#based on unleashed (2005)
wangxianficrecs · 1 year
❤️ Across the street to another life by danegen
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❤️ Across the street to another life
by danegen
M, 99k, Wangxian
Summary: Wangji stays on the piano bench as they’re closing up. Wei Ying chews his lip, knowing what he’s going to do but horrified at himself. But what’s the alternative: kick the guy out and find him sleeping beside the dumpster in the morning? And that’s if the cops don’t take him in for vagrancy. “Wangji?” Wangji looks up. Please don’t be a serial killer. “So, we’re closing up for the night, but A-Yuan and I live upstairs. Do you want to join us for dinner?” Wangji blinks. His head bobs in what’s probably a yes. “Great!” Fuck. Or a ragged monosyllabic man wearing a collar shows up at Wei Ying's music store. Wei Ying and A-Yuan ask, is anyone going to adopt this guy? And then they don't wait for an answer.
Kay's comments: This story really had me hooked and I could hardly wait for each new chapter. It's a modern AU set in America based on the movie Unleashed. I didn't know the movie and thankfully, that didn't matter, because no knowledge is needed! Wen Ruohan is a crime boss here and Lan Wangji is his top-fighter that he keeps in a cage and collared and uses to commit violence on his enemies and to win illegal fights (he gave me Winter Soldier vibes!). One day, Lan Wangji manages to escape and he gets taken in by Wei Wuxian and his son A-Yua. Cue lots of hurt/comfort, some drama, family feels, tragic pasts, Wangxian getting together and having to deal with Wen Ruohan. Lots of angst and a well-deserved happy ending. Despite the author warning that Lan Wangji is way out of character here, it didn't really feel that way for me. Like, it totally made sense given his circumstances. I really loved the character dynamics in this story. The Jiang parents are divorced for example and now Yu Ziyuan is trying to be a less shitty parent and mostly doing it by bribing her grandchildren with gifts and one of my favourite parts, though he doesn't play that much of a role, is what the author made of Wen Zhuliu, because I'm really weak for him! I also really loved the slow thawing of Lan Wangji and him growing into his new life and finding a place for himself. Mojo's comments: Fucking spectacular, and I'm in a car and not able to make a good bookmark, but DAMN, y'all. Lwj has been kept in a cage and made to fight all his life, and finally slips his chain and sinks into domestic bliss with wwx and a-yuan: learns to read and use a fork and it's beautiful. But of course, his past doesn't want to let him go.
Excerpt: “Was that woman your mother?” Wei Ying’s smile falls. His mouth opens in a pretty O. “Oh, you mean Yu Ziyuan? The one who picked A-Yuan up?” Wangji nods. “No. Well, not really. My mother died when I was about A-Yuan’s age. My father, too. Yu Ziyuan and her husband—well, ex-husband now—raised me after that. More or less.” Wangji nods like he understands and stares down at the counter. He doesn’t know what to call a woman who is sort of a mother but not really. “Where are your parents?” Wei Ying asks. His voice is soft, like he isn’t sure he wants Wangji to hear. “Dead.” He doesn’t remember his parents, but when Wangji was younger, Wen Ruohan told him that he had taken Wangji in after they died. “Oh. I’m sorry.” Wangji doesn’t understand why Wei Ying would apologize. He’s afraid to ask why. “A-Yuan’s mother died, too,” Wei Ying says. When Wangji peeks up at him, Wei Ying has gone back to staring at the computer screen. He isn’t smiling. “She died when he was a baby.” It hadn’t occurred to Wangji that Wei Yuan must have a mother. He knows about mothers, but he’s never actually met one. He doesn’t know what to say, so he says what Wei Ying said: “I’m sorry.”
modern setting, modern no powers, pov alternating, family feels, set in america, based on unleashed (2005), past wei wuxian/others, wei wuxian is lan sizhui's parent, wei yuan, single parent wei wuxian, addition, implied/referenced drug addition, amnesia, ableist language, musicians, angst with a happy ending, found family, @danegen
(Please REBLOG as a signal boost for this hard-working author if you like – or think others might like – this story.)
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blazehedgehog · 1 month
Man, that's crazy and unfortunate what happened to that level designer on Sonic Heroes. Is there a source for those stories you could share?
Unfortunately it came from a Game Informer interview on their website back in 2016. Thanks to the efforts of Gamestop, everything about Game Informer was basically wiped from the internet about a little over a week ago.
Digging around a bit I found this Wayback Machine post for the article, titled "Where Sonic Went Wrong", written by Brian Shea.
Iizuka recalls the development cycle of Sonic Heroes, the first multiplatform mainline Sonic console game, as the most stressful of his career, in part thanks to deadlines. He was based in the United States while the rest of the development team was in Japan, and mismanagement took its toll on the team. "The level design for Sonic Heroes was made by two people: me and one other person," he says. "As we got to the later stages of development, this other person got pretty sick and didn't show up to work, so level design was made by one person! So for those very last stages of the game, I didn't sleep at all and I was constantly working. I lost about [22 pounds] because I was just cranking away and it was just work, work, work. I didn't sleep because I had to finish the game on my own. Almost dying!"
From what I've heard, this isn't the first time somebody has mentioned this about Sonic Heroes, just the first time in an English interview.
For the other information:
The information about Sonic 2 comes in the wake of Hirokazu Yasuhara's Digital Dragons talk in 2017, where he revealed a significantly different and more ambitious early design for Sonic 2 that was scrapped in favor of something they could do faster and easier.
The information about Sonic 3 comes from the Hidden Palace dump of a Sonic 3 prototype. The creation date on their prototype is maybe three months before its retail release and the state of the game at that point can charitably be described as a disaster, something their news post explains thanks to information provided by the person who offered the prototype.
Sonic Adventure 2 being made by half the people in half the time is original research by me. Sonic Team is on record that the 3D Sonic World in Sonic Jam was a prototype for Sonic Adventure on the Sega Saturn, putting development of SA1 starting around late 1996 or early 1997. If you count from there to when the finishing touches were put on the International (American) release of SA1, that gives it a development time of around 2-3 years. SA2's development started probably around December of 1999, and came out in June of 2001, making for a development time of 18 months. You can compare developer numbers yourself using Mobygames. (Shoutouts to The Golden Bolt for also looking down a similar path.)
Similarly, just look at the production credits for Shadow the Hedgehog, CTRL+F, and search for "Takashi Iizuka"
After Shadow in 2005, Takashi Iizuka was no longer an active developer on the Sonic series for the next five or six games, mostly relegated to distant "supervisor", "concept" and "special thanks" roles. Instead, he worked on NiGHTS: Journey of Dreams, another game Sega jerked him around on. He came back to the Sonic franchise and started doing press again midway through the development of Sonic Colors in 2010.
Sonic Unleashed being expensive comes from, to my memory, an IGN Developer Diary that's impossible to find nowadays, where the director admits one of the producers at Sega pitched the Werehog as a way to slow players down and appreciate all the effort they put into environment art. Also they literally developed a whole entire rendering engine just for that game, of course it was expensive.
Here's a 2009 post mentioning a "Sonic Anniversary" leak from Sega's FTP. Details are fuzzy, but a Sega Spain leak a year later clarified that "Sonic Anniversary" was a game coming to Wii, DS, PSP, and PS3. A (physically) broken prototype of Sonic Anniversary for the PSP reveals a very early version of what would become Sonic Generations for the 3DS. And given how much content is shared between Sonic Colors and Sonic Generations, it's not hard to connect the dots between Colors being built from the proposed Wii version of "Anniversary" (Generations). There may be a more direct source for this straight from the horse's mouth, but I can't find it right now.
Morio Kishimoto was a game designer for Secret Rings and Black Knight, his first games for Sega, and got promoted to Director for Sonic Colors where he's stayed ever since. He mentioned not being a part of Sonic Forces at first, but was brought in to get the game back on track, and the game's troubled development is corroborated by Takashi Iizuka in the liner notes for the Sonic Forces soundtrack.
You can compare the metacritic for Secret Rings and Sonic 06 to see just how much more favorably Secret Rings was received, despite both games coming out less than six months apart.
Here's an archived IGN interview from 2007 with Yojiro Ogawa describing how Secret Rings was split off from the development resources of Sonic 06. Exact dates would be fuzzy, but it's easy to assume the entire game was developed in less than a year.
Here's a 2010 Eurogamer interview where Takashi Iizuka (not Kishimoto, whoops) says Sonic Colors is a Sonic game meant to appeal to Mario fans.
As for Sonic Lost World being Sonic Colors 2, my source on that is "I mean, just look at it."
(For people many years in the future, this post is in response to this.)
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I am DEEPLY sorry about making you dive down this rat’s nest of a lore hole, but I’m back with another question that should be cleared up: Can You Fuck Shadow the Hedgehog?
I have a feeling this is gonna get complicated real fast…
I've had this one in mind for a while, so this shouldn't be all that hard to write.
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To any reasonable person, Shadow should have been included in the Sonic post, alongside Surge, Mighty, etc. But you want to know why I didn't? Because if I did, it wouldn't give me the proper opportunity to rant about something.
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This is a misconception that has permeated through the fanbase for Chaos knows how long, being repeated over and over and over again, ad nauseam.
Why do people even say this? Well, Project Shadow started 50 years before the event of Sonic Adventure 2. Which means Shadow's creation happened 50 years ago.
So, people take this as "Oh, Shadow was created 50 years ago, this must mean he's 50 years old!"
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During Sonic Adventure 2, Eggman breaks into a military base to unleash a "top secret military weapon" for his plans. This weapon, is, of course, shadow. The screenshot above is from the scene where Shadow is released.
What does this look like those particles are? What do they look like to you? Usually, thick white air particles like these are a result of the use of cold to pause biological processes. On top of that, the shot right before it displays the object atop the machinery pretty well, although with some distance.
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This is a pod. Like, this is very obviously a pod. Shadow is even standing on top of it once he's revealed.
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And what does he say when he's revealed?
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Note how he says "Awakening". This is taken from a re-translation of the Japanese script, since the official translation makes him refer to being released as opposed to being awakened. Remember, translations for these games in this era were... Less than stellar.
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(seriously, don't go there yet? to the guy telling you he shouldn't have ever been born? like maybe you're right maybe you shouldn't have been born but we don't know enough to say that for sure. ok, buddy)
So, yeah, Shadow isn't 50. I've been saving this for a standalone post, because it is baffling to me how people still keep spouting that "Fact" over and over, even though it makes no sense. He was frozen. He didn't develop mentally or physically. I'm not a Marvel fan by any means, but this is like if you added 66 years to Captain America's age because that's how long he was frozen. For these characters, if you just knocked them unconscious and then sent them to the future, it literally would not make even a bit of a difference.
He's not 50. Moving on.
Oh yeah, uh. That whole immortality thing.
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(Source: Japanese dub, translated.)
Here and there, official material will mention Shadow as being "Immortal" or "Ageless". While never stated in the 2005 game, it makes complete sense, as Shadow was made with Black Doom's own genetic material. Black Doom is immortal, Black Doom's genes are in Shadow, thus, Shadow cannot die of old age.
There is, however, no implication that he does not mentally mature. In fact, it would make sense for him to start out quite young to then become more mature as time goes on, since part of the reason he was made was to accompany Maria, in a sibling-like relationship. Although it's unlikely that the Sonic Channel artwork is canon, most of it at least, it does convey a situation akin to this, which would be horribly out of character otherwise.
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Look at em! They're doing their homework together! And then a few years later, after Maria's death...
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Look at him! Using a minigun for the first time!
His maturity in SA2 also seems just about on par with Sonic's, so it's safe to assume that when that game happened, they were about even in terms of mental development. In general, Shadow is a Sonic counterpart. A very, very close counterpart.
... Very... Very... Ah screw it, let's just bite the bullet.
This happened! An entire Bumblekast episode dedicated to Sonic, Shadow, and mostly Sonadow. It's pretty recent, too! From 8 months ago! In fact, it was made for Pride Month 2023; after Frontiers released. So, Ian Flynn by then became not just a comic writer, but a writer for the games.
I'm not saying Sonadow is canon, obviously, but if the current writer of the games is willing to entertain it for an entire episode and even go as far as saying it's actually really easy to make happen and you don't need to do too much work for it to happen, then it's probably safe to assume the characters are on even ground in terms of maturity.
So, if Shadow can hypothetically, in a fully canon-compatible way, make out with Sonic, and Sonic is fuckable, then Shadow is, by extension, fuckable.
Honestly this is entirely longer than necessary. I could have brought this one up earlier and saved myself the work. Where's the fun in that, though?
Either way, verdict is;
You can, in fact, fuck Shadow The Hedgehog.
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divinefeline28 · 2 months
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get in losers. i am embarking on a journey to play and review every mainline* sonic game, in order*, on as much original hardware as i can. as of right now, the only games ive ever actually played are the original three on genesis, and mania - i have never actually played a 3d sonic game. i am so excited! i am also so incredibly bad at video games!! therefore im not holding myself to 100%ing them, or even getting all the emeralds unless its plot relevant. im just looking to complete the "canon" or best story and hopefully have a good time.
*completely arbitrary distinction based on what i actually want to play, list and current collection image under readmore
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(im not including spinball or 3d blast in this project but i have them so in the collection image they go)
(1991) sonic the hedgehog - genesis (1993) sonic the hedgehog cd - emulated 2012 version* (1992) sonic the hedgehog 2 - genesis ($9.99 manual) (1993) sonic chaos - game gear ($4.99) (1994) sonic the hedgehog 3 - genesis (1994) sonic & knuckles - genesis ($29.99 + $20 manual) (1999) sonic adventure - dreamcast (~$50)** (2001) sonic adventure 2 - dreamcast (~$75)** (2001) sonic advance - gba ($20) (2002) sonic advance 2 - gba ($15) (2004) sonic heroes - gamecube ($20 + $18 manual) (2004) sonic advance 3 - gba ($15) (2005) shadow the hedgehog - gamecube ($64) (2005) sonic rush (2006) sonic the hedgehog (2007) sonic and the secret rings (2007) sonic rush adventure (2008) sonic unleashed - wii ($19.99) (2009) sonic and the black knight (2010) sonic colors - wii (2013) sonic lost world (2014) sonic boom (2017) sonic mania - switch ($34.99) (2017) sonic forces (2022) sonic frontiers (2024) sonic x shadow generations
current price total: ~$371.95 (i am not including the prices of consoles in the total cost, but i have already purchased a dreamcast for this project and intend to get a game gear in the future. also if a game i have doesn't have a price it's because my brother gave it to me)
* out of chronological order due to continuity **SA and SA2 were purchased bundled with a dreamcast console, two controllers, and mvc2 for $350 total so prices on the games alone are approximate.
if a game has a console listed then i have it. also for as much as id love to play sonic cd on original hardware, sega cds go for around $200 and thats awfully steep for a console i want exactly one game for :(
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brokehorrorfan · 10 months
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Originally due out on December 12, The Ring Collection has been delayed to March 19 to provide "additional time to the restoration team to create the best possible brand-new 4K transfer of The Ring, as supervised by director Gore Verbinski."
Scream Factory's 4K Ultra HD + Blu-ray box set will collect all three US films based on the 1998 Japanese horror classic Ringu: 2002’s The Ring, 2005’s The Ring Two, and 2017’s Rings.
The Ring is directed by Gore Verbinski (Pirates of the Caribbean: The Curse of the Black Pearl) and written by Ehren Kruger (Scream 3). Naomi Watts, Martin Henderson, Brian Cox, David Dorfman, and Daveigh Chase star.
The Ring Two is directed by Hideo Nakata (Ringu) and written by Ehren Kruger. Naomi Watts, Simon Baker, David Dorfman, Elizabeth Perkins, Sissy Spacek, and Daveigh Chase star.
Rings is directed by F. Javier Gutierrez (Before the Fall). and written by David Loucka (House at the End of the Street), Jacob Estes, and Akiva Goldsman (I Am Legend). Matilda Lutz, Alex Roe, Johnny Galecki, Aimee Teegarden, Bonnie Morgan, and Vincent D'Onofrio star.
Both the theatrical and unrated cuts of The Ring Two are included. Special features are in progress and will be announced at a later date.
The Ring:
It begins as just another urban legend – the whispered tale of a nightmarish videotape that causes anyone who watches it to die seven days later. But when four teenagers all meet with mysterious deaths exactly one week after watching just such a tape, investigative reporter Rachel Keller (Naomi Watts) tracks down the video … and watches it. Now, the legend is coming true, the clock is ticking, and Rachel has just seven days to unravel the mystery of The Ring.
The Ring Two:
Hoping to leave their terrifying experiences in Seattle behind them, Rachel Keller (Naomi Watts) and her son, Aidan (David Dorfman), move to the small town of Astoria, Oregon. When Rachel learns of an unexplained murder which occurred after a teenager watched a strange videotape with his girlfriend, she suspects her past is following her.
When a radical college professor (Johnny Galecki) finds the mysterious video rumored to kill viewers seven days after watching it, he enlists his students in a dangerous experiment to uncover the secrets behind the Samara legend. When the deadly video goes viral, they must figure out a way to break the curse and defeat Samara before her evil is unleashed upon the world. But how do you stop her when she’s everywhere?
Pre-order The Ring Collection.
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egg-emperor · 1 year
I like to thing eggy mocks GUN/Local law enforcement for not being able to capture him and bring him to justice. Neener neener neener, they'll never be able to catch eggy. Though Sometimes i like t think that he occasionally throws them a bone by leaving a clue to his location , but quickly yanks the chain by destroying their mechs and/or evading them before they find him
I love that so much hjfhdjshdfgsfkj he's such a cheeky menace of a war criminal that they can never catch and he loves it! He loves being the unattainable most wanted and takes great pride in being too smart and powerful for Sonic and friends and the law. His initial reaction to people coming after him first is often treating it like a game and getting playful with it when dealing with anyone that tries to beat him.
He can get a thrill from the high speed chases and desperation they have in pursuing him, giving him the attention and importance he desires as a serious threat they want to take out. He likes it when they dare to face him while he's in his Eggwalker/airships/Egg Mobile/mechs but he's ready for them and has the upper hand, which they'll see when he easily blows them all up with great destructive and lethal force!
He seemed to enjoy that a lot in SA2 and have blast during his stages, laughing to himself during successful streaks of blowing enemies up. They explored it in X nicely whenever Sonic and co or the military tried to launch attacks and he had tricks up his sleeves with weaponry, airships, and robots to deal with them with great excitement. And he enjoyed seeing Shadow help with it in ShtH 2005.
He has tons of bases with clever creative defense systems, my favorite examples being those in Shadow 2005! As much as he can be bothered by nuisance intruders, part of him can enjoy the chance to use them. There's the unused line where he was gleeful about GUN soldiers burning to death because of them, so it seems he is indeed thrilled to deal with enemies when they dare to visit his bases and mess with him.
I imagine he can enjoy building and running his secret bases and other operations and seeing how long he hide it until they find him, or slyly lure them so he can reveal his lovely new playgrounds of sinister hidden bases, fun play time activities and toys of twisted and deadly defense system and guard robots, a warm welcome to his guests- his enemies who will meet their doom! And he sticks his tongue out and blows raspberries to tease them XD 💜
When they get to see one of his cool bases that were secret up until then, he has often become very eager to show it off over time and takes pride in the big grand reveal at last as he says welcome to his "lucky" special guests- before activating the defense systems, weaponry, fleets, and soldiers, unleashing total chaos and giggling with glee as he brings them all down with exciting catastrophic destruction hehe
He could enjoy challenging them to a battle every now and then and have a blast leaving clues, luring them in, and finding a thrill in the hunt and sometimes chase as he leads them to him. To him it's like his own fucked up version of a game of hide and seek, tag, and play fight and it brings him twisted joy and he reminds them just how serious and powerful of a threat he is as he easily wipes out another batch of his enemy's forces like it's nothing! >:D
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doubleddenden · 2 years
I had a random memory of a 2005 cartoon on Kids WB called Loonatics Unleashed. It was a weird kinda edgy action cartoon based on. Based on Looney Tunes. Couldn't tell you wtf it was about though
Needless to say imagine my surprise that other people remember it, and not only that, ship the descendants of Road Runner and Wile E Coyote, AND THE POSTS ARE RECENT
Bruh I thought that show was dead and the fandom deader. Good on yall I hope you guys have a nice day
I need sleep
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denimbex1986 · 10 months
'David Tennant met Doctor Who comic creators Pat Mills and Dave Gibbons on the set of the 60th anniversary special "The Star Beast." The first of Russell T Davies' three anniversary specials led by Tennant and Catherine Tate adapted the story of Mills and Gibbons' 1979 Doctor Who Weekly comic strip of the same name. In "The Star Beast," the Fourteenth Doctor (Tennant) and Donna Noble (Tate) are swept into an intergalactic pursuit when an alien fugitive crash lands in London.
With the Doctor Who special "The Star Beast" introducing the Meep (Miriam Margolyes) and the Wrarth Warriors, original creators Mills and Gibbons were invited to see their creations come to life on set.
As revealed in the behind-the-scenes show Doctor Who: Unleashed (via @darkwillowz), Mills and Gibbons were joined by host Steffan Powell and Tennant, allowing the actor to receive a signed issue from them and express his love for the comic strip...
Tennant: I got this every week. And I remember this comic strip.
Gibbons: You stole it or you paid for it?
Tennant: I paid for it! Well, my parents did – I mean, I was only nine. But this is so… When I first got the script, and I saw what it was based on the front page, I… it all came back so vividly. I remember these comic strips so clearly.
Mills: That’s great.
Powell: So you remember reading this story?
Tennant: I remember all of them! The Iron Legion, and The City of the Damned. And of course this one, yeah. Very clearly.
Gibbons: He’s passed the test, he remembers all the names, Pat. He’s a genuine fan.
Tennant: It’s true!
Doctor Who Has A History of Expanded Media Tales Influencing The Main TV Series
Mills and Gibbons join a number of expanded media writers who have had their work brought into the main Doctor Who television series. Returning showrunner Davies' first contribution to Doctor Who was not the 2005 TV series, but the 1996 novel Damaged Goods, while fellow showrunner Steven Moffat penned the short story "Continuity Errors" for the 1996 anthology Decalog 3: Consequences. Other writers who first contributed to Doctor Who's expanded media before joining the main series include Mark Gatiss, Paul Cornell, and Robert Shearman.
Like how Mills and Gibbons' creations were brought to the screen, Cornell and Shearman would see their original stories get adapted for the show's revival. While both writers contributed to season 1, Shearman would adapt his 2003 Sixth Doctor audio drama "Jubilee" for the screen in "Dalek," where the Doctor's encounter with a sole surviving Dalek was adjusted to work in a post-Time War setting. Meanwhile, Cornell's tale of the Seventh Doctor becoming human and hiding on Earth shortly before the First World War in the novel Human Nature would be reimagined by the author into the two-part season 3 story "Human Nature/The Family of Blood."
"The Star Beast" was a wonderful celebration that allowed wider audiences to enjoy one of Doctor Who's most well-known expanded media tales. It was gratifying to see Davies properly credit both Gibbons and Mills for their contributions, and allow them the opportunity to see their monsters brought to life during filming. Though Tennant has been heavily involved with Doctor Who even between his Tenth and Fourteenth Doctor tenures, it is heartwarming to see the actor have the opportunity to have his own moments with them as a longtime fan, as well.'
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gayemeralds · 2 years
i like to think about the Intricacies about sonics world a lot. what do you think is the current state of the communities like the scientific and legal fields for example. what does the political scene look like. is there even an economic system. is there even law enforcement. i know archie sonic dabbled in organized crime when mammoth mogul placed a kid friendly hit on sonic and his casino looked like a front for money laundering but what does the criminal underground look like. would it be comprised of mostly superpowered induviduals with not so heroic tendencies (but also not stupid enough to be villains) or would it just be normal ass Guys who just try to stay out of the big name heroes ways. also i dont know shit about the details in gameverse this is all based on archie sonic so SOWWY if some of these are already answered in canon
hm im going to be honest this sort of worldbuilding is not something i think about a lot but. im interested.
scientific communities: apparently pretty strong? we know gerald robotnik was a pretty important scientist but he’s not the only one. tails references “kutta-joukowski” in sonic riders, and we know there were a LOT of scientists on board the ark. they managed to develop chaos drives and artificial chaos. Gerald was probably the peak of scientific advancement for a bit (too bad they killed him). plus we see a lot of advanced technology in these games, like the gun robots in sa2. and we still don’t know who made omochao. universities also exist since professeur pickles works at one in sonic unleashed. i think a lot of the science community is probably dedicated to chaos energy manipulation and other related mystic things.
i feel like the scientific community is kind of like… like the mobian world just got out of a dark age, in comparison to the ancient civilizations before them. i mean, the echidnas and the babylons had a LOT of amazing technology, like the ark of the cosmos and gizoids. it seems like modern day is trying to chase that high.
political scene: im not sure? monarchies obviously exist- blaze and elise, for instance. and there’s clearly a president that leads the federation. after shadow the hedgehog 2005, and honestly the whole g.u.n. scandal in sa2, it does make me wonder what politics are like.
legal fields and police: police do exist within the gameverse, so presumably laws do too? there’s not much information on police, since it’s usually the military after sonic.
economic system: rings appear to be the currency within the games. the chaotix also have to pay there rent. presumably there’s some sort of economic system here (capitalism?), but it’s a little iffy to debate considering the people we know have homes (tails, amy, rouge) are not exactly conventional people and are outliers when considering how exactly people afford things.
criminal underground: fang and infinite are confirmed to be mercenaries. fang just straight up uses a gun. infinite appeared to be normal before the whole phantom ruby thing. rouge and the babylons could also be considered, and none of them have any particularly impressive powers. so presumably the criminal underground doesn’t have a whole lot of super powered people, which might lead us to believe people having powers is more of a rarity than a norm.
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carnation-damnation · 2 years
Hello I'm asking for context 👀👉👈
Here's a bit of a run-down from what @emdotcom (partner in crime to this au) and I discussed! (Also, if you don't know who Terios is, here's some posts regarding his place in sonic canon and in our au! 1, 2, 3, 4) the tldr is that terios was a possible design and name for shadow during the development of sa2, and emerald and i snatched him for funniesjosajosajoas
So essentially, we've been going over the plot for the Terios au like it's a game! Like a combination of sonic adventure/2 and shadow the hedgehog 2005, you'd play with different characters but can reach multiple endings (how many? uhhhh idk) This leads to some shenanigans and unlikely team-ups! It primarily focuses on Shadow as a main protagonist, followed by Knuckles and Sonic 'n co. Here's some of the team-ups and explanations for their stages/places in the story:
Shadow & Knuckles: Em pointed out that Knuckles has an inherent connection to the emeralds as the Master Emerald's guardian (and who can locate the shards/gems) Shadow and Knuckles were also weirdly absent from Sonic Unleashed, a game in which the emeralds also lost their powers. Input from two characters that have the strongest connection to chaos energy/the emeralds not being there still gives me hives..Yeh. I'd say that besides Terios, Knuckles and Shadow definitely carry the plot.
Sonic & Omega: These two are a very odd one, I know. Sonic is unable to rely on Chaos Emeralds to go Super, and both he and Omega have an anxious attitude of "We gotta get shit done and we gotta do it now". Sonic and Omega are left to ambush an Eggman base, the gang originally thinking that he had something to do with Terios' creation. Sonic and Eggman are longtime enemies, and Omega loves an excuse to bash Eggman robots. Unfortunately however, not only were the gang incorrect in their assumption that Eggman created Terios, he now knows there's an impressionable rogue bio-weapon out there. Oops.
Tails & Rouge: This may seem like a wildcard! But with Rouge being a silent spy, Tails being a genius, and both of them being fliers, I see no better duo capable of infiltrating G.U.N. to figure out just what Terios is, and how he's capable of draining the Chaos Emeralds of their powers. I also think that Tails' innocent curiosity can lead to possible Rouge lore...hehe.
Amy & Terios: Amy and Terios somehow end up becoming buddies! After half of the emeralds have been drained, Amy comes across Terios, probably in some sort of negative and sad state, and she tries to cheer him up by telling his fortune. They hang around for a bit, Amy not knowing that she's harboring a literal beast, and Terios being shown genuine kindness by someone other than Violet, his creator. Their friendship doesn't last long after Terios tries to go after another emerald, but it definitely sticks with Terios. And Amy wants to do her best to show him that he doesn't need to destroy everything to get what he wants.
Aaaaand yeah!! I really appreciate the interest!! If anyone is MORE interested, I'd love to discuss more of these interactions in depth, maybe draw a few!
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auraofazure · 2 years
G4 2.0: A Longwinded Eulogy
November 16, 2021 - the G4 cable channel relaunches after seven years away, a rare second chance for a mainstay from the era of niche-catered cable television.
November 18, 2022 - the G4 cable channel shuts down after spending a whole month on zombie autopilot mode.
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First, a bit of backstory: the era of niche-catered cable television was a wonderful time, channels for anything and everything filling cable platforms in the late 90s and throughout the 2000s. This was the peak of television, and if you had a maxed out cable package you were set.
One such channel that exceled in this wide open market was a channel based out of San Francisco called ZDTV, a channel focused solely on the growing tech and computer market, though it would change to a more recognizable name in 2000: TechTV.
Unfortunately, though, when you’re in a hypercompetitive niche cable market, you either have to stand out or you’ll fall behind. They inevitably fell behind with layoffs and programming cutbacks, though they did have three core staples to them: The Screen Savers, X-Play, and Anime Unleashed. But it was in the latter years of its singular life where it veered away from business tech talk and shifted toward a more general male audience who happened to also be into casual tech talk. This worked… for a short while.
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In May of 2004, TechTV merged operations with G4, a venture and channel helmed by Comcast in direct competition with TechTV, and relocated operations to Los Angeles as the very longwinded G4TechTV before becoming solely G4 in 2005. And those three staples remained, with one having a new name: The Screen Savers become Attack of the Show, X-Play remained X-Play, and Anime Unleashed also hung around for a short while longer.
By the mid-2000s, people who knew G4 knew what they were all about, with a strong lineup of in-house originals: Cheat!, Cinematech, Arena, G4 Icons, X-Play with Adam Sessler and Morgan Webb, Attack of the Show! now with Kevin Pereira and Olivia Munn (later with Candace Bailey), live convention coverage from places like E3 and CES, this was a channel hitting their true stride. But the good times wouldn’t last long, as Comcast does what Comcast always does: cut back to save a few bucks.
Layoffs, schedule decreases, and drops in viewership were leading things into a bad spot, and by 2011 there were talks and rumors of the channel being sold to either the UFC or WWE to be their own channel. Then in 2012, Pereira and Sessler were let go by G4, with all original programming ceasing production by the end of the year. And that’s all on top with what Comcast had planned for its channel space: replace it with something else in 2013.
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Short version, that replacement never happened, it instead went to another Comcast-owned channel space, and G4 was essentially left on zombie autopilot mode while more and more cable providers cut the channel from their lineups. And on December 31, 2013, its final day of broadcast on whoever still had it in their cable package, it capped off its 11-year run with their Top 100 Video Games countdown retrospective and the 2003 “re-debut” episode of X-Play, before signing off with how the G4 channel launched in 2002: Pong.
And then it went away, left to remain in the vast mental vacuums of our collective nostalgia.
Then the word came out in July 2020 that this was going to come back. Cue up the nostalgia excitement.
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So how do you restart a 2000s-era cable channel in the 2020s, and in the middle of a global pandemic and health crisis? Very slowly.
It took nearly a year and a half for the relaunch, now helmed by Comcast Spectacor (the division of Comcast who owns several Philadelphia sports teams), to kick off, and while the initial fanfare was jovial the final product handled for the network was… lacking.
Keep in mind that when G4 was in its stride in the mid-2000s the internet was a much differnet place. There weren’t 24/7 HD quality live streams and 4K quality video on demand that can be pulled up on a moment’s notice, and instant communication was limited to specific messenger clients and text forums. YouTube and Facebook were only just mere ideas and Twitch was still many years away. So what do you do in a world that has all of that, and more?
You cross the streams. But that didn’t work, either.
Newer audiences may only know of G4 for its past and weren’t there during its heyday, so they wouldn’t be interested in what a linear television channel about gaming would have to offer. And older audiences who remember those old shows would be very much interested in those shows being revived, so long as the focus is on the linear channel - it wasn’t, as their primary audience was being catered to its YouTube and Twitch livestreams, a different audience altogether.
Therein lies the major issue: trying to cater to two completely differnet audiences who don’t cross over. And in contrast to how G4 originally adapted to new media in the 2000s with the growth of podcasts and the introduction of Twitter, this stream-crossing felt like a lack of singular focus when there could have been both.
And here’s where that works: X-Play and Attack of the Show would be returning, but in very differnet forms, first as livestreams and then being aired as glorified “highlight shows” in the days following on its linear television channel, alongside other previously-streamed programs that served to fit the gaming niche audience who, by 2021, mostly migrated away from television toward other internet platforms and personalities. Simply put, nobody is going to go to a television channel first to hear about e-sports drama or a “causal Friday” Twitch stream.
Also, I’m fairly certain nobody watching television wanted to be told by Kevin Pereira that “NFT art is great, you’re all too stupid to get it” but at least he got properly roasted for it almost immediately and THAT snafu was never mentioned ever again.
Then there was the novelty and oddity of Scott the Woz being shown on G4 in the form of ten hour-long compilation episodes of some of his videos, albeit not on the best foot forward as its 6:30pm debut broadcast was upended due to an Amazon Web Service glitch and instead aired at 10:30pm that night… with a few censor bleeps missing. Again, a novelty and oddity if there ever was.
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In terms of other programming on the channel, it was mostly filled with constant reruns of their first-run programs, while they did have a later G4 staple in Ninja Warrior back alongside Takeshi’s Castle and the 1980s Starcade to fulfill the needs for people watching the linear channel. One could surmise that those would be insufficient offerings, but at least there’s plenty of games coverage to be had, right?
Yeah, about that. The video game industry in 2022 is much, MUCH different than the video game industry was 15 years ago. The entire industry has been caught in a tech-crunch arms race and games riddled with constant delays, updates, and microtransactions, and coupled with the current state of E3 and Geoff Keighley’s presentations being less-than-stellar one could argue that the video game industry is in a low point at this current moment. There isn’t much excitement to be had across the board.
And then we come to the big problem with how G4 was relaunched: its main audience of 20-something males from the 2000s have moved on toward other channels and services, and a lot of those attitudes and its zeitgeist was left behind long ago. You couple all of those issues together, and you end up with a channel without any real identity.
If you’ve followed this thread this far and you know what happened with G4 in 2022, you’re wondering when I’ll mention THAT incident. So here it is.
No, Frosk did not singlehandedly kill G4 with her on-air rant. Anyone who honestly believes that one individual can tank a cable network like that is either a goddamn idiot or a sexist clown. Or maybe both, it’s certainly believable, given the reports of harassment and doxxing that happened which is NEVER okay.
Instead, Comcast does what Comcast does best: layoffs to save a buck or two. And, much like before, when coupled with record-low viewership (hovering within 1,000 average viewers per night), the writing, as they say, was on the wall. A lot of details come from an excellent writeup by Nathan Grayson of the Washington Post, digging far deeper than any of us would have ever guessed.
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Appearances and stream raids paid for with five figures, virtually invisible talent relations, constant production flux, and then the final straw last month: a memo leaked to Deadline outlining the channel’s sunsetting. Except said memo wasn’t sent to talent and crew, first. So they all found out at the same time we did. In an instant, all of the work and plans the talent and crew still had for the network was gone and ignited into ash. No more X-Play. No more Attack. No new Icons. And no new Starcade.
And for a month after that, the channel has been operating on zombie autopilot mode, somehow in far worse shape than its year-long zombified state in 2013. Until now, on November 18th of the year 2022, where after 367 days G4 has, once again, shut down. The fact of the matter is, in the year 2022 going on 2023, we don’t really need G4 on television. There is a plethora of off-air recordings all over the internet of its peak era for us to go back to watch and laugh with and even cringe at, but those come from a bygone era of television that, sadly, doesn’t exist anymore and won’t be coming back.
G4 2.0 tried - goddamn it, they somehow tried - but they just couldn’t find an audience or be given enough time and resources to correct its trajectory before the plug was pulled. It could have been something greater, but in the end, all G4 and Comcast can get for this is an honor truly worthy of its disastrous run:
The Golden Mullet.
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adultswim2021 · 2 years
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Cowboy Bebop: The Movie | September 1, 2001 | Feature Film Adult Swim premiere: September 4, 2005 - 12:00AM
This entry can’t be short. It’s about a movie, and a movie is at least three times as long as a TV episode, so I need to make this write-up at least three paragraphs. To not do that would be a failure. This, by the way, is one of those paragraphs. 
This is a stand-alone Cowboy Bebop film, which takes place in the middle of the series, supposedly between episodes 22 & 23. I’m guessing this is just by process of elimination and you aren’t really supposed to care. Stuff like the Bounty Hunter TV show not being canceled and the crew being all together and whatnot means this movie isn’t a prequel or a sequel. But honestly I don’t think it’s supposed to matter that much. 
The plot of the movie has to do with a freaking virus being unleashed by a scary terrorist guy. It’s like freaking COVID-19 ALL OVER AGAIN! If the human population on Mars just trusted the science and got vaccinated and masked up we wouldn’t be in this mess!!
An aside: Remember when COVID was popping off how obnoxiously lame a lot of the virtue signalling stuff about it was? I am not anti-vax, but I get why people would be wary of one given how awful and demonic the US government has been for the past… for the past. But–I’m sorry, I’ve been thinking about this and have nowhere else to complain about it–I remember a cartoon somebody drew that was called like MASKTARDS (except it was something less incendiary) and it depicted people being FUCKING IDIOTS with their masks by not wearing them right and one of them depicted a guy, alone in his car, and the mask was hanging off the rear-view mirror and the implication was like… he should’ve been wearing his mask while he’s alone in his car?? What the fuck is that? 
Hey, just about got this thing to length, good for me. Anyway: This movie isn’t that much better than the good episodes of this show, and in fact is pretty average as far as that goes. Had some good moments. I recall the opening being strong. It really does play out like a decent stand-alone action sci-fi film with the Cowboyers we all know and love. But all movies based on TV shows are basically like that, so why not this one?
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trippy-hippy-dippy · 2 years
Halloween Movie Marathon
The Invisible Man (2020) - Thriller about crazy ex husband
The Witches (2020) - Family/Fantasy based on Ronald Dahl book
Goosebumps (2015) - Family/Fantasy based on R.L. Stine book
Goosebumps 2: Haunted Halloween (2018) - Family/Fantasy based on R.L. Stine book
Casper (1995) - Family/Fantasy with Christina Ricci
The Devils Rejects (2005) - Horror/Gore by Rob Zombie
Cabin Fever (2002) - Horror/Gore with Rider Strong about infectious disease
Wrong Turn (2003) - Horror about inbreeding
Ghost Ship (2002) - Thriller
Goodnight Mommy (2022) - Thriller remake
Scooby-Doo (2002) - Family/Fantasy remake
Scooby-Doo 2: Monsters Unleashed (2004) - Family/Fantasy remake
Don’t Look Under the Bed - Family/Fantasy DCOM
Hocus Pocus
Hocus Pocus 2
Monster House
Hotel Transylvania
Terrifier 2
Texas Chainsaw Massacre
Teen Witch
Disney’s Halloween Treat
Halloween TV Show Binge
Only Murders in the Building - Mystery
The Watcher
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fashionspottt · 6 months
Unleash Your Swagger with Official Trapstar Shorts Sets
 In the realm of streetwear fashion, where style meets attitude, there's a brand that has been igniting the urban scene with its bold and fearless designs. Born on the streets of London, Trapstar has become a name synonymous with swagger, self-expression, and unapologetic individuality. And when it comes to unleashing your inner style icon, their collection of Official Trapstar shorts sets is a game-changer. In this article, we'll explore why these sets are the epitome of streetwear swagger and how they empower you to make a bold fashion statement.
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The Birth of a Streetwear Icon
Founded in 2005 by Mikey, Lee, and Will, Trapstar emerged as a brand that defies conformity and celebrates the spirit of the streets. Inspired by the cultural diversity and rebellious energy of London, they set out to create a fashion line that would redefine urban style.
Shorts Sets: A Revolution in StreetwearWhile streetwear often centers around hoodies and sneakers, Trapstar has expanded the horizon by introducing shorts sets as a staple of urban fashion. These sets are more than just clothing; they are statements of style, an embodiment of confidence, and a celebration of individuality.
Quality Meets Attitude
Trapstar shorts sets combine impeccable quality with a rebellious attitude. Crafted from high-quality materials, they offer comfort, durability, and a luxurious feel. From the stitching to the finishing touches, each set is a testament to meticulous craftsmanship.
Iconic Branding
One of the signature elements of Official Trapstar shorts sets is the iconic branding. The Trapstar logo, featuring the inverted British flag, has become a symbol of authenticity and style rebellion. Wearing an Official Trapstar set isn't just about fashion; it's about making a bold statement that you're a trendsetter, not a follower.
Versatility and Self-Expression
Official Trapstar Collection are designed for versatility and self-expression. Whether you're lounging with friends, hitting the streets, or making an appearance at an urban event, these sets adapt effortlessly to your unique style. Mix and match with your favorite sneakers and accessories to create a look that's all your own.
A Global Following
What began as a London-based brand has now captured the attention of a global audience. Celebrities, musicians, and fashion enthusiasts worldwide proudly sport Official Trapstar shorts sets. This international recognition reflects the brand's ability to resonate with individuals who appreciate bold, trendsetting style.
Unleash Your Swagger
Official Trapstar shorts sets empower you to unleash your swagger, to embrace the fearless attitude that sets you apart from the crowd. When you wear these sets, you're not just wearing clothes; you're embracing a lifestyle that values self-expression, authenticity, and a relentless pursuit of style.
In a world where fashion trends come and go, Official Trapstar shorts sets stand as a testament to the enduring appeal of streetwear that dares to be different. They are more than garments; they are a declaration of your personality, a reflection of your confidence, and a symbol of your style rebellion.
So, if you're ready to unleash your swagger and make a fashion statement that's truly your own, explore Official Trapstar shorts sets and discover how this brand is redefining the streetwear landscape. Embrace the attitude, wear the emblem, and become a part of the global Trapstar family that sets trends rather than follows them, all while exuding an unmatched level of swagger.
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wolfys-blorbo-mansion · 6 months
Ronnie and Rosalyn's Timeline (WIP)
Okey-doke, I decided to make a timeline of events involving Ronnie and Rosalyn, as if they were actual characters and not OCs. This took me a bit to put together, so I hope you like it! (Dividers by @firefly-graphics, Red Harpy fan art by davyonmartz on Twitter/X [Warning: 18+ Content])
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Ronnie Banner makes her comic debut as a newborn in Incredible Hulk #379. She is the result of the pregnancy revealed in Incredible Hulk #342. While Betty is discussing trying to process Bruce's new form as Merged Hulk, she mentions that his presence could be threatening to their newborn daughter, Ronnie.
Ronnie was born with green wings from Betty's previous mutate form, Harpy. At first, Bruce was shocked at the revelation of being a father, and feared that Ronnie would grow up to be just like him with an uncontrollable alter-ego, or that he'd repeat his father's past sins of alcoholism and abuse. With the support of his associates, Bruce was able to set his fears aside and be a good father and role model to Ronnie.
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After the events of Future Imperfect, Bruce began to fear becoming like Maestro, his evil future counterpart, and showed signs of instability when referring to himself as "Hulk" or "the Hulk" instead of "Bruce." This fear would get the better of him as it affected the time he spent with Ronnie. Eventually, after Ronnie's second birthday, Bruce reached a breaking point and decided to entrust her to his cousin, Jennifer Walters, aka She-Hulk.
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Rosalyn Sharp makes her comic debut in Umbra #1. Initially depicted as a no-nonsense mutant working for SHIELD. Her powerset consists of dark energy manipulation, invisibility, intangibility, flight, fear inducement, healing, and peak human condition.
Her backstory was revealed in the next issue; she was born in Atlanta, but was given up once her parents found out she was a mutant. She was then adopted by a seemingly benevolent family, only to later find out that they were working for an evil organization that would exploit mutants. Rosalyn would find out the truth when she turned 16, and unleash her untapped potential under a moment of extreme distress, destroying the facility.
This event gained the attention of the X-Men, who took Rosalyn in and trained her to better control her powers.
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Ronnie gets her own comic series called Hardy Hulk Girl. The first issue establishes the concept of a now 18-year-old Ronnie, and how she balances her school life with her hero life, which she adopted when she was 15. Her human form gained more attributes of Harpy such as more pronounced canines, the ability to shoot concussive energy blasts, and nails that could sharpen into claws. While her wings are normally hidden in human form, they will spread if she needs to fly or whenever she gets startled or angry.
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As Hulk Girl, her wings and claws remain unsheathed, her forearms and calves become feathered, and she gains birds' talons (similar to the above picture, but more reminiscent of She-Hulk). Her strength and durability increases drastically from base form to Hulk Girl form. In dire situations, she can tap into a primal rage and become Savage Hulk Girl, further increasing her strength and durability at the cost of her intelligence.
Despite the fact that Hulk can speak, albeit in broken English, Savage Hulk Girl hasn't spoken, and is confirmed to not be able to speak. This is mainly because Savage Hulk Girl's personality is heavily based on the Hulk from the late 70s-early 80s TV show. Much like him, Savage Hulk Girl has a childlike personality, acts on either instinct or emotion depending on what triggered the shift (Savage Mode can activate regardless of Ronnie's form), and only communicates in growls and roars.
While Bruce's personality shifts are a result of his DID, Savage Hulk Girl's personality shift is due to Ronnie's mind kicking into overdrive due to multiple stressors. Since Savage Hulk Girl is still Ronnie at her core, she doesn't mind being called "Ronnie," unlike Hulk, who hates being called "Bruce" or "Banner."
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The Incredible Hulk is released in theaters. While not as popular as Iron Man released a month prior, one of the hottest conversation topics about the movie was the addition of Ronnie. People praised Bailee Madison's performance as Ronnie, calling her "adorable" and "charming."
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Marvel's The Avengers releases to critical acclaim. Some changes between the canon Avengers and this version is that Bruce and Rosalyn (who made a cameo in the post-credits scene of Captain America: The First Avenger) have a few scenes together, hinting at a possible romance. During the scene where Bruce hulks out on the Helicarrier, Rosalyn attempts to calm him down. This seems to be working, but it gets interrupted by a helicopter shooting at the Hulk. When he falls to Earth, Rosalyn ends up following him.
There's a deleted scene where Rosalyn tells Bruce about her backstory, which follows her comic origin for the most part, but instead of being taken in by the X-Men, she gets taken in by SHIELD.
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A sequel to The Incredible Hulk is released. This time, the movie focuses on Ronnie and her struggles. The plot kickstarts once Ronnie is sent to a summer enrichment program, and has to create a prototype for a device that could improve the world. Ronnie creates a gamma-powered Arc Reactor, inspired by her dad and Tony. While Ronnie is participating in the program, she befriends a young boy by the name of Christopher and quickly finds out that he has cancer.
Prior to Ronnie's presentation, an unknown entity sabotages the Arc Reactor. The presentation starts off normally, but once Ronnie tries to demonstrate the Arc Reactor's capabilities, it is set to explode. Everyone manages to get out safely, but once Ronnie notices that Christopher is nowhere to be seen, she heads back in to try and save him, despite the protests. Before they can escape, Ronnie and Christopher take the full blast of the explosion. Ronnie's frustration at the presentation being sabotaged combined with being bathed by lethal amounts of gamma radiation transforms her into She-Hulk for the first time (the name She-Hulk was used for Ronnie's alter-ego since Jennifer Walters doesn't exist in the MCU, therefore there is no risk of confusion with the names).
Upon recovering from her rampage, Ronnie finds out that Christopher died due to the blast expediting his cancer. Bruce decides to train Ronnie in controlling her anger and eventually transforming at will, but Ronnie is against using her new powers and tries to find a way to repress her emotions in order to prevent any accidents.
Meanwhile, it's revealed that the person who sabotaged the Arc Reactor was Samuel Sterns, who now goes by The Leader. As shown in the previous movie, after a drop of Bruce's blood entered an open wound in Sterns' head, his intellect increased dramatically, at the cost of his morals. His plan was to kill Ronnie as a revenge plot, but it ended up backfiring when Ronnie turned into the She-Hulk.
The final battle would focus on the Hulk fighting one of the Leader's lackeys, Crusher Creel, aka the Absorbing Man. At one point, Creel would get the upper hand, causing Ronnie, who was watching the fight as it was happening, to hulk out and assist her father.
Once the fight ends, Ronnie feels a bit more comfortable with her powers, but not to the extent of Bruce. The idea being that later movies would have Ronnie grow more as a character and accept She-Hulk as a part of her.
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Avengers: Age of Ultron is released in theaters. The plot is roughly the same as canon, with a few differences. For starters, Bruce and Natasha are not in a relationship, and Hulk turns back to Bruce in the first scene due to Ronnie's presence.
During the party, Natasha flirting with Bruce is replaced with Ronnie getting to know some of the partygoers, such as Sam, as well as Bruce and Rosalyn keeping their distance, since they're not the biggest fan of parties. When Ultron attacks, I vividly remember a brief bit where Bruce falls face first into Natasha's boobs… yeah, that's getting omitted. Instead, Ronnie runs into Bruce, and they tell each other not to turn green.
She-Hulk goes on a rampage in Johannesburg due to Wanda's mind control and has to be stopped by Hulk and Tony in his Hulkbuster armor (called Jughead here, since Veronica is Ronnie's full name).
After this display, the Avengers go into hiding at Clint's farm. The bedroom scene where Natasha tries to convince Bruce into running away with her is replaced with Ronnie doubting her status as an Avenger.
Bruce is captured by Ultron, but can't hulk out and escape since Ultron gave him an ultimatum: "If I even see a speck of green on you, I'll make sure you never see your daughter again." Once Ronnie finds out about Bruce's capture, she manages to face her fears and hulk out to save him.
Hulk and She-Hulk join the final fight against Ultron, and Rosalyn attempts to calm the two down once the fight is winding down. However, they get attacked, knocking out Rosalyn and She-Hulk (she's still inexperienced, therefore she's not as powerful as her father). Hulk takes Ronnie and Rosalyn to safety and tosses the Ultron clone out of the Quinjet. Here, Hulk does listen to Ronnie and turns it around, since if he left, he would break Ronnie's heart again, and he didn't want that.
At the end, Ronnie confronts Wanda and berates her for her actions. She ends up nearly killing her until Bruce and Clint intervene. They tell Ronnie that even though she still has ill-feelings towards Wanda, they're on the same team now, so she should at least tolerate her. Ronnie begrudgingly agrees, starting an interesting relationship with Wanda.
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brokehorrorfan · 1 year
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The Ring Collection will be released on December 12 via Shout Factory. The 4K Ultra HD + Blu-ray box set collects all three US films based on the 1998 Japanese horror classic Ringu: 2002's The Ring, 2005's The Ring Two, and 2017's Rings.
The Ring is directed by Gore Verbinski (Pirates of the Caribbean: The Curse of the Black Pearl) and written by Ehren Kruger (Scream 3). Naomi Watts, Martin Henderson, Brian Cox, David Dorfman, and Daveigh Chase star.
The Ring Two is directed by Hideo Nakata (Ringu) and written by Ehren Kruger. Naomi Watts, Simon Baker, David Dorfman, Elizabeth Perkins, Sissy Spacek, and Daveigh Chase star.
Rings is directed by F. Javier Gutierrez (Before the Fall). and written by David Loucka (House at the End of the Street), Jacob Estes, and Akiva Goldsman (I Am Legend). Matilda Lutz, Alex Roe, Johnny Galecki, Aimee Teegarden, Bonnie Morgan, and Vincent D'Onofrio star.
Both the theatrical and unrated cuts of The Ring Two are included. Special features are in progress and will be announced at a later date.
The Ring:
It begins as just another urban legend – the whispered tale of a nightmarish videotape that causes anyone who watches it to die seven days later. But when four teenagers all meet with mysterious deaths exactly one week after watching just such a tape, investigative reporter Rachel Keller (Naomi Watts) tracks down the video … and watches it. Now, the legend is coming true, the clock is ticking, and Rachel has just seven days to unravel the mystery of The Ring.
The Ring Two:
Hoping to leave their terrifying experiences in Seattle behind them, Rachel Keller (Naomi Watts) and her son, Aidan (David Dorfman), move to the small town of Astoria, Oregon. When Rachel learns of an unexplained murder which occurred after a teenager watched a strange videotape with his girlfriend, she suspects her past is following her.
When a radical college professor (Johnny Galecki) finds the mysterious video rumored to kill viewers seven days after watching it, he enlists his students in a dangerous experiment to uncover the secrets behind the Samara legend. When the deadly video goes viral, they must figure out a way to break the curse and defeat Samara before her evil is unleashed upon the world. But how do you stop her when she's everywhere?
Pre-order The Ring Collection.
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