#basically the 3 of them are stuck with me sorry ❤️
reigningmax · 1 year
I'm new to F1, and I noticed you have a lot of friends in the fandom. Do you have any tips on making friendships? 🥹
I bother a lot of people by making conversations and messaging off anon <3 lol.
No but seriously, I personally find it comfortable to reply and comment off-anon when I am mutuals with the person. And then from there, it's about messaging off anon and starting a DM! It helps, obviously, if your interests and thoughts are aligned. It can definitely be intimidating!! But as you build up followers/make mutuals, it starts getting easier. I still worry I am annoying people, especially fic writers, so I try not to always initiate. And truly, I only speak to @monegasque, @danthropologie, and @blamemma on the daily 24/7 continuous convo but I do talk to others often and keep a convo going on tumblr dms or discord or whatsapp - just depends on what's happening, etc.!
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aropride · 2 months
saw ur recommendation for 3m aura n95s 👀👀 any advice on where to get them from? heading back 2 school in a few weeks and wanna stock up — tysm !!!!!
ok so!! my first recommendation is to see if there is a mask block near you, in my area it was CRANE (covid resistance action northeast), they're having trouble stocking and filling orders rn so mine took ~a month to arrive but the time would've passed anyway as they say . if ur in a more urban area ur a lot more likely to have one near u tbh, idk if it'd work but it'd be worth reaching out to the closest one even if they're not technically working in ur exact area just to see . here's a map of mask blocs worldwide- they're mostly in america (continent - but mostly in the US+canada) & europe (mostly in great britian) but there are some others too
otherwise the safest way to get some that are 100% not counterfeit is ordering directly from a supplier, but that can be expensive . project n95 is inactive now but theres still a list of suppliers there !! 3m is really good from experience . u can also get n95s/kn95s/p100 respirators from home depot if u have one near u- however the supplyaid kn95s they sell arent very good, i had them and theyre better than nothing but they only have a 67% filtration rate (as opposed to the 95% expected from n95s and kn95s - thats what the 95 stands for i was mindblown when i discovered this)
also while im thinking about it, part of the reason n95s are more protective than kn95s despite both filtering 95% of particles is bc the seal on the n95 is a lot more reliable than the kn95 :}
me personally ive been getting mine from amazon (not recommended) (i have gift cards there so im not giving them My money at least) and trying my best to make sure they're legit . i referenced the 3m n95 1870s i got using this twitter thread and they seem to be legit? on amazon it also usually says where it ships from and check the storefront, the reviews etc etc. i basically have to do an entire vetting process every time its very annoying ❤️ it is a lot less expensive though, especially if they have a sale going . (here are the ones ive been getting- the listings look the same as of rn but amazon changes them all the time so take this with a grain of salt, person i imagined reading this in 2027. link 1, link 2)
ive tried the holy trinity (new term i made up for the 3m n95 1870 (red straps), 3m n95 9205 (blue straps), and 3m n95 9210 (braided white straps)) -- ime the 9210 definitely has the tightest head straps and i have an abnormally small head on account of being 3 inches tall and born in a thimble all alone . so thats something to be aware of, if u have an abnormally big head the 3m auras might not be the best bc of the strap tightness .
SORRY I'M LIKE INFODUMPING AT U NOW ..!! i have more though . If you know anyone irl who masks asking them where they get theirs might help, they might know stuff locally. ALSO speaking of knowing stuff locally- i don't know if this is universal but i have a friend who's getting really into asian cuisine and a lot of asian grocery stores ive been to with her in my area have had masks. that's such a long shot but ive seen them five out of six stores ive gone to and never at, like, hannaford or market basket or whatever.
OKAY ONE MORE THING . when i got my free masks from crane (SHOUTOUT CRANE I LOVE YOU CRANE) they also sent a thing abt how to reuse them that i will add !! they can be used for like 40 hours if theyre not visibly dirty or the straps dont break or anything
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okay i am done infodumping now SORRY THIS IS SO LONG..!!! tldr: local mask bloc if it's an option is definitely the least expensive, project n95 compiled a bunch of links to buy from suppliers, home depot/other hardware stores are worth a shot, and amazon's an option especially if you're like me (poor but have money stuck in amazon gift cards) 🫡
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thefundisorderdiary · 8 months
hey, you have any tips temporary fnd paralysis (specifically legs but js in general)
Hi I’m so sorry I’m only getting round to this (honestly never expected to get any asks ever this is super awesome!)
Tips for ending a bout of paralysis:
1. Ignore it. Oftentimes the more you focus on it the longer you’re going to draw it out. Try to immerse yourself in something else like a tv show or drawing or a puzzle.
2. Interval wiggling. Every now and then have a little wiggle, it could be a big wiggle such as all the body parts that aren’t paralysed or you could see if you can send that signal to the paralysed part. Animals do that shake when they come out of a shock and it basically resets them and shakes off that weird energy feeling you get. It might not work right away, but it tells your body it’s okay to move, so keep at it, just make sure you have breaks in between.
3. Intermittent signals. Send the move signal to the smallest part of the body part that is paralysed (toes for legs, fingers for arms). Focus on one part at a time tell it to move a little bit, it’s hard so don’t expect it to reach there right away, but visualise (if you can) that signal coming out of your brain into your spine and down to the paralysed part, imagine it getting closer to its destination each time you send it. Again; have breaks in between.
4. Baby pinches. You know that stereotypical grandma pinching the baby’s cheek? Do that to your paralysed part, be gentle! The idea here is to remind yourself it’s not really paralysed, it’s just having a nap. Play around with the sensations on your skin, remind yourself that this body part is connected to you, it is still yours. Tapping and stroking works here too, find what suits you.
5. Move it with something else. This one gives me the heebie geebies because it’s like putting your foot flat on the ground with pins and needles to me, but it can be what’s needed. Use the rest of your body to bend the joints of the paralysed part individually (one finger at a time, one knee, etc) this helps remind your brain that your joints and muscles aren’t stuck and it helps keep blood flowing.
7. Keep it warm. Not moving body parts will make them much colder than the rest of you and cold muscles don’t work even when they’re not paralysed, so keep blankets/jumpers/fluffy socks nearby. Many times I have worn a jumper by only having one paralysed arm in the hole and the rest of my body outside of it.
8. Forgive yourself. It’s hard and uncomfortable and you want it to go away fast, but dang why won’t it go away?!? It’s happening. You can’t get out of it fast, but you can breathe and get through it, it will pass in the end - keep reminding yourself that it will pass and you can get through it. Paralysis is the brain finding a way to deal with whatever stress it is currently trying to handle, your body needs this moment to heal so forgive it and allow it the moment it’s asking for! These steps will help, but ultimately it’s your brain’s decision, you just need to help it (and you) feel safe while it has its moment.
I know it can be uncomfortable and scary to feel like your body isn’t working or doesn’t belong to you, but it is working and it does still belong to you, it’s just a little stressed and confused, treat it like you’d treat a pet in a thunderstorm and you will be okay in the end. You’re not alone! ❤️
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a-b-riddle · 4 months
Hey, i hope you've had a good day so far/will have a good day. And i hope you get better soon <3
Im sorry if this is considered trauma dumping and if u wanna ignore this, totally understandable ! Im just very very lost and idk what to do so i thought it wouldn't hurt to ask for advice ?
Im about to be 25 y/o in july and ive only had one relationship (circa 2019) that lasted a year and then fizzled out (i found out later that it was bcz i was getting cheated on) and I haven't met anyone or connected with anyone ever since. I moved into a new city too after finishing university and i have no friends or social circle in this new town (i still keep in contact with my friends from my old city but it kinda feels like every relationship i have is slowly dying) and i feel like I'm stuck in this limbo place where no matter how much i try i always feel like life is passing by infront of my eyes and i haven't lived it yet (idk if that makes sense) so i was wondering if you have any advice how get out this mindset ?
Thank you for at least reading this if u did, im sorry if i triggered you or if i burdened you with my feelings, and i wish you all the best ❤️
I met my now fiance a little under four weeks before I turned 25. Before him, I had gotten my heart broken and I was just done with hooking up with someone and expecting more, but that meant not being in the same phase as my friends who still wanted that.
When we started dating I had to come to face the hard reality that not all of my friendships were healthy and not everyone I was friends with were people I should have in my life for more than a season. So I had to sit and take a hard look at my life. Keep these college friends I've had for almost four years... Or start from scratch?
So starting from scratch, I started with one person. My fiance. I liked him. I respected his morals and his ethic. I loved how kind he was to others and always the one to lend a hand. So with him, I made friends with his friends and their girlfriends. Because my fiance was a good person, he often kept the same company.
So with him I found people that I could see having in our lives for more than just a season. Through loss and triumphs. To celebrate and to grieve with.
Now I'm using my fiance just as an example, but you don't need a romantic partner to do this. You can start with one person. And even if it doesn't go beyond that, you still have a person. You still made one new connection with another soul that you wouldn't have done before.
My dad found his own community with his coworkers. My mom found hers with those who have lost a child. My sister found hers in cosplay. My other sister found hers with those who had the same area of study. I found friends through a facebook group that loved the ACOTAR series that lived in my major city. I found one of my closest friends on bumble bff.
Unfortunately, relationships are the hardest things in life we will ever have to work for because it's not just about creating them, but maintaining them, and enriching them with personal experiences to help them grow. We just assume since they had come so easily when we were in tight knit circles like high school and college they come easily.
But as adults, we have to find new ways to engage and that is a scary thing to do when it's not something we've done before. So the first step to stop existing and start living is to connect.
Volunteer. Join clubs. Reach out. Engage. As someone who has a constant fear of being rejected, it is terrifying. But the worst thing anyone can ever say to you is no. The world won't stop. You'll survive it. Buy from it, you move on.
Another recommendation I have is to listen to The Last Lecture.
It is an hour long, but the ending always gets me. Basically lecturers at Carnegie Mellon would give "last lectures." It was the last lecture they would give working in academics at the university. When asked what his Last Lecture would be about Professor Randy Pausch basically said, "funny you should ask. I have pancreatic cancer and have about six months left so this really is my last lecture."
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kirame90 · 1 year
I just wanted to let you know that I genuinely, so very much, loved your comic from beginning to end. It made me laugh, and tugged at my heart strings. I've been reading it as you released chapters weekly since near the beginning, but didn't get around to confidently using my new Tumblr account till you were basically near the end of the story. Regardless of that, I still wanted to follow you, even though it's over now, and express my love for this beautiful piece of art you put so much time and love into, that definitely inspired me at times.
I did want to ask if it was possible at all, that fans of this story could see a potential physical comicbook of this story being sold in the future? Though, I get that kinda project would likely require money, time, and material that you may not have, I was just curious if it's something you've thought about doing?
My final question is, if we will ever see anything more from the chaotic boyfriends, seeing as you've finished the main couple's story? Though I also get you likely don't have the time anymore because of your dream job, or may not have had anything else planned for them. I was just curious, and also loved the shenanigans of the chaotic boyfriends, but felt they had a little more that was worth exploring after they got tricked into confessing to eachother (or at least BLU Sniper was tricked).
I wanna finish this out with another thank you for all your effort to bring this wonderful story, and charming goofy characters to life these last 3+ years! I'm both so happy and a lil' sad to see it finally end, and will miss eagerly waiting every Wednesday for a new chapter. I hope you have a wonderful day!!!
HNNNNNNNGGGGHHHHH thank you so incredibly much for your feedback and sorry for the late reply!! Q^Q
Thank you for reading as well as letting me know how my little story touched you. It's amazing to hear others have been enjoying their journey with my babies along the years <3
We are actually working on the physical copy of the comic with my best friend. She's being amazing and doing basically all the work on her own. I started a new passion project for Patreon (since it's going to be NSFW all the way I can't put it anywhere near Tumblr -_-) so my free time is - again - extremely limited.
The physical copy will include J's face in the end and all the NSFW bonuses, so it's DEFINITELY not for kids ;)
Aaahhhhh the Chaotic Boyfriends. I do love them to death and I can promise you they're living their best life after leaving Mann Co.
For whatever reason, I can’t see those two getting married. Even if they stuck together after their contracts end, I see them in a comfortable companionship rather than being officially married.
They would probably see marriage as cringe-worthy arrangement after making fun of SniperSpy for their union. I like to picture these two just travelling the world together, going on missions and enjoying wild life; practically being a married couple without the marriage part.
And having monthly swinger parties with SniperSpy ;)
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But yeah, thank you again for your feedback, it truly warms my heart to hear people's thoughts about the comic as well as the characters. If we'll get to finish the physical comic project I will let everyone know immediately. I'm not expecting it to be a huge success nor am I looking to benefit from it. If we'll ever get to sell physical copies all the profits will go to charity, as they have this far.
Please take care and have a happy Pride Month! ^^
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itzsana-kiddingmenow · 7 months
Wassap😼 Just wanted to ask what’s your favorite(I yapped quite a lot so you can oppenly yap as much as you like too lol):
- Food - I LOVE ice cream. Like live love laugh ice cream. Especially the one’s that they put in a cone at some cafes. The store bought one’s are alright, but nothing hits more than a fresh cone of ice cream while walking by the beach🔥 I honestly don’t understand people that prefer to eat it from those goofy ahh cups. Like who are you, some 72 year old british woman named Karen?😭
- Animal - umm I love mostly every animal. But dogs are probably my fave. I WOULD like cats more if I wasn’t allergic. Like, I’m used to dogs and was more interested in them as a kid because I just couldn’t interact with cats without getting itchy eyes and uncontrollably sneezing😭 I was like OBSESSED with dogs as a kid. That phase lasted until I was 10-11 years old. But cats are pretty cool too😼
- Colour - oof that must be a tough one. I’m not gonna be edgy and say something like black or white🙄 My fav colour has always been yellow. Although I don’t have that many coloured clothes. My fav fit is all brown😭 But brown IS a shade of yellow so…
- Song/group - ok so I’m really proud that I’ve been getting into lesserafilm because my new friend is also a kpop fan but she prefers gg, specifically lesserafilm, so I’m happy that I finally listened to some of their songs😭 I love “Impurities” and “Guardian” (lesserafilm). My second favourite group is ofc Skz. They made a LOT of 🔥 songs, but “Charmer”, “Domino”, “Surfin’ and “Megaverse” just make my nerves tingle. Enhypen is also one of my favorite groupsss. “Mortal”, “Fate”, “Chaconne”, “One In A Billion”, “Tamed-Dashed” and like a gazillion more😭. As for non-kpop… I really like “Sunflower<Post Malone>”, “Reflections<The Neighborhood>” , “Jenny from the block<Jennifer Lopez>”, most songs from Pastel Ghost’s album “Abyss” and lots of unpopular artists. I can honestly give you my spotify or sum.
Oml I yapped so fucking much😭 Sorry. Feel free to talk even double or triple of that❤️
FOOD- ahhh im indian so imma be basic and say fried rice cause even though its indo-chinese its literally everywhere in the south so I LOVE ITTTT. only if its a certain kind tho. if its all dry it literally sucks
animal- MY FAVORITE animal changes so much you have no idea but i have to go with 3. dog 2. cat 1. panda 🐼🐼🐼 ITS SO CUTEEEEE- yeah my cousin HATES CATS and when i introduced her to minho she didnt like him cause he apparently "behaved like one" LIKE WTFFFFF THATS ADORABLE
color- purple 💜
thats it...its always been purple
group/song - I USED TO BE OBSESSED WITH LITTLE MIZ BEFORE KPOP and i used to think itzy was a seven membered group for some unknown reason and because of that i was scared to stan them because i used to stan blackpink and stayc so i was A BABY KPOP FAN OKAY but i loved it afterwards. for my favorite song it has to be EASY by le sserafim like its STUCK IN MY HEAD
yay so thats more about me and even i YAPPED SO MUCH
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meyhew · 1 year
its good that youre focusing on something else, i wish i was as strong as you :') if you dont mind sharing, how are you learning to gif? also for what its worth im truly very sorry for the loss of your stuff, i understand how devastating it is bc the same thing (save for a couple of minor details) happened to me and my way of dealing with it is to push it all away and try not to Think about it. even though its been months. anyway i hope you feel at least a little better soon, maybe try to take this as an opportunity to start over and write better. your stories are all within you, whether you physically record them or not, and absolutely no one can take that away from you. sending you love, youll be okay. 🥰❤️
yeah i'm give it one more attempt tomorrow and see if anyone at google.com gives a shit. if not... oh well. i've had worse things happen to me. but thank u i really appreciate this and so sorry it happened to u as well. it sucks.
and i'm using this tutorial as a guide but my beloved @delicatepointofview has been helping me learn! she taught me the basics first and pointed me in the direction of a lot of other helpful things. she's just a text away and i've been harassing her every time i get stuck on something silly that i cant figure out bc im not looking at the bigger picture. could not and would not do this without her <3
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abrushwithdeath · 11 months
((Hi again.
I'm still gonna be here a bit tomorrow, this isn't me saying otherwise, no worries.
I just wanted to say that I appreciate everyone who has been patient with me during all of this. I know I've been quiet both ic and ooc for a bit now. I haven't had the mental or social energy to reply back to people the way I want to. I'm basically jumping back and forth between working and packing and trying to prepare for the possibility of our windows being replaced amidst all of this (the apartment is not nearly as tidy as we'd like it to be considering all the packing and such, and we've been waiting 3 months for them to finally get to our windows and we're kind of hoping at this point that they'll just leave it until after we move but WHO KNOWS). When I do have some down time, I'm usually tired because of all of this going on and because I've been off of important medication since the end of May (between issues with insurance and my doctor being just the fucking worst).
There's still a lot left to handle and so little time left to do it (we're moving on the 11th, a decision out parents made without us after previously telling us we were moving the 18th, and which I only found out about a couple hours ago. I'm also still working full time until the 4th, so...). All that said, I don't know how much I'll be on between now and then, but I'm hoping to have some free time after we move.
Again, thank you to everyone who has been kind and patient during all of this. I've been feeling really... Left behind because I haven't been able to be on. I don't expect anyone to wait around for me, of course, nor to be content with my exceedingly slow pace. It's just nice to know some people don't mind waiting a long time for ic and ooc replies and haven't fully given up hope on me yet 😅
Sorry that was all a little scattered sounding, my brain is mush and I'm exhausted (also stuck mobile for the moment, so sorry about typos and such). But, really, I adore you all lots and I hope some of you will still be willing to write with me when this is all through ❤️
Take care! I'll be around a bit tomorrow ❤️))
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ninadove · 2 years
For the Layton ask game:
(Sorry it's hard to decide, every question is interesting) Please 3,7,11,14,24 and 30! If it's too much, just ignore some :D
Never apologise for sending me asks or personality quizzes - you have no idea how much I love them! ❤️
3. What’s your favourite soundtrack?
Call me basic, but I am in love with the Unwound Future theme. Such emotion! Such drama! Yet such dignity! It’s been 12 years and I still get chills listening to it.
7. What’s your favourite cutscene?
I’m a huge Clive fan, so obviously it has to be the evil laugh scene. I might or might not have tried to replicate it in front of the mirror when I was a teen.
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11. Do you have a favourite quote? If yes, what is it?
“This is the second time you’ve saved my life now. Thank you.”
14. If you could punch one character in the face, who would it be?
For a long, looong time, I would have answered “Bill Hawks” without skipping a bit. In recent years, however, I’ve come to realise Bronev is much more of an *sshole - at least according to my personal standards.
Hawks’ victims were killed because of his negligence and greed, not because he actively set out to murder them. It is one if those cases where the cover-up is worse than the actual crime.
Bronev, on the other hand… Gosh, what a piece of work.
This man most likely abducted a child, probably killing her parents in the process (we have no evidence either way, but come on - I don’t believe anything he told Emmy was true, and she was probably too young to remember much for herself). He then proceeded to groom her for OVER 20 YEARS to turn her into A. a spy and B. fresh meat for the Evil Azran Labyrinth (or whatever that thing is supposed to be). All of that to gain control over the antic equivalent of the nuclear bomb, and go Surprise Pikachu Face when it blows up in his face.
I can see why people like him, though - he definitely is a compelling a character. But given the opportunity I would absolutely break his nose.
24. When did you first discover the series?
My grandma was actually the one who got me into the series! I was around 9 or 10 when she got the game for herself as a bit of a brain teaser. Before she knew it, she was stuck on a puzzle and I, being the helpful kid with a sense of intellectual superiority that I was, offered to “help”.
So I got stuck on that puzzle too, because of course I did, and being 10 and stubborn I refused to give the DS back until I figured it out. My grandma made note of how invested I was in the game and, when she got tired of it herself, she passed her copy onto me.
The rest is history.
30. If you could tell one character something, who would it be and what would you say?
“Dear Clive,
I hope this letter finds you well. As for me, I am in quite an interesting situation.
This may be difficult to believe, but I am writing to you from 12 years in the future.
Over these past 12 years, I’ve spent many hours writing, drawing, or just daydreaming about the happy ending I want to give you. I am now on my way to my own happily ever after, and I couldn’t have done it without you.
Thank you for being an endless source of creativity and hope in my life. More exciting things are coming our way, I promise.
With all my love,
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Good morning darling 🌞
If you don't want to reply or post then that's absolutely fine but I was just wondering if you have any advice for getting through bouts of depression? I feel like I'm in a relentless cycle of feeling like shit and I'm so sick of it but I know that I just need to push through somehow 😔
Anyway I hope you're doing well and I hope you have a good day ❤️
Hiiii sweets 💖💖
I’m so sorry that you’ve been stuck in a depression cycle. Sending you hugs and love ❤️
My advice is pretty simple, but rather important, I think: talk to yourself the way that you would talk to someone you love if they were in your shoes. None of this “I should be feeling better by now,” “I’m wasting the day away,” “why can’t I fuckin do basic things,” “what’s wrong with my brain,” nonsense. If it were your best friend or your partner or sibling or something. What would you say to them? How would you show them compassion?
My therapist once told me that, when you’re depressed, your brain can only access thoughts and memories that match its mental state. So, it will only really remind you of all the other times that you have been depressed in the past and will only think depressed thoughts. But that’s not the reality. The reality is that you HAVE been happy in the past and you WILL be happy again. It’s just your brain playing tricks on you.
I once made my severely depressed ex what has now come to be affectionately known as The Depression Cheat Sheet™️. I’ll share it with you down below ⬇️ in case it might help. It’s a list of things to do and remember to get you through the basics. Sometimes you can do them all. Some days you can only do some. Some days you’ll do none at all. It’s not designed to give you “work,” or make you feel guilty over not completing it. It’s designed to help you when you’re too overwhelmed to know where to begin. So don’t feel bad if you can’t tick stuff off everyday.
1. Drink a class of fresh, room temp water.
2. Take a shower
3. Stimulate your 5 senses (eat a chocolate bar, sniff a candle, watch a puppy video, listen to a favorite song, etc)
4. Go outside if possible. Can be 5-10 min. Don’t have to walk if that’s too much. Just stand there and breathe.
5. Eat a home cooked meal (if you can’t make it yourself; get a partner or friend or family member to do it for you.)
6. Change your location (if you’re in bed, go be depressed in the living room, if you’re in the living room, get your favorite blanket and go curl up in bed, etc)
I know it’s hard, my love. But you are not alone. You’re doing so good. Putting one foot in front of the other. Going back to work after so long. Taking care of yourself and your loved ones. Better days are coming. Even though your brain won’t let you see that right now. I’m here if you ever need anything. Or even just to vent.
If you can’t survive, just try etc etc etc. you know? 💖
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Disney’s Hercules/Hercules the Animated Series is my current obsession so yeah lol
✨ what draws you towards your hyperfixation? what is interesting about it?
Well honestly I got drawn in from the villain of the movie: Hades (that’s literally how I get drawn into basically all my fandoms lmao I have an f/o in it and now I’m obsessed lol). But I love the twist they did for the Greek lore of Disney’s Hercules! It’s really interesting and I think Greek mythology is really cool and interesting too! I’m not a huge Greek mythology buff, but the movie as well as the series (and some anons on my Disney blog lmao) have taught me a lot of neat Greek mythology stories and fun facts!
🎶 if your hyperfixation has songs/an ost, what is your favorite song from it?
Lol well I have 3 favorite songs from the movie: The Gospel Truth II (because it’s pretty much Hades’ villain song since he doesn’t sing in the movie lmao), Zero to Hero (a bop and the video that made me fall in love with Hades/made me obsessed with the movie and series lol), and I Won’t Say I’m in Love (a certified banger)
💕 tell us about one of your favorite characters and why you like them!
…HADES 💙❤️‍🔥 he’s just this weird mix of ugly and handsome and I love that lmao, that seems to be my type lol. Also I just love that he’s different from other classic Disney villains and from what you’d expect him to be like. He’s not some dark and menacing villain that’s all serious and out for revenge, he’s this super laid back, sleazy, fast talking, schmoozing used car salesman of a god lmao. I also love that he has a secret soft side! It’s very rare to see in the show and even the movie (if you squint lol), but it’s nice and it shows that he really isn’t as cruel and heartless as he seems. ❤️
💔 tell us about one of your LEAST favorite characters and why you dislike them.
Oh jeez, that’s a hard one lol. Honestly, I love all the characters in the movie and the series spin off, so there aren’t a lot that I don’t like. I’d say maybe Zeus? I wish he were more considerate of his brother’s feelings and weren’t so naive about the fact that he’s unhappy with his role as a god and that the other gods don’t like him and don’t treat him with the same respect he gets (probably because Hades has done shady stuff in the past but still lol).
🏳‍🌈 do you have any headcanons (lgbt, race, neuro, etc) that are important to you?
Heck yeah I do!!! I headcanon Hades as pansexual just because he seems like the type to be into anybody lol, I also headcanon both Hercules and Meg as bisexual because they both give me strong bi couple vibes lmaooo
💢 what do you NOT like about your hyperfixation? is there something you would want to change about it?
The movie? Well, I’d certainly give Hades his beautiful little flowery spring goddess wife. He deserves it, this dude has been through so much with his crazy father and his stuck up brothers lmao. But other than that the movie was flawless! As for the series….I’d change the entire plot. It’s supposed to take place before the movie like a prequel series (like the Little Mermaid animated series), but the thing is: THE ENTIRE SHOW ISN’T CANON TO THE MOVIE. Idk why but it bugs me so much lmao. Like don’t get me wrong I LOVE the show, but it’s pretty much an AU. Like Hades is the main villain of the series and Hercules is supposed to be in highschool training to be a hero (pretty much the series is supposed to take place during the whole One Last Hope montage), but Hades doesn’t even realize Hercules is still alive until Meg runs into him in the forest when he’s 18. Herc is like 16 in the show and constantly runs into Hades and the other gods. Tbh I don’t think Hercules even realized who his parents were until he was like 17 because I figured he had graduated by then and went to travel and find his “true self” and all that. But yeah, anyways lol sorry I always end up ranting about the canon divergence of the show 😂
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midknitefox · 5 months
fallout 4 positng again I'm borwd
I'm halfway through a thing of frosting don't. don't come at me bros.
HANCOCK APPRECIATION MOMENT. I have an obsession. stepped on a mine and he went "are you okay? see any more?"
who couldn't love this man your first interaction is him stabbing the fuck outta a guy who tried to scam you. it's beautiful, really. get yoself a man willing to stab someone for u when you haven't even met yet.
slash jay dont
don't stab people pls this is fiction
I think nick is better in a fight. oh god
i died
I killed someone and he said "you handled yourself pretty well, sister"
He fucking stabbed her to death what the actual fuck how did he not die (legendary gunner???? wtf????)
I stole the minigun
perfect for me (Hancock keeps giving me drugs, and he likes when I get hooked on em. I refuse to buy more drugs so until he gives me more drugs I have no drugs. sorry it's not my fault jet is so useful </3)
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Hancock I'm glad you're proud of yourself for getting me addicted to everything under the fucking sun. ily <3
oh I'm overweight now. minigun too heavy </3
throws it at Hancock
does fallout 4 do the same thing as skyrim where if your companions inventory is full you can make them pick stuff up and it'll still work
I dont actually know
Hancock though is now carrying two miniguns (Ashmaker and Junkie's) and a fat man. and I think he has 2 rocket launchers for some reason? not sure.
I'm so glad I have NO AMMO.
I'm out of 10mm, .44, and the only weapon I can use rn is basically my deathclaw hand
which isn't bad but it's up close and personal . in a gun fight.
I have a shit ton of .38 and .45 (755 and 489 respectively) but no guns for those :/
and now that I think about it I'm out of ammo for both my flamer and cryo thing so idk why I'm carrying them wtf
maybe I'm overweight from the
50 fucking mirelurk eggs
unrelated but I watched the show the other day. so good.
genuinely it felt more like the game than anything else I've watched
like . tlou was good. but it didn't feel like the game. fo felt like the game. there were moments that were just. perfect.
random radaways around, the time slowing down slightly in battle feeling like vats, so good
ok rant over (I would love to rant about it more if anyone wants to chat I'm lacking people to talk about it with other than my mother and that's kinda sad)
I had to step back from a fight due to low hp and Hancock walked up next to me and destroyed them with the minigun I gave him
so real ❤️
I sploded. rip
I picked up a coffee cup and got too much weight
no I refuse to drop the deathclaw hands and hide I lug around
I feel like this is fo4's version of the dragon scales and bones from skyrim </3
..maybe a little lot less heavy . but come on where else do I put em
"I didn't say we were finished" in the middle of battle
I'm so gay
advanced lock vs a skyrim veteran with 90+ lockpicks, who will win
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sobs violently
I can't believe I'm being forced to drop junk on the ground I'm so sad
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ok but
I have so much jet...... Hancock I love you
consequences of my actions (i had to drop more junk)
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....... I blame the castle.
God I can't handle the dlcs being glitched.
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PURPLE GUY!?!??!!?
sobbing. fr
I'm about 2/3 of the way through this frosting send help
I need to put it away
I was fixing my blanket and I didn't pause the game but hancock started doing knife tricks
losing it.
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hate this dlc (not really)
fuck mirelurks
I have mirelurk trauma (the castle quest)
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"not a lot of folks would travel with a ghoul, not even one with my charisma" i would any day yes pls ily
"just say the word if you wanna take a little Chem break" I WOULD LOVE TO.
I went to talk to him and i hit "talk" and he went "for you, any time" or something and I'm losing my shit
"seems to me like you're my kinda trouble" when I hit relationship 🥰
random but I love his voice it's just
idk something about it is really nice to me even though it falls into the category of voice types that I usually don't really like
this has become me obsessing over Hancock holy fuck
you've gotta be fucking kidding me
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halfway through her hp bar took about 200 bullets
........I don't have enough ammo for this like genuinely
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gontagokuhara · 7 months
2019 vs. 2024 hot takes exactly 0 people asked for (now with opinions on the dr3 characters!)
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and because im mentally ill im elaborating below the cut because at least i’m cognizant of how few people share this illness with me ❤️
first of all. some categories were edited (+added). we shall address them all in due time 🫶 but just for posterity before we begin: top of the category is the one that best exemplifies the category title and it moves in descending order; so as gonta is my #1 my GOAT, pedo udg guy is the one i want to kill himself most. understandable? ok 🫶
2019 top 5-tier is slightly unfortunately named but other than that changes in 2024 are somewhat minimal. as is perhaps obvious if you have seen even one (1) danganronpa post from me: gonta is My character hes mine spike chunsoft dont get him like i do. AND i love sdr2. nagito is my very very close second i am so incredibly mentally ill about him Oh if you all could see the hundreds of thousands of words ive written about that fucking guy. also true of hajime. still true of sonia (<3 i love u girlie) and fuyuhiko but to a lesser extent (i have written so much sdr2. its a problem. we persist). they are characters we see a lot of and in that same vein give SO much to build upon in further character exploration. and boy do i do that. holds the five of them In my arms i love you babygirls
S tier excellents again prove i am an sdr2 enjoyer. i think it also showcases how much i REALLY love the v3 characters while absolutely hating the plot they were stuck in. kaede and shuuichi are SOOOO special 2 me u dont understand…….im going to have so many thoughts and be So mad when i replay v3. kokichi is VERY interesting and my thoughts on him are endless (hi evan) and there is soooo much there even if i also have to fundamentally hate him somewhat because of 3-4. also a wide array of sdr2 characters are here of course……on my most recent replay i have come to really appreciate imposter (better sexier byakuya ❤️) and ibuki . and i was kind of surprised how high some of the dr1 characters are (besides chihiro who has consistently been my dr1 #1) but sorry dr3 made me love the makoto/kyouko/aoi trio sooooo bad.
lots of variety in the A tier which are all characters i enjoy, they just arent my Favorite barbie dolls to mash around u know. so many very unique personalities like mahiru, angie, tenko, and ryoma that weren’t explored as well as possible in canon, so its harder for me to personally invest in them. junko is iconic and she gets worse as the games go on but god. dr1 was craaaaaazy so she and mukuro have to be given props for that. im ignoring e-girl junko and v3 entirely <3 also again in watching dr3 while replaying sdr2 i really came to appreciate natsumi and her dynamic with hajime :[ rip girl i miss u. also also i liked koichi way more than expected LOL it must just be cuz hes hot but his death was sick as fuck and i liked his thruline with jin (the weird flirting with kyouko aside……)
B tier! bit of a mixed bag, from characters i like very begrudgingly (byakuya, sorry, i latched onto him as my rich terrible boyfriend when first playing years ago and the fondness kinda stuck 💔) to ones i do genuinely like, but they were not given much to do in canon (ryota) or their arcs fell flat (kirumi). also here are dr3 + udg characters i didnt mind or were just somewhat nice to makoto (also chisa, who is very interesting but i very much disliked how her character ended off) so shout out them (they are all dead) (or orphaned like monaca and kotoko).
C tier is basically my ‘i barely remember’ tier sry……i did not finish udg so i have so very few opinions on most of the characters. chihiro aoi and yasuhiro’s parents are chill tho shout out. not much to say tho
and now we enter the hater zone with D tier……look. some of these are hot takes and some arent. as much as i love sdr2 i just cannot ever make myself like hiyoko and teruteru. theyre kinda fucked from the getgo theyre never treated as especially serious characters but their glaring flaws are so bad i cant bring myself to care when the rest of the cast is SO GOOD. i also do not like kazuichi LMFAO as a sonia ride or die just as i cannot look past teruteru’s sexual harassment NEITHER CAN I LOOK PAST KAZUICHI’S ‼️‼️ yes i think he can be fixed but sonia needs a restraining order + when she was hoping he was the ch4 killer i was cheering. everyone else this category are just mid ass dr1 characters and the dr3 characters i found actively annoying. also monokuma. hes cringe but iconic and doesnt fit anywhere else
not much to be said about F tier. i did not finish udg but i know enough that i need haiji towa to die. i need the asshole who beat up hajime to die. i need the asshole who tried to kill makoto to die. i need that stupid old fuck heading the future foundation to die. the monokubs are fucking annoying. the only like Real characters here are 1) miu because she is written terribly and her cool talent is wasted, treats gonta like shit, isnt funny, is just nasty perv bait and her most meaningful contribution is to be fodder for the 2nd worse written case in the game. and as for NUMBER ONE WORST: tsumugi mostly just symbolizes my hatred for v3’s ending because outside of her role in 3-6 she has very little impact on the story before her reveal. also got my girlies kaede and rantarou killed God i hate the end of thisgame
and finally: oh my poor sweet bastards. why would they do this to you. these characters are either underutilized in a way that is DEVASTATING (izuru 💔) treated like shit as joke characters their potential is totally squandered by dogshit writing (everyone else — sdr2 you could have been so much better WHY!!!!!!). mikan and korekiyo’s motives are dogshit and make the ch3 double murder so much weaker. nekomaru and akane are played as jokes essentially their entire screentime and akane is especially egregious because shes a survivor among characters like FUYUHIKO!!! like SONIA!!! like HAJIME!!!!!!!!! AND YOU SQUANDER HER LIKE THIS!!!!!!!!!!! kaito suffers from really flip-floppy writing and he sucks a lot of the time Especially pre-localization but ive adopted him a little bit in writing him and i love my construction of him in my brain.
ok thats it. im so mentally ill. give me ur thoughts or do the tierlist urself. now pointy objects lockdown time 👍
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bowandcurtsey · 2 years
I have a request for Nacht and Yuno and whoever you want!! ( and if you can only do one, can you possibly do nacht? )
If you can, could you write a scenario that includes something like their s/o idk maybe went on a mission or something and was supposed to come back quickly but they don’t lol and while they are all worried and stuff, it turns out their s/o was just taking a nap 😂 doesn’t have to be that exactly, but basically something of just s/o is missing, they are worried, s/o was just sleeping all along 😂😅
You don’t have to though!!! Hope you’re doing well!! I LOVE YOUU ❤️❤️❤️
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afghjhdsa I was so excited to do this because it's hella funny!! Thank you for this request Anony! I'm doing well thank you!! I hope you are well from where ever you are, and I'm soooo sorry that you had to wait this long hehe <3
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Characters: Nacht | Yuno x f! Reader Tw: unchecked work, vulgarities!
Nacht Faust
Nacht was so worried that he broke out from his usual cool disposition and was pacing around the house.
He didn’t even realise he was pacing until Yami teased him. “You’re walking around a lot eh, vice captain.”
Which earned him the menacing smile from your boyfriend. Y’know, the one that sent shivers down people’s spine.
He would die before he would admit to Yami that he was worried about you.
He tried to go to his training ground to get his mind off you. But he kept looking back at the time and teleporting back to the base to see if you’re back.
Why the hell are you so late?? It was an easy mission? It wasn’t like you to be slow and if you were in trouble you would definitely have sent a note.
Or were you ambushed? Injured too badly to even send a note…
He smashed the bottle he was holding into the wall in frustration and decided to go look for you. He went back to your shared room to get ready to move out.
Lo and behold you were sleeping in your shared bed. All curled up comfortably in the blanket, looking so serene that Nacht had to blink twice to make sure he wasn’t imagining you there.
Feeling defeated and even more annoyed by the fact that he was all worried in the whole afternoon only for you to be taking a nap, he went to the kitchen to get a drink.
“Can’t believe you looked everywhere except your own room,” Yami sniggered from behind him, trying to hold back his pangs of laughter because he could sense the rage in his long time friend.
“You fucking knew didn’t you?” Nacht spoke with such irritation that if words could cut, Yami would be in half right now.
“I mean.. I was confused to why your ki was so anxious, and I realised you’re probably waiting for y/n.”
“And you didn’t say anything? That she was back??” Nacht was starting to lose his composure again.
“You didn’t ask me?” Yami raised his brows to mock him, “i read ki, not minds, spy boy.”
Nacht was ready to pull Yami’s tongue out when you walked into the kitchen half asleep.
“Oh baby, you’re home. Where did you go?” You walked past the both of them to get a drink, “I didn’t see you when I came back.”
“What time did you come back?”
“Eh?” You blinked at him, “about 1 hour after I left. Didn’t Yami tell you? I said hi to him.”
Nacht’s eyes darted to Yami but the captain had already ran out the door.
Yuno Grinberryall
“Is y/n back?” Yuno asked Mimosa.
“I didn’t see her though!” Mimosa replied to the vice captain, “she would usually come to report her mission to Captain Vangeance, but she hasn’t come to the office yet.”
It’s been 4 hours since you left. The mission was only supposed to take 2 hours caps. Your boyfriend was starting to have a strange feeling about this.
He thought you could have needed to take a detour or something else cropped up on the way. Thinking about how you always had a soft spot for the citizens, Yuno thought maybe you were just stuck doing some other errands for them.
2 hours passed again but you haven’t come home. This was unlike you. You would always report the mission first hand.
“Y/n is not back yet?” Captain Vangeance came out from his office to ask. He too felt it was strange.
This made Yuno even more worried for you. Something bad must have happened.
“I’ll go look for her.” He gave his captain a salute and prepared to leave.
Whether it was his keen sixth sense or the chemistry between the both of you, you had no idea, but Yuno decided to head to the gardens where you liked to hang out before leaving the base.
That was when he found you. Fast asleep on the little metal swing with a cat on your lap with your robe wrapped around it.
Yuno sighed. He wondered what went on before this cute and serene moment that could make you not report your mission the first thing when you were back.
He put his robe over you, but the sudden warmth stirred you awake instead.
You smiled at the handsome familiar face before you, before jumping a little, startling the feline on your lap.
“Oh my gosh, I fell asleep! I have not reported to Captain Vangeance!”
So there you were in William’s office, trying to explain that there was a homeless cat that was stuck somewhere and you rescued it, and thought to put him in the gardens first but ended up falling asleep with it as you were trying to coax it.
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spxllcxstxr · 3 years
Being Regulus Black’s Younger Sister (Version 3 - Ravenclaw) • Headcanon
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(GIF not mine)
Warnings: normal Black family A+ parenting I guess, implied Wizarding war, implied Regulus’ fate
Request: Could you do a Ravenclaw version of 'Being Regulus Black’s Younger Sister'? Thanks! - anon
A.N: I didn’t think I was going to write this request lmao, but then I just got inspired to do it. Kinda short though, sorry. If you want me to do Hufflepuff, just let me know! Version 1 and Version 2. Hope you enjoy ❤️
You hated the thought of having to pick between your two brothers
Slytherin was probably the smarter choice, though on the train ride to Hogwarts you realized that you would be betraying Sirius and playing right into your mother’s hand
Gryffindor would mean abandoning everything you know and love, something you weren’t ready for at the young age of 11. It also meant deeply hurting Regulus and leaving him all alone in Walburga’s favor
So when Regulus and Barty were too busy talking about trying out for the Quidditch team in the compartment, you quietly decide that you were going to beg the Sorting Hat place you in one of the other two houses
Preferably Ravenclaw, since that was the more “respectable” of the two as you learned from relatives
Regulus was the one to bring you around the train and show you to Hagrid
You didn’t mind, Sirius was, after all, a teenager now, and he didn’t need people seeing him with his little sibling
He did, though, give you a quick thumbs up in the Great Hall
The second “Black, (Y/n)!” was called, you flooded your thoughts with pleads to be put in Ravenclaw
And the hat, though insistent on sorting you into Slytherin at first, eventually relented
Before it announced Ravenclaw, the hat tells you something
“You cannot stay neutral forever, being constantly stuck between feuding brothers. One day, you’ll have to pick a side.”
And before you have time to unpack all that,
You make a lot of your own friends, but of course you’re still torn between Sirius and Regulus
You’re in neutral ground—a grey area
Your parents are just proud and relieved you aren’t in Gryffindor
The relationship between you and Regulus throughout the years is a bit strained, but overall you’re still siblings
He always offers to help you navigate the castle and helps you with homework
You have to find a balance between your own friends, Sirius, and Regulus, because you don’t want to let anyone down
It’s a bit frantic, but once Sirius graduates it’s a lot easier
Regulus will try his hardest to hang out with you on the train or at Hogsmede
Even when he starts acting differently because of the Dark Mark and the Dark Lord, he tries his best to not worry you
He likes spending time in the library and the Ravenclaw common room with you, it’s a lot more peaceful
And lighthearted
Meetings in the Kitchens
Regulus likes to know about the riddles the door uses for your common room password
Tries (and sometimes succeeds) to solve them
Browses the books in your common room
You aren’t forced to pick sides until you’re in your sixth year
When shit starts to hit the fan
Your home becomes a hostile environment, with basically every relative supporting the Death Eaters in some form
Sirius left
Regulus tried to protect you, but there’s only so much he can do
Sirius secretly sends you letters talking about the Order and how terrible your family is
But you can’t just leave Regulus, of course
It’s obvious he’s being manipulated at this point
But you still have to pick a side
All Character Taglist: @sexysirius @amourtentiaa @mullthingsoverinthehotwater @catching-the-train-to-hogwarts
Regulus Black Taglist: @natasharomanovf
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Hey!! I’m sorry you are feeling down and lonely. Sending love
I’m always curious as to what Chris film people say that got them obsessed with him. My dad took me to see Fantastic 4 (the first one 👀) and I was only 11 and I was smitten 😂😂 16/17 years later here I am still smitten
Neither my mum or sister got the hype until Gifted was an in flight movie one year !!
So my question is what film is it for you?? Xx
Hey! Thank you so much <3 Honestly it may have been Captain America: The First Avenger. Basic bitch, I know. BUT I was aware of him for a long time - I first saw him in Not Another Teen Movie when I was wayyyy too young to be watching it! It was on late night TV when I was like 11 or 12 and I had a TV in my room and I remember watching it with the sound down and the subtitles on feeling so naughty for watching such a rude film 😂 And I thought he was so cute in Fantastic Four but he wasn’t really my type when that came out - I was more into Gerard Way at the time 😂 but I definitely remember thinking he was cute and for some reason that bit where it’s like “wow you’re REALLY hot!” and he says “why thankyou so are you” always stuck with me hahaha. I’ve loved everything I’ve seen him in, but yeah, I’m pretty sure it was CA:TFA where I completely fell in love with him ❤️
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