#badass castiel with his eyes and all
melle-otterwise · 9 months
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"Hello Dean."
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Dean Winchester and You Christmas Headcanons
Just something I was thinking about a couple days ago and felt the need to post it. It’s not beta’d or anything so as always all mistakes are mine and are probably numerous.
Dividers from @saradika-graphics
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• Dean Winchester remembered Christmas as a kid and it was always a fond memory, well until things went sideways and there were no more “happy” Christmases.
• He and Sammy spent most of them as kids getting nothing except talks on how to kill various monsters or Dean would have to watch his baby brother while his dad was on a hunt.
• Dean always tried to get something for Sammy to open so it felt like Christmas, but he always felt bad that his childhood was ruined.
• As an adult Dean was more focused on hunting and saving people than holidays, he still tried to get Sammy something and it was easier now since he could pick him up an obscure lore book and he was golden.
That all changed when Dean met you, and ironically it was right around the holidays 
• You came into his life (also a hunter and certified badass in Dean’s book) and changed his whole idea of the holidays.
• The first holiday Dean was shocked when he and Sam came back from a hunt and the entire bunker was decorated, a tree complete with ornaments, garland anywhere and everywhere. There wasn’t a spot that didn’t have some sort of Christmas decoration.
• Dean enjoyed that you baked constantly, always making cookies, cakes and bars. Yeah he may be a pie man but he was known to steal a plate or two of cookies.
• As Christmas came closer he noticed wrapped boxes under the tree, many with his name on it but just as many for Sammy. He also counted a fair number for Castiel and Jack. Hell even Jodi had some along with Donna and Claire.
• Christmas Day came around Dean watched you make breakfast for him and Sammy with a happy almost giddy look on your face as you waited patiently for them.
•Dean allowed himself to be pulled into the library where the present pile seemed to have grown, frowning he sighed looking at you “You know sweetheart we aren’t big on Christmas” You just shrugged and said “Well you should be you deserve to celebrate like everyone else, you deserve the best”
• Dean watched you talk to Sammy and suddenly Castiel and Jack were there along with Donna, Jodi and Claire. Hell (pun not intended but it works) Crowley even showed up.
• He was even more shocked when you handed him a rather large bundle of presents, he felt ashamed that he had hardly gotten you  anything and now he was regretting not doing more.
• Handing you your gift Dean felt he had to say something “I hope you like this sweetheart, uh I wasn’t sure what to get  you”
• He watched you smile and open the gift, your eyes lighting up and he let out a grunt as you slammed into him hugging him tightly.
• Dean hadn’t been hugged for such a long time he had almost forgotten what it felt like, eventually he hugged you back.
• Looking at the  gifts you got him he started opening them,his smile widening with each one. He was shocked you had remembered things he had told you about months ago
• Dean smiled and quickly realized that Christmas was becoming one of his favorite holidays and it was thanks to you.
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littlespacereader · 11 months
A Trip To The Grocery Store
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Caregiver! Castiel & Little! Dean Winchester (Completely SFW)
Tags: Discovery of regression, stuffies, sippy cups, hand holding, hugs,
Nicknames: Darling, little hunter
(Created this because I’m in the process of trying to get my hands on a sippy cup without my family knowing😣. Please enjoy this adorable story!)
Dean, who’s usually the driver, was now the passenger of Castiel’s car. How the angel learned how to drive was beyond him.
It had been a few days without a hunt meaning the three were spending a lot of time in the bunker. Sam had insisted someone go to the grocery store since the bunker was become sparse with food.
But since Baby was getting some work done in the garage, Castiel suggest they take his car. Under normal circumstances Dean would insisted they wait till he fixed his car. But the food was getting low…and Castiel said he could put his music on…
So here the two sat, driving to the grocery store closest to the bunker. Since they were out in the middle of no where, the grocery store didn’t see many people and was more low key. That’s what made this store Dean’s personal favorite.
When Sam suggest a trip to the grocery store Dean was all for the idea. They had been in close quarters to each other for a while now and it was starting to show. Some fresh air and alone time was just what Dean needed to rest himself…expect Castiel invited himself to come along.
That under normal circumstances would’ve been fine, but this wasn’t normal circumstances. Since the three had been working long and hard hours on this hunt Dean’s had little to no time to regress. He would sit at one of the tables all day researching along with Sam.
Eventually he would either retire to his bed and be too exhausted to regress or simply fall asleep at the table on top of all his papers.
As the research dragged on into the late night hours he could feel himself getting more frustrated and annoyed by tiny things, add on fighting his regression and you’ve got a recipe for disaster.
It wasn’t like he could tell Sam or Cas about it…they wouldn’t understand…or at least that’s what Dean reasoned himself to think. He was the tough one of the group. The badass hero with a cool car. How would even begin to explain to Cas or Sam that sometimes he’d like to cuddle up with a stuffed animal and fall asleep with a pacifier in his mouth?
For Dean it started long ago, back when Sam had moved out and went to college and he was alone with an occasional visit from his father. The loneliness started to eat away at him but regression saved him, finally giving him the childhood that was stolen from him.
He was good, very good at hiding his little gear. Not that he had much, just a stuffed animal dog and a pacifier he bought online. Other than that had nothing. But he was fine with that. He loved to sit in front of the tv and watch Scooby-Doo for hours. Man, that dog is hilarious!
But getting back to the present, he wasn’t too thrilled to have company on this shopping trip. Not when he was already so stressed out because of the case and not with his regression eagerly waiting to take over.
He would be fine, just a little shopping trip and then they would head back to the bunker. Maybe he could say he wasn’t feeling well and take the night to himself?
They parked the car and the two stepped out, looking at the grocery store.
“Do we have a list or are we making it up as we go along?” Dean ask.
Cas dig around in his pocket and pulled out a piece of paper, “Sam gave me a list of essentials we needed.”
Dean rolled his eyes and smirked. Of course Sam gave Cas the list, knowing full well he would follow it to the T…unlike Dean.
“Alright, let’s get this over with.” With that the two walked into the grocery store. Both of them grabbed a basket and started making their way to the produce section.
Cas went over and started putting some fruit in his basket while Dean went over to the apples. As he was putting some in his basket he noticed the display next to it, caramel dipping sauce for the apples. Now that sounds nice! Cut apples with caramel to dip it in!
He reached and grabbed the container, but was stopped before putting it in his basket. Castiel held Dean’s wrist stopping him from getting he sugary goodness.
“Cas? What the hell?” Dean tested his strength, trying to pull his arm back.
“This isn’t good for you. What’s the point of eating something healthy like an apple if you ruin it with something unhealthy like caramel?” Castiel explained.
“What are you some sort of health freak now?” Dean asked but only received the same plain stubborn look from Castiel.
“Alright,” he said giving up on the caramel dip. “You know I’m an adult that can buy something unhealthy if I so please.”
Castiel didn’t say a word, he just gave Dean a look and placed the dip back. Dean didn’t know what was worse, him saying something back to that or him not saying anything at all. But there absolutely no way Cas could ever know…right?
No, there was no way. Dean was wayyyyy too good at hiding his regression and his two little items. Yeah…no way…no way at all…
The shopping trip continued, only Dean was getting more and more bored with the mundaneness of the trip.
Castiel lead the way through the store picking and choosing things to put in both his and Dean’s basket. Occasionally Dean would add his two cents to the choices. But as the shopping trip dragged on longer, Dean felt his fight against regression slipping away.
“Dean,” Castiel said breaking Dean out of his thoughts. “Could you go to the next aisle over and grab the white bread? We must’ve passed it.” Castiel asked as he looked over the list.
“Yeah of course.” Good, some time away to recollect himself and get his regression under control. So with a deep breath Dean made his way through the aisle.
He turned down the bread, grabbed the white bread Sam and him have been eating for years and walked back out, heading back to Cas. But there was a couple looking for something in the aisle, but being the annoying people they were, they decided to stand in the middle of the aisle blocking anyone from passing.
Of course Dean could’ve just asked them to move out of the way. But with his headspace teetering he didn’t feel like interacting with anyone. So he just turned around and turned down a different aisle.
But the aisle he turned down didn’t help his regression at all.
The baby aisle. Filled to the brim with toys, stuffie, bottles and more for infants. And while Dean wasn’t a baby physically, he definitely was one mentally. The sight of all the supplies instantly started to make him regress. He walked down the aisle slowly taking in the sight of everything.
He walked past the stuffies, admiring all the different animals. But he couldn’t bring himself to getting another one and hurting his dog stuffie Ozzy’s feelings.
He slowly walked past the toys, making sure he saw every single one incase there was a Scooby-Doo one. With no mystery machine toy in sight he continued his browsing. He walked past the pacifiers, they were too tiny for him anyway.
But what stopped him all together was the sippy cups. He eyed the different cups all different shapes, sizes and patterns. One stuck out to him the most, a blue sippy cup with a dinosaur pattern.
He could definitely drink out of one of these and it would be so comforting! He’s been spilling drinks on himself while regressed which was starting to become a problem but something like this would stop it. Plus it’s would be easy to hide with his other stuff.
“I think the fire engine one is nice.” Castiel said suddenly appearing next to Dean.
Dean jumped so badly he dropped his basket on the ground. A blush rose across his face as he scrambled to pick up the basket. He started fighting myself to sound and act like his normal adult self.
“I was just cutting through this aisle to get back to you,” he tried to cover up.
“Which one were you looking at?” Castiel asked not taking his eyes off the different sippy cups.
“I-I wasn’t looking at any one of them. I was just browsing on my way past.“
“Which one did you want?” Castiel turned towards Dean whose face was getting more and more pink with blush.
“I don’t want one. Why would I want one? I don’t have a kid that needs it.”
“Dean, you’re the kid that needs.” Castiel said so plainly as if it wasn’t a big deal. But his words struck a cord deep down inside Dean.
The world seem to freeze with that statement, so plain yet so true. The words seemed to hang in the air for a moment as the Angel and Hunter stared at each other.
The regression won against Dean as his eyes started to get red with tears, “No…No I’m not.” He tried to deny, so scared of anyone truly knowing.
Castiel put his basket down and closed the distance between himself and Dean. He pulled Dean into a hug. Dean didn’t reciprocate at first, too shocked by the gesture. But eventually he gave in, wrapping his arms around Cas. His head resides on his shoulder as the two just held each other for a moment.
Finally Dean broke the silence, “How do you know?” He asked softly breaking apart.
“When I brought your soul back from hell I looked into your past. I saw your childhood and your need for regression. I saw the few times you felt safe enough to actually regress. I even saw when you got your stuffed animal Ozzy.” Castiel explain causin Dean to blush even more and look away.
“But most importantly I saw how important regression was to you and how much it helped you through the years. Ever since then I’ve done my research on regression and have been watching out for whenever I could sense you were starting to regress.” Castiel said proud as ever.
“My guardian angel,” Dean said with a small smile.
Castiel smiled as well, “Well…yeah. Your guardian angel.”
He took one of Dean’s hands into his own, “I want you to know that your regression is such an amazing thing about you Dean. You should be getting yourself the things you want and need for when you’re feeling smaller.”
Dean looked up at Castiel, “But-“
“I won’t judge you Dean. I never have and I never will. It doesn’t make you weak or strange to need an escape. You shouldn’t be ashamed of it. I’m happy you have a healthy copping mechanism like this, rather than drinking yourself to death like you used to. I’m proud of you for regressing when you need.”
Dean just stared at Castiel in total disbelief. No one has ever known but now he knew and he was…so understanding. And despite knowing all this time he never once treated Dean differently, always still respecting him.
Dean had always been the one taking care of and protect those around him, especially Sam. But now it brought a warm comfort to Dean knowing all this time Castiel had been looking out for him.
Castiel leaned forward and wiped a few stray tears away, “Now, I want you to tell me which one of these cup you were looking at before.” He squeezed Dean’s hand in his.
Dean turned towards the cups once more. This big reveal and acceptance was great and all, but at the same time it was a bit overwhelming. With his headspace in full swing now he just pointed to the dinosaur cup.
“The dinosaur one?” Castiel asked as he pulled it off the shelf.
Dean nodded, holding onto his hand tighter. “I like dinos.”
“Then we’ll add it to our cart…or basket.” Castiel said realizing they didn’t have a cart. Dean giggled at his silliness.
Castiel looked down the aisle at the stuffed animals, “What about another one of those?” He lead the way, pulling Dean along.
“But-I can’t. Ozzy will get jealous.” He tried to explain.
Castiel smiled hearing the cute reasoning, “Ozzy won’t get jealous. He knows that he’s always going to be your favorite. It might be nice to get him a friend to keep him company when you’re not with him.”
Suddenly it was as if Cas turned on a light bulb, it all made sense. “Yeah…you’re right.” Dean nodded.
“Now who do you think would make a good friend to Ozzy?”
Dean turned and carefully browsed the shelves until he spotted it, a stuffie of a beagle. He picked up off the shelf. Her fur was super flat and the ear were long and flat. Upon feeling the ears they had something inside of them that made a crinkly noice. She was perfect!
“I think I’m gonna get her.” Dean said holding her out for Castiel to see.
“Wow! She’s beautiful. What a great choice darling.” Castiel praised, making Dean blush.
“All she needs is a name,” Cas pointed out.
Well if Ozzy was named after Ozzy Osborn then there was really only one name that made sense.
“Sharon.” Of course named after Ozzy Osborn’s wife.
Castiel smiled, the reference flying over his head. “Sharon’s a great name Dean.” He leaned down and shook the dog’s paw. “It’s so nice to meet you Sharon.”
Dean giggled again. Castiel really is the silliest.
“Alright, we have just a couple more things to grab and then we’ll head back to the bunker and get you settled for the night. Sound good?” Castiel asked.
Dean nodded his head and resisted the urge to put his fingers on his mouth. Thankfully holding Cas’ hand with one hand and holding onto the basket with the other prevented him from doing so. Castiel thought of that…didn’t he?
But what Castiel didn’t think of, was how bad of an idea it is to take a regressed Dean down the potato chip aisle, which also happens to be the candy aisle. Dean quickly let go of Castiel’s hand and ran down the aisle to the fruit snack. There he grabbed a box of his favorite, the Scooby-Doo ones of course.
“Can we get a box?” Dean asked bringing it over to Cas.
“These don’t look very healthy…”
Dean gave his best puppy dog eyes, “Please.”
Despite all the powers he had being an angel, even he was no match for an adorable face like that.
Castiel smiled, “Alright, put it in your basket.”
Castiel picked up some snacks Sam asked for off the list while Dean would bring him different candies and ask if he could have each one. It was a no most of the time, despite Dean’s best efforts.
After the snack aisle the two went down the paper goods aisle to grab some extra toilet paper and paper towels. As Cas was looking over the different selections, he could tell Dean was starting to get bored of the shopping trip.
“Are we done yet?” He asked with a little whine.
“Almost darling just two more things.” Castiel replied.
Dean’s head lifted up hearing the sweet nickname again. A small blush crept across his face once more.
“Hi, can I help you two with anything?” A store employee walking by asked the two.
Immediately, despite being taller than Cas, Dean almost tried to hide himself behind the shorter man, shy as ever. It was an adorable sight to Cas who never thought he’d see the day Dean of all people would be shy.
“We’re fine thank you.” Cas quickly replied.
“Let me know if you need anything.” And with that the employee left.
Dean let out a breath he didn’t realize he was holding the moment the employee left. He looked over at Cas to see a smirk across his face causing the Winchester to blush more and look away.
“I think that’s it,” Castiel said looking over the list to double check. “Let’s go back home.” He could notice the small signs of Dean starting to get more and more tired. A nap in the car was definitely needed for the little hunter.
The two made their way to the checkout. The cashier immediately caught eyes with Dean. She started to trying to flirt with him but just like before he stayed close to Castiel letting him do the talking.
Finally they were out of the grocery store and back at the car. Before he started to unload the cart, Castiel first settled Dean in the front seat.
He buckled him in and handed him his dog stuffed animal, “Here Darling, we can’t forget Sharon now can we?”
He happily took it and smiled back at Castiel. “Cas,” Dean grabbed his hand before he walked away. He looked up at him and smiled, looking more relaxed than he has been in a very long time. “Thank you.”
Castiel smiled back, squeezing Dean’s hand in his, “You don’t need to thank me. I’m just happy to see you so happy and comfortable.”
Dean looked down, as if he wasn’t sure if he should ask something. But after a moment he looked back up at Castiel. “You’ve always been looking after me.”
“That’s right.”
“Could you keep looking after me? Even after today, when I regress again?” Dean nervously asked.
Castiel smiled and squeezed Dean’s hand reassuringly him, “I would be honored to.”
Dean smiled back and relaxed. All the pent up nervousness leaving him once more.
With one last squeeze Castiel reluctantly let go of Dean’s hand. “I’m going to pack up the car real fast and then maybe on the way home you can take a nap.” Cas said, caught Dean yawning and rubbing his eyes when they were checking out.
“I don’t need a nap,” he heard Dean call from behind him.
Castiel loaded the trunk up with their groceries. When he rounded the car to the front seat he could see Dean’s head bobbing as he fought against sleeping.
But once the car started up and the began their journey back to the bunker he eventually felt Dean’s head pressed against his shoulder. Castiel just smiled to himself and adored the little hunter sleeping soundly beside him.
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Post-Hunt Comfort
Summary - Part 5 in the Comfort series
Pairing - Dean Winchester x Reader, Reader x Sam (platonic)
Warnings - mentions of periods, nausea, smut (nothing too graphic, just mentioned), mild swearing
Word Count: 1883
Series Masterlist | Masterlist
A/N - G’day guys, I just wanna start by thanking you for all the likes, reblogs and follows since my last post, I really appreciate it. I hope you like this one too. This one gets a little emotional, I literally cried while writing it. And remember my inbox is always open for requests or even if you just wanna chat. Until next week, enjoy! 
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You wake up feeling groggy, yet better. You take in your surroundings slowly, noting the cold empty bed, your laptop beside you playing soothing music, and the lack of other movement or sounds. As you sit up you notice the weapons bag is also gone, having left just your silver knife that Dean had gifted you with both of your initials engraved on the blade, and your gun on the nightstand for emergencies. Your stomach sinks realising they must’ve gone hunting the nest on their own while you were sleeping. You knew Dean would be itching to get it over and done with so you could go back to the bunker and rest off your “worst-ever period” in comfort. But still, you wish he would’ve waited or at least let you know. That’s when your eyes land on a folded note on your nightstand beside your gun.
Good evening my love,
I hope you slept well and are feeling better. I left a bowl of soup in the fridge for you, just heat it up and eat what you can. Also, help yourself to the chocolate that’s in there too, and make sure to stay hydrated. Maybe even take a nice warm bath. Then cuddle with your new bunny. I made sure it’s nice and soft and cuddly, just how you like. 
Sam and I will be back as soon as we can. I love you.
Dean xx
Dean had never been the type to leave you letters, he was more the quick, shorthand text type. But you loved the letter and you planned to treasure it. You shut your laptop and then got up to follow his careful instructions. 
─── ⋆⋅☆⋅⋆ ───
You start to stress when the sun goes down and you’re still alone. You’d taken the time to do everything outlined in Dean’s note, including having a nice long soak in the tub with the lavender bath bomb that you found sitting on the bathroom sink. Another thoughtful gift left by your fiancé no doubt. And you’d quite enjoyed yourself, you felt so relaxed and much better all around. But when you notice how dark it is outside all that relaxation drains away, replaced by the stress of wondering where the boys are and if they are even alive.
You clutch your new stuffed bunny to your chest as you sit on your bed waiting. You pick up your phone multiple times willing for them to call or text saying they are on their way. When you’re not checking your phone, you’re staring at the door, listening for the purr of that much comforting engine. 
An hour passes and still nothing. You start to feel sick again; your stomach’s in knots. Tears creep down your cheeks. 
I can’t do this alone. I can’t do this alone.
Out of desperation and utter fear that the love of your life and his brother may actually be dead, you decide to pray to the one good angel you know.
Castiel, if you can hear me please bring my boys home safe. Please, I just need to know they’re safe. Please protect them. I can’t lose them. Please, Cass, bring my boys back to me. 
You lose track of time as you continue to pray and cry for your boys. You don’t know what time it is when Dean, Sam and Cass walk in. Dean’s arms are around you within seconds, his lips leaving kisses all over your face and neck as he promises he’s safe and apologises for scaring you. 
“There were more than we anticipated, but it’s okay. We’re both okay. I’m okay. I’m right here, sweetheart. I promise we’re gonna go home first thing in the morning. Back to the comfort and safety of the bunker, okay? Thanks for calling Cass, by the way. He’s no substitute for your badass but he did save our asses, so thank you. You’re always saving me.”
You hug him even tighter, sobbing into his chest as he holds you just as tight. Dean takes a deep breath as he leans down to kiss along the exposed skin of your neck.
“You smell amazing, sweetheart. Did you enjoy that bath bomb? I’ll have to buy another one so I can enjoy it with you next time.”
A small smile graces your face at his words; he always knows exactly how to make you feel better. You move your head slightly, and Dean takes full advantage of the extra available skin.
“I can’t wait to get you back to the bunker. It’s been way too long, baby girl,” he groans lowly into your neck. 
Suddenly, you feel super aware of your surroundings and how on show you are, with Sam and Cass sitting at the table across the room talking. You can feel Dean’s growing excitement against your thigh through his jeans. “Dean, baby.”
Dean pulls away reluctantly and looks up at you, he groans. “I know, I know. I’m gonna go have a cold shower, then we can cuddle and get some sleep.”
─── ⋆⋅☆⋅⋆ ───
You wake up to the feeling of Dean’s lips on your neck and his hands tickling the bare skin of your stomach where your tank top had ridden up overnight. 
“Hmmm, I could get used to waking up like this.”
“Good morning, beautiful, sleep well? How’re you feeling? You feel a little bloated still, how’re your cramps?”
“I feel better, for now at least.”
“I’m glad to hear that. What do you want for breakfast, let me take you out … uh, if you’re up for it. We haven’t even properly celebrated our engagement yet.”
Dean helps you turn around in your arms before sitting up. He takes your left hand in his running his fingers over the ring. “You did mean it when you said yes, right?”
“I mean, you’ve been a little distant ever since. You’re not talking to me like you usually do. Are we okay? Did I move too fast? If you’re not ready…”
“Dean, baby, of course, I meant it,” you say as you take a quick glance around the room, finding the other bed, table and couch empty. You figure Sam must be out on his morning run so you climb onto Dean’s lap. You wrap your arms around his neck as he just watches you. You bring your lips to him, pecking him lightly before deepening the kiss, Dean instantly kisses back. One hand holding the back of your head, pulling you closer while the other grips your waist, urging you to grind against his slight morning wood. Your lips are swollen and his hands are at the hem of your shirt pulling it up when you hear the doorknob turn. You pull away quickly and race into the bathroom, locking the door behind you. You hear Dean groan in frustration before you turn the water on. 
─── ⋆⋅☆⋅⋆ ───
It’s 6 pm when you pull into another dingy motel room in Dallas, Texas. Thankfully, you weren’t here for a hunt, you just couldn’t stand another 8 hours in the car yet, you needed a break. You were feeling uncharacteristically car sick, which luckily Dean was still attributing to your so-called terrible period. 
Once you’re all settled in the room Sam offers to go for a supply and dinner run, and you opt to go with him much to your fiancé’s dismay. You knew that despite your best efforts this morning he was still feeling a little dejected. Every time your eyes met in the rearview mirror during the day all you could see was concern. Those looks used to be filled with love and cheekiness. You were starting to worry that you would lose him. But you just didn’t have the strength or energy to do anything about it. Between the waves of nausea, heartburn and your all-over-the-place emotions, you didn’t have the capacity for anything that Dean wanted or needed from you, not to mention the lack of privacy. 
As you walk through the gas mart with Sam you can’t help but stop in front of the pregnancy tests, debating whether to take one. You know once you do there will be no hiding it from Dean, while you’re not certain you can keep playing it off as a period with no bloody pads or tampons to dispose of. But you know if you bring the test back he will surely see it. You’re just not sure you’re ready for that conversation yet.
Just as you almost convince yourself to grab one, Sam comes up behind you. “You talk to Dean yet?”
You shake your head and cross your arms over your chest, walking out of the aisle. 
“What are you so afraid of? That he’ll leave? Have you seen how he is with you? There’s zero chance he does that! He’s loyal to a fault and he loves you. Yeah, he might be a little shocked or concerned. But he’ll also be so excited to take that jump with you. I know my brother, Y/N.”
You know in your heart Sam is right, but you can’t bring yourself to do it. You walk outside empty-handed and lean on Baby’s hood while you wait for Sam to pay. Suddenly a wave of nausea hits you and you keel over emptying your lunch and stomach bile on the road. As you stand up, you look around taking in all the concerned and disgusted faces watching you from around the parking lot. You feel so sore and embarrassed and you can’t stop the tears from falling. Within minutes Sam’s arms are around you as he helps you into the car before moving around to the driver’s seat. 
You bring your knees up to your chest on the seat and bury your head into them during the silent drive back to the motel. When you get back you rush in, walking straight past Dean and into the bathroom locking the door. You brush your teeth and then strip before sitting on the floor in the shower and bawling your eyes out for what feels like hours. 
You’re not sure what Sam told Dean to stop him from barging in and holding you, but part of you is grateful. Part of you knows you’re deliberately pushing him away out of guilt. But part of you wants nothing more than to confide in him and have him hold you tight while you cry and hold your hair back while you’re sick.
After a while, you pick yourself up, wash your face and drag yourself out of the bathroom wrapped in a towel. When you come out, Dean’s sitting on one bed reading something on your laptop and Sam’s on the other mirroring his actions. You cautiously make your way over to the bed where Dean’s sitting slipping under the covers, not even bothering to remove the damp towel or get dressed. You sense Dean stiffen beside you, no doubt heavily debating the right move; whether to join you under the covers and hold you or give you space. In the end, giving you space wins out and you bury your head in the blanket as you silently cry yourself to sleep, still feeling sick to your stomach.
─── ⋆⋅☆⋅⋆ ───
Tag list: (Leave a like or comment on this post or let me know below if you want to be added to the tag list for this series)
@bitchwitch1981, @muhahaha303, @justrealizedimmascifygurl, @mcdowell-123, @leigh70, @marvelsmarauder
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jjs-other-other-blog · 7 months
It's insane how much supernatural's tptb hated Castiel. At some point during season 6 they must've realised "wait a second, a lot of the fans are starting to get really attached to the side characters instead of focusing on the brothers".
And it kinda makes sense, season 6 was a bit of a mess what with Dean trying to keep his thing with Lisa going, Sam being soulless, the Campbell's running around, civil war in heaven, the Alphas, the mother of all monsters being a thing, Cas plotting with Crowley, ... There was a lot going on, Kripke had just left the show and they were trying to find their footing after finishing the big heaven vs hell - Lucifer vs Michael - apocalypse arc.
So in preparation for season 7 they apparently decided to make some changes. Cas gets a quick moment of redemption and is then promptly killed off, Crowley only really appears in 5 episodes that season, Bobby gets killed off as well. They end up bringing Cas back of course, but he's only in a handful of episode in season 7 while in any other season after his original introduction to the show he appears in well over 10 episodes.
After that they start making Cas "smaller" in other ways. In season 6 he was already seperated from the Winchesters and made an antagonist of theirs, but he was still very present and plenty powerful. He was on the wrong track, not quite unlike Sam wanting to use demon blood for the right reasons, but still a powerful angel. Everything afterwards though seems to be a thinly veiled "Sam and Dean are the main characters here and stronger and more important than Cas" message.
[In season 7 he loses his memory, then his mind. In season 8 he gets brainwashed and tricked by Metatron (which makes him appear slightly naive and gullible, easy to manipulate, even though his core character trait as shown in seasons 4&5 is the exact opposite - he has doubts, he questions his orders and has his own, strong moral compass). In season 9 he loses all his powers, hits a new low, becomes human, defenseless, vulnerable, even dies because of it. Season 10 has him struggling with his powers again, his stolen grace slowly fading and even after getting back his own grace he's not back to full angel power. In season 11 he gets tricked and used as a weapon again first by Rowena then by Lucifer. Season 12 is pretty similar to 6, we see more badass Cas following his own agenda (even if the Winchesters disagree with him), but he's still not back to full power. The last three seasons I didn't watch personally, but as far as I'm aware they're more about interpersonal drama, he still seems to make a bunch of mistakes in the eyes of Sam and Dean, he never gets his full powers back.]
In short: He's constantly presented as this guy who's generally trying to help and who used to be strong, too, but now he's physically, mentally and emotionally fragile and often additionally untrustworthy, he needs to be saved from himself before he makes another stupid mistake.
And even inbetween the big plot points he's constantly overpowered in fights where even Sam or Dean come out on top - even though Cas is a seasoned warrior, a military expert and excellent fighter with at least some super strength left. There's no logical explanation for that.
Now lucky for us, us Cas fans we don't automatically assume the Winchesters are right and Cas is at fault for everything that happens, a lot of us are in fact rather critical of Sam and Dean. Also a lot of the above mentioned plots were actually super interesting. Cas becoming human for example was intense. Tptb also miscalculated big time: Making Cas less badass and powerful never made us love him any less. The pattern however remains.
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pssy-wagn · 8 months
Day 7: Black Cat
Shopping for tools, Halloween decorations, food, and everything in the middle, Dean and Castiel stop by Walmart. Filling their cart with everything they need and want, they make their way through the congested aisles just to wait in a long line. 
"See, I told you to make several trips instead of a one-stop shop. We've waited fifteen minutes for a clerk to open the case for your tool thing."
"It's a dremel, Cas. Plus, it's badass."
"It'll break within a week." Cas mumbles under his breath. 
When they finish paying, Cas stops the cart outside to take out his pork rinds to munch on on they way to find their car.
"No. You are not eating inside Baby, Cas. We've been over this so many times already."
Taking a big bite, he looks at Dean, "then you're going to have to wait for me to finish."
As his munching gets too annoying, Dean moves to stand. Stepping a few steps away from his husband, he sees a small group forming nearby. Dean turns to see Cas reaching into his little bag for another pork rind, oblivious to what Dean is confused about. When he looks up again, Dean nods his head in the direction of the mini commotion. Pushing the cart, they are curious as well as to what can make people form with "oooh's" and aaah's."
Not wanting to intrude too much, they stay back until they catch a glimpse of a girl and her mother sitting on the bench. 
Cas leans into Dean, "What's happening?"
"I don't know. Maybe…girl scout cookies?"
"No. They always have a sign."
When Castiel strains his neck to look over everybody, a little girl and her father comes away carrying a little white cat with blue eyes. 
"Oh that's what's going on. They're either giving away or selling some cats. Cas, no."
But Dean is too late. Cas is already inching his way through everyone. As Dean lets out a sigh, he pushes his cart until he sees his husband kneeling down into a box. 
"Dean, look."
The little girl kicks her dangling feet as she speaks, "last one. Free to a good home."
Dean peeks inside to see only one small kitten left.
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"Cas, babe, we gotta go home."
The mother gives them a sympathetic look, "it's okay, we'll be here again tomorrow. Nobody wants this one; this is our third attempt giving him away. It seems nobody wants a black cat or the runt of the litter and he's both."
"Third attempt?" Cas says as he pats the head of the little cat who is trying to climb out of the box. 
"Yep. That's why we'll be back tomorrow. Mommy said we could only have the momma and one kitten. But we can't have all six."
"Hmph. Understandable." Dean says as he puts his hand on Cas' shoulder, "Babe? Sunshine?"
Cas stands and turns towards Dean with the little kitten in his arms, "Dean?"
"Cas. No."
"Dean.." Cas smiles softly down at the little bundle who's trying to attack his finger, as he gives in, letting soft teeth try to munch on his finger. 
"Please, Dean? Look at him, look at his little face. Isn't he cute?"
"He's cute, Cas but-"
Dean lets out a deep sigh, "you have to stop using that on me. I can only do pet names."
"Pet? That's a sign, Dean. We need him as a pet now."
"Ugh, you'll be the death of me, Cas."
"So did we make a decision, gentlemen?" the woman asks. 
Cas kisses the top of his newest fur baby as he boops his little nose. 
Dean looks at the women, "he's made up his mind. Thank you, ladies," as he gives them each a forced smile. 
Back at home, Dean struggles getting everything in the house, making a few trips back to the Impala. Finally bringing in the last shopping bags, he shuts the door with his foot, "Yeah, it's not like I needed help, Cas!"
"I'm busy!" Cas calls from another room. 
As Dean puts all the bags in a pile on the floor, he goes in search of Cas. Spotting him near the cat tree tower, he sees him holding up the little black cat to their orange one. 
"Look, Dean, I think Claire likes him."
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lovethistoomuch · 4 months
10 characters 10 fandoms
I was tagged by @birdkeeperklink thank you so much! I really had to think on these since, as per my url you can guess there are a lot. (sorry for the late reply. I got no excuse, really, except life continued to happen around me and deciding who to pick was really hard.)
in no particular order (though Loki is Number 1, I'm sorry everyone else), here we go:
1. Loki Odinson from MARVEL
I just love him so much I've written a 78K fix-it fantasy novel (not finished) to give him the happy ending he deserves. there is no other character I identify with harder than this one: a younger sibling full of rage, always feeling overshadowed by the older one, just wanting to prove their own worth and show the world that they are capable (i got over this a lot in recent years but my love for him still remains.)
Tom just plays him so perfectly and I am so heartbroken that the writers at MARVEL did not know what to do with him, so they killed him off (the Loki show doesn't count because that's not him okay.) he's always having a good time, he's snarky and clever and desperately needs a hug. how can you not love him?
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2. Mr. Spock and Leonard (Bones) McCoy from Star Trek TOS
Yes, they are two people but I just couldn't choose between them!
The grumpy surgeon with a heart of gold an the emotionally suppressed but deeply loving vulcan live in my heart rent free ever since I was a child. Spock was my first crush ever and his complicated relationship with McCoy has always fascinated me. they are two incredibly complicated people and there isn't enough space here to describe why. writing them is just as much fun as watching them and I actually own the autographs of both Leonard and De.
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3. James Wilson from House M.D.
he's a man of many contradictions: he is kind but also House's best friend, he loves people dearly but can also tell them to fuck off. he is confident and funny and he helps people without being a pushover. he loves all of his his wives but cheats at least once. he is a walking mystery which makes him a great friend for House and a nightmare to write. I just love him! also, that smile!
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4. Castiel from Supernatural
Cas is the character, truly! he can go from nerdy to badass in the blink of an eye. a cosmic being that plays dress up just to make one human smile, who should be nothing but an ant to him. he fiercely protects the people he loves and always tries to do the right thing. the character that inserted himself into the story against the writer's will and changed the narrative for ever. when he came on the show, I hated his guts. and look at me now...
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5. Zuko from Avatar the last Aribender
you simply cannot talk about redemption arcs without mentioning Zuko at some point. an exceptional character amongst a cast of exceptional characters. I once joked that 90% of his lines were just him screaming but that poor boy has so much rage inside him, and with all that trauma, can you really blame him? he is the epitome of character growth and a fascinating example of how the villain can become a hero without taking any shortcuts.
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6. Stephen Maturin from the Aubrey-Maturin series
if you read the books, you'll know why. this fucking lunatic is so oblivious to his own eccentricities that you just have to love him. nobody does it quite like him to be honest. no, Stephen, people will not think you're eccentric because you practice sword fighting on deck, however they might think that because you let loose 1000 bees on the ship and run around naked. he has no sense for proper etiquette and i love him so much for it. also, he get's on a ship without being able to swim and performs open brain surgery on deck. he is incredibly skilled and the best damn doctor in the entire fleet. also, his dynamic with his best friend/captain is one of the best friendships I've ever seen/read.
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7. Scrooge McDuck
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this might be an unusual choice but i grew up reading comics and at one point in my life i figured out that all of my favourite stories were writen and drawn by the legendary Don Rosa, who in his book "the life and times of Scrooge McDuck" created one of the most fascinating and fun to watch characters i've ever seen. starting from humble beginnings and rising to the top through his percevierence, fearlessness and ingenuity, inevitably losing everything he loved and ending up alone, only to be found by his family again, his story is one of my absolute favourites in literature. i know that due the never ending nature of comic books, he can never truly get his happy ending but I really wished he could.
8. Keeley Jones from Ted Lasso
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I don't think I've ever seen a woman like her in any media to be honest. she is so clearly feminine and embodies all the traits of a woman that would normally be depicted as bitchy, toxic and self obsessed but she is just none of those things. she is a girly woman who loves pink and cries and she is just so human and lovely and i love her so much for it! her friendship with Rebecca is also so amazing and feels very real and true to what friendships between woman are actually like. I just love her as a beacon of healthy femininity and can only hope that there will be more characters like her in the future!
9. Kim Kitsuragi from Disco Elysium
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the voice, the looks, the everything! the moment I met him I knew I wanted him to be my best friend for ever! his deadpan delivery combined with his dorkyness and his shere competence had me on the floor on multiple occasions. I have not finished the game yet but I have never had a companion this incredible in any video game ever! I could listen to him read the phone book for hours. when he went "daba doop doop dead" I died. also him jumping in when I fail a check has to be the most badass thing ever. I love you, Kim. please be proud of me. (also, I know he probably has a darker side to him that I am not seeing right now because I am always choosing the nice options but hey, the best characters are the complicated ones.)
10. Cole Turner from Charmed
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this show was so much better when he was in it! the half demon who crosses over to the good side without ever really changing his ways. he burns someone alive and laughs about it, drags a detective to hell and doesn't give a shit about civilians. even when he is completely human his solution to assholes is to punch them in the face. he loves power and controling others and looking good while doing it. I know him beind "good" was a whole thing on the show but to me the most fun about him was that he continued being evil but was now using his powers to help the good guys. show me another character that got redeemed into the hero team without losing his evil edge. Cole was just so much fun to watch but unfortunately his character got totally buthcered by bad writing.
No pressure of doing this but tagging:
@catzy88, @uponxhorhaus, @accrov
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goldenraeofsun · 2 years
Day 14: All for you
One of these days, Dean is going to break the Good Guy Code and straight-up murder the Angel.
“You can’t kill him,” Sam says wearily as he takes pieces of Dean’s body armor to pack away in its special case.
“Just watch me.”
Sam rolls his eyes, frowning as Dean hands him the chestplate. “Is this a bullet hole?”
“It’s a dent from a bullet.”
“You said it didn’t get you!”
“I said I wasn’t hurt, which is true.” Dean sits on the couch in Sam’s home office to wrestle off his combat boots. He straightens up just to get hit with bitchface #5.
“Vigilantism has no room for semantics,” Sam says, also very bitchily.
Dean grimaces. “Are we done here?”
Sam waves him off, and Dean stalks up to his room. 
The old Winchester mansion shows its age in the creaky stairs, dusty corners, and windows permanently fogged over with grime. 
To the rest of the world, the Winchester heirs gave up their fortune to various charities (not that their millions-bordering-on-a-billion did enough). Sam, the youngest, went to medical school to become a stand up member of society. The oldest, though, he squandered the rest they had left on extravagant vacations and lavish parties. 
Dean flops down on his bed with a groan. Only three years as a vigilante, and he feels thirty years older. Sammy’s going to have to replace both his knees soon. And maybe a hip. 
Maybe Sammy should just take all his bones out at this point and replace them with titanium. Dean would finally be able to keep up with the Angel, at least.
He rolls over, staring up at the mahogany ceiling of his bedroom. 
The Angel blew into Lawrence a year ago, packed full of super strength and badass feathered wings, making cryptic remarks about divine plans for humanity and shit. Within a month, he got a fanclub/religious cult to follow him around and give the guy a complex the size of Niagara Falls. 
Dean simply added him to his villain-of-the-week list – until the Angel blinded fifteen fishermen in the harbor. He said it was the work of “demons”, but all Dean knew was that the crew went out to sea with all their eyeballs intact and came back with 20/infinity vision.
Six months ago, the psycho escalated to setting an entire neighborhood on fire to kill an apparent “witch”.
Dean stopped him in time, but it was a close fucking call.
This year, though, the Angel abruptly changed his tune. Dean used to catch him kidnapping random civilians and the occasional assault. Now, he’s far more likely to find him rescuing cats from trees and Timmy from down the well. It makes Dean’s blood boil. 
What the hell is he up to?
The question has been circling Dean’s brain for far too long.
* * *
Dean ducks out of the gala, checking his phone for police alerts. 
“Mr. Winchester!”
Dean swiftly pockets his phone and turns, plastering a bland smile on his face before he sees the newcomer. “Oh, it’s you,” he says sourly.
Cas hurries up the marble stairs, dodging other departing patrons, sticking out like a sore thumb in his boxy trench coat and off-the-rack suit among all the tuxedos and designer gowns. “Do you have a comment about tonight’s fundraiser?”
Dean rolls his eyes. “Can’t you make one up?”
Cas bristles, all offended like he gets every time Dean tells him to get lost or pass off someone else’s words as Dean’s. “That would violate my journalistic integrity.” 
“Dude, you cover human interest puff pieces,” Dean says scornfully. “Nobody cares.”
“I care,” Cas says, stung.
Dean crosses his arms over his chest. “For fifteen grand a plate, the shrimp was dry.” He raises an eyebrow. “Happy?”
Cas makes a face like Dean personally force fed him a dozen dry-ass shrimp. “That’s hardly a –”
“That’s all you’re getting,” Dean says sternly. 
Cas – Castiel – Carpenter has been a pain in his ass since he caught up with Dean outside Dick Roman’s last New Years Eve party. He hounded Dean for a quote, following him all the way from Roman’s lobby to the street, waiting with Dean for his car to arrive. He kept asking about Roman’s plans to scrap affordable housing developments near the river in favor of luxury condos.
Dean, with a few too many drinks in his stomach, told him Roman could learn a thing or two from the Scooby Gang. Real estate scams never seem to end well in Carver City. 
The Winchesters, of course, already had a plan for Roman. Top lawyers, paid through a shell company owned by a shell company based in the Caymans, were already compiling environmental impact reports, and Dean had plans to visit Roman’s penthouse and perhaps dangle him off it, if he didn’t see things Dean's way.
Cas, the sly son of a bitch, hadn’t even printed a word of their discussion, and Dean only found out Cas covered the goddamn gossip pages the next weekend as he scanned the paper for Cas’s byline at two in the morning after a late night run-in with the Angel.
“Mr. Winchester –”
“I’m a busy man,” Dean says coldly as he shoulders past Cas. “If you need to talk to me, you know my PR number.” 
Cas falls back, scowling fiercely. “I know you have something to say, Dean!” he calls to his back. 
“Get your clickbait somewhere else!”
Dean has places to be and ass to kick, no matter how many times Cas bats those baby blues his way.
* * *
Dean groans, since when did Crowley have the kind of funds to hire these goons? The last he heard, Crowley's mayoral campaign was hemorrhaging money, and Crowley was spending every cent on voter suppression and scare tactics to get his base to the voting booths.
Dean staggers into the storage unit warehouse, clutching a hand to his side where a lucky knife got between the plates of his body armor. He stays alert – a dozen of Crowley’s henchmen tried to take him out and failed, but that doesn’t mean another dozen aren’t waiting in the shadows.
Charlie’s algorithm traced vast amounts of Crowley’s remaining cash to holding five storage units, paying top dollar for quality and security.
Whatever the hell Crowley is keeping here, it’s valuable.
And valuable to Crowley means indispensable to anyone else.
Dean slumps towards the first locker, breathing heavily. His head pounds, and the overhead lights flare as he glances around, trying to get his bearings.
He mentally adds a concussion to his tally of injuries. Sam’s going to have his work cut out for him tonight, if Dean gets home at all.
He reaches into his toolbelt, and his fingers scramble for his set of lockpicks for too long. How the hell he’ll be able to manipulate the delicate tools – well, that’s a bridge to cross when the lock itself stops swaying in front of his eyes.
The blow from behind hits him out of nowhere.
Dean falls forward with a grunt, his ears ringing.
“The vigilante himself,” an unfamiliar voice sneers. “What an honor.”
The next hit cracks the side of Dean’s reinforced cowl, and his ears ring with the force of it. He scrabbles back to his feet, widening his stance on an instinct honed from years of practice. He’s still as wobbly as a newborn kitten, but at least he doesn’t look it.
The man wears a uniform of the warehouse staff, but there’s nothing minimum wage security guard about the way he fights hand-to-hand.
A flurry of blows rain down on Dean, his head, his neck, his chest. The body armor in his suit can only absorb so much of the impact, and Dean’s losing ground, quickly, backed up against a concrete wall.
He has one taser left, though. At his next opening, he dodges a right hook and jams the metal disk against the goon’s neck. 
He spasms with a crackle of electricity, and falls to the floor to reveal –
“Fuck,” Dean swears loudly, swinging his fists up to protect his face, not that they’ll do much against superstrength. 
But it takes his sluggish brain a soupy moment to realize the Angel's hands aren't raised in fists gunning for his face.
The Angel’s palms reach up to cup his cheeks, and Dean winces, squeezing his eyes shut against the harsh light that always pours out of the Angel’s eye sockets, obscuring his entire face.
“You’re injured,” the Angel murmurs in his otherworldly voice that makes Dean’s chest vibrate with an uncomfortable resonance.
“Nothin’ slips by you, does it?” Dean forces out because, even when he has nothing left, he still has his pride.
The Angel pulls back Dean's cowl, and Dean tries to push the Angel off him, but he might as well be trying to wrestle with a concrete wall. The Angel intones, “This might feel strange.”
“No…” Dean protests, and, god, if these are his last words, they sound pathetic.
“Shh, Dean,” the Angel says, and he doesn’t sound at all surprised by the sight of Dean’s face. Two fingers press against his bare forehead, and Dean jerks away instinctively, but can’t move a hair in the Angel’s firm grip.
A cool, almost rain-like sensation trickles out from the point of contact.
Dean opens his eyes.
Is the light pouring out from the Angel dimming?
Dean’s definitely seeing more clearly now, and the pounding in his head has disappeared. With mounting confusion, he watches as the Angel’s high beam eyes flicker like a bad television signal.
His face – Dean only sees a flash or two, but he would swear – 
The Angel stumbles back a step, and Dean straightens, inhaling a painless lungful of air. “What the hell just happened?” he demands.
The Angel shakes his head, and his wings flicker next. They pop back into existence in the space of a blink. Like a lamp on it’s last legs, the beams of light emitting from his eyes give a few weak flares before dying out completely.
“Son of a bitch,” Dean breathes.
Cas sags against the opposite wall, his wings disappearing for good with a silent breath of air. Whatever he'd done to Dean had drained him.
“You –”
Cas stares up at him. “Me,” he agrees quietly.
“What the hell are you playing at?” Dean demands. “You’re – you’re –” He can’t say it.
Cas pushes himself to his feet, his face pallid and eyes weary. “I’m an angel of the lord.”
Dean can’t help his loud snort. “You’re still sticking with that?”
“It’s the truth.”
Dean lays a hand on his utility belt, eyeing Cas warily. He might look as threatening as a belly-up hedgehog, but experience has taught Dean that some opponents are never more dangerous than when they’re cornered.
“If you’re a real angel,” Dean says stiffly, “why are you here? Why now?”
“I was sent here to start the apocalypse,” Cas says.
Dean narrows his eyes. “You’re joking.”
“I don’t joke.”
Dean steps closer, scanning Cas for any sign of an impending fight. “You wanna give me a reason not to end you right here and now?” 
But Cas stays right where he is. “Those were my orders. But when I arrived on Earth, I had my doubts.”
“It was you – the blind fishermen,” Dean says coldly, “that incident on Halloween.”
Cas nods miserably. “Mistakes, all of them.”
“I couldn’t figure out what was up with you,” Dean admits. “You went from nabbing Patty Hearst in December to landing broken planes in the river in January.”
Cas tilts his head. “Because of you.”
Dean can’t have heard that right. But as Dean lets the silence drag on, Cas doesn’t take it back or explain. Dean crosses his arms over his chest. “What the hell does that mean?”
“You showed me humanity is worth saving,” Cas says, his voice almost painfully sincere. “So I disobeyed my orders. I turned my back on Heaven. I followed in your footsteps.” He meets Dean’s stunned gaze squarely. “I did it all for you.”
“I – what?”
“You care so much for this city, for your people,” Cas continues, and Dean, torn between telling him to keep going or shut the hell up, stays silent. Cas goes on, “You regularly put yourself in harm’s way to protect them, usually from themselves. You donate enormous sums of money and manipulate an extremely complicated political machine to make sure they have safe water to drink and places to rest.”
Dean rubs the back of his neck, muttering, “Somebody’s gotta.” He jerks his head up. “Hold on, you knew it was me? The whole time?”
“Why do you think I was so hellbent on talking to you?” Cas asks dryly, the faintest of blushes dusting his cheeks.
“And I always thought it was because of my perky nipples,” Dean says distractedly. All those times Cas hollered questions about the latest government developments; where his next grant was going; who he was backing in the mayoral race. That was the Angel.
“I’m, uh, sure they’re very perky,” Cas says awkwardly.
Dean narrows his eyes. “How’d you find out?”
Cas cocks his head, his blue eyes intense as they study Dean’s face. “Your soul. It’s unlike any other I’ve encountered in the way it shines.”
Dean swallows, embarrassed of all things. “You can see souls?”
Cas nods. “Yours as well as the five people behind these storage locker doors.”
Dean freezes. “What the fuck?” He stares, horrified at the closest one, his hand already pulling out his set of lockpicks. “You’re serious?” At Cas’s confused nod, Dean swears colorfully. “And you kept talkin’ like we’re on a Sunday drive?”
As Dean ducks down to get to work on the first lock, Cas says matter-of-factly, “None of Crowley’s victims are near death. They’ve all been fed and watered recently, and eleven more minutes won’t have a great effect on their physical or mental health.”
“Alright, Patrick Bateman,” Dean says, but the accusation lacks any heat, “Superhero Rule Number One: you always get the damsels out of distress first.”
“I understand.”
Dean glances up at him as the lock clicks open. “After this, you and me, we’re gonna have a long talk.” He huffs a laugh as he pulls his cowl back up. “You want to know what I think about this city? I’ll give you enough quotes to fill a bible.”
“I might hold you to that,” Cas murmurs as Dean heaves the metal door open.
Read the sequel here!
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thegettingbyp2 · 2 years
I have a request for Dean Winchester where the reader is really mad at someone and he has to hold her back so she doesn’t hurt anyone. It’s vague but I love the idea of reader being a badass.
Short Fuse
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It wasn’t a secret to anyone that you had quite a short fuse; if anyone annoyed you or hurt someone you loved, you were the first person to confront them about it. So, when you met the Winchester brothers, it wasn’t long before they learnt about this trait of yours. Sam would always try to hold you back whereas Dean found it hilarious and would sometimes even encourage you, much to Sam’s annoyance. Usually when you would get mad at someone, you would have your moment and you would leave relatively unscathed. However, it wasn’t every time that the subject of your anger was Lucifer himself.
You had been through a lot of crap the past couple of weeks; you had lost Cas and you were still trying to convince Dean that you could trust Jack so it was safe to say that tensions were running high all around lately. So, Lucifer turning up on top of all that was the last thing that you all wanted.
‘Come on, guys, I just want to meet the little guy. He’s my son after all,’ Lucifer whined as he stood in the control room of the bunker, Sam and Dean acting as barriers between him and Jack.
‘What the hell is he doing here?’ you said, already starting to sound annoyed as you rounded the corner and saw the stand-off. You made your way down the couple of steps until you were on the same level as the boys, stopping next to Jack and putting a comforting hand on his shoulder, Jack’s hand coming to rest on top of yours.
‘Oh, look who’s decided to join us. The tail of the group,’ Lucifer said, unimpressed. You felt your blood begin to boil underneath your skin at his words and the only thing that stopped you from launching across the room at him was Jack’s hand on yours.
‘He thinks he can come in here and take Jack,’ Sam said, filling you in. You looked over at Dean whose eyes were glued to Lucifer, not moving his gaze for a second.
‘I didn’t actually say take, that would be a bit too much effort. I’m all for the arrangement where I come and talk to him whenever I want, you know, show him the ropes and in return, you guys, just let me.’
‘We’re not letting him go anywhere near you. He has the chance to actually be a good guy so there’s no way we’re letting anything get in the way of that’ Dean replied straight away. It surprised you when you heard Dean defend Jack straight away when he still wasn’t completely sold on the kid.
‘I’m his father, it’s my right to know my son!’
‘Cas is his/my father,’ you and Jack said at the same time, overlapping each other.
‘Castiel? Seriously? The guy who was stupid enough to get himself killed on the day Jack was born all because he wanted to protect a bunch of humans,’ Lucifer said distastefully. As soon as you heard him speak ill of Cas, you couldn’t help yourself as you flew across the room, fully prepared to lay a hit on Lucifer, who was grinning at the knowledge that he was able to get you so angry, his eyes glowing bright red, prepared to inflict some damage himself.
Before you were able to reach Lucifer, you felt Dean’s arms wrap around your waist and chest as he held you back, knowing that it wouldn’t end well if you got within arm’s reach of Lucifer.
‘Looks like you’ve got a guard dog there,’ Lucifer said casually, loving the fact he was had made you so mad.
‘Dean. Let me go,’ you said, struggling to get out of his grip but getting absolutely nowhere, instead, only being pulled closer into his chest.
‘(Y/N), come on, you know you can’t. He’d kill you and you know it,’ Dean murmured into your ear, his words coming out in stages as he was putting all this strength into holding you back.
‘You heard what he said about Cas, he can’t just get away with it,’ you said helplessly as you still struggled but felt yourself quickly tiring out.
‘He won’t sweetheart,’ Dean said close to your ear as he felt you calming down slightly. You saw Jack walk around Dean’s front, standing in between you and Lucifer which made Sam step closer to Jack, shielding him.
‘(Y/N), we’re going to bring Cas back. I know we are so it doesn’t matter what he says because we’re going to get him back,’ Jack said and the amount of hope that you heard in his voice made you give up fighting Dean’s hold as you let yourself go limp in his arms.
‘So, I’ll let you guys handle that, and I’ll come by to pick Jack up in the week?’ Lucifer piped in before leaning around Sam to look at you. ‘I’ll see you around, (Y/N),’ he said with a wink before he clicked his fingers and disappeared. As soon as he was gone, Dean’s grip left your body and you stumbled forward slightly, managing to catch yourself before you hit the floor.
‘You okay? You calmed down?’ Dean asked, staring at you.
‘I’m fine.’
‘Sweetheart, I am all for letting you take care of yourself, you know that. But not when it comes to the friggin Devil,’ Dean said, trying his best to sound stern but failing when he burst into laughter, everyone else quickly following suit.
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markofcastiel · 6 months
Random question back at you, when you were watching the show for first time when did you know you fell under destiel charm?
Thanks for the ask!! For me it was love at first sight
Castiel enters the barn, sparks flying:
Me: "Damn that's one badass motherfucker... kinda sexy too... hardcore Constantine vibes..."
Castiel: "I'm the one who gripped you tight and raised you from perdition."
Me: "Wow intense."
Castiel, suddenly stepping super close to Dean and staring up at him with huge blue eyes: "Good things do happen, Dean."
Me: "So... humm. Ok. Okok."
Castiel, tilting his head and staring into Dean: "You don't think you deserve to be saved..."
Me: "......................."
Me: "He. He saved Dean from Hell. His handprint is on Dean's arm. And now he's looking at Dean like he's reading his whole soul, like he SEES it all AND doesn't understand how Dean could ever think he doesn't deserves saving."
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DEANCAS KITCHEN SCENE aka Dean bossing around an eldritch being like he gives 0 fucks, Cas suddenly TOO CLOSE, major dom!cas vibes and tension that cuts like butter on a hot summer day:
"You should show me some respect."
Me: "aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa"
and that's how I was officially lost to destiel charm and joined the clown circus 🤡
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veryace-ficrecs · 1 year
Criminal Minds Fanfic Recs
This list will include all ratings and tags, so read at your own discretion! :)   
He Was Left on the Steps of the FBI in a Basket by schrijverr - Rated T
Maybe not a basket, but sixteen-year-old Dr. Spencer Reid suddenly shows up at FBI headquarters claiming that his mother has been kidnapped. The BAU isn’t certain first, but the case he sets them on proves to be an interesting one, wherein they get to know the young doctor until he’s practically family. 
Shuffle the Odds by schrijverr - Rated T
Spencer is a Vegas boy, who's game is poker, no matter what others might believe. The team slowly catches onto it.
Following Spencer from when he started at the BAU till season 7 with poker as red thread.
Dr. Spencer Reid's First Case by boredom - Rated T
Derek Morgan wasn't sure he trusted Gideon's judgement. After all, who allows a 23 year old who can't even pass the academy's physical exam to become a field agent? Luckily for him, Reid is about to prove just how competent (and badass) he can be.
Trigger warnings: blood, violence, mentions of school shootings, death, lack of respect towards people suffering from mental illness, and other things you would normally find in a Criminal Minds episode.
Bite Your Tongue (Choke Yourself To Sleep) by drspencerreid - Rated G
reid tipped his head back and leaned it on the shoulder behind him, making it look like he was just putting on a show. he whispered, "i swear to god if you hold what i'm about to do against me, i'm sending garcia the baby pictures your mother gave me."
or the one in which spencer has to go undercover in a club and his friends are far too smug
Gotta Live Before We Get Older (Nothing To Lose) by drspencerreid - Rated G
the silence that followed in the next few seconds was eventually broken by prentiss loudly exclaiming, "i'm sorry, what was that?"
or the one in which spencer surprises everyone with his view on tattoos
The Times They Forget by Ena2705 - Rated G
Spencer Reid is a genius, anyone can tell you that. But sometimes people forget that his head wasn’t always buried in books, and there was a time when he did something other than catch serial killers. 
These Are My Friends (I Love Them) by drspencerreid - Rated G
"as much as i have enjoyed learning all these new sides to the kid, i should start going too. i'm very slightly starting to get old, and i really shouldn't have tested it with all those shots."
"very slightly starting to?" spencer repeated. "rossi, i think you surpassed that like sixty years ago."
or the one in which spencer gets drunk and honest
Dumb and Ditzy by TimelessTears - Rated T
AU. Years of being bullied for his smarts left him dreading when people figured out he was a genius. What better way to throw them off then by acting stupid? Enter: Dumb Blond Spencer Reid. 
Monsters in Your Closet by AlbusCorvus - Rated G
Series: 2 Works
When Castiel goes on a hunt alone and is caught by a particular FBI team, the brothers do something they never thought they’d have to. They kidnap SSA Spencer Reid to make an exchange. But being kidnapped by delusional serial killers is nothing like Spencer thought it would be. 
Monsters are Real by WhiskyBoys - Rated T
'Monsters are real, and ghosts are real too. They live inside us, and sometimes, they win.' Stephen King.
The kid sitting in the interview room swings on the rear legs of his chair, throws back his head, and at the top of his lungs, sings a painfully off-key version of 'Wanted Dead or Alive'. Hotch looks at Morgan with one eye-brow arched in question. "You think he's your unsub?"
No Difference by The_Bookkeeper - Rated T
Derek has been in a lot of bad situations. This one easily makes the top five. Or would, if Dean and Sam Winchester were actually acting like the sadistic psychopaths he expected them to be. Instead, Dean is referencing Star Trek, Sam is comforting Reid, and Derek has never been more confused.
How... Did I Get Here? by PurpleMango - Rated T
Spencer Reid gets transported universes, happens along Batman, and ends up with a job as the resident quirky profiler to the Bat Family
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handers-time · 2 years
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2022 Handers Exchange Round-up! 
Hi everyone, hope you’re having a fantastic day! The deadline has passed, and the Handers Gift Exchange 2022 has officially come to an end!
Twenty-eight of you beautiful souls signed up to exchange gifts, and with the aid of a further four participants who contributed treats/pinch-hits, we produced thirty-one Handers gifts for each other. Congratulations all around! On behalf of organiser Reikah (@faux-fires) and myself (@hollyand-writes), a HUGE thank you and well done to all! 
I’ve compiled a list below of all the amazing gifts shared over the course of this exchange, but before I share it I just wanted to go through some AOB:
Again, a huge thank you readers, artists, writers, commenters and kudos’ers! It’s people like you who make the Handers fandom a fun, hectic, frequently explicit but mostly supportive environment, and as the exchange moderator, thank you from the bottom of my heart for all the enthusiasm. This exchange could not have gone ahead without you and I’d love to thank you all for your hard work, enthusiasm and cheerleading – you’ve made this exchange a joy to run. A round of applause for you – you deserve it!
All that remains is for you to read and enjoy all the badass works of art produced for this exchange – and don’t forget to comment on any gifts you received, as per the rules at the exchange sign-ups: “You must comment on any gift written for you. For a full gift, this should be a comment of at least 3 lines in length.” 
Finally, I’d just like to remind you all that the AO3 collection will be open for another two weeks for any additional treats you feel like writing! The prompt list is available here as always. 
Under the cut is the list of gifts! Please note all warnings on original AO3 headers. 
F!Handers Gifts
Title: I Will Follow by @noire-pandora for @amervalk (Teen)  Summary: A fortress for you and me to hide in, Hawke insisted and when Hawke insisted, Anders followed. 
Title: The Last Light by @justcallmecappy for @highwayphantoms (General Audiences)   Summary: “Promise you’ll come back to me,” he said in a quiet voice. Hawke tightened her grip on his hand; felt reassured when he squeezed back.   
Title: In Allure’s Gaze by @amervalk for @dismalzelenka (Explicit)   Summary: Hannigram AU. Dr. Marian Hawke and Anders are assigned to work together by Grand Enchanter Orsino, years after Knight Commander Meredith Stannard's arrest for her crimes against the mages of Kirkwall. 
Title: You’re Home by @imperatrixvini for @tossasnake (Mature)   Summary: A reunion (of sorts), a date (of sorts), and some love and support. 
Title: Nothing But Time by @dismalzelenka for @noire-pandora (Explicit)   Summary: Hawke appraises him like a meal, like prey. He is helpless beneath her gaze, pinned like an insect, held under by eyes that remind him of cocoa and freshly turned earth. 
Title: he’s so pretty, when he goes down on me by @anatidae-dragonage / @anders-did-nothing-wrong for @raflesia65 (Explicit)   Summary: “Hawke? Did you make sure it was just us tonight on purpose?”  “Maybe," she whispered, endeared that the thought hadn't occurred to him until now. 
Title: lost little bluebird by @highwayphantoms for @daneel-the-sister-of-castiel (General Audiences)   Summary: A Champion rises... and quietly takes in a runaway magelet when no one is looking.  
Title: Ataraxia by @daneel-the-sister-of-castiel for @anatidae-dragonage (General Audiences)   Summary: Ataraxia - a state of freedom from emotional disturbance and anxiety; tranquility. Freedom has always seemed out of reach for Hawke and Anders. Years after leaving Kirkwall, they seem to have finally found it. 
NB!Handers Gifts
Title: Ghosts of Aeonar by @rusted-pipe-of-wisdom for @transandersrights (Mature)  Summary: Hawke and Anders arrive at Aeonar, a mage prison, to investigate the disappearance of its inhabitants. It gets weird. 
Title: Home is Where the Hawke Roosts by Temptingnoon / @tossasnake for @dreadwolfish (Teen)  Summary: Getting used to having anything is about ten times harder when you feel you don't deserve any of it, as Anders discovers. 
M!Handers Gifts
Title: Rainbow Kitten Surprise by @realace for @rusted-pipe-of-wisdom (Teen) Summary: They'd been exchanging, well, gifts, one could call it. 
Title: This is our war by @factorykat for Ashura (General Audiences) Summary: With Kirkwall behind them, Anders is struggling with how to feel, and what Julian must think of him. 
Title: One Good Turn Deserves Another by @pinkfadespirit for @laniardraws (Explicit) Summary: In which Garrett Hawke is a Fereldan noble and Anders is a healer working free of the Circle. 
Title: Sleeping Together by @goth-surana for @un-shit-yourself (Teen) Summary: Four times Hawke and Anders "slept together" before their relationship began. Oops one bed! With angst and pining! 
Title: Now we are happy by @raflesia65 for @justcallmecappy (General Audiences) Summary: Artwork. One day Varric received a painting with an envelope attached, inside there was a note... 
Title: Awaken and return to you by @transandersrights for @realace (Teen) Summary: Anders wakes up injured in an unfamiliar bed. The man attending to him claims to be a friend; Anders knows he's lying. 
Title: Best Laid Plans by Ashura for @hollyand-writes (Teen) Summary: Hawke has a plan to help his brother get a date. No really, it's a great plan. A brilliant plan.   
Title: as inseparable as fire and light by @glowing-blue-feathermage for @ser-thirst-a-lot (Mature) Summary: After fleeing Kirkwall together, Hawke and Anders are separated for months as Hawke works with the Inquisition and Anders hides in an isolated cabin on the Storm Coast. 
Title: for a moment we were able to be still by @pinkfadespirit for @clownygutz (Mature) Summary: Artwork. An evening at the Hawke estate. Anders and Hawke are happy and in love. 
Title: Rebels with a cause by @factorykat for @hollyand-writes, @faux-fires, @glowing-blue-feathermage, @noire-pandora & @un-shit-yourself (General Audiences) Summary: A fluffy little short, set in between DA2 and Inquisition, while Hawke and Anders enjoy some small celebrations amongst the rebels. 
Title: Battlemages by @legoprime for @factorykat (General Audiences) Summary: Artwork. Battle boyfriends on the Wounded Coast. 
Title: Source of Joy by @laniardraws for @glowing-blue-feathermage (General Audiences) Summary: Artwork. After Divine Victoria disbands the Circles and declares Anders officially pardoned, he and Hawke (and Justice) settle in a small cottage in Fereldan countryside with the orphaned kid they adopted along the way.  
Title: The Uses of Sorrow by @monsterthalia for @goth-surana (Mature) Summary: Anders is captured by the Templars. The entire gang swings into action to get him back.  
Title: The Gifts That Kept Giving by @hollyand-writes for @storybookhawke (Teen)  Summary: Four times Hawke spoiled Anders, and one time Anders spoiled Hawke. 
Title: Honeymoon by @storybookhawke for @faux-fires (General Audiences) Summary: Artwork. Anders never had a place to call home, until the love of his life asked to share his life with him. 
Title: Set on Fire to Keep You Warm by @ser-thirst-a-lot for @pinkfadespirit (Teen) Summary: With Justice, Anders had become much more sensitive to the presence of mana and pieces of the Fade in the waking world—and with Hawke’s help, even more so. 
Title: The Seamaiden Fair by @midnightprelude for @murderspice (Teen) Summary: Pirate AU. Garrett catches a stowaway on Isabela’s ship and quickly finds himself pining for the runaway healer. 
Title: Writer’s Block by @dismalzelenka for @murderspice (Teen) Summary: Modern AU. Varric drags the crew out to the woods for a weekend of live action roleplay to kick start inspiration for his novel. It's all fun and games until Garrett realizes everyone is taking this far more seriously than he is. 
Title: And But For the Sky There Are No Fences Facing by Ashura for @faux-fires, @ser-thirst-a-lot, @glowing-blue-feathermage, @celemee, @noire-pandora & @justcallmecappy (Teen) Summary: After the end of Inquisition, Hawke and Anders take up the Inquisitor's offer of a home on the Storm Coast.  
Title: Celebrated Air by @un-shit-yourself for @celemee (Mature) Summary: Regency AU. Surgeon Anders Justice, the rebellious second son of an upper-class family, makes a reluctant visit to Tethras Gardens on the Wounded Coast, and keeps a record of the events of the holiday in his journal. 
Title: The Maker Laughs at Plans by @little--abyss for @monsterthalia (Teen) Summary: It's been written before: Anders comes with Hawke to the Inquisition. But what if Varric (and Carver, since he's the Inquisitor in this one) didn't stop there?
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kjosi · 1 year
tagged by @milfcodeddean - list 5 comfort characters and tag 5 people . Thank you!
Let’s goo:
Jack Bristow from Alias - Dilf. Badass. Protective from the shadows, shares no secrets. Gets called out by his daughter Sydney all tf time. Gaslight girlboss gatekeep. No nonsense. His very rare soft smile. BAMF. Best loving spy dad who doesn’t know how to show it <3 emotionally damaged crispy marshmallow.
Allura from V:LD - she is so special to me. She deserves so much better than what she got in canon. She changed so much and had her own special journey throughout the series. Loved her dynamic with both Shiro and Keith. Natural leader. Full of heart and courage. Not fearless. Not flawless. She grew into her own. Babygirl. She deserves the WORLD.
Castiel from Supernatural - Thee gay angel. lobotomy man. Commits crimes and atrocities. Will ‘play you’ to steal your weapon from under your pillow. Endlessly in love with Dean Winchester. Occasionally sad and wet. Dadstiel. Will not hesitate to cut a bitch.
Columbo from Columbo - same game Every time. I love it. Traps the rich entitled characters who think they can get away with homicide. Bumbling little detective in his frumpy coat comes along. Master of the hussle. You watch the hussle live. Your eyes don’t perceive the hussle. It’s just Columbo being Columbo. Downplays himself, self-deprecating in a cute way. References his wife constantly , who we never see, of course. Little stories. His doggo and his bowl of chili. His old ass car. He wins every time. Sorry it just doesn’t get old !!
Maito Gai from Naruto - He is ball of sunshine. Motivator. Loves his team very much. Style icon. Very dedicated and self-disciplined. Very caring and perceptive but hides it under humor or rigor. Steadfast in his beliefs. Husband close friend of Kakashi. Will of fire my beloved. Beautiful man. Has done nothing wrong in his life ever.
Tagging @angelcasendgame @hauntedpearl @queermania @mybrainproblems @dwcas and anyone else from my followers, if you want!! 🧡Sorry if you’ve already been tagged
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roonyxx · 2 years
Invisible: Part 5
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Summary: You go talk to Dean, but what happens when old ghosts from the past still haunt you…
Warnings: self-Hate, angst (I mean, I break hearts, it’s my job guys), language.
Pairing: reader, Castiel, Dean
Wordcount: 1320​
A/N: sooooooo part 5 guuyss, and yes i changed the aesthetic as you can see because the story is moving in another direction, take some tissues and enjoy!
My Masterlist
Invisible Masterlist
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You woke up several hours later in Cas’s arms.
You sat up and rubbed your eyes, “How long was I sleeping?”
“Four hours.”
“I slept for four hours and you stayed here?”
You chuckled, “Cas you don’t have to do that.”
“I wanted to.”
You frowned slightly but let it go.
With a deep sigh you got out of the bed, “I should talk to Dean.”
“It can wait Y/n.”
“Yes but the sooner I talk to him the sooner I can move on, or you know at least try to.”
With another deep sigh you sat back down on the side of the bed, putting your head in your hands. Cas moved closer and sat next to you, putting his hand on your knee, giving it a reassuring squeeze. “I’ll have your back.”
You put your hand on his, “Thank you Cas.” With that you stood up again and moved to the kitchen.
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You could hear the sizzling of meat in a pan, meaning Dean was cooking dinner. You stood in the door frame of the kitchen fiddling with your hands trying to find something to say. But just looking at the back of his head made all the feelings resurface again. Tears were threating to spill over so you turned around to go to your room again but Cas stopped you, with his hands on your shoulders he looked at you and you knew you had to face this thing head on.
Turning back around Cas slipped past you to sit at the table. You were still standing in the doorframe.
You cleared your throat what made Dean look behind him.
There it was again, the pity on his face, it made you angry but you understood why he had it.
Dean, he is a man that lives on guilt, he takes things close to his hearts and always blames himself, even if it is not his fault.
“H-hey Y/n”
An awkward silence followed in which you stepped into the kitchen to stand opposite him on the other side of the kitchen island.
In his hands was a dish towel, he wiped his hands clean and threw it to the side.
“Y/n… I-I’m sorry, I didn’t know and you’re amazing and y-you dese-“
“Don’t apologize Dean, I should.”
“It’s not your fault that you love me Y/n…”
“Yeah and it isn’t your fault for not loving me back.”
He looked down at the counter.
“Dean, stop blaming yourself.”
A dark chuckle left his plumb lips.
“I just don’t get it.”
You tried to make eye contact when you asked, “Get what?”
He looked up at you, searching your face, like he was looking for the answer there.
“Why I don’t love you.”
“What do you mean why?”
He shook his head slightly. “You are everything I look for in a girl, sweet, badass, strong, beautiful.”
You stepped back in disbelief. “You think I’m beautiful?”
“You are.”
“No, I’m not.”
“Y/n… you-“
“Dean no, just.” A deep sigh left your mouth. “It doesn’t matter, I just wanna tell you I’m sorry for dumping the ‘I love you’ on your head, I shouldn’t have said it, I knew you didn’t feel the same.”
“Yeah I’m sorry too, but can I ask you, why? Why wait so long to tell me?”
You chewed on your bottom lip. “I knew you didn’t love me.”
“How did you know I didn’t?”
“Come on Dean, you sleep around, I could see the kind of girls you slept with, I’m nothing compared to them.”
“You are better than those girls Y/n.”
“Yeah well not all girls…”
The flash of hurt flew across his eyes, Dean immediately knew who you meant.
Cas sat up straighter, ready to jump in when needed, he knew this was a sensitive string for the both of you.
“Y/n I… Sam was gone and I-“
“And what? You left me Dean, without even a note. You just vanished from the surface of the Earth.”
Dean swallowed and looked down. “I know what I did Y/n, but I just lost my brother I wanted some alone time.”
You came around the kitchen island. “I lost my best friend! My family! And you weren’t alone! You were loved, you had a good life, a roof over your head! I had nothing Dean, no one!”
He frowned. “But Bobby?”
“I barely knew him back then Dean, I didn’t trust him yet. If it wasn’t for Cas I wouldn’t be here right now!” It slipped past your lips before you could stop yourself.
His eyes widened searching your face, “What?!”
You turned around, not wanting to think of it.
Dean looked questioning toward Cas. With a sigh and a short look to you he stood up from the table.
“She was hunting a nest, she killed every single one of them, but she got injured, badly.”
“Why didn’t you call me?”
You turned around. “And what Dean? Pull you out of your perfect little family? And what you would do? Come rescue me and leave me all over again to go back to her?! No I couldn’t do that.”
He was towering above you. “So what you were just gonna let yourself bleed out?!”
You looked away, not answering his question.
He stepped back slightly shocked. “Oh god, you were?”
Dean shook his head.  “I thought you were stronger than that Y/n.”
You pushed his chest hard, “You don’t get to say that! I had no one left! I was alone, no one to get home to, nothing Dean!”
You looked down to the floor, tears rolling over your cheeks, whispering. “I was alone Dean…you left me.”
Dean looked at you gasping like a fish out of the water, not knowing what to say. “Y/n, I- I’m sorry, I just, you reminded me to much of what I had lost, I couldn’t.”
“Oh but you did find it necessary to kiss me the day before you left?”
Cas frowned, “Dean kissed you?” He looked rather worried, but you were more focused on Deans answer.
Dean sighed deep, rubbing his hand over his face. “I didn’t mean too, I just, I needed comfort and you were there and I-“
“I was convenient? You kissed me because you needed comfort?! I held you the entire night Dean! And when I wake up, you’re gone? And not just on your own, oh no you went to her! Was she able to comfort you?!… I bet she did, I’m sorry I couldn’t offer you what you needed Dean.” You shook your head, a sinister smile forming on your face, “And even after all of that, I still love you…”
“I, Y/n, I didn’t mean to leave you behind, I’m sorry.”
“It’s fine, it happened and it’s in the past now.” You wiped your eyes with your sleeve.
Cas stepped up to you, “Why didn’t you tell me Dean kissed you?”
You shrugged, “Wasn’t worth mentioning, it was meaningless anyway.”
Cas looked at you and behind his back to Dean, but he wasn’t really looking at you, more like through you. A frown etched deep upon his features.
“Cas? You okay?”
You broke him out of his focus and he straightened his back, “Yes.”
Cas looked from you to Dean again. “I have business in Heaven I have to attend to.”
Your heart sunk a little at the thought of Cas leaving, but well heaven can’t exactly wait until you are over your heart break.
“Oh… okay, when will you be back?”
He took your hands and gave you a reassuring smile. “Soon.”
With that he disappeared from your grasp, a deep sigh left you.
Dean came closer. “Do you want to eat dinner with us? I can eat in the kitchen if you want.”
“No Dean it’s okay, we’re family we eat together.”
He gave you a small smile. “Yeah we are.”
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The Girl Can Bite Too, You Know - Part 8
Dean Winchester x (Female) Reader
Summary: Recovery takes time. Thankfully, a certain Winchester is there to make things easier.
Warnings: Tending a wound, Dean being adorably awkward, oh, and some nice vanilla smut
Word count: 1,982
A/N: This is the last part to this little series! Hope you enjoyed, thank you all so much for reading!
| Part 1 | Part 2 | Part 3 | Part 4 | Part 5 | Part 6 | Part 7 |
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That week, the boys cared for you like one of their own. Sam made delicious meals (which Dean seemed to enjoy even more than you did), and his brother practically refused to let you out of his eyesight. The spare room next to Dean's was made up for you, and the bathroom quickly became stocked with creams and medications to treat your burns.
You'd cried for hours when you first saw your injuries. Dean had you sat down in the bathroom while he removed the dressings and applied the treatment, and although you knew it would be gruesome, you weren't quite prepared for the actuality. Your left arm, shoulder, and the side of your hip was a glossy pink under the cracked and peeling skin desperately clinging on for dear life. There was practically no muscle or fat left, and if you moved under certain light, you could see your tendons flexing.
"I'm sorry. This is gonna hurt," Dean whispered as he winced himself brushing the creams over your arm. You bit your lip at the immense pain until you could taste blood. It only took a few minutes before he was gently re-bandaging, but that was all the time you needed.
"A'rite, all done-" glancing up at you for the first time after keeping such concentration, his face dropped. As soon as he'd taken his hands off you, your body started violently shaking as tears fell continuously down your face and you hiccuped out cries. Without a word, he reached forward and wrapped his warm arms around you, careful not to squeeze too tight.
"I'm hideous, huh?" you croaked out. Dean's heart broke.
"No, sweetheart. Far from it. Just give it time, it'll heal and you'll barely notice the scars."
You looked up at him with wide glassy eyes. "Will they be cool scars at least?"
He chuckled. "The coolest. You'll look incredibly badass."
You smiled back. "At least thats something."
He carried you back to your room and sat with you the rest of the night. The next morning, he woke you with a meatfeast breakfast and wheeled in his small TV from the Dean Cave so you could have a Netflix binge without moving from your bed. He did the same thing the next morning, and the next, and the next. The rest of the week Dean hardly left your side, distracting you through the pain with hilarious stories, reminding you to take your medication at the right time, and keeping your spirits lifted. Every second, you fell for him just a little more. Just as he fell for you.
Cas came on the eighth day, scaring the shit out of you as he appeared at the foot of the bed half way through an episode of Bojack Horseman.
"Who the fuck are you?!" you screeched as you fumbled around for the gun Dean made sure you kept under your pillow. The Angel looked at you confused for a moment, before the door caved in and Sam and Dean barged through, weapons at the ready.
"Shit Cas, a little warning next time?" Dean tutted as he quickly strode over to help you lie back, the sudden movement having disrupted the healing skin and making you cringe with pain.
"So you're the Angel, huh?" you grunted. Sam sighed.
"Y/N, this is Castiel. He, er - he's not the greatest at privacy. Or warnings." The younger Winchester gave Cas a pat on the shoulder and a strained smile.
"It is nice to finally meet you, Y/N. Dean here was incredibly worried, although I came as quick as I could."
"Aren't you cute," you sarcastically nudged Dean, who instantly blushed.
"I-I wasn't that worried..." he mumbled.
"Dean. You prayed to me a total of 537 times this week. I have been keeping count."
Oh shit, there were those butterflies again.
"Alright alright, just lay some damn healing mojo on her will you?" Dean grumbled, refusing to make eye-contact with you. The Angel strode forward until he was standing uncomfortably close next to you.
"This might feel odd, but you will be healed after." You nodded and closed your eyes. A gentle finger touched your forehead, before your body felt a rush of warm glow. You opened your eyes gingerly, looking straight down at your arm. It felt fine. Rapidly, you tore off the bandage despite Dean's reluctant look and felt tears prick your eyes again. Your skin was smooth and soft, not a blemish on it. You could move freely, without any pain or itching.
"Thank you, Cas," you smiled up at him before leaping from the bed onto wobbly legs.
"Woah, easy tiger," Dean grasped you round the shoulders and lowed you back down. "You might be physically healed, but you've been bed-bound for almost a month now. Don't rush things!"
Grinning from ear to ear, you looked across at Sam, who gave you a reassuring nod. You rolled your eyes. "Fine, but gimme a hand up. I gotta stretch these legs."
An arm round your waist, Dean helped you stubbornly take a stroll around the bunker, giving you a guided tour as he did so. You'd been dying to see its secrets ever since you'd rocked up, and you weren't disappointed.
"Dean," you questioned. "Look, I gotta take a shower. I stink, and I just need to freshen up."
He looked at you questioningly. "You sure you're up for it?"
"I'm healed, you idiot. Quit worrying." Although it was kinda hot.
"Alright," he shrugged. "Bathroom's down the hall on the left. Theres clean towels in the cupboard on the right."
You thanked him with a squeeze and headed off for what you expected to be the nicest shower of your life. The warm water felt amazing on your skin, and your hair instantly felt lighter once you'd scrubbed the grime out of it.
Humming a tune to yourself, you wrapped your hair in a towel, tucking another round your body, and darted down the hall back into your bedroom. You gave your hair a thorougher comb through before giving it a rough towel dry.
"Woah - oh shit, sorry!" Dean backed out from where he had peered round the door. "Sorry, I thought you were still in the bathroom. I er, I just wondered if you wanted something clean to wear. I bought a pair of pants and a t-shirt, if you want."
You giggled at this nervousness that made him seem like an embarrassed little school boy. "Thank you, Dean. You can come in, if you like."
You heard him clear his throat, before edging his way in. At first he tried to look anywhere else, but as you stood there, hair loose, short towel around you, smelling of lavender, he couldn't help but ogle.
You gulped. This was it.
"Do you er, feel better?" his voice cracked slightly as he walked towards you. A lump in your throat, all you could do was nod.
He threw the clothes down on the bed, not taking his eyes off you. Suddenly he was right in front of you, his hand reaching up and brushing back a strand of wet hair stuck to your forehead.
"Y/N..." he started, but you stopped him before he could continue.
"Dean, please. Please."
The whisper had barely left your lips when he grasped you round the waist, pulling you in close. You let the towel drop as you lowered your hands to reach round his ass, cupping it gently. You could feel his bulge radiating heat through his jeans. His hands gently moved down, one caressing your own butt while the other scooped forward to stroke your breast.
You flung your head back, giving him space to litter your neck with soft kisses. His mouth worked downwards, spreading across your clavicle before pausing to suck on your nipples. Before you knew it, he was on his knees, nuzzling your lower area. It was already pulsating, and you shivered as his tongue flicked your clitorous. One hand ruffling up his hair, the other grasping onto the bed frame for support, you felt your body gather tension. Dean must have felt it too, because without warning he stood up, flinging you backwards into the soft cushions as he tore off his shirt and pants. His tremendous frame rose up above you, mouth against yours. You reached down, finding his cock with no difficulty given its immense size, and began to massage. He groaned, and his chest sank down onto yours, rubbing your tits up and down as he grinded.
You couldn't stand it anymore. You spread your legs wide, hooking them around his hips and drawing him in. "Are you-" he panted, and you gulped and nodded.
"I'm protected, don't worry."
With that, he lunged, plunging straight into your soaking wet pussy. He entered with ease, but the force still made you cry out. You sank into each other for a second, before you tightened your grip around him and started to push. One hand on the head board, the other by your shoulder, Dean rode you rhythmically like a carousel. You felt the tension grow again as your body begged for more, every thrust sending your into orbit.
With a cry, you pushed him back so you were sitting up facing him. Legs intertwined, you kissed him passionately, tongues moving with the same pace as your genitalia. He squeezed on your ass as you tugged at his hair, both grips growing tighter as your moans grew in pitch.
The eruption was magically timed, you reaching your peak just as he exploded into you. Like a rollercoaster, you started to slow, grinding to a halt as he cupped you in his arms and guided you round onto the bed. Red faced and panting, you stared into each other's eyes, unsure what to say.
"Damn, that Angel really knows how to make a girl good as new," you grinned.
"Thank god as well. I was starting to get impatient," Dean confessed, drawing you closer into his chest.
"Sam said you were really worried about me when I got hurt," you tilted your head back to gaze up at him. "Dean, do you really care that much about me?"
He sighed. "Y/N, I don't catch feelings often. Don't get me wrong, you caught my eye the second I walked into that bar, but it wasn't until those Demons turned up that I started to panic. I wasn't sure what it was, but watching that building collapse with you still in it...christ, it scared the shit out of me. I thought you were dead. I didn't care if I got hurt, I just had to get you out.
I don't know what it is about you Y/N, but you're intoxicating. Honestly, once I knew you were gonna be okay, I was actually kinda grateful you needed a helping hand 'cos it gave me a reason to spend more time with you. Don't get me wrong, I'm crazy relieved you're all healed up, but I've enjoyed being with you this past week. But sure, if you wanna go now, that's fine. I get it, I do."
"But you don't want me to go?"
"I don't want you to go."
"I don't want to go either." It was a whisper as you reached up and kissed him again, softer this time. "I never want to leave."
"Don't worry. I won't let you." You both giggled as you rolled into each other again, fuelled with a child-like excitement that sent you tumbling back under the sheets.
Once again, that feeling of adrenaline and thrill raced through your veins. This was it. This was where you belonged.
"This is your home now, darling." You smiled up at the ceiling, feeling your Dad's pride as you allowed yourself to feel free, and happy, for the first time in a long, long time.
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@leigh70 @blonde-in-charge @tiggytaylor @winchestergypsy90 @lostdreamr-blog1
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Castiel the Staring Champion
Ever since his introduction in S4 EP 1 Lazarus Rising, Castiel has been shown to have a staring problem. This is likely a result of him not being used to human culture and not understanding social cues or what makes people uncomfortable. It could also be a result of how little fucks he gives. But I like to think it’s something else.
One of the first things we learn about Cas, other than the fact he’s a total badass and (in the beginning) a little bitch, is that he loves humanity. In season four, he talks about god loving humans more than angels, but he isn’t bitter about it. He agrees, and thinks of them as beautiful creatures.
Cas wants to understand humanity, but in his eyes it is impossible to understand humanity without understanding humans. So he stares at them and tries to figure each and every one of them out, Sherlock style. He wants to understand these beautiful, wonderful creatures that god created. He needs to understand their motivations, because these people have motivations. They aren’t used to just getting orders like all the angels. And Cas is fascinated by this, by them.
I think a part of him is confused that there are so many types of people, all of them with their own goals and methods. Again, in heaven, if you disobey, you are shunned and lose your grace. On earth, you get a slap on the wrist. Maybe a part of him is jealous? Or maybe he prefers not to have to think?
In any case, thank you @mishacollins for portraying his character like this from the get-go. It was such a good way to show his personality, his angelic habits and just everything. Hail Misha Collins.
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