#barbie collection coming soon
craftyjuju · 11 months
Who else is excited about the new Barbie film?
I've started working on my new themed jewellery collection today - launching Friday in my Etsy shop ♡♡♡ (link in my bio)
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bootyful-seventeen · 3 months
#oMFG I REALLY GOT HIT HARD WITH THE NOSTALGIA JUST FROM THE GOD DAMN DVD MENU 😭😭😭😭#also picked up a few movies while I was there cuz that 10$ and under bin was calling my name omfg#but the old Barbie movies were hitting so hard on just the dvd menus alone I’m so excited!!!!#even popped in Barbie nutcracker cuz I forgot how it opened and I just ughhhhhhhh they were geniuses for putting stage curtains up#and I am so gonna be going back again soon cuz I saw they had a Scooby foo collection and TMNT COLLECTION TOO#LIKE BRUHHHHHHHHHHHH I LOVED WATCHING THAT ON YTV BACK IN THE DAY#my god I am never gonna ever want to leave my room once the movie collection starts to grow#and they had some collections in that bin too I was losing my shit#it was hard choosing between taking home the Batman collection and the cluesless mean girls and she’s the man feature collection#but I’ll come back again for mean girls cuz they had a few copies in that bin#my god I am going to be such an irritating person talking to people about my dvds lmao#and it’s gonna get even worse when my second copy of happily ever after comes in cuz my old one was so fucking scratched it would skip#well more like freeze and then skip at the scene where the evil queen’s brother is trying to kill Snow White by turning her into stone#and I’m def gonna be looking up more dvd discount stores in my area to find more dvds for the things I’ve liked#maybe if I’m lucky I’ll come across a movie that’s out of print!!!!!
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greenllamas · 11 months
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The Gloss Collection | greenllamas items
“I’m a doll but i still wanna party”. @oakiyo, @simcelebrity00, and myself have teamed up to bring Barbie fashion to your Sims’s wardrobes! The collection comes with 23 items to style your sims in, with a custom Barbie-themed palette. 💗
Download Details:
Base game compatible.
Not hat compatible.
All maps and LOD’s.
Bandana Accessory in piercings
Base game compatible.
All maps and LOD’s.
Enabled for feminine frames
20 swatches, in a custom palette.
Download (free)
oakiyo's side | simcelebrity's side | item index (coming soon)
Please let me know if you encounter any issues with the items in this collection.
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vivwritesfics · 5 months
Hooked On A Feeling
Chapter Three - Playdate
Daniel is a Formula One driver, but, more importantly, he was a single dad to a wonderful little girl. He wants her to be a normal little girl, to have a normal social life, so he sends her to daycare. That was where she met Milo, her future best friend.
Milo's mother was incredibly stressed. She worked so hard to provide a good life for her son. But then he makes a new friend, a friend who has a hot dad (ofc they fall in love)
Single Dad!Daniel x Single Mum!Reader
Series Masterlist
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Daniel held Olivia's hands as they walked towards the house. There was a cat sat outside of the door, watching as the approached. When they got too close, the cat scarpered, running into the neighbours garden.
Stepping up to the door, Daniel knocked. He squeezed Olivias hand as they waited for the door to open.
"Coming!" Came a faraway voice. In no time at all the door was open and Y/N was welcoming the two of them into her house.
"Hey Olivia!" Y/N cheered as she pulled open the door.
Daniel grinned as he and his daughter stepped inside. "Hey," he said as Y/N shut the door. "Thanks for doing this." He muttered the last part, trying not to let Olivia hear him.
"It's no problem," she said, walking in front of them and leading them into the living room. "Can I get either of you something to drink?"
As soon as Olivia was in the living room, Milo was on his feet, shouting his name as he ran towards her. The two embraced and Milo pulled her into the middle of the room, where he had a collection of toys already set out. "My Momma said we can watch a movie while we play," he said, sitting on the floor.
As the two began playing, Daniel sat on one of the sofas and Y/N walked in with glasses of water for her guests. "What're we watching, kids?" She asked as she sat on the opposite side of the sofa to Daniel.
"Barbie," Olivia said instantly.
"Momma no! I don't want to watch barbie!" Milo suddenly called.
Y/N opened a streaming service and began scrolling through the kids section. "How about we find something we can all agree on?" She said calmly as she searched for a movie.
They settled on the Lorax. The kids played as Daniel and Y/N watched over them, the film playing in the background.
As they played, Y/N shuffled closer to Daniel. "I wasn't sure what to get for dinner so I got several different pizzas. I hope that's okay."
"That's more than okay," Daniel said as he took off his Red Bull hat. "Olivia doesn't get pizza very often."
"Why's that?" She asked as she looked at him, her body full turned towards him (this didn't go unnoticed by Milo and Olivia).
Daniels fingers drummed against the arm of the sofa. "She might have it at her mums place, but Livvy insists she eats like me when she's at mine so she can be just like her daddy."
Before Y/N could push for more information, Olivia turned around. "Daddy, shut up!" She called.
Suddenly, Daniel levelled her with a look. "Do you want to try that again, little lady?"
She blushed pink and looked down at her socks. "Daddy, could you be quiet so Milo and I can watch the TV?"
It was better, but Olivia still could have been politer. But Daniel let it go. He didn't push, didn't want to embarrass her in front of her friend.
Towards the end of the movie Y/N got up. She stood from the sofa and walked out of the room, leaving them there while she went to the kitchen. With the doors open, she could hear as the kids watched TV and played while she put the pizzas in the oven and set a timer on her phone.
After a short episode of scooby doo, the kids were sat at the kitchen table, two pizzas in front of them. They picked and chose which pizza they wanted, leaving what they didn't. Y/N knew they'd never eat it all, leaving what they didn't want for her and Daniel.
After they had eaten, Milo pulled Olivia out of the kitchen, and up to his bedroom. Poppy that cat had made her way up to his bedroom while they were all downstairs, sleeping on Milo's bed. But, as soon as she heard them running up the stairs, she scarpered, running down the stairs and out of the cat flap.
Full and tired from an afternoon of playing, Milo and Olivia soon found themselves asleep on the floor. Their parents found them when Y/N gave Daniel and tour of their small house. She picked up Milo and placed him in his bed as Daniel scooped up Olivia.
"I guess we should get going," he said, holding her in his arms.
Y/N looked towards her bedroom. She and Daniel hadn't had a proper chance to talk, and she wanted to know more. He was intriguing, incredibly so, and she wasn't ready to say goodbye. Not yet. "Well, you could let her have a nice little sleep in here," she said and pushed open her bedroom door.
Daniel grinned as he walked Olivia into the bedroom. He laid her down onto the bed and laid her down in it, pulling the blankets up to her chin.
Leaving the door open to give her some light, Y/N took Daniel back downstairs. They walked through the kitchen and out into the back garden. The porch light was on as they sat on the swinging chair and faced each other. "Can I ask you something rather personal?" She asked as she gently rocked the chair with her foot.
"Go for it," Daniel replied, Poppy the cat suddenly jumping up between them. She ignored her owner, immediately settling onto Daniels lap, promptly falling asleep.
Y/N sucked in a deep breath. It was something that had been weighing on her mind for the last week, something that Milo had told her when he first met Olivia. "Milo says Olivia doesn't like her mum. Can I ask what that's about?"
The smile dropped from Daniel’s face. He did that a lot, Y/N had begun to realise from the two times she had met him, He shifted in his seat as he scratched at Poppy’s coat. “Olivia doesn’t talk to me about what happens at her mum’s house. But she does talk to my parents. She doesn’t hit her, but she does make her miserable. Olivia gets locked in her room whenever she shows the slightest hint of attitude and her mum’s constant stream of boyfriends piss her off. She said that once, that they piss her off. I’ll let you guess where she learned that.”
Daniel went on, becoming more and more distressed. But Poppy pawing at his leg stopped him. He scratched at her chin and looked at Y/N, letting a smile cross his face. “Anyway,” he said. “My turn with the deep questions.”
He asked the one question Y/N wasn’t keen on answering. Not that she wanted it to be a secret, and she was definitely going to answer him. But after five years it still wasn’t the easiest subject to talk about.
“I was nineteen when I found out I was pregnant with Milo. I told my partner at the time, and he wanted nothing to do with me. I told my parents, and they wanted nothing to do with me. So I took off, moved out here, got a job and gave birth to Milo. It’s been just me and him ever since. His dad knows nothing about him and never will. It’s me and Milo against the world.” She sat up a little straighter. As it got later in the day, the sun began to dip and the air turned ever so slightly colder. “How about you? What happened with you and Olivia’s mother?”
Daniel shrugged his shoulders. He actually shrugged. What kind of response was that? But Y/N said nothing as he began talking. “We were in love, moved too fast. Olivia was born exactly nine months into our relationship, when I was racing in Silverstone-“ A fact Daniel would never forgive himself for, that he missed the birth of his daughter. “-Things had been sour between us since before Olivia was born, but we tried to stay together for her. But we realised she would have been growing up in a shitty environment, so we went our separate ways.”
They continued talking through the night, until Olivia and Milo came running downstairs, now wide away. Milo climbed into his mother’s lap while Olivia grabbed a hold of her father’s arm. “Daddy, can we live here?” She asked, reaching towards Poppy the cat.
Daniel laughed. He went to stand up, moving Poppy from his lap, and scooped Olivia into his arms. “Come on, Badger. Let’s get you home to bed.”
She pouted, laying her head on his shoulder. “Can we come back tomorrow?”
For a minute Daniel looked like he was thinking about it. “We could,” he mused. “Or we could take Y/N and Milo to the park, play on the swings and get some ice cream? How does that sound?”
Both kids cheered.
Taglist (CLOSED): @biancathecool @rewmuslupin @prettiest-at-the-party @hellowgoodbye @cassie0sstuff @spideybv28 @andydrysdalerogers @aundercover @lou-bean28 @landossainz @purplephantomwolf @ggaslyp1 @layazul @phantomxoxo @minkyungseokie @gills-lounge @hollie911 @annispamz @lillians-world-is-f1 @cixrosie @notyouraveragemochii @charli123456789 @amalialeclerc @stay1strongbeautiful @tallrock35 @teenwolf01 @chiliwhore @darleneslane @sava207 @thatsusbitch @formulaal @leptitlu @angiesw0rld @yunakynn @landosgirlxoxo @msolbesg @cherry-piee @catmouseggy @bathedinheat @stay1strongbeautiful @chanshintien @ilove-tswizzle @woozarts @evie-119 @trouble-sistar @mysticalnightenthusiast @lewisvinga @spilled-coffee-cup @starkeyellow @fxrmuladaydreams @viennakarma @radiator101 @lightdragonrayne @angelxxrose
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vodkababy · 11 months
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barbie girl 。˚ ⋆꒰ა♡໒꒱⋆ ˚。 🎀🍉
mike wheeler x doll collector! fem reader
smut. this is fucking nasty so if u guys dont like mike wheeler smut just s c r o l l ♡♪
age pairing : 17-18
warnings : none
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the exchange of looks and stares between you and a classmate of yours in chemistry bubbled across the hallway. you had taken an interest towards this boy, “wheeler” as you called him. his glare towards you always sent chills to your spine. or even to your throbbing— we aren’t there yet.
it wasn’t a joke that he was hot. he was really hot for a nerd. his fingers always got your panties in a bunch. his nose— oh god don’t even get started with his nose. his nose is perfect and to think of it, his curls were cute.
you guys were partnered up for a project and he had to come to your house to finish, and that’s how he ended up in your room, admiring your collection.
mike considered himself a gentleman, a respectable boy, but boy did he reconsider those words as soon as he saw what you were wearing. half of the time he was over, he was either talking to you or staring at your hardened nipples under your shirt due to the cold temperature of your ac.
“you collect barbies?”
“don’t you think they’re kind of uh.. creepy? imagine sleeping and first thing you see when you wake up is a doll.”
“i don’t think so. they’re quite pretty to me, to be honest”
“i don’t really have a collection. i play dungeons and dragons.”
his fingers lingered on your barbie doll that you were quite fond of. your malibu barbie. a wave of confidence washed over you.
you had remembered the lingerie set you bought a couple of months ago on impulse. it wasn’t like you were actually planning to fuck someone. you weren’t a virgin. you had taken a few polaroids of yourself wearing the dainty pink lace panties and the bra that was almost spilling your huge breasts.
“i’ve got a barbie you can play with.”
mike felt his cheeks go red. what was she implying? immediately, dirty thoughts went onto his pretty head. he had always thought that y/n l/n was hot, first of all, she was a cheerleader. she was pretty. he just chose to ignore those lingering feelings he had because he didn’t want a relationship.
“is this gonna be a one time thing?” he asked. they were both slowly closing the gap between them, feeling their hot breaths on each other. “it’s up to you, mike.” slowly sliding down her own straps of her pink gingham tank top.
“i don’t want it to be a one time thing.”
“so do i.”
those words made him push over the edge, as you pushed him to your bed and straddled him on top, grazing your fingers on the evident bulge in his jeans. he pulled you to his face and you guys started to make out.
you unbutton his shirt while his hands were fondling your thighs, later you came to unzip his jeans and later his underwear, leaving him completely unclothed. he went to pull your tank top until you stopped him.
“ah ah ah. you don’t get to touch me.”
“come on y/n. please let me touch you—“
“you have to work for it, baby”
feeling defeat, you had tied mike onto your bed posts. your bed didn’t look any different to your barbies’ clothes. it was all styled in pink and lace.
you teasingly take your shorts off. leaving you in your sheer pink panties that made mike drool at the sight of your pussy. sitting beside him, you slowly pull your panties showing him your glistening core.
“i wanna touch you so bad, barbie girl.”
“good things come to those who wait, ken.”
you unclipped your bra revealing your tits. mike watched your breasts move with a slack jaw, the tip of his dick having a shade of an angry red. of course, you didn’t fail to see that so you did him a favor.
“you’re so big mike” “how will you fit in me?” you showered him with praises that didn’t fail to make him moan as your fingers were wrapped around his cock with your spit coated in it.
you crawl on top of him, only for his mouth to be met with your cunt. immediately he latched his mouth onto your pussy, and licked a stripe up, leaving you shuddering with his touch. kitten licks turned into big licks. big licks turned into sucking. the sucking turned into him plunging his tongue in and out your throbbing core, making you catch your high and throw your head back in pleasure.
mike grabbed onto your hips to support you, further, his hands started to dig onto your supple skin. “m-mike— i’m close- oh god” the overstimulation made you feel weak. you eventually started grinding on his face. it had only been a few minutes yet this boy had made you come more than 2 times. you felt yourself release, him lapping up your juices with his tongue.
you pulled off his mouth and collapsed on the other side of the bed. “you alright?” he asked. he sat up and looked at you, noticing your chest was heaving up and down.
“i have an idea.”
“well, we can make that idea happen if you untie me.”
“oh i will.”
you had grabbed your lipstick shaped vibrator from the drawer of your nightstand, mike parting his lips in shock of all the toys you have hidden in your drawer. you quickly untied his wrists from the posts of your bed, him immediately getting on top of you and starting to kiss you.
“what are we gonna do with that little toy of yours?”
“use it on me, please.”
“mmh, what if i don’t wanna?”
“i don’t take no for an answer pretty boy.”
next thing you know, you were sprawled in your bed. legs parted wide and mike dragging the vibrator across your pussy. “o-oh! oh my god- fuck!” you said gripping the sheets. he had increased the speed of the toy, making you buck your hips unconsciously. surprisingly you squirt. (bye wtf im crying how does squirting even work)
“oh god, you’re a squirter-“ “shut up!”
“i wanna fuck you even more now”
“then do it mike”
he had lined his cock up your pussy and started to ease himself in slowly. he starts to pound in your pussy in a controllable speed, then it goes faster. faster until you feel like your back was going to break after all that arching. you could even see the tip of his cock visibly inside your womb.
“shit— you feel so good barbie.”
“faster- faster- please baby”
loud moans were heard across the room. you were thankful that your parents were away this week for a vacation in italy. if your parents were home, god you would’ve been grounded for half the year.
“can i um— ask you something? its- its more of a favor but like—“
“what is it?”
“could you uh— ride me.”
you looked at him with a surprised look painted on your face. you didn’t expect him to ask you for a favor like that, as if you weren’t the one who started this fuck session with him. his cheeks were red out of embarrassment, you smiled as soon as you saw his face and agreed with his “favor”.
you flip each other’s positions, leaving him under you. you sink onto his dick, firstly, moving your hips back and forth, ending up with you vigorously bouncing on him.
his moans were loud. he was whining like a bitch, showering you with praises like “y/n you’re so good..” “so fucking beautiful” “you feel so great oh god—“ he felt himself slowly reaching his high. he didn’t have a condom on. “y-y/n i’m about to cum.” he spoke so softly.
“i didn’t put a condom on”
“it’s okay, you can do it inside.”
those words pushed him over the edge, releasing inside of you. as soon as you felt his cum inside you, the knots inside were erupted.
you collapsed on to the other side of the bed looking at him. his eyes shut and his lips parted, chest heaving.
“that was nice” you said. just so that the silence wasn’t so awkward.
“yeah. you know, i’ve always liked you.”
“you did?”
“yeah.” he said. kissing your lips softly. it wasn’t like anything you had done just a few seconds ago. it was a sweet kiss. the ones you share with pure love in it.
you guys were totally fucked up the next day tho, you had forgotten about the reason why he was even over at your house.
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gay-dorito-dust · 10 months
bro a ken x reader where the reader moves to barbieland but she’s got tattoos and he’s got no clue what they are …
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The ending to this is absolute arse. Idk what to do.
‘What’s this?’ Ken asked as he gestured to the tattoos you had littered here and there before even more questions followed after. ‘Can they come off? Did someone draw on you like Weird Barbie? If so was it with permanent marker?’ Ken then proceeded to smile, puffing his chest out like a proud bird, ‘I learnt that big word all by myself.’
You chuckled, now realising that ever since you came to BarbieLand there wasn’t a single person in sight who was even remotely as tatted up as you were, and so all of Ken’s random inquiries concerning them made all the more sense. ‘These are called tattoos and no they can’t come off, and I guess you could say that someone ‘drew on me’ but not with a permanent marker pen, but instead a piece of equipment that some might consider a painful process.’ You shrugged. ‘Though that depends on the pain tolerance and the placement of the tattoo.’ The look on Ken’s face was borderline hysterical to you with how wide his eyes became as they trailed over your most recent tattoo as though it’ll jump out and bite him.
‘Did you say painful? Like someone pinching your skin type of painful?’ Ken asked.
‘Hmmm. Think more like being stung a thousand times when in the midst of the outlining of the tattoo, only to then feel like your being scratched repeatedly and all over by a stray cat when they start the shading and or colouring process.’ You told him.
‘So you’re meaning to tell me that you were being hurt!’ Ken cried, retracting his hand away from you as though he was going to cause you more harm, which was something he doesn’t want to have happen. ‘Why would you or anyone ever want to go through that horrible process?!’ He said, voice muffled with his hands clasped over his mouth. You should’ve probably known that Ken would’ve reacted like this but the damage was already done, and yet you couldn’t help but find it sweet when he exemplified concern over your well-being, despite the fact that it was over something as briefly painful as a tattoo.
‘Beauty is pain as they say,’ you began, ‘but I found that once you get your first tattoo, you’ll soon enough want more to add to the collection. Think of it this way, we use tattoos as a way of self expression, some of them can be of something meaningful or something fun and cartoonish and hold no meaning at all other then it looked cool at the time. But I think they quite cool, don’t you Ken?’ The blonde then removed his hands from his mouth, moving himself closer to you as to get a better look at your tattoos in general, just as a smile appeared on his face. ‘They’re so cool.’ He admitted but it was clear he was still a little conflicted about the pain you put yourself through for a tattoo. ‘But they still sound a little frightening.’ He admitted to you with a weak chuckle and you couldn’t do anything but understand and sympathise where he was coming from.
‘Yeah, they can be frightening at first but I promise you Ken, I wasn’t in that much pain for very long, besides I was the one who wanted it done, the tattoo artists were just doing their job.’ You reassured him as you felt his fingers gingerly trace the tattoo, taking in every last detail as he looked at it with a new found perspective. Your tattoos are beautiful to Ken and he’d show appreciation for each and every one by tracing his fingers over it, almost as though he’d ruin the artistry that went into them if he went any harder. He found tattoos fascinating but would probably never get one himself and even if he did, he hoped that this tattoo artist that you talk about could give him a horse portrait, or at least something related to horses at the very least. That would be cool.
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porcelainbambi · 10 months
ur blurb about ellie and reader going to see barbie was so so sweet 🥹 i could totally see ellie rushing you back to her car all giddy and excited once you both have your barbies and she’s ripping hers out the box and encouraging you to open yours up too as soon as you get in. first thing she’s doing is having her barbie kiss your barbie so “they can be dating in barbieland too!”
oh u just know she’s RIPPING that box open. no care whatsoever, it’s honestly impressive and also deeply confusing to watch how she just busted through so much plastic in like 6 seconds. u open urs more carefully n she’s bouncing her leg in anticipation the whole time, wanting u to go faster so u guys can play (😭) but also knowing that part of the experience for u is the unboxing so she does her very best to be patient!!! plus she loves. Loves watching ur face light up as u finally pull the barbie out, stroking ur hand over the soft plastic hair, a little misty eyed n smiling at ur new doll :(((
she’s immediately making her barbie kiss ur own, loud cartoonish kissy noises that start turning into exaggerated lip smacking, and at the first mocking moan she makes come from ur doll ur slapping her arm, whining an exasperated “ellieeeeuuuhhhh!” as she busts out laughing, insisting “they’re in looove babe, cmon!”
the dolls live on a shelf in ur bedroom together, often positioned in poses (sometimes extremely crude ones) ellie left them in for u to find. she also loves finding and making miniature objects to use as props, a little collection of accessories amassing that reflect the life ur building together. ellie never had barbies as a kid, never played with dolls like u did, but u can tell this is all still equally as healing for her n that makes it even more special for u <33
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dreamgrlarchive · 7 months
.𖥔 ݁ ˖ some updates:
hi, since i’m no longer active on here i’ve been doing a lot on other platforms and i just wanted to show you guys what ive been up to!
#1: the looks i’ve been styling!
i had a huge shopping spree recently and it inspired me to plan more lookz. i’ve been on a huge black + pink, and pink + brown kick lately. the vibe is very preppy yet sexy and glam.
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#2: i’ve been building my tiktok audience!
i recently made slideshows talking about my bedroom and pinkmas wishlist. also been really into glamour magick too (basically doing my makeup and dressing myself with spiritual intent)!
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#3: shopping!
i actually checked some things off my wishlist. those including my new phone and my fall wardrobe! here’s a peek at one of the hauls (expect a try on haul soon pretties) i got stuff from i am gia that i’ve been wanting for a while and WILL BE supporting @finegirl on their next drop! stay tuned, xo!
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#4: youtube planning!
i’ve been making my “youtube kit” which is just elements i’ll be using to boost my brand in my new vidz!
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#5: dolly wishlist!
finally SAT DOWN and started making my doll wishlist. i’m not done but this thing is longgg. but i like that, it’ll give me a reason to take my time expanding my collection!
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#6: career planning!
most of you may not know, but i was in cos school in 2019 and unfortunately had to drop for personal reasons. but i’ll be going to this beautiful school in my city come the end of this academic semester to start my advanced esthetics, + then nails certification. i’m so happy because this career will support me through finishing my credits for my degree. just a focused barbie on a mission right now.
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#7: posting on my moodboard again!
i kinda abandoned my instagram moodboard a while back but i’ve been using it again and it’s really fun seeing what’s changed and stayed the same with my aesthetic. luvs it!
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thank you for reading! let me know if this is something yall want me to do every now and then! i know a lot of you only really use tumblr. but till next time babes, muah! ❤︎︎
- amara noelle
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sweetracha · 11 months
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Dollhouse Chapter 1: God Meets Barbie
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Product Details: Physiological Horror, Angst & Manipulative Fluff
Choking Hazard: Themes of stalking and premeditated crimes, kidnapping, obsession, Stockholm syndrome, delusional fantasies, and illusions to murder
A special thank you to my beautiful bug @goblinracha. This crazy dream world would not be a reality without you. Thank you for staying by my side all this time. Love you bug 💗
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Spring flowers bloomed like paint on a blank canvas. Yellow tulips bleed into red roses, accented by violets and stark white daisies. A handcrafted bench sat in a stone clearing, outlined by dewy moss. The setting of the tea shop was perfect for Minho. Every day after work he would visit the small business, get his cup of tea and a blueberry scone, then sit on his bench. So, one day when someone was in his spot he stopped in his tracks. He was about to tell you to leave, that you were ruining his daydream. But then, the light hit your face just right.
Honey gold sunlight dripped from your features. He could tell your skin was soft as silk. Your hair was framed by a beautiful white bow. The dress you wore reminded him of a romantic picnic. It was strawberry red with white squares. The way it flared at your waist gave the most stunning illusion. The skirt pillowed your lap where your smooth legs crossed over one another. Sweet little high heels sat on your feet. The femineity that emanated from your stature excited Minho. A poetry book perched in one hand while a cup of herbal tea sat in the other. You looked like a doll to him—the most beautiful Barbie doll.
He couldn’t help but stare at you, so lost in your own little world. Minho wondered what words you read when your red-lined lips turned up into a sweet smile. What made your pretty cheeks blush all of a sudden? When you paused and looked around, were you deep in thought about the poetic words before you? Questions slowly began to morph into worries. Were you safe? Why would a dolly be by herself in public? Someone could hurt you! Someone could break you! What if you got a scratch on your sweet skin? If no one was going to collect you, he would. Minho would be a perfect God controlling your world so nothing could come near you. God’s plan takes time, Minho knew you were worth the wait.
The first step in his plan? To get a copy of the book you were reading. He must admit the poems were crafted beautifully, however, some of these words were too big for a dolly such as yourself to understand. How could you understand the concept of love if Minho wasn’t showing it to you? He bets no one had ever loved you the way a doll was meant to be cherished. Soon enough he began seeing you every day, even coming 10 minutes earlier just to be there when you arrived. Minho stopped sitting at the bench deciding it was truly meant for you. His routine was always the same. He would sit down at the metal garden table and wait for you to walk in. Some days you even flashed him a little smile and a wave. You were handcrafted perfection. Then once you sit down and pull out your book, Minho would jot down the tea you were drinking. You always left the tag handing out, silly girl. The chart was neat with tallies keeping track of your favorites. Recently you began enjoying a berry hibiscus blend over your typical honey camomile, he believed it was for the changing seasons. Then after you were fully immersed in the world of your book, Minho would get up to grab his order. This meant he would have to walk behind you and smell your perfume, florals, and sugar-coated berries. He couldn’t get too distracted however, he was on a mission. Mentally Minho would take note of what page you were on. Once he had his order in hand and made his way back to his table, he pulled out his copy. Obviously, he put a different book sleeve over the original, Dolly couldn’t know he was watching her. God just had to make sure his dolly wasn’t reading anything her glass eyes shouldn’t see.
Spring finally turned to summer, and day in and day out Minho fell more and more in love. He was convinced at this point you were purposely picking love poems just for him. You were skipping multiple pages just to re-read the words you chose for him. His favorite poem was the one in which the lover declares that he is forever devoted to his lady love. Minho saw it as a confession, that you wanted this just as much as he does. Even the love interest in the story described you as a picture-perfect match…almost too accurately. Something felt off to Minho.
Something was wrong, something was very wrong right now. He heard the classic click of your heels on the stone pathway as you took your rightful display. Minho looked up to see what outfit you decided to grace him with today, soon his emotions soured. The tight black cocktail dress hugged your body in ways that he did not approve of. He did not like how the sleeves fell off your shoulders, exposing your bare skin to the harsh light. It was far too short to cover your silky legs, leaving you open to being scuffed up. No not his dolly! His dolly was limited edition, 1 out of 1 ever made. You would never do this on purpose. Who was corrupting his prized possession?
His answer soon walked in dressed like the definition of a prick. Tall lanky features strolled in, taking up too much sunlight. A mop of blonde and brown curls sat heavily at the front of this head. Thin round frames circled his deceiving eyes. The combination of brown slacks and a red sweater assaulted Minho’s vision. Then the foul creature of a man stopped at you. Not only did he stop in front of Minho’s love, but he also had the nerve to talk to you. Then he dared to sit down next to you. The sounds you made as the creature attacked your exposed skin were clearly a call for help. Despite you clearly not wanting him around, it kissed you. You were in so much shock you didn’t pull away.
Infuriated and filled with rage Minho got up and stormed behind you two, tripping on his way. Minho smirked on his way down to the cobblestone as his tea flew from his hand, straight onto the beast. He shot up with a roaring yell and you quickly followed suit. However, instead of inspecting the man who had you trapped, you went to the poor soul laying on the floor.
“Are you okay?” you reached out a hand to the stranger. Minho gladly accepted it.
“I'm fine, just tripped over some loose pathway” He replied like it wasn’t all planned.
“Oh, they can be such a hassle! My heels get stuck every day” Your giggle was like a master symphony. “I should go check on him if you are alright.” All Minho did was nod in response and bask in your glow as you graciously smiled at him while bidding goodbye.
Minho stood and straightened himself out. You were worth a few cuts to the hands, you were worth all the pain in the world. On the bench next to a soiled napkin laid an unassuming notebook. One Minho had never seen you carry before, it must be that awful man Minho thought. He would do you a favor and take it far away. It probably contained information not suited for a dolly such as yourself. Minho decided it was better to leave early today. That way he can spend more time figuring out how to save you. He could tell by the glint in your eye you were a damsel in distress.
Later that night as Minho was preparing to go to sleep, something intoxicated his mind. There was a voice telling him, not commanding him, to read the notebook. Whatever was inside was vital to your rescue. When he cracked open the worn leather bindings he was appalled at what he read. Word for word, line for line, beat by beat, tempo by tempo, this notebook followed your poetry. The stories you picked for Minho to read were embedded on the pages in front of him, not in print, but in ink.
Minho rummaged through his bag to find his own copy, the one with the false cover. Like something from a nightmare, he analyzed the covers. The ‘property of’ label identically matched the author's signature. That's why the poems seemed so specific, why they painted the pure image of his lady love. You were the muse behind the pen. Enraged Minho threw the book against the wall, shattering a glass frame in the process. He didn’t take kindly to theft and being a criminal meant consequences.
It hurt Minho to see the glass tears fall down your splotchy face. Another bootleg dress was now soiled in mascara. He knew why your face glistened in sadness. That foul beast tricked you into a false sense of love and it's hard for him to continue his games when he is 6 feet in the ground. Like a perfect God, however, where there is death there is life. From the cracked foundation of your heart, he would grow a royal garden.
“Hi, I hope you don’t mind but something seems to be troubling you” Minho stands beside you with silk cloth in hand. He reached out to offer you a small gift.
“Oh-Hi sorry for ruining your tea time. I am okay.” The sniffles that left you made Minho smile wickedly.
“Sweetheart, I can tell something is wrong. I know I am just a stranger but I am also willing to listen” He took a seat next to you. He buzzed in excitement at his proximity to your beauty.
“You aren’t a stranger” Your light blush looked stunning on you. Minho will remember that shade for the future. “I see you here all the time. Honestly, I should thank you for spilling tea on that asshole yesterday” That giggle could cure all diseases.
“Oh? You two seemed happy yesterday” His questioning tone was laced with sarcasm.
“Yeah, I thought so too! Then I show up today to a breakup poem. A POEM! What kind of artsy shit would break up through a poem!” A poem that Minho deliberately crafted for hours after analyzing all of that creature's writings.
“That's awful! Here, you tell me all about it and I’ll listen” The blush on your face deepened as he took the cloth from you are dried your sculpted face. “Im Minho by the way”
“That is a lovely name, Doll”
Before either of you realized then summer weather began to be followed by a chilling breeze. The trees that surrounded the courtyard colored the atmosphere with browns, yellows, and reds. Day in and day out you were comforted by the sweet man you knew as Minho. You couldn’t deny the butterflies he gave you. Those bunny teeth that flashed through his smile and his cat-like antics made you swoon. He would fight you on every little thing but immediately follow it up with a lingering hug. Even the nicknames he gave you made you feel special. Dolly, he always called you Dolly. Oh, how you wished to be HIS dolly but you weren’t sure if he even felt the same way. It was clear Minho guarded his emotions. Something was off with him but in a charming and curious way. If only you could peek into that mind of his.
Storm clouds erased the sky while cracks of lightning rang in the distance. What started as the little pitter-patter of droplets on stone became a downpour. Minho couldn’t tell if the thumbing in his ears was the sound of hail or his own heartbeat as you snuggled into him for protection. He covered you as best he could with his jacket, not wanting your custom paint job to smudge. Fixing your hair might take some work, and the outfit is better off trashed than repaired, but Minho was willing to do anything to keep his doll pristine. He caged you in a tight embrace as another boom of thunder came too close for comfort.
“Dolly, I think we better get you somewhere warm and dry. Poor thing you are shaking” He wished he could transfer all his heat to you, blue wasn’t the color he assigned to you. No, you were pinks, blushes, peaches, and roses. “Let’s go back to my place, hm? I’ll make you a nice cup of tea.”
Minho’s house was the same on the inside as he was on the outside. Cozy, quiet, a little unassuming, but absolutely charming. Soft browns and ivory whites seemed to be the palate of choice. You sat at the oak table waiting for him to come back from the kitchen. Your hands felt the grooves closely, Minho sure had an attention to detail even if he didn’t show it. He wore the same pair of gray joggers and a white tee almost every day. You wondered how many identical copies he owned.
“I had it made back when I lived in Korea, an old friend of mine is a woodworker” he broke you out of your spell. The cup of tea he set in front of you was an odd color, candy pink with the smell of something like medicine. You weren’t going to be rude, however, maybe his choice of tea was just unusual.
“It’s beautiful Minho” he smiled as you sipped some more.
‘Not as beautiful as you, Dolly”
You didn’t know how to react, a deep dark blush taking hits place on your cheeks.
“There is that blush I love so much. My pretty pink princess.” was it just you or did the room seem to be getting blurry? A loud thumb snapped you out of your hazed thoughts.
“What was that?” When did your voice become slurred?
“Oh, probably an old piece in this house settling. Doll you look sleepy, why don’t you shut your eyes.” You wanted to protest but the weight of your eyelids was unbearable at this point. As your head rushed to the table you caught a glimpse of something familiar. Was that your ex’s journal on Minho’s bookshelf?
“Shhhhh good girl Dolly, go to sleep. Mommy is about to show you your real world, Barbie.”
The headache you woke up with was unbearable, maybe the weather got to you more than you thought. You blinked at what sleep was still left in your eye and tried to take in your surroundings. When blue and pink hues spotted your vision in blinding circles you were scared. This can’t be Minho’s room. Speaking of Minho, where was he? You believed you could see a figure sitting on the bed in front of you…almost posed. Now that your sight was clearing you saw hands folded in their lap. Their feet were perfectly pointed forward and their back was pin-straight.
“Minho? Minho! Where am I? Minho please!” You cried out but only got a curious hum back. Then the figure looked panicked.
Next, you could make out what he was wearing. This was something you never in a million years could have seen him in. An oversized white sweater with a brown vintage teddy printed on the front. Blue cotton overalls were buttoned up but one strap hung loose. Frilly blue socks sat on those pointed feet. Then came his hair, soft brown, unlike Minho’s dark chocolate. The hair pillowed in volume, it looked soft to the touch. Finally, you saw his face. He wore a joyful smile similar to a patient kid on their birthday. Brown eyes look in every last detail.
‘WHO ARE YOU” you scrambled back behind the bed.
“I um…I…” he stuttered as if he couldn’t speak, or rather, wasn’t allowed to.
You tried to study the room, to plot your escape but your senses were overwhelmed. Surrounding the mystery man-child was a sea of blues. He sat on a star-themed bed and was now cuddling a fuzzy white star pillow for comfort. It was blue for as far as your eyes could see, then you looked down. Not only down but up, side to side, and behind. You wanted to scream at the assault of pink to the mind. The bed you awoke in was almost identical to the other but where there were stars, there were now hearts. You even had a fluffy white heart pillow waiting for you. Actually, their two sides were exactly identical. Blue walls and pink walls. Blue desk and pink desk. Blue makeup and pink makeup. Even blue and pink waste bins. You started to panic.
“Barbie barbie please calm down” Your eyes darted to Minho walking into the horror show. You slowly backed to the Pepto wall. So the stranger was named Barbie?
“Mommy, she is scared” You cringed at the whining concern in ‘Barbie’s’ voice.
“Ken it's okay, Mommy is going to get it all fixed. Mommy always makes everything better, right? Be a good boy and stay here while Mommy tried to talk to our pretty doll”
Ken? If his name was Ken…then who was Barbie. As if written in a script, your eyes flashed to the wall behind your bed. Big white letters spelled “B-A-R-B-I-E”. You were Barbie.
“Minho what is this? Where are we? Who is that—” your frantic game of 20 questions was cut short.
“I am Mommy” His voice was cold without any room for negotiation. “This is Ken” the softer man gives you a sweet wave. He felt safe to you, you weren’t sure why. “And you, my dear, are Barbie”
“I’m y/n!! What are you on Minho! This isn’t you! Haha funny joke, but its over now.” The hysterically frightened laughter that left you scared even yourself.
“Barbie” with each step forward, you sunk lower. “Why is this not me? This is what I’ve been planning all along. This world I created is for you, for you and Ken to enjoy. I will do nothing but love you here. I will love you, cherish you, care for you; Barbie I will do everything for you! You will never have to lift a pretty finger again! Work is gone, heartbreak is over!” he stooped in front of your trembling body. Slowly Minho kneeled as if you were a hurt animal.
You fought with your mind. A part of you wanted to kick him and run. Another part wanted to take his outstretched hand. It mimicked the one that dried your tears many weeks ago. Did he cause those tears? You were sure what was real and what wasn’t. Why was he looking at you like that? Like he truly loved you. What kind of sick person would do this to someone they loved? What if this is what love was? What if he was true love?
No! Snap out of it, he kidnapped you! He probably kidnapped the poor boy who you were pretty sure wasn’t named Ken. Minho was twisted in the head! You wished you never wondered what went through his mind when he looked at you. This is what he saw. You were nothing more to him than some doll to take his fantasies out on.
But then why did Ken look so happy? Why did he wear that goofy shy smile on his face? Why did he keep asking Minho if you were okay? Did he worry he was the one scaring you? Ken looked normal besides his tailored clothes and abnormal positioning. Did he want to be here? Maybe it wasn’t so bad.
“Barbie, get out of that pretty head of yours. Here, stand up. Let Mommy help you.” Your hand gravitated towards his against your will.
���Mommy, Barbie. It’s Mommy”
“MOMMY!” that was the first time you ever heard him shout. You coiled back at his sharp tone.
“Mommy…Please explain what this all is…”
“Oh, my sweet innocent Barbie. This is your world. My whole life I’ve been looking for the most unique dolls to love and care for. I met Ken a while back at work. The poor boy lost his job and I felt it deep inside me that it was meant to be. When he came to live with me our lives just fit. He was made for me. Then I saw you, and I felt the same. You are so precious, made of glass my love. I can see right through you. Every emotion is worn on your sleeve. The world was not right for you. So I created a new one. All I ask is that you follow the rules. Be a good doll for Mommy, and Mommy will love you endlessly.”
Your doe eyes met his dark ones. Once again Minho left you lost. Would you ever be able to read him? This offer was tempting and you had no clue why. You felt your heart tighten in your chest at the thought of staying, but it also broke at the thought of leaving him. However, with the look on Ken’s face, you were pretty sure you didn’t have a choice. You would play for now. Barbie could be anything right? Then Barbie will play the role written for her. Only until she could find a way out.
“Doll, let me show you what your world has to offer” Minho pulled you in like a dancer. He got close to your ear and whispered “Let us love you.”
@smally97 @lixiesweetbrownie @seo--changbin @lyramundana @j-onedrabbles @hyuniebeez @jisunglyricist @chvngi @hanjisunginc @whatudowhennooneseesyou @sugarmelin @felixsramen @koala-wonderland @lookitsjess @lxerhan @dwaekki081199 @camixiez @dutchessskarma @stvrfir3
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You lay in bed designated for you. Intoxicated by battling emotions, you just stared at the pink void of the ceiling. How were you ever going to get sleep now? Does anyone even know you were gone? Maybe Minho took care of them too. Pent-up frustration brimmed in your eyes. "Han" the creaking floors sounded like they spoke.
"My name is Han" You looked over to the other bed to see the sweet man beginning to turn away.
Before you could turn back around a faint buzz caught your attention. Opening the drawer you found a mysterious phone and a text from Minho to a group chat called "Dollhouse" as well as the list of rules Minho promised you. Following them meant eventual freedom, you needed to remind yourself. The phone couldn't do much besides call and text both Mommy and Ken...Minho and Han. You tossed it in the drawer and turned back, hoping to get a little rest.
Laying face up in the pink bedside table, the phone was brought to life.
Incoming message from
<click to decode message>.
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craftyjuju · 11 months
Coming Soon - for July...Barbie themed jewellery ♡♡♡
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#craftyjuju #Craftyjujudesigns #barbie #barbiecollection #barbiejewelry #comingsoon #newjewellerycollection #barbiejewellery
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"You Are Beautiful" /blurb/
AN: this was highly anticipated so here you go!!! enjoy!!
This story contains: talks of body image, talks of weight and dieting, insecurities, crying, comfort
{ dadrry - husband!harry - softrry }
word count- 1,300
After one of the other moms at brunch mentions how she's getting plastic surgery and asks if you're getting any, you start to get insecure over your body and later that night Harry finds you crying in the shower and proceeds to comfort you.
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Since becoming parents ten years ago, you and Harry have collected quite a few friends that are also parents. Whether you met through school activities your kids participated in together, living in the same neighborhood, or from playdates your kids had with their kids. It's nice to have other parents you can go to for parenting advice or other parents who have the same struggles as you.
Today you and a few of your mom friends went out for brunch where you ordered mimosas and chatted about the upcoming PTO meeting at your kids school. Everything was going great until one of the other moms got on the discussion of dieting and losing weight. Not that the topic of weight loss and diets triggered you but it was something you hating talking about. Mainly because you were insecure about your body.
Your body has housed four babies and it doesn't look as fresh and new as it once did. You have stretch marks and extra skin on your hips and tummy. Your boobs sag and your thighs have grown thicker over the years. Though you know your husband Harry loves you, you sometimes wonder if he misses the old you. The one who was as skinny as a barbie doll and had smooth skin with barely any imperfections.
One of the other moms, Rachel, mentioned how she had booked a surgery to remove her belly fat and a boob job and that she and her husband were ecstatic. Why her husband was excited you didn't really understand. Because shouldn't he love her how she was. Anyways, Rachel could have asked anyone of the other moms at the table, but instead she decided to look directly at you and ask, "Y/n, have you looked into any surgeries? You know, from having all those kids, I'm sure your body needs a good pick - me - up."
It took everything in you not to burst out crying at the table in front of everyone. What was she implying? That you needed surgery because your four kids ruined your body? You always tried to wear baggier clothes to cover up your pudgy stomach but maybe it was still noticeable to everyone. Maybe the support bras you usually wear doesn't hide the fact your boobs sag and point to the floor.
You managed to finish the brunch, acting as if Rachel's words didn't bother you. But as soon as you were on your drive home, your tears started flowing. If her husband was excited about her upcoming surgeries then maybe Harry would be excited for you to book some surgeries too. Maybe he thinks your body needs a pick - me - up. The thought of that crushes you because you don't want any surgeries. Though you do feel insecure in your body at times, you wouldn't want surgeries to fix it.
Harry had to work late in his office so that meant you were the one to put all your kids to sleep. You didn't mind because you know how much Harry loves to share the task of tucking your kids into bed with you and if he could have been there to help, he would have been. After your kids were all snug in their beds, you decided to hop in the shower and decompress for the night.
As you're in the shower, all the bad memories from today's brunch starts playing in your head and all you can do is stare down at your wet body. Maybe you do need to get surgery. To remove your belly fat and lift your boobs up higher. Even a surgery to remove your stretch marks. You didn't realize as your hands run across your body that you have tears running down your face. You also didn't realize Harry had come home.
After he went to each of your child's rooms to place a gentle kiss on their little foreheads as they sleep, he made his way into your shared room where he thought you'd be. When he sees you're not there, he steps into the bathroom where it's clear you're in the shower. But not only does Harry hear the sounds of the shower going on, he also hears the sounds of your cries from within the shower.
"Y/n, baby, what's the matter? Are you cryin'?" Harry questions worriedly as he steps closer to the steamy shower. You jump slightly from being startled but relax when you realize your husband is finally home.
Not really knowing what to say, you stutter out, "Um, I'm fine. All good." But Harry isn't buying it. He can tell you're upset about something and knows you need a good cuddle (hug).
"Love, can I come in? Wanna see your pretty face. Make sure you're okay." he asks, wanting to comfort you anyway he can.
You nod your head yes but realize he can't see your movements due to the glass of the shower walls and door being fogged up. So you reply quietly, "Yeah." That gives Harry the okay to start shedding his clothes and joining you. As soon as Harry walks into the shower and closes the door, he steps forward and wraps his arms around you from behind. You're too embarrassed to turn around right now and face him.
Harry props his chin on your shoulder and hugs your body close to his front. The feeling of him so close to you makes you start crying even harder. You bring your hands up to cover your face as sobs leave your body. "Baby, gotta tell me what's the matter?" Harry whispers in your ear, "Don't like seeing you so upset."
Taking a deep breath, you answer through your cries, "Today, at....... at the brunch with the group of other moms, Rachel, she, she talked about how she's getting surgery to remove her belly fat and is getting a boob job. And how her and her husband are so excited. Then she looked directly at me and asked if I was going to get surgery. Implying I needed surgery. Do you think I need surgery? I know my body isn't as good as it use to be but I did have four kids and I don't know, she just hurt my feelings."
Your confession has Harry's eyes tearing up. How dare anyone imply your body is anything less than perfect. Because it is perfect to him. Slowly, Harry turns your naked body around in his hold so you're facing him. He tilts your head up and gently pryes your hands away from your face. "Love, look at me. You are beautiful. You don't need anythin' like surgeries that would change your body. I love your body the way it is. It's what makes you, you. Don't listen to those snobby rich mums, m'kay. I love you and would never ask you to change for me."
With a weak nod, you mutter, "Okay. Love you, too." Harry leans down and places a delicate kiss to your lips. You have snot running down your face but he doesn't care. After the kiss is over with, you wrap your arms around his wet body and he re-wraps his arms around you. Then for the next couple of minutes the two of you sway back and forth under the cascading water that's drenching your bodies.
Harry's the one to end your cuddling moment when he decides it's time to actually bathe your bodies. He helps you wash your hair and body so you don't have to lift a finger. Then he washes himself while you stand under the water stream to stay warm. Once you're all clean, Harry helps dry you both off and get changed. Then helps you into bed, where he cuddles you with a heavy embrace until you fall asleep.
(no more tags are allowed because i've hit my number limit. sorry : ( )
tag list: @one-sweet-gubler // @harryscherrysugar // @japanchrry // @lollypopsx // @harrycanyonmoonn // @itfeelslikemytherapisthatesme // @damnasstyles  // @mrsstylesharry // @softmullet  // @meetmyblondemuffins  // @thegirlnextdoorssister // @stanleystyles  // @haarrrys // @michellekstyles  // @skyangel57   // @the-gardener-31 // @lhharrylilpumpkin // @yousunshine-youtemptress // @clairestylessss  // @kissmyaxe140  // @goldenmelonsugar-hi // @kaitieskidmore1 // @florencepughily  // @alienorknight //@dancearoundthelivingroom  // @swiftmendeshoran
 // @luv-flor7777  // @alohastyles-x // @tenaciousperfectionunknown  // @sleutherclaw // @siredtohybrid // @whoscamila // @a-strange-familiar  // @golden-elodie // @mrspeacem1nusone //  @goldenkhae // @lntwithharry // @shadowygladiatorlight  // @manifestrry  // @mendesblurb // @sunshinemoonsposts  // @depersonalizationsucks // @academiaghosts // @zendayassimp // @reveriehs // @vsnnstuff // @dancinsunflowerkiwi // @quinnsgrapejuice // @theroosterswife24 // @justlemmeholdyou // @stylesmygucci // @hsonlyangelxo // @luvonstyles // @howdey
My Masterlist Masterpost
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marvelobsessed134 · 7 months
Welcome home
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CEO!Barbie x Fem!Assistant!Reader
AU masterlist part of the ‘starting to really like the real world’ universe
Warnings: smut, mommy kink, strap on sex, oral (both receiving), dom!barbie, sub!reader, squirting.
Summary: you surprise Barbie when she she comes home from a long business trip
You’ve missed Barbie a lot. She’s been on a business trip that you couldn’t go to since it was all the way across the country and you had to tend to things at the office.
But now she’s coming back and you have the absolute perfect way to welcome her back home. You’re glad she’s given you to keys to her house. Pulling this off will be much easier.
You’re giddy when you open your bag to see the light pink lingerie set you bought. You quickly strip down your clothes and put it on, before hiding your bag under the bed. You then went into Barbie’s nightstand drawer to pull out her large, pink strap on and laid it on the bed.
Finally, you got into position, laying sideways. Your pussy was getting damp just from the whole exhilarating experience and your heart rate picked up when you heard the door downstairs unlock and open.
Mommy was home.
Barbie was so glad to be home. She’s missed her house and especially you. Her precious baby. She couldn’t wait to play with you again and take you out on more dates and shopping sprees.
She trudged up the stairs to her room and walked in. Only to see you on her bed in the prettiest pink lingerie set.
Your core was even more wet now. “Welcome home, mommy.” Your voice was breathy and seductive.
Her blue eyes noticeably darkened. “Well hello to you to sweet girl. Is this all for me?” Her eyes wondered your body with no shame. You looked good enough to eat.
“Yeah, mommy. I wanted to surprise you. Missed you so much.” You pouted with wide eyes.
“Awww, come to mommy baby.” The blonde opened her arms and you ran into them. The two of you shared a warming hug before a passionate kiss. The kiss got more heated as she backed you up to the bed and laid you down. You sprawled out, and grabbed the strap on, looking her in the eyes as you sucked on it. Barbie groaned at the sight, before pulling it away from you.
“Naughty girl. Why don’t you suck mommys pussy instead?” You loved that suggestion and watched as she stripped down and man spread on the chair in the corner of her bedroom.
You crawled over to her and licked her drenched pussy. She moaned and you began to eat her out, sucking on her clit.
“Oh fuck, good girl.” She moaned, rolling her eyes back.
You continued to eat her out before she came all over your face. “Holy fuck, such a good girl.” Your core was throbbing at the praise.
Your boss pulled you up by your hair and pressed a passionate kiss to your lips once again before laying you down on the bed. You watched as she pulled your lace panties down with her teeth.
Once they were off, she spread your legs before licking a bold stripe against your wet pussy. “Oh.” You gasped.
Barbie smirked before licking in between your folds, eating you out like a starving animal. You were a crying mess now, reaching your high.
“Mommy!” You cried out.
“You gonna cum? Go on, cum for me, sweetheart.”
You squirted all over her face and she groaned at the taste. Then she collected some of it with her fingers and pulled them up to your mouth. “Taste yourself baby.” You took her fingers in your mouth and sucked them dry like a good little girl.
“You want my strap now huh baby?” The blonde cooed and you nodded. You watched as she put it on in front of you, fastening the harness at record speed. She teased the tip in your entrance before pushing in. You moaned as she started thrusting in and out, going harder and faster each time.
Soon, she was pounding into you. You were a moaning and screaming mess. She pulled down your bra and took your tits out, toying with your nipples adding to the stimulation.
“Mommy, too much- can’t-“
“Yes you can. You can take it. I know you like this babygirl.” And that’s very true. You love being overstimulated like this, completely at her mercy.
“Oh mommy, m’gonna cum!”
“Already? Cum for me, sweetheart.”
You clenched around her cock before releasing your arousal. You moaned loudly, clenching the sheets below you and curling your toes.
Your chest was rising and falling, trying to catch your breath. “Such a good girl.” Barbie praised as she pulled out. Then she laid down and made you rest on her bare chest. She knew you loved sucking her tits after a rough session.
Your mouth latched onto one of her nipples and began sucking as she stroked your hair. “Thank you for surprising me, sweet girl. Mommy really enjoyed it.”
You hummed and slowly felt yourself drifting off to sleep.
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onlyswan · 2 years
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summary: in which you and jungkook splurge on in the seom.
> fluff, suggestive ? / wc: 2.6k
> warnings: mention of recording a sex tape oop
note: look . . . i don’t know how my drabbles end up the way that they do i also question the stream of my thoughts constantly. anyway the mobile gaming continues 🫡 this game got me hooked i needed to write while i’m in the zone. + feedback is always appreciated <3
“wow, you’re so rich.” you comment absentmindedly, watching jungkook’s tattooed hand making multiple in-app purchases of gold and gems.
“babe, babe,” you panic and slap his hand away from clicking the largest amount of gems for the third time. “i think thirty-seven thousand gems are more than enough for now!”
he makes a noise of disagreement from behind you, his body vibrating against your back. his arms circle around your waist again, using both words and touch as his ways of persuasion. “did you see the top one? they’re in like level 600! let me buy more so we’re set for until level 300 or something.”
you sigh in defeat, letting him hold the ipad propped up against your thighs again. “well, i guess the money just circles back to your bank account.”
“i know right?” he giggles in delight. “ohhh, i’ll buy the tany pass so we can get the butter costumes.”
sparkling gold coins replace your irises like they do in the cartoons. the said costumes are too adorable and you want to see them wear the matching outfits in the island. moreover, your boyfriend knows how much you loved his long purple hair.
“does it come with all seven?” you ask curiously as jungkook lifts up the ipad to level with his head for umpteenth time, using the face id to confirm the $8 dollar purchase. the purchase successful! notification flashes on the screen, and you can’t hide the stupid smile forming on your face.
“i’m not sure? let’s see.” he hums, tapping each member on the screen to check their available items.
“oh wait! i need to complete the tier first. hold on.” he exists the tab to go back to the event, purchasing the keys to unlock all the prizes without having to collect anymore. he claims them one by one. “oh, so there’s only jin-hyung, jimin-hyung, taehyung-hyung, and me.”
“but i wanted everyone- oh my god, you guys are so cute.” you hold down the squeal in your throat, zooming in on the characters wearing their butter outfits. “his rainbow hair is really pretty. i saw they released the butter funko pops too? looks great as everything.”
he nods with a chuckle, watching jimin walk around the island. “he’s the only one who can pull that off.”
“well now i wanna see you try it.” blonde jungkook was also very pretty- the evidence of your honesty being the three weeks you only referred to him as barbie.
“barbie, i miss your face. what time are you coming home?”
“hey barbie, what you cooking for dinner?”
“that’s not how lasik surgery works, barbie!”
“good morning, pretty barbie. i’m not sure but i think i . . . burned the coffee maker?”
the name rhymes with baby, your term of endearment for each other. you know what? it’s basically the same word, so he got used to it right away. if he hears someone saying it in public, he will most probably still react to it. obviously, you stopped using the name when he dyed his hair another color.
so if he tries the sprayed on pastel colors on his blonde hair? you get the living, breathing barbie doll of your childhood and teenage dreams.
“we can try for fun when i want to bleach my hair again.”
jungkook is an angel who always lets you indulge in the desires of your heart.
“hmm, soon then. your natural hair is very pretty and healthy right now. i hope it grows out the way you want it to this time.” your hand reaches back to caress his head. his hair is as smooth as silk as it glides across your palm, freshly dried from the shower not even two hours ago.
you remove your hand to entertain yourself with the game again, dragging the members to the army bomb to make them dance to their songs.
“oh! they’re playing still with you?” you exclaim in pleasant surprise, laughing at his character dancing cutely to his precious song. the other members have the biggest smiles on their faces dancing along too. jungkook watches the scene with you in pure amusement.
“ah, the game has captured the group’s dynamics very well. they got all the inside jokes and nicknames researched and written down.” he shares his review before the sight of namjoon and seokjin crying while eating mint chocolate ice cream makes him burst with laughter.
“see? they are this dramatic over this in real life! i can attest to this!” he makes them do it again to point it out, the speech bubble that says i’m brushing my teeth right now sounding awfully familiar.
“you and taehyung are my favorite.” you drag him over to taehyung to show the two of them holding hands and moving side-to-side like two little kids who won prizes at the fair. “so cute!”
you wish you had a penny for every time you say the word cute today.
“oh, that looks familiar but i can’t remember where we did that anymore.”
he suddenly grabs your hand and places it on top of his head.
you look back at him confusion. “yes, baby?”
“play with my hair while i buy more outfits and decos please.”
his soft voice makes flowers bloom in your chest. how endearing is your boyfriend?
“of course, baby.” you resume stroking his hair, occasionally twisting the strands in your fingers and raking your nails on his scalp.
he shifts around to lean more comfortably on the pillows, one arm holding you by the waist and the other holding the ipad. you allow yourself to completely relax between his thighs, his body enclosing you into a cocoon of warmth and affection. if you only you could stay in this position for the rest of your life, you would.
but the hand playing with his pair pauses when he starts messing around with the game again, replacing the free items he got with the other designs that cost the most diamonds. the tent, the dining area, the luggage, the camp fire, the cocktail bar, the sun beds, the umbrellas, the hammocks.
huh, you haven’t quite gotten used to it yet.
it is pleasing to watch- having the luxury to choose and being able to buy the one that you want. you both know it’s just a silly little game, but the satisfaction that comes with decorating the island can be addicting. apparently, you and jungkook have a knack for finding entertainment in the silliest things, which further strengthens your bond. you firmly believe you were childhood friends in another life.
meanwhile, he moves on to opening ten lucky boxes at a time.
“booster. booster. booster.” he mumbles while tapping on the screen. “hah! i got suga-hyung a top. and shades. booster. booster. a windmill? streetlamp. booster. shorts. no way- the car from daechwita? ice cream truck . . . light it up like dynamite~”
you swear, there is a kid trapped inside your boyfriend’s big body. if he was to be prohibited from speaking or moving for twenty four hours, he wouldn’t be able to follow the rules even if his life depended on it. perhaps that is why there is always the need to protect him despite knowing the fact that he is way stronger than you- he is such a kind and free spirit. a rare gem. your one in seven billion. you want to protect him from mosquitoes and storms and shipwrecks and exposed wires and slippery floors and sharp edges and treadmills (it flung him off that one time two years ago) and any other form of bad energy in the universe. atleast, you’re trying to.
after opening about thirty? forty? boxes, he dresses up the remaining members. however, “can i make them naked? oh. i can pay for it. i’ll make namjoon-hyung naked- shirtless. oh-ho-ho! sexy with the hair as blue as the ocean.”
your laughter is louder than the ipad’s speakers blasting the game’s original soundtrack, your boyfriend’s hilarious live gaming commentary exactly being your style of humor.
to be honest, if only you weren’t in a healthy relationship, you’d think he was in love with namjoon.
after displaying the decos he bought, jungkook decides to make a club.
“you really posted on your ig story.” you chortle in disbelief, scrolling through the seemingly endless amount of requests. “this is so fun. hold on-”
“everyone’s on level 100 and 200. how are they so fast?!” he cries out at the three digits beside the nicknames of the users. “we need to catch up to them after this.”
“they’re all sending you flowers. and fruit baskets? pearl necklace. these literally cost gems.” you curl up between his thighs from laughing so hard, your grip on the ipad loosening until it slips down next to jungkook. “my stomach hurts. i can’t breathe.”
his wide frame also shakes in mirth, but he securely wraps his arms around you to prevent you from falling off the bed. for the record, it is a king-sized bed. for some reason, however, the two of you always end up being tangled together on the one edge or the other. (most of the time it’s actually you subtly moving closer and closer until he pays attention and cuddles you)
“okay! let’s start accepting requests.” he announces while manhandling you back into your previous position. you grunt at the pressure pressing against your stomach, holding onto his forearm to push it away lightly out of reflex.
you’re literally on the bed, why does he feel the need to carry you all the time?
once you’re settled down once again, you start accepting requests to join the club together. you take turns in picking random users based on the nicknames that catch your attention, and it is peaceful for a while until you’re looking for the one final member and-
“jeon jungkook’s future wife . . . that doesn’t sound right.” you read the nickname out loud, tilting your head to the side with a click of your tongue.
“well, i do like that they’re brave.” with a shrug, you accept their request and open the door for them to enter the club.
jungkook snickers behind you, obviously loving how his ego is being spoon-fed at the moment.
you sit up to accusingly look at him with hooded eyes. “all the flowers and gifts and proposals. you’re enjoying this, aren’t you?”
“maybeee.” he offers you a playful beam. “but it’s our game. i’m doing this for us! we can get lots of hearts from the club!”
we- they don’t even know i exist. but he still makes you smile anyway. your lovely jungkook, who is always too good to you.
spontaneously deciding that you want to splurge on lucky boxes to make the countless purchases of gems worth it, you soon find yourself unable to stop. oh, you understand him better now.
“it’s fun, isn’t it?” he smiles at the childlike look of relishment on your face. you tap and tap and tap, collecting prizes like a panicked thief picking up gold coins forming a long trail, except that unlike the thief, you are overjoyed.
“keep buying until we get six of the cars.” he instructs you, clicking the cart that takes you to the lucky box again. he plans for each of them to be designated to the members who have a driving license. perhaps it’s unnecessary, sure- but he wants to prolong your small joys as much as he can.
“kay, since it’s your money.” you answer gleefully. you free yourself from the hesitation of spending gems since you can’t get a refund for them anyway.
you end up with six daechwita cars and three dynamite ice cream trucks. jungkook parks them all beside each other, like a team huddling together before a basketball game. he also buys taehyung’s hansung costume from the kdrama he starred in called hwarang, later on claiming that taehyung looks like he has been the immortal guardian of the island since the day the dry land was created on planet earth.
his words exactly. not yours. your boyfriend’s imagination tends to wander around like a free bird soaring through the sky for the first time in its life.
after chatting with the club members for a bit, he decides to pick up your level from 31. the motivation kicks in like a race horse when he realizes that your account is top 30 out of 30 in the club.
on the spur of the moment, he begins worshipping the boosters he was previously irritated at for constantly popping out of the boxes instead of the costumes and decos that he wanted.
you have never loved the word DOPE! more in your life.
“my favorite boosters are the whale, the double top, and the axe.”
“the whale is the best one for sure. it’s a lifesaver.” you mention cheerfully as you mix the two whales that wipe out the entire puzzle, mimicking a black hole that swallows everything that dares to come near it.
“oh my god, it’s so fucking satisfying to watch.”
jungkook grabs the opportunity as soon as he sees it. with a mischievous grin he declares, “title of our sex tape.”
yup, you should have foreseen this right when the words came out of your mouth.
you sit back up to look at him with a disapproving look. “you just had to do it, didn’t you?”
he pouts sadly, but his bunny smile promptly lights up his face again upon hearing your follow-up statement.
“like i’m sure we can come up with a better title than that!”
the familiar notification sound rings from the ipad, and you both peer down at the pop-up that appeared on the top of the screen.
it’s from cats&soup— another game you play together almost everyday.
Cats are missing you!
jungkook goes for it again without a single beat of thought or hesitation.
“title of our sex tape!”
the displeased expression on your face turns sourer. “you gotta try harder than that, babe.”
“that is not a good title. we have a beyond satisfactory sex life.” he whines, the joke he cracked backfiring on him.
“well then get back to me when you think of a good one. we need to feed our cats for now.” you exit in the seom to tend to the other game for the meantime. does my face look like that i’ll become a king will have to stay in level 80 (the bottom of the rank list) for now.
but then the gears in his head immediately starts turning after being given the challenge, and a new found motivation drives him to, in fact, try harder this time around.
he clears his throat, alternately looking at your face and your fast fingers upgrading the cats’ facilities. just waiting for the right timing to bring it up.
is this ever a right timing to talk about this type of stuff? oh, fuck this. ask the million-dollar question already.
he swallows thickly in anticipation. “uhm, so i was just thinking. if you approve my title, will we record one for real?”
you shrug without looking at him, focused on collecting money from the food your cats cooked. “sure. why not?”
jungkook’s doe eyes sparkle with doubled, tripled- no, quadrupled adoration for the sweet creature sitting between his legs.
“you are the love of my life.” he utters breathlessly.
taglist! @lolalee24 @alanniys @jjkeverlast @queenofdragonsandcats @yvesismywife @enhypenslay @cramseys @witchfqllen @virgogentlejk @rkie @jeonwiixard @monilyv @bermudaisy @ameliejeannelaurent @takochelle @the1921-monsters @investedreader @seagulljk @yeow6n + send an ask / dm if you want to be added (or removed) :D
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ateriblewriter · 1 year
An Uncle Trevor Night
Baby Ducky AU
singledad!Jamie. Uncle!Trevor, Nanny!reader.
Intros coming soon
Baby Ducky AU Masterlist
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You sat at the table watching Kinsley playing, waiting for Jamie or Trevor to get home. They promised one of them would be there soon, but you were getting impatient. Despite living the thrown together family as the nanny to the adorable Kinsley Jo, you still had a life outside of work. One that you were currently running late for at the moment.
“Oh shoot.” Trevor’s eyes went wide when he walked through the front door of the modest place they were living in. He had completely forgot that he was supposed to take your place in watching Kinsley for the night. “I’m sorry. Jamie won’t be back for a while but I’ve got her, so you go, have fun.”
“Thank you, Z. She still needs eat dinner, it’s bath night and then she needs to actually get to bed tonight.” You looked towards Trevor giving him the rundown of what still needed to be done.
“Dinner, bath, bed got it.” Trevor shooed you out, reciting the list quietly to himself again so he didn’t forget. “ You go. Say hi to Y/bff/N I said hi.”
“It’s actually a date. But I’ll let her know next time I see her” You ran to grab your bag from your room and dashing out the door. “Bye Z, bye Kins.”
“Hey kid, what are we eating for dinner tonight?” Trevor looked at the dark haired child.
“No, Unca Mama. I not hungry.” She told him as she continued to have a little tea party with her favorite stuffed animals, Nana the banana duck that Mason had given her for her birthday and Sheldon the shrimp .
“I call bull.” Trevor threw his head back in slight frustration before sinking to her level. “We have pizza or tacos. Or I can make you a jelly and cheese. Those are your options.”
“No.” Kinsley crossed her arms, and stomped her foot. She adamant on getting what she wanted and if she was stubborn enough, she knew Uncle Mama would give into her demands. “I want waffles.”
“Waffles are not an option kid. In fact we don’t have any.” Trevor sifted through the items in that were in the fridge, making note someone would have to make a trip to the store soon.
“No! Miss Y/N make them.”
“Well I’m not Miss Y/N and I don’t know how to make them.” He made the decision for the child, grabbing the ingredients for to make jelly and cheese sandwiches. As he suspected she was hungry and ate every bite of the sandwich and fruit he gave her. She even tried sharing it with her stuffies.
“Bath time Ducky.” Trevor went over to collect the child. He had let her continue playing for a bit while he cleaned up from dinner. Tonight was bath night
“No.” Kinsley continued to playing with her all her stuffies that were laid out in front of her.
“Kins, it’s just a bath. You like baths. You can have a pool party with your barbies or you can bring your animals in there.”
“No!” Kinsley screamed, testing the waters once again.
“Kinsley Jo, don’t scream at me.” Trevor always felt bad about scolding the child. She wasn’t his despite what some people might think and he felt like it wasn’t his place to do so. “Come on. It’ll be fun.”
Kins just looked at her uncle this time. Instead of saying anything she just got up and ran down a hallway.
After her bath, in which he ended up getting wet as well because the child decided to pour a cup of water, Trevor could tell the hellion child was tired and would soon go to bed and he could finally have a little peace and quiet after a long day.
“Let’s get on some fuzzy pajamas on. We can read some of the new books you got front the library.” Trevor laid out the plan for her. “Sound good?” He dried off Kinsley after her bath.
“NO!” She ran out into the hall again, a second kick of energy must have kicked in, this was going to be a long night for Trevor until Jamie came back.
Trevor groaned, running after the baby duck again. He managed to wrangle her in and get her ready for bed. They read five books books before the kid started yawning and snuggling close to Trevor.
“I miss daddy.”
“I know. But he’ll be back by the time you wake up tomorrow. How does that sound?” The little girl nodded.
“I love you uncle Trevor.” Kinsley engulfed Trevor in a big hug.
“I love you too, baby duck.” Some days he questioned himself why he stuck around to help Jamie with Kinsley. But moments like this made it all worth it and he wouldn’t have traded it for the world.
Please let me know what you think! Also if anyone has any suggestion for shenanigans for this weird family let me know! 
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barbielore · 3 months
I've been really getting into dance lately. I've taken up East Coast Swing, although I am not very good at this stage. You're not going to see me performing in a Jack N Jill any time soon.
This was a really awful segue into talking about a cool line of Barbies that have nothing to do with East Coast Swing.
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The Tango Barbie giftset was an FAO Schwarz exclusive Barbie and Ken set, featuring Ken with a small amount of facial hair and Barbie with a rose in her teeth. This was released in 2002, and followed in 2003 by another giftset depicting partnered dancing.
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In The Waltz, Ken has a Clark Gable moustache, and Barbie's gown is flowing everywhere you can imagine.
Neither of these were the first or only Barbies to be depicted around partnered or ballroom dancing. The Ballroom Beauties collection comes to mind, although I find quite perplexing. You see, Ken is on the box, but Barbie is actually alone.
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Moonlight Waltz Barbie is absolutely beautiful, don't get me wrong. But why is Ken on the box art if he's not actually there? Did Mattel just not want to make a bunch of different Kens in similar suits? Because they could have been more creative with their menswear.
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And later, we had tie-in Barbies for Dancing with the Stars - for example, Waltz again depicted above. This is a really interesting costume, actually, and I Love it.
But none of these reach the levels of Bob Mackie's Tango Barbie from the Celebration of Dance porcelain series.
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Look at her. She's incredible.
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scary-lasagna · 2 months
Can you do offender with an s/o where they are at the ocean and his s/o lost her glasses in the water? *crying bc this just happened to me not even an hour ago*
Sorry about your glasses! :( Did you ever find them?
“Hold on Babe, I’ll fight this fuckin’ water.”
Cue Offender body slamming himself into the ocean.
He pretends he’s looking for your glasses, because truth of the matter is that they’re long gone.
He just wants to make you feel a bit better.
But you can’t even see what the hell he’s doing becauSE YOU CANT SEE.
All you hear is chaotic splashing and various screaming sounds.
He collects all the cool seashells to place at your feet while you sniffle on your Barbie-themed towel that’s actually his.
But you didn’t have one so he let you borrow it as long as you called him Ken on the travel to the beach.
There’s even a little Barbie themed bucket he puts all the small stuff in so it doesn’t get lost in the sand.
Maybe he’ll even be able to find you some sea glass.
The Ocean takes as She pleases, but that just means something of value will come your way soon!
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