#it really all starts with an off anon message
Lessons on Intimidation
Author's note: More of Husbandry AU. Thank you to @c-u-c-koo-4-40k for letting me borrow Khopesh! Thank you to @sleepyfan-blog for letting me borrow Cedric.
Summary: Olly is going to tell Cedric about the bullies, and the rest of the squad to warn them about Algret and his brother. Just in case they try to push the other's around. He also asks Kerubiel for mean-ness lessons and 'how to intimidate' people lessons from Khopesh.
Warning: uh... Discussions of bullying. Let me know if I need to add more.
Tagged: @barn-anon, @bleedingichorhearts, @c-u-c-koo-4-40k, @egrets-not-regrets, @kit-williams
Tagged: @sleepyfan-blog, @ms--lobotomy , @thevoidscreams, @i-am-a-dragon34, @gra93fruit-blog
Tagged: @felinisnoctis
Oleandros is going to tell the rest of the Primaris squad about the Apothecary Space wolf Algret and his friend and what they did. Also- he's going to be asking Kerubiel on how to seem mean. Keru's really good at spooking other people.
Oh! Khopesh is great at Intimidation as well. He's going to go ask Khopesh for lessons on intimidation. He sends Khopesh a message, who eagerly responds and they meet up near the Chaos base.
"Hey Khopesh. Uh. I was wondering if you'd teach me how to be Intimidating?"
"Sure!" Khopesh says, excited that one of the Primaris marines wants to be taught how to intimidate others. He's go so many different ideas, "Before that, I want to know the context."
"So ... there are a couple of Space Wolves," Olly explains what had happened, and how they had bullied him to send a message to Cedric.
"Tch, and they call Night Lords Cowards," Khopesh says shaking his head before grinning maniacally as he started talking about his favorite methods of intimidation and methods of torture.
Olly is grateful for his enthusiasm but says, "I ah...I don't want to Actually torture anyone...you Know that right? Its important to me that you know that."
'Ah sweet summer child still an Ultramarine at heart.' Khopesh thinks to himself fondly as he nods and replies, "Suit yourself, but I will Gladly teach you how to make people, think you're capable of such a thing."
"That after all, is the Root of fear. And that will be lesson one, what about you can you use to be Scary?" Khopesh trilled walking around the Primaris who followed with his gaze. "Intimidation is One thing, but to invoke true Fear comes from using what you Have to show you are Capable of inflicting what the fear predicts."
The Night Lord grinned showing off his maw of impressive sharp teeth.
Olly ran his tongue over his own blunt ones. "I don't think will work for me."
"Nonsense!" Khopesh chortled. "Think for a moment, what's something those nice chompers can do that mine can't?"
Olly seemed lost for a moment, before Khopesh sighed and pointed to the pouch he'd seen the Primaris store his rock snacks in. Olly grabs out one of his snacking rocks to show him, still a little confused.
"...I can...eat rocks??" Olly replied. "So can many others??"
"Yes! And do you know how Wild that is to witness??" Khopesh replied with a disbelieving laugh. "Just imagine it! Getting into your targets space, looking over them with your impressive height and Then!"
Oh right, one of the more minor differences between Primaris and First Borns, which while both of them can consume normally inedible to base line human items, Primaris marines have stronger bones, which include dental ones as well.
Khopesh prompted with a flourish. "You rip a chunk of rock from your environment, doesn't matter what or where just as long as you can chew it, and Bite it in Half right in Front of them!"
Olly listens and nods to what Khopesh is saying with a serious expression on his face. He looks around for a piece of rock that would look impressive enough.
"The first things their minds will go to is 'Gee what if that rock was my skull', better bother someone else." Khopesh elaborates, "and of course there are the more subtle ways to invoke fear but we'll get to those later."
"Oh," Olly says, "That's good to know. Thanks Khopesh!"
He looks around and then easily rips up a large chunk of rock, "Like this?"
And he turns to look over at Khopesh with the big chunk of rock and takes a few bite out of it. Making sure his expression was stern-neutral as he did so.
"Oh! This rock is rather- tasty," Olly says happily, breaking out of character, "And the texture is quite nice."
"… I shouldn't say that to the person I'm trying to intimidate, right?" Olly says a little sheepishly. He says after a moment or two of eating the moss covered rock.
"That will help with people thinking you are intimidating if you don't talk about the flavor and texture of the rock you are eating, yes." Khopesh says with a laugh.
Bullying is something that can happen between astartes some times, it happens and it sucks. But- Olly's doing what he can to fix it himself and warn other potential victims of bullying. If he wants more help, he hopes that Olly knows that he can come to him.
"What did you want to talk about?" Kerubiel asks Olly as he looks at his fellow Primaris marine curiously.
"Oh- so A couple of Scout Space wolves bullied me earlier today." Olly says, "Because the Apothecary in training was upset that Cedric beat the shit out of him for being an asshole. But he didn't go after Ced because he knows Cedric will beat his ass again."
"And they went after you, despite how big you are because your softer," Kerubiel says, "... have you told Cedric yet?"
"Oh... yeah..." Olly says, "As soon as I find a way to phrase it so that Ced doesn't go all Wrath of Dorn on them."
Kerubiel snorts, "ha- oh, I want to be there to see his reaction."
"It's not funny!" Olly says frowning at the Dark Angel, who continues to laugh, "No- but those flea bitten dogs deserve the Karma they'll get for fucking with you."
"I'm hoping telling Ced that I'm taking mean-ness lesson from you, if that's okay, and you want to - you don't have to-" Olly rambles.
"Meanness lessons?" Kerubiel says with a chuckle, a fond smile pulling at his lips. Some might grow offended to what Olly was babbling, but he knew what Olly was really intending to say. "Sure- I can help with that Olly."
"Oh- thanks, Keru!" Olly says.
"Provided you give me the names and descriptions of those to shit heads." Kerubiel continues.
"... You're going to do something to them, aren't you?" Olly says with a frown, "I can fight my own battles."
"Yeah- and they involved an innocent third party," Kerubiel says with a scowl. "We both know what happens when shitty first borns go after Primaris. How Bad it can get, and how fucking little recourse we have."
"That... that was back in M42," Olly says, "The- the First borns- and Cedric and the other Primaris Marines say that... that things are different on Ancient Terra."
"Yeah sure," Kerubiel says rolling his eyes, "Just because their punishments are lighter, don't me that the protections that the First Borns and Terran born Space marines get doesn't mean it applies to us. It never did, not really in M42, why the hell would it be true here?"
Olly goes quiet and wilts a little at that. "... we could have Claude as Khopesh or Anrir about that."
"Eh, if that's necessary, maybe later," Kerubiel says with a shrug, "And Anrir only cares about Claude, not much about the rest of us. Which I get why. Claude can be adorable and he's adopted him. Good on Claude for getting such a fierce mentor."
"Albeit an unstable one," Olly mutters quiet, "... but then again. He's Terran born, and has survived from the Unification wars to After the Heresy. So."
"Holy Stars," Kerubiel swears, "He's old."
"So old." Olly replies.
Kerubiel and Olly are quiet for a moment, it shows just how dangerous he is. An old man surviving as long as he has in the type of career they have. It's rare and means that Anrir is exceptionally dangerous and good at what he does.
Kerubiel teaches him different ways to move and certain phrases to say, also reminds him of certain kinds of situations and the build up for them so he can realize what he's potentially getting set up for before it happens.
"Alright," Kerubiel says, "I think that's enough for now. Cedric and a couple of the others are going to be visiting Atlas and the other wounded Primaris. Good time to go let a whole bunch of the others know about those shit heads."
Olly and Kerubiel are in the section of the med bay were Olivar, Pallius, Atlas, and Cedric are. The ones who are wounded Cedric is fussing over. Ramiel, taking a break from Chaplain training is quietly speaking with Olivar about something.
Jophiel is happily bouncing from person to person, while Catius is working on some paperwork- occasionally talking to the others about this and that.
Claude is helping Cedric- by carrying some medical supplies from the closet to where he needs them put down. Olly drifts over and watches the situation with a small smile on his face.
Atlas and Catius look over at him, "Something on your mind Olly?"
"Huh?" Olly murmurs, "Oh, just have a message to give to Cedric from an Apprentice Apothecary Algret of the space wolves."
Cedric's face shifts a little and he sets down whatever it was that he was holding and came over to Olly. "What did he do?"
"Uh, he says that 'we're even now.'" Olly says to Cedric.
Cedric's face darkens, "Olly. What. Did. He. Do?"
"Him and a friend pushed me into some mud." Olly says, "And dumped a bucket of disgusting smelling goo that hardened and stank. It took me hours to clean my armor of the stench and mud."
"That bastard." Cedric hisses upset.
"Ced," Olly says gently reaching out to try and calm his sometimes over protective brother cousin, "No really harm occurred. I just wanted to let you and everyone else know. Just in case he decides to escalate his behavior."
"What did the others say when you were covered in mud and stench?" Atlas asks.
"Oh well- the space wolves had planned a head and sent a message saying that I had tripped into something." Olly says. "The Sargent is apart of their Renegade war band. So... Even though I have video proof that it wasn't me being clumsy. You know how First Borns tend to react to their Scouts being 'harmless pranksters' to primaris."
"... Have you told anyone else besides us?" Catius asks.
"Just Khopesh, when he asked why I wanted lessons on intimidation." Olly says, "So- I'm working on not being such an... easy target. Sorry about that guys."
Olly knows he can cause his brothers a lot of stress, and he tries not to. He looks down and scuffs his foot on the ground a little self consciously. Not noticing the expressions on the others faces.
"They lied to a superior officer?" Claude asks, as a clarifying question, a frown on his face.
"Yeah," Olly says, "And they wouldn't let me up until I repeated their words back to them. The mud was... they had prepared that involuntary mud bath ahead of time for it to... be as effective as it was."
Cedric growls a little and his hands clench into fists. Olly gives Cedric a hug, that just so happens to also potential restrain his temperamental brother-cousin.
"No permanent damage happened." Olly informs him, informs all of them.
"Cowards," Jophiel says with an angry hiss, "They didn't go after the one that had smacked them around, I'm surprised they didn't go after me or one of the smaller of us."
"The rest of you are either too intimidating, have psyker powers. too wounded, or too loveable," Olly says in a no nonsense tone, he gestures to the ones with special powers, the ones who are more intimidating (and they know who they are), same with those who are still wounded, and the ones who are easily lovable.
He's not jealous, its fact, some brothers and cousins are far more palatable, far more lovable, and easy to love. While others are less lovable, less palatable.
Part of him wondered if he was a Pariah, or hand the genes, even if just a little bit. But- if he did then he'd have had the training for it, or would have been culled. At least he thinks that is what the Magos on Trainers would do.
But no, he's not special, not like how his brothers and cousins are special. The psyker and non psyker ones. They are so clever, so witty, so strong, and only will grow more so as they get older.
He'll just continue to fall behind and stagger like a clumsy ox after them and try not to drag them down. Try not to be too much of a burden.
"Oh- yeah they are Space wolves, didn't want to go after the 'witches' in case you gave them 'witch cooties' or curse them or other such nonsense, I think." Olly says rolling his eyes, "And they... likely thought it dishonorable to go after the wounded. And I was ... in a place for them to grab. So."
Olly shrugs, he's unfortunately used to be used as a 'messenger' of that kind of nature for his brothers and cousins. And as much as it sucks, at least it's him and not one of the others.
It's something he can do as a way to shield the others from... stuff and things. Especially since all of them do so much to help him. Why not return the favor? Besides, even if those First Borns had hurt him, Pain is temporary and it would heal up quickly.
"I've had bullies use me to send messages to others that had a lot worse than being stuck in mud for a bit." Olly says as a reminder, "So really. I'm fine. Cedric. Everyone. And since Algret and his buddy say that 'we're even now' going after him would only... escalate the situation."
"Have you told Captain Ash'val or one of the others?" Claude asks.
"No, why?" Olly asks, "such squabbles between Scouts are to be kept between Scouts. Besides, the First Borns will most likely side with the First Born Scouts, and then I would have to do punishment for being a 'whiny little bitch' who doesn't know his place."
"Who told you that?" Cedric growls.
"Who told me what?" Olly asks.
"Don't play dumb, what you just said," Cedric grounds out.
"Oh, some asshole back in M42," Olly says, "He's not here, so it doesn't matter."
"Olly..." Catius says coming over and giving his brother a hug.
"It's in the past," Olly says simply with a shrug, happily leaning into Catius's hug while he still has his arms around Cedric as he gives big ol' 'please calm down' puppy eyes to Cedric.
It's sometimes really effective. Sometimes it just makes Cedric huff, puff, and even more protectively growly. "Perhaps talking to Captain Ash'val or one of the others might be a good idea. Or big Burders Arnault and Roland."
"Why?" Says Olly tilting his head a little, "the one that got bullied was me. Not you or one of the others they care about. So they won't give a shit."
"Olly!" Jophiel says with gasp.
"What?" Olly says with a confused blink and a head tilt. "The first borns care about you- and the others. Therefor it would upset them if you or the others were the ones that were bullied. But it's me. They don't know me. Not really. so they won't care. It's fine. It make sense."
Olly says with a shrug, "I'm an acquired taste, and most tend to not like me for being, well me. It's fine."
"... Olly." Ramiel says his voice wobbling a little.
"Oh fuck," Olly says, "I said that out loud, didn't I?"
"... Yes you did." Catius and Atlas say at the same time.
"Why do you think they wouldn't care?" Cedric asks, a complicated expression on his face.
"Because Roland and Arnault are Black Templars- of course they, understandably, prioritize you- and the other Black Templars over the rest of us." Olly starts, "of course the first born brothers and cousins that have bonded to the other primaris marines more care about them. But I'm just... in the back ground. Tied to you lot tangentially. They don't care about me personally, and that's fine."
"There is no way that they care about me, in any capacity, I haven't got the endearing kind of personality type," He shifts a little, stating all of this very matter of factly, he believes every word he's saying, "Besides- it's great that you all have found such people to help and protect you. I can manage. I have before, I will now. It's easier on Ancient Terra, not as many bastards to have to deal with. I know how annoying and difficult to deal with. I just have one of those easy to bully faces and personalities. Haha."
He's always been rather good at that- getting the ire of others directed onto him and off of the others. It's so hard trying to be good, to not be frustrating or hard to work with.
It's like everyone was given certain socialization lessons and he'd missed those classes somehow. And like everyone else was using a secret set of social rules that they all knew about, but no one would really explain them to him.
All that would happen is he'd get punished for unknowingly breaking those rules and punished for doing something when he had thought it seemed like a reasonable action. When he said or did something that someone else had done, but while they were able to do it, he was scolded for it.
That reminds him of one time, when he'd been a lot younger, back on Mars. When they were doing 'free play' sessions and Olly had asked one of their brother cousins if they wanted to play. The cousin had said that he wanted to play with him later. So he'd went away and had come back to ask that brother cousin a couple of hours later if they wanted to play.
Then that brother cousin had yelled at him, saying that Olly was being rude and that he'd already said that he hadn't wanted to play with Olly and that Olly was being rude.
Much to Olly's horror he'd started to cry a little and had tearfully explained that this was later, that he'd agreed to play with him later and later was now.
That same cousin continued to yell and scold that he didn't actually want to play with Olly at all, But he was merely being polite. That he should just go away. That Olly was far to annoying and intense. To just shut up and go away.
Superior officers didn't like questions, even when Olly wasn't trying to be rude. He just ... didn't understand the assignment he'd been given. That the training he had been given wasn't enough.
He wasn't trying to be rude or question there authority. He just ... wasn't sure what he was supposed to do. So no, he wasn't going to pester the older brothers here.
He was far too annoying. Far to difficult to handle for most. To be honest, he doesn't know why Cedric and the others put up with him when he can be way too much.
At least they are nicer about it and say "Olly shush!" at times. Which is helpful, and lets him know when he's being too talkative or is saying something that could potentially offend someone else or something.
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reigningmax · 1 year
I'm new to F1, and I noticed you have a lot of friends in the fandom. Do you have any tips on making friendships? 🥹
I bother a lot of people by making conversations and messaging off anon <3 lol.
No but seriously, I personally find it comfortable to reply and comment off-anon when I am mutuals with the person. And then from there, it's about messaging off anon and starting a DM! It helps, obviously, if your interests and thoughts are aligned. It can definitely be intimidating!! But as you build up followers/make mutuals, it starts getting easier. I still worry I am annoying people, especially fic writers, so I try not to always initiate. And truly, I only speak to @monegasque, @danthropologie, and @blamemma on the daily 24/7 continuous convo but I do talk to others often and keep a convo going on tumblr dms or discord or whatsapp - just depends on what's happening, etc.!
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deoidesign · 1 year
please take as much time as you need to rest and recover. burn out is so hard and takes so much to heal from. your art and your supporters will still be here when you get back :) take care <3
Thank you very much
Unfortunately, my situation doesn't really allow me to take the time I need. I've got a ~two month hiatus scheduled for my midseason, but much like my first hiatus I'll most likely be working double time during it...
It's unfortunate because I could really really use a bigger break!
Having the time and flexibility to work on other projects really fires me up and keeps me going, and being able to take a guilt free day off for family and friends is necessary to my mental health, and I've been having to turn people down lately...
This is a very kind message, and I'm sorry to vent in response! But I just feel transparency about the pressure I'm under is necessary and important. I'd love to take the time I really need, but due to deadlines and that pesky "needing money to live" I can't.
But, once the series is over I intend to take a pretty big break before I start whatever I'm doing next! I've got so many short stories and projects planned that I want so badly to get to, I can't wait to really get to truly dive in to them!
#im so sorry to take a nice message and respond like this! but just... trust me haha i know my supporters are genuinely here for me <3#but webtoon... not so much unfortunately. i mean im sure i could take a longer break but theres the looming anxiety#that ill get in trouble or itll ruin my chances of working with them again etc etc#i took this week and i genuinely took it off. sort of? i flew to a convention which was exhausting#and i did paintings that i hope to print eventually#and i. started planning and prepping for a Kickstarter. for time and time again...#so ive still been working the whole time. but i love working!#i just... like to be able to work on things OTHER than time and time again...#and unfortunately for a few months. more than a few months. i haven't been able to do anything outside of it.#even all of my paintings have been for it cause i cant afford to switch my mindset!#my first hiatus i moved. worked on a pitch for my next series. and then i made two episodes a week the entire time#and i still ran out of episodes...#i dont know if im just not fast enough or if something is wrong with my brain that i have to fight to get it to focus but.#yeah i mean ive been burned out! been really burned out for like a year now#i can tell by how much better i feel after literally 1 week of doing anything else#and how tired i feel explaining this and knowing ive got another 3 months before i get another break#ok sorry i vented a lot more in the tags. it's hard to explain all of this eloquently and i like my posts to be somewhat professional#asks#anon#vent#delete later#and also how often my brain keeps wanting me to like. beg for 'nice words' from other people#(i always stop myself from asking people for compliments and stuff because otherwise i get very carried away and do it too regularly)#(people are very nice to me all the time. the kindness is endless and i need to let myself recognize and appreciate it rather than seek more#(its sort of a mental health thing I've been trying to like... force myself to do)#(for myself and my longevity but also for others sake lol. ive been bad about it in the past)
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crossbackpoke-check · 1 month
in love with your novels in the tags, they're so much fun to read - @softvikings
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thank you!!! i have so much fun writing them and i love hearing that they bring other people joy as well, these are Our Tag Novels now 🥹💕🥰
#you GUYS cannot keep getting away with this. you’re gonna make my heart explode 💗💗💗#keyboard WHEN can i have a butterfly hearts emoji. please!!! 🦋🫧💖✨#i am gonna wax poetic a little bit about community and joy and also this is your standard personal update in the tags so skip if ur want#but i have been in the process of a really big change in my life!! kinda struggling!! feeling a little scared and lonely!!!#and then i get to come here and hang out with all of you who left me such lovely messages and i get to share in the collaborative joy#of creation and interaction in so many ways#(case in point!! you reblogged a post i rambled about with something that just set me off in a WHOLE new fun direction [that post is on its#way lol] and it’s just so fun to see everyone build off of each other and share and make such beautiful work. as always i love you gifmakers#i love you writers I love you artists I love you archivists I love you video transcribers and article translators and readers & commenters#& all the infinite ways that you can share and be creative with each other!! I love you human connection and love.) anyway. sappy as all#get out and i AM about to put my ass to bed and wake up and answer everything else and post everything else tomorrow but i had to get it#out into the world hanif abdurraqib style that i love you and i love y’all#liv in the replies#softvikings#do NOT let me forget to come here tomorrow. i have a post that’s been waiting a week because i missed wip Wednesday i can’t do it again 😭😭#dear nosy anon i did not forget you i promise i just wanted to abide by the tumblr days of the week schedule 😭😭 i see you i love you bestie#anyway again good night sleep tight i will be tucked up snug as a bug and cozy replaying all the messages in my head.#if you have a favorite Novel tell me!!! i want to know and odds are so good i want to daydream about it with you!! that’s how i met laura 💕#& also how i started talking to c &songs&swords &tofumilanesa &alexandra &everyone lol. as mentioned i will Yap &I love listening to u too
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rinhaler · 11 months
Not me being an absolute slut for step dad Gojo and Uncle Nanami!?!? 😩 sharing is caring!
-Very Much Embarrassed Anon🫂
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PERHAPS i got carried away but i hope u enjoy this !! luxe write something under 1k challenge: impossible x
warnings: 18+ MDNI, step/incest, fem!reader, step dad!gojo, uncle!nanamin, implied virgin!reader, threesome, vaginal sex, oral (m receiving), fingering, tit sucking, possessive!gojo, daddy kink, praise, pull out method, orgasm denial, noncon photo taking, slight oral fixation, hair pulling, face fucking.
words: 2.7k
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“You know you’re too young for boys, right?” your step-father reminds you, like it’s a mantra he’s told you again and again for years. It isn’t a suggestion or a thought he’s choosing to share. It’s an instruction. “I don’t want you to think because you’re all grown up and going to college now that you can be reckless.”
“I- I know, Satoru.” you smile at him.
Both of your attention is stolen as you hear your uncle, Kento, laugh out a scoff. He tries to conceal it as he ruffles his newspaper and drinks his coffee. You see your step-dad’s brows furrow in annoyance. Or, anger. He looks at you, again, and his expression softens.
“I know you’re a good girl, sweetheart.” he tells you, wrapping his arms around your form and placing a kiss atop your head. Nanami’s eyes peer over his newspaper, locking with yours. A knowing glance to each other before a smirk finds his features. He raises his newspaper, shielding his face completely as he tries to focus on reading.
He lets you go, reluctantly, as you pick up your college bag and grab your phone.
His expression sours as he sees you reach for your phone, smiling at a text message you received. He shouldn’t pry. He knows he shouldn’t pry. But he can’t seem to stop himself as he finds himself leaning across the kitchen island and snatching your phone from your hands. And now he scoffs, scrolling through your messages and looking at the name at the top.
“What did I just say?” he speaks, only an octave away from yelling at you. Your lip wobbles, and he keeps your phone at arm’s length as you try to grab for it. He tosses it towards the kitchen table so Kento can look for himself.
“He was just asking if I needed picking up for my classes, Satoru! You don’t need to worry…” you tell him. Of course this would happen. He’s always been stupidly over protective.
“Well you don’t, do you? That’s what I’m here for. Hell, I’m sure even Nanami would be happy to take you since he came all of this way to spend his off time visiting you.” Gojo reminds you. And you feel a slight pang of guilt at that. You know how hard your poor uncle Nanamin works. He could be on vacation, somewhere tropical, unwinding from the humdrum of his boring office job. But here he is, sitting reading the newspaper and listening to you two argue with each other. “In fact, you’re grounded. I’m keeping your phone and you can forget about going to class today.”
“Don’t whine, I’ll write you a note.” he adds, walking around the counterspace to collect your phone from Nanami. He finishes scrolling, locking it, though he keeps hold of it. “Go upstairs.”
You huff, but grab your bag and do as you’re told. It’s not like he can stop you from being online. You can talk to people on your laptop, after all. Though given the mood he’s in you suppose you’ll have to be stealthy about it.
“You’re too harsh on her.” Kento tells Satoru, earning another disgruntled glance from him. He closes his newspaper and rests an ankle over his knee as he leans back and drinks the remainder of his coffee. “She’s curious, you can’t do anything about that. It’s not like she’ll stay a virgin forever.”
“Tch. Spare me.” he laughs lightly. “You think I don’t know why you’re here? I hear you, you know, when you sneak into her room at night.”
And Gojo revels in how the colour drains from Nanami’s face. He sits upright, his back stiffened straight and he starts to loosen his tie. He should have known, really, it was too good to be true. He should have known he’d always get caught eventually. But by Satoru Gojo of all people?
“I haven’t…” he clears his throat. “It’s not what you think.”
“Sure.” Satoru rolls his eyes. “If I’m bein’ honest… I don’t really care. Who am I to stop you? I’m not blood… like you. Sick fuck.” he laughs, sitting down at the table and looking into Nanami’s panic-stricken eyes.
Your uncle rests his elbows on the table and holds his head in his hands. What is Gojo plotting? Blackmail of some kind, maybe. It’s not like he’s concealed his disapproval for his sisters relationship with him. He’s tolerated him, sure, but he’s a nuisance he thinks his family would be better off without.
“I don’t like this either.” he throws your phone towards the white-haired man and sighs. “But she doesn’t respect you, Satoru. She doesn’t even call you dad. I think she sees you as temporary, so of course she isn’t going to listen to you. Not really.”
“But…” he leans over the table with a smug grin. “She respects you, doesn’t she? Her favourite uncle. I don’t like college guys, I remember what we were like in college, I don’t want her around that.”
“No… maybe she won’t go searching for it if she’s better educated.”
Gojo’s brow quirks in intrigue, a sadistic smile soon follows.
“Who knew a corporate goon could be such a sick fuck, hah?” Gojo laughs, picking up Nanami’s coffee mug for him and walking it to the sink to clean. Nanami rolls his eyes, burying his reddening face in his newspaper again.
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You feel a surge of fear stab through you as you hear footsteps climb up the stairs. You hide your laptop back into your bag and turn on your TV, hurrying to find something to watch as a cover. But when you hear a knock, you relax, Satoru never knocks.
“Come in!” you speak, happily, welcoming your favourite and only uncle Nanamin into your room. Though your heart sinks as your step-father follows, crossing your arms across your chest as you huff and pout petulantly.
“Don’t be like that…” Nanami speaks softly, sitting on the edge of your bed and resting his hand on your thigh. “We need to talk to you. And we want to ask you something.” he continues. Your pout fades, then, a slight feeling of anxiety creeps into you as you wonder if something serious has happened.
And Satoru sits on the edge of the bed, too, his beaming blue eyes almost pierce through your heart as he begins to explain. How he’s just worried about you because he knows from experience how college guys can be. How he’s your dad no matter what and he just wants the best for you. And he thinks you need a little help in the right direction on your journey of self-discovery.
“I know you’re a woman now, sweetheart, but you’re still daddy’s little girl. Yeah? So, let daddy help.”
“He- with what?” you blink at him, dumbly, and the delighted snarl on his face almost chills you to the bone. He doesn’t speak right away, so you look at Nanami. But it’s like he can’t bear to look at you as he sinks his head low with shame. “With what?” you ask again.
 “Well, Nanami said you’re curious. So he’s been fucking you, right?”
“No!” you and your uncle yell simultaneously. Did he really tell your insufferable step-father something so personal?
“I told you, I haven’t slept with her. Don’t tease her or you’ll make things worse.” Nanami clarifies before he focuses his attention on you. “But you are curious, aren’t you? You’re getting attention from boys and you’re enjoying it, clearly. They aren’t good for you though, princess. They don’t know how to treat girls right.”
You hum, softly, as he pushes your legs apart, revealing your pink cotton panties to the two of them as they continue to talk you through their thought process. And the touch of your uncle Nanamin is your ultimate weakness. They both get a live response to his action as your pretty pussy starts to gift your panties with a dark, sticky patch between your dewy folds.
“Boys that age, sweetheart, they don’t know what they’re doing. Do you touch yourself? ‘m sure you do, I’m not naïve enough to think otherwise. But that means you like to cum, yeah? These college guys don’t care about that. They just want a little hole to cum in and defile. And we think you deserve better than that.” Satoru explains, his inquisitive fingers begin to prod at your puffy cunt, though you trap his hand between your plush thighs.
“Satoru…” you respond, bashfully.
“No.” he speaks, grabbing your thighs and pulling you down the bed and towards himself. He looks mad, but there’s no real malice behind it. Still your heart is pounding. “I’m your dad like he is your uncle. I’m not Satoru. Who am I?” he asks, reaching under your skirt to pull down your panties.
“D-Daddy… you’re daddy. ‘m sorry.” you whimper. Your eyes flutter as his long fingers invade your pretty, virgin walls. “Hng—!”
“Gooood girl.” he smiles as he begins to curl them upwards. “I slipped right on in, has uncle Kento gotten you used to taking his fingers?”
“Mhmm…” you blush. The man in question bends down to kiss you.
It’s sweet, though you find yourself grabby and desperate as you follow his lead. He pulls away to undress you, unbuttoning your shirt and then his own after throwing away his tie. He helps you out of your bra, and you instinctively go to cover your nipples as you remember who you’re actually in the company of. But Nanami doesn’t want that. He locks his fingers with yours, holding your hands above your head as he begins to suckle on them until they’re both puckered and raw.
“Sit her up, and sit behind her.” Satoru tells his brother-in-law. And of course he acquiesces. You’re moved like you’re weightless as your uncle sits behind you, his clothed cock pressing angrily into the curve of your spine as he continues to torment your tits. Satoru pulls his fingers out of your cunt and sucks them clean, smiling at how your eyes begin to sparkle with wonder as he puts on such a display. “Do not tell your mother about this, understand?”
You nod, obediently. You wouldn’t dream of telling her something so scandalous. Though it does fill you with a slight sense of pride as your Satoru makes it abundantly clear how desperately he’d longed to be the first person to explore your untouched core. He pulls down his trousers and you moan at his smooth, pink cockhead. Though right now it’s closer to an angry shade of red.
He really is desperate.
You wince, slightly, as he pushes his tip inside. Though he retracts it, coating his head in your wetness.
“Fuuuuck, you weren’t lyin’. You really never fucked her, huh Nanami?” Gojo chuckles as he pushes in deeper and deeper. Nanami slots his fingers into your mouth to suck on as you accommodate to the length. “Relax, baby. Clampin’ so much you’re gonna push me out.” he laughs shallowly, his thrusts matching as he begins to work you open.
“D-Daddy!” you gasp, back arching against Nanami’s chest before he pulls you back towards him.
“We’re so proud of you, princess.” Nanami shushes you, placing a kiss to your temple. You look at him with wide, trusting eyes, though he can’t really concentrate as his own fixate on the way your tits bounce with each thrust Gojo inflicts onto you. “Why don’t you show your dad how I taught you to suck cock, hm?”
“Oh? Now that I’d like to see.” Gojo smiles, pulling out of you briefly. The sound of your sticky walls echoes through the room as he pulls out. The men help you onto all fours, and your daddy slots himself right back into your tight heat. The adjusted angle makes you fall forward, your head lolling as he finds a nice little trigger inside of you. “Oh… there, huh? Okay, baby. I’ll fuck you right there.” Satoru tells you as he begins to fuck into you before slowing down.
Nanami takes his cock out of his briefs, tapping the tip against your swollen lips. They open, obediently, and you lick the precum he’s spilling directly from the source. Your hole flutters as he hisses, enamoured by the sensation.
“Perfect, princess. Such a good little girl for me.” Kento comments, and your heart beats harder. You’re almost robbed of all sense as Gojo pistons his hips into you, and he leans forward to grab your hair and wrap it into a makeshift ponytail.
“Now that I’m thinking about it, Kento, maybe we should teach her how college boys fuck. Since she wanted that experience so badly.” Satoru proposes, and Nanami considers it. He really considers it. And Gojo chuckles at that. “Go on… show her.”
Nanami nods, grabbing the sides of your head and fucking your face like you’re his own personal cocksleeve.
It’s relentless and dizzying and you don’t know how to settle. You can’t possibly as you’re ruined from both ends. There’s no reprieve, there’s no way to relax. You’re trembling and moaning and fuck you never knew sex could be so intense. Nanami is always calm and patient with you. But this isn’t that.
They’ve ran out of patience with you.
It doesn’t matter which way you try to retreat, you’re only encouraging the other one. More of Nanami’s cock down your throat and more of Gojo’s hitting your g-spot.
“W-We’ll have to get you on the pill, sweetheart.” Gojo tells you, but it’s more like he’s telling himself. He knows he can’t cum inside. He can’t, but fuck, he wants to. He fucking needs to. “College guys, they like- leaving their- mark.” he thrusts again and again until he’s on the very brink of blowing his load. But his life won’t be worth living if he knocks his cute little daughter up. His marriage will be over. He’ll lose everything.
And with that, he pulls out and coats your pussy lips with his sperm. The loss of feeling from inside makes you cry out around Nanami’s length, though you still can’t pull away from him as he continues to use your mouth as his own personal toy. You never knew your uncle Nanamin had this side to him.
He’s usually so sweet and patient.
He pulls out, too, depriving you of the taste of his cum and the chance to prove what a good girl you are. Though you take his load beautifully as he shoots soupy ropes across your pretty face. His heart skips a beat as your false lashes flutter and he realises a heavy glob stuck to them.
“College guys, sweetheart, might take pictures of you like this.” Satoru pulls his phone from his back pocket and takes a few photos of your quivering cunt. You’ve been neglected in the worst way, and it’s dawning on you now what he had meant by giving you the college experience. He tosses his phone to Nanami, encouraging him to do the same. Your innocent and betrayed face is captured so perfectly through the lens of the phone, Nanami’s pearly seed is the perfect colour for your complexion.
“College guys would send these around to their friends too, you know.” Nanami warns you.
“But we’ll just keep these between ourselves.” Satoru promises you. “I think it’s only fair we didn’t let you cum this time since you were so intent on disobeying your daddy.”
“I think she’s learnt her lesson, though, Satoru.” Nanami speaks, pulling your hair so that you can look up at him and he can identify if you dare to lie to him. “Fucking college boys doesn’t sound that fun anymore, does it? Say sorry, princess. Your dad might let you cum next time if you’re a good girl.”
You sniff, and hiccup, unsure of where to look.
“’m s-sorry, daddy.” you sniffle, Nanami releases your hair and allows you to look back at Gojo, a wild grin on his face.
“Awe… sweet.” Gojo smiles, circling the bed so he’s standing beside Nanami, both of their eyes bore down at you with an intensity you’ve never felt before. “I think we’re owed a thank you, we took the time to teach you such an important lesson, after all.”
“T-Thank you,” you sniff, again, “Thank you, d-daddy. Thank you, uncle Nanamin.”
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© 2023 rinitxshi
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4K notes · View notes
romugh · 4 days
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pairing- nerd!natasha romanoff x reader
cw- 18+!!; top!reader, sub!bottom!natasha, fingering, mirror sex, liiiight choking, strap (n rcv), heavy praise kink!!, slight degradation if you squint i guess, natty in subspace!
wc- almost 10k of pure smut? sorry?
a/n- got inspired by a request! and then my brain did something weird and suddenly there's 7k words about natasha taking a strap, but that's not on me. not. on. me. blame the anon! (loved writing your request, feel free to send some more in x)
request- forcing nerdy!nat to look at herself on the mirror while you make her sit on your lap and finger her.
synopsis- natasha had been a brat, so you treat her like one, exploring her desires as she confronts herself in the mirror.
taglist- @esposadejoyhuerta, @lost-mortemanghel - comment or dm if you'd like to be added x
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It wasn’t just today that had you on edge. Natasha had been bratting out in the most subtle, infuriating ways for days now, but today she had taken it to another level. She knew exactly how to toe the line—pretending to be her usual innocent, shy self—while leaving just enough doubt in your mind to make you question whether or not she was pushing you intentionally.
The text messages were what really started it.
You’d been in class, trying to focus on a lecture, when the first one came in. It was simple enough: “Hope your class is going well ;)”—completely harmless, right? But you couldn’t shake the feeling there was more to it, especially when you opened it and saw the little winking emoji she’d added at the end. That wink, so out of character for her, made you pause. You stared at your phone, trying to decide whether or not you were imagining things. Natasha didn’t usually send flirty texts, let alone ones with winking emojis.
You could already feel the flicker of heat in your chest, but you pushed it aside and ignored the message, hoping it was just an innocent mistake.
Except it didn’t stop there.
Three hours later, another text came through: “I keep thinking about you today. Can’t focus on anything else.”
And this time, it wasn’t so easy to brush off. Her words were vague enough to be taken as sweet, but your gut told you there was more to it. You could almost imagine her saying those words, the way her voice might sound just a little breathless as she admitted it.
By the third class, you were struggling to concentrate. The way Natasha kept popping into your mind, her texts leaving you on edge, had you feeling more than just a little distracted.
As soon as the lecture ended and you stepped out of the classroom, your phone rang. Natasha.
You picked up, trying to keep your voice casual. “Hey, Natty. Everything okay?”
“Yeah,” she replied, her voice soft and shy, but there was something else. A breathlessness. Like she was slightly out of breath. “I was just thinking about you.”
Again, it sounded innocent enough, but the timing, the tone… something about it felt deliberate.
You frowned, trying to make sense of it. "Are you sure you're okay? You’ve been really... attentive today."
“I just miss you,” she murmured, her voice carrying that same soft, almost innocent tone. But underneath it, you could sense that there was more she wasn’t saying.
There was a slight pause on the line, and for a moment, you thought you heard her inhale sharply, like she was trying to catch her breath. It made your pulse spike, sending a ripple of heat through you. You didn’t ask, but the thought crossed your mind—was she…?
No. Natasha was too innocent for that. You knew she wouldn’t touch herself without you.
Still, the way she’d sounded out of breath left you imagining all sorts of scenarios, ones you tried to push away as you focused on getting through the rest of the day.
By the time you got home, her teasing texts and those breathy phone calls had simmered inside you, leaving you wound tight. She was fully aware of her actions, even though she acted like she wasn’t. The winks, the subtle innuendos, the way she kept thinking about you and calling you after every class—it was all part of her game.
And now, here she was, sitting at your dining table, acting like the same sweet, innocent nerd who couldn’t possibly have done anything wrong. Her head tilted slightly as she studied you, still feigning innocence, but there was that glimmer in her eyes, that hint of mischief that sent a fresh surge of frustration through you.
“What’s wrong?” she asked again, her voice sweet but clearly baiting you, her lips curling into the faintest smirk. “Did I do something?”
You exhaled sharply, narrowing your eyes at her. “Don’t play dumb, Natty. You know exactly what you’ve been doing all day.”
She blinked up at you, a blush warming her cheeks, but she didn’t deny it. Instead, she held your gaze, biting her lip as if struggling to suppress a smile, that bratty confidence shining through.
You moved closer, standing directly in front of her now, crossing your arms as you stared down at her. “The texts, the calls… were you just trying to mess with me?”
Her breath hitched slightly, the blush spreading across her cheeks. “I-I wasn’t trying to—”
“Don’t lie,” you interrupted, your tone firm. You leaned in, placing your hands on the arms of her chair, caging her in. “You’ve been bratting out all day, trying to get a reaction. Haven’t you?”
Her eyes widened for a moment, her bravado faltering just slightly. But then, after a beat of silence, she bit her lip and nodded.
“Maybe a little,” she whispered, her voice barely audible, but the admission was clear.
You could feel your pulse quicken, the tension between you crackling like electricity. You knew she was doing this on purpose, trying to push your buttons, trying to test you. But now? Now she was going to find out exactly what happens when she pushes too far.
“You like pushing me, don’t you?” you asked, your voice low and dangerous, watching as her blush deepened even further.
Natasha squirmed slightly in her seat, clearly flustered, but she didn’t look away. “I-I like it when you… when you pay attention to me,” she admitted softly, her voice filled with nervousness and excitement.
You raised an eyebrow, your lips curling into a smirk. “Oh, you have my attention, alright.” You let your hand move to her chin, tilting her head up so she was forced to keep looking at you. “But if you want to keep bratting out, then you’d better be ready to handle what comes next.”
Her breath caught in her throat, her wide eyes locking onto yours. You could see the anticipation swirling there, her nervousness mixing with anticipation as she realised what was about to happen.
“Stand up,” you commanded, your tone leaving no room for argument.
Natasha quickly obeyed, her body trembling slightly as she rose to her feet, her gaze never leaving yours. You could see the flush creeping down her neck, and you knew that under her composed exterior, she was just as affected as you were.
You moved behind her, placing your hands on her shoulders and guiding her toward the mirror on the far wall of the room. She looked confused for a moment, but she didn’t resist.
You positioned her in front of the mirror, your body pressing close to hers from behind, your hands slowly sliding down her arms as you leaned in close to her ear.
“Look at yourself, Natty,” you whispered, your voice low and commanding. “Look at how flushed you are. How much you’ve been teasing me today.”
Her breath came in short, sharp gasps, her eyes fixed on her reflection as you stood behind her, the tension between you thick in the air. She could see it herself too now—the bratty smirk gone, replaced with the vulnerable, needy expression you knew she’d been hiding all day.
“You think you’re so innocent,” you murmured, your hands moving down to rest on her hips. “But you’re not. You’ve been begging for this all day.”
Natasha let out a shaky breath, her eyes flickering between the mirror and the floor, her body trembling under your touch.
“I… I didn’t mean to—”
“Oh, but you did,” you interrupted, your tone soft but firm. “And now, you’re going to take the consequences.” -
You sit on the edge of the bed, facing the mirror in your bedroom with Natasha in your lap. Her back is resting against your front, her body snug against yours. She’s still wearing her panties and your oversized shirt—one she had been using as pyjamas, soft and far too big for her. The image of her in it, slightly dishevelled, only adds to the intimacy of the moment.
She had undressed you earlier, her hands tentative but eager, slowly pulling off each piece of clothing until you were left bare. Her fingers had lingered on your skin, tracing over your chest, arms, and thighs with a delicate touch, as if still unsure of her own boldness. Now, the warmth of her bare back pressing against your chest feels both grounding and electrifying.
The oversized shirt hangs loosely off her shoulders, the fabric falling down past her thighs, barely covering anything. Her skin glows in the dim light of the room, and the way her chest rises and falls with each shallow breath betrays the nerves bubbling inside her. You can feel her heartbeat thudding softly against your chest, her anticipation palpable.
With one hand resting on her waist, you reach for the hem of the shirt. Your fingers brush lightly against her skin, and you feel the shiver that runs down her spine. "Let’s get rid of this," you murmur softly into her ear. She tenses for a moment, but she doesn’t object, only nodding slightly in agreement.
You tug the shirt upwards, brushing it over her shoulders and guiding her arms out of the sleeves. Her skin is warm beneath your touch, and when the shirt is finally discarded, it leaves her sitting there in nothing but her panties, vulnerable and exposed in the dim light of the room.
The soft blush on her cheeks deepens, her eyes glancing away from the mirror in front of you as she tries to hide her embarrassment. But there’s no hiding now—not when you’re both like this.
"Look at yourself," you say gently, your voice soft but firm. Your fingers lift her chin, tilting her head slightly so she’s forced to meet her own reflection in the mirror. Her wide eyes flicker nervously, trying to focus on anything but the image staring back at her. But you don’t let her turn away.
"Look at how beautiful you are," you continue, your hand sliding down her bare stomach, feeling the soft skin beneath your fingertips. She trembles slightly, her body pressing further into you for comfort. The sight of her like this—vulnerable, unsure, and so soft—makes your heart ache with affection.
Her breathing hitches as your hand travels lower, tracing over the waistband of her panties. She’s already wet—you can feel it through the fabric—and the knowledge sends a thrill down your spine. You slide your hand under the waistband, teasing her with the lightest of touches.
"You’re already so wet for me," you murmur, pressing a finger against her slick entrance. Natasha gasps softly, her body jerking in your lap. Her hips shift instinctively, trying to push against your hand, but you hold her steady.
"Keep looking," you remind her, tilting her chin up again as you tear her panties away with a swift motion, leaving her exposed to the mirror. "I want you to watch every second."
Her breath comes in soft, shaky pants as you slide a single finger inside her. Her walls flutter around you, the slick heat welcoming your touch, but she’s so tight, so sensitive. She bites her lip, trying to stifle the whimper that escapes her, but you catch it anyway.
"Tell me how it feels," you coax her gently, your lips brushing against the shell of her ear.
"It feels… good," she whispers, her voice trembling. Her cheeks are flushed, her eyes half-lidded as she watches the reflection of herself in your lap, back pressed against you, utterly at your mercy. She’s barely holding on to her own control, the sensation already overwhelming her.
You add another finger, stretching her slightly, and her body tenses. She lets out a soft moan, her head falling back against your shoulder as you continue to move inside her. The wet sounds of your fingers sliding in and out of her fill the room, and her reflection shudders at the sound. Her hips rock involuntarily against your hand, desperate for more friction.
"Look at yourself," you whisper again, your voice a mix of command and praise. "Look at how beautiful you are when you’re falling apart so fast."
Natasha’s eyes flutter open, her gaze locking onto the reflection, and the sight makes her blush even deeper. She watches herself being fingered, cheeks flushed, lips parted as soft gasps fall from her mouth. She’s trembling in your lap already, her hips moving slightly, but she’s still shy, still struggling to meet her own gaze.
"Don’t hide from me," you murmur, curling your fingers inside her, causing her to whimper. "I want to see you, hear you. I want you to see yourself."
Her chest rises sharply as the pleasure builds, and her body reacts to every small movement of your hand. The intensity of it is written all over her face—her soft moans, the way her legs tremble in your lap, the way she tries so hard to maintain her composure but can’t.
You pick up the pace, curling your fingers just right, and Natasha’s breath hitches. Her hips jerk forward, her body writhing as the pleasure starts to take over. She’s close now, her walls tightening around your fingers, her moans growing louder as her body shudders in your arms.
"That’s it," you praise softly. "You’re doing so well."
It doesn’t take long before Natasha falls apart completely. Her orgasm hits her in waves, her body trembling violently as she gasps for air, her reflection a beautiful, trembling mess. Her walls clamp down on your fingers, and she lets out a loud moan, unable to hold back any longer. You keep your pace steady, letting her ride out the full extent of her climax.
"Good girl," you whisper, kissing her temple as she leans back against you, her body spent. "You’re so perfect."
For a moment, you think she might be done, her breathing heavy and her body limp against yours. But then, she surprises you.
"I want more," she whispers breathlessly, her voice barely audible. There’s a neediness to her tone, a desperation for something deeper, more intense.
You pull your fingers out slowly, watching as her body twitches at the sudden emptiness. She’s still trembling, her slick heat clinging to your fingers. "Are you sure?" you ask, your voice gentle but firm, wanting to be absolutely certain.
Natasha nods, biting her lip as she gazes at you in the mirror, cheeks flushed and eyes still glassy from her orgasm. You position three fingers at her entrance, and her breath catches in her throat. She’s never taken that much before, and the nervousness is evident in her expression. But she trusts you—completely.
With slow, deliberate movements, you push three fingers inside her, feeling the stretch and the tightness as she struggles to take all of you. Natasha lets out a sharp gasp, her body tensing, but you’re patient, whispering soothing words of encouragement into her ear.
"Just breathe," you murmur, one hand resting on her waist to ground her. "You’re doing so well, Natty."
Gradually, her body adjusts to the stretch, and the burn begins to melt into pleasure. She’s panting now, her walls fluttering around your fingers as she finally takes all three. Her hips begin to move again, her body seeking out the pleasure despite the overwhelming sensation of being stretched so deliciously. The sensation is intoxicating, and she could easily get addicted to it—the way her pussy clenches around you, taking you in, while she watches herself in the mirror, captivated by the sight.
"That’s it," you praise, your voice low and soothing as you curl your fingers inside her. Natasha’s moans grow louder, her hips rocking against your hand as she loses herself in the pleasure, her reflection shaking and flushed with arousal.
Natasha’s hips move restlessly, grinding down onto your hand as her breath comes in shallow gasps. Her body feels like it’s on fire—every nerve alight with the intense pleasure that your fingers are pulling from her. She’s still trembling, her chest rising and falling erratically as she fights to stay grounded, but it’s slipping away from her with every passing second.
The mirror reflects everything—her flushed face, the way her thighs quiver, craving more of you, even though there’s nothing more to take. Her body tightens and relaxes, caught in a desperate struggle to maintain control over herself. But she’s slipping. She’s losing herself in you, in the way you fill her completely, in the overwhelming need that her body can’t seem to satiate.
Her thoughts blur, everything hazy and distant except for the overwhelming need that pulses through her. There’s no space for anything but the intense sensations, the pleasure so deep and raw it’s almost painful. Her mind can’t focus on anything but the feel of your fingers inside her, the way they stretch her, fill her, the pressure growing until it’s too much.
“I-I can’t—" Natasha gasps, her voice trembling as she tries to form a coherent sentence, but she can’t finish it. Her head falls back against your shoulder, her eyes slipping shut as her body jerks again, a sharp moan escaping her lips.
"You can," you murmur softly, your free hand sliding up to caress her thigh, your voice gentle yet firm. "You’re doing so well, Natty. Just breathe. Let go. I’ve got you."
Her breath catches at your words, the praise hitting her in a way that makes her twitch even more. It’s as if every word of encouragement digs deeper into her mind, making her desperate to please you. She wants to take more, to be good for you, to show you just how much she can handle, how much she needs you.
Her hips jerk forward again, her body trying to pull you even deeper, but it’s still not enough. It’s never enough.
"I want to... please you," Natasha whispers, her voice breathy and weak, barely audible above her own moans. Her fingers clench at the sheets, her body trembling uncontrollably as she rocks back against you, but she’s so far gone that she’s not even sure of what she’s asking anymore.
"You are pleasing me," you whisper, lips brushing against the soft skin of her neck. "You’re perfect, princess. You’re everything I want."
Her breath hitches, her heart pounding as she hears your words, and she can’t help the soft whimper that escapes her. The praise makes her head spin, makes her want more, makes her want to be everything for you.
As you worked her open, the world around you faded into a blur. Natasha’s breathy whimpers filled the space between you, mixing with the steady rhythm of your fingers. The burn and stretch she felt was becoming a delicious ache, one that ignited something deeper within her.
“Just a little more,” you coaxed, your voice a low murmur as you continued to move inside her. “You’re doing so well, Natty.” The praise slipped from your lips like honey, sweet and thick, wrapping around her as she began to surrender to the sensations.
With a deep inhale, Natasha’s eyes fluttered closed, and for a moment, the tension in her body dissolved completely. She began to rock her hips, slowly at first, testing the waters, but soon it transformed into something more urgent, more desperate. You could feel the weight of her trust, a gift that was both intoxicating and thrilling.
Then, without warning, she surprised you. Natasha shifted her weight, driving your fingers deeper inside her as she began to ride them, her movements instinctive, almost primal. The way her body responded to you was mesmerising. Each rise and fall was a dance, her movements fluid and graceful, yet filled with an undeniable hunger.
“Oh my God,” you breathed, utterly captivated by the sight before you. The way she looked, the way she felt—it was overwhelming. The flush of her cheeks deepened, a beautiful shade of crimson, contrasting against the gentle curves of her body. Her eyes, once filled with uncertainty, now sparkled with a wild abandon that made your heart race.
With every thrust of her hips, you could feel the warmth of her surrounding your fingers, enveloping them in a slick, delicious heat. The way she took you deeper, riding your fingers like she was trying to chase down that elusive high—it sent a surge of primal instinct through you. You wanted to guide her, to push her further, but she was taking the lead, and you were powerless to stop it.
“Natasha,” you murmured, your voice thick with desire. “You’re so beautiful like this.”
At your words, her eyes snapped open, locking onto yours in the mirror. There was a glint of something—was it pure submission?—in her gaze that sent a shiver down your spine. She looked so captivating, the way her body moved in tandem with your fingers, her breasts rising and falling with each breath, the soft swell visible through her shirt. You could feel your pulse quicken, blood rushing to your ears as the sight of her lost in pleasure ignited a fire within you.
“Does it feel good?” you asked, wanting to hear her voice, to feel her pleasure wrap around you like a warm embrace.
“Yes,” she gasped, her voice a breathless whisper. “So good.”
You could see the way her body tensed, the slight tremors that coursed through her as she adjusted to the rhythm. The way she leaned backward, pressing her back into your front, gave you an even better view of your fingers disappearing into her. Her sweat clung to her skin, highlighting the curves you wanted to worship.
“Just like that, Natty. You’re perfect.”
Her breath hitched at your words, and she pushed her hips down harder, eager to feel you filling her. Each time your fingers brushed against that sweet spot deep inside her, she gasped, the sound filled with pure ecstasy. The way she rode you, her body moving with both urgency and grace, was hypnotising. She wanted more, her mind hazy from the pleasure, she needed more.
“Look at yourself,” you urged, your voice low and sultry. “Look at how you’re losing yourself in this. How beautiful you are.”
As she gazed into the mirror, you saw a flicker of vulnerability, mixed with a newfound confidence. The tension in her body began to shift, the way she moved becoming more fluid, more assured. The flush on her cheeks deepened, and her mouth fell open in a long moan, the sound reverberating in the silence of the room.
“I—oh God,” she stuttered, her body beginning to tremble as you curled your fingers, hitting that sweet spot again and again. “I can’t… Please–I need more.”
“It’s  okay,” you reassured her, your voice steady, not knowing just how serious she was. “Just let go. Trust me, Natty.”
And as if your words had cast a spell, she surrendered completely. You could see it in her eyes—the moment she slipped into subspace. The tension that had held her so tightly began to unravel, the trust she placed in you lifting her higher than she’s ever been before.
“Please,” she begged, her voice thick with need. “I want more.”
You felt a surge of pride, knowing that you were the one to take her there, to help her explore these depths. “You want more, huh?” you teased lightly, relishing in the power dynamic that flowed between you.
“Yes,” she gasped, her hips working furiously against your hand, every movement driven by instinct. The way her body tightened around you, her walls squeezing your fingers, made your breath hitch in your throat.
“Such a good girl for me,” you praised, watching as her eyes fluttered closed once more, a blissful expression painting her features. The way she was losing herself, riding your fingers with reckless abandon, filled you with an overwhelming need to see her reach her peak.
“Keep going, Natty. I want to see you come undone,” you encouraged, your voice dropping to a low, sultry whisper that wrapped around her like a warm blanket.
With each thrust, you felt her teetering on the edge, her body trembling with pleasure. “I’m so close,” she panted, her voice shaking with need.
“Let go for me,” you urged, your fingers never faltering, coaxing her closer to that precipice. “You can do it. I’m right here.”
In that moment, you felt her walls tighten one last time, her body quaking as she finally surrendered to the waves of pleasure crashing over her. “I—oh God!” she cried, the sound filled with pure bliss as she fell over the edge.
As her orgasm washed over her, you could see the way her body tensed and relaxed, the euphoric release igniting every nerve ending. You held her tightly, guiding her through it, feeling every pulse, every quiver as she rode out the waves of ecstasy.
Natasha was deep in subspace, the remnants of her first orgasm still coursing through her like a gentle wave. Her breaths were slow and steady, but the way she clung to you—her fingers gripping your arms tightly—betrayed the excitement bubbling beneath her surface. She was in a world all her own, a place where she felt safe, vulnerable, and strangely empowered.
You watched her through the mirror, captivated by the way her expression shifted from blissful surrender to a shy longing. Her cheeks were still flushed, and her eyes sparkled with something you recognized as desire, but there was a hesitation there, too. It was a mix of trust and uncertainty, and it only made you want her more.
“Can I…?” she murmured, her voice barely above a whisper, yet filled with a shy eagerness. “Can I have your cock?”
The request sent a thrill through you. “You want my strap?” you asked, your voice low and teasing. You were ready to give her anything, but you wanted to draw out the moment, to enjoy this shift in power dynamics.
“Y-Yeah,” she stammered, biting her lip, her innocence suddenly seeming more pronounced in the heat of the moment. “Please?”
You nodded, a grin spreading across your face. “Alright. Just let me choose one for you.” You reached for the drawer to your left, excitement bubbling in your chest as you pulled out various options. As you displayed them, you couldn’t help but notice the way Natasha’s eyes widened and her breath quickened.
But when you picked up one of the smaller straps, she shook her head vigorously. “No! I want the biggest one.”
Your brows shot up in surprise. “The biggest one? Are you sure about that?” You hadn’t even used it before—it was something your friends had gifted you as a joke, but here was Natasha, deep in subspace and adamant about wanting it.
“I’m sure,” she insisted, her voice a mixture of shyness and determination, almost as if she was testing the boundaries of her own desires. The way she bit her lip again, uncertainty creeping into her gaze, made your heart race. “Please.”
You couldn’t resist her. There was something so endearing about her shy insistence, her innocence shining through even as she pushed her own limits. “Alright, then. It’s in the other drawer, baby. But you have to promise me you’ll tell me if it’s too much.”
“Promise,” she replied, her gaze unwavering, the trust in her eyes melting any reservations you had.
With a nod, she hopped off your lap, her legs slightly wobbly but her determination shining through. She moved to the drawer, reaching inside to retrieve the oversized strap. You couldn’t help but admire the way she handled it, her shyness somehow making her seem even more alluring.
When she returned, her cheeks were bright red, and her hands trembled slightly as she held the strap. “I want it,” she stated, her voice firm but still laced with a hint of innocence. You could see how deep into the mindset she was, yet her shyness made this moment feel even more intimate.
“Alright, sweetheart,” you said softly, your voice reassuring as you got up. “But let’s take it slow. I want you to enjoy every moment.”
After you had stepped into the harness and adjusted the 12-inch strap, you moved toward the bed, but Natasha lingered behind, not immediately following. Her blush deepened as she stood by the mirror, her gaze falling shyly before she finally spoke, her voice barely above a whisper, “Can you... take me where I can see myself?”
Her words caught you off guard, but the longing in her eyes made your chest tighten. “Are you sure?” you asked softly, needing to ensure she was comfortable with what she was asking.
She nodded, her eyes flicking between you and the mirror. “I’m sure,” she breathed, her lips parting with a mix of anticipation and uncertainty.
You smiled, nodding as you guided her back to your previous position. Natasha settled onto your lap again, shifting just a bit higher onto your abs, her back pressed against your chest while the strap nestled against her stomach. The strap was secured snugly to your hips, its impressive length and girth nearly brushing her navel when she sat up straight. The sight alone made your pulse quicken, but you couldn’t help but wonder if she’d be able to take it all.
You rested your hands on her waist, offering a gentle squeeze. “Let’s go slow, okay?” you murmured, feeling the warmth of her body against yours. “We’ll take it one step at a time.”
She bit her lip nervously, her eyes wide with both eagerness and hesitation as she moved up, situated herself and began to lower herself back down. The tip of the strap nudged against her entrance, and she let out a soft gasp, her thighs trembling with the effort.
“Relax, Nat,” you whispered, guiding her down slowly. “Breathe.”
She nodded, exhaling shakily as she sank down a little more, the stretch becoming apparent as she took in the first few inches. Her brow furrowed, her body tensing as she tried to adjust to the sensation. “It’s... it’s so big,” she stammered, her voice laced with both excitement and uncertainty.
“I know, sweetheart,” you reassured her, your hands steady on her waist. “You don’t have to take it all at once. Just take what you can.”
Natasha’s breath hitched as she lowered herself a bit more, her body stretching around the strap. The burn of the stretch was evident in the way her thighs quivered and her soft whimpers filled the air. She could barely take a quarter of it, and even then, she paused, her chest heaving with effort. The sheer girth of the strap made it appear enormous, and you were astonished she was able to take this much of you.
“You’re doing so well, Natty,” you praised, your voice gentle but filled with pride. “You don’t have to rush. You’re perfect like this.”
She exhaled slowly, nodding as she leaned back against you. “It feels... different,” she murmured, her hands gripping your arms for support. “But I like it. I just... I want to take more.”
Your breath caught at her words. “You will,” you said softly, brushing your lips against her shoulder. “But let’s go at your pace.”
For a few moments, she stayed there, hovering on the strap, her body adjusting to the stretch. The sight of her reflection in the mirror—her flushed cheeks, her parted lips, the way her body clung to the strap—was almost too much to handle. But you stayed focused, rubbing gentle circles into her hips to keep her grounded.
Then, as if something shifted in her, Natasha began to move again, slowly lowering herself down further. Inch by inch, she took more of you, her body trembling with the effort but her determination unwavering. You could feel her pulse around you, the heat of her arousal making every movement slicker, easier. Still, she hadn’t taken it all—just over halfway—and the sight of the strap glistening as it nestled within her was mesmerising. The sight of her slick coating the parts she hadn’t taken yet had you hypnotised, utterly drunk on desire.
“I... I can feel it,” she whimpered, her voice breathy and thick with pleasure. “I think I can take more.”
“You’re doing so well,” you murmured against her ear, your hands holding her steady as she tried to sink lower. “Just like that, Natty. You’re amazing.”
Time seemed to blur as she kept moving, her breath ragged, her movements tentative but eager. And then, after a while, you realised Natasha had been taking more and more of you. Your eyes flicked to the mirror, watching in awe as the strap slowly disappeared into her, the stretch making her body quiver with every inch.
She still hadn’t taken it all—just a quarter left—but the sight of her reflection, of how much of you was inside her, made your control slip.
“God, look at you,” you breathed, unable to hold back. Your hands slid from her waist, moving upwards to cup her breasts, kneading them gently as she moaned under your touch. “You’re so beautiful, Natty. Taking me so well.”
Her breath hitched as you massaged her breasts, her nipples hardening against your palms. “I... I’m trying so hard,” she whimpered, her voice breaking. “I want to take it all... I want to please you.”
“You are,” you reassured her, your fingers teasing her nipples as you pressed your hips up slightly, deepening the stretch. “You’re doing so good, baby. I’m so proud of you.”
Her eyes fluttered shut, her body melting into your touch. She leaned back into your chest, her head resting on your shoulder as she focused on the sensation of you filling her up. The praise made her moan, her thighs shaking as she tried to sink down even further.
“Just a little more,” you coaxed, your voice husky. “You’ve got this. You’re perfect.”
Your gaze wandered back to the mirror, entranced by the image of Natasha’s flushed, needy expression and the reflection of your bodies joined together. But then something else caught your eye—a bulge pressing against her lower stomach. It was the outline of the strap inside her, stretching her so much that it was visible through her skin.
The sight made your breath catch, something primal snapping inside you. You hadn’t even realised how far you’d pushed her, how deep the strap had gone until you saw that bulge—and it ignited a fire in you that was impossible to contain.
Your grip on her breasts tightened momentarily, then slid down to her waist again. Natasha let out a soft gasp of confusion as your hands left her chest, only to clamp down firmly on her hips, pulling her down onto you in one swift, overwhelming motion.
Her eyes flew open, a sharp cry escaping her lips as her body was forced to take the rest of the strap all at once. The sheer girth stretched her impossibly wide, her thighs trembling violently as you thrust your hips up at the same time, slamming the last bit deep into her core.
“Fuck,” you groaned, the word dripping with unrestrained lust as you felt the full weight of Natasha's body sink down onto you. The strap filled her completely, the bulge in her stomach more pronounced now as you both struggled to breathe, overwhelmed by the intensity of the moment.
“I-I can feel it,” Natasha whimpered, her voice trembling as she struggled to catch her breath. “I can feel all of you.”
“You’re doing so good, baby,” you whispered, your voice rough with desire. “Look at you... taking all of me.”
Natasha's head was against your shoulder, her eyes wide and unfocused as her entire body shook from the overwhelming sensation. She’d never felt this full before; the sensation made her feel like she was on the verge of breaking—and yet, the pleasure was undeniable. She loved it. The overwhelming stretch, the sheer size of the strap filled her in ways she’d never experienced. Her thighs shook violently, her breath coming in ragged, desperate gasps, and then you saw it—tears.
Her eyes, already glassy with pleasure, began to well as she lifted herself up and then sank fully back onto you. The tears spilled over, streaming down her flushed cheeks, her lips parted as soft, broken whimpers escaped her. She was so deep into subspace, so lost in the haze of sensation and submission that her body didn’t know how to react. All she could do was feel.
You watched her, completely captivated by the sight of her like this—so vulnerable, so beautiful, her skin glistening with sweat, her cheeks stained with tears. It made your heart ache with an almost possessive kind of affection.
“There you go,” you whispered, your voice low and tender as your hands moved from her waist to cup her cheeks, gently wiping away her tears with your fingers while using the reflection as a guide. “You’re doing so well, baby. Look at you, taking it all. You’re perfect.”
Her chest rose and fell rapidly, her breath catching in her throat as she struggled to comprehend your words. The praise washed over her like a warm blanket, pulling her deeper into that fuzzy, blissed-out space. But the tears didn’t stop. If anything, they flowed even more freely now, her lips quivering as she let out another soft sob.
“Too much?” you asked, though you knew from the way her body clung to yours, the way she kept sinking down further and further, that she wasn’t going to stop. “Or do you like it, hmm? You like being so full of me?”
Her response was almost incoherent, a soft whimper and a nod, her head lolling against your shoulder as she tried to gather herself. The praise was affecting her so deeply, every word sinking into her foggy brain and amplifying the pleasure until she didn’t know what to do with herself.
But then you leaned closer, your lips brushing against her ear, and you let your voice dip into something more commanding, more degrading.
“Look at you,” you murmured, your tone taking on a sharper edge. “Crying just because you’re so full. You’re such a pretty little thing, aren’t you? You can barely handle it, and yet here you are... taking all of me like a good girl.”
Natasha whimpered again, her entire body flushing deep red as the words cut through the haze in her mind. She didn’t fully understand them—her brain was too fuzzy, too far gone—but the tone, the way you said it, made her blush even harder. It was a mix of praise and something else, something darker, and it sent shivers down her spine.
“I... I’m trying,” she mumbled, her voice shaky, her lips trembling. “I’m trying so hard to be good.”
“You are good,” you reassured her, your hands moving back to her waist again, gripping her firmly as you pulled her down onto the strap again. “You’re so fucking good, Nat. So perfect for me. Taking it all like such a good girl.”
Her breath hitched as you moved her, her body too weak to resist, too deep in the pleasure to even think of stopping you. Her mind was spinning, her body trembling, and the tears kept flowing. She didn’t even know why she was crying anymore. Maybe it was the overwhelming sensation of being filled so completely, or maybe it was the praise that made her heart ache with need.
“You’re so beautiful,” you continued, your voice softer now as you kissed the side of her neck, your hands still guiding her hips. “So beautiful when you cry for me.”
The tears kept coming, her body shaking with quiet sobs, but her hips kept moving, kept following your lead as you pushed her down again and again. She didn’t stop, didn’t want to stop. The pain and pleasure mixed together, a heady cocktail of sensations that had her spiralling deeper into submission.
“I don’t know if you can take me much longer,” you teased, your lips brushing against her ear as you spoke. “But you want to, don’t you? You want to be good for me.”
Natasha could barely form a response now, her head spinning with the intensity of it all. She nodded, her cheeks burning with embarrassment and need, her brain too fuzzy to process everything. But she knew one thing for certain: she wanted to make you happy. She wanted to please you, even if it meant pushing herself to the edge of her limits, even further than now.
“Yes,” she whimpered, her voice barely a whisper, her head falling back against your shoulder. “I want to... I want to make you happy.”
“You are,” you murmured, your tone laced with approval as you squeezed her waist, your eyes glued to her reflection in the mirror. “You’re making me so happy, sweet angel. Look at yourself. Look how good you’re doing.”
Her gaze flicked to the mirror, and she moaned at the sight. The strap pushed deep inside her, creating a visible bulge in her stomach that moved with each thrust. Her skin was flushed, hair damp with sweat, and her cheeks streaked with tears. She looked completely wrecked—and yet, so incredibly beautiful.
“You see that?” you asked, your voice thick with lust as your hands slid up her stomach, pressing down on the bulge gently. “Look how full you are, baby. You’re so perfect like this.”
The praise, the sensation, everything was too much for her. Natasha’s mind was a blur of pleasure and pain, her body stretched beyond what she thought she could take, and yet she wanted more. She needed more. Even if her body was trembling, even if the tears wouldn’t stop, she needed to make you proud.
“I’m... I’m so full,” she whimpered, her hands resting right above yours on her lower stomach, feeling the bulge there, her face bright red as she looked at herself in the mirror. “It’s so much...”
“You can take it,” you growled, your hands moving from her waist to her breasts, massaging them roughly as you thrust your hips up again. “You’ve already taken all of me, Nat. You’re doing so good. So fucking good.”
The praise hit her like a tidal wave, making her moan as her body convulsed in your lap. She was too far gone to even process the words properly, her brain fuzzy and overwhelmed, but she nodded anyway, tears still streaming down her cheeks as she whispered, “Thank you...”
“Such a good girl,” you purred, your hands squeezing her breasts as your lips brushed against her ear again. “You love this, don’t you? Being full, being praised... You’re perfect, Nat. Absolutely perfect.”
Her body trembled at the words, her eyes fluttering shut as she let out a soft, broken sob. She didn’t know how to respond, didn’t know how to process all the feelings swirling inside her, but one thing stayed clear in her mind—she wanted to make you proud. She needed to. And she would.
Natasha’s body shuddered violently, her breath hitching in sharp, desperate gasps as she tried to stay grounded. But you could feel the way she was clenching around you, her inner muscles spasming uncontrollably as her body teetered on the edge.
You shifted your hips upward, thrusting the strap even deeper inside her. The rough movement sent a jolt through her entire body, and that was it—Natasha couldn’t hold on any longer. Her third orgasm ripped through her with devastating force, her legs trembling uncontrollably as she let out a loud, broken moan, her body convulsing in your lap.
“There it is,” you murmured, your voice thick with satisfaction as your hands tightened on her waist. “That’s it, Nat. You feel so good when you come for me.”
Natasha’s head lolled back against your shoulder, her body sagging against yours as she came hard, her walls tightening around the strap, her muscles clenching and releasing in frantic waves. Her hands scrabbled for purchase, one gripping your thigh while the other pressed against the mirror as if trying to steady herself, but she couldn’t. She was completely lost in it.
The tears that were already spilling down her cheeks came faster now, mingling with the sweat that coated her skin, her lips trembling as sobs of pleasure wracked her body. She was overwhelmed, her mind completely submerged in the sensation, but even through the haze of subspace, she kept moving—kept riding your strap, desperate to please you, desperate to be good.
“There you go,” you whispered, guiding her gently as she shook in your lap. “Just let go. I’ve got you.”
The praise sent another wave of pleasure crashing through her, and she moaned, her body responding without thought, without control. Her hips bucked, the muscles in her thighs spasming as her fourth orgasm hit her before she had fully come down from the previous one. It was too much. She couldn’t breathe, couldn’t think, couldn’t stop her body from convulsing as she rode out the wave after wave of pleasure that seemed to keep rolling through her.
“Oh god, oh god,” Natasha gasped, her voice barely audible between her sobs. “I can’t... I can’t stop...”
“You don’t need to stop,” you reassured her, your voice low and soothing even as your hands gripped her tighter, pulling her back onto your strap as she tried to squirm away from the overwhelming sensation. “You’re doing so good, baby. You’re perfect.”
Her sobs turned to wails, absolute filth escaping her mouth, her entire body trembling as her next orgasm crashed into her like a tidal wave. She couldn’t hold herself together anymore, her body completely out of her control. Her hips jerked, moving on instinct as she ground down against you, her walls squeezing the strap so tightly that you could feel the tension all the way through your core.
The sight of her in the mirror drove you wild—the way her stomach bulged from the size of the strap, her breasts bouncing with each desperate movement, and the tears that continued to spill down her cheeks. She looked utterly destroyed, so beautifully wrecked, her skin flushed and glistening, her lips parted as broken moans and whimpers slipped from her mouth.
“Fuck, look at you,” you growled, your hands exploring every inch of her skin, fingers digging into her softness as you continued to thrust deeper with increasing force. “You’re so fucking beautiful, Nat. You’re so full.”
Natasha just whimpered, her breath hitching as her body responded to your rougher touch. She was so deep in subspace now, so far gone, that she couldn’t even register the words you were saying, but she could feel them—the way they made her body react, the way her muscles tightened and trembled under your hands. She nodded, her head falling forward, her eyes glassy and distant as she let out another soft sob.
“I... I want to be good,” she whispered, her voice barely a breath as she tried to steady herself. “I want... I want to make you happy.”
“You are good,” you whispered back, your voice a mix of praise and possessiveness as you kept pulling her down harder onto the strap. “You’re fucking perfect, Nat. You’re making me so proud.”
The praise sent another wave of pleasure crashing through her, and suddenly, Natasha was coming again—her body convulsing in your lap as her next orgasm hit her with even more intensity than the last. Her hands pressed against the mirror, her palms flat against the glass as she sobbed, her entire body trembling uncontrollably.
“You’re doing so good,” you murmured, your hands sliding up from her waist to her breasts again, squeezing them as she convulsed in your lap. “Look at you. Look at how beautiful you are when you come.”
Natasha’s eyes fluttered open, her gaze fixing on the mirror, and the sight of herself—flushed, sweaty, tear-streaked, and utterly wrecked—sent another shudder through her. She moaned, her hips jerking as her body tried to keep up with the pleasure, her mind too fuzzy to process it all.
“I... I still can’t stop,” she whimpered, her voice thick with need. “It’s too much...”
“I know, baby,” you cooed, your voice dripping with approval as you massaged her breasts, your thumbs brushing over her nipples. “You’re doing so good. Just let go. Let me take care of you.”
Her body obeyed without question, her hips moving on their own as she sank down onto the strap again, her walls clenching around it as another orgasm built inside her. She was completely lost to it now, her mind a haze of pleasure and submission, her body trembling as she came again and again, each orgasm rolling into the next until she didn’t know where one ended and the other began.
“Such a good girl,” you murmured, your hands sliding down to her waist again as you thrust up into her with more force. “You’re taking me so well, Nat. You’re perfect.”
Natasha’s response was a soft, broken sob, her body collapsing against you as the pleasure overwhelmed her completely. She was gone, completely lost in subspace, her mind a blur of sensations and praise, and all she could do was ride it out, her body trembling in your lap as you guided her through each wave of pleasure.
Natasha’s body continued to tremble against yours, her breath coming in ragged, shallow gasps, her chest heaving with the effort. The storm of pleasure was still coursing through her, but her hips had stilled, no longer able to move after the relentless waves of orgasms that had wracked her body.
You could feel the twitching of her muscles, the way her body clenched around the strap still buried deep inside her, but she wasn’t grinding and you weren’t thrusting anymore. She was utterly spent, her head resting against your shoulder, her tears still trickling down her flushed cheeks as she tried to catch her breath.
Gently, you loosened your grip on her waist, moving your hands with deliberate care as you wrapped your arms around her trembling form. Natasha whimpered softly as you pulled her close, her body still so sensitive, every slight movement sending aftershocks rippling through her.
“It’s okay,” you whispered, your voice soft and soothing now, a stark contrast to the intensity that had filled the air just moments before. “You did so good, Natty baby. Just breathe.”
Natasha’s body relaxed a little in your hold, though she was still shaking, her limbs twitching with the lingering ecstasy that coursed through her. She made a small, broken sound—half a sob, half a whimper—as her body gave in fully, collapsing against you, completely spent. You cradled her carefully, holding her close, one hand stroking her arm while the other stayed on her breast, grounding her in your touch.
“I’ve got you,” you whispered again, pressing a soft kiss to the top of her head. “You’re safe. You’re perfect.”
She let out a shaky breath, her head lolling to the side as her eyes fluttered closed, her mind still foggy from the intensity of everything. You could feel the way her heartbeat was gradually slowing, the frantic rhythm calming as you continued to hold her, shushing her softly, letting her know she wasn’t alone in this vulnerable moment.
Your hand on her breast moved gently, tracing soft circles around her nipple, a grounding sensation to remind her she was safe in your arms. Her body twitched under your touch, her chest still heaving, but she didn’t try to move away. She stayed nestled against you, letting the warmth of your embrace calm her.
“You’re okay, Natty,” you murmured softly, your lips brushing against her ear. “Just stay with me. I’ve got you.”
She nodded weakly, her body sagging further into your lap, her legs spread open as she remained impaled on the strap. It was a quiet, intimate moment now—no longer about the intensity of lust but about something deeper, more tender. Her body was twitching from the aftershocks, the occasional clench around the strap still reminding you of how deep you were inside her, but she wasn’t trying to take more. She was just… being.
Natasha let out another shaky breath, her fingers gripping your arm as if to anchor herself. The tears that had been flowing earlier were slowing, but her face remained wet, her cheeks flushed and streaked with saltwater. You watched her closely in the mirror, your gaze softening as you took in the sight of her—completely vulnerable, completely yours.
“There you go,” you whispered, brushing your thumb gently across her cheek, wiping away the remnants of her tears. “You’re so beautiful, Natty. So perfect.”
She whimpered softly at the praise, her eyes fluttering open for just a moment before they closed again. Her breathing was slowly evening out, the shaky gasps becoming steadier as you held her close, your hands moving in gentle, soothing motions. You could feel her muscles slowly unclenching, her body relaxing into you, no longer overwhelmed by the intensity of the pleasure.
“It’s okay now,” you whispered, resting your chin on her shoulder as you held her tighter. “Just breathe with me.”
You stayed like that for a while, the two of you wrapped in each other, the room filled with nothing but the sound of your quiet breaths and the faint hum of the world outside. The strap was still inside her, but it was a comfort—something grounding for her as she came down from the high of subspace.
Natasha’s body, though still trembling, seemed to relax even further, her head turning slightly as she nestled into your neck. She was quiet now, her soft whimpers replaced with gentle sighs, her body twitching occasionally but no longer driven by the need to move. She was content to just be held, to let you take care of her.
You pressed another soft kiss to her hair, your hands still stroking her arms and chest, reminding her that you were there—that you had her.
“You’re so good for me,” you whispered, your voice barely audible now, a quiet affirmation that she didn’t need to do anything more. “So perfect, Nat. I’m so proud of you.”
Her response was a quiet, barely-there hum, her body settling even more as she melted into your embrace. The tension was gone now, replaced with a soft, languid peace that settled over both of you. You could feel the steady rhythm of her breathing, the way her back moved against yours, and it grounded you just as much as it did her.
You cradled Natasha in your arms for what felt like forever, the quiet comfort between you speaking louder than any words. She was completely limp, her body heavy against yours, her breaths soft and steady now.
After a while, you pressed a soft kiss to her temple and whispered gently, “I should clean you up, baby. Let me run you a bath.”
Natasha hummed in disagreement, her head shaking slightly as she leaned further into you, her eyes still closed. She wasn’t ready to move, wasn’t ready to let go of the feeling of you inside her, keeping her grounded and safe. You smiled softly at her stubbornness, her bratty behaviour making you shake your head in amusement. The bulge in her stomach, still there and almost casual now, was like a silent reminder that this wasn’t the last time something like this would happen whenever she decided to brat out.
You chuckled again, warmth spreading through your chest. She was so beautiful, so perfect, and you loved her even more in these quiet, vulnerable moments.
“Alright, alright,” you murmured, running your hand gently along her side, “we’ll stay here for a bit longer. But when you’re ready, I’m cleaning you up.”
Natasha didn’t respond, just snuggled deeper into you, her body still. Her face was completely relaxed, her lips parted slightly as she rested against you, lost in the lingering haze of subspace. You held her close, stroking her arm softly as you watched the slow rise and fall of her chest, content to stay like this for as long as she needed.
It was about ten minutes later when you felt her stir. A faint wince crossed her face as she shifted in your lap, her muscles clearly starting to ache after the intense session. She let out a small, pained whimper, her brow furrowing as she tried to move slightly, the soreness settling in.
You kissed her head gently, your voice soft and reassuring. “Ready for that bath now?”
This time, she didn’t protest. She nodded weakly, her eyes still closed but her body slowly coming back to her as she let out a quiet, “Mhm.”
You helped her sit up, your hands gentle as you guided her, though even the small movement made her wince again. As Natasha began to lift herself off the strap, you couldn’t help but groan at the sight. She was slightly gaping, her body clearly feeling the aftereffects of the stretch, and the sight was enough to make your stomach twist with desire all over again.
Natasha blushed deeply, her cheeks flushed a soft pink as she noticed your reaction. You saw her glance in the mirror, catching the way her body looked before quickly averting her gaze, embarrassed but unable to hide the small, sheepish smile playing on her lips.
“You’re beautiful,” you murmured, your voice a little rough from the sight of her. Natasha’s blush deepened, and she looked away again, biting her lip in that shy, adorable way she did when she was overwhelmed with praise.
You discarded the toy to the side, knowing you’d deal with it later. Right now, Natasha was your priority, and aftercare was the only thing on your mind.
“Come here, Nat,” you whispered, helping her to her feet and wrapping an arm around her waist to support her. She wobbled slightly, her legs weak from the intensity of everything, but you held her steady, guiding her slowly toward the bathroom.
Once you had the bath running, you sat her down on the edge of the tub, kneeling in front of her as you gently cleaned her up, wiping away the remnants of the session with a soft, damp cloth. Natasha was quiet, her eyes half-lidded as she watched you with a tired, hazy gaze, her body still relaxed in the warmth of your presence.
“You’re doing so good,” you murmured as you cleaned her, your hands gentle and careful. “I’m so proud of you, Nat.”
She let out a soft hum in response, her cheeks still a little pink from earlier, but she didn’t try to speak. She was too exhausted, too deep in the afterglow to do anything but watch you with that sleepy, content look on her face.
Once the bath was ready, you helped her into the warm water, holding her hand as she slowly sank into the tub, a sigh of relief escaping her lips as the heat soothed her aching muscles. You stayed by her side, your fingers tracing soft patterns along her arm, watching as she closed her eyes and leaned back against the edge of the tub.
“Are you feeling better?” you asked softly, brushing a strand of hair away from her face.
Natasha nodded, her lips curving into a small, tired smile. “Mhm,” she mumbled, her voice soft but hoarse from all the moaning and gasping earlier.
You chuckled, leaning in to press a kiss to her forehead. “Good.”
For the next while, you stayed with her, washing her hair gently, your hands careful as you massaged her scalp, the soothing motions helping to relax her even more. Natasha let out quiet, contented sighs every now and then, her body completely at ease in your care.
When the bath was over, you wrapped her in a soft towel, drying her off gently before helping her into a comfortable, oversized shirt. She was still quiet, her movements slow and sleepy, but she leaned into your touch every chance she got, seeking out your warmth and comfort.
You led her back to the bedroom, guiding her under the covers before climbing in beside her. As soon as you settled in, Natasha curled into your side, her head resting on your chest, her arms wrapping around you as she let out a soft, contented sigh.
“Thank you,” she whispered, her voice barely audible, but the gratitude in her tone was clear.
You smiled, wrapping your arms around her and holding her close. “Always, Natty,” you murmured, pressing a soft kiss to her hair. “I’ll always take care of you.”
She hummed softly in response, already drifting off to sleep in your arms, her body finally fully at peace.
a/n- i need to start writing shorter fics oh my god. thanks for reading!
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nieceeee · 8 months
Can you do a story where ony is a munch (quit pushing me away)
“GIVE ME 10”
Finally got my writing mojo back kinda (still trying to push myself) and I’ve really wanted to start adding more modern au and messages because they are so fun. Let me know if yall like them or not. But heeeeyyyyyy anon😏😘
Thanks for the request baby! I hope this is good enough for you.
PS: Ony’s friends are waiting for him to get on the game but he got a little caught up…
A/N: MDNI, smut, oral fem receiving, fingering, and some other stuff, black coded reader
WC: 748 short and to the point
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“Onyyyyyyy.” You groan, manicured nails gripping against his durag. You eyes threaten to roll back into your head as you feel his tongue swipe against your clit. Thick hands gripping either of your thighs, holding your legs apart as the thick pink muscle slurped at your juices repeatedly.
“F-fuuuuuc Ony baby please. Y-your phone.” You whimper underneath him. His phone had been going off nonstop for the past 20 minutes and as much as you tried to focus on the way that he was pleasing you, the constant dinging that rang out in each message was pulling you from your euphoria. You already knew it was his group chat waiting for him. He had mentioned to you earlier that he was going to get on the game later with his boys. Yet he somehow found his way between your legs and all that flew out the window, the dinging falling on deaf ears as he feasted on you.
”Bae- the phone.” You try to pout but it comes out in a breathless moan as you try to push his head. He lifts his head up slightly, gaze narrowed as he meets your eyes. “Try that shit again and I’ll tie your hands above your head. Quit pushing me away.” He growled before lowering his head back between your legs. His authoritative demand doing nothing more but driving you further in a frenzy.
”Oh shit- right there baby.” You cry out as your grip on the back of his head tightens, that familiar ball of fire beginning to burn in your belly. Ony loves the sound you make when he makes you unravel. He flattens his tongue and presses it against your lips, allowing the saliva to drip down to the tip of it, the wetness slipping down to your ass before he swipes his tongue in a zig zag motion all the way up to your clit.
His mouth closes around your swollen bud and he gently pulls it between his lips, the tips of his tongue flicking back and forth against your hood. “Yes pa- fuck.” Your head drops back, pressing against the pillow as your toes curl up. A wave of heat spilling from your belly and moving through every inch of your body as your orgasm threatens to surface. “Ony baby- ‘m close. So fuckin’ close.” You hips buck against his face but his grip tightens around you, forcing you still. He brings his head up spitting onto your clit before slurping the mixture of fluids. The tip of his tongue danced around your clit in circles. You let out a pathetic whine which only pushes him more. The noises you make stroking his ego. His dick hardens with every taste, his tongue moving back down towards your hole as he fucked you with his mouth. “Shit baby, just like that p-please.” Ony’s tongue moves in and out of you as he brings one hand up adding a finger at the same pace. Tongue stroking the upper inside of your pussy as his fingers dive deep on the bottom.
Another ding rings from his phone but you can’t find a reason to care when he has you on teetering on the edge like this. “On-“ “Don’t you dare mention that phone y/n.” He said before dipping right back into his same pattern. Your body jerks against his hold as you feel yourself crash out, juices spurting out of you as he gulps down your wetness.
Heavy breaths leave your chest rising and falling rapidly. You peer down to meet him and your pussy clenches at the sight of your nectar dripping from his chin. “You so fuckin’ sweet.” He groans, dick pulsing in his sweats as his tongue darts out and swipes the taste of you from his lips. You open your mouth to speak but the ring from another message stops you in your tracks. “Onyankopon, if you don't pick that shit up or turn the damn ringer off.” You fuss, lifting up to rest against your elbows. Ony stays hovering above your pussy as his clean hand reaches over to grab his phone. You notice his head lowering back down as he scrolls through the messages. “Ony, what are y-“ your sentence is cut off as his tongue slides against your pussy again, a shudder trailing down your spine.
The warmth of his mouth covers you again as he types out a quick message to send to his friends.
“Give me 10.”
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paigestrap · 5 months
the surprise
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anon requested
paige x fem!reader
warnings: smut (minors dni), lingerie, swearing
~3k words
you plan a surprise for paige but it gets ruined when she flakes to hang out with her teammates. realizing her mistake, she makes it up to you.
enjoy yall i made this instead of writing my 15 page essay 😵😵😵
you were so excited...
you had planned a surprise date with p for the entire day, it was your way of thanking her for the many amazing dates she would take u on and you couldn’t wait to spend the entire day with her. it was one of her days off and she had told you yesterday that she was super excited to spend the entire day with you. unfortunately, your plans and day were ruined when she had texted you this afternoon.
p: hey baby ik i said id hang out with u today but ice and kk have been begging me all day to do something with them do u mind if i go see a movie with them and then get food? i promise i'm all yours tonight ;)
fuck. your stomach dropped and suddenly all your excitement for your plans faded away. you didn’t know what to say to her, you really wanted to spend this time with her and you had made a big effort planning this surprise for her but you didn’t want her to feel like she couldn’t spend time with her friends.
but you were also kind of… mad? it hurt you that even though she spends all her time with her teammates and sees them at practice almost everyday she would rather spend her free time with them than with you. it may have been a toxic mindset but it still bothered you. you decided to go with a passive aggressive response.
you: sure, see u later.
you sighed as you collected yourself, putting away the groceries you bought to make her dinner. and filling up a vase with water for the roses whose pedals you had planned to sprinkle in the bath after dinner. you hang your newly purchased lingerie set in the closet, feeling silly for going out of your way to do all this just to be let down. you changed into pajamas and threw a frozen meal in the microwave, preparing yourself for a day full of sulking and watching reality tv.
you saw that paige had responded to your message, but you turned your phone off, not wanting to respond to her. you sat in front of the tv and put on some shitty show while you pulled out your laptop to do some homework (aka what the writer of this fic should be doing right now instead of writing this 😭). at some point you drift off to sleep.
u woke with a start, not even realizing you had fallen asleep or how much time had gone by, getting up to answer your door.
it was your girlfriend with a look of worry and annoyance, soaking wet and panting at your doorstep.
“why haven’t you been responding? i called u three times and texted you a bunch???” she questioned you, the worry had mostly faded into annoyance as she realized you were perfectly fine.
“oh, sorry i haven’t been on my phone, i guess i fell asleep” you answered to your very unsatisfied looking girlfriend.
“you can’t just send me some passive aggressive text and then ignore me for two hours. that’s unfair babe, you’d be so upset if i did that to u” she said, exasperated. she was clearly upset with you, but you didn’t care to be honest because you were also upset. you decided then you should tell her how you feel.
“it’s not fair that on your day off you decide to spend time with the teammates you see everyday instead of your girlfriend who you can barely make time to see as is. i understand they’re your best friends and spending time with them is important to you but i was so excited to spend the day with you i even planned a surprise for you and i was just feeling really neglected,” you watch as her expression softens. she walks in, and gives you a hug and kisses your head. you hate to admit it but her display of affection and attention made you feel a lot better.
“you’re absolutely right, baby. i was a dick for that. i had a feeling you were hurt by the way you responded. i just got really worried when you were ignoring me and shit i literally left in the middle of the movie and ran here in the rain” she admits to you, still holding you and running her hand up and down your back. “i didn’t know you had something planned for us. i’m so sorry you must’ve been so disappointed and upset i know that’s how i would’ve felt so i’m so sorry i made you feel that way”
you move to look up into her eyes, sincerity plastered on her face, and your annoyance and anger towards her began to fade away. “it’s okay, you didn’t know that i had planned something for us and i was just being petty. i should’ve told u that i was bothered so it’s my fault for not being honest with you. i was just hurt,” knowing that all it took for you to feel better was admitting how you felt and her apologizing made you feel silly for ignoring her earlier in the day. this could’ve all been avoided if you had just told her how you felt.
“its okay baby i understand. if i'm not too late, id like to make it up to you. what was it that you had planned?” she smiled at you, still holding you in her arms.
“well, i was going to cook you dinner, and then i bought all these roses so we could take a romantic bath together and then, well, i had another surprise for later” you start to blush, remembering the set hanging in your closet that you bought with her in mind. you hide your shy smile by burying your face into her chest.
“oh yeah? what’s that, do i still get that surprise too?” she grinned mischievously, clearly understanding the nature of your last surprise,
“i haven’t decided yet, let’s first see if you can make it up to me,” you joke with her, knowing in the back of your head that the night would end with the set on your body and paige inside you.
“fair enough,” she laughed, also seeming to know the future. “can i help you cook at least? what’s on the menu?” finally breaking the embrace she makes her way to the fridge to look at what you had bought to make dinner.
“i was just gonna make spaghetti and meatballs, you can start the noodles if you want and i can start with the other stuff.” you walk towards her, planting a kiss on her lips, “thank you for coming, P. i love you.”
she smiles and kisses you again, cupping your cheeks in her hands and looking at you endearingly “of course, my sweet girl, i’m excited to spend tonight with you. especially for whatever you have planned at the end of it” she winks and playfully slaps your ass, heading for the cabinet where the pots are to start the water. you bite your lips and blush, knowing what’s in store.
dinner preparation goes smoothly for the most part. other than the two times you stopped for a make out sesh, and paige’s incessant comments about how hot you looked while cooking her dinner. she really knew exactly how to rile you up and it was so infuriating and sexy at the same time.
you are so worked up by paige’s advances and endless flirting that you can barely think at all once you set the table and finally sit down to eat. she knows the effect she’s having on you and that only fuels her more. “you’re so fucking cute when you’re worked up, just wanna make u like this all the time”
“you are beyond annoying paige, seriously, do u enjoy making me suffer?”
“yes,” she deadpans, staring at you with a look that practically undresses you on its own. you cross your legs, feeling the heat in between your legs increasing. if paige notices she doesn’t say anything, and you enjoy the rest of your meal together without anymore teasing.
when dinner is over she insists on cleaning up the mess and even though you try to object she shoos you away. you head into your room with the roses to draw the bath. your stomach stirs knowing you and her will be in it together soon. you add the bath salts, leaving it smelling amazing in the bathroom, and slowly and carefully drop the pedals into the water, desire seeming to rise with each pedal you drop. you finally light a few candles you had brought in the bathroom and turn off the lights.
as if on cue, paige enters the bathroom. looking around the room and then at you. “this is adorable baby. i love it. thank you so much for doing this for me.” she walks over to u and plants a kiss on your lips, her hands meeting either side of your waist as she looks in your eyes. your heart melts.
you break away from her and begin to undress, and her eyes never move from you as you take each piece of clothing off. her piercing stare making the color of your cheeks pink. once fully undressed you make your way into the bath, the hot water shocking your skin and not helping your growing desire for the blonde girl whose gaze was still fixed on you. you look at her, wanting her to join you so you can finally touch her. she understands and undresses as well smirking at you as you stare shyly at her beautiful body.
“like what you see?” she teases you as she pulls her final layers off, her naked body on full display in front of you.
“i’d like it a lot better if you were in here with me, hurry up” you say impatiently, wanting to touch her so badly. she finally joins you, scooting to the back and leaning on the bath walls, opening her legs so you can lay in between them. you allow her body to engulf yours as you lay the back of your head on her chest, savoring every inch of her skin that’s in contact with yours.
“you’re so pretty baby, can’t believe you’re all mine” she moves your hair away from your neck and places soft kisses along it, trailing down to your shoulder. soft whimpers leave your mouth as your body reacts to her touch, each kiss intensifying the desire that's been brewing all night. "have i made it up to you yet baby?" she whispers in your ear.
your brain goes fuzzy, barely able to think with her sinful lips and voice in your ear, "i'm not sure, i think there might be something else you could do to make it up to me" you try to tease her, but your voice betrays you as it comes out breathless and in between moans.
she laughs, and then whispers again in a low and seductive voice "oh yeah? whats that baby? tell me" she ghosts her finger around your nipple with one hand, and traces circles around the sensitive parts of your stomach, all while continuing to kiss your neck. you are fully gone at this point, shamelessly whining while she works you into total submission.
"cant. not right now. the last surprise. still need to show you." you are so worked up and words are not coming easy at all. you desperately want to get out of the bath and into your set so she can fuck you senseless in bed.
“okay baby, we can get out now. wanna go get that surprise ready?” she puts her hands on your shoulder and stops kissing your neck, you let out a whine at the absence of her touch, but find yourself slowly coming back to reality.
“yes, you wait in here and drain the water and i’ll let you know when you can come in” you say, making your way out of the bath and wrapping a towel around your figure. she nods and pulls the drain while getting out of the bath.
once in your room with the bathroom door shut, you make your way over to your closet and pull out the set you bought. it’s a light purple babydoll slip dress and a matching thong, there’s a bow in the bra part that can be untied to uncover your tits. you bite your lip as you feel your pussy get wet just thinking about her reaction. slowly, you put it on, making sure everything is in order and the bow is pretty for her, even though you know it won’t be tied for long.
“okay. you can come out now, i’m ready” you stand awkwardly, impatiently awaiting her presence and reaction to you. she opens the door and her mouth drops as soon as her eyes meet you. she stands there for a while, unable to say or do anything in awe of you.
“you’re amazing” she says, eyes running you up and down as she takes you in. she is star struck.
“come here and touch me please. make up for today” you whine, feeling so small under her gaze and so needy for her touch. she walks over to you, fingers touching all over you as she gazes at you perplexed.
“so fucking beautiful, all for me” she whispers, one hand cupping your cheek and another snaking its way down your back to grab your ass. her hand moves to the bow covering your chest, and slowly, she pulls the cloth until it unravels and your tits are on full display for her. she shamelessly stares at them, fondling one in her hand and running her thumb around your nipple, eliciting the most obscene noises from you as she does so. "your tits are a masterpiece, cant believe theyre all mine," she admits. both of her hands grip your thighs as she hoists you into her arms and lays you down on the bed, fully on top of you. "want me to fuck you in this baby? is that what you want?" she asks you, hands running up and down your thighs.
"yes. paige. oh my god please." you beg, laying all your desires out in front of her as you let her take full control. she kisses you passionately, hands traveling the expanse of your body and touching you in all of your most sensitive spots.
"so worked up for me huh? tell me how i can make it up to you baby, i'll do whatever you say", she says in a low voice in between kisses, hands traveling dangerously close to the place you need them most as she plays with the band of your panties.
"please fuck me paige, i need you in me right now" you beg, barely holding it together. her hands grab your underwear and she pulls them off of you, leaving your wet and throbbing pussy on full display. her fingers slide in between your folds, rubbing your clit and feeling your wetness.
"youre soaking baby, all because of me yeah? im gonna fuck you so good my sweet girl, make you forget all about what happened" you can barely hear her lude remarks as she rubs your clit. you fear you wont last long with how good her fingers are making you feel.
she slips two fingers in you, your wetness allowing them entrance with ease, she curls her fingers in you as your walls clench around them, touching your sensitive spot as she does so. your hips rut in reaction and moan her name loudly as she rakes in and out of you, "thats my good girl, so fucking loud for me," her pace quickens as she feels you tightening up against her. she knows youre close and is making no effort to prolong your orgasm, wanting to make you feel as good as possible. she moves her thumb to rub up and down against your clit, increasing the sensation as your body reacts to both points of contact.
you were so close, your body in her full control and needing release. "paige. please, faster. im gonna come" you plead. she moves right next to you and sucks on your neck while speeding up her pace inside of you,
"anything for you baby, you can come for me, i love you so much." she whispers, pace quickening as her fingers travel deeper inside of you .
her voice in your ear telling you to come is all you need to send you over the edge. you moan her name as you orgasm and she continues whispering, "so so good, all mine, love how you feel when you come. you look so beautiful right now baby" she slows her pace as you ride out your orgasm, kissing your neck as she continues talking you through it.
as you feel the waves of pleasure subside and you start to come back to your senses, you kiss her for a long time, whimpering in her mouth at the same time. she slowly pulls her fingers out of you, pushing them in your mouth as you lick up your mess. she lays down next to you, holding you in her arms.
"yeah. you definitely made it up to me" you say looking at her and pecking her lips.
"oh, there's more where that came from. i'm all yours tonight baby." she smiles, hand cupping your cheek as she kisses you lovingly.
it was going to be a long night.
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gloomwitchwrites · 27 days
Cod people when reader has really bad/intense Keratosis Pilaris on her arms and a bit on her thighs? 🩷
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Anon, I'm not sure if you have Keratosis Pilaris, but I'm assuming you do since you requested this. I am more than happy to write a little comfort and sweetness. Since Keratosis Pilaris affects people differently, I wanted to give some variety here without being overly specific. I took creative liberties on how the 141 guys treat reader here. I went for as much sweetness and healthy behavior as possible.
Presented in four double drabbles.
For the masterlist and how to submit your own request, click HERE
Task Force 141 x Reader (can be read as gn!reader)
Content & Warnings (per the warnings MDNI): established relationship, self-care, affection, kissing, intimacy, all comfort/no hurt
ao3 // main masterlist // imagines & what if masterlist
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John Price
“What is all that?”
You lean back to allow John a better look at your computer screen. On it is your current online shopping cart. It’s full of products. Ever since receiving a diagnosis from your dermatologist, you’ve been researching like crazy, putting all sorts of products in your cart to save for later.
“Options,” you answer.
The internet is full of advice and what products to use. It’s all confusing, and your dermatologist wasn’t entirely helpful.
“I don’t know what to order,” you continue. “There are too many options. Saved everything for now until I can look at it later.”
John gives the screen a glance before giving you a quick peck on the cheek. “I’m off. Pub with the boys.”
Closing the laptop, you decide to go to bed.
It isn’t until you’re under the covers, ready to shut off the light that your phone buzzes. It’s a new email.
Your Order Has Been Placed.
“I didn’t order anything,” you murmur, opening the email.
You didn’t.
John did.
Everything you had in your cart. Bought on his dime.
You tap out a brief message to him.
You didn’t need to.
His response comes immediately.
I wanted to.
SImon "Ghost" Riley
“You’re covering up,” observes Simon.
It’s true, though you don’t want to admit it. Whenever you’re having a particularly bad flare up, you want to hide. With it being colder out, you’re having issues.
“Not at all,” you reply. “Just cold.”
Simon frowns. “It’s hot in here.”
You wrap the blanket tighter around you, but it’s true. You are incredibly warm.
Sighing, Simon sits on the edge of the sofa. The backs of his fingers brush against your cheek.
“Having a flare up?”
You inhale deeply to settle your nerves. “Yes.”
“Can I do anything?” asks Simon, softly, his thumb lightly pressing to your chin, tipping your gaze upward to his face.
“Can you grab my moisturizer?”
Simon answers by placing a soft kiss against your cheekbone. He slips away, returning a few minutes later with your favorite bottle. You reach for it, but Simon shakes his head.
“I’ll do it,” he says.
Slowly, you lean back, opening the blanket to reveal your legs. Simon guides them over his lap. He stares down at the bumps, then leans down, planting soft kisses along your thighs.
He sits up, uncaps the bottle, and begins to work the lotion into your skin.
Kyle "Gaz" Garrick
Most of the time, the bumps stay to your arms. You know you’re having a larger flare up when it appears on your thighs. It’s frustrating, and when you’re frustrated, you always text your boyfriend, Kyle.
When you sent him a few quick texts, you didn’t think much of it. You thought he might respond with gentle reassurances of love and support. But Kyle doesn’t reply.
Instead, he appears at your front door.
“What is all this?” you laugh, reaching out, grabbing an offered bag.
Kyle shrugs. “Thought I’d come by. Have a little night in. That all right?”
You open one of the bags. It’s your favorite takeaway order.
“Of course. You’re always welcome.”
Kyle grins, and quickly kisses your cheek. Shutting the door with his foot, he heads into the kitchen, placing the other bags on the counter. You start digging through them. Not only did he bring dinner, but he brought your favorite snacks and beverages, along with your preferred moisturizer when you’re having a bad flare up.
When you turn around to thank him, you find Kyle adjusting the sofa, snagging blankets and pillows, creating a large next for the two of you.
“Movie?” he asks.
John "Soap" MacTavish
“What’s this?”
Johnny lightly taps the side of the tub. “Hop in.”
You walk up to it. Reaching your hand in, you find the water warm but not scalding. “What did you put it in?”
Johnny nods toward the bag of moisturizing soaking beads you always add to a bath.
“Thank you,” you murmur softly.
When you step into the bath, you expect Johnny to leave, but he doesn’t. He grabs the small exfoliating brush you always use with the soft bristles. Johnny gently lifts your leg from the warm water. Pressing the brush against your thigh, he lightly rocks the brush back and forth across the skin.
There are candles lit, and the light is off.
Johnny takes his time, lightly exfoliating where he’s supposed to while you silently soak, enjoying the subtle warmth. He offers a warm towel when you’re done, and he dries your body, leaving little kisses behind.
Once dry, you sit on the edge of the tub. With moisturizer in hand, Johnny pops the lid, squeezing some into his palms. He rubs it between his hands, warming it up before applying it your skin. Even in this, he’s gentle.
It’s sweet. Nice.
You feel loved.
@glitterypirateduck @km-ffluv @tiredmetalenthusiast @miaraei @cherryofdeath
@tulipsun-flower @miss-mistinguett @ninman82 @eternallyvenus @beebeechaos
@no-oneelsebutnsu @smileykiddie08 @whisperwispxx @chaostwinsofdestruction @weasleytwins-41
@saoirse06 @unhinged-reader-36 @ravenpoe67 @sageyxbabey @mudisgranapat
@lulurubberduckie @leed-bbg @yawning-grave81 @azkza @nishim
@voids-universe @iloveslasher @talooolaaloolla @sadlonelybagel @haven-1307
@itsberrydreemurstuff @spicyspicyliving @cod-z @keiva1000 @littlemisscriesherselftosleep
@blackhawkfanatic @sammysinger04 @kylies-love-letter @dakotakazansky @suhmie
@kadeeesworld @umno-yeah @daemondoll @jackrabbitem @lxblm
@arrozyfrijoles23 @lovely-ateez @ash-tarte @spookyscaryspoon @enarien
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cherrylovelycherry · 3 months
Hi! I wanted to say that I really love your writing, I spent hours binge reading without even noticing! I also love how creative your "menu" is. I wanted to ask if you take requests? If so, could I request a Boothill x Fem reader souffle? It can be any kind of plot or without plot at all. I just really like your writing and would like to see one of Boothill. Thank you so much for your time -anon
.note. hihi anon! aww it's nice that you like my writing, thanks! (ㅅ´ ˘ `) this took me a while, uni is being hard on me. sorry if there are any spelling mistakes, english is not my first language. anyway, i'm kicking my feet as i write this. i have the hc that boothill is sweet and gentle when it comes to intimacy, the complete opposite of his appearance, so yeah. hope you like it! ദ്ദി (˶ᵔ ᵕ ᵔ˶)~✧
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𓂅new order. "soufflé and a éclair au chocolat."
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You know what they say — save a horse, ride a cowboy!
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pairing. Boothill x fem!reader cw/genre. nsfw, fluff, cunnilingus, blowjob, some praise kink, first time, mdni synopsis. you ended up fucking a cowboy full menu
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You're were with Boothill this afternoon, as he was willing to give you lessons on horse riding after he realised how incredibly inexperienced you were.
You were lucky he taught you, though you assumed it would be his way of repaying the favors you did him, fixing and improving his robotic body countless times.
The countryside is just outside of the busy city, so, as somone who lived in the city, being with Boothill in the countryside was very different.
After an hour or two, you started to grow tired and Boothill noticed it. He offered for you to come to his house, or so you thought, since that was where he was staying for a while, instead of walking all the way back home in such a tired state. You nodded, exhuasted, just wanting to lay your head on a pillow.
As Boothill walks with you check your phone, and there's a message from your roommate asking where you were. You quickly text that you're staying at Boothill's for the night.
Another message appears, and when you open it, it says;
"You're staying with Boothill for the night?? OMG, you know what they say — save a horse, ride a cowboyyy!"
You felt the heat rise to your face almost instantly as you read the message. Which caused curiosity in him, approaching where you were.
"Hey, you ok? You're turning red, darlin'."
As if trying to see what the message was about, you moved your head to the side. Which ended up being for the fun of it as you quickly put your phone away.
The evening sun was already peeking out, being chased by the darkness of the night.
With somewhat quick steps, it managed to set before you, curiosity etched across his features, Boothill reached out to touch your cheek. "Seriously, you look like a ripe tomato. Did somethin' happen?"
Your heart skipped a beat as his fingers slowly touched your cheek. You took a shaky breath as his hand continued to touch your face.
You quickly looked away, trying to avoid his gaze.
"I'm fine, just tired. That's all," you said quietly, trying to sound convincing.
The feeling of his hand on your skin sent chills down your spine, reminding you of the message your roommate sent.
You let go of his grip, as you both continued walking.
Was it possible that…he was thinking the same thing?
You shook your head slightly at the thought.
"Just my stupid roommate making a dumb joke." You tried to laugh it off, but even you could hear how forced it sounded.
Boothill continued to watch you intently, his eyes lingering on your face for a moment longer before he spoke.
"Darlin', I can tell when you're lyin'. You're makin' it kinda obvious," he said, a hint of amusement in his voice.
"Hah, right, whatever you say." You scratched your cheek with your hand, hurrying your pace.
He merely laughed lightly at your response.
You both walked towards where Boothill was staying, it was a somewhat remote house, but it was in the city.
The house was somewhat large, the owner of which was a grandmother, who Boothill had once saved. She was extremely sweet to let him stay there if he needed it.
As you arrived at the house, you noticed how the sky had darkened even more, the stars slowly appearing as the night settled in.
As you both reached the house, Boothill unlocked the front door. It creaked open, and he stepped back to let you walk in first.
With a muttered "thank you", you entered the house. It was cozy and comfortable, a warm place that seemed to radiate with a hint of nostalgia.
Boothill closed the door behind him and led you into the living room.
"Make yourself at home darlin' I'll go and let her know I've brought you with me," he said before disappearing into the hallway.
You took a seat on the couch in the living room, and as soon as your butt met the cushion, you felt your phone vibrate.
Another message… probably from your roommate.
You fished your phone out of your pocket and quickly unlocked it, curiosity getting the better of you.
Sure enough, it was another message from your roommate, still riding the horse/cowboy joke.
This time, she sent a gif of a cowboy riding a horse, with the message; "Yee-haw! Ride that cowboy, babe! 😉"
You couldn't help but sigh, feeling a mixture of annoyance and embarrassment. And even some amusement at the gif she sent. Your roommate was way too invested in your supposed "crush" on Boothill.
You groaned inwardly Great. It was never going to end. Your roommate was going to make this into a running joke for months, maybe even until the end of time.
Your irritation was interrupted as you heard footsteps approaching from the hallway.
Boothill appeared a moment later, walking back into the living room. He took a seat on the opposite side of the couch, still maintaining a respectable distance from you.
"She's just glad I'm finally bringin' someone here," he chuckled, referring to the house's owner.
He leaned back into the couch, his eyes still fixed on your form. There was a small smile on his face.
You shifted in your seat, feeling a mix of embarrassment and warmth at his words.
"Yeah, well, I'm sure she's had to deal with your antics for a while now," you quipped, trying to sound lighthearted.
Boothill let out a mocking gasp, placing a hand over his chest in mock offense.
"Excuse me? Are you implyin' that I'm a troublesome guest? Me? A perfect gentleman?"
You rolled your eyes, a small smile tugging at the corners of your mouth.
"Oh yes, the perfect gentleman," you said, sarcasm dripping from your tone.
He feigned an expression of innocence.
"I'll have you know, I am a model guest. I make sure to clean up after myself, respect the property, and always ask for permission before snackin' on somethin'."
You couldn't help but laugh at his attempts to defend himself.
"Right, because asking for permission to raid the fridge is the epitome of good manners," you teased, raising an eyebrow. "And let's not forget the time you accidentally broke a vase and tried to mend it with duct tape."
He fakely frowned a little.
"Hey, I still stand by that duct tape solution. It looked pretty darn good once I was done with it," he chuckled, a hint of guilt in his voice.
You shook your head, still amused.
"You're lucky the house's owner has a soft spot for you. Otherwise she wouldn't let you stay here any longer."
He shrugged, a cheeky grin spreading across his face.
"What can I say? I'm irresistibly charmin'."
He stretched lazily, his metal arms extending with a soft whir.
"But seriously, she knows I ain't cause no real trouble. And besides, I keep the spiders away for her," he added with a wink.
You snickered. "Ah, yes, the dutiful bodyguard against the eight-legged critters. She must be so thankful for your bravery."
He laughed, clearly enjoying the playful banter.
"You laugh now, but when you have a spider the size of your hand crawlin' up your leg, you'll be beggin' for my services," he teased.
"Please, like I'd ever let it come to that," you retorted. "I'd fight that spider off with a rolled-up newspaper if I had to."
He chuckled again. "Oh, I don't doubt that for a second darlin'. You ain't afraid of much, are you?"
The lighthearted atmosphere was refreshing, and you found yourself enjoying the exchange.
"Heh, I guess not."
You put a lock of your hair behind your ear, while Boothill turned on the medium-sized television in the room. The fireplace made the cold outside not felt at all.
The soft glow of the television filled the room, casting shadows on the walls.
Boothill grabbed the remote and started flicking through the channels, looking for something to watch.
"Anythin' ya want to watch?" he asked, not taking his eyes off the TV.
You tilted your head, pretending to think for a moment before answering.
"How about a cowboy movie?" you suggested, a teasing tone in your voice.
"Hah! A good one then."
As you glanced at Boothill, you noticed the way the light reflected in his eyes, their artificial luminescence dancing with the flicker of the screen.
"You hungry? I can whip somethin' up for ya in the kitchen," he offered, his voice still carrying a hint of humor.
You considered his offer.
"Nah, I'm alright," you replied, your attention half-focused on the TV.
The more time passed, the more interesting the movie became. You both let out one or another comment about this. Until you and him were silent.
He leaned back against the couch, his metal arm resting along the back. Despite his mechanical parts, he still managed to exude a sense of comfortable familiarity.
His gaze flicked away from the television, locking onto yours.
"You okay, darlin'? You're a little quieter than usual."
You were caught off guard for a moment, surprised by his perceptive question.
"Yeah, I'm fine," you answered, a little too quickly. Lie, you were falling asleep.
The truth was, you were fighting the urge to yawn.
"I'm just a lil tired ," you added, trying to sound nonchalant. Another lie, your whole body hurt from the physical exercise you were doing earlier in the field with Boothill.
He raised an eyebrow, a hint of skepticism in his gaze.
"Uh-huh, 'a little tired,' ya say," he said, clearly not buying your act.
He leaned forward a bit, studying your face.
"Your eyes are heavy, and you're yawnin' more than a kitten."
He thought for a second before placing a cushion from the couch, which they were sitting on, over his legs.
"Here." He said, patting the cushion a few times, so you could lay your head there.
"Are you calling me a tired kitten?" you protested, unable to stop a small yawn from escaping your lips as you spoke, proving his point.
Your eyes widened slightly as he patted the cushion on his lap, offering it to you like some kind of makeshift pillow.
Your heart skipped a beat, the situation feeling suddenly more intimate.
But your body yearned for rest, your tired muscles calling out for a moment of peace.
He smirked, clearly amused by your tired protest.
"I dunno, if the shoe fits…" he joked, his gaze still fixed on you.
As you hesitated, hesitating to accept the offer, your tired body won out over your embarrassment.
With a defeated sigh, you slowly leaned down, resting your head on the pillow of the cushion, now laying across his lap.
Your heartbeat quickened as you felt the firm but gentle support of his thighs beneath you.
He chuckled softly as he noticed your hesitation, but allowed you to lean down and rest your head on his lap.
"There you go, darlin'," he murmured as you settled into the makeshift pillow.
A small, satisfied smile tugged at the corners of his mouth. Boothill remained silent for a moment, observing your tired state.
"Comfy?" he asked finally, his voice a low rumble.
"Mhm." You let out an affirmation towards his words.
You closed your eyes, surrendering to the exhaustion that tugged at your eyelids.
The sound of the movie in the background faded away, replaced by the steady rhythm of his breathing.
For a moment, there was a silence between you, but it wasn't uncomfortable.
Instead, it felt soothing.
He watched you closely as you let your guard down, your eyes slowly drifting closed.
With each breath you took, your body seemed to relax further, almost melting into his lap.
Boothill's metal fingers gently traced the outline of your hair, almost on instinct, as if seeking to provide some kind of comfort.
A soft, almost silent chuckle passed his lips as he noticed your tired state.
You felt your body relax as tension drained from your muscles, the weight of the day's physicality finally catching up to you.
Boothill seemed content to remain silent, allowing you to rest in comfortable respite.
Your mind started to wander, thoughts blending together seamlessly. You felt strangely at peace in this position - head resting on his lap, his metal fingers brushing against your hair, the sounds of the movie like a distant hum.
You felt utterly at ease, your tired body finally getting the rest it desperately craved.
Boothill's presence was both comforting and grounding, his touch a constant reminder of his attentiveness towards you.
Your thoughts gradually faded into weary tiredness, your mind struggling to stay awake longer.
You found yourself drifting on the edge of sleep.
He continued idly running his metal fingers through your hair, a soothing rhythm that seemed almost designed to lull you deeper into relaxation.
As your breathing slowed, growing more rhythmic and steady, he could tell that you were moments away from drifting off to sleep.
His eyes never left your face, taking in your relaxed expression and the soft curves of your features.
A small smile tugged at the corners of his lips. There was a certain satisfaction in seeing you at peace, especially after a long day.
You felt his fingers running through your hair once more before you fell completely asleep.
Your mind slowly slipped away from consciousness, and the world around you faded into a drowsy haze.
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You don't know how much time passed, but you slowly opened your eyes, keeping them half-lidded.
You weren't touching the couch and you felt like they were grabbing you.
Oh, you were being carried.
Keeping your eyes the same way, you looked up, watching as he was carrying you up the stairs.
You felt like in those princess stories in which the prince carefully carries the princess.
As he carried you up the stairs, his grip firm and gentle around you, he took note of your half-lidded eyes slowly fluttering open.
He chuckled softly as he caught your gaze, realizing you were half-awake.
"Hey there, sleepyhead," he teased quietly, his voice barely above a whisper.
He continued up the stairs, navigating carefully to not accidentally hit your head or anything else.
"Go back to sleep, dear"
He was taking you to a spare room so that you could sleep more comfortably.
Even in your semi-asleep state, you heard the soft rumble of his voice, the sound soothing your tired mind.
A small, sleepy smile tugged at the corners of your lips as you heard him call you "sleepyhead." It was a nickname you hadn't heard from him before.
He carried you gently upstairs, the sound of his footsteps on the hardwood floor blending with the silence of the house. You kept your eyes half-open, still disoriented and groggy.
"Mmph…" you managed to mumble in response, your drowsy brain struggling to form coherent words.
He chuckled at your sleepy attempt at a response, finding your disoriented state endlessly endearing.
"Shhh," he whispered, his metal fingers gently brushing a strand of hair away from your face.
"You're barely awake, darlin'. Just go back to sleep, we're almost in the guest room."
The soft hallway lights cast long shadows ahead of him, dancing softly against the walls as he continued on.
Finally reaching the spare room, he carefully pushed the door open and stepped inside.
Gently, he laid you down on the bed, tucking the blankets around you like he was handling a delicate artifact.
As you were gently lowered onto the bed, the soft sheets and blankets wrapping around you like a comforting embrace, your body automatically snuggled into their embrace.
A small, satisfied sigh escaped your lips as your tired muscles sink against the mattress.
The cool sheets felt soothing against your skin as you slowly settled into the bed, still in a half-asleep state.
You felt his touch once more as he carefully adjusted the blankets, ensuring you were tucked in properly.
"There we go," he murmured, his voice low and almost soothing.
As you were laid on the soft mattress, the blankets wrapping around you like a cosy cocoon, you felt the exhaustion fully taking over again.
Your tired mind was too drowsy to think clearly, your eyelids feeling heavy once more.
You vaguely registered his movements around you as he seemed to be adjusting something near the bed.
"…Boothill?" you mumbled his name, your voice still thick with sleepiness.
He paused, looking down at you with a hint of surprise at the sound of his name.
"Yeah, darlin'?" he replied quietly, his voice a gentle rumble.
He finished adjusting the blanket, ensuring you were completely covered and tucked in.
He then leaned closer to the bed, his eyes studying your sleepy face for a moment, before a soft smile tugged at the corner of his lips.
"You need somethin', or are you just makin' sure I'm still here?" he teased gently.
Your sleepy brain struggled to form coherent thoughts, the drowsiness making it difficult to string words together.
"Mmph… jus' makin' sure…" you mumbled, your voice barely audible.
You felt strangely vulnerable in this half-asleep state, the tiredness leaving you without the usual guard you had up.
The room was quiet, the only sound being the soft rustling of the blankets as you shifted slightly, trying to get comfortable.
You could feel his presence close to the bed, his eyes still fixed on you.
Literally the idea of what you were going to try to say left you. So you frowned, keeping your eyes closed.
Until you managed to remember something, "The girl who is with you will be…very, veeery luckyy,"
He raised an eyebrow at your drowsy mumble, his grin widening slightly.
"Is that so?" he murmured, his voice soft and amused.
When you mentioned the hypothetical luck of his future girlfriend, his gaze softened, a hint of something unreadable in his expression.
He chuckled lightly, shaking his head slightly. "You're still dreamin', darlin'."
He reached out, his metal fingertips lightly running through your hair once more, a soothing gesture.
He stood silently nearby, watching you as you fought against the fog of sleep.
As you mumbled something about the girl he might date, his expression softened even further. He couldn't help but find your sleepy ramblings both amusing and endearing.
You hummed with pleasure as you felt his metal fingertips gently run through your hair once more, the sensation sending a soothing wave through your tired body.
Your eyes remained closed, too heavy to open, and yet some part of your tired mind stubbornly held on to consciousness.
"Mm…not dreamin'…jus' sayin'…" you protested, your words slurring together slightly.
Your mouth attempted to form more words, but fatigue weighed heavily on your tongue, making it difficult to speak clearly.
"Lucky…" you mumbled once more, the word sounding more like a sigh than anything else.
He chuckled softly beside you, his voice filled with a mixture of amusement and something else you couldn't quite place.
"…Darlin', you're not exactly makin' sense," he teased, his tone warm and affectionate.
He continued to run his mechanical fingers through your hair, the soothing motion seemed to melt away any tension still lingering in your body.
As you mumbled about luck and being lucky, he chuckled again, the sound low and gentle.
Your words came out alone, almost like a yawn that couldn't be stopped. "C'mere…" You said, as you looked at him, you opened your eyes a little this time.
His hand paused in your hair, caught off guard by your request.
He looked at you, your half-open eyes peering up at him through the haze of sleep.
A mix of surprise and amusement played across his face. "You want me to come closer?" he asked, a hint of a smile tugging at the corner of his lips.
He stood there for a moment, as if trying to decipher your sleepy request, before moving closer to the bed.
“Mhm,” You blurted out, affirming his words.
His eyes scanned your face, taking in your half-open eyes and the sleepy smile on your lips.
"You're a bossy little thing, even when you're half-asleep," he said with a soft chuckle, shaking his head slightly.
He sat down on the edge of the bed, the mattress dipping slightly under his weight.
He leaned over slightly, his metal hand still resting on your hair, gently smoothing out the messy strands.
By the time he got close enough, your body acted on its own.
"Lucky.." You murmured as you grabbed his face with both hands and placed your lips on top of his, quickly but softly.
Caught off guard by your unexpected move, his eyes widened slightly when he felt the softness of your lips against his. For a moment, he froze, his brain trying to comprehend what was happening.
But it didn't take long for him to respond. His hand on your hair slid down to your cheek, the coolness of his metal fingers contrasting with the warmth of your skin.
He returned the kiss, his lips moving against yours with a gentleness that contradicted his cybernetic appearance.
After a few seconds, he pulled away slightly, "Darlin', you're gonna be the death of me…" he murmured
As you felt his response, his cool fingers contrasting with the warmth of your skin, you couldn't help but feel a sense of satisfaction.
You leaned into his touch, your eyes still closed, a small smile playing at the corners of your lips.
Your tired mind was still in a sleepy haze, but the kiss seemed to awaken a different kind of energy within you. You let out a sleepy giggle at his words, your eyes still half-lidded.
“You’re a little too cheeky when you’re sleepy," he admonished, a hint of amusement in his tone. "You're gonna give a cowboy a heart attack."
It was a nice way to put it since he physically had no heart.
His eyes tracing the curve of your smile on your lips. Your tiredness seemed to fuel a playful energy within you, making you even more endearing in his eyes.
He shifted his position slightly, his body now facing you fully, one knee on the bed. His metal hand cupped your chin, tilting your face up towards him as he leaned in slightly.
"And here I am, trying to be all gentlemanly and let you get some sleep," he teased, his voice low and full of mock reproach.
A sly smile tugged at the corners of your lips, the drowsy state making you even more cheeky than usual. Besides, despite being tired, your consciousness was more exact. You were leaving the state of drowsiness.
"Gentlemanly, huh?" you mumbled, your words still slightly slurred by sleepiness.
You pushed yourself up on one elbow, leaning towards him as much as your tired body would allow. "That's cute," You commented, your other hand reaching out to touch his chest.
You chuckled softly, "Besides, whose fault is it for being so irresistibly kissable?" you retorted.
You liked to see how his face turned slightly red, being visible only by the night light that came through the window.
You were enjoying the unexpected turn of events, the boundaries between friendship and something else starting to blur.
His eyes widened slightly at your words, the compliment catching him off guard.
He watched intently as you leaned forward, your touch against his chest igniting a spark under his metal skin.
Thanks to you, who had been able to connect and 'create' new nerves that would be connected to his robotic parts, managing to have at least a slight sensation of touch in his body.
His eyes flicked down to your hand before returning to meet your gaze, his expression a mix of amusement and something else he couldn't quite hide.
Your words had found their mark, and he couldn't deny the reaction they provoked. Despite his usual confidence, there was something about your sleepy flirtations that had him uncharacteristically flustered.
He swallowed hard, trying to maintain his usual cool demeanor, but a hint of a blush betrayed his reaction.
He leaned in closer, his body nearly hovering over yours as you leaned up on your elbow. His metal hand moved from your chin to the back of your neck, his fingers tracing circles on your skin.
Your senses seemed hyper-aware in this exhausted state, and the feeling of his metal fingers tracing circles on the back of your neck sent a shiver down your spine.
The way he loomed over you, his body hovering just above yours, made your heartbeat quicken. There was a sudden tension in the air, a subtle shift in the dynamics of your relationship.
You looked up at him, your eyes no longer had that flash of tiredness.
He could see the change in your eyes, the drowsiness slowly giving way to a sharper focus. A silent understanding seemed to pass between you both; the tiredness had faded, replaced by a different kind of awareness.
He leaned in even closer, his face now only inches away from yours. His eyes held a mixture of curiosity and barely concealed desire, studying your features as if seeing you in a new light.
The air thick with an unspoken tension. Your skin tingled where his metal fingers touched your neck, a mix of cool certainty and unexpected delicacy.
"You're awake now, aren't you?" he murmured, his voice lower than usual, hinting at the effect you were having on him.
His fingers continued their gentle dance along the back of your neck. He seemed to be wrestling with something, caught between his customary charm and the unfamiliar surge of vulnerability.
Your lips parted slightly, the proximity making it difficult to focus on anything but him.
His eyes were searching yours, studying every detail as if trying to memorize each inch of your face. His gaze remained fixed on you, watching how your eyes responded to his closeness.
But, oh, he was holding back, there was an evident hunger within him.
A hunger he never thought he wanted, specifically from you.
He saw your reaction, the slight intake of breath, the way your lips parted slightly.
His mind was hazy with a million thoughts, all centered on you and how much he wanted to close the remaining space between you.
His metal fingers moved up from your neck, tracing a path along your jawline before gently brushing against your bottom lip.
"Tell me to stop," he said, his voice barely above a whisper.
Your breath hitched slightly at his touch, the feeling of his metal fingers on your lip setting your nerves alight.
His voice was soft but laced with a barely restrained intensity. He was struggling with his own desires, trying to hold back but also aching for more.
You hesitated for a moment, caught between wanting to give in to the budding intimacy and fearing the consequences.
Your eyes met his, searching his gaze for any hint of insecurity or doubt. But the desire in his eyes made it clear that this was not a whim or a passing fancy for him.
"But I don't want you to stop," You responded also quietly. Your eyes left his for a moment, looking down at his lips.
Your words were like music to his ears, banishing the last remnants of his hesitation.
His breath hitched slightly as your eyes drifted to his lips, the silent desire in your gaze mirroring his own.
His hand shifted, moving to cradle your face, his thumb resting just under your chin, tilting your face up to meet his gaze.
"Are you sure?" he asked, his voice a low rumble.
And, with just a nod from you, he couldn't help it anymore.
Being careful not to hurt you, he somewhat carelessly brought his lips to yours, pressing them with need.
Your confirmation was all he needed.
The moment your heads met, there was an explosion of sensation. He deepened the kiss, his other hand gripping your waist, drawing you closer to him. His body pressed against yours, the coolness of his metal chest contrasting with the warmth of your skin.
His tongue eagerly explored your lips, seeking access to your mouth, a silent plea for more, for more of you.
There was a certain urgency in his actions, a hunger you could practically taste in the way he held you, the way his tongue moved against yours.
As his tongue sought entry into your mouth, you didn't hesitate to respond in kind.
Your fingers tangled in his hair, pulling him even closer, needing to feel more of him against you.
His hands roamed restlessly over your body, as if trying to memorize every inch of your skin through your clothes. He needed to feel every part of you, as if the physical contact could quench the hunger burning within him.
The kiss grew more urgent, more demanding. His cool metal fingers gripped your waist, holding you tightly as he pressed you further into the mattress.
His tongue danced with yours, a silent battle for control, each movement charged with raw desire. There was a hint of something wild in his demeanor, the usually controlled cowboy succumbing to his most primal instincts.
He groaned softly into the kiss as your hands tangled in his hair, the feeling both pleasurable and arousing.
Your body responded eagerly to his touch, arching against him in a silent plea for more.
His hands explored your body, tracing the contour of your curves, the cool metal of his fingers leaving goosebumps in their wake.
He broke the kiss, his lips moving to your neck, leaving a trail of kisses and gentle nibbles along your sensitive skin.
"You drive me crazy," he murmured against your neck, his voice hoarse with desire.
A gasp escaped your lips as he moved from your mouth to your neck, his teeth grazing against the sensitive skin.
Heat pooled in your core, his words and actions igniting a fire within you.
Your fingers gently tugged at his hair, a silent signal urging him on. A soft moan escaped from your throat as he bit down lightly on a particularly sensitive spot.
"You have… no idea," you managed to gasp out, your voice shaky with need.
He hummed against your skin, the sound vibrating along your sensitive skin.
Your gasps and slight moans only fueled his desire, the sound of your voice shivering with need causing a shiver to run down his system.
His hands roamed over your body, tracing every curve, as if mapping out a territory he now desperately wished to claim as his own.
He smirked slightly against your neck, his lips leaving a trail of kisses that were slowly moving down to your collarbone.
"Oh, I think I have a pretty good idea," he retorted, his voice carrying a low, sultry tone.
His hands moved lower, resting on your hips, gently guiding your body against his.
His smirk against your neck sent a shiver down your spine. You could feel the heat of your desire growing with each passing moment.
His hands roaming over your body and his lips tracing a path down your collarbone added fuel to the flame.
You tilted your head back, giving him better access to your neck. Your fingers tangled in his hair, pulling slightly as he continued his assault on your skin.
"Boothill…" you whispered, his name sounding like a prayer tumbling off your lips.
Your whispered plea, his name falling from your lips like a litany, sent a shock through his system.
He paused his ministrations for a moment, lifting his head to look at you.
Your eyes were half-lidded, your cheeks flushed, and your hair slightly disheveled. You looked utterly captivating in that moment, your desire for him written all over your face.
His hands left your body, this time heading to your shirt.
I was about to roll it up until his brain made him stop for a moment.
"Do you want…to do it?" He dared to ask you, seeking your consent. His eyes boring into yours gently.
You met his eyes, seeing the mixture of desire and restraint in his gaze.
Your breath still slightly ragged, you nodded slowly.
"Yes," you replied, your voice barely above a whisper. "I want this. I want you."
As he pulled your shirt off, his hands skimmed over your skin, leaving a trail of goosebumps in their wake.
He paused for a moment, taking in the sight of you, partially undressed before him.
"You're beautiful," he murmured, his eyes roaming over your body, his gaze filled with a mixture of desire and admiration.
His words, a simple compliment carrying more weight than usual, caused your heart to skip a beat.
His eyes trailed over your body, taking in every detail as if you were a masterpiece hanging in a gallery.
The way he looked at you, with a mixture of desire and admiration, made you feel both vulnerable and powerful at the same time.
His eyes were fixed on you, taking in every inch of your exposed skin.
"You're perfect," he whispered, his voice thick with emotion.
He leaned down, his lips finding your neck, his mouth leaving a trail of kisses along your collarbone and down your chest. Finding your bra very annoying.
The combination of his touch, his kisses, and his words made you feel like you were slowly unraveling.
His mouth trailing along your skin was driving you insane with need and desire.
His lips trailed down your neck and down your chest until they reached the barrier of your bra. He paused for a moment, his hands gently tracing the edge.
"Can I?" he asked quietly, his fingertips brushing against the fabric.
The way he was handling you, with a mixture of reverence and desire, made you feel both cherished and desired.
His lips returned to your neck, leaving soft, teasing kisses as he waited for your response.
As his fingertips traced the edge of your bra, your heart pounded in anticipation, your body aching for more of his touch.
His request, whispered in a soft, hoarse voice, set your nerves on fire.
You nodded, your voice barely above a whisper, "Yes,"
He didn't need further coaxing. His hands quickly unclasped your bra, freeing your chest from its confinement.
His lips continued their journey, leaving a trail of kisses down your newly bared skin. He seemed to savor every inch of you, as if unable to get enough.
The feeling of his lips on your bare skin was nothing short of maddening.
His hands, now free from the barrier of your bra, roamed freely over your torso, as if he were mapping a new territory.
His hands instinctively went to your breasts, massaging them slowly and gently, touching the tips of your breasts. Causing you to flinch at the coolness of his fingers.
Without further ado, his mouth moved to one of your breasts, his other hand touching the other.
He sucked and nibbled gently, drawing a gasp from your lips.
His mouth on your sensitive skin sent a shiver down your spine, your breath catching as his tongue flicked against one of your nipples.
Your hands tangled in his hair, holding him close, your fingers clenching tightly as he continued his ministrations.
You gasped, arching your back towards him, silently pleading for more of his touch.
His hands continued to explore your body, his touch firm yet gentle, as if trying to memorize every contour.
His fingers traced circles over your hip bone, then moved lower, slipping under the waistband of your pants.
This time he didn't ask, he raised his head and looked at you, with those eyes full of pleading.
Oh, that look you never thought you'd see in him.
The look in his eyes was one you never thought you'd notice coming from him.
It was a silent plea, a silent "Let me take care of you."
Hearing your gasps and slight moans, he wondered why it had taken him so long to cross this line with you.
You could feel the desire growing inside you, a burning need for more contact, more of him.
You raised your hips, silently giving him permission to remove your pants, your breath coming in ragged gasps.
Slowly, he slid your pants down along with underwear in one go, his hands skimming over your skin, leaving a trail of fire in their wake. You could feel his eyes on you, taking in every inch of your exposed body.
He ran his hands gently down your thighs.
Now you were completely naked in front of him, your body on display, vulnerable and exposed.
His gaze roamed over your body, taking in the sight of you in all your glory.
In his eyes you were the most perfect thing that could exist, a goddess, an angel come down from the heavens.
"Beautiful," he whispered, his voice filled with reverence and desire.
He leaned down again, pressing his lips against your stomach, leaving a trail of kisses. Then, he pressed light kisses on your legs, moving closer and closer to where you needed him the most.
Your body was aflame with desire, every touch of his sending your senses into overdrive.
Your legs opened slightly, inviting him closer, silently pleading for more of his touch.
His lips moved over your skin, his kisses growing more insistent as he made his way to the inner part of your thighs.
"Please," you managed to gasp out, desperate for him to touch you where you needed him most.
He chuckled softly against your skin, enjoying the fact that he had you completely at his mercy.
His chuckling set your blood boiling, your body arching towards him in a silent plea.
He knew what you wanted, what you needed, and he was enjoying every second of it.
"Patience, darlin'," he drawled, his lips trailing along the sensitive skin of your inner thighs.
He was taking his time, teasing you, drawing out the pleasure, and driving you insane in the process.
He continued his assault on your inner thighs, leaving gentle bites and kisses, slowly moving closer to your center.
His hands were now firmly gripping your hips, holding you in place, preventing you from bucking up against him in a plea for more contact.
Until after that little torture of his, his lips hovered over your aching center, kissing above your lips, softly and gently.
You were a wreck.
Your body ached for more contact, more of him, and he was purposely taking his time.
Instead, he began to trace small, feather light kisses around your aching core, his lips moving slowly but purposefully, avoiding the place you wanted them most.
You gasped again, barely managing to hold back a whine in protest.
"Please," you repeated, your voice a desperate plea, "Please, Boothill."
He chuckled against your skin again, enjoying the way your body responded to his every touch.
When he finally moved his lips to your center, his tongue lightly flicking against your sensitive bud, you gasped loudly, a shiver running down your spine.
His tongue started to explore your most sensitive parts, flicking and swirling gently, sending waves of pleasure through your body.
Your head fell back against the pillows, your eyes closing as you surrendered to the sensations he was creating.
His tongue's teasing touch against your center sent sparks of pleasure through your body, your breath caught in your throat.
Your hands tangled in his hair again, pulling slightly as he continued to explore you. "So beautiful and sweet," he murmured against your skin, the vibration of his voice adding to the sensations he was causing.
He wrapped his lips around your clit, gently sucking and nibbling, driving you even further into frenzy.
Then, his fingers entered the equation, slowly slipping inside you while his mouth continued to work its magic.
Your body trembled, the combined sensations overwhelming your senses.
You were at his mercy, your body completely under his control, writhing and gasping under his expert ministrations.
His fingers moved inside you, curling and stroking, while his tongue continued to flick against your sensitive bud.
The sensations were quickly building toward a climax, your breath coming in quick gasps as you tried to hold back.
"Boothill.. I can't.. too much.." you managed to gasp out, your body arching off the bed.
He seemed to know exactly how to push your buttons, his mouth and fingers working in perfect harmony to elicit the most intense reactions from you.
You couldn't think straight, his touch sending you into a state of ecstasy that was almost overwhelming.
Your body was caught in a tempest of pleasure, every touch of his tongue and fingers driving you closer to the brink.
His fingers curled inside you, hitting a particularly sensitive spot that made your breathing grow ragged.
It looked like he was licking and eating a candy.
Your fingers gripped in his hair, tugging slightly as the pleasure built within you.
"Oh god," you breathed, your voice a ragged gasp, "Please, I-"
Then, suddenly, he stopped, drawing back just as you were about to reach your climax.
You let out a gasp of frustration, your body aching for release.
"Not yet, darlin'," he murmured against your skin, his lips leaving a trail of kisses along your inner thigh.
At the lack of his lips and tongue on your clitoris, you felt a slight breeze that made you shiver. Not to mention how you felt it pulsating.
His free hand gently massaged your hip, as if trying to reassure you.
Your body was taut like a bowstring, the sudden lack of stimulation leaving you feeling empty and needy.
He slid his fingers out of you, stretching them a little, watching as your juices covered them completely, almost spilling out.
He let out a light chuckle, before bringing his fingers to his mouth, drinking in your delicacy.
Your view, which was clouded with ecstasy, focusing on the scene of him sucking on his fingers, was completely provocative.
It was all too obvious that he was more than needy.
Your breathing grew ragged as you watched him suck on his fingers, your eyes wide.
The sight of him enjoying the taste of you was almost too much to bear.
"You taste so good, darlin'," he murmured, his voice thick with desire, "I could do this all night."
When his eyes met yours, that's when you realised.
You had been so focused on your release that you hadn't realised how much he wanted this.
His face flushed, his lips moist.
Oh, he looked so damn needy.
He looked completely undone, like he was restraining himself from taking you right there on the spot.
He was tense, as if he was holding himself back.
Your skin thrumed under his hot gaze, and you could see the way his body reacted to the sight of you sprawled out before him.
It was the cutest thing to see him like that.
You rose slightly from the bed, pushing his chest back now, almost to where you were lying before.
You knew it was now your turn to make him feel good. More than he was.
As you gently pushed him back, reversing your positions, he let out a low growl, but he didn't protest.
He leaned against the wall, watching you with a mixture of curiosity and desire.
He looked absolutely wrecked.
His hair disheveled from your hands, his face flushed, his body thruming with need.
All that for you.
You straddled his hips, sitting on top of him and relishing the position of power you suddenly found yourself in.
Your hands roamed over his chest and bare torso, feeling the firm metal muscles. You could feel the heat radiating off him. His systems were beginning to overheat.
You leaned down, peppering kisses along his neck and jawline, enjoying the way he responded to your touch.
He leaned his head back against the wall, exposing more of his neck to your touch, a low, guttural groan escaping from his throat as your lips and tongue traced a path along his sensitive skin.
His hands gripped your hips, his fingers digging into your skin as you kissed along his neck and jaw.
He let out a low moan when you nibbled on his earlobe.
He was coming to terms with the new sensation of being underneath you.
He was used to taking charge in many situations, but something about letting you take the lead seemed different.
He liked it.
He needed it.
His moans and groans were music to your ears, showing you how much he was enjoying your touches.
His breath was becoming ragged, and his hands held onto your hips tightly, as if anchoring himself.
"Darlin'," he gasped out, his eyes half-lidded as he looked at you.
Your hands began to wander lower, tracing the line of his abdomen and feeling the metal muscles twitch under your touch.
As your hands reached the waistband of his pants, you paused and looked up at him.
"Can I?" you asked, your voice barely above a whisper.
He nodded eagerly, his eyes dark with desire.
He was more than willing to let you continue.
His eyes were dark with desire, his breath coming in short, ragged gasps, and his body was taut with tension.
"Yes," he managed to say, his voice thick with need, "Please."
You tugged on the waistband of his trousers, and he lifted his hips to help you pull them down.
He was begging you, and he didn't care.
As you slid them down his legs, you couldn't help but notice the evidence of his arousal straining against his boxers.
Oh, you forgot that could happen.
You remember that at his request, you made a modification to his robotic body.
Specifically a synthetic limb.
It was one of your best modifications as it was also connected to the nerves that you also gave him. Not to say that his blue blood would help bring it to life when he had to go into action.
You didn't really think you could test if it really worked.
Would you be the first to see if it worked properly? You didn't know.
You hadn't really thought much about it before. After all, it was just a standard modification that you had done. But now, as you saw the physical evidence of his arousal, you couldn't help but wonder if it would work as intended.
Your thoughts were quickly interrupted when he groaned loudly, drawing your attention back to him.
You had started touching his length over his underwear without even realising it.
With just the touch of you, you were surprised to feel the slight warmth that came from it.
He inhaled sharply at the touch, his body tensing even more.
"Please," he repeated, his voice hoarse, "I need you. I need you so bad."
You smiled at their pleas, apparently it was a very good idea to amplify the sensitivity around the area.
He was already a mess, and you had barely touched him yet.
His gasps and moans filled the room, and his eyes were dark with desire.
You could see how badly he needed you, how much he wanted you.
He was begging you, pleading with you to touch him more.
You looked down at the noticeable bulge in his boxers and then back up at his face.
"You're so beautiful," you murmured, "So needy."
He let out another gasp, his body arching towards you as you continued to touch him through the fabric.
After a while of appreciating the good view you had, you pulled down his underwear, revealing his length.
His breath hitched as you pulled his underwear down, exposing him to your view.
He felt so vulnerable, so exposed, but he didn't care.
"Oh god," you blurted out at the sight of his limb.
At first glance you could tell it was working properly.
You were kind of proud of it.
He shuddered at your words, the sensation of your eyes on him enough to make his body shiver.
He was so sensitive, so receptive to your every touch, and it was all thanks to your modifications.
You moved down towards his arousal, cupping it with your hands and releasing light kisses that went from base to tip.
He let out a guttural moan as you kissed him, the sensation sending waves of pleasure through his body.
Your touch was light and teasing, driving him wild with need.
"Oh, sweetheart, that's so good," he gasped out, his body arching towards you as you continued to touch and tease him.
He was putty in your hands, completely at your mercy.
He had never felt this way before, completely surrendered to another person.
And he loved every second of it.
He looked down at you, his gaze full of desire and need.
Without waiting too long, you licked his tip, without taking your eyes off his face.
You were beginning to like the way he was moving beneath you.
He groaned loudly at the feeling of your tongue on his tip, his body arching slightly off the bed.
He couldn't believe the feelings you were invoking in him.
He felt like he was on fire.
He needed more your mouth, more of your touch, more of you.
He reached down, tangling his fingers in your hair, trying to hold himself.
To that, you smiled.
And, without further delay, you shoved as much of his length as you could into your mouth.
His entire body trembled as you took him into your mouth.
He could barely believe how good it felt, how good you felt.
"Oh god," he gasped out, his grip on your hair tightening.
He was completely lost in the sensations you were giving him, unable to think clearly.
He felt like he was on the brink of explosion, barely holding on.
Your mouth felt like heaven against him.
You continued, lowering and raising your head, while also moving your hands up and down his length.
You looked up at him from time to time, just to watch him come completely undone.
His face was flushed, his eyes half-lidded, his mouth open and panting.
His breathing was ragged, and he was making little gasps and moans that sounded like a mixture of your name and incoherent praise.
He was a mess, and it was all your doing.
He was completely under your control, and he loved every second of it.
His breaths were coming in short, ragged gasps, and he was clinging onto you like a lifeline.
His body was trembling, his systems threatening to overheat.
"I'm close," he gasped out, his grip on your hair tightening even more.
He was teetering on the edge, completely at your mercy.
"Please," he panted, "Please don't stop."
You loved the way he was begging you, the way he was completely at your mercy.
You didn't stop, if anything you increased the pace, determined to push him over the edge.
His grip on you grew tighter as he got closer and closer to the brink.
"Oh, swetheart," he groaned, his voice thick with need, "I can't- I'm gonna-"
And, before I reached my limit, your movements stopped, ceasing to suck his length.
You laughed lightly, catching your breath for a moment as you watched him frown in frustration.
He stared at you, his body still shaking with need, his breathing ragged.
He looked completely wrecked, and he was not happy that you had stopped.
"Why'd you stop?" he gasped out, his voice full of frustration and need.
He was so close, so damn close.
He needed you.
But you just smiled at him, enjoying the way he was squirming beneath you.
You smiled as you stood up a little, stretching your back.
"Patience, sweetheart." You somewhat mockingly repeated his words he gave you moments before.
He groaned in frustration, his body still thrumming and begging for release.
He wanted you, he needed you desperately.
How could you be so cruel?
He watched as you stood there in front of him, your smirk making him even more frustrated.
"You're a tease," he grumbled, his voice rough with need.
You positioned yourself on his lap, without sitting down.
With one of your hands you cupped his cheek, as you placed a soft kiss on his lips.
"You were a good boy."
His breath hitched as you cupped his cheek, and he leaned into your touch, despite his frustration.
Your words made him shiver, the praise stirring something in him.
"I was," he murmured, his voice slightly pouty.
He was still needy, still on edge, but he loved the way you were handling him.
He wrapped his arms around your waist, holding you close, as he nuzzled your neck, breathing in your scent.
"Can I have my reward now?" he murmured against your skin.
"Heh, of course you do." You said, as with one of your free hands you grabbed his length, positioning the tip at your entrance.
He gasped at the feel of your hand on him, and he held onto you tighter.
He was so sensitive, every touch sending sparks through his senses.
"You're so perfect…," he whispered, his breath hot on your skin.
As he felt you position him at your entrance, he felt a shiver of anticipation. He needed you, he needed to be inside you.
He was on the brink of losing his mind from desire and need.
"Please," he pleaded, "Please don't make me wait any longer."
You smiled, as you slowly tried to make his length spill inside you.
Which in itself was difficult and painful for you, as this was your first time.
He could feel how tight you were, and he felt a pang of desire mixed with guilt.
As you tried to take him in, he noticed your slight discomfort, and he immediately stopped you.
He looked up at you, concern in his gaze, and he gently lifted you off him.
"Sweetheart, are you alright? You're hurtin'," he asked, his voice filled with worry.
He was still needy and desperate, but he didn't want to hurt you.
He cupped your cheek, his thumb gently stroking your skin, as he watched you intently.
You tried to hide your discomfort, but he saw right through it.
His concern and tenderness made you feel warm all over.
"I'm fine," you said, trying to downplay the pain you were feeling.
"I just need a moment to adjust," you added, a slight tremble in your voice.
He looked at you for a moment, his eyes searching yours, looking for any signs of discomfort.
He gently caressed your leg, his fingers tracing light circles on your skin.
"We can do it slowly, without pressure, my dear" he said, his voice gentle.
Your body relaxed at his words, grateful for his understanding and patience. He placed a gentle kiss on your forehead.
He took his time, gently guiding himself inside you once again, with great care.
He was still sensitive, craving your touch, but his main priority was ensuring that you were comfortable.
He slowly pushed himself in, his eyes locked on your face, watching for any sign of discomfort.
He could see the mixture of pain and pleasure on your face, the way you chewed your lips, trying to hide your discomfort.
He continued to move slowly and gently, giving you time to adjust to the new sensation. You took deep breaths, trying to relax and get used to the feeling.
It was slow, and it hurt, but having him be attentive and considerate, made you feel safe.
As he gently slid further in, the pain began to subside, replaced by an unfamiliar but not unpleasant feeling. He stopped once he was fully inside you, pausing for a moment.
He leaned in, placing gentle kisses on your face, trying to soothe you.
"Are you all right?" he asked, his voice tender and worried, his gaze fixed on you.
You looked up at him, meeting his gaze, and gave him a small nod to let him know it was ok to continue.
His gentle and patient manner was making your heart flutter, and the way he watched you with such care made you feel even more connected to him.
"Y'know, sweetheart? This is my first time too." He said, still not moving.
He tucked one of your hairs behind your ear. As he placed several kisses on your cheeks in an affectionate way.
You blinked in surprise at his words, not expecting that revelation.
You really thought he would have done this many times by now because of the way he behaved, you were wrong apparently.
The realization that this was his first time too, and that he was just as nervous and uncertain, added a new layer of intimacy to the moment.
You reached up, cupping his cheek, and gave him a gentle smile.
"I didn't know." you said, your voice soft, "You're being so kind and patient with me."
Then you reached up, running a hand through his hair, feeling its texture and smoothness between your fingers.
He nuzzled into your touch, closing his eyes and enjoying the sensation.
He felt a little vulnerable admitting that it was his first time too, worried you might think less of him. But the way you smiled at him, the warm touch of your hand on his cheek, made any anxiety melt away.
He leaned into your touch, enjoying the feeling of your fingers combing through his hair. It was soothing and grounding, helping to steady his racing thoughts and nerves.
He gently began to move again, slowly and carefully, still watchful of your reaction.
He watched as you ran your hands through his hair, his eyes fluttering closed for a moment.
"Besides, I wanna make sure you're enjoying this just as much as I am." He whispered, his breath warm on your skin.
You shivered as he began to move again, the gentle friction sending small tremors through your body.
The way he was moving inside you was still a bit uncomfortable, but the pain was beginning to fade and be replaced by a different kind of sensation.
You closed your eyes, letting yourself get lost in the sensations you were feeling. He was being so considerate, taking his time and making sure you were comfortable.
His words made you smile, and you opened your eyes to meet his gaze.
"I am enjoying it," you replied, "more than I ever imagined it could be."
Your hand continued to run through his hair, and you pulled him closer, pressing your forehead against his.
His heart skipped a beat as you pulled him closer, a warmth spreading through his chest.
He was relieved and happy to hear that you were enjoying it. All he wanted was for you to feel good and safe with him.
He continued to move gently, trying to find a pace that was pleasurable for both of you.
He relished in the feeling of your hand in his hair, and he loved the way your body felt against his own.
"You're so beautiful, sweetheart," he murmured, his voice thick with desire, "I could lose myself in you forever."
He leaned in, kissing your neck and collarbone. He opened his mouth to bite your neck, leaving a mark much more noticeable than the others he had left on your thighs.
The feeling of his mouth on your neck sent a shiver down your spine, and you let out a soft gasp as he bit down.
You could feel his teeth sinking into your skin, and you knew it would leave a mark, a reminder of this moment.
You tilted your head back, giving him more access to your neck, silently encouraging him.
The sensation was a mixture of pleasure and pain, but you didn't mind. It felt possessive.
Claiming. You wanted him to claim you, to make sure that everyone knew that you were his.
You arched your back, pressing closer against him, encouraging him to continue.
"Please," you murmured, your voice low and wanton. "Don't stop."
He was sensitive, and the feel of you around him was almost overbearing.
He felt your body arch against his, your voice low and pleading, and it made him shiver with desire.
He loved the way you reacted to his touch, the way you leaned into him and asked for more.
Hearing the words "Don't stop" spill from your lips was like music to his ears.
He continued his assault on your neck, his mouth moving to new spots, nibbling and biting and sucking, marking you as his own.
Instinctively he moved his hand to one of your breasts, pulling the tip and massaging it.
He began to move a little faster, a little deeper, his pleasure increasing. He groaned against your skin.
The feel of his hand on your breast sent ripples of pleasure through your body, your breath catching in your throat as he teased and played with your nipple.
The combination of his mouth on your neck and his hand on your breast was almost overwhelming. You let out a soft moan, arching your back in response.
As he began to move faster and deeper, you felt a wave of sensations wash over you. The pain had faded, replaced by a pleasure unlike anything you had ever experienced.
You could feel him beginning to lose himself.
Unconsciously, your hand moved down to your clit, touching yourself as you moved your hips slightly with his every movement.
That increased the pleasure you felt, making your inner walls clench at his length.
He looked down at you, his gaze filled with a mixture of desire and awe.
He was lost in you, drowning in your scent, your touch, the way you moved against him, the sounds you made. He couldn't get enough of you.
As he watched you touch yourself, his breath caught in his throat. Seeing you give yourself pleasure while he was inside you was an image he was sure to never forget.
He groaned, unable to keep his own pleasure contained.
"You're so perfect, sweetheart," he gasped out, his words interrupted by his ragged breaths.
He kept moving, faster and deeper, his mouth never leaving your neck. Every gasp and moan that escaped your lips only spurred him on.
Every movement, every touch, every breath felt like a shock to your body.
You were lost in the sensations, your mind unable to form coherent thoughts.
"Please," you panted, "Please, I need you-"
You weren't sure how much more you could take, the pleasure was almost too much to bear.
The combination of his words, his touch, and his movements were making it hard for you to think straight.
Your mind was swirling with sensation, and you couldn't focus on anything but the feel of him inside you, and the pleasure he was bringing you.
One of your hands grabbed onto his hair, the other one still rubbing your clit. A constant stream of soft moans and gasps was falling from your lips.
He walked away from your neck, having left countless marks all over the area.
His face could not have been redder at that moment.
The sight of him with narrowed eyes, tilting his head back and mouth open, trying to formulate sentences and words that would not come out, being replaced with incoherent sounds.
It was simply a delight for you.
He tried to form a coherent sentence, but the words were escaping him. His mind was consumed with desire, his body on the brink of ecstasy.
You knew he was entering his climax, as his movements became somewhat erratic and slightly sloppy.
And, him doing so, hit your g-spot.
He was losing control, his body moving on its own, driven by pure animalistic need. He wanted to hold on, to make this moment last, but he knew he was reaching his limit.
He leaned down, his forehead resting against yours, his breath coming in ragged gasps.
He looked at you, trying to steady his breathing and speak. But all that came out were ragged gasps and incoherent sounds.
"I wanna-" he pleaded.
For that, your eyes were full of tears of pleasure.
You could feel him reaching his limit, the way his breathing was growing more labored and uneven.
The way he was trying to speak, but unable to form words, only adding to the intensity of the moment.
You were lost in the sensations, your body on fire. Each movement, each gasp from him was driving you closer and closer to the edge.
"Please," he pleaded once again, his voice ragged and needy, "can I…?"
His words trailed off, but you knew what he was asking for. And you were more than willing to give it to him.
You could see the desperation in his eyes. He wanted, no - needed to release.
He was on the edge, and you were right there with him.
You could feel him getting close, his movements becoming more uncoordinated, his breaths coming in short gasps.
"Please," you whispered, your voice trembling.
You were so close yourself, teetering on the brink of ecstasy. You could feel it building deep inside, like a coil winding tighter and tighter.
He turned his lips to yours, both of you stifling your moans and groans.
He moved his lips against yours, his tongue tracing your lips, seeking entry into your mouth.
You parted your lips, allowing him in. The kiss was messy and needy, both of you clinging to each other in search of more contact.
He let out a low moan against your mouth. He tried to hold back, to draw out the moment a little longer, but he was too far gone.
He looked into your eyes, his gaze pleading.
"I'm gonna-" he gasped out, his voice strained.
But he couldn't finish the sentence. He was completely lost in the sensation, the pleasure almost overwhelming him.
He buried his face into your neck, his body shivering against yours, as he held on to you tightly.
"I'm gonna-" he repeated, his voice barely above a whisper.
You could feel him on the edge, his breaths coming in ragged gasps. He was close, and so were you.
"Me too," you breathed out, your voice trembling with need, "I'm so close. Please-"
You gripped onto him.
He moved his lips to your ear, his warm breath tickling your skin.
And so, giving a few more deep penetrations, he reached his release. At the same time as you, as he pressed hard on your sweet spot, he made you come without hesitation.
As the waves of pleasure washed over him, he shuddered against you.
He let out a guttural moan, his body tensing up, as he released himself deep inside you.
He held onto you tightly, as he rode out the waves of pleasure. His eyes were closed, his breathing labored.
He tried to speak, to form words, but the only sound that came out were unintelligible gasps and moans.
For a few moments, you both were lost in the intensity of the moment. All that could be heard was the sound of your erratic breaths.
He collapsed against you, his body trembling from the aftershocks of pleasure. His forehead rested against your shoulder, his breaths ragged and heavy.
He wrapped his arms around you, holding you close, as if afraid to let go. He buried his face into your neck, inhaling your scent.
For a few moments, neither of you spoke. You both laid there, your bodies tangled together, simply enjoying the afterglow.
His breathing slowly returned to normal, his body relaxed against yours.
He lifted his head from your neck, looking down at you.
"You're so amazing," he murmured, his voice husky.
He cupped your face, rubbing his thumb against your cheek. His eyes were soft and filled with tenderness.
"That was…" he trailed off, unable to find the words.
He let out a low chuckle.
"There are no words to describe how incredible that was."
You let out a shaky breath, a sated smile on your face.
You smiled weakly, still feeling a little boneless from the intense pleasure.
"Yeah," you agreed.
But you couldn't find the words either.
"Intense" was an understatement.
You turned your face into his hand, nuzzling into his palm, enjoying the feel of his cold skin against yours.
"I felt the same way," you replied, your voice soft and gentle.
He leaned down, pressing a soft kiss to your forehead.
"You're perfect," he murmured, his lips brushing against your skin. "Absolutely perfect."
He shifted slightly, pulling out of you with a soft groan.
He gently placed you on the bed as he leaned further back on the bed, no longer sitting up.
He pulled one of the blankets off the bed and placed it over his body, then took you in his arms, placing you on top of him, making it slightly more comfortable for you than just being pressed against his metal body.
He pressed you against his chest, your head resting on his shoulder.
For a few moments, you both lay there in silence, enjoying the closeness and the feel of each other's bodies.
His arms cradled you spectacularly, in an attempt to make your body try to unwind from the previous physical activity. Then he ran his fingers through your hair, his touch soft and soothing.
"I didn't hurt you, did I?" he asked, his voice laced with concern.
You lay on top of him, your head resting on his shoulder, feeling the steady rise and fall of his chest as he breathed.
His fingers were gentle as they threaded through your hair.
When he spoke, you could hear the concern in his voice.
You shook your head, lifting your face to look up at him.
"No, you didn't hurt me," you assured him. "You were perfect."
You shifted slightly, snuggling deeper against him.
"Now I'm just very tired.."
He chuckled softly, hearing you say that you were tired.
He continued running his fingers through your hair, rubbing soothing circles on your scalp.
"Exhausted, huh? I take that as a compliment."
He smiled, feeling a sense of pride that he had managed to tire you out so thoroughly.
He gently shifted under you, making himself more comfortable beneath you.
"You can sleep, sweetheart. I'll be right here."
He covered you with the blanket you were on top of, making sure you didn't get cold.
You melted into his touch, the feel of his fingers in your hair soothing and relaxing.
You let out a soft laugh, a little delirious from the lack of energy.
You snuggled against him, feeling more relaxed than ever before.
His touch was soothing, his fingers in your hair creating tingles on your scalp.
You let out a small sigh, feeling the exhaustion start to wash over you.
"Thanks," you murmured, your eyes drifting shut as you nuzzled against his chest.
He chuckled again as he felt you relax against him, your body sinking into his embrace.
He continued to lightly massage your scalp, knowing that it would help you fall asleep faster.
He felt your breath start to slow, your body growing heavier in his arms.
He pressed a gentle kiss to the top of your head, feeling a sense of contentment wash over him.
"Sleep, sweetheart," he whispered.
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Your eyes opened slowly, getting a little used to the light coming through the window.
Attempting to stretch out, you felt trapped.
You looked up, seeing Boothill lying there. His eyes were closed.
Perhaps he was recharging his battery, you looked down again.
As your eyes cleared, you saw your legs and torso almost uncovered, which caused you to wake up completely.
You felt an incredible heaviness throughout your body, as if every bone and joint ached.
Mentally recoiling in an attempt to remember why, your eyes opened wide.
You'd had sex with him, in someone else's house, out loud. Your face turned red, "what a shame," you thought.
You sighed, leaning your head back on his chest.
Oh, but before you could try to get any more sleep, your hand reached as far as it could to your trousers, which were at one end of the bed.
When you managed to reach them, you pulled out your phone, going straight into the chat with your roommate.
You deleted the incomplete message you didn't get to send yesterday, typed in a new one and then proceeded to send it.
It read; "I rode a cowboy".
The chat almost immediately began to fill up with messages, none of which you read, proceeding to toss your phone to the side, closing your eyes again.
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©cherrylovelycherry do not repost, copy, translate, modify
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unluckywisher · 2 months
hi lovely! i absolutely LOVEEE ur writing and i loved ur one piece with sylus where we turn tiny it was so cute!! i’ve literally be starving for some sylus content and since requests are open i was wondering if could request some hurt/comfort? like maybe we’re patching up his wounds or something 👀 i’ll leave the imagination up to you <33 - ⭐️ anon
Thank you so much!!!! <3 You got it, here you go :D
~Taking care of Sylus after a fight~
It starts as angst but becomes fluff. Trust me.
Sylus was late. He was usually very punctual, but not today. Missed call after missed call, unread text after unread text, you sat on the couch of his penthouse with your head between your hands, waiting for anything.
Every now and then you'd look to the window, in hopes of seeing his crow at least, but no such comfort ever came.
Finally, finally, you heard the door unlock. You rushed to scold him and ask for explanations, but freezed upon seeing him. He was covered in bruises and wounds, blood still fresh on some of them.
"What happened?" Your anger turned to concern, your hands flying to your mouth.
"Deal gone wrong. I'm fine," he took off his jacket and hung it up on the coat rack, "I'm sorry I'm late."
"Fuck that!" Your anger came back. "You disappear for hours with no way to contact you, you appear beaten half to death, and all you have to say for yourself is 'I'm fine, sorry I'm late'?" You scoffed.
"I really am sorry." He did sound apologetic, to his credit.
"Let's patch you up," you grabbed his arm and dragged him to the bathroom.
He could tell you cared about him even if you were angry, and he knew the best thing he could do at the moment was shut up and let you take the lead.
"Sit," you pointed at the edge of the bathtub, "and take your shirt off."
He obeyed, taking a seat and unbuttoning the now bloodied and cut piece of clothing that used to be a shirt.
You grabbed the first-aid kit from the cupboard, going in your head through the things you wanted to say, staying silent in the end. You sat next to him, the kit on your lap, and you took the rubbing alcohol and a cotton ball.
With the first press on his wounds, he hissed, but said nothing.
"I was so worried," you started, "I didn't know what you were up to, or where you were, or who you were with. I couldn't call anyone, not even your crow was around..." Tears prickled at the corner of your eyes. "I thought something had happened to you."
"You know I've always been okay-"
"No! I don't! Because you don't bother to tell me anything beforehand! I have to find out afterwards, when you've already gone through hell and back!" You break down crying, putting the bloodied cotton down. "Please, I just want you to rely on me more. So I can help you if things go wrong, so you don't end up like this."
His expression turned somber. He reached to grab your hand between his and wipe your tears.
"I really thought it would be fine. One of the men had an unexpected Evol and... Things got messy. But you're right, I should've told you more before I left."
"You didn't even return any calls or messages."
"My phone ran out of battery."
You couldn't stay mad at him for too long. After all, the reason you were mad at him in the first place was because you were worried about him, worried that something had happened to the man you loved.
"I'm so sorry," he leaned his forehead against yours, "I promise I will never leave you in the dark like that again."
You closed your eyes for a moment. He was here, and he was okay. And you believed his promise, so things would be fine from now on.
"I love you," he whispered.
"I love you too," you opened your eyes and kissed his cheek with a smile, "now let's take care of you properly."
He smiled back, letting go of your hand. "You don't have to-"
You sushed him, "I want to."
You picked up the cotton ball and began cleaning his wounds again, careful not to hurt him too much with the rubbing alcohol. After, you bandaged the ones that needed bandaging, and applied some cream to the bruises.
Throughout the process, Sylus looked at you with nothing but love and appreciation. He thought he was the luckiest man ever to have you caring for him, even after making you angry - something he was already thinking of remedying by spoiling you for the rest of the week.
"Done. Are your muscles sore? Let me give you a massage," you said as you put the first-aid kit away.
"A massage, too? I should be the one doing things for you."
"I insist. You'll have time to repay my kindness later," you giggled, knowing the way his mind worked.
You took his hand and led him to the bedroom, gesturing for him to lay on the bed. He did, with a sharp sigh of exhaustion.
"Tell me if I hurt you, this is supposed to bring you relief, not make it worse."
"I doubt you could make it worse," he smirked, closing his eyes and resting his head on the pillow.
"Is that supposed to be a challenge?"
"I take it back."
Laughing, you began massaging his upper back, careful on the spots where the bruises and wounds were. His muscles were stiff at first, but soon relaxed under your gentle fingers, his expression softening as well.
You massaged his lower back and arms too, his hands last. He made groans of both pain and relief as you did, but ultimately he felt in much better shape thanks to you.
He got up from the bed and stretched, "thank you," he kissed you.
You wrapped your arms around his neck carefully and kissed him back, "I'm just happy you're okay."
However, you weren't done.
"Change your clothes while I reheat your dinner."
"Sweetheart, I-"
You glared at him.
"Of course."
He felt bad that you were doing so much, but taking care of him at the moment was one of the best feelings in the world, and you were glad you could do that for him.
He changed into comfortable clothes and entered the kitchen, where you had set the table. The food had been cooked earlier for you and him, but you had already eaten yours, so you sat across from him just to keep him company.
You both took this time to talk about the fight he had gone through - "you should see the other guys" - and to talk about how things would change from now on to be more communicative, a very open and honest conversation that didn't feel uncomfortable to have, and by the end of it, you both felt completely satisfied and more in love than ever with each other.
He put away his used tableware into the dishwasher and walked back to your side so you could go to bed together.
You got into bed, cuddling up to him, his arms welcoming you in a warm embrace.
"Does it still hurt?" You asked.
"Less now, thanks to you," he kissed your forehead.
You nuzzled your face into the crook of his neck, kissing him there.
"Can we go to the zoo tomorrow? As a date." You knew he wouldn't say no.
"I don't see why not. Do you want me to rent the whole zoo for both of us so we don't have to deal with the other visitors?"
"I was joking."
"No you weren't."
"...no I wasn't."
"I love you."
"I love you too. I love you. I love you. Good night, my sweet."
"Good night."
"I love you."
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saerins · 11 months
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+ sae x f!reader | wc 5k | content: angst to fluff, breakups, exbf!sae, exes to lovers
notes: this is the alternate ending to conversations ! (requested by one of my anons) i’m so sorry this took so long !!! and i’m 100% sure you did not expect me to write anything this long but i’m sorry my hand slipped >_< again … i’m super rusty but i hope you guys still like this ^_^
summary: sae’s willing to throw everything else away to prove that out of everything in his life, you’re the one sure thing he needs. problem is, will you accept him after what he’s done?
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he’s sorry.
he repeats it in his head, over and over again, his fingers almost numb from repeatedly pressing the call button on your number—over and over and over again.
sorry, sorry, sorry.
it’s no use, he knows. it’s why he’s here—why he’s taking a flight, bare-handed, back to japan, back to home, back to you.
“please switch off your phone, sir,” the flight attendant says politely, dutily, as the plane starts to move.
begrudgingly, he resigns, but the moment he starts hearing your voicemail message play, he sighs, speaking into the receiver.
“look, i know i fucked up and it was stupid of me to keep it from you. i’m sorry, okay? and i know you don’t want to speak to me right now but i can’t just sit around and do nothing. i love you, so i’m coming back home, and we’ll talk, and then… i promise you, nothing like this will happen again.”
yes, because he’ll make sure of that. he’ll make sure he doesn’t make decisions like a stupid teenage boy and he’ll make sure to trust you at every turn instead of trying to hide anything from you because you’re right. never in the course of your relationship did you ever doubt sae.
which is a feat. because given his profession and status, any number of girls would’ve been distrusting had they been in your position. not that sae knows, what can he say he knows about girls? nothing, apparently. after today, that much is sure.
as he turns his phone on aeroplane mode, he throws his head back and looks out of the plane window. less than a day till he’ll be there to see you in person. he’s not sure if you’re going to even want to see him, but he’ll try. you deserve that much, at least.
in his head, the same words repeat over and over again.
i’m sorry.
i love you.
you’re all i ever want.
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by the time sae’s plane touches down, it’s night time in japan, close to midnight. you should be resting, probably tired out from crying; he can imagine, because stupid as he may be, he can at least say he knows you this much.
your words can be hard, cold, cruel, but you never are. you’re all soft inside, and you’d rather face your emotions alone than let anyone know how you feel. at least, when those emotions concern sae. you’ll keep them to yourself and keep crying, day after day, until you can’t find it in yourself to care anymore.
passport in one hand, his phone in another, he whisks off toward the taxi stand, mind in a mess because his phone’s now ringing with messages from everyone that isn’t you, probably concerning his absence from the last match of the tournament.
fuck the final match.
you probably thought he’ll play anyway. that he’ll play the match, and only afterwards would he attempt things further with you.
funnily enough, that’s what sae used to think too. before any of this happened. never in his life did he think he’d sooner rather sabotage his own career than lose you. it’s laughable, really, how much he’s so afraid of losing you that it clouds his judgement.
he should’ve been honest with you from the start instead of letting you find out on your own. it was that easy.
“could you step on it, please?” sae sighs, irritated at everything keeping him from you; the distance, the traffic, the stupidity.
the taxi driver narrows his gaze at sae through the rear view mirror, clearly annoyed. “i’d rather not get a ticket,” he replies monotonously, and sae sees that he’s driving at the speed limit. “wouldn’t want to get into an accident, would you?”
well, if he did, that would put a real hamper in his plans, so sae just shuts up and switches off his phone. none of them are you anyway. there’s no point.
as he stares out the window at the now-quiet city, he finds that, for the first time, he’s afraid of losing everything.
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mira [7.28pm]: make sure you get enough rest! bought some soup for you in case you haven’t eaten :)
you look at the time now—12.14am. fuck, did you really sleep the entire day away?
the sliver of moonlight that shines through your blinds is all you see next to the pitter patter of the heavy rain against your window. it’s pathetic, really, for you to take a day off just because of that argument (if you can really call it that) the night before. you couldn’t bring yourself to even watch his game like you’d promised him you always would, once upon a time.
something tells you that he should expect that, though. even without watching his game, you know they’d win. sae has always been magical like that, being the playmaker he is. you imagine he’s probably with his team now, celebrating the win. or are they asleep right now? you never could get used to the time difference. it’s too much of a headache.
aside from mira, you see a voicemail message in your inbox. from sae. it makes your heart skip a beat. are you even ready to hear him and whatever he has to say? it’s why you’d been avoiding him since yesterday—you’re afraid you’re just going to crumble and forgive and get taken advantage of. it threatens to spin the same old story you’ve always known.
you click on it anyway.
“look, i know i fucked up and it was stupid of me to keep it from you. i’m sorry, okay? and i know you don’t want to speak to me right now but i can’t just sit around and do nothing. i love you, so i’m coming back home, and we’ll talk, and then… i promise you, nothing like this will happen again.”
will it though? how much can you trust his words after he already failed once? it makes you think twice, no matter how badly you want to forgive him because you do believe him. it’s most likely nothing, and what he said is most likely true, but it makes you upset that he thought of hiding such a thing from you.
just as you toss your phone aside, you hear a series of urgent knocks on your door, the thunder ruthless outside. slowly, you get up, dragging your feet against the hardwood floors and flinching a little as you hear how loud the banging is. you’re half afraid and half agitated, halfway between hiding yourself under the covers and threatening to kill whoever it is outside.
but then you swing the door open and you’re met with that pair of teal eyes you’ve always loved, his bangs matted against his face as he pants, the rainwater drenching him from head to toe.
“y/n,” he calls out, as though it’s been ages since he last heard from you. it’s only been a day, but it’s enough to make sae feel as though it’s been forever.
you’re a little shocked, your brain trying to process every single question that comes to mind.
is that really him? why isn’t he in spain? if he played the game, the timeline doesn’t add up—how did he get here so fast? is this actually a dream? holy crap it feels so real, though? why isn’t he saying anything?
you’re not even sure if you said that out loud—you’re a little too shocked to make sense of anything right now. but the moment the corner of his lips tug upward, revealing that lopsided smile you love, you know it’s real.
he’s here.
“i… came to talk,” is all he can say. he’s tired from running up the stairs. apparently tonight, everything was against him. there was an accident right at the street before the corner of your apartment, so he’d had to end the trip early and start running for it. by the time he got here, the elevators for your block were all undergoing maintenance and unusable. but fuck if twenty flights of stairs are enough to make him turn away.
you’re blinking a lot, as if you find it unbelievable that he’s here in the first place, but you nod anyway and step aside to let him in, wet clothes and all.
“how was work today?”
it’s definitely not what he came here from spain to talk about but you entertain it anyway.
“didn’t go,” you tell him, a little coldly, but you think he deserves that much, at least. “how was the game?”
“don’t know, didn’t go.”
you two are similar that way.
“why not?”
“i had other important things to do.”
“you do? pray tell.”
it’s the first time sae’s hearing you like this and he’s sure now that he never wants to make you like this ever again—going against your nature.
it’s lame, and overused, and you deserve an essay for why he shouldn’t and wouldn’t ever do this again to you but it’s sae and he’s never sure what’s good in these situations so all he can manage to say is, “i’m so sorry.”
you cross your arms as the both of you stand in your dimly-lit living room, the storm raging on outside. it’s not like you don’t know that. that aside, you’re pretty sure he’s the most sorry he’s ever been. and if you were still the same naive girl you used to be ten years ago you probably would’ve forgiven him by now.
but you’re not.
“okay, is that all?”
it’s not what you really want to say. you kind of just want this to be a dream; that picture of him and that random girl with their lips locked, that fight that you had that made you cry to sleep. you wish it was some sort of stupid nightmare that didn’t make him ruin your trust but it did.
sae, on the other hand, seems restless. he’s taken aback, not quite sure how to get through to you because he’s never made a mistake like this before. “just- could you… forgive me?”
the ache you head in his voice breaks you, and you’re sure he can see the tears threatening to spill, but you stand with your choice. “can i? i don’t really know, to be honest,” you respond, voice soft and low, not quite daring to meet his eyes in case you falter.
the contrast between how you were and how you are kicks him in the gut and he has no one to blame but himself. he doesn’t want to, but he can sense where this is going. he’s not stupid, he just… doesn’t want to believe it.
“please… don’t do this?” sae swallows the lump in his throat, the foreign way his heartbeat quickens out of fear stumping him. there’s probably more he should say, but maybe that just wouldn’t be enough anymore. his words can’t find him and he can’t find it in himself to reach out to you. not when he realises you out of all people hate the most for having to do this.
if you just blindly follow your heart, you’d leap in his arms right now, fuck how soaked he is. because you still love him. you know that, and you think maybe he knows it too, but judging by the perplexed look on his face, he probably doesn’t realise it. that’s why your brain does the deciding for you. it had already made its choice the moment you saw that picture, the moment you saw the headlines on that gossip rag.
“i… think we should break up, sae.”
before today, if you’d told yourself that one day, you’d say these words, you wouldn’t believe it. but here you are, breaking up with the love of your life.
sae is just standing in front of you, staring at you, the happy picture of the two of you during your second year anniversary hanging on your wall haunting him this very second. the command he gave his assistant to help him get that ring for you sending him into the pits of despair. he’s so stunned he doesn’t know what to say or do.
“you’re… serious?”
there’s no expression in his eyes. they’re just dull, and dark, and nothing like how you’re used to.
this time, you’re the one trying to force the words out of your mouth, calmly, because you’re afraid that the tears will just spill out. “you’re… you’re the one who told me to be kinder to myself, right?”
sae chuckles softly, helplessly, as he realises you take every word he says to heart.
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it was beyond him why you let yourself be subjected to this. nobody was a saint, but surely you deserved better than to be treated like trash?
sae understood a little of where you were coming from. it was hard to let go of a three-year relationship, but having you visit him crying in the middle of the night wasn’t exactly what he would condone.
“you can do better than him, you know that right?”
the words slipped out of his mouth before he knew it. he’d once sworn that he wouldn’t meddle in your relationship, that he’d let you figure it out on your own, but your heartaches were getting too often those days that sae just couldn’t hold it in anymore.
it probably wasn’t the best thing to say to you, considering how you were bawling your eyes out and staining his entire jersey with your tears, but sae was never one to filter his words.
“everyone says that.”
which tells sae you didn’t believe that.
“which means there’s some truth there,” he sighed, leaning back against the couch as you continued to bury your head in his chest. sae saw rin from the corner of the room, peaking out of the hallway and gave him a quick wave to signal him to leave them alone.
“i… don’t know what to do.”
you rarely ever did. having been your friend for the past four years before this taught sae two things: one, you gave your all for your relationship, and two, you were one of the kindest people he’s ever known. (and by extension, it simply meant you knew what had to be done, but you refused to do it.)
sae took a deep breath, eyes gazing up at the ceiling before he resumes, “i don’t know why you let people treat you like that.”
you stayed quiet, sniffling, though it’s getting softer now, so sae continues.
“you know, you’re one of the nicest people i know,” sae told you, fingers absentmindedly stroking your hair—the way he always wanted to but never let himself admit. “which is why it kinda sucks that you’re so stupid to let yourself be hurt by that asshole over and over again.”
the both of you chuckled at that. sae was glad to know you understood he meant only well.
“stop… letting people hurt you and then letting them get away like that, okay?” he said it softly, but you definitely caught it. “be kinder to yourself, fucks sake.”
he felt your fingers curl, gripping at his shirt as you stopped yourself from crying. you looked up at him that night, smiling as your tears dried, and sae remembered telling himself that he’d never want to be the reason you had to feel upset.
“when you say it like that, how can i say no?” you joked, laughing, wiping the last of your tears away. “besides, even if i was still being stupid, i’d always have you with me, right?”
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sae remembers.
he remembers not answering you, but he remembers thinking yes, always. and he has a feeling you knew back then too, that sae would always be there for you regardless.
only if it’s you.
maybe even back then, you already knew how he felt for you. and you would always listen to him. you’d always believe in him. now he feels even more stupid for everything that transpired. with his words thrown back at him, he finds himself speechless.
“you’re right,” he replies, voice hoarse, his gaze dropping to the floor. sae was being stupid, and he’s crazy if he thinks he’ll be let off that easy.
you’re sniffling a little, and he does you the courtesy of not looking at you even though you’re already turning away. “i’ll mail you your stuff.”
“it’s fine, i’ll get rin to help me take ‘em.”
it’s a diplomatic breakup. polite, nothing out of line, just two adults deciding that maybe now just isn’t the time.
after a long pause, sae gets the guts to speak. “you know you’re the only one for me, right?” because he feels like maybe you’d been doubting it recently and he doesn’t want you to feel worthless. maybe it has the adverse effect and maybe it’s selfish but he needs you to hear that.
you don’t acknowledge it, and you barely acknowledge him, even as he turns to walk out the door. this time, you’re the one not giving the answer, but sae feels like he knows how you feel anyway. you need time away from him. a proper break from him. so sae leaves wordlessly, clinging on to hope that maybe one day, he’ll be deserving of you again.
the moment sae closes the door, you fall to the floor, wailing into your cushion pillow, having one of the worst nights of your life.
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annoying jr [10.48am]: oi stupid, i’m here.
—followed by an incessant ringing of your doorbell.
when you groan and swing the front door open, you’re greeted by a smirking rin. at least he hasn’t changed one bit since you’d known him when he was a kid. well, at least not to you.
“did you have to ring it so obnoxiously?” you whine, plopping down on your couch, burying your head in the leather seats.
rin shuts the door behind him, scoffing. “you’re the one who always used to wake up late,” he quips, rolling his eyes (you don’t have to see it, you just know how he’s going to react).
“and someone was always the third party on dates,” you snap back, sticking your tongue out at him.
he deadpans, clicking his tongue in annoyance. “hey, wasn’t my fault my stupid brother kept using me as an excuse to go out.”
right, because back then his parents were a lot more strict than they are now, back before they didn’t know you.
realising that the mood had grown a little somber, rin clears his throat, changing the subject. “how’s work so far?”
you chuckle under your breath, finding it funny how both the brothers’ go-to question is to ask about your work. though, they’ve never been that good in conversations so you can’t blame them.
“it’s fine, promotion period’s coming up so i’m preparing for that,” you respond lacklustrely, getting up off the couch, dragging your feet to your bedroom before resurfacing just ten seconds later, carrying a box full of sae’s things.
it’s full of his clothes, care products and the like, but mostly clothes, because you’d realised you liked to steal his jerseys, wear them like they’re your own, but mostly because they smell like him, remind you of him when he’s not physically around and makes you feel better.
doesn’t make you feel good when you have to pack them up, though. you cried all the way again. pathetically. but rin doesn’t have to know, so you keep up your unbothered facade.
rin takes the box from you, thankfully not mentioning his brother. “hope you get that promotion then,” he says politely, though you sense he might have something else to say that he doesn’t know if he should.
you sigh, because sometimes rin looks like a neglected younger brother and you don’t have the heart to ignore him like sae does sometimes. “go ahead, say what’s on your mind.”
it takes just a moment of hesitation before rin heeds your words. “did you see sae’s interview last night?”
part of you doesn’t want to think about anything related to sae, but most of you still misses him, so it’s a canon event that you still look out for any and every news of him. it’s sad and pathetic and that’s why you make extra care not to mention any of that to anyone.
“nope, was it about their recent win?”
you try to go on as per normal, like sae isn’t just the love of your life that you still wanted.
“mhm.” rin, at least, doesn’t tease you about it. whether he means to or not, you’re grateful for that. “they asked him, though. about that game.” (but of course, you knew that already.)
ah, that game. the game that he abandoned to come find you. the game that led up to your breakup. the game that sae probably had to pay dearly for for knowingly ditching.
“oh, i see. what about it?”
a resigned sigh leaves rin’s lips as he looks at you with the full sincerity of a younger brother concerned with his older brother’s fuckup. “he… really loves you, you know? he’s just… stupid.”
you snort at his last remark, both of you breaking out into a small laughter. it’s bittersweet, thinking about how this might be the last time you see rin, but you’ll probably get over it. you’ll get over this, and sae, and move on someday—now if only you could get yourself to want that.
“i know,” you mutter quietly, deciding that it’s best not to speak too much about it. it’s dumb, considering everything that happened, but his words made you feel relieved, even if just for a second.
just before he leaves, you give him one last hug. “thanks, rin.”
“please don’t give me another heart attack like last time.”
sae huffs, annoyed, although he knows he probably deserves that. his poor assistant went through hell trying to appease everyone on the team due to sae’s last stunt. luckily, there are exceptions made for the best soccer player on the team, so no punishment was dire enough that he had to get kicked.
“i’m just going out for some air.” sae leaves before his assistant can get any words out, entirely too tired today to listen to anything anyone else has to say.
besides, today is a special day.
the moment he’s out of earshot, he calls one of the only contacts on his phone. for some reason, his heart is thumping wildly and his fingers are fiddling with the hem of his windbreaker. the weather is nearing negatives but somehow, he doesn’t feel it.
sae nearly gets a heart attack of his own when a deep, low voice is what he hears, until he realises that he recognises it.
“rin, what’re you doing there?”
he can make out the sadistic chuckle from halfway across the world. “what, disappointed?” (if sae could punch him right now he would.) “relax, we’re just at her birthday dinner and she’s busy,” he explains, though sae doesn’t nearly care about any of that other than the fact that he wants to talk to you.
“where’s y/n?”
“she’s the birthday girl, people are lining up just to take pictures with her,” rin raises his voice over the background, and sae’s never been more frustrated. “she’s taking pics with some handsome guy right now, and he’s got his hands around her waist,” rin whistles right after, and sae can just sense his smugness through the phone.
whether what his brother said was true or not, sae is in no position to be jealous anyway. (even though he is and he’s sporting an unamused frown that’s enough to scare the living daylights out of anyone watching him.)
“wish her happy birthday for me then.”
rin snorts. “sure. disappointed you didn’t get to hear her—” sae hangs up before he can be subjected to anymore of his brother’s nonsense. all he really wanted was to just hear your voice, but he won’t be greedy.
staying friends was already a miracle. that’s only possible because you have a heart of gold, and he knows that if he ever pushes it too much, he might just risk losing you forever and he knows he can’t have that. so for now, this’ll do.
he’ll wait, no matter how long he has to.
later that night, when the moon is high up in spain, sae receives a notification from you. there, attached in your thread is an audio message.
“itoshi sae… thank you.”
the little laugh you leave at the end is enough to make him smile at his phone. he counts his blessings for you, and starts counting down to the days he has left in spain. if he wants you, he needs to go all in.
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“you ready yet? i’m at your lobby.”
sae can just barely make out your panicked state from the other line. you’re late, and you know he’s fine with waiting, but because you’re a perfectionist, you really really don’t want him to have to.
“yeah, just gimme like, five minutes!” which sae knows translates to i actually need twenty but i’ll rush. there’s a certain satisfaction it gives him—knowing that he knows you in these ways that nobody else can.
“take your time, i have to pump some gas anyway, running low,” he tells you, an excuse which you accept right away because it’s convenient.
sae doesn’t even need any gas. it’s full, so he parks his car by the entrance and waits inside, turning up the air conditioning because he knows you’ll be sweating a little by the time you inevitably still choose to rush down.
it’s exactly one year since the last time he wished you happy birthday (through rin). and this year, he’s happy enough he gets to actually take you out. the past year’s been filled of sae restarting the relationship from ground zero—back to being friends and gradually coming back again to where you are now, dating. sure, it’s taxing having to do it all over again, but he’d do this however many times you want him to.
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“hmmm, i dunno how to feel, i kinda like this.”
sae had been calling you up often, and he feels good inside knowing that you might miss him as much as he misses you.
“kinda like what?” he asked, wishing that he could see your expression right now.
“kinda like you chasing me all over again,” you giggled, shameless with your words. “what if i just never agree to be your girlfriend again? what if i just make you chase after me forever?”
he knew for a fact that you weren’t that sadistic, but even so, his answer would still be the same. “then i’ll stick in this phase with you. forever.” although that would render the ring that he bought for you useless.
“oh really?”
sae hummed in faux contemplation. “nah, maybe not. maybe i’ll just ditch you and run off with ryusei or something.”
he got a laugh out of you for that.
“ryusei? not even some other girl, but ryusei?”
sae chuckled—he still remembered his mistake. and he’d never put you in a position to feel that way again. even if you two were just joking around.
“y/n, there’s no one else except you.” he was rarely ever serious like this, especially considering how you bantered as friends, but sometimes, he knew he had to. nowadays, more than anything, he just wanted to know that you had no doubts about how he felt for you.
you didn’t give any response to that, but considering how you started to ease up around him even more after that, sae felt like maybe there was a solid hope there of reviving this after all.
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the knock on his window brings him back into the present, your pretty face doing wonders in lighting up his mood.
as you get into the passenger seat, sae steals a glance at you from head to toe—you’re so beautiful and so worth the wait and you’ll always be.
“so, where are you taking me today, mr itoshi sae?”
he leans back against his seat, tilting his head as he looks at you, feigning contemplation. “depends, ms l/n y/n, do you trust me?”
you press your lips into a line, the corners threatening to tug upwards. you’re so adorable that sae’s actually going to go insane but he dons a straight face like he always has because letting you know the power you have over him is more than you need to know.
“i think it’d be a little weird if i couldn’t trust my boyfriend.”
suddenly it’s like time stands still and sae’s hands are stuck on the steering wheel and he’s left staring into space wondering if he heard you right. boyfriend? he turns around to look at you, teal eyes searching your own for answers but all he sees is a smirk on your face—you definitely know the power you have over him.
“wow, want me that bad, huh?” you joke, giggling as you tell him to hit the gas. “i… wasn’t kidding though.”
and as he pulls out of the parking lot, he thinks about the little velvet box that sits in his jacket pocket, thinks about the fact that he’s one of the luckiest people in the world thanks to you. heat rises to his cheeks, and he has to look away from you.
“you know one day you’re still gonna be mrs itoshi, right?”
this time, you laugh—but not like you think it’s a joke, more like the kind where you think was there even any other option? and even then, you offer him assurance.
“there’s nothing i want more.”
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wordsarelife · 11 months
"why are you always flirting in near death situations?" With Mattheo and bestie reader or girlfriend reader please. I love your imagined so much and this is my first time requesting 🥺
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pairing: mattheo riddle x fem!reader
summary: mattheo has a brilliant idea for a date.. not
warnings: mentions of sex, a bit suggestive but no actual smut
notes: this was so fun to write anon, thank you!! please send more of these asks in the future! at the moment i mostly enjoy writing for mattheo or theo (or theo and belle -> from my fic call it what you want)
"this was the stupidest idea ever" you mumbled walking next to mattheo "you really outdid yourself this time"
"isn't it romantic?" he gestured in the air around you
you looked around confused "horrifying is more the word i would use"
"don't be so negative all the time" mattheo outstretched his arm and intertwined your fingers "this is the perfect spot for a quickie" he smirked
"you disgust me" you rolled your eyes, while still watching around you uncertain. mattheo had dragged you outside for a walk. in the forbidden forest. at night. "you really are pushing your luck"
"ahh" mattheo almost made a noise that sounded like a giggle "you wouldn't leave me"
"go on with that behaviour and you'll find out" you smiled sarcastically. mattheo relaxed when you squeezed his hand "can we please go back now?" you muttered
"are you scared?" mattheo laughed
"of course not" you shook your head "i just don't want to explain why my boyfriend disappeared"
"are you planning to murder me?"
"no body, no crime" you shrugged
"yeah.." mattheo trailed off and you grew suspicious
"matty?" you asked
"you do know where we are... right?"
"pfff" mattheo looked behind you "of course" he raised his arm to point in a general direction "there's that thing back there"
"you have no idea" you sighed, more to yourself than to him
"i was busy looking at you"
"don't do this right now" you breathed "this is just great" you turned around, trying to find a hint of the way that would lead you back to the castle "did you never read hansel and gretel?"
"what?" he asked flabbergasted
"the muggle tale about the siblings getting lost in the forest, who find their way back using bread crumbs" you got a bit heated and started speaking louder
"no?" mattheo replied offended "why would i?"
"because we are in the exact same position as they were, aren't we? where are our bread crumbs?"
"i'm not sure what you mean, the kitchen has been closed for hours" he said confused
"i'm not talking about actual bread crumbs" you replied frustrated while messaging the space between your eyebrows.
"ooh, yeah.. i understand what you mean" matty nodded and for a short second you had the hope that he put a bit of planning into this idiotic idea "whatever the equivalent of bread crumbs is.. i did not bring it" mattheo admitted and shrank under your gaze
"did you bring anything? a map at least?"
"ehh.. no"
"what was your plan exactly, matty?" you crossed your arms
"well" mattheo said, scratching his neck "my plan was to come here and have sex behind a tree. yeah.. that was it"
"do you ever think with your head?"
"not about you, no"
"okay" you tried to calm yourself down "i'm gonna get us out of here"
"i'm so proud to have such a brilliant girlfriend"
"flattering won't get you anywhere tonight, baby" even though his strategy didn't work, mattheo was glad that you didn't seem as angry as before
"sure" he nodded "what are we gonna do"
"first we're--" you paused, suddenly noticing something that send a shiver down your spine
"baby?" mattheo asked, confused why you had suddenly stopped talking "is everything alright?"
"no" you shook your head, before you grabbed his arms, gently turning him around so he could see what you did
"shit" mattheo said as he noticed the webs and the signs, that had warnings of spiders plastered all over them
"this is my worst nightmare" you panicked. there was nothing, really nothing in the world you were more scared of than spiders. mattheo knew that. his eyes softened as he noticed you shaking and grabbing at his hand.
"don't worry" mattheo whispered to calm you down, suddenly remembering something very important "i did bring a map" he took out a parchment and held it in your direction. theo had been as impressed as you by mattheo's stupid idea, so he had drawn a map, just to make sure you both would survive the night. "theo coulnd't talk me out of it, but he gave me this"
"i need to tell theo that i love him" you said relieved. theo's handwriting was neat, so you had no problem to read what he had drawn.
"this kinda turns me off, baby"
you send mattheo a look. "you better be kidding. why are you even turned on in the first place?"
"you look so hot in that dress" mattheo smiled "my pretty lady" he kissed you on the neck longingly
"why are you always flirting in near death situations?" you asked, impressed how he was still able to concentrate on sex while you were literally surrounded by possible danger
"we're not dying, are we?"
"i suppose?"
"i will never not get turned on by you as long as i can breath"
"matty" you giggled as he sucked on your sweet spot "i'm not gonna have sex with you right now and definitely not here"
"too bad" mattheo acted disappointed "how about my room? i'll get rid of theo"
"don't you think he already did enough for us tonight?" you asked, raising theo's map "we can go to my room" you sighed "but get us out of here first"
"yes ma'am"
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How Enha HyungLine tell you they're in the mood
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Hoon is shy to ask you for it <;/3 -----⤴
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A/N : Hello everyone! I am back with another post that you guys picked from the poll. I hope you enjoy it! I am accepting emoji anons and moots!
Pairing : Bf!HyungLine X Fem!Reader
Warnings : kisses, grinding, boners, nudeness, them just being horny, mentions of porn :)
Word Count : 888 Words (about 220 words each)
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» Lee Heeseung « The shy one who kisses you more often and hugs you tighter, burying his face into your neck, because he's too shy to tell you
"Here I'll do it for you" He kneels down at your legs, tying your shoe laces for you, making you tilt your head in confusion. "...Thanks" you thank when he finishes tying your laces, looking at him with an expectant look on you face.
He smiles at you sheepishly, nodding his head awkwardly with his cheeks reddening before the just plunges at you, hugging you tightly against him and burying his face into your neck to hide his blush.
"What's the matter Hee?" you giggle "Why are you acting like this?" you ask, hugging him back. You can feel him shrug his shoulders and snuggle you tighter.
Your hand snakes up his back to caress his hair and he lets out a little moan at that. "Ohhh" you almost laugh at it, he was suddenly so sensitive.
"What do you want Hee?" you ask, smirking, knowing that he's too shy to ask for what he wants. "C'mon, don't be shy, tell mommy me" you egg on, trying to pull him off of you.
He doesn't let you, shaking his head and chuckling "Neeeed you Y/nnn" he whines in your neck suddenly having enough confidence to lightly move his hips against yours.
"Aww Hee, you could've just told me baby" you giggle when he starts kissing your neck. "C'mon, do I have to carry you to the bedroom?"
He shakes his head no, finally letting go of you only to grab your wrist and pull you to the bedroom with him.
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» Park Jay « The blunt one who just asks you for it without beating around the bush
You were just cleaning the dishes and he was watching tv and you decided to join him. But as you approached the couch, he would just spread his legs wide (man spreading oml) so you'd have nowhere to sit.
You'd roll your eyes until you notice his prominent boner perfectly on display for you between his spread legs. Your mouth would water realising how hard he is for you.
"Y/n, darling, sweetie, bab-"
"okay Jay I get it, just spit it out"
"Are you in the mood? because I really need you"
"Is that supposed to be a pickup line?"
Nah, he's just blunt like that. He beckons you over, making you sit in his lap, directly on his bulge. One hand grips the back of your thigh while the other grabs you by the waist, moving you back and forth on him.
"I'll take that as I yes" he smirks, looking up at you. With you on your knees on top of him, he's face to face with your chest, puckering his lips to kiss your cleavage, making you grasp his hair.
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» Sim Jake « The one who's also shy to tell you so he lets his body do all the work and hopefully you can get the message through his actions
If he's horny but shy, he'll do anything to wet his dick but he won't tell you because boy is shy. So instead, when you're literally doing anything facing away from him, he'll come brushing against you 'accidentally' just to make you feel his bulge.
And if he's a little confident he may add in "Yeah, feel how hard I am for you babe?" He'd whisper in your ear, grabbing your waist to grind your ass harder against his crotch.
He can't control himself, his hips rutting against you for some sort of relief which he badly needs. He also can't stop his lips from kissing every inch of uncovered skin he finds, giving you the goose bumps.
He places wet kisses at the back of your neck, and messy ones on your shoulders, his hand snaking between your thighs. "Need you" he whines, bucking his hips into you.
He's also the type to pull at your clothes, wishing they were already off so he could fuck you. When he pulls your shirt or your little skirt, you know he wants them off, and his growing bulge confirms that.
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» Park Sunghoon « The type to do the obvious until you actually fuck him. He'd walk around naked, touch you and compliment you more than often, instead of just asking for it
"You look really good today babe" his voice startles you as you were just chilling on your phone when he suddenly walked over to you, placing his hands on your shoulders. "What you watching, pretty?"
You put down your phone to see that he was just in a towel, hanging dangerously low around his waist. You give him a knowing look, but decide to play dumb. "Hoon, get dressed or you'll catch a cold"
"It's okay baby, I never get cold" he assures "Ice prince remember?"
You roll your eyes and decide to go back to your phone, just to annoy him. He scoffs and reaches down to grab 'something' and his towel falls off. You can't help but shift your eyes from your phone over to his now naked figure, admiring his triangular shape.
"What's the matter darling?" he asks with a smirk on his face, totally nonchalant despite the fact that he was completely bare.
"Hoooon" you whine, getting up and making your way over to him. He immediately wraps his hands around your waist, caressing your sides. You get up on your tip toes to kiss him, and his tongue immediately invades your mouth.
"Is there something you want to tell me Hoon?" you ask, expecting the obvious answer. He just looks down and instead of getting straight to the point he's like "Wanna watch porn together?"
You deadpan, "Okay and then?" you question once more, still wanting another answer.
"And then maybe we can make our own porn" he says excitedly, watching as you smile softly.
"Hoon, you're impossible sometimes"
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Hi again, thanks for reading to the bottom, I feel like this wasn't the best, and I could've written it better maybe? Anywaysss, have a good day/night and remember that ily! <333
if you enjoyed this post, you can support this blog by tipping me here! Anything is greatly appreciated :)
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buckyalpine · 2 years
A little longer
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HI MY BEAUTIFUL 🐚ANON!! I adore this so much, I adore YOU so much, as always, your requests are everything!! 
Warnings: So so much fluffy fluff, angst if you really squint till your eyes go cross-eyed and blurry
"It's been decades. Not even a couple years. Almost a century. You probably shoot dust. Or whatever your bionic ass reproduces with"
Bucky contemplated throwing his half finished milkshake at Sam's head while they both scarfed down burgers from a late night diner after a taxing mission. Sam was pestering Bucky yet again about his nonexistent social and lack of a love life, a topic he seemed to get high off of. 
“For fucks sake Sam-”
"You need to get out more man, at least start dating. You don't need a whole girlfriend but a few dates wouldn't kill you. Or maybe it would, since you're what, 106?"
Bucky groaned, rubbing a hand over his face, his patience wearing thin. Dating wasn’t for him, not because he didn’t want to date but because he wasn’t sure who would even date him. He’d only just gotten comfortable talking to Sam though he’d never openly admit he actually enjoyed their conversations. He wasn’t exactly the most approachable, Peter had once told him he had a resting bitch face, whatever that meant. He wasn’t the most tech savvy unless it involved doing something illegal. He had a plethora of devices that could take down the US government at the push of a button he secrecy hoarded under his bed but God forbid someone ask him to pose for their Instagram story.  
Talking to a pretty girl was a completely different story. What would he even talk about? His time before the war involved a lot of nursing an injured or sick Steve back to health. After the war and his time in Hydra, he didn’t really have time for himself. He liked plums. The hobbit. He was thinking about getting a cat. Bucky internally groaned, maybe he’d find a girlfriend at the retirement home down the street; at least they’d have things in common. 
Sam cocked an eyebrow while Bucky narrowed his eyes at him. Usually he’d respond with a grumpy pout or complete silence but today his exhaustion had caught up with him. He debated on how to get Sam of his back, a dim, flickering, half broken bulb going off in his sleep deprived brain. 
"I already have a girlfriend Tweety bird"
The deafening silence that followed that statement made it clear both men were aware that was a lie. Sam snorted, shaking his head while they both finished they food, slapping a $50 on the counter before leaving. He looked at the super soldier, deciding not to press into the issue further for the night but he definitely wasn’t going to let it go that easily. 
5:30 AM
The buzz of his phone jolted him awake, the faint sound of the TV still playing in the background. Bucky felt around for his phone, tossing his sheet off, sitting up from his place on the floor seeing Sam’s caller ID light up the screen. 
“What are you doing next Saturday” Sam sounded unusually chipper, a hint of a smirk in his voice, a suspicious amount of enthusiasm for such an early hour. 
“Why” Bucky groaned, rubbing sleep from his eyes, going back to lying down. 
“Were having a cookout over the weekend, you should come”
“You woke me up to tell me what could have been a text message?” Bucky asked incredulously, closing his eyes, ready to let sleep free him from such a ridiculous conversation. 
“Ooo, white panther knows how to text now” 
“White Wolf” Bucky grumbled, regretting every telling Sam the name he had been given in Wakanda. “I’ll come if you just let me go back to sleep” 
"Alright, but bring your girl too"
There it was. 
He could feel the shit eating grin Sam was giving him over the phone, eye brows wigging up and down, all his perfect teeth out. 
“Whatcha say Barnes?” 
Sleep had disappeared into thin air as Bucky shot up, mentally kicking himself for the nonsense he’d gotten himself into. He fiddled with the corner of his sheet, hoping to find an out. 
"I thought you only invited family" 
"Hey, anyone that you're allowing within 3 feet of your personal space might as well be considered family" Sam snorted, not believing a single word Bucky had said the night before. The conversation moved on to a different topic, easing some of Bucky’s nerves. A whole hour had passed and Bucky was sure he was in the clear until-  
“Back to the matter at hand, you bringing her or not?” 
“Why are you like this, does being Captain America always come with the caveat with also being a pain in my ass, I’m not going to-”
Bucky was about to refuse until a knock at the door pulled him away from the conversation, the scent of fresh pancakes wafting through the door. He pulled himself up, a smile tugging on his lips, knowing exactly who was on the other side, not needing to check as he untangled himself from the sheets. 
His sweet neighbor. 
Bucky wasn’t religious and he wasn’t a big believer in a higher power but there had to be something out there when people like you existed. Whenever Sam asked him why he stayed in the dingy little apartment that barely had windows and a closet for a bedroom, he’d insist it was because he preferred a small space and was still getting used to living a normal life so he wasn’t ready for another move just yet. 
The part he always left out was that his dingy apartment came with an absolute angle that lived next door. Kind hearted. Sweet. An absolute darling. You were one of the first people he’d interacted with when he moved in. All the nerves he had about living alone and growing accustomed to a regular life melted away the first day, when you came over with a plate of fresh cookies. 
He felt like a little boy whenever you were around, having the biggest crush on the prettiest girl on the playground, his mind going to mush whenever you smiled at him. But it wasn’t a crush. Nope. No....? No. He narrowed his eyes at himself before making his way to the door. 
“Buck? Did your tongue rust-” 
“I’ll uh-I’ll think about it” He mumbled before cutting the call, a bashful smile on his face as he unhooked the chain and swung the door open. “G’morning doll” 
“Good Morning” You grinned, handing Bucky the plate which he gratefully accepted, his stomach rumbling between the butterflies that fluttered in his tummy. “I heard you get in last night, didn’t think you’d have time to do a grocery run or cook anything” You handed him a bag of fruits and vegetables, two of those bags full of plums. His favorite. 
“You didn’t have to do all this” If his cheeks grew any warmer he would’ve sworn he was running a fever. And he didn’t get fevers. 
“You’re out saving the world, I think getting you a few groceries is the least I could do. So, how’s the new Captain?” You had never met Sam in person but hearing enough stories from Bucky told you all you needed to know. No one else was better suited to take on the shield than him. 
“A pain in my ass even if he means well” Bucky smiled shaking his head to himself. “He’s been pestering me to get out more...start dating” He mumbled the last part, wincing. He’d fought off aliens, gone to battle alongside a tree and a talking raccoon, survived being help captive by Hydra but being boyfriend material? His flirting game was as strong as pre serum Steve's right hook. 
“Well, handsome solider like you, shouldn’t be too hard to find you a date” You felt your own face heat up as soon as the words left your mouth but wasn’t like it was a secret. There was no way he would have had trouble in the dating department; aside from being one of the most beautiful people you’d laid your eyes on he was also the sweetest. Bucky was nothing but a gentleman and with a pure and soft heart and if you didn’t get your shit together and control the way he made you weak in the knees-
“Not the same ladies man I was in the 40′s doll” He chuckled, blue eyes sparkling at your compliment, “Either way, I got myself into a mess with that” He smiled sheepishly while you cocked your head, urging him to continue. 
“Well, I sort of lied to get him off my case” Bucky blushed, rubbing the back of his head, his the pink on his cheeks deepening at your cheeky smile. “I-I told him I already have a girlfriend but as you can see-” Bucky waved into his empty apartment that showed no signs of human life, “-it back fired immediately because he's invited my nonexistent girlfriend to a cookout this weekend. In Louisiana. With all his family. And friends”
Bucky let his head hit the wall with a dull thump, cursing himself for putting a foot in his mouth. Sure he could just come clean and say he lied. But that would mean admitting he lied and that was worse because then Sam would give him shit for that, plus try to get him out more and- 
“What if- what if I went with you?” Bucky’s head shot up, blinking in surprise at your words, wondering if he heard you correctly. “I could pretend to be your girlfriend for a day, get Cap off your case. Only if you’re comfortable with it though”
“Really? You’d do that?” You giggled at his lost puppy expression, his eyes lighting up when he realized you were being serious.
“Of course” You smiled sincerely,  “I’d be happy to! Just let me know what time to be ready at and I’ll be all yours” 
All his.  
The little boy in his was running around in circles, his heart beating too fast for the rest of his body to keep up. The thought of you being his girlfriend for a day was more than he could ever dream of. Of course it was only pretend and he’d wouldn’t dare push for more; not when you deserved the world. At the very least, he wouldn’t have to deal with Sam’s nagging. 
Problem solved. 
This was a bad idea. 
A bad, bad idea. 
Bucky had gone through at least 4 outfits, debating between an array of Henley’s, before settling on a blue one when he remembered you complimented it because it was blue like his eyes. He picked up his razor and then immediately put it down when he remembered you once said you liked the scruff on him.  Even if this was just pretend, every single part of him was on edge as if this were a real date. As soon as his enhanced hearing picked up your soft footsteps padding down the hall, he was right by the door, nervously chewing his lip. 
Bucky blinked, his heart nearly giving way at 106 years old when he saw you make your way down the hall towards his apartment. You were in a flowery sundress, with a large cakebox in hand, your sweet perfume already making him dizzy. If Sam didn’t kill him for lying, the crush he had on you would be the next thing to take him out. 
"You-you look beautiful"  And sweet. And adorable. And delectable. 
An angel.
You looked like an angel. 
"Thank you, you look good too Sarge" You looked down at Bucky’s chest instead of meeting his eyes, unable to look at his pretty face. His adorable face. Handsome face. That dimple on his chin. Blue eyes. Pink lips. Fuck, you had such a big crush on him. 
It was going to be an interesting day. 
Bucky parked the car at Sam’s place, which wasn’t too far from the lake where everyone had gathered. Part of him was almost sad they had made it on time; the car ride over with you ending faster than he’d liked.  
“He wasn’t kidding when he said he only invited family” Bucky snorted, seeing all of Sam’s relatives there along with his closest neighbors, many of whom he’d met before. He took the cakebox from you, slipping his hand into yours, smiling when you gave him a reassuring squeeze. You both made your way over, hand in hand, your heart skipping a beat each time someone greeted Bucky, every single person over joyed that he’d finally met someone to call his. 
He made his way over to the grill where Sam filliped a few burgers; the new Cap grinning when he saw you both. There was no missing the sparkle in his eyes when he looked down to your hand in Bucky’s, noting you were was holding his metal one, no longer covered by gloves. 
“You’re lookin’ good” Sam wiggled his eyebrows at Bucky, loving the way the soldier rolled his eyes, trying to brush off the way his cheeks were dusted pink. 
“This is y/n, my girlfriend” Girlfriend. Bucky loved the way it rolled off his tongue with ease, not feeling an ounce of hesitance. The word previously feeling so foreign to him now felt so natural when he had you by his side. And holding your hand. And hearing your laugh. And-
Relax Bucky, it’s just for a day. 
“I’m Sam, and it’s very nice to meet you” He pulled you into a hug, still curiously eyeing Bucky, genuinely unable to figure out where he’d managed to find a sweetheart like you. 
“Thank you for the invite” you giggled as he gave you a light squeeze before letting you go, inspecting the cakebox Bucky handed to him. He grinned at the fresh strawberries that decorated the cake, shamelessly plucking one off and popping it into his mouth. “Strawberry shortcake. A little white wolf told me it was your favorite” 
“Well if the big bad wolf likes you then I like you cause he doesn’t like anybody. You must be special” Sam mused, a part of him wanting to be skeptical but there was nothing, absolutely nothing made up about the Bucky was looking at you. He gazed down at you as if you’d hung the moon and stars right in his room, an utterly lovesick puppy. You felt your cheeks heat up, burying your face into Bucky’s side while he chuckled, pulling you closer to him and pressing a kiss on top of your head. Damn right, she’s special. 
You both made your way over to mingle with the rest of the crowd, have no trouble at all playing the role of an utterly in love boyfriend and girlfriend. Bucky didn’t miss a single chance to press little kisses on your cheeks, every so often pecking your nose. His hand never left your waist, always holding you close to him, his face occasionally buried into the crook of your neck. 
You played your part almost better than he did, gushing over what a gentleman he always was to you, stayed tucked by his side, nuzzling under his chin, occasionally actually getting lost in his soft scent of laundry detergent, his cologne and something distinctly him. You made the elderly ladies giggle and blush each time Bucky did something adorable, proudly showing you off to everyone. 
He didn’t even let you eat without being the most perfect doting boyfriend. You’d both served your plates, finding a nice spot to sit under a shady tree; Bucky sat on the large lawn chair, secretly happy there was only one. You were about to walk off to get another when he tugged your wrist and pulling you back. 
“C’mere, I wont bite” Bucky grinned, surprised with himself as he pulled you onto his lap with ease. You let out a squeak, your nose bumping against his as you plopped onto him, lips nearly brushing his. 
“Smooth, Barnes. Remind me again, how you don’t have a girlfriend” You let out a breathless laugh, screaming to yourself on the inside that this was fake. He was playing the role perfectly, that was all. So fucking perfectly. 
Why was he so perfect. 
Bucky smirked, kissing your shoulder, letting you relax against his chest, wondering if you’d feel his heart hammering against his ribcage from how flustered he actually was. He easily maneuvered you so you sat comfortably across his thighs, his arm still securely around your waist. 
When was he ever this smooth. 
If anyone else was this close, he’s run for the hills, but now he was contemplating tossing you over his shoulder and running to Sam’s house, the guest bedroom was upstairs and two doors to the right-
“Well I’ll be damned, he really does have a girlfriend” Sam shook his head while Joaquin snorted, both men looking at you and Bucky with heart eyes while they sipping their beers from the docks. 
“You think they’re faking?” Joaquin nudged Sam’s shoulder, watching Bucky now fed you a piece of cake, still keeping you on his lap, sneakily kissing the cream from the corner off your lips between bites. You’d giggle every time, feeding him a strawberry, squealing when he’s playfully bite your fingers. 
“You can fake a lot of things but not the way he’d blushing and giggling like a toddler in a candy store” Bucky played with your fingers, intertwining them with his hand, his nose scrunching as he laughed at something you said. 
“It’s nice to see him like this” Joaquin had seen grumpy Bucky, grouchy Bucky, angry Bucky, scary Bucky, sleepy Bucky, just about every Bucky on the planet, but this? This was a first. Love struck Bucky. Charming Bucky. Happy Bucky. Simpy Bucky. Sappy Bucky. Giggly Bucky. Playful biting Bucky. Ready to get down on one knee if you’d let him, Bucky. 
“Steve always said he was a charmer, he wasn’t lying”
They couldn’t take their eyes off the way the corner of Bucky’s eyes crinkled each time he smiled or the way you’d instinctively lean into him when he spoke. He’d tuck your hair away from your face, his hands lingering on your cheek for a second longer, giving them a glimpse of the man from the 40′s before the war,  youthful and innocent, his heart full of hope, a smirk that would make his best girl swoon; the both of you in your own little world. 
“He looks happy”
Sam had seen people look happy before. They’d smile but their eyes would be empty. They’d laugh but their voices were hollow. They’d look like they were on top of the world while sitting at rock bottom. The way Bucky’s eyes sparkled, his boyish laugh, the way he’d nuzzle into you, trying to be closer to you than physically possible, was more than just looking happy. 
“He is happy”
Bucky had completely forgotten about pretending with you, lost in how perfectly you fit in his arms. You had taken up your role very seriously, telling him how utterly handsome he was, never missing moment to peck his scruffy cheek or card your fingers through his short soft locks. You intertwined you fingers with his vibrainium ones, busing your lips against his cool knuckles. 
At some point in the afternoon, he’d slipped his jacket off and wrapped you up with it as evening crept around the corner. Not a single person doubted the nature of your relationship; at least four of Sam’s uncles had told Bucky to propose soon. 
You don’t meet a girl who makes you this damn giggly just anywhere, Sergeant. Hold onto her. 
Just when he thought he couldn’t fall for you more, you had fallen asleep in his arms, contently snuggled up in his jacket as the sunset over the lake. Most of Sam’s family had gone back home, a few close relatives still hanging around the boat, sipping on coffee. Bucky couldn’t help but wrap his arms around you, softly kissing your forehead; he could get used to this. Cuddling up with you after date nights. Hearing your laugh. The softness of your lips. The way your hand always found itself in his metal one without hesitation. 
Fuck he wished this was real. 
You stirred slightly, a content sigh slipping past your lips at the feel of his kiss. Nothing felt more comfy than being wrapped up by the super soldier, his solid arms holding you close. You didn’t want to wake up, wishing you could sleep forever if it meant you’d be this close to Bucky all the time. The day felt like a dream; the exact dreams you had when you thought about your sweet neighbor. How it’d be for him to call you yours. To Be his girl. To make him smile. To make him laugh. 
If only it wasn’t just for a day. 
“You have a nice nap, baby?” Bucky smirked as you blinked awake, stretching on his lap like a cat before snuggling against him again. “My pretty girl” 
“Why wouldn’t I when my boyfriend is the comfiest spot to sleep on?” You teased, bringing your hand up to toy with the chain of his dog tags. Bucky chuckled, tilting your chin up to meet his eyes, kissing your nose. There was no one around you both, though neither of you seemed interesting in dropping the act just yet. 
“You fit perfectly here, doll” He grinned, blushing when he hesitantly pulled you a little closer, your arms moving to wrap around his shoulders, resting on the back of his neck. 
“I think I like it here” You sucked in a breath as he rested his forehead against yours, bringing his hand to cup your cheek. His nose gently bumped against yours, his warm breath tickling your lips. 
“Me too” He closed the gap between you both, pressing his lips to yours sweetly, savoring every bit of your softness. He couldn’t help but deepen the kiss as you parted your mouth letting his tongue lace with yours while your hand made its way through his hair, tugging on his short locks. Bucky let out a groan, letting his hands drop to your waist, kissing you for as long as he could until you both needed oxygen. 
“Maybe we can pretend for a little longer?” Bucky broke away, panting, his forehead still pressed against yours. You giggled between breaths, peppering kisses across his face. 
“Just a little longer?” 
“Maybe- maybe forever?” He looked at you with his classic puppy eyes, his heart bursting when you pulled him in for another kiss; forever. Forever sounded good. 
A few years later
“So, you finally gonna admit I made this happen?” Sam whispered while Bucky snorted, shaking his head. 
“Not gonna happen” 
“C’mon, I made this happen, I caused this” 
“You caused chaos” 
Sam scoffed in fake offence, taking a sleepy Becca from Bucky’s arms while the soldier went to go check on you. “Now when do I get to meet my second God child?”
“In a few hours” Bucky stretched before making his way back to your room, smiling at your resting form. He carefully laid down beside you, letting his hand splay across your tummy; in just a few more hours there would be a little Samuel Grant Barnes in the world. 
“We’re really good at pretending” You murmured, make Bucky chuckle, taking your hand in his and kissing the ring that sat on your finger. 
“Maybe just one more baby after this? Really convince them, Mrs. Barnes?”
“Uncle Sam, tell me a bedtime story?” Becca pouted, having been at the hospital for hours, giving Sam the exact same face Bucky gave you. Her little bottom lip jutting out, big (y/c/e) eyes blinking up at him. He grinned, settling her on his lap before he made a thinking face before asking what she’d want to hear. 
“What kinda story, Beccs, an animal story, a super cool falcon story or Captain America story or a flying Falcon Captain America story?” 
“The chaos daddy said you caused” She giggled while Sam nodded, taking a deep breath before starting. 
“It all started when your daddy said he had a girlfriend...”
Tags: @glxwingrxse @hungryyeyess @sebsgirl71479 @beabutterfly987 @teambarnes72 @witchywhore @jamesbuckybarneswify @slutforsexyseabass @chrisdrysdale @littlemarvelmenfan @buggy14 @whimsyplaty92 @sergntbarnes @inkedaztec @pono-pura-vida @moonlightreader649 @brooklynscherry-z @elle14-blog1 @justsebstan @littlelightnings @psychomanniac-blog @happyt0exist @emmabarnes @bethyruth @matchat3a @cjand10 @getwellsoontana @cherryschaos @lokisasgardianvampirequeen @ashenc-blog @buckybarnessimpp @potatothots @goldylions @high-functioning-lokipath @morganemorganite-blog @kingfleury @peaches1958 @spiderman-stilinski @peaceinourtime82 @gublur @wintersmelodie​ @geeky-politics-46​ @lolawassad​ @almosttoopizza​ @a-poor-gryffindork​ @alternativeprincess​ @buckycallsmeaslut​ @kamaria-sweet-writes​ @charmedbysarge​ @xnorthstar3x​ @kryoee7​ @alina02​ @gh0stgurl​ @polishprincess999​ @jessybarnes​ @alltheficsiwant​ @chemtrails-club​ @eralen​ @perdidosbucky-yyo​ @clqrosmgc​  
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2-dsimp · 25 days
heyy anon here, i hope your doing well and all is well.
i wanted to ask if our yan husband really likes wife reader for her..
based on some of the fics, and my messages with the c.ai bot, he really seems sooo obsessed with reproducing and it made me wonder. Does he really like his wife for their personality, or their body?
-Sorry if this offends anyone.
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Nokka briefly looks stunned, before a few veins started popping on his neck from how pissed he was starting to become. As he began exaggeratedly scanning around the room. Trying to search for where the flying fuck you lost your head at. For even daring to ask something such a insulting question right to his face.
“Haa… You’ve gotta be shitting me right? I’ve been pinning after your cute ass ever since we was kids. And that’s what you wannna fuckin ask? To me, your goddamned husband? That you married?!”
He seethed in a surprisingly low hushed voice. While his thick fingers firmly grasped your shoulders. Practically looking at you, as if you were going crazy. Wearing a mixed of a frustrated, offended, and confused on his boyish features. While he continued his little tangent.
“The same husband, Who loves the ever living fuck outta you, gave you that ring to remind ya how we’re locked in forever as husband and wife.”
“Cuz there’s no way in hell I’m ever letting you leave me. Not after the lengths I’ve gone to finally make you mine. Coming up here and asking me that bullshit… Are you trying to give me a fucking stroke wife?”
Your husband, cursed as he pressed his forehead against yours giving you a contemplative look. That quickly switched to a determined fiery glint in his eyes. A dastardly grin taking over his lips as he swept you off your feet. Calling up Quio to do him a favor as he walked you to his Harley motorcycle. And made sure to fasten your custom helmet he picked out for you.
“Cmon let’s renew our marriage license. Scratch that let’s have another wedding. Cuz clearly you need a reminder of why I chose you as my wife. Only you. Let’s go.”
A/n: The only one you offended was your own husband dear anon ψ(`∇´)ψ
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