#bailey first though. i have a couple of ideas i want to try
plulp · 7 months
gets on my knees. please draw bailey one day. ik you would do him so good. kisses you on the head gently
GOOD NEWS!!!! BAILEY IS NEXT!!!!!!!!!!! 😊😊😊😊 hopefully i can make it soon but no promises okay? this one's for YOU 🫵🫵🫵 thank you for putting your trust in me. i promise i will try not to do you wrong
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wayfayrr · 6 months
can I have some mulled wine and a bit of Bailey's with Red Velvet to eat in please!
Thank you!!!
Order up! I hope you'll find this to your tastes <3
The first written piece of the event then!! starting off strong with one of my favourite links, wars! this was fun to write and a lovely first request to work on <3
[Event masterlist]
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How much has he drank?
We were only supposed to have a couple of drinks here before heading to the room we rented upstairs. I mean Twilight did warn me beforehand that he noticed humans have a much higher tolerance than hylians do, but his can't be this much lower… can it? 
“[name]... [name] I can’t believe you’re still single you’re so - so…”
“I’m in a relationship wars, you already know that, you drunken dork.”
“You- you’re taken?”
He’s on the verge of tears, he looks so worked up that he’s driving himself to cry over this. He really is in love with me that much, I really did get lucky with him. Falling into another world really doesn’t feel as scary when you find yourself a lover even if they can get a bit clingy at times. 
“Well yeah of course I am, I’m taken by you link. We’ve been dating for a month.”
“We have..? OH, we - we-  yeah we have been!”
“Come on wars how much of a lightweight are you to forget that after just one or two drinks? It’s like you don’t even want to be with me like that.”
I - I shouldn’t have said that, even as a clear joke it looks like it’s hurt him way more than I ever wanted it to. The tears are still there but now both his lip is quivering and his fists are clenched so tight they’re bleached white which really isn't a good look when you add in the fact that he's swaying on his feet. There couldn’t be a clearer sign to get him out of here to sleep and sober up. 
“I didn’t mean that link, I was just trying to make a dumb joke without thinking, I’m sorry.”
“I know, I know link. Come on let's get out of here.”
Hylians are so much lighter than they have any reason to be, even with him clinging to me like an absolute dead weight he weighs nothing. So while it might be a little awkward at times when he tries to pick me up, I'm more than thankful seeing as it means I can easily rest his head on my shoulder to carry him out. 
Leaving was strange though, seeing as several people started to point and get riled up. Even through his own drunkenness link managed to tilt his head just enough to look up. 
and start grinning?
He might even be blushing too, but there's no way to tell that with how flushed he is anyway. He's so smug about something, I can't help but look at him with a bit of confusion.
“We -hic- we're under the mistletoe honey, does your world not… not have mistletoe?”
“No we have mistletoe, it's got a tradition arou- oh.”
That’s why he’s cuddling up to and laughing at me, we’re standing under the mistletoe. Is it bad I’m almost nervous about kissing him like this? With all these people watching me, watching us, I just feel so unsettled. With the joke I made earlier though, it would be downright cruel to turn him down. “I’m guessing that it’s similar here then? The tradition that is… would you like me to kiss you here link?”
“Is th-that even something you need to ask? I want everyone - everyone here to know that you’re mine.”
Yes, he does. His body language is just as blatantly obvious about it too. Come on [name], you’ve kissed him before, this isn’t something new. He’s so excited too. Could you dare turn him down? Not that I needed to answer that. He decided for the both of us while I was still coming to terms with the idea, seems I was just taking too long in his eyes. 
It’s a nice kiss, not as gentle as when he’s sober but it’s still so tender. Even with the alcohol on his breath, the way he’s acting is nothing short of a clumsy display of worship. One that he seems so reluctant to end, but comes to one anyway as he’s exhausted himself not enough to pass out but enough that he’s let his head fall onto my shoulder yet again. It’s almost inconsiderate of him to expect me to carry him after a kiss like that, he knows how weak I get for him, how much I melt when he’s so tender and demanding of my focus. 
“Is that enou-enough to prove that I care?”
“Wars you didn’t need to prove that to me, I already knew that you do.”
“Wanted to prove it t’ eve’yone else too.”
It’s like he’s considering doing it again, which I wouldn’t mind, but if he does I know I’ll drop him so it’s really for the best that he at least waits till he’s sitting down, in our room preferably. He’s gotten the hint for now, but that might only be because he’s to drunk to move again. Either way I can carry him away from the crowd. 
“Why’ve you gotta do that love? There’s no chance of me ever leaving you for any of them.”
“That’s not how they saw y’... I wouldv’ killed him for how he was talkin bout you… didn’ wanna cause a sce- scene though honeybeeee…”
Link would kill someone for me? I would like to think he wouldn’t ever have a nightmare of doing that, but if he’s saying it so confidently when he’s drunk…. He wouldn’t, would he?
“You don’t need to ever kill someone for something like that, don’t stress yourself out link.”
“Already have… don’ like when they’re rude about you love…”
That made me freeze up, right when I was about to open the door. It has to be the alcohol talking. Yeah it has to be. It has to be.
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@sketchyspook seeing as you asked so nicely to be tagged in every post from now on (is this an unofficial start to a taglist? I guess it is one.)
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colealexart · 8 months
how did you first get into cr?
i can't remember if i've told this story on here before but here we go: i was really into the last of us, especially part 2. it came out just a couple weeks after my grandad died, so i was using that as a way to process my grief. probably not the best idea given the games themes, but hey.
shannon woodward (who plays dina) started streaming on twitch. i regularly watched her and became an active member of her community (and eventually became a mod) and the people in there would talk about this d&d show with ashley johnson and laura bailey that was on every thursday. i tried watching for ashley and laura, but i just wasn't into it. i couldn't really focus on 4-5 hours of people just sitting around a table playing dungeons and dragons (a game i'd never played before and didn't know the rules for.) the thought of having to watch hundreds of hours to catch up was daunting, even though i really really wanted to. i think i made it to episode 3 of campaign 2 and stopped.
a few friends who i gamed with (who are now my best friends) would talk about it constantly, and they eventually convinced me to try again. they told me about the animated recaps and said that the story really kicks off in the 20s so i was like fuck it. i had nothing else to do because we were in the middle of a pandemic, i was still grieving, and i had been looking for a show to put on in the background while i tried to work on my art. (tried being the key word here. i really was ready to give up on my art before i found critical role.)
anyway yeah, i became obsessed. i binged the entirety of campaign 2 in a few months. not only did i find joy in watching them play, but it pulled me out of my grief induced art block and helped me actually like what i was creating again.
i didn't get to watch the finale live, but i did watch it when i'd fully caught up and cried all the way through. i didn't realize just how attached i was to the characters until i didn't have them anymore. in a way, it helped me process my grief for my grandad. if i could say goodbye to them, i could say goodbye to him.
when campaign 3 started, i watched the premiere live but i said that there was no way i could stay up every week to watch it, since it airs at 3am here. i was very wrong lol. getting up at 3am on fridays is my favourite part of the week. and i'm very thankful for finding critical role when i did :)
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Hey!! You asked for ideas, I am here to provide having made it home in once piece! :)
Going to put it out there again... clipboard!bucktommy moving house. You know you gotta :D
Angsty one (with a happy ending) Buck loves kids, can't wait to be a father and is so in love with Tommy, who loves him back with everything he has. But he doesn't want kids, ever.
We have seen cat dad! Tommy but how about new cat dad Buck who calls Tommy in a panic because a kitten has just followed him all the way to his loft front door, attached itself to the leg of his jeans and won't let go. Buck, being Buck, does NOT want to hurt the little guy.
Last one for now....Buck is a big guy. And as a big guy, every time he goes out someone tries to start a fight with him to prove themselves and he's getting kinda sick of dodging it. Tommy witnesses this when Buck goes to get them drinks and swoops in to flex menacingly at the guy bugging his pacifist boyfriend.
Always happy to talk bucktommy, buddie or whatever! ❤️ @winterbuckwild
*takes a deep breath* *takes a sip of coffee* *chokes*
Moooorning! So, wow! Ideas! 🥹 I have a couple of thoughts. First of all, I will definitely try and wrap my head around "having made it home in one piece" because love! LOVE. ClipboardBucktommy, yeah well, since I read a smut fic yesterday, I guess, that's been done 😂
The kids idea is interesting, though not something I'm into regarding writing (look. I have a kid. Somebody not wanting a kid is not angsty to me, that's rational 😂). And I really don't vibe with all of these "BT are married and having kids" thing that I see going round. No offense, if that's anybody's jam, great! Some things are not for everybody, that's normal. Small digression: as I rambled about quite often, I'm currently watching The Rookie season 6, and there's Bailey and Nolan trying for kids right now (I'm kinda pretty at the beginning of that season). And when that started, Bailey was kinda awkward around the kid they took on for a night because some accident I can't remember. I thought, great, maybe she doesn't want kids, that would be awesome! Not because of the evident conflict if Nolan wanted kids but because we see way too less women in media not wanting kids. Even as - or maybe just because I am - a mother, I'm a strong advocate of everyone saying they don't want kids. Well, unfortunately that plot line turned out very different, but yeah, no BT with kids for me. 😂 (Also, I love my daughter, not that anyone gets ideas, great kid!)
About cats: that's so cute, can anybody write that please? Also, fun fact about squirrels (what? Yeah hold on you'll understand). Squirrels might jump on you and hold to your leg. They're not attacking you, they are most likely babies who've lost their mother. It's true!
The FIGHT one! Awwww. I'm gonna play with that in my head.
But in general, I'd love to throw those ideas out in the world, if anybody takes them, please tag me and @winterbuckwild ❤️
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she-karev · 5 months
Chapter: Two of Two
Age Rating: 12+
Fandom: Grey’s Anatomy
AN: Hey guys so this chapter also has a little bit of angst and psychopath kids, so you’ve been warned before reading.
Summary: Alex and Amber continue to work together and finally talk things out.
Words: 2857
I sit in the Chief’s office next to Alex as we explain to the parents our concerns over Missy after running it by Bailey. She was disbelieving at first but after we told her what Missy was like when we talked to her including her fascination with Gia’s death and my attack. After convincing her we opted to talk to the parents in private while a security guard kept a close eye on Missy at the waiting room. She wanted us to talk to the parents before calling the police. Now the mom is sitting wiping her tears with a tissue and the dad is as cold as ever.
I stayed silent as Alex started to explain the situation to the parents, “I would never want to do anything to make this worse or more complicated but Missy…she’s showing some signs that is raising our concerns. Risk taking, fascination with death, and taboo behavior that are typically associated with juvenile sociopathy.”
I clear my throat and decide he shouldn’t be the one to tell them the worst. I started this and I should be the one to bear the weight, “We um had a conversation with her and the way she acts and the way she talks…we think Missy was involved in Gia’s stabbing.” The mom is taken back and the dad doesn’t move at all like he knew it was a possibility. My heart breaks for them both, their child is on life support possibly because of their other child I would be numb too.
“That…that’s crazy.” Sylvia laughs it off and turns to Matt, “Tell her she’s wrong.” Matt just sits there numb and staring blankly at the wall destroyed. Sylvia tries again, “Matt?” Sylvia gasps, “Say something damn it!”
Matt finally turns to her and asks in a broken voice, “Sylvia, how can you be this blind? She was there just like she was there when the dog went missing and she was there when we found rat pellets in the thanksgiving turkey.” I look away as my emotions start to get the better of me and take a deep breath to calm down as the couple argue. Alex notices and holds my hand and I hold it back because this all of this…is just like the night my brother attacked me. The parents don’t notice us though thankfully.
“No your-your just upset.” Sylvia says in tears.
“Missy may have killed our child.”
“Missy is our child.” Sylvia says with a hiss.
I can’t be in here any longer and I get up from my chair, let go of Alex’s hand and walk out of the door calmly. It’s midnight so the hallway is pretty much empty. I try to make it to the bathroom but my stomach doesn’t let me and in a panic I open the red biohazard trash can and vomit my lunch inside. I don’t even realize someone is rubbing my back in comfort until I finally dry heave and wipe my mouth. I look and see that it was Glasses who rubbed my back and the idea that he saw me throw up makes me want to hurl again. But since I got my lunch and breakfast out of me I opt to pull away from him and go to the locker room to brush my teeth. He follows me.
“Are you okay?” Levi asks.
I hold my head up high so I don’t show weakness, “I’m fine tell anyone what you saw and I will perform a rectal exam on you without a lubricant.” He looks at me scared and backs off when we enter the lockers.
After I brushed my teeth I headed back to the Chief’s office and ran into Alex on the way. He looked wrecked and honestly who could blame him after what just happened.
“I-I’m sorry I didn’t stay it’s just I was-”
Alex shakes his head, “Don’t worry about it I get it this…this is triggering. A sibling tried to kill another sibling how can it not be?”
I groan at the comparison, “Yeah well, the only difference is Aaron was hallucinating and Missy was just having fun if she can feel that. It makes me sick.”
Alex rubs the back of his neck, “Yeah me too…are you okay?”
I sigh and rub my forehead as I feel a splitting headache, “I feel like taking a whole bottle of ibuprofen just to get away from this headspace.” Alex raises an eyebrow at my suicidal comment, “Don’t report me I’m being dramatic. How are the parents?”
“Mom stormed off and dad went back to Gia’s room, he’s trying to hold it in but this is wrecking him.” Alex rubs his tired eyes.
“And Missy? What are we gonna do about her? Have you called the cops?”
Alex looks back at me, “Yeah, we did but without a clear confession they can’t make an arrest. They suggested a wire and I offered to talk to her again and get her to say she stabbed Gia.”
“I’ll do it.” I suggest this crazy thing because I want to see this girl pay for what she did to her sister but Alex immediately shakes his head.
“No that is not a good idea. She’s dangerous and she already killed someone, I’m not letting you take that risk.”
“Alex I would be talking to her in the middle of the hospital full of security guards, doctor and nurses.” Those facts make me comfortable to do this, “And it’s not like she’s carrying and I took boxing for two years I can handle myself. The cops need a confession and I’m most likely to get it. I’m a girl, I’m around her age and she’s comfortable around me due to me satiating her psychopath side with the story of how I was attacked.” Alex sighs and still looks uncertain, “She could do this again and she might not come to the hospital next time where doctors will question her. I want to do this and I don’t need your permission.”
Alex looks at me worriedly and finally complies, “Fine but be careful.” I nod and we head back to the Chief’s office.
After the cops gave me instructions and placed the wire under my scrub along my diaphragm, I head out to find Missy. I walk around the hospital for a few minutes until I find her in the family waiting room sitting there on the table looking at her phone. I inhale and exhale because the sight of her knowing what she did makes me anxious but I told Alex I could do this and I will. I approach her and sit in front of her.
“Hey Missy.” I keep my tone calm and even as per my instructions and she looks at me surprised to see me, “I’m Dr. Karev I don’t know if you-”
“Right you’re the girl who got strangled and attacked I remember you.” She says it coldly and I continue.
“Yeah well I wanted to come by and talk to you and see how you were doing after Gia. I know when one of my brothers got hurt I would always worry about them.”
Missy shakes her head nonchalantly, “Gia was just a little baby she was always crying and begging me to play with her. She would always barge into my room and annoy me.” The way she chastises her sister is the first emotion she displayed and it’s anger.
“Yeah I had a little cousin who did that.” I lie to relate to Missy like the cops suggested and groan to play along, “It would drive me crazy.”
Missy nods, “I’m not gonna miss that.” That one sentence sends chills down my spine but I persist as I’m getting somewhere and decide to kick into high gear.
Remember when we were talking about the man who attacked me? and you said he probably did it to feel more powerful? Well it turns out you were wrong.” Missy looks at me offended, “The guy was my brother and he didn’t want to hurt me, he loved me, he took care of me and…he was just crazy and he lashed out. I don’t think he was thinking about what was gonna happen after to him or me but I don’t think he really wanted to kill me just for the fun of it.” Missy looks at me like I’m the one who’s crazy.
“Well maybe he did I mean you don’t know what he was thinking.”
I shrug, “I mean come on Missy why else would you kill someone?” I ask as genuine as I can to draw her in.
“To know if you could really do it.”
I shake my head at her terrifying comment, “No I don’t think so, I mean to actually feel the life slip away from someone else it’s…it’s way too scary for most sane people and for my brother it was-”
“No I know what he was feeling I mean I know exactly how he was feeling.” Missy says with a grin that is chilling before leaning in and whispering to me, “I was the one who stabbed Gia.” I look at her with a blank face even though my terror escalates as my fears come true, “And it wasn’t that scary. I knew what I wanted to do and I did it just like with your brother he must have felt like it was the coolest thing ever when he was trying to kill you.”
I shake my head in disgust and stand up and walk out the door as I see the cops entering and arresting Missy. I pass Alex on the way who looks at me in worry and I shake my head at him before saying bitterly, “Dysfunctional families am I right?” With that I walk to the lockers to take a hot scolding shower and leave this damn day behind me.
After my Silkwood shower, I put my clothes on and am just about to put my shoes on when Alex walks in looking as exhausted as me. I am so tired I’m not even mad at him, I’m just numb and I know that tomorrow when I see him again I’ll be mad again. It’s a vicious cycle and I have to escape before my psychosis causes me to lash out at him like Missy did to Gia. I know I don’t have sociopathic tendencies but the way I feel around him is degrading to me and the career I have worked hard to get. I need to get out before it’s too late.
Alex stands there looking at Amber with the same level of tiredness and numbness that she feels only he feels slightly worse because of what he needs to do. He needs to apologize and get their issues out of the way for both of their sakes. He starts by clearing his throat.
“Are you okay?”
Amber packs her stuff in her backpack not looking at him, “Sure a night of arresting a teenage psycho is just what I needed before collapsing on my bed.” Alex nods sharing her pain and her next words catch him off guard, “I’m gonna look for another program tomorrow. This thing.” Amber motions to both of them, “It’s gonna end bad and I need to get out and find something that won’t remind me of the worst time of my life every five seconds or undermine me because of my past.”
Alex looks down in shame over accusing Amber of being paranoid due to their mom and starts his apology train, “I’m sorry Amber and not just for today for all of it. I’m just sorry and I wish I could do thing differently.”
Amber shakes her head and closes her locker, “Don’t Alex don’t even bother the damage is done.”
“I never meant to hurt you.” Alex says it with sincerity and pain.
Amber looks at him with a blank face, “I’m sure you didn’t. I’m sure you didn’t even think about me. You saw a way out and you took it just like me only difference is I didn’t leave anyone behind with no defenses. Hell even Uncle Lucas gave a more of a damn than you and he hates us. But whatever reasons he had I’m sure they were better than yours for leaving.” Amber sits on the bench to put her boots on.
Alex’s shame gets deeper before he confesses an 8 year long secret, “I told him to.”
Amber looks up and raises an eyebrow, “Told who to do what?”
“I told Uncle Lucas to take you in and let you recover at his place until you graduated.” Amber pauses her laces clearly effected by his words as he continues, “CPS was gonna send you into foster care, Aaron was at the hospital and mom wasn’t a good choice so I made him an option. I gave him 8 grand to take you in and I told him I would pay him another 8 after you graduated. The bastard almost skimmed me but I told him I would report him for drug use after I found a stash of meth at his place.”
“Great place to dump your baby sister after she had her jaw reconstructed.” She says sarcastically.
“Well it was either him or do the foster lottery and you land in some rundown home with five other kids who will rip out your wires. And I made sure he was checked on. I called a cop buddy of mine and made him spy on you and him at the house and make sure he was treating you right or at least ignoring you.”
Amber ties my laces, “He did, he ignored me and I avoided him so I was glad to have one less thing for me to deal with. But just because you forced our inattentive Uncle to take me in doesn’t mean I forgive you. I appreciate what you did but you didn’t do much when you were around. The only reason I know you were there was because the doctors told me after I woke up that you held my hand for 10 minutes and then left. I tried to call you but you wouldn’t answer and maybe this whole me getting a job here was a subconscious decision to confront you and figure out why you left and that’s on me.”
Alex shakes his head, “No it’s on me. I started this by leaving and I know that wasn’t fair to you.”
Amber puts her other shoe on, “Your damn right it wasn’t.” Amber says with a vicious tone as she ties her laces.
Alex sighs and continues, “I know you hate me and you have a good reason to. I left you with a schizo mom who barely kept up with her meds and a brother I didn’t was gonna inherit the crazy gene. When I got a job here, I saw it as my ticket out of Iowa but I also saw it as my ticket out of our family. I told myself that Aaron was enough for you, that you were fine with just one brother, I sent the checks to help out because it made me feel better for abandoning you. I told myself that I wasn’t your father, that you were better off without me but you weren’t, it was clear to me that night when you needed me the most.” Amber stops what she’s doing as Alex brings that moment up and he sees it safe to sit next to her, “I held you hand for ten minutes; you were only 16, you should’ve been having sleepovers and shopping for a prom dress not being in a hospital after your brother almost killed you. I held your hand for ten minutes and then I left, Aaron was committed and so was our mom, you needed me and I wasn’t there. I told myself that I couldn’t take care of you that you were better off without me, that Uncle Lucas could do what I couldn’t. I…I wasn’t there I was the ass that can’t stand to be there and I’m older now and I know better now.” Amber is quiet as she feels a single tear down her cheek and wipes it away, “I should’ve done more for you and I’m sorry. I’m sorry for not being your brother when you needed me, I don’t know if it’s worth anything. But I just needed you to know how sorry I am.”
Alex says that with his eyes wet as he’s letting his feelings of shame and regret show to Amber who looks at him for the first time in appreciation and as her brother. She sniffles before saying, “It’s worth a lot but…we have a lot of work to do here.”
Alex nods, “Yeah…dysfunctional families am I right?” Amber sighs and puts her head on Alex’s shoulder looking to him as a source of comfort instead of a source of pain. It’s not magically fixed between them but that night is a starting point.
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avalonbayblog · 4 months
“Do we… do we kiss now or…?” Jayden/Bailey?
A/N: I got this back in 2019 and I'm only just responding to it. I suck, I know, lol. Also, I'm sort of cheating because it's my Happy New Year ficlet for them but fixed some dialogue...meaning I answer this before even remembering it was in my inbox! Lol, I'm so sorry!
He was sure it was Emily’s and Mike’s idea to have the New Year’s Eve party. Though he was sure Kevin, Mia, Antonio, and Lauren weren’t too far behind. But it was definitely the yellow ranger’s idea.
She was always into things like that. As they had grown closer as a team, as a found family, she insisted on them celebrating every time they managed to defeat a Nighlock. And it was fun, something they’d started shortly before their tenure as rangers ended. They celebrated Halloween and Christmas, but had never celebrated the New Year together, so why not start now?
Those were the exact words on the letter Jayden had received from Emily, two weeks before they were to arrive at his house. Why she hadn’t just texted him, she wasn’t sure. But knowing Emily, she wanted to honor the essence of the day by sending official invitations. As it was, Jayden was excited to see his team again. He, Lauren, and Antonio had been the only ones who stuck around Panorama City, and even then, Anotino and Lauren were almost constantly on some sort of fishing trip.
It was a weird match made in heaven, his best friend and sister getting together. But it made sense all the same. When Antonio wasn’t spending his time training with Jayden, he was seen teasing Lauren and trying to get her attention. And Lauren, having had missed so much of life training as the true Samurai Red Ranger, was excited to be able to explore the world. It was a win-win, and the relationship they formed along the way seemed to be working out well for them. Antonio was his goofy self and Lauren laughed at all his jokes.
It was nice to see. And Jayden had seen it amongst the others as well, he’d always known Mike and Emily had a crush on each other since starting as rangers. He focused on his duties but wasn’t blind. It was more a of a sense of…curiosity to see how they would get together. They always seemed to be a little too shy to say anything. Kevin and Mia were a little different, Kevin was so focused on his line of duty as the blue ranger that it seemed to not even occur to him that Mia was into him until he started to loosen up a little.
Even then, Mike had to be the one to spell it out for him. Jayden remembered the night of sitting in the room Mike and Kevin shared and how Kevin’s eyes had grown wide and the almost squeaked “What?” acme from the blue ranger’s mouth when Mike simply said, “Dude…you know Mia likes you, right?”
So, Jayden wasn’t surprised when he saw the ranger couples heading up to the house on the day they arrived. Mike had his arm draped over Emily’s shoulders in that cool, nonchalant way that was simply Mike, Emily beaming at his side. (Though that could’ve been from the sheer excitement of seeing her friends again). Kevin and Mia were sweet, holding swinging hands between them as they strolled up to the house. And Antonio and Lauren brought up the rear, carrying fishing poles and laughing about something along the way…to the point Jayden and Ji heard them long before they came into view.
So for the next few hours they caught up with each other, following Emily’s and Mia’s orders of where the decorations and food was supposed to go for the perfect set up. Soon after, Jayden went to take a shower and change clothes, then came back to Emily starting to hand out the party blowers and hats they were to wear.
Lauren was the first one to bring it up. “When’s Bailey supposed to get here?”
Ji looked at his watch. “Any minute now,” he replied. “She had to take care of some work before coming over.”
“I can’t wait to see her!” Mia said, clasping her hands together. “It’s been so long.”
“Yeah, we can’t start until we’re all together,” Emily said, practically wiggling in excitement. “What’s a new year’s party if we’re not all together?”
“A regular party?” Mike said, making her gently roll her eyes.
“She’ll be here, Em,” Kevin said. He shared what looked to be a secret smile with the others. “We know that she wouldn’t be able to resist coming.”
At that, it seemed that all eyes turned Jayden’s way. At least, he noticed it on the lift of his cup to take another sip of his sparkling cider. Jayden slowly lowered it, his eyes shifting back and forth. “What?” He asked.
“Nothing!” Was the quick, and unbelievable reply.
Jayden’s face screwed up in light confusion. Unlike everyone else, he’d seen the purple samurai ranger around as she hadn’t left Panorama city once the Nighlocks had been defeated. It made sense, she was finishing up her studies and her work at the university and had the job at the coffee shop she held onto. The same coffee shop that Jayden frequented when the urge for some caffeine hit him. Every now and again he would catch her on her lunch break and the two would talk over their orders, talking about what Bailey was studying—and Jayden never understood—and his travels with Ji on their motorcycle trips.
Nothing much more than that…as far as he knew.
Though the others seemed to insist that something was going on. Maybe he just didn’t get it. They enjoyed each other’s company and alerted each other if there were any strange readings that my indicate evil things coming up. Sometimes they met up just to spar so that they wouldn’t get too rusty. But…that didn’t necessarily mean anything was going on.
There was a lot of catching up to do that Jayden needed to do as a person. He was advanced in a lot of ways but stunted in many others. That wasn’t to say he hadn’t joined in the conversation when the boys were talking about which ranger girls were cute. Objectively, he thought they were, and could at least say he thought his sister deserved someone but had never really been attracted to someone.
That he knew of.
Is that what it meant when he felt a little overconfident while equally a little nervous, got annoyed when he wasn’t being paid attention to? Wasn’t that just being a leader?
“Mia, why do you look like you’re about to burst?” Jayden asked, watching as Mia ran her hands over each other. Partially as a subconscious means to take the attention off him, and partially because he noticed the bit of high energy from the pink ranger who was usually very calm.
She lifted herself to sit on her hands. “No reason,” she replied with a warm smile.
He didn’t quite believe her, but Mia also wasn’t one to lie very often.
“Hey everyone!”
All attention moved away from Jayden as Bailey Mitchell; the purple samurai ranger swept into the room with a bounce to her step. Thankful for the distraction, Jayden held back as the other rangers got up and gave her excited hugs. He didn’t really need to greet her; he saw her regularly. Nevertheless, he gave a small smile and a wave when her gaze swept his way.
So, the party became full swing. With food, laughter, and games going as the night went on, with the TV that Mike had eventually convinced Ji to invest in, set to the news to watch the countdown for the ball to drop. Eventually, the conversation moved to the guys in the living room while the girls were in the kitchen. As soon as Lauren’s ponytail disappeared around the corner, Mike turned to Jayden with a head whip so quick that Jayden lightly flinched.
He didn’t especially like the look on the green ranger’s face.
“So?” Mike asked, his lips pulled back into a smirk. “Are you going to kiss Bailey once the ball drops?”
Jayden blinked in surprise, confusion, and…anxiety. “Kiss?”
He knew the traditions surrounding Halloween—he wistfully watched the other kids go around the neighborhood dressed up and getting candy while he was still training. He understood Christmas—it was the holiday that Ji insisted they didn’t let pass by. But New Year’s wasn’t anything special to as far as he knew…he and Ji were usually on watch in case Nighlocks appeared to want to catch Panorama off-guard in the wee hours of the early morning.
But it wasn’t simply the fact that the tradition was lost on him that made him hesitate, but the fact that the red ranger had never kissed anyone before.
If it were possible, the Shiba house had gotten louder the closer it got to midnight.
In a way that Bailey hadn’t been used to for most of her life. As a kid she remembered holidays with her mom and sister being just the three of them. In Angel Grove it was just her and Avalon for a while. After having met the other rangers, they were swept up in holidays festivities to the point that the first holiday they spent with their new friends Avalon and Bailey were overwhelmed.
Over the years, they went back to smaller celebrations, mostly herself, Avalon, and her brother-in-law, Billy. All the teams and friends she’d met over the years, they consistently became spread out as the years went on and their ranger duties were no longer needed.
So, the opportunity to see her friends from the Samurai team again was an exciting opportunity. And a good way for her to get her head out of the academic world she threw herself into, wanting to finish her degree. Honestly, she probably could have graduated early and even skipped grades when she was young, she remembered when Avalon had suggested it to her. But Bailey, unlike Billy, had turned it down. As smart as she was, she enjoyed her friendships as much as she enjoyed learning and wanted to stick with her peer group.
Plus, she hadn’t been to a party since the housewarming Max had thrown with his boyfriend. The rest of the staff of the coffee shop was there, but no one else she knew. And it was weird, she never realized how comfortable she’d become in the ranger life until it was gone. Like she was watching every one from an overhead vantage point rather than being there.
But in the Shiba house she felt more comfortable. It was a home to her, and should have been with how much time she spent there. Despite knowing Emily had spearheaded the party, she was a little surprised to see Ji and Jayden getting so into the festivities. They’d always been so serious about things as they were fighting the Nighlocks.
Even birthdays seemed to be blips on the radar.
It was a nice change of pace to see how relaxed everyone was. Jayden had talked about it a few times before, when holidays had never happened, and Jayden had grown to not be disappointed.
It was fine. Lots of things changed after his mother passed away and that was just one of the many new things Stiles had adjusted to.
That new year’s eve, the house was full and it made Bailey smile.
The night went on, soon it was almost midnight and Bailey decided to get some more food from the kitchen. Anything to keep from watching as the clock went ticked on, aware that the party was slowing down—though Emily’s excitement for the new year wasn’t—and everyone was getting ready to bring in the new year.
Where she’d be the only one without someone to kiss. Hell, even when she was a kid she at least had Fred to kiss. And then Carter that one time. And that one girl that one year, though she wasn’t entirely sober for that one. And Max, of course, being the good friend that he was. And those kisses didn’t count anyway, it was different when you were celebrating new years as an adult.
It was a thing.
And it clearly was a thing since Mia, Emily, and Lauren had all talked about how excited they were with their new years’ kisses coming up. Mia, surprisingly, was especially excited about it. Then again, she was the one who had been the most into romance and weddings, so it wasn’t that weird. Lauren was a little better than Jayden, having traveled and been with Antonio for so long that she was able to experience multiple holidays and festivities in different cities and countries. The new years kiss wasn’t foreign to her but she was still enthralled with the idea as it was.
Then again, as far as Bailey knew, everything seemed to excite Lauren. She hadn’t seen a girl smile at life as much since she’d met Kimberly.
And, of course, Emily had Mike…
“There you are!”
Bailey looked up as Emily scurried into the kitchen, her ballet flats tapping against the floor as she went. “Come on! The ball’s about to drop! You need to be there!”
“Oh, no, I’m…” Bailey wasn’t able to get the rest of her words out before she was yanked back into the living room.
Stuck, Bailey stood just in the doorway of the living room, trying to stay inconspicuous. Her eyes flickered over the countdown on the TV screen. She sighed, slightly disappointed. By that point she’d figured she would have had things figured out, had a boyfriend to spend the holidays with. It was hard to leave from spending Christmas with Avalon and Billy, but seeing her friends was a good reprieve. It was nice to see their marriage going well, something they both deserved after how hard they fought for it.
But she didn’t want to cramp their style. New years was for couples and friends and she was content to sit in her apartment before having been invited out. And it wasn’t like she wasn’t used to not having someone to kiss. She’d been so much of a nerd in her formative years that people didn’t really look her way.
Still, it was hard to see Mike and Emily, Kevin and Mia, and Antonio and Lauren pair up.
But that was fine, she was happy for them. The small smile that came to her face proved as much.
Still, she couldn’t help but feel every nerve in her body ignite on fire when she realized Jayden was standing close to her, head bent toward the floor. As if he had the same idea she had, of ducking into the kitchen when he got the chance. Still, Bailey couldn’t help but glance at him from the corner of her eye; the tall, brooding, red ranger that he was.
And who she had a crush on since, almost, the first time she looked at him. Of course, she’d denied it like crazy, she never liked people telling her things about herself rather than her figuring it out on her own. But her own will could be stubborn. Anyway, she was smart, she recognized a crush the moment her heart rate had started to increase…and it couldn’t quite be ignored when all of her co-workers would coo and squeal in her ear whenever ‘Sad Guy’ came in to order.
Not that it mattered anyway, Jayden was remarkably straightforward with what he wanted. And the only thing he wanted was to defeat the Nighlocks and finish what his father started. Everything outside of that wasn’t anything that even crossed his radar. So even when she admitted to herself she liked him she knew it was a moot point.
For two reasons 1) A guy that good looking would never be interested in her—she still remembered the embarrassment of what happened with Conner, and 2) Nothing seemed to turn him on more than morphing.
But it was more than that; when he relaxed, he was nice, real. He was able to be himself and not ‘Jayden the red ranger’. Plus, the irony wasn’t lost on her, she made fun of Avalon for having a thing for Jason way back when. Having a thing for the red ranger must run in the family.
Bailey glanced at him again then froze, seeing that he had glanced at her at the same time and their eyes met. He shifted a little closer to her, still far enough away the distance wasn’t questioned but close enough she could reach out and touch him if needed.
“So, uh, you, uh…” Jayden cleared his throat. “Don’t have anyone to kiss?”
Bailey’s face screwed up in confusion, and slight offense. That was a…weird conversation to start. And one that she didn’t really want to have. But it also wasn’t something she wasn’t used to with Jayden Shiba. He’d been so engrained in a life of battle that regular social cues and situations was foreign to him. She’d seen him stumble over showing more than surface level interest to people he came across.
“Guess not,” she replied.
“I don’t either.”
At that, Bailey rolled her eyes. Now she got it. Understood why the words seemed so foreign in Jayden’s mouth probably came from Mike. So much so that when she looked over at the green ranger, he quickly looked away, as if the ceiling had suddenly become so interesting. Part of her wished she was back with her sister.
It took a second for her to realize Jayden was still speaking to her.
“Uh, maybe, uh, we could, uh, kiss each other?”
Bailey blinked in surprise, working to let the words roll through her head and make sense of them. She stared at him, at the side of his face as he continued to look at his feet. This was Jayden, the red ranger who would race into battle without a second thought. Who had almost gotten himself killed out of a sense of pride and wanting to protect his team.
And he was…nervous.
It almost didn’t compute.
It certainly didn’t make sense.
Jayden was still talking. “Do we… do we kiss now or…?"
Bailey’s brain short-circuited as she tried to work out what to say in response. Part of her was excited, another part of her was working through the mathematical probability that he was, in fact, asking an honest question and not messing with her.
Jayden frowned, lightly lifting his chin at her silence. “If you don’t want to…you don’t have to…”
Bailey quickly crunched the numbers and found the probability of him making a fool of her was a lot less than her panicked 50:50 odds. The thought made her smile a little, and give her more than enough courage to reach out and place her hand on the back of Jayden’s neck and slide in toward him. She saw his face before she closed her eyes, a soft look of surprise and self-consciousness before moving forward to meet her.
She could hear the cheering of the new year around her but focused on nothing but her lips dragging over his, his tentative pressure on hers, and the sound of her heart thumping in her ears. She pulled back a little, finding Jayden eagerly pushing toward her again.
His lips against hers were clumsy, but he caught on quickly after a few seconds. He’d always been a quick study. For a second, panic moved into Bailey’s head, wondering if he was only offering due to pressure from others or from the holiday, but then he brought his hands up to gently rest on her lower back and he kissed her again and it went away.
They don't pull back for a long, long time.
Enough so they miss Mia announcing her engagement at the new year.
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degrees-of-fuck · 2 years
good day lilac, how r you, can i get more clara fun facts, she cutie 🤲🤲🤲
Good day 2 u Also and thank u ugyhkjn <3 <3 I'm pretty bleh and tired lately tbh, but very much in the mood to go on a ramble about my brain blorbos
You Sure Can ✨ puts her into your open hands
Clara has high purity due to her just kind of. Continuing to be a virgin I guess. And because she's gotten very good at Distracting things from penetrating her in any sense. As a result, she's Occasionally spotted with a faint halo - something she considers to be a sick, sick joke at her expense. She knew god had a cruel sense of humour, but damn.
I feel like maybe one or two people are capable of telling whether she's joking or serious most of the time, unless she's actively forcing herself to emote for some reason. So she says a LOT of out there shit with a look of total sincerity. This may or may not be one of the reasons her peers generally dislike her. She's fuckin weird and hard to read. (Not to mention a Nerd)
I once had the mental image of Clara filling milk bottles with her tit milk and selling them - which led to the mental image of Bailey using her milk for Orphanage Food Stuff rather than having to buy it, because why the fuck wouldn't they save money by exploiting their charge? (I mean she's already their cashcow)
One time in my game she tried to stand up for Sydney with 0 intent of getting Physically involved, but this 'somehow' lead to her getting beaten up. Which lead to particularly violent molestation, predictably. Right in front of Sydney. They did not notice and were just sort of acting like they were fighting and never seemed to really Notice what was actually happening there?? I guess their glasses were broken? Either way this really does feel like the perfect instance to describe the thought process that lead Clara to want to corrupt them
Botany Nerd Botany Nerd Botany Nerd Botany Nerd
While I think Closetgoth Corrupt Sydney has a pretty different aesthetic to her, I do imagine it has the odd shared element and I like the idea of them sharing certain accessories, or Clara giving them a couple things to get their collection started.
Fun Fact: u should pick her up and fling her into the ocean
Because she cares about fashion (or rather, her own fashion. not much one to keep up with what anyone else is doing) I feel like she has a slowly, but constantly growing collection of cowbells.
At the moment I saw this ask I was looking for sims cc to make her in my game again. Not really a fact about her, I just thought it was neat.
Her ears and tail are the most expressive parts of her I think? With their flapping and twitching. Even then though, she keeps them under good control around most people. (First time Robin was immediately able to tell she was lying about some dumb shit due to the movements of her tail giving it away, she had a big old panic attack. She REALLY relies on Dishonesty Powers. Had to re-learn a bit when new tics showed up.)
Even with her glasses she has pretty bad vision, tbh. She's not super near or farsighted, it's just... Bad. General low vision.
For Sims Reasons, I’ve been trying to think of what surname the orphans that have always been at the orphanage might have (So not Robin in my head. I imagine they came later, thus seeing PC as ‘older’ despite being the same age.) I thought for a while, before just deciding to go off of the fact that the forest is nearby, which is apparently a fairly common basis on which to name an orphan hoard. So Clara’s full name is Clara Woods.
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ducknotinarow · 2 years
[BaileyRichard]  dance — to pull my muse into a slow dance
| Underrated Affection Gestures
It wasn't too out there for music to be sounding out in thier home for one reason or another. Bailey played on the piano feeling the place with the soft, lively melody that Richard adored. Or one of them was singing to the other, Richard in part knew that Bailey couldn't sing, and yet the second they did Richard was too busy loving them for doing it to let his ear truly understand the sound Bailey was making. because one of them had turned the radio on to surprise the other with music when they came home either for a little dance or well some intimate time in the bedroom. Right now it was for a dance. not a surprise dance though no they were trying to pick the song they wanted to be for thier first dance. But when you and your husband tend to find many songs that are clearly just perfect for you because well let's be honest. Bailey and Richard were a great couple they may be as different as night and day but what they had in common was just as important. And one of those is they both had a bad little habit. Their husband was on thier mind all hours of the day so pretty much anything and everything that even remotely related to the other was all it took for them to decide something was clearly about them. Music had always seemed to have a special part to play. Ever since Richard learned Bailey could play the piano and violin he couldn't help but seek to learn more about Bailey. And ever since Richard tracked down that piece 'I love you a latte' for Bailey to play only to later learn that song was made by the rooster's late parents, well Bailey saw just how much Richard was always the one for them. So Music had a big role to play in thier life. And as great and cute as that may be, it also was now leaving the two of them in a bit of a predicament. Beak quirked left and right as Richard and Bailey were both hovering over Richard's laptop. They had been looking over thier playlist to get an idea of what to pick. Of course, they had done this before but that didn't make it easier. Even with Buddy here as well, couldn't leave thier son out after all. The point of the second wedding was well after thier own struggles and changes in life they knew for sure they were going to be there through thick and thin, No matter what life brought into thier lives they were going to be together. Have each other to lean on to count on and be there when they needed each other most. All they knew was they wanted a song that fits that. Richard did for sure. "I think something slow at least is a good starting point since well the first dance is normally a slow song." Richard tossed out "doesn't have to be like slow slow though?" he questioned after, moving to rest back against the couch holding his chin in his hand as fingers were feeling over well he kept thinking about it himself. Bailey humming in thought themself, they were both at the same thought. They just wanted the perfect song to say how much they love the other. Oh how easily two dim wits seem to forget that it's thier love together, both wanting it to be the perfect day for thier husband. Richard soon let his head tip back to rest against the back of the couch as he was left deep in thought over it. Buddy, sat on the floor tapping at the keyboard and going down the list of songs. As Bailey looked over the screen humming in thought himself as they kept an eye out for the right fit. "was the last wedding this much work?" Richard asked, likely yes but once the wedding came all the work was worth it and well easily forgotten. Replaced with the memories of the day itself instead.
Soon moving to sit up straight now as he leaned forward to look back with Bailey, leaning against thier side, letting his head rest against thier own. Slipping an arm around to thier waist a slight tug to pull them in closer. Bailey not even waiting for a second to move in and cuddle in against Richard's side. Listening to Bailey huff did get Richard to smile looking off to the side and watching them. Reaching over o get Buddy's attention so they would click the song he pointed out to just let it start to play as he song hummed to it before turning to Bailey now.
"Well, I wasn't expecting it, took all my breath, it hit me like a ton of bricks. Out of the blue. I got these feelings." Richard slightly sang out before turning to peck Bailey's cheek. Soong moving away from thier side and off the couch, hand held out thier way. "Let's try another way to find the right song." Richard offered as Bailey placed thier hand in his, helping them up "Mijo mind playing DJ for a bit? just go ahead and click through the list and I'm sure we'll find the one we like best." shrugging his shoulders for a moment "Eventually." Leads Bailey to the open space of the living room now. Standing in place, with Buddy going ahead and clicking the next song. 'Pink Dreams' played as Richard hummed to it as well, of course, he knew these songs. Looking to Bailey as he spoke these lyrics feeling playful in the moment "I see you walking by, I'm fucking with your vibe." Richard said pointing between the two of them, lifting his arm up and pulling back so to have them walking " And I know you know you're so fly." he went to say setting a hand to himself as he puffed out his chest now it was about him of course, Soon pulling Bailey in, drawing them close to himself as he held them again this chest now. "Cause I can't get you off my mind," smiling as Bailey sing along with him. Love truly was deaf as Richard seemed to melt at the brief moment they did sing. "I love when you sing," he said as smiled softly at them. Letting his hands find a home on the small of the rooster's back, Buddy still moving down the list. 'Love Again', 'Don't Stop,' and 'Enough' followed after as they just sort of stood together swaying a little to the songs that played. The two of them taking turns singing out lyrics to each other, was always funny how they seemed to perfectly fit moments and feeling they shared together. When a softer tone started to play How long will I love you? As long as stars are above you And longer if I can
Richard shifted his attention away from Bailey for a moment listening to the song before he smiled and lifted a hand away from Bailey's back. "Still remember how to dance like this?" Richard asked a little coy, as he took hold of Bailey's hand. Bailey moved to set their other on his shoulder. That answered Richard's question as they followed his lead now stepping back and forth with each other, swaying in time to the song. How long will I need you? As long as the seasons need to Follow their plan
Richard smiled listening as he and Bailey moved around their 'dance floor' together. "I do like this song always makes me think of you pollito,"
How long will I be with you? As long as the sea is bound to Wash upon the sand How long will I want you? As long as you want me to And longer by far
"Mijo, can you put it on repeat?" Richard went to ask. Not sure this was thier pick but it was the song he wanted to dance to right now. Soon Richard gave tilt his head to gesture them to come didn't take long for Buddy to do either. Bending down for a moment to pick Buddy up and lift him so they could get them settled between the two of them.
How long will I hold you? As long as your father told you As long as you can
Leaning in to rest his forehead against Bailey's as he made sure his hold on both of them was good and tight.
How long will I give to you? As long as I live through you However long you say How long will I love you? As long as stars are above you And longer if I may
Lifting up his head to gently press a kiss to Bailey's forehead. Music really was soo rooted in thier love for one another it seemed. Lyrics and melody are just interwoven so well to covey all that just seemed are to say himself.
How long will I love you? As long as stars are above you
"Yeah, that exactly how long," Richard said as if Bailey were the one asking him. Song closing only to come on again Richard rocking back and forth with his husband and son held close.
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Could we get wedding HC's with Bailey, Eden and Mason? The sort of ceremony they have, where it is, how intimate it would be, how they wreck PC's insides on their wedding night, the sort of langire they'd like to see their spouse in, who's invited, who's NOT invited, what kind of honeymoon they'd have, how long would it be, etc 😇
I know jack shit about dresses and fancy clothes
NSFW below
There's a prenup. No chance in hell they're giving you even the slightest chance of running off with their money in a divorce.
Your idea, and it'll take a long while to get that yes.
Would prefer for you to grab a witness and just elope at the town hall, but you have to make it difficult and want a ceremony.
It's expensive, you know? Flowers alone can cost several thousand.
Whos gonna give you away? Doren? Your English teacher? Well alright then.
Let's you plan, and by letting I mean hovers over your shoulder and makes constant comments that what you're doing is wrong.
Pulls in every favour to cheapen prices.
Expensive ass showy rings, though. The best of the best.
Classic black tux for masc Bailey. Nothing too fancy or boring. He hates how he looks in all white, reminds him of those shitty Vagas weddings you see.
Short sleeved, open back white dress for fem Bailey. Shows off her tattoos nicely.
If you're making a big show out of it, then may as well use it as a publicity stunt.
The orphanage is there - and they're all on their best behaviour. Smile and wave at the lovely people, maybe you'll attract customers so Bailey can make their money back.
Quinn is there, too. Maybe the local news paper. There's a lot of people you don't recognise but Bailey says they're important.
Hires security. Probably knows about people like Whitney or Kylar that might gate-crash and won't let them in.
Acts perfectly charming and like they're enjoying themselves the whole time. They might be enjoying themselves, actually, that smile looks real.
Chokes a little seeing you walk up the isle/walking up themselves. Has to clear their throat and blink a few times to regain composure.
Uses the ready-made vows. Not about to be vulnerable in front of an audience.
Surprisingly soft when they kiss you.
Okay so this is fun. It's a break from work, there's tons of free gifts, you look amazing and the cake is delicious.
The honeymoon has to be short, Bailey can't leave the brats for too long.
A trip out of town, a week or so away with just the two of you. Maybe a spa, with couples massages and hot tubs. And wine.
Regardless of your gender, Bailey wants you in lingere. Wants to unwrap you like a present, watch how the material bunches in their hands as they slide it from your skin.
Will spend so long fingerings you into overstimilation, having you lie across their lap and drool into the bedsheets while they talk dirty in your ear.
You're already married, what are you talking about?
Oh you mean legally. Right.
Doesn't see the need. Hates that much attention on themselves, doesn't want to be in town, doesn't want anyone at the cabin, doesn't need a piece of paper to say they love you.
Might give into a small ceremony, by the lake, just you, the officiate, and a witness.
But Eden chooses them both, control freak that they are.
Reluctantly goes shopping with you to find your clothes. Does not believe in silly things like not seeing the bride in the dress, so will show you which ones they like and ask you to try them on/watch them do so.
A little self conclusion being dressed up. Would prefer to do it in their own clothes, if only you'd let them.
Gets handsy in the changing room.
Or helps you handmake a dress.
Gathering wild flowers for the bouquet and to add to your hair or theirs.
The day comes and the witness turns out to be Bailey. You ask about it and they'll just shrug and say "Don't really know anyone else."
File away into things to investigate later.
Prepared their own vows actually. They stumble through them, eyes flickering to the ground but it's heartfelt and real. You may end up crying.
Very harsh, possessive kiss. Lasts only a few seconds though, there's people watching.
Thanks Bailey and the officiate before sending them off with the signed papers.
Honeymoons are difficult to have when you live in the forest. Maybe Bailey hooks the two of you up with a hotel, for a price, a chance to relax. A chance to eat so much.
Eden is going to abuse that room service.
Meal after meal they don't have to prepare? And you don't, so they can fuck you till it arrives? This is amazing.
Now picture Eden in one of those massive robes, lounging in a comfy bed, satisfied smile on their face from having a full gut and their spouse at their side.
Does the tearing the garter off with their teeth thing if you're wearing it. Immediately goes down on you when it's off.
Breeding kink turns up to 1000%.
Getting Eden a ring that has a matt black texture to the metal so that light is less likely to reflect from it and spook their prey.
Oh look a normal person.
Proposes to you, very flustered and scared you'll say no.
Plans the proposal out, has a lovely dinner, takes you for a walk, does it in front of a view.
Cries and hugs you tight when you say yes.
Planning together, going on food testing days, touring venues, finding your perfect rings. Not too expensive, but still pretty.
Tells you all about their family, gossiping about who does what and where to sit people.
Warns you about certain relatives being rather traditional, so if anyone asks you're both virgins.
Even if Mason has ruined you pretty much every day since you've moved in.
Is curious about who you'll invite. Who's going to give you away?
Having to deal with Bailey seems like a bad idea if you need someone to give you away, you should probably choose someone else. Sam? Sam could work. Maybe Darryl, even Charlie.
Leighton is not invited. Whitney is banned. Robin can come. Kylar is also banned.
Doren will be there, maybe River, maybe Winter. Doren is the only one that looks genuinely happy to be there out of the three.
Modest dress for you/them. Again, it's the traditional thing. But it's beautiful all the same.
Won't see you the night before the wedding, but will sit on call with you all night even if their bachelor/hen party tries to pull them away.
Refuses to go to a strip club, goes to a fancy restaurant instead for the bachelor/hen party. Or maybe even laser tag.
Also prepares their own vows. Cries when you/they walk down the Isle.
The kiss is long and accompanied with a bone crushing hug.
A proper honeymoon, takes you someone tropical!
Swimming in the ocean together! Even going scuba diving or in shark cages! Going to theme parks, tanning on the beach. Possibly going to a nude beach, you're in a foreign country, no one would know.
So shy when you both strip out of your clothes on the first night, like it's the very first time again.
Tells you they love you every five seconds, bangs you on every surface, can't walk properly the next day.
You in lingere will send Mason nuts. Especially if you give them a lap dance, they won't be able to stay still.
Also intent on indulging their breeding kink.
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angrelysimpping · 2 years
Some Jasper w/ non LI npcs
General DoL tw under the cut, Morgan is included in here
Bailey: Jasper is a potential buyer, that's about it. He does like how direct the caretaker is.
Briar: *cough* would try to get some of Briar's hair and Briar probably sell them some for, like, 1k. Briar wouldn't let Jasper cut the hair off himself and Jasper would insist on watching Briar cut their hair so he knows Briar isn't cheating them. Would probably like how Briar conducts shows. Thing is, even with all the time Jasper spends in the industrial district, it's unlikely he'd ever run into Briar. Not big on the idea of going to a brothel.
Charlie: probably wouldn't even notice Charlie, to be honest.
Darryl: I hate to say it, but Jasper would mess with Darryl. Might bump into Darryl while they're on their way to the club, feel that they're a bit timid, and follow them for kicks. Clubs aren't really Jasper's thing, so it's unlikely he'll stick around when Darryl disappears into their office.
Doren: Jasper likes hanging out in the park, going for the occasional jog when at high energy. Makes them feel a little more solid. Give Doren a small nod every time they cross paths. Doren wouldn't think it's off if Jasper just happens to be running the same way as them, every now and then.
Gwylan: He's popped into the strange ship a few times. Never stayed long, though. No real opinion on Gwylan.
Harper: Distrust for all medical personnel extends to Harper. Doesn't like how Harper says "be well," makes the hair on the back of his neck stand on end. Jasper has a few facial scars (that he's v self conscious about) and almost decked Harper when they kept asking how he got them. 0
Jordan: hehe, pretty hair. Likes to follow them around town when he spots them. Hasn't tried to approach Jordan since that first time.
Landry: On neutral terms with Landry. Drinks in their pub, occasionally.
Leighton: Only place he'd meet Leighton would be the park at night. No strong opinion on the headteacher. If he found out Leighton was messing with his masterpiece, though, all bets are off.
Mason: Jasper has seen the swimming instructor doing laps in the lake. Often. They have good form.
Morgan: So, Jasper isn't the most stable, mentally. At high energy he tends to throw caution to the wind and bite off more than he can chew. He might try to explore the sewers. If he just bumped into Morgan, he'd run. Creepy sewer person? No thanks. If Morgan was able to capture Jasper? Started calling him Charles and calling themself his mother/father? Chaos. While Jasper knows Morgan isn't really his parent, the stress of the whole "abducted by sewer person" ordeal coupled with his own issues makes for some interesting results. Morgan calling themself Jasper's mother makes him freeze. He'd be more likely to let Morgan pretend for a little while, play into their delusions. Would freak out during "special lessons," though. Would try to bash Morgan's teeth in. Morgan calling themself Jasper's father is instantaneous violence. Lunges at Morgan, screaming, trying to wrap his hands around their throat. Once out of the sewers, he's not likely to go back. Jasper's not sure what came over him when Morgan started referring to themself as his parent, and he doesn't want to find out.
Niki: Might bump into each other when Jasper visits Remy's farm, on occasion. Jasper would like Niki, likes how calm they are. Tries to talk to the photographer about light composition and angles and what not. Probably comes on a little too strong for Niki's liking.
Remy: Jasper knows Remy from his family's business. He's not entirely sure how,, having never been privy to the details, but he likes Remy, might have something of a crush on the farmer. Might flirt with them a little for fun, but Remy isn't marked as one of Jasper's people. Usually, all Jasper does is show up on the farm when at low energy and asks to hang out in the field with the cow people and the centaurs. He might sketch a little, mostly lays in the grass, soaking in the evening sun and laughing when one of the bull boys or cow girls nudge him. He once gave Remy a sketch of the estate as a gift.
River: Poor River caught Jasper when he was at low energy one day, his hair dirty and wild, wearing ripped clothing, and thought he was homeless. Tried to take him to the soup kitchen only for Jasper to bolt into the forest the moment he saw the Temple.
Sam: If they meet, it's on the rare occasion Jasper leaves the comfort of the alleys. Jasper doesn't think much of Sam, just knows that the Café has some of the best milkshakes he's ever had. Low energy Jasper is likely to pop in right before close for a milkshake, tips well.
Sirris: If Jasper could get Sirris talking about science, it would be all over. He'd just keep Sirris talking so he doesn't have to put forth any effort, extend any energy, and still have a good time. Jasper always liked science.
Winter: Jasper saw one of the wooden horse demonstrations and never went back to the museum. He doesn't particularly like getting hard in such public settings. Doesn't have much of an opinion on Winter, but likes their voice.
Wren: Oh, they would not like each other. Wren is cocky and self assured. It makes Jasper want to hurt them, see what it would take to make their smile drop, to see if he could make the smuggler cry. Wren, in turn, can tell something is off about Jasper and never turns their back on him. Brought it up to Remy once, but their concerns were waved to the side.
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poguesrforlife · 4 years
Young and Beautiful | Rudy Pankow - Part 3
Okay first of all I’m sorry it took me so long but here is part three finally. Honestly I don’t know how to feel about this because at first I wanted it to be a filler chapter and then I thought I couldn't let you hang like this so I just poured it all out. I still have some more ideas about where this might go but you guys tell me if this feels already finished to you. AND AS ALWAYS THANK YOU SO MUCH!!! for all the love and support you give, I see you all and couldn't be more thankful xxx
Part 1, Part 2, Part 3, Part 4
Trigger warning: alcohol, swearing, nothing too smutty, a little angst and a lot of jealousy
Word count: 3,741 word (god this is so long I’m sorry)
Y/N just got the role of her lifetime, starring beside the cast of Outer Banks in the second season as JJ’s love interest. It’s a dream come true and gets even dreamier when she meets Rudy Pankow her alleged love interest. Lines start to blur between reality and film and Y/N is left wondering if taking a leap of faith is worth risking her career.
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[GIF not mine credits to owner]
Days passed and filming never stopped, neither did the thought of Rudy in your mind. It was constant, the sun rose and so did your thoughts of him, the night came and so did he in your dreams. By now you were convinced that this feeling would not go away anytime soon.
Maybe some distraction would do you good. 
“How about we go out tonight?” You proposed to the girls as you were lounging in your living room, painting toe-nails, scrolling through instagram and what-not. 
“Like out out?” Madelyne’s face lit up as she looked up from her bright yellow nail polish and passed the same expression to Madison. You nodded with a smile.
“I’d be down,” Madison agreed and sprang up from the couch in a matter of seconds.
“Oh, this is exciting! Let me call the boys,” Madelyne exclaimed and got up, waddling weirdly with her still wet toe nails to her phone on the kitchen bar.
Your face fell for a second. That was not exactly what you had in mind. You wanted a distraction from Rudy and him dancing in a sweaty club with beautiful women wouldn’t really help your current state of emotions. But you couldn’t let the girls know that. After shooting the other day they wouldn’t shut up about how one could feel the sexual tension between the two of you and you were just happy they hadn’t seen the sex scene.
“You good?” Bailey inquired as she noticed your sour face. You were quick to plaster a fake smile on your lips.
“Yeah, I’m just tired of sitting around all the time. This will do us some good!” You headed towards the bathroom to get a shower before going out and also to have a moment to yourself to prepare for tonight.
“The boys are down as well!” You heard Maddie scream from the kitchen and then she passed by you as fast as she could to look through her wardrobe. 
“Somebody is excited,” Bailey muttered beside you but joined her friend with a grin and helped her pick out something to wear. 
A couple hours later you were dressed to kill and ready to go. Even though you loved the Outer Banks clothing style, it reminded you of your hometown, it was nice to doll-up every now and then. Madison was taking pictures of you three in the big mirror besides the entry when you heard a knock on the door.
Madelyn was quick to open it and you were met with five handsome men staring back at you.
Chase escaped a whistle when he took all three of you in but you noticed how his eyes stayed on Madelyn just a bit too long. You made sure to remember asking him about it later. 
“Well, hot damn,” Rudy exclaimed as he entered the apartment and his eyes landed on the short dresses you were wearing.
“Eyes up here,” Madison warned him with a smile and pointed to her own brown ones.
“Not fair,” Austin gasped, clearly thinking you were playing with their feelings. Maybe you were. When Bailey had proposed to impress some folks tonight you at least had a special someone in mind. Who was to say the others didn’t have too?
Your eyes wandered over the boys outfits, all dressed up and looking incredibly handsome. Rudy sported a cream sweater and a cute little beige hat. You didn’t know why he would wear a hat to go clubbing but you knew he loved them. 
“Are you ready to head out then?” Drew smiled at you in his bright yellow shirt and motioned towards the door.
You piled out the door and headed downstairs to get an uber to your favourite club.
“I’m not sure if I like you in heels, Y/N. You’re almost as tall as me,” Chase pointed out as he walked behind you and took in your much taller figure.
“You’ll just have to deal with it, I guess,” You laughed and did an immaculate pirouette on your heels, something you had practiced a thousand times in your room back home.
“Would you look at her,” Madison squealed with joy as she watched your boost of confidence and joined you by linking your hands together and strutting down the sidewalk like it was a runway. 
It felt good to really feel yourself again after your uncertain emotions. Even though you noticed how a certain male’s eyes kept looking at your and your friend’s long legs, you didn’t care at the moment. You were having fun and you deserved it. 
All of you split up into several cars and then you were on your way to La Push, a vibrating ambient establishment the cast had dug out last year while filming in Charleston. The girls swore that you would have the best night out ever at that particular club.
You were not disappointed as you took in the colourful lights shining on the rustic open brick walls and the retro bar in the corner. The ages of the people were mixed all through but you could clearly see that everybody was enjoying themselves.
“Drinks?” Deion asked and nodded towards an empty table next to the bar and you all headed in the direction through the crowded area of dancing bodies.
“Milady.” Rudy offered you his hand with a posh English accent as you were about to try mastering a step in your heels. 
“Thank you, kind sir,” You smiled at him and put your hand in his and let him help you down. You couldn’t keep yourself from curtsying as he laughed at you playing along. His hand held yours tight in his as he led you to some barstools. 
“Gin Tonic with a lemon slice for the lady?” He ordered with a questioning look in your direction once the bartender got your attention. You couldn’t believe he memorised your go-to drink, as you nodded thankfully. “And a Corona for me please,” He finished and watched the bartender tend to your order.
After he payed for both of your drinks you thanked him, almost having to scream as the music was too loud, and he grabbed your hand back in his to help you down from the stool.
“Sure thing, sugar.” He gave you that unmistakable Rudy smile and once again the butterflies in your stomach began soaring. 
You had to pull yourself together. You were here to distract yourself from him not fall deeper for his charm. Although you had to admit he was not making it easy for you. 
Your other friends had ordered at the table and were ready to clink glasses once you joined them. 
“To a great night,” JD proposed and raised his glass.
“And to great friends,” You joined in and held up your own Gin Tonic.
“Hear, hear,” Austin agreed and the whole group cheered in joyous laughter as you brought your drinks to the middle. You greeted the familiar taste of the alcohol with open arms and enjoyed the light burning you were quite used to by now. 
Once you set your glass back on the table, Bailey raised a brow at your already half empty glass and you simply shrugged your shoulders. You needed to let loose tonight. 
“Dance with me,” You screamed over the music and grabbed her hand and your drink and made your way towards the dance floor.
Madison was the best dancer you knew and she proved it to you once again after some R&B music started playing. Your hips were shaking, your arms wildly flailing around and your feet shuffling over the floor as you downed your glass quickly. You already felt slightly buzzed, maybe you should have eaten more before going out. 
Jonathan joined the two of you quickly, just as good a dancer as your dear curly friend, and together they stole the show. You watched in awe as they moved to the music so carelessly and were a bit jealous at their easy-going nature. 
“C’mon Y/N, show me what you got!” Drew encouraged you suddenly from beside you with an outstretched hand. You slipped closer to him and swayed your hips as he twirled you around in his arms and laughed as he dipped you back. Maybe the distraction would work after all. You didn’t know for how long the both of you danced but you felt absolutely weightless. 
“I’m impressed Starkey,” You admitted as he flew with you over the dance floor, not once missing the beat. 
“Could say the same about you Y/L/N but I had a feeling you would be a good dancer,” He smirked and turned you around so your back was pressed against his chest and let his hands wander to your hips. 
At this point you were on your third drink, a bit too intoxicated, and not quite sure if this scenario would play out well. Drew was the perfect gentleman and absolutely sweet and handsome. You liked him a lot but… But he wasn’t Rudy. His hands on your body didn’t feel like a wildfire and his scent didn’t drive you crazy and his smile did not make your head spin. You cursed yourself for these thoughts. 
You looked up, your eyes roaming the club for a certain blond head of hair. You noticed Chase and Maddy dancing intimately with each other in one corner but chose to ignore it, you had a different mission. 
“I’ll be right back,” You told Drew with an apologetic smile as you turned to look at him and he looked confused for a second. “I’m just going to the bathroom.”
“Be careful in here, it’s better if you don’t go by yourself,” He reminded you, always the protective type, and looked out over the club probably searching for Bailey.
“I’ll be fine,” You reassured him with a pad on the chest and slipped out of his embrace towards the restrooms.
On your way there you finally found your man of the hour. To your amusement Rudy was dancing with an elderly woman to some pop song and looked like he was having the time of his life. You felt the corners of your mouth lifting as you took in the scene. 
You slipped into the restroom to freshen up as your eyes met the mirror. The carefully applied makeup from Madison was smeared under your eyes, your lipstick long gone and your hair was basically a mess. But despite all you looked happy, you looked alive. You quickly touched up your appearance and rejoined the others. 
As soon as you stepped out however you were met with quite the unpleasant sight. There was a beautiful woman next to Rudy, one arm on his biceps as she leaned forwards to say something to him. It shouldn’t bother you, you knew that he was an attractive man with many qualities. But as his hand rested on her waist your throat tightened and you felt embarrassment deep in your bones. Of course he didn’t want you the same way you did. It was just acting and you were friends, it didn’t mean anything. But it had meant something, to you anyways. And that’s what you got for giving into your feelings. You watched them laughing together, inching closer to each other each second and your heart burned in pain. 
You turned around stumbling to your table as you tried to suppress the tears welling in your eyes. How could you have been so stupid? It was a stupid crush nothing more. 
Drew’s eyes lit up as you made your way towards his sitting figure at the table next to some of your friends. You had two choices here: Going home now and giving in to your stupid irrational feelings and ruining your night. Or doing what you were here for and distract yourself with a fucking good time. The answer came to you immediately.
“I don’t know about you guys but I was thinking about some tequila!” You proposed with a big fake smile as you looked at your friends and the others cheered in chorus.
“A round of tequila shots for the table please,” Chase told the waiter and soon enough salt, limes and shot glasses filled to the brim with the transparent liquid were brought to you.
“Cheers bitches!” You clinked glasses, licked up the salt on your hand, downed the shot of the devil’s brew and bit in the sour lime and laughed at the faces the others made after finishing their own shots.
You were having a good time tonight, even if it took killing your mind to do so. Which seemed to be the only option after another round of shots and some more Gin Tonics and you still felt like shit every time your eyes met Rudy’s figure. The girl from before was long gone but you couldn’t help but feel betrayed. How did he not see that you were obviously hooked on him? 
He came back to your table were everybody was laughing and having a good time, everyone except you it seemed.
“Are you alright?” He asked and plopped down beside you, throwing his arm over the couch behind you.
“Just peachy,” You heard the slurring in your voice yourself not as clear as you wanted it to be and cringed a bit. But just because you were drunk that didn’t mean you had a problem. You were fine.
“How much did you have to drink?” He inquired concerned and you saw his forehead wrinkle. Your hand automatically reached out to brush his worry away.
“What’s it to you, sugar?” You deliberately used the nickname he had given you before and you actually saw a smirk on his face as you drew your hand away from his forehead, the sour expression gone.
“I think it’s better if I take you home,” He laughed when you fell back against the couch trying to look mad at him.
“I can take myself home, thank you very much,” You argued, your words still a bit slurred. He could take the fucking girl from before home for all you cared. He hadn’t spoken to you all night and suddenly he wanted to take care of you. That’s not how that shit worked.
“Besides,” You interrupted him as he was about to say something else, “You didn’t dance with me all night. I really wanted to dance with you,” You pouted and cursed yourself a second after you registered what slipped out your mouth. Your eyes widened and you sat back up. Maybe you had an alcohol problem after all.
“Then dance with me, sugar.” Your head whipped around as soon as you heard him. He leaned back against the couch, an easy smirk playing on his lips as he eyed your figure. He never looked sexier to you.
“Let’s go then!” You jumped from the table, a bit too fast and swaying a bit, but you had to prove something to yourself. You could easily be friends with Rudy without any sexual tension. You just had to separate him from your roles in your head.
His arm sneaked around your waist seconds after and he pulled you down towards the dance floor, making sure you didn’t miss any steps like before. The feeling of his hand around you drove you insane so you grabbed it and shove it away with a grin. You were perfectly capable of walking by yourself. He just laughed and shook his head at your swaying figure. You were not sure what exactly was so funny to him in this moment. 
His hands however found yours again quickly as he held them and twirled you around carefully, pushing and pulling you every which way. You absolutely adored him but you needed distance. God, why had you willingly agreed to dance with him? Well, it had been your idea but anyways. 
You were glad when a faster song by Lizzo started and you entangled yourself from him to sway your hips on your own. Not many knew it but you danced a lot better when you were drunk for some reason. You were a lot less uptight and celebrated every body part of yours with free flowing moves. Rudy obviously enjoyed your newfound confidence as he mirrored your carelessness to the beat and cheered for you. The both of you were singing along to the music, jumping up and down and shimmying back and forth, having the time of your life. At one point you stole his head and put it on yourself, convinced that you looked irresistible with it but Rudy just laughed and got it back before throwing to your table where Austin caught it with a grin.
“Have I told you how good you look tonight?” He screamed over the music as he pushed himself closer to your body. His scent invaded your space and you immediately forgot why you had wanted distance from him in the first place.
“Tell me again,” You giggled and got closer to him as well. The songs changed again, something more sultry and slower, maybe the Weeknd or Miguel you weren’t sure as your attention was directed at yet another man.
“You look absolutely radiant,” He breathed and his alcoholic breath mingled with yours that’s how close you were.
Rudy’s hands found your waist again and this time you didn’t push him away. The opposite, you rested your hands on his broad chest, feeling his fast beating heart under your right hand. He pulled you closer as you were obviously giving in to him and swayed his hips against yours, the movement making your head spin.
“Are you drunk?” You asked him. You needed him to be sober so at least one of you would remember this moment tomorrow after everything else faded away. You needed him to remember how your bodies felt pressed together in this moment. How your hearts were beating in synch to the bass rocking through you. 
“Absolutely intoxicated,” He answered with a straight, sexy voice. He didn’t sound drunk to you but his words proved you different. 
“Maybe we should-“ You stopped mid sentence as you pulled back and saw his hungry eyes directed at your lips. Whatever you wanted to say left your senses in that very second.
“…stop?” Rudy finished your sentence questioning but not making any moves to stop any of this, whatever this was. “I don’t ever want to stop. I just wanna spend forever getting high off what it feels like to be around you.”
Your breath caught at his words and your eyes slipped from his lips to his blue eyes, illuminated by the club lights occasionally. You saw the hunger in them, the unmistakable lust that was a hundred percent mirrored in your own y/e/c eyes.
He described perfectly what if felt like to be around him, like you were high, intoxicated by him. And that feeling, you never wanted it to end. 
“I’m drunk…” You told him but let out the ‘on you’ part that definitely was a part of this sentence.
“I know, me too. And I know we shouldn’t do anything that we might regret tomorrow,” He took a deep breath and one of his hands cupped your face. “But I can’t stay away from you any longer.”
“I feel the same,” You admitted and bit your lip to keep a smile from showing on your face. But it didn’t matter as Rudy’s lips moved into a grin.
“If two people can’t stay away from each other, maybe they aren’t supposed to.” You nearly groaned at his annoying habit of always being able to say the perfect thing at the right time. 
You moved closer to him, your arms slung around his neck and your hips still slowly moving to the music. Your eyelids dropped as your mouth longed for his, feeling his breath on your lips.
Unexpectedly soft his mouth landed on yours, so different from the kisses you shared on set. His lips slowly moved with yours, taking his time to get used to the feeling. And even though the heat from the other times lacked it was no less passionate. You poured every fibre of your being into kissing him and really feeling him. He tasted like tequila and forbidden dreams and if you weren’t drunk before, you definitely were now.
Rudy became more needy as the kiss went on, his lips moving faster and his hands pulling you closer against him. When his teeth caught your lower lip you were done for. Without any regard for reason you gave into him. His tongue slipped into your mouth battling with yours for dominance. Your mouths bumped clumsily against each other as you were smiling into the kiss, teeth biting here and there occasionally but you couldn’t care less. You had waited for this for too long to show any signs of hesitation. After what felt like an eternity you pulled apart, breathing heavily. Your eyes locked and it felt like ecstasy was coursing through your veins.
“There you are! We’ve been looking for you for at least an hour.” You were thrown into ice-cold water as JD’s voice pulled you back into reality. You looked at him, the rest of your friends heading towards the door. Rudy and you shuffled apart awkwardly and fixed yourself a little. Your short dress had ridden up and his hair was all over the place.
“C’mon guys, we’re leaving!” Chase shouted from afar.
Your eyes wandered to Rudy, a content smile lying on his swollen lips as he stared at the floor. His hand slipped around yours and he pulled you after him, walking backwards so he could look at you.
“Our little secret,” He said with a wink and cupped your cheek in his other hand, before pecking your lips once again secretly and then following the others outside and to the Ubers taking you back to your flats.
You were still not fully understanding what had just happened, if it was all a feverish dream caused by the alcohol. But every time you thought that this could only be in your imagination Rudy’s hand on your thigh or around your waist pulled you back into reality. This was no longer part of a role, this was real life. And you would enjoy every second of it.
Tags: @lovelymaybankk @sspidermanss @1d5sosddl @arthiriticcricket @teamnick @lieswithoutfairytales @styles-xoxo @normatural @k-k0129 @mileven-reddie @perfektionsmakel @1-800-imagines @http-cherries @golden-eroda @outofstyles13 @jj-maybank-stan @fandom-phaser @hopelesswritingxd @teenwaywardasgardian @poguecollins @jjswhore @xpastel-kawaiix @styles-edward-harry @rollinsstuff @obx-baby @masintahin @floretsoleil @ivebeenthinkingboutu @fandomxreaders @ilikealotofpeople-younotsomuch @pookie-cleary @kiarascarreras @runway-to-my-aid @saturnspack @sunshinemadds @hucklebaefinn @baileythepenguin @spider6oy @whoreforouterbanks​ @diego-klaus-hargreeves​
(I hope I didn’t miss anyone! If you’re not on here but would like to be send me a quick message xx)
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fangirlings-things · 4 years
Building a relationship from scratch with Mark Sloan headcanons
this was requested by @spiritofbuddha
A/N: here it is, love!!! Your request gave me so much feels about our guy Mark (I miss him) and I loved to write it. Really hope you like this 💖 (I never wrote anything in this format before, so I'm trying it out here hahah)
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Since your very first day as an intern at Seattle Grace, you had known the attendants only from distance, tried to decorate their names and specialties in hopes of getting to work with them in the future
You really got to meet Doctor Sloan when the chief resident, Bailey (or the nazi, as you and your class liked to call her) assigned you to work on a case with him and Doctor Karev
The patient was a little girl, who had been born with cranial deformations and so, needed plastic surgery
Usually Doctor's Sloan and Karev wouldn't need the assistance of an intern in such a case, but her deformations were quite rare and demanded a great amount of research before the surgery could be done
So unexpectedly, you found yourself spending a 48 hour shift with both Doctors, specially Sloan, who was determined to put all his efforts on that patient while Karev had others to also take care of
As you studied the case carefully searching through books, websites and articles for alternatives of an approach to the little girl's surgery, you were surprised to see just how friendly Mark Sloan could be
He took you coffee many times after leaving the room for a while, to get some fresh air. He made you question about how had been med school and what was your specialtie of interest (even pretended to be offended when you said trauma)
It didn't take long before you decided you liked him, and you were more than pleased to think that he seemed to like you too
As the amount of research increased and you still hadn't found a secure way to perform the little girl's surgery, you started to grow really fond of her. She was a lovely kid, all cute and innocent. You desperately wanted to help her but didn't know how
One night when her parents had to work late and she would be all alone through the night you spent the night with her, sleeping on a chair right next to her hospital bed
You didn't know it, but Mark had seen that scene when bringing in the girl's chart for you to see and that had warmed his heart deeply, making him smile
Two days later, you found both found a way to make the surgery happen and when it did, happily, it was a success
When Doctor Sloan signed her discharge papers a week later, you both realized you had became attached to the girl, having been so involved in her case
The hug she gave you guys before leaving the hospital made you both smile brightly for the rest of the entire day
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After that girl's case, Bailey started to often put you on Doctor Sloan's service. So often you went to her to ask why, and you couldn't even hide your surprise when she said he had asked specifically for you
You weren't that thrilled about plastic surgery, but you couldn't deny that both it would mean experience for you and the idea of being around Doctor Sloan more often could be quite pleasing
He did not mention the fact that he had asked for you to be there and you did not mention it either, leaving the unspoken tension in the air
He would always be the one to make conversation that wasn't about work, seeming to want to get to know you better and you didn't know if you were more flushed or flattered by it
You rolled with it for a while, not minding it so much. You were quite sure he was just being friendly or somewhat flirty, but nothing to overthink about
But then, whenever he and Torres would pass by you in the corridors, she would say something to him and he would laugh and avert his eyes towards where you were. It made your cheeks burn
Little by little, other members of the staff also began to whisper between themselves whenever you and Doctor Sloan were around or talking to each other
And that made you comfront him suddenly someday, asking about why he wanted you close and what had made people begin to whisper around like that even though nothing was happening
He then admitted to be interested in you, with not a single bit of shame on his tone as he asked you out on a date with that mischievous smile of his on his lips
It didn't take you too long to accept
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After you accept his offer of a date, Mark would probably be torn between taking you out for some dinner or drinks. Giving it much thought during lunch breaks on shifts, he would finally decide that you deserved a fancy dinner
He wanted to impress you, of course. This is Mark Sloan we are talking about. He wanted to make you fall head over heels for him as he had for you, ever since he had seen you asleep with that little girl in the hospital in the middle of the night
So he made reservations and literally lost his breath when you arrived at the restaurant, dressed so beautifully that he forgot about everything else that could be passing through his mind
Dinner went smoothly. You talked about work (doctors never really stop talking about work, especially when they happen to be colleagues!) and your personal lives, how things were going. He was a nice and sweet person to spend time with
After dinner was over, you split the check and he made it his obligation to take you home. Meanly, because he did not want the night to end
At your apartment door, when he was about to leave, you surprised him by gently grabbing his forearm and getting closer to press your lips together in a tight kiss
That, was a promise for many more dates to come
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You became a couple after two months of going out in dates. Neither of you wanted to rush things, so it went on slowly and quite perfectly
When the people in the hospital found out, that was all they could talk about for what seemed like endless weeks. You were the complete center of attention, if you were either on a crowded elevator or in the gallery, as if you were more interesting than the surgery itself
His friends love you. Torres found you to be everything that seemed to be lacking in Mark's life. She always invited you two for double dates with her and Arizona
You did your best not to compromise your work together, acting extremely professional whenever you were on the same case, which pleased both Webber and Bailey a lot
He loves and cares for you deeply, enough to make you blush and smile while just looking at his beautiful face
You are totally in love with him and there is nothing you wouldn't give up on just to keep Mark by your side
You are really a sweet, cute and lovely couple
And you plan to stay together for as long as you can
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arcturusreads · 3 years
Tequila Tales - Merhayes
Living in a hotel full-time had not been something that Meredith had been particularly excited about. Especially when her kids were only a fifteen-minute drive away and she couldn’t even hug them. The only saving grace to this entire situation was that at least she had some company in this place. As fate would have it Cormac Hayes’ hotel room was situated right next to her own. She hadn’t thought when she first met the obnoxious Chief of Paediatric surgery, that she would ever be thankful for his company but after spending far too many hours across a surgical table from each other, she found that he wasn’t actually all that bad.
After finishing a 19-hour shift, where she had called time of death on six patients, Meredith had swung by the supermarket to grab some essentials drove straight to the hotel and took a long warm shower. She stared at the bottle of tequila placed on the table as she changed into a set of grey sweatpants and an old purple hoodie. She’d picked up the tequila whilst she was in the supermarket, after the day she had it was definitely classed as an essential item. Mer picked up the bottle, ready to fall back onto the bed before thinking better of it.
Sighing, Meredith put on her slipper boots and shuffled out of her room. Looking up and down the hallway, she wasn’t surprised at the stillness that greeted her. Most of the hotels were housing healthcare workers who weren’t able to go home or didn’t want to take the risk. The only noise that occurred was when workers would be making their way in and out of their room before and after a shift.
Meredith gave a soft knock on the door that was to the left of her own. “Hey, Hayes, you in there?” Her tired voice called.
She wasn’t even sure if he was back at the hotel. Meredith had seen him at seven in the morning when he had been helping out Maggie with some of her paperwork since the paeds ward had been so quiet. For all she knew, he could still be on shift, but it was worth the try. There was shuffling behind the door and Meredith was surprised at the relief she felt knowing that Hayes was in.
“Grey, to what do I owe the pleasure?” Cormac leaned against the doorframe, arms crossed, and he raised an eyebrow at her.
Meredith held up the bottle of tequila she had a tight grip on. “I’ve had enough of your whiskey, now it’s time for you to drink my pick in poison.”
Hayes laughed, creases showing in the corner of his eyes and he moved out of the way for Meredith to enter. Meredith hated the way her stomach flipped at the sound of his laugh, throaty and deep. Not many people had the pleasure of hearing that man laugh and Meredith wouldn’t admit it but she couldn’t get enough of the sound. She had taken the time whilst he had closed the door to appraise him. A set of green plaid pyjama bottoms and a black v-neck t-shirt adorned his body and she had to admit that he wore his loungewear well. As Cormac turned around, Meredith quickly averted her eyes and went to sit cross-legged on the bed.
“I normally drink from the bottle but with everything going on, it’s probably best we use glasses, right?” Drinking from the bottle meant that she paid a lot less attention to the amount that she was drinking which suited Meredith just fine but with a raging pandemic it was probably best they forwent that option.
Cormac grabbed two tumblers, the only glasses that he had in the room and sat down next to her. Meredith twisted the cap open and poured the tequila into each glass, so they were half full.
“Bloody hell, Grey,” Cormac stared wide-eyed at the glasses and Meredith grabbed her own and took a long sip.
“I’ve built up a pretty good tolerance to this stuff,” she shuffled on the bed as she tried to get more comfortable.
“I’m sure there are a few good stories attached to that.” Cormac teased, a cheeky glint in his eyes as he drank.
“You don’t know me well enough for that.” Meredith parroted the words that she had spoken to her a couple of months ago in surgery when he wouldn’t tell her about the electric fence story.
Cormac pulled his feet onto the bed and moved closer to Meredith. The shift almost made Meredith feel nervous but that was overpowered by the electric feeling she felt on her skin. She wasn’t entirely sure when she had become so comfortable with him being around but now there were times, especially after a long and difficult shift, that she found herself craving his company. He had the ability to make her forget about reality for a little while
“Oh, come on, Grey. We’re getting through a pandemic together and I’ve let you polish off a bottle of my Irish whiskey. Do you know how difficult it’s been for me to get my hands on that right now?”
Meredith rolled her eyes and bumped her shoulder into Cormac. “You know, tequila is one thing, me on morphine is a whole other story…”
Grinning, Cormac willed her to go on.
“I got appendicitis during my residency, and I was dating Derek and this vet, Finn, at the time but that’s a whole other story that will need a lot of tequila for me to tell,” Cormac laughed. He liked getting to know more about Meredith’s life outside of surgery, he wasn’t surprised that she was as much of a handful then as she was now. “Bailey put me on morphine before surgery because of the pain and having three guys who I’d kissed all in the same room as me at the same time… yeah, that wasn’t the best idea.”
“Well, your residency certainly sounded more exciting than mine.” Cormac had already been married as he finished his intern year and had his kids during his residency. Anytime he wasn’t at the hospital, he was at home with Abigail and the boys. He didn’t regret a single second of it though, some people might have called it boring but for him, it had been perfection… even if he hadn’t thought it at the time. He’d go from cleaning up patients to cleaning up his kids, feeling like he was sleep-walking through the days but looking back on it now, Cormac would do anything to go back to a time where it had been the four Hayes’ against the world.
“You really don’t know the half of it…” Meredith smiled shaking her head as she thought about everything that had gone on during the early years of her career. Sometimes she wondered how she’d even made it to where she was.
Cormac made a face as he took another sip of tequila, “I don’t know how you drink this stuff but if you’re going to make me, then you owe me some stories.”
“Hmm,” Meredith downed the rest of her drink. “You pick then. Do you want the story of the bombing, the shooting, the drowning, the plane crash, the time my friend got cancer, the time my other friend got hit by a bus, the one where Cristina had her eyebrows shaved off, or where we cut a guy’s LVAD wire?”
Cormac choked on his drink, “I’m sorry, what?” He had known that Meredith had lived a pretty colourful life but he hadn’t heard any of the stories. People called her a survivor but grossly underestimated what they had meant.
Meredith just grinned at him, “There’s a lot you don’t know.”
“Lucky we have some time then. So, what’s this about Yang and her eyebrows.”
The two of them had ended up talking late into the night. Meredith wasn’t sure when, but she had ended up drifting off. Moments before sleep had taken over, she had a fleeting thought that she had to go back to her room, but exhaustion had won over.
Cormac had woken up in the middle of the night, feeling an unusual weight over his legs. Slowly opening his eyes, he propped his head up to find Meredith’s legs resting over his. He let his head fall back against the pillow again, letting sleep take over. It was the first time in a very long time that Cormac had fallen asleep with a smile on his face.
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calzona-ga · 3 years
Since 2005, Shondaland has produced groundbreaking television. And over the course of 17 seasons, Grey’s Anatomy has made more than its fair share of bold choices. From the killing off of Patrick Dempsey’s beloved McDreamy to the still-controversial ghost-sex story line, the ABC series has seen, and done, it all. But perhaps no episode was riskier than turning the popular medical drama into a musical for “Song Beneath the Song,” the infamous season-7 hour in which a pregnant Callie (Sara Ramirez) gets badly injured in a car accident and, while her fellow doctors work to save her life, sees her hallucinatory self burst into song — with the rest of the characters quickly following suit.
Coming from the mind of series creator Shonda Rhimes, a vocal fan of both Broadway shows and TV musicals like Buffy’s “Once More, With Feeling,” the Grey’s musical episode was a monumental moment for the show and for television. Many viewers praised its audacity and swooned over the vocal chops of stars like Ramirez and Chandra Wilson.
“Song Beneath the Song” made for one of the most memorable hours of television, earning strong ratings and leading the soundtrack, particularly Ramirez’s show-stopping rendition of Brandi Carlile’s “The Story,” to Billboard success. A decade later, its impact is still growing, thanks in part to the countless teenage Grey’s fans who’ve only recently discovered the series via Netflix. Like the show itself, the musical has become an indelible part of TV history — and so, 10 years after its premiere in March 2011, we spoke to the episode’s cast and crew to get the story of how it came to be.
Featuring thoughts from Rhimes; writers, producers, and co-showrunners Tony Phelan and Joan Rater; and actors Wilson, Kevin McKidd, Jessica Capshaw, Kim Raver, and Eric Dane, this is the oral history of “Song Beneath the Song.”
Finding the Inspiration
Inspired by a 2008 benefit concert in which several stars of Grey’s and its spinoff show Private Practice performed songs to support out-of-work Hollywood workers during the 2007-2008 writers’ strike, Rhimes decided to turn her long-held desire to make a Grey’s musical episode into a reality.
Rhimes (series creator and writer): I remember thinking to myself at a certain point, I have this sort of murderers’ row of Broadway people. Like, Chandra had been on Broadway and singing; obviously, Sara Ramirez had won a Tony on Broadway [for Best Featured Actress in a Musical, in 2005], which is how I first met her; and then I knew that Kevin could sing. There were so many people in the show with beautiful voices. ... It felt like it was leaning in that direction in a good way.
Rater (writer, producer, and co-showrunner): The first iteration for, like, two days when we first started batting around the idea was that we would write original music. It was all gonna be original music. And then we quickly realized that a) who’s gonna write that music?, and b) no, it doesn’t feel like the right thing. And then Shonda, I think a day or two later, came in with the idea that we would use these iconic songs.
Wilson (Dr. Miranda Bailey): But the studio wasn’t quite on board with this whole idea.
Convincing a Skeptical Network
After coming up with the episode’s plot and deciding that the characters would sing classic songs from the Grey’s soundtrack, like Snow Patrol’s “Chasing Cars” and the Fray’s “How to Save a Life,” Rhimes pitched the idea to the network — but, in a surprising first, she was told that they were going to pass.
Rhimes: By that point, I wasn’t getting notes on anything; nobody was saying no to me about anything. So it was really bizarre to me that there was all this resistance to doing a musical episode. And I remember somebody at the network saying, “Can’t you just do one of your love-triangle thingies again?” And I thought, my head’s gonna explode, because the show is not a bunch of “love-triangle thingies.” You guys have missed the point entirely. I felt like, no, every year of the show is a completely different show, and this year the show has a musical episode. And that’s the story.
McKidd (Dr. Owen Hunt): Tony, Joan, and Shonda basically said to us, “We are trying to convince Disney to give us actual money to do this musical episode, and we feel like we want to do a show-and-tell to show them what this musical episode could be. Are you guys willing to give your time to help us create this show-and-tell?” And we were like, “Yeah, of course.”
Wilson: So we gave them a concert. Sara, Kevin McKidd, and I, along with musicians, got together, and we performed this script that Shonda and Tony Phelan put together. Shonda did the narrating. And we went through what the entire episode would be, based on those iconic songs.
McKidd: I remember Sandra Oh came to the concert for the execs just to be moral support for us. And she became like our groupie — she would stand and cheer and whoop and holler in between all the songs.
Phelan (writer, producer, director, and co-showrunner): Once [the executives] saw it, and saw it could work, then they gave us the okay to do it.
Rhimes: I still feel like they thought we were crazy. But you couldn’t deny the talent in the room.
Getting the Cast on Board
Once the episode was greenlit, the team began the task of persuading a cast full of non-singers to simultaneously sing, act, and — in some cases — dance on screen.
Wilson: The offer was put out on the table from the beginning from Shonda — anybody that’s not interested in singing, you’re not required; you don’t have to do it.
Rater: I think Sandra from the beginning was like, nope.
Rhimes: She looked at me — it was her very deadpan face — and she was like, “I’m not singing.” And I was like, okay! If that’s not your thing, that is not your thing — that’s completely okay. And it didn’t feel like she was afraid to sing or push past this barrier. It felt like Cristina Yang doesn’t sing. And that made sense to me.
Rater: Ellen [Pompeo] has a great voice. She could’ve done more. ... Ellen was very gracious about, like, “I’ll doo-wop in the back; don’t worry about me. Let’s hear Chandra, let’s hear Sara, this is theirs.”
Capshaw (Dr. Arizona Robbins): In addition to Sara having this powerhouse voice, she was always very generous about others and never made anyone feel smaller because of her giant power. But singing with her was like, “Aw, man [laughs], how about you get this one? You got this leg of the race.”
Wilson: Probably the most frightened person was Kim Raver, bless her heart.
Raver (Dr. Teddy Altman): It was super-exciting and terrifying at the same time. We all love singing, but unless you’re Sara Ramirez or Chandra Wilson.
Dane (Dr. Mark Sloan): I don’t fancy myself a singer, so I said, “Shonda, in this particular episode, I want the least amount of lines.”
Rhimes: Eric Dane surprised me, because his voice had this lovely quality to it that was really nice.
Dane: I set her up for a catastrophe, so she had very low expectations.
Starting Rehearsals
For months leading up to the episode, the cast embarked on a grueling series of rehearsals and voice lessons, adding hours onto their already long daily schedules.
Capshaw: I had just had a baby, and I was really taking my life one day at a time. I knew it was going to be a big episode, but, timeliness-wise, it was a tough time. I think I was still breast-feeding.
Phelan: Usually in the writers’ room, you’ve got maybe six-to-eight weeks from the time you come up with an idea to the time that it’s shot. This we needed almost the entire season to plan for.
Raver: It was like riding a bike but then adding, like, six more wheels to it, and you had to kind of figure it out.
Capshaw: We were all bringing our A games. In normal days, it feels like there’s a familiarity, you can feel a little more casual, a little more off-the-cuff, but there was nothing off-the-cuff about this. It was all very high stakes because it was life or death, literally.
There were some silver linings, though.
Dane: We had these little earbuds in our ears, I guess like how you film musicals, so you can sync what you’re mouthing with the music in your ear. And so I went to the sound operator and said, “I can buy one of these earbuds, right? And I can create a content-receiver pack and connect it to an iPod and pipe music into this too theoretically, yes?” And he said, “Yeah, you could do that if you want to.” So I said, “So when I’m performing surgery in later episodes on this show, and I don’t have very many lines, theoretically I could be listening to music, and nobody would know?” And he said, “Yeah, theoretically, that would work.” So I had one made, and I shot many episodes in the surgical theater, sometimes with lines, listening to music, many times.
Filming the Episode
“Song Beneath the Song” revolved largely around the seriousness of Callie’s condition, but there were also some light moments, including a sexy, dance-filled take on “Running on Sunshine” featuring several of the show’s couples.
Capshaw: When Sara and I are in the car in the clouds — oh my god, I’ve never felt so goofy in my life [laughs].
Raver: Scott Foley [who played Teddy’s love interest Henry] and I had so much fun working together. He’s so funny, and so choreographing that dance singing number was really fun.
Wilson: Debbie Allen sent in Eartha Robinson, one of her choreographers from the Debbie Allen Dance Academy, who I knew from Fame, the television series. So this is who was coming in, teaching us how to twirl. And I was like, oh my god, I’m on Fame!
Early in the episode, McKidd’s Owen sing-shouts at his crew of doctors to “calm down” — a moment that, years later, became a widely shared meme for its over-the-top nature.
McKidd: In the scene, I think it was Kate Walsh — she’s brilliant; she’s a prankster — and Patrick and Eric Dane. And they were all arguing. And I’m sitting there and [the cameras] push in on me and I go, “Calm down.” And they couldn’t keep a straight face. Every time we did a take, they just would fall over laughing. And they were on camera giving me the eye line, and I had to sing this song seriously with those two actors just doubled over, like sidesplitting. It just tickled their funny bones so much. That was one of the hardest acting days of my life [laughs].
Capshaw: For sure, many, many, many shots were taken at Kevin McKidd for his “calm down” [laughs]. ... He really took on the rock-&-roll part of it.
McKidd: My daughter, who’s big on Twitter, she said that “calm down” thing’s like a serious meme thing now, which I guess is an honor. I don’t know.
The biggest moment of the hour came at the end, when Ramirez, a Tony winner for Spamalot, sang “The Story” as Callie fought for her life.
Phelan: When Sara came to Grey’s, she had this idea that she absolutely wanted to be known as an actress not a singer. And so for her first couple seasons on the show, she kind of left that side of her behind. Then, here was Shonda and I coming to her and saying, “No, we want to re-engage that part of you and put it on the show.” And so I think that she got nervous about that ... but to hear that amazing, magical voice come out of her ... that was the moment that was going to be able to sustain the music [of the whole episode].
Rhimes: When she sings “The Story,” I mean — I wrote the episode; I know what’s gonna happen. I’ve seen it a thousand times. It has nothing to do with me. But I always tear up a little bit because of her extraordinary voice and extraordinary performance.
Wilson: What a showcase it was for Sara Ramirez. I’m so glad that she got to share that part of herself with our audiences.
Reading Those Reviews
On March 31, 2011, the episode aired. While it garnered strong ratings, viewers’ reactions to “Song Beneath the Song” were mixed.
McKidd: I think we all went into it with our eyes open, and we knew there was gonna be mixed reviews. Because some people are gonna love it, and some people aren’t. But that shouldn’t stop people from taking a few risks in what we do, you know?
Rater: I remember being shocked that there were people who didn’t like it. I was like, come on!
Capshaw: It didn’t feel like [the reviews] were gonna affect anything either way. It wasn’t gonna be like, “Oh my gosh, that was too silly, and I’m never watching Grey’s again.” It had already found its place in people’s hearts.
Rhimes: I learned very quickly [on Grey’s] that if you’re gonna believe the good things people say about you, you have to believe the bad things people say. So there’s no point in paying attention to any of it. ... Nobody’s gonna like everything that you do.
Phelan: I know there are a lot of people who don’t like it, who felt like it bent the show too much, but it’s season 7 of a show, and if you’re not taking big swings when you’re on season 7 on a show, something’s wrong.
Creating a Legacy
Despite the critical reactions, the episode has developed something of a cult following over the years, thanks to live benefits and TikTok memes. A decade later, its creators all look back fondly on the hour and its impact.
Wilson: [The cast] watched it together, and I remember feeling like, wow, look at what we did!
Capshaw: When we showed up to do that benefit concert, I remember coming out onstage ... and being completely, completely overwhelmed with the people that responded to Arizona in that episode, and to the love story between Callie and Arizona.
Phelan: As a director, it was the biggest challenge of my career to do that, and it’s one of the things that I’m most proud of.
Raver: I’ll be in my car singing along, or at work if we’re in the hair-and-makeup trailer and we’re listening to [the soundtrack], it’s just an immediate flashback. It kind of feels like yesterday.
Wilson: The soundtrack is on my playlist on my phone [laughs]. So I will pop that thing out in a minute, because it’s just absolute happy memories.
Rater: If I’m cooking, that is what I put on. That’s what I tell Alexa to play for me.
Rhimes: I feel like that episode just always reminds me of having so much fun. That was what was really great. We had so much fun. And how much do you get to say that about just being at work?
Dane: As a cast, contrary to what some of the entertainment media might have speculated, we were all very close. We all spent a lot of time together, and a lot of that stuff felt really real to us. It was easy to access because of how we felt about each other off screen.
Raver: I just remember it being such an incredible experience, being able to work with all these incredibly talented actors and creators.
Rhimes: It’s right in my top 10 of episodes we’ve ever done.
Dane: I don’t particularly want to do it again, but I’m glad I did it.
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weasleypogues · 4 years
newbie on set (r.p)
request: can i request a rudy x reader imagine where the reader plays jjs love interest in s2 but is slightly younger than the rest of the cast (like 18/19) and is worried that they won’t get along/they won’t like her bc she’s a little younger but they all become really close really quickly and she and rudy become kinda flirty? totally okay if u don’t want to! kinda got the idea from ur username being babypogue and me being a whore for fluffy imagines😂 ily!
part 2! :) part 3 part 4
okay writing for the actors is a lot harder than i thought but i hope you like it :) <3 xxx im also gonna be honest, im very bad at flirting so its more of a fluffy and fun convo than straight flirting
you sat at your first table read since being cast on season two of the outer banks. your hands felt clammy and your heart was racing, but you couldn’t hide the smile from coming onto your face because not only was it your dream to be an actor, but on one of your favorite tv shows too? surreal. 
as you walked through the buildings, trying your hardest to find the room, the rest of the cast sat with each other at the table read, talking amongst themselves.
“she’s 19, right?” chase asked the rest of the group sitting next to him. a couple of unsure yes’ came erupted from the group. “younger than i thought...”
“okay old man,” madison joked, earning a laugh from the others, “at least she’s a teen playing a teen.”
“thin ice, bailey. thin ice.” chase responded with, clearly making a joke. madelyn pulled out her phone and showed it to the rest of the group.
“she’s actually kinda cute, i was stalking her yesterday. from the looks of it, she seems fun.” rudy from next to her pulled the phone out of her hands, inspecting the picture of this season’s love interest.
coincidentally, you walked into the room right as they were all hovered around rudy, looking at the picture. just as you wished wouldn’t happen, everyone’s heads turned towards you and got silent.
you took a deep breath in and awkwardly waved, “uh hi guys, i’m-”
jonas pate thankfully took the words out of your mouth and introduced you himself, “this is (y/n) (y/l/n), she will be playing juliet this season! (y/n), these are your new cast mates.”
a chorus of hello’s erupted throughout the room and you spotted your name next to rudy’s name card and hesitantly made your way over to your assigned seat. pulling the seat out from under the table you placed your bag down and smiled at him till your eyes diverted to the phone he was holding, and you saw your most recent picture of yourself on instagram.
it wasn’t even a full three seconds till he realized what you were looking at. his face went beet red and he quickly locked the iphone, passing madelyn’s phone back to her. you weren’t sure if you should feel judged, flattered, or...literally anything else? you just took your seat and pulled out your script.
the table read was fun, cracking jokes and having fun with the cast. but there were also times where it was definitely very professional. when it was time for a lunch break, you pulled out your phone to look at any missed notifications during the hours you were busy.
“(y/n)! we usually grab lunch at the deli down the street, wanna join?” madison asked, giving you a smile but also packing up her bag. 
“sounds good to me.” you responded simply, sending a smile back. 
“about the picture earlier. that definitely looked so bad, we were just curious as to what you would-” rudy started, clearly nervously rambling because he was trying to cover his tracks. you smiled and let out a giggle, fixing your hair.
“what picture?” you responded, tilting your head to the side and furrowing your eyebrows.
“the one on madelyn’s phone fro-” rudy said, turning red because maybe he was just making himself look stupid at this point. 
“what phone?” you responded, with a smile and sent a wink his way. it wasn’t long until he caught on that this was your way of forgiving and forgetting what happened earlier. his mouth was slightly parted as he nodded his head slowly.
“right....” rudy trailed off, chuckling in deep thought. “you did great at the table read today by the way.”
you waited for him as the group walked out the door and he was still zipping his backpack. “thanks, that actually means a lot. i can tell you guys have a lot of fun with each other so that makes me excited.”
“you haven’t seen nothing yet.” rudy responded with a wide grin. you could tell his emotion changed and that he got super giddy, reminiscing on memories from set last year. “so you’re 19, right?”
“i am, indeed. you guys really did your research.” you said, teasing him and the rest of the cast. rudy ran a finger through his hair and let out a husky laughed and you kinda felt your heart flutter? when you first watched the show you also thought he was so cute so this moment was out of a dream.
“we gotta scope out the new meat somehow. we don’t mess around in the outer banks.” rudy joked, elbowing your side and you rolled your eyes at the nickname. “what’s with the sass?” he inquired further, laughing to lighten the question.
“new meat? that’s the nickname i get? kinda grotesque if you ask me.” you responded in a high and sarcastic tone, raising your eyebrows and looking away. 
“i’ll get back to you on a better one, pinky promise.” rudy said, putting out his pinky finger towards you which you gladly wrapped your own around. it wasn’t long till you caught up with the rest of the group as they walked towards the deli on the corner. austin and drew formally introduced themselves, cracking insults and jokes at each other in hopes of making you laugh.
waiting online to order, you got in a small conversation with jonathan about your home towns and what led you to acting. it was a nice conversation to get to know someone, in your opinion. as you all sat at the table in the deli, you ironically ended up across from rudy.
“so, as a newcomer into our cast, we gotta add you to the group chat. but that also means you gotta have a fun contact name.” chase announced, from the head of the table.
“well, rudy called me ‘new meat’ before but that kinda sounds icky so maybe...lets not do that one.” you joked, earning laughs from the rest of the group.
as you were inputting your phone number into madison’s phone next to you and sending a quick ‘hi’ to the groupchat for everyone to receive your number, everyone was in deep though.
“youngin? considering you are the baby of the cast now.” drew brought up, with raised eyebrows. there were sounds of approval and iffy’s as people consumed their food.
“baby pogue?” rudy stated out of nowhere, making direct but soft eye contact with you. a smile formed quickly onto your face and you nodded. “i mean apart from being the youngest, you are the newest to the family. it only makes sense.”
“that sounds more promising to me.” you said, sending a smile his way. yet again, your heart fluttered again. again? you place down your sandwich, taking a second to chew until you found a pair of feet play with your own from under the table. 
you glanced up to hopefully make eye contact with the culprit and made very quick contact with rudy’s blue eyes till he looked away quickly, failing to hide the smirk rising to his face. you blushed and looked down, but not pulling your feet away.
this was gonna be fun.
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50 Wordless Ways to say I love you
Word Count: 1683
A/N: Every time I sit down to write a shirt blurb it always turns out long. Every time I sit down to write a long blurb it always turns out long. I can’t seem to win. I’m always taking request, and message me if you wanted to get added to the tag list :)
#14. Singing and dancing to their favorite song.
  It was Madison Bailey’s birthday coming up and you had started a tradition last season on everyone birthday to make them a cake of their choice. You always loved baking and found it therapeutic and soothing. You and Madison were roommates while filming season two of the show, and you kicked her out of the apartment so you could surprise her.
You asked Drew to come over and help considering him, and Austin lived in the same building. In all honest, the two living in the same apartment worked out great for you because you had a huge crush on Drew. You had since you meet him at the beginning of filming season one. Your characters were love interest, and at first you didn’t know if the lines of acting were getting hazy, but you soon realized it wasn’t. You had some serious feelings for him, but you were too nervous he didn’t like you back.
 You were greasing the pans for the cake when you heard a knock on your door, and then was greeted by Drew. “What’s cooking good looking?” He laughed kissing the top of your head, giving you butterflies. “Only the best birthday cake in the entire world.” You said in a half serious tone, “where’s your partner in crime?” You asked looking for Austin. “Uh-he went to play basketball with JD, so just me and you are today. Is that okay?” He asked walking over to your speaker. A whole afternoon just to two of you, of course you were okay with that. “Yeah sure, did you download that playlist I showed you?” You asked, the two of you having similar taste in music.
 “Of course, I did, I don’t know how you find such good playlist.” He said turning on the music, “so how can I help?” “Well, do you know how to bake Drew?” You asked, have never done this with him before. “I would rate myself like a seven and a half out of ten” He said confident. “Okay, well why don’t you measure all the ingredients, and put them into these little bowls so I can post something cute to my Instagram and then we’ll get started.” You said handing him the recipe with the measurements.
 You preheated the oven and got the stuff together for the frosting. You prepped all the pipping bags and sprinkles in Madison favorite colors. “Did you get Madison something for her birthday?” Drew was the first to break the comfortable silence. “I did, I got her a gift certificate for a spa place for her and Mariah this weekend.” You told him proud of your gift. “Shit, I forgot to her something, I’ve so busy filming, do you know what she wants?” He asked. “Um- she broke her Bluetooth speaker last week, maybe get her that? That’s why we’ve been stuck using my crappy one.” You said laughing finishing get your stuff together. “Okay, are you done with the measuring?” You asked, looking over his shoulder. “You know that’s a good idea, do you want to come with me when we’re done this?” He asked moving out the way so you could see he finished.
 “I would love that.” You say grabbing your phone and taking a picture of Drew’s hard work, adding a cute filter before posting it to your Instagram. “You know she’s going to see your “Why are you posting that your IG story, she’ll know that’s what you’re making.” Drew said not understanding why you were taking a picture. “I know she’ll see it, that’s why I made cookies earlier. She’ll think I was making those and not her birthday cake.” You explained, grabbing some bowls to mix the stuff in. “Okay, you mix the wet ingredients together, and I’ll mix the dry and then we combine them together in the end.” You explained handing him bowl. “Why can’t we just mix everything in one bowl, you’re making more of mess.” He asked looking down at you, “uh-I don’t know, you just can’t. Those are the rules Andrew.” You responded sarcastically. “Oh god, not the full name. Remind me not to question your authority again.” He said shoving you shoulder playful.
 Drew loved to hear you say his full name, normally it was something he despised but not with you. He was excited when you offered for him and Austin to come over and help bake the cake. When you asked him the day before you told him the Austin was welcome too. Normally Madison would help you, but you didn’t want to ruin the surprise. He didn’t invite Austin though, wanting to spend as much time alone together as you could. He would take any chance he could whether it be running lines, watching a movie, carpooling to work.
 Everyone in the cast knew you guys had a thing for each other and encouraged the both of you to make a move, but nether of you did. Drew nor you ever thought you guys would have chance with each other. So, you guys would just spend time together, dancing around feelings, and awkward moments.
 As you guys finished mixing the ingredients together you poured the batter and put it into the oven. “Okay, that should take about twenty minutes to bake and then we can make the frosting while it’s cooling.” You said grabbing some of the dishes putting them in the dishwasher. “Who taught you how to bake?” Drew asked, curious on how the habit started. You smile thinking about your childhood. You turned around to face him, leaning against the counter. “My mom taught me. When I was kid, she used to bake all the time. If it weren’t someone’s birthday, she would say they’re ‘I love you’ cakes. I guess after that I always found joy in it. I know it’s kind of cliche girl thing, but”- “No I like that you do stuff like this, it’s not cliché.” Drew said cutting you off before you could bad mouth your favorite pass time.
 That’s when your favorite song on the playlist came on. Drew looked over at you, knowing it was your favorite. He loved seeing the light in eyes when ever it came on. “Ugh, I love this song” you say humming along to the words while looing at your phone. Drew got up from the chair he was sitting on, and grabbed your hand pulling you close to dance with him. “I know, that’s why I added it to the queue, come dance with me.” The two of you danced like idiots while you sang to the song. Drew spun you around, and you almost tripped and fell but he caught you, the two of you giggling. You looked into his eyes, the two of you close enough you could feel his breath on your face. ‘Just do it, kiss him’ you thought to yourself, and the next thing you know, you’re closing the small gap between you two.
 Drew was shocked at first, not believing he was kissing you. Your lips were softer than he had expected, and they tasted like raspberries, most likely from your lip balm. He placed his hands on your hips, pulling you closer kissing you back. You guys made out for a couple more minutes before you pulled away from lack of air. “I’m sorry, I don’t know what came over me”- you started to stumble over your words when Drew leaned down and kissed you again. “it’s okay Y/N/N, I’ve been wanting to kiss you for while I just didn’t think you felt the same way for me.” He said with a little grin.
 You couldn’t believe you waited that long to show him how you felt, and now that you had you were glad, he felt the same way. “I was worried that you didn’t feel the same way, I didn’t want to make things awkward between us.” You said almost in whisper, a blush creeping on your cheeks. Drew leaned down and kissed you again, “of course I feel the same about you. How could I not? You’re such an amazing person.” His kind words causing a blush to form again. You hid you face in his chest, making him laugh.
 The two of you were pulled away from your conversation when the timer went off for the cake. “Oh, it’s ready!” Drew said rushing over to the oven taking the cakes out. “I’ll grab the stuff to start making the frost, and you can take the cakes out of the oven.” You directed. “Yes chef.” Drew saluted you in joking matter. Once he took the cakes out, you tested it with a knife to make sure it was cooked all the way through. You cut a bit off the top to make sure it tasted okay, giving a piece to Drew.
 Once you took a bit you immediately made a face, the cake tasted terrible. You looked at Drew trying to judge his reaction, laughing when he made the same face you did. “I don’t mean to be an asshole, but this taste terrible Y/N/N.” You grabbed the recipe off the counter and read the instruction. “I don’t understand I made this recipe a hundred times, it always turns out good. Three cups of flour, a teaspoon of vanilla, two teaspoons of salt, a”- “did you just say two teaspoons of salt?” Drew asked with wide eyes. “Yeah, why how much did you put in?” “Uh, well I though it meant tablespoon, so I put two tablespoons of salt.” He said rubbing the back of his neck cheeks turning red.
 You start to laugh at him, finding his embarrassment hilarious. “Oh, come on love it’s not that funny.” He says wrapping his arms around you from behind. “Don’t worry I can bake.” You say mocking him. “I guess Madison is getting a store-bought cake this year.” You say turning around kissing him. “At least I can kiss better then I can bake.” He said making the both of you laugh.
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