#bakugoes trauma
peachsukii · 2 months
A rage room is the last place Bakugo ever thought he’d end up with you.
When you bring up the idea to him after seeing one online, he scoffs at the thought of it. Working out and training is more than enough for him to let off metaphorical steam, and he’s been seeing a therapist since senior year of UA. He doesn’t need to smash shit to feel something.
At least, that’s what he thought.
Bakugo agrees to go with you, begrudgingly at first, but ultimately to keep you company, he doesn’t want you to hurt yourself or be alone. There were only two rules: No quirk usage and no harming others in the room, everything else is fair game. You both sign the waivers and gear up to head inside. The room is overwhelming at first, full to the brim of freshly smash-able objects - a broken down car with the doors barely on their hinges, light bulbs, glass jars of all sizes, old stop lights, and other breakable trinkets.
“Start smashin’, sweets. It ain’t gonna break itself,” Bakugo jokes, patting you on the back to let you take the first swing. You pick up the bat the facility has supplied and turn to face him, setting it on your shoulder like a sword.
“You’re not gonna try it?”
He’s here and suited up, might as well let loose. What’s the worst that could happen?
Bakugo swings the bat a few times around the room, adrenaline trickling through his veins as glass continuously shatters around him. Suddenly, he’s lost in thought and caught in a slow emotional build up, like an ocean’s tide retreating before the giant swell of waves begin to crash against the shore. Memories begin flooding to the forefront of his mind, things he’d worked through in therapy - anger, frustration, fear, guilt, coursing through him. Bakugo doesn’t notice when you lower your bat, watching him curiously as he starts swinging harder, viciously picking up the pace and breathing heavily with each passing hit.
“Kats, you alright?” You call - he doesn’t hear you in his tunnel visioned state. In between swings, you can see the bat quaking in his grip as if it’s too heavy to hold.
“Katsuki!” you try again with no response. Bakugo sounds like he’s about to have a panic attack with the way his breath is labored. You toss your bat to the floor and rush over to him, gently grabbing at his shoulder to get his attention. He flinches at your touch, shaken up by his sudden visceral reaction with a tinge of embarrassment, hiding his face from you by tucking it against his opposite shoulder.
“Breathe, babe,” you sooth, rubbing calming circles in between his shoulder blades. “Do you need a minute?”
“I—” Bakugo stutters, his throat strained by his effort to hold in the onslaught of tears threatening to spill over his cheeks. He clears his throat and bites his lip in a desperate attempt to stop his emotions from overflowing, but he loses the battle.
“We can stop if—”
He snatches your breath away when Bakugo swings around and pulls you into his chest, burrowing his face in the crook of your neck awkwardly. The protective goggles are becoming foggy and wet with discarded tears, a hiccup strangled in his throat. One of your hands slides tenderly against his nape, fingers entangled with the soft blonde strands while the other lays against his back.
"It's okay, I've got you. It's just you and me here."
Turns out smashing shit gave him an outlet he didn’t know he needed. His therapist has preached to him about bodies holding onto stress and trauma throughout our lives - Bakugo thought it was utter bullshit.
He was proven dreadfully wrong. But one things for sure, he’s sincerely grateful you knew him better than himself, how badly he needed this release without verbalizing it.
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inkalight · 10 months
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Let me care for you part 16
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writersmorgue · 1 month
BNHA does TikTok trends: candy salad trauma dump 🍬
inspired by @weewoow-20706030's post
@.minatheealienhero posted a new video!
"Hi! I'm Midoriya, and when I was 14 I was told to kill myself, suffocated and almost killed by a slime villain, and told I would never be a hero in the same day."
"Midoriya, the candy."
"Oh, right, and I brought Twizzlers!"
"I'm Bakugo Katsuki, when I was 17 my heart exploded and I died. I didn't bring anything and I'm leaving now."
"Thanks for participating!"
"Fuck you."
"Hey! I'm Red Riot, and I watched one of my teachers die in front of me. I brought Crimson Riot gummies!"
"I'm Denki! I once fried my brain during battle and was legally dead for seven minutes. The video of it went viral and my uncensored corpse was on the cover of a magazine. I brought skittles!"
"He has it framed in his office."
"Well, it's funny now."
"Hey everyone! I'm Uravity, and when I was 16 a girl sacrificed her life for me and I watched her die while her quirk kept me alive. I brought gummy bears!"
"I'm Shouto. My father's family bought my mother for her quirk-
-I was burned with boiling water-
-he died, or we thought he did. I'll get back to that later-
-severely isolated, at least according to my therapist-
-he tried to kill me, which was unfortunate-
-but then I had to fight him even though he's my brother-
-I mean and he was basically just a skeleton at that point but somehow still lived-
-and he said 'soba' which was heartbreaking,-
-but I don't really remember a lot of it. So there's not much else I can tell you. Oh, and I brought these strawberry candies. They're my favorite."
"Great, thanks."
"Why are you crying?"
"Why aren't you?!"
"-the red button, yeah like that! Okay so I'm Mina, and when my quirk manifested I gave my mother an acid burn that permanently disfigured her, and I can count on one hand the amount of words she's spoken to me since. And I brought whoppers!"
"My name is Shinsou, I brought... I don't know what these are but Denki said they're good. Anyway, when I was little my biological parents muzzled me and kept me locked in the basement for two years."
"Hi! I'm Jirou, and I had part of my ear ripped off mid-battle and still had to fight while in excruciating pain. I brought nerds."
"...I also had to listen to Denki do karaoke the other night. That was really traumatizing"
"Kyoka, shut up!"
"Learn how to sing!"
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catsoupki · 1 year
the youthful innocence of being able to touch each other so carelessly— a brush of hair out of your face, a fix of your uniform collar, a lingering touch when you borrow a pencil, all without the chains n locks of commitment, without PR managers on your tail, without tabloids and paparazzi watching your every stroke of brow and every twitch of finger; to be able to tickle and tease you without prying eyes, and i can just dust my fingertips all over you, and cover you in my fingerprints until you shower it all off and we do it again
bkg & reader
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tabbyrocks · 1 year
one thing I don't see talked about enough is how much better prototype Bakugo is compared to current bakugo.
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I mourn the loss of prototype bakugo EVERY. DAY. he would of been funny. and not actually an asshole.
but most importantly, he would have been autistic coded.
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leviiackrman · 24 days
Had a surge of inspiration so enjoy Mineyo’s Completed Timeline!
Tag list (ask to be added or removed): @carrionsflower @statichvm @risingsh0t @simonxriley @tommyarashikage @kanos @confidentandgood @unholymilf @florbelles @thedeadthree @shellibisshe @roofgeese @aezyrraeshh @faerune @tekehu @jackiesarch @minaharkers @sergeiravenov @carlosoliveiraa @rosenfey @greenecreek @queennymeria @heroofpenamstan @alexxmason @tethrras @jamessunderlandgf @a-treides @solasan @bigbywlf @delzinrowe @fenharel @imogenkol
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yugiohz · 11 months
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this is 8 bucks i HAVE to buy this
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hey-hamlet · 1 year
Since you mentioned that we can at least ask about MHA legend of zelda crossovers, how about this idea? The Triforce is passed down once a generation. And Pchako, Bakugo and Izuku are all candidates to receive a piece. And thanks to the last holder of Power having been AFO, Power has a bad rep. Duo to his attitude, Bakugo has been called that he'll get Power for sure. He's even bought into that idea. Then when the day comes, Bakugo Courage, Ochako Wisdom and Izuku gets Power.
OOOOOO ok ok ok I adore any content that addresses just how feral and unhinged Izuku is so Yes. I'm actually going to switch Ochako and Bakugo, I think. Bakugo's not actually as brave as her, in my opinion - he's just not scared. He's also wise in both battle sense and academically, so I think it'd suit him. He'd also be kind of mad about it, which is funny.
Ochako's parents were rich merchants with noble blood before she was born but they fell out of favor with the wealthy and have been just scraping by. When she was born with a softly glowing golden birthmark behind her ear her parents should have been excited. It was their path back into nobility - a child marked with the triforce was a blessing! One that solidified their place in nobility. But, a child of the triforce is Hyrule's child, not theirs. Not their baby girl, their only child - but a god's newest form. They keep quiet until she's 12, as long as they can wait, only a week after the second boy is found. They play up their ignorance, pretend they didn't know what the mark meant. All they can hope is that shes not marked for power
The Bakugo's were powerful nobles, ecstatic to see their son born with the golden mark on the palm of his hand. Due to their social clout their son wasn't taken from them, but he was given a prince's education. Due to his future power, he was paired with the young son of a kitchen maid, only a few days his junior, to act as a playmate and attendant. He grew up proud and brash and angry - his confidence and skill with a blade meant people assumed he must be Power, and his loud anger at the whispers meant he must be cruel. He was never nice to his playmate - the stupid boy wanted to fight along side him (but without the triforce, without the power of a god the rising tide of monsters would kill him - kill the only person really loyal to him and not the idea of what he could be) so Katsuki had to show him who the powerful one really was.
Izuku was born the night his father died, the night the great evil All for One was slain, the night his mother ran from their richly appointed manor to a stable at the foot of Hyrule castle. The golden triangle over his heart was a death knoll that all but ripped Inko's heart out of her chest the second she saw it. Just like his father's - the triforce ran in the royal family, only those with noble blood, those who had the blood of god in them, could be blessed like that. Bless, she thought spitefully, like the demon king? Or like Hisashi, a man she had loved, a man she'd seen grow greedier and greedier with his attentions, with his need for power, until he couldn't hide that Hisashi was a polite fiction told by the kingdom's doom. Izuku was raised alongside another boy with the triforce, Katsuki. Inko hoped that the brash boy's goodness would rub off on her son, so she turned a blind eye to the bruises and scrapes he left.
The day Ochako, the oldest by a few days, turned 16, their aspect of the triforce claimed them. Ochako, her broad shoulders and bright smile showing her courage. Bakugo, for all he was a brash bully, he couldn't hide his wisdom. And little Izuku, smallest, youngest and thinnest of the lot, with his big doe eyes and watery smile, for his power.
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mobunso · 3 months
Chapter 1 PREVIEW
TW panic attack, physical aggression, physical abuse.
Again, this is only a preview! I’m going back through and adding more development with Bakugo and the other classmates. I’m also making this chapter at least twice as long and will be delving briefly into Izuku’s mental health as well as his relationship with his parents (or lackthereof).
Feedback is welcome and so so appreciated!!! Enjoy (-:
His hands were trembling, a physical manifestation of how rapid his thoughts trampled through his mind. Shaky meticulously fingers picked through emerald green hair, as if looking desperately for any sort of distraction from the issue at hand. There were none. The reality in front of him stared him in the face. Izuku Midoriya could not run away from how others perceived him or how their perception caused others to treat him. He couldn’t blame them. Who would want to be kind to a worthless, not to mention quirkless, disgusting child like him? For fuck’s sake, he couldn’t even take a shower. His parents said that he would taint the purity of their house if he went anywhere other than his own room. Izuku could sleep on his putrid, dirty comforter while he’d catch sounds of laughter dancing up the stairwell, only to stop before ever getting close to his door.
A voice jolted the green-haired child from his mumbling. “Hey! What the fuck are you going on about? Did I say you could speak, nerd? Don’t forget your place. You’re just a worthless Deku.” His childhood friend sneered at him through gritted teeth. Deku felt the familiar burn of Katsuki Bakugou's explosive quirk melting into his skin, but he didn’t cry out. He didn’t cry at all. Izuku stared dead ahead of him, not an emotion to be seen. He was empty.
Izuku had been bullied like this for as long as he knew he would never be like the other kids. He had a target placed on his back the day that the doctor proclaimed him to be quirkless. Kaccha- Katsuki would parade his cult of like-minded bullies around the school like a king. Every chance that he, or any of his goons got, they would harass, burn, pin, kick, punch, throw things at, and report Deku to the teachers for any reason they could think of.
“Settle down class!” The complacent chime of his teacher’s voice rang out like a bell. The students sat idly and half-listened to a lecture that seemed to last forever. Izuku may not have cried out when Bakugou charred his flesh, but he was broken on the inside. He couldn’t escape the abuse, not even once he left school.
As soon as the bell shook Izuku from his seat, he sprang out of the classroom. Anxiously, he darted through the halls, avoiding all of the pointed looks from what should be his peers.
Izuku yanked off his shoes and practically threw them into his locker. Inside was his worn-down pair of tennis shoes that barely fit him anymore. His parents had begrudgingly bought them from a garage sale because, “If we want to be able to pawn you off to the school so we don’t have to deal with you, unfortunately we have to pay for shoes to wear so that they don’t get too suspicious. Not to mention, it could ruin our reputation if we sent you without something to wear home from school.” Shaking the voices of his parents away, he quickly pulled on the raggedy shoes and shoved the locker shut.
Green hair flashed by the entrance of the school and past the gates. Once he bolted down the first alleyway, he slowed his pace. He should be safe now. Even if he was fun to play with, nobody would chase him this far away from the school. At the end of the day, he was worthless. Why would anyone go out of their way to follow him out of their way?
Eventually, the slow trudging of his feet came to a stop. He raised his eyes to the door of what should be his home. Shaking again, he pulled out his house key and fit it inside the lock with a ka-ching. A feeling of despair flooded Izuku’s mind as he carefully attempted to keep the door from making any noise as he shut it.
Being careful didn’t matter when his mother loomed behind the door.
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theextratreefairy · 2 years
Nightmares - ʸ!ᴮᵃᵏᵘᵍᵒ + ʸ!ᴬⁱᶻᵃʷᵃ!ᵖˡᵃᵗᵒⁿⁱᶜ
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I am having memories pop up that my brain now thinks I am ready for. Like bitch, I wasn't ready for the small details. You think I am ready for the whole memory? So this is kinda angsty with a lot of fluff, because my brain just got the achievement; NEW MEMORY :D deal with it :D.
Warnings: Angst fluff, mentions of slight abuse(?)
Don't forget to take care of yourself.
they/them reader x y!soft!BakugoKatsuki + y!platonic!AizawaShota
Reader hates sleeping, something Katsuki was well aware off. But he never knew to what extent. Not that he didn't try to ask.
Class 1-A was sleeping soundly in their dorms, everyone but Reader. They were sitting down in the common room of the class 1-A dorms, watching tv well drinking some tea. Crying softly, afraid to fall asleep again.
They wanted to cuddle with Katsuki, but they couldn't. Reader and Katsuki were only allowed to sleep in the same room if they do a sleep over with more classmates. To make sure no night things can happen. Aizawa was rather a platonic yandere for Reader.
Reader was crying 'bout their nightmares full on. Heavily breathing, shaking in fear, their tea no longer comforting them. Aizawa was woken up and Kirishima (a very light sleeper) had woken up Katsuki, who sleeps rather deeply, immediately recognizing Reader's voice.
Katsuki had rushed to the common room, when he saw Reader sobbing in Aizawa's arm his heart broke. Aizawa noticed that Reader wanted Katsuki. "Don't do anything stupid, Bakugo." Aizawa warned his student with a sharp eye.
When Katsuki sat down on the couch Reader clang onto Katsuki. Shaking and their tears were staining his shirt immediately. "Do you want to watch one of the Avatar series? Or the Hunger Games?"
"Can we watch Avatar: The last Airbender, season 1, episode 6?" Reader questioned softly. "Of course, do you want some tea?" Katsuki asked softly, Reader shook their head and clang onto Katsuki tighter.
With the A: TLA episode on the background Katsuki mustered up his courage to ask; "Could you tell me what happened, darling?"
"I remembered something I wasn't ready for." Reader whispered. "I saw her face again."
"That teacher that hurt you?" Katsuki asked for clarification. "Yes. And I remembered something stronger, I could have died because of my own stupidity. My shoulder hurts on those spots, I think of those teachers, I think of the pain I was caused."
"Do you wish to speak of it? Or do you wish to watch A: TLA in silence?"
"Can we please cuddle in silence?"
"Of course."
Lmao, sorry if this was all over the place. Just wanted some comfort kinda.
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softer-ua · 2 years
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I will never ever ever ever get over how All Might was immediately on board to follow Izuku to different school, like didn’t say a damn thing either. Even tho like 30 minutes prior
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Like I know Dekus his successor and he has a responsibility to stay by him but between
his role as a teacher
condoning restraining Katsuki(a child in crisis!!) by placing that medal on him on the international broadcasting of a spectacle that has replaced the Olympics and is stated to influence these kids while careers
and then thrusting him farther into negative lime light(even though it wasn’t anyone but the villains fault) by losing his powers while rescuing him
You’d think he’d recognize that he has some serious responsibility to Katsuki too, like separate from Deku & OFA All Might has unintentionally caught Katsuki into his orbit & as an adult he should be able to not only recognize that but step up to that
I refuse to believe that All Might actually cares about Katsuki as an individual at all, frankly I think he low key seriously dislikes him and originally had no intention of ever seeing him succeed and would have loved an excuse to separate Izuku from him
Don’t agree?
Let me ask you this, do you honestly believe that if it had been Inko hitting Izuku All Might would have looked the other way?
I don’t, I guarantee that All Might would have called in on every favor he could think of and Inko would have been losing custody before the sunset
I think Deku told All Might one too many of Bakugo’s character flaws during their pre UA training sessions and All Might decided he hated him and would never let it go
Izuku venting should have been fine but All Might struggles with maturity and emotional intelligence, he never unpacked his trauma around losing Nana & put her on a pedestal
It left him with a mindset that let him blindly supporting Izukus reckless tendencies for far too long and it was only corrected by the intervention of others like recovery girl
while also had him under the impression that Izuku would just magically understand OFA because obviously it was his closeness to his mentor that made him such a great hero
He never took into consideration that OFA was much stronger now or that not only is Izuku just of a smaller build to begin with but he had less time to train, like we see All Might was already pretty solidly built and involved with Nana in middle school.
Izuku only had time to build up enough strength and stamina so that OFA didn’t immediately kill him and it’s treated like he’s just not as much of a natural as AM when that’s only such a small part of the problem 😩
After the home visits All Might definitely does try harder for Izuku, to be more available to him and after DvsK2 All Mights consideration of Katsuki is slightly more sensitive and nuanced but tbh it’s all still through a lense of ‘remember he’s important to Izuku, if he improves so does Izuku’
What really confirms that for me is that there was zero reason All Might couldn’t have told the class to make an exception and let Katsuki into Izukus hospital room if he woke up
The class has known since before the training camp that they mean a lot to each other & have know each other for like forever(even if it is messy), but everything during and after camp surely renforced it
They know that Bakugo went off alone with Deku at the beginning of the war and stayed with him throughout it until he got stabbed, it’d make sense that upon waking up not dead he’d wanna see the person he sacrificed himself for
Most importantly absolutely everyone knows what a dramatic hassle Bakugo can be, they could have just written it off as a precaution to keep the hospital quiet 💀
There was zero reason that in however long existed between them waiting for Izuku to wake up and All Might delivering the letters All Might couldn’t have filled Bakugo in or at least offered him some kind of personal communication and comfort
He should have felt some obligation to do so after everything, he should have known better.
Yes it was Izukus decision to leave & knowing Izuku it was a safer bet to go along with that plan so that he didn’t do it 100% alone but All Might should have known that cutting Katsuki out completely wasn’t just a tactically bad idea it was a cold and callous one too
Also All Might just generally enjoyed beating the shit out of Bakugo just a wee bit too much, imo, man looks like it was his birthday and Christmas all in one
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All Might, the number one hero for decades, repeatedly introducing the back of Bakugo’s skull to the pavement was a conscious choice that he made with joy in his heart, Idc how much you don’t like that take, because there were a dozen other choices he could have made
And that’s how you know Deku is bilnded by his admiration of All Might. Otherwise he may have noticed that All Might, for all his support of Bakugo helping Izuku become a stronger hero doesn’t support Bakugo being in his personal life, or Bakugo being alive in general 💀
Honestly I can see why Katsuki procrastinated ever getting All Might to sign his card, between fanboying, personal guilt, pride, and the fact that he probably has a sneaking suspicion that AM doesn’t like him it makes sense that he never once brought it up over the course of an entire year 🥺💔
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number1villainstan · 2 months
this pisses me off so bad, i shouldn't be thinking about it for my own mental health, but even with my somewhat limited knowledge of bnha canon the more i think about it the more examples i can find of boku no hero academia's rampant fucking ableism
#rant in tags#bakugo shouto nagant dabi toga twice shigaraki compress all might CHISAKI#the fact that the only 'hero' character who has canon symptoms of a psychological issue/trauma is bakugo#those symptoms of a psychological illness are anger issues#and the anger issues get treated as an immutable part of his character (and as the butt of jokes!)#AND he's presented/used as an antagonistic character despite being a 'hero' character#*AND* those anger issues are used as rationale for severe human rights violations done to bakugo!#(specifically i'm thinking of the sports festival bullshit)#<-ALL OF THIS SHIT WAS A DELIBERATE DECISION ON THE PART OF THE CREATOR/S.#the fact that the only presented psychological symptoms of the abuse shouto canonically suffered are being stand-offish and socially awkwar#and the “quirky cute” kind of socially awkward too. rather than the kind that makes you unpopular and deeply isolated and lonely#<-deliberate decision on the part of the creator/s.#nagant is presented as unrealistically unaffected by over a decade in solitary confinement#a torture method that can infamously produce severe and long-lasting trauma within a couple of DAYS#and it's even more egregious when you look at how chisaki responds to solitary confinement in the story#because chisaki was in solitary for a much shorter time than nagant#<-this shit was a deliberate decision on horikoshi's part. it was in the manga. i read it.#the fact that dabi's scars and shigaraki's skin conditions are both used to mark them as 'ugly' and therefore as villains#<-DELIBERATE DECISION BY HORIKOSHI. PART OF THEIR CHARACTER DESIGN.#toga's character is pretty clearly based off of the homophobic 'lesbian vampire' trope (which is homophobia not ableism)#AND her desire/need for blood is treated as something that makes her inherently 'weird' or 'deviant' or 'creepy'#suffusing even her character design and the way she moves and talks.#<-DELIBERATE. DECISION. BY. HORIKOSHI.#twice? yeah sure he's sympathetic. but his backstory presents his neurodivergence as a punishment for laziness/selfishness#and it's treated as a gag. twice is a gag character. and the gag is his neurodivergence.#<-DELIBERATE DECISION BY HORIKOSHI. you get the point by now.#compress loses his arm and gets it replaced with a prosthetic that functions exactly like an organic arm.#<-deliberate decision by horikoshi.#all might coughing up blood being used as humor#*and* the fact that his injuries and the way they disable him are treated as this oh-so-terrible-secret
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seagreenstardust · 1 year
Shoto is so tightly wound in the first half of the story (for good reason my goodness the trauma and abuse this kid had to endure) but once he’s comfortable and friends with Midoriya, once he’s been saved by him and saved him enough times to understand him he starts to relax, and I love it because he goes from this intense angry kid to literally standing next to Bakugo happily ignoring all of his insults and yelling because duh we’re friends now and it doesn’t really matter what Bakugo says about it, they’re friends like Shoto’s friends with Midoriya and that’s just how it is
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tabbyrocks · 1 year
as much as i love monoma, and am SO happy to see him getting some of the spotlight he deserves, i am SO scared that hori is just going to make his character revolve around bakugo. one of my favorite things about monoma is how much he hates him, and picks on his flaws, BECAUSE HIS FLAWS NEED TO BE PICKED AT. I don't want bakugo dying for like 5 minutes to completely change monoma's veiw of him / give him a "newfound respect" for him because THATS BULLSHIT. I cannot stand hori trying to force respect or admiration of a quirk discriminator onto victims of quirk discrimination. if monoma KNEW how horrible bakugo used to be (and we know he already doesnt like him because hes a fucking asshole) he would literally despise him, because people like bakugo were the people who told monoma that he would NEVER be good enough.
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anniebear-92 · 1 year
Could u do all might having a daughter which he neglects?
Of course I can! That is an interesting ask!
I honestly see All Might being a parent could go two ways, either the child would feel extremely neglected and in the biggest shadow ever or he would be the most loving father ever based on his interactions with his students. If anyone wants to read one of how I think All Might would be as an actual dad? Let me know :)
Warnings: SFW, talks of depression, sadness and divorce. All Might is a shit dad. Her last name is Yagi because she is All Might's daughter.
She stared at the statue before her, darkness of the shadow surrounded her like the hug she rarely got. The figure envisioned by the artist continuously showed that big smile similar to her own if anyone was privy to see it.
The plaque at the base read a blurb about "The Symbol of Peace." How great this man is and was to this day. What about the people he had to step on to get to this place? To have his status in the middle of a shopping square?
Someone like, you.
His own flesh and blood that rarely got a phone call but on birthdays or Holidays. Even then she could hardly remember the last birthday he HAD called on. It was always a quick "How you doing kiddo?" or "I just called quick to say Happy birthday."
He was always quick to call and just as quick to disconnect the line because "Duty calls," Before you could even tell him about the great gift your mother always got you. Unlike your absent father your mother was always there, quick with a tissue or shoulder for your falling tears. A band-aid for the scrape you had gotten, cake to make you feel better, kind words and exciting stories before bedtime.
Not from him.
The day your doctor told the happy couple their daughter was quirkless was the first of many, those ocean blue eyes you shared with the man gave you that look of pity. That perpetual look that you were something to be protected, fragile, nothing. How can a quirkless person be a hero?
It had been the first day he stopped coming home at night, returning your mother's calls asking when he'd be home for dinner. Justice was always the answer. Cold nights in a bed alone, her seven year old daughter crawling in her lap to wipe the tears from her mother's cheeks.
Finally your mother had enough, the stack of papers from her lawyer were left on the table indicated he was going to be alone. When she received the notification he would not fight she knew the battle was lost, he no longer cared... If he did at all.
Your mother took you away from Tokyo where his agency was based, moving to the new city of Musatafu. He came to see you from time to time but it seemed only when he was already there for a non you reason. There was always seemingly an event in town, a mission he was taking care of to help out another agency.
Regardless of your absent father you never let it get you down. Your father was All might! The coolest hero in the world, right? When you started primary school and made friends of course you would boast about who your father was! Though their sneers and jokes about how you lie started to tear at the fabric of your heart, you slowly began keeping that information to your self. Who cared anyway? Not like the man ever called or stopped in unless it was convenient to him.
In middle school a miracle occurred, you developed your mother's quirk suddenly. A late bloomer the doctor had said. Testing your limits they discovered it was an even stronger version of her own with the next generation. Energy Manipulation, a strong quirk.
The word had gotten to your father and it was as if a switch flipped. He was always calling, always stopping by. "Hey kid, want to come on patrol with me and see how heroes work?" Your hopes had never been higher! Until he didn't show... again. Villain attacked he had blamed.
It was about age fourteen when you finally had enough, he had shown up to drop off a gift. A gift you promptly smashed to the floor.
"Why are you here? You rarely call, you only show up when you FEEL like it! I'm sick of you only having time for me when it's good for you! I developed a quirk late and now suddenly you want to be my dad? Go be the symbol of peace. Why don't you tell everyone how you stepped on your FAMILY to do it?"
Your teeth were bared, nostrils flaring as your chest heaved at finally giving him the piece of mind he deserved. His eyes had widened and not a word was said. He simply turned and left, no phone calls, no surprise visits. He simply disappeared.
Years passed and you decided with great resolve you were going to become a great hero and if you ever had a family, they would be your priority. You were going to become a better hero than that man ever was! You aced your tests, got good grades and trained day in and out. Your mother helped with quirk control and when time was ready, you applied for UA.
The entrance exam was decent, your fingers stretching towards the machine and feeling the crackle of the electricity inside. Lifting the unit you smashed them into another, shorted out, smashed, tore apart until finally the buzzer rang out.
Your acceptance came a week later, so did the buzz about someone becoming a new teacher. The one and only All Might. The first couple weeks were rocky, but you proved to him and everyone you deserved to be where you were.
The voice tore you out of your thoughts, head turning to find a messy haired, green eyed boy standing with your fellow classmates of 1A. They all smiled as you stood before that stupid statue.
"Let's go! It's time to be heroes!"
Adjusting your hero gear, you took the hand of the boy who idolized your father more than anyone else. His fingers interlaced with yours as his bright smile earned one of your own in return. He may have your father's quirk, he may have thought your dad is the greatest guy since sliced bread.
He had watched since the day you joined his class in Aldera Middle, the bright girl who rose from the shadow and brought her own light to the world. Whose smile outshined any that the "Symbol of Peace" had to offer.
If someone were to ask him today, "Who was the greatest hero who ever lived?" He'd smile his own thousand watt smile and without any hesitation he would give one name.... Yours.
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leviiackrman · 3 months
Would people wanna see my ocs made in the sims…?
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