#bangs head on table. GOD.
atvbs · 2 years
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grechsblog · 23 days
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suashii · 8 months
osamu will literally turn around and go back home if you text him that he forgot to kiss the baby goodbye before leaving for work
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nemoys · 1 year
shiguang and their endless parallels when it comes to eachother
I'm still not over the finale (and trust me many essays are due from my end), and one of the things that I cant seem to get over are how expertly shiguang prove to be excellent mirrors of one another, with multiple references cross the 2 seasons showcasing this,
argument #1 : core personalities (status quo)
lu guang is rational. he is ever placid. he thinks five times before he speaks, and even so, is a man of few words. from the very start lu guang has been shown to be the ever mature, serious and aware between him and his best friend, despite being 'younger' lol mentally that's not the case rn I guess.
he is well aware of what exactly to do at which situation, and has been shown to get anxious when things tend to get unpredictable. he withholds information if he believes it would affect xiaoshi's state of mind, he has always been more aware of his ability in comparison to xiaoshi, and is seemingly hyper aware of the moral responsibility and karmic debt he must repay should he act against it.
he isn't adept at fighting, and is clearly the sort to wield a pen over a sword. he rarely even loses his cool, and when he does. well.
cheng xiaoshi ís imprudent, rash. he places heart over mind and acts on impulse. he needs to consistently be reminded to avoid giving into his urges during a situation at hand. he is clingy, he is an open book. he values his partner and sister more than the world, and his loyalty is evident. he's very loud and overt when it comes to his opinons, and can be interpreted as a more childish, naive type.
while xioashi has an idea of the greater moral responsibility he must hold, he is often shown to restrain himself only when lu guang requests it. even if he questions it, he listens to him, regardless of whatever alter motive lu guang may have (in cxs' eyes, there is none)
he is very martially adept, and can often take advantage of a situation if it comes to physical confrontation. very obviously a sword over pen sorta lad. to be immensely martially adept however, requires strategical thinking does it not?
argument #2 : cheng xiaoshi being a dark angel narrative
the highest stakes to shiguang have always been their own wellbeing. referenced multiple times throughout season 1 and 2, their partnership means a lot more than just a friendship to the two of them.
episode 3 showcases the sheer trust they have in each other when paralleling basketball scenes.
but how does their personality play out when times get the most dire?
back in episode 11. of the first season, shit hits the fan, and xiaoshi hatches a plan. this becomes a recurring theme when stakes reach their peak in the show btw, and showcases just how strategical cxs can really be. he plans for nearly every scenario, with almost no input from lu guang's end whatsoever.
he even (temporarily) wins the battle. he accounts for nearly everything including his own, and lu guang's safety. xiaoshi's reliability is shown very clearly here.
oh boy does cxs pull through. the shit is flying and cxs somehow narrowly dodges the blow. despite ql being possessed, with his partner quite literally stabbed through he maintains a clear stance when fighting, he thinks about the situation they are in and acts accordingly when the police show up, painting himself as the temporary perpetrator.
when lu guang's 'death' is announced, cxs laments for him silently, through their everyday, and begins to seriously consider shifting the timeline. however, he knows he shouldn't, that he cant. not necessarily because of the karmic retribution, but because lu guang would never agree to that. he considers his thoughts, and actions.
when it comes to lu guang, he thinks. he considers the best possible scenario. he strategises and he doesn't rush into things immediately.
argument #3: lu guang being a light devil narrative
to lu guang, he rarely shifts from his placid stance. but when it comes to cxs' danger, his wellbeing is the ONLY thought running through his head. (I plan on covering this in immense detail in it's own blog because holy SHIT the references I've found that date all the way back to season 1 and the damn chibi shorts)
instances of such can be dated all back to season 1, where lu guang rushes out of a police station and through an unknowing ql to yell at cxs over the potential consequences of fucking up their timeline. you would know a lot about that, wouldn't you lu guang?
when it comes to cxs, lu guang is selfish. lu guang is irrational. he does not think, no he does, but all he thinks about is cheng xiaoshi. a building is burning? where is cxs? I'm getting tortured? at least its not cxs. I'm getting STABBED TO THE SIDE? better than it happening to cxs. cxs got shot? time to use my lacking physical prowess to pummel the guy who did that.
the only time we have seen such raw RAGE from cxs happens to be the finale of season 2. the pure impulse he acts on beating the shit out of qj the second he shoots cxs. oh, the girl behind him is literally dying? when cxs got shot in the side so priorities. it's crazy just how irrational this man is when it comes to cheng xiaoshi, and we haven't even gotten into the fact that lu guang literally ripped apart the FABRIC OF HIS TIMELINE, THE SPACE TIME CONTINUUM, because cheng xiaoshi died in it, and to live in a world without him is more dire than whatever karmic debt may fall upon him.
lu guang, he is rational, he is methodical. but he is selfish, and he loves. he's perhaps committed one of the most selfish acts one possibly can, and has quite literally gone against a rule he held so dear, a rule that he quite possibly upholds just because he is terrified of making it worse. he didn't even sleep on his decision, bloody clothes and a null void expression on his face as he decided to hell with the world, he needs to get it right this time around, even at the cost of himself
but as this show has proven time and time again, death is inevitable, at most, it can only be delayed
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old official art depicting the two which inspired this blog, thought it made for a good visual
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uravitypng · 4 months
established couple fawning over chubby cow quirk reader.... SO MANY THOUGHTS RIGHT NOW
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bucket-of-amethyst · 2 years
POV u just watched a mythical sausage empires S2 vídeo
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rapidhighway · 1 year
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I didn’t go to sculpture again……
#please please please I have anxiety I have a mental illness#I can’t make myself go there it’s hell idk why I’m just so nervous every time I make myself feel sick#and then I get another excuse not to go becuase I literally feel like I’m gonna throw up#I’m not going to pass if I don’t start going there…….#and I cannot handle repeating a semester#I live in fear#and it doesn’t help that I have intermedia class later today which is my second greatest enemy and just as dreadful#banging head on the table#I need to be wrapped in a blanket and go to sleep forever#god even if I go there I’m never going to be able to come up to my prof and talk to him about my project I get physically I’ll at the#slightest suggestion from my friends that I should finally do it#everyone’s done it already#I will literally cry if anyone talks to me#the profs just intimidate me so badly I feel like they hate me#and everyone says they’re super nice but I can’t make myself believe ittttt they will eat me alive#but if I never go I won’t pass the class and repeating the semester will cost money#pleas I have the stupid project idea ready but I just can’t do it I’ve thought about just emailing them and doing it all through email but#I couldn’t do that either I’m just in panic mode instantly#so yeah I’m just venting not asking ppl for solutions 😶✌️ I just don’t want to text my friend again bc I’ve been putting way too much on#them#they do practically everything for me anyway bc I can’t do shit by myself#uh ok I just need to put this SOMEWHERE#I’m gonna curl up and draw metal or whatever#ugh I know I’m making things worse by not coming#but I can’t make myself I just cant I’m gonna have an anxiety attack ✌️#no one look at me#I being sensitive and vulnerable here
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so after being inactive for, yk, like four months, i can back and just binge read the cass apoctolptic stuck i missed and HOLY SH*T TXDGFCHVJIUYTUFDCHGVJBKUGYFTDFGXCHVBJKUIYTFHCBNMJKHLIYTGJV
that was an emotional rollercoaster
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edgepunk · 7 months
I'm probably swinging a bat at a hornet's nest, but some of the posts circulating on here "criticizing" Cyberpunk were straight up stupid. Some popular post on here said that it's bad the game has huge 50GB+ updates and that it's unheard of when,,,, no? lol almost every game has huge updates? That doesn't make it a bad game?
It's also bad that the developers kept updating the game to fix the issues, apparently leaving it in its piss poor state is better than keep working on it. (note: I am not defending the "eh we'll fix it later" mindset that's been prevalent in the AAA industry)
By all means, criticize the horrific development and the way the investors/execs were treating this whole thing, but these are stupid complaints that aren't exclusive to Cyberpunk. I'm not defending how the game was handled, I fully agree that update 2.0 is what the game should've been like at launch, but these are not good arguments. And the fact that those posts get thousands of notes shows that these people know nothing about these things.
Like, I'm still flabbergasted by the "the game is bad because it has a big update" argument when you compared it to Bee Gee Three in the same post which also has huge 50GB+ updates.
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thegreatdivide · 11 months
The only reason I haven't actually relapsed is the blades are too dull...
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skitskatdacat63 · 11 months
this video makes me want to sob and throw up and scream and cry and collapse onto the floor
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invinciblerodent · 4 months
having the overstimulation of the past few days finally catch up with you after a day of resting is uh. not fun
((im sad now))
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curi0uscreature · 9 months
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* I’m normal I’m fine I’m normal I’m fine I’m normal I’m fine it’s a design coincidence it’s a design coincidence it’s a de
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kuratm · 11 months
the genuine anger i felt when i tried rolling for masquerade idia only to get an UNCAP DORM IDIA AND GODDAMN DORM VIL SSRS!!!! *EYE TWITCH* I DONT WANNA TALK ABOUT IT!!!!!!! NOBODY ASK ME ANYTHING, ALRIGHT?!
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bylertruther · 2 years
if will cried when mike told him he wanted to be best friends again can u imagine how he'll react when mike tells him he loves him. when mike asks him to be his boyfriend with tears in his eyes, too. and will says yes, because he'll always say yes. "i asked. [...] and you said yes. you said yes."
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spideyoku · 11 months
I want to grab the MCU by the throat and watch it attempt to escape while it slowly suffocates between my fingers
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