#barbatos told diavolo exactly what to say but he ignored him
witheredapple · 9 months
*On live TV*
Diavolo: I would just like to start by saying there have been… some rumors… about my personal life that I would like to settle once and for all
Diavolo: As my long-suffering fiancée can attest *puts an arm around Maddi*
Maddi: *Smiling at the cameras*
Diavolo: I am gay.
The brothers, watching the TV: 😧
(Angry) Barbatos: 🙂
Diavolo: And I have also been seeing Lucifer for a couple months now
Lucifer: *Whispering to himself* Dammit Diavolo
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obm-avenquire · 2 years
♙ barbatos ♙
Barbatos is an observer, a people pleaser, a people watcher. Nothing surprises him, not exactly, but that certainly doesn't mean he's someone who can't be entertained.
It's boring, to know everything. But even so, Barbatos explains, is there not joy in reading a story once read? Is a film unwatchable after the first viewing? Of course not. And while he makes an effort to keep himself in the dark - he was told to, after all - Barbatos has spent too long seeing too much to not predict the present.
It's a natural consequence, then, that he is a lover of potential. Branching paths and possibilities.
[And so he serves Diavolo. And so he makes a pact. And so he watches you.]
He's hard to read. More so than Satan, you think. Less so than Solomon? Hard to say. What are you supposed to expect from someone capable of bridging the gaps between timelines, someone who has control over time itself? It makes it so hard to tell what about him is 'real', and what isn't.
There's just something about him that feels...artificial. Even having grown used to the supernatural capabilities of demons and angels, Barbatos has a persona so meticulous that it only feels fabricated.
He dislikes dirt. He dislikes imperfections, being unable to fulfill his duties. He likes cleanliness, punctuality. Cookie-cutter preferences that border on common sense.
It's hard to say. For as open as he presents himself to be to questions and requests, you find it difficult to imagine that saccharine smile would give way to anything helpful in this regard.
[You remember reading something about how a natural disaster is never evil. The earth does not tear itself apart out of cruelty. The ocean does not swallow bodies out of spite. It just is. Yet humans seem to find purpose in the goodness, in luck. You wonder if Barbatos is like those forces. Not moral, not immoral. Just being.]
It feels....complicated, to be the object of so many people's affections. Only a handful of the people you've met during your stay in the Devildom even bother to maintain some sort of secrecy about their feelings towards you. The handful becomes smaller, often.
Barbatos is...different.
He's not possessive, at least not in the way the others are. It's subtle, and you cant tell if it's unnerving or not. Little things, like the slight glint in his eyes when he takes the words right out of your mouth, answering the questions he'd asked you himself with accuracy that borders on unsettling. It's always accompanied by an air of pride, completely devoid of the insecurity that hides behind facades of elevated self confidence, instead carried by the idea that this is simply a given. He knows you best, he knows what you want, what you need, what's best for you, always, even if you don't. It doesn't matter if you agree or not, he knows he's right.
You suppose it makes sense, for someone capable of rendering time obsolete.
At the same time, there's something sweet about it, probably. There's something pleasant about the softness in his smile when he checks in on you, tea already brewed and ready, comfort food that he just knew you needed prepared as a side. After being thrown into the Devildom with so little support, so little regard for you, the poor, weak human at the mercy of all these unknowably powerful figures, the unquestioning, immaculate care Barbatos provides is relieving and tempting all at once. Sweet, just like the treats he brings you.
[You ignore him, once, and the expression you catch in the panes of spotless glass feels unfamiliar.]
It's only after extensive time in his company, that you notice that Barbatos doesn't blink. Well- No, he does, but he doesn't need to. It wouldn't surprise you if he did it purely to keep those around him comfortable.
You make a game of it for yourself at some point, counting 1, 2, 3, 4- Blink. 1, 2, 3, 4- Meticulous, predictable and precise. It makes you uneasy. Such an uncanny valley of a person. You know better than to consciously treat him badly for it, but you don't doubt that something in your subconscious nags at you that something is wrong when you're with him.
You wonder if he's aware of it, and if part of his 'service' is the self-satisfaction in proving his ability to be pleasant.
[He lives to serve. Willing pawn, no, catalyst. He stops at nothing to help those he judges as interesting to push past the impossible.]
[You are potential. There is allure in shaping you into something truly special, even if you are only human.]
[You wonder if he knows that you’ve been observing him, too.]
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themixofboth · 1 year
My Only One
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He knew it was wrong, he knew you. would hate him. But there was nothin else he could have done, his obsession with you hurt him so much he just HAD TO HAVE YOU.
He's obsession with you started when you turned 18 and your parents were throwing you a birthday party it was HUGE, I mean what do you expect from royalty?
Yes, you were a princess and that exactly how he found you. Barbatos actually told Diavolo about how there was a massive party in the human world for the princesses 18th birthday. Diavolo was intrigued and wanted to attend, plus it was an excuse from doing work. Later the night he slipped into the castle. They started to annouce the King and Queen, and than... they announced you. You were wearing a stunning Red dress, he instantly fell in love. Sadly he had to leave early but he just couldn't stop thinking about you, and you were wearing his signature color. Each day passing by not being able to see you drove him crazy.
He was OBSESSED till he started Masterbating to the thought of you, but that wasn't enought to satisfy him. Every sigle passing day made him more and more crazy and obsessed.
And a that how you ended up in a room chained to the floor so you wouldn't be able to escape or even try to escape. It had already been 2 years, 2 years away from friends and family.
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Just than you hear the door creak open, it was him. "So your just going to ignore your husband?" "Your not my husband."
Even if your word cuts deeper than a knife, he still loved you. He smirks, walks to you, kneals to your level, and makes you look up at him. "I'm not in a good fucking mood so DON'T make me angry, but never mind that it's time for bed."
He pulls out a silver key, the key that unlocks the chain's. You rub your wrist, "Sorry baby, had to make them tight" Diavolo trys to help you and put you on the bed, but you ignore his attempt to help you. You take off your shoes and climb into the bed[you may be thinking why would Diavolo unchain us? Won't we just escape? Well he already thought that through he put some magic locks on the windows and door that only he can unlock]
You sit in the middle of the King sized bed while Diavolo brings you your night gown, it a red, silky, short, and shows cleavage.
But its a good thing you sleep in a separate room so he wouldn't see you so exposed, wait... why's he still in here he's already given me the clothes. "Why are you still in here...leave so I can change."
"Last time I check this is my castle meaning that I fucking own this room, if you need to change just change no one is fucking stopping you." He sounded annoyed and irritated, he was usually so kind and delicate even if you would ignore him and curse him out. It shocked you. His once gentle puppy-like eyes turned stone cold.
You didn't want him to see you bare, "P-please, look away." "JUST CHANGE."
Your hand shook, and you slowly undress. Leaving your dress on the floor, leaving you in your undergarments. You slightly look up seeing Diavolo staring at you with pure Lust, and you quickly look away. Suddenly you feel a tight grip on your waist, Diavolo pulls you into a deep kiss.
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You try to push him away but he's just way too strong, He slowly pulls away "I'll be staying in here tonight, and stay like this. This is better than the nightgown I picked for you."
You kept your back facing him, but that didn't keep him from cuddling you. He laid his arms on your waist which you didn't like at all, you push his hand away. "For the last fucking time [name] I'm NOT in a good mood." his voice was deep and commanding, and your body listened to the voice it stayed still just like he wanted it to.
You feel his hand around your waist again this time You don't say anything about it not wanting to get yelled at again. He slowly whispers "I'm about to do something and I don't care whether you don't want me to I'll still do it." What is he talking about? And what does he mean by not caring?
"What are yo-" You get caught off by a finger slipping into your vagina. You want to move but you can't. He then adds two more fingers stretching you out more and more. Demons had bigger hands than humans and Diavolo wasn't just any demon he was huge and so were his fingers.
He picks up his pace, you were getting wet and wanted to moan so bad, but it was Diavolo out of all people that was making you feel so good. You cover your mouth with your hand, Diavolo pulls his finger out. Your blushing, hot, and wet.
"Take your hand off of your mouth, I wanna hear you moan for me~".
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This was my very first time writing a yandere and it wasn't even good, he didn't really act like a yandere😭
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Devil & Angel family
Despite created by Lucifer and Simeon, Charisse was treated as their daughter and less spoiled by them.
As she is the only girl lives with 3 men, women concerns about her future. People worries she and her father Lucifer's relationship in quarrels.
Charisse learned a lot from her fathers playing piano and dancing. She also found other talents like cooking, talking animals, and more.
She is fond of Simeon's novel writing ideas, but she truly rejected to read that "pranking" novel.
Charisse and her brother Lumiere interact with each other like friends, even though they are part of the family. She trusts and respects Lumiere's decisions and choices, but sometimes rejects some of his opinions.
As a child, she remembered Lucifer or Simeon would play lullabies on the piano while she and Lumiere fell asleep to the melody.
Who is her favourite uncle you might ask?
Definitely is Belphegor, despite afraid of his yandere soul she can feel. Charisse is the first person come to visit him with his favourite family pack sushi.
Despite of busy at school and less sleep, she do like to take a nap with him.
If you might ask "Since Charisse, Lumiere and Satan were created by Lucifer, then they should be brothers and sisters".
True, but the answer is no. Even though they were created by the same person, that doesn't mean they are siblings. Second, Charisse and Lumiere always called Satan as "Uncle" rather than "Brother".
Regarding their relationship, Locks Siblings and Satan are sometimes seen as enemies, or as family.
When they were talking, they could carefully feel their uncle's aura and occasion, and they reminded themselves never to mention Lucifer to him.
About Luke, they didn't meet at the reunion or any event, only Simeon told them.
Charisse said she met Luke at the RAD, but never had a chance to interact. To other angels, they were rarely mentioned about by family to second generation.
Of the rest of the Demon Brothers, Charisse is the first to be embraced by Mammon, Asmodeus, or Beelzebub during their reunion.
Mammon was the only one who got messed up Charisse's hair after touching her head.
Asmo always asked her for hairstyling with Meribella. He sometimes gave or asked Charisse for some tips of beauty rituals she uses.
According to her personal, Charisse and Lumiere hates Diavolo and Barbatos, as they thought those are trying to break their family relationships and take a chance to be their stepfather.
Later, they realized they just naively believe those rumors, before telling their confessions to them.
It turned out that they only regarded Lucifer and Simeon as brothers, and even supported their choice without hesitation.
They don't want to be step-family, and they both know the frustration of loved one breaking the value of true love.
For what she still confused about, is whenever she gives her fathers and uncles a bouquet of lily, they began to drowning in the depression. Not only her, so did her cousins curiously need to know.
Leviathan is the people she exactly ignored, but she sympathetically care about him.
As for Solomon...
Charisse has not seen him at any events. She only heard Callum say: "That man is a super liar in the whole world! He hurted your uncle (Asmo) 's feelings before."
Although Callum called his father a cheater, Charisse believe herself that Solomon could be has his reason at Human World.
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Hi! How are you?
I was thinking about what exactly should I ask you and then it hit me!
The Obey me! Brothers and Side Characters meeting Mc's older sibling (you can keep it gn if you want), Y/N, for the first time.
Just imagine:
Y/N, unlike MC, knew a bit about their supernatural bloodline and tried to learn more about magic and the other realms even managing, during Mc's absence, to work with an angel (maybe Gabriel or even Michael himself) .
One day they ask Gabriel/Michael if he knew where their younger sibling was because it had been more than a year since they last heard from them and when the angel told them, Y/N asked immediately to teach them a spell to reach MC, ya know, to see if everything was okay and if those demons were treating them like they should.
That same day they teleported themselves in the Devildom. Right on the student council's room's table during a meeting with the exchange students and the bros. They looked like they wanted to commit a coup but when they made eye contact with MC, Y/N jumped into their arms, making both of them fall on their asses. MC would have a lot of explanations to give...as well as Y/N
Y/N: "Lmao I asked my good dude Gabe/Mike to give me a way to reach you and ya know archangels do know their shit and-"
Y/N: ". . . yeah? Why are you so surprised? I'd literally drop kick God AND the Demon King's asses to protect you, MC. I mean, I'm your big sibling, that's literally my job since you were born.")
Honestly I think Y/N would probably adopt Luke after two seconds like:
Luke: Hi, I'm Luke I-
Y/N: Oh, Hi! I know who you are! The archangel talked a lot about you!
Luke: R-really?!
Y/N: Yes little one! I heard MC is like your older sibling or something?
Luke, blushing: W-well I really appreciate their company b-but...!
Y/N, patting his shoulder: Well, welcome to the family Luke! Mc's younger brothers are also my younger brothers, so if you need anything don't be afraid to ask me!
Also, I think Y/N would become the love interest of the now dateables (except Luke ofc), the demon bros have MC and Diavolo, Barbie, Solo and Simeon have Y/N.
Furthermore if Y/N finds out about how their little sibling was treated before the pacts and 'lesson 16' . . . well I hope that Beelzebub can hide Belphie faster than he can eat and that Lucifer can apologise harder than he can punish Mammon
And speaking of Mammon! Y/N would probably love him (platonically)
Y/N: You where the first one to approach my sibling in a friendly way? Who was in charge of protecting them and who never left their side? You were their first pact, is that correct?
Mammon, intimidated: y-yes! I'm their first!
His brothers: for the love of Diavolo, stop saying that!
Y/N, not minding them: Good. Thank you, Lord Mammon.
Mammon: W-what? I- I mean of course you would thank the Great MAMMON!!!
Y/N, smiling: yeah, you really are Great. I'm glad you are their first.
Mammon, tearing up: MC, can I adopt your older sibling-
Sorry if I wrote too much! If I did something wrong or if for any reason you don't feel like doing this, feel free to ignore it! I hope you have a wonderful day!
Okay so I did this as more as just as just some random blurbs if thats okay
I feel like at first Barbatos will have beef with Y/N because of the drop kicking comment and sees them as like a threat
But Diavolo becomes INVESTED in Y/N because they’re so bold and works with the archangels
No one has ever dared to say something like that before and yet you did
He’s like, hmmmm. I like them teehee
meanwhile Lucifer is like, “You have GOT to be kidding me, MC.”
Luke absolutely loves Y/N and sees her as a big sister
definitely does sibling shenanigans
Mammon also loves Y/N because she doesn’t talk down to him
Y/N and Mammon become big buddies because they’re thankful that they’ve never tried to kill M/C unlike some demons
I feel like Y/N, Beel, and Asmo would also all get along really nicely 
Y/N for sure gives major attitude to Lucifer. Purposely tries to make his life harder. Lucifer will have to be like, “M/C can you please do something.”
Belphie has to actively stay away from Y/N because even if M/C has forgiven him, Y/N has not
I feel like Y/N would prefer for M/C to hang around with the other exchange students but won’t fight them when they choose to stick around the demon bros
Now on to the romance aspect, I feel like Simeon is definitely up there on the charts since Y/N studied under the high ranking angels
Solomon would also be putting on the moves because he likes how chaotic they are. Also to have studied under the archangels would most likely mean that y/n is probably pretty powerful which intrigues him
Diavolo is absolutely fascinated by y/n. They’re so bold and blunt. He loves it
He wants to know everything about them
Barbs takes some time warming up to them. He doesn’t trust them. I mean they did say they would fight god and the demon king soooo
But he eventually warms up after he sees that y/n just wants to protect m/c
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astaroth1357 · 4 years
Ok but like, what if MC's fandom starts to make ships with MC and the guys. Just think about the ship wars, the fancams, the fanarts, the absolute CHAOS when the brothers find out. It would be even worse if they start shipping MC with the undatables, one day everything is normal and the next day there are ship wars fighting over MC x Barbatos vs MC x Solomon (who are both very smug about it)
The MC's Fanclub are… Shippers?!
Perhaps… The italics blurb has been fulfilling its greater purpose all along…? Perhaps in its state of existential angst, it has in fact developed a plot of its own… An arc of introspection and self-discovery in which its own longing for purpose has forged a meaningful identity… It now has… a story…
As if they couldn't get any MORE frustrating…
He's not an otaku. He's not a part of ship culture. He's not even sure why anyone would care about who dates who around this school, but apparently it's a big deal to some people...
He only became aware of their interest in him and the MC's relationship through some very… subtle clues…
Like the groups that would follow them around in the hallways with their phones out.
Or the multitude of fan rumors about their relationship that Satan spams him with from time to time just to irritate him.
"MC refused hug from Luci in halls today!! Are they bout breakup??? 🥺"
"Tots got pic of kiss today!! Relationship upgrade??"
It only got worse after he found out the MC gets shipped out a loooooot….
If he had to pick his least favorite ship, it'd be MC x Mammon. He can kind of see it with any of his other brothers (admittedly, Levi is also a little mystifying) but the idea of them ending up with Mammon makes his skin crawl...
He once found a drawing of the MC and Mammon in an… explicit position in one of the classrooms and he was so disgusted that he wouldn’t even touch it. He just set fire to the paper outright. Disgusting...
Shipping, eh…? More money making opportunities!
Has some passing idea of what shipping is from Levi and, from what he knows of it, shippers eat cutesy couples stuff right up!! If all he's got to do to make bank is to look all couple-y around the MC then sounds like a win-win to him!
He'll happily pose for a photo or two (paid in advance) of him throwing his arm around the MC or something. Want him to hold their hand? Sure thing!
But since this is still Mammon we're talking about, the second MC actually starts getting into any of it he'll still turn into a blushy, stuttery mess...
For WEEKS the headline picture on so many of their fans' blogs was an image of him turning beet red while the MC kissed him on the cheek. (A fan really got their money's worth there... 😏)
Though he doesn’t exactly like the MC getting shipped with other people, he'll still totally sell pictures of any of them together. He almost paid off an entire credit card with the money he got from the t-shirt sales of the MC and Satan!
If he had to point to one ship he doesn't like it's either MC x Asmo or MC x Levi. His opinion, but Asmo won't treat them right and they could do waaay better than a shut-in. Like him. Ship the MC with just the Great Mammon, got it?
… Lowkey super active in the MC shipping community but is a self-shipper to the extreme.
Like, he never uses his real name on anything (and would probably die from embarrassment if anyone ever found out) but a lot of their fans probably know a couple of his aliases.
He does everything from mod forums, runs a couple blogs, even anonymously posts his own work of him and MC that are totally not his secret fantasy dates or AU versions of themselves, shaddup.
It’s a lot easier for him to keep his involvement secret because he’s hardly at RAD, but the few times he does show up he tries to keep an eye out for anybody prowling for pictures so he can get in a good pose and save the image later.
Mind you, his version of a “good pose” rarely gets more spicy than linking pinkies, but even then he’s still lit up a Christmas Tree throughout.
Naturally, he’s also not a big fan of any ships that aren’t just him and MC and he can find a reason to be jealous at almost anything. But he keeps a special corner of hate for MC x Mammon and MC x Diavolo. Like, the first one doesn’t even need an explanation but MC x Diavolo?? Really??? Do those two even talk?? (please, please, please make sure they never actually talk because a guy like him versus literal royalty? He’d lose MC for sure….!! 😫)
He hates to actually agree with Lucifer on something, but their fans are starting to get out of hand...
Knows what shipping is in concept, he may have done it once or twice to characters in his books, but he was kind of surprised how it could evolve into such a… group activity?
He was pretty quick to pick up that the MC’s fans had a bit more interest in them together than they did when they both were apart…
I mean, those hideous shirts that Mammon was pedaling were kind of a dead giveaway…
Considering he finds their fanclub all rather annoying, even without their bizarre interest in his love life, when they started actively meddling with him and the MC he was ready to smash some heads.
No. He will not stop for pictures. No. What things they do together is none of your business. No. He has zero interest in seeing your explicit fanart and if you don’t start running that will be the last question you ever ask.
He DOES, however, appreciate the cringy “annoy Lucifer” ammo. They could keep that up for a lifetime... 😏
He doesn’t have a least favorite ship because he doesn’t care about any of this, leave him alone. (That’s a lie, it’s MC x Lucifer. He pokes fun at Lucifer, but he can’t stand it either. Big shock, I know 🙄).
Oh he is shamelessly a part of the community, are you kidding?? 
He could practically call “Shipping the MC” one of his favorite pastimes. He’ll openly gossip with their fanclub about who they’ve been with, who they’re seeing, who’s got a chance, etc… He lives for this shit!
He’s the only person who knows that Levi is also in the community and what his aliases are (not because he told him, but because Levi’s not as subtle as he thinks he is… Who else would call themselves “SupremeRuri666” and speak mostly in outdated chat lingo?) but he doesn’t out him because he thinks his very obvious crush is kind of cute. 
Plus, Levi needs the outlet waaaay more than him…
Doesn’t stop him from constantly trolling him and getting into arguments over who the MC would be better with though (the two are “virtual nemeses” as far as Levi is concerned).
Appreciates all forms of expression that comes out of the community (especially the saucy kind 😏) and will happily feed into his own shippers without a care in the world.
Truthfully, Asmo will say that there isn’t a ship he doesn’t like but if someone mentions one that he thinks is kind of “eh,” he’ll just add himself into the mix. “Oh, you like MC x Barbatos? Well how about Asmo x MC x Barbatos? That sounds loads more interesting doesn’t it??”
Oh, Beel… Sweet, sweet Beel… Beel doesn’t even know what their club is doing…
Because Beel has a reputation of being pretty protective of MC - and against the fanclub in general - the club keeps a healthy distance… but that doesn’t mean they’re not going to sneak in some picture or make a SHITLOAD of fanwork about them.
Between classes and practice Beel is a busy guy, so sometimes he just doesn’t notice that there’s people hiding behind trees when he’s out with MC. 
Honestly, his complete ignorance of it all makes it even cuter because when he acts sweet, it’s not just for the camera. That’s the real deal.
Mammon was the one who eventually let it slip that there was even shipping happening and Beel was… kind of creeped out because isn’t this stalking? But also kind of weirdly happy(?) that MC x Beel was so popular… Very conflicted boy here.
He never actually acknowledges the community, though, and just keeps on being Beel (which still gave the fans more than enough material so all’s well that ends well?)
Beel genuinely doesn’t have a least favorite ship (because he believes the best ship is whoever makes the MC happy) but his second favorite under himself is probably MC x Belphie. They look very cute together...  😊
Ride or die, Beel x MC x Belphie. 
Just kidding (kind of), Belphie isn’t into the shipping but if asked he’d be pretty okay with that one.
His campaign against the MC’s fanclub and their attention stealing ways means that he found out about their shipping thing only slightly ahead of Beel when Mammon was trying to get pictures of them napping together…
Honestly, he couldn’t care less if a bunch of weirdos were weirdly invested in their relationship, but he’s not about to let Mammon just make a quick Grimm off of it. Belphie makes sure that he gives him NOTHING to work with. 
Since Mammon is the main dealer, the shippers in both the MC fanclub and Belphie fanclub aren’t nearly as well fed and pretty desperate for anything... You best believe he plays that to his advantage (because it’s okay if he does. He’s not Mammon).
Really helps that MC x Belphie is legitimately a very cute looking couple, carried by Belphie’s cuteness alone if nothing else. Add an adorable MC and you reach levels so cute it could actually melt people into puddles of goo... They could be a registered weapon.
Least favorite MC ships are any that don’t involve him or Beel. Any others may as well just not exist, he won’t even acknowledge them. MC x Who? Yeah, that’s what he thought.
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your-next-daydream · 2 years
can u
write mc asks barbatos to say something italian to them
Ok, two warnings in advance. 1. I don't know Italian so I'm using Google translate and 2. I haven't gotten very far in the game to get to know his character that well so forgive me if he's out of character. I absolutely love this man and I am so excited to write this thank you for requesting! Also this is not in the obey me lesson timelines this is just a separate thing. You and Barbatos have met on multiple occasions and both have feelings for each other.
Content warning: gender neutral reader, implied relationship between Diavolo and Lucifer, no real warnings I just fucking love this man.
You had been summoned to Diavolo's estate for afternoon tea so he could ask you questions about the program. Which is exactly what led you to standing in front of the gates wondering how you were supposed to get in.
Turning around to just call Diavolo to open the gates you heard a creak behind you. "Apologies to keep you waiting, please come in I shall take you to Lord Diavolo." You heard a voice that was all too familiar speak from behind you. Turning back towards the gates you were met with the sight of Barbatos bowing slightly and extending a hand to invite you inside.
Taking his hand you allowed yourself to be led inside. "No no it's ok! I should have called or something before arriving." You rubbed the back of your neck sheepishly before realizing you were still holding his hand while it was gloved you were still slightly embarrassed.
As if noticing some sort of discomfort he pulled his hand away gently before walking forward. "Please come with me this way or shall we keep the young master waiting?" He turned his head to look at you and you swear you saw the hint of a smile upon his face.
Walking forward to follow after him you shot him a smile of your own. "Yeah well I probably shouldn't do that. I mean he has been very kind to me." You said while continuing to follow him down the various halls to a veranda of sorts.
He pulled out the chair opposite of Diavolo and slightly inclined his head. "Here you are MC, and Master Diavolo I was told to inform you Lucifer may call you here soon and that you should keep a look out for that." He said before promptly leaving the room.
Diavolo nodded to him before turning his attention to you. "So! How has schooling been going for you? I've heard a lot of good things from your teachers! Though if you were to fall behind I'd understand, I know it must be hard learning something new without starting at the beginning." Smiling at you he took a drink from his cup and gestured to the small finger foods in front of you both.
You grinned at him carefully grabbing one of the small snacks. "It's been going pretty well actually. I probably wouldn't have gotten this far if it wasn't for the brothers helping me study. Though the only two I actually complete any type of studying with would be Satan or Lucifer when he isn't busy." You muttered placing the snack in your mouth.
Suddenly Barbatos stepped back in the room. "I hate to intrude but the phones for you Lord Diavolo." He quietly spoke holding out a phone to Diavolo.
"Ah yes my sincerest apologies MC I shall be right back after I answer this. Barbatos please entertain them in my absence." He stepped out the room with that picking up the call.
Barbatos walked over to you leaning against the railing. "Being Royalty calls for being able to up and leave at any time. I hope you can forgive that." He was looking off to the side while he spoke. He looked absolutely beautiful in the devildom's moonlight.
You nodded your head quickly. "Y-yeah I understand! I mean he has a lot of responsibilities I don't expect him to just ignore them for a small tea party of sorts.
He also nodded his head still looking off to the side. "Well then I am glad to hear that. Not many people respect that. As much love as he gets that still comes with some hatred for him."
At that moment Diavolo strode back into the room. "I really don't like to do this but MC could we reschedule? Some highly important business has come up and I simply can't put it to the side this time." He looked at you apologetically. "Though I will have Barbatos escort you back to the House of Lamination, unless you both would like to finish the tea and snacks so they don't go to waste." He declared and for a moment it seemed as if he shot Barbatos a knowing look.
You looked up at Barbatos with a small smile. "I wouldn't be opposed to the idea if you aren't? I mean unless you don't want to?" You questioned looking away attempting to hide the hue on your cheeks.
"As much as I don't like to leave Lord Diavolo's side if he wants me to stay then I shall." He responded sliding out the chair where Diavolo was previously seated.
Diavolo grinned before starting to back out the door. "amazing! I'll leave you both to it I will be taking my leave now! MC I promise I will reschedule this for another time." And then he was gone.
A maid then walked in speaking in a different language than the one you knew. You watched as Barbatos replied to her smoothly and effortlessly. And then you watched as the maid took away Diavolo's cup and plate soon coming back with new ones for Barbatos.
You tilted your head at him once the maid left. "What language was that if you don't mind me asking? It sounds familiar I just don't remember what it is."
He hummed taking a sip out of the new glass and then delicately setting it down. "It was Italian apologies if it seemed like I was excluding you she just doesn't know English all that well and said she didn't wish to accidentally disrespect your language."
You widened your eyes a little in surprise waving a hand in the air. "I wouldn't have minded I mean I can barley speak my own language half the time." You finished with a small giggle. "Do you think you could speak some Italian for me?"
He shrugged his shoulders at your request. "Is there anything specific you'd like me to say? I'm quite fluent in the language." He crossed his legs looking at you expectingly.
You thought to yourself for a moment before just smiling at him holding your face in your hands. "Nah you could just surprise me!"
He took a breath now thinking to himself for a moment before quickly saying. "Mi piaci davvero ma non ho avuto il coraggio di dirtelo." he looked away as soon as he said it clearing his throat a light pink dusting his cheeks.
You noticed how he looked away seemingly embarrassed but you didn't understand why at the time. "oh? And what does that mean?"
He stiffened mumbling the English translation under his breath not sure you heard him right you asked him to repeat himself. "I really like you but I didn't have the courage to tell you." Glancing at you to see your reaction he offered you a small smile.
You looked at him shocked. Diavolo's most prized Butler and also this very attractive demon actually...liked you back? "Wait really or are you just messing with me? I mean I like you too I just never expected you to actually like...me?" Rambling you didn't notice he had come to kneel in front of you placing a gloved finger to your lips.
He nodded his head affirming that yes he did indeed like you. "I have had an interest in you ever since I first say you but I never expected that I'd fall in love with you. If you'll have me I'm yours but don't feel obligated to accept." He whispered looking down.
You took a a breath steeling your nerves before placing both of your hands on the sides of his face leaning his head up to look at you. "Yes I accept your love and as long as you will have me I am yours as well." You leaned forward sealing it with a kiss.
Standing he stood you up with him only to deepen the kiss and he pulled away after a few moments smiling. "Thank you and ti amo MC." (I love you)
Meanwhile in the hallway.
"did you get that on record Lucifer?" A hushed voice whispered. "Yes I did Diavolo but I still don't understand why we set this up." He turned around facing the prince.
He looked at him exasperated. "Because it was getting sad watching one of my closest friends look at them with suck longing. And he gave me a push when I looked at you like that! So I simply gave them a little push that they needed!"
"what was that?" They both heard from inside the room. "Retreat!" Diavolo shouted taking Lucifer's hand and quickly walking down the corridor. "Oh the things I do for you Lord Diavolo."
And the end! Please let me know if I got anything wrong or if the writings bad! Please have a good day/night!
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666writingcafe · 2 years
Lucifer and Satan Get Settled in MC's Room
Author’s Note: “Lucifer” = “Satan (Lucifer)”; “Satan” = “Lucifer (Satan)”.
"Well then," Lucifer states. "I'm going to go ahead and call this meeting to order. We'll be discussing how things are going to work now that Satan and I have switched bodies."
"Wait a minute," Mammon responds. "This is Satan talking, which means it's Lucifer inside, so then it's Lucifer speaking. Man, this is complicated. And annoyin'."
"You know, no one told you you had to come in here," I tell Mammon. "In fact, I was hoping to just have this between the three of us, but you just had to barge in here." Mammon scowls but doesn't say anything else.
"I hate looking at Lucifer, and I hate listening to him speak," Satan complains. "Even when it's me I'm looking at, it still irritates me to hear him speak."
"Oh, but you're saying that it's a little better now that he looks different?" Asmo asks.
"Look, can we get to the point already?" I snap. My head's starting to hurt severely, and I can't even address it until Asmo and Mammon leave us alone. "What exactly are you two doing here, anyway?"
"Uh...well, ya see," Mammon stutters. "The thing is, um--"
"Right, I forgot. You've been extremely possessive over me ever since our pact was made and you caught feelings. How about you, Asmo? Are you hoping to gleam gossip out of this situation?" Silence.
"Try your best to ignore them," Lucifer advises. "Now, there are two fundamental rules that must be adhered to: first, neither of us is allowed to go into each other's room unless the other is present as well; and second, we are to avoid doing anything that might attract attention while at school."
You would say that, Lucifer, Satan grumbles in my head. All you ever care about is appearances.
Shut up, Satan, I tell him.
"This is boring!" Asmo remarks. "Lucifer, want to take a bath with me?"
Excuse me?! Lucifer exclaims in my head.
He was talking to Satan, I respond. And please be more quiet.
"I've always wanted to get a look at Lucifer au naturel!" Asmo adds. "I mean, the real Lucifer in his own body is the ultimate dream, really, but even if it's only Satan in Lucifer's body, we could still--"
"Absolutely not," I interrupt. "You are not taking advantage of this situation, either. If Lucifer doesn't consent to that normally, then he certainly wouldn't do so while he's stuck in another body."
"You know, speaking of baths," Mammon chimes in. "What are ya supposed to do when ya have to go to the bathroom and st--"
"Get out," I order using the pact. "Both of you, leave. Now." Once the power of the pact shoves Asmo and Mammon out of my room, Lucifer gets up and closes the door.
"How's your head?" Satan asks when Lucifer sits back down.
"I feel like hitting it against a wall," I answer. "It's that awful."
"Turn your head towards me," Lucifer tells me. Once I do, he frowns. "The spell's wearing off, Satan. Is there any way we can make it last longer?"
"Unfortunately, it's only good for a couple hours," Satan responds. "However, Solomon might be able to come up with something that would last longer. He'd definitely be able to do something about your head, MC."
"Unfortunately, the best that can be hoped for is that we get muffled in there. Until the curse wears off, we won't be able to leave completely. And as for Belphie, he's made a home out of MC's mind."
"Speaking of Belphie, what the hell is that all about? Why did you lock him in the attic?" Lucifer sighs.
"You have to promise not to tell the others. That goes for you too, MC." We both nod. "Lord Diavolo wasn't going to send Belphegor to the human world. At least, not the actual human world. He had Barbatos design a place where the humans hunted Belphie down, tortured him, and killed him."
"That's truly diabolical," Satan whispers.
"Would he have been able to get away with that?" I ask softly. Lucifer grimly nods.
"As the acting Demon King, he can essentially do whatever he wants, good or bad. I had to protect our brother from that fate, but I had to do it in a way that wouldn't arouse suspicion."
"And since you didn't tell Belphie that was what you were doing, he assumed that you were punishing him for disobeying Diavolo," Satan states. "So, he's using any means he can to escape. But why use MC to achieve that goal?" I attempt to answer Satan's question, but Belphie takes away my voice and makes me mute.
"It's something I've wondered myself. But we can't dwell too much on that now. Satan, get in contact with Solomon and see what he can do about MC's situation before we have to attend class tomorrow."
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sevendeadlymorons · 4 years
A male mc where they have had a shower and thought there door was locked and comes out but naked. And one of the brothers and undateables (? 0 clue what to call them) comes into there room. They are buff and big.
I actually really like this one tbf so ig it’s leaving the best till last, eh?
Brothers + Undateables Reaction to Accidentally Seeing M!MC Come Out the Shower Naked
WARNING: Vulgar Language
Really wasn’t his intention to walk in on you, he just wanted to give you some work but now he’s staring at you with your dick out
Very quickly averts his eyes, but not before doing a quick double take of your body, viewing your toned arms and strong thighs
Takes in all your muscles and how defined your stomach is and obviously how big you are down there
Shakes the thoughts away and says he’ll come back later when you’re decent
Decides to stand outside your door until you invite him back in so his brothers don’t come in and see you
When he’s called back in, he simply acts like nothing ever happened; trying his best to keep his eyes away from your pelvis area
Boy can’t knock for shit so barging into your room only to see you soaking wet and without a towel, well, it wasn’t exactly something he thought he’d be seeing any time soon
Practically whips his head around to give you your privacy, and just talks to you like that, way too embarrassed to even move
Yells at you for not locking your door until he gets yelled at back for not knocking
He can feel his cheeks getting hotter as he hears you grab a towel and wrap it around you, allowing him to turn around and see your body, ripped with muscles
Can’t stop stuttering as he attempts to walk out the room, completely forgetting what he came in to say
Sits by your door because he doesn’t want his brothers to see you half naked, plus he just gotta wrap his head around what tf just happened for a second
He doesn’t know why he didn’t knock because now he was staring at you with your chest and cock out and he just didn’t know what to do
Took him a few seconds to snap himself out of it and run out your room, slamming the door shut behind him in embarrassment
He doesn’t really leave though, he just sits there until you allow him to go back in
He can feel his face burning up and his hand shake when you call his name, slowly stepping into the room to see you shirtless; your stomach and pecs on show
He can feel his heart pound in his chest as his eyes involuntarily wander over your wet, muscular body
Has to sit down and process the situation because he was absolutely going to faint otherwise
Walking into rooms unannounced wasn’t really his thing but he honestly thought you two were close enough to just do that now so he thought why not
Immediately sees you butt naked; no towel, just a whole lot of skin and dick
Apologises and covers his eyes, walking out quickly and standing by your door until you’re ready
Has to process what he just walked in to, his cheeks slightly red and his ears burning up
Comes in when you’re decent and couldn’t help scanning his eyes up and down your body, admiring your muscles
Forgot what he came in to say in the end but he enjoyed the show at least
To be fair, he may or may not have heard the shower running and still walked in anyway just to find you staring at him naked
He may be the Avatar of Lust but he knows how to respect people’s privacy. He puts his head down and turns around as soon as he sees you
No he does not leave the room because he has shit to tell you, but he won’t look, that’s for sure
He can feel his face turn pink as soon as he begins to hear a towel get wrapped around you
Turns around when told to and thoroughly enjoys the view of your muscular stomach and arms, loving the sight of your thighs and calfs too
Sits down on your bed and helps you choose an outfit while he tells you what he came in for, his eyes partly still admiring your toned body
It was the one time he forgot to knock before coming in and he regret it entirely when he came face to face with your nude body
His face flushes red and he apologises as he steps out the room, sitting at your door like a guard dog so none of his brothers can walk in on you
Can’t shake the image of your body out of his head and it sorta makes him feel bad for walking in on you
Comes back in when invited and apologises once again, but this time scans over your body, gazing at your muscles that were still drenched in water
Feels his face turn red again so he offers you some of the food he bought to ease the awkwardness
Tries to move past the whole situation but he just couldn’t ignore the way your body looked in just that towel
Very rarely knocks when he enters your room and he was pretty tired so he didn’t exactly notice you until you told him you was currently naked
Being the cheeky shit he is, he turns around to check and yep, you were definitely nude
Gives a half arsed apology and buries his face into the pillow, attempting to hide how red his face was
He could feel his face get hotter when he imagines you putting on a towel right next to him
Turns back around when gave permission and just stares at your stomach and all the muscles on your body, a smirk on his lips
Couldn’t really care less if you were just in a towel, he’s still going to drag you in to cuddle
Lucifer told him you were in your room so he decided to go say hi, completely forgetting to knock and ultimately catching you getting out the shower
His face burns up and he averts his eyes immediately as soon as he realises you were standing right in front of him with nothing on
He tries to forget the situation and talk to you but you could hear it in his voice how embarrassed and stuttery he was as soon as his eyes had met your toned chest and arms
The sound of just a towel being wrapped around you doesn’t help his nerves
You tell him it was ok to turn around and his entire face was red and he had this sappy smile on his face
Apologises for intruding and says his hello’s, then leaves the room flustered
Knocking was in his nature but he felt you two were pretty close so didn’t knock for the first time, and he really wished he did now as he stood staring at you with your cock out
He apologises, then promptly gets himself out of the room and waits outside until you’re finished
Curses at himself for a while for intruding in on you but moves past the situation as soon as you let him back in
He can’t deny that he couldn’t help taking a quick peek at your body and examining your defined muscles whilst you was talking to him
Brings out the tea he’d bought and tries to make the situation less awkward for you
Came round to ask you how to work his phone but forgot to knock in the process, accidentally walking in on you completely naked
Walking in on you butt naked wasn’t something he planned on seeing today and to say he was flustered is genuinely taking it lightly
Walks back out immediately and apologises on his way, placing his head on the wall in embarrassment
The image of your muscular body flashes through his head and he shakes the thoughts out as soon as he hears you calling his name
Just smiles as if nothing ever happened but his eyes are no doubt lingering over your exposed chest and he can’t stop himself from blushing like a middle schooler with a crush
Knocking isn’t something he does often honestly, so walking in on something inappropriate is common, but he really didn’t want to have to see you naked
He’s living for the sight of your toned body, but his face is hot as hell right now and he doesn’t know what to look at anymore
Walks out the room and apologises, telling you to call him in when you’re done
His cheeks turn bright red when he thinks of your body but god, was this an awkward situation
Tries his best to just smile and forget about it but he really had to limit the amount of times he took a quick peak at your pelvis
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is-very-sad · 3 years
Yknow what? fuck it. Eldritch reader with the obey me cast. Reader just says some rlly concerning things like "i know what you've done" or "He won't save you now" to anybody they see as a danger. The shadows seem to be curious of their every move. Sometimes if you concentration hard enough you could see them whispering something to someone, but there isnt anyone there.
Spoiler warnings for lesson 16. Contains eldritch themes, a mention of implied violence but nothing serious
Lucifer is concerned. Why are you talking to things no one else sees? Why do the shadows bend like this around you, they yield to you even when literal demons are in the room with you. And most importantly; why does he feel like he's in danger standing near you. He's the Morningstar, the Avatar Of Pride, how're you doing this??
Mammon is high key low key scared of you lmao. He's greatly off put by your general aura, how your eyes always seem to see and know things beyond what a human should. Shadows curl around you, light seems dimmer in your presence. The Devildom has little light in the first place so noticing your affect makes it even worse.
Leviathan respects you, because he kinda feels like the ocean calls to you somehow more than to him... Stay out of the way, hopefully he won't find out why the creatures under his command all know your name, or why it seems like there's things in there that weren't there before.
You are the only person Satan yields to. Partially because you've helped him so much, showing him that he's Satan, not a clone of Lucifer. What he doesn't say is he's the only one who saw something he shouldn't have. He was racing through the RAD halls once searching for you, when he found you.. doing something to some demons who had cornered you. He was openly scared of you for a week despite his attempts to stay calm in your presence. The worst part is how you looked at him the first time afterwards. You knew he was there. You know he knew. And you don't do anything, don't say anything about it. He gets anxiety thinking about how you could bring it up one day.
Asmo's caught in between thinking you're scarier than Lucifer, and how that's really hot. You're the only person he won't flirt with because he's unsure if he actually wants to risk you saying yes to his advances.
Beel still only partially trusts you because of your helping his family. At first he saw you as a threat when his instincts told him you were something else. Now he begrudgingly accepts you're here to stay for now. Always offers some food, hoping it might keep you friendly. Never lets you be alone with his brothers when he has the opportunity, especially Belphie.
Belphie himself didn't notice anything wrong until after you survived lesson 16. Without help. You just..were there, dead, and then another you walked in all amused like it was a game as the other you vanished. He hasn't trusted you since. You let him think he murdered you, why? Are you playing a long term game? Is it deceit for a purpose or is it literally a game for you? Are you just toying with them? Whatever the answer is, he's the most cunning of his brothers. He'll play along to your attempts to be friends as he ignores how your eyes look more dead than when he actually strangled you. Yet so very, very alive as well... He'll figure you out eventually.
Diavolo and Barbatos know the most about you thanks to the butler's foresight. He never told his prince what he saw exactly, but he didn't need to. That was the only time he begged Diavolo, the only time he'd ever looked afraid. Keep it friendly, or all three realms are doomed.
Simeon and Luke never stay with you alone, even alone together. Luke fears you to the extent he's hidden behind the brothers when you were in certain moods. Simeon always keeps your void-like eyes on him so Luke can either hide behind him or sneak off when you're distracted. Not that you ever actually miss his leaving of course, you just let them think his tactics work. You've caught him a few times muttering various Celestial Realm incantations when he thinks you're not paying attention to him.
As if words would ever save them.
Solomon knows people who have searched for your kind. He knows what not to do. Pretend nothings wrong as best you can. Sorcerer or not he's still human, don't ever look you in the eyes. Don't acknowledge what he half sees behind you, or in the reflections of nearby glass. Don't remark how your limbs move wrongly in ways he can't explain.
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lancermylove · 4 years
Teenager MC 5: Little Misfortune (HC)
Fandom: Obey Me
Pairing: All x Reader, platonic.
Warning: Contains spoilers from Little Misfortune!
Requested by: Anon
Prompt: I am in love with your teenager MC series for obey me. I wanted to ask if you can make one with everybody where MC gets turn into a cute child, however, she acts like the little girl from the game Little Misfortune. I can’t help but wonder their thoughts and reaction to this. Especially if the MC talks about Mr.Voice. 😂 I hope life is treating you well😊❤️🙏😘🤗
A/N: ANON, I love Little Misfortune! This is such a cute request!! TY for sending this in. ❤️ Life is treating me as usual, but I am hoping 2021 is better! 😊 Hope things are going well with you~. 
His immediate reaction when you called out to him: since when did a child start living in the House of Lamentation?
The Avatar of Pride was alarmed to see a mini version of you. His thought after seeing you: someone is trying to play a prank. MAMMOOON
"Luci, Mr. Voice told me I am going to die today and asked me to play a game. He says if I win, I can get eternal happiness." 
Your words didn't sit well with him as he started to question you about this, Mr. Voice. Lucifer assumed that Mr. Voice was a demon attempting to play tricks with your mind. 
Has this happened before in Devildom? No. Do strange unexplained things happen in Devildom? YES.
He didn't want to take a chance, especially considering what the disembodied voice said about your death.
"Why exactly do you wish to find eternal happiness? Are you unhappy here?" 
"No, I want to find eternal happiness and give it to Luci." 
Lucifer found your unexpected response endearing. But, he warned you to ignore Mr. Voice. 
While you ran around his study curiously examining everything, Luci worked to find a way to reverse the spell. 
In no time, you were back to your teen self.
"Thank you for thinking of me," Lucifer touched your cheek and kissed the top of your head, "but if you find eternal happiness, then you should keep it for yourself. You deserve it." 
His immediate reaction: one of his witch "friends" was getting back at him for something. 
"Mammon, Mr. Voice asked me if I want to play a game with him. What should I do?" 
The Avatar of Greed was confused and questioned you about Mr. Voice. Mammon looked around the room and scratched his head. "You didn't eat anything funny, did you?" 
Then, you told him about your death and finding eternal happiness. "I want eternal happiness for Mammon...give him all the money in the world!"
Even though you said the magic word money, all Mammon heard was I am going to die today.
He dropped to his knees and embraced you tightly. "I don't want any money if it means losing you." 
Mammon was upset. He didn't want to lose you, and he wasn't going to spare the person responsible for doing this to you. 
Until he found the person, though, Mammon told you to ignore Mr. Voice. 
He stayed with you 24/7 until you got back to normal, and even after that, Mammon made sure that no demon messed with you, especially not Mr. Voice. 
You entered his room while throwing glitter in the air. "A little sparkle for you, a little sparkle for you, and a little sparkle for me!"
"Sweetie? You look so adorable!" Asmo scooped you in his arms and embraced you close. "But, did someone cast a spell on you?"
Instead of answering his question, you said, "Mr. Voice, don’t say that about Asmo. I like him, his pretty eyes, his hair, his smile, and his clothes." 
Asmo looked around confused and asked you who you were talking to. When you explained to him, Asmo wasn't sure how to react, but something told him that Mr. Voice was most likely a demon trying to mess with you.
"Mr. Voice asked me to play a game with him." 
Asmo shook his head. "Forget about Mr. Voice and play dress up with me instead!" 
While you were busy raid through Asmo's makeup, he contacted Solomon and told him about the situation.
"Btw, Solomon, no need to rush. Sweetie looks so cute, and I want to spend more time with her mini version."
His immediate reaction: how adorable.
Satan thought that you touched a cursed spell book and got turned into a child. 
He doesn't think much of it until you mentioned Mr. Voice and said, "Mr. Voice says I shouldn't trust you. You may get angry and hurt me." 
Satan was upset, but he asked you about Mr. Voice. Not wasting any time, the Avatar of Wrath threatened Mr. Voice and asked him to leave you alone. 
He now thought that a demon was trying to play tricks on you. 
While you read one of his picture books, he tried to find a spell to cure you. 
Once you are back to normal, he asked, "Are you scared of me? You know I won't hurt you, right?" 
After you leave, Satan went on a hunt for Mr. Voice. Let's just say that Morgo is not going to bother anyone again, especially not you.
His immediate reaction: you look cute, but... first we had to take care of a teen, and now we have to take care of a child. Could the universe make things any harder? Yes, of course, it can.
Levi sat you in a spare chair and let you watch him play video games, but then he heard you talking to Mr. Voice. 
"Mr. Voice?" Levi thought that name sounded familiar, and when you told him in detail, he had a déjà vu moment. 
"EH? You can hear a voice that is trying to tell you to play a game for eternal happiness? Don't tell me that he also said you were going to die today!" 
"Levi, how did you know? Can you read my mind? Yikes forever!"
Great, the universe wanted to make things even harder for him. Now he will have to leave his room and be your Benjamin. Maybe he should wear his fox onesie while he's at it. 
So, a fox-onesie-clad Levi ended up rescuing you from Morgo's clutch and found a way to get you back to normal. 
Beel thought you were the cutest being in the universe, and he immediately put you on his shoulders, carrying you around everywhere.
He took you out for food and all sorts of desserts, but then you mentioned Morgo. "Beel, Mr. Voice says that eating this much is bad for me. You are a bad influence." 
He was far from happy hearing this. How could anyone say that eating was bad for you? How dare someone say that eating is bad! 
After getting you back home safely and leaving you under Lucifer’s care, the Avatar of Gluttony went on a hunt to find Mr. Voice. 
And when he did, Beel nearly ate Morgo whole. 
Moral of the story: don’t tell the...THE Avatar of Gluttony that eating is bad. 
Huh? Mr. Voice? Eternal happiness? What is she talking about?
Belphie didn't react as his mind was occupied with something else: small child + needing to sleep + Belphie nap time = cuddle partner. So, instead of working about Mr. Voice, Belphie asked you to take a nap with him.
"Belphie, Mr. Voice won't let me sleep..."
"Ignore him and only pay attention to me." He even hummed you a tune to get you to fall asleep. 
By the time nap time was over, you were back to your original self.
Belphie asked if you could still hear Mr. Voice. If you could, he knew he was going to have to do something. 
"Who is Mr. Voice?"
The Avatar of Sloth chuckled, "You need to sleep more. Sleep makes everything better." 
He has no idea how a human child managed to enter Devildom. Only when he paid close attention to your face did he realize who you were. 
Diavolo found you to be irresistibly adorable. He was all smiles until you suddenly said, "But Mr. Voice, I like Diavolo! He's not a bad guy." 
The King of Demons was baffled until you told him about Mr. Voice's game. 
"How about I join you? We can go on an adventure together." He joined in the hunt for eternal happiness without any worries in the world.
"Mr. Voice, are you curious about him? Diav is my friend! He is also the King of Demons and the ruler of Devildom." 
Diavolo smiled and remained silent. 
"Huh? Mr. Voice? Where did you go? Mr. Voice?"
Diavolo laughed, finding this amusing. Once the two of you returned to the castle, he asked Barbatos to watch over you. 
The King of Demons appeared behind Morgo and chuckled menacingly, "So, you were trying to take her soul, huh?" 
That day Morgo realized the meaning of true fear. 
He was stunned to see you as a child but found your mini version to be cute. 
"Barb, are you making dessert? Can I have some?" 
While the demon butler prepared your dessert, he heard you talking to yourself. Your actions don't alarm him as kids are known to have imaginary friends. 
"Mr. Voice, am I really going to die today?" 
That line was enough to alert Barbatos. After making the dessert and watching you eat it, he found a way to get you back to normal.
He pressed you about Mr. Voice, but you told him that you didn't know anyone by the name of Mr. Voice. 
When Barbatos researched Morgo, he found something very amusing. "A demon posing as the devil? How interesting..."
His immediate reaction: My god, you look precious.
Simeon couldn't get enough of your mini version, but something bothered him. It almost left like there was a dark presence around you. Was someone trying to harm you?
"Oh really? But, Mr. Voice, I like angels, especially Simeon!" 
"Mr. Voice?" Hearing you say that made Simeon feel even more uneasy. When he learned about the disembodied voice, Simeon turned on his guardian angel mode. 
He held your hands and prayed to the heavens, asking the heavenly powers to protect you. 
Before Morgo vanished, he appeared behind you, catching Simeon off guard. 
After asking Solomon to help lift the curse and making sure that you were back to normal, Simeon went to talk to Diavolo and Lucifer.
The King of Demons and Luci were supposed to protect you, especially from demons. Let's just say that both Diav and Luci were speechless after getting lectured by Simeon. 
Luke panicked when he saw you, but at the same time, he was secretly happy that there was someone shorter than him.
He started acting like your big brother and became your personal bodyguard; he took you everywhere he went and made sure to hold onto your hand. 
When you told him about Mr. Voice, the angel immediately informed Simeon about it. 
While the older angel worked with Solomon to figure out the mystery of Morgo while you bonded with Luke.
When Solomon and Simeon returned, they found you and Luke cuddled on the couch fast asleep. You with your head on his shoulder while his head rested on top of yours. 
"Why don't we let her stay this way for a little while longer?" Simeon smiled. 
As soon as you appeared in front of Solomon, he knew he had to find a cure. But the sorcerer was curious about the curse inflicted on you. 
How did you get this curse and who is responsible? Also, why are you shrouded in darkness?
He didn't waste any time and started looking for a way to lift the spell, but he was distracted by your tiny version. Your fun-size self + throwing sparkles everywhere + twirling around = too cute to resist.
Oh, he was going to have fun teasing you about this when you get back to your teen self.
Then, he heard you talking to Mr. Voice and figured that a demon was trying to trick you. 
"A demon that can trick people and lure them? I wonder if the demon would make a pact with me." Cause 72 demons just isn’t enough.
After getting you back to your teen self, Solomon thought his job for the day was done. Then, he looked around his room - his glitter-covered room.
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archivesofthevoid · 3 years
Hey, I like you :) *shows you my Obey Me Hogwarts AU*
This is all just a bunch of notes I had jotted down, explaining the basics of the characters and what houses they were in.
Obey Me Hogwarts AU:
They're not demons/angels. Just human wizards! The brothers are of course still brothers. Diavolo and Barbatos are instead childhood friends and Luke is Simeon's adopted younger brother. Solomon is just Solomon lmao and met everyone when he went to Hogwarts, as like in the game ig. So things are a little different? MC is here too but what house they're in and their backstory depends entirely on you.
Lucifer: Is cunning, and has the leadership of a Slytherin. So naturally he'd be one. He's also a prefect! He scolds his younger brothers that aren't one (everyone but Satan, but even still he gives Satan a hard time) about how they have the potential to be prefects for their houses but don't put enough effort into their grades to do such. Plus being a prefect comes with a lot of responsibilities. Not many that his brothers want to deal with. Satan only took them on because he's trying to be better than Lucifer, in a way.
Mammon: Party animal and a Gryffindor. He hosts the Gryffindor parties half the time and has quite the reputation for it. He's also on the Quidditch team so he's very popular. He plays as a Chaser and he's really good at it too! He doesn't put nearly as much focus on his studies as he should, and gets reprimanded for that by his older brother but he ignores him anyway. He's just really trying to get good enough grades to graduate.
Leviathan: Another Slytherin. He doesn't play Quidditch and kind of despises it but if he did play it, we all know he'd probably be really good at it. Like, insanely good. I could see him as a Seeker if he were on the team. He hates going to class and almost ditches them half the time just to be dragged in by his prefect of an older brother. It's annoying really. He just wants to stay in his dorm and read or draw! Why does he have to learn about Potions? They're boring anyway! He also has a pet goldfish named Henry. 
Satan: Ravenclaw prefect. He hates it sometimes but has to admit it's fun. He also has a small brown cat as his pet that he keeps, since you can come to Hogwarts with a small animal of your choosing. The choice was obvious. He's the only brother that has a pet, aside from Leviathan who has a goldfish. They're the only two that know how to properly take care of one in their dorm without it causing a ruckus. He has a small study group with Solomon and a few other students where they study old spells and such. Do they practice them? Well, let's just say for safety purposes, no. Can't have the teachers knowing about that one. 
Asmodeus: He would much rather be in Gryffindor since he loves the red and gold colors. He thinks black and yellow are tacky, but he can't exactly fight the Sorting Hat. He was placed in Hufflepuff. So that's where he is. He's been told it's because of his loyalty. Though he doesn't think he's been loyal a day in his life. But he forgets that he's loyal to his brothers. He always has been, even if he doesn't act like it. Anyways, he's very popular and very fun to be around. Not your stereotypical Hufflepuff but that's okay! He doesn't play Quidditch but loves to watch because he loves to watch the Quidditch players get all sweaty during the game. <3
Beelzebub: Hufflepuff. Need I say more? He's also on the Quidditch team! He's a Beater, and a damn good one too. One of the best - if not the best player on the team. He also is very close with Luke, who's a few years younger than him. He was the first to approach him after Luke was sorted into Hufflepuff, and they've been inseparable ever since. Since the Hufflepuff dorms are right next to the kitchen, he often goes down there before bed to get a bunch of snacks from the house elves for him and Luke. He gets hungry often because he's a big man with a big appetite. And Quidditch doesn't help.
Belphegor: I think you know where this is going. Slytherin. And of course since Lucifer is also a Slytherin, he makes life a living hell for his eldest brother. He somehow manages his classes and grades, but sleeps in almost all of them? Like the "I don't study but somehow nearly ace my tests" type of thing. I swear he just cheats and gets the answers from Beel or pays someone to do his work for him. Either way, he's just trying to pass school and then get out. Let the man be.
Diavolo: He's a Gryffindor. He just,,, gives off the vibes? Everything about him screams Gryffindor. He's also head boy because naturally he would be. He wanted to try for the Quidditch teams but didn't get a chance to, as he was thrown into high expectations of being a prefect and having such good grades that he didn't get the chance to indulge in sports. He loves attending the games though and cheering on his house team.
Barbatos: Ravenclaw! He's one of the best ones. He often hangs out with Diavolo, since they've been friends since they were practically infants. So he's stuck around. He always makes sure Diavolo does the right things and stays on top of his work, but that doesn't hinder him from his own. He's got really good grades. And of course has a Time Turner (like Hermione in Prisoner of Azkaban) so he is able to take more classes than needed. Everyone wonders how he does it all but he doesn't reveal his secrets.
Simeon: Another Ravenclaw. He shares a dorm with Solomon. He's Luke's older brother (adoptive) and doesn't mind when Luke sticks to his side sometimes. He plays Quidditch. He didn't want to at first, but when he was in his flying class - people were praising just how great he was on the broom and encouraged him to join the team. So he did! He's a Seeker. He's also really good at Charms class!
Solomon: Ravenclaw. Close friends with Simeon, Satan, Asmodeus, and Barbatos! He is Simeon's dorm mate and has a study group with Satan. Was offered the prefect position but denied it because he had other plans in mind. What were those plans? He'd never tell. He's very shady and mysterious. He's not often approached because of this but he is well known throughout the school. There are some rumors going around that he's evil but he just laughs at them, ignoring said rumors. 
Luke: Simeon's younger brother who was adopted into the family. He's also in Hufflepuff! Best friends with Beelzebub. If he's not following Simeon, he's glued to MC or Beel's side. Luke refuses to admit it, but he sees Beel as a big brother in a way. He sometimes goes to the kitchen to help the house elves with their food preparations, and they absolutely adore him. He's so nice! He thinks it's a little unfair how house elves are treated, but he can't do anything about it. HATES THE SLYTHERINS. (like he hates demons in game!) He's too young for the Quidditch team (and too short) but cheers Beel and Simeon on all the time. Only when Hufflepuff and Ravenclaw play against each other does he get stressed, because he really wants to cheer on his brother, but he also wants to cheer on his best friend and house! It's a tough choice, you know?
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frogs-are-pretty · 3 years
Demon Brother headcanons for trying to get their attention
You're trying to ask them on a date but they're ignoring you, then you figure out the best way to get their attention
Includes demon brothers, lord diavolo, barbatos, simeon, and solomon
No Luke cause that's your brother, tf??
He was outside of RAD talking to Lord Diavolo about something
You honestly didn't know what they were talking about but hoped it would end soon
Barbatos knew you were there but also knew where this was going
Lord Diavolo knew you were there too but thought it best not to say something since it was Lucifer you wanted
You were starting to get aggravated
Then you had an idea
You went and held his gloved hand
He was taken aback by the sudden weight on his hand
He turned and saw you and your hands intertwined with his
He would've been happier for the affection if it wasn't in the middle of his conversation with Lord Diavolo
He asked what were you doing with an intrigued yet confused tone
"Well I was trying to get your attention but you wouldn't pay attention to me. Anyway, there's a new place that opened up that sells different varieties of princess' poison apples. I wanted to ask you if you wanted to go with me."
"Why you didn't ask Beel to go? He likes princess' poison apples."
Yes Lucifer liked them more than Beel does, but he didn't see why you had to interrupt the conversation to ask him
You ad to repeat the part where you wanted to go with him, only him
That's when he asked if you were asking him on a date
Once he figured that out he agreed and told you that your going as soon as be finishes talking to Lord Diavolo
Diavolo let him go since he knew how long you've been waiting to ask him
You two walked and he did not let go of your hand at all
He was trying to sell something to a demon
Or was he trying to get them involved in a new scheme?
You didn't know and couldn't care less
He kept talking while you tried to get his attention and you were getting fed up
Then you realized what you could do
There's two ways to do this
Route A- hug him from the front with your arms around his shoulders
He'll be flustered and all you have to do is let go but keep your arms draped over his shoulders and he's a cherry red tomato
Route B- hug his side and snuggle ino him
He'll still be flustered but just look up and he'll almost lose the ability to speak cause of how cute you look at his side
He'll ask what your doing in either case cause your getting in the way of money
"You weren't paying attention to me and I wanted to ask if you will to go to the human world with me. There's this new place I wanna go to and Lucifer said I could bring someone if I wanted and I kinda wanted to bring you."
"Of course you'd want to take the great Mammon!"
He didn't get that it was a date
You had to be more specific on why you wanted to go with him until he realized it was a date
It made him happy that his human wanted to go on a date with him
The demon was quickly forgotten about when he realized this
You two went to the house of lamentation with his arm around your waist
He's talking to someone about some game
Possibly an online mutual or someone with an interest in it
Either way you we're being ignored
You knew his rants can go on for hours
You were seriously having thoughts of kicking him, then a better idea came
While his head was still enough, you kissed his cheek
He stopped dead in his tracks and looked over at you
He flushed red and asked why you did that
Part of his redness was because this happened in an anime he saw once
But it was mostly because you kissed a yucky otaku
"Lucifer switched cooking shifts with me and I wanted to know if you wanted to make some of that food we saw in the anime we watched the other day. We're gonna need to shop for ingredients too."
Of course he agreed to make some anime food with you, but he was taken aback that you wanted to make it with him
He didn't know it was a date and you could tell by how calm he was compared to when you kissed him
You put emphasis on the fact you wanted to make it with him
That's when he realized it was supposed to be a cooking date
Leviathan.exe has stopped working
He lost the ability to speak but you knew he wanted to
You grabbed his hand while looking on your D.D.D for the ingredients
Once he calmed he built up the nerve to put his arm around your shoulder
He was over the moon when you leaned into him
He was talking to someone about some book
All you needed was 3 minutes of his attention and he couldn't spare that
He was getting into the conversation and so was the other demon
You were getting annoyed and wanted to punch one of them
But a thought overpowered that one
Right when he was still enough you grabbed his hand
He immediately stopped and looked over at you
He'll be greatful for the gesture and considered rubbing the back of your hand with his thumb but didn't
"What was that for?"
"I wanted to ask if you will go to this new bookstore that opened up. There's also a cat cafe near it too."
You lost him at bookstore
He was dragging you by the hand to go there
You had to physically stop him so you could tell him it was a date
That made him even happier to go
You both walked there hand in hand
He was telling Solomon about something
You didn't know cause you wanted to punch both of them
The conversation felt like it qould never end
You were considering actually punching them but then something better came to mind
You hugged Asmo from the front with your arms around his shoulders
He stops before giggling a bit and hugging you back
"Awww, what is this for?"
"I wanted to ask you if you would go to this store with me that just opened up."
He agreed and asked Solomon to come too
That's when you had to say that you wanted to go with just and only him
The dots connected immediately
He kissed your nose agreed
He held you with trying to speed up the conversation with Solomon so you two could go
You didn't care now cause you got what you had to say out
You were also happy that you were so close to Asmo right now and he was stroking your back
When their conversation finished, he walked with you there with his arm around your waist
He was talking his fangol coach
You didn't know what about exactly and you couldn't care less
All you wanted was to talk to Beel and apparently that was asking for too much
You were about to give up when you had an idea
You grabbed his arm, pulled him down and placed a kiss on his temple
He looked over at you curiously
"Mc, are you ok? What was the kiss for?"
Don't get him wrong, he loved the kiss. He just wonders if there was a reason
"There's a new restaurant that opened up and I wanted to go with you. And maybe also go to a movie."
His mouth was already salivating at the thought
He agreed but really wanted to finish talking to his coach first
His coach let him go cause Beel's been a better player since you arrived
Beel almost dragged you, but stopped when you called his name
You had to elaborate more on why you wanted to go with him
When he realized it was a date he was even more existing to go
You walked there holding onto his arm and he loved how small you looked next to him
He was talking to Beel and he didn't notice you cause he was sleepy
He was awake enough to hold a conversation with his brother but not enough to notice the obvious next to him
You were mad with him and wanted to stab him awake
You decided against it
Instead you held his hand
It was warm and soft so you could've fallen asleep to just at the touch
The sudden heaviness made him finally look at you
You figured he was awake enough tobhear what you needed to say
"Do you want to go to this stuffed animal store later today with me? I want to get you something from there, my treat."
The fact you added my treat made him curious
"Why did you say my treat? Usually people only say that if..... Mc, are you asking me on a date?"
Your silence answered everything for him
He pulled you close to him and buried his head in the crook of your neck
"Ok, but let me nap right here real quick."
You and Beel laughed a bit
You allowed him to use you as a pillow to sleep and talked to Beel
When he woke up you two went to the stuffed animal store
He had his arm around your shoulder cause you were so comfy earlier, why would he let go?
Lord Diavolo
He was talking to Barbatos about some royal thing or something
You knew you couldn't always have his attention but just this once for 2 minutes you wanted it
You were growing impatient
So you decided to hold onto his arm
He felt the weight and looked over at you
The way you were holding his arm had him worry a bit
"Mc, are you ok?"
"Yeah, I just wanted to know if you wanted to go to a restaurant with me. Maybe not today, but someday soon."
He immediately asked if it was a date
When you confirmed he was so happy
He put a hand over one of yours
He tried to quickly finish his talk with Barbatos
When he did he asked him to make the reservations at the best restaurant he knew
He was excited to go on one with you
When you did go with him, he had you hold onto his arm again
He loved how your fragile human body looked against his
How you weren't scared in the slightest either, even in a world of demons
It was everything to him
He was talking to Diavolo about butler things or whatever
He knew you were there but couldn't talk
He also had a vague idea on what you were going to do
Seeing multiple different timelines mad eit hard to know exactly what was going to happen
The conversation with Diavolo was making you irritated
You decided the best way to get the butler's attention
You put a hand on one cheek and tried to pull him towards you for a kiss on the cheek
Then he turned his head so you ended up actually kissing him
He looked at Diavolo
"If you'll excuse me, my Lord." He turned to you "Is there something you need? Or did you already get what you need?"
"I wanted to ask if you'd go to the movies with me one day. There's a movie playing but it was released a while ago so the theater should be empty."
"Sounds like a date."
Diavolo told him to go and decided himself that what they were talking about could wait
Barbatos followed the orders and took you to the theater
He walked you there with his hand on your back
He did put his hand on your waist cause he knew you'd prefer that instead, and he'd do anything to make you happy
He was talking to Luke about the Celestial Realm
Or was he saying how angels aren't so drastically different from demons?
It didn't matter because the angel was ignoring you
All you knew is that Luke was too busy being in his "the devildom is evil and so are the brothers" mood to tell Simeon you were there
You wanted pull his hair out
But you thought of something better, better for both of you
When he was sighing from Luke's mood, you hugged his side
He put a hand on your back when he saw it was you
Luke was surprised himself to see you there
"Mc! What are you doing here? Did those demons scare you out?" Luke asked, still in his mood
"What are you doing here? Did you need something? Are you ok?" Simeon asked, now stroking your back
Damn, this angel knows how to make you feel loved
"I'm ok Simeon. I just wanted to know if you'd go to a restaurant with me. But not like, as friends."
He got the message with the last part and agreed
He was greatful, knowing that you liked him back
And enough that you asked him on a date before he asked you
Luke was excited that you two were going on a date
You spent the next thirty minutes talking to Luke and Simeon, with Simeon's hand still on your back
He was talking Asmo
Asmo was being Asmo so Solomom couldn't really pay attention to you
You wanted to hit Asmo at the moment
Then you wanted to do something else, so you did
You reached down and held his hand
He looked at you and held back a slight laugh
"Is there something you need?"
"I wanted if you'd go to the human world with me to go to a new store. Ya know, just us."
Immediately realized it was a date and said a flirty remark back
He was happy that you had feelings for him, the only other human in this world of demons
Asmo was upset that you didn't ask him for a date
You simply reached over a gave him a head pat and he liked the touch
You both went to Lucifer and he changed you using his magic into your human world clothes (the magic just immediately changes clothes, no nudity)
He walked with you hand in hand, planning on taking you to dinner there too
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solomonish · 3 years
selfless (to a fault?) [nowdateables]
CW: allusions to past toxic relationships.
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brothers here!
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So. Diavolo might not notice right away. It’s not ignorance! He’s just very busy, and public appearances are important to keep up, so one of the ways he keeps up with you happens to be exactly what you have trouble accepting. Large bouquets sent to the House of Lamentation when you’re there, a word sent out to any of his staff out where you may be to make your life easier however possible (Mammon tries to tag along with you all the time, hoping to hear the magic words: “His highness has graciously waived the fee for all exchange students’ purchases today!”) - and he’s not even there to see the way your smile looks a little more like a grimace, or the way you stare uncomfortably at the little gift.
He seems to love that you are so willing to try and help him out - even if there isn’t much you can do, since he handles a lot of sensitive documents and information. But, considering he’s so lonely, when it comes to reciprocating he sort of follows your lead?
He knows, on a surface level, how to be in a relationship, but considering you’re a human AND he doesn’t have a lot of interpersonal relationships for practice...he sort of follows your lead, and hopes your way of giving love is the same as your way of receiving.
You’ll have to bring it up to him, which is a nerve-wracking experience on its own, eased only by the fact that you know Diavolo has done his best to make sure you KNOW you can bring up any issues you have. He is very good at opening his ears to you and helping you problem solve, and when dealing with the things he cares about (yes, YOU) he is very direct about problem solving.
The moment you stand before him, Diavolo notices the way you fidget with your hands and almost refuse to look at him directly. He immediately stops what he’s doing, putting everything down and turning in his seat. If he’s at his desk, he gestures for you to come to his side and asks you directly - “What’s wrong?”
It seems terrible to directly accuse the prince of wanting to manipulate you, so instead you ask, “What did you want in exchange for those gifts?” And for a moment, he does not know what you are talking about. First of all, WHICH gifts, there’s so many, and secondly did he come across as wanting something in return other than your happiness?
No matter what he was doing before, he will set aside all of the time he needs to at least start to communicate to you that he has no ulterior motives with his gifts to you. If you’d like him to stop with such blatant displays of affection, he will, but it’s more important to him that you know he is only trying to communicate how he feels when he cannot do it directly.
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This is a relationship where you might have to bring it up before you even start dating. Either that or he WILL get a hint before then. He’s a butler! Not only is he normally serving other people, he is a master at standing in the back and watching people. He notices the way you awkwardly hold your tea cup after he gives it to you, or decline anything that he offers you when given the chance. It just comes up by nature of who he is.
Before he is interested in pursuing a relationship, he simply brushes it off as the unfamiliarity of having someone wait on you. Perhaps you’re particularly independent, or you just never really are in a situation where someone waits on you like he does. Either way, it isn’t really much of his business.
But...it is very obvious in a relationship. He just...defaults to helping others. Sure, he knows how to separate work and his personal life (though, to be fair, there is not much of a “personal life” there with how much time work takes up, so maybe that needs to be revisited. some day...) but even with that separation he enjoys providing solutions for people and helping out. It brings him joy to help make your life a little easier if he can help, and it’s something he’s good at.
Still, he doesn’t want to make you uncomfortable, and he definitely doesn’t want to make you think that he’s treating you the way he treats people as a job. If he wanted to, he could most likely peer into different timelines or even into your past, try to figure out what’s bothering you...but he knows better than to creep into places you haven’t explicitly told him you want him. Besides, communication is important, and this seems a prime opportunity to put that to use.
So he asks you one day when you visit him at the castle, after he notices your hesitation to respond to him when he offers to help you with something you were complaining about. “Why does it make you uncomfortable when I offer my assistance to you?”
You freeze for a moment. “Wouldn’t you be able to find that out on your own?” “Would you like me to?” “...no, not really.”
He isn’t one to press you for information, or to ask a thousand times if you know he’d never use any of his attempts to make your life in the Devildom easier against you. Barbatos will listen to what you have to say intently and do his best to mesh to what you think you’re most comfortable with. He does intend to help you accept help as much as he can, but it’ll be so subtle you’ll hardly even notice. With the little amount of time he already gets with you, he’s already practiced in making the most of it - what’s one more little task to the greatest butler in all the realms?
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See, this is a relationship that doesn’t necessarily depend on the whole “acts of kindness” thing. (Like, it does to the same degree any relationship does, but considering I think you’d both be pretty independent people and the helping each other aspect normally comes from things you’re doing together anyway. If that makes sense.)
Still, he does notice how...surprised you look when he surprises you with a flashy spell he learned, or when he hears you complaining about your course load or Lucifer’s expectations for you. You decline every single offer he gives you to help, and you never look as happy as he hopes you will when he shows you his spells. (Depending on what stage you are at in the relationship, how is he supposed to impress you if you never want him to do things for you !!!)
However, he is accustomed to holding information close to his chest, and he isn’t always the best at asking about people’s emotions. So, even though sometimes you jump at the opportunity to help him collect ingredients for potions or find one book in massive libraries or craft things for enchantments and spells but you REFUSE to let him help you study for a class he could pass without even listening to one of the lectures, he silently suffers and hopes you’ll breach the subject on your own.
Which you do. Kinda. He’s trying to convince you to let him help you with paying back the debts of one of Mammon’s schemes he dragged you into - figuring two bodies on the job will get it done faster and, in turn, he can have more time with you later - but he makes the mistake of rationalizing it with, “Well, since you help me out so much, maybe I could-”
“Don’t! Don’t...say that. We don’t owe each other anything.” You give him a tight smile that’s OBVIOUSLY fake. “I help you because I want to.”
“And I want to help you. Why won’t you let me? What’s up?”
The conversation is...uncomfortable. Solomon isn’t the best at handling vulnerability. But he doesn’t judge you for a second, and he gets the fear that you have in the back of your mind. Especially since people keep telling you not to trust him and that he’s shady...this relationship is pretty dependent on a thorough trust between the two of you. But he doesn’t mind proving himself a little more, so long as you’ll be gracious enough to give him a chance.
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Simeon is really good at vibing out somebody’s boundaries and comforts. Call it angelic intuition, but he also has a feeling about you that makes a little too much sense when he notices how you shy away from any offers of assistance.
A little thinking, and suddenly the way you stretch yourself thing to help the brothers at any moment makes a lot of sense too. (And, of course, he is pleased to know everyone considers everyone to be family. But that doesn’t mean there aren’t two main causes!)
Angels naturally want to ease the strife of the humans they come across, and even though Simeon knows that it might make you uncomfortable, he finds himself unknowingly putting you in awkward positions with how often he reaches out to make your life easier.
Bringing you homework that you missed, being your escort when the brothers are busy, buying you lunch just because - he’s a bit of a sweetheart and it’s in his blood to do these things, and he only remembers how it hurts you when you uncomfortably shift before taking the only option he’s given you - accept what you don’t want.
He sits you down one day, letting you know it’s bound to be a healing conversation between the two of you. Fortunately, he has a knack for making you feel comfortable and safe, so he has a slightly easier time getting you to pen up to him.
The moment you even hint at him having ulterior motives, you feel stupid. Even when he assures you that it’s alright, saying it out in the open feels...wrong. That doesn’t shake the feeling or ease your fears, but it does make addressing things a bit easier.
Simeon has no problem helping to draft a plan for re-affirming your trust in genuine love and kindness. He also inserts himself directly into the plans - what, you thought he wouldn’t? Simeon will remind you what it feels like to be cared for with no expectation of return. don’t get him wrong though, he’ll take a lil kiss or something if u want...
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You can’t say no to him. Unfortunately, he bakes a LOT and he is all too eager to be your personal guard dog guardian angel.
When you do decide to let him know why you look so uncomfortable when he tries to do something for you (giving him an abridged version, of course) - and he, in all his energy, does not seem to get the hint to STOP ASKING - you can see him literally just chill out. One minute he’s vibrating with pure energy and the next he’s just. Still.
He half wants to get indignant on you, but he knows that’s not a good response. Instead he just sort of stands there, watching you for a minute, until he blurts out with zero grace - “What would I even have to do that for??”
He realizes it’s a terrible response the moment it comes out of his mouth, but you seem to be okay with it if your awkward chuckle is anything to go with. Luke starts pouting just a little bit, more upset with himself that he’s completely failing at handling this situation. “I’m just nice to you because you’re nice and you deserve it. There’s nothing else to it.”
He’s a sweet boy, and he doesn’t wanna lose his favorite taste-tester. He’s got the spirit.
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A Deal to Save What You Have Lost
After the Fall of MC, Mammon is hoping that Lucifer will come help him. But someone else arrives and offers a deal to save what he is losing.
(Mammon x GN!MC, Diavolo x GN!MC)
TW: Heavy angst, forced relationship, elements of non-con, minor descriptions of gore
An alternative (angstier) ending for the fic, Promise That You'll Fall for Me? (tagging @sevendeadlymorons bc you were the one who kinda made it well known and @cherryjkj who asked for a part 2. Not exactly a continuation, but I hope this suffice! also thank you @beepboop0987 for helping me out with this) AO3 Link
Mammon catches their shaky hand in his own, clasping it tightly. “MC, don’t move. Lucifer… Help will come I promise. Please MC, please” he said brokenly, tears now dripping off his face and landing on theirs. “Please hold on just a bit longer.”
MC shook their head, or tried to before groaning, their face and body twisting into pain. Eventually, their body relaxed only somewhat as they met Mammon’s blue eyes through a squinted eye. A shaky grin stretches across their face, “Hey Mammon… looks like I kept my promise.” Another groan escapes them as their face scrunches up again, “Mammon, it hurts…it hurts so much.”
“I know MC, I know.” He whispers out. “Lucifer will come. I promise. He’ll...He’ll help us. So hang on just a bit longer.”
“Oh? This is a rather familiar scene, isn’t it Barbatos?” A deep voice mused above the two lovers. Mammon’s head snaps up and locks eyes with the golden gaze of the Prince.
“Quite familiar indeed. Although to be frank, I didn’t predict this would happen.” Barbatos responds, a placid smile on his face. It pisses Mammon off seeing the butler smile all while MC is suffering beneath him. He wants to tear the smug demon to shreds, but he can’t. Not with MC still struggling to catch their breath without choking. The Avatar glances down at MC and squeezes their hand.
“Help them,” he says weakly, his voice cracking slightly. Now Mammon knew he wasn’t always the sharpest crayon in the box, but he knew shit, important shit. After The Attic Incident, he confronted Lucifer about what he, MC, and Diavolo revealed about Lillith, or at least what little they told everyone else. It took a bit more effort than planned, but Lucifer caved. He spoke of his oath to Lord Diavolo, the promise he made. He clears his throat and stares into Diavolo’s strangely glowing eyes, “I’ll make a deal with you like you did with Lucifer, I’ll do anything. Just help them.”
At the word “anything” Diavolo’s relaxed face shifts into something akin to shock. “Ho? So you know about me and Lucifer’s agreement then. And yet you’ll swear an oath with me?”
Mammon’s eyes flicker down to MC’s barely open ones. He can feel something dark growing within them eating away the last bits of holy energy, the kind of darkness he's grown familiar with for the past millennium. Leaning down, he rests his forehead against theirs, “MC don’t worry, I’m going to help you, I promise you.”
He can feel MC frantically squeezing his hand as if to stop him and hear their weak protests, but he ignores them to look straight into the prince’s still glowing eyes. “I’ll do it, I’ll swear absolute loyalty to you, Prince Diavolo, on my name as Mammon, the Avatar of Greed. In exchange, help MC. They're already halfway to becoming a demon, isn't there something you could do to help them?"
Diavolo's head cocks to the side, "There is. Luckily for you two, not only am I rather fond of our dear MC, they are already halfway to becoming a demon and they still have their pacts with you brothers scarred into their soul." The Prince shakes his head. "I won't ask you the same I asked of Lucifer. As I have said, I am rather fond of them myself. How’s this for a deal Mammon, the second-born, Avatar of Greed? I do what you ask and turn our dear MC into a proper demon with just as much strength as you brothers. However, I take MC as my consort. After all, they’ve been the key to the success of my exchange problem. And where else will we ever meet someone who has been of all Three Realms? But-”
“But what?!” Mammon growls out and pulls the broken, but slowly corrupting form of MC closer to him, still ignoring their weak protests. “What more do you want?! You’re already taking away MC from me!” He can feel his true form boiling under his skin, aching to come out and take MC away, to keep his dearest treasure away from the thief who’s trying to steal away his heart. “You already have my brother, why do you need MC? They’re MINE!”
Diavolo just sighs like a parent watching an unruly child throw a tantrum. It pisses Mammon even more. “Enough Mammon, you didn’t let me finish.” He breaks into a smile, but there is nothing like the kind-hearted demon behind it. It’s sharp and calculating with a slight tinge of amusement, as if eagerly waiting to see what will happen next. “I am already well aware of your feelings for each other. I’m also near certain that their Fall has something to do with you as well. So this will be the deal, Mammon, I use the infernal magic fueling the pacts with you brothers as a way to help their transformation and take them in as my consort. However,” he emphasizes, “I’ll allow you two to be… close shall we say. How’s this? You can be their paramour as long as you swear to never steal away MC from me or the Throne, I’ll do all that I promised.” The prince lets out a hearty laugh, “Quite honestly Mammon you get quite a lot out of this, so what you say Mammon, do we have a deal?”
He stares at the prince’s outreached hand and down to MC. Their eyes have rolled back into their head, probably passed out to pain during his “conversation” with the Prince. He can even see the black horns begin to force its way out from their skull, no longer bleeding gold, but instead a pitch-black tar. And he thinks; either way he’s going to lose them, either to death or to Diavolo. Something within him says just to keep them with him for eternity. They wouldn’t be the first dead body kept within the House. But he can’t. He can’t let MC, the holder of his heart and the only one he truly loved die. Even if it means to let them go.
He leans down and softly kisses MC’s bloody forehead, ignoring the slight sting of both holy and unholy blood left on his lips. “Everything will be alright, I promise.” He whispers, before turning his face up to face Diavolo and plasters a cocky grin on his face. Fake, it feels fake as all hell, but he can’t crack. He’s selling his heart away and one day he’ll get it back, even if he has to steal it away. Clasping his blood-stained hand into the Prince’s, “You have a deal, Lord Diavolo. But don’t go whining about a broken deal if MC elopes with me in the end.”
Diavolo’s grin is just as fake and sharp as his and as he shakes the Avatar’s hand a cloud of Infernal magic swirls around them. “We shall see Mammon. We shall see.”
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arcadejohn127-9 · 4 years
Hi if your requests are still open can you do something with the demon brothers + new datables (or not if that's too much!) comforting an MC who just got off a shift at work and is frustrated from customers and needs some reassuring words/cuddles to make them feel better? Thanks so much~😊💞
A message for all the workers who are employed despite the pandemic or were employed but had to stop due to the pandemic, YOU ARE THE REAL ONES!!
Thank you so much for all the hard work you're doing/done, especially retail. You guys are always being supportive and understanding.
I'm so sorry for all you who's had to deal with Karen's and uncomfortable customer's who's tried hitting on you or just being disturbing
I wish the government wasn't doing you all dirty. Money can be such a serious issue and now it's gotten even worse, I just wanna say I'm proud and thankful!
Brothers + undateables comfort MC who just finished a hard day of work
You found him in his study, hunched over his desk
Seeing him so deep into work made you regret coming to him
You were just about to head back up but he spotted you
"Welcome back, I'll be with you in a moment, I I just need to- Dear? What's wrong?"
You immediately broke down into tears
In seconds you were being cradled in his arms, sitting in his lap and having soothing circles rubbed into your back
He's letting you release your frustrations, ignoring how wet his shirt was getting
When you finally calmed down, you apologized for getting his shirt wet
"Nonsense, tell me what's upset you, was it your manager again?"
You explained how your day went, how costumers were yelling at you and the work getting overwhelming
"You did everything you could, they're lucky to have such a hard worker like yourself, I'll be phoning your boss as soon as I can to get you a raise."
He picked you up in his car, waving you over with some take out sitting in your seat
As soon as you buckled in you took your portion of take out
"So, how was work? Did you finally get your pay check?"
You sighed, shoving your face with food as you ranted about how difficult today has been
The more you spoke the more upset you got, sniffling and trying to hide your sobs
He couldn't stand it; he pulled over as soon as he could and turned to you
"They can't be treating you like that! What are their names and faces? I'll go sort them out, no one treats my baby like that!"
You laughed, telling him he can't beat up your costumers
"You can't do it but I can, don't worry I'll find a way."
He pulled you into a hug, both of you laughing when he choked himself on his seatbelt
After you two unbuckled he just let you lean against him, having how own mini rant about how amazing you are and people not treating you like you're the most valuable treasure in the world
He was gaming, of course, when he heard you knock he immediately asked what's the secret password
"Please, not today, I can barely think right now, can I just come in?"
Usually he's more stubborn than that but hearing how desperate your voice was, he let you in
Knew something was bad when you immediately climbed into his bed tub and smother yourself with his body pillow
He let his game play in the background, ignoring the angry messages from his team mates
"Work stress?"
All he heard was a muffled sound of agreement
"Those damn normies-! What did they do to you? Was it the Karen's again?"
You yelled into the pillow, ranting about your day and letting it be muffled but still loud enough for him to hear
He scooted over in his chair, watching you peak your head out
Tears staining your cheeks as you frowned at him
He blushed as he immediately kissed both of your cheeks, cupping your face
"wanna play employee simulator? It lets you fight the annoying customers."
"There's my hard worker." He kissed your cheek, greeting you at your bedroom door
"You seem upset, what's the matter?"
You immediately started explaining what happened toward, leaning against him as you went on and on
Satan could feel his anger flair up as he listened
He couldn't stand how the customer's have been treating you and the fact no one was willing to give you some emotional support at work?
Not even a pat on the shoulder or words of praise of how you handled it
But he kept himself in check, holding you close
"That must of been horrible, I can't imagine how tired you must be, let's go rest, okay? You did amazing today, kitten."
You sniffled, asking if he really meant what he said
He nodded, dragging you to your bed and telling you how proud he is
"My poor sweetheart! You look absolutely exhausted! What happened today?!"
He caressed and rubbed your skin, soothing out your frown lines and any sign of stress
You let him pamper you whilst you went off about how work was
Recieving alot of 'No!'s, 'They didn't!' and hums of displeasure
He tsked, rubbing the soothing cream into your palm
"They're just awful, aren't they? This kind of stress isn't good for you, Perhaps I should come with you! See how great you are in person."
You immediately butted in, not wanting him to force himself to do something he didn't want to do
Knowing he's very mindful of his appearance and status among people
"I'll do it for you~ besides, people love me! I'll charm those horrible costumers and they'll never be rude to you again."
You insisted that he didn't have to
He then rambled on about how attractive you look when you're focused and doing work
You just laughed, sinking into his touch as he went on
He frowned when he noticed you didn't give him his 'im back' kiss
He immediately went searching for you and found you in your room
Face buried in your pillow and your body shaking
"You're crying."
A pit formed in his stomach, wondering what upset you
You told him how horrible today was, going into detail about how hard you were trying to fix the issues but they just wouldn't stop
You almost got in trouble with your manger! You could of been fired!
"You did everything you could and still kept your cool, the place would be lost without you there."
You smiled, shuffling over and giving him a big hug, he immediately returned it
He was giving you gentle comforting squeezes
slowly rocking you both side to side
"I'll eat them if they keep harassing you."
"Come to your favourite demon, tell him everything that happened."
He did the grabby hands, looking up at you
You sighed, letting yourself flop in his arms as you hugged him
You wondered how he could tell how upset you were
He just grinned
"I'm smart, remember? I know when my teddy bear is upset."
You just rolled your eyes, staring off to the side as tears formed
He didn't expect you to yell in frustration
You ranted about how work was today
How costumers yelled at you and kept insisting you were lying about the products
Critizing your job and assuming things about you
Even having a few creeps come in and try to flirt with you
"Don't listen to any of them, I know who you are and you know who you are, It's impressive how professional you can be when they act like that, I would of killed them."
He listened to you ramble, hugging you and stroking up and down your back
"I didn't expect you to come back so late, did something happen?"
You explained how your job forced you to do extra hours, despite not getting over time pay
He made a mental note to visit your workplace on one of your day's off
You then proceeded to go on about how the costumer's were treating you
How stressful and harsh today was
Diavolo just listened, nodding along
He felt his jaw clench
"Tell me more on the bed, your feet must be aching."
You both laid on his bed, you continued your story about today whilst he held your hand
"This is unforgivable, I cannot stand to imagine people being so rude to you, I know you do your very best and would never deserve such treatment."
He was cuddling you all night, wanting to sooth your upset heart
Whenever he felt you shake against him, trying to combat your tears he just gently patted you
Encouraging you to just let it all out, praising you for how amazing you are
As soon as you arrived back, he was quick to help you undress
Handing you your pajamas and helped you take off your shoes
He noticed a new blister and your sigh of content when you were finally out of them
He works aswell so he understands the struggles
"another long day? tell me what happened, you need to let your frustrations out."
And you did just that
You poured your heart and soul into your stressed out grunts
Becoming more upset the more you spoke about your tough day
Getting more upset when your manager only made it worse by blaming the costumers anger on you
All you did was tell her what you were taught to say!
"That won't do, I'll be sure to have my lord handle things with your boss, tomorrow."
You told him that you didn't want to be a hassle but he silenced you
Suddenly embarassing you as he patted your head
"I'll fix this for you, while I cannot change the customer's I can change how your higher ups are treating you, you don't deserve this."
When you met up with him, you had to try and hide how much you've been stressing
But Solomon was known to be wise for a reason
He immediately figured out something was wrong
"I'm Solomon the wise, you cannot fool me, what happened today?"
As soon as you tell him what happened today
He pulls out a potion, suspiciously doesn't tell you what it does, and tells you to splash it in difficult customers eyes
You were sure it was posion or some weird liquid that came from his cooking attempts
Then again those were basically the same thing
"if the eyes don't work, I could put it in a spray, it'll stop them from yelling at you again~!"
You were very tempted
You never wanted to be yelled or harassed by a customer again
But you didn't want to get fired for assaulting a customer or even worse, killing one
"You followed protocol exactly as you were told, they shouldn't be mad at you for doing your job but don't worry, I'll make all your tears-"
He suddenly wiped under your eyes, catching you off guard
"My little lamb, tell me what's bothering you."
He sat you down on the sofa, grasping your hand
You deflated
You rested your head on his chest and played with his hand
He listened to you rant and ramble about your horrible day at work
He couldn't believe what he was hearing; how rude they were and had no right to treat you like that!
"Perhaps, I shall bless you with a miracle and get rid of those rude customer's."
As wonderful as that sounded
You joked how unangelic it seemed; using his power to 'get rid of people'
Hearing a dangerous implication in his voice
"It is a good deed that will do many a favour, I believe it to be extremely kind, after all, you didn't do anything wrong."
Stayed and cuddled with you until you fell asleep, preferring how happy and peaceful you looked than how you looked before
Stressed and clearly upset
"Those demons!! I've been telling you they're horrible creatures, they can't be treating you like that!"
Perhaps ranting to him wasn't the wisest decision
But he was so eager to see you after work and wanted to know what was wrong
He was hugging your hips, stomping his foot when he spoke
"You're an angel in human disguise! There's no way they could be so horrible to out without being truely evil beings!"
You tried to calm him down by picking him up
Telling him you were able to handle the situation like a champ
He felt better knowing you were able to come out on top
He hugged you as you took him back to his room
Tucking him into bed but was surprised when he grabbed you
"You're a really good person and I know you work harder than anyone else, I hope they don't be mean to you like that again."
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