#bad headcanon writing blegh
i know im late for halloween but im writing a very detailed headcanon post about the mercs and ghosts+ghost hunting :D
and soon after I'd love to make a "Ghost Files/Buzzfeed Unsolved moments with the tf2 mercs" :DD
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firefly-lurks · 2 years
i don’t see a lot of movie sonic headcanons so i’m deliberately pushing myself out of my hidey hole to write some for sonic lovers
so take an insecure ukulele player/singer reader and have a good day
ʳᵉᵃᵈᵉʳ ᶦˢ ᵃˡˢᵒ ᵗᵒᵐ ᵃⁿᵈ ᵐᵃᵈᵈᶦᵉ’ˢ ᵈᵃᵘᵍʰᵗᵉʳ ˢᵒ ᵗᵃᵏᵉ ᵗʰᵃᵗ ᵃˢ ʸᵒᵘ ʷᶦˡˡ ᵉᵛᵉⁿ ᵗʰᵒᵘᵍʰ ᶦᵗ ᵈᵒᵉˢⁿ’ᵗ ᵐᵃᵗᵗᵉʳ
this can be either platonic or romantic, but it was mostly meant to be romantic
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you were really insecure with singing and performing
like really insecure
your parents gave solace to you and kind of insisted that you perform for them since they’ve heard you practicing in your room
you didn’t like the attention either, so you were really selective with who got to hear you sing or play your guitar
but that also included you pushing people away at the thought that they’d ridicule the tiniest mistake in your talent, afraid they would put you down
that fear also carried over to sonic
but you talked to the little guy a lot since he practically worshipped your father as the donut lord so he was bound to be there anyways
despite being a speedy lil spazz he was unfortunately very sneaky at times
sonic ended up hearing your humming a few times, whether it was you playing a game or doing homework from school
he would ask what you were singing but you brushed it off
you felt bad to just shove him away due to his curiosity though
then came a fortunately confident day that you believed in your talents, so you called sonic to your room
you usually don’t invite many people to your room so even this ask made sonic a bit concerned
“i wanna show you a song i’ve been practicing”
he’s hyped as fuck
he’s only heard tidbits of your actual singing despite it being you just humming, but he was able to deduce that you were good at it
the two of you sat criss-cross on your bed while you adjusted your ukulele and took a breath rq
you started to regret it, so sonic decidedly ushered you (gently) into playing for him
he even went as far as to use the blatant puppy dog eyes on you
how tf could you deny him in the end
you ended up playing “sorry haha i fell asleep” since it was technically an apology for shoving him away from you
sonic didn’t say much since he thought that saying anything would throw off your focus immediately
he was mesmerized
of course you had a few cracks and mistakes to start out with but the more you got into the song and performance for him, the more you put out your voice
he saw the passion for your singing in your eyes, he saw how you were more comfortable and had more fun as you went with the song
just by seeing sonic’s enthusiasm, you gradually cracked out of your shell to put in more effort
just for him
and probably only him, if you were being honest
sonic loved the way you swayed to the song ever so slightly
he loved the way your voice was rich and soft with the ukulele
he loved the way you were unfolding yourself right in front of him
you were open to him, finally
he was so patient for you all this time, gladly grateful for the scraps of your voice he was able to hear before
sonic didn’t notice that you were closing to the climax of the song already though
the notice made him a bit sad, since he wanted to hear more of you
he couldn’t shake off his captivation for the life of him, so he was switching between trying to praise your talent and trying to just soak in the moment
it ending up reflecting towards the mild tension between you both
and you kinda just
stared at each other
the tension that lingered made you a bit lightheaded, but it was pleasant if anything
and it was savored only for the two of you
everything felt so warm, fuzzy if you could say that, and you had a rampaging bundle of giddiness that was futile to shake off
damn sonic for his contagious smile bc you couldn’t hold a straight face for more than 5 minutes
you couldn’t deny the slight fear at the silence sonic shared with you though
little did you know that the hedgehog was swooning at the spot
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hypmicdaydreams · 3 years
henlo!! can i get some headcanons of going to a haunted house with ramuda, jyushi and rosho? i think it'd be a fun prompt seeing how they're the scaredy cats of the cast lol
this was indeed fun to write and imagine!! I myself can never go into haunted houses because my heart's too frail lol, but it was still a joy writing these! Thank you sm for the request and hope you enjoy anon 💕
visiting a haunted house w/ ramuda, jyushi, and rosho
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-pairings: ramuda amemura x gn!reader, jyushi aimono x gn!reader, rosho tsutsujimori x gn!reader
-genre: fluff
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it does take a bit of convincing, perhaps a few taunts tossed here and there, to get him to agree to visit a haunted house
ramuda is very much terrified at the prospect of a haunted house, filled with jumpscares and unsettling props that, at times, were way too realistic for their own good
although ramuda knew very well that the entire thing was fake of course, given his previous, erm, not so good experiences with haunted exhibitions, he wasn't too keen on it
even at the mention of the idea, you can see the color slightly drain from his face, nervously laughing as he tries to dismiss the idea
"w-why would you wanna go to such a musty place anyway?" he laughs, trying his best to hide his unease. "i bet it's filled with creepy spiders and thick dust and all. blegh!"
when you somehow manage to convince him, either by taunting and saying you had no idea he was such a scaredy cat in such a playful tone or by convincing him that it won't be so bad, ramuda does somehow swallow his fears for a moment or two and build up just enough courage to walk into the building
def stays by your side the whole time, a little too cautious and wary for his own good
also surveys the rooms to make sure that there wasn't anything that could surprise him, such as a worker that would jump out towards the end (though it'd still manage to get a yelp from him either way)
constantly on edge, so much so that if the tiniest thing poked him, even if it was a simple prop that brushed by his side, ramuda freaks out and sprints away
(it's certainly a pain chasing after him throughout the large complex)
eventually, you get him to hold hands, more so because you didn't want to lose him so frequently, though it does certainly comfort and reassure him for a moment or so
is simultaneously roaming each room slowly and carefully as to not get jump scared but also rushing in the sense that he wanted to get out of there as quickly as possible
"come on babe, we've already seen this," he whines in a shaky voice, pulling on your sleeves and trying to drag you away
and just when he thinks that it wasn't too bad as you guys near the end of the house, one last surprise with a pop up does send him out of your grasp and running out of the house, high on adrenaline
perhaps ramuda and haunted houses weren't all too good of a fit, you thought to yourself, wondering if it was more trouble than it was worth
when you first mentioned the idea, too enthusiastic and thinking that it'd be fun, you could clearly see the nervousness and unease on jyushi
he didn't think he'd fare too well in such a horrifying setting since, well, he admittedly had a weak heart, and jyushi really really didn't want to get scared and perhaps even have nightmares that very night
but...as jyushi wanted to get stronger, develop a stronger will, he did convince himself that it'd be a good part of his training
ah, kuko would probably scold me if i backed down, jyushi thought to himself, flinching a little as he could so clearly hear that monk's brash voice in his mind
"alright, i'll go!" he exclaims with a newfound confidence, though even you could spot how pale your bf seemed as he tightly clutched onto amanda
he's definitely in it for the aesthetic before anything else really
the outside of the house looked so cool! with the prop gravestones, spider webs, and even fog machine. it had this entire eerie vibe which, sure, did frighten jyushi a little, but he did also admire it. perhaps it gives him a few ideas of his own for his stages
(it's honestly one of the only reasons he even agreed to go inside with you)
i can see jyushi clinging to your side throughout, never wanting you to even get a little bit ahead of him and leave him all alone in such a dark and terrifying place
"ah!" he flails as you let go of his hand, running to you and latching on to your arm. "please...stay close." jyushi would not let you go without him
(man, his grip was deathly, your own arm turning pale and numb as jyushi held on to it as if his life depended on it. was your blood circulation cut off?)
as such, going through the house together is rather slow, given that jyushi is taking it step-by-step and trying to not get too frightened by every little thing, though a few realistic looking props managed to get a whimper out of him
i think, upon entering, jyushi would try to put on his vkei persona as a boost of confidence, though it quickly falls apart the moment he gets scared in the first room, finding it more and more difficult to keep it up when his heart was about to give out
he does get teary-eyed and close to crying on more than one occasion, especially when he gets jump scared; and when that happened, jyushi is clinging to both you and amanda, seeking her and your comfort
you do have to calm him down maybe, stroke his hair, wipe his tears, or even run your thumb along the back of his hand to comfort him, which surely ends up working as jyushi feels much more at peace just by your presence
ah, and seeing how you were able to continue on through the house, even if you did visibly jump, jyushi felt much more inclined to be as strong as you!
definitely relieved when the two of you finally exit (especially you since you can now finally feel your arm again), perhaps even a little weak and shaky now that the adrenaline and fear had run its course
while jyushi did surely end up feeling just a little stronger now, he does never let you drag him to such a place ever again. it damaged his heart too much
looks at you with a 'are you serious?' look when you first bring up the idea, clearly not too interested or keen on it in the first place
rosho hadn't been to a haunted house in a while, save for the ones that were around during cultural festivals at school, though even then they managed to get under his skin and creep him out
"wha? why do you even want to go to a haunted house in the first place?"
he immediately shoots down your idea, knowing all too well how it'd turn out if you managed to drag him there. his heart began to beat just a tad faster
"aw come on, i promise this one isn't so bad!"
and rosho was quite gullible, believing in your words and now standing at the entrance of what was the eerie house, ugly anxious butterflies fluttering around in his gut and his face beginning to pale
dammit, he let his guard slip and convinced himself to go along with you. you really did have such a strong chokehold on him
rosho knew that it was a tad irrational to be so scared of haunted houses considering that they weren't real and all; but well, the adrenaline and on edge feeling he had were very much so, and rosho didn't like them
i think that he'd try to play it cool and not let the dark atmosphere and countless jump scares get to him, though to no avail
each time rosho gets scared by something, you can clearly see it in the way his face pales, how he slightly jumped, indicating how startled he was
geez, rosho felt as if he was having a mini heart attack at each jump scare, no matter how well he had expected them
immediately tries to compose himself again, though you can hear him slightly mutter how ridiculous this whole thing was. he still can't believe you somehow managed to drag him to a haunted house of all places
he does hold your hand the whole time; rosho liked to claim it was so that the two of you wouldn't get separated, but given the way he squeezed your hand each time he got frightened, you began to doubt that claim of his
rosho was honestly rather unsettled, really, as the two of you traversed the house, constantly on edge and getting startled by the tiniest of noises or smallest of touches
he certainly was tense throughout the entire thing
by the time the two of you finish and get outside, rosho swore he saw his spirit evaporate, so exhausted by that entire adventure
he vows to never let you drag him to something haunted ever again
(though with a bit of your begging, rosho can't help but not follow through on such a promise)
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Could you possibly write more rut HCs for all the papas???
Papa Nihil's HCs for his rut
Woomph 😳💞✨
Of course, I can! But say please next time, okay?
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I got some general headcanons for ya!
The papal rut is actually a curse. The Olde One brought it upon the Papas of the church way back in the dark ages for their hubris on thinking they can bring the Anti-Christ with their bodies.
The text got lost in translation so the church sees this as a blessing.
A papa only gets this rut once they are crowned Papa. So none of the Papas, including Copia, never went through it until they gained their title.
On to the rest of the Papas!
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Secondo truly believes that he can sire the Anti-Christ, so he purposefully goes out of his way to be on tour during his rut.
The party animal title is because his rut is in full effect.
However, due to his withering age, he's shooting banks. Secondo is in full denial about it.
He fully leans into his rut, regardless of what's going on around him. He'll perform a sermon with a raging boner. No one's got the balls to say anything. Except for Terzo... cause he's an ass.
Secondo has shades of Primo, he too caterwauls. However, he doesn't sound like a demonic cat. No, Secondo sounds like this
This only happens when he's near someone he's attracted to, or someone does something cute. Secondo saw Copia talk to a rat once and Papa couldn't stop BLEGH at Copia for two days.
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Terzo never really had problems with his rut, because he has thyroid issues.
This by no means he doesn't get a rut, it's not as powerful as the rest of his brothers. Lucifer is very powerful, but He cannot stand against Mother Nature.
Terzo gets very needy like his father, needs constant cuddles and kisses. Terzo is very much like Nihil by being very cat-like in nature. Think of Nihil as a raised in captivity tiger, and Terzo as a domestic house cat.
Terzo is the only one of his brothers who's inherited Nihil's purring. He'll purr if you give him attention, he'll purr in a nice warm bath, he'll purr during sermons even when he's giving them.
At a rare family dinner, Terzo purred so loud that he caused Primo, Copia, and his father to fall asleep.
Terzo has a bad rep of marking. And not the sexy kind. This was hinted at in his childhood, but luckily it switched from his bladder to his cheeks.
Like his father, Terzo will involuntarily move on his own to establish dominance. Instead on draping himself on someone, Terzo rubs his cheeks on a person like a cat rubbing its scent glands.
He's done this to practically everyone in his life. His family, his ghouls, Copia, no one is safe.
This has led to black marks on people from his paint. Secondo doesn't mind because Terzo goes after his brother's head and gets paint where the older Papa cannot reach.
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Copia had a very hard time with the beginning of his ruts. There was no one in the ministry to coach him because the other Papas were dead. Sister Imperator only knew so much about them with her limited time with Papa Nihil.
The double whammy is that Copia's ruts are much more powerful due to a new bloodline. The reason Secondo and Terzo's ruts weren't bad is because the curse made it so. Kinda like how over breeding dogs and cats causes health problems.
Copia needs micro-dosing to keep his rut contained at the bare minimum. To everyone else, it looks like he takes insulin shots.
The first time was the absolute worst. After he was anointed Papa, Copia didn't know he would get a rut seeing as how he wasn't part of the bloodline. Then it hit him. A cold wave washed over him causing unstoppable shivering. Hot flashes made his blood feel like lava. Every sound was amplified to deafening heights. He heard everything in the ministry, including siblings and ghouls fucking.
When Copia woke up the next day, he was in the woods nearly naked. He heard the calls of his ghouls looking for him. Come to find out, Copia killed three siblings of sin and mutilated one in his rut haze. Apparently, he was making his way to the village on the other side of the dense forest surrounding the church.
Copia still hasn't forgiven himself. The sister who he maimed is no longer part of the church.
Whenever he's getting close, Copia only surrounds himself with his ghouls seeing as they are the only ones who can handle his haze.
He's even begged Sister Imperator to put him in medically-dosed coma before. Sister consoled him to sleep before crying silently to herself.
The only way this can calm down is with a Prime Mover, or his death.
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kitkatopinions · 3 years
This is a vent post, but...
Sometimes with RWBY simps I just wanna shake ‘em by the shoulders and say “your interpretations and headcanons are not universal and you can’t yell at or scold people for not having the same headcanon as you! Congrats that you decided stuff about RWBY that isn’t canon and might be directly contradicted like ‘Qrow never cared about or trusted Ironwood at all’ or ‘Yang did tell everyone Raven was the spring maiden’ or ‘Ironwood only ever did anything ‘good’ when he was being evil and manipulative,’ or ‘he invaded Vale!’ So awesome that you came up with headcanons that help you enjoy the show better.”
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But the amount of people who present their headcanons as pure fact and act like they’ve unearthed truths that RWDE posters (and IW fans especially) or too blinded to see... Blegh. No, it isn’t our job to see somebody’s wild and badly portrayed or canon inaccurate ramblings about why they think RWBY is perfect and decide “Oopsie whoopsie, silly us, it looks like rwbyfnoscar99 decided that Ironwood is a narcissistic jerk who never did a single unselfish thing and had no battle experience, guess we’d better delete our posts pointing out anything good about Ironwood.”
Also what’s even worse is people just posting random feel good or happy James Ironwood content and other people coming in like “Remember James Ironwood turned into a bad guy?” Or even worse “Wow, your random pro IW post about him having a family or something is so stupid let me tell you about my headcanons about how he’s never done anything good in his life.” Like ???
“The Author is Dead” and “Canon is Dead” is great, I love it, totally stan that to high heaven! Lord knows I’m choosing to ignore plenty that I just don’t like in RWBY and tbh every fandom I’m in and live on headcanons (which you kind of have to flesh things out via headcanons in RWBY especially.) But you won’t catch me invading other peoples posts to try and lecture them about how my non-canon interpretations and headcanons I imagined up are now Required Reading that everyone is stupid for not believing themselves.
Like, just imagine if I did that. XD Someone posts about Nora and where she might’ve come from and I just come in like “EXCUSE ME, but are we ignoring that she’s Torchwick’s daughter? People suspect that Torchwick was from Brunswick farms, and where’s Brunswick farms? That’s right, Anima. And where is Nora from? Mmhmm, Anima. Case closed, if you don’t believe it, you’re just ignorant.”
People post about Tai having neglected Yang and Ruby and I cut in like “omg this is such a bad faith argument because he only shut down for around a year or two and Qrow stepped in to be a disaster parent and therefore Yang and Ruby were not neglected and Yang - while taking on parental duties she shouldn’t have had to when Tai recovered - is being over-dramatic when she says she ‘raised Ruby?”
Of course it’d be dumb to do that! Because those are my headcanons! I invented one of them because it was fun and suited the purposes of a fic I was writing, and I came up with the second one to justify the rough-but-trying image of Tai to myself with the idea that he shut down and neglected the girls. I filled in that blank the way I wanted to in a way that made sense to myself, but I would be therefore completely ridiculous to insist that anyone else do the same. I seriously just...
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discountskeppy · 2 years
communalist and moralism for the ask game ^-^
YESSS ty anon i love these guys so dearly
Sexuality + Gender Headcanon: breaking the mold to combine these two because i think they have canonical gender+sexuality stuff. and they said theyre like pansexual pangender whatever. i forget what they are but i like agree with them
A ship I have with said character: im like. a real commoralism ride or die ok. its like such the obvious thing and was hardly even a thing in canon but. in my made up verision of realicide in my head where its actually good they are very. dlsjfkhdfkjsdhfsd
A BROTP I have with said character: like i said in my darw thing, all the off the compasses NEED to be besties NOW!!!!! also this isnt rlly a brotp im just spilling thoughts but i think in like an au where centricide and realicide are the same universe. theyd try to be besties with the leftists (but would prolly get sad cuz the leftists are MEAN!!!)
A NOTP I have with said character: again, like i said in my darw thing. them and darw is just BLEGH. also ive seen communalism and ingsoc as a ship around a bit and i dont really care for that either lol. maybe im just too much of a commoralism diehard
A random headcanon: i think they like. collect a lot of things. like i can imagine their room with like a buncha dumb lil stuffed animals and like. anime figures. i think theyd like madoka magica
General Opinion over said character: VERY COOL also had a lot of potential (however i think the original route they were gonna go with cultcom, where like their soul is all rescued cuz moralism gets resurrected is. kind of bad i dont like it but thats a different plate of cookies for another glass of milk)
Sexuality Headcanon: like, vaguely mlm. bi? gay? idk. he likes men tho. like he uses the achillean flag in all his picrew pfps
Gender Headcanon: transmasc! maybe a hint of nonbinaryism? like idk he has a he/they pronouns in bio kind of vibe
A ship I have with said character: to reiterate, COMMORALISM FTWWWWWWW im like cray ok. its like commoralism or nothing 4 me
A BROTP I have with said character: him + the realists are rlly cool. im not too invested in the other realists so like give me a month or so to become crazy abt them and ill prolly expand on my thoughts more
A NOTP I have with said character: i dont he has any ships besides commoralism? so. i wouldnt say i have a notp for them rlly
A random headcanon: i think he would be like. a local public library fiend ok. he walks there like every day and has like. a gay little coffee and tote bag. just vision it.
General Opinion over said character: I LIKE HIM A LOTTT ik i wasnt writing like paragraphs for him like ive done for other characters but i really do like him. hes rlly cool, and like i said i dont rlly like his whole ressurrected plot he was gonna have i still think it wouldve been interesting to see
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resetting37 · 4 years
For character "headcanons" maybe Zack, and Heidi!
oh nice thanks !!!
from this prompt
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Sexuality Headcanon: bisexual.
Gender Headcanon: boy (him / his)
A ship I have with said character: Well I guess it’s no surprise at this point the endgame is Sean. I just think that they bring out each others “unconventional qualities” in ways no one else can. idk I’ll talk about longer if i can but ! I also wanna give a shout out to Zack’s big old crush on Audrey. I ship it, but too bad it’s one sided. Oh well, in an alternate world, I guess ! 
A BROTP I have with said character: Avery’s his bff ! I would say they keep each others deepest secrets, but this is one sided since zack doesn’t have any secrets of his own, he just keeps averys. Since Zack’s one of my bigger characters I could talk about brotps with various people, but he’s also really close to Advik, they have enough in common that conversations could last hours. 
A NOTP I have with said character: Someone I absolutely do NOT ship with him ? Morgan. Look, their friendship is actually super fun but I’d never ship them lmao their romantic chemistry would just be... blegh. no thank you. I could name various other characters but it’s just gonna be me going blegh even more.
A random headcanon: not random, but something I feel like I never talk about: Zack rarely talks in public. He’s only chatty with close friends, but if anyone he doesn’t know very well is inserted, he shuts up. 
General Opinion over said character: He’s my guy ! My angsty little loner boy. I guess it’s obvious I love him since he’s in the main cast but I love him. Zack goes through so much character development throughout the story and I love his relationships with other characters. 
I feel like he’s always been a favorite, even back when i first created my ocs and he wasn’t even one of my main characters. (He was an antagonist !) I think it’s fun to make a character that wants to be intimidating but also loved, you know ?
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  Sexuality Headcanon: asexual. I’ll admit I never thought too much about romantic preferences, probably bi. But she’s not easily attracted to people so I doubt she thinks about romantic relationships too much.
Gender Headcanon: girl (she / her).
A ship I have with said character: heidi doesn’t have any canon relationships in RESETTING, but it’s something I’ve thought about before. I’ve actually consider Amber, I do like the idea of Heidi getting flustered over Amber’s casual flirtations. fun fact back in the day™ she and brandon were a couple, but I don’t know if I like that one as much now lol.
A BROTP I have with said character: Theo is her bff, the righthand man, the ultimate buddy ! I mean they met through school and p much do all their projects together, but they hang out together outside of work and school. Another one I really like, and I talk about a handful of times, is her friendship with Ian. Doesn’t start off as a friendship, but it’s classic “skeptic vs. believer” shenanigans and I  L O V E that ! 
A NOTP I have with said character: She’s not an easily shippable character, so odds are if you pick a character, there’s a good chance I’ll say “no thanks.” uhhh don’t ship with Mike, he’s way too chaotic and he’ll drive her mad, and she’ll actually be the first person to annoy him (She’s openly judgmental). Lots of clashing lol. 
A random headcanon: She’s a little stubborn about using print media. She writes in an actual notebook, would rather look up the article in the library rather than use of their computers. She has no right to be pretentious about it since digital saves paper and she knows that, but still. Paper just feels more legit to her. 
General Opinion over said character: I don’t talk about Heidi enough, i love heidi !! I love a moody goth girl, but Heidi is also a lot more dimensional than I give her credit for. She’s passionate about unsolved mysteries and that passion is the driving force behind her motives to uncover the secrets of Evelow.
 I think her personality creates really fun scenarios for almost any character I have her talk to. (it’s mostly an outlet to have eye rolls or concerned looks towards my sillier characters)
I love how she stands up for what she believes in and she knows her limits. She’s aware of when she becomes vulnerable and is quick to make to decision of whether she wants to continue to be vulnerable or to back out a situation in possible. It’s fun to put her in these storylines. A very underappreciated character, for sure. 
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bitofthisandthat · 5 years
// I just want to say that Gabby is so beautiful! The way you've written her is amazing, the art that you've poured a lot of heart and soul into is top-tier, and I'm really glad you're on my dash. I am really digging the stuff about feather coloration and iridescence. I don't mind the stuff about bird and raptor headcanons at all, they are so fascinating to me!
I am glad you like it!  XD Thing is, I love when a character is basically a “throw away” third tier character, because it means I can fill in the major gaps that the writers/producers failed dismally at. And do what I want with them and make everyone else love them too ;) 
I think I have a knack for picking muses where the fandoms are all: ‘eh who?’ split on love/hate, or one they bastardize with bad fanon. XD 
I don’t like when people wreck a canon when a ton of canon IS out there? But a ‘throw away’ one shot? GIMME. So I’m glad you appreciate my efforts at fleshing her out more. :) I worry all the time about crossing into the SUE place, so I need reality checks. And yes, Sues and Stues exist and blegh, bad writing.
ANYWAY danke, tak }
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slasherscream · 5 years
A/N: these are headcanons/drabbles i plan on writing and i remember telling y'all i'd post this list/outline at some point. i was gonna wait till i wrote them all so you could see before/after but ...i need to be held accountable to write them because im a lazy bastard. so -
                                         THINGS TO WRITE:
one. billy is a ghost and reader is a clairvoyant / dealing with billy’s mom coming back to woodsboro after he is killed/revealed to be the murderer. scream two based. angsty as shit. ft. billy confused that his mother cares but hurt that it took her so long so show it.
two. sidney x m!reader x tatum / headcanon set. general relationship things. maybe college based? tatum and sidney go away for college and date and there they meet you. a new ghostface strikes. this time it isn’t the boyfriend?? both maybe think it is for a second and you’re hurt but get it(tm). the bad ass trio that dont stop. you just come in swinging on bitches my man. nobodfy hurts your griflriends and gets away with it! we stan!
three. jd x black!reader / you meet when he moves to your city miami, florida. y’all first meet at a 7/11 close to your school. he makes a commentary about you mixing your slushies flavors. “a purist, eh?”, you shoot back laughing, "life’s too short to not get wild.” he thinks you make an excellent point. you see each other again at school. “well if it isn’t little miss. mixer.” he smirks. “purist.” you answer back smiling. “haven’t seen you around before”. his smile gains an edge to it, it hadn’t before “i’m new. i’m always the new kid.” you don’t like the look on his face so you loop your arm through his, “well new kid what’s your next class. wouldn’t want you getting lost.” jd: “won’t you be late to your own? you seem like the type of girl who hates being late.” you: “maybe you need to get to know me before you decide you know what kind of girl i am.” jd: “yeah .... maybe”. it’s just you and your mom, the opposite of jd and you love each other to death. she adopts him quickly. jd becomes part of your family. spends more time at your place than his. 
his dad says he’s leaving. jd turns eighteen in three months. you tell him don’t leave. your mom is a wildcard and literally goes to jd’s house wiht you two following behind her like little ducks. she says “your son wants to stay here and settle. graduate from one highschool he manages to attned for more than a wek. leave him with me i’ll take good care of him.” y’all are best friends and get closer everyday. the night he turns eighteen you make him a cake and put it down in front of him. jd: this feels kinda sixteen candles-y. reader: blow out your damn candles and make a wish jd. jd: why would i need to make a wish when everything i want i already got. he smiles at you softly and you want to melt. the candle is also melting. you pick up the cupcake and hold it up to him to blow. reader: make a wish anyway. he does, leans in and for a moment the candles flame flcikers over the shadows of his face in the prettiest way. then he blows softly and the flame goes out. the only light in the room form the moon now. you fall asleep curled up on the window/bay window seat together. you wake up in his arms. 
jd talks about his plans now over breakfast and your mother smacks his hand gently when he mentions maybe finding a new place to live. “that’s not how family works, jason. annd you’re family. don’t you forget that. no boy of mine is gonna be running off to live alone when he’s not ready. you stay here with us until you get sick of us. don’t go running off just cause you think you have to. we love you here.” 
he looks suspicously teary eyed and can only manage to clear his throat and give her a stiff nod, “gotcha mrs. L/N”. your mother is just as good at speaking jd as you are now and knows what he wants to say is “thank you” and “i love you”. she gets up to kiss the side of his forehead and you get up and kiss his cheek. he holds the both of you close to him and it quickly becomes a group hug. / COMPLETE
four. hannibal x black fem!reader / you’re a young, clever black doctor and hannibal is utterly intrigued by you. he knows a diamodn in the rough when he sees one. eat racists? flourish. 
five. norman x black f!reader / realistic in that there’s some discussions of racism. but not all that much considering the time period the movie actually takes place in. not heavy enough to trigger anyone. you roll into the bates motel after you get attacked. you’d gotten your tires slahses by a couple of smallheaded racists. you need a place to stay until your car is fixed. you’re hoping you can stay there but you’ve been turned away by three other places who don’t serve your type of people. you’re in near tears by the time you get to the bates motel. he stops dead in his tracks when he sees you. you’re the prettiest woman he’s ever seen. you walk up to the desk and youre voice shakes a little when you ask him if he has room. the vancay sign is on but you know that doesnt mean a damn thing. he doesnt answer that question at first because you look so tired and sad. asks you whats wrong. you start crying softly and tell him the day you;’ve been having. norman is surpringly bold when he puts a hand over yours and tells you that of course there’s room. you stay for a few days getting close. you even stay a day longer than you need to, car fixed but norman insisting you stay another night on the house because “oh don’t drive so late. rest until morning” then morning comes and you “can’t leave without a nice, hearty breakfast”. you both keep making small excuses to delay your departue. but you know you’ll have ot go eventually. 
when you do finally leave you thin you havent been imaging the way he looks at you. you lean up and kiss the corner of his lips. when you pulls back you both smile sadly at each other. two months goes by and he hasnt stopped thinking of you since. you’d been in his life less than a week bu the think s he’ll remeber yuou foreer somehow. he’s at the front desk when you walk in, a suitcase in hand and a sheepish smile on your face. “do you have room?” you say somehow managing to be coy and nervous at the same time. norman is so overhwelmed he runs from behind the desk and kisses you. pulls back so quickly as if you’d burned him with your lips. he can’t pull awau too far, you’d already thrown your ams around his neck to keep him close. “i’m sorry that was awfully forward of me y/n” ... you smile, put a hand to his cheek “i must confess that i’ve done something even more forward.” .... “you have?” ... “yes. you see i have all my things packed in the back of my little car outside and i was hoping that maybe you had room in your heart for me along with ...maybe needing some extra help at the inn for awhile.” this time he kisses you and doesn’t stop himself for a long while. when he does pull away it’s to touch his forehead with yours. he looks like he’s expericing peace for the first time in his life, “my home is your home.” he barely stops himself from saying your his home. / COMPLETE
six. tiffany valentine x black fem!reader / you run a witch/voodoo shop and you think tiffany is another boring, annoying white “uwu we are the granddaughters of th witches you couldnt burn” goth bitch but.....she’s actually the real deal? you two proceed to fall in love of course. 
seven. carrie white x fem!reader / you’re a poet and fall in love with the sweet, quiet girl named carrie who is your bestie’s roommate in college. at first she thinks you’re joking  or teasing her. you prove to her you’re not. “i want to do to you what spring does to flowers.”
eight. tatum x black fem!reader x sidney. you are a cheerleader for the opposite sides team. your team is losing badly. the other cheerleaders are losing spirit. but not you. you only cheer louder. get more rambunctious. it’s cute. she leans down to hand you an ice cold water bottle at halftime. you’re sweating up a storm. you smile gratefully at her even as you wonder why she’s being so nice. fucking watched bring it on to many times. maybe just wind up being tatum x reader??? tatum is a jock with five braincells she deserves a cheerleader.
nine. billy x black!guy reader x stu. NO fucking ideas yet. but it is time for black boy joy on this blog. maybe just general relationship? black boy activist and they love hos passionate and serious you are about the bullshit of the world. perhaps huey freeman type ass. get closer to you and oh...you are soft(tm). 
ten. actress drabble part three? Billy and stu make you feel normal. You like hanging out with them. They had idolized you and some part of them still does but now they know you as a person and idealization of their scream queen has mixed with knowing just you. They’re in love. They want you to be in love too.
debating horror with them?? fun times. will y’all start dating in this one?? mmm probably not. the pining(tm). it’s about the LONGING. the HANDHOLDING. if you will. 
eleven. horror writer continuation part two. billy x fem!reader x stu and you are all becoming friends? sometimes you just go over to their house to write and chill? they know how famous you are now (obvi) and like to be nosy about what you’re writing. they actually read your books so i guess they CAN read after all (billy read them to stu...stu did not lay eyes upon written word). sometimes you ask them questions like “how long do you think it’d take someone to bleed out if they got stbbaed in (very particular way)” and the boys answer in 0.2 seconds. tomfoolery. find out their killers now or later? i don’t know. more ideas to come hopefully
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In terms of Persona 5 I’d been riding high mostly since P5D. I’d been positive mostly over it because P5D and fan-generated content had been lovely overall and really engaging and enjoyable. It had helped me forget that the main game itself seriously does upset me at times and I have a less than ideal opinion of it.
Now I’m starting to feel like that again. Both announcements of today have left brought back to mind some of my biggest problems with Persona 5 and the way Atlus writes in general. What are they? A bit of a lesson then in me;
For myself there are three events in Persona 5 that I really REALLY just consider outright despicable. In no order they are; 1) Two homosexual adult males being negatively stereotyped as child molesters targeting Ryuji 2) Ryuji’s friends responding to one of the greatest acts of selflessness in the entire story by physically abusing Ryuji and 3) The Valentine’s Day event making Canon that Akira/Ren is horrible, Sojiro is horrible and that Atlus thinks all the girls are vapid idiots. 
‘Magical Valentine’ raises an issue I’ve always had but makes it even more forceful. You see in the game the Valentine’s Event is only ‘optionally’ canon. You can play a canonical run-through and not have it occur. So you can, legitimately, without needing headcanon or fanon, just have your own canon playthrough in which the girls are not vapid idiots. The anime however, now, makes it that, for the Animation, it is canon that Akira/Ren is an awful person and that the girls are vapid idiots. Oh and that Sojiro is just literally the worst like...like he is scum in this event. As bas as Akira/Ren is (and he’s bad in this version!) the bigger problem I think a LOT of people forget about the Valentine’s Harem Route is that it literally casts Sojiro as a Guardian of Futaba who would lie to conceal her boyfriend’s infidelities...even when said infidelities LITERALLY CAUSE FUTABA TO CRY! 
So the animation is now making it canon that; 1) Akira/Ren sees no reason he has to be honest or forthright with any females in his life 2) Sojiro holds such low regard for his daughter he will aide Akira/Ren in an ongoing deception and emotional manipulation of her RIGHT AFTER SHE OVERCAME A SUICIDAL PHASE OF HER LIFE and 3) That Ann, Makoto, Futaba, Haru, Takemi, Kawakami, Ohya, Hifumi and Chihaya all fall in love with the exact same person and are literally when confronted with incontervertible evidence of his infedilities not only tricked into instantly accepting that them all bringing him chocolate on Valentine’s Day was a ‘misunderstanding’ but, in the case of the Phantom Thieves members, this has so little impact on them that mere days later they have no reaction.
AKA the ending Valentine’s Harem Route basically says: “Akira/Ren successfully cheated on all the girls in his life, and is free to continue to do so since they are so stupid that they could be convinced to assume it was a ‘misunderstanding’ even under the most blatantly false of pretext,” the ending basically gives carte blanche to say that Akira/Ren will probably keep cheating on the women in his life because, well, they’re so stupid that even if they all end up right in front of him, confessing their love for him to each other’s faces...they somehow think this was a ‘misunderstanding’?
That’s gonna be canon now for the animation. Not ‘optional’ canon, just...just outright canon. Literally everything in the Canon is soured now. Did you like Ren’s bond with Ann in the foregoing episodes? Well bad news; Ren literally is willing to commit to an intimate relationship with her and then emotionally cheat on her with several different women at once. Did you like how Ren played a pivotal role in building Futaba’s character and helping her grow out of her emotional turmoil? Well sucks for you cause Ren is literally willing to lie to this girl’s face and tell her he loves her whilst carrying on behind her back with numerous other women.
It sort of goes without saying that this kinda wrecks P5A completely since, canonically, Akira/Ren is now just an irredeemable asshole and the female characters are reduced to stock harem-style idiot love interests with basically 0 individuality because everyone has to love the Protagonist (self-insert!).
But when you think about it even in the original game...this was a problem. Sure you could choose not to do it...but you could also choose to do it. This means, technically, as far as Atlus’ writing is concerned, canonically Akira/Ren has it in him to be a complete asshole with no respect for women or his friends...and the females in the game are all vapid idiots. That’s technically canon since that’s required for the Valentine’s Route to work.
Oh, also, that Sojiro is the worst. The worst.
The Valentine’s Harem Event, like the Ryuji abusing event post Shido’s Palace. does irrevocable damage to the characters and the content itself, kinda ruining it since for it to be canon...well it means the characters are terrible people or stupid. Why I sort of have to choose to ignore them to actually like the story.
Of course what does all this writing have in common? It’s a JOKE! Haha! Ryuji’s being abused, isn’t this funny? Haha! The girls are all vapid idiots and Joker’s such a chick magnet they have no varying tastes in partner at all! Haha! Gay men want to force Ryuji to undress for them! 
Isn’t this funny? I mean, no, of course not. In almost all these cases the ‘humour’ is...someone suffering. A common retort I then see is; it’s not canon, its just for a joke.
But the problem is it is, all, strictly canon. I could definitely understand if these things were packaged as clear ‘not canon’ events. 
Here’s an example; the Blazblue game series has ‘joke’ endings which are explicitly not canon but usually feature bizarre or ‘funny’ scenes. One of said scenes is a reoccuring bit in which the protagonist Ragna is made to wear glasses that causes the female cast to all fall in love with him. Putting aside the fact for the moment that, to me, this still isn’t funny since its treating the Mind Rape of the entire female cast as a ‘joke’ the fact remains that it is, however, not canon. The creators make sure that nothing that happens here technically infringes on or diminished the canon character content by making it explicitly non-canon.
Persona 5, both the game and now the Animation, take no such efforts. There are no efforts to make clear that Ryuji being beaten up is a ‘comedic non-canon overreaction’ or that Akira/Ren being a womanizing prick and Sojiro being the WORST are just ‘comedic non-canon skits’ all these are played as explicitly, irrefutably, canon. That is how the characters are, as far as Atlus is concerned. That is their opinions, their beliefs etc.
Is it weird that P5 Dancing has the best, most wholesome, most healthy characterization of the entire Persona 5 Franchise? I suppose maybe the mangas are good to, I must admit I’ve never read any of them since from what I can tell Ryuji is basically ignored in all of them in favour of focus on the girls.
Atlus has a writing problem and that problem is centered I fear on a simple fact; the protagonist is a self-insert who is assumed to be a self-insert for a very specific formula; a young male who sees female characters as things he wishes to collect for himself and wants to feel adored by. Almost all of the major writing problems stem from this; Girls seem exploited or turned into vapid haremettes? Well, obviously, gotta appeal to that ‘chick magnet’ fantasy. Homosexuality is cast as negative or frightning? Well, obviously, the fantasy being appealed to is explicitly heterosexual in nature, everything else is ‘icky’. Other males seem to constantly be the butt of a joke or consistently shown up compared to the protagonist? Naturally since the fantasy is about making the player feel like ‘the man’ and all other men are simply lame by comparison so that the girls will only love the protagonist (the self-insert).
What really bums me out about all of this is that Atlus can write such amazing scenes as Ryuji’s ‘the place I belong is next to you,’ but then in that same game or anime have the Valentine’s Event and the Ship scene. I imagine in part this is due to it being a game first, story second, so they feel there are ‘beats’ that need to be there (the loser must be made fun of, the protagonist must get all the girls) even if, from a storyboarding point of view...it just makes the characters look A) Very inconsistent in personality and attitude (Ren’s infamous standing up for a stranger being assaulted but then instantly refusing to step in to help Ryuji in Shinjuku) or B) Like massive asshats (The entire Valentine’s Event from Ren and Sojiro’s perspectives.
It is just...its sad. I want to like this story because there is legitimately good characters and writing but...in the name of appealing to the lowest common denominator it gets weighted down by stuff which is explicitly canon and makes the characters awful. 
It really makes it tough to like it at times.
At the end of the day I don’t know how to handle this. Accepting its canon makes a lot of people awful or stupid. Headcanoning it away is fine but...then I gotta accept I don’t like Persona 5 per say, I like what I, or other fans, create from Persona 5.
Also can we please just be able to date Ryuji. Please Atlus. We don’t need another female character to be another fangirl for Joker, to be another vapid idiot who can be duped by the WORST Sojiro, please Atlus, please. Please. There are ENOUGH love interests Atlus, please try perhaps instead stop treating women like little toys for a protagonist to effortlessly collect and dupe. 
Watching all the Persona 5 Girls (sans Sae) in the Valentine’s Event is painful. They are characters I like, many of them have good writing...and then they are reduced to props to make a player feel “Oh yeah! Such a chick magnet! They all want me! Women are simply a commodity by which I inflate my own sense of self-worth since having multiple of them attracted to me and betrayed by me makes me feel as if this is a positive development and not a negative one!”
And I do mean that seriously. Look at most content or statements around the Valentine’s Event. They frame it positively. The ‘harem’ ending, Joker is such a ‘chick magnet’ and so ‘alpha’ etc. etc. 
Terrible emotional betrayal? Deep seated trust issues? Sojiro treating his own daughter like garbage? Ignored because ‘Joker is a PLAYER! WOOO!” And this is overall seen as a positive development. 
By now I’ve rambled on ridiculously long but if I must have a conclusion it is thus; Please give us a Female Protagonist who can date the other boys and stop selling this sexist approach where non-protagonist males and all females serve the same purpose; inflating the ego of the player character. 
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sylvestersrpg · 6 years
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full name: noah avi puckerman.  face claim: rami malek.  gender + pronouns: cismale, he/him.  orientation: bisexual, biromantic.  hometown: queens, ny. united states.  occupation: house painter + screenwriter.  employer: plastered painting.  birthday + zodiac: october 28th, scorpio. 
Growing up poor in Queens, Puck has had a lot of experience with the illegal side of life. Drugs, alcohol, gangs - Puck is easily swayed as long as ‘fun’ is promised, and throughout his childhood, the riskier, the more fun an act was. At sixteen, Puck “risked” his way into Juvie. The whole ordeal changed him, and he’s done much better in the last 12 years to update his image to something more successful and kind, staying away from anything against the law.
Puck isn’t sure how many half-siblings he has, but he knows they’re out there. His dad was hardly around during his childhood, and when he was, he made Puck and his little sister Sarah feel like garbage. Their mom made sure he didn’t stay long when he came back - it helped that she often had new flings every week to help scare the man away. Puck and Sarah often spent time with their Grandmother (Gammy), so that they weren’t always around strange men who stayed the night often.
He’s a heartbreaker. In high school, he was definitely a player, women like candy on his arm, and while Puck is definitely still a flirt, he tends to swing both ways. Being a charmer helps him not have to be emotional with others beyond the surface. He blames his fucked up family for how emotionally stunted he is, but he can’t find it in himself to fix it (he would actually put the effort in, blegh).
So, he likes to write shitty action movies - what’s the big deal? The scripts don’t take too long if he works through an evening, and being tired at his “actual” job as a house painter isn’t too bad if he uses some blue painter’s tape. His friends and coworkers don’t know about his little hobby, or the fact that one day he’d like it to be more than a hobby.
Most people don’t know Puck is bisexual. He doesn’t flaunt it much, and with an entire family full of Jews, he is nervous to come out to his parents when it’s not necessary. It’s not as though he has real relationships anyway, so what’s the point? His sister and his few close friends know and that’s all that really matters to him.
player: oliver, he/him.   age: twenty-one.  timezone: est.  blog link: (x) 
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*clears throat*
So, like, I've finally given up on Mother 3. Like, for good. For a good god damned while anyway. Why? I saw the ending. Not the ending ending, I guess, but the scene from somewhere towards the end where it plays the new version of Polyanna and I... I just can't with this shit anymore. It's all just so fucking terrible. First off, it sounds fucking awful. I don't know what the fuck you call this shit, overproduced? They thrust this bumped-up overpumped drumbeaty thing into it like they're going HEY DO YOU REMMEBER THIS IMPACTFUL SONG FROM THE FIRST FEW GAMES? IT SURE IS A SONG HUH WITH NOTES AND MUSIC IN IT. And what it's paired with is just... appalling. I cannot understand how the people who claim to like this just eat this sort of shit up. It's somehow simultaneously droolingly pandering to the original audience and smearing feces all over the good content of the original work. Literal Rey Skywalker tier fucking bullshit. LOOOOOK AT HOW GOOOOOD THE THIGN FROM THE OLD WORK WOS BUT NOW WITH THE STOOPID CONTEXT LOOK OF BAAAAAD IT ALSO IS OOOOOOO SO DEEEEEEEPPPPP porky did nothing wrong and from now on my headcanon is buzzy buzz was pokey from a timeline where he decided to become a hero and save ness. too bad ness never returned the favor and saved pokey from this shit, that asshole
anyway here's the detritus of my watching of part 6 vinny's playthrough that i can't be bothered to finish up anymore, fuck you, enjoy
the dark dragon will become as dark or light as the person who awakens it- then why the fuck is it called the fucking the dark dragon you mother fuck eat walls of text telling you a bunch of shit about the needles and some dragon that has nothing to do with fuckijg anything up until this point or even at this point except the game told you to care, but its good writing somehow because IT;S AN RPG PLOT SO META NO ONE'S EVER DONE A BOGSHIT RPG PLOT BEFOR EFH TRT GJXMTGFREXY MGNVY NFGJGURNTGMRYV,ZRU  GXKUDYG SHUT THE FUCK UP SHUT THE FUCL UP YOU FUCKUNG STUPID ASS FUCKING GAME FG MYRDB MJYB RGBMFTUMT
They get to the Chimera Lab (again, why couldn't they just stick with this shit and not put the stupid fucking dragon kneedles plot in?) aaand- the Pigmuhs are fucking nice again. They call you their cute little part-timer and seem genuinely concerned for your safety, telling you to save yourself from the Ultimutt Kimura; there's one feigning stomach pain to get out of having to fight it but given that it beat up multiple of his comrades already, I can't really blame him. It's actually real hard to hate the Piguntes for their actions when they're so damn incompetent. really shoulda been the main/only antagonistic foce in a mostly comedic game, or a group that's evil but not really who become unlikely allies against actual world destruction... kimura is suck. boring. the gameplay actually looks great, but the design just fucking shits the bed. Not only were the more disturbing Earthbound monsters actually, like, more disturbing than this, they were made more impressive by being undersold, simply being encountered in the later levels like any goofy earlier monster was, the ultimut kimura is ludicrously oversold for the shitty MSPaint big-mouth scribble it looks like. Also, if this is the "ultimate" chimera, does this mean the chimera monsters will be dropped after this? Man what a letdown, they were so inventive and creative... blegh And then after all that it turns out the fucking god damned monkeys were responsible for everything, somehow. Fucking hell, the sudience is supposed to want these animals to be allowed freedom of will, if this is what they end up doing we'd all be better off with them under Fassad's thumb for the rest of time. This fucking game. The characters that act like we're supposed to like them and what they're doing are all horrible miserable cunts that cause nothing but grief and the characters that act like cacking villains we're supposed to hate with every fiber of our being do barely anything wrong and get the book thrown at them.
then i ragequit for a while then the monke needed to have a flashback to that scene where lucass sicced a dragon on someone on sight, nevermind why he has this relationship with the leezards where he can comand them to attack people, in order to want to do the obvious good thing and turn the damn chimera off. well the little shit is the one who let it loose in the first place so ok. and then monke """defeats""""" the chimera with no gameplay or tension or anything and they just fucking leave. except the bird turns the kimera back on because just leaving it like that would be too stupid for even this game... but them the next plot point sends them right back there anyway because this game is really actually just that fucking stupid. FIX YOUR GOD DAMNED PACING, GOD DAMN IT FOR FUCKS SAKE
Like, even if you accept monke being a shallow little fuck that gives no fucks about the violent beast its unleashed pulping poor kindhearted pigmen and cute little part timers with pigmasks on until it realises said part timer is someone who benefitted it previously... this is some fucking spoonfeeding. I’m pretty sure the player can remember a scene that happened a few damned hours ago and connect it to what’s happening now, god fucking damn it.
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nidhoggssoultrap · 4 years
So, it seems that people here have a problem with incest ships. I wonder if they've ever read Game of Thrones(incestuous twins/Targaryans), Children of Hurin(I'm almost positive that one had incest), Angel Sancturary(I don't even like this one, but I have seen it and the main characters are incestuous TWINS).
What do they think of the BORGIAS? Canon blood incest. The list is longer than you think, especially if you include adoptions, in-laws, and steps. And then there's fandom itself. Dragon Quest 8 has people who ship Marcello/Angelo, FF7: Dirge of Cerberus has a few people who ship Weiss/Nero. BOTH are blood relations. Supernatural has a large segment of the fandom who ship the brothers, afaik as I know little about the series/fandom.
As for "fetishizing", well, I don't see how. I have yet to meet any incest shippers who would engage, endorse or encourage it in real life. Incest is a bad idea in real life due to boundaries, to put it simply. I'm sure most are aware that there are different kinds of love and that it doesn't equal sex. I'm certainly aware of it.
Anyway, I guess the anti-Nidhogg/Louie shippers don't care what arguement I present. I am almost positive that they have not read my headcanons involving them or how I present the pairing. Whatever. I ship what I ship. I like who I like. You want to block me for that? Fine. I've been blocked before and I've blocked people for less.
Yes, I love Nidhogg. Yes, he's an asshole, but he is magnificant. He is mesmerizing and a delight to write/talk about. I guess this is supposed to mean that I condone/endorse everything he does/says. I guess this means whatever in real life or it's something about ME. Blegh. Whatever.
Interesting to see that this is happening in Love Nikki. But, then again, this could be a Tumblr thing too. Or both. Whatever the case, if you don't want to interact with me for whatever reason, then don't. No one is forcing you to. Just like I'm not forced to interact with you. This is better than constant harrassment because that's been a thing too.
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