#bata designs
blixstirmoon-drx · 1 year
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Bata design
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bal0neymalon3y · 10 months
nice, i got an ad for the museum exhibit i already visited 😂
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well, here are some snazzy pics i got
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rexlessmemories · 1 year
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A new Sans has entered the multiverse.
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houseofcatwic · 5 months
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Bata Shoes - Donald Brun.
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sheltiechicago · 6 months
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Here Are The World’s Most Extraordinary Shoe Designs, Shared On Virtual Shoe Museum By Liza Snook
"Project by Tran Ngoc Yen for the Faculty of Multimedia Communications, Shoe Design Studio, 2017.
Material: leather, wood and a red apple.
Snow White is a 19th-century German fairy tale that is today known widely across the Western world. The Brothers Grimm published it in 1812 in the first edition of their collection Grimms’ Fairy Tales. The name Sneewittchen was Low German and in the first version it was translated with Schneeweißchen. The Grimms completed their final revision of the story in 1854. The fairy tale features such elements as the magic mirror, the poisoned apple, the glass coffin, and the characters of the evil queen and the Seven Dwarfs.
© Tomas Bata University ZlÌn, photo Barbara Zaťková."
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recherchestetique · 8 months
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Victorian boots with velvet and leather buttons, 1890. Made in Sweden or Germany. It is designed to look like wearing stockings.
Bata Shoe Museum in Toronto
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This is my finished rebind of Asako Yuzuki’s novel, Butter. It’s the English translation, but the word Butter looked absolutely terrible for the cover design. So I took a cop-out and used the Japanese title. It still reads as ‘Bata’, but at least it is more pleasing to look at.
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kphpdraisme · 18 days
Kita upayakan, itu.
Suatu ketika aku pernah sumpah serapah melihat ia yang tak peduli pada rumah kami. 'Berserakan' namun tak digubris. Retak sana sini, dihiraukan.
Cih, memang hanya aku yang cinta. ucapku, pada ia kala itu.
Namun ternyata aku salah. Ternyata, aku hanya tidak mengetahui saja bahwa dia kerap menyapu di malam hari. Aku tak tahu saja bahwa selokan belakang sudah ia semen ulang. Aku tak mengerti susahnya menjaga muka bahagia selepas lelah bekerja dan masuk pintu rumah. Ternyata kamu juga cinta dan memperjuangkan rumah kita, hanya saja kamu tak elok pamer karya.
Kukira dulunya setiap karya harus digaungkan dan divalidasi. Agaknya itu pikir yang terbit bila mengira respon manusia adalah tolak ukur pertama. bila mengira kecintaan manusia padaku adalah indikator. bila mengira manusia-lah sosok yang berhak membalas pengorbanan. Aduh Rabbi, aku salah tuju..
Ternyata 'berupaya' bentuknya bisa bulat kotak, berisik diam, tersedu tertawa. Tak melulu harus berbentuk ucap sayang, atau pijatan di pundak. Ia pula berbentuk ego yang ditelan, husnuzon yang dipaksakan, juga getarnya suara ketika menurunkan nada bicara.
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Kemarin sudah, lalu hari ini Allah ingin ajari lagi.
Bahwa ternyata rumah, tak terbangun hanya karena aku sendiri.
Bahwa indahnya rumah, bisa sebab doanya yang panjang dalam sujud itu. Ikhlasnya yang luas ketika menggeser jadwal demi hadir sebentar. Amarah yang dipaksa padam meski ia paham betul seberapa ia dimanfaatkan. Petikan kamera ribuan kali demi mengabadikan momen kami. Tangan yang pegal setelah mencuci box-box makan. Kopi seduhan kelima demi mengawasi adik-adik belajar. Tidur yang terlewat sebab request design yang mendadak.
Semua lelah. semua berupaya. semua ingin dihargai. Akan ricuh akhirnya bila penghuni rumah menuntut harga dari sesamanya. Oh sudahilah, tak pada kita kemampuan itu!
Maka pada hari-hari inilah eloknya Allah mengajari, bahwa setiap perjuangan telah Ia hitung meski lautan manusia tak mengetahui. Kemudahan dan kemenangan akan tetap Ia beri dengan hanya kita yang berupaya, meski tak terdengar gaungnya. Inilah hari-hari dipaksa menjual semua punya, mengunyah keras pahitnya ikhlas, dan menghadirkan paham bahwa hanya Ia yang bisa membalas lelah.
Lalu, sudah tuntas ujian kami yang berupaya. Lalu terbitlah pasangannya, ujian saling percaya, bahwa bukan hanya dirinya yang cinta dan berupaya.
Bukan hanya kamu yang berjuang. Bukan hanya kamu yang sedang kepanasan menimbun bata itu atau membersihkan luka sembari menangis di ujung malam. Yang membangun rumah, bukan cuma kamu. Kita semua membangun, kita semua ingin 'terhitung' berjuang di hadap-Nya. Mari saling percaya.
Tak semua bahasa cinta harus diterjemahkan menjadi kata. Akan sulit, bisa-bisa hilang rasanya. bisa bisa lenyap manisnya. bisa-bisa tak murni lagi cinta kita yang diniatkan hanya untuk-Nya.
Hari ini aku sedang membangun rumah yang nyaris rampung, beberapa jam lagi. Sebuah rumah yang punya sejuta alasan sangat logis untuk kami merobohkannya. Sebuah rumah yang akhirnya terkumpul bahannya, telah berkapasitas seluruh penghuninya, hingga tersisa kebutuhan semen kepercayaan untuk saling merekatkannya.
Jadi, ini rumah, punyaku dan punyamu. Mari bangun dengan upaya dan percaya. Semoga diakhirnya, Allah berikan rumah yang indah itu.
Foto: rumah yang tampak dari kamar panitia de-em dua kami. kamar yang menarik, berikut penghuninya, berikut hari-hari bersama mereka. berikut rumah kami yang sebentar lagi rampung. Alhamdulillah.
Dan, inilah another day merenungkan eloknya konsep Tauhidullah dalam berhadapan dengan berhala manusia dalam dirinya. Duh, tanpa islam fix gila sih gue mah, ampun dah. Alhamdulillah. Alhamdulillah. Alhamdulillah
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Other names:Ἄνουβις, Inpu, Inpw, Jnpw, Anpu, ⲁⲛⲟⲩⲡ
Major cult center:Lycopolis, Cynopolis
Domain:Judgment Halls of Duat
Symbol:mummy gauze, jackal, flail, nwA or nwt blade tool, Seated dog, Wadjet eye, Sekhem scepter, imy-wt a fetish of leopard skin hung from a pole often made of wood and set before the kings throne
Parents:Nepthys and Set, Osiris (Middle and New kingdom) or Ra (Old kingdom). His fourth son
Alternative parentage:Ra and Hesat (early manifestation of hathor), Set and Nephytys, Nephytys and Ra, Bastet
Siblings:Wepwawet, Horus (step brother when osiris and isis are parents), Anput sister (when parents are Set and Nephytys, Bata (in the tale of the two brothers)
Consort:Anput, Nephthys
Offspring:Kebechet, Wapwawet (sometimes) son, Ammut (sometimes) daughter
Greek equivalent:Hades or Hermes
Roles:Master embalmer, Inventor of embalming, Cheif physician, Watcher, Guardian of the dead, Phychopomp 'guide of souls', Master of the scales in the Hall of Amunety, Naturr god of twilight and dawn, Tribunal of Wesir, Sirius star, Personification of the summer solstice
Hybrid gods:Hermanubis/hermes anubis
Connection to other gods:Hermes (roman), Cerberus (parents echidna and typhon), Garmr or Garm (norsr) rag (old norse), Nibhaz (hebrew)
Anubis is the god of death(psychopomp), mummification, embalming, the afterlife, cemeteries, tombs, and the Underworld, in ancient Egyptian religion, usually depicted as a canine or a man with a canine head.
Like many ancient Egyptian deities, Anubis assumed different roles in various contexts. Depicted as a protector of graves as early as the First Dynasty (c. 3100 – c. 2890 BC), Anubis was also an embalmer. By the Middle Kingdom (c. 2055–1650 BC) he was replaced by Osiris in his role as lord of the underworld. One of his prominent roles was as a god who ushered souls into the afterlife. He attended the weighing scale during the "Weighing of the Heart", in which it was determined whether a soul would be allowed to enter the realm of the dead. Anubis is one of the most frequently depicted and mentioned gods in the Egyptian pantheon, however, no relevant myth involved him.
Anubis was depicted in black, a color that symbolized regeneration, life, the soil of the Nile River, and the discoloration of the corpse after embalming. Anubis is associated with his brother Wepwawet, another Egyptian god portrayed with a dog's head or in canine form, but with grey or white fur. Historians assume that the two figures were eventually combined. Anubis' female counterpart is Anput. His daughter is the serpent goddess Kebechet.
As jmy-wt (Imiut or the Imiut fetish) "He who is in the place of embalming", Anubis was associated with mummification. He was also called ḫnty zḥ-nṯr "He who presides over the god's booth", in which "booth" could refer either to the place where embalming was carried out or the pharaoh's burial chamber.
In the Osiris myth, Anubis helped Isis to embalm Osiris. Indeed, when the Osiris myth emerged, it was said that after Osiris had been killed by Set, Osiris's organs were given to Anubis as a gift. With this connection, Anubis became the patron god of embalmers; during the rites of mummification, illustrations from the Book of the Dead often show a wolf-mask-wearing priest supporting the upright mummy.
Protector of tombs
Anubis was a protector of graves and cemeteries. Several epithets attached to his name in Egyptian texts and inscriptions referred to that role. Khenty-Amentiu, which means "foremost of the westerners" and was also the name of a different canine funerary god, alluded to his protecting function because the dead were usually buried on the west bank of the Nile.He took other names in connection with his funerary role, such as tpy-ḏw.f (Tepy-djuef) "He who is upon his mountain" (i.e. keeping guard over tombs from above) and nb-t3-ḏsr (Neb-ta-djeser) "Lord of the sacred land", which designates him as a god of the desert necropolis.
The Jumilhac papyrus recounts another tale where Anubis protected the body of Osiris from Set. Set attempted to attack the body of Osiris by transforming himself into a leopard. Anubis stopped and subdued Set, however, and he branded Set's skin with a hot iron rod. Anubis then flayed Set and wore his skin as a warning against bad people who would desecrate the tombs of the dead.Priests who attended to the dead wore leopard skin in order to commemorate Anubis' victory over Set. The legend of Anubis branding the hide of Set in leopard form was used to explain how the leopard got its spots.
Most ancient tombs had prayers to Anubis carved on them.
Weigher of Hearts
One of the roles of Anubis was as the "Guardian of the Scales."The critical scene depicting the weighing of the heart, in the Book of the Dead, shows Anubis performing a measurement that determined whether the person was worthy of entering the realm of the dead (the underworld, known as Duat). By weighing the heart of a deceased person against Ma'at (or "truth"), who was often represented as an ostrich feather, Anubis dictated the fate of souls. Souls heavier than a feather would be devoured by Ammit, and souls lighter than a feather would ascend to a heavenly existence.
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Symbols:jackal, canopic jars, mummy gauze
Anput is a goddess in ancient Egyptian religion. Her name is written in hieroglyphs as jnpwt (reconstructed in Middle Egyptian as /ʔan.ˈpa.wat/ or /jan.ˈpa.wat/).In English, her name also is rendered as Anupet, Input, Inpewt, and Yineput. As the female counterpart of her husband, Anubis, who was known as jnpw to the Egyptians, Anput's name ends in a feminine "t" suffix when seen as jnpwt.
Draconian-Egyptian Grimoire-Asenath Mason
Anpu, also known as Anubis in Greek, was the original Egyptian Lord of the Dead before the death of Asar (Osiris) that occurred with the rise of the Asar cult. As the stories go, Anpu vacated the spot as a sign of respect for Asar, and became the lord of the embalming process, funerals, graveyards, the weighing of the soul in the hall of Amenti, and ferrying the souls into the land of the dead. Highly shamanic, Anpu is a guide that can help us find the correct path when we seek his wisdom. Different myths have different lineages associated with them, but the oldest myths say he is a son of Ra. However, through the centuries his lineage changed several times, and drastically at that, as did his role as can be seen above. In his book "777," Aleister Crowley corresponds him to Hod on the Qabalistic tree of life, which is also where Mercury and Ilermes are placed, due to their psychopomp natures. However, since that was a later addition to the legend of Anpu, there would be a different Qabalistic correspondence for him that would correspond to our work. We will be working with him to guide us to deeper into the draconian mysteries of ancient Egypt that time has forgotten. We should also remember that the role of psychopomp attached to Anpu rose during the early Hermetic era, and didn't reflect earlier Egyptian periods and teachings.
──────⊰In Workings⊱──────
*Please know basic protections and energy work before attempting any deity work.*
*It is important to note that everyone's experiences are different and will work with spirits for different reasons. Some people may like a spirit while others will not and that's okay. Ask these spirits what they will work with you on as well as ask them if they can help you with whatever it is you need.*
Anubis had male priests who sported wood masks with the god's likeness when performing rituals. His cult center was at Cynopolis in Upper Egypt but memorials were built everywhere and he was universally revered in every part of the nation
Ideas for honoring and working with/worshiping Anpu/Anubis
Anubis being a psychopomp deity he can ensure dead loved ones safety in the afterlife. He can also protect the practitioner from harm. He may also be good help in necromancy.
Create an altar/sacred space for performing rituals and giving offerings to Anpu/Anubis.
⬩An altar cloth
⬩Black and gold candles(you can use any color)
⬩Incense and an incense burner
⬩Offering bowl
⬩Statue of him or jackal
For more information on basic altar setups and deity work check out the deity work post.
Offerings:Antique keys, Bandages, Black coffee, Bones, Cinnamon , Feather, Frankincense, Hermatite, Phantom quartz, Puzzle boxes, Mastic/arabic gum/yemen gum (used in food and embalming), Myrrh, Pumpkin spice, Scales, Skulls, Smokey quarts, Vanilla,
Ideas for rituals may include
For any ritual you are doing for Anubis you can wear a mask in his likeness. Ideas for rituals may include calling him for
⬩Helping the dead cross over
⬩Honoring the dead
⬩Honoring the life you have
⬩Funerary rites
⬩you can ask him what he will work with you on⬩
Evocation to Anpu/Anubis(made by me)(credit my Tumblr if used)
Anpu/Anput, Protector of the dead.
Guide of souls, I call to you
Find no wickedness in me, I shall bring you truth
I ask for your protection, I ask for your guidance
Overseer of the dead, I ask your alliance
Please accept my offering, Dua Anpu
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For more content relating to other practices/religions or pantheons follow my main blog for updates.
If you have any more questions or wish to join a community feel free to join my 18+ discord server
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blixstirmoon-drx · 1 year
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Bata design
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pix4japan · 9 months
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Traditional Japanese Fishing Fleet Flags
Location: Yokohamabashi, Minami Ward, Yokohama, Japan Timestamp: 18:11 on December 19, 2023
Fujifilm X100V with 5% diffusion filter ISO 2000 for 1/125 sec. at ƒ/6.4 Astia/Soft film simulation
The Sanwa Fisheries shop caught my eye with its pronounced use of traditional Japanese fishing fleet flags called tairyo-bata (大漁旗) or tairyo-ki in Japanese. These flags were traditionally flown off the coast to inform people waiting at the port in advance that there was a lot of work to be done to unload the big catch of fish, allowing them to prepare accordingly. The colorful designs made the flags easy to identify before the fishing boat reached the port.
These days, ship owners commission local craftsmen working in small ateliers to create uniquely original flags, hoping that their fishing operations will be blessed with abundant catches for many years to come.
Learn more about the history of tairyo-bata at the latest pix4japan blog post in addition to a Google Maps link to this shop, and source references: https://www.pix4japan.com/blog/20231219-yokohamabashi
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rexlessmemories · 11 months
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Old unfinished oc design art
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liminalmemories21 · 11 months
Happy nice ask week! What's your favorite museum you've visited? Or top five if you can't pick.
Oh we are definitely doing a top 5 here, no way I could pick just one.  And, I am not counting anything that might be considered a site vs a museum (so, none of the Gaudi houses, or the Alcazar in Sevilla, or the Newport Mansions, and definitely no religious sites or castles).
1 - The Musee d'Orsay in Paris, because not only is it dedicated to a period of art I particularly like, but also the museum itself is gorgeous - they reimagined the old Gare d'Orsay and turned the train station into a museum.
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2 - The Royal Scottish Academy in Edinburgh - partly because I did my Junior Year Abroad in Edinburgh and the museum was near the Divinity School library and I used to like to stop by in between classes and research and just pick a painting to look at for 15-20 minutes and destress.  But, also because it has one of my favorite deeply random paintings - Portrait of a Young Woman as St. Agatha with her breasts just hanging out on a plate (because St Agatha's martrydom involved having her breasts cut off, so they became her symbol) and sometimes the Renaissance was just weird.
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3 - The Bata Shoe Museum in Toronto.  It is fairly small, and has a very niche subject matter.  But, the museum is in the shape of a shoe box (form meets function!).  And, as an example of stellar exhibit design it's hard to beat.  Also - shoes!
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4 - The V&A in London, both because the collection is amazing, but also because they are always doing interesting exhibits on the history of fashion and textile.  Also, if you go, be sure to stay for lunch in the cafe - the food's pretty good, but you're really there for the architecture.
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5 - The Isabella Stewart Gardner in Boston - look I get why they put an extension on the museum, and moved the entrance, but I'm not going to stop being bitter about it any time soon. You used to come in this dark corridor and then you'd suddenly emerge into the courtyard and it was spectacular.  TK's opinion on the ISG in Knave2 is very much my love affair with the ISG.
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thank you for the ask!
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gaborbata · 10 months
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40 pages
4 × 9.5 In.
Printing in risography by Colour Code Print
Written and illustrated by Gabor Bata
Design by Béatrice Dubreuil
50 copies specially published as part of Gabor Bata's solo exhibition, The Chase at Livart. Purchasable in store or through their webshop.
"In this queer tragic horror dramedy, a vicious fight ensues between a couple as they question their relationship and everything they thought they needed to be happy. Will the vicious cycle of resentment and emptiness persist or will the pursuit continue? Both script and prose, Gabor Bata's The Chase confronts and playfully addresses the secular question: What if Wong Kar Wai's Happy Together was performed with Looney Tunes characters by way of the bloody horror of Evil Dead? Yes, I know, finally. You can thank me later. It's dramatic, it’s horrifying. it's ridiculous and it's a little embarrassing — just like most real relationships.”
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bbarican · 11 months
october 21, 2023; 8:59 pm - weekend
hi tumblr, happy weekend! kamusta naman kayo? how are your weekends so far?
as usual, just dropping by to post some updates here (usually and mostly for myself but if you do end up reading these, thank you ♡)
today was super lovely, we ended up going to makati for lunch and a bit of shopping
my mom bought us new sunnies and im super happy kasi i have new pair to wear to our trips soon
we tried sunnies coffee's spanish latte and tbh sobrang sarap niya as in super high quality ng lasa niya not like pick up coffee or but first coffee (imo!) which i kind of expected na ganun yung lasa niya kasi theyre primarily not a brand that sells drinks talaga to begin with but it was a 10/10 for me; im excited to try their matcha tho
i decluttered my closet and i feel so light and happy about it kasi super konti nalang talaga yung natira and im 300% sure na yung mga tinira ko is sinusuot ko naman talaga
the clothes i took out, i plan on donating sa h&m since they do offer vouchers in return so im excited to do that too
food today was good too, we had shake shack for lunch, then i made my favorite cheesy bread with hot honey for dinner
im excited for tomorrow kasi my dad is finally back from japan!
im so excited for 1989 taylor's version too! i keep forgetting na i really like the songs on this album pala talaga
its my mom's birthday next week and im just excited to spend it with her; im sad na i dont have extra money to get her anything this year pero babawi nalang ako sakanya for sure
i have quite a bit to do tomorrow to prep for my end of the month mtg on monday
again, for some reason kinakabahan ako pero i know naman na everything's gonna work out
we also have a sponty general assembly kasi we need all the help we can get from the designers na hindi masyadong loaded to help those who are busy to turnover their projects this and next month
im just always excited to see my office besties; i love how makulit we all are tapos nag tutugma talaga ugali naming lahat
oh my god you guys may kinaiinisan ako na officemate kol; tamad na ko to make another post about him pero long story short super tanga niya and i hate him
im so excited as in super super super excited for our company outing
this is a shocker even until now pero i really feel like 100% break na yung best friend ko and his boyfriend of 7 years
its really sad and heartbreaking kasi the guy even planned on proposing to my bestfriend na pero i know my bestfriend deserves better talaga especially with how theyve been these past few months
i miss them! noel and chesy are officially on their own and chevy is still doing her thing and i will forever be grateful na they are safe and happy
id love to meet new people though; i feel like meeting new people would be so exciting
i still have bumble on my phone and the biggest update i can give yall is the fact na i just adjusted the ange range to 27-40 i think HAHA
cause i really dont want to date younger men UNLESS theyre super mature and not super bata pa talaga ng pagiisip
but yeah other than that wala as in wala akong kausap and sometimes it takes a toll on me but most of the time im fine
again, thank you for reading and caring about my updates, i love you ♡
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ramayantika · 2 years
Saw a video on insta where the caption was something like this "Hinduism/Sanatana dharma is the religion where women are referred to as devi"
And then some of these guys came up to comment, stfu you all no devis. You all can't be devis (they themselves then generalized everyone by commenting you all are hoes partying at night having affairs and all don't call yourselves devis)
I feel smacking their heads off. Sir little girls are worshipped during navaratri, women in India are seen as ghar ki lakshmi. These random guys who themselves post and call themselves shiv bhakt narayan bhakt, I am sure narayan and mahadev would never agree to their words.
And no one is proclaiming herself to be devi durga or devi kali and asking others to worship hers. In our culture, the inner deity that resides in the body is honoured and for a women if the inner deity is referred to as the divine feminine, as the DEVI then why the heck do these guys have such a problem
For me my teachers, the good ones under whom I have learnt so much, I will always see them as Saraswati devi blessing me and giving me knowledge. When I remember my mother, I am always reminded of Mata Parvati.
This is what it feels like when we remember the devi that resides in every woman aur voh caption ka bhi vahi arth tha. Bade buddhe ladkiyon ko kabhi kabhi payr chune nahi dete yeh kehkar ki ghar ki lakshmi ko thodi na payr chune denge. Voh caption usi reverence ko isi thought process ko bata rha tha ki humare culture mein aisa mana jata hai
But naah saale kuch gadhon ko bas women party (jaise party karne mein paap lag gaya bhai. Not a party type person, but you can't call a woman or any guy characterless because they go to parties and wear short clothes) I have seen a masi she too wears those so called western clothes, has a child, is a successful fashion designer and also attends parties and discos. I lean more towards the 'traditional' in clothing but that doesn't mean ki mein kurti saree pehenti hu toh mein achi aur meri dost jo shorts shirt mein ghumti hai voh buri hai
Every human is divine and bhagwan resides in everyone. Humare culture mein usi bhagwan ko jo sare manushya mein rehte hai usi ko toh hum pujte hai or why else would we do namaste?
I had to rant here subah subah aise ladke dekhke dimag kharab hota hai mera
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