#bar union
lascitasdelashoras · 2 months
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Edmundo Ribero - Bar Unión, Buenos Aires, 1975
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writergeekrhw · 8 months
Hi. I wanted to tell you I love the DS9 episode Bar Association! The Union episode is easily one of my favorites.
Thanks! That one's obviously been very much on my mind throughout Hot Labor Summer.
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gothamghostwhispers · 4 months
Deeply ironic that between my legit jobs and my goonion jobs, there are actually fewer labor laws being broken in the illegal jobs
I don’t have to make a spreadsheet comparing my nightly tips to pay stubs to make sure I’m not getting screwed when I’m working for the rogues
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fleetwood-cheese · 4 months
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Very fast meme i made for a friend
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lynxindisguise · 3 months
alright well now it's time to share with the class the unified theory of ootp wolfstar slippin into each other's rooms in their nighties
ah yes, well most of the groundbreaking research in this field has been conducted by my colleague dr. sash @fruityindividual
also I must unfortunately contest the point of ‘slippin into each other’s rooms’ because it has been scientifically proven that remus did not have his own room. but they are absolutely retiring to sirius’s chambers in their nighties.
it’s a sort of exposure therapy, really, sirius returning to this attire from his childhood in his childhood bedroom but with someone loving and comforting by his side.
also their nighties ride up during the night and their legs get all tangled and remus gets all flushed and flustered when they wake up in such an… indecent position.
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anotherpapercut · 5 months
yesterday I made a joke about unionizing and one of my friends asked a question I didn't know the answer to so I said "I'd have to ask a union organizer about that" and he said "yeah, like you just know a union organizer you could randomly text??" and I was like yeah I literally do actually. and he went "oh. that's hot." and I've like never been more turned on in my life
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actualbird · 5 months
/ enduring light spoilers but not really
i have FINISHED all 7 endings and i dont have much to say aside from expressing that this whole event story is SO delightful in every way. this event is now definitely my second fave event story of all of tot (second to lost gold, i dont think anything is ever gonna dethrone that) because of how much i was invested in it and was kept guessing until the very last phase. and even when we DID know who the murderer was, there were still tough choices to be made!! and secrets to unveil!!! I LOVED IT. fantastic event, would play again once it becomes DLC
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nando161mando · 4 months
But by the 2023 summit, opposition to Israel's membership had grown fiercer and a motion was submitted by Algeria to permanently revoke Israel's membership.
While the debate on Israel's status went on, this infamous incident took place. Israel's African Union envoy, Sharon Bar-li, was told she was being kicked out of the summit, and ended up being escorted off the premises by African Union security.
Footage: Middle East Eye.
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commiepinkofag · 1 year
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Up Yoors Coors
Bartender Arlene Smith at the 5 Point Café, Seattle, 1980
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warmglowofsurvival · 11 months
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"On this day in 2012, Twenty One Pilots played The Union Bar & Grill in Athens, OH. Flashback to when Tyler loaded his own piano on stage."
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what-even-is-thiss · 2 years
The first gilded age lasted for about 30 years and ended with a massive economic downturn that led to labor movements and the progressive era
And a lot of people have said that we’ve been in the second gilded age since the early 90s which was about 30 years ago and we could be heading towards another recession and there’s been a bunch of pro union strikes in the past few months soooo…..
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Hello darlings!
If anyone’s still out there: I’m wishing you a happy and safe holiday season, and thanking you for your endless support and patience in the face of my stubborn inconsistency. It’s meant more to me than you know.
I am very plainly not a writer, and certainly not a writer of the caliber you lovely folks have told me I am, but the opportunity to write anything for a receptive audience has been phenomenal and I cannot thank you all enough.
The Seattle series has been on my mind (read: the bane of my existence) as someone who can’t leave a damn thing unfinished, so let this be a gift for you in the new year: it will get done, even if it takes me until the day I die. Peace and love y’all!
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writergeekrhw · 1 year
I believe you were one of the writer’s behind Bar Association?? I want to give thanks. It’s been a bit of a comfort while I do some work place actions (Obviously being anonymous for that reason). I’m awkward and nervous like Rom. So it helps get my confidence up when engaging with others at work. I wish y’all all the luck with yours. Workers of the world, unite. ✊🏻
Wow, thanks for reaching out. Yes, I co-wrote "The Bar Association." I'm glad to hear it helps give you confidence at work and in dealing with work place actions. That's high praise indeed.
And since I'm answering this after being on a picket line for 4 hours, it's especially appreciated.
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supranatural85 · 3 months
Things to do in Milton Keynes
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trip-is-bad-at-go · 11 months
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Star Trek continuing to predict the future. Stand by for the Bell Riots and the Irish Unification of 2024.
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lynxindisguise · 3 months
please share your latest thoughts on union suits and nightshirts with the class
oh boy! well I was just thinking about how remus would look in a union suit. I think it would really emphasize how long and noodly his limbs are. sirius’s is a bit short on him in a tight, sexy way. remus’s is short on him in a “did you grow while you were wearing it?” kind of way. at least he’s so skinny that he doesn’t feel quite as *exposed* as sirius.
meanwhile sirius of course looks gorgeous in a nightshirt, and I think he could genuinely make it a trend if he tried hard enough.
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