#bacteria test kit
anthonylewis82 · 2 years
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politedemon · 3 months
no sink in the lab i work in which already annoyed me from a biosafety perspective but i've just done a first aid course where they showed some really nasty burn pictures and now all i can think about is we have three sources of extreme heat and no running water :/
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personshapedsplder · 2 years
dosed 10mL of ammonia in my new tank that i'm cycling before I can put racecar in there and WOW that was too much ammonia al;kjdf
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twst-drabbles · 2 years
Floyd and Jade 5
Summary: You’re putting both of them in their own shame buckets. If they want to fight with each other, they can do so apart from each other.
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Really, you thought you mastered the art of patience by now, but it seems that this wasn’t the case. At least not today. Not for these two eels fighting each other for who knows what reason.
“Stop it,” you grabbed them both, hooking your fingers around your limbs so they don’t slip through. “You’re going to crack the tank with all that flailing.”
And they have before, back when the tank was smaller and not the roomy space it was now. Your poor floors were smelling of salty water and mucus for a solid month.
Anyways, perhaps Jade and Floyd got too caught up in trying to tear each other apart. Perhaps they were too high on the adrenaline that only comes up when you’re fighting your sibling. Either way, when you tried to tear the wetly growling pair apart, they simultaneously whipped around and bit your arm.
All of you froze, Jade and Floyd’s blown up pupils shrank down to pin points as they slowly looked up at you. When the pain hit you, only your eyebrow twitched. Only then did they let go, shrinking into themselves as they gave you the biggest, wettest eyes, begging you to not be too angry.
“You’re both getting the shame bucket.” You were not merciful.
You walked to one end of the wall, jostling Floyd a bit when he tried to lick your bleeding wound. “No, stop that. I’m pissed.”
You plunged Floyd into the first bucket. He tried to jump up to grab your fingers but you’ve long since developed your dodging skills. He missed and plopped right back into the shallow water, just enough so he doesn’t dry out and doesn’t climb out.
Jade actually climbed into the other bucket, putting his face underwater as though not to test his luck and your patience.
“An hour,” you stated, even though you knew they didn’t quite understood you, “Hope you enjoy your stay.”
You set up the timer and went to a cabinet to find the first aid kit you kept in here for occasions such as this. The bathroom isn’t that far, but you’re not willing to let them out of your sight. You just know one of them is going to knock down the shame bucket and spill water everywhere.
Though, as soon as you pulled it out, you heard Floyd’s high pitch growls. Jade responded with some chirps, which only caused Floyd to respond back with a semi-bark.
Great, they’re arguing.
You heard splashing and some scraps. You didn’t even turn around.
“Get back in the buckets, both of you.” Silence. Then a slimy slide before the proper plash of water entered your ears. “Good.”
Ah, these bites around going to sting. They’re right in the meat of your arm too. Well, at least it wasn’t on a joint. And that you don’t have to worry about infections. Bacteria and viruses and all that don’t exactly flourish in magical creatures like them. Had you had magic, that would be a different thing entirely, but you don’t, so you’re good.
“Quit it.”
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coffeeheartaddict2 · 6 months
When Life has other plans (5/16)
Book: Open Heart (AU)
Pairing: Ethan Ramsey x F!MC Casey Valentine
Warnings: language, sexual references
Word count: 3405
Category: angst
Rating: Mature
Summary: A cure is found, a confrontation, a surprise result which leads to a serious discussion of where to from here.
Disclaimer: Characters belong to Pixelberry
Authors note: I can smell Brazil from here so enjoy a less dramatic chapter.
Landry got the testing kit and the address for Naveen from the hospital and took Casey to Naveen’s residence. They left the city and found themselves at a lake house. Landry was surprised that he lived so far away from the hospital. Casey had also assumed that Naveen lived close by too. They made their way up the driveway and Casey spotted a figure on the small jetty.
“Dr Banerji” Casey calls out several times. Naveeen is startled but was pleasantly surprised to see her. Landry, with the testing equipment in tow, struggled to keep up.
“Lovely to see you, Casey and we are out of the hospital, please call me Naveen.”
Casey was relieved to see Naveen alive and she told him that she thinks she has figured out what is wrong with him. Naveen listens to the reasoning and is impressed with Casey, even more than what he already was. He agreed to the testing and they found that the infection was A Baunamii and they found out which bacteria phage was causing the other issues. The issue was that the A Baunamii is a superbug which Naveen chuckled at. “It seems fitting that the hospital would kill me.”
Casey thought but what if we tip the scales in favour of the bacteriophage?
Landry was beside himself.
“W-w-what? That would kill him!” Exclaims Landry,
“Phage therapy…” began Casey
“We do not know about that and if we get the math wrong?”
Naveen coughed to gain both Casey’s and Landry’s attention. “We all know someone who is an expert..”
Casey could not grab the keys quick enough. I will return, says Casey.
She makes her way to Ethan’s building. Luck was on her side, getting a car park right out front. She lets herself into the building. She makes her way to his apartment. Ethan is still in bed which is surprising to her but then she remembers the night before. She straddles him and he wakes up. He is dazed, then confused, especially when Casey tells him she figured it out. She explains how she got to her conclusions. He feels like an idiot for not thinking about that possibility and then he is proud of her, for doing what he failed to do in not giving up. He then tries to get up but the alcohol consumption from the day before has caught up with him. Casey said she will make him her hangover cure. She goes to the kitchen, gets the juice, the paprika and the ghost pepper and blends it up. It smells interesting as ever and she gives it to Ethan. He pours a small glass for Casey and she drinks it. Ethan is cured and then he goes to get dressed. Casey kisses him.
“What was that for?”
“Well I am going to need more luck” says Ethan before he kisses her again. She makes him a coffee and then they head to Harvard to make the phage therapy. They do this successfully. They make their way to Naveen’s lake house. Ethan remembers Casey mentioned a Dr Olsen helping her so he asks who he is.
“He was in our group, but not anymore.”
“What happened?”
“Since Miami I have had charts go missing, had medications changed on patients, thankfully no harm was done but there were a few instances where it could have been very different. There was also a period where the nursing staff were rude to me. The final straw was the anonymous tip off to the Martinez Family about Teresa.” Casey took a breath. “ I had no idea who was working against me so much and working a case with Aurora Emery helped me realize that the enemy had to come from within and I confronted him and he did not even deny it.”
Ethan’s hands gripped the steering wheel as Casey told him all that had been happening.
“And you are trusting this son of a bitch?” He said through gritted teeth.
“We had little choice, Jackie, Elijah and Sienna have been watched like hawks since the investigation. We needed testing equipment and we needed to get Naveen’s address. Believe me I wish it was different.”
“Is Naveen in danger?”
“No, Naveen was adamant about wanting to receive the phage therapy.”
Ethan nods and starts to prepare to see Naveen again. He had seen him at a distance since he walked out of the hospital that day but had not spoken to him since. He now felt extra horrible about having given up on Naveen, especially when Casey clearly had not.
“He will understand Ethan, hell if it was not for me helping Landry pack his stuff I would not have had the thought that led to a treatment.”
She quickly squeezed his hand before letting go. They arrived at the lake house. They make their way into the house. Both are relieved to find Naveen still alive, telling Landry about his career.
Ethan apologizes to Naveen for giving up on him.
“Nonsense my dear boy, I know you gave your all.”
Naveen’s eyes go to the cooler that Ethan is carrying.
“Is that the therapy.”
“Yes.” Said Ethan, “It was done in a hurry…”
“I am sure you got everything right my boy.”
Ethan nods and he administers the phage therapy. Naveen slowly drifts into unconsciousness. Landry and Casey looked concerned but Ethan assures them that what is happening is normal. They go to pack up the equipment.
“Dr Olsen, Can I have a word with you alone?” Says Ethan as he stands up. Landry does not know what to think, alone with his medical hero.
Ethan cut right to the chase.
“The sabotage, stealing of Dr Valentine’s files, the smear campaign with the nursing staff, why did you do it?”
Landry is flabbergasted.
“What? How did you know about that?”
“That is none of your concern but what should be of concern is how those actions could have harmed the people that trust us with their care.”
“Casey did not deserve top spot, she had lackluster cases and was lucky, that and she was sleeping with you to gain favour.”
Ethan sees red.
“Dr Valentine had plenty of difficult cases. Some were allocated by me and others from other residents and attendings who saw that she had it in her to work those cases.”
“What so you are going to flat out deny that you were fucking her?”
“The work that Casey did with me in the treatment of the very man in the bedroom was kept separate and out of the rankings.”
“You did not answer my question.”
“My private life is none of your goddamn concern. If I was you I would be more concerned about where you will work next year. The acts of sabotage alone would make anyone question if you would be a good fit, not to mention the feedback I have on you, well let’s just say you will be lucky to get a position.”
Landry stood there stunned.
“What someone who potentially kills a woman could potentially get away with it and me, who told the family and also who works so god damn hard and not recognised fairly for it is exiled?”
“That sense of entitlement right there. That arrogance, the disregard for people’s well being, that is why you have received the feedback you have received. I know all about Mrs Martinez, she resented being in the hospital, she loved the staff who looked after her but she resented her existence. Many of us wished we could have done more…”
Landry interjected, “so you are ok with the fact she stole a drug and killed a woman?”
“Teresa knew the risk, she still said yes of her own volition. Yes she stole the drug but she was denied it through proper channels. If corporate greed was not a factor in the cure being disregarded then this would not have happened”
Landry was stunned. To him, medicine was black and white but he could not believe that the very man he idolized and tried to be like worked in the grey areas.
“B-b-but what Casey did was wrong…” stuttered Landry.
“Welcome to the real world, there is doing wrong for the right reason and what you did, doing right for the wrong reason. Our patients expect us to do what is best for them, for some it is simple but others not so much. What you have failed to grasp is that medical care is not always black and white. Casey understands this and that is why she is on top and that is why you keep progressively slipping. You are not a good fit for Edenbrook. What you did, if it got out it was you would make you difficult to trust and our staff and patients do not deserve that. To be honest I think you have no place in medicine and the only reason I am not physically harming you for what you did to Dr Valentine right now is because you helped her research a case that I could not solve. I want you gone from Edenbrook but your reference will not be the best because the overwhelming feedback about you is bad.” Said Ethan. He takes his leave to the bedroom while Landry is left standing there in stunned silence.
Ethan makes it to the room and Casey is still there. She squeezes Ethan’s hand.
“Do you want me there tomorrow, for the hearing?” He asks quietly, still frustrated that he would be unable to stand up there and testify for her.
“Only if you want too, it would be nice knowing I had someone else in my corner in the audience.”
Ethan smiles ruefully. “Well you better head off and prepare rookie.”
Casey squeezes his hand again, “I hope he pulls through.”
The silence on the car ride back is deafening. Landry contemplating where to from here and Casey hoping they were not too late and also about her career.
As a consequence she was wound tight. A part of her wishes she stayed a bit longer with Ethan, even though he would have been keeping an eagle eye on Naveen, she was certain that Ethan would have found a way to relieve some of her stress. Instead she had to resort to other methods to take the edge off, it helped but it was not the real thing and if she was being honest, nothing would come close.
Meanwhile, back at the lakehouse, Ethan received an email. It was from Dr Santiago, the head of the WHO team working in Brazil. He was accepted and was due to fly out in 10 days. Ethan was excited but there was a pit in his stomach. Two months away from Casey. He knew that he was deluding himself into thinking there were no feelings, just an arrangement but he was wrong, there were feelings, he was not sure what they meant but he was eager to explore them. He took some heart in that she was already aware that this was a possibility though, it still did not make it easier however.
Naveen made it through the night and Ethan was startled that there was a knock at the door. He was even more surprised to see Dr Olsen.
“I know you said that I have no place but I presume you need a break from watching over Dr Banerji. I would like to take over.”
Ethan gestures for him to enter. Ethan goes through what has been happening with Naveen. Ethan took Naveen’s car and drove back to Boston. He had a quick shower and got dressed and made his way to Edenbrook to witness what he hoped would not be a sham of an ethics hearing. He saw Casey and marveled at the cut of her shirt.
“Even though I can not testify for you, all the best of luck” he said, he then stood closer and whispered “I wish I could kiss you right now.”
Casey nodded and headed in. She sat down at the podium and Declan Nash sat behind her, trying to
throw her off. Casey kept her composure and answered all the questions with ease. Ethan felt she chose her patients well also. Then he received a message. He ducked out and was greeted by Louis Martinez.
“Am I too late?”
“No,” says Ethan, “the hearing is still going.”
Louis nods and makes his way into the auditorium. He makes his way down to where Casey is.
“Are you the doctor who gave my mother the drug?”
“Yes it was me…” Casey wanted to continue but Luis hugged her tightly.
“Thank you. We were angry at first, we were apprehensive about her traveling but I received a photo of her standing outside Sacre Du Couer and the smile… I had not seen that smile since I was a boy and I realized that Teresa would not want this. As much as she resented being here, she saw you as her adoptive family. Thank you for making her dreams a reality and the law suit is dropped.”
Ethan starts to feel quietly confident. The doctors that Casey had recruited spoke on her behalf. Harper went to call for a vote but there was one more surprise that Ethan had not even seen coming. The door opens and in with a walking stick enters Naveen.
Everyone in the auditorium is shocked to see him.
“Glad to see that my spot is there. And be quiet Dr Cyrus, it is not filled so therefore I will take the spot as it is still technically mine. Now, yes I quit but in reality I was quite literally dying. This young lady here, knew of my predicament but had a thought which lead to a diagnosis and treatment. Thanks to Dr Valentine and Dr Ramsey, I am still here. This young lady did not give up, from what I understand and know of her has always thought for what is right and for getting the best outcomes for our patients so since I vote is called for, I vote that we retain Dr Valentine with full privileges. One by one the panel votes. Unanimous in keeping Casey on. Casey was gracious in thanking the panel. Ethan was in shock but then was proud. He saw the fruits of what he had taught her about making a path and never giving up. He finally saw Naveen talking to Harper.
“Don’t worry Ethan, there will be no consequences for you treating Naveen in secret, at his request.”
Ethan nodded before saying, “About my exit paperwork Harper?”
“Since it has not been started it will be very easy to reinstate you, if that is what you would like.”
“I would but I fly out in 10 days to Brazil for two months to work with the pandemic efforts in the Amazon.” Said Ethan.
“We can sort that out,” said Harper. “Now let’s get the ball rolling.”
Finally Ethan makes his way to Donahue’s. He is greeted by Casey and they suggest going back to her place for a private celebration. They catch a cab to her place. Ethan says he can not stay but after several rounds he can not bring himself to leave. They had discussed that he would be working at Edenbrook but with no word on the competition he could not even begin that discussion. After a few hours sleep Casey stirs in his arms.
“I thought you could not stay?” She says groggily.
“I could not bring myself to leave.”
Casey kisses him softly. He runs a hand down the curve of her waist, hoping for another round before he leaves.
“I want too, and my housemates know but you do need to get home.”
Ethan lets out a small groan of frustration. He begrudgingly gets dressed and Casey and Ethan walk out. Elijah and Sienna are in the kitchen. Both of them greet Dr Ramsey. He greeted them back and took his leave.
A few hours later Ethan and Casey’s paths cross. She welcomed him back and they made their way to the atrium for morning announcements. Harper stood with Naveen. Harper announced that she was stepping down as chief of medicine and she instilled Naveen as the new chief. Naveen then spoke.
“It is a great honour to be named Chief. My first act as Chief is to end the competition and award the Junior Fellow on the Diagnostics Team to Dr Casey Valentine. If not for her I would not be alive today.”
Ethan was proud of Casey, saving Naveen aside he knew she worked hard, cared, asked the questions that needed asking and as such deserved to be number one but then he was furious. Her being on the team meant that she was his subordinate and he knew a relationship of any type would tarnish the work she did to get there. He could see that Casey was just as shocked as he was.
“What do we do now?”
“I do not know.” He said, not wanting to start a conversation he did not want to have.
Casey went about her work in a daze. She had never anticipated Naveen coming back as chief and awarding the position. She certainly did not want to take for granted that she would have won the ethics trial. She knew that they had been an arrangement but she got the the distinct impression that Ethan wanted more and if Casey was being honest, so did she. She was shaken from her daze by an alert on her phone. It was a message from Ethan asking her to come over after her shift. She said yes.
End of shift came and she made the familiar journey to Ethan’s apartment. She made her way up to the apartment and they had dinner together.
“So this morning was unexpected,” said Casey hesitantly, “I knew you had your job back but I had not anticipated the rest.”
“I knew there was a chance the competition would end, I think that Naveen would be chief. To be honest I thought he would come back as team leader and be an attending…”
“There is going to be no us, is there?”
Ethan nods. He then takes a deep breath,
“With the rumours of you and me, it would tarnish you. I know you earnt that spot fair and square, and saving Naveen would have been hard to top, Ethics hearing aside and I understand Naveen wanting to reward you…”
“An out in the open relationship would give them plenty to target me with…”
“I hate how misogynistic the medical profession can be, I would have some blow back but nowhere near the amount you would.”
“How are we going to go back to a pre Miami footing?”
“Whilst keeping an eye on Naveen after the phage therapy I received an email stating that I was accepted to go down to Brazil. I did state this to Harper when I was offered my job back and I will still be going down. The time apart will hurt but I feel that will help us.”
“I know deep down we should not but do we want to keep the arrangement going until you leave?”
Ethan walks towards her and kisses her hungrily.
“Thank God you want to as well” he whispers in her ear as she picks her up and takes her on the kitchen bench. It was quick and intense. They cleaned up their dishes and continued their evening in the bath and eventually the bed. A majority of those nights Casey spent at Ethan’s, soaking up the last of an arrangement that both wished could be more. The day came for Ethan to leave. It was bittersweet. It was the end of the arrangement but the work Ethan would be doing is something he loved doing and Casey was eager to start her fellowship. She knew it would be hard being apart but she knew they needed it to get back onto a professional mentor/mentee footing. Ethan had already warned her that keeping in touch would be difficult so she knew any contact would be difficult. They said goodbye at the departure lounge and Casey left. She made her way to the hospital and commenced her shift while Ethan boarded a plane, a tumult of emotion.
Authors note: I can smell the drama from here. Have your Christmas leftovers handy for the next two chapters-
Tagging: @jerzwriter @jamespotterthefirst @genevievemd @cariantha @zealouscanonindeer @alj4890 @tessa-liam @youlookappropriate @socalwriterbee @potionsprefect @liaromancewriter @bex-la-get @a-crepusculo @crazy-loca-blog @binny1985 @schnitzelbutterfingers @trappedinfanfiction @lucy-268
@choicesficwriterscreations @openheartfanfics
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fixfoxnox · 1 year
How much do the Sanderson's + Jackson know about what happened to Roach? Do they know about the seduction + all the Makarov stuff, or just that he was captured and tortured?
So in general, they don't know much.
Essentially what they knew for the entire period that Roach was with Makarov was that the Government/Military were claiming that Roach had committed treason, murdered one of his teammates, and was working with a known terrorist organization. They did not believe this, but it was what they were told.
When Roach is sent back, they get a little message from the government essentially saying "sorry for ever accusing your son of treason." And thats like the most explanation that they get on that front.
What they get told at the hospital is that Roach suffered extensive injuries during a lengthy undercover operation. This is what the doctors tell them, its one of the nurses who quietly informs them that their son was tortured.
Then outside of that, they know about all of the injuries he sustained. Currently, Eddie has the best idea of what actually happened to him.
Remember, Eddie is a doctor, and he definitely used that to get permission to look through his brothers charts/hospital notes. So he saw a lot of the stuff in more detail than his family did. So while his family know, say, "Gary got stabbed," Eddie knows "patient was stabbed. The wound was stitched up, but appears to have been repeatedly torn open. Bacteria in the wound suggest an object of some sort was inserted into the wound."
Eddie has also been able to piece together from that a general idea of what the military believe Roach was enduring while with Makarov. He didn't tell his family about it, but the hospital ran a number of tests on Roach when he first arrived to get as much information as possible. I imagine he's the only one who would have any indication that Roach was potentially S/Aed, likely because I imagine the hospital would have run a rape kit on him (it came back negative of course, but Eddie is still concerned because he knows that just because that didn't happen doesn't mean that other things similar didn't also)
That all being said, as Roach recovers I am fairly certain that Jackson will end up knowing the most about what happened. I doubt Roach would tell him everything, he would probably leave out the seduction, but he would inform him on overall things that happened/he saw while he was there.
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smtiv · 5 months
i don't really feel like talking about this on my public twitter but i have a need to vent about this and also just to help me get the timeline correct in my head.
so two years ago in november 2021 i was sick with strep throat. it took three different dumbass doctors to properly test and diagnose me and by then i was being overprescribed antibiotics. after finishing those, i got a yeast infection of course, which i took OTC suppositories for and i think that got rid of it (honestly i just didn't want to see a doctor again lol). fast-forward to january 2022 and i start experiencing weird throat symptoms (difficulty swallowing, lump feeling in the throat, coughing/choking etc). i thought i was sick with strep again but everything was coming up negative.
a couple months later i go see an ENT doctor and he says i have silent reflux, prescribes me a PPI and tells me to decrease acidic foods in my diet. that only made it worse. i stopped taking them after three months. then i go see a GI doctor for an endoscopy and this guy fucking sucked. at my follow-up he didn't even go over my results with me, just said "everything's fine. you're young and healthy so stay positive." to this day i still want to throttle him. when i saw my primary doctor she actually went over my results and said they found gastritis and esophagitis. suggested i go on a low-fodmap diet. that doesn't change anything and i continue to lose weight, feel sick all the time, fatigued, increasingly anxious and depressed, throat issues are persisting, and this continues into 2023 when i have a massive meltdown and spiraled pretty much for the entire year. my health got worse, my allergies got worse (suddenly have a peanut allergy when i've never had any reactions to it before), i suddenly developed asthma and it's been impossible to cope.
in november last year i saw another ENT who suggested i see another GI doctor to get more internal testing done. but for some reason his referral was invalid (?) and they refused to schedule me so i played phone tag with them and my primary doctor's office for 3 weeks before giving up. earlier this week i saw a naturopathic doctor and after going over my symptoms she believes it's a candida overgrowth that started in my gut and has now invaded my entire system because the antibiotics completely wiped out the healthy bacteria. cool. i got thorough blood tests done and i took a stool test kit home to mail back to them. i have a follow up in less than two weeks to go over my results and hopefully discuss treatment and supplements. i've made some changes to my diet the past couple weeks which has helped me regain weight and lessened my symptoms a little but it's not enough currently.
i really just want my life back and the stress has been killing me. this shit causes the worst brain fog i've ever experienced in my life and i can barely enjoy drawing, reading, writing, studying etc anymore. i have to be so careful about what i eat, my breathing and sinuses are awful, i can't sleep. it sucks. i just hope i can heal from this.
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karl-cain-1 · 1 year
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michellebill · 1 year
Understanding Soil Composition and Nutrient Requirements
Successful gardening begins with healthy soil. As a home gardener, understanding the basics of soil science is essential for creating a thriving garden. Soil composition and nutrient requirements play a crucial role in the growth and productivity of your plants. In this comprehensive guide, we will explore the fundamentals of soil science, including soil composition, pH levels, and essential nutrients. By gaining this knowledge, you'll be equipped to optimize your garden's soil health and foster robust plant growth.
Soil Composition: Soil is a complex mixture of minerals, organic matter, water, air, and living organisms. Understanding the components of soil will help you gauge its quality and suitability for gardening purposes.
Mineral Particles: Soil is composed of various-sized mineral particles, including sand, silt, and clay. Sandy soil is gritty and drains quickly, while clay soil is sticky and retains water. Loam soil, a balanced mixture of sand, silt, and clay, is considered ideal for most plants.
Organic Matter: Organic matter consists of decaying plant material, animal remains, and microorganisms. It enhances soil structure, increases water-holding capacity, and provides essential nutrients to plants.
Water and Air: Soil must strike a balance between water and air for healthy root growth. Well-drained soil allows excess water to escape while retaining enough moisture for plant uptake. Adequate air spaces in the soil enable roots to access oxygen.
Living Organisms: Soil is teeming with life, including earthworms, insects, bacteria, fungi, and other microorganisms. These organisms contribute to nutrient cycling, soil aeration, and organic matter decomposition.
Soil pH: Soil pH measures its acidity or alkalinity on a scale of 0 to 14. Understanding your soil's pH level is crucial because it affects nutrient availability to plants. Most garden plants prefer slightly acidic to neutral soil, with a pH range of 6 to 7.5.
Acidic Soil: pH values below 7 indicate acidic soil. To raise the pH, add lime or wood ashes to the soil. Acid-loving plants like blueberries and azaleas thrive in acidic soil.
Alkaline Soil: pH values above 7 indicate alkaline soil. To lower the pH, amend the soil with elemental sulfur or organic matter like compost. Acid-loving plants may struggle in alkaline soil.
Essential Nutrients: Plants require a range of essential nutrients for healthy growth. Understanding these nutrients and their roles will help you provide the necessary elements for your plants' success.
Macronutrients: Plants require macronutrients in large quantities. These include nitrogen (N), phosphorus (P), and potassium (K). Nitrogen promotes leafy growth, phosphorus supports root development and flower production, while potassium aids overall plant health.
Secondary Nutrients: Secondary nutrients include calcium (Ca), magnesium (Mg), and sulfur (S). While needed in smaller quantities, they play vital roles in plant development and function.
Micronutrients: Micronutrients are required in trace amounts, but they are equally important. Iron (Fe), manganese (Mn), zinc (Zn), copper (Cu), boron (B), molybdenum (Mo), and chlorine (Cl) are examples of micronutrients. They support various physiological processes within plants.
Soil Testing and Fertilization: Regular soil testing is essential to understand the nutrient content and pH level of your soil. Soil testing kits or professional laboratories can provide detailed reports on nutrient deficiencies or excesses. Based on the results, you can adjust nutrient levels through organic amendments or commercial fertilizers.
Organic Amendments: Improve soil fertility and
structure by incorporating organic amendments such as compost, well-rotted manure, or leaf mulch. These amendments not only provide essential nutrients but also enhance soil structure, water-holding capacity, and microbial activity.
Commercial Fertilizers: If nutrient deficiencies are identified through soil testing, you can supplement your soil with commercial fertilizers. These are available in different formulations and ratios, such as balanced (10-10-10) or specific nutrient-focused fertilizers. Follow the instructions on the packaging to ensure proper application and avoid over-fertilization, which can harm plants and the environment.
Soil Maintenance and Improvement: Maintaining and improving soil health is an ongoing process. Here are some practices to consider:
Crop Rotation: Rotate your crops each year to prevent nutrient depletion and minimize the risk of disease and pests. Different plants have varying nutrient requirements, so rotating crops helps maintain a balanced nutrient profile in the soil.
Mulching: Mulching around plants helps conserve moisture, regulate soil temperature, suppress weeds, and gradually add organic matter to the soil as the mulch breaks down.
Cover Cropping: Planting cover crops, such as legumes or grasses, during the off-season or between plantings can improve soil fertility, control erosion, and enhance organic matter content.
Avoid Compaction: Minimize soil compaction by avoiding excessive foot traffic or heavy machinery on garden beds. Compacted soil restricts root growth and hampers water and air movement.
Proper Watering: Water plants deeply and infrequently to encourage deep root growth. This helps plants access nutrients from a larger soil volume. Avoid overwatering, as it can lead to waterlogged soil and root rot.
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anthonylewis82 · 2 years
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misssy721 · 2 years
If you’ve ever wanted to add a touch of beauty and tranquility to your home, a fish tank is a great place to start. Caring for fish can be a rewarding and enjoyable experience, but it’s important to understand the basics of fish care. A beginner's guide to caring for fish can help you get started on the right foot. This guide will provide you with tips and tricks for setting up and maintaining a healthy aquarium. From selecting the right aquarium to maintaining the right levels of temperature and pH, these tips and tricks will help ensure your fish stay healthy and happy. You’ll also learn how to properly feed your fish, keep your tank clean, and introduce new fish to your tank. With the right knowledge, you can easily create a beautiful, vibrant home for your fish. Choosing the Right Aquarium Before you even start shopping for supplies, you’ll first need to decide on the size of your aquarium. Start by choosing an aquarium that’s large enough to comfortably house your desired amount of fish. For example, most freshwater fish should be kept in a tank that’s at least 10 gallons. Saltwater fish, on the other hand, require larger aquariums. Your aquarium should also have ample room for your fish to swim and explore. If you decide to keep fish that grow large, you may need a larger aquarium. You’ll also want to make sure you choose an aquarium made with high-quality materials. Avoid aquariums made with plastic, as these are prone to cracking and breaking. Setting Up the Aquarium Before you add fish to your aquarium, it’s important to properly set up and cycle the tank. You’ll first need to clean and sterilize the aquarium and all the materials used to set it up. Avoid cleaners that contain chlorine or phenols, as these may harm your fish. You’ll also want to make sure that you add live bacteria to your filter to help cycle the tank. Cycling the tank will allow beneficial bacteria to grow in the filter, breaking down harmful ammonia and nitrite in the water. It will also help your fish survive in the tank by reducing their stress levels. Once your aquarium has cycled and you’ve added your fish, you’ll need to maintain certain levels of water quality to ensure your fish stay healthy. You’ll want to keep your water clean by performing regular water changes. You should also test the water to make sure it’s at the right pH level. Maintaining the Right Temperature and pH The next step in caring for your fish is maintaining the right temperature and pH levels in the tank. The ideal temperature for a freshwater tank is between 72 and 79 degrees Fahrenheit. You can maintain this temperature by using a heater or a fish tank heater. A saltwater tank will have a higher temperature range of 68 to 86 degrees Fahrenheit. You can maintain this temperature by using a saltwater aquarium heater. You’ll also need to monitor your tank’s pH levels. The pH of a freshwater tank should be between 6 and 8, while the pH of a saltwater tank should be between 8 and 10. You can easily monitor your tank’s pH levels using a water test kit. To keep your tank at the correct pH level, you’ll need to add buffer to your tank. Feeding Your Fish The type of fish you keep will determine the best way to feed them. However, most fish can be fed a diet of aquatic pellets or flakes, freeze-dried bloodworms, brine shrimp, or a variety of other foods. You’ll also want to make sure you feed your fish the right amount of food. Feeding your fish the right amount of food will help keep your water clean and your fish healthy. It will also prevent your fish from growing too fast or getting sick. If you feed your fish too much, they may produce more waste. This will cause excess ammonia to build up in your tank, which can be harmful to your fish. Keeping the Tank Clean Keeping your tank clean is another essential part of fish care. You’ll need to remove fish waste from the water to prevent harmful ammonia from building up. You’ll also want to remove any uneaten food from the water to prevent it from rotting.
Weekly water changes will help keep your water clean and healthy. To do a weekly water change, you’ll need to take out 30% of your water, add new water, and replace your filter. Introducing New Fish to the Tank Once your aquarium has cycled and you’ve selected your fish, you’ll need to introduce them to your tank slowly. Start by adding smaller fish to your tank first, then add larger fish. Next, add your filter, followed by your aquarium decorations. Doing it this way will allow your filter to cycle the water and help keep your fish safe. Signs of a Healthy Aquarium A healthy fish tank will have vibrant, lively fish. Healthy fish will have shiny skin and clean, unclogged fins. They’ll also eat their food regularly and interact with each other. Healthy fish are also less prone to disease, so keeping them healthy will help keep your tank healthy. A healthy aquarium also has clean water that’s free from harmful bacteria and other contaminants. You can test your water for harmful bacteria and other contaminants using water test strips. These strips allow you to test your water for ammonia, nitrites, nitrates, and pH levels. Troubleshooting Common Issues Aquarium fish can often be affected by harmful bacteria and other contaminants. If your fish start to show signs of disease, such as losing their color or clamped fins, you may need to treat your tank. You can treat your tank by adding aquarium salt, aquarium antibiotics, aquarium anti-fungal medications, aquarium anti-parasitic medications, aquarium anti-protozoan medications, and aquarium anti-virals. You can also control the temperature in your tank to help prevent diseases. Some fish diseases thrive in warm water, while others thrive in cold water. Controlling the temperature in your tank can help keep your fish healthy. Caring for Specialized Fish Certain fish species require special attention. For example, you’ll need to keep your tetras at the right temperature and feed them a special diet. If you’re unsure if your desired fish species requires any special attention, ask a fish expert at your local pet store. If you plan on keeping tropical fish, you’ll need to be mindful of the temperature in your tank. Tropical fish prefer warmer water, so you’ll need to keep your tank above 72 degrees Fahrenheit. Alternatively, you may want to consider keeping tropical fish in a tank that’s kept at a cooler temperature, such as a goldfish tank. Aquarium Supplies and Equipment Once you have your aquarium set up, you’ll need to stock it with supplies and equipment. You’ll need to choose a filter, heater, aquarium light, gravel or sand, decorations, and a thermometer. Additionally, you may want to purchase a water test kit to keep track of the water quality in your tank. Conclusion A fish tank is a great addition to any home. A beginner’s guide to caring for fish can help you set up the perfect aquarium. Begin by choosing the right aquarium size, setting up the aquarium, and cycling the tank. Once your aquarium is set up, you’ll need to maintain the right temperature and pH levels and keep the tank clean. When your aquarium is ready, you can choose fish to add to your tank. With the right equipment and supplies, your aquarium will be beautiful and healthy.
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wuxiaphoenix · 2 years
Worldbuilding: Grow Your Own
A neat detail to add to fantastic worlds, either fantasy or science fiction, could be grow your own exotic plant kits.
It takes time and effort, but it might be worth it if you need something grown under very specific conditions. A potion ingredient, or testing out a new species in different planetary conditions before you unleash space kudzu on a brand-new colonized ecosystem. Or worse, space tumbleweed.
Of course, you’d have to trust whoever you got the seeds from. But if you need mandrake for your potion or Italian oregano on Mars, you’re already trusting somebody to harvest, pack, and ship it. Reputable businessmen ought to exist.
Sure, there would always be fly-by-night outfits that cause plenty of trouble with seeds that aren’t what they’re supposed to be, before irate customers (or their survivors) shut them down permanently. But it can be even more fun to imagine the consequences if the plant kit is Exactly What It Says On The Tin. (Or the pot, so to speak.) Do vampire overlords hunt down garlic-growers? What about hawthorn kits, or wild rose hips? Does the local restaurant owners’ association on a new colony have a stranglehold on spice production, and a vested interest in making sure no one has homegrown paprika? Heck, completely legitimate businessmen can get nervous about seed kits; rubber plantations and vanilla growers are both vulnerable to imported molds and bacteria, to the point it can crash an entire industry. If the local government isn’t inspecting plant grow kits for potential problems, businesses like that would - or possibly try to ban them altogether.
Picture the conversation in a new colony’s cell block. “So what are you in for?”
“Grand larceny, diamonds.”
“...Avocado seeds?”
(Bonus if the seed-smuggler looks mousy, yet is the most feared inmate in lockup.)
Seed kits would also give a nifty explanation for how your Evil Alchemist/Biotechnologist would have all those rare plants: They grew them themselves. (Or at least had a minion do it.)
Meaning if the heroes bust into the secret lair and trip over the greenhouse, the bad guy is going to be really ticked. Years of work, destroyed or contaminated! Argh!
(It might be worse if it’s a minion who runs the greenhouse. Those plants are their life. They’ll come at the heroes with murder in their eyes and a really sharp pruning saw. You know, the kind that reaches up to get tree branches, so they can slice up your heroes without ever getting into brawling range.)
And then there’s the possibility that someone does Something Horrible to a plant’s home range, and the seed kits are all that’s left. Think of gingkoes, a tree left from the time of the dinosaurs, surviving only in some temple grounds. Maybe your heroes need to track down an ancient sect to find one rare species....
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aquabuggy · 1 year
Oh anon shut; I love the build up and dramatic nature of this cause!!! Guess what!!! YOU SHOULD BE SCARED. Water doesn't turn milky by itself!!! I should know I have a water toy I made myself from 6 years ago! Shit is still clear!
I really wish I could test this water sooner to get some closure for you all (and myself admittedly!) to see if I truly had anything to worry about. Best I can do is find a lead paint test kit that hopefully isn’t too expensive, and maybe see if anyone at my job has a microscope that can magnify enough to see potential bacteria.
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prep4tomoro · 2 years
Tumblr media
Is YourDrinking Water Safe? Should we assume the water coming out of our faucets is safe to drink? No! Here are ways to test and decontaminate for safe drinking, including countertop home distillers. There are many DIY (Do It Yourself) TDS (Total Desolved Solids) Meters and Drinking Water Test Kits on the market. Do your research for the best kit or contact your local plumber to conduct a water test. Understand what the test is attempting to detect (lead and other metals, pesticides, bacteria, parasites, inorganics, Volatile Organic Compounds, etc.). Then research methods (filtering, treating, distilling, etc.) to improve the quality of your drinking water. How to Test Drinking Water at Home Is Your Water Safe? (And What You Can Do If It Isn't)
Distilled Water is the purest form of water; free of microbes, heavy metals, salts, & other chemicals because clean water vapor is removed from the water source thereby leaving all the impurities behind. A Countertop Water Distiller is recommended for every home. [Related Link]
[14-Point Emergency Preps Checklist] [11-Cs Basic Emergency Kit] [Learn to be More Self-Sufficient] [The Ultimate Preparation] [5six7 Menu]
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britsindubai-blog · 21 hours
Pool Maintenance Dubai
Swimming Pool Maintenance In Dubai
Living a busy modern life in Dubai often means that maintaining your swimming pool can become a daunting and time-consuming task. Just as you would regularly service your luxury car, your luxury swimming pool also requires professional and regular maintenance by experienced professionals. At Green Creation, we understand that you want to enjoy your pool whenever you wish, without worrying about temperature, pH levels, or clarity. Our solution is to entrust our technicians with maintaining your pool to ensure it's always in perfect condition and ready for use. The frequency of our service depends on whether your pool is indoors or outdoors, its size, and how often it's used. We believe in regular, proactive maintenance to extend your pool's lifespan, and we can tailor a maintenance program that fits your schedule and meets your pool's specific needs. Additionally, if you're away on holiday or for an extended period, we can keep an eye on your pool to ensure it remains in optimal condition.
We offer flexible maintenance contracts tailored to suit any requirement. After discussing your preferences for involvement in the maintenance process, we customize the contract accordingly. Our comprehensive pool cleaning services range from weekly cleaning sessions to monthly check-ups, including vacuuming, backwashing, scum line removal, chemical testing, supply, and monitoring of all equipment in the plant room. We also provide additional services such as climate control servicing, boiler servicing, and filter media changes upon request. Our goal is to ensure you fully enjoy your swimming pool, which is why our professional team of maintenance experts is dedicated to providing personalized care and service contracts tailored to your pool's specific requirements. Green Creation is your ideal partner for all your swimming pool maintenance and service needs in Dubai and across the UAE. Learn more about our swimming pool maintenance services here.
Swimming Pool Contractor In Dubai
Green Creation has established a stellar reputation as a leading industry expert in swimming pool construction and maintenance based on three core principles: quality, creativity, and exceptional customer service. With over a decade of experience since 2008, we specialize in delivering stunning pools, spas, and landscape creations that transform properties into paradises admired and enjoyed by family and friends for years to come. We invite you to explore the possibilities and challenge our expertise, ensuring your backyard becomes the envy of the neighborhood. Beyond constructing beautiful pools, we provide ongoing support to help maintain them. Whether it's supplying chemicals, weekly servicing, seasonal openings and closings, or regular maintenance and repairs, we take pride in ensuring your pool remains in optimal condition for worry-free enjoyment year-round. Green Creation is your go-to contractor for professional pool services throughout Dubai and the UAE.
Swimming Pool Cleaning In Dubai
Swimming pool cleaning services are essential but not always easy to find in the UAE, especially services that are reliable and maintain your pool's optimal condition. At Green Creation, we specialize in maintaining clean and hygienic swimming pools, offering trained, certified, and experienced pool cleaners equipped with the latest equipment. Whether you require regular cleaning services or a one-off intensive cleaning session, we can assist you. Additionally, we provide supplementary services such as supplying and fitting pool covers, pool cover reels, ladders, water testing kits, pool chemicals, and automatic cleaners. By entrusting your pool to our professional cleaning service, you ensure it remains safe, sparkling, and clear without excessive costs for chemicals or repairs to the pool or its filter. Regular cleaning and testing prevent problems with bacteria or algae, particularly crucial under pool covers. Don't compromise on your pool's safety or your family's well-being. Let us maintain your pool's year-round health. Contact Green Creation today for expert pool cleaning services.
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dubaimovies · 2 days
Pool Maintenance in Dubai
Swimming Pool Maintenance In Dubai
Living a busy modern life in Dubai often means that maintaining your swimming pool can become a daunting and time-consuming task. Just as you would regularly service your luxury car, your luxury swimming pool also requires professional and regular maintenance by experienced professionals. At Green Creation, we understand that you want to enjoy your pool whenever you wish, without worrying about temperature, pH levels, or clarity. Our solution is to entrust our technicians with maintaining your pool to ensure it's always in perfect condition and ready for use. The frequency of our service depends on whether your pool is indoors or outdoors, its size, and how often it's used. We believe in regular, proactive maintenance to extend your pool's lifespan, and we can tailor a maintenance program that fits your schedule and meets your pool's specific needs. Additionally, if you're away on holiday or for an extended period, we can keep an eye on your pool to ensure it remains in optimal condition.
We offer flexible maintenance contracts tailored to suit any requirement. After discussing your preferences for involvement in the maintenance process, we customize the contract accordingly. Our comprehensive pool cleaning services range from weekly cleaning sessions to monthly check-ups, including vacuuming, backwashing, scum line removal, chemical testing, supply, and monitoring of all equipment in the plant room. We also provide additional services such as climate control servicing, boiler servicing, and filter media changes upon request. Our goal is to ensure you fully enjoy your swimming pool, which is why our professional team of maintenance experts is dedicated to providing personalized care and service contracts tailored to your pool's specific requirements. Green Creation is your ideal partner for all your swimming pool maintenance and service needs in Dubai and across the UAE. Learn more about our swimming pool maintenance services here.
Swimming Pool Contractor In Dubai
Green Creation has established a stellar reputation as a leading industry expert in swimming pool construction and maintenance based on three core principles: quality, creativity, and exceptional customer service. With over a decade of experience since 2008, we specialize in delivering stunning pools, spas, and landscape creations that transform properties into paradises admired and enjoyed by family and friends for years to come. We invite you to explore the possibilities and challenge our expertise, ensuring your backyard becomes the envy of the neighborhood. Beyond constructing beautiful pools, we provide ongoing support to help maintain them. Whether it's supplying chemicals, weekly servicing, seasonal openings and closings, or regular maintenance and repairs, we take pride in ensuring your pool remains in optimal condition for worry-free enjoyment year-round. Green Creation is your go-to contractor for professional pool services throughout Dubai and the UAE.
Swimming Pool Cleaning In Dubai
Swimming pool cleaning services are essential but not always easy to find in the UAE, especially services that are reliable and maintain your pool's optimal condition. At Green Creation, we specialize in maintaining clean and hygienic swimming pools, offering trained, certified, and experienced pool cleaners equipped with the latest equipment. Whether you require regular cleaning services or a one-off intensive cleaning session, we can assist you. Additionally, we provide supplementary services such as supplying and fitting pool covers, pool cover reels, ladders, water testing kits, pool chemicals, and automatic cleaners. By entrusting your pool to our professional cleaning service, you ensure it remains safe, sparkling, and clear without excessive costs for chemicals or repairs to the pool or its filter. Regular cleaning and testing prevent problems with bacteria or algae, particularly crucial under pool covers. Don't compromise on your pool's safety or your family's well-being. Let us maintain your pool's year-round health. Contact Green Creation today for expert pool cleaning services.
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