#ballet Courfeyrac
blueberrywhale123 · 9 months
Ballet Les Mis
So I love ballet and I love the headcanons that Cosette is a ballet dancer. But I stumbled upon this video and am I crazy or does this seem like Courfeyrac????
So anyways I now headcanon that in high school, Courfeyrac took ballet.
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Fic Stats Meme
Tagged by @rainbow-nerdss 🥰
rules: give us the links to your fic with the most hits, second most kudos, third most comments, fourth most bookmarks, fifth most words, and fic with the least words.
Most Hits
Read, White & Blue
Steve/Bucky (Marvel)
Teen+, 99k words
Librarian Bucky helps freshly defrosted Captain America Steve learn how to use computers and catch up on everything he missed whilst he was in the ice.
2nd Most Kudos
The Guy Next Door
Combeferre/Courfeyrac (Les Mis)
Teen+, 24k words
Courfeyrac loses a bet, which means he's not allowed to ask anyone out on a date for a month. And then he meets Combeferre.
3rd Most Comments
A Call to Motion
Steve/Bucky (Marvel)
Explicit, 92k words (WIP)
Steve's football coach sends him to learn ballet to improve his game, Bucky is the dance TA tasked with teaching him.
4th Most Bookmarks
Taste the way that you bleed
Steve/Bucky (Marvel)
Explicit, 28k words
The one where Werewolf Steve is forced to marry Vampire Bucky in order to keep the peace.
5th Most Words
Change Your Stars
Steve/Bucky (Marvel)
Mature, 52k words
A Steve/Bucky Knight’s Tale AU with a double dose of Identity Porn, featuring fake-knight Steve and secret-prince Bucky.
Least Words
Petit Chou
Enjolras/Grantaire (Les Mis)
General Audiences, 600 words
Scene from my Time Traveller's Wife AU where Enjolras & Grantaire babysit.
Tagging anyone who wants to join in!
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blue-sky-to-lovers · 4 years
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cutie patootie
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thebarricadewins · 6 years
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Ballet Shoes, Angel's Hair and Revolution (A Les Misérables fanfiction) - Chapter 63 (on Wattpad) https://my.w.tt/TpF4OmSjZT #1 in #lesmiserables 20/11/2018 ------ "It's either the kiss or the revolution" Paris, France, spring of 1832 Victorie is like the friendly shadow at Café Musain. A girl who always welcomes the guests with a warm smile, never thinks twice before helping Madame Hucheloup and brings snacks for the always hungry boys, hidden in the back room. To them, she's only a girl who works at the Café, a girl who is always there to linger around and listen to their meetings, criticize their opinions and to make sure they go home before three in the morning. Enjolras has always been annoyed by her presence, but never denied her entrance to the back room , partially because feared angering the boys and Madame Hucheloup who all seemed to adore this simple girl, but also because he always found himself unable to utter a reasonable sounding world in a conversation with her. With the impending revolution the leader of Les Amis de l'ABC has no time to think about the irrelevant girl. Courfeyrac, their best friend. The center of he group. He's always there to support his friends, to tell a joke or two and to mend everyone's problems. Can it be that he is not all he seems to be? What happens when the glue that holds everything together begins to break? Could the group survive without its joining factor? The choices to make are not going to be easy... One is known... Everything will change when the boys find out that Victorie is keeping secrets... ---- nr. 1 in #lesmiserables 20/11/2018 Disclaimer: I do not own Les Misérables! I do not own the images in the story unless I explicitly say so. I also do not own any of the amazing musicals that I am referencing or alluding too. All rights to their rightful owners. Enjoy!
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fillsta · 2 years
Les amis & others hc | What they do/study (modern au)
Screw it, it's been sitting in my drafts for a while now
Enjolras: Political science. Nuff said. Not that he ever practices it but, ya know
Combeferre: He is really interested in bugs and insects and considered initially studying something close to that instead, but ended up settling with literature.
Courfeyrac: I don't know why but something tells me this boi is a culinary student.
Grantaire: Art student, need I say more?
Joly: Medicine, as it is also cannon
Bossuet: Acting. I think he'd really enjoy working in a theatre, although his family pushed him to go to law school at first.
Bahorel: Martial Arts instructor at a gym. I can so see him teaching Krav Maga and Kickboxing.
Feuilly: Mechanic at a garage or Electrical Appliances store employee. Higher Education isn't really for him.
Jehan: Art student. Also sales paintings and other creations near Paris' tourist attractions.
Marius: Law student because none of us can deny it.
Eponine: Journalism student / shop employee (Ok but Eponine working in a clothing store and taking no shit from Karen clients)
Musichetta: She is a barista ok?
Cossete: Ballerina! I saw somewhere a hc that she is a professional ballet dancer and I loved it.
Azelma: One year away from graduating high school, would love to go to fashion school.
Gavroche: When you ask this boy what he wants to be when he grows up, he replies with 'a reptile' and walks away.
Montparnasse: Scams tourists near the Eiffel Tower and other tourist attractions of Paris.
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midasinc · 3 years
modern marius/cosette hcs:
-they take the same train every day before they meet. marius is going from his dorm to the university, and she's going from her and valjean's house to her ballet academy
-marius has extreme heart eyes for her but is too shy to say anything. he just knows that this girl with the really nice bag and leggings of many diff colours is rlly pretty and wears nice headphones and reads on the train every day and he wants to get to know her so bad
-on her bag he sees the letters "LV" a lot and i love marius, but he was quite literally born under a rock so he doesnt know fashion brands at all and assumes those are her initials and not... louis-vuitton. once they get to know each other and laugh about it, but that is modern marius's "ursule" moment
-anyway im not writing a slowburn rn so i wanna do actual relationship hcs :)
-they were both raised in old-fashioned households, but in different ways. neither of them had a lot of access to new age technology and cosette grew up playing a ton of board games with valjean, so she plans a lot of like casual dates over a bottle of wine and scrabble. marius was raised in a very old-fashioned mindset so cosette ends up teaching him a lot about modern feminism and progressiveness, which helps him transition a little better when courfeyrac wants him to hang with The Scary Friends with him (combeferre and the rest of les amis)
-cosette's love language is touch and quality time, marius's is talking her ear off and infodumping. this usually meshes by marius laying with his head in her lap as she plays with his hair and listens to him talk about world history
-they do a lot of old people things together. marius likes puzzles, cosette likes bird watching. they do a lot of both together and just talk about life and other topics of interest
-cosette does ballet! she went to a ballet academy and is in a professional company now and marius goes with valjean to all of her events. it's REALLY tense the first few times because it takes a while for valjean to even BEGIN to warm up to marius but when he sees marius bringing her flowers every time and seeing how sweet he is to her he starts trusting marius more
-marius sends cosette a million texts during the day when she's at work and he's in the archives of the museum he works at. he sends her photos of statues and artifacts with captions he finds funny and shows her what he's working on. marius's sense of humor is.... lacking, but cosette really looks forward to the end of her day when she can check her phone and read all the silly messages he left her
-marius's grandfather has connections to a lot of rich families and businesses and because of this he gets coerced into going to a lot of fancy suit-and-tie events. the first time he takes cosette as his date, he gets really overwhelmed. he's never seen her this done-up before and marius thinks she's beautiful no matter what but seeing her in that moment... he just cannot believe that she loves him out of all of the people in the world
-they both like low-stakes movies and cartoons. for cosette it's mostly a trauma thing because she was never given the chance to enjoy those things at developmental stages and marius feels similarly but to less extent. cosette really doesn't care for horror or sad movies because if she's sitting down to watch a movie she wants to be happy and not get overwhelmed. they like to watch their low-stakes movies in bed on cosette's laptop and eat popcorn and it's really nice. it's really nice to just turn their brains off and relax. they deserve it
-goth cosette x pastel marius who slowly goes goth because of her
-goth couple? goth couple
-if when they get married, marius takes her name! he'd rather get rid of his and it surprises a lot of people but marius would rather be part of her and valjean's family and not his own family's
-they have accidentally started. maybe three kitchen fires together. both of them suck ass at cooking. they cannot be trusted on their own and even less so together. love them though! dinguses <3
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cx-shhhh · 3 years
What kind of music do you think each of the Amis listen to? I'm especially excited to hear your head-canon for Bahorel because I feel like it wouldn't be something you'd expect a big burley man to enjoy.
Bahorel definitely listens to Debussy and ballet scores like Swan Lake or Sleeping Beauty. I’m making it canon.
Enjolras doesn’t listen to music because he prefers public radio, Combeferre listens to, like, symphonies and classic rock, Courfeyrac listens to EDM, Joly listens to movie scores, Bossuet listens to alt pop, Feuilly listens to folk music from literally anywhere, Jehan listens to screamo, and Grantaire listens to pretty much anything that tickles his fancy.
Grantaire definitely has a playlist of stuff that has every mood and genre imaginable, and he listens to it on shuffle. It’s music roulette.
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whatsaboomlakalaka · 3 years
fic writer interview!
thanks for the tag @grantairesbottle !!
1. How many works do you have on AO3?
20 ! how did that happen !
2. What’s your total AO3 word count?
3. How many fandoms have you written for and what are they?
5 on ao3 but really 4 bc I think Original Work + Dungeons & Dragons (Roleplaying Game) count as one (its backstory for one of my PCs)
the others are Les Miserables, Dimension 20 (specifically Fantasy High) and Life with Derek
4. What are your top 5 fics by kudos?
What To Expect When You're Expecting A Soulmate - (Dimension 20 (Fantasy High)) - Fig/Ayda - the figayda soulmark au nobody asked for but i wrote anyway - classic first words your soulmate will say to you are written on your body somewhere, bc with their first interaction how could i NOT. 2k, oneshot!
Llamas and Siblings and Pies, Oh my! - (Life with Derek) - Casey/Derek - texting fic! the whole family's involved! i don't know how to describe this one except ridiculous and very fun! 4k, oneshot!
Bump In The Night - (Life with Derek) - Casey/Derek - a mix of soulmark aus from a 3am prompt that i wrote in 40mins and didn't read through before i posted. wild that its this high up tbh. 600 words, ficlet!
A Pretty Good Bad Idea - (Life with Derek) - Casey/Derek - summer vibes prompt that's actually just pwp - everyone loves smut OPPPPP. 2.5k, oneshot!
What Doesn't Kill You Makes You Stronger - (Les Miserable) - Enjolras/Grantaire - again, everyone loves smut? this fic is so old omg but yeah i guess its a thing i wrong. canon-compliant pwp. 2k, oneshot!
5. Do you respond to comments, why or why not?
Yes! Always! I love to chat come talk to me!!
6. What’s the fic you’ve written with the angstiest ending?
God, right. Do we mean angst like "everyone's about to die"? Because if so, What Doesn't Kill You Makes You Stronger, again, or Just Open Your Eyes - but they're both Les Mis and like. Is death angst in canon-era Les Mis bc idt it is???
Non-death related, I'm going with Evacuate The Dancefloor. Mostly because it was going to end happily and then the last 40 words just came out of nowhere but like. It had to. Idk. Sad wanking innit.
7. Do you write crossovers? If so, what is the craziest one you’ve written?
Hmmm I haven't written any with like crossed over characters but I like putting people in different settings. Hogwarts AUs etc. And like. My Life with Derek Tag AU, cleverly just titled "Tag".
8. Have you ever received hate on a fic?
Writing for small fandoms is a blessing, no.
9. Do you write smut? If so, what kind?
Yeah but like I'm not comfortable writing it really? But sometimes I do it to challenge myself and those are always the fics with the best stats which is WILD.
10. Have you ever had a fic stolen?
Not that I’m aware of!
11. Have you ever had a fic translated?
Again, not that I'm aware of!
12. Have you ever co-written a fic before?
Nel said this too in hers lol but like. No posts fic, but RP. A lot of RP.
Also @nosybutterfly and I have the starting of a Life with Derek one but we've both been working on separate things recently - Em we should get back to it !!!
13. What’s your all-time favourite ship?
The ship that first got me into fanfiction was Harry/Ginny (Harry Potter). But I've probably read more Enjolras/Grantaire (Les Miserables) than anything else. Plus Combeferre/Courfeyrac (also Les Mis). Honourable mentions to: Beck/Johanssen (The Martian), Josh/Donna (The West Wing), Laurie/Amy (Little Women), and Casey/Derek (Life with Derek).
14. What’s a WIP that you want to finish but don’t think you ever will?
Nothing has been posted of it yet but I've got this one Ballet Dancer!Casey/Photographer!Derek Long Distance AU and. Eurgh. One day.
15. What are your writing strengths?
I think I manage to get a lot of info into not a lot of words. I also think I'm funny but who knows what everyone else thinks.
16. What are your writing weaknesses?
I start so many things I know I'll never finish yikes
18. What was the first fandom you wrote for?
Harry Potter - I don't even remember my old username but it was on Sink Into Your Eyes, back in the day.
Also Firefly - mostly on fireflyfans.net
19. What’s your favourite fic you’ve written?
A Thousand Years Go By (Love Don’t Die) - Life with Derek - Derek/Casey - the mcturi siblings are paranormal investigators checking out sam's new mansion-come-hotel. 8k, oneshot!
this fic hit me like a fever dream and i could think of nothing else until it was written. its also got just... so few hits compared to my other dasey fics and that makes me sad sometimes ngl.
Tagging anyone who wants to do it! Say I tagged you and I'll back you up!!
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0-solshroom-0 · 4 years
i’m terrible at headcanons, and this might sound incredibly stupid, but i’ve always had the impression that both courfeyrac and combeferre would have a deep appreciation for ballet. to be honest, i don’t think either of them would be good at performing it (if one of them was, it would be courf), but i think they’d enjoy watching it. do i have any reasoning for this? no. but i makes me smile i hope you feel better :) hold on, friend
as an assistant ballet teacher who sucks at ballet
y e s
they would both adore it, courfeyrac would enjoy the beauty and emotion of it and combeferre would just be in awe of how absolutely difficult it is, and how much discipline it takes because
oh boy does it take a lot of discipline that i don’t have. and that’s why i’m just an assistant
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catstrophysics · 4 years
tell me about ur wip in detail
OH MY GOD PETER I LOVE YOU OKAY HERE I GO! This might be sort of long and very nonsensical but I’m presently watching Les Mis again, so you’re getting a Detailed AnswerTM. In short: My WIP is a roughly 32k-word Les Mis modern high school AU, featuring Enjolras/Grantaire and some background other ships (Combeferre/Courfeyrac, Joly/Bossuet/Musichetta, Marius/Cosette), and it’s loosely based off of a debate project I had in American Government last year. Enjolras and Grantaire get paired up to debate against Combeferre and Courfeyrac, and it starts out super awkward because they think the other doesn’t like them but secretly they both do and the misunderstanding is nearly entirely in their heads and it’s fucking SOFT and I just adore them.ao3 link: https://archiveofourown.org/works/23292466/chapters/55784911
In LONG: THESE. MISUNDERSTANDING. IDIOTS. (way more below the cut)
Basically, their relationship dynamic relies a lot on Grantaire, because he sort of forgives Enjolras a decent amount of his idiosyncracies—they’re nothing all that serious, really, just really headstrong and idealistic and notably bad at processing emotions (mood), but in terms of periodically overbearing, yeah that’s Enjolras. And Enjolras is sort of considered as less seriously attached to Grantaire, and considers him more of a nuisance/someone to debate against/the non-compliant one, but in my mind he very much values having Grantaire to sort of temper him, despite their rather snippy relationship. It’s a dynamic that feels sort of wrong-footed a lot, to me. Which it is, but it’s the sort of wrong-footed you get used to. As a whole, it’s sort of working steadily from “at-odds tentative peace” to, well, a real romantic relationship (think… bkdk, but with less open animosity and less smitten Deku and less violence. so not a lot like bkdk, actually.) And it sort of starts out showing the extent of Grantaire’s attraction, which is pretty damn notable (because… Enjolras pretty,,, and yes I am attracted to men and in this case specifically movie!Enjolras what of it) and there’s sort of those little stumbling moments of “this isn’t as awkward as it should be or as I thought it should be” because to me that’s important in a relationship like theirs, which was never all that familiar to begin with but sort of distanced and prickly despite a degree of attraction. In HS AUs to me also, it’s super important to show that there’s still, like… other shit that goes on besides relationship stuff, especially if it’s a sort of slowburn. Other friends, other classes, other work, other life events. Other hobbies. And Grantaire’s sort of a laid-back jack of all trades, whereas Enjolras very much is specialized—good at speaking, good at schoolwork, and sort of decent at everything else, in my mind. Maybe an instrument (me and my marching band love). So I’ve sort of written in Grantaire doing ballet and painting, which are two things that I find temper him (also in canon afaik he’s good at dancing, boxing, and painting, so there’s that) and Enjolras surprised by this fact, never really getting the depth of Grantaire from their past interactions. Also, Combeferre and Courfeyrac are… now one of my fave couples, to be entirely honest. They’re very balanced, because that’s… how they both are, and the sort of dorky, sweet pair you can’t help but adore, and they’re very much going to have to play witness to a lot of Enjoltaire nonsense especially during this project, because… they’re insufferably stubborn and that’s fun. Also, the project they’re doing is super neat so I’m rambling about that now because it’s a driver of the story. It’s called a crossfire debate, hence the title of the fic being “Caught In The Crossfire”, and the way it’s set up is everyone gets a chance to speak and then there’s a “crossfire” where you ask whatever questions you can to poke holes in your opponent’s argument/strengthen your own. It’s super fast-paced and kind of… scripted, which is neat to me, and also means that the rehearsal scenes have the potential to get, er, heated. So I’m looking forward to that. Honestly I’m… looking forward to writing this, and I know it’s not at all one of your fandoms, so if you actually read all of this (Peter) here’s a paragraph about my BkDk plans, just because you deserve they,, as a treat. BKDK TIME YAYQuarantine fic where it’s Class 1-A having to be quarantined in the dorms because Japan’s handling it much better than the US and realized redistributing children wasn’t a great take, but if they think you’ve got the virus they quarantine you separately, and Guess Who Gets Quarantined Together First? That’s fucking RIGHT, babey. So those two, stuck alone, with Todoroki periodically covered in trash bags bringing them soup and things. So, uh, FUCK YEAH and I might write that soon-ish, if I finish the Les Mis one, or if someone’s willing to do a sprint with me and I dedicate the time to that. Love ya, man! Thanks for letting me ramble! 
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infinity-and-luck · 4 years
The wonderful Lark @petit-alouette tagged me to put my music on shuffle and post the first ten songs. Thank you!
Smooth Criminal - 2CELLOS
Istanbul (Not Constantinople) - They Might Be Giants
Quartet at the Ballet - Anastasia
Mr. Blue Sky - Electric Light Orchestra
Roaring 20s - Panic! At the Disco
Vagabond - MisterWives
bury a friend - Billie Eilish
Come Along - Cosmo Sheldrake
Sinners - Barns Courtney 
Madame Guillotine - The Scarlet Pimpernel
I'll tag @friend-of-worms @adhd1ck @courfeyracs-swordcane and whoever else wants to do this!
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queer-cosette · 6 years
Les Amis as things people in my college class have said
Enjolras: If you break character and blow a kiss to your girlfriend during our production exam, I will personally ensure that you do not live to receive your grade.
Combeferre: *upon seeing a large moth in the changing room* I once had a pet moth who lived on my ceiling. If someone gets me a jar and a card I can adopt him. *the moth flies out the window* MOTTHEW, NO!
Courfeyrac: Everyone says I'd be super gay if I was the opposite gender. Like, hello, I'm super gay right now.
Jehan: So anyway, I wrote this monologue describing a rotting dead body. It's about me after I was dumped last year.
Joly: *rotating hip joint and listening intently* It's not supposed to click, is it? No? Oh well. *continues rotating hip joint*
Bossuet: *not technically a thing someone said, but managed to dye their pale pink ballet tights dark purple the night before a videoed assessment*
Feuilly: I'm working five jobs to pay tuition, so the professor better be fucking OK with the sticky children's handprints on the side of my leotard.
Bahorel: But did I threaten you in this precise moment in time? No. Snitches get stitches.
Grantaire: *lying on the floor, hungover as hell* The next person to mention Doctor Who is required to go buy me Advil *squinting intently at classmate who is obsessed with Doctor Who*
Cosette: *glaring at classmate who pissed her off* I need to borrow someone's knife. I'm about to become a very bad vegetarian.
Marius: *accidentally drops two Watsits on the floor while making a passionate point* That hurt my feelings.
Éponine: I'm done with men; I am now a lesbian. Thanks for coming to my TED Talk.
Gavroche: *lying on their back, staring intently at a piece of bacon they're holding* Who needs relationships. I don't need to look good for this piece of bacon.
Montparnasse: *in response to someone complimenting their stationary* Aww, thanks! I stole it from someone on the other course who pissed me off.
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faroucheflowers · 6 years
My Les Amis (with pictures)
Headcanons of mine about each modern au Ami, ranging from common to really random
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Speaks french and english, result of a posh education
Lives in his red hoodie
Has coffee instead of blood in his veins
His first name is Jean  
Grew his hair out when Jehan did to make them more comfortable, kept it that way until Combeferre insisted he cut it when cops kept using it to catch him
The only creative thing he can do is play the violin
Very feminine looking, which sometimes gets creepy coments
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Bisexual af
Classically trained in ballet
Has floral tattoo sleeves that have meanings
Best friends with Eponine and Bahorel
Used to live with Joly and Bossuet before they got together and met Musichetta
Learned ancient greek and latin, will use these skills at random
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Has like four meme accounts
Collection of suggestive t-shirts
Short ball of energy
Dog person
Definitely the matchmaker of the Amis
Roomates with Marius and has a video series dedicated to stacking as many objects as possible on him when zoned out before Marius notices
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Loves cryptid memes (mothman is his fav)
The smartest of the Amis
Tall as heck
Cat person
Actually has a normal sleep schedule unlike his heathen roommate Enj 
Speaks quietly
Awful handwriting 
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Looks like she could kill you and actually could
Best friends with Bahorel and Grantaire
Working to support her, Gav and Azelma
Like R, she doesn’t think the Amis can really achieve anything, and unlike him her crush isn’t enough motivation for her to spend all her time with them
Plays the drums like a punk rock icon
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Helps organize, but tries to avoid super confrontational protests because he supports his family and they can’t afford for him to be in jail
Works three jobs
Has the driest sense of humor
The best person to go to if you need brutal but helpful advice
Pretty talented spray painter
He and Eponine have a weird distant mutual respect
Has very muscular shoulders
Very loyal friend
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A giant
Will do basically anything on a dare
Has the absolute worst fashion sense. Somehow can find the ugliest thing in any store and puts that on
Best friends with R and Eponine
Lil bit in love with Jehan
Party animal
Very loud but lovable
Like a teddy bear until you piss him off because he does box with R 
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Jean “Jehan” Prouvaire
Identifies as nonbinary
They dress like a hippie there’s so many colors and tassles
Existential crisis daily
Doesn’t have a super pleasant home life, but avoids bringing it up
Cosette taught them how to knit
Has given Bahorel about 27 friendship bracelets
Loves the ocean and crystals
The best at comforting
Pretends to be a fortune teller sometimes just to mess with people
Helped R design his tattoos and has a Keats poem tattooed on their back
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Always sunburned
Chronic daydreamer, poor kid never knows what’s going on
Enjolras forgot his name like the first four times they met
Joined the Amis after the whole last name inside joke, at this point is too afraid to ask about it
Good at braiding hair
Grew up very sheltered, he’s now learning about his privilege and how he can use it to help people
Unironically likes the Bee Movie
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Best poker face ever
She figured out everything in jvj’s past ages ago, but is fantastic at keeping secrets
Can sing really well
Has a lot of random skills like crochet to tree climbing
Alarmingly good at destroying evidence should the need arise
Has a very trustworthy sounding voice
Is determined to befriend Eponine because it’s 2018 no man can get in the way of female bonding
Has a foodie insta
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A total klutz
The oldest Ami, and the total dad of the group
Wears a lot of Hawaiian print shirts. He doesn’t remember buying any of them
Amazing cook
His thumb is in every photo he takes. It’s just a given
So many dad jokes
Gets lost in stores easily
Pretends not to get current slang
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Strongest avenger
Knows ALL the tea, even stuff it seems like she couldn’t possibly know
Scares everyone a lil bit
Could probably bench press both her boyfriends
She’s the second oldest, Joly is pretty close to her though
Flawless makeup
Cosette is her favorite
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Like any med student, hasn’t slept in 8+ years
Weakest immune system on the planet
Carries random first aid supplies at all times (I mean, have you met his friends)
Eyebags darker than the void
Had open heart surgery when he was younger, that’s what sparked his interest in medicine
Talks in his sleep
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Whenever he comes to meetings he plays a game where he steals stuff from Enj and puts it in R’s pockets to see how long before either of them notice
Worships Eponine
Mimics a lot of Courf’s behavior and humor, despite much of it not really being for his age range
Always bringing home strays
Will climb anything. Streetlamps, trees, people, anything
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midasinc · 3 years
modern era eponine hcs:
-eponine uses she/they pronouns
-95% of her clothes are thrifted. her family has had to thrift clothes since forever and it really bothers her when thrifting becomes a trend. they try not to gatekeep, but one of their biggest pet peeves are people who go in and take all of the cute pieces of clothing to resell and leave nothing for the people who actually depend on thrifted clothing. a lot of les amis know that her situation with clothing is difficult, so she ends up getting a lot of hand-me-downs from them and it makes her feel happy. she's got a couple pairs of enjolras's old sweatpants, some of combeferre's old jeans (and oh my god eponine has to roll them up so far) and a bunch of jehan's sweaters
-eponine wants to be an author. they've been creative writing since they were ten and there have been several evolutions of their writing. middle school was a lot of happy endings, high school was angst and only angst, and throughout uni and her adult life, she's begun finding a style that suits her really well and her writing is very dynamic and crafted with love and anyone who reads her work can tell
-they're also really good at screenwriting. grantaire has commissioned them before to help on a project he was doing and eponine was very professional, quick, and had a flawless draft. he was incredibly impressed when he got it back
-she's trying really really hard to be a good big sister to gavroche. eponine regrets having a short temper with him when she was in high school and she's been trying to make it up with letting him stay at their apartment, buying him nice things when she can afford it, and trying to be more responsible in the future. they aren't sure how to prove that they're sorry and saying it out loud seems weird, but she's genuinely trying
-eponine is a dog walker for the dogs in their building. every day, they round up the dogs in the building and take them out on a route to a dog park. it's pretty okay money and they really enjoy the company of dogs. when gavroche is over for the weekend, eponine will take him along for the walk because he loves dogs just as much
-after rebuilding their relationship with cosette, eponine spends a lot of their time with her. cosette is a really good listener and advice giver when things are rough for eponine and eponine goes to all of her ballet company's performances and gets her flowers after every show. they get brunch every wednesday at what they've dubbed as their cafe and they just talk smack about the people they know for an hour and a half over coffee and crepes
-they have a really bad cat allergy. being around cats makes eponine so sneezy and her eyes will water until she leaves the premise. she loves all of her friends who own cats, but they will absolutely not step foot into any of those people's apartments because eponine will just be in misery the entire time
-EPONINE AND JEHAN BFF SUPREMACY. they have sleepovers all the times and eponine is one of the only people who isn't afraid of jehan's pet rats. jehan will do eponine's nails and neaten them up and they can talk about this and that and it's very therapeutic for them both. they also compete in a local baking competition every year (and they never place- BUT THIS YEAR IS A NEW YEAR!)
-they don't mind presenting femininely, but they prefer to use men's colognes and deodorants and body sprays and they always smell really nice
-eponine also wears a ton of jewlery. they don't believe in jewlery segregation. they'll wear gold necklaces and silver earrings and beaded bracelets and rubber bracelets and silver rings and whenever someone points it out, they just say "it's camp"
-eponine and courfeyrac stoner solidarity. she never keeps weed in the house though because she doesn't want azelma and gavroche to think she's "on the wrong path", so eponine only goes over to smoke with courfeyrac. it's normally just a nice way to unwind and watch the clouds in the sky move. they're gonna buy a dab pen off of courfeyrac though because sometimes they'd prefer to get high alone and the smell and everything is a lot less obvious with a pen
-all of eponine's sneakers are scuffed as hell. she wears a lot of skate shoes but she has never stepped foot on a skateboard before. eponine has 100% lied about being able to ollie when someone is like "do you even skate" but she doesn't even know what an ollie is- she just knows the word from courfeyrac
-eponine has a couch that she got bahorel to help pick up off the side of the road. it's an old 60s couch that's bright orange. at the time of finding it, the couch was gross and dirty, but they spent hours cleaning it and reupholstering it and now they have the most beautiful orange couch anyone has ever seen. it's the staple of eponine's apartment. if it ever had to get thrown out, everyone would be upset- that couch is a part of the friend group at this point
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The People want a masterpost of fics you enjoyed!!
Okay, I’m trying this again, because yesterday my computer shut down just as I was about to post this and I needed some time to recover.
Most of the fics I enjoy fall into one of four categories: it made me laugh a lot, it made me feel empty inside, it made me think (it might be the writing style, the concept, or the formatting style they used), or Iconic.  I did have to add a fluff category for all three of those that I apparently had bookmarked.
The order here is meaningless, I just went down my bookmarks tab on AO3.  A lot of these authors also have other really excellent works, so I highly recommend exploring their other works!
If your work or username are not here, that doesn’t mean I don’t like it or think you’re a good author!  As I said, I just took these from my bookmarks–I literally have some of my favorite authors listed at the bottom whose works I have never bookmarked.  Similarly, we just have a lot of good authors in this fandom, and I forget many of them.  
I laughed:
Press One for Revolution by LoveKhaleesi (@arcoiriseglitter) & Zimriya (@zimriya)
ExR texting fic.  It had me in tears.  
Note: discontinued, but near enough to closure that it’s still worth the read.
Hit Me With Your Best Shot by TellThemStories (@tell-themstories)
ExR assassin AU fic, Grantaire’s perspective.  R is an assassin, Enjolras is his target.  It doesn’t quite work out the way he planned.
We’re All Stories, In The End by TheGlitterati (@kyrstin)
ExR crackfic, Jehan’s perspective (Enjolras’s perspective for a scene at the end)
Les Amours de Marius by Elenchus (@aporeticelenchus​)
Marisette crackfic (kind of fake dating, but not how you’re thinking of it), Marius’s perspective.  Marius recruits Bahorel and Grantaire (or rather, they recruit themselves) to make Marius’s grandfather more amenable to his engagement to Cosette.  
#Roommate Chronicles by IAmSlytherlocked & ImpulseRun
Marius & Courfeyrac friendship tumblr fic, Courfeyrac’s perspective.  Courfeyrac catalogs his roommate’s misadventures and the art of Pontmercying.
Guess Who’s Coming to Dinner by sigh_no_more (@babesatthebarricade)
ExR holiday fic, Enjolras’s perspective.  Cosette has asked him to attend their asshole bio-dad’s Thanksgiving dinner, but one Craigslist ad makes Enjolras slightly less begrudging in his attending.
Texting ‘Verse by Ladililn (@ladililn)
ExR texting fic.  Joly sends a text to the wrong chat.
How I Seduced Enjolras by Gwynplaine
ExR crackfic, Grantaire’s perspective.  My Immortal’s younger, smart Les Mis brother.
Note: this fic is rated explicit and contains explicit content throughout.  It is essential to the plot.  
I cried:
Just accept that all of these have a trigger warning attached, either for total whiplash or possible death/suicidal ideation.
Stereoscopic by TellThemStories (@tell-themstories​)
ExR?, Enjolras’s perspective.  Enjolras is working overseas for a year with only one-way video messages from his friends as communication.  He has a gradual revelation about his feelings for a certain cynic.
Orpheus, Play Yourself a Path From Hades by Sovin (@sovinly​)
ExR, Grantaire’s perspective.  Grantaire’s cancer returns, and he doesn’t tell anyone.  No dialogue.
If You Ever Come Back by MissAndrogyny (@missandrogyny​)
ExR break-up/make-up fic, alternating perspectives from work to work.
World War II AU by LoveKhaleesi (@arcoiriseglitter​)
ExR WWII AU fic, Enjolras’s perspective.  Enjolras and Eponine are harboring a Jewish fugitive.
The only fic I will ever accept the fix-it ending for.
Situational Irony by Ryssabeth
ExR fic, mostly Enjolras’s perspective (I’m not a masochist, I’m not rereading this on a lovely Sunday morning to check).  Coping with Grantaire’s death.
Barricade Dawn by Opium_du_Peuple (@just-french-me-up)
Jehanparnasse fic, Jehan’s perspective.  Jehan is trying to write a good-bye letter to Montparnasse in case he doesn’t return from the barricade.
Note: this has an explicit content rating.  The explicit content is most of the middle and nonessential to the plot, you can read just the beginning and the end.
I think this is also the only canon period fic.  Whatever that’s worth.
Life is Only Moments by Raeldaza (@raeldaza)
ExR fic, Enjolras’s perspective.  Enjolras reflects over the years of his and Grantaire’s friendship.
This has a fix-it ending, and that’s all well and good, but I prefer the suffering.
Serenata by IbbyLiv
ExR post-breakup fic, Enjolras’s perspective.  Enjolras writes notes to Grantaire after he leaves.
Apparently this is basically just a song with some different words swapped in and out.  I can’t say I care about anything but the emotions that bubble forth when i read it.
Cheers, Darlin’ by onemillionbranches
ExT post-breakup fic, Grantaire’s perspective.  Enjolras is getting married, and Grantaire helps.
It moved me, Bob:
I’m also including what about each one really made me think, because of the nature of this category.
Beautiful Things Have Dents and Scratches Too by A_New_World_To_Be_Won
ExR feelings fic, alternating perspectives.  Definitely makes you feel sad, but it has resolution.
I love how raw the writing style is and how directly it translates into pure emotion.
Tin Can by ejr
ExR relationship progression fic, alternating perspectives.  
This prose style intrigues me, and I really enjoy it and its application.
You Never Have to Wonder; You Never Have to Ask by GamesForMay
ExR fic, Grantaire’s perspective.  18 months after a major protest, Grantaire returns to Paris for Cosette and Marius’s wedding.
The!  Motifs!  Are!  So!  Good!  The way Enjolras is shaped and Grantaire’s decision is set before them…and I love the moment all of  this revolves around that happened 18 months ago.  It’s just a gorgeous piece.
Golden by the_sky_is_forever (@theskyis-forever)
ExR post-breakup fic, alternating perspective.  Enjolras goes to Grantaire’s first art gallery since he left the artist.
Okay, so this is also a sad fic.  But!!  I value the artistry of the writing and love how they were able to pull and shape the emotions with the way they handled their words and sentences and phrasing.
Primary Relations - A Politician’s Journey rev 2-1.avi by Samyazaz (@samyazaz)
ExR documentary fic.  Enjolras is running for president, and Grantaire is documenting it.
The prose is so interesting and inspired a yet-unpublished fic I’ve been working on!  It can be difficult to write from this perspective, and I think they handled it really well.
Have & Hold by arriviste (@arrivisting)
ExR fake-marriage fic.  Enjolras wants to make a political point about gay marriage and meets less resistance than he expected.
This is probably the only fake marriage fic I will ever love and appreciate because the author did such a great job representing the unhealthy feelings involved when you go from zero feelings to being married.
Dismantling Oppressive Establishments, Teamwork, And Other Things Your Coach Never Taught You by AnnaBolena (@annabrolena)
ExR mixed media fic, alternating perspectives.  
Usually stories that get told half through dialogue and half through articles drive me nuts with their incongruence and messiness with image formatting, but this author did a phenomenal job with the article styles and telling the story and keeping me interested without bogging the whole thing down with extra formatting. 
If There’s No One Beside You (When Your Soul Embarks) by ToBeFerre
ExR reincarnation fic, Grantaire’s perspective.  Everyone is back except Enjolras, and Grantaire is trying to keep the club running until Enjolras’s return.
I just really love the concept of the anxiety they carry and the ways they’ve changed since the first time around.
Felled By You, Held By You by EyeOfAHurricane (@eyeofahurricaneart)
ExR progression fic, alternating perspective.  Grantaire falls in and out of love with Enjolras.
The concept of love and affections being ephemeral things, the way that love moves more quickly for some than others, and the seasonal symbols made me start thinking and inspired another yet-incomplete fic.
The World Ain’t Ready by IdiopathicSmile (@idiopath-fic-smile)
ExR fake-dating fic, Grantaire’s perspective.  I’m not providing a description because this is required reading for anyone in the Les Mis fandom.  Just read it if you haven’t yet.
Friday I’m in Love by The Librarina (tears_of_nienna) (@thelibrarina)
ExR fake-dating fic, Enjolras’s perspective.  Enjolras is going to his family’s summer residence for a week and needs a way to stick it to his parents.
Words Never Spoken by StrawberryBubbles
ExR soulmate AU, Enjolras’s perspective.  Your first words with your soulmate are supposed to appear when you turn 18, but Enjolras’s never do.
Your Heart on Your Skin by Zade (@racetrackthehiggins)
ExR soulmate AU, Grantaire’s perspective.  Flowers appear on your body that represent different qualities about you as you experience life experiences that bring them about.
The Season Underwater by andtheheir
ExR swimteam AU fic, Grantaire’s perspective.  Grantaire is put on the varsity swimteam for his junior year and really doesn’t want to let Enjolras down.
This fic is just really beautifully written and really started to make me think about my writing style and start experimenting with it more.
BE by ToTheWillOfThePeople (@kvothes)
ExR theater AU fic, Enjolras’s perspective.  Enjolras is roped into directing a production of Hamlet.
Arcadia Ballet!Verse by Darrenjolras
ExR ballet AU fic, Grantaire’s perspective.  Grantaire shot his mouth off at some gorgeous up and coming dancer, and now he has to choreograph an entire ballet.
In Love When You Wake Me Up by BethXP
ExR fic, Enjolras’s perspective.  Enjolras wakes up from his surgery high and in the presence of his two best friends and a third person.
These Are Some of my Favorite Things (The Post-It-Note!fic) by Zimriya (@zimriya)
ExR fic, Grantaire’s perspective.  Enjolras has been leaving post-it notes on things (Grantaire) with seemingly no logic behind it.
Foregone Conclusion by Raeldaza (@raeldaza)
ExR fic, Enjolras’s perspective.  Enjolras is receiving gifts from an “anonymous source” (but he’s pretty sure he knows from whom).
As I was doing these, I realized that there are some others authors whose works I love that I didn’t have one or two fics I could choose to put up but still wanted to include (and there are probably more that I’m forgetting):
Myrmidryad (@myrmidryad)
Lovely, thorough writing style.
Sunfreckle (@mysunfreckle)
Lots of lovely Jehanparnasse!  They and Opium_du_Peuple are my go-to’s for Jehanparnasse content.
SarahYYY (@sarah-yyy)
So many ExR short stories!  Definitely peruse all of her stuff (though be aware–it’s a bit like Russian roulette for the sad stuff; there’s one in there that I was even prepared for and am still recovering from).
Everything by her is Just.  Iconic.  So good.
Also really good.  (Sorry, I lost my steam by the end of writing this monster, I really do enjoy her work.)
If anyone knows the tumblrs for any of the authors that I haven’t already tagged, please DM me so I can add them in!
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Les Amis as the things I’ve done in my life
This is for you honey @viridescentlights
Enjolras: Had a fight with the principle and called him out next to some students
Combeferre: Hit a person with a textbook to shut him up(he was spitting BS) everywhere.
Courfeyrac: Made my friend wear flowers in his curly hair
Feuilly: worked my ass off all year for the past 12 years
Grantaire: Drank so much that i passed out on the table
Bahorel: Kicked someone in the balls accidentally
Jehan: wrote a story about the French Revolution in french and came in second place in a contest
Bossuet: fell down from the service bus to the street and scraped my knee
Joly: Fretted over getting a cold so much that i actually got a fever
Gavroche: Got lost after my ballet recital
Éponine: Cried in the rain while singing
Marius: Fell asleep under a tree while thinking about my boyfriend (ex)
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