくさんあるんです。「1度口から出しちまった言葉はもう元には戻せねーんだぞ。言葉は刃物なんだ。使い方を間違えるとやっかいな凶器になる。」ながのが大好きな某アニメの台詞通り、言葉は凶器にも利器にもなる。ながのが綴るこのTumblrだって一方的なもので顔は見えないし言葉のニュアンスも〝文字〟でしか伝えられないから、真意が伝わる保証なんてどこにもないじゃないですか。意図してない意味で相手に伝わってしまったり、どれだけ伝えようとしても一向に伝わらなかったり…もどかしい!言葉って凄く難しい。だけど、だからこそ相手の言葉の奥にある意味を探ろうとするわけで、その行為が意外と好きだったりします。言葉選びや口調だけで自分の印象って大きく変わっちゃうから、せめて他人に向ける言葉は丁寧で温かくて優しいものにしていたい。凶器じゃなくて利器として言葉を使いたい。寂寥感に苛まれて自暴自棄になったり楽しさで周りが見えなくなってつい忘れてしまいそうになることもあるけど、言葉選びに関しては人一倍気を遣う、別の言い方をすると頑張っていきたいと思います。頑張っていきましょう。類友って言いますからね。丁寧で温かい言葉をくれるフォロワーさんと温かな日々が送れますように。 お仕事!季刊誌「team mate」vol.8の撮影で浅草に行ったり(行ったのは6月ではないですが)、アナザースカイのロケでハワイに行ったり、別のお仕事で韓国に行ったり、普段じゃなかなか行けないところにたくさん行けて、お仕事だけどプライベートの旅行かのように楽しませていただきました。そして、映画『こんにちは、母さん』の前売り券の発売が開始されました。たくさんの人に見ていただくためにも公開まであと約2ヶ月、宣伝活動に勤しみたいと思います。来月はNetflixシリーズ『御手洗家、炎上する』が配信開始になります。キーアートや本予告映像を見て楽しみな気持ちを高めながら、7月13日の配信開始をお待ちください!
6月のながのイチオシソングはBackhouse Mikeさんの『Just Fine』。洋楽を聴く時ってテンポとか声質とかその曲の雰囲気で選びがち(バイリンガルの方はさておき)だけど、ながのは選んだ後にちゃんと和訳も知った上で聴きたい。この『Just Fine』は約9年前に放送されていた海外のコメディドラマ『サム&キャット』の主題歌。自由奔放で暴力的な性格のサムと天然ボケで感情の起伏の激しいキャットは相反する性格で一見仲が悪く見えるんだけど、サムの適当を健気に受け入れるキャットはお馬鹿で可愛くて凄くバランスのいい愛すべきコンビなんですよね。…と、このままじゃイチオシドラマのコーナーになっちゃいそうなのでドラマの話は割愛。〝We〟と〝You〟の使い分けが素敵な曲です。英語って難しいけど習得したい。洋楽を紹介しても意味までちゃんと見てくれる人って少ないような気がして紹介してこなかったけど、ちゃんと見てくれる人がいたからそんな偏見を取っ払って紹介してみました。絶対に諦めない、君が一緒にいてくれる限りはね。Just fine!大丈夫、上手くいく! 4月5月もストレートに考えを書かせていただいたのですが、今回6月は更に強めのストレートでした。大丈夫ですか?くらってませんか?最近はCASしたり通話したり実際に会ったりとここでの在り方の変化を感じるし柔軟に対応していくことも必要だとは思うけど、やっぱり根底にあるのは〝文字〟。文章での交流を一番に大切にしたいと思います。自由に書きたいことを書きたいだけ書いためいの月記、最後まで読んで下さりありがとうございました。 7月のながのめいもよろしくお願いします︎︎︎︎︎︎☺︎
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sunnight0 · 1 year
"There is no upper hand, I'm giving you mine..."
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silvers-and-golds · 2 years
From the asks thing! minotaur, broom, and magic <3
Minotaur: song you'd know all the lyrics to if you were woken at 5 am?
As it was (Harry Styles), Hysteria (Muse), and Okay (Backhouse Mike)
Broom: eye color?
Dark brown! 🟤
Magic: favorite music video?
Uhh, so funny story, I spend all my music hours in either Spotify, or like, the ten.hour.versions.of.songs on YouTube... :} Ehehe
I hope you enjoyed friend!
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wonders110 · 24 days
Other good songs:
Fool The World
Rusted Silhouette
I'd love to hear Drake re-record these ones. Specifically Fool The World, I've listened to some live performances and it's always great, I love him fully doing the backhouse mike part of the song.
One song that always crushes me is Sea Song, he sings this one live a lot with his newer music so it might end up being on the new album, but it's a devastating song either way.
I also love Somehow, somehow is great.
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steelflexbell · 1 month
favorite live perform of "Fool the World" from 2011, but i love him singing the backhouse mike part from the original studio song. he kills on those vocals
He ate and left no crumbs! I don't think it's possible for Drake to leave any.
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backhouse-liz · 2 years
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Happy second wedding anniversary 🤍
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chelseahotelntwo · 4 months
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rubylioness · 3 years
no one:
dan schneider 🤝 dr. luke
corrupting the youth with obscene “jokes”on tv, and obscene lyrics to songs - disguised as child-friendly entertainment (respectively) 🥴
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onehorseshay · 4 years
Elizabeth Gillies’ Marriage
I might as well put my two cents (TL;DR) in regarding Elizabeth ‘Liz’ Gillies’ wedding to Michael Corcoran… …I’m still in shock about it. I’m shocked that it finally happened and didn’t see it coming to that point with them in the foreseeable future with how long they had already been together and apparently happy with their situation. I see that a lot of people are shocked for various reasons of not knowing she ever had a serious relationship all this time and others with deep, genuine concerns about their relationship with now having reached this point with how it started. For those of you that wish to know what is going on, he’s information I’ve pulled together over the years. Take what I say with a grain of salt as there is a bit of speculation and drawing conclusions, but I believe justified with the evidence I have on hand over the years. What do we know?
Well, they met during the filming of Victorious, either when Elizabeth was 15 or 16 years old, depending on when Victorious’ first season started filming in 2009 since her birthday is in July. Mike at the time was 36 years old doing music for Dan for his various televisions shows. The first visual confirmation of them meeting that I’ve been able to find was the filming her and Ariana singing the Drake and Josh theme with Mike playing in the background in late January of 2011. She was 17 and he was 38 at the time.
At some point between her 18th birthday in July of 2011 and February of 2013, Liz moved out from Ariana’s place, where she had been staying while filming Victorious, and into Mike’s home. We have a picture of them together during Halloween of 2012 and one can draw their own conclusion if they were together as a couple at that time. We have her hinting at the relationship in answering questions to her fans and a picture of them as shadows in March of 2013 and after this point, the pictures of her in his home with his dogs were being posted, prominently Steve the Dog. According to Liz from her Jimmy Kimmel interview conducted in the late summer of 2015 to promote SDRR, she moved in with Mike two weeks after they became a couple. Yes, she said that they dated only for two weeks before she decided to move in with him.
The first true acknowledgement from Liz that she had a boyfriend was a misspeak during a Zach interview in August of 2013. There is rare a picture of them kissing during a Halloween party at their home in 2013, but I don’t like posting clearly leaked pictures. You can freely disregard this point if you wish. In Daniella Monet’s recent podcast interviewing Liz, she acknowledged that had been a couple since at least December of 2013 due to her planning a surprise visitor for Mike’s Birthday—in context of being his girlfriend—while she was filming ‘Killing Daddy’ in Canada at the time. Their relationship continued until sometime in March/April of 2014 when they briefly broke up for several months. This is a controversial claim as there is contradictory information about this time. According to Liz in the same Jimmy Kimmel interview mentioned earlier, she had to leave Mike with her parents during one of their visits to her since they live in New Jersey and this was the first time they had met him to go film the pilot episode/potential TV movie for Sex&Drugs&Rock&Roll.
However, her explanation does not hold up. First, we are to believe they had not met the man their daughter had been living with for at least a year up to this point or never encountered with their previous visits to L.A. while Liz was filming Victorious?
Secondly, we can deduced they broke up by a long deleted tweet by Max Landis on 4-13-14, that he had a 20 year old friend break up with her 40 year old boyfriend because she thought he was immature. Yes, it is speculation that it is Liz he is speaking about, but the ages match her and Mike at the time and she was his friend at that time as well.
Thirdly, Liz briefly mentioned in a tweet about two weeks later that she had chipped her KCAs while moving, alluding to the fact she moved out of Mike’s place.
Fourthly, Liz alluded to her being a bad emotionally spot during the filming of the pilot to SDRR in a podcast with one of her costars for SDRR, something odd to say if her relationship was fine enough to leave her parents with him during the filming. It must have been a brief stay because she was photographed with her mother three days later for her mother’s birthday.
If one remembers, it was during this time, Liz dyed her hair completely blonde and was promoting ‘Animal’s’ release. Sometime before the end of the summer of 2014, they got back together and with a picture of them at his house during a party and not too long after that, she went back to her familiar dark hair color.
They continued being a couple during her time filming two seasons of SDRR with a very public pictures of them walking together in NYC in November of 2014. Their relationship continued mostly out of the spotlight of fans for the next five and a half years. She stayed in Georgia for 8 to 9 months out of the year starting in 2017 to film Dynasty. She would routinely go back to L.A. on the weekends to be at home with him. According to Vogue, she made a decision after Dynasty was renewed for a third season to suggest to Mike that they should buy a home in Georgia together to start a new phase in their lives. He accepted that and after closing of the house sometime in 2019, he proposed to her and she accepted.
Their original wedding date was for sometime in April of 2020, but was pushed back to August 8 then announced a few days ago that Liz and Mike had married. In their reporting, they said they had been together for six years at the time of the proposal while Matt Bennett had said they had been together a total of six years. It is interesting that they both say six years, but can’t agree on when to count backwards. Either way, I can say they’ve been together at least since she was 19, with Zach confirming it within 2 weeks of her 20th Birthday. Six years doesn’t cut it.
I hope that has caught people up with what can be gleaned from online sources with a little bit of speculation about the meaning of such information.
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