#banana trainees
howlingday · 5 months
Jaune Arc Is A Creep
Cardin: Ha! You stupid nerd! (Shoves Jaune) Reading books and shit!
Jaune: Laugh while you still can! You're the stronger one now, but some day, I'm going to grow up, and I'm going to teach myself how to make chloroform and knock you all out! Then I'll drag you into my basement and chain you to the walls! The first thing you'll see when you wake up is me, standing over you as your new god!
Cardin: ...
Ruby: (Bandaging him) And then what happened?
Jaune: (Sniffles) They beat me up and took my books~!
Ruby: Fuck you guys! I'm going back out there and kicking their asses!
Jaune: No, Ruby! Vengeance protocol dictates that we should lay low after an attack and conserve our resources!
Ruby: Fuck the rules! They insulted us!
Jaune: Ruby, as a guy who gets his ass kicked so much he could be a professional, listen to me. The only thing we can do for now is survive!
Ruby: Oh, so I should just cower like you, should I? LIKE A LITTLE BITCH?!
Yang: (Pops Ruby in the head) As far as I can see, you're the only one acting like a little bitch here, Ruby. Now listen to what Jaune has to say.
Jaune: Thanks for sticking up for me, Yang!
Yang: Shut the hell up, Jaune! And you, Ruby Rose, open your mouth.
Ruby: Wha- (Bread shoved in, Gagging)
Jaune: Oh! Oh... Oh, wow... That's... That's kinda hot, Yang.
Yang: Eat, Ruby. Eat and build your strength.
Ruby: (Crying)
Jaune: Keep crying, Ruby. It'll make the bread taste like tears.
Pyrrha: Jaune, I know this is tough, but... Is there a higher power you worship?
Jaune: I used to worship Monty Oum.
Pyrrha: Who's Monty Oum?
Goodwitch: You there! Who the fuck are you?!
Jaune: Jaune Arc, sir!
Goodwitch: Why the fuck are you here, trainee?
Jaune: To become a huntsman, sir!
Goodwitch: That's bullshit! Look at you! I bet you play with dolls!
Jaune: Well, yes, but only for roleplay revenge fantasies, sir!
Goodwitch: Shut up, Banana-Slut!
Blake: You can do it, Weiss. Just focus on your core when using the tether.
Jaune: Yeah, it's not too hard if you concentrate.
Weiss: Even you can do this, Arc? I know I'll regret asking this, but what's your secret?
Jaune: I, uh.... I kinda have a natural advantage with this skill.
Weiss: What do you mean?
Jaune: I, uh... I used to experiment a lot with auto-erotic asphyxiation.
Weiss: ...Just take me up the tether.
Jaune: Oh! I also like to read!
Blake: Oh, really?
Jaune: Yup! For example, did you know that if you electrocute someone underwater, it'll leave no burn marks?
Blake: ...
Jaune: So... I gave it a lot of thought, and I decided. I'm going to serve on the front lines.
Nora: What?! Why?! Jaune, seriously, you suck at everything you do!
Jaune: I know.
Nora: With your tactical brilliance, you could easily land a spot as an officer away from the battlefield!
Jaune: I know.
Nora: So why the hell are you coming to the front lines with us?!
Jaune: ...
Ren: We're finally here, Jaune. We finally made it as huntsmen. Do you have any regrets?
Jaune: No. It was either this or med school.
Ren: I... wasn't aware you wanted to be a doctor. What was going to be your specialty?
Jaune: (Wide grin) EUTHANASIA.
Coco: I'm open to suggestions.
Nora: Let's give all of our weapons to Ruby and have her use them to build a giant rifle-toting, sword-swinging mecha.
Coco: What is this, a fucking anime? No!
Blake: We could always give up and run away.
Coco: No!
Ruby: Let's play Arrowfell!
Coco: NO, GOD DAMMIT! NO! Does anyone have any good ideas?!
Ren: Jaune has one.
Coco: ...Dear god. Alright. How bad is it?
Jaune: This is an old revenge fantasy I used to reenact with dolls.
Yatsuhashi: Holy shit, this guy is fucked.
Jaune: In my most elaborate schemes, I'd pretend the dolls could see me before stabbing their eyes out and burning them alive.
Fox: ...Jaune, has anyone ever told you that you have an unhealthy obsession with ocular trauma?
Jaune: It's like closing the windows to the souls!
Cardin: You know, if we shoot out the Grimm eyes, we could finish them off without losing anyone.
Pyrrha: Jaune, you are the creepiest fucking guy I've ever met, but hey, that's not a bad plan.
Nora: Jaune, can I ask you something?
Jaune: Sure!
Nora: This is going to sound stupid, but... Let's say I, hypothetically, have romantic feelings for a fake brother-
Jaune: You mean Ren?
Nora: Yeah, whatever. But let's say I acted on those feelings. Would it... Would it be wrong?
Jaune: Nora, why are you asking me about socially moral protocol?
Nora: Because you're the only one I can trust to not tell anyone. And even if you did, everyone would just assume you're being a creep again and I could deny everything.
Jaune: Wow, Nora. That's cold, dark, and manipulative genius.
Nora: I'm sorry, I just really need to know.
Jaune: I've never seen you in this light before.
Nora: Is it wrong?
Jaune: Hey, can I have a lock of your hair?
Nora: Answer my question, Jaune!
Jaune: Alright, alright! Look, the way I see it, I don't see anything wrong with your feelings, Nora. He wasn't really your family anyways, so even if you did incest-bang, it would've been fine.
Nora: It's not incest!
Jaune: I know, I know! I just prefer to think of it that way!
Nora: ...
Jaune: Bitch, don't even give me that look. You already KNEW what you were getting into asking me for advice!
Marrow: General, wait!
Ironwood: God dammit, Wags, not now!
Marrow: General, Huntsman Ren and Pine along with Huntress Valkyrie are invaluable soldiers, and thus are completely expendable. But you should know that Huntsman Arc is said to be one of the most fucked up people on Remnant!
Jaune: (Thinking) No! They found my secret!.
Ironwood: Oh, really?
Jaune: Act normal- (Meow) NO, MISTER WHISKERS! NOT NOW!.
Ironwood: And just how fucked up are we talking?
Jaune: (Twitching hard) GET YOUR LITTLE CLAWS OUT OF MY EYES~!.
Marrow: Fucked up enough, some say, to rival even you, General.
Ironwood: ...To rival me, you say?
Ironwood: JAUNE ARC!
Jaune: MEOW!
Ironwood: Is what they say true?! Are you truly a fucked up little shit?!
Jaune: Well, I think I'm perfectly normal, but I may have a few desires and tendencies some may classify as... off?
Ironwood: ...Okay, Huntsman Arc. We're going to play a little game, and if you lose, the survival of both yourself and your friends over there, too!
Jaune: Sir, this is a horrendous abuse of authority-!
Ironwood: SILENCE!
Ironwood: Jaune Arc, I challenge you to a personal duel to the death! We shall fight with words to determine once and for all who is the most fucked up human being on the planet!
Jaune: (Huffs) Okay, this? I can do!
Jaune: I laugh at death!
Ironwood: I worship Salem on the weekends!
Ironwood: I lick tears off of orphans!
Jaune: I call arson a career!
Ironwood: I joined the military to watch people die!
Jaune: I celebrate living failure!
Ironwood: I submit to certain death!
Jaune: I harass the elderly!
Ironwood: I dip my soldiers with disease!
Jaune: I throw rocks at the homeless!
Ironwood: Oh yeah? Well, you wouldn't know anything about this because you're a virgin, but casualties are my favorite form of sexual foreplay! (Jaune stunned) YES! HAHAHA! Foolish child! You thought you could match wits with the worst of us and win?! You played the cards of a petulant boy, Jaune Arc, and now you and your little bitch friends will die!
Jaune: (Looks to his team)
Nora: (Thinking) You can do it, Jaune!.
Ren: (Thinking) There's no one I've ever met who's creeper than you!.
Jaune: You thought you were fighting a mere moral? You thought you could probe the darkness that is my mind?!.
Jaune: I will take your cities! I will subjugate your children! I will rape and devour your armies! But you, only you shall survive, so that you may bear testament to my will and ultimate revengeance!
Atlas: ...
Vale: ...
Vacuo: ...
Mistral: ...
Salem: ...
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floylia · 4 months
Overworked & Underpaid
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[name] — Has been in the industry for the past 7 years under Fatui Entertainment. You were scouted through your youtube account where you used to sing covers and originals. With no intentions of pursuing music, you ignored it, until Lumine and Aether dared you to audition as a joke. Audition day came and you sang the “banana song” from Despicable Me with Aether’s dead-beat ukulele. 2 months later, you received an acceptance letter.
Ayaka — Used to be a part time model for her older brother’s clothing collection before becoming a renowned actress throughout Teyvat after starring as a lead in one of Hutao’s shows. Brand deals were sold left and right. Every product she showed on camera became out of stock.
Lumine — Began vlogging during your senior year to “capture the last moments of high school.” After uploading her first video, thousands of views, likes, and comments flooded her inbox within 12 hours. The viewers loved seeing the chaotic chemistry between the three of you, earning you the nickname, “Golden Trio.”
Hutao — Famous for producing fantasy or historical based films with tragic endings. She has mentioned in multiple interviews that she owns a cup that said “tears of my viewers.” It’s a bit sadistic, but every time she uses it, new ideas come to mind. That’s when her co-workers know that a new hit movie is in the making.
Aether — Was a former trainee who was set to debut in a boy group, but instead quit to became a producer. No one truly knows why, not even Lumine. However, he seems happier with his job now—meeting new people and traveling between places seems to be his calling.
Thoma — The famous manager of DCKZ. He was caught walking towards the company building, wearing a black mask, while scrolling through his phone when suddenly reporters camping outside, told him to stand and wave for the camera, thinking that he was one of the DCKZ members. Still confused, Thoma did what was asked before the reporters realized their mistake. The video blew up and ever since that day, many fans greeted him eagerly during concerts.
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Synopsis: After 7 years of enduring the media’s relentless pursuit of painting you as a villain, you’re forced to go through an indefinite hiatus with a tainted reputation on your head. However, just when you thought your career was over, a certain 5WIRL member wants you to feature on his solo album. Surely, this won’t affect your reputation once more, would it?
scaramouche x fem!reader
masterlist | next
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nctangelz · 2 months
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in which sooyoung just wanted to go back in time for one nice, but got into a sticky situation. jeno and jaemin are just a call away, right? (listening to …. i know the end by phoebe bridgers)
warnings :: stalking, death
tags :: @yjjnfied
𓈒 ﹒ ☆ 𓂂 ˚ ☆ ꙳ * ࣭ ࣭
at every music show, schedule, any small appearance, airport, sooyoung felt like everywhere she went — she was there. even if it was a solo outing, for her own schedule, she was there.
sooyoung knew that it could be an innocent fan - but she couldn’t help but grow concerned when she recognized her, schedule after schedule. she didn’t disperse with the crowd after sooyoung left, she had lingered. sooyoung had even caught her following the cars, later running back to her own when she lost speed.
sooyoung had brought it up to her manager - but she only waved it off, claiming it was “typical behavior”. sooyoung could only feel disappointed by this, sure, it was “typical”, but why was it okay? sooyoung tried to prevent herself from getting upset about it, but when her phone started to ring at all hours of the night, sooyoung couldn’t help but suspect it was the girl she recognized.
sooyoung blocked the number, but it was like they were constantly respawning, leaving voicemail after voicemail. she only listened to one, and the begging from the caller had made her felt sick.
she knew that other artists had experienced this, and sooyoung had wondered how they managed to stomach their privacy being invaded.
sooyoung had enjoyed the pureness of her own privacy, the peace it brought it her to be alone, where she truly doesn’t have to hide anything. ever since she was a trainee, sooyoung loved to go out in the city, when almost everyone was asleep. she loved going to the convenience store, getting her favorite late night snacks, and watch a drama while sipping her banana milk.
she loved to take a stroll, petting the brave stray cats that wandered by her. eventually, she would look out by the river, breathing in the scent of the water and letting go of everything. often, when she was facing hardships, she would bring her journal with her, writing down everything she felt. writing everything that ticked her, that frustrated her, everything and everyone who made her feel any certain way. she wrote about her heartbreak, her disappointment, and her love.
now that she finally debuted - sooyoung stopped going out on her own. she wasn’t supposed to go out alone in the middle of the night in the first place - but her mother never caught her sneaking out. strangely, sooyoung is more afraid of getting caught sneaking out by the boys compared to her mother. her mother would scold her, but in the end, she would be relieved sooyoung made it home. her members…she couldn’t imagine it.
they would be confused, they wouldn’t want her to go. they would go with her - or they would hold some sort of intervention. but if something ever happened…if someone recognized her….they would always hold on to that guilt. and sooyoung didn’t want that.
but her skin was itching to go back outside, to go on her therapeutic strolls and spend time with the stray cats. she wanted to go and explore, and be able to experience the calming feeling that was brought over her again. a part of her also wanted to go back to her trainee days, back where she felt like she had more control of her life. of her youth. she wanted to go back, just for a night.
if it was just one night, what was the worst that could happen? it would only be one time…surely her members would understand the next morning. if they find her bed empty and cold…she would tell them when she comes home. promise to never do it again. and it would pass. right?
everything passed…the members being anxious of sooyoung moving in passed…the embarrassment of sooyoung locking herself out of her room passed….and the awkward tension between her and haechan had eventually, passed.
so, sooyoung crawled out of her warm bed, and threw an old sweatshirt over her night gown, sliding a pair of sweatpants on too. she grabbed her keys, wallet, and her journal, stuffing it into her purse her brother had gifted her. his last gift.
the apartment wasn’t quiet, sooyoung could hear renjun and jisung talking in the next room over, and jeno and jaemin were watching some sort of movie in their room…she would only be gone for an hour. renjun and jisung would fall asleep, and she would be back before jaemin comes to say goodnight to her.
jaemin said goodnight every night, almost always around three in the morning. even if sooyoung was asleep, he would sneak in and brush the hair out of her face, gently sitting on her bed. he woke her up, but she pretended to stay asleep. she knew if woke up and said something, he would give her a hug and leave right after. if she was “sleeping”….he stayed longer. and a part of sooyoung wanted jaemin to never leave her room…to stay with her and keep brushing her hair. she hated sleeping alone, she grew so familiar with sharing a room with her sister…it was so weird to be all alone.
sooyoung sighed and tried to clear her head, slowly and quietly leaving the apartment, locking the door behind her. she held her breath for a couple of seconds, waiting to see if anyone comes to check who left. no one came, so sooyoung walked away, letting out a deep breath.
sooyoung walked to the closet convenience store - it wasn’t the same one she went to when she lived with her mom and sister, but it would do. she wouldn’t be able to walk to the river anymore, she was too far away. sooyoung felt very bittersweet about that. she was happy to finally live with her friends, but she missed the familiarity of her apartment with her family, even if they only lived in there for a few years.
they moved after her brother passed away, every inch of the house seemed to haunt them, reminding them of their beloved doojun…it was too much. too many memories. too many regrets. so they moved, tried to move on. but sometimes, it feels like sooyoung was thirteen again, but reliving the night over and over again. like time was frozen. but her members always pull her back up again, digging her out of the haunted hole again and again.
the streets were empty - quiet. the streets had an eery stillness to them - like the time didn’t really matter. sooyoung almost immediately felt better when she went outside, no longer feeling trapped and suffocated within her own thoughts. her mind was clear, she was calm, and she felt like she was back to being a normal girl.
she knew nothing about her life could be considered typical, but she could just pretend for one night, right?
she should have known that something wasn’t right when she walked into the connivence store - but she was too caught up in her dream that she could breath again and not worry. she wandered the aisles, unaware of the person following her as she snaked around.
she picked out her items - which consisted of her favorite childhood snacks. she settled in at a table, peacefully watching outside.
the longer she looked out at the window, she noticed there was a shadow behind her, and when sooyoung turned her head, she had saw the girl she saw everywhere. the brown hair, lanky legs and long torso, her hair pinned back with a silver headband. how did she manage to be here at the same time as sooyoung…or did she follow her here?
sooyoung quickly turned away before the girl could notice her, quietly putting her food items back in her bag, planning to leave. before she could finish, the girl had snuck behind her, getting very close to her, to the point where sooyoung could feel her breath running down her neck, sending a chill through her entire body.
“sooyoung! we finally meet again!” the girl said sweetly, but it had only made sooyoung feel sick. sooyoung mustered up an awkward smile, stepping to the side to get her own space back. “i’ve been meaning to talk to alone in forever!”
sooyoung only nodded, fearing to say anything wrong. she didn’t want to trigger her in anyway, possibly making this interaction even more dangerous. all thoughts of her being an innocent fan were long gone. sooyoung was fans of many idols, but she could never imagine following them everywhere.
the girl had continued to talk, about how much she adored sooyoung…but as she continued, she started asking questions. questions that felt way too personal to ask someone you have never spoke to before.
she asked about her brother - if she missed him. she asked about jaemin - if her and him were dating. she asked if she kissed any of the members…who was the most romantic, who was the most charming in real life. she asked if sooyoung had a boyfriend…what base they were at, and the questions just kept coming. the girl never gave sooyoung a chance to respond, which sooyoung was slightly grateful for.
“i’m really sorry to interrupt you, but i have to go home.” sooyoung said, bowing and trying to walk away, gasping when the girl stepped infront of her, grabbing her wrist tightly. “please let me go, you’re hurting me.” sooyoung whispered out, wincing when the girl only squeezed harder.
“you can’t leave yet! you haven’t answered any of my questions!” she said, excitedly, dragging sooyoung back to the table.
sooyoung tried again, “i’m really sorry, i have to leave.” sooyoung backed away, almost crying when the girl got angry.
“you are so rude! you are disgusting! i have been waiting to meet you one on one and all you do is disregard me? you don’t care about any of your fans! you probably don’t care about anyone…just yourself!” the girl spat out, closing her eyes and turning around, and as soon as sooyoung saw her be vulnerable, she ran. she ran as fast as she could out of the store, crying out when she heard the girl follow her.
the girl had called out for her and continued to call her names, but sooyoung couldn’t hear her over the pounding of her heart and her feet stomping on the ground, sooyoung could barely breath, and she knew she couldn’t run forever. she could hear the girl get closer and closer, so sooyoung forced herself to keep pumping her arms, trying to out run her.
she started turning right, turning left, left again and then right and left. and when she could only hear the sound of her own feet, she finally stopped, sinking down against a wall when she saw the coast was clear. she coughed and cried, closing her eyes until she caught her breath again.
she was so scared to leave all alone - and there was only one person she thought of calling. only one person she knew that would be calm and collected to come get her, not asking questions until later.
so, sooyoung pulled her burner phone out of her bag, dialing his number and praying he answered. he had to still be watching his movie, she had no texts or calls asking where she went.
“sooyoung? why are you calling me?” jaemin asked, and as soon as he heard the uneven breathing and the choked sobs, sooyoung could hear him rustling out of bed and running to jeno, shaking him awake. “soonie? what’s going on?”
“i snuck out to went to a convenience store and a saesang followed me…she was so scary, jaemin. i thought she was going to hurt me, so i ran…please come get me.” sooyoung cried out, crying more when she heard jaemin curse. “im so sorry, i shouldn’t have left…i just wanted it to be like old times again.”.
“it’s okay sooyoungie, we’re coming to get you.” jaemin said, cutting her off before she could continue her apologies, the same voice he uses when he wants her to calm down, telling her “we’ll talk about it tomorrow.”
sooyoung told jaemin where she was, and jaemin had stayed on the phone all through their walk…more like run. sooyoung was relieved…even though hearing jaemin and jeno stressed had hurt her to no end. she hated that she had to disturb them.
it felt like hours until jeno and jaemin arrived, but sooyoung knew it was only minutes. jaemin immediately fell to the ground and wrapped her in his arms, squeezing her tightly. jeno came in on the other side, wrapping his arms under jaemin’s on her waist. sooyoung burst back into tears, letting all of her anxiety rush through her once more.
“i’m so glad you’re safe,” jeno breaks out, hugging onto her tighter. “im so sorry this happened.”
“it’s my fault.” sooyoung said, shaking her head when jaemin immediately pulled away and told her, “it wasn’t your fault.” it was her fault. she knew better. she wasn’t a normal teenage girl anymore, she couldn’t just go whenever she wanted anymore.
“you shouldn’t have left, but it’s not you’re fault people do that to you.” jaemin said, bringing her back into a hug. the trio had sat there for awhile, jeno hugging her in silence, while jaemin was reassuring sooyoung, telling her she was safe and that everything would okay.
eventually, jaemin patted jeno, telling him to pull away (which he did, reluctantly), and the both of them had made their journey back to the dorms, with sooyoung in the middle of jeno and jaemin. she couldn’t help but look behind her every few steps, looking around to see if the girl would suddenly reappear. everytime she looked, jaemin would gently squeeze her hand three times, their small communication they set up between themselves.
i love you. i’m here for you. you got this.
as soon as they arrived at the apartment, sooyoung was almost knocked over by renjun running up to her, wrapping her in his arms tightly.
“what happened? i heard jeno and jaemin running out, and i went to your room to find you not there, are you okay?” renjun asked quickly, pulling away and scanning for any injuries. sooyoung only sighed, trying to hold all of her tears at bay again. noticing her difficulties, jeno explained the situation, gently brushing his hand through her hair as he talked.
jisung slowly peered out from behind renjun, and sooyoung could tell that he was in a debate on whether or not to hug her, which had made her giggle slightly. jisung was still so shy around her, so sooyoung wrapped her arms around him. she loved jisung’s hugs, they were rare, but when he hugged her, it was always special and loving.
“i think we should all talk tomorrow - everyone’s okay, but we’re all tired. we need to get some sleep.” jaemin said, bringing the five of them together in a big group hug. “everything’s okay.”
the group dispersed, after one more hug from renjun and jisung, the two returned to their room. jeno and jaemin walked sooyoung to her room, tucking her back into her bed, lingering at the foot of her bed.
sooyoung couldn’t do it, she couldn’t sleep alone again. especially after everything that happened - she knew she would have night terrors, and she didn’t want to face it alone. she felt so unsafe in her room alone now, paranoid that the girl will climb through her window and take her away.
“will you stay with me, please?” sooyoung asked softly, scrunching her nose when she felt her cheeks flush. jaemin and jeno chuckled softly, looking at eachother.
“sure, sooyoung, but i don’t know if all of us can fit on this bed.” jeno said, smiling when sooyoung only shrugged. sooyoung had the biggest bed in the dorm, but a full with three people still would be cramped.
“anything for you, soonie.” jaemin cooed, immediately crawling up to the head of the bed and laying onto of sooyoung, laughing when she grunted from his weight. “our very first sleepover!”
jeno only shook his head, laying on the other side of sooyoung, laying his head on one of sooyoung’s many pillows. “let’s hope we get any sleep,” jeno whispered to sooyoung, both of them giggling when jaemin started poking at sooyoung, making weird noises.
jaemin had messed around until he was certain sooyoung had relaxed, her thoughts filled with happy memories and stupid jokes. jeno had curled up next to sooyoung, draping his arm across her legs, while jaemin held onto her waist. sooyoung watched as the boys fell asleep, gently brushing their hair with her fingers.
it reminded her of her childhood, when sooyoung and her sister would invade her brother’s room, climbing in his bed and clinging onto him, ignoring his complaints. back when they could all fit in a twin bed…back when they were all together on the earth at the same time.
now her sister was miles away, her brother deep in the ground. and sooyoung was here, with friends she always dreamed of having, chasing her dreams, finding the bittersweet’s and the good and the bad moments in her life. everything scared her. she wondered how she would ever get through it, find a way to cope with it all, to find her peace.
but maybe her peace was already with her, her peace was her two friends squishing into her bed to make sure she felt okay. her peace was jisung’s laugh when haechan was actually ridiculous. her peace was mark making sure ate, and renjun sliding drawings under her door. chenle teaching her chinese, smiling sooyoung tried her best to hold a conversation with him.
even if she felt like she was constantly running from her demons, she knew she had a warm and loving home to come back too.
“go to sleep, sooyoungie,” jeno whispered out, tucking her head into his shoulder. “we can talk tomorrow,” he mumbled, relaxing her with his soft touches on her arms.
there will be another day, another day sooyoung will live again, another day, and sooyoung will fight her battles. another day, and it will be alright.
“it will be alright,” jaemin said. and sooyoung trusted him, so she allowed her mind to turn off…slipping into her dreams of tomorrow. of yesterday, of years ago. of all of the things that brought her peace. and when she woke up, she knew she would survive.
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s0fti3w1tch · 1 year
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Trainee/TD!AU Leo: Oh damn, really? Hell yeah, I'll get some! (also, nice jerseys!)
**Trainee's on break before doing another cheer thing :)
(OP note: oh my god I miss banana bread I need to make some soon)
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ravenbloodshot · 7 months
Ricky- ZeroBaseOne..... Red + Green Flags (Audio Tarot)
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I meant to say Yueha entertainment not Banana Republic (idk where I got that from) p. That company is known for having a lot of rich Chinese trainees/celebs under them
Rich Baby Daddy by Drake is a song that fits this reading's energy
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Good News - May 1-7
Like these weekly compilations? Support me on Ko-fi! Also, if you tip me on Ko-fi, at the end of the month I'll send you a link to all of the articles I found but didn't use each week - almost double the content!
1. New study says conservation works, providing hope for biodiversity efforts
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“A new study published in Science reveals that conservation works, with conservation actions improving or slowing the decline of biodiversity in two-thirds of the cases analyzed.”
2. Monk Seal Pup Debuts in Waikīkī on Lei Day
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“Endangered Hawaiian monk seal RK96 (Kaiwi) gave birth to her sixth pup on popular Kaimana Beach in Waikīkī, Oʻahu! […] Hawaiian monk seals are one of the most endangered seal species in the world, so each pup represents hope for the species’ recovery.”
3. West Coast Indigenous-led marine conservation area gets global spotlight
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“A coastal First Nation is celebrating global recognition of its marine protected area after recently snagging a “blue park” designation that highlights exemplary ocean conservation efforts around the world. […] Kitasu Bay supports one of the last abundant herring spawns along the central coast, vital to the nation’s communal herring roe on kelp (ROK) fishery - which harvests the protein-rich eggs but leaves the fish alive to flourish and spawn again.”
4. The number of fish on US overfishing list reaches an all-time low. Mackerel and snapper recover
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“The report states that 94% of fish stocks are not subject to overfishing, which is slightly better than a year ago. The U.S. was able to remove several important fish stocks from the overfishing list, NOAA said in a statement. […] The removal of species from the overfishing list shows the U.S. is making progress, said Rick Spinrad, NOAA’s administrator.”
5. Researchers Collaborate with the Shipping Industry to Cut Costs, Fuel Consumption and Greenhouse Gas Emissions in Shipping
“Through coordinated ship scheduling and an optimisation of ship operations and port services, the objective is to achieve a substantial increase in energy efficiency and a 10-20% reduction in fuel consumption, consequently resulting in lowered greenhouse gas emissions [and] leading to substantial economic benefits for shipping and environmental advantages for society[….]”
6. The city flower farm that is changing lives
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“Heart of BS13 Flowers in Hartcliffe is part of the wider Heart of BS13 charity which tackles food insecurity in south Bristol. Profits from the flower sales to run workshops, offer volunteer and trainee placements, and create education opportunities for people from Hartcliffe.”
7. Four falcon chicks hatch in Glasgow university tower
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“Members of the [Glasgow Peregrine] project hope to […] fit [the chicks] with electronic tags that will enable monitoring of their movements. Mr Simpson added: "With the identification tags we can see where they have gone, how high they fly and other information that would be really useful." In recent years the group have held peregrine watches at the university, allowing people to see the birds in their nest.”
8. 'Banana pingers' are saving whales and dolphins around the world
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“[T]he Kibel brothers, Pete (a fisheries biologist) and Ben (an engineer) […] have been utilising light to protect turtles, sound to protect porpoises and electro pulses to protect sharks. [… Trials] showed reduced average catch rates of blue shark by 91%, and catch rates of pelagic stingray by 71% […as well as] a fall in the number of sea turtles being trapped by 42%.”
9. New vaccine effective against coronaviruses that haven't even emerged yet
“Researchers have developed a new vaccine technology that has been shown in mice to provide protection against a broad range of coronaviruses with potential for future disease outbreaks -- including ones we don't even know about. […] The new vaccine works by training the body's immune system to recognise specific regions of eight different coronaviruses, including SARS-CoV-1, SARS-CoV-2, and several that are currently circulating in bats and have potential to jump to humans and cause a pandemic.”
10. Grassland birds, Forest birds and Other Migratory Birds to Benefit from More Than $22 Million in Funding Throughout the Americas
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“This year, more than $4.87 million in federal funds will be matched by more than $17 million in partner contributions going to 30 collaborative conservation projects in 19 countries across the Americas. “These investments will [… protect] millions of acres of diverse habitats needed by grassland birds, forest birds and shorebirds for wintering, breeding and migration,” said Service Director Martha Williams.”
April 22-28 news here | (all credit for images and written material can be found at the source linked; I don’t claim credit for anything but curating.)
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bts-siwan · 5 months
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────────── THE BASICS.
birth name : kim siwan (김시완)
nicknames : pariah. nation’s son. mr mayhem. bangtan’s wild card. the seoul reaper. ceo height factory. mr shoulder gate bridge. king god. international heartbreaker. worldwide pop boy. number one billboard singer.
birthdate : november 9th , 1994
age : 31 (korean age) / 30 (international age)
zodiac sign : scorpio
birthplace : jeju island , south korea
hometown : yongdam-1-dong , jeju island , south korea
current residence : gangnam-gu , seoul , south korea
languages : korean (100% - mother tongue) , english (70% - expert) , japanese (60% - general knowledge) , mandarin (25% - amateur) , spanish (10% - beginner) , hindi (10% - beginner)
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height : 6’2 ft / 187.9 cm
eye colour : green & dark brown (heterochromia)
natural hair colour : black
modifications : tattoos , piercings
blood type : ab +
faceclaim : kim mingyu (seventeen)
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────────── CAREER INFO.
stage name : s!nea
debut date : june 13th , 2O13
positions : main vocalist , main dancer , sub rapper , centre
current state : serving mandatory military service
active years : 2O13 - n/a
agency : bighit music ; hybe
trainee period : 3 years
representative emoji : 🦁
voiceclaim : kim mingyu (seventeen)
dance claim : taemin (shinee)
rapclaim : changbin (stray kids)
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────────── PERSONAL INFO.
mbti : istp-t
family : mother , father , younger sister (deceased)
positive traits : diligent and observant , handy and resourceful , spontaneous , direct and authentic , independent , grounded
negative traits : unapologetic , insensitive , private and reserved , easily bored , independent , overly sceptical
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────────── HIS TRIVIA.
he was born in yongdam-1-dong , jeju island , south korea.
his family consists of : mother and father who are divorced , and his younger sister who died by suicide when he was only 21 years old.
education : jeju-dong elementary school , shindong middle school , choongang highschool , global cyber university.
his father was a recognised musician in jeju because of his band , and one day he had asked siwan to accompany him as lead singer. this is how he was first scouted by the big three and many other labels.
he has heterochromia but wears contact lenses to hide them.
in middle school , there had been an activity for students to write letters to other students from different cities. the letters from shindong had been sent to suga’s school where the two had been anonymously paired as pen pals.
he was originally a jyp trainee until he had gotten that pen pal letter from suga explaining that he had been recruited into bighit , thus leading him to join bighit too.
his favourite drink is chocolate milk but because jeongguk doesn’t like it as much , he was offended and had swapped out all of the banana milk in the fridge of the dorm for chocolate milk.
s!nea said the body part he is most confident about on himself is his charming smile.
he says the weather can affect his mood in both a positive and negative manner. he’s happier when it’s sunny and feels more gloomy when it’s cold and wet.
his favourite colour is red.
when asked to rank the most attractive member , he said he was starstruck by v and almost fell for him. he thinks v is the most attractive member in bts.
he is often described as a ‘lyrical genius’ for helping to write a lot of the group’s songs , as well as his own solo projects.
his favourite number is 8.
although he is the main vocalist of bts , his solo projects venture more towards hip hop and rap.
his “fake love” fancam has surpassed over 2OOm views which is the most viewed fancam in kpop history.
he has read some fanfiction that army have made about him. (18.04.17 vlive)
he is a great multitasker and has come up with three of the group’s songs all on the same day while driving.
he was really popular in school. the girls would always gather around to watch and cheer him during basketball practice.
everyone likes to sleep in his bunk in the dorms so he used to purposely pile dirty laundry on his bed to ward the members off.
in the dorm , s!nea is in charge of taking out the trash and keeping the maknaes in line.
hobbies : collecting vintage bottle caps , basketball , playing video games , fishing , golf , and cricket.
he is a major yamazaki kento fanboy and one of his biggest wish is to meet him someday.
he is labelled one of the strongest members in bts with around 22 years of judo training under his belt. he started training when he was 6 and still continues to train when he has time.
s!nea’s motto : “ your ego can cost someone their life. it’s better to be a good human than to be the reason for someone else’s misery. ”
he doesn’t like vegetables much but he forces himself to eat them because jimin said he wants siwan to be strong in order to protect him.
as of december 2O2O , s!nea was gifted a maltipoo for his birthday by his mother who he has named kim bubble.
people are usually intimidated by him upon first impressions , but he’s in fact very shy and finds it difficult to maintain eye contact with others.
s!nea was ranked 1st in the “ top 1OO handsome faces of 2O18 ”
s!nea’s ideal date : “ go for a long walk at the beach or spend a day at a fun resort and explore together. ”
RM : “ a very scary guy if people aren’t careful. he’s quiet and minds his business , but he doesn’t stay quiet for the people he cares about. ”
JIN : “ he’s a little reluctant to rest so he worries me. i’ll see him sneaking out to practice when he should be resting , but he’s got the face of a puppy. i can never really be mad at him. ”
V : “ i think i bring out hyung’s crazy side. he’s usually reserved , but we get up to all kinds of things together. he likes pulling pranks on me a lot. ”
JUNGKOOK : “ he has an undeniable aura that sort of grabs your attention. he doesn’t even try to do it on purpose , but my eyes are always on him. ah , he’s so cool. ”
JIMIN : “ a unique guy for sure! he teases me more than anyone else but it’s hard to be mad. he’s goofy when we’re alone , but he has a good heart and a great ear [for listening]. i love to spoil him. he’s mine. ”
SUGA : “ he has that distinct thirst for success that will lead him to achieve great things. he puts a lot of effort and commitment to his work and the things he holds dear. also empathises well with others. ”
J-HOPE : “ he makes a lot of cute sounds. he could probably be a beat boxer if he tried , and he has sharp features so it’s surprising when he can pull off aegyo so well. it makes me jealous. ”
in the dorm , he shares a room with v. (180327: bts’ jhope & jimin - more magazine may issue)
s!nea’s ideal type is someone who is sensitive and can hold their own [in difficult situations]. he generally gravitates towards those that are older than him , but he isn’t too picky. he does appreciate a natural aegyo charm.
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@pandorasword , @ateezsora , @anqelws , @kaitieskidmore97 , @vizianary
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hee0soo · 6 months
2 Kids Room Chan X Jisoo
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January 2022
It wasn´t often that Jisoo had the chance of filming with only one of her members so the decision that they were going to film 2 Kids Room made her very excited!
Chan was already sitting on the couch slurping on a drink when the girl entered!
“Ohh Celiiine!”
“Am I in trouble?”
Jisoo laughed when she heard the way Chan called her birth name.
“Why would you think that?”
“Cause you only call me Celine when you scold me! None of the others call me that!"
The leader snorted in amusement.
“You call me Christopher whenever you are bored so I think we are even! Now sit down, they prepared drinks for us!”
On the small coffee table was another beverage with a straw in it. The clear cup showing the dark red and yellow liquid inside. Jisoo took a took a sip, visibly enjoying the taste.
“What even is that?”
“It´s called KiBa. The yellow is banana and the red is cherry juice and it tastes amazing! Mama always made it for me when I was a child…”
The girl looked solemnly at her cup and started swirreling the straw around, effectively mixing the two colors together.
“Didn´t she make it for the members back in 2019 when we went to Germany?”
“Yes! That was when we had the I am… Tour! We were in Berlin back then, which is not even close to where I grew up but we still managed to visit them after the concert!”
“You were so happy when we told you that we could go there. I remember you crying so much because of it! You hadn´t been there for some years, even Felix and I would go more often to Sydney then you would go to germany!”
The leader had always felt bad back then and a small part of him still was if he was being honest. He knew how hard things could get and as child, alone I a country you don´t have a support system in, he felt like he should have made sure that Jisoo went home more!
“That´s right! Flying home was something I tried not to do because the tickets were so expensive and it was something we couldn´t afford to do as trainees. And after we debut there just was never enough time to actually visit them because of conflicting schedules, so it meant a lot to me!”
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About Chan x Jisoo
CB: Father and Daughter!
F: Right! He has adopted her unofficially.
SM: The members are his brothers but Jisoo is definitely his child.
CB: A few weeks ago we were in the studio and bambi was with me and Chan. She was napping on the couch and it was kind of cold that day so she was shivering and Hyung went to throw her blanket over her. Jisoo called him appa in her half asleep state and Chan-hyung didn´t even react! I think it´s their little thing when they are alone.
F: Cuuute!
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Jisoo had pulled her knees to her chest, looking at the older boy next to her.
“We haven´t really had the time to hang out in a while! You´re always so busy when I come to the studio…”
“I knoooow, I´m soooorry! Work has been crazy lately with preparing the new comeback!”  The boy whined cutely, trying to appeal to her soft side. Jisoo couldn´t hide the laugh bubbling up.
“Don´t I know that. Minho-oppa has been acting like a drill sergeant at practice with Hyune, Lix and me!"
“Right, practice as DanceRacha sometimes seems a lot less fun than group practice! But I wanted to take you to this café I found recently, they have these really colorful cakes and it looked so awesome!”
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About Chan x Jisoo
LK: They go easy on each other! It makes me crazy when Soo-ah ignores when hyung made a mistake!
H:Hyung does the same for her when we´re in the studio!
*Both looking at the other*
LK: You find it cute, don´t you?
H: And you don´t?
LK: I do…
I. N: *facepalm*
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"You weren't a fan of the split dorms, right?"
Chan was stirring the straw of his cup thoughtfully.  For a moment it was silent as Jisoo looked at the wall behind the leader, finding it very interesting all of a sudden.
"No, I wasn't. For so long all of us have lived together in the old dorm that the thought of splitting up scared me."
The boy hummed. He had noticed right away when management that the girl wasn't happy about that at all.
"Do you still feel like that?"
The dancer shook her head gently.
"I still don't like if i'm being honest. The dorm doesn't feel like home to me when you, Binnie Oppa, Hannie and Hyune go to your place. It feels to empty."
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About Chan x Jisoo
F: Soo-ah really had a hard time after the move.
SM: She still does sometimes. It's the times we wake up to a spotless dorm because Jisoo starts stress cleaning.
CB: Jisoo is a very emotional person and 2 out of her 3 comfort people ended up in another dorm, that really gave her a hard time! She even has her own space in hyung's room. Hyunjin was being dramatic for weeks when he found out.
SM: But we do have to clean less because of it!
* collective groans *
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"Is it true that you had planed to buy a leash so i won't get lost anymore?"
Jisoo meant it as a joke so the frantic head nod from the older buy left her shocked.
"YES! And it wasn't just a plan, the thing is still somewhere in my room ready to be used!" Chan yelled in all seriousness.
"But I'm an adult!"
"An adult who get's lost 8/10 times!"
*Cue, a sulking Jisoo*
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About Chan x Jisoo
LK: If one of the members is causing the most grey hair, it's Jisoo!
I. N: Cause Noona always wanders off!
H: The amount of heart attackes she probably already caused...
LK: Remember the leash you ordered Hyunjin-ah?
H: She can never know I was the one who bought it!
I. N: Are you scared of her hyung?
H: *nodding *
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Taglist: @amyysfics @smh-anon @andjeoidjavo @ninjaxoxo @sunghoonieee @stopeatread
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btshoseong · 1 year
↺ 💌 ࣪ ˖ ∿ 1998 , @tw ; mild mention of suicide & family death.
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╭・ฅ🕸﹕birth name - park hoseong ( 박호성 ) !
﹕・ฅ🕸️﹕nicknames - nation’s son , bangtan’s wow factor , ceo height factory , flowering knight , mr shoulder gate bridge , fake maknae , international heartbreaker , worldwide pop boy , number one billboard singer !
﹕・ฅ🕸️﹕birth date - december 31st , 1994 !
﹕・ฅ🕸️﹕age - 29 ( korean age ) / 28 ( international age ) !
﹕・ฅ🕸️﹕zodiac sign - capricorn !
﹕・ฅ🕸️﹕birthplace - daegu , south korea !
﹕・ฅ🕸️﹕hometown - buk-gu district , daegu , south korea !
﹕・ฅ🕸️﹕residence - yongsan-gu , seoul , south korea !
﹕・ฅ🕸️﹕nationality - south korean !
﹕・ฅ🕸️﹕ethnicity - south korean !
╰・ฅ🕸️ : languages - korean ( 100% – mother tongue ) , japanese ( 70% – general knowledge ) , english ( 70% – general knowledge ) !
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╭・ฅ🕸﹕height - 6’2 ft | 187.9 cm !
﹕・ฅ🕸️﹕eye colour - light brown !
﹕・ฅ🕸️﹕natural hair colour - black !
﹕・ฅ🕸️﹕modifications - multiple ear piercings , multiple tattoos , tongue piercing , nipple piercings , lip piercing !
﹕・ฅ🕸️﹕blood type - ab + !
╰・ฅ🕸️ : face claim - kim mingyu ( seventeen ) !
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╭・ฅ🕸﹕stage name - se3oul !
﹕・ฅ🕸️﹕positions - main vocalist , main dancer , sub rapper , centre !
﹕・ฅ🕸️﹕representative emoji - 🦁 !
﹕・ฅ🕸️﹕debut date - june 13th , 2O13 !
╰・ฅ🕸️ : group - bangtan sonyeondan ; bts !
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╭・ฅ🕸﹕mbti - enfj-t !
﹕・ฅ🕸️﹕family - mother , father , younger sister ( deceased ) !
﹕・ฅ🕸️﹕positive traits - receptive , reliable , passionate , altruistic , charismatic !
╰・ฅ🕸️ : negative traits - unrealistic , overly idealistic , condescending , intense , overly empathetic !
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HE WAS BORN in buk-gu , DAEGU , south korea which is the same district as suga.
HIS FAMILY CONSISTS OF: mother, father and his younger sister who died by suicide in 2O15 when he was only 21.
EDUCATION: kyungsang high school ; global cyber university.
HIS FATHER WAS a local legend who used to make music on the streets and sometimes HOSEONG would accompany him and sing his original songs. this is how he was first scouted by JYP and many other labels following thereafter.
HE WAS originally a JYP trainee until he heard GLOSS (suga’s old underground stage name) had been recruited into BIGHIT which is why he left to join bighit too. he was a fan of SUGA since pre-debut.
HIS FAVOURITE DRINK is CHOCOLATE milk but JEONGGUK doesn’t like it as much and he was offended so he once swapped out all of the banana milk for chocolate milk when they were living in the dorms. (15.06.18 VLIVE)
SE3OUL SAID the body part he is most CONFIDENT about on himself is his big HANDS.
HE SAYS the weather can affect his mood immensely in either a negative or positive way, he’s more HAPPY when it’s sunny and bright outside and tends to be a little more GLOOMY when it’s cloudy or wet.
WHEN ASKED to rank the most ATTRACTIVE member, he said he was in awe and basically fell in love when he had first met V. he thinks v is the most attractive member in BANGTAN.
HE IS often described as a ‘LYRICAL GENIUS’ for helping to write a lot of the group’s songs and his own SOLO projects.
SE3OUL LOVES listening to instrumental MUSIC and wants to try composing a piece inspired by the stuff he listens to if he finds the TIME someday.
his “FAKE LOVE” fancam has surpassed over 150M VIEWS which is the most viewed fancam in KPOP history.
HE HAS read some fan FICTION that army have made about him. (18.04.17 VLIVE)
HE’S A GREAT multitasker and once read an entire PAGE of a book whilst simultaneously carrying THREE plates and a glass cup to the KITCHEN sink.
HE SAYS HE was really POPULAR in school. the kids would always come to HIM if they were in trouble and needed HELP.
HE SLEEPS IN everyone’s bunk but his OWN. he’s very CLINGY and always needs something/someone to HUG or he can’t fall ASLEEP.
IN THE DORM, SE3OUL is in charge of TAKING out the TRASH.
HOBBIES: collecting vintage BOTTLE caps, pestering his hyungs, playing GAMES with army and CRICKET.
HE is a big KENTO YAMAZAKI fanboy and wants to MEET him someday. he said he will ask kento to SIGN his forehead if he EVER meets him.
HE IS labelled one of the STRONGEST members in BANGTAN with around 22 years of JUDO training under his belt. he started when he was 6 and still continues to TRAIN to this day.
SE3OUL’S MOTTO: “your EGO can cost someone their LIFE. it’s better to be a GOOD HUMAN.”
HE DOESN’T LIKE vegetables much but he says he FORCES himself to EAT them because he wants to be BIG and STRONG and wants to make JIMIN feel small.
AS OF DECEMBER 2020, SE3OUL was gifted a DALMATIAN puppy by the members that he ADOPTED and named park JINAM.
PEOPLE are usually INTIMIDATED when they first meet HIM, but end up realising he’s in actual fact a GOOFBALL.
SE3OUL WAS ranked 3rd in the “TOP 100 handsome FACES of 2018”.
SE3OUL’S IDEAL DATE: “go to a FAIR and play some games, then go to the BEACH while walking along the SAND holding HANDS. when we get home i wanna WATCH a bunch of old movies TOGETHER until we fall ASLEEP cuddling.”
RM: “a very SCARY guy if people aren’t CAREFUL. he’s usually the sweet type so it’s RARE, but he doesn’t hold back what’s on his MIND, especially around those that are RUDE. he’s protective over his OWN.”
JIN: “he’s a little RELUCTANT to rest so it’s WORRYING. at certain times i’ll see him SNEAK out to practice more during REST periods. he can be a cute puppy to others but is stubborn and HARSH on himself, UNJUSTLY so.”
V: “matches my ENERGY without hesitation. he’s always ready to try NEW things and isn’t AFRAID of what people think about him, tends to be LOUD but he’s a VERY ENTERTAINING hyung. i LOVE him.”
JEONGGUK: “definitely has this COMMANDING aura about him when he’s in that SORTA serious mood. he doesn’t even TRY and he’s ABLE to get everyone’s ATTENTION. ah, he’s SO COOL.”
JIMIN: “a very BRAVE guy for SURE! teases me more than ANYONE else but it’s hard to be mad. he’s a GOOFY character, but he has a GOOD heart and a GREAT ear [for listening]. i love to SPOIL him, he’s mine and MINE only.”
SUGA: “has that distinct THIRST for success that will lead him to ACHIEVE great things. he puts a lot of EFFORT and determination into his WORK and what he likes. also empathises WELL with others.”
J-HOPE: “makes a lot of RANDOM sound effects that are both CUTE and cool. he could PROBABLY be a beat BOXER. also has a MANLY body and sharp features so it’s surprising when he can pull off AEGYO so well. it makes me JEALOUS.”
IN THE DORM he shares a room with V. (180327: BTS’ JHOPE & JIMIN – MORE MAGAZINE MAY ISSUE)
SE3OUL’S IDEAL TYPE is someone who is SENSITIVE and can hold their OWN [in difficult situations]. maybe someone OLDER but he isn’t too PICKY as long as they can keep up with his SPONTANEOUS personality. he likes THOSE with a natural aegyo CHARM.
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blackpink-jane · 2 months
ㅤㅤㅤ°ㅤㅤㅤ ㅤ𖤐 ִֶָ 𝐉𝐀𝐍𝐄 𓂃 profile 🧷
( moodboard cred: @lorlita )
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。    ✧ everything is figureoutable ! ⁺    。
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— BIRTH NAME ੭ go minri
— CHANGED NAME ੭ hwang jane ❪ since. '06 ❫
— CHINESE NAME ੭ zhao shengyue
— JAPANESE NAME ੭ hayashi yukicho
— NICKNAMES ੭ yue ❪ c-friends ❫, chocho ❪ dad, j-friends, jisoo ❫, honey ❪ jennie ❫, honey unnie ❪ rosè, lisa ❫, twinie ❪ chungha ❫
— hangul ੭ 고민리 → 황제인
— hanzi ੭ 趙勝岳
— kanji ੭ 林幸蝶
— NAME MEANINGS ੭ jane, God is gracious _ shengyue, rising moon _ yukicho, snowy morning
— BIRTHDAY ੭ 9th February, 1996
— ZODIAC SIGN ੭ aquarius
— HEIGHT ੭ 170 cm ❪ 5'6" ❫
— WEIGHT ੭ 65 kg ❪ 143 lbs ❫
— GENDER ੭ female ❪ she/her ❫
— SEXUALITY ੭ bisexual
— RELATIONSHIP STATUS ੭ taken ❪ since. 2020 ❫
ㅤㅤㅤ🎀 | 𝐏𝐄𝐑𝐒𝐎𝐍𝐀𝐋𝐈𝐓𝐘 ⊱ 🐈‍⬛
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— MBTI ੭ entj / entp
— TRAITS ੭ independent, diplomatic, open-minded, energetic, impatient, ambitious, outgoing, confident, competitive, passionate, creative
— LIKES ੭ hugs, animals, waffles, makeup, dancing, martial arts, yoga, jogging, reading, playing video games, formula one, rugby, cars
— DISLIKES ੭ bananas, bright lights, spring season, insensitive people, snorers, knitting
— HOBBIES ੭ reading, baking, drawing, playing video games, go-karting, pottery, painting, jogging, annoying her twin brother eli, stealing her brothers clothes
ㅤㅤㅤ ❄ | 𝐂𝐀𝐑𝐄𝐄𝐑 ⊱ 🌬
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— COMPANY ੭ YG Entertainment ❪ 2012 - present ❫, Valor Entertainment ❪ 2024 ❫
— TRAINEE PERIOD ੭ 2012 ‐ 2016 ❪ 3 yrs & 4 mths ❫
— GROUP ੭ BLACKPINK ❪ 블랙핑크 ❫
— DEBUT ੭ 2016
— STAGE NAME ੭ JANE ❪ 제인 ❫
— INSTAGRAM ੭ diaryofjane ❪ personal ❫ ; valorent.official ❪ business ❫
— TWITTER ੭ diaryofjane ❪ personal ❫ ; valorent.official ❪ business ❫
— TIKTOK ੭ diaryofjane ❪ personal ❫ ; valorent.official ❪ business ❫
— YOUTUBE ੭ Valor Entertainment
— WEVERSE ੭ diaryofjane_
— SOLO DEBUT ੭ 2021
— APPEARANCES ੭ high society (jang yoonha, 2015), fight for my way (choi aera, 2017), what's wrong with secretary kim ? (kim miso, 2018), my name (yoon jiwoo, 2021), the kings affection (crown prince lee hwi, 2021), shang-chi and the legend of the 10 rings (xu xialing, 2021), the 355 (lin misheng, 2022), sweet home (lee eunyu, 2020-2023), a good day to be a dog (han haena, 2023), upgraded (ana, 2024)
— CHOREOGRAPHED FOR ੭ blackpink, treasure, taeyang, enhypen, aespa, le sserafim, boynextdoor, txt, ive, monsta x, joohoney, taylor swift, stray kids, seventeen
— PRODUCED FOR ੭ blackpink, txt, treasure, nct, aespa, selena gomez, niall horan, superm, ive, one direction, jeon somi, itzy, le sserafim
ㅤㅤㅤ 🌺 | 𝐅𝐀𝐌𝐈𝐋𝐘 ⊱ 🍃
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— MOTHER (adoptive) :
੭ Birth Name ; hwang luhua ❪ 황루화 ❫
੭ Chinese Name ; zhao luhua ❪ 趙露華 ❫
੭ Japanese Name ; hayashi natsumi ❪ 林なつみ ❫
੭ Birthday ; 28th June, 1974
੭ Occupation ; café owner
੭ Residence ; london, england
੭ Relationship Status ; married ❪ since. 1994 ❫
੭ Children ; 3
— FATHER (adoptive) :
੭ Birth Name ; hwang wijeong ❪ 황위정 ❫
੭ English Name ; kenny hwang
੭ Birthday ; 17th September, 1974
੭ Occupation ; head engineer for McLaren F1 Team
੭ Residence ; london, england
੭ Relationship Status ; married ❪ since. 1994 ❫
੭ Children ; 3
— BROTHER (adoptive) :
੭ Birth Name ; hwang jin ❪ 황진 ❫
੭ Chinese Name ; zhao mingtao ❪ 趙明濤 ❫
੭ Japanese Name ; hayashi kurotori ❪ 林黒鳥 ❫
੭ Birthday ; 9th February, 1996
੭ Occupation ; idol
੭ Residence ; seoul, south korea
੭ Relationship Status ; unknown
੭ Children ; 1
— BROTHER (adoptive) :
੭ Birth Name ; hwang junho ❪ 황준호 ❫
੭ Chinese Name ; zhao haoyu ❪ 趙浩宇 ❫
੭ Japanese Name ; hayashi isagi ❪ 林いさぎ ❫
੭ Birthday ; 9th February, 1996
੭ Occupation ; idol
੭ Residence ; seoul, south korea
੭ Relationship Status ; taken ❪ since. 2023 ❫
੭ Children ; 0
੭ Birth Name ; hwang cheonsa ❪ 황천사 ❫
੭ English Name ; angel hwang
੭ Chinese Name ; zhao shuijing ❪ 趙水晶 ❫
੭ Japanese Name ; hayashi hanami ❪ 林花見 ❫
੭ Birthday ; 10th October, 2021
੭ Occupation ; school ❪ private ❫
੭ Residence ; seoul, south korea
ㅤㅤㅤ🥀 | 𝐅𝐔𝐍 𝐅𝐀𝐂𝐓𝐒 ⊱ 💋
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𝐢. she is the tallest member of blackpink.
𝐢𝐢. jane refers to herself as a triplet, as both her adoptive brothers share the same birthday as her, and so they were raised as being referred to as triplets ! ( junho and jin are fraternal twins).
𝐢𝐢𝐢. she is the most extroverted in the group, and often finds great joy in embarrassing her fellow members in the public eye.
𝐢𝐯. miss girl is severely allergic to tomatoes – and she genuinely despises them, names them her greatest (and only) weakness in this world.
𝐯. jane has 2 cats named mochi and rari; she really wants her third pet to be a dog, and she plans to get one soon.
𝐯𝐢. a coffee enthusiast and cocktail connoisseur – like, she's actually quite skilled in mixology.
𝐯𝐢𝐢. she absolutely adores musicals, and cannot sit through a movie that is more than 2 hours long, her short attention span just does not allow it.
𝐯𝐢𝐢𝐢. within formula one the teams he's always supported since falling in love with the sport at 10, is mclaren – and in terms of her favourite rugby team, it's the all blacks, new zealand's national rugby team.
𝐢𝐱. jane is legally blind and cannot see a single recognizable object without her glasses or contacts – my girl lives in a world of shapes.
𝐱. her biggest scandal in her career was being in a rumored fist-fight with seventeen's the8.
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dinn-edtwt · 8 months
͏͏ ͏ ͏ ͏͏ ͏ ͏͏ ͏ ͏ ͏͏ ͏ ͏ ͏͏ ͏ ͏͏ ͏ ͏ ͏͏ ͏ ͏ ͏͏ ͏ ͏͏ ͏ ͏ ͏͏ ͏ ͏ ͏͏ ͏
͏͏ ͏ ͏ ͏͏ ͏ ͏ ͏͏ ͏ ͏ ͏͏ ͏꒰ ˒˓ thin trainees 🥕⃞゙ ꒱
⎯ Diário de Competição!
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— PI' 49kg
— PA' 49kg
— Altura' 1,68
Bom dia! Estou começando agora. A dieta diz que hoje tenho que comer 250 calorias, mas eu trabalho o dia inteiro de bicicleta hoje, é inviável. Vou fazer uma dieta limpa, com alimentos que sustentem e dêem energia e proteína.
Leite [60kral], banana [90kral], uma colher de aveia [50kral] : 200kral;
Almoço: 5 colheres de arroz branco [175kral], 1 peito de fango grelhado pequeno [170kral], 2 fatias de tomate [kral negativa] : 345kral;
3L de água;
Resultado: 545kral;
Bom dia! Ontem foi o primeiro dia do evento. Minha bicicleta quebrou no meio da entrega mas andei 15km de bike, quase fui atropelado, tô sem trabalhar (e consequentemente sem grana) até a bike arrumar, tive que pegar um busão com a bag e fui pra casa do meu namorado que era mais perto do que ir de ônibus pra minha casa + andar a pé com uma bag de entregador. À noite, pra animar, ele me levou pra comer na nossa lista de restaurantes que nunca comemos da cidade: frango frito. Comi uma porção de batata frita e um copo 150ml de coca cola normal. Eu tento aproveitar esses momentos, até porque ele faz pra eu ficar melhor e aproveitar, mas eu só sinto culpa e raiva depois. Enfim, quebrei a dieta!
Dia 1: ' 545kral + 460kral = 1005kral • 2,5L de água;
[ 0 pontos ]
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No dia de hoje vou mentir que estou enjoado o dia inteiro e tentar fazer NF. Nada de comer, Dinn, você não é um gordo estadunidense imperialista que come batata frita e coca cola numa terça feira, você só cometeu um deslize podre e nojento e gorduroso, não é irreparável.
O desafio de hoje é tomar 2L de água, isso é completamente fácil, graças a Deus.
Manhã, tarde e noite: NF;
3L de água;
Resultado: 0kral
Bom dia. Segundo dia de evento. Ontem foi um dia tranquilo, mas tá chovendo e eu odeio chuva. Não fiz exercícios, mas bebi 3L de água. Acordei e comi uns malditos salgadinhos de pimenta (200kral o pacote) kkkk. Eu tenho que sair logo da casa do meu namorado antes que eu enlouqueça.
Ontem eu consegui 10 pontos por beber 2L de água! Foi tranquilo, eu tenho quase 1,70 de altura e se não bebo 2,5L por dia eu fico com sede haha.
Dia 2: NF • 2,5L de água
[ 10 pontos]
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No dia de hoje vou tentar comer limpo só quando chegar na minha casa, aqui não tem nada limpo pra comer. Até lá já tenho 200kral.
Manhã: salgadinho [200kral];
Tarde: NF;
Noite: arroz, frango, tomate;
Dia 3: ' 615 kral • 2L de água;
[10 pontos]
Não vou comer a janta pois vim mais cedo e tomei um copo de nescau e comi um pão com margarina. Vou manter isso até amanhã. Errei, fui mlk. Vou tomar mais 1L de água até amanhã.
Fiz 120 abdominais e 3 minutos de dança antes da meia noite.
Bom dia, dia 4. Hoje vou tentar fazer algo diferente pra ver se eu emagreço: vou comer no máximo 50g de carboidrato por dia e bater 60g de proteína/23g de gordura.
Manhã [10:00]
Salada, carne de soja refogada;
141 kral, 8g carb, 25g prot, 1g gord;
Café [14:00]
Carne de soja refogada, pão frânces;
278kral, 33g carb, 29g prot, 3g gord;
Janta [máximo as 18]
Pipoca! :)
31 kral, 6 carb, 0 gord, 1 prot;
450kral, 47g carb, 55g prot, 6g gord;
Dia 4: ' 150kral 2,5L de água
Resultado é que eu só consegui comer 150kral da carne de soja de manhã. Não fiz exercícios, estive ocupado e me programei mal. Talvez até de madrugada eu coma alguma coisa, pipoca, provavelmente, ou leite. Amanhã a programação é outra. Estou morto de sono, logo eu durmo também.
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eventuallyaugust · 1 year
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hyunseol (txt) profile and facts (updated!)
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hyunseol (휸설) is south korean soloist and a member of the six-member group txt under hybe (formerly big hit entertainment). she debuted solo in --- 2022 with the mini album “hyacinth avenue”.
stage name: seol (설)
birth name: oh hyunseol (오휸설)
english name: azrael oh (previous: reese oh)
position: —
face claim: oh haewon (nmixx)
birthday: january 3, 1999
zodiac sign: capricorn
chinese zodiac: hare/rabbit
height: 180.34 cm (5’11″)
weight: 67 kg (148 lbs)
blood type: o+
mbti type: istp-t (her previous result was estp)
representative emoticon: 🐨
nationality: korean
instagram: soyseol
fandom name: seolmate
spotify playlist: txt seolace
hyunseol 's facts:
– hyunseol was born in incheon, south korea but moved to the us when she was four and moved back to seoul, south korea when she was thirteen.
– family: parents, uncle, two aunts, grandparents, cousins, niece
– she confirmed that she is a younger cousin of exo's oh sehun. (vlive)
– she attended incheon nonhyeon high school.
– hyunseol was the 1st member to be revealed on january 10, 2019.
– her representative animal is owl. (questioning film)
– her representative flower is purple hyacinth. (questioning film)
– at the end of her question film, the morse code translates to “future”.
– she can speak korean, english, japanese, and spanish. she also said that she is trying to learn other languages like french. (vlive)
– her introduction video surpassed 1 million views within the first 24 hours, along with her member yeonjun.
– she auditioned in big hit because her friends double dared her to do it and got accepted several weeks after. (vlive)
– her training period is 4 years and a half.
– she is the oldest of the group, older than yeonjun by a few months.
– her favorite fruits are bananas, avocados, and oranges.
– she has a fanbase ever since her reveal.
– her fandom name is "seolmates".
– on her birthdays, she sang songs as a gift to moas and her fans. songs list: 2020 - magic!'s 'rude'; 2021 - 5sos's 'ghost of you'; 2022 - d.o.'s 'rose (eng ver)'; 2023 - ricky montgomery's 'mr. loverman'
– hyunseol says she doesn’t have a particular hobby, but according to beomgyu, she is often seen crocheting and doodling in the dorm.
– she is a former jyp entertainment trainee.
– her past time is writing lyrics and solving mind games. (spotify k-pop quiz)
– hyunseol excels at games, especially video games. (talk x today ep.1)
–her favorite number is 8. she talks about how she always get lucky with that number. she also said that's her number she chose to put in her track team shirt. (talk x today ep.2)
– hyunseol has been a great observant of people's emotions and body languages, according to her members. (talk x today ep.1) 
– hyunseol has a nickname given by members: “ace” because the ace of different cards are always seen in her room. (talk x today ep.3) 
– hyunseol used to play for a track team in high school and won several competitions. (talk x today ep.3) 
— hyunseol said that she was popular in her previous school and received so many confession and love letters she bough another locker for her admirers to fill, instead of the locker she's using for studying. (vlive)
– according to yeonjun, hyunseol is the reason that the production added the morse code in crown's intro. (vlive)
– she said that she decided to leave her position blank because it's best to keep moas on the edge of their seats and experiment with music. (vlive)
– according to hyunseol, yeonjun is more of a fake maknae than she is despite being older than him.
– hyunseol said she learned the sign language because of her deaf grandmother. (fansign 150319)  
– according to huening kai, hyunseol often accompanies him whenever he wants to buy plushies. (fansign 150319) 
- she is afraid of the heights (fansign 150319)
– hyunseol shared that she always give flowers to everyone in her school, no matter who they are in valentines day. (talk x today ep.2) 
– she learned how to speak spanish due her aunt's spanish partner. (vlive)
– she is often called a walking calculator in her previous school. (idol room) 
– according to yeonjun, she has a high alcohol tolerance and will still be sober even there are already several bottles that have been consumed. (vlive) 
– she got interested in cooking and became the designated cook in the dorm. she also said that if she wasn't an idol, she would be a chef. (spotify k-pop quiz)
- she officially changed her name from reese oh to azrael oh since the previous name is registered in the us and she wants to change it for a fresh start. (idol room)
– her favorite colors are sage green, pink, beige (fansign  150319), and sea blue. (spotify k-pop quiz) 
– she was a special mc in music bank with lee chaemin.
– she has a total of 9 tattoos over the years; an ace of clubs on the side of her index finger on her left hand, a small lotus flower on her back between her shoulders, an infinity symbol at the back of her left ear, a compass on her left wrist, a paper crane on her forearm, a heartbeat on her collarbone, a crown below her belly button, arm bands on her right bicep, and an orion constellation on her left hip (ig live, 2024)
– she got involved in dating rumours with aespa's karina and lesserafim's yunjin in which none of them has been confirmed. she also got involved in a dating rumor with viviz' umji and bighit immediately addressed the rumor as false.
– hyunseol's ideal type: she says her ideal type is someone who loves her as much as she loves them, doesn't afraid to speak their mind, and someone will treat her right. (vlive) 
show more hyunseol fun facts…
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lgcjino · 6 months
FILE: 지노 _ PLOT CALL _ q4.2 —  big heads up that i will be continuing any threads unless i've been told otherwise that they are dropped i've just been really busy but replies should be coming soon ! ◡̈ anyways below are some plot openers for some new threads for any of the following events if anyone is open for a new thread !
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new actor, moon jino, preparing for auditions !
insert fictional character that jino will be trying to portray
open for suggestions because we are unalive in the water lol
outfit tbd.
again, open for suggestions !
jino will highkey be in awe because last year he was a trainee but now, he's in the same room as people he's seen on tv for the last few months or so
insert him trying to appear not too much like a fish out of water
he’s in lgc agency as an actor but he got placed with crystallis !
idk how jino passed the breakfast quiz on the first try but i swear someone told him the answer
jino is probably gonna almost spit/drool out his lemon tea because 10 lemons with a teaspoon of sugar, y'all really fucking with him in the a.m.
group 3 — someone take jino to skywalk and possibly see him cry bc of heights
⤷  RE: Q4.2
something about first snow
decorating for christmas and ofc jino is just tall enough to put the star on top of the tree
don't @ jino, he's a kiwi boy and still thinks winter is in july and not december so that's why he's wearing shorts and a thin t-shirt in the middle of december and learning the hard way
“hot cocoa is the americano equivalent for kids!” “your point is?”
“how to look suspicious 101”
someone reporting jino for having a pet. the pet in question: link.
jino burning banana bread in the oven and someone comes over for banana bread but … it’s burnt ☹️
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⤷   i'll be doing replies this weekend so if there's anything dropped and you wish to replot please let me know or if you just want to plot, just send me a message i'll try to reply asap ◡̈
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lgcjunkyu · 9 months
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backdated, 17th july 2021 open event 003
it’s been exactly a year this month that junkyu has been a trainee at legacy. a year in july since he auditioned and joined the company, and a year since his life changed and took a whole 180 turn. the year had flown by if he was being honest, and looking back at the past year makes him realise just how much his life has changed. when he joined, he was a shell of the person he is today, he’s grown so much and developed his skills, gained new ones even. improved so much and he was only going to continue improving his skills, it was a treasuring thought. but today was no different, it was a day of practice and today he was focusing on one of his weaker skills: dancing.
his dancing practice sessions were something he truly took to heart. the advice, help, his stronger points but mostly, things he could/needs to work on - he took them all with a firm mind. it was the one thing he truly wanted to get better at, to be able to really showcase his improvement with dancing and show people just how much he had improved from where he was at when he joined. sure, he definitely wasn't the best in the company and was probably one of the weaker dancers, but he definitely wanted to improve and get better. he wants to hear people’s shocked gasps when they see just how much he's improved, wants to know that people think and say he’s a great dancer, wants people to tell him that he's improved a lot. but he knows that specifically is far from reality and wouldn’t be happening anytime soon, but he could hope. it helps with the determination to reach that stage, too.
junkyu was feeling relatively confident, though he felt more nervous and anxious considering it was his least developed skill and he knew he had a long way to come.
the session flowed like normal, and with junkyu feeling refreshed and determined, there was a level of strength that anybody could see in him today. he was pumped, ready to work through another session and like usual, he was buzzing after. exiting the practice room with a contented little grin on his face, junkyu ends up making his way out of the company and heads towards a convenience store that’s close by the dorms. the whole way there, there’s a little bounce in his steps, and the smile that’s stuck on his face not once ceases. even once he reaches the convenience store and chooses his decided snacks (which was a dosirak box and a banana milk, something he hadn’t eaten for a while considering ramen was his go to) and he finds himself a little, warm, cozy spot in a corner of one of the sitting areas. one headphone in his ear, he begins to dig into his food, thinking back to the practice session that finished barely an hour ago.
just thinking back to the session makes him incredibly happy. it wasn’t every session where junkyu left with a bounce in his step and feeling this content, but the comments and feedback he had received from the coach had pretty much made his entire week. maybe it was the extra feeling of being proud that he has been a trainee for a year that was making him feel more upbeat, he wasn’t sure but he was enjoying feeling content with his efforts.
it was a short ‘performance’ where junkyu just gave it his best, a dance portion of a song he had really been enjoying, the coach was able to see how much effort he had been putting in, what he had improved on, how he did things differently with his own twist and what things he could improve on. it’s like he can feel the thrill of it all over again.
“you’ve improved a lot since the last time. have you been practicing outside of your training schedule?”
he recalls it, nodding with a sheepish smile landing on his lips and humming in agreement. “i’ve taken a lot of advice the coaches have given me and looked back on what i needed to work on, and even watched a lot of sunbaenim’s videos to help and find my style.”
he remembers having his eyes locked on the coach, silently begging and praying that they’d say he has improved. it was the one thing he wanted to improve on, especially on his weakest skill. he didn't want to disregard his weakest ones for things he was better in, because he feels like there'd be a good chance it'd bite him in the ass in the future.
“well, it’s definitely showing. you’re a lot better than you were before, you’ve improved a lot.” that alone was enough for junkyu to let out a silent breath, one he hadn’t realised he had been holding until he breathed once again.
the bow he did was one that was full of thankfulness and happiness with a slight hint of urgency. “thank you.” he responded, bowing once again with that same smile stuck on his lips.
“we see how much time and effort you’ve put in to improve your dancing, so well done. keep it up.” it’s a compliment, and it makes junkyu extremely ecstatic on the inside. receiving compliments and good feedback like this were extremely rewarding it felt a bit like he was being recognised in a weird, odd, little way.
with that, junkyu bows for a third time, mumbling another small thank you as the coach turns away and exits the room, and he feels like letting out a little victory yelp, but he decides against it.
and then he’s pulled back to reality, a mouthful of rice still in his mouth and he quickly chews and swallows it. yet, the delighted smile not once swipes from his face. instead, it gets bigger and junkyu remains happy for the rest of the day. it’s even more of a reason to continue trying as hard as he can.
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nintendouniverse2023 · 10 months
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Meet Esther's little Niece and Oldest Daughter to Esther's big Brother, Lexie Kong. She was the now resident of Kongo Bongo Island and was a explorer trainee alongside her two new best friends "Diddy and Dixie"
Bio: Buchin Kong along with his fiancée "Gallica Kong", have given birth to a little baby spider-monkey girl named "Lexie Kong" and their whole family decide to move out of Kongo Bongo Island and move to a different Island in their new Yatch.
After Lexie’s mother was killed, even though Her other siblings never knew their mother but her siblings believed that she wasn’t affected by the death of his biological mother, it was a lie. The only ones who know the truth are Her aunts. Lexie sometimes cried for nights but more for her mother since she had taught him everything, even playing on the bongos and drums. Lexie was still very depressed about the effect when her father turned into a vegetable out of depression, She shared a very close bound with Aunt Esther who she have a close bound with her older brother.
When her family moved to Kongo Bongo Island, Lexie along with The Konglings follows Aunt Esther to Cranky’s Cabian to get a job at the Kong Clan and meets Donkey Kong for the first time. Lexie would eventually meets new friends of DK’s esspally Diddy and Dixie as she fines them a very silly dou when they came to help her take care of her little siblings. It wasn’t long her father started dating again and would later accept Gill Koopa as her and her siblings God Uncle. She is still depressed about her mothers death but she's trying to move on eventally.
Appearance: She has orange fur, Pinkish Eyes, Blond ponytail, Her purple hat that looks like Mario and Luigi, Her purple skirt and Shirt with Balloons on it.
Voice Actor: Chloe Bennet
Age: 10
Height: 4,6 ft
Weight: 120 ibs
Personality: Sweet, Fun Loving, Worried, Serious, Kind Hearted and Depressed of the inside
Favorite Foods: Bananas Chocolate covered Bananas, Banana Cookies and Raspberries
Family: (Parents) Buchin Kong and *Deceased* (Aunts) Mora Kong *Age:25*, Esther Kong *Age:20* and Miki Kong *Age:18* (Little Siblings) Lizo Kong *Age:8* Raonic Kong, Rita Kong and Ronchi Kong *Triplets Age:7*, Grovo Kong *Age:6* and Fruity Kong *Age:5*
Allies: Charlsen Kong *Soon to be step-father* Donkey Kong, Funky, Roxanne, Candy, Diddy, Tiny, Dixie, Swanky, Chunky, Lanky, Kiddy, Mama Kong, Gill Koopa *God Uncler*, The Mario Siblings, The Princess, Amatory, Mushroom Kingdom residents and The DK Crew
Enemies: King K Rool, Krusha, Klump, Krunch, Kalypso *Frenemy*, Kudgle, Kip, Kass, Kopter, Kremlings Army, Captain Syrup and Wario
Likes: Swinging, Dancing, Spending Time with her Aunt Esther, Diddy and Dixie, Carnival Rides, Outsmarting her foes like K Rool, Watching over her family *Especially her dad.*
Dislikes: Her little siblings getting too reckless, The Kremlings harming her and her family, Being reminded of her mothers death and getting into trouble
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violenthunted · 11 months
034, on kiss cam at a sports game. @idi0tproverbs
see, that's why she doesn't do sport games. between the wailing, the sweating, the spilled beer & various other niceties she isn't willing to put a name to? yeah. there's not much to enjoy. perhaps it's her fault for not getting into the spirit, but she simply does not get it. even intellectually : why would you dress up in a horrid little outfit that doesn't fit nor is remotely weather appropriate (it's too goddamn hot for cotton), in order to support grown-up men running furiously after a ball? she isn't against supporting gay rights (see that? it's a small bisexual brooch, thank you very much), mind you, but she didn't imagine that a date with the famous, sexy chocolate thunder would be so … well. manly, she supposes. okay, fine, she knows derek fits the straight dude bro profile most of the time. okay! she still expected something different. something a little bit less crowded. something a little bit less alpha male takes his trophee of the night on a date he would have gone alone to anyway.
she still tries though. she does! look at her clapping when everyone does, and yes maybe she spends most of the actual match watching the smile on derek's face, but whatever. do not let it be said that penelope garcia is not supportive! she is. she screams when something important happens (whatever that might be. she takes her clues from the lady sitting two rows from them). she even has the foam finger thingy and she waves it every five minutes, mumbling something that she isn't sure is a word, because she might or might have not forgotten the team's name before even eventering the stadium. sue her! try enjoying a football match in that weather while wearing heels. you'll see how it feels.
needless to say that it takes her a few seconds to register why everyone is suddenly going bananas around them.
she turns her head toward morgan, however her best friend is already looking at her, as if … waiting, expectantly. yeah, she isn't going to tell him she has no idea what's going on because she was too focused on complaining silently. she doesn't want to crush his dreams, and she certainly doesn't want to ruin this … date, rendez-vous, whatever you want to call it. whether it's romantic or just kinky is not yet decided (that too, she did not find the courage to ask). she's a big girl. she'll figure it out: ever the profiling trainee, she searches for clues. the giant screen with a heart & gifs of rather kitsch kissing red lips are as good as any. glasses are pushed back over her nose in a nervous habit, just to make sure she isn't dreaming.
so first derek takes her to a game of sweaty men and then, he expects her to? what?
"KISS HIM!!!!!!" comes the scream from the stale-beer-old-sweat-smelling man on her right. thank you very much, disgusting guy. she even says as much, under her breath, before turning toward morgan, who is now full on grinning. yeah, he's enjoying it alright. it's enough to have her smiling back. how absurdly difficult not to fold when he looks so beautiful.
well, if they want a show, she'll make a good one. she usually prefers to be behind the screens rather than on them, but it's for a good cause (swiping that grin off his face. with her lips. yes. don't question the method), well, she's willing to do it.
both of her hands hold his face steady. with her game-on face (which is quite similar to the one she usually plasters at the end of their meetings, when she has finally gotten her hands on the one piece of information they needed to crack the code of who did what when and why), she leans forward, just enough to watch his pupils dilate. if she's afraid of being on stage, it's easy to forget with him so close. he's the only one not smelling completely rotten. sure, there's a bit of sweat, but it's good, like he worked out a little too much and he's about to jump in the shower, excepthe's a gentleman, yes, so he'll invite you in to save water. or something like that. anyway. enough thinking of wet, gloriously naked derek morgan, asking her to "come in the shower, mamma". back to reality : he's tall, but he follows her hands easily, leaning forward just enough that she can kiss him square on the lips. there's immediately a bit of tongue. some lip biting. definitely his name spoken against his mouth in a hot murmur.
after all, she might not have come for the game, but she did come for him (and she'd be willing to really come, if he was so inclined), and it's important to remind him of that so that he doesn't loose sight of the actual, very important endgame. which is her. obviously.
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